Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2016

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Wildlife Haven Releases Kid’s Book

Trekking Through Time Toews. “We spend about an hour and half there and that gives the drivers some time to visit and some time for people to see the tractors, and to vote for the People’s Choice award.” Toews said that communities like Richer are important to make the event as popular as it has become. “The community can make it as big an event as they wish.” Afternoon coffee will be provided by Penner’s Pumpkins and the drive concludes back at the Mennonite Village Museum. “That is where we hand out the awards and there is always some fun with that. Depending on the weather, we might revive the Dirties Tractor Award, one year that got the driver a car wash kit,” she said.

Family Affair Fifty tractors, at least 50 years old and raising $50,000 for a good cause is the goal of this year’s Tractor Trek that begins at the Steinbach Heritage Village Museum on June 11. It will make its lunch stop in Richer and everyone is invited to check out the tractors.

By Les Kletke Anne Toews describes it as an event that has something for everyone with any interest in antique tractors. “It” is the Tractor Trek that is a joint venture of the Mennonite Village Museum and the Eden Foundation. This year will be the seventh event that raises money for the Eden Mental Health Centre. The past 6 events have attracted tractors from across the southeast and as far away as Saskatchewan.” “It allows the fellows to show off the tractors they have restored and get them out on the road for a drive,” said Toews who Coordinates the event on behalf of the Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV). “The parade itself also allows anyone with an interest in tractors to watch these machines roll by.” The event is restricted to 50 tractors and they

must be able to maintain a speed of 10 miles an hour to minimize the disturbance to normal traffic. “We have what we call the 50-5050 rule,” said Toews. “We restrict it to 50 tractors, and they have to be 50 years old, and we want to raise 50 thousand dollars with the event.” To attain the final goal it is suggested entrants raise $1,000 each in sponsorship. “Some raise the minimum for entry while others raise much more,” said Toews. “We had one driver who raised over $9,000 on her own, and several who raised over $3,000.” The drivers are a mix of returning and new participants. Some have been on the ride since the beginning and others take a year or two off before returning. The day is about much more than showing off their restored tractors. “We start with a breakfast and then head over to Richer for lunch,” said

Funds raised from the sale of Wildlife in Your Back Yard will go towards the rehabilitation of critters brought into Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre for treatment.

By Les Kletke

By Marianne Curtis

Ask Al Brandt of Blumenort if he is going to drive in the Tractor Trek and the answer is in the form of a question. “Can’t see why not?” Brandt has driven in the first 6 editions and plans to make it 7 straight. “I drive with two sons and three grandsons,” said Brandt with obvious pride. He has six McCormick tractors ready for the event. The family tradition runs deep with the Brandt’s and it is not just these three generations. “I have a Super W F that my Dad bought new in 1955,” he said. “And I have them up to the WD9 which was the biggest tractor they made on rubber tires at the time.” He has restored all the tractors himself up to the stage of painting which he has trusted to someone else. The only one that he has not had painted is the WD9, and it is the one he will drive in the upcoming Tractor Trek. “It is the biggest and a little clumsier,” he said. “So I drive that myself, the boys [grandchildren] are not farm boys and not used to handling the tractors so I take that one.” Brandt takes the tractors to a few other local shows such as a similar event in Winkler and the July 1 parade in Vita. For the Brandt’s, the Tractor Trek is a family affair and he says his grandsons seem to enjoy the event as much as he does so he has plans to continue on Trekking. The June 11 Tractor Trek begins at the Mennonite Heritage Museum, continues to Richer for lunch before winding back to the museum for supper and awards.

Have you ever come across a wild animal that was in need of help, and did not know who to call for advice? Have you ever heard stories of wild animals that have been rescued and rehabilitated, but had no idea what organizations were involved? A new children’s book released by the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre answers these questions and more. This past month, the Ile Des Chenes based facility added another educational tool to their arsenal with the release of a children’s book called Wildlife in Your Backyard - If You Care, Leave it There! Published by Oak Island Publications, another Ile des Chenes company, the 36 page, colour filled paperback highlights the many animals and birds rescued by the non-profit organization, along with their famous wildlife ambassadors. It provides information on the many reasons wildlife may require the assistance of wildlife rehabilitators and gives readers an insider’s peak into the stories of some of the unique wild animals that have been admitted into the Centre over the years, for a second chance. Also featured within these pages is fun facts about the patients and some of the individual stories of their nonreleasable wildlife residents. The Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre is a registered nonprofit, volunteer-based charitable organization. They are dedicated to the rehabilitation and successful release of wildlife back to their natural environment. Find out more about the Centre at wildlifehaven.ca and to purchase a copy of Wildlife in Your Backyard on Amazon at amzn.com.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Second Eastman Adoption Huge Success By Marianne Curtis On May 29, about a dozen animal rescues from around the province converged at Waldenway Canine and Kitty Camp near Ste. Anne when they hosted the second Eastman Pet Adoption Fair. About five hundred people came out to meet a new four-legged friend available for adoption from any of the dozen dogs and cat rescues that attended. There were also shows during the day, including lively performances by Wild Dogs, a high calibre performance group from Winnipeg. Waldenway worked closely with Barry Piasta, founder of dogadoption.com who organized the first pet adoption fair in Niverville a few years ago. “I heard A dozen animal rescues brought out some of their adoptable animals to Waldenway Canine nothing but positive words about and Kitty Camp in hopes to find them homes during the first Eastman Pet Adoption Fair. this event and the Waldenway staff Photos by Marianne Curtis who helped all day,” said Piasta.

“Dogs were swimming in the outdoor beach. For those who came, a huge thank you, hope you had fun. For those who missed it, you missed a great time.” Piasta added that it was also a great event for awareness. Funds were raised to place signs at various malls and stores warning people to not leave their pets in a vehicle while they run errands. “Thank you to all the rescues and everyone for coming

out and making this event the great time it was,” Piasta added. On top of a variety of pets looking for new homes, there were activities for the entire family, including bouncers, face painting, horse and pony rides, dog demonstrations, tours, music, and vendors offering great products such as feeders, beds, nutritious treats. The Ste. Anne Lions Club also held their annual pet walk.

Wild Dogs, a high calibre performance group from Winnipeg was a huge hit during the adoption fair.

Locals Named to MLLC Board A Steinbach business owner, a Landmark woman and a former MLA were all recently named as members to the Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Board overseeing one of Manitoba’s Crown Corporations. Crown Services Minister Ron Schuler named the board during a recent press conference. Three of the nine-member board are from the region. “This new board is made up of individuals whose experience and knowledge make them eminently prepared for the important role of responsibly and effectively governing the operations of this corporation,” said Schuler. The new Chair of the board is Polly Craik and the Vice-Chair is Nick Logan. The seven remaining newly appointed directors include Gary Coleman, who is President, Chairman and CEO of Big Freight Systems Inc. in Steinbach. He began working with the company in 1981 when it was South East Transport Systems. From Landmark, Plett leads the office operations of Plett Trucking Ltd., where she has worked since 1999. She also has experience working in both provincial and federal levels of government. Taillieu is a former member of the legislative assembly, serving in the constituency of Morris from 2003 until 2013. The board of directors for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries is responsible for carrying out the duties, powers and functions of the crown corporation. Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries look after the distribution and sale of liquor and gambling products in the province under the Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Act, and revenue returned to the province helps to support health care, education, economic development, public safety initiatives and social and community services.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016


Three Local Heroes Presented with France’s Highest Award By Marianne Curtis In early May, three local WWII veterans were officially awarded the French National Order of the Legion of Honour at a special ceremony. The three D-Day Veterans, Bennie Klick, Lloyd Lehman, and John Owczar were presented the Chevalier (Knight) of the Légion d’honneur white cross from Bruno Burnichon, Honorary Consul of France. The Steinbach Royal Canadian Legion Branch 190 hosted the May 8 ceremony, complete with honour guard. Burnichon presented the three Canadian soldiers with the French National Order of the Legion of Honour, for their bravery fighting to liberate France in 1944, and to celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the Battle of Normandy. Legion President Bill Richards explained that this knighthood is France’s highest decoration and was established by Napoleon in 1802. “These three true heroes are being awarded the French Legion Medal of Honour in recognition for their personal dedication of duty and sacrifice during the battle to liberate France in 1944-1945,” said Richards. “All three of these distinguished veterans are members of the Royal Canadian Legion. This is a proud moment for these three deserving veterans, their families, Royal Canadian Legion and our community.” Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen said it was an honour to be in the presence of heroes when he attended the event. “I was able to listen to each of these men’s stories, shared with us by their family and loved ones. The scope of what they said was staggering, nothing I have ever known could compare to the sacrifices these men made and the impact they have had on our world,” Goertzen recalled. “Hearing their words was a humbling experience and made me realize that too often we take words like hero or honour for granted; and when we do use them, it’s often to describe our

“...are three men who truly deserve the title honourable and deserve to be called heroes.”

favourite hockey or football player or a political title. Bennie Klick, Lloyd Lehman, and John Owczar are three men who truly deserve the title honourable and deserve to be called heroes.” The criteria and process to be nominated for this honour was strict and rigorous. It required verification of military records by both Canada and France. The fundamental requirement was that each nominee had to have participated in the D-Day landings of June 6, 1944 and involved in a significant way, such as in direct combat towards the liberation of France and Paris specifically. Each accepted candidate’s file was then sent to the desk of the President of France himself for final signature.

John Owczar, Bennie Klick and Lloyd Lehman, along with Bruno Burnichon, the Honorary Consul of France and members of the Colour Guard.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Physician Assisted Suicide The Liberals Aren’t Listening to the Evidence As a sitting member on the committee for Justice and Human Rights, I spent two weeks earlier this month in significant and lengthy committee meetings examining Bill C-14. We spent days listening to witness testimony from experts and organizations all over the country and then doing a clause by clause analysis of the bill. Despite the many concerns voiced again and again by witnesses, no meaningful amendments were made to the bill. Bill C-14 is called Medical Assistance in Dying, but make no mistake, Bill C-14 is physician assisted suicide. It is important that we make this distinction. The gravity of this bill should not be undermined by colourful wording. This will change Canada forever and it would be naïve to think that Canada’s most vulnerable people will not be at risk under the Bill in its present state. It is the most significant social re-engineering Bill in the past 25 years and it changes how we view the sanctity of life. The Supreme Court was very clear that physician assisted suicide is not a charter right, but an exemption which could be provided on an exception basis, providing individuals meet certain criteria. The person must be a competent adult who clearly consents to the termination of life and who has a grievous and irremediable medical condition that causes enduring suffering in the circumstances of his or her condition. Bill C-14 clearly goes beyond this Supreme Court decision with a mandate to study making physician assisted suicide available to mature minors, advance directives and mentally disabled individuals. Our committee heard testimony from approximately 42 individuals and/or groups who have a vested interest in this issue. Over 100 amendments were presented to committee. Sadly the Liberals did not present, and in fact, voted against any meaningful amendments. The Conservatives presented many thoughtful amendments based on the witness testimony that would have strengthened the bill and added important safeguards. These amendments would have ensured the protection of Canada’s most vulnerable people and they would have ensured that Canadians were aware of all their end of life options to ease their suffering before seeking to hasten their death. I am disappointed that none of these meaningful amendments were adopted. I truly fear for the future of Canada should Bill C-14 become law. Bill C-14 is a bill that could have and should have been better, and a Bill that I cannot support. Further information on the amendments proposed can be found on my website at tedfalk.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Tantrum on Parliament Hill The blush has faded from the Prime Minister’s honeymoon. An altercation in the House of Commons was quite a leap from the norm, but when all is said and done “Mr. Cool” blew his top when faced with a few MPs who were playing a game of delaying the business of the House by appearing important and abusing everybody’s time. Mischief, yes. It falls in the category of MPs who can’t and don’t make much of a difference in Parliament but by delaying the business of Parliament it gets them noticed. Two assaults were committed; The PM was pronounced guilty, why? He grabbed one MP by the arm and a second he elbowed in the chest, melodrama elevated to dizzying heights and decorum was gravely wounded. I suspect that the Liberal’s ambitious agenda could also become a casualty. Some cooperation from the opposition Members is needed. This incident has produced long memories. The first Bill on the list is the question of assisted suicide, meeting the Supreme Court’s imposed deadline will more than likely not be met by June the 6, but if it arrives at a later date and is approved by the House and Senate, the sky will not fall. It will eventually be tested by the Top Court and sooner or later, this Bill will become an accepted way of life. Some of us will agree and some of us will have pause for concern. There appears to be a consensus building up that the bill is too restrictive, but to many of us it may be too permissive. For those of us in the latter categories who are in good health this would definitely affect our decision. We should remember that because the law is there, we don’t have to use it. This is a personal choice for those amongst us who will have agonized over their decision to end their life. Two other Bills will make their way to the now slightly tarnished sanctum of the House. The first is the legalization of “weed”. This one has potential for casualties. Driving while stoned will be a concern, working under the influence will be problematic, for those of us who hire this under the influence problem, and it could end up with a potential disaster. These are but a few of subjects to be concerned with. But prohibition is also a disaster. We must accept that it is a social issue. The Compensation Boards will probably experience an uptick. The second Bills is next year’s excitement, this will be the attempt to rewrite the rule on how we elect our Government, and maybe changing a few rules on how the House and Senate function will be in order. This latter Bill will be affected by the PMs Kerfuffle after this entire Bill is meant to improve democracy, introducing arm-to-arm combat will do very little to that end. Perhaps approving an occasional toke could be warranted.

The Dual Responsibility We Have Serving the communities along the historic Dawson Trail and beyond.

The Dawson Trail Dispatch is a monthly newspaper distributed free of charge to 50 Southeastern Manitoba communities. Published by: One One Consultants Inc. Box 308, Richer, MB R0E 1S0 Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Dan Guetre, Managing Editor One One Consultants Inc., Publisher News Writers: Marianne Curtis and Dan Guetre Columnists: Lee Guetre, Peter Friesen, Anni Markmann, Peter Martens, Dave Millar Production/Design: Dan Guetre, Myriam Dyck Copy Editing: Monica Guetre Advertising: Karen Jorgenson and Dan Guetre

For Advertising Call: Phone: (204) 422-8548 Fax: (204) 422-9768 Email: sales@dawsontrail.ca Subscriptions: $29.95 annually plus GST for Canadian Subscriptions. $52.95 annually for International Subscriptions

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With the recent historic Progressive Conservative election win, Premier Brian Pallister was given a mandate to restore trust in government and improve the lives of Manitobans. On May 3rd, I was honoured to become a member of the provincial Cabinet as Manitoba’s Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living, as well as House Leader for government. My new role began with the Premier giving me a letter, which detailed his expectations of the new Health Minister. These expectations included, to deliver on our commitment to shorten ER wait times, to lower ambulance fees, to keep doctors in the province of Manitoba, to build more personal care home beds, to establish a dedicated stroke unit, and to develop a mental health and addictions strategy. These are important goals that will take time to achieve and that will require cooperation from many. In my experience in the very short time that I’ve been Health Minister, I have met many people who are working within our health-care system who have a great passion for the work that they do and are truly there to improve the lives of those they serve. I look forward to reaching out and creating partnerships and sharing in dialogue with health-care providers, to ask them for their ideas about how the system can be made better, be more innovative and to do so in a financially responsible way. A review of the health-care system will be taking place parallel to the review that is happening more broadly in government and we will be conducting a sustainability and innovation review over the next number of months. We have a dual responsibility to not only provide quality care for those in need today, but also ensure that our health-care system will be there for those who need it for generations to come. While I am very proud to have been appointed to the Cabinet and look forward to serving in this new capacity, I am first and foremost the representative for my constituency of Steinbach. It’s the job that I ran for, it’s the job I wanted the most, it’s the job that I value the most; to be able to represent the wonderful people of the City of Steinbach and the RM of Hanover. Thank you to the many people who have contacted me since the election to offer your congratulations and best wishes in this new role. I appreciate your comments and concerns. If you have any comments on these or other issues, you can contact me by writing, #3 – 227 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Y7, by phone at 204-326-5763, by fax at 204-346-9913, by e-mail at kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca or by visiting my website at kelvingoertzen.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016


Getting Manitoba Working Again Our new Manitoba government has begun making this the most improved province in Canada, with a stronger economy, better services and a brighter future for all Manitobans. And our government is committed to achieving this improvement within our first fouryear term. Led by Premier Brian Pallister, our Progressive Conservative team has outlined its initiatives in its first

MP Falk … Do You Understand What Representing Your Constituency Means? To the Editor: MP Falk’s recent update focused on doctorassisted end of life, or as he labels it, suicide. In particular, he stated unequivocally that he would fight any such legislation that provides people their Charter Right to die with dignity because it violates his personal religious views. As he did a few years ago with his back-door attempt to re-ignite anti-abortion rhetoric, he claims that he sought out the views of his constituents and, “The majority have indicated that they believe life is precious and want me to strongly appose any legislation that would open the door for physician assisted suicide…and that is exactly what I plan to do.” I challenge MP Falk to provide the public with a list of those he’s debated this topic with. I’m interested in seeing the demographics; age, religion, location. My initial thought is that it is a group comparable to the twenty-some names he submitted on his petition to reopen the definition of start of life that he submitted to Parliament on behalf of his “constituents”. It seems MP Falk continues to fail to understand, recognize or accept that his constituency is not composed solely of ultraconservative-religious doctrine followers. Twenty-some opinions out of almost ninetythousand constituents. That those twenty-some opinions match his personal religious convictions can’t be much of a surprise to anyone. I have discussed the right to doctor-assisted end-of-life with friends and family members, locally, nationally and internationally. There is overwhelming support for the right of an individual to choose and seek out assisted end of life. Many of us don’t want to waste away in a palliative care facility, facing agonizing physical, mental and emotional pain, nor inflicting the suffering on our families and friends as they also experience our slow, painful death. Some prefer, for themselves, to endure a natural protracted end, supported by family and palliative care, but they still support the right to choose. As upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada, it’s a Canadian right for them to choose, and we can thank a Liberal government for bringing home our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect us from blind religious zealotry. We can only hang our heads in shame as MP Falk, our representative, tries again to strip away our rights that don’t align with his personal beliefs. I don’t expect MP Falk to change his personal religious beliefs; they too are guaranteed under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms … again, brought in by a Liberal government, a Trudeau government no less. No, I don’t expect him to change his beliefs; I do expect MP Falk to finally recognize, accept and responsibly represent the rest of his constituency, not just his twenty-some acolytes. I expect it, but I don’t believe it will ever happen because MP Falk really doesn’t care about the rest of us or about any other topic than religious ultra-conservatism. Political representation is supposed to be about representing your entire constituency, not a single-focus micro-group of less than thirty. Falk has a constituency that he represents, but it isn’t all of Provencher, and it isn’t likely you if you’re reading this letter. Sincerely, Jim Sykes Oakbank, MB

Throne Speech – initiatives aimed at vastly improving education and health care, rediscovering economic innovation and restoring responsible fiscal management. These measures and improvements are necessary after the reckless, rising debt and broken trust Manitobans experienced under the NDP. Our PC government is taking on these initiatives in partnership with Manitobans, and by making decisions that reflect the values of inclusion, caring, integrity, common sense and teamwork. This teamwork will involve partnerships with front-line workers, public servants, community leaders and businesses, and with a PC team committed to a clean and open government. Our new government is also beginning to team with the other western provinces by joining the New West Partnership, which will boost trade, business expansions and the number of quality jobs in Manitoba. As well, we’ll work in collaboration with indigenous leaders, the private sector, the City of Winnipeg and other municipalities across the province to build a better Manitoba while protecting

all front-line workers and the services they provide. Health-care services, in particular, will be significantly improved by our new government. Among our priorities is the creation of a task force to find ways to reduce waiting periods for treatment that are far too long. And construction of personal care home beds will be fast-tracked to give seniors much easier and quicker access to the care they need. In our new government’s first month in office, the mood of Manitoba’s small businesses is on the upswing. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) reports the optimism of small companies in the province has risen to a Business Barometer index of 57.7 in May, an increase from 54 in April. Elliot Sims, the CFIB’s Director of provincial affairs, says 24 per cent of small business owners in Manitoba expect to add to their full-time staffs in the next three months. In sectors and service areas ranging from infrastructure investment and childcare to tourism promotion and stewardship of our natural resources, the PC team will work with Manitobans to build a much better province. With our new government, we’ll make Manitoba better together. I look forward to hearing from you with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at my constituency office at 204-424-5406, my Legislature office at 204-945-4339 or at dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca.


Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Vita Dancers Claim Gold Vita’s Susydka Dance Troupe danced their way to win several gold and silver medals during the recent dance festival in Yorkton Saskatchewan. For three days, the Susydka Dance along with Ukrainian dancers from across western Canada participated in Yorkton’s Kalyna Dance Festival from May 5 – 8 at the Yorkton Regional High School. The event drew dancers over the age of 12 and under 19 who were adjudicated for their skill and hard work in small group, large group, solos, duets and trios. Scholarships will be given out in the coming month to the adjudicated groups. When the festival ended on Sunday, the audience was spilling into the aisles and their cheering sounded clear over the traditional Ukrainian music. It might have been a competition, but it was a fun one.

Grants Available for Canada’s 150 Birthday By Marianne Curtis Communities and organizations hoping to renovate, expand and improve existing community infrastructure are encouraged to apply for a grant under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. On May 25, the Federal Government announced that applications for infrastructure funding under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP) are now being accepted. The program is part of the Canada 150 Celebrates, which will be celebrated nationally next year. “On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am so pleased to announce the opening of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program second intake in Manitoba. The program will leave a lasting legacy for communities across Canada, and demonstrate our commitment to local infrastructure priorities that build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for all Canadians,” said MP Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for Western Economic Diversification Canada. “Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 is set to be an exceptional year for Canadians and their country,” said Falk. “I would like to encourage local organizations to submit applications for improvements to their community infrastructure.” Budget 2016 provided an additional $150 million over two years to Canada’s Regional Development Agencies to deliver further community funding across the country, starting in 2016-17, with the Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) being responsible for administering the program in western Canada. The amount of funding being requested under CIP 150 cannot exceed 50% of the total costs of a project, up to a maximum of $500,000. Prior to acceptance, funding from sources other than the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program must be confirmed at the time of application. Once approved, projects must be complete by March 31, 2018. Organizations are encouraged to bring forward projects such as upgrades to recreational facilities, advance a clean growth economy or a positive impact on Indigenous communities and peoples. Western Diversification will invest in projects undertaking renovations to existing community infrastructure. Examples of the type of community infrastructure that can be supported include community centres, legions, cultural centres and museums, campgrounds, tourism facilities, docks, libraries, cenotaphs, arenas, gymnasiums, swimming pools, sport fields, tennis, basketball, volleyball and other sport facilities. Submit an online application form by June 22, 2016, 3 pm CST at wd-deo.gc.ca.

The Susydka Dance Troupe is all smiles after earning a number of medals during the Kalyna Dance Festival in Yorkton earlier this month.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016



June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Southeast Club Hosts 4th Annual ATV Awareness Day By Marianne Curtis All terrain vehicles grow more popular every year, and the Southeast ATV Association is ensuring that riders stay educated and safe. On May 28, the organization hosted their 4th annual ATV Awareness Day at the Mennonite Heritage Centre. They also set up at the Woodridge Fire Department open house a week earlier. A number of riders who wanted to encourage more families to the sport organized the Southeast ATV Club. Club President Gary Gebhardt said the group is all about safe riding and public education is part of their mandate. “Well first of all, the events help educate the public on safe riding practices and fire prevention. As we all are aware, a fun day out riding could end with tragic consequences, whether it is someone getting hurt or a forest fire starting due to carelessness,” Gebhardt explained. “Educating the public is everyone’s responsibility and helping educate the public we

as a club feel is very important.” Gebhardt said the club assumes all costs involved in booking the venue and invite anyone and everyone who could contribute to the events. MPIC, Manitoba Safety Services, Conservation and Water Stewardship, RCMP and the Canada Safety Council supply the information. While the Southeast ATV Club is dedicated to educating riders and the public about ATV safety, the group also likes having some fun. The club organizes family oriented rides, which brings out riders as young as eight and nine years old. “We have not yet seen a spike in memberships [from hosting awareness events] but we do hope that in time our club will grow,” Gebhardt added. Awareness is key, especially with ATV laws changing in the near future. On July 1, side by side allterrain vehicles and other multi-seat machines will be allowed to join single passenger ATVs on the shoulder of public roads. The new rules allow ATVs, off-road vehicles

and utility vehicles to drive on the shoulder of provincial-run roads. Municipalities will still have to pass local bylaws allowing off-road vehicles on the side of their roads and highways. The province is also implementing new safety rules. All riders and passengers will have to wear a helmet and seatbelt. Drivers will also have to have a G2 or M2 licence and the vehicle must be registered and insured. The new rules take effect July 1, although there will be a grace period where only warnings will be handed out until September 1.

Awareness is key, especially now that it will become legal to drive one of these along the shoulders of provincial run roads starting July 1.

The Southeast ATV Association ATVing and the positive aspects of is a nonprofit organization with the ATV use, through the education of purpose to advance the sport of its members and the public.

Reports of Multiple Thefts

into residences as well as a theft of a white GMC Sierra pick up truck bearing the Manitoba license plate HDG 591. The name of Friesen Gravel Landscaping is written on both doors. All the incidents occurred sometime during the night Steinbach RCMP are investigating of Thursday, May 19 to Friday, May multiple reports of thefts from 20. The RCMP would like remind the unlocked vehicles, break and enters

citizen of Steinbach to secure their vehicles and residence. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Old Age or Children? Growing up, I loved to read. I was one of the kids in school that always had a book in hand. Any free time during the class and my nose would become firmly wedged into a book. After school at home, after the day was done, I could be found in my room reading a book before turning out the lights and going to sleep. As I’ve grown older, I find it harder to lose myself in a book the way I once did. While I still carry a book with me most places, it does get left in the vehicle more often than not. I’m not too sure if my distance from my love of reading is because of my advancement in age, not finding the right story or if I’ve just grown too used to being busy with my children that I’ve forgotten how to travel on an adventure with my written friends. I have found that when our children were little they took up a lot of time and mental energy, no surprise to those who have children or have had to care for some for any great length of time. I have the feeling that, like any habit, good or bad it can be broken. Could this be what has happened to me? Could the habit of enjoying to read been broken? Perhaps I will say that this habit is not broken but merely bent. Where I used to finish reading over six novels a month, I now finish between one and zero each month. A drastic drop. Another thing that I have seen depleting from my reading time is the full time job that I have. Maybe, if I would quit my job then I would have a lot more time to read. Of course, I would quickly go into financial ruin and lose my home but I would get more reading done until I starved to death. Maybe such a drastic step is not needed. I am very happy to have a wife and three wonderful children that love to read, after all, when I’m older and my eyes fail me then I will have a nice little group of people that can read to me while I rock away in my chair. Unless of course they no longer like to read in which case I am up the creek without a paddle. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016


Niverville Addresses Tidal Wave with New Business Grants By Marianne Curtis The Town of Niverville Council has announced a new economic development policy in order to address three important needs in the community. Under the new policy, anyone building a new business in the community that meets the specific criteria of the policy, the town will grant back the municipal share of taxes. According to Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck, this new policy is expected to encourage new business growth in the community. “It is more than just a business development policy as it encompasses socio economic development as well. In every community there are growing needs,” said Dyck. “The policy addresses three important needs here in Niverville.” The first need addressed in the policy is the creation of business development along Main Street to assist in providing the services that the community is demanding while bringing financial sustainability. The second need is, life lease housing for seniors to deal with the growing number of baby boomers and the

Ste. Anne Organizes First Alzheimer Walk The Ste. Anne Lions Club is hosting the community’s first Alzheimer Society Walk next month. The Alzheimer Society Walk is scheduled to take place on June 11 at the Ste. Anne soccer park. Ste. Anne Lions Club President Patricia McPherson is excited that the first Alzheimer Society Walk in Ste. Anne is taking place the same day as the Lions Club Kite Festival Family Day. “The Alzheimer Society has been active in the Villa Youville since February. They would like to start a walk in town and approached me the other day asking if I could organize a BBQ and start and finish location for the walk,” explained McPherson. “I thought hosting the Alzheimer Walk along side our annual kite fest will be a great way to connect the community’s youth and seniors.” Leona Doerksen, Regional Coordinator of the Alzheimer Society and walk organizer said the group is grateful to the Ste. Anne Lions Club for hosting the event. “We are honoured to be asked to share in the Kite Festival Family Day,” Doerksen added. “Families are so important especially to people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. It is possible to live well, even with dementia, when we have the help and support we need.” The Alzheimer Society Walk is taking place at the Ste. Anne soccer park, near the fire hall. Registration starts at 10 am, with the walk starting at 10:30 am. Participants can join for a minimum donation of $25 for adults, and children walk free. Taxable receipts will be provided. There will be team challenges such as a team of 10 committed to raising $1,000, will receive matching team t-shirts, or gift cards depending on how much funds they raise. For more information or to register for the walk you can contact Leona at 204326-5771, email alzse@alzheimer.mb.ca or visit alzheimer.mb.ca.

silver tsunami that it is. Also needed is daycare space for young families to bring their children to meet the toddler tidal wave that is upon us. Dyck explained the policy is the result of hours of consulting with other mayors and reeves from other communities. “This policy is not new and various forms of it are in

effect throughout the province,” Dyck added, before thanking other mayors and reeves who helped them during consultation process, along with the staff and council for creating a policy that fit for Niverville. Dyck said the new policy might not be the first step that council is making in regards to economic

development, nor will it be the last. “It is merely another step in moving forward on the business and rec platform that we were elected on some two years ago,” he continued. Under the new policy, council will grant back the municipal share of taxes to anyone who constructs a new building for life lease housing

for seniors, daycare spaces for children, and for setting up a new business on Main Street. The grant will apply over four years and is based on a formula based on the total assessed value of the building and the number of employees that will work in the building once it opens.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Vita Students Featured in Art Exhibition On May 25, the students of the Shevchenko School in Vita were front and centre during at the opening of their own exhibit at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. The exhibit, entitled “Mosaic” and the exhibit runs to June 20. The grades 9 and 10 students have been working on experimenting with a variety of mediums. The Shevchenko School high school arts program has only been running for about 2 years now, explained Aaron Klassen, the school’s Art teacher. Since that time, the school has seen interest in the Visual Arts grow. The exhibit is mostly made up of grade 9 and 10 art classes with a few other students included. “The grade 10s spent time working on figure drawing and water colour painting,” Klassen explained. “The grade 9s have worked on acrylic painting and printmaking. This year our school also purchased a kiln and we have been experimenting with ceramics.” “I think it’s important for students to experiment with their own ideas and see what they can discover in making their own art,” Klassen added. The Steinbach Arts Council Hall Gallery features local and guest artists of all mediums throughout the season. Their mandate is to encourage new artists to develop their talents, and have an opportunity to

share these talents with the community. The Hall Gallery is located in the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre located on 304 Second Street in Steinbach.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Pat Porter Active Living Centre offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come, pay us a visit, and consider participating in some of our programs. Drop by the Centre Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. For more information call the Centre at 204-320-4600 or go to patporteralc.com.

Up Coming Events:

(Left – Right) Kevin Froese (SAC Board Treasurer), Susan Penner (City of Steinbach Coucillor), Aaron Klassen (Art Teacher – Shevchenko), Pamela Storoschuk (Vice Principal – Shevchenko), and Peter Osadchuk (Principal – Shevchenko) celebrate the students exhibit at the Steinbach Arts Council gallery.

Sharing our Stories Get a “Dose” of Nature to Help You Flourish! Spring is one of the best times of the year. It’s a time we feel the warm sun on our skin and we begin to feel more alive again. For some of us it’s a visit to the greenhouse to bring home our favourite plants. Let’s say that you tend well to one of the plants your purchased and it received regular water and sunlight. The other was forgotten and didn’t get proper attention. As you would expect, the one that received attention grew into a large lush thriving plant while the forgotten plant barely survived. Plants like people need certain things to grow and flourish. Many things like a loving family, food, a sense of purpose and faith contribute to our ability to flourish and reach our full potential. Being outdoors and exposed to nature also has a significant effect on our ability to flourish. Research findings suggest that natural settings such as: - Parks - Wilderness areas - Urban green spaces - Gardens Are all beneficial to improve both physical and mental health. Not only does green space provide an opportunity for physical activity, but there is growing evidence suggesting that exposure to natural settings has a direct positive effect on reducing stress levels and enhancing mental well-being. So remember get outdoors and get a “dose” of nature to help you flourish.

Hockey for Hunger Charity Game Supports Siloam Mission St. Pierre Collegiate in St Pierre-Jolys and the community are working hard to fundraise for Siloam Mission. For the last few years, students have volunteered at Siloam and have been impressed with the incredible work done by the organization. This year, the student council came up with the “Hockey for Hunger Charity Game”, a very special hockey game to raise funds. The hockey game is open to all students and staff interested; however, the team roster is decided by fundraising. The top seven students who raise the most funds will make up the team. The school team will be playing versus a community business or organization. The big game will be held on Friday, June 3 at 1 pm in front of St. Pierre Collegiate on Hébert Street.

Annual General Meeting – On Thursday, June 9 at 2 pm. Please come join us. You must be a current member to vote. Make your voice count. Volunteer Appreciation BBQ - On Thursday, June 9 starting at 4 pm. Pat Porter Active Living Centre, Community Resources, Circle of Friends and Steinbach Meals Program host this event. Entertainment is by the Old Time Country Band and Volunteer Awards will be presented. This is a small token of appreciation for the thousands of hours volunteers put in each year to ensure that our programs and services thrive! Please call 204-320-4600 by Monday, June 6 to R.S.V.P. Perogy Bee: Monday June 6 and Tuesday June 7. Perogies are $6 per dozen. If you know how to make Perogies or would like to learn, we are looking for volunteers to help with this process. Please contact us for more information. Birthday Party: On first Wednesday of the month - June 1 at 2 – 4 pm. Cost $2 for guests and free for those celebrating their birthday. Workshop Cooking With Spices: On Thursday, June 23 from 1:30 - 5 pm. This workshop aims to provide people with a structure of how to plan meals that are healthy. It will provide reliable, current nutritional information and cooking demonstrations geared to help us make wise choices. Workshop is presented by Rebecca Wilson-Rempel, a chronic Disease Dietician with My Health Team in the Steinbach Area through Southern HealthSanté Sud. Please call the centre to register before Friday, June 17. Noon Meals: Available Monday through Friday. Cost $6. Contact 204-320-4605 by 9 am to reserve your meal. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus are available at the office, online, or in the newsletter. Bring a friend! Kemp Hearing Clinic: Every Monday at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre clinic room. Call 1-204-487-8000, Ext #1 to book your appointment. Beltone Hearing Clinic: Third Friday of the month. Call 1-800661-2653 to book your appointment. Foot Care Clinic: Foot care is available the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month and the third Tuesday and Thursday of every month. Call the centre to book your appointment.

Regular Activities: Drop in Billiards: Monday - Friday 12 – 4 pm. Computer Classes: On Wednesdays at 9, 10 and 11 am. Call to book an appointment. Cards: 1 pm - 4 pm. Monday – Canasta, Wednesday - Cribbage; Thursday – Whist. Tai Chi: On Monday evenings at 7 pm and Wednesday mornings at 10 am. Pickleball: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays 9 am – Noon. As well as Monday, May 30 from 1 – 4 pm and Tuesday, May 31 from 7 – 9 pm. Floor Curling: On Wednesdays 1:30 – 4:00 pm. Floor Shuffle: On Tuesdays 1:30 – 4:00 pm. Old Time Band Practice: On Wednesdays 7 pm. Model Railway Project: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Note – occasionally programs are cancelled due to special events. Please contact the Centre for confirmation of programs times and date.

Help Us Out Community Garden – Planting and gardening time is here! We could use some volunteers to help us get the garden spots ready for planting. We would then need some volunteers to help weed and water our gardens throughout the season. All produce grown is used in our kitchen for the Meals on Wheels Program. This is such a worthwhile project and any help is greatly appreciated. Flower Beds and Lawn Maintenance – We are looking for volunteers to help us with our flowerbeds and lawn maintenance. Even if you can only help out 1 or 2 times in the season it, all helps and is greatly appreciated. Membership at Pat Porter Active Living Centre - is only $25 per year. Memberships are due in January of each year. After January, memberships can be bought at $30. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees. Volunteer with us – we could use volunteers in many different areas. Whatever your skill set or age, we have a place for you. Call Lynda at 204-320-4603 for more info.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Check out all programs, events and purchase tickets online steinbachartscouncil.ca or call 204-346-1077.

Summer in the City Headliners - Get your tickets Friday Night Invasion - The Fab 60s Invasion Show. Featuring Replay The Beatles Tribute and 60s Invasion! Come join the 60s invasion party on Friday night. Dress for the 60s, light up the compound with glow sticks and dance the night away to all your favourite tunes! Tickets $20/$50 VIP. Saturday Night – Country Cruise - Black Jack Billy is cruisin’ to Summer in the City for a good time, party-down rockin’ country night. Bursting with energy and musical talent…you want to be there! Tickets $25/$50 VIP. Summer in the City Tickets - Tickets available Online steinbachsummerinthecity.ca, Ticket Vendors Earl’s Meat Market, Crossroads Fine Foods and The Steinbach Arts Council. Special Corporate Rates Available (for businesses only)! Limited Time offer - Take advantage by Monday, June 6. Treat staff and clients to a fun night of socializing and networking! Friday Night - 10 tickets for $160 or Saturday Night - 10 tickets for $200. Contact 204-346-1077 or email steinbachsummerfest@mymts.net. Live! On the SCU Main Stage - We are pleased to see so many new emerging artists participate this year on the SCU Main Stage! Two Wonderful days of great entertainment – be there – on the street!

Sign up for Fall Programs Pre-Registration Day - On Thursday, June 2 from 3 - 8 pm. Receive 10% off all programs - This day only! Visual Arts Kids - Hand Building with Clay, Art Adventures, Art XTravaganza. Teens - Digital Photography, Cartoon Illustration, Pottery Passion, Mixed Art for Teens. Adults - Digital Photography, Mixed Art for Adults, Intro to the Pottery Wheel, Beginner Watercolours, Beginner Oil Painting and Acrylic Painting. Creative Wellness Pilates Core Intermediate, Power Pilates, Pilates on the Ball, Yoga, Zumba, Belly Dancing - Beginner & Advanced. In the Kitchen - Creative Cooking, Kids in the Kitchen, Cake X-Travaganza Workshop and Dessert Art Workshop. Languages - French Level 1, Intermediate, Spanish Level 1 & 2. Dance & Music - Dance4tots, Hip Hop, Jazz by Steinbach XCOMPANY. Southeastern Manitoba Music Teacher Association - Violin, Piano and Voice Lessons.

Summer Arts Day Camps Join us this summer for our camps filled with music, dance, drama, visual arts, field trips, community outings, recreation and more! 2 Camps - Ages 5 - 8 and ages 9 – 12. Aloha Summer - Monday, July 4 – Friday, July 8. Wild Wild West - Monday, July 11 – Friday, July 15. Land Before Time - Monday, July 18 – Friday, July 22. Spy Kid - Monday, July 25 – Friday, July 29. The Mighty Jungle - Tuesday, August 2 – Friday, August 5. *Note this is 4-Day Camp as Monday, August 1 is a holiday. Welcome to the Carnival – Monday, August 8 – Friday, August 8. The Great Outdoors - Monday, August 15 – Friday, August 19.

Arts4Tots Preschool Program Why are we unique? The most creative way to learn for ages 3 - 5 with specialists in dance, music, drama and visual arts! On Mondays/ Wednesdays, am or pm and on Tuesdays/Thursdays am or pm. The Backyard Theatre Company We want you! Experience scripts, improv, character building, perform on stage and build your confidence! For ages 5 – 17.

FUSION! Musical Theatre Learn from the industry’s best! Workshops for ages 9 - 14 and 15 - 19. Music, Dance and Drama.

Free Live Entertainment! KR Barkman Concerts in the Park Bring your lawn chairs and head down to the KR Barkman Park on Main Street in Steinbach. Just look for the gazebo. Enjoy music, drama and dance, plus artists painting in the park. Sunday, May 29 - 6:30 pm – Walk the Line Country/classics. Thursday, June 2 - 6:30 pm – Mitchell Middle School Concert Band and Jazz Band. Sunday, June 5 - 6:30 pm – Shannon Shewchuk Folk/Contemporary. 7:30 pm – Solo Purpose Contemporary Christian. View a complete schedule on our website steinbachartscouncil.ca. Volunteers needed for Summer in the City Artist Tent – fun and creativity guaranteed! Many activities happen with Artists in the City including supervising the tent, helping instructors with demos, assisting artists and so many other fun and exciting tasks.

Hall Gallery Art Exhibit Mosaic Vita Schevchenko School Exhibit - Running Wednesday, May 25 – Tuesday, June 21.

Volunteers needed for Summer in the City Artist Tent – fun and creativity guaranteed! Many activities happen with Artists in the City including supervising the tent, helping instructors with demos, assisting artists and so many other fun and exciting tasks.

June 2016


Ste. Anne Woman Grateful for STARS By Marianne Curtis On May 18, STARS invited media to a helicopter landing and mock rescue demonstration of an injured ATV rider in a wooded area next to the STARS base. The event was meant to focus public attention on ATV safety in advance of the May long weekend. On May 18, Maranda Lanouette shared her story during a STARS demonstration and mock As part of the event, STARS’ patient rescue of an injured ATV rider. Maranda Lanouette, who was critically injured while riding an ATV in Marchand a few years ago shared her experience. The Ste. Anne mother of two, and Town of Ste. Anne Councillor is grateful to be able to share her story. Five years ago, she was riding on the back on an ATV on a Woodridge area trail when she fell. She became paralysed and is now bound to a wheelchair. “I am in a wheelchair forever and my hands don’t work. I have no tricep muscles so my fingers are contracted,” she said. “My feet, my legs, I can’t move them. I have 16inch rods all the way down my neck.” Last year, STARS responded to 107 serious ATV related emergencies across the Prairie region, including 18 ATV incidents in Manitoba. STARS has already responded to six ATV emergencies in spring 2016, of which many were preventable. Lanouette admits to riding on the back of the quad as a passenger with a group of around 20 ATVs. “I don’t know if we hit a tree root or accelerated a little or what, but I fell off the back, just straight back,” she said. An incorrectly sized helmet was determined to be a contributor to breaking her neck. “Once I fell I immediately knew that I wasn’t getting up, it was instant paralysis,” she said. At the time of the accident, her brother-in-law had to travel to find a phone to call an ambulance, but due to the location of the accident, they were unable to respond. STARS was dispatched after forty-five minutes, and she was taken to Health Sciences Centre in 20 minutes. “I owe them my life. My kids owe them and my family,” Lanouette said. “We will forever owe them and be thankful and be grateful.” The accident has not stopped Lanouette and her family from doing the activity they love, but she said they make sure to follow all the rules and take every precaution. This summer, she plans get into a specially modified ATV and return to the scene of the accident. “I think it’s very important, number one, to follow the rules passenger-wise, speedwise, equipment is what did it for me. I didn’t make sure,” she said. Lanouette said no matter a person’s skill level, they need to be diligent in following the rules, know their path and make sure all equipment is working properly.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Local Lorette Girl Wins Crown and Title A local, 17 year old Lorette girl has been crowned Miss Teenage Winnipeg 2016 in the Miss Teenage Canada provincial pageant. Abigail Enns is excited about representing her province alongside the 6 other provincial title-holders in the MTC national pageant in Toronto, Canada on July 24th. She’ll be competing for the title of Miss Teenage Canada along with 60 plus other girls from around the country. “This is such an amazing opportunity! I’ve learned so much and met so many amazing people,” Enns says. “Whether or not I win the Miss Teenage Canada title, being able to spend a week in Toronto with my pageant family is going to be a blast!” Abigail’s platform is education. She says that everyone should have the privilege of going to school no matter their gender, where they live, or their income level. As part of the competition, Abigail must take part in fundraising for Free The Children and Fort McMurray. She is open to fundraising ideas and is looking for volunteers. One idea she has for fundraising is a local car wash. Some of the prizes at Miss Teenage Canada at the national pageant are $25,000, a scholarship, and a modeling contract. To support Abigail in her pageant journey, like her official Facebook page Miss Teenage Winnipeg 2016. You can also contact her through her page, or email her at missteenagewinnipeg2016@gmail.com.

Cadets Annual Parade

June 2016


Rural Student Job Centres open By Marianne Curtis Students looking for a summer job and employers looking to hire youth are encouraged to contact the Manitoba Youth Job Centre (MYJC) in Niverville, St Pierre-Jolys and Steinbach. All three youth job centres offer free services including a referral service that can help businesses and community members find workers for a variety of positions, including full-time, part-time, or casual positions. On May 16, the Niverville Youth Job Centre opened in the Town Office. Lindsy Baudry, the Youth Engagement Leader for the Niverville Manitoba Youth Job Centre is in charge for the year. “We encourage students and youth over the age of 12 to register with our office,” said Baudry. “If you are seeking fulltime, part-time, or casual employment, need help with your resume, or want to expand your job search or interview skills, just drop by and we will be happy to work with you.” Students between the ages of 12 - 29, are invited to sign up with the MYJC. They can participate in a referral service, resume and job searching assistance. For youth between the ages of 12 16, there is the Odd Job Squad, which is a great way to get some first time work experience. The MYJC provides community-based summer employment referral services throughout rural and northern Manitoba in matching qualified job seekers with summer employment. All three offices opened mid May and will remain open until late August. For more information, stop by 86 Main Street in Niverville or call 204-388-6793. In Steinbach drop by the Employment Manitoba Centre at 395 Main Street or call 204326-4099. For St. Pierre-Jolys the MYJC is at 427 Sabourin St. or contact 204-433-7544.

This last Sunday, May 29 the Stoneybrook Air Cadets #307 had their Annual Ceremonial Review at the Mitchell arena, where they parade in uniform for their Captain, special guests and others. One of this years special guests was Major Jason Graveline, CD who started out in Air Cadets, then went on to the Canadian Air Forces as a pilot, he is now with STARS as a helicopter pilot. A number of rewards and trophies were also handed out as part of the ceremony, including a number of scholarships. “This year we have the first female cadet from the Stoneybrook squadron, Flight Sargent Deharnais, getting her power pilot license, she currently has her glider pilot license,” stated Amanda White, on behalf of the cadets. Although the squadron is on summer break, Many of the cadets will be attending training camps all over Canada this summer, General Training, aviation, music, sports and other camps.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

What Makes Us Unique 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 ... 4) I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5) For in him you have been enriched in every way–in all your speaking and in all your knowledge 6) because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. 7) Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8) He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9) God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful (NIV1984) Life has its ups and downs. Every person we know, or have ever known, and will ever know, has had to face tough issues. This is what the real world is like. For everyone, life is full of challenges. Positive ones and difficult ones; even so, we never seem to get used to it. Often we act surprised when those challenges come our way. Even Christians have struggles. Sometimes we are not victorious. So many times, we dread problems just like people who do not have any faith in God. The temptation is to get lost in the problem, to focus on it. As Christians, we need to focus on what makes us unique. What makes us unlike people who do not know God, is that Christ is masterfully reshaping the spiritual side of our lives. Jesus is living his life in us and through us. However, I understand we need to learn to look at a problem as those who have the Divine Son of God living within us. The Christian, after all, is called into a community whose boundaries include all earth and heaven. Can you imagine what this world would be like if all would lift their eyes beyond their own little circle and thought of themselves as a part of what God is doing throughout this wide world? No person, no Church has exclusive possession of Jesus Christ. True, He is our Lord but He is also the Lord of all humanity. It is remarkable that Christianity possesses all the love of Jesus Christ and that God loves each one of us as though there was only one of us to love. Paul says that God has been faithful to give us all that we need. We are told that we have been given grace that we have been enriched in every way, that we do not lack any spiritual gift. The Bible teaches that every one of us here has been given a spiritual gift. Our task is to discover that gift and use it in serving others and in serving Christ. Our spiritual gift is a Divine empowerment to serve, and the only way we discover that gift is to begin to step out in faith in some area of service. God will use this process to lead you to that area of ministry in which you have been gifted. He has probably already placed a desire within your heart for some area of ministry. The Holy Spirit continues to invite you to act on that desire and see what God does with your calling. You and I have been given a divine partnership. We have been given the privilege to enter a relationship with Jesus Christ. You and I, mere mortals, have been given the opportunity to come to Jesus Christ. We can actually interact with Him. We can communicate with Him through prayer; receive confirmation in our heart from Him that we truly belong with Him. Remember: Our God is faithful! He has given us a divine calling. We are called to be holy. We are set apart for His service, dedicated to God. Through His grace, we have been enriched. We have been given gifts whereby we encourage and teach one another. All we need, we already have. He has given us divine security. We are safe in his hands. Christ has promised to be with us to the end. You can share Him with others through your everyday activities and lives will be transformed. God is at work in all this. God is the provider and the strength ... because He is faithful. Would you pray this prayer with me … “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that will fulfill my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name.” Amen.

Hit and Run Suspect Sought The Steinbach RCMP is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying an unknown silver/white early 1990’s Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra. On May 13 at approximately 5:30 am, the Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a hit and run. The Silverado/Sierra in question collided with a parked Toyota Rav-4 on Northview Crescent in Steinbach and left the scene. The Silverado/Sierra will have heavy damage to the front driver’s side headlights. If you have any information in regards to the above suspect vehicle you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

The Age of Grace Many times, I have heard this question: How long will God let sin go unpunished? The definition of sin varies from one person to another but the Bible definition of sin is anything that transgresses the law of God. God’s Word contains the rules, guidelines or laws that man is to follow. The Bible is the only Book given to us by God. It was given to us to: 1) Show us the ways of God. 2) Show how far short man falls in following God’s ways. 3) Show God’s only remedy for sin. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 4) Show that God is long-suffering toward man and is not willing that any human should die without having their sin completely dealt with (I John 1:9). 5) Show that God is a holy, just, loving, compassionate God who will judge all sin one day because God can’t bear sin in His presence. Society today thinks they can live, as they want, do what they want, when they want, because they want and they demand their rights. We live in a free country but every free country has laws because the nature of man is not to do right. Without God’s help, no man is able to think or do right. But when a person comes to God, acknowledging their sin, confessing their sin before Him, and trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to forgive and save them from the penalty of their sin; then God forgives the sin and makes them His child. The problem today is that even Christians are self-centred and want their own way, just like everybody else. Sin runs rampant in churches as well as in our communities. So it is a logical question that if God is really in charge (as the Bible says He is) then why doesn’t God step in and deal with man’s sin? 1) God is long-suffering and waits for man to repent of his own free will. 2) Its not God’s time to step in yet. 3) When God does step in, you don’t want to be on the opposite side of God. II Chronicles 36:16 says, “But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy.” Today we live in what the Bible calls ‘The Age of Grace’. We are experiencing more of the grace of God than the judgment of God. But that doesn’t mean God won’t judge sin. He just hasn’t yet. Proverbs 29:1 says, “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” Dear friend, let me leave you with one encouraging verse from II Chronicles 7:14. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” As Christians respond to God this way, just watch and see what God will do in our precious homeland of Canada. God bless you as you seek His will and His way!

June 2016


Students Find Work Opportunities in Provencher Eighty-six organizations in Provencher will receive $380,624 to hire 105 summer students through the Canada Summer Jobs Program. Southeast organizations will receive total funding of $293,989. The increased federal funding represents a national doubling for the number of summer jobs from 34,000 in 2015 to nearly 70,000 annually in 2016, 2017 and 2018. On May 20, Provencher MP Ted Falk visited a number of communities, to meet with various students employed through the program. “Creating summer jobs for students’ benefits not only youth and employers, but also the local economy,” said Falk. “Through the Canada Summer Jobs Program, young people are being equipped with the skills and experience they need to get jobs now and prepare for the workforce of tomorrow.” Wildlife Haven and Rehabilitation Centre in Ile des Chenes was one of the many organizations that will benefit from the program. “The student is developing wildlife education programs that will be utilized at our new wildlife hospital and education centre, where the public will learn about wildlife preservation and conservation,” said Roger Perron, Project Manager at Wildlife Haven. “Without the financial assistance received, these programs would not have been developed.” Canada Summer Jobs provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers, and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees, to help create summer job opportunities for students. The program also delivers important and diverse community services that can range from youth services organizations, to summer camps to services for seniors. Students learn transferrable skills such as public speaking, time management, self-confidence, and

Provencher MP Ted Falk meets Village of St. Pierre-Jolys Summer Jobs recipients Colin Berrard and Gary Preteau.

Ted Falk with Wildlife Haven Project Manager Roger Perron and Summer Jobs recipient Hillary Hobson.

organizational skills. Not-for-profit organizations may be eligible for up to 100 per cent of the minimum wage and up to 100 percent of mandatory employmentrelated costs. Public sector and private sector employers are eligible for up to 50 per cent of the minimum wage. Employers approved for funding must agree to hire youth who are between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of employment.

Pride Parade to Show “We Are Just People” The streets of Steinbach are expected to bursting with colour when the first Pride Parade takes place in the community on July 9. The event, which is being organized by Michelle McHale has received “massive” support since it was announced in the middle of May. “This initiative is not about having anything in anybody’s face, this is a celebration of human rights,” said McHale. “I think it has the potential to be big.” Just recently, McHale became a vocal advocate for LGBT equality in the area after she requested Hanover School Division to allow the discussion of same-sex families in the classroom after claiming her son was being bullied for having two moms. McHale said during July’s parade, it is important for marchers to send the message, “It’s okay to be visible; who you are is nothing to be ashamed of.” “Some of Steinbach is absolutely ready [for a Pride Parade] and has been ready for a long time. There are other folks who I think are on the fence and hopefully we can provide enough information to show them that it’s not anything to be scared about,” she said. “We are just people.” McHale is expecting protestors at Steinbach’s first Pride Parade but she said she believes any opposition groups that show up will be respectful. Steinbach, made national headlines in 2013 when City council asked the province to review Bill 18, known as the anti-bullying bill. The legislation requires schools to accommodate students who want to start specific anti-bullying clubs, including gay-straight alliances. Bill 18 passed the Manitoba legislature and became law in 2013. The first gay-straight alliance was formed shortly afterwards in the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. The Steinbach Pride Parade is expected to take place July 9 at 11 am starting at Steinbach United Church and ending at Steinbach City Hall.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!


day, activities include petting zoo provided by Lil’ Steps Miniatures and Wellness Farm, St. Malo Volunteer Fire Fighter Department, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP, Bounce Castles, Crafts Corner, Music, One free hot dog and drink per person, access to the play structures, tours of the new facility. Donations accepted EMAIL YOUR COMMUNITY EVENT TO EDITOR@DAWSONTRAIL.CA OR FAX 204-422-8548 6, 3 pm at the Rec. Centre. Come on out for a great weekend event. Blumenort of fun! Starts with a BBQ Chicken Dinner Friday Evening at 6 School’s 50th Anniversary – On Thursday, June 2 at 4:30 pm pm. Many great activities for all ages throughout the weekend. Sponge Puck Hockey – On Wednesdays at 8 pm at the arena. in the School. All invited for the 50th Anniversary celebration. Come out and play for fun. Contact Gilles 204-347-5079. Hear from guest speakers, and enjoy some refreshments and Niverville entertainment. Cost is free. Volunteers Needed – For Friday and Saturday, June 10 -11 for St. Pierre-Jolys the Niverville Olde Tyme Country Fair. Sign up now to get your Step Aerobics with Weights - On Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm, Ambush Anonymous Airsoft – On Saturday, June 4 from 10 am preferred shift for the following: wristband sales, fence and at the ICSP School Gym. Contact Stephanie 204-320-2667, - 5 pm in partnership with Nordic Battle Group are proud to table set up/tear down, volunteer tent or food service. Anyone Louise 204-433-3839 or The Health Corner 204-433-3891. present 1st Annual Open House. Cost $10. Located 4 miles who signs up for a volunteer shift before May 10 is entered in west (Hwy 311) of Blumenort (Hwy 12) then 1/2 a mile south, a draw to win one of 50 free wristbands! Contact Diabetes Educational Resource Centre – On 2nd Thursday of the third yard on the left. The unveiling of the improved Bush volunteers@nivervillefair.com or Amanda at 204-388-9660. the month from 1:30 - 3:30 pm at the DeSalaberry District Health Course, with all new paths and obstacles featuring a 1,600 sq. See you at the Fair. Centre. Contact 204-346-6254. ft Castle, the largest airsoft structure in Manitoba. Event includes BBQ and raffle prizes. Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Tuesday, June 14. Walk begins at Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba – Depression, bipolar, 10:30 am, BBQ Lunch 11:30 am at the Friendship Centre, 118 post partum mood disorders support group meetings held on Giroux 2nd Ave. S. Contact: 204-388-9945 or 1-800-378-6699. the last Monday of each month at 7 pm at the Chalet Malouin Bingo - Every Thursday at Giroux Hall. Doors open at 5 pm, Register online at alzheimer.mb.ca/wfa. boardroom. Located at the Health Corner DeSalaberry Hospital. Bingo starts at 7 pm. Hall rental information for Socials, Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. weddings, family functions, Meetings and more please call The Crow Wing Toastmasters Club – Meets every Monday at Debbie 204-424-5506 or Mike 204-326-6260. 7:30 pm at the Niverville Heritage Centre. If you want to become Ste. Agathe a better speaker, run meetings that are more effective or Spring Bike Event - On Saturday, June 4 at from 11 am – 2 pm Grand Pointe develop leadership skills, a Toastmasters Club is the place to at Ste. Agathe Service. Everything is free. There are bouncers Concert in the Park and Slo -Pitch Tournament – On Friday start. Contact Sheryl Berglund, Sberglund4@shaw.ca. and slides for the kids. Bring your bikes and they will be repaired and Saturday, June 3 – 4 at 423 Bernat Road hosted by and a free lunch. Homeowners Association. Featuring Wonderland - A Tribute GriefShare - If you or someone you know has experienced the to 70s and 80s Rock, Beer Gardens, Show N Shine on Friday loss of a loved one we wish to help, you get support and learn Grouille ou Rouille – On Tuesday, June 7 from 10 am – 2 pm at 6 pm to dusk, Flea Market on Saturday from 9 am - 3 pm, about the grieving process. Contact 204-381-1155 to register for the communities of Ste. Agathe and St. Adolphe at Parc Supper Saturday from 5 - 7 pm. Wonderland 8:30 pm - 1 am, or go to Nivervillegriefshare.com. Cartier Park. A day of French activities for the welfare of people Fireworks on Saturday 10:30 pm. Contact Lynn 204-293-7473 aged 55 and more! Contact Lynne at Health Centre Sainte – or Doreen 204-256-3793 for tickets. Cost Adult dinner and Moms N’ Tots Playgroup - Moms with children up to age six. Agathe, 204-882-2827 or call Janice in St. Adolphe, Ritchot concert $25, 12 and under dinner and concert $10, 2 and Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am located in the Senior Services 204-883-2880. under free. Concert only $15 (all ages). lower level of Fourth Avenue Bible Church (62-4th Avenue S.) Free drop-in program with coffee and snacks provided, along Taekwondo - Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15 - 7:30 pm Hadashville with a large open space for the kids to play while the moms at Ecole Sainte Agathe hosted by Kang’s Taekwondo Academy. Tae Kwon Do - Every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Hadashville visit. Contact Karen at klenzrpeters@hotmail.com. Cost $40/month. Family rates available. Contact Jason Barnabe, Community Club (Reynolds Recreational Centre) from 6 years jason.barnabe@gmail.com or 204-802-3458. old to adults. Pursue a black belt or learn new skills, great Paradise Village stress release and have an excellent workout at the same Community Garage Sale – On Friday, June 3 from 12 – 8 pm Ste. Anne time. Cost after registration fee is $40/month per person. Ask and Saturday, June 4 from 10 am – 2 pm, located just off Hwy Hospital Family Health Walk – On Saturday, June 4 from 10:30 about 2 week free trial. Contact Shelly at 204-426-5266 or #1 East on Paradise Road. am - 1:30 pm at the Hospital Grounds. Hospital Fundraiser KSTA.academy@gmail.com. includes a 4 km family walk, followed by a picnic lunch with outdoor activities for all ages, including the chance to see a Prawda Ile-des-Chênes Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool Fire Truck! Contact to register fondshopitalsteanne.ca/healthStory Time in Pyjamas - Every Thursday evening at the Ritchot down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean walk/ and download pledge form. Registration is free. Door Library Ecole Regional Gabrielle-Roy at 6:30 pm. Ages 2-8 runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class, Mondays prizes and grand prizes to be won for most money raised! however all ages are welcome. and Thursdays at 7 pm, in the Reynolds School Gym. Contact Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Saturday, June 11 from 10 am – 5 Wendy 204-348-2433. 50+ Programs - At the Trans Canada Centre pm at the # 12 Soccer Park, Traverse Rd (south side of fire Indoor Walking - Mondays, Wednesday and Friday 9 – 10 am Busy Bodies Playgroup – Every Wednesday from 9 - 11 am at hall). Held during the Ste. Anne Lions Club Annual Family Kite Yoga - Monday 10 -11 am the Reynolds School Gym. Free to parents and children. Snacks Festival. Contact 204-290-5336 or 1-800-378-6699. Register Coffee Talk - Wednesday 10 - 11 am online at alzheimer.mb.ca/wfa. provided. Contact Cassie 204-793-8290. Block Therapy - Tuesday 10 - 11 am Water Colour Painting – Thursday 10 - 11:30 am Ste. Anne Cultural Committee - Invites artists of all kinds to Richer Line Dancing - Thursday 7 - 8 pm Richer Recovery AA - Group meets Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm their weekly open houses at 112 Centrale Ave. on Tuesdays Floor Curling - Friday 10 am – 12 pm from 9 - 11:30 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8:30 pm. These at LUD Hall in Richer. Contact Paul at 204-422-7673. Contact to register Mary Ann gatherings are to bring artists together to work on and discuss vintageclub@transcanadacentre.com, 204-339-6141. Tractor Trek lunch stopover at the Dawson Trail Park on June their craft and there is no cost to attend. Contact Diane at 20411. Events for the entire family from 11 am to 3 pm. Check out 422-9599 or email cccsa@mymts.net. Our Lady of the Roses Prayer Group – Meets on the first Saturday over 50 antique tractors, have a BBQ lunch and more. Everyone of every month, at 6:30 pm to recite the Rosary and learn about welcome. Seine River Services for Seniors – Services and programs for Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers and receive Blessed seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, foot Rose Petals and other Sacramentals from Blessed Mother’s Canada Day Celebration in Richer! July 1 starting at noon. care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard place of miracles. Contact Corinna 204-878-4908 or email her 4on4 Ball Hockey for youth, kids games and activities, Free maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. at corinnaswetz@hotmail.com for more info and register. hotdogs and Canada Day cake! $5 Social starts at 8 pm. Giant Shopping Trips to Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s fireworks display at dusk. All at the Dawson Trail Park. Kleefeld Clearspring Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 Community Playgroup - For parents, caregivers and children Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek am - 1 pm. Cost $10. Contact Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5285 up to age 5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides Community Resource Coordinator for local services or e-mail and snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating labseinerss@gmail.com. Kleefeld Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough 204-377-5013. grades 8 and 12. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Open Ste. Geneviève La Broquerie at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. MGCC Library Night - Bibliothèque Taché Library at the Community Community Garage Sale – On Saturday, June 4 from 9 am – License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 Centre on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 - 8 pm, brings 5 pm. a large selection of books in both French and English, for or doreen@spmf.ca. children and adults. Special requests can be made to the June Square Dance - On Saturday, June 4 begins at 7:30 pm Sprague librarian, bibliotachelibrary.com or in person. Come for a visit with extraordinary music, All-Star Musicians Cathy Sproule, JJ Sprague & District Historical Museum - Open by appointment and see what we are all about. Guy, Daniel Koulack and Ameena Bajer-Koulack. They will from June – September 30. Explore life as it was in the early teach every dance, no experience necessary. Includes dessert. days. Free Admission Donations Accepted. Contact 204-437- Steinbach Directions, go east on Hwy 52 for five miles, turn right (South) 2210, 204-437-2209 or 204-437-4686. Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Thursday, June 9 starts at 5 pm at on Carrier Rd. (40E) and proceed for two miles, turn left on Rd. A.D. Penner Park picnic shelter. BBQ by the Steinbach Lions 33N and proceed for 1/3 miles, turn left again at 40049 at St. Adolphe Club. Contact 204-326-5771 or 1-800-378-6699 Register Edgework Place. Cost $20, 12 - 17 yrs, $10, under 12 free. Ritchot Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament - On Tuesday, online at alzheimer.mb.ca/wfa. Purchase tickets at Nature’s Farm Food Shed in Steinbach. June 14 at River Oaks Golf Course, La Barriere. Teams of 4 Texas Scramble. A variety of sponsorship opportunities available. Lions Car Show – On Sunday, June 5 at 11:30 am at the Seine River Services for Seniors- Health Centre/Centre de Santé Registration at 9 am, Tee-off 10 am, Cost $100 per player Mennonite Heritage Village. Come see antique and restored from Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm. Services and programs includes entry into all events, 18-holes of golf, golf cart, lunch, show vehicles displayed on our village streets. The day is for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, dinner and gift bag. Contact Claire for details at organized by the Steinbach Lions Club. Cost $10. foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard info@ritchotchamber.ca. maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. ‘Mosaic’ Exhibit – Runs until Monday, June 20. Featuring Vita’s Contact Community Resource Coordinator Juliette Rowan, 204- 50+ Programs Programs at Ritchot Senior Services Active Living Shevchenko School at the Hall Gallery, Steinbach Cultural Arts, 424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Shopping Trips to Centre 457 Main St. 304 Second Street. Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, Moving - Mondays 9:30 am leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s Clearspring Yoga Fusion - Wednesday 10:30 am Community Shred Day – On June 11 from 9 am - 1 pm at Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 am - 1 pm. Firm Up – Fridays 9:30 am Valeant Pharmaceuticals parking lot just off Hwy #52. Bring Cost $10. 10-class pack for $40 or drop in fee $5 per class. Contact your private documents to be confidentially shredded at no cost by Phoenix Paper Shredding and enjoy a cup of coffee and a Janice at mjburn@shaw.ca or 204-883-2880. Lorette donut while you wait. Fathers Day Craft - On Saturday, June 4 from 11 am – 1 pm at Weekly Bingo – On Tuesday nights at the St. Adolphe the Bibliothè què Tachè Library. Community Club. Doors open at 6 pm, 6:55 pm - Speedo Summer in the City – Begins Friday, June 17 June at 12 pm on Game, 7 pm - Early Bird Games, 7:30 pm - Regular Games. We Main Street see the world in our cultural zone highlighting New Horizons Seniors - Play cards, Scrabble and more. Drop hope to see you there! Proceeds will support the Community foods from around the world and take in some cultural in Tuesdays 1-5 pm at Foyer Notre Dame Lorette 12 St.Amant Club. performances. Have some fun on the midway, visit the food Ave. Contact Iris 204-878-3552. trucks, eat mini donuts, shop the vendor booths. Watch some street hockey, basketball, volleyball and dance each night to St. Malo New Bothwell Grand Opening Garderie De Bambins – On Sunday, June 26 the SCU MainStage. Summer Fair – From Friday, June 3 at 6 pm – Monday, June from 10 am – 2 pm at 46 Benoit Ave. All invited for a fun family

Summer Reading Club Register – From Monday, June 20 Friday, June 30 from 10 am - 9 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Annual Summer Reading Club in-person registration and library membership is required. Special membership offer available $10 for the summer for non-resident families. SRC official reading begins Monday July 4 until Friday, August 19. Various craft classes available at registration. Space is limited. Please sign up in advance in person. Windup event is on Tuesday, August 23. Contact Madison Friesen (Program Coordinator) 204-326-6841.

Dawson Trail Dispatch support groups - for persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Jake Epp Library from 7 – 9 pm. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 3263028.

Steinbach & Area Garden Club Meeting - On Monday, June Steinbach and Area Lions Club - Meets on the second and 27, Let’s Celebrate Gardening- Club barbeque and member fourth Wednesdays of every month at the Magnolia Restaurant. garden tour, showcasing outstanding local gardens. Contact Contact 204-326-2313. sagardenclub.com. Carillon Toastmasters - meetings are open to adults who want 2016 Power Smart Manitoba Summer Games – From Sunday, to improve their leadership and communication skills. Thursdays August 7 – Saturday, August 13. Volunteer to have fun, to at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Public Library 255 Elmdale Street, experience a great time and to participate in the province’s Contact Sheryl at 204-326-7628 or Irene at 204-424-5737. largest ongoing multi-sport program. Looking for 1,000 volunteers to welcome kids ages 10 - 17 from across the Al-Anon Program – Meets on Mondays at 7:30 pm at the province. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, build Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. Contact Lloyd 204a sense of community and gain experience. There are various 326-4365. volunteer opportunities; something for everyone. Volunteer registration at manitobagames.ca. Come join in the fun. Dream Al-Anon 12 Step Recovery Group - Meets on Wednesdays at it! Live it! Contact the Games Office at 204-371-1212 or 7:30 pm at United Church, 541 Main St, front door, ring doorbell. All are welcome. steinbach2016@sportmanitoba.ca. Eastman Safety Upcoming Programs: Located at 385 Loewen Young moms to be - Bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm Blvd. Register online at eastmansafety.ca or contact 1-204- at Steinbach Family Resource Centre B-11, Hwy 12N. Contact 204-346-0413. 371-1595. Eastman Immigrant Services - Many events and activities to support and help you make new friends. Start to make this community feel like your home. Volunteer to help at our community events. To register contact 204-346-6609, lois@eastmanis.com. Upcoming Events: Cultures in the Kitchen -Submit your recipe. Help us create an amazing ethnic cookbook. Let’s Chat – Informal conversation group that meets every Wednesday 1:30 – 2:30 pm. Pronunciation Skills – Intermediate Pronunciation on Monday and Wednesday from 5 – 7 pm. Advanced Pronunciation on Monday and Wednesday from 7 – 9 pm at D4-284 Reimer Ave. Classes are free. Hip Hop – Every Tuesday for youth ages 8-15.

Woodridge T.O.P.S -Taking Off Pounds Sensibly - On the second Wednesday of every month at the Community Club. For club hours of operation, contact Stan 204-429-2253. The Mobile Clinic – Is onsite on the third Thursday of every month from 9 am – 4 pm at the Community Club. Contact for appointments 1-855-644-3515 or southernhealth.ca.

General Free Monthly Bus Trips to the Casinos of Winnipeg- On Tuesdays, June 14 from 8:30 am - 7:15 pm. Join us for a great day of fun and friendship. Visit McPhillips Street Station in the morning and Club Regent in the afternoon. Starting at 8:30 am, pickups in Steinbach, Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. Must be 18 Mommies Group at Kidzone - On Wednesdays, from 9 am - 1 years of age or older. Prizes and cash giveaways every trip. pm. Come by to meet other moms to chat with and get your Bingo played on the bus to and from the casinos for those wishing to play. Bi-monthly overnight trips to South Beach kids to make some new friends. Cost $7, free coffee. Casino and Folklorama trips are also available, amazing prices Creativi-Tea Time - Need to relax and have some you time? on these trips so call for details. Contact Marilyn at 204-3264939 for information and to reserve your seat. Give adult colouring a try. Event runs the second Wednesday of every month, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Come and go as it suits you. We’ll provide basic supplies including tea and coffee. Games Day & Games Night – Every 1st Saturday from 12 – 5 pm every month and 3rd Wednesday every month from 6 – 8:30 pm, at the Jake Epp Library. Come down to play strategy games. Bring a friend, your strategies and games. Test your skills and have fun. Ages 14 and up unless accompanied by an adult. Contact 204-326-6841, programs@jakeepplibrary.com. Canadian Legion - On 1st Tuesday every month at 8 pm and Ladies Auxiliary meets 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Steinbach Legion Community Hall, 294 Lumber Ave. Adult Book Club - Tuesdays from 7 – 9 pm. Bring book suggestions or peruse our book lists. Meet some other book lovers too and bring a friend. At the Jake Epp Library 255 Elmdale St. Contact Tracey Pankratz 204-326-6841 programming@jakeepplibrary.com. Steinbach Girl Guides - Every Tuesday at the United Church of Steinbach, 541 Main St. Registration for girls 5-17. Develop personal values and well-being, self-respect and respect for others; promote fun, friendship, adventure and challenges through new experiences; develop leadership and decisionmaking skills; give service to the community; value the natural environment. Green Drinks South Eastman - South Eastman Transition Initiative presents Green Drinks South Eastman. On the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7 pm at Lecoka, 8B - Brandt Street. Drop in and discuss sustainable living. Contact rebecca_hiebert@yahoo.com. The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon except when Monday falls on a long weekend at the Chicken Chef, 365 Main Street, visitors are welcome. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. Mental Health Information and Support sessions - for family and friends of people with mental health issues are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email eastmanmss@mts.net MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. MS Lunch Group- On 4th Thursday of every month, from 12 – 1 pm at All D’s Restaurant 320 Main Street. Contact Stephanie Bevacqua 204-988-0904, Stephanie.Bevacqua@mssociety.ca. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and

Recycle Your Oil at Eco Centre

The City of Steinbach is once again inviting people to bring in their used oil, filters, plastic containers and other items to the Oil Recycling Day on June 8. Oil Recycling Day is an annual event to promote the network of Eco Centres and residents to safely dispose used oil, used oil filters and containers. Residents will find the Eco Centre at the Steinbach community landfill just south of the City. In exchange, recyclers will receive a free litre of oil for every five litres of used motor oil that was brought into the depot. The event is hosted by the Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC). On average, the city collects over 2,500 litres of used oil during the one-day event. A hot dog sale fundraiser coincides with the collection to raise for South East Helping Hands, the local food bank. For those unable to attend the one-day event, used oil and tires can be recycled year round at the Steinbach Landfill’s Eco Centre. For more information about the Steinbach Eco-Centre or Oil Recycling Day, e-mail ewallman@steinbach.ca or call 204346-6500.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Lorette Ringette Coach Named Volunteer of the Year The Manitoba Ringette Association has announced that a Lorette coach and administrator was named named 2016’s Volunteer of the Year. Mark Ratz was recognized for his tireless efforts with the Lorette Ringette Association. From coach, to administrator, to cheerleader Ratz has spent countless hours dedicating himself to the sport. Ratz has been a ringette coach for 5 years. He started as an assistant, coaching his daughter’s U10 team, as she was very shy and felt more comfortable with her Dad on the bench. At the time, he had experience with hockey, but no experience with ringette but stepped up to the role of Assistant Coach. As the season progressed, he fell in love with the sport of Ringette, and was excited to see all the girls on the team grow and become friends. The following year, he took on the role of Head Coach, and has been an incredible role model and leader ever since. “Mark never puts limitation on the girls. The pie was the sky,” praised fellow Coach Marc Vincent. “He brought in gym ringette, dryland training, and taught the girls everything from beginner to advanced techniques such as Loffence. He brought in junior coaches from the communities U16A team to help with goaltending and forward/defense coaching to give the girls more help. He was a mentor to these junior coaches and made the experience such a positive one that my eldest daughter will help coach again in the future. Mark is the girl’s biggest cheerleader and I thank him for this. He has made my daughter’s year the most positive year she has ever had.” Mark has also been on the Lorette Ringette Association Board for the last 4 years and in 2015, he took on the role of President. The Manitoba Ringette Association also honoured five inductees into the Hall of Fame this season, including Jackie Bohemier (Lorette) in the builder category. She is on the Eastman Ringette Board of Directors, and volunteers as a mentor.

IDC Foodbank Faces Eviction After ten years of operation on Main Street, in Ile des Chenes, the community Food Bank faces eviction. Suzanne Tetreault, a Director with the Food Bank of Ile des Chenes says that for the past decade, the Foodbank has operated without issue in the Villa des Chenes. The building, which is owned and operated by Manitoba Housing. Housing is ending their lease at the end of May. “‘The problem is that there are no other suitable premises. We cannot afford to pay rent and we need to be on the first floor for accessibility,” Tetreault said. “It is also impossible for our families to move to another community to stock. They have no means of transportation.” The Ile des Chenes Foodbank was granted a stay to remain for a year until June, but the agreement will not be renewed. The food bank serves 17 to 20 families in St. Adolphe, Grande Pointe and Ile des Chenes. Tetreault is hoping for a meeting with newly elected Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse to discuss the program and to find another suitable solution.

June 2016

Local Bantam Players Drafted by WHL Three hockey players from Lorette and Ile des Chenes are among 36 provincial players have been added to the 2016 rosters of the Western Hockey League (WHL) Bantam Draft. The WHL Bantam Draft is the first opportunity for WHL Clubs to replenish their teams with graduating Bantam-aged players. Historically, the draft always takes place the first weekend of May, in Calgary. From Ile des Chenes, Justin Svenson, was drafted by the Red Deer Rebels. He plays forward. Lorette’s Jesse Mistelebacher was drafted by the Prince George Cougars, as a forward

and Danton Belluk, goalie, was drafted by the Everett Silvertips. The WHL Bantam Draft is held annually by the WHL to provide an orderly transfer of players to WHL Club Protected Player Lists (PPL). Once a player is selected by a WHL Club, he can only participate in tryout camps and other team activities for that Club. Players eligible for the 2016 WHL Bantam Draft were 2001-born players who reside in Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon and 20 American states.

Mark Ratz, (left), from Lorette was named Volunteer of the Year for 2016.

Jesse Mistelebacher was drafted by the Prince George Cougars.

Justin Svenson was drafted by the Red Deer Rebels.

Jackie Bohemier (left), from Lorette was inducted into the Ringette Hall of Fame.


The Everette Silvertips drafted Danton Belluk.


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Local Ballplayers Inducted into Softball Hall of Fame

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Rock Garden Campground Supports Make-A-Wish

The 94 and 95 Alliances team rooster in 2016.

On May 7, the 1994 and 1995 Manitoba Alliance Junior Men’s teams were inducted into the Manitoba Softball Hall of Fame. The ‘94 team brought home silver medals from the Canadian National Championship in St. Catherine’s, Ontario while the ‘95 team captured gold in Prince George, British Columbia. Team Manager John Peters said not everyone on the squad was equally talented but it was just the right combination of talent and character for them to be awarded Manitoba’s first gold medal at the Canadian Junior Men’s National Championships. Peters said it was extra special because his sons, Kelly and Rod were both on the team. “My younger son, Kelly, who was a pitcher, he could have been better if he really put his mind to it, but he was a good pitcher,” Peters recalled. “My son Rod enjoyed coaching.” “Twenty years later, this is amazing. I just wanted to say thank you to all these fellas, lasting memories and lasting friendships,” said Rod. “Just like the gold medals we have, this evening is something nobody can take away from us. What an awesome evening.” The team name ‘Alliance’ was a suggestion from a player since the team was comprised of players from Landmark, Flin Flon, Saskatchewan and Ontario. Another father and sons trio on the team is Coach Fran Giesbrecht and his sons Nathan and Rob. Peter’s praised Rob for being their home run hitter. “I’ve seen him hit a home run that went well over the home run fence.” In addition to being inducted as a member of the Alliance team, Giesbrecht was inducted as an individual player after winning gold medals playing for Canada in the 1993 World Junior Championship in Auckland, New Zealand and at the 2003 Pan Am Games in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He was named the MVP at the World Juniors and homered and doubled in Canada’s 4-2 victory over the United States in the final at the Pan Am Games. He also won bronze at the 2009 World Men’s Championship in Saskatoon.

The campers from Rock Garden Campground in Richer raised over $700 during a special fundraising event for Make-A-Wish Canada. Photo submitted by Dawn Jacobson

On May 28, in conjunction with Canadian RV & Camping Week, Rock Garden Campground near Richer participated in a Canada wide Make-A-Wish Fundraising event. According to Dawn Jacobson, the event raised $748.10 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. “We held a BBQ which was supported by local business owners, Earl’s Meat Market donated the ground beef for the chilli and Awesome Dog donated the hot dogs with all the fixing and the owner of Awesome Dog, Paul Pantel did the cooking.” Jacobson said the event was a success because of the volunteers who helped make it happen including D.V.A. Entertainment who donated their time to play music while everyone enjoyed the meals. “It was a wonderful turn out and so nice to see all the love and support people have to give to sick children in need of a wish,” said Jacobson. “This was Rock Garden Campground’s first year participating and we hope to make a bigger and better event next year.” The night ended with all the Rock Garden campers lighting Wish Lanterns on the Basket Ball Court to make the Wish Garden in the shape of a heart. Make-A-Wish® Canada grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Make-A-Wish Canada is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish® International, the largest wish-granting organization in the world, making dreams and wishes come true for more than 350,000 children since 1980.

Tae Kwon Do Members Compete at Can-Am Games Two members of Lorette Branch, Kang’s Taekwondo Academy competed in the 2016 Can-Am Games held on April 23 at the Investors Group Athletic Centre, University of Manitoba. The 38th Can-Am Games, an annual invitational tournament sponsored by Kang’s Taekwondo Academy of Winnipeg, was attended by Canadian clubs whose members competed in patterns and in full-contact sparring. Both Nikolaus Wupori (green belt) and Derek Jolicoeur (yellow belt/green stripe) won medals. Nikolaus won a bronze medal in sparring. Derek took the gold medal in sparring and a bronze medal for the pattern (poomse) Taegeuk 2 or Ee Jang.

The 94 and 95 Alliances team rooster.

RCMP Seek Thief

Steinbach RCMP received a report of a Break and Enter on Stonebridge Crossing in Steinbach that occurred sometime between May 19 at 11 pm and May 20 at 10 am. Several items were stolen. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Check Your Cameras On May 1, Steinbach RCMP received several complaints in the RM of Ste Anne, Town of Blumenort and RM of Hanover regarding civic signs, highway signs, and mail boxes

From left to right Derek Jolicoeur, Nikolaus Wupori and Master Michael Tam at the 2016 Can-Am Games.

either being damaged on site or removed completely. Steinbach RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in solving these cases of vandalism that occurred sometime Saturday night April 30 to the early hours of May 1. RCMP is also asking people to review their camera recordings and call if they have anything to report. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452.

Accident Closes Hwy At approximately 2:45 am on May 29 Steinbach RCMP responded to a two vehicle motor vehicle collision on Hwy 210, approximately 3kms west of Marchand. Five adults were taken to Bethesda and Ste. Anne Hospital with undisclosed injuries. None appeared to be life threatening. An RCMP Traffic Analyst was contacted to assist and was on scene. Alcohol was believed to be a contributing factor. Highway 210 was closed for approximately 5 hours.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Richer Daycare Receives Donation

Ste. Agathe Park Gets Donation

June 2016


Five Nabbed for Vehicle Break Ins On May 3, at approximately 12:54 am, Steinbach RCMP was advised that there was a group of people going through vehicles in La Broquerie on Rue Des Pignons. After RCMP arrived, the subsequent investigation brought members to a residence on Gauthier Street in La Broquerie. Three adult males were arrested and taken into custody for theft from a motor vehicle. All three males were released later that day on a Promise to Appear. Two youth females were also involved, however, after cooperating with RCMP were released without charge and will proceed through extrajudicial means under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Alcohol Could Come into Play in Motorcycle Accident Rene de Moissac COO of BSI Insurance Brokers Ltd. presents a cheque to Patrick Saurette, Treasurer of Park Lemoine Committee.

Tammy Bydeley, Community Member and Customer Service Rep of BSI Insurance Brokers LTD – Steinbach presented a $2,000 cheque to Nicole Tanasiciuk, Assistant Director of Richer Day Care and Susan Giesbrecht, Director of Richer Day Care.

The Richer Daycare in the most recent organization to receive a $2,000 donation from BSI Insurance. The Richer Day Care opened its doors September 3, 2007 and they are currently raising funds for repairs that need to be completed to the area in the building. The donation is expected to allow the daycare to update and improve the facility to provide a safer environment for the children to learn and play. This donation was done in part of BSI Insurance’s “Because We Care” initiative. Because We Care – This initiative will see approximately $30,000 in donations annually distributed between its 15 locations and neighbouring communities. BSI recognizes the need to support local initiatives that strive to improve its communities.

BSI Insurance has donated $2,000 to Park Lemoine towards the local park upgrades. Rene de Moissac, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) with BSI Insurance Brokers said the donation is to help fund improvements in the community park. “The natural park was in major need of upgrades towards landscaping, a path, drainage, and build up for natural structure as well as turf,” explained de Moissac. “The park will now provide a safer environment for children to enjoy outdoor play.” The donation was made possible with the BSI - Because We Care initiative. The “Because We Care” initiative will see approximately $30,000 distributed annually between its 16 locations and neighbouring communities. BSI recognizes the need to support local initiatives that strive to improve its communities. BSI Insurance has 16 brokerage locations in southern Manitoba and has incorporated a culture of caring about its customers, communities and employees. While still focusing on what matters, BSI’s large brokerage base offers its customers choice, convenience and a tailored insurance policy for their needs.

Ritchot Fire Department Hosts First Pancake Breakfast By Marianne Curtis Over two hundred people attended the Ritchot Fire Department’s first ever pancake breakfast, which took place on May 28 at the Ile des Chenes fire hall. “We are very pleased with the attendance of our first pancake breakfast,” said Ritchot Fire Chief Scott Weir. “In the past, we have held open houses in St. Adolphe with hot dogs, which were well attended, but we’ve not done a breakfast before. For a first time event in Ile des Chenes, we are pleased with the response.” During the event, visitors could check out the municipality’s fire fighting fleet Ritchot’s volunteer fire fighters cooked up breakfast for local and meet the many firefighters who residents during their first pancake breakfast in Ile des Chenes. volunteer for the department. There were also demonstrations on how to properly use a fire extinguisher, and put out a stove grease fire.

Hit and Run Vehicle Located Steinbach Detachment located and towed the vehicle involved in the hit and run incident resulting in damage to the traffic lights at Hwy 12 and Loewen Blvd. The vehicle also suffered extensive damage and is believed to be a write off. The registered owner/driver is known to police and faces Highway Traffic Act charges and Civil repercussions. Anyone with further information, please contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment.

On May 20 at about 6 pm, Steinbach RCMP responded to a single vehicle collision involving a motorcycle. The driver, a 42 year old male, was driving south on Road 42N and accelerated too quickly when attempting to cross Highway 1, losing control on the loose gravel and crashing on the westbound lane. The driver was transported to Ste Anne hospital and then transferred to Winnipeg with non-life threatening injuries. Alcohol is believed to be a factor in the collision. The investigation is ongoing.

Beware of High Pressure Phone Fraud According to the Steinbach RCMP, several local residents have received phone calls from a fraudster purporting to represent the Canadian Police Association. In attempt to get your money, the caller uses high-pressure sales tactics. This is a fraud and RCMP is asking residents to just hang up the phone. The Canadian Police Association and the RCMP do not call individuals to solicit for funds.


Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Kelvin Goertzen Ready for Cabinet By Marianne Curtis

Forest Fires Force Evacuations in Whiteshell

After last month’s landslide Progressive Conservative win, there was, no surprise that Steinbach’s re-elected MLA Kelvin Goertzen was named a cabinet minister. When Premier Brian Pallister announced his new cabinet, Goertzen was named Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living, First Acting Minister of Education and Training and Member of Priorities and Planning Committee. He was also given the important roles of Government House Leader, Second Acting Deputy Premier. Goertzen confirmed that his mandate states that as Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living that his key role will be delivering on the commitment to be the most improved province in shortening ER and other wait times deliver lower ambulance fees, retaining doctors, building more personal care home beds, have a dedicated stroke unit and a mental health strategy. His “to-do” list includes a mandate to build personal care home beds using the model used to build the personal care home in Niverville. “It relies heavily on community and municipal partnerships. It’s an exciting initiative and I look forward to working on the mandate I’ve been given by the Premier,” said Goertzen. “The Premier made it a priority in asking that 1,200 personal care home beds be built over the next eight years, but also that they have to be done in a way that the government and the people of Manitoba can afford.” One of the hot topics on the table is also dealing with medically assisted death. New Federal legislation must be in place by June 6, according to a Supreme Court-imposed deadline. Goertzen said the province is “as ready as it can be” to deal with medically assisted death, whether new federal legislation is in place, or not. “There must be a boost in palliative care to ensure that people don’t feel that there are no other options to assisted death,” Goertzen added. “That would be the worst of situations.” Goertzen said he is also looking for ways to cut costs while improving services. Compared with other provinces, Manitoba has experienced health care spending growth. “Two or three times higher on a percentage basis than in other provinces,” when compared to other provinces.

Steinbach Legion Donation for Fort McMurray Wildfire Relief

Smoke rises over West Hawk Lake from fires burning northeast of Caddy Lake.

By Marianne Curtis Strong winds and dry weather exacerbated conditions while battling forest fires that threatened cottages on the Manitoba-Ontario border earlier this month. A wildfire about 7 km northeast of Caddy Lake continued to burn and residents were told to evacuate. Winds pushed the fire further east, and as a precaution, McDougall’s Landing and east shore remote cabins on West Hawk Lake were evacuated. On May 17, people affected by the fires around Caddy Lake, Ingolf and West Hawk Lake were finally allowed to return to their homes. Those returning were asked to bring identification and proof of ownership or connection to the property, such as a tax bill or mail directed to the property. Evacuation orders for Nora and Florence Lakes remain in effect at this time. Travel and burning permit restrictions in eastern, central and western Manitoba have been lifted with the recent rain. Some parts of the Whiteshell still remain closed including PR 312 from one kilometre east of PTH 44 (Big Island turn off) to the Ontario border. The Beresford Lake fire that has consumed approximately 75,000 hectares is 60 percent contained with the hard work of 22 crews working this fire in Manitoba. Sprinkler protection continues on cabins in the area and crews are making good progress with suppression efforts and assistance from Nova Scotia crews. The mandatory evacuation of the Beresford cottage subdivision in the Nopiming Provincial Park continues. The Beresford and Wallace Lake campgrounds are closed until wildfire conditions improve. An evacuation order remains in effect for Wallace Lake, which affects 61 cottages and 1 lodge. Officials are also monitoring conditions at Long Lake closely.

The Steinbach Legion #190 made a special donation from the Poppy Fund to the Fort McMurray Wildfire Relief Fund in the amount of $5,000. While the Poppy Fund has specific rules on the use funds, if the Federal or Provincial government declares a state of disaster, the Royal Canadian Legion authorizes that a portion of the Poppy Fund can be used to assist with relief efforts. The donation by the Steinbach Legion will go to the Alberta-North West Territory Provincial Command, which has set up a central fund to coordinate the collection and dispersal of donations. They will be donating 50% of the funds to the Red Cross for emergency funding and 50% will be accessible for those requesting assistance. These emergency funds will be used for all those affected by the fire, not only Veterans. The Steinbach Legion encourages others in our community to donate towards the relief effort for those affected by the Fort McMurray wildfire. The Royal Canadian Legion supports our Veterans, their families and the community.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dear Minister of Finance – Manitoba I know you are relatively new to your position, Mr Cameron Friesen, but there are a few items related to our Personal Income Taxes that make me angry every year and have for several years. I have contacted the previous Ministers of Finance regarding these issues, but nothing was done with my suggestions, so I hope you will listen and give these ideas some serious consideration. The first concern I have is the taxes paid by low income Manitobans especially the working poor and the low-income seniors. Hard to believe someone with income under $20,000 is paying provincial taxes. The working poor start paying taxes at $9,135. Why on earth would you start taxing someone with such a low income? Please look at how the province of BC treats its low-income residents. The BC Tax Reduction within their provincial personal income tax calculation ensures those with incomes under $19,000 pay no provincial taxes. Time to look at this and put more cash in the pockets of low income Manitobans without affecting the basic personal credit; the rest of us can continue to pay provincial taxes starting at $9,135 until we can afford to increase the basic credit. Our poorest seniors start paying provincial taxes at $12,863 (includes the $3,728 age credit). Can you explain to me why a senior with income under $19,000 should be paying provincial taxes? Federal taxes start at $18,599 for our senior taxpayers. Bracket Creep has been around since 2003. Manitoba has not indexed its tax brackets for inflation. This means as incomes rise every year to offset the effects of inflation Manitobans are quietly (and without a formal announcement) moved into higher tax brackets. Over the past 13 years, Manitobans have paid thousands of dollars more in their individual personal income taxes than they should have. Consider someone at minimum wage. Even though minimum wage has increased over the years, more cash goes towards Manitoba personal income taxes every year. Since 2003, someone earning minimum wage has paid about $600+ more in taxes. Does that seem fair?! This policy is just one of many ways in which Manitoba has an uncompetitive personal income tax system. In fact, Manitoba has the highest income tax rates in western Canada and the lowest basic personal exemption (now at $9,134). The federal credit as a comparison is now at $11,474 for 2016. The Seniors School Tax Rebate was introduced for 2014 ($235) and increased in 2015 to $470. This rebate helped many seniors (including those with high incomes), but did nothing for the low-income seniors. They were getting this credit through their personal income taxes (Manitoba Provincial Credits). So all the previous government did was make them apply for it ahead of time, but it decreased their tax refund by the same amount. This credit helped those seniors with higher incomes. I recommend you cap the credit at the current $470 (do not increase it) and review it to determine if it’s the right thing to do. (Seniors with higher incomes do not need this credit!) On another issue, did you know that some provincial credits can only be adjusted going back three years? The credits in question include the Manitoba Primary Caregiver Tax Credit and the Education Property Tax Credit. By not allowing these credits to be claimed after a three-year period, you are penalizing the ones who didn’t know about it. Unfortunately, with the way our tax system is, you need to know what you may be eligible for. (You don’t know what you don’t know). If you are too late, too bad. Please change the tax regulations and allow individuals to claim credits they are entitled too, but didn’t know they could get it. The Manitoba Primary Caregiver Tax Credit became available in 2009 and I still meet individuals that don’t know what it is or that they are or were eligible to apply and receive it. This Credit financially helps those in the community that provide important care to our seniors and those with disabilities, often family members or neighbours or good friends. These caring people relieve the strain on the homecare employees. Since 2009, these caregivers were eligible to receive a credit up to $1,400 per year (was $1,020 and $1,275 previously). But if you apply now, we can only go back three years, even if these individuals have been providing care for several years. And this credit is refundable. That means even if you do not pay any taxes, you can get the tax credit paid to you. The other Provincial credit that has a three year time limit is the Education Property Tax Credit. Most of us get the $700 credit on our property tax bill. But some people either don’t have it on their property taxes (recently moved to the new property or multiple homes on the title) or they are renting. If you are late filing your taxes and need to go back more than three years, you are out of luck in getting this credit you are entitled to. Or if you didn’t know about it and didn’t claim it, we cannot get it back if it’s more than three years ago that you didn’t claim it. There are other credits that allow us to go back up to 10 years (disability tax credit and medical, for example), so why not these as well? During the election campaign, Ambulance fees were a big topic. An easy solution to high cost problem is to include Ambulance fees under the Pharmacare umbrella. This way those with lower incomes will have their fees covered. And those with higher incomes still pay (or have it paid by their private or employer sponsored health plans). Mr Cameron Friesen, Minister of Finance for Manitoba, I know you have a lot on your plate right now and I don’t expect changes immediately, but I want to make sure you understand our personal income taxes seem unfair to the people who need help the most. The low income tax payers and those who are unaware of available provincial credits deserve better. I will share this info with Bob Lagasse, the new MLA for Dawson Trail; the area that I live in and many of my 2,000+ tax clients live in too. I hope my faithful readers will take this column and give it to their local MLA to ask for some tax relief for the Manitobans with the lowest of incomes. Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact her at 204422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or Info@SteAnneTaxService.ca.

June 2016


Lagasse Makes First Member Statement By Marianne Curtis Newly elected Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse jumped right into work and bravely presented his first member statement on May 26 in the Legislature. This came after Lagasse, along with the rest of the caucus was officially sworn in two weeks earlier. Premier Brian Pallister and his government, cabinet and deputy ministers were sworn into office on May 3. In a well-rehearsed member statement, Lagasse congratulated the 1994 and 1995 Manitoba Alliance Junior Men’s Softball teams after they were inducted into the Manitoba Softball Hall of Fame. After introducing caucus to the recently inducted team, Lagasse shared a tidbit of wisdom he gathered while preparing for his statement. “I’d also like

On May 11, Bob Lagasse took the oath as he is sworn in as the new Dawson Trail MLA, fifteen days later; he presented his first member statement.

to touch on the word ‘teamwork’ by echoing what Mr. Peters [the manager] said in a recent interview, ‘not everyone on the squad was equally talented but it was just the right combination of talent and character’,” Lagasse quoted. “I believe this statement reflects what a team needs to be to succeed and I will take that with me on my journey as a member of the Manitoba Legislative assembly.” Lagasse received some criticism from voters and media alike, after he struggled to answer questions

Bomb Squad Called Out On May 20 at 12:50 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a suspicious package at Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. Local RCMP members cordoned off the area including east and westbound traffic on Hwy 52 in front of Valeant. Traffic was re-routed from 1 am to 6 am. Steinbach Fire Department attended along with the RCMP “D” Division Explosive Disposal Unit (EDU). The EDU forensically examined the package and were able to determine that while the contents of the package were not the expected contents, they were in fact, electronic devices utilized by Valeant relative to their quality control process. Police and Fire personnel cleared the scene shortly thereafter.

Piney Votes for Chamber of Commerce On May 18, a group from the RM of Piney passed a motion to establish a Regional Chamber of Commerce. A second meeting is scheduled to take place on June 9, at the RM of Piney Council chambers in Vassar starting at 7 pm. At this time, those in attendance are expected to elect the organization’s first board of directors to help establish the future business directions and promote economic development for the area.

during a pre-election public forum. In a post-election interview with the Dawson Trail Dispatch, Lagasse admitted that his inexperience could hinder him when it came to public speaking, but he was determined to overcome that challenge. After asking Madame Speaker to record the names of the coaches and players, the rest of caucus sent up a round of applause, signalling that Lagasse had nailed it. In his first month as MLA for Dawson Trail, Lagasse also hired Sarah Langevin as his assistant.

Nothing Stolen After Break In Steinbach RCMP received a report of a Break and Enter on Harmony Lane in Steinbach. The break in occurred sometime during the day of May 12 between 7 am and 7 pm. It appears that nothing has been stolen. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Spray Painters Vandalize Property Steinbach RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in solving multiple related mischiefs that occurred sometime Saturday night April 30 in La Broquerie and Steinbach. The culprits used fluorescent orange, green, black paint to draw profanities on numerous houses, garage doors and vehicles. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).


June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Niverville Chamber Hands Out Business Awards

Dawson Trail Dispatch

The Niverville Chamber of Commerce recognized two local businesses in the community during this year’s annual meeting. This is the second time that the Niverville Chamber has recognized local business owners with business awards. Approximately sixty people came out for this year’s annual meeting, where former Niverville Mayor Clare Braun shared his story and why he chose to do business in Niverville. Afterwards, the business award for the Outstanding Business of the Year Award 2015 was presented to Great GORP Project. “We are so proud to be a part of this community. People keep asking when GORP is going to move somewhere bigger, better, different,” stated owner Colleen Dyck. “We love Niverville and we love the people here. We are lucky to be a part of this great town and feel lucky to be able to contribute business to it!” The Outstanding Customer Service Award was presented to DONE - Hair, Skin and Nails. The winner of the first Alex Fast Sr. Memorial Award, At the Niverville Chamber of Commerce meeting, Niverville Credit Union was the first presented to a business that contributes to the recipient of the Alex Fast Sr. Memorial, an award for a business that contributes to the community. community went Niverville Credit Union.

Lagoon Expansion Planned for St. Pierre-Jolys By Marianne Curtis Colleen Dyck, owner of Great GORP Project accepts the Outstanding Business of the Year Award from Andy Anderson.

The Village of St. Pierre-Jolys held a hearing in early May to discuss the community’s wastewater lagoon expansion project. The Village is proposing to expand its sewage treatment lagoon that has reached capacity to meet the Provincial and Federal water quality standards. The project is expected to cost about $2.6 million. At the hearing, Council outlined how the community of 1,200 already exceeds current lagoon capacity by 400 people and that no development will be allowed until the lagoon is expanded. The local improvement tax required to service debt to be issued under this project will be levied against all taxable, grant-in-lieu, otherwise exempt properties within the Village. Mayor Mona Fallis said the lagoon is a huge issue for the community, adding that a number of local developers are getting anxious to see the project more forward. “We’ve had a three year moratorium on construction so not a lot has happened in recent years. We need to expand our

Thieves Target Power Tools in RM of Ste. Anne Over the weekend of April 29 and May 2, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a Break and Enter on 32 Road E in the RM of Ste. Anne. The theft occurred sometime during the weekend, where a wide range of power tools was stolen. The estimated value of the tools was in the range of $1,500-2,000. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Break in at the Steinbach Landfill Yard Steinbach RCMP Detachment received a report of a Break and Enter at the Steinbach Landfill Yard on Hanover Road E in Steinbach. The thieves stole a gas pump sometime between May 7 and May 9. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

lagoon,” explained Fallis. “There is some resistance to the tax implications of lagoon expansion, which would see taxes on an average $200,000 home go up $186 per year for 25 years.” According to the St. Pierre-Jolys Council, Manitoba Water Services Board has already confirmed a $400,000 contribution, with another $900,000 to be confirmed. The Village would borrow the remaining $1.3 million. Council hopes to start construction of the lagoon expansion next spring, with completion expected in the fall.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2016



June 2016

Celebrating 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Public Asked to Keep Eye Out for Stolen Dirt Bike

Classic Bike Stolen

Identity Sought in Gas Theft

On May 21, the Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of a stolen dirt bike from a residence on Kehler Drive in Mitchell. The bike was stolen sometime during the night of Friday, May 20 to Saturday, May 21. On May 16, the Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of a stolen bike from a residence on Chapel Drive in Steinbach. The bike, a Rapido from 1970 was stolen on May 15.

The Steinbach RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the following person who may be able to provide information into a current RCMP investigation about the theft of gas.

Persons of Interest Sought The Steinbach RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a male and female who were involved in an incident at Walmart in Steinbach. The male is described as average height, medium build with a dark goatee. The female is described as average height, slim with long dark hair. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at (204) 326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-2228477 or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Freedom Road Headway The East Side Road Authority (ESRA) is no more. Originally, the Crown Corporation was tasked with building an all-season road on the East Side of Lake Winnipeg connecting the Bloodvein First Nation’s community north of Winnipeg to the provincial road network. Later Berens River was added and construction is scheduled to be completed in 2019. Prior to the Provincial election, the ESRA was given the additional mandate of building a “Freedom” road to connect the Shoal Lake 40 First Nation community to the Trans-Canada Highway. The isolated community has lived under a boil water advisory for close to 20 years, even though Winnipeg uses the same water in Shoal Lake for its own needs. In 1913, the community was on a peninsula until it was cut off from the mainland by the canal diversion built for the aqueduct from Shoal Lake to the City of Winnipeg. In May, making good on a promise the Progressive Conservatives repatriated all ESRA administration and functions to the Manitoba Infrastructure Department said MLA Blaine Pedersen. “The integration of the East Side Road Authority’s mandate into Manitoba Infrastructure will bring about efficiencies while ensuring centralized co-ordination of all provincial infrastructure projects,” said Pedersen in a government news release. “This move aligns with our government’s commitment to achieving value for money in the delivery of government services.” The two-year Shoal Lake plan includes a gravel road that leads off the Trans-Canada Highway, west of Falcon Lake and will run southeast to the community. Two bridges will also be built with one over the aqueduct.

Online Sale of Stolen Equipment Thieves Downfall In 2014, Steinbach RCMP had opened an investigation for a $15,000 piece of drilling equipment that was stolen from an address in Mitchell on August 22, 2014. On March 18 this year, a piece of drilling equipment was advertised for sale on a local social media outlet. Steinbach RCMP, Steinbach RCMP General Investigation Section (GIS) and Units in RCMP Headquarters in Winnipeg entered into an investigation related to the equipment being sold. On April 21, the investigation led to the arrest of two adult individuals and RCMP recovered the stolen piece of drilling equipment. 27-year old, Dustin Shelton was charged with Trafficking in property obtained by crime over $5,000, Possession of methamphetamine, Possession of Property Obtained by crime under $5,000 and Fail to Comply with Probation. The second individual, 21-year old, Kristen Bolton was charged with Trafficking in property obtained by crime over $5,000. Steinbach RCMP reminds the public to keep a log of serial numbers associated to anything of value that they own. These numbers are very beneficial when investigating and tracking stolen property.

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