Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

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Steps Taken to Complete Twinning of Trans-Canada Highway

Work is now underway as the Manitoba government begins its next steps on twinning the TransCanada Highway from Falcon Lake to Manitoba-Ontario border.

“It is important for Manitobans to have safe and reliable highways to get around this great province of ours and also to get to neighbouring provinces,” said Premier Heather Stefanson. “That is why we have prioritized this work as it not only serves as a key trade route, but is one of the busiest stretches of highways especially during the summer months for cottagers and travellers.

The Manitoba government has committed to four lanes of traffic on the Trans-Canada Highway between Falcon Lake and the Manitoba-Ontario border and has prioritized twinning 700 metres of the highway nearest the border to align with Ontario’s new fourlane highway.

“Twinning the Trans-Canada Highway from Falcon Lake to the Manitoba-Ontario border will significantly improve safety for Manitobans and our government is committed to getting the job done,” added Stefanson.

Work is currently underway, including tree clearing and other activities that began last month with an anticipated completion by fall 2024.

The Manitoba government has also commissioned a conceptual design study for full 16-kilometre twinning project.

“As a major corridor of the national highway system, the TransCanada Highway is essential for Manitoba’s communities and the province’s trade and tourism industries,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk. “The 16-kilometre section from Falcon Lake to the ManitobaOntario border is the only remaining stretch not yet twinned. Our govern-

ment is committed to upgrading this important east-west link to improve public safety, enhance the reliability and efficiency of interprovincial and international commerce, and enable future development.”

The conceptual design study will include route options for the four lanes on the existing alignment or on a new alignment; designs for new or modified interchanges at Provincial Road (PR) 301 and Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 44; options to eliminate three remaining intersections; access requirements at Hunt and Lyons lakes; options for replacing the existing flyover at PR 301; and assess additional interchanges or grade separations that may be required at additional locations.

The conceptual design study will take approximately two years to complete, with functional and detailed design studies commissioned as the project progresses. All studies will include consultation with

Submitted photos Indigenous rights holders, and engagement with land and business owners, the public, and stakeholders, to develop a full understanding of the project’s implications, noted Piwniuk.

Survey crews are expected at the site in the coming weeks. These surveys will include the use of drone survey equipment to learn about existing conditions while engaging local stakeholders and communities to better inform potential design alternatives.

Along with the twinning, the Manitoba government is also planning to invest over $10 million for improvements on the existing Trans-Canada Highway in the interim including structure rehabilitation on the Trans-Canada Highway over the Falcon Lake access road; structure rehabilitation over Falcon Lake Road in Whiteshell Provincial Park; and structure rehabilitation over PTH 44 into the community of West Hawk Lake.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Premier Heather Stefanson gives details on a Trans Canada twinning project that will start the process of completing the final 16 KM that is still two lanes. Lac du Bonnet MLA Wayne Ewasko in Falcon Lake announces section of the Trans Canada will be twinned.

June 2023

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch

Community Park Honours Families

The RM of Ste. Anne recently hosted a community celebration in Giroux to celebrate the official opening of the Giroux Heritage Park.

“This event was held to recognize and thank the hardworking volunteers of the Giroux area who built and maintained the park over the decades,” posted the municipality.

“As the Giroux Heritage Park is located around the Giroux Fire Hall, this celebration also recognized and honoured the Adams, Hornan, and Plett families, representing the first volunteers who were instrumental in establishing this department,” they added. “We thank these families, and all the Giroux Fire Department volunteers, for their years of service and all of the personal sacrifices for the benefit of Giroux and our surrounding communities.”

Residents from all around the area were treated to a community BBQ, face painting and the World’s Greatest Escape Artist, Dean Gunnarson, who has a unique connection to the community.

“Dean was a friend of local magician Philip Hornan, the inspiration behind Philip’s Magic Museum, a long-time attraction in Giroux,” explained the municipality is their post. While Philip passed away from cancer at a young age, he had a personal passion for magic, especially the escape artist genre. He not only had the opportunity to meet Gunnarson but became friends.

Photos above by Angelique Forest Giroux Heritage Park. World’s Greatest Escape Artist, Dean Gunnarson, entertained the crowd. Photo by Angelique Forest Commemorative Bench dedicated to the Adams, Hornan and Plett Families (with Mrs. Adams, Mike Hornan and Lynn Plett). Source: RM of Ste. Anne/Facebook The RM of Ste. Anne recently hosted a community celebration in Giroux to celebrate the official opening of the Giroux Heritage Park.

Richer School Students Benefit from Love of Reading Foundation

“Staff and students are ecstatic about the news!” said Principal Mark Eismendi. “Some of the youngest ones didn’t understand the value, but the rest understood that it is a very im pactful number of new books that we will be able to purchase to support learning and a love of reading.”

The Love of Reading Foundation has been around for almost two decades and in that time, Richer School has been persistent in filling out the applications.

“This is approximately the third time the school has applied and has finally been successful,” explained Eismendi. “It was a great surprise for the students.”

The grant funds are spread out over three years and Eismendi hopes to begin making meaningful purchases in the Fall of 2023.

“The school identified a wider range of non-fiction resources, high-interest for struggling readers’ titles, and more variety in general as target areas for using the funds,” he added. “We also hope to find bi-lingual books to support English-language-learners and the various cultures in our school community. They will supplement classroom selection as well as our main library.”

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! June 2023
Dawson Trail Dispatch
“This is approximately the third time the school has applied and has finally been successful,” explained principal Mark Eismendi. “It was a great surprise for the students.” It is a very impactful number of new books that they will be able to purchase to support learning and a love of reading. Submitted photos

The Johnston Report and NDP Hypocrisy

The federal NDP have tabled a motion calling for David Johnston to step down as “special rapporteur” looking into allegations of foreign interference by China into Canada’s elections.

For months, Canadians have been appalled by the steady flow of reports showing the lengths to which China has sought to interfere in Canada’s democracy, and the failure—or possibly, unwillingness—of Justin Trudeau to stop them.

After months of pushing from opposition parties for an independent national inquiry, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed former Governor General David Johnston as “special rapporteur”, tasked with recommending the course of action the government should take.

While I believe David Johnston to be an honourable man, I think it was a mistake for him to take on this project. At the very least, his association with the Trudeau Foundation—however innocent it may or may not have been—is enough to cast serious doubt on his credibility and impartiality in this matter.

I believe he did what he thought best. However, his conclusions were simply not sufficient for a growing majority of Canadians. Far from the final word of what happened, Mr. Johnston’s report only leaves Canadians with more questions.

While as a former member of the

National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, I can sympathize with Mr. Johnston’s argument that public disclosure of certain materials could put intelligence assets and operations at risk; the reality is Canadians are long done giving this government the benefit of the doubt. National security is important and must be protected, and its disclosure always carefully adjudicated.

However, I believe we are past the point in history where “national security” can be used as a trump card for governments to avoid scrutiny or accountability.

Likewise, the government’s offer for party leaders to receive security clearance to view the documents in question sounds like a better deal than it actually is. Some folks have criticized my leader Pierre Poilievre for refusing the governments’ offer. Some have gone so far as to float foolish theories that he somehow “can’t get a clearance”—often coupled with racist smears against his wife, who was born in Venezuela. This is preposterous. As a former cabinet minister, Mr. Poilievre is a member of the Privy Council. He can see almost any document the government wants to show him. What he is refusing is to fall into an obvious political trap. The government is only offering the opportunity to see these documents if opposition

leaders refuse (under penalty of criminal prosecution and prison) to disclose what they see. My leader, like the leader of the Bloc, refuses to be silenced by Justin Trudeau. Unlike the NDP, we refuse to be bought off and help him cover up his scandals and failures.

Opposition parties are united in their belief we must still have a national public inquiry. There is a way to do so without putting national security at risk and if the government truly has nothing to hide (something few Canadians and even fewer parliamentarians believe) they should be the first in line to welcome such a “vindication” their actions.

Of course, they won’t. And because they refuse to do so we can fairly safely assume they do, indeed, have something to hide—and it’s big.

This brings us back to the NDP and their motion.

It is beyond disingenuous and hypocritical for the NDP to pretend they care about transparency and accountability when they’ve been the ones helping Justin Trudeau cover up his scandals and failures.

The NDP ceased to be part of the opposition the day they entered into their self-serving confidence and supply agreement with the government. Rather than standing up for Canadians and the truth, they sold

out their voters and serve only Justin Trudeau.

If the NDP really wants a public inquiry they should immediately withdraw from their confidence agreement and join the Conservatives and the Bloc in fighting for the truth, even if it means bringing down the government and forcing an election.

If the government really want Canadians to believe they did nothing wrong, they should call a public inquiry.

Sadly, both the Liberals and the NDP are more interested in preserving their own power than in the truth. As usual, Justin and Jagmeet are failing to serve Canadians because they are far too busy serving themselves.

Canada’s Conservatives will continue to push for the truth. We won’t be silenced, and we won’t hesitate to bring down the government should the opportunity present itself. Unfortunately, right now, that all comes down to the NDP.

Community Groups Receive Funding Boost

Recently, our PC government has made some exciting announcements regarding grant funding, and I am pleased to highlight the funding that has been allocated for local community projects throughout Dawson Trail.

The Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program will be granting $386,761 to a number of local organizations throughout the Dawson Trail constituency, providing a much-needed boost to our communities’ recovery, both socially and economically. The local community groups and projects that will be receiving funding include the Landmark Recreation Association to receive $94,427; the Town of Ste. Anne to receive $153,300; La Corporation du Site Historique Enfant-Jesus Heritage Site Cor-

poration to receive $26,534; the Richer Community Club to receive $75,000; and the Rural Municipality of Taché to receive $37,500.

Since being introduced in 2019, the BSC program provides municipalities and nonprofit organizations access to all-encompassing community grants. This year the total funding across Manitoba amounts to $25 million. The BSC program has been highly successful since its inception, and this funding will allow for its operational success to continue.

The Arts, Culture and Sport in Community (ACSC) fund has awarded the Richer Rough Stock Rodeo a grant of $5,000 in support of their Cultural Village and Interpretive Site project.

I am also pleased to highlight that the Monseigneur Taché Historic Site in Ste. Genevieve will be re-

ceiving $7,590 through the Heritage Resources Conservation grant program. These funds will be going towards restoring the windows at the facility.

I’m proud that our government has made funding for projects like these possible and has continued to show their commitment to investing in our rural communities.

For more updates and information, visit my website at boblagasse. com. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my constituency office at ca.lagasse@ outlook.com or 204-807-4663.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023 Read the Dispatch online at dawsontrail.ca

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

Over $1 Million Coming to La Vérendrye through the Building Sustainable Communities Fund

Summer time has come, and with that brings a sense of renewal and optimism for the months ahead. Our government is strengthening our communities through recently announced Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) funding. I am proud to say that our constituency of La Vérendrye is receiving $1,030,731 across fourteen projects.

These projects range from facility upgrades, to upgrading our community rinks and halls, and creating active transportation plans. This funding will go a long way towards improving our communities so that they can continue to grow and remain excellent locations to live, work and play.

The full list of projects includes:

Hanover Agricultural Society Facility Upgrades - $212,625

Menno Home for the Aged Community Senior Centre - $228,195

New Bothwell Outdoor Rink Upgrade - $299,411

Paroisse Saint-Joachim de La Broquerie Steeple Illumination and Bell restoration - $30,214

Otterburne Green Space/Park$20,000

R.M. of De Salaberry Development Plan and Zoning By-Law Review - $35,000

Rural Municipality of Hanover Mitchell Arena Upgrades - $75,000

Rural Municipality of La Broquerie Active Transportation Network Equipment - $31,221

Rural Municipality of La Broquerie Community Hall Upgrade$16,000

St. Pierre-Jolys Arena Advisory Board Equipment Upgrade - $2,000

Gardenton Park Campground Development Ukrainian Museum and Village Society Inc. - $2,912

Ukrainian Peoples Home of Sarto Community Hall Improvement -


Village of St. Pierre-Jolys Active Transportation Plan - $40,000

Water Conservation Measures in Effect in Ritchot

Woodridge Community Club Arena Upgrades - $18,250

I am very pleased to see the variety and diversity of groups who are receiving funding through the BSC fund.

For more information on this fund you can visit gov.mb.ca/ grants/faqs-bscp.

I encourage any eligible groups to apply for the next round of funding.

If you have any questions about the BSC fund, please reach out to my office at 204-424-5406 or at office@dennissmook.ca.

Important Road Safety Message for Manitobans

Dear Editor:

For many Manitobans, driving is a routine part of their lives but it is also potentially one of the most dangerous activities they do every day. This is why we must all do our part to keep our roads safe.

Whether you drive a car, motorcycle, bicycle or are a pedestrian, it is important that you focus on the road, pay attention and be aware of changes in your surroundings at all times.

So far this year, 31 Manitobans have lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions, five more than at this time last year and well above the current five-year average of 23.

Motorists can expect to see increased patrols and sobriety checkstops throughout the province as officers continue efforts to help keep our roads safe this long weekend.

With the warmer temperatures now upon us, increased traffic flows are expected on our highways as Manitobans head to beaches, cottages, camp sites, and other holiday destinations, we are asking drivers to:

- drive sober,

- wear a seatbelt,

- slow down and drive to conditions,

- be cautious and always aware of your surroundings,

- pay attention to the road at all times,

- keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you, and

- put your cellphone away.

We want everyone to reach their destination safely.

The RM of Ritchot has instituted water conservation measures within their municipality, and according to their notice, they will be in effect until September 20.

Lawn watering will only be permitted on days applicable to the property civic address or house number with even number addresses allowed to water their yard on even calendar days and odd number addresses taking over on odd calendar days.

Additionally, the municipality is recommending that watering takes place during the morning and evening in order to reduce the amount

File photo

Lawn watering will only be permitted on days applicable to the property. of evaporation that occurs from lawns, sprinklers and soils. They are hoping residents and any businesses turn on that outside tap only between the hours of 5:30 am to 10 am and between the hours of 7 pm and 11:30 pm.

An exception is for newly planted sod, grass or seed which may be watered for the next 24-hour period, and on each of the six consecutive days immediately after between the hours above.

Watering trees, shrubs and flowers is permitted any day, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation.

Ste. Anne Food Bank Gets a Lot “Cooler” and “Chill”

With a growing need for their essential services, the food bank in Ste. Anne is on its way to storing more perishable food, a necessity to serve their clients in the RM and Town of Ste. Anne thanks to the generosity of Farm Credit Canada (FCC).

The food bank, Accueil Kateri Centre, was founded in the spring of 2015 as a result of a need expressed by concerned citizens in the area. The challenge over the years was trying to keep up with a growing demand. Many individuals and families in Giroux, La Coulee, Richer and the Town of Ste. Anne, along with the surrounding rural area depend on the charitable organization to provide them with a sense of food security.

“The number of families in need increased over the years from 25 in 2015 to 110

in 2023 - one of the challenges is to ensure adequate and relevant food storage capacity,” explained board member and volunteer Rene Dupuis.

Accueil Kateri currently assists approximately 110 families every 2 weeks which represents approximately 350 individuals (200 adults and 150 children),” he added. “An additional 50 families (150 individuals) receive Christmas Hampers for a total of approximately 500 citizens experiencing food security issues at different times during the course of one year.”

Dupuis says part of their monthly board meetings focus on identifying ways to improve their effectiveness to meet the needs of the families seeking help.

“One of those needs was linked to the importance of providing more perishable food items to families - foods that are made available to the food bank by grocery stores within the region - foods that are reaching their best before dates

that can still be stored / refrigerated and in turn, distributed to families and in some cases frozen to extend the life of that food,” he noted.

According to Dupuis, the Board kept its eyes open for funding or grant opportunities that prioritized the purchase of equipment such as commercial refrigerators and freezers.

“Farm Credit Canada (FCC) through its AgriSpirit fund was one of those opportunities,” he said. “The AgriSpirit Fund was a perfect fit for what we needed - its priorities included seeking projects that reduced food loss and waste as well as initiatives that provided families/individuals the basic human necessities such as food.”

FCC has announced it is giving the food bank $20,000 to use towards the refrigeration units they need and Dupuis is happy to say the board has made some purchases.

“The commercial refrigeration equipment purchased - 1 cooler and 2 freezers - increases the Food Bank’s capacity to store perishable foods by 50% - meaning more available food for distribution to meet the growing food security needs,” he explained. “It also ensures that this food finds its way on the tables of families in need. Food banks can play a vital role in rescuing salvageable food that otherwise would be wasted or end up at a landfill.”

“FCC’s donation is very beneficial in assisting the Food Bank in meeting one of its needs - building its capacity to store more perishable foods,” he added.

“Accueil Kateri is very appreciative of the continued and generous support provided by the many individuals, organizations and businesses within the region it serves and beyond. The beneficiaries of this generosity are the families and/ or individuals experiencing challenges to put food on their table,” he concluded.

Vita Committee Looking at Creating a Local Food Bank

Two women in the Vita area have decided to navigate process of starting a local food bank to serve the area.

According to Jane Roman, herself and Susan Drewniak are keen to get community support for the endeavour.

The two women, who are

involved with the local Christmas hamper program realized, after polling hamper recipients, that at least a third regularly use the Grunthal Food Bank. With that in mind, adding to the mix a 60 mile round trip fuel cost, a local food bank made sense.

Roman explained that travelling that far was expensive on families

who are already feeling the financial pinch. Additionally, she knows of many residents who have no vehicle of their own and have to rely on family or friends to make the long trip to bring them food hampers.

Roman and Drewniak have already received support from their municipal council. Council agreed

to donating $500 as a startup fund to get Vita Area Foodbank Inc. moving forward. Council also agreed to create a letter of support and possibly help with a venue where they could set up a pickup location.

Roman is hopeful that they can iron out details after a few inaugural meeting with other community members.

Dawson Trail Dispatch
Accueil Kateri Centre Inc. has received a generous donation of $20,000 from Farm Credit Canada towards the purchase of refrigeration equipment that will significantly increase the
capacity to store perishable food for
distribution to its many families in need. The challenge over the years was trying to keep up with a growing demand. Photo: Representatives from FCC and Accueil Kateri Centre Inc.

Couple Achieves Their Dream While Raising Funds for Ukrainian Orphans

Armand Jerome and his wife Kelly had a dream to complete a month~long trail ride from Hadashville ending at Upper Fort Garry to celebrate Manitoba’s 150th, but that ride was abruptly halted by the pandemic. Armand is Metis and builds replica Red River carts, while Kelly is of Ukrainian descent. They were recently very affected to hear about the plight of children orphaned in the war there, and decided to continue with their dream to do their ride but changed it to become a Metis historical re-enactment ride which was also fundraiser for Ukrainian orphans and the communities that protect them.

Kelly said “We became aware of this plight through a Ukrainian friend that fled the war to start a new life in Canada, they told us of the very real pain and suffering this war has brought to their beloved country and its people, it’s unbelievably hard to listen to these first~hand accounts and fight back the inevitable tears and heartbreak especially when you know the children are suffering, the gut~wrenching stories we’ve all been made aware of now regarding Ukrainian children being kidnapped and the tremendous efforts to reunite them with their families makes it even more vile. How could we possibly sit back and do nothing... this ride is how we help.”

Sprague Historical Museum to Add New Exhibit

Manitoba’s Arts, Culture and Sport in Community Fund has awarded the Sprague & District Historical Museum $25,000 to be put towards a new exhibit.

“We were thrilled to receive notification… that our museum has been awarded $25,000 to develop a new exhibit to share Indigenous and Métis history in our region,” posted the museum on their social media pages.

Admission is free for visitors so the museum depends on grants, fundraising events and donations to improve their site and pay their expenses.

The development of the museum started almost two decades ago and has grown over the years adding four more buildings and 2 outdoor shelters displaying a glimpse of the history of the area.

Some points of interest include a mock-up of a CN telegraph station from the 1940’s, a pioneer kitchen and bedroom displays, displays featuring the early logging days and businesses of Sprague, as well as churches and military history.

Details and construction of the new exhibit will be released this summer.

In the meantime, the museum is hosting its Annual Community Picnic on Sunday, June 11 from 12:30 pm to 4 pm at 3 Simonsen Street. They invite everyone to come out and listen to some great music, take in the collection and exhibits, and enjoy free hotdogs, coffee, juices and some dainties. And as always, donations are greatly appreciated.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
The Sprague & District Historical Museum. Photo Sprague & District Historical Museum Facebook Red River carts, a restored pioneer wagon and various horse wagons and riders rolled down the historic Dawson Trail. Photo by Eldon Zigarlick The Metis Ride of Hope arrived at the Centre of Canada park on Saturday, after battling heat and humidity, fire bans and bugs for two weeks to complete a 60-mile journey across eastern Manitoba. Photo by Myriam Dyck

June 2023

Southeast Receives Close to $2M from Building Sustainable Communities Program

Community projects throughout the southeast received a boost recently with the announcement of almost $2 million in funding towards 39 projects in various communities. According to the Province, the grants are

awarded from Building Sustainable Communities program which is geared towards economic development.

In the Dawson Trail Constituency, almost $400,000 was earmarked for community projects.

“The Building Sustainable Communities fund will provide $386,761 to many local organizations, providing a much needed boost to our communities’ recovery both economically and socially,” said Dawson Trail MLA

Bob Lagassé. “I’m proud that our government has more than doubled the BSC fund, which makes funding for projects like these possible.”

This year the total funding across Manitoba amounted to $25 million.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch
The Richer Community Club receives the confirmation from Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse of $75,000 to put towards replacing the aging rink boards in the Dawson Trail Park in Richer. A list of projects receiving funding through the Province of Manitoba’s BSC program that will soon get underway. Dawson Trail Dispatch photo

Richer Hosts 2nd Annual High School Rodeo

Manitoba RCMP Celebrates 150 Milestone with Contest Giveaway for Youth

toba RCMP is marking the anniversary by launching a contest to give away 150 Back to School prize packs.

Every child under the age of 14 who lives in Manitoba can enter! How? It’s easy! Simply write us an email, as long or short as you like, about what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police means to you. We would also love to hear about any positive experiences you may have had with a Mountie!

Send your email to: DRCMP150D150GRC@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.

Please also include your name, mailing address, and phone number.

Note: they cannot accept any attachments, therefore, the message must be written within the body of the email.

The contest closes June 30, 2023, so get those emails sent in!

Good luck to everyone that enters! Due to the number of entries anticipated, they can only reply to those that are selected for a prize pack.

Dawson Trail Dispatch
Young competitors and their families travelled from all over Manitoba along with a few from Saskatchewan camped out in Richer’s Dawson Trail Park in early May to participate in the community’s annual High School Rodeo. Spectators were able to take in this free admission event and watch these developing cowboys and cowgirls compete. The 150th Anniversary of the RCMP in Canada is a historic moment. In honour of this momentous occasion, the Mani- Photo by Myriam Dyck The prize pack consists of a backpack filled with items to start out the next school year that includes a backpack with RCMP 150 logo; lunch bag with RCMP 150 logo; colour-changing water bottle with RCMP 150 logo; a Stetson-wearing, polar bear stuffed toy; sticky-note notebook with RCMP 150 logo filled with various sticky notes; limited edition “RCMP 150” stickers and tattoos; and an RCMP 150 ballpoint pen. Submitted photo

Species at Risk Spotlight: Poweshiek Skipperling

When you think of an endangered species, which one do you picture? Most of us may think of a species like a giant panda, mountain gorilla, or orangutan. Now, what do these animals represent to you?

I think most of us recognise these species as symbols of conservation with critically low populations. Did you know that we have our very own symbol of conservation right here in the tall-grass prairie that has a lower population than all of these previously listed species?

The Poweshiek skipperling is a butterfly, smaller than a loonie in size. They are brown and orange in colour, with silver veins running through the underside of the hind wings. As part of the skipper family, they have a skipping movement during their flight. In truth, you would need an expert’s eye to differentiate them from other members of the skipper family.

Like all butterflies, the Poweshiek skipperling undergoes distinct stages of its life, generally taking one year to complete. The adult is active from the end of June to July for up to three weeks. At this point, the main concerns are breeding and laying eggs. The eggs are laid on blades of grass, or sedge and when the eggs hatch, the caterpillars spend their time feeding on the nearby grasses. As winter approaches, they head to the bases of plants to overwinter under the snow cover. As spring and warmer weather approach, the caterpillar forms a chrysalis until it emerges as an adult to begin the process again.

In Manitoba, Poweshiek skipperlings are dependent on tall-grass prairie habitat, which is concerning due to its status as an endangered ecosystem. It is important for the butterfly to have an abundance of larval host plants and native nectar plants, usually found in the transition zone from wetland to drier upland areas.

Another concern would be the lack of genetic diversity in the species. Although it is difficult to gauge the population of Poweshiek skipperling, it is estimated at anywhere from a few hundred to one thousand. The only place in Canada where Poweshiek skipperling are found is in Manitoba’s Tall Grass Prairie Preserve. There is one other small population near Flint, Michigan, in the United States.

You may be asking, “What is being done to protect this species at risk?” The Poweshiek skipperling conservation project is a collaborative effort with the Assiniboine Park Conservancy, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Minnesota Zoo, US Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Winnipeg, and other partners in Canada and the United States. The Assiniboine Park Conservancy is responsible for a head-starting and rearing program for the Manitoba population, with the aim of increasing the wild population size by raising the skipperlings through their most vulnerable life stages and providing optimal conditions for breeding adults. This project is supported by Environment and Climate Change Canada. In 2018, six adults were released into the wild. Every subsequent year has seen increases, with 2022 being particularly successful with 191 releases!

Father’s Day Gifts Your Dad Will Actually Use

Struggling to find the perfect way to show your dad some love this Father’s Day? Here are some gifts that won’t end up in the back of the closet:

1. For the sports fanatic: a custom sign featuring his favourite team. Dad can show off team pride with a custom sign to hang in a garage, bar area or man cave. Try looking at local markets or an online craft marketplace to find a sign that you can personalize just for him.

2. For the king of the grill: a Bluetooth meat thermometer. A Blue

tooth meat thermometer lets you view the food’s temperature from your phone, so there’s no need to jump up every few minutes to check on the grill. Find great deals at your local hardware or at a specialty outdoors store.

3. For the adventure seeker: waterproof running shoes. Whether Dad’s out for a hike or exploring a new city, a pair of waterproof running shoes will keep his feet dry and comfortable. Canadian brand Vessi is a great option for theseplus, there are often seasonal sales

that can help you save.

4. For the handyman: an innovative multi-tool. If your dad is always rummaging through his tool kit for just the right piece, try gifting him a multi-tool this Father’s Day. Check out some local retailers for options to suit your budget.

5. For the tech lover or big saver: a smart thermostat. Are high energy bills annoying your dad? Get him a smart thermostat - they’re proven to help lower energy costs up to 23 per cent.

Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity!

The Shared Legacy Partnership and Assiniboine Park Conservancy are excited to announce that you have a chance to witness the release of the globally imperilled Poweshiek skipperling into the wild! You will be able to meet the team responsible for this incredible conservation work, and they will answer questions in regard to the program and all the hard work invested. If you are interested in this amazing opportunity, contact Norm at info@sharedlegacymb. ca. Due to the sensitivity of the release, only one lucky community member and their family will be allowed to join.

Dispatch June 2023
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!
Treat your dad this Father’s Day with the perfect gift.
Submitted photo Photo by David Pavlik Poweshiek Skipperling.

Community Advocate Wins Seat in RM of Ste. Anne By-Election

There were no shortages of candidates who registered to run in an RM of Ste. Anne by-election, called after a wellliked councillor unexpectedly passed away, but after ballots were counted, the ward residents chose to send a committed community advocate to represent them on council.

Former Reeve Paul Saindon, former by-law officer David Buck and Richer Rodeo co-founder Patrick Stolwyk campaigned vigorously to fill, what most residents believed, were big shoes.

Stolwyk, who was instrumental in helping start the Richer Rodeo and built a team that has been recognized for creating the community’s signature event, also dedicated his volunteer time to a half a dozen other functions such as Canada Day and Christmas in the Park.

The ward residents responded, electing Stolwyk with more than enough votes to take the seat. In fact, the amount of votes he garnered was almost double of the combined total of his competitors.

Much of Stolwyk’s campaign focused

on former councillor Brent Wery’s style and commitment.

“I wanted Richer and the surrounding ward to continue to move forward and I knew I had the passion for this community to make that happen,” he explained.

“I want to continue Brent’s legacy.”

He noted that his commitment and dedication to the community for the last 15 years most likely played a part in his victory and that he shared the same concerns as ward residents. He added that he has promised to be approachable.

“Brent and I were friends that spoke a lot about the community and we shared the same dreams and had the same concerns and wanted to see the RM grow in a responsible and fiscally conservative manner,” he elaborated. “We can never lose sight of the people we serve.”

While elected to represent residents and businesses in the RM of Ste. Anne Ward 3, he admits he will have to find a balance when taking the well being of the entire RM into account.

“Striking a balance in the community, the RM and the LUD is very important,”

he said. “Listening to the wants and the needs of the community, it’s important to me to have a hands-on approach when it comes to dealing with all the special interest groups and keeping in mind that the businesses that surround us are also a key component the back bone of any community.”

Stolwyk says he’ll get his feet wet by tackling some initial concerns brought up by residents in the ward.

“We need to try and stream line the development process, look at traffic safety concerns and road repairs,” he explained but admitted these were just a few of the topics he’d like to address.

Stolwyk says he feels honoured and humbled by the support he received and, he added “now I’m ready to get to work.”

“I want everyone to know that I am going to do my best to represent Ward 3 and the RM of Ste Anne,” concluded Stolwyk. “I have already been meeting with business and community leaders, starting a dialogue and working on a plan to move the community forward.”

Attention New Home Owners in Lorette

Welcome to the growing community of Lorette! Have you purchased a home, town home, duplex, or condo in the LUD of Lorette, in the last year? Is this your first time living in Lorette? Do you have questions about

your new community?

The Welcome Basket Committee would be happy to answer any questions. We have a FREE basket of Gift Certificates, coupons, gifts, and information which have been generously

provided by the businesses and organizations in the LUD of Lorette.

To arrange a short curbside visit please e-mail lorettewelcomebasket@gmail.com (no strings attached).

An Incredibly Busy Spring for Wildlife Haven

This Spring has been busy at the Wildlife Haven and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. According to the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre located in Île des Chênes, already they have taken in fox kits, bunnies, owlets, merlins, woodpeckers, goslings, squirrels, a swan, a beaver and raccoons.

The five baby fox siblings recently admitted to the Wildlife Haven Animal Hospital were in critical condition. After putting out a call for help for donations, the community responded. According to the Wildlife Haven website because of the community’s generosity the five baby fox siblings not only received their emergency care, they have now been moved into an outdoor enclosure. The kits have improved so much that they are already digging holes, playfighting, climbing and chasing each other around in an outdoor enclosure with ample space to explore and express their natural behaviours for future release back into the wild.

At the start of May, an injured

beaver was admitted to the Animal Hospital with a deep wound on her back leg.

After a comprehensive treatment plan set up by the Veterinarian that involved administering antibiotics and cleaning the wound on a daily basis, Wildlife Haven reported they have seen a remarkable improvement in the condition of the wound.

“The beaver is doing much better!” said a newsletter report. “She has been chewing on branches and rearranging her enclosure. Her enthusiasm even led to an unexpected event, she managed to break two windows in her enclosure!”

Staff at the Wildlife Haven continues to monitor the beaver’s progress closely and provide support to ensure her complete recovery.

The Wildlife Haven has been in inundated with squirrels So far this year, 60 squirrels have been admitted to the Animal Hospital. Most of these were baby American Red or Eastern Grey Squirrels that had been orphaned or abandoned.

These baby Squirrels require round-the-clock care and a strict feeding schedule with a specialized formula to ensure healthy growth.

“It’s a constant juggling act, but seeing them grow every day and knowing we are giving them a second chance makes it all worth it!”, reported a newsletter.

To raise much needed funds the Wildlife Haven is hosting its annual Summer Fun Fundraiser, online auction between Friday, June 16 and Wednesday, June 21. The line-up of prizes include an Ultimate Yeti Adventure Bundle, Golf packages at Hecla Resort, $100 in tap draught beer at Nonsuch Brewing Co., FolkFest Tickets and more. By participating, not only do you stand a chance to win, but you also contribute to the well-being and medical care of wildlife patients in need.

To register visit can.givergy.com/ SummerFunforWildlife2023.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Pat Stolwyk was elected as the Ward 3 Councillor. Submitted photo

June 2023

Developer Pulls Plug on Richer Residential Subdivision

When Kathy and Dave Bauman purchased a large piece of property in Richer almost two decades ago with the intent of eventually sub dividing it to supplement their re tirement, they had no idea that the process would become so compli cated that even the developer has given up, abandoning the project.

According to the Bauman’s, they originally tried to navigate the de velopment process on their own but realized they were over their heads. They eventually contracted with Schinkel Development to take over the task with the hope that they could eventually see their vision come to fruition.

“This is beautiful property and would make a great place for any one to build their dream home,” said Kathy Bauman. This was not the realty though as the developer has officially pulled out of the project citing two years of wasted time and expenses due to restrictions created by the mu nicipality that make the lots un marketable.

The RM of Ste. Anne asked the developer to incorporate a caveat to buyers restricting on where they could build on the 2 acre lot adding that any lot layout needed to be capable of being subdivided in the future in case a sewer system was developed in the community.

“A few months ago, after [an]

This came out of left field,” explained Alan Klippenstein, Director of Real Estate Development for Schinkel. Klippenstein noted that these restrictions

Know the Risks Around Hydroelectric Generating Stations

The water may seem calm near a hydroelectric generation station, but below the surface are powerful currents that can overwhelm even the best swimmer. And that’s just one of the dangers around a generating station.

Hydroelectric stations can be remotely controlled by operators many kilometres away.

Throughout the day and night, as demand for electricity rises and falls, operators open and close spillway gates at these stations and start and stop generating units. This causes frequent and rapid changes in water levels and flows, which can affect the safety of people who get too close. It’s very easy to be caught off guard. A sudden change in water flow can swamp your boat or pull you into an undertow.

Be alert to danger. Obey all warning signs, fences, buoys and barriers that are there to prevent access to dangerous areas. Always stay clear of hydroelectric station structures unless you’re at a clearly indicated walkway or observation point.

When you’re near a hydroelectric station:

- Stay away from the water’s edge. Rocks are slippery and falling could be fatal.

- Keep your watercraft away from either side of the station or spillway. Water levels can change suddenly.

- Pay attention to all warning signs posted near these facilities and stay within marked areas.

- Explain the dangers to children. Always keep them close when you’re anywhere near a hydroelectric station.

- Find places well away from these facilities to enjoy your activities safely.

Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

severely hamper development in Richer until a lagoon is built.

“We then met with Community Planning to get their perspective on this. Their opinion was they understood what the RM was trying to do, the way they were going about it was unusual – however final say is held by RM not Community Planning,” said Klippenstein. “Based on the new conditions we analyzed the market determined this would be very bad so we appealed.”

He admitted that not all developments are straight forward but this one threw them for a loop.

“It’s not uncommon for towns that are growing to have to deal with this, but how it is dealt with is very different,” he continued. “For example, Ritchot has experienced a lot of growth and they want to protect themselves. So what they have done is they will designate land as ‘Settlement Hold’, meaning they want development in this area but will not allow it until the services catch up.”

Klippenstein explained that with this designation, any developer knows up-front to hold off spending time and money on a project until the zoning is changed.

“So we would not buy it expecting that it could be developed,” he explained. “The RM of Ste Anne does not do this… they approve 2 acre zoning but then have restrictions within that. Had we known that 2 years ago we never would have spent time on this project.”

With various models being presented to council, council responded with their vision but the developer felt they still would be faced with lots that would be hard to sell.

“We took a few days after the council meeting to analyze this proposal and again felt that this was undesirable, and severely limited what people could do on their

property for an indefinite period of time,” said Klippenstein. “We don’t think this is a sellable product and thus decided to kill the project.”

Klippenstein accuses the RM of Ste. Anne of being one of the most difficult councils to work with when it comes to development projects and has even vocalized that stance during council meetings he has attended.

“This is a comment that is taken seriously,” said RM of Ste. Anne Reeve Richard Pelletier who is proud of the work council does and believes the municipality is always open to finding a balance.

“The RM of Ste Anne council is a very dedicated team who is always looking to work well with developers but at the same time, we are protecting new residents to ensure they have a house or business that’s not only going to be established but flourish for the next 100 years in a growing community.”

Pelletier added that both his council and the staff of the RM of Ste Anne are working side-by-side with other municipalities to improve bylaws across the board to benefit residents and businesses. This includes working with the LUD Committee and respecting their recommendations.

Currently, the RM of Ste. Anne is tackling Richer’s growth limitations by investigating new infrastructure that can handle the vision the LUD committee has presented.

“We have a study happening as we speak in regards to have a sewage system that could be recommended for Richer,” explained Pelletier. “I am hoping the study will be completed by the end of summer. At the same time we are looking into systems that could accommodate homes on lots smaller than 2 acres. These systems are available in other provinces so

why not look at the possibility of implementing them here?”

He pointed out that any sewer system created in Richer or other similar small communities requires the potential for many residential connections, something that is not available if 2 acres lots do not have the potential for future subdivision.

“The LUD of Richer has a vision of densifying residences in the community,” he explained. “When you have more potential homes in an area it makes it more cost effective for residents to hookup, and more cost effective for the initial infrastructure.”

While Pelletier is disappointed in Schinkel’s decision to “kill the project”, he is confident that council made all their recommendations based on bylaws and a future vision of the community.

“Richer is perfectly situated in Canada being just off the Trans Canada Highway and sitting on a good gravel ridge which keeps the costs low when building a home or business,” he explained. “The RM of Ste Anne has a great variety of land from agriculture, to rural residential and our urban enclaves. We are working hard to preserve those small acreage hobby farms, the 2 acre residential lots and working towards ensuring Richer can have those smaller urban lots available in the future.”

While he believes Schinkel Development is allowed their opinion and needs to make decisions based on their business model, Pelletier is confident in his council’s vision.

“Schinkel is a good reputable developer and we hope that when invited, they will come back to the table again,” he said.

In the meantime, the Baumans are still hoping their plans have some avenue available to be rescued.

of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch
Celebrating Over 25 Years
Alan Klippenstein leaves an RM of Ste. Anne council meeting after learning an appeal was denied and council was holding their ground on their previous decisions. engineer [plan] was completed and sent to the RM for review we were notified that we needed to do this lot splitting. will Zoom screenshot

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Shuttered Pineland Forest Nursery Site Can Finally Begin Search for Second Life

A hurdle has finally been cleared that may give the property formerly known as Pineland Forest Nursery some life as the Province begins the process of soliciting ideas.

Pineland Forest Nursery, a 300acre site located across the Trans Canada Highway near Hadashville was closed down by the Province in 2018 after 65 years of operations with the Province putting the blame on loss of revenue and sustainability for the Special Operating Agency.

A few months into 2019, the Province struck a deal with Botanist Organic Growers to purchase the site for $1.43M and an annual $240,000 land lease agreement. The hemp CBD oil business never opened their doors and the 200 plus jobs never materialized. In 2021, the Province began the legal process of getting the facility and land back under their jurisdiction.

“This issue has been resolved with Botanist Organic Growers. Manitoba currently owns the assets found on the facility as well as the land associated with the property,” said Lac du Bonnet MLA Wayne Ewasko. “The resolution of the issue with Botanist Organic Growers represents a positive step forward for the province and provides new opportunities to explore potential uses for the site that align with the interests and priorities of Manitoba and its residents.”

Ewasko now says the process can move forward again to bring life back to the sprawling complex and the Province is moving forward.

“The province is committed to finding a productive use for the site, and is actively exploring potential options for its future development,” he added.

When pressed on what work has

been done to secure a viable investor and business, Ewasko admitted that the Province’s priority was to first get the litigation of Botanist Organic Growers behind them.

“Currently Manitoba has not solicited any expressions of interest for the site,” he noted. “The return of the assets to Manitoba is a very recent development.”

Ewasko said the province will need some time to review potential options for the site.

“It should be noted that soliciting expressions of interest is an important step in the decision-making process for the former nursery complex,” he explained. “It allows the government to gather information and ideas from the private sector and other stakeholders, which can help inform the decision-making process.”

“However, it is important that this step is taken only after a thorough review of potential options to ensure that the government is well-positioned to make informed decisions,” he cautioned.

Although the region originally saw 25 full-time jobs and dozens of parttime jobs vanish after Pineland Forest Nursery was closed, the promise of approximately 200 jobs under the Provinces agreement with Botanist Organic Growers somewhat softened the blow. Since these new job never materialized, some residents in the municipality have felt they have been placed on a shelf to collect dust.

Ewasko, with the fiasco of Botanist Organic Growers still fresh, is hoping the residents can have a bit more patience.

“Manitoba is interested in developing a sound plan for the future of the site and there is no interest in moving forward with a rapid decision for any venture that may not be successful,”

said Ewasko. “The province is taking time to carefully consider all options and make an informed decision that will best serve the interests of the communities and the province.”

He assures everyone that the province recognizes the potential of the former nursery site and is open to exploring various options for its best use and getting community input could be on the table.

“While no outreach has been made to the RM of Reynolds or other organizations for ‘brainstorming’ sessions, Manitoba is open to engaging with stakeholders and the community to gather input and ideas for the future of the site,” he explained.

Ewasko says there are too many variables to consider in order to evaluate a net cost over the years to the region and the Province with the site in a hold pattern.

“But I realize the value that a potential business investment could bring to area,” he added. “The residents had experienced a loss with the closure of the Pineland Forest Nursery. This loss has turned into frustration with the failed business attempt and the time it has taken to resolve the legal issues.”

He is hoping this can be turned around with the Botanist Organic Growers issue behind them.

“From here I will continue to work with all stakeholders to realize the best path forward for the site,” he expressed. “…to reiterate there will always be more questions but I am working to get the best results and ensure the RM and the community will have a say.”

At the time of publishing, Ewasko was unable to provide financial details on whether the Province collected any of the $1.43M purchase price or any of the annual $240,000 property lease payments.

June 2023

Disaster Financial Assistance Comes with Costs to Municipalities

A recent resolution making the rounds through municipal councils is gaining support as municipalities hope to reduce some unexpected costs when they are reimbursed for approved disaster assistance.

Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program was established for natural disasters to help Manitobans recover by providing financial assistance for uninsurable losses to basic and essential property. Assistance is generally provided for the recovery needs of local authorities, one of such is municipal governments.

While none of the municipalities are complaining about the great value of the program, they are now recognizing that the carrying costs incurred due to the length of time it takes to receive reimbursement for expenses could place pressure on their budget.

“…there is a time lag between the payments that municipalities must pay for restoration and the time they submit expense claims to the Province under these programs,” reads the motion, “the local municipalities are then required to carry these costs, thereby incurring interest charges” which can negatively affect the local municipalities and their ratepayers.

Carrying costs vary greatly from year to year and from municipality to municipality.

According to Denise Parent, CAO with the RM of De Salaberry, carrying costs in 2020 were about $90,000; zero in 2021, but another $54,000 in 2022.

“It takes about 9-12 months to receive reimbursement on approved claims,” she added.

“Carrying costs are all the costs for repairs from damages from a disaster including any interest if we’ve incurred from using a line of credit or shortages on interest earned from transferring funds from reserves to cover the expenses,” explained Stuartburn CAO Lucie Maynard.

While Stuartburn did not have any DFA claims in 2021 or 2022, they did incur carrying costs on $471,650 in 2020 while waiting for reimbursement she added.

She explained that the time to receive reimbursement can vary.

“That is dependent on when a DFA program is announced and then again dependent on the firm they use for the site inspections of each claim site and if staffing is an issue for the contracted firm,” she noted. “Another delay can be the amount of other municipalities going through DFA and waiting on the firm for site inspections.”

She said that the delay may be increasing due to logistics.

“It seems that the delay has increased over the years, however that may be because the DFA program only contracts out one company to do the site inspections, so if multiple municipalities are going through DFA, we are all fighting for an inspector to come to our municipality first,” she explained.

The DFA delay in reimbursement may have a mild impact for the RM of Ste. Anne over the past few years.

“There have been no carrying costs to the RM for the last few years,” said RM of Ste. Anne CAO Mike McLellan. “Our only recent application to the program was in 2022, and due to limited scope of the work required, there was no need for additional funding resources.”

“The RM of Ste Anne received our funds within a few months of the claim being finalized and approved,” he added. “As 2022 was our first claim in a few years, we’re not able to directly speak to continual challenges or delays... our funding was received in early 2023 without much delay.”

While the RM of Ste. Anne had few and smaller claims over the years that did not require reserve funds being tapped or line-of-credit fees, they do recognize the value of supporting this resolution.

“This resolution was passed by the RMs of Montcalm and Morris and circulated for support in advance of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) upcoming district meetings, each of whom have expressed concern with their claim response times and associated carrying costs, which are current not accounted for in funding,” said RM of Ste. Anne CAO Mike McLellan.

The widely supported resolution has made its rounds through councils in time to submit to Association of Manitoba Municipalities at their regional gatherings. They will be charged with lobbying the Province. Additionally, the resolution includes a request for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to lobby the Government of Canada on behalf of all Canadian Municipalities to have the Government of Canada amend the DFAA program to include eligibility for “Carrying Costs” (or interest) as a part of the program.

Aerial view of the former Pineland Tree Nursery taken around August 2019. Source: Manitoba Historical Society/George Penner

Reducing Risk of Lyme Disease Through Prevention, Treatment

Manitobans are encouraged to take steps to help protect against tick bites and Lyme disease which is becoming more common in southern Manitoba.

Lyme disease can be prevented if antibiotics are given quickly after a high-risk tick bite. Manitoba Health recommends people visit a health-care provider within 72 hours to receive antibiotics if the bite was from a reliably-identified blacklegged tick; the tick was attached for 36 hours or more, or the tick was engorged; and the bite occurred in southern Manitoba (south of the 53rd parallel) or another known risk area for Lyme disease outside the province.

All Manitobans can help protect against tick bites and exposure to Lyme disease by applying an appropriate tick repellent on exposed skin and clothing, following label directions; wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts; staying to the centre of walking trails; inspecting themselves, children and pets after spending time outdoors; removing ticks as soon as possible from people and pets; and keeping grass and shrubs around homes cut short to create drier environments that are less suitable for blacklegged tick survival.

It is also important for people to be aware of the signs and symptoms of tick-borne diseases including anaplasmosis, babesiosis or Lyme disease. A list of symptoms for these tick-borne diseases can be found at gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/tickborne/index. People should contact a health-care provider if they think they may have a tick-borne disease. For more information, individuals can also contact Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888 315-9257.

Blacklegged ticks, which can carry Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis, are most commonly found in and along the edge of forests and in areas with thick, woody shrubs or other vegetation. However, they can also be found in urban areas including household yards. These ticks are typically found from snowmelt to snowfall, with peaks in activity in spring and fall.

Manitoba Health’s partnership with the eTick program, which is developed and operated by Bishop’s University, helps monitor and assess the continued expansion of blacklegged tick populations. Manitobans who find ticks on animals, humans or in various habitats can submit a picture to have it identified by experts, which will confirm if the tick belongs to a species capable of transmitting diseases. For more information or to submit a picture of a tick, visit etick.ca.

Niverville’s Communities in Bloom Plants Dozens of Trees

The community of Niverville just got greener thanks to the local Communities in Bloom, the Town of Niverville, students, volunteers and a generous benefactor.

Starting in 2020 with a $20,000 donation from TC Energy, an additional 68 trees were recently planted in the community, bringing the total to approximately 230 taking root over the past couple of years.

The batch of tree planting took place from May 26-27 and Niverville Communities in Bloom and the Town of Niverville joined together to create a plan and muster volunteers to complete the work. Through a coordinated effort, the group was able to plant 40 trees on St. Andrews Way, 9 at the school locations, and 10 for replacement trees and community park plantings. Additionally, the Life Lease purchased 8 trees for south side plantings and the Town snagged 11 trees for their memorial forest with Niverville Communities in Bloom volunteers assisting with plantings.

ciation, the middle school received 4 shade trees and Elementary school 5 shade trees,” explained Hoult.

“The students helped to plant and will look after the trees.”

The end result did not happen overnight as the Communities in Bloom Committee have been working on the logistics for months.

“We order the trees in the fall once funding has been confirmed, begin

identifying the streets and getting waivers signed off throughout the winter months, arrange delivery and unloading of the trees and then generally do street planting on the last Saturday in May,” she noted. Hoult and her committee formed their committee in 2016 and the tree planting initiative is a key feature in what the want to accomplish in the community.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Manitobans are encouraged to take steps to help protect against tick bites and Lyme disease which is becoming more common in southern Manitoba. Submitted photo “As part of the program, and following a request by the parent association, the middle school received 4 shade trees and Elementary school 5 shade trees,” explained Shirley Hoult. “The students helped to plant and will look after the trees.” Shirley Hoult, a spokesperson for the Niverville Community in Bloom committee believes there were at least two dozen volunteers offering their help over the two days with the schools even jumping in. Submitted photos Starting in 2020 with a $20,000 donation from TC Energy, an additional 68 trees were recently planted in the community, bringing the total to approximately 230 taking root over the past couple of years.

With Rising Home Reno Costs, it’s Best to Check Efficiency Manitoba First for Savings

One thing that came out of the pandemic was a surge in Manitobans investing to improve their homes. With inflation and rising interest rates making those projects more expensive, Efficiency Manitoba is spreading the word and reminding people to check with them first to see if they qualify for rebates.

“Efficiency Manitoba is doing important work to help Manitobans save money when they invest in energy-saving renovations,” said Kevin Klein, Minister of Environment and Climate and the Minister responsible for Efficiency Manitoba. “Their programs and rebates improve the accessibility and affordability of energy efficiency projects immediately while also providing long term energy and bill savings benefits. Ensuring homes and businesses in our province can access energy efficiency is vital for both economic and environmental sustainability.”

The Crown corporation has produced new videos to explain some of their programs including their Home Insulation Rebate, the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program for income qualifying households, and the Small Business Program which offers a variety of energy efficiency upgrades for free or at reduced costs. These videos can be viewed on Efficiency Manito-

ba’s YouTube channel at youtube. com/@efficiencyMB.

“We understand costs for materials and labour for renovation projects are continually rising. It’s important for us to make information about our programs readily available to Manitobans so they know about the many ways we can help them save money on energy efficiency upgrades,” said Colleen Kuruluk, CEO, Efficiency Manitoba. “These kinds of upgrades pay for themselves through lower energy bills and create much more comfortable spaces in homes and businesses. Upgrades that help Manitobans save natural gas also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, creating a healthier environment that we all will leave for our children and grandchildren.”

Retailers, Tradespeople, and Contractors Preparing for the Renovation Season

Home improvement retailers are expecting a busy year in 2023, according to Jason Yates, President of McMunn & Yates Building Supplies. Inflation is a top concern, which means retailers like Yates are happy to steer their customers to Efficiency Manitoba’s rebates.

“McMunn & Yates Building Supplies is proud to be a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier,” said Yates. “The spring building season is underway and we look forward

to helping our customers utilize the wide range of programs from Efficiency Manitoba to save energy and money on their renovation projects.”

It also pays to get started early on any home renovation project, especially as contractors and tradespeople remain in high demand.

“As people gear up to start their summer home renovation projects, it’s a great opportunity to incorporate energy saving solutions,” said Lanny McInnes, President and CEO, Manitoba Home Builders Association.

“We expect another very busy renovation season and the demand for professional renovators and contractors continues to be extremely high, so we encourage homeowners to get started with their project planning as early as possible.”

McInnes added that many contractors and home improvement retailers will be familiar with and registered to offer Efficiency Manitoba’s programs and can help customers apply for rebates. To find a supplier registered with Efficiency Manitoba, visit efficiencyMB. ca/find-a-supplier. For more information about Efficiency Manitoba’s rebates and offers, visit efficiencyMB.ca.

Safety is in Your Hands - Are You Opening Your Cottage?

Spring is the time when many Manitobans are looking forward to opening their seasonal “home away from home”.

But winter may have brought some unexpected hazards. Follow these tips to make sure your electrical system operates safely when you open your cottage:

When you arrive:

- Look for damage to power lines leading to your cottage. If you see a downed or sagging line, stay clear and contact us immediately.

- Do the trees appear to be too close to the power lines? For your safety, contact a qualified arborist to trim them.

Before turning on the power at the main switch:

- Check all wiring that runs exterior equipment (such as water pumps) to be sure it’s intact. If it’s damaged, remove the associated fuse or turn off the circuit breaker and contact a licensed electrician.

- Ensure all appliances and electrical devices are unplugged or switched off. Clear any debris from the stovetop elements and baseboard heaters.

- Fill the hot water tank.

- Check all appliance and other electrical cords for signs of wear, cracking, or rodent damage.

- Check the chimney and clear any debris such as bird’s nests or leaves.

- Ensure all branch circuits are in the “off” position in your electrical panel. After you turn on the main switch, turn them on one at a time to avoid surges that can damage your appliances or electronics. If you have a fuse box, plug in or switch on appliances and electrical devices one at a time.

- If using an extension cord to bring power to your deck, dock, or backyard, make sure it is designed specifically for outdoor use. Remember that extension cords are for temporary use only. Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
For more information about Efficiency Manitoba’s rebates and offers, visit efficiencyMB.ca. Photo efficiencyMB.ca

Nurse Practitioner Returns Home to Serve Patients in Southern Health-Santé Sud

For Karla Funk, nursing is a journey. It has taken her across the country and back home again. It has guided her on a path of continuous learning that began with a love of math and science, led to a bachelor of nursing degree, and has concluded with a master’s degree in nursing and a career as a nurse practitioner in rural Manitoba.

“I spent my first few years nursing in New Brunswick, working in a variety of acute care settings and getting a feel for different areas and roles,” Funk said. “It was valuable experience, but ultimately I knew I was meant to return home, and I’m so glad I did.”

After returning to Manitoba, a conversation in the right place at the right time with the right person (a friend’s mother, also a nurse) inspired Funk to continue her education.

“Training to become a chronic disease nurse has really helped shape the kind of care provider I am today,” Funk said. “It showed me that we are nurses to both a patient’s body and their mind.”

The role of a chronic disease nurse centres on the care for individuals diagnosed with a chronic illness, such as heart disease or diabetes. This includes treatment, education

and preventive care while also supporting patients as they navigate the reaction and emotions of a chronic disease diagnosis.

“There are several reactions and phases that people go through when they are diagnosed,” Funk explained.

“As you can imagine, there is grief, fear, denial, action or extreme action and many more, depending on the person. While chronic disease nurses care for the physical health needs of a patient, we also play an important role in each of these phases after diagnosis.”

Funk credits the 12 years she spent working as a chronic disease nurse in Southern Health–Santé Sud for preparing her to tackle yet another educational milestone as she pursued a master’s degree in nursing part-time, studying in the evenings and weekends over a four-year span.

“I am still using a lot of the skills I learned working as a chronic disease nurse now in my role as nurse practitioner,” said Funk, who graduated and began working as a nurse practitioner last fall.

Together with a team, Funk is working to provide patients with quality and comprehensive care.

“Each member of the team brings expertise from our differ-

ent backgrounds,” Funk said. “My colleagues come from specialized areas such as labour and delivery, rash or skin issues, and emergency medicine, and we work together to ensure our patients receive the best care possible. We are a very collaborative group, with a lot of consults amongst the team.”

In her role at a rural Quick Care

Clinic, Funk continues to see a number of chronic disease patients, including many who may not have a family care provider to help with checking blood work, looking at ultrasound results and doing follow-ups, while also providing more episodic care for people with more minor complaints like sore throats and rashes.

“No two days are the same, even in a small community,” she added. “The most rewarding parts of my job are the times when patients have taken the time to thank me for my help. It reinforces for me the appreciation people have for one another when someone is there to help during the tough moments in their lives. It’s those moments that stick with me.”

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Karla Fun says “No two days are the same, even in a small community. The most rewarding parts of my job are the times when patients have taken the time to thank me for my help. It reinforces for me the appreciation people have for one another when someone is there to help during the tough moments in their lives. It’s those moments that stick with me.” Submitted photo

Dawson Trail Commemorative Project Celebrated

The Dawson Trail Commemorative Project invited the community to join them in Richer for the official launch of their interpretive tour celebrating the art and history of the Dawson Trail, Canada’s first all-Canadian access road linking East to West. This new development includes 15 wayfinding markers and a series of permanent artistic exhibits spanning nearly 150 kms along the historic

Dawson Trail from the southeast corner of the province (at the NW Angle) to Winnipeg, including the ever-popular Longitudinal Centre of Canada as its promotional anchor. The Dawson Trail Commemorative Project is the final phase of development and the culmination of a major grassroots and community-based initiative launched four years ago to celebrate and pro-

Air Quality Improvement Project Gets Green Light in La Broquerie School

Arborgate School will soon work on having their boiler replaced and have a heat recovery ventilator installed with the goal of increasing outdoor air intake.

The project is funded jointly by the provincial and federal governments, with the federal commitment coming from the COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

The La Broquerie school is one of 32 projects the governments have approved in Manitoba. The Arborgate School project will get $560,000 from the federal government and $140,000 from the Province.

mote artist-residents and the heritage of the Dawson Trail. Over this period, significant inter-regional support was gained all along the trail that links us, demonstrating the connectedness and strength of our communities. They are deeply grateful to the organizing committees, as well as all elders and individuals who have given of their time to this project. The Dawson Trail Commemorative Project is made possible in part by the Government of Canada, the Government of Manitoba, the CDEM, the FDÉFO (PrairiesCan), the CN Community Fund, the Thomas Sill Foundation, the McLean Foundation, the Richer Community Club, Francofonds and the Municipalities of Taché, Ste. Anne, Springfield, and Reynolds.

“These investments in schools, health facilities, treatment facilities, and emergency services buildings across Manitoba will be able to meet the standard for air quality and ensure environmental temperatures are met,” said Terry Duguid, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

“Schools and health-care facilities across the province will benefit from these new ventilation improvements, which are consistent with our mandate to fund important projects within the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program,” added Manitoba Consumer Protection and Government Services Minister James Teitsma.

In total, the Government of Canada is investing $10,469,172 in these projects, while the Manitoba government is providing $2,697,399 toward eligible project costs.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Ribbon cutting ceremony at the Richer marker. (Left to right) Irene Fontaine-Godard, Chair of the Dawson Trail Museum, Pierrette Sherwood, Chair of the Dawson Trail Arts & Heritage Committe and Bob Lagasse, Dawson Trail MLA. Mireille Lamontagne was the researcher who combed through 40,000 archival documents in many geographical areas to complete story of the Dawson Trail. The information provided by First Nations and Metis people along the route was key in assembling a more complete historical account of the building of the Dawson Trail and supports the efforts toward reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Photos by Myriam Dyck The event was well attended by the community residents.

7 Ways to Set Up Your Yard for Sensational Summer Fun

Your family backyard is the ideal location to create a summer full of memories for you, your family, and community. Easy to access? Check. Affordable? You bet. Able to accommodate all sorts of activities? Absolutely. Your backyard’s potential is really only limited by your imagination and willingness to roll up your sleeves to create a sensational space for summer enjoyment.

“We’ve all been practicing our ‘backyarding’ skills for the last few years, taking our indoor lives out into the green space around us,” says Kris Kiser, president & CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation. “Now’s a great time to turn your yard into the ideal outdoor summer room.”

According to a recent poll commissioned by the TurfMutt Foundation and conducted online, more than three-quarters of people who have a yard (76%) say the family yard space is one of the most important parts of their home.

Here are seven ideas from the TurfMutt Foundation to turn an ordinary yard into a summer oasis for fun and relaxation:

1. Give your yard a facelift. The first step to establishing a summer fun zone is to work with what you have. Clean out flowerbeds, clear the yard of debris, spread a fresh layer of mulch around trees and bushes, and keep the grass mowed. See what additional trees, shrubs and plants might be needed. Use outdoor power equipment to make even big jobs eas-

ier (e.g. a pole trimmer for pruning trees, a leaf blower to tidy your flowerbeds, a riding mower for big lawns, or a hedge trimmer for bushes).

2. List all the fun you want to have outside. Identify activity zones for games, entertaining and relaxation. Can your lawn lure your kids away from their screens and into the great outdoors for cornhole, soccer, bocce ball, croquet, or a giant checkers board game? Do you have a patio table or deck where family game nights can be held? Have a swimming pool where you can plan a “dive in” movie night, and invite your neighbours to bring their favourite pool float? You can even plan a memorable family staycation in your own backyard with camping, parties and more. Get your children’s buy-in by involving them in the planning.

3. Bring learning outdoors. Just because school is out doesn’t mean the learning should end. Avoid the “summer slide” by setting up an area for outdoor learning, like a space under a shade tree where your kids can do summer reading.

4. Don’t forget Fido. Pets are part of the family, too, so think about what backyard improvements you can make to ensure they fully enjoy the dog days of summer. Add a water feature for them to cool off. Plant some bushes for napping in the shade. Use a row of hedges to separate their “business” spot from the rest of the backyard activity areas.

5. Make outdoors as inviting as

indoors. Think about ways to make your outdoor living area just as comfortable as your indoor spaces. String lights add a warm glow. A fire pit is great for toasting marshmallows. A new deck or hardscaping could be just the ticket for taking your backyard oasis from boring to brilliant.

6. Consider the good you’re doing. Whether putting in a vegetable garden, planting pollinator-supporting shrubs and flowers, or creating activity zones, your family yard can do a lot—all at once both for your family and the environment. A grassy area is not only a field for play, but it’s also an excellent carbon-capturing and oxygen-producing space. Planting shrubs and flowering plants feeds our birds, bees, and butterflies. A leafy tree is a perfect perch for a relaxing swing in a hammock and it provides shade to combat the heat island effect. It also produces oxygen and captures carbon. A garden where you can grow some of the food your family will enjoy this summer gets you digging in the dirt, proven to be good for our immune systems and happiness.

7. Put safety first. When working outdoors, always remember no children or pets around operating outdoor power equipment.

TurfMutt was created by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute’s (OPEI) TurfMutt Foundation and has reached more than 70 million children, educators and families since 2009.

of Service to
Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Celebrating Over 25 Years
Our Communities!
Channel Your “Master Backyarding” Skills to Create an Ideal Summer Backyard!
Your family backyard is the ideal location to create a summer full of memories for you, your family, and community.
 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

Steinbach Arts Council

Brings Back KR Barkman Concerts in the Park

The Steinbach Arts Council is bringing back everyone’s favourite free outdoor concert series this summer. KR Barkman Concerts in the Park are for the whole family, featuring local performers in indie rock, pop, folk, blues, classic rock, and more.

“It’s a pleasure to hear local artists take the stage at the KR Barkman Park gazebo to share their talent with our community,” explained Tara Schellenberg, Performing Arts Coordinator, adding these concerts are a highlight each spring. “After a long winter, it doesn’t get better than supporting local musicians and enjoying music with friends, family, and neighbours in a beautiful outdoor setting!”

Everyone is encouraged to bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to the KR Barkman Park. To find KR Barkman Park, head southeast down Main Street, just past the Steinbach Fire Hall, and look for the gazebo.

KR Barkman Concerts in the Park Schedule (6:30 pm starts)

June 1 – LMNK and Crossfire

June 8 – Scott Jodoin & Band and Lights & Kites

June 13 – The Chammartin Family and P-Noise

June 15 – Acorns & Armchairs and Darryl Marsch Band

La Broquerie Farmers’ Market Kicks Off Season

The Farmers’ Market of La Broquerie will have its formal opening to the public on Sunday, June 25th of 2023, from 1 pm to 5 pm, at the parking lot of the La Broquerie Hotel (3 Des Pignons St., La Broquerie).

This community initiative gathers more than fifteen growers, makers, and bakers from La Broquerie. La Broquerie is a bilingual community proud of its heritage, and it reflects on the Market.

The Market welcomes visitors and is open for vendors, volunteers, and artists of neighbouring communities interested in registering for one Sunday, the whole season, or the 2024 edition. Contact the organizers for additional information at labroqueriefarmersmarket@gmail.com.

During 2023 the Market will be open once a month on Sundays:

Sunday, June 25th - 1 pm to 5 pm

Sunday, July 30 - 11 am to 3 pm

Sunday, August 27 – 11am to 3pm

Sunday, September 24 – 11am to 3pm

0 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

Stuartburn Asking for Support to Amend Conflicting Provincial Acts

Council pointed out areas that are deemed restricted, especially around roads, is endangering wildlife and there is a great cost to municipalities, the Province and MPI. Stock photo

At a recent RM of Stuartburn council meeting, councillors all agreed that they need help from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) hoping that the provincial organization can lobby the Province in order to get clarity on two conflicting Acts.

According to council, the Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act (ESEA) and the Noxious Weed Act (NWA) are at war with each other and the municipality is stuck in the middle.

ESEA says it is unlawful to kill, injure, possess, disturb or interfere with the species; destroy, disturb or interfere with the habitat of the spe-


cies; damage, destroy, obstruct or remove a natural resource on which the species depends for its life and propagation; endangered or threatened ecosystems are protected.

NWA sets out requirements regarding various control or destruction measures for different plants. It applies to anyone owning or occupying land in Manitoba on which the plant is located.

According to the municipal resolution, both these acts control municipalities on actions such as mowing/cleaning ditches and roadways, improvement to drainage, farming/ use of land within the Municipality. They want the Province to review both Acts and amend them to create

something “more harmonious.” What to mow and what to avoid is a major concern, especially when it comes to the Stuartburn area where the overlap between weeds and endangered species is a blurred line with both, in many cases, inhabiting the same zone. Council pointed out areas that are deemed restricted, especially around roads, is endangering wildlife and there is a great cost to municipalities, the Province and MPI.

Council is hoping that the Province allows the AMM and municipalities to be involved in the review process and consulted on amendments.

Around Power Lines? Look Up and Live!

Manitoba Hydro’s power line system includes over one million poles and 90,000 km of wire to distribute electricity to where it’s needed.

Power lines are everywhere, so be careful when working around them. Contacting an overhead power line can result in serious injury or death.

Follow these tips when working near power lines:

Look Up

Before starting any outdoor project at home or at the worksite, check the area to identify where power lines might pose a hazard. Be especially aware of power lines that may be hidden by trees or buildings.

Stay back 3 Metres

You don’t have to touch a power line to be shocked – even killed. If you get too close, electricity can jump, or “arc,” to equipment, vehicles, tools, and you. Maintain a distance of at least 3 metres from all power lines.

Use a Spotter No equipment operator working alone can safely judge the distance from the equipment to overhead power lines. A spotter on the ground has a much better view to help you stay clear.

Carry Ladders Sideways

Never carry ladders upright, as they may contact a power line. Look for overhead power lines before standing up a ladder.

Plant Trees Away from Overhead Power Lines

Prevent a problem in the future by planting trees where they won’t grow into power lines. Do not prune trees around power lines yourself. Contact a qualified arborist to do the job. See the Right Tree, Right Place document on our website for ideal vegetation options under power lines.

Click or Call Before You Dig

Power lines and natural gas lines may be buried underground. Before you dig, drill, or excavate,

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
contact ClickBeforeYouDigMB. com to have underground lines marked so you can dig safely. Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail

Community Outreach Findings for Southeast Manitoba Transit Opportunities: Results

The Southeast Regional Transportation Initiative (SERTi) lead by the RM of Piney and Eco-West Canada, has completed its needs assessment of transit service in southeast Manitoba.

Over 1,000 online and paper surveys, made available in French and English, have been collected from partners which include the RMs of De Salaberry, Hanover, La Broquerie, Piney, Reynolds, Ritchot, Stuartburn, Ste. Anne, Taché along with the Town of Ste. Anne, the Village of St. Pierre-Jolys, Buffalo Point First Nation and the Steinbach Economic Development (SED) Corporation.

Connie Gamble, who worked with the RM of Piney and Eco-West Canada to solicit responses, has now compiled the results and is pleased with the response received but will continue adding additional information as it comes in.

“More is always better, but we did get many consistent responses,” explained Gamble. “The RM of Taché has relaunched their survey to obtain more community responses. In general, there will be additional community engagement and feedback opportunities.”

This outreach phase gathered feedback from community residents, businesses and leaders in order to better understand the region’s ridership profile, priorities and barriers, focusing on how residents need to get from one place to another.

Gamble added that the entire process and potential programs will take some time.

“Rural transportation is not a quick, easy solution and it will take some time to develop potential solutions,” she said.

Eventually, the results will form the basis for determining transit needs and possible solutions across a wide region covering over 17 municipalities and First Nation communities.

In the past, rural publicly accessible transportation used to fall under the domain of private companies such as the Grey Goose Bus line.

“A large for-profit bus is not necessarily a solution for rural, regional transit,” she admitted.

“Two options successfully implemented elsewhere are on demand services and car sharing. Smaller buses have been successful elsewhere using on-demand rather than regular, fixed routes. The RM of Ritchot is working on a car sharing model.”

Gamble said their goal is to work toward a sustainable model considering differences within the southeast region.

“Sustainable from a financial perspective and not just a short term solution, therefore user fees will likely be expected but potential solutions have not yet been identified to be able to discuss operating costs,” she noted.

She added that governments have some funding available with the potential development of further programs that could help support a transportation initiative over the long term.

“The RTSF [rural transportation solutions fund] is currently available and predictable,” she explained and a “Federal [Government] public transit funding will be available to support transit solutions beginning in 2026/27.”

According to the Federal Government, the RTSF program is also developing a permanent funding program for rural transit she added.

Gamble believes the survey results offered insightful findings into the needs of rural communities and validated the need for a regional transportation plan.

“The next phase of the project will be for Eco-West Canada to present potential transportation solutions to key stakeholders,” she said. “Consideration will be given to overwhelming community feedback on issues around affordability, scheduling, services, destinations, and environment.”

SERTi continues to be supported by a collaborative partnership between key stakeholders and experts including TONS (Transportation Options Network for Seniors), the University of Manitoba - City Planning (Age Friendly Communities), municipal and First Nation leadership, local businesses, and Eco-West Canada and the RM of Piney as project leads.

The vision for SERTi is to eventually have a focused, regional transit strategy in place for residents of all ages and in particular the area’s vulnerable populations, allowing rural communities to thrive and grow.

She noted that the RM of Ritchot has already taken some initiative and has invited other partners to join in an early pilot application to pilot a car share program in their respective communities.

She encourages municipalities to take advantage of a federal capital grant which is available to support purchases of vehicles for rural transit along with another stream for project pilots.

New Trail Projects Receive Financial Support

The Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan strategy has approved funding for 5 trail related projects in southeastern Manitoba. Crow Wing Trail around St. Pierre-Jolys was awarded $7,000 for necessary maintenance and just north in St. Adolphe, their popular Friendship Trail can count on $6,500 to put towards some enhancements.

College Drive Pathway in Kleefeld, St. Joseph Trail in La Broquerie and Falcon Lake East End Trail will all receive a financial boost of $75,000 each.

“Manitobans love the outdoors and our government is proud to support the development of new trails and make improvements to existing trails,” said Natural Resources and Northern Development Minister Greg Nesbitt. “The new Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan puts us on a path to a healthier Manitoba with thriving communities, while ensuring our trails are sustainably managed into the future and that natural environments continue to be respected.”

The Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan has several key objectives to improve trail connectivity, prioritize environmental protection, promote collaboration between user groups, and encourage eco-tourism development across the province, Nesbitt added.

In total, 34 projects were approved across the Province with a total program commitment of slightly less than $1M.

“This funding will help enable the development, upgrade, and maintenance of 715 kilometres of recreational trails,” said Jeana Manning, president, Trails Manitoba. “These trails will not only connect communities, but also ignite the spirit of adventure, promoting physical and social wellness and a profound connection with nature.”

As part of the strategy, a new provincial trails office within the department of Natural Resources and Northern Development is being created, Nesbitt noted, adding that this new office will act as a co-ordinating body for trails management across Manitoba and help reduce red tape for trail organizations and clubs.

Dispatch June 2023
Source: Trails Manitoba “This funding will help enable the development, upgrade, and maintenance of 715 kilometres of recreational trails,” said Jeana Manning, president, Trails Manitoba.

Wildlife is Rarely Cuddly

Some hikers wear bear bells, though they may not be loud enough to be useful. Avoid hiking at dawn or dusk when animals, including bears, are most active.

Follow “Leave No Trace” principles: Properly dispose of human waste to avoid attracting critters, and respect wildlife by observing them from a distance and never feeding them.

Research the area you’ll be traveling in: Knowing something about the wildlife you’re likely to encounter will help you be informed about tactics for preventing encounters, and let you know the best way to respond if you do have a run-in.



- Never approach a bear.

- If you see cubs, be especially cautious and stay away. Mother bears can be very protective of their young.

- If you see the bear before it sees you, back away slowly, keeping your eyes on the bear.

As we all feel the need to venture out more and take in nature, the RM of De Salaberry has utilized its advisory app to remind people of some basic safety when encountering wildlife.

General safety tips should be followed in an effort to ensure your safety and the safety of the wildlife you encounter. The RM of De Salaberry notes that this is true especially when involved in activities in secluded areas or even in more populated areas such as campgrounds and parks.


- Do not feed or attempt to entice animals with food

- Do not attempt to pet or get friendly with animals

- Do not get too close

- Do not provoke, sneak up o or startle animals

- Do not wander off of established trails, especially after dark

- Do not surprise or interfere with a mother and her offspring


- Do make noise when in the woods to let animals know you are nearby and not startle them

- Do watch out for signs of animals that may be in your area. This can be tracks and animal excrement.

- Do tell a park official, local conservation or the municipality of animal sightings so that information may be shared.

- In cases where you may be in areas where bears frequent, consider carrying Bear Spray.


Properly store food and other scented items: Leaving food and scented items unattended is like putting up a welcome sign for animals. This includes empty food containers, trash, cookware, toiletries, lotions and all other scented things. If you’re car camping, store food in a cooler and/ or car during the day. At night, put everything in your vehicle or a metal bear locker. In the backcountry, store things in a bear canister, bear bag or metal food locker, or hang them in a bag from a tree or pole, when you’re not using them.

Keep odours away from camp: Cook your food and wash your dishes well away from your camp so as not to attract wildlife to where you sleep.

Give animals space: Many animals

will not willingly attack unless they feel threatened or provoked. One of the best ways to prevent this is to stay a safe distance away. Doing so not only helps reduce potentially dangerous encounters, it’s also what’s best for the animal. Approaching wildlife can cause them stress and force them to waste valuable energy. The appropriate distance varies by species, but one way to think about it is if your presence causes an animal to move, then you’re too close. Of course, in a surprise encounter, this may not be possible, but if you see wildlife from a distance, be thoughtful about how close you get.

Stay aware: Use your eyes, ears and nose to stay aware of your surroundings. Doing so can help you head off close encounters. Don’t wear headphones while hiking so you’re able to hear what’s happening around you.

Make noise while you hike: To avoid surprising a bear or other potentially threatening animal on the trail, make noise while you’re hiking. You can shout, “Hey bear!” every few minutes, talk or sing loudly with your fellow hikers, clap your hands or strike your trekking poles together.

- Retreat and/or reroute to give the bear a wide berth.

- If you have bear spray, get it ready.

- If the bear is coming toward you, raise your arms to look larger and make lots of noise by yelling and banging pots together. Throw objects to scare it off.

- If you have food out, quickly secure it in a bear canister or carry it with you as you back away. It’s important to keep the bear from getting your

- If the bear continues to pursue you and seems more interested in the food than you, ditch the food as a last resort and move away.

- Even if the bear seems harmless, try to scare it off and move away. if a black bear attacks…

- Do not play dead.

- Fight back by using sticks, rocks and punches on its eyes and nose.



Moose aren’t typically aggressive, but if they sense a threat they will defend themselves. If you encounter a moose, here’s what to do:

- If the moose doesn’t see you, stay quiet and try to move away undetected.

- If it does see you, talk to it softly and move away slowly.

- Don’t be aggressive.

- Look for signs that the moose is upset, such as ears laid back and raised hair on its back and shoulders. These things may indicate that the moose is ready to attack. if a moose attacks:

- When a moose charges, it’s often a bluff. But, take it seriously and get behind something, such as a tree or boulder.

- If there’s nowhere to hide, run. Moose typically won’t chase you very far.

- If a moose knocks you to the ground, curl up in a ball with your hands wrapped around your head. Don’t fight back; doing so may encourage

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch
Moose aren’t typically aggressive, but if they sense a threat they will defend themselves. If you see cubs, be especially cautious and stay away. Mother bears can be very protective of their young. Do make noise when in the woods to let animals know you are nearby and not startle them. Submitted photos

The Dirty Business of Life’s Conveniences

You may have caught the news about banning what is known as “forever chemicals” here in Canada even with all the other disastrous headlines vying for our attention. The story is important and I hope this catches your attention so we can all weigh in by July 19 because finally the government is paying attention to a big problem, and yes it will make life less convenient.

The federal government is considering banning firefighting foams. That’s a big deal since it’s a great extinguishing fire fighting tool when you can’t douse a fire with water or when there is no water nearby.

Why ban this foam? Well firefighting foam is made up of “forever chemicals” known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); these chemicals hang around forever.

You may think ‘what’s the big deal?’ since we know that one of the building blocks of life, carbon, has been here a very long time, how about oxygen because we really need that to hang around forever too.

What the government and scientists are actually talking about is chemicals which don’t naturally occur but yet are found everywhere, even in the arctic, in the air and in us.

How did these chemicals get there? Starting in the 1940s it seems some companies, even with some encouragement from governments, excelled in creating new chemicals. Unfortunately the goal to fix a problem or making life more “convenient” backfired. In fact we are so good at messing things up as there are thousands (about 4,700) of these “forever chemicals” to deal with.

It only took a few companies to tinker with the carbon-hydrogen bond, replacing it with a very strong carbon-fluorine chemical to begin this mess. By binding the fluorine it allows these PFAS chemicals to

accumulate over time rather than break down into a natural state. The result is these chemicals linger for decades and some for centuries. The kicker is that these companies knew that these chemicals were highly toxic because PFAS are also toxic at extremely low levels (i.e. parts per quadrillion).

What’s important to remember is that all of these “forever chemicals” have two things in common: we made them in the name of convenience and they contain chains of carbon and fluorine.

The conveniences we get with “forever chemicals” - those PFAS, are water and grease-proof substances, stain resistant, rust resistant, on the non-stick cooking pans and appliances.

These PFAS have been added to many plant-based items like straws (so much for banning one-time use plastic straws or naturally biodegradable); dental floss; liners for baking cupcakes; popcorn boxes at the movie theatre; microwave popcorn bags; ice cream tubs; disposable and fast food packaging like the grease-resistant pizza or a burger box, the French fry bag, the burrito wrapper (who wants grease seeping through a container onto clothes); the stain resistant and water proof couch you take a nap on; your flooring; the breathable water-resistant gym shorts, yoga pants or a baby’s blanket; your rain gear that promises to be water-proof; the safety clothing that fire fighters wear while dousing a fire with water or the PFSA chemical spray-foam. It is now in the air you breathe, in your drinking water; leaching out of landfills into our streams, rivers and into our food-both plant and animal; destroying our natural habitats and many species along the way… the list is endless and certainly it’s not “convenient” for this to go on forever.

The danger is that we know these toxic “forever chemicals” cause testicular, kidney, liver and pancreatic cancers; thyroid-endocrine disruption; interference with vaccine effectiveness, reproductive problems; weakened childhood immunity; low birth weight and child mortality; increased cholesterol; and weight gain in children and dieting adults.

So much for boasting about

Canada’s natural wonders, or saving money with preventive health care because, in the name of convenience, we are instead blowing up our health care system for decades to come and destroying our future.

Right now as we go about in our daily lives it won’t be easy to avoid all of these “forever chemicals” but we can resist some of our urges for convenience by replacing things like a non-stick pan with stainless steel, cast-iron, glass, or ceramic.

Also, as a consumer, we will have to read labels more carefully. If you see “PFOA free” on something like an air-fryer it most likely means that that is made of a different kind of PFAS. Look for “PFAS-free” or “certified non-toxic.”

Our Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault is right, only diamonds should live forever.

What can we do? There’s a deadline to have a say on the impactJuly 19.

You don’t need to have expertise on the topic or be a chemical engineer to shape our future. Although I hope all you with a chemical background do step up with your expertise.

We’ve been invited to weigh in on the “Draft State of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Report and Risk Management Scope.”

You can read the draft regulations at canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/evaluatingexisting-substances/draft-state-per-


And remember, anyone who provides information may request that it be treated as confidential under section 313 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Having a say is easy. Send an email to substances@ec.gc.ca with ideas or comments, or by mail to Program Development and Engagement Division, Science and Risk Assessment, Science and Technology Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, Gatineau QC K1A 0H3 and include “Consultation – SOPR and RMS” in the subject line of your email or letter.

Let’s all take 10 minutes to change our future. Think about practical and transparent solutions like banning these chemicals except for only emergency use. The EU is contemplating this exception and defining what constitutes an “emergency use”.

When the EU or other countries do go that route or completely ban, remember that products and food containing “forever chemicals” that we manufacture at home in Canada may be banned. It’s probably a really good idea for all of our businesses to be ready for this eventuality.

It’s sounding like a good idea to ban these “forever chemicals” from being manufactured in Canada or imported unless it’s for emergency use. Or maybe we’ll have to ban the use completely? I’m no expert but there we may not be able to compromise in this case.

One of the solutions to help with every day life is making it mandatory that companies list any of these 4,700 chemicals they have already used in their manufacturing processes, or have been sold to us already so that we can make an informed decision on how to dispose of these products we’ve already bought.

The federal and provincial-territorial governments will also need to address the mess we’ve already made.

That means before we rush out to replace everything we own let’s not run to our land fill right away. First we need to ask our legislators to make a separate category for these “forever chemicals” but most importantly fund our municipal land fills so that they can collect and transfer

our stuff like our fast food containers, clothes and couches that we dump by the thousands every year instead to a hazardous waste facility compared to burying our problem.

Most importantly funding our water and waste treatment so that cities and towns can break the bonds of all of these toxic forever chemicals and filter our water making it PFASfree.

Those of us living in rural Canada who drink from a fresh water source like a river or aquifer should ask our leaders to help us figure out the technology on how to filter our drinking water and our waste. Maybe a reverse osmosis system is the way to go, but that just results in another problem, what do we do with these chemicals after filtering?

Enforce the requirement to have a “certified non-toxic” label alongside a complete ingredient list on a label and on-line in a safety data sheet for each product. It’s not mandatory right now and companies can even make an argument they don’t need to since a formula may be protected under patent laws. But we have rights too!

Also keep in mind these “forever chemicals” may not be used in a product, instead, PFAS may be part of the equipment or building where these products are manufactured or bought from.

A couple of other things to think about. Maybe our household items don’t break down easily affecting the air or particles we breathe in our homes and business. Ask for this information and ask what we can do?

Ask our leaders, how long do we have before replacing these household items like our water and stain -resistant carpets or clothes? Is there a best before safety date rather than basing our remodelling on a best before design date?

Since these chemicals accumulate over time, getting these PFAS out of our bodies is something that we will need help with from our medical professionals for decades to come; this should be considered too.

This mess we’ve created is about 85 years old and unfortunately there is no quick fix, but we’ll have to remind our politicians at all 3 levels of government we have to start now to get the get the job done. Our future depends on action.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
Conceptual site model for a PFAS-impacted contaminated site due to historical AFFF use, and associated human health exposure pathways to be assessed in a human health risk assessment. Uses of chemical PFAS notified under the NSNR since 1994. Percentage of total notified uses for notifications. Images Source: Government of Canada

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Manitoba Senior’s Hearing Aid Program

The previously announced program will open to applications on June 7.

We still don’t know if the application format will be on-line or paper and mailed or both.

Are you eligible? You need to be:

- Resident of Manitoba

- Be age 65 or over

- Have a household net income below $80,000 in 2022

- Require hearing aids as prescribed by a certified hearing aid dealer licensed in Manitoba.

The grant is up to $2,000 per person and can be claimed every five years. The grant can go towards the hearing aid(s), the hearing assessment, and the fitting of the hearing aid(s).

At this time, the cost of replacement batteries, repairs, ear mold replacements, and loss or damage replacement costs will not be eligible.

You must apply for the grant BEFORE you purchase the hearing aid(s).

Step one: Get an assessment!

You likely need to have a hearing assessment before you can apply for the grant; you may need this information when you apply for the grant.

It’s possible it needs to be a recent assessment; more details will be available on or after June 7 2023.

Step 2: Get the Proof of Income Statement from CRA

In addition to the program application form, you will also need a “Proof

of Income” Statement from Canada Revenue Agency for 2022. The regular Notice of Assessment is not sufficient (does not contain your birth date or marital status).

To get your Proof of Income statement from CRA:

- Call CRA, 1-800-959-8281 and they will mail it to you; when you call, make sure you have your 2022 Notice of Assessment or Tax Summary handy as they will ask some questions about it in order to identify you;

- Call CRA, automated line: 1.800.267.6999; you will need your SIN, full name, date of birth, complete address, line 150 from your most recent assessment; access your CRA My Account and you can get a copy there as a PDF or you can print it; ask your tax professional; they should be able to get the Proof of Income Statement for you if they have access to your CRA account.

For almost all our clients, we have CRA authorization to access our clients’ CRA account and can get the Proof of Income Statement and print it off for you or send it to you as a PDF. There is a $25 fee for this additional service.

Step 3: Apply for the Grant

The Province of Manitoba website states, “a program application form will be available when application intake begins”, which is June 7, 2023.

We do not know if there will be an

online portal or a toll-free number or, I suspect, both. On or after June 7, do a search on “Manitoba senior’s hearing aid program” to get more detailed information.

You can try calling the Manitoba Government Inquiry line: 1-866-6264862 or 204-945-3744 on or after June 7.

Step 4: Purchase the hearing aid(s)

The $2,000 is not paid directly to you, it will be paid to the participating hearing aid dealer as a reduction to your purchase. The hearing aid dealer will need your approval letter with the unique application number.

If you only need one hearing aid at this time and the cost is under $2,000, the remaining unpaid grant may be used for the other ear if needed within the 5-year period.

Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204422-6631 (phone or text!) or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@sataxes.ca.

Ritchot Senior Services Events

Special Father’s Day Coffee –Thursday, June 15, 10 – 11:30 am. This day is just for you. Join us as we celebrate. Coffee and breakfast treats will be served.

Group Events: Winnipeg Goldeyes vs. Chicago Dogs - Wednesday, June 7. Take me out to the ball game…. we will be jumping on the bus and heading to a Goldeyes game. Bus will be leaving RSS by 9:45 am, gates open at 10 am, games start at 11 am, and we will be heading home around 2:30 pm. Cost is $25 for your game tickets and $2 for the bus.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Tuesday, June 13 10 am – 12 pm.

Recognized by the United Nations General Assembly on June 15 to raise awareness for the violation of older people’s rights, an often underestimated and ignored issue around the world. Despite being grossly under reported, elder abuse is growing in recognition as a serious societal concern.

Frauds and Scams - Help Ritchot Senior Services welcome Margaux Booz, new Branch Manager

for Caisse Financial St. Adolphe. Margaux will be sharing some important information regarding some of the latest frauds and scams. After a short presentation lunch will be served. To show your support please wear purple. Lunch will be served at no cost but you must pre register for this event.

Foot Care Clinics - By appointment only. For more information, please contact Janice at 204-883-2880.

Upcoming clinic dates:

Ste Agathe – Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, July 20.

St. Adolphe – Monday, July 24, Tuesday, July 25 and Wednesday, July 26

Ile des Chenes – Tuesday, June 20 and Wednesday, June 21.

Heart to Home Meals -To place your order please call 1-204-816-8659 or 1-888-216-1067. Call for a menu or pick one up at Ritchot Senior Services. Please call or email Ritchot Senior Services after placing your orders to let us know you have placed an order. This will assist us in organizing volunteers for delivery of meals to you. Order your meals by: Wednesdays, June 7 and June

21. Meals ready for pick up or delivery the following day. This service is available to all areas of the Ritchot Community including St. Adolphe, Ste Agathe, Ile des Chenes, Grande Pointe, Howden and Glenlea. There are no contracts, no minimum orders.

Coffee with Friends – Thursdays in June at 10 - 11:30 am. Open to everyone. $2 for bottomless coffee and a treat. Ritchot Senior Services, 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe.

Bingo – Tuesday, June 20 from 1:30 – 3 pm at 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe. Play for fun prizes. $2 admission, extra card 50 cents. You must pre register for this event.

Forever Young Old Time Dance – Sunday, June 11, 1 – 5 pm, at the Pioneer Hall (upstairs of the rink), 345 St. Adolphe Rd. Live music provided by Mark Morisseau, 50-50 draw and door prizes. Show your support and help us to plan for food by reserving your ticket early. Tickets $16 including lunch and you will be entered to win a door prize. Cash bar will be available. Call Jules at 204-883-2440.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!
June 2023 Did you Know??... you can list YOUR business card in the Dawson Trail Dispatch Business Directory for as little as $49 a month!! We design your ad for you, no extra charge. Just choose the number of months you want your business card ad to run, no further input required! Call us today to book your ad at 204-422-8548 or email sales@dawsontrail.ca
Read the Dispatch Online at www.dawsontrail.ca

Falcon Beach

Bingo – Wednesdays at 7: 30 pm, early bird games at 7 pm at the Whiteshell Community Club 20 301 Pr, Falcon Beach. Contact 204-349-2293.


Chicken Barbecue - Thursday, June 8, 6 pm New Horizon Centre. Join us for supper and entertainment. BBQ chicken, baked potatoes, baked beans, and ice cream sundaes for dessert. Sit back, relax and listen to the music of Johnny Cash (Corny Rempel). Cost $17.50/person. Call Abe at 204434-6013 by June 5 to reserve.

Coffee Connections - All adults ages 55+ are welcome to join us at the New Horizon Centre for a time of visiting, while enjoying coffee, tea and refreshments. Join us and bring your friends. There is no cost. Contact Anita Funk 204371-9134.

Ile des Chenes

Wildlife Haven Annual Summer Fun Fundraiser - From Friday, June 16 – Wednesday, June 21, join us for the Wildlife Online Auction. With the generous support of local businesses, there is an incredible lineup of prizes: Ultimate Yeti Adventure Bundle, Golf packages at Hecla Resort, $100 in tap draught beer at Nonsuch Brewing Co., FolkFest Tickets and more! By participating, not only do you stand a chance to win, but you also contribute to the well-being and medical care of wildlife patients in need. Register at can. givergy.com/SummerFunforWildlife2023.

Yoga - Thursdays at 9 am and Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Gentle yet invigorating yoga for adults 55+. $5 per class. Contact yogaforyoumanitoba@outlook.com to register.

La Broquerie

Drop-in Community Bike Repair Workshop – Tuesdays, 6 – 9 pm at La Bikequerie Inc, 36016 PR 210, and (the old Southeast Vet Clinic) Come; learn how to fix your bike. Bring a friend! We also have used bikes for sale. Contact Jacinthe Wiebe, 204-346-1515 or labikequerie@gmail.com.

Farmers’ Market –From June 20 until September 26. Weekly market Tuesdays 3 -7 pm and monthly market, last Sunday, 11 am -3 pm. We invite vendors to apply through our online form available at facebook.com/labroqueriefarmersmarket. Deadline for submission is Saturday, April 15, or until spots are filled. Location is the La Broquerie Hotel parking lot.


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – 2nd Annual Intergenerational Walk for Awareness. Thursday, June 15 at 10:30 am. Wear your purple. Start at École Lorette Immersion School, 475 Senez Street. To bring greater recognition of mistreatment of older adults and highlight the need for appropriate actions. Information booth at the Parish Hall. Free freezies after the walk.

Cinderella Visit – Saturday, June 10, 11 am at the Tache Library.

Family Night – Wednesday, June 14 from 4:30 – 8: 30pm at the Tache Library.

Fathers Day Craft – Saturday, June 17 from 10:30 am – 12 pm at the Tache Library.

Monthly Library Contests - How many balloons are in the clouds? Come check it out at the Tache library and Colouring Draw contest due Thursday, June.29.

Fitness Classes for Active Older Adults- Every Tuesday at 10 am, until mid-June at the Les Club Bles D’or. Strengthening using body weight, bands and free weights. Sign up $9 to mid-June or $10 drop-in. Contact Laurie, laurie@rmtache. ca or Tobi Ann 204-801-3133.

Marchand Annual Smokin’ Summer Charity Ribb Off – Fundraiser for the Robb Nash project that uses music and storytelling to engage our audience and address difficult mental health related topics such as suicide, addiction, self-harm and anxiety. Cost to enter the Ribb- Off, $100/two person team. Limited to 15 teams. Deadline Monday, July 31. Enjoy ribs from all contestants, $50 meal ticket. Contact Ang and Laurie at smokinsummerriboff@yahoo.com. Includes sides and dessert, plus you get to have your say with the Peoples Choice Award. Enjoy games and drinks at Marchand Inn, no ticket required if you aren’t eating. Tickets must be purchased in advance, there will not be meal tickets sold at the event. Every dollar raised goes directly to The Robb Nash Project.


Middlebro Family Fun Day Fundraiser - Saturday, July 29. Mark your calendar. More details to come!

Mitchell Toast & Coffee – On Tuesdays, drop-in for toast and coffee for $2 and a menu is available with prices according to what you order at the Mitchell and Area Community Centre, 130 Ash St. Contact Jane Penner 204-346-2469, jpenner@ jantre.com.

Piney ATV Mud Run & Giant Garage Sale –Saturday, June 10.

Admission to grounds $2, kids 12 and under free. Beer gardens, hot food and camping. Contact for Mud Run registration from 9 – 11 am, Wally Gushulak 431-205-1248. Racing starts at noon. Contact for Garage Sale registration Nancy Brown 204-408-0874. $20 per station. Bring your own tables. Set up at 9 am and sale at 10 am.

Richer Richer Young At Heart Club Dinner and Dance - Saturday, June 17, with live entertainment by Nykoliation. Doors open at 4:30 pm. Dinner is at 6 pm and dancing till 11 pm. Tickets $25 each. Call Ron at 431 275 0874 to reserve.

Richer Recovery AA Group - Meets every Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at LUD Hall. If you would like more information, call Jeff at 204-371-5518 or Albert at 204-380-3058.

Chase the Ace - every Saturday night at the Richer Hotel. Tickets on sale from 5 pm to 7:45 pm. Organized by the Richer Community Club, see Facebook page for more info. Please note we are taking a break for the summer… final games before the break are June 10, 17 & 24. We’ll return on September 23.

Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating grades 8 and 12. Limited seats please reserve. Doors Opent 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 or doreen@spmf.ca.

RM of Stuartburn

Services to Seniors - Free Shuttle for residents of the RM the first Friday of each month. Call to book a ride and do your banking and shopping locally or book your doctor’s appointment and we will get you to your appointment. Call 204-425-3701.

Services to Seniors Steinbach Shuttle - Subsidized cost $15/ person. Minimum of 8 participants required for the trip to take place. Departure from Shady Oaks at 9:30 am. Call 204-425-3701 to book a seat.

South Junction

Happy Canada Day – July 1 starting at 8:30 pm at the

Community Club. An evening of family fun. Free admission, donations welcome. Meet & greet, local entertainment and Farmers’ Market. Free coffee, juice, Canada Day cookies, mini-Canadian flags, pins, etc. Hot Dogs for sale in the canteen. 10:30 pm signing “O Canada” followed by fireworks. 50/50 draw at 10:15 pm. Grounds fogged for mosquitoes.

Meet Your Neighbours Coffee Group- Mondays, at 1 pm, Pine Grove Senior Club, Highway 12 and Prevost St. and Thursdays at 1 pm at the Evergreens Senior Club at the Hall by railroad tracks.

Southeast Farmer’s Market - Indoor Market Days at the Pine Grove Seniors Centre Saturday, June 10 – 10 am - 2 pm. Contact Jen 204-4232223 or Shawny 204-437-2600.

Southeast Farmer’s Market - Summer Outdoor Market held every Friday starting Friday, July 7 - Friday, September 1 form 3 to 8 pm at the Pine Grove Seniors.


Annual Picnic Sprague & District Historical Museum - Sunday, June 11 starting at 12:30 pm . Join us and don’t forget to bring your camera. Admission is free, donations accepted. Serving hot dogs, coffee, juice and dainties. Bring your own lawn chair. See the new artefacts a CNR wagon and a Red River Cart, enjoy great local music, and don’t forget to bring your camera. Wheelchair accessible.

Sprague Service to Seniors Seeking Volunteers - Seeking individuals to assist and to provide a few services to seniors within our community such as snow removal, transportation for a fee, volunteers in the congregate Meals Programs as well as home cleaning services to seniors for a fee. A criminal record check is required for cleaning services and transportation. Email lgdseniors@gmail.com with your rates and for information, or call 204-437-2604.

St. Labre 200 – Build your go-cart on Friday, July 7 and Race on Saturday, July 8. It’s the go-cart building/racing competition that attracts thousands each year. Kids Zone BMX Track, Rubber Boot Toss Practice, Excavator Rodeo, Kids Bike Race, live music. All proceeds go towards a chosen charity in the Giving Back to the Community campaign.

St. Malo Farmers Market – Every Saturday beginning on June 24 until approximately September 2 at the Arena . Doors open 9:30 am for vendor set up. Doors open to public at 10 am to 1:30 pm. Please feel free to contact us for more information at stmalojrwarriors@gmail.

St. Pierre-Jolys

Ray Gagne Memorial Golf Classic – Saturday, July 15, 1 pm shotgun start at the Maplewood Golf Club, 19113 Cure Rd, for the 3rd annual Fundraiser for the Rec centre. Entry fee $600/foursome. Early bird before June 15 $500/foursome. Includes competition $10k Hole-in One and 2023 Acura RDX Hole-in-One contest, steak dinner and prizes. More information contact Jordan Weiler 204-712-0640.

3234 Manitoba Horse Cadets – Thursdays, 6:30 – 9 pm at the Community Hall from September to June. Cost is Free. Meet new friends, fun, adventures, leadership, citizenship, community service, drill band, orienteering, and more. Contact Captain Phil Atkinson 3234Army@cadets.gc.ca or phillip.atkinson@cadets.gc.ca. Website 3234manitobahorse.ca.

Ste Genevieve Library Night – Every second Tuesday each month, from 6 - 7:30 pm. A “mini-library” at the Community Centre. Come check out some books, exchange and request items from the library.


Pride Pub Quiz Night – Wednesday, June 7 and Thursday, June 8. Come flex your Pride knowledge with us at The Public Brewhouse and Gallery, 301 Main St, Teams of 4, $10/person, cash entry fee. Prize awarded to the winning team. Contact us at alan@reallive.ca to reserve your spot (first come, first serve).

Story In The Park – Every Wednesday in June, July and August, beginning June 7 at 10 am at the EA Friesen Park beside the Jake Epp Library. Rain location in the Library under the big tree. Contact Steph McLean 204-326-6841, smclean@jakeepplibrary.com.

Sports in the City – If you sign up before Friday, June 9 get a complimentary t-shirt for Spike in the City on Friday, June 16 adult co-ed tournament and Sticks in the City on Saturday, June 17 co-ed age divisions grade 6 – 8, grade 9 – 10 and grade 11 -12.

Tractor Trek - Saturday, June 10 at 9 am. The Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) and Eden Foundation will host their annual fundraiser. Register as a driver today and help raise money and awareness for community mental health and heritage. Contact 204-326-9661, info@mhv.ca.

Oil Recycling Day - Wednesday, June from 9 am-5 pm. Bring your used oil to the Eco Centre at the Steinbach Landfill and receive new oil! For every 4 litres of used oil you bring (max. 205 litres per vehicle) receive a coupon for 1 litre of Coop Elite Motor Oil free (max. 5 coupons per vehicle). Used oil, used oil filters and used plastic oil containers need to be disposed of properly so they can be recycled into useful products instead of threatening our environment. Contact ewallman@steinbach.ca or call 204-346-6532.

Steinbach & District Farmers Market - Every Thursday, 3- 6 pm beginning June 22 until September 28. Contact 204326-6222, dorothy@cdtrees.com.

Kismet Creek Farm FUN-raiser - Saturday, June 24 at 10 am, located at 28134 Rd 35E. Come enjoy the day with all your friends and family. A reduced entrance fee of only $5 (children 3 and under are always free) indoor accessible washrooms & free parking. While shopping amazing local small businesses at The Stand Market you will be supporting the incredible work of this registered non -profit animal rescue sanctuary located just south of Steinbach. Snuggles from all your favourite animals, outdoor kids play area, feed the ‘Bigs’. Bring a picnic or enjoy food and beverages from our vendors who are also donating a portion of their sales directly to the farm. A perfect day to release the hustle & bustle of daily life in the relaxing atmosphere of this 80 acre farm.

Southeast Truck Show Fundraiser - Saturday, June 24, at 9 am – 8 pm, between Canadian Tire and Co-op. Live entertainment starting 11 am. Fundraiser for Steinbach Community Outreach, Soup’s On and other charities. Grand Prize & Raffle Draws, Face Painting (11 am -4 pm) , bouncy castles, food available. Free admission. Contact Bill 204381-8363.

Dr. Von Houligan’s Family Extravaganza - At Clearspring Centre on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25 from 11 am to 6:30 pm with a traveling variety show that brings back the old days of circus with talented and exciting performances of juggling, balancing, magic and more. Book tickets online at clearspringcentre.com.

Canada Day Celebration – Saturday, July 1 beginning at 5 pm at the Soccer Park for evening activities including a music DJ, games, free cupcakes and Canada Day souvenirs. The day ends with a fireworks finale starting at 10:45pm. Prime viewing locations for the fireworks will be in the Soccer Park, Southland Church parking lot, L.A. Barkman Park (Abe’s Hill) and along McKenzie Avenue and Bush Farm Road.

Annual Food Truck Fair – For 5 Thursdays, staring June 29 to July 27, from 11 am – 2 pm, kick off the summer with the return of the Annual Food Truck Fair! You’re invited to grab lunch from a food truck at the Community Plaza, located downtown in front of the T.G. Smith Centre, in the east parking lot by the curling rink and theatre entrance rain or shine.

Chase the Ace Fundraiser - Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue – On Mondays at Smitty’s Restaurant. Tickets on sale 6 – 8 pm, draw at 8:15 pm. 2 tickets for $5.Come out and try to win cash. The jackpot goes up weekly until the Ace is drawn! Winning ticket receives 10% of ticket sales or 50% of sales if Ace is drawn.

Summer Arts Day Camp – Join the Steinbach Arts Council for a fun-filled summer with talented instructors and staff eager to welcome your kids with a creative experience that they won’t soon forget. Camps focus on the arts such as visual arts, theatre, music, and dance. Campers will also participate in science experiments, culture workshops, games, field trips, swimming at the Steinbach Aquatic Centre, and much more. Each week has a theme to make sure the projects, activities, and workshops are different each week. Visit steinbacharts.ca/sadc to register.

Royal Canadian Legion Steinbach Branch - Meets first Tuesday of the month via Zoom at 7:30 pm; Ladies Auxiliary meets first Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Steinbach Legion, 227 Main St – Unit 5. Email steinbach190rcl@ outlook.com.

Al-Anon – Mondays at 7:30 pm Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. Contact steinbachafg@ gmail.com.

Creative Writers Club - Second Wednesday every month at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. This is not a class but rather a writing share group where we hope to foster and encourage our participants’ love of writing. Feel free to bring 5 pages of writing (single sided, double spaced) to share with the group. Our evening will begin with an ice breaker and then move into share time. Coffee and tea will be served. Contact Madison Redekopp email mredekopp@ jakeepplibrary.com.

Steinbach Professional Development Toastmasters Club – On Thursdays at 9:46 am, Eastman Education Centre, 385 Loewen Blvd. How can a person get the message across well, keep meeting participants engaged, and fully use the capabilities of videoconferencing platforms? What works? What doesn’t? What is the etiquette expected? Join us in person or by zoom on 12 pm every Wednesday. All guests are welcome! Contact Mark Hiebert 204-371-5197, email mhiebert@barkmanconcrete.com.

Knit-Wits Fibre Craft Club- First Tuesdays of the month at 6 – 8 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, cross stitching and other types of fibre crafting? Join other adults for informal knitting, crochet, etc. circle. All skill levels welcome. Please bring your own project/supplies.

Craft Night - Wednesdays at 7 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Ages 16 years and up join us for a free event, with coffee and crafting. Our craft for the evening will be a beaded spring wreath. There is limited space available. To sign up, email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com.

Book Club - Meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Books are available at the circ desk as well as on our Libby App (free with your library card). Please sign up by email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com. Limited space available.

Steinbach & Area Lions Club - Meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm, South East Helping Hands. Contact 204-326-2313.

Vassar Southeast Community Services Co-op AGM – Monday, June 12, 7 pm RM Piney Council Chambers. Board of Directors elections, refreshments, everyone welcome! Memberships can be purchased at the door.

Vita Canada Day Celebration - Starts Friday, June 30 with a perogy dinner at the Vita Hall, and ends Saturday, July 1 at dusk with our infamous fireworks by CanFire. Food trucks, kids’ activities, beer gardens, rodeo, motocross, live local entertainment, baseball, and so much more! Pins are required for admission. Get them at any business in Vita, or at the gate. The biggest Canada celebration in the southeast!

West Hawk Lake

20th Annual West Hawk Lake Meteor Fest – Friday, July 7Sunday, July 9. Live music on the beach, BBQ on the Beach, Street Hockey, Pony Rides, Face Painting, Meteor Market under the big tent, Bingo, Kid’s parade, Kid’s Races, Sand Sculpture contest, Air Mattress Races, Pancake Breakfast, Church Service, Horseshoe Tourney, Poker Derby, 50/50, kids’ games, contests and more! Check out their Facebook page for more details.

Please email events to editor@dawsontrail.ca for inclusion each month

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023 C ommunity E v E nts
Issues available online: www.dawsontrail.ca

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

Independent Living: A Growing Option

How can we assist older adults to live independently? The answers are available from Senior Resource Coordinators (SRC) across the province as they build up and develop services focused on offering that extra support seniors need to continue thriving at home and living in their communities.

Seine River Services for Seniors (SRS) is a non-profit organisation that offers resources and supports to older adults who want to continue living at home independently and their public face is their SRC, who along with her peers, strive to share resources seniors and their families require to ensure a good quality of life.

SRS looks after seniors in the RMs of La Broquerie and Ste. Anne, and the Town of Ste-Anne.

“We are overseen by the Southern Health RHA, but managed by a volunteer board of directors,” explained Senior Resource Coordinator Melanie Bremaud.

Bremaud is always looking at ways to reach out to seniors and share resources.

“After months of planning and hard work with a local web designer, we are excited to announce our new bilingual website,” she

noted. “It is dedicated on keeping the local seniors up to date on local activities, resources from Federal, Provincial, and local services, including a synopsis into our volunteer program.”

The new website can be accessed at seineriverservicesforseniors.ca and will serve as a portal for existing services and resources and updated as new programs are introduced.

“This website is a big milestone,” added Bremaud. “The board at SRS has been working diligently to support the older adults in our region and we believed this was a good fit to add to our social media presence.”

Bremaud said the volunteer board shares her passion when it comes to seniors and proved themselves by sharing their ideas when the Province committed to developing a Senior’s Strategy.

“Armed with two years of stories and data collected, we were very much prepared to advocate for our seniors when the time came to consult with the Province, the Seniors’ Strategy,” explained Bremaud. “With our facts in hand, and the passion of supporting seniors in our hearts, we joined many other organisations and individuals,

ready to express our concerns and needs.”

She explained how SRS brought to the table concerns about affordable and accessible transportation, food insecurity, affordable and accessible housing and creating a funding model to help seniors and their families with mobility upgrades in the home.

“It was time to take the statistics and make them into meaningful, valuable stories from our clients –many of which shared similar concerns and needs,” added Bremaud.

It should also be noted that SRS wrote a detailed letter to Provincial Cabinet Ministers about operating costs and how community and municipal Seniors Resource groups lacked the funding to ensure they not only attracted but retained their Senior Resource Coordinator.

“The Senior Resource Coordinator is literally our general manager and CEO. They are the ones who develop the trust and respect of our seniors. They spend countless hours learning who their clients are and that relationship is priceless,” said an SRS board member. “The board recognized that, while our SRC and her peers across the Province had a passion for seniors, stagnated compensation left us vul-


“Our entire board lobbied the Province to create a fair compensation level within the Seniors’ Strategy,” he added.

When the Seniors’ Strategy was released, a more equitable compensation level was included.

“We are very proud at SRS. We know that we contributed to the positive outcomes from the Seniors’ Strategy,” noted Bremaud.

“There is still much work to be done to better care for the pioneers of our society.”

Bremaud said seniors should be confident that their voices are being heard.

“With the many volunteer individuals, such as the board members of SRS who work behind the scenes, we are building a stronger platform for services to seniors,” she said. “Hard work does pay off.”

On the weekend of April 29-30, Beausejour conservation officers conducted an off-road vehicle (ORV) compliance patrol in the Seddons Corner area of the Rural Municipality of Reynolds. Officers educated multiple riders on registration requirements for ORVs and issued two tickets for failing to provide registration.

Between May 13 and May 22, conservation officers conducted numerous angling compliance checks on various lakes in Whiteshell Provincial Park and encountered a number of anglers possessing fish over the size limit. In Special Area “A”, which includes the Whiteshell Provincial Park, it is illegal to possess walleye that measure over 45 cm in length. In all, six anglers from various communities including Winnipeg and Niverville each received $77 tickets and $42 restitution orders. In one case, a pair of anglers from Winnipeg were each fined $127 and issued a $126 restitution order. An angler from Selkirk who did not have a fishing licence was found in possession of eight northern pike fillets. The angler was fined $298 and received a $168 restitution order.

During angling enforcement activities, Manitoba conservation officers strive to release live fish back into the wild and donate any fish that cannot be released.

Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development advises conservation officers are continuing enforcement to protect Manitoba’s natural resources through a variety of enforcement activities across the province, including roadside checkstops in key locations to ensure compliance with natural resource and public safety legislation.

Anyone with information on illegal activity is asked to call a local Natural Resources and Northern Development office or the TIP line at 1-800-782-0076.

Conservation Officers issue Tickets Steinbach Area Men Fined for Poaching Fish

Four men from the Steinbach area were caught and fined by Manitoba Natural Resources and Northern Development conservation officers for multiple offences.

On April 29, at approximately 10:20 pm, conservation officers observed a truck with a light bar pull into a wayside park in Westbourne along the Whitemud River. Four males exited the truck wearing headlamps. After shining the water for a time, they started to actively dipnet walleye, which is illegal. Additionally, walleye season was closed at the time and remained closed in this area until May 13.

Each man was issued two tickets, with fines totaling $2,066 and restitution charges totaling $1,092. Officers also gave a verbal warning for unlawfully transporting liquor in the back seat of the truck. In all, 26 walleye and five dip-nets were seized. The walleye were donated to a personal care home.

Anyone with information on illegal activity is asked to call a local Natural Resources and Northern Development office or the TIP line at 1-800-782-0076.

Now is the Time to Choose Wisely SAC Summer Feature Events

Have you ever vowed you would never do something? I vowed I would never ask for help in many of the jobs that I do, but with the health challenges that accompany old age I’ve had to reconsider and acknowledge I really do need and appreciate assistance. We need to be careful what we vow, or we may end up eating our words.

An example of this is found with Joseph’s brothers in the Old Testament of the Bible. Joseph had ten older brothers who had little use for Joseph, especially when he had a dream that his parents and his brothers would bow down to him. The brothers laughed and scorned him and vowed they would never bow down to their little brother. They grew to hate Joseph to the extent that they sold him as a slave to some merchantmen from Egypt.

Years passed, the brothers forgot about Joseph, but a famine came over the whole area. They heard there was food to buy in Egypt, so they went to buy food. Unknown to them, their little brother had become second ruler in Egypt and was in charge of food distribution in the famine. In Genesis 50:18 it says the brothers “fell down before his (Joseph) face; and they said, Behold, we be thy servants.”

They went from “Shalt thou indeed reign over us?” to being servants to Joseph. It was a very humbling experience on their part.

Joseph was a picture of the coming Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. When Christ was here on earth, His own people rejected him and refused to let Him reign over them. Many people today are of the same opinion. They want nothing to do with the Christ of the Bible! He came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on a cross and shed His perfect blood to pay for our sins. If we acknowledge Him as our Saviour and Lord, He will forgive us and make us a child of God. We bow our heads and hearts to Him and worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Philippians 2:10, 11 says, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father.” One day, just like Joseph’s brothers, everyone will bow to Jesus Christ. The only question for you and I is “Will we bow now or later?”

If you bow now, you can enjoy the benefits of being a child of God, but if you wait to bow later, it may be too late. We can bow to Christ as our Lord now or wait and bow to Him as our Judge and miss out for eternity the joys of heaven.

Which decision will you make? Choose wisely!

Arts4Tots Preschool Registration Now Open!

The Steinbach Arts Council is excited to announce that our Arts4Tots preschool registration is open for the 2023-2024 year. This is a great way to prepare your toddlers for kindergarten and get them excited about the arts. Immerse your children in music, theatre, arts, and games. Introduce them to science, math, reading, and fine motor skills.

Visit our website steinbacharts.ca for more information and to register!

Summer Arts Day Camp

The ever-popular Summer Arts Day Camps are back. Gain access to the most sought-after creative summer camps in Steinbach, and experience music, drama, dance, visual art, games, sports, field trips, swimming, and of course, new friends.

The Summer Arts Day Camps run weekly from July 4 to August 18 and feature a variety of themes for age groups 5-8 and 9-12. For more information and to register, please visit us online at steinbacharts.ca or call 204-346-1077.

Summer in the City Workshops

Join the Steinbach Arts Council at Summer in the City at our artist tent! Artists will be demonstrating their craft, our “Make Your Mark” DIY art section is back, and there will be a variety of workshops! All workshops of a capacity of 12 people, so get there before the start time!

Friday, June 16 - Create your own pop-up cards with your own art - 3:30 - 4:30 pm.

Paint Party for Kids – 5 - 6 pm.

Saturday, June 17 - Make a cool pen at the polymer clay workshop 4 – 5 pm. All ages welcome. Sunday, June 18 - Join Lourdes, founder of Masagana Flower Farm & Studio, for an indigo dying workshop 11 am -1 pm.

Artists Wanted! Apply to Exhibit

Are you a budding or an established local artist? The Steinbach Arts Council wants to display your artwork in our Hall Art Gallery for the year 2023-2024. We accept all kinds of Mediums. Our hall gallery can hang 15-30 pieces of artwork in an exhibit.

Here’s your chance to feature your work to the community and sell your art. Visit steinbacharts. ca to apply online or call 204-346-1077 if you have any questions.

KR Barkman Concerts in the Park

The Steinbach Arts Council is pleased to announce that your favourite free outdoor concert series is back this summer. KR Barkman Concerts in the Park are for the whole family, featuring local performers in indie rock, pop, folk, blues, classic rock, and more.

Everyone is encouraged to bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to the KR Barkman Park on Thursday, June 1 at 6:30 pm for the first outdoor concert of 2023, and plan to enjoy the music through to June 15. To find KR Barkman Park, head southeast down Main Street, just past the Steinbach Fire Hall, and look for the gazebo.

2023 KR Barkman Concerts in the Park Schedule

June 1 – LMNK and Crossfire

June 8 – Scott Jodoin & Band and Lights & Kites

June 13 – The Chammartin Family and P-Noise

June 15 – Acorns & Armchairs and Darryl Marsch Band

Volunteer at SAC!

We are looking for people who are like-minded and love the arts as much as we do. As a non-profit organization, we would not have been able to thrive without volunteers who share their time, talent, and service. The Steinbach Arts Council would love to have you be part of our team.

Volunteering is a great way to build your resume, network and be part of this vibrant community. We have opportunities to help in putting up our promotional flyers, setting up for events, theatre stage production, administrative work, and many more. We are willing to train and introduce you to what our organization does. In return for your participation, we provide a volunteer certificate and a welcome packet. Put your name on our volunteer list today! Go to steinbacharts.ca/volunteer.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Heaven #3 – Our Eternal Home First In-person SAC Gala in 4 Years a Big Success

Psalm 19:1-6… 1) The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2) Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3) They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4) Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. 5) It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6) It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth. (NIV)

People from all levels of society who are most sincere and who possess a down-to-earth faith have had to struggle with the complexities and limitations of human language in their attempt to understand divine truth. If, for instance, the average person on the street, who have never studied scriptural teaching, were to read, “Our Father which art in heaven,” it would mean almost nothing to them. Now even among those of us who have been accustomed to reading the Word of God… there are times when we do not understand a simple statement… like our Father which Art in heaven.

This was the first in-person fundraising Gala that the Steinbach Arts Council was able to put on since 2019, and they have hopes to continue the tradition in years to come. The 2023 event raised over $50,000. online auctions and other fundraising opportunities.

According to the Steinbach Arts Council over two hundred guests, artists, and sponsors gathered together making their 2023 Gala Fundraiser a huge success.

“With the help of everyone involved, we were able to put on an event that raised tens of thousands of dollars for our organization,” said David Klassen, SAC’s Executive Director. “Everyone was eager to contribute to a great cause, recognizing arts and culture as a vital part of our everyday lives.”

The evening was well supported by numerous sponsors, but also by the large number of businesses and individuals that made contributions to the

“The online auctions were a huge success again this year,” added Klassen. “With the online platform, we were able to reach outside of our community, allowing us to engage people who were in attendance, but also those who were unable to be at our event.”

In addition to the auction, other highlights included a Fine Art Auction, jewellery raffle, appetizers by Country Meat & Deli, and entertainment by Luminous string quartet and local performers.

“As an organization, our goal is to offer as many opportunities as we

can to those who want and need our services,” said Klassen. “Engaging in arts and culture is an investment in the development of life skills like leadership, commitment, work ethic, creative and critical thinking, mental and emotional wellness and compassion, and we hope that through our programming, everyone is able to experience a sense of community, an opportunity to develop their skills, and a chance to find their place.”

This was the first in-person fundraising Gala that the Steinbach Arts Council was able to put on since 2019, and they have hopes to continue the tradition in years to come. The 2023 event raised over $50,000.

Steinbach Arts Council Exhibit Features Human/Nature Creations

Nico Narváez is a Nicaraguan-Canadian multidisciplinary artist whose work is inspired by the natural world. His unique pieces combine black-

smithing, woodworking, acrylic painting, needle felting, printmaking and illustration to uncover the magical spirit of the land and the creatures inhabiting it.

The Ste. Genevieve resident was invited by the Steinbach Arts Council to feature his work in a new exhibit at their Hall Gallery and can be viewed in person or online. The exhibit runs until June 23.

His unique pieces combine blacksmithing, woodworking, acrylic painting, needle felting, printmaking and illustration to uncover the magical spirit of the land and the creatures inhabiting it.

Nico has known he was an artist since childhood, a sketchbook never far from his side as he grew up in Jinotepe, Nicaragua. After several years of art school in his hometown, Nico moved to Canada in 2009, expanding his many artistic talents through ad-

ditional education at Emily Carr University of Art and Design and Guilford College.

Alongside his talents as an artmaker himself, Nico is dedicated to educating others, volunteering in local schools and offering art classes in person and online. Since moving to Manitoba in 2021, Nico’s artistic practice has flourished as his connection to family, nature, and community has grown.

“Nico is a talented multi-media artist,” said Tonya Godee, Exhibit Coordinator. “His stunning exhibit features photography, wood and needle felted sculpture, illustrations, digital art, and acrylic paintings. You will see his love of nature shine through a variety of mediums.”

Nico is also an artist featured on the Dawson Trail Arts Tour and guests are invited to visit his studio this fall during the tour.

Countless times, I must admit that I am far too vague in my ideas about certain spiritual realities, spiritual truths. If God is in heaven, well then, I ought to know something about heaven. If He is my Father and heaven is where He lives, heaven is His home; well then, I might do well to know something what that realm, that kingdom, what it is really like.

Heaven #1: We find it used over and over with reference to the earth’s atmosphere. It is meant to describe the envelope of the air that surrounds the planet, conditions our climate, and sustains life. The formation of clouds, the precipitation of rain, hail, or snow, the water vapour that provides mist, dew, and frost, all as coming from heaven.

Heaven # 2: The second heaven is what we call outer space. It explicitly applies to the sun, moon, stars, and sky. It indicates the unmeasured immensity of numberless galaxies flung across infinite expanses, representing the endless orbit of stellar assemblages that circle through the night in majestic movements.

Heaven # 3: There is a third heaven referred to throughout the New Testament as the realm or kingdom of God. At times described as a definite place, a heavenly country, a New Jerusalem, a home prepared especially for God’s children… Unless we have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and call God our Heavenly Father in this world, we would not sense that home feeling in Heaven. This is a most solemn and sincere consideration. And, I am sure, it was one of the thoughts in Jesus’ mind when He taught His disciples to Pray, Our Father, which art in Heaven.

We shall be free from tears because life carries with it more pain than pleasure. What a delightful deliverance to be free of such grief-stricken moments. Think of it!! No more death. The presence of God our Father and the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary… Because of the power of our Father’s eternal presence, and because of what Christ accomplished at Calvary, death cannot exist. For us who know God as our Father, death is but a doorway into His home. We shall enjoy total deliverance from sorrow caused by regrets and remorse. At our absolute best, we are bound to have made frequent grievous errors. We have entertained wrong attitudes; spoken unkind words, harboured selfish motives, and indulged in wrongful acts… causes a muddied stream of remorse and sorrow. Yet, in heaven what joy to know that we are free from the guilt and regrets of our life’s misdeeds. Numberless thing’s heaven will be like. It is important to remind ourselves again that this is our Father’s home. Heaven is what it is by the fact that His presence, power, conduct, and character make it such . . . these few statements by any means cannot fully describe what heaven is like… To God Be the Glory Great things He Has Done.

Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I want that peace, joy and happiness that fulfills my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen.”

Dawson Trail Dispatch
Nico Narváez Submitted photo

June 2023

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch


If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Vehicle Stolen, Auto Service Shop Doors Shuttered

On March 27, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a stolen vehicle from an auto service shop at 47 Westland Drive in the city of Steinbach. A Blue 2004 Chrysler Sebring was getting a vehicle safety at the shop on Westland Drive. When the Sebring owner attempted to follow up with the shop owner, the shop doors were closed, and the Sebring was nowhere to be found. Follow up with the shop owner has been unsuccessful and the Sebring has been missing since the beginning of March 2023.

If anyone has any information regarding the Sebring or the shop on Westland drive, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at mani-

Steinbach RCMP Respond to Fatal Collision

On May 23, at approximately 7:35 am, Steinbach RCMP responded to a two-vehicle collision on Highway 52, near Municipal Road 38E, located in the RM of La Broquerie.

Investigators have determined that a vehicle, being driven by a 26year-old female from Steinbach, was travelling eastbound on Highway 52 when she attempted to avoid debris on the highway. She lost control of her vehicle and collided with a westbound pickup truck, with four occupants.

The 26-year-old female driver, and lone occupant, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The male driver of the pickup truck, 28, was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The three other occupants of the pickup truck were not injured.

Motorcyclist Cited for Multiple Offenses

During the Saturday night of May 20, Steinbach RCMP was patrolling Steinbach and observed a red Honda Motorcycle driving recklessly and making excessive noise.

Officers tried to conduct a traffic stop on the motorcycle. The rider took off on multiple occasions but was eventually apprehended before trying to flee again. Steinbach RCMP arrested a 20 year old male from Steinbach for 2 counts of Flight from Police. He was served numerous HTA tickets for this and also for Make Unnecessary Noise, Drive Carelessly, Drive Disqualified, Drive without Liability Insurance, and Drive Unregistered. The motorcycle was impounded for 30 days and he was served a Serious Offence Notice for further License Review by MPI.

He was released on an Appearance Notice.

Steinbach RCMP also issued numerous HTA tickets throughout the night for Making Unnecessary Noise, Disobeying Traffic lights.

RCMP Search for Stolen Harley

On May 22, RCMP received a report of a stolen motorcycle from a residence in the 33000 of the RM of Hanover. The stolen motorcycle is a yellow and black, 2009 Harley Davidson FXDFSE CVO – Dyna Fat Bob, with Manitoba licence plate 3FE53. The motorcycle was stolen between May 21 and May 22.

Vehicle Thief Caught on Camera in Neighbouring Community

On May 4, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a stolen vehicle on the same day between 2 pm and 5 pm. The white F150 with Manitoba license plate CKB931 was stolen from a construction site on Market Boulevard in Steinbach. The suspect made a stop at Ste-Anne Variety to purchase twisted teas.

Steinbach RCMP is requesting assistance in identifying the suspect. If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

St-Pierre Jolys RCMP Investigate Fatal Collision

On May 8, at approximately 5:55 pm, St-Pierre-Jolys RCMP responded to a three-vehicle collision on Highway 59 at Oak Grove Road, in the RM of Ritchot.

A vehicle going east on Oak Grove Road, was crossing Highway 59, when it collided with a vehicle going south on Highway 59. A third vehicle, also going south on Highway 59, rear-ended the second vehicle.

The driver of the vehicle going east on Oak Grove Road, a 52-year-old female from Winnipeg, was pronounced deceased on scene. The other drivers, aged 18 and 24, both males, were treated on scene. Speed and alcohol were not believed to be factors in the collision.

Keep all vehicles locked. Check on your neighbours.

Call 911 if you suspect a crime is in progress or has occured!

Be aware of happenings in your neighbourhood and report suspicious activity to the authorities.

RCMP Search for Leads on Possible Arsonist

On November 13, 2022 at approximately 2:30 a.m. Steinbach RCMP received a report of a structure fire at 8 Beaupre Bay in La Broquerie. The fire was extinguished by the La Broquerie Fire Department, and it was determined the fire was deliberately set.

Steinbach RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance with any information regarding this matter. Please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204326-4452 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers. com.

Steinbach RCMP Make Arrest after Man Attacked and Windows Smashed

On May 18 at approximately 1:10 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of suspicious activities. It was reported that windows were being broken at a residence and yelling could be heard. Officers arrived on scene and learned a suspect had been running through the back alley on Elm Avenue in Steinbach, breaking several windows and assaulting a male.

Officers patrolled the area, locating the suspect riding a bike. When the male was told to get off his bike as he was under arrest, the male threw his bike down and began running. After a short foot pursuit, officers were able to take the male into custody without incident.

Investigation determined that Kevin Friesen, 32, of Steinbach, had broken approximately five windows at a residence on Elm Avenue using a board. He also broke the rear window of a vehicle and damaged the trunk. When the homeowner came out to see what was happening, Friesen struck the homeowner with the board. The homeowner received minor physical injuries. Friesen and the homeowner were unknown to each other.

It was also determined that Friesen was wanted on several warrants from British Columbia and was on a release order to reside in BC under a curfew.

Friesen is charged with causing a disturbance, assault with a weapon, two counts of mischief over $5,000 and numerous breaches. He remains in custody.

Stock image of similar Chrysler Sebring. Source: Salmon Arm RCMP, BC Kevin Friesen
 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023
 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2023

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