Dawson Trail Dispatch July 2021

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

July 2021

Canada Day Protest at Community Pulls Off Unique the Doorstep Canada Day Celebration of Steinbach MLA’s Office

Just after dusk, the organizers treated the community of Richer and guests to a fireworks display.

Multiple organizations and local businesses joined together to create a Canada Day Celebration in the community of Richer that involved the entire community and even treated guests from outside the community to their hospitality. Teams of drivers went through the community delivering free hotdogs, popcorn, water and juice to residents at their driveways. They even included activity bags for the children of the homes. Later that night they were able to drive around the outskirts of the park delivering the same packages to guests who pulled up with their vehicles. Almost 1,000 deliveries were made throughout the day. (right) Volunteers doing deliveries in the community throughout the day.

Photos by Evan Ramage

This year, Canada Day looked different for many as COVID restrictions forced most communities to cancel group festivities. Instead of the usual sea of red and white, city streets across the country were flooded with orange in support of a nation grieving. While a protest against the legacy of residential schools took place in Winnipeg, and other capital cities across Canada, Steinbach did see a display of solidarity. Steinbach MLA and Deputy Minister Kelvin Goertzen spent Canada Day with his family, but he did address the sudden appearance of several protest signs plastered on the front of his Main Street office. “I appreciate the offers to take them down but I would ask folks to leave them as they are for today. Don’t take them down please. It is a free country and this is a difficult issue but we move forward by hearing, listening and expressing,” Goertzen posted on social media. In Winnipeg, thousands of people took to the streets in a walk that started at the Forks and ended at the Manitoba Legislature grounds. While the event was mostly peaceful, the day did end with Continued on Page 2...

Protestors display their solidarity against the legacy of residential schools at Deputy Premier Kelvin Goertzen’s constituency office in Steinbach while protests took place in Winnipeg on Canada Day. Submitted photo

July 2021

Canada Day Protest at the Doorstep of Steinbach MLA’s Office some vandalism when a group of protestors toppled the statue of Queen

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Continued from Page 1...

Victoria, covered it in red paint, were either cancelled or scaled back, were found at former residential Saskatchewan, and Brandon, Maniand the base of the statue was after hundreds of unmarked graves school sites in British Columbia, toba to date. marked with red handprints on it. On the steps behind the statue were hundreds of tiny shoes, put in place to recognize Indigenous children who were forced to attend residential schools where they faced separation from family and community, were abused and for many resulted in death. Angry protestors also toppled a statue of Queen Elizabeth located on the grounds. “The actions by individuals to vandalize public property at the Manitoba Legislative Building July 1 are unacceptable. They are a major setback for those who are working toward real reconciliation and do nothing to advance this important goal,” stated Goertzen. “Those who commit acts of violence will be pursued actively in the courts. All leaders The results by some protestors at the Manitoba Legislature grounds on July 1. Submitted photos in Manitoba must strongly condemn acts of violence and van- Steinbach MLA and Deputy Minister Kelvin dalism, and at the same time, we Goertzen addressed the sudden appearance of several protest signs plastered on the front must come together to meaning- of his Main Street office by saying “I apfully advance reconciliation.” preciate the offers to take them down but I Many special events normally would ask folks to leave them as they are for associated with Canada Day today. Don’t take them down please. It is a free country and this is a difficult issue but we move forward by hearing, listening and expressing,” Goertzen posted on social media.

People’s Party Leader Arrested in St. Pierre-Jolys Controversial People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was arrested on June 11 by the St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP just outside of the Village, after police said he contravened provincial COVID19 health orders including failing to self-isolate when entering Manitoba. At the time of his arrest, Bernier was beginning a three-day tour of Manitoba to denounce lockdown policies, as he has been doing in six different provinces for several months. He had already made an appearance in Niverville, and was enroute to St. Malo. Bernier’s Twitter account released footage of the arrest taking place. In the brief video, Bernier is sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle that is pulled over by RCMP officers. A masked officer asks Bernier to exit the vehicle and informs him that he’s being placed under arrest. While being handcuffed, the officer asks if Bernier is carrying any weapons or anything, “That can hurt me?” People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier spent eight hours at the St. Pierre RCMP Detachment after being arrested for breaking public health orders on June 11.

“Only my words,” Bernier responded. “Only my philosophy, only what I believe in.” The RCMP confirmed the arrest, saying Bernier was previously ticketed in Niverville but continued to flout public health orders. Bernier has been a vocal opponent of COVID-19 pandemic health measures, attending numerous anti-lockdown rallies across Canada. “Mr. Bernier knew of the health orders and has already received a ticket. The continuation of the offence of violating the current public health orders in Manitoba has resulted in his arrest,” the RCMP said. “He is charged under the Public Health Act with Contravening a Provision of the Act for assembling in a gathering at an outdoor public place and for failing to self-isolate in accordance with the Order upon arrival in Manitoba.” Martin Masse, a party spokesman, said in a release that Bernier was wrongfully arrested on charges that violate his constitutional rights as a Canadian citizen.

“This isn’t about COVID anymore. It’s political repression,” Masse said. “This is the kind of stuff countries like China and Russia do. Mr. Bernier was arrested for opposing the unjustified and unscientific lockdown measures imposed on Canadians by our incompetent federal and provincial governments for over 15 months.” At the time of his arrest, Bernier was beginning a three-day tour of Manitoba to denounce quarantine and lockdown policies, as he has been doing in six different provinces for several months. Bernier was released after spending eight hours in St. Pierre-Jolys after paying $1,000 cash bail, then flew back to Quebec. Bernier is expected to appear before a Manitoba judge on July 27, where he faces penalties under the section of Manitoba’s Public Health Act that states the maximum sanction is a $100,000 fine, one year in jail or both.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Steinbach RCMP Puts Newest Recruit “Pixel” Through His Paces On June 2, Steinbach RCMP, in conjunction with the RCMP police dog service, were conducting a training day in Steinbach. Steinbach has had an operational police service dog and dogmaster for the last five plus years. During the time that they have been protecting the community there has been an outpouring of community support. An RCMP spokesperson said it is essential for all police dogs to continue to train in all environments, temperatures, and ground surfaces. This often includes simulating the tracking of subjects who have fled from crime scenes in urban, suburban and rural areas. Often, the carefully planned training tracks into residential areas, meandering through residential front and back yards, business properties, parks, or parking lots. Police dogs require constant and ongoing familiarization with all areas that they may have to perform their work in so that they can confidently perform their job which includes locating persons and protecting loved ones. In order to simulate these events, police may periodically enter onto, and walk across, or through properties. Police will always be in uniform or have identifiable markings indicating their employment with the RCMP. If you see any suspicious activity where individuals do not appear as a police officer do not hesitate to contact your local RCMP detachment. The RCMP expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support and cooperation of the community in developing and maintaining the operational abilities of the police dogs. As a result of ongoing training, the police dog section has had success in the community of Steinbach and has apprehended many high profile criminals, assisted with finding missing persons and contributed to community safety.

Throughout a recent training day, many people stopped to talk and ask questions about the training, what the RCMP were doing in their neighborhood. “We welcomed this positive interaction and took the opportunity to speak with a youth who was interested in the training process and with several home owners in the area,” said an RCMP spokesperson. “Another positive byproduct of the training is the increase in police presence in the community. Although the RCMP understand that it is not always feasible to speak with everyone prior to walking on personal or commercial property the police dog section and other RCMP officers involved in the training are very approachable and would love to have a conversation when time permits. While the police dog is working it is imperative that the dogmaster and the police dog remain focused on the simulated task at hand, however, if at any time you are concerned, or have a question, do not hesitate to ask.” As time continues, the Steinbach RCMP and the police dog services look forward to serving Steinbach and all the surrounding rural municipalities, “Steinbach RCMP also has one potential police service dog in training at this time and you will undoubtedly see him and his handler at many businesses, out on walks around town, and in local schools,” noted the RCMP spokesperson. “Steinbach and the surrounding rural municipalities have helped to build and imprint five potential police service dogs, three of which are currently serving communities across Canada on Vancouver Island, and in our very own province of Manitoba in the Northern Thompson Community. If you see our newest recruit Pixel please say hello and feel free to ask questions!”

Blumenort “CHAMP” Grateful for War Amps Key Tag Service

Telysha at a War Amps CHAMP Seminar in 2013 (left) and today (right).

Steinbach RCMP has one potential police service dog in training at this time and you will undoubtedly see him and his handler at many businesses, out on walks around town, and in local schools. If you see our newest recruit Pixel please say hello and feel free to ask questions! Submitted photo

This year, The War Amps Key Tag Service is celebrating 75 years of returning lost keys to their owners. Donations to the Key Tag Service provide vital support to amputees across the country including Telysha Warkentin, 11, of Blumenort. Telysha was born a left arm amputee and, as a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, is eligible for financial assistance for artificial limbs and adaptive devices, as well as peer support. “The War Amps has helped Telysha to be proud of her amputation,” said mom, Jodi. “She has been fitted with devices so that she can be active and independent.

Telysha has also gone to CHAMP seminars where she has met kids just like her and made lots of friends.” The Key Tag Service was launched in 1946 so that returning war amputee veterans could not only work for competitive wages, but also provide a service to Canadians that would generate funds for the Association’s many programs. The service continues to employ amputees and people with disabilities and has returned more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys to their owners. Each key tag has a confidentially coded number. If you lose your keys, the finder can call the toll-free number on the back of the tag or place them in any mailbox in Canada, and The War Amps will return them to you by courier, free of charge. The War Amps receives no government grants and its programs are possible through public support of the Key Tag and Address Label Service. “We’d like to thank the public for helping to make this service a success,” said spokesperson Rob Larman, himself a Graduate of the CHAMP Program. “Your support funds essential programs for all amputees across Canada, including children and veterans.” For more information, or to order key tags, visit waramps.ca or call toll-free 1 800 250-3030.

July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Tapping into Seniors to Help Seniors Seine River Services for Seniors Inc. (SRS Inc.) knows firsthand the needs of older adults. That’s why they’re excited to launch a new project called Seniors Helping Seniors- Entre aînés, on s’entraide specifically created with regional seniors in mind. “Initially we wanted to create in-person presentations and workshops bringing in seniors in our region who have a lifetime of knowledge to pass on these skills to other seniors,” explained Melanie Bremaud, Coordinator with SRS Inc. “Current health restrictions in place due to the pandemic has forced us to think out of the box and revise the way we are going to present this.” The once in-person format has now been redeveloped to create information packages that can be delivered on a regular basis to seniors in the region. “We have many seniors in the region with skills they have developed and we believe that giving them an opportunity to share their creativity with other seniors in the area could be very informative and really fun,” said Bremaud. “Many of our regional seniors are facing various levels of isolation and these projects we are going to share through this program will allow everyone a sense of connection to their peers.” Twice a month, seniors have the chance to receive an informational package that contains a useful booklet with essential resources and materials. In addition, SRS Inc. will be giving away 20 activity kits which include all the supplies needed to complete the project. Every package and activity kit is developed by a professional older adult in the community and will be delivered to the door by a dedicated team of volunteers… now that’s Seniors Helping Seniors! The program kicks off on July 27, 2021 and runs until March 25, 2022. It is available to older adults that reside in the RM of La Broquerie, the RM of Ste. Anne, the Town of Ste. Anne and the surrounding communities. Registration will be open on a first-come-first-serve basis. To request your first package or activity kit contact 204-424-5285, labseinerss@gmail.com or visit Facebook at srsseniors. This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. “The New Horizons for Seniors Program is key to allowing us to provide this program,” said Bremaud. “Their generous support will go on long way in ensuring Seniors Helping Seniors- Entre aînés, on s’entraide is a success.”

Dawson Trail Dispatch

End of Session Report Happy Canada Day to all of my constituents. It was a busy week in the House of Commons, with sittings going into the early morning hours, as the Liberal Government tried to force through legislation before the House rose for the summer. As, at the time of writing, several pieces of government legislation remain in the Senate, I will focus this week on some positive things we were able to achieve this session, and deal with government bills next week. I am very pleased that several common-sense bills, put forward by Conservatives, passed the House of Commons. I had the privilege to second each of these bills, and all are good news for Provencher residents. Bill C-206 will exempt farm fuels from the Liberal Carbon Tax. Conservatives, NDP and Bloc members all voted in favour. Only the Liberals voted against. It was very disappointing—though not surprising—to see the Liberals vote against saving our agriculture sector $250 million over the next four years–money that would stay in our communities and support local jobs and small businesses, but it was great to see other op-

position parties step up to get this bill passed. Bill C-208 changes how the sale of a farm, small business or fishing operation from parent to child is taxed—this is one of the few bills that has actually been passed into law. A significant percentage of Canadian farms and small business are family owned and operated, many of then intergenerationally. Under the previous law, if you sold a family farm or small business to your children, the difference between the sale price and the original purchase price was considered a dividend. However, if the farm or small business was sold to a non-family member the sale was taxed as a capital gain, at a significantly lower rate. Bill C208 will provide tax fairness for farm families and small business owners. Bill C-307 dramatically expands bereavement leave for parents suffering the loss of their child. The current law allows only three days—a period that is not only unsympathetic but completely disconnected from the realities of such loss. It offers parents no time to make arrangements or properly grieve following the death of a child. This new piece of legislation would give parents eight weeks of paid leave to grieve and do what they need to do.

We were also able to work collaboratively with other opposition parties in our ongoing push for the Liberal Government to stop their coverup of Chinese military scientists working in the Public Health Agency’s Winnipeg National Microbiology Lab. The Liberal Government is, currently, in contempt of Parliament, refusing to provide documents related this shocking national security breach. We will continue to call for transparency and work together with other parties, and independent members, to hold Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Government to account. I am proud of the good work we did this session, on these bills, issues and many others. I look forward to continuing to work for you as your common-sense voice in Ottawa. One other quick thing to note. As of this week, our office has moved to 9A-90 Brandt St. in Steinbach. We look forward to serving Provencher in our new location.

Leadership is a Must It appears to a large extent our summer will be at the mercy of the virus variants since many areas have not received sufficient numbers of vaccinations to give us a worry free return to a normal summer. This new normal has too many hot spots of unvaccinated. Because of this our grand children or great grand children under twelve could become conduits for the highly transmittable “delta” variant of the COVID-19 virus. I would suggest that carrying a mask for the” just in case moments” must become a part of the new normal. With the virus lurking in nooks and crannies even on school buses this fall could be devastating. It’s beginning to look like the Feds are preparing to go to the polls for late summer or early fall to chase this elusive majority. The battle for an answer to our carbon excesses must start now. Plan “B” is all we’ve got’’ otherwise planet “A” does not exist. This means that the party with the best climate and environ-

mental vision that eliminates those excesses must win. We cannot afford a cheap feel good idea or cheap talk. The solution is in the science, exactly like the science used to solve this pandemic we’re in. We know how many pseudo crack pots this pandemic produced. The same will happen with a climate plan. Cults will blossom with the aid of the internet. It will be continuous noise from the ignorant few. The government probably needs a ministry of debunking to counter the flow of crack pot rhetoric. The person you vote for should be first and foremost an adult. An example of a non-adult would be Candace Bergman MP Portage-Lisgar and Conservative House Leader who posed with a MAGA “Make America Great Again” hat. From us, she and any others who want to be political leaders should answer, “When was America so great in their opinion?” Was it during the genocide of First Nations, during slavery, the Jim Crow era, lynching with impunity, institutionalizing race or gender inequality, crushing democracy’s principle

for the right to vote, or how about standing by while someone sows the seed of divisive fear and hate to split communities for a vote? Are we any better? Can we be better? We sure can. Our tomorrow waits for no one. Trump left enough clues early on to show that his goals stem from masochist and supremacist ideals. Can you imagine a Trump-like person leading the decarburization of the planet? What must be understood is that the whole world needs to be in this fight to save our planet “A”. Empty catch phrases and BS does nothing except endanger us more, waste our time and waste our money. Let’s listen closely, let’s ask the right questions and let’s deliberate carefully. Leadership is a must, luck will be necessary.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Many Milestones Made for Reopening Plan I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Graduating Classes of 2021. June is traditionally the month for celebrations to honour the many students that have completed their K-12 education or are graduating from a post secondary institution. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made this past school year and graduation anything but traditional. Students, parents and educators have had to face many challenges over the past year, including adjusting to remote learning and coping with the many other disruptions brought on by the pandemic. Graduation is an important time, especially for the Grade 12 students as it marks a milestone in their lives. Many will be moving on to a postsecondary education or joining the work force. I would like to thank the students, parents and educators for their hard work and dedication and for finding new and innovative ways to make this year’s graduation a special and memorable day. To the Graduating Class of 2021, I wish you all the best in reaching your future goals and aspirations.

June was also the month that recipients of Building Sustainable Communities Grant Funding Program was announced. This program supports community-based projects across the province to help build thriving and sustainable communities for generations to come. Organizations in the constituency of La Verendrye received the following grants: Chalet Malouin Inc. St.Malo - Renovate the Chalet Malouin kitchen and dining room - $23,450 Piney Community Centre Inc. – Purchase lawn Equipment - $3,107 Community Recreation Centre of Vita Inc. - Arena Firewall Rehabilitation - $35,000 St. Pierre-Jolys Arena Advisory Board - Dressing Rooms and Shower Renovation - $7,500 Village of St. Pierre-Jolys Village Centre - Upgrades and Beautification - $4,475 RM of Stuartburn - Vita Rest Stop Master Plan - $7,250 RM of La Broquerie - Storage and Trail Upgrades - $75,000 While COVID-19 is still part of our daily lives, the number of Mani-

tobans getting vaccinated continues to rise. As a result, the province was able to move ahead with the first milestone of it’s ‘4-3-2 One Great Summer’ Reopening Plan on June 26. This means that Manitoba businesses will now have their capacity increased to 25%; Manitobans will be able to gather in larger numbers, dine out in restaurants and on patios, attend faith-based services, and go to gyms and hair salons. I would encourage all Manitobans to get vaccinated and help us achieve our next vaccine target to help keep Manitoba on its ‘4-3-2 One Great Summer Reopening Path’. As always, I look forward to hearing from you with your questions or concerns. I can be reached at my constituency office at 204-424-5406 or at dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca.

The Path to “One Great Summer” I am pleased to highlight that we recently moved forward with the first milestone of the “4-3-2 One Great Summer” Reopening Path one week early on June 26. As a result of many Manitobans choosing to be immunized against COVID-19, combined with the declining COVID-19 cases, test positivity and hospitalization rates, we are now able to begin enjoying more freedoms and fewer public health restrictions this summer. Under this first milestone of the “4-3-2 One Great Summer” Reopening Path, Manitobans are now able to gather on private outdoor property in larger numbers, dine out on restaurant patios, attend faithbased services, go to gyms, hair salons and retail stores in every region of the province, with some restrictions. Fully immunized Manitobans are now able to visit loved ones in personal care homes or hospitals, participate in social or communal activities if you are a resident of a personal care home or congregate living facility, travel domestically outside of the province without requiring to self-isolate upon return, dine indoors at restaurants and bars with other fully immunized individuals from outside your household, among other benefits to be announced in the coming weeks. The next provincial milestone is set for August 2, and with that day looming closer and closer, I am looking forward to slowly but surely getting back to some sense of normalcy. I am particularly excited to get back out in the community, attend local events, and just chat with constituents. I would also like to take the opportunity to encourage all Manitobans to get vaccinated against COVID-19. All Manitobans aged 12 and up are eligible to book an appointment to be vaccinated for first and second doses. For more information and to book an appointment, please visit protectmb.ca or call 1-844-6268222. I am also pleased to announce local recipients of the provincial Building Sustainable Communities Program. This program supports organizations, municipalities and charitable organizations with advancing community development projects across the province. The RM of Tache has been selected to receive $35,000 to develop a Recreation Master Plan and $25,000 to undertake upgrades to the Centre of Canada Park. Additionally, the Hazelridge Sports Complex has received $38,512 to replace the arena rink glass and the Landmark Recreation Association has received $29,374 to renovate the basement flooring. This funding will help building thriving and sustainable communities here in Dawson Trail for generations to come. For more updates and information, please visit my website at boblagasse.com. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my constituency office at ca.lagasse@outlook.com or 204-807-4663.

July 2021

July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Falk Seconds Bill to Expand Bereavement Leave for Parents MP Ted Falk has seconded a bill to dramatically expand bereavement leave for parents suffering the loss of their child. Introduced by Conservative MP Tom Kmiec, Bill C-307 expands bereavement leave to 8 weeks for parents who have experienced a stillbirth, the death of a child under the age of 18, or the death of a disabled child in the parent’s care. “No parent ever wants to experience the loss of their child,” said Falk. “But when such a tragedy occurs, they need support.” Currently, the bereavement system outlined in the Canada Labour Code only includes a generic three days of paid leave and two days of unpaid leave. “This brief bereavement period is completely disconnected from the realities of such loss,” said Falk. “Not only is it unsympathetic, it offers parents almost no time to make arrangements and properly grieve following the death of a child.” A 2019 report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development concluded the Federal government, “Can and must do more to improve the level of compassion and support for parents and families who have lost a child,” and called for new programs “that ensure parents can take time off work without compromising their job or financial security.” Bill C-307 advances these recommendations. “Bill C-307 is a compassionate bill that will support parents when they need it most,” Falk concluded.

MP Falk Seconds Bill to Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation In an effort to combat internet sexual exploitation Provencher MP Ted Falk has recently seconded a bill that he believes will address the current Canadian climate. Introduced by Conservative MP Arnold Viersen, Bill C-302, the Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation (SISE) Act, would require those making or distributing pornographic material for a commercial purpose to verify the age and consent of each person depicted. It also would prevent the distribution of pornographic material when consent has been withdrawn. Those who fail to verify age and consent face escalating penalties or jail time mirroring those in the mandatory child pornography reporting laws. “Right now, pornographic platforms in Canada are publishing sexually explicit content without verifying the age or consent of those involved,” said Falk. “This has allowed videos of sex trafficking, child exploitation, and sexual assault to appear on Canadian pornography websites and even generate profits for these companies.” “Once a video of exploitation has been uploaded, it is virtually impossible to eliminate,” said Viersen. “We have heard testimony from survivors whose lives have been shattered by the reckless actions of companies like MindGeek. Countless survivors have also been forced to relive their trauma and track down their own abusers in order to have content depicting their abuse removed. We must do more to prevent these videos from ever reaching the internet in the first place. It is time to place the burden of due diligence and corporate responsibility on companies rather than survivors and law enforcement.” “No one should have to relive their abuse again and again,” said Falk. “The Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act will empower survivors and prevent companies from continuing the cycle of victimization.”

Read the Dawson Trail Dispatch online at dawsontrail.ca

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Growing into Summer

Our warm summer weather is finally here to stay and with some much-needed rain, we are seeing things grow and sprout up from seemingly nowhere. Whether for work or for pleasure, this is the time of year when Manitobans get to witness the miracle of the new beginnings that come with Spring. The constituency of SpringfieldRitchot has a close connection with farming and has deep roots in the earliest agricultural activity in Manitoba. For example, the Town of Niverville is the location of the very first grain elevator in western Canada. This unique round structure was built in 1879 by William Hespeler, who was the Dominion Immigration and Agriculture Agent for Manitoba. It was also from this grain elevator that the first western Canadian barley was shipped to markets overseas. Today, Hespeler Park in Niverville commemorates the accomplishments of William

Hespeler and the agricultural history of the area. As well, the Springfield Agricultural Society established a monument in Dugald to commemorate the Springfield grain growers who produced western Canada’s first shipment of wheat; purchased at 85 cents per bushel and shipped on October 21, 1876, by Red River steamer for use in Ontario as seed. Fast forward to modern times, agriculture remains a major industry, and our province thrives in this sector as we are geographically part of the interior plains of Canada, also known as Canada’s breadbasket. While not everyone makes their living by farming, garden marketing or running one of our constituency’s numerous greenhouses, many of us still enjoy gardening. There is satisfaction in growing the fruits, vegetables and flowers that our rich Manitoba soil can produce. Like many others, I take great delight in picking, planting and caring for the flowers in the numerous planters on the deck in my backyard and I enjoy their beauty all summer long. Community gardens are a great way to grow fruits and vegetables while also being engaged with others. Ritchot has partnered with their local schools and health authority to

bring access to several community garden sites. These gardens have many advantages besides the food they produce, including the benefits for mental health and relaxation as well as connecting with people in the community. Springfield-Ritchot is also home to the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre. This interpretive facility explores the ways in which food is made in Canada with exciting and interactive exhibits that lead visitors from the famer’s fields right to the kitchen table. Visitors can learn about every aspect of food production from farming practices to retail sales. Learning opportunities include viewing windows into a real working pig barn and hands-on activities that address hot topics in agriculture and food production like GMOs, greenhouse gases and sustainable farming. As always, I am privileged to serve you and your family as your MLA. I welcome your questions, comments and concerns by email at Ron@ RonSchuler.com or by mail at Box 150, Oak Bank, MB R0E 1J0. By emailing or writing me with your views, you are helping to keep our government informed on what our citizens are thinking and feeling, and I sincerely thank you for that.

Milestones Reached As part of the 4-3-2-One Great Summer Reopening Path, Manitoba has now reached its first milestone whereby 70% of those age 12 and above have at least one dose and 25% with two doses and considered fully vaccinated. This upward trend looks even more promising as we approach the August long weekend target possibly earlier resulting in more of our freedoms back with less restrictions placed upon us. Thank you to the many area residents, businesses and community organizations for stepping up and doing their part with the vaccine uptake as we enjoy a two-dose summer. The start of another Manitoba summer means the conclusion of another school year for all Kindergarten to Grade 12 students across Manitoba. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the recent graduates and bring attention to this year’s MLA of Lac du Bonnet Citizenship Bursary winners; École Powerview School – Quinn Reid, Lac du Bonnet Senior School – Beau Jenvenne, Pinawa Secondary School – Paige Hobbs, École Edward Schreyer School – Hélène Trudeau and Whitemouth School – Samantha Smith While classes do not resume until the fall, I know that Bill 64: The Education Modernization Act and the Better Education Starts Today (BEST) strategy continues to be top of mind for many school administrators, trustees,

principals, teachers, parents, and special interest groups. As MLA for Lac du Bonnet with a couple of school divisions, I have virtually met with school trustees over the past few weeks to allay some of their concerns while putting correct facts on the record. Several special interest groups many of which are politically aligned with the NDP (and Liberals) are hosting campaigns, workshops, and media blitzes over the summer and fall meant to fear monger the general public with false information. One example of misinformation is that of school closures, especially in smaller rural communities. The fact is no schools will be closed as a result of combining existing school divisions into regions. In fact, our government has committed to building 20 new schools across Manitoba over 10 years. Another example often raised by left-leaning special interest groups is the role that poverty, nutrition and mental health plays in learning development. The fact is new mental health and addictions curriculum will be introduced, and the role of poverty and mental health will take a whole-of-government approach involving many of our education partners. I can keep going on with another fictitious example: removal of school boards and elected trustees will increase government control and decrease public accountability. The fact is eliminating school boards and top-heavy administration, and implementing stronger

parent and community engagement, will create increased public accountability for determining the supports needed for student participation and success. These are just some of the many fact versus fiction examples that are making there way through various channels. To properly inform yourself and learn more about Bill 64 and the BEST strategy, see the Fact versus Fiction web page at bettereducationmb.ca/factvsfiction. As a former teacher, student counsellor and the proud parent of two recent high school graduates in the public education system, I am very pleased with our government’s efforts to improve and modernize the education system in Manitoba through Bill 64. We will continue to engage and listen to Manitobans on both the legislation and the BEST strategy. Current and future generations of students will continue to be taught by dedicated classroom teachers and I know that is fact. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at wayne@wayneewasko.com, or call me at 204-268-3282. Also, you can follow me on Twitter @ wayneewaskomla and friend me on Facebook.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Lorette Woman’s Business Brings Joy

Cher Burton from Lorette turned a social media business into a viable specialty toy shop in Lorette. Submitted photo

By Marianne Curtis Around Lorette, Cher Burton is known as the local “Toy Lady” and now she has expanded that reputation to “Balloon Lady” with the expansion of a uniquely launched home business. “We opened our online Toy Shop last year and since then our business has grown quickly,” said Burton. “We’ve received such overwhelming support from the residents of Lorette and surrounding areas and they truly are the reason we’ve been able to take our hobby and turn it into a business.” Before COVID-19 hit, Burton was a toy photographer and social media influencer. “Our family for the past 5 years has been working with many of the top toy companies around the world, testing toys, writing product reviews and taking pictures/videos of toys. As a result our personal toy collection grew tremendously and quite literally took over our home!” “When the pandemic first hit in 2020 we thought it would be a good time to sell some of our toys as many were brand new and only used for demos/photo shoots.” Very quickly after posting some of the unique

toys online, she started to see there was a huge demand for new and used toys. “It was wonderful to see how our toys made so many families happy. Soon after our toy sales ended up turning into toy gift baskets. We would combine toys that were new and sealed in package from our own collection with a few new items from the store,” Burton continued. “Fast forwarding to December 2020 the demand for our toys and gift baskets grew even more than we ever could’ve imagined.” Now half way through 2021 and still very much in the beginning phases of the business every day they are still learning something new, she noted. “We have partnered up with a few different suppliers and local stores which definitely makes sourcing products for the shop a lot easier and helps keep us safe,” said Burton. The Toy Lady Shop is most known for selling name brand toys for children and offering free delivery right to your door. Now, they have added a balloon shop to their business and more recently an online toy shop. Find out more by visiting the “The Toy Lady Shop” on Facebook and Instagram.

Province Creates Highway Regional Operations The Manitoba government has launched a new modernized service delivery model that will help municipalities and regional highway operations improve services and find efficiencies, without reducing services to Manitobans. Regional offices located in Portage la Prairie and Thompson will continue to serve as local hubs for area staff to support ongoing maintenance and construction activities after, new boundaries were implemented for three major regions that included Capital Region (Steinbach), Western Region (Brandon); and Northern Region (Dauphin). According to Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler, moving to a new three-region Highway Regional Operations model to improve service delivery and regional co-ordination will reduce red tape and better serve Manitobans, while ensuring there will be no office closures or reduction in staff. The Highway Regional Operations offices provide highway engineering design, contract administration, roadway maintenance and highway right-of-way stewardship for approximately 19,000 km of provincial road infrastructure. The new three-region model consolidates regional management teams throughout the province while ensuring that staff continue to operate in all existing locations. The new model

will bring engineering, technical and administrative resources together, combining staff and technical expertise. The model is designed to work directly with municipalities to identify shared opportunities at a regional level to support strong regional planning and long-term growth. A comprehensive recruitment strategy has also been shared with Manitoba Infrastructure to ensure that local needs are met in each region and will allow for employment opportunities in the province, assured Schuler. The rollout of the new model will occur over this summer and fall and will be finalized in the winter of 2021, the minister added.

According to Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler, moving to a new three-region Highway Regional Operations model to improve service delivery and regional co-ordination will reduce red tape and better serve Manitobans, while ensuring there will be no office closures or reduction in staff. File photo

July 2021

July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Giroux Man’s Passion for Cycling Helps Sick Kids

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Southern Health Embraces Cultural Differences Southern Health-Santé Sud recently acknowledged the legacy of residential schools and the harm and discrimination experienced by Indigenous people. “As an organization, we aim to embrace the distinct cultural knowledge, practices and traditions of Indigenous Peoples and to continue efforts to strengthen relationships with the Indigenous communities and peoples we serve,” stated a spokesperson. In solemn mourning for the lives of 215 children found re-

cently at Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation in western Canada and the potential for more children to be discovered, the Southern Health-Santé Sud Board of Directors affirms their commitment in responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action (18-24). “We expect our programs, our services and our staff to provide culturally-safe, high-quality health care that is free of racism for Indigenous people with increased opportunities for Indigenous leader-

ship by continuing our strong and cherished partnerships with the seven First Nation communities in our region,” they continued. In honoring these children, Southern Health-Santé Sud encourages residents to take care of themselves, in order to take care of others. A 24-hour National Indian Residential School Crisis Line is available to former residential school students and those affected, and can be accessed by calling 1-866925-4419.

Eastman Heritage Grants Announced Kyle Waczko takes a break on one of his rides at the Centre of Canada marker. Submitted photo

During the month of August, Kyle Waczko, a resident of Giroux, is planning to ride 500 km and has already surpassed his goal of raising $500 for The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in support of its 6th annual Great Cycle Challenge Canada. “This is the first time I have participated in Great Cycle Challenge, first time really ever riding a bike!” said Waczko. “This year, I was aiming to raise $500 and ride 500 km. To this point I’m proud to say, together so far, we have raised $27,344. Let’s keep it going and help put an end to childhood cancer!” Great Cycle Challenge Canada encourages cyclists across Canada to challenge themselves and set their own personal riding goal throughout August to fight kids’ cancer. Riders fundraise to save lives and give kids the brighter future they deserve. “Why am I doing this? Because right now over 1,400 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and it’s the biggest killer of children from disease in Canada. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it,” Waczko said. “I am raising funds through my challenge to help these kids and support SickKids Foundation to allow them to continue their work in developing treatments and finding a cure for childhood cancer.” Founded in 2016, Great Cycle Challenge Canada has grown to become one of the biggest cycling events in the country. In just five years, over 100,000 riders from all provinces and territories have ridden 15.4 million km, raising more than $21.7 million for research, care and the development of better treatments and cures for childhood cancer. This year, SickKids Foundation hopes more than 30,000 riders will take part. To learn more about Kyle’s Great Cycle Challenge Canada and to make a donation, please visit greatcyclechallenge.ca/Riders/ KyleWaczko.

Three out of forty-six submissions approved under this year’s provincial Heritage Grant Program are in Eastman. On June 4, the Manitoba government announced approval of $245,000 in projects under the Heritage Grant Program that will support 46 groups, institutions and communities throughout the province offer unique and educational programming and services for Manitobans of all ages. The Heritage Grant Program has two intakes, January and June. Projects from the first intake for this fiscal year saw a wide variety of ideas from heritage organizations and com-

munities. A total of $15,813 in funding has been awarded to five projects within the Eastman Region, three of which are located in Richer, Woodridge and Niverville. The largest grant went to the Corporation du site historique enfantJésus Heritage Site Corporation in the amount of $7,500 to continue erecting multilingual way-finding markers along the historic Dawson Trail and develop heritage interpretive exhibits at key points. Woodridge Community Club Inc. will get $2,000 to paint a mural focusing on the area’s history and landmarks, and Niverville Communities in Bloom got a $517 grant to develop and produce heritage wall interpretive signs.

The other two grants went to Lac du Bonnet Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee of $2,136 to add historic photos to one-room school monuments, and Whitemouth River Recreation Commission Inc. for $3,660 to redevelop the Whitemouth heritage driving tour. Not-for-profit community organizations can apply for up to 50 per cent of their project’s total expenses for Heritage Grants. Funding ranges from around $1,000 to more than $10,000, depending on the size and scope of the heritage projects, which include interpretive signs, murals, bilingual exhibits, book research and writing, and digitization of photograph or sound recordings.

Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue Online Auction Planned The Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue (SAAR) is very excited to share the details of their upcoming fundraiser, the Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue Online Auction starting on July 14 and running until July 21. A variety of items will be displayed on SteinbachOnline.com. Funds raised through this event that will help to support services for SAAR and their building fund. More details will follow in the coming weeks, so mark it on your calendar and get ready to enter your bids. Further, for the months of July and August, SAAR will be reducing their adoption fees for kittens and cats. This is your chance to add a member to your family and save a little in the process. Their sale prices are $120 for kittens and $75 for adult cats. They have a surplus of “fur babies” that are anxious to have a new home. Visit steinbachanimalrescue.com to view the adoption process.

The Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue Online Auction starts July 14 and runs until July 21. Reduced adoption fees are also in effect through July and August.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

July 2021

Ritchot and Niverville Groups Get Grants On June 21, MLA for SpringfieldRitchot Ron Schuler announced several local recipients of the Building Sustainable Communities Grant Program and the Heritage Grant Program for projects in the works by the Town of Niverville. “I am proud to highlight our PC government’s investments in local projects that will help build thriving, sustainable communities for everyone’s benefit,” said Schuler. “These grants will help boost community organizations during these unprecedented times as we begin to rebuild our economy beyond the pandemic.” The Town of Niverville is to receive funding of $22,499 for the purchase of a utility terrain vehicle (UTV) and a wrestling mat for the 2022 Winter Games and for programming after the games. In addition, $8,471 for the purchase of divider systems for ice surfaces to optimize and modify the ice surface for increased programming. The largest grant being $35,000 to repair and resurface the Niverville Dog Park to improve drainage;

plant grass seed; install fence; and plant trees. Seven projects in the RM of Ritchot also received grants including three in Ste. Agathe. A grant was given for the construction of a dock and boat launch along the Red River, including lighting, signage, and bank stabilization at $117,195. The Ste. Agathe Arena is also receiving $43,585 for installation of a dehumidification unit and the replacement of the ice resurfacer. The replacement of the existing washroom and shower facility with an accessible facility by the Ste. Agathe Community Development Inc, for $42,366. In Ile Des Chenes/Grand Pointe Arena $9,902 is earmarked for the installation of a new wheelchair ramp and an automatic door opener at the top of the ramp. The Seine River Minor Ball, Baseball Facility Upgrade in Ile des Chenes will see upgraded dugouts and fencing to increase safety and construct a storage garage for maintenance equipment with a grant of $10,155. Two projects at the St. Adolphe

Arena made the listing and include arena renovations with the removal and replacement of a wall that has significant mould damage with a new fire rated wall for $34,584, and facility upgrades to replace the compressor room roof and brine pump for $6,047. The Building Sustainable Communities Program has been expanded for 2021 with up to $13 million available to support 305 community development projects across the province. Eligible applicants for the Building Sustainable Communities Program include non-profit organizations, charitable organizations, municipalities and northern affairs community councils. The 2021 program intake saw addi- The new boat launch in Ste. Agathe is one of the building projects that received funding tional funds available by $5 million to from the Building Sustainable Communities Program. Submitted photo include support for larger-scale capital projects with a maximum grant contribution of 50 per cent of eligible capital project costs of up to $300,000 as well as added funding to support pandemic recovery. The program continues to provide funding for other community projects at the current maximum grant of up to $75,000.

Steinbach Community Outreach Gets Funding to Host BBQ The Manitoba government is partnering with community-led organizations to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake, help protect Manitobans and ensure the province reaches its vaccination targets as quickly as possible, Premier Brian Pallister announced today. “Getting as many Manitobans vaccinated as quickly and safely as they can is key to ending this pandemic and getting our lives back,” said Pallister. “Our community-hosted vaccination program will make it easier for people from all walks of life to get vaccinated in way that is comfortable and accessible to them.” The first 25 projects have been selected to receive more than $390,000 through the ProtectMB Community Outreach and Incentive Grant. This initiative provides support to sport, religious, arts, cultural and community organizations, businesses and

schools to encourage vaccinations and uptake rates in communities with lower immunization rates. A project by Steinbach Community Outreach, which works with local people who do not have phone or internet access, will host a BBQ in partnership with a local clinic, where medical professionals will provide information and answer questions about vaccination. These initiatives are expected to support the province’s Community Partners for Vaccine Administration, which is supplying 20,000 vaccine doses for community-level administration. This will help overcome barriers to vaccine accessibility and facilitate vaccine uptake in community and business-hosted organizations, the premier noted. The province has also established a system where community partners and congregate living facilities

with suitable medical staff or existing capacity to administer immunizations can order vaccines and manage their own vaccine outreach efforts. This can include sites like correctional facilities, hospitals, personal care homes, and organizations. As a result, many people who would not be well served at a super site or other clinic were able to be immunized in a comfortable location from people with expertise in supporting people with additional needs. Manitoba’s Vaccine Implementation Task Force is providing vaccine to community organizations, businesses and other partners to help get people immunized. In total, from late June to early August, these efforts will make nearly 20,000 vaccines available to people who might otherwise face barriers in being immunized. Clinic partners are located in Vita, Steinbach, La Broquerie, St. Malo, St. Pierre-Jolys, and St. Adolphe.

Doctors Hold Town Hall to Discuss Vaccine On June 24, doctors from southeastern Manitoba held a vaccine town hall where local residents were able to ask questions about the COVID19 vaccines and get reliable answers from trusted doctors. During the town hall meeting, host Michelle Sawatzky asked an esteemed panel of physicians’ questions about the vaccines on Youtube live. The panel of doctors included Dr. Curtis Krahn, Dr. Jayson Barkman, local Steinbach family physician and founder of Oasis Medical Centre, Dr. Chris Burnett, a local Niverville fam-

ily physician and co-founder of the Niverville Medical Centre and Dr. José François, provincial head of family medicine, originally from the Ste. Anne area. Dr. Curtis Krahn, a Steinbach family one of the panelists said they wanted to answer resident’s questions about the vaccines with current and accurate information. “There’s a lot of information circulating about the COVID-19 vaccines, some accurate and some misleading,” said Krahn. “You have trusted us in the past with your health care

needs, and now we’re asking you to trust that we are sharing current and reliable information about the vaccines with you. We want to respond to your questions and concerns, so you can make a fully-informed decision about getting the vaccine.” Additionally, Manitobans can access up-to-date answers to common vaccine questions anytime at ManitobaVaccine. ca, a site created by physicians about COVID-19 vaccines. Viewers can still watch the town hall meeting at manitobavaccine.ca/townhall/town-hall-june-24.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Fun in the Sun

Can Am Corner a Hub for the Community

This is not your ordinary gas station.

Ding! A customer rings the bell at the front counter of the restaurant in Can Am Corner. They are excited to try the locally grown bison burger with Caesar salad, croutons and turkey bacon. It’s your last stop before the Canadian-US border on Hwy 59 at the intersection of Hwy 201. This is not your ordinary gas station. Erich Janzen is the owner/operator of Can Am Corner. One of seven siblings, he has been operating the gas station since December 2018. The family has grown extensively since their move from Germany in 2002. With an interest in country life and farming nurtured over generations, they are now happy to call southeastern Manitoba their home. Waleri Janzen is the head cook in the kitchen, and on any given day you might see their mother, as well as nieces, nephews, and community members working together to establish the family friendly atmosphere that permeates Can Am Corner. The restaurant boasts a menu of Canadian, German, and Russian cuisine. From delicious coffee to full-fledged meals, all products are local, organic and homemade whenever possible. Bison burger from across the road, sausage specially crafted a few miles away, and seasonal fruits and veggies are all grown in the soil we tread right here in southern Manitoba. The gas station is uniquely stocked with products ranging from snack to bulk, serving your needs whether you are passing through or shopping big. Organic snacks line the shelves, making it easy for every health-conscious parent to find something for their kids! Bulk foods such as flour and sugar are available too, not to mention frozen pickerel. There are many amazing local vendors hosted here if you want to buy gifts for a loved one or treat yourself. Local brands such as Creekside Dairy, Stoney Brook Creamery, Prairie Shore Botanicals, Herbal Connection and Bear Naked Wonders offer an array of products to suit every need.

Let’s not forget that Can Am Corner hosts a growing farmers’ market in their huge lot every 3rd Wednesday of the month. It brings together old and young for an experience you rarely find. Vegetables, organic meats, baked goods, local honey, preserves such a jam and hotsauce, handcrafted textiles and decorative wood products, health products and quality bedding. There isn’t much you won’t find here. Can Am Corner’s motto has al- Friendly staff at the counter. ways been “home-made and locally derived”. It is not only best for people’s physical and emotional health, but they also believe it encourages a healthy togetherness for the whole community. This has been the longdesired goal since first acquiring this business. Even through the pandemic, Can Am Corner has been operating six days a week, providing service with a smile to the whole community. They recognize that the last few months have taken a toll on everyone, and immensely appreciate the support, smiles and continued business. Word of mouth, Facebook, and Instagram are the best ways to stay Homemade products on the shelves. connected with news and updates about upcoming events, sales, and dinner features. Please stop into Can Am Corner to try some local bison or check out the farmers’ market! They hope that upon your arrival you will find love, joy and peace within its four walls. Brought to you by the Stuartburn Emerson-Franklin Local Food Initiative initiativelocalfood@gmail. com or find us on Facebook. Farmers’ market in their huge lot every 3rd Wednesday of the month

The restaurant boasts a menu of Canadian, German, and Russian cuisine. From delicious coffee to full-fledged meals, all products are local, organic and homemade whenever possible.

Even through the pandemic, Can Am Corner has been operating six days a week, providing service with a smile to the whole community.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

July 2021


Fun in the Sun

Communities Ask Residents to Conserve Water

The Town of Niverville has issued a reminder to residents to monitor their water consumption as temperatures begin to soar over the summer months. On June 30, the Town sent out an ‘urgent notice’ for town water users. “Hot temperatures and dry weather conditions have led to a high demand for water. In recent days, staff has observed water consumption levels to be steadily increasing,” stated a town spokesperson.

Residents are reminded that Stage 2 Water Use Restrictions are in effect as per Bylaw 797-18. Under Stage 2, this means residents must limit lawn watering to even number days for residents having even numbered civic addresses and residents having odd numbered civic addresses to limit watering of lawns to odd numbered days. “Bylaw Enforcement will be out monitoring water usage throughout the restrictions period,” the spokes-

person continued. “If consumption levels increase beyond 80% of capacity, a Stage 4 Water Ban may be put into effect.” Earlier in June, the RM of Tache also issued a water conservation notice to residents within the LUD of Lorette to protect the town’s drinking water supply. “Due to the lack of precipitation, hot weather and having more people at home due to COVID-19, there has been a significant increase

in water usage. With such a heavy demand on the town’s water supply, there may be a risk to the supply of treated drinking water,” confirmed the RM of Tache. In order to reduce the risk to the drinking water supply in Lorette, the municipality is requesting that residents follow water conservation practices including watering yards and gardens in the early morning or late evening since evaporation increases during daytime heat.

Be Bear Aware This year has already seen a higher than normal amount of bear sightings throughout southern Manitoba. To achieve the most effective and long-lasting solution in avoiding unwanted nuisance black bear behaviour, residents must practice prevention rather than apply “afterthe-fact” responses to a bear that has already gained access to foods or adapted to its availability. Once a black bear has become used to eating food associated with humans, it usually develops into a “problem” animal and must be either relocated or euthanized. By applying the following principles of “Good Housekeeping”, you may be able to discourage bears from becoming human-habituated and food-conditioned. Remember that bears have an insatiable appetite, and their behaviour is driven by their search for food. So please, do your part in deterring black bears from becoming a nuisance, a danger, or being needlessly euthanized. Bear Smart Tips - Never approach or feed a bear. - Do not burn garbage - the fire remains may attract bears. - Do not compost unless you can be certain the location is away from treed cover and it will not act as an attractant. - Keep garbage in a secure area until removed from property.

Discourage bears from becoming human-habituated and food-conditioned. Remember that bears have an insatiable appetite, and their behaviour is driven by their search for food. So please, do your part in deterring black bears from becoming a nuisance, a danger, or being needlessly euthanized. Stock photo

- Remove bird feeders from April to October. Supplemental food is not necessary during this time of the year, as there are plenty of other food sources. - Feed pets indoors. - Clean and store your barbeque after each use.

- Remove all ripened or fallen fruit frequently including the removal of mature vegetables from your garden. All wildlife concerns should be directed to Manitoba Conservation at 204-346-6110.

Mask Recycling Available at Provincial Parks In an effort to increase the diversion of disposable masks from landfills, the province has launched an initiative with international recycling operation TerraCycle to recycle disposable masks from 15 locations at Manitoba provincial parks including Falcon and West Hawk Lakes, and St. Malo. According to the province, provincial parks have experienced an increase in attendance during the past year and this trend is expected to continue. With the encouragement of mask use, Manitoba’s parks may see an increase in discarded masks.

As a result, TerraCycle’s Zero Waste Boxes have been distributed to three locations within the Falcon Beach Town site including the Falcon Lake Beach campground office and West Hawk Lake campground office in Whiteshell Provincial Park. In St. Malo, the two waste boxes can be found at the Blue trailhead and campground office in St. Malo Provincial Park. The disposable masks will be collected using TerraCycle’s Disposable Masks Zero Waste Boxes. Once the boxes are filled,

the masks will be shipped to a TerraCycle sorting facility in Ontario and broken down into component materials. Metal from the masks is repurposed into new metal sheeting while the polypropylene-dominant mixture is converted into a raw material used in plastic lumber and composite decking applications. The elastic portion is ground into a fine mesh then mixed with recycled plastics as an additive to provide flexibility to other products.

If water is needed for yards, the schedule has odd numbered addresses for Monday and Thursday and even numbered addresses on Tuesdays and Friday. They have asked that residents refrain from watering lawns and gardens on any other day of the week. The RM of Tache has also asked residents not to use town water to fill their pools, and suggested hiring private water haulers for pools greater than 24” in height.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Providence Partners with Town of Niverville Providence University College and Theological Seminary in Otterburne recently announces a new partnership with the Town of Niverville that will allow the school to make use of the Niverville Community Resource and Recreation Centre (CRRC). Dr. Kenton Anderson, Providence President expressed gratitude for the Town’s eagerness to work with the college to be able to use the facility for events beginning in the fall of 2021. “Providence understands intentional partnerships to be critical in carrying out our mission and vision. We look forward to new opportunities for programming, student engagement, recruitment, and community support,” said Dr. Kenton Anderson, President. “It is our hope that this will prove fruitful, both for Niverville and for Providence, as we help each flourish.” Mayor Myron Dyck, representing the Town of Niverville shared the excitement about this new partnership and opportunities that it will bring to the Town and its residents. “Niverville has always embraced partnerships and values them highly as shown by working with our neighbouring municipalities on various infrastructure projects and now with Providence and our CRRC. The partnership will join two communities thus increasing the exposure for both Niverville and Providence in terms of higher education and athletics and lets others in our province and beyond know our region is where you belong.” For the past year, the two parties have been working together to provide opportunities to Providence students, as well as staff, faculty, and alumni to utilize the new venue. Beginning in the Fall 2021 athletics season, all home games for volleyball, basketball and futsal will be hosted at the brand new, state-of-the-art CRRC facility. Practices will continue on the Otterburne campus. Providence’s Interim VP Operations and Director of Athletics, Scott Masterson, was pleased with the new partnership and has plans to make a bid for the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) men’s volleyball national tournament to be hosted in Niverville in 2025. The CRRC includes a multi-purpose field house, arena, indoor playground, campus and multi-purpose meeting rooms. There is plenty of space for families, athletes and spectators to enjoy. Providence is looking forward to offering its students, student-athletes, employees, fans, alumni, sponsors, and local community an opportunity to experience competitive post-secondary sports and participate in new academic programming opportunities at this modern, leading-edge facility.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Niverville Community Centre Now Open

Aerial photo of the new Niverville Community Resource and Recreation which opened this month

On July 5, the Town of Niverville opened the doors to the new Community Resource & Recreation Centre (CRRC). This significant community project involved building a 9,200-square-metre multi-use facility that will provide recreational and cultural programming services for the community and surrounding areas. The new multiplex will feature a performing arts centre, not-for-profit community childcare centre, field house, leisure activity spaces, an indoor play area, arena, meeting rooms and community common areas. Construction of the new $19.5 million campus was made possible by the Government of Canada, the Government of Manitoba, the Town of Niverville, and private donors. Through the Investing in Canada Plan, the Government of Canada is contributing up to $7.8 million, the Government of Manitoba up to $3.5 million and the Town of Niverville is contributing up to $8.2 million toward this project. “Our government is excited to be a part of this venture in celebrating the Town of

Niverville,” said Minister Ron Schuler, and MLA for Ritchot-Springfield. “This community is rapidly growing and bringing new opportunities to its residents and surrounding communities. This critical new infrastructure will be able to help and support many new recreational programs and services for Manitobans.” Myron Dyck, Mayor of the Town of Niverville noted that this was a generational change for the community and southeastern Manitoba. “The Niverville CRRC was truly a team effort and would not have happened without all levels of government, the school division, business leaders, builders, and local residents all working together for a common good,” said Myron Dyck. “This centre has brought people together and now that it is open will continue to bring together all ages and backgrounds within our community and region to connect socially, intellectually, and recreationally for many years to come.” The Niverville CRRC and its surrounding facilities form a campus based on a progressive model of providing a central-

ized platform to provide services to the region. This facility will offer a multi-use field house, arena, indoor playground and multipurpose rooms in a modern and efficient gathering space for residents of all ages to enjoy. In addition, the CRRC’s 700-person multi-court Centennial Arena and Curling Rink adjoins the Niverville High School and are co-located with existing community facilities and sports fields. The project also includes much-needed modern daycare space for Niverville’s rapidly growing population. Memberships will be required to enjoy the facility or day passes can be purchased. A membership option for individuals or families provides annual unlimited access to the indoor playground and running track. Passes range from $50 for a resident household and $35 for individual. Nonresident household passes are $100 and $75 for non-resident individual. Resident household day passes are $5 and individuals are $2. Non-resident household day passes are $10 and individuals are $4.

Tache Projects Get Funding Three projects in the RM of Tache got finding through the Building Sustainable Communities Grant Program. Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagassé MLA for Dawson Trail made the announcement in the middle of June. “I am proud to highlight our PC government’s investments in local projects that will help build thriving, sustainable communities for everyone’s benefit,” said Lagassé. “These grants will help boost community organizations during these unprecedented times as we begin to rebuild our economy beyond the pandemic.”

The Building Sustainable Communities Program has been expanded for 2021 with up to $13 million available to support 305 community development projects from across the province. Selected project recipients in the constituency of Dawson Trail, include RM of Tache to create a Recreation Master Plan Development in the amount of $35,000, and $25,000 for upgrades to the Centre of Canada Park. The Landmark Recreation Association got $29,374 for Basement Flooring Renovation. The 2021 program intake has been

expanded by over $5 million to include support for larger-scale capital projects with a maximum grant contribution of 50 per cent of eligible capital project costs of up to $300,000 as well as added funding to support pandemic recovery. The program continues to provide funding for other community projects at the current maximum grant of up to $75,000. Eligible applicants for the Building Sustainable Communities Program include non-profit organizations, charitable organizations, municipalities and northern affairs community councils.

Read the Dispatch online at dawsontrail.ca

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

IDC Jigger’s Tribute Goes Viral

Janessa Roy’s thirty-minute video received more than 12,000 views on Facebook and nearly a hundred comments of appreciation for the fitting tribute. Photo by Marianne Curtis

By Marianne Curtis On June 21, the video of a young jigger from Ile des Chenes dancing a tribute to a nation on the Ritchot Bridge in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day was so appreciated that it went viral locally. Janessa Leanne Roy who is an educator with a personal passion to uplift and inspire others came up with the idea after learning to jig over the winter months. Last year, she was recognized as the “Balloon Lady” who put inspirational messages on balloons daily during her lockdown walks to encourage others to get out and walk throughout the community. “This year for Indigenous Peoples Day, I want to do something extra loud literally, which is why on June 21 I went to the Ritchot bridge to dance my heart out,” said Roy. “My dances were dedicated to the missing children, the families left behind and the survivors of Canada’s residential schools. But in order to pave a positive road for the next seven generations, I also see myself dancing for the children who are here today, and for the ones who are yet to come.” Roy said she embraced the theme of “Steps Towards Change” and she is confident based on the response she has received, that she was successful. “To paint a clearer picture, I danced alone in public, in plain sight, on top of a decorated bridge, dressed up, jigging to some of the most well known, traditional, fiddle tunes,” Roy continued. “This dance style [jigging] is firmly embedded in Métis heritage and culture and is an all time favourite of many!” Not only was Roy making a statement

with her choice of music and steps, but also the bridge was part of the statement. “This world does a good job of separating the “us” from “them”, so I choose the bridge because I see it as ‘a bringing together of two sides’,” Roy explained. “From the words of National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Perry Bellegarde, ‘it is important we get to know each other, appreciate and celebrate our diversity, and build bridges of understanding’.” She also noted that in a time where people are demanding that names of streets and buildings be changed, the RM of Ritchot and thus the bridge are named after Father NoëlJoseph Ritchot. He was a Roman Catholic priest noted for his role in negotiating with the Government of Canada on behalf of the Métis during the Red River Rebellion of 1869–1870. Roy said that it was “Time to transform this country into something that we are all proud to call home. One step at a time, we can do this together and I hope you’ll join me.” For Roy, it is not just about dancing for the Métis people; it is about helping in ways that matter. Last month, she became the head of Moon Time Sisters Manitoba – A Project of Truth North Aid. “We are a collective of people who want to support our young menstruators in northern and remote communities in Manitoba, Canada. Our first drive, in the spring of 2017, we collected over 96K in tampons, pads, and hygiene products to share with fifteen different communities. To find out how to help, visit their Moon Time Sisters Manitoba – A Project of Truth North Aid,” explained in a Facebook post.

July 2021


Steinbach Man Drowns in Reynolds Ponds RCMP are warning boaters and swimmers to be careful while playing in any water way after four accidental drownings took place throughout Manitoba, with one of the incidents taking place northeast of Richer. “This is extraordinary to have this many in this short amount of time,” said Tara Seel, RCMP spokesperson. On June 4, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a possible drowning at Reynolds Pond, near Richer at around 7 pm in the evening. According to Tara Seel, Media Relations Officer, officers responded to the site immediately and were told that a 24-yearold male from Steinbach was with two friends when he attempted to swim out to a little island approximately one hundred yards from the shore, but decided to turn around. Witnesses say that Sandeep Bandaru went under the water on his way back, and one of his friends was able to get to the area and try to assist him. However, he did not resurface. Civilian boaters who were on scene when he went under began searching. Officers searched the area, but the he was not located. Police suspect it was because he was tired said Seel. The next day, the RCMP Underwater Recovery Team attended to Reynolds Pond and, with the assistance of the RCMP underwater Remote Operated Vehicle and the victims’ friends providing information on the last point he was spotted, Sandeep

was located deceased. Sandeep had a reputation for being a skilled swimmer, so to die this way is a shock to the family, noted his brother Sanjay Bandaru on a social media post. “It’’ such a freak accident, I feel,” he said. Sandeep Bandaru was a pilot and instructor at Harv’s Air, in Steinbach. His brother launched a GoFundMe campaign to be able to pay for his body to be returned to Visakhapatnam, a city on India’s east coast where his parents live. The family is of the Hindu faith. Per tradition, the body of the deceased must be flown home and seen by the parents in order to let the person’s soul rest. Over $43,000 was raised.

Sandeep Bandaru, 24, drowned while swimming in a pond in southern Manitoba. His family is trying to raise money to return his body back to his parents in India.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

High Risk Murder Suspect Puts Rural Communities on Alert

Wildman’s property in the RM of St. Clements is being searched.

Wildman was spotted at Lowe’s then he rented a vehicle at the airport before going off the grid into rural areas.

The news from Manitoba RCMP that an eleven-day manhunt for 34-year old Eric Paul Wildman from the RM of Ste. Clements ended in Ontario was a relief for many quiet communities. According to RCMP Superintendent Michael Koppang the investigation began June 7, with a missing persons report for 40year-old Clifford Joseph. “A few days after that initial call, it became clear to us that the disappearance was suspicious in nature. We engaged the public and asked for help right from the start of this investigation,” Koppang stated. “Further investigation led our officers to determine that Eric Paul Wildman, 34, from the RM of St. Clements was a person of interest in the disappearance.” RCMP Located his vehicle on June 11 and during the search officers found firearms, police style tactical equipment, police patches, other items resembling police clothing and red/blue lights that could be affixed to the interior of a vehicle. Due to the nature of this find, RCMP notified the public and began a manhunt. Wildman was formally charged with Unsafe Transportation of a Firearm and Possession of a Prohibited Device without a Licence and more charges are expected. “Even with our best efforts, and

the direct assistance of the Winnipeg Police Service and the OPP, police simply do not have the numbers to surveil all of Manitoba’s vast areas. In these situations, the public’s help is essential. The search took our officers to locations across southeastern Manitoba and specialized units were brought in to assist,” Koppang continued. “There were confirmed and credible sightings of Eric and the vehicle on June 11 in Winnipeg and June 15 in Lockport as well as a sighting of the vehicle in the early evening of June 16 in the Whitemouth area.” Specialized units that assisted with the search included the Emergency Response Team, Air Services, Police Dog Services, Forensic Identification, Intelligence Analysts and Major Crime Services. The manhunt ended with three reports to Ontario’s OPP of a vehicle matching the license plate released by police, outside of Belleville. RCMP Major Crimes kept the area under surveillance while working with OPP to get a search warrant. During the early morning of June 18, shots were fired at OPP officers, Koppang confirmed. “After a protracted negotiation, the OPP safely ended the situation through negotiations, resulting in the arrest of Mr. Wildman and another male occupant of the residence. No one was hurt during this operation,” Koppang added.

Eric Paul Wildman evaded police for 11 days across 2 provinces. The police gear and weapons found led police to consider him armed and dangerous. Submitted photos

Wildman was transported back to Manitoba with additional charges of Failing to Report the Destruction of a Prohibited Firearm x2, Transportation of a Firearm Contrary to Regulations and Possession of a Prohibited Device (over capacity magazine). He has been remanded into custody and is scheduled to appear in court in Winnipeg. Wildman still remains a suspect in the disappearance of Clifford Joseph. “We are urging anyone with information to please call 431-4898551, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers. com,” said RCMP spokesperson.

Tips were followed as he was seen in the Lockport, Whitemouth then Whiteshell areas.

RCMP Located his vehicle on June 11 and during the search officers found firearms, police style tactical equipment, police patches, other items resembling police clothing and red/blue lights that could be affixed to the interior of a vehicle. Due to the nature of this find, RCMP notified the public and began a manhunt.

Attention All Newcomers to Lorette Welcome to the growing community of Lorette! Have you purchased a home or condo in the LUD of Lorette, in the last year? Do you have questions about your new community?

The Welcome Basket Committee of the LUD of Lorette would be happy to answer some of those questions. We have a FREE basket of gift certificates, coupons, gifts and information which have been

generously provided by the businesses and organizations in the LUD of Lorette. To arrange a short visit please email lorettewelcomebasket@gmail. com, no strings attached.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

The New Education Property Tax Rebate Manitoba will begin phasing out education property taxes by implementing the Education Property Tax Rebate. Property owners will receive an Education Property Tax Rebate cheque to reduce a portion of their education property taxes. No application is required. The following is not an opinion of the new rebate; it’s an explanation of how it works. Residential and Farm Properties For 2021, owners of residential and farm properties will receive a 25% rebate of the school tax portion of their property taxes. Residential properties include single dwelling units, condos, and multiple unit dwellings. The new Education Property Tax Rebate will be based on the school tax before the Education Property Tax Credit Advance. As part of the new Education Property Tax Rebate, other tax credits and rebates will be proportionally reduced. Education Property Tax Credit Advance The usual Advance most of us homeowners are familiar with, is reduced from $700 to $525 for 2021. When you receive your property tax bill in the mail you will notice that the amount payable is at least $175 more than the previous year since the Education Property Tax Credit Advance is less. If the school tax portion of your property tax bill in 2020 was less than $700, then the education portion of your property tax bill would have been reduced to zero. For 2021, if the education portion is less than $525, then it will still be reduced to zero. If it is more than $525, then there will still be an amount payable for the education portion. All property owners will receive the new Education Property Tax Rebate. If you currently do not pay education property tax on your property assessment because of existing advance, the new Education Property Tax Rebate will be extra cash for you! Seniors School Tax Rebate The Seniors School Tax Rebate was a maximum of $470 in 2020; it was reduced by 2.0% of family net income when net family income was over $40,000; it is zero once your net family income reached $63,500. The new amount for 2021 for the Seniors School Tax Rebate is $353; it will be reduced by 1.5% of family income over $40,000. School Tax Credit for Homeowners For lower income seniors (55+; less than $23,800 family income), there is another school tax credit available. This credit is calculated

and appears on your annual income tax return (form MB479). For 2020 and prior years, it was up to $400, reduced by 1.0% of family net income. For 2021, it is reduced to $300 and will be reduced by 0.75% of net income. Once net family income exceeds $23,800, there is no credit paid. Farmland School Tax Rebate The Farmland School Tax Rebate is also affected. It used to be up to 80% of school tax to a maximum of $5,000. Now it is reduced to 60% of the school tax to a maximum of $3,750. The reduced rebate will be offset by the new Education Property Tax Rebate that will be mailed before the payment deadline. A reminder to anyone who has some acreage: check your property tax bill to see if a portion of your assessed property is for “farmland”. It doesn’t matter if you actually farm the land or not. If you have “farmland”, then you can apply for the Farmland School Tax Rebate. You apply after the normal property tax deadline once your property taxes are paid in full. The application will be available on the Province of Manitoba website later this year. The filing deadline is March 31 the following year. For 2021 property taxes, you have until March 31, 2022 to apply for the Farmland School Tax Rebate. When we are filing personal income taxes each year, we normally ask to review your property tax bill. We confirm you received the basic $700 credit. And we also check to see if a portion of your assessment is for farmland and inquire if you normally apply for the Farmland School Tax Rebate each year and if not, we usually provide some info about it. How Am I saving 25%? Here is an example of how you save 25% on the education portion of your property taxes. If the school tax portion of your property taxes was $1,700 in 2020 you would have received the advance of $700 and the net you would have paid is $1,000. In 2021, the same $1,700 will be reduced by the new advance of $525 to a net of $1,175; you will also receive a rebate cheque in the mail for $425 ($1700 x 25%) before the payment due date. For 2021 the net you pay is reduced to $750 ($1,175 – 425) compared to $1,000 in 2020. A reduction of 25%. Owners of other properties (such as commercial or designated recreational) will receive a 10% rebate of the total of both the school division special levy and the education support levy payable. Some of us have a portion of our residen-

tial property taxes designated as “other”, so this “other” portion will only have a 10% rebate instead of the 25% for the residential or farm assessed portions of the education taxes. Renters To account for the fact that landlords of residential buildings and not renters will be receiving the Education Property Tax Rebate, the annual rent guidelines will be set at 0% for 2022 and 2023. Using a possible 1.6 per cent increase for comparison purposes, monthly rent of $1,200 would remain at $14,400 annually in 2022 versus increased to $14,630. By setting rent guidelines to 0%, it will partially offset the reduction in the education property tax credit. Without the rebate, in 2022, the renter would pay $14,630 less the $700 credit for a net cost of $13,930. Instead, the rent will remain at $14,400 less the credit of $525, for a net of $13,875 in 2022, a saving of $55. Did Not Get the Rebate Cheque? What happens if you do not receive the cheque before the payment deadline or if you lose it? A request for a replacement cheque can be made by contacting Manitoba Government Inquiries at 1866-626-4862. The above changes will make filing the 2021 taxes another interesting year for us tax preparers. One more item in addition to the many changes we keep on top of each year to make sure you get the best tax reconciliation possible! Vaccination Note To protect those around us who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, I encourage everyone who can, to get vaccinated ASAP! We all need to do our part to get our society back to a “new” normal: to socialize again and to get all businesses open again. Getting vaccinated to protect others is the most unselfish thing we can do! Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@sataxes.ca.

Read the Dispatch online at dawsontrail.ca

July 2021


Know What to Do When Summer Storms Bring Down Power Lines While exciting to watch, thunderstorms, intense wind and hail can wreak havoc on trees and power lines. Contact with a downed power line can be fatal. Discuss these life saving tips with your family: - A downed power line is dangerous and must be treated as an emergency. Report a downed line to 911 or to Manitoba Hydro at 204480-5900 or 1-888-MB-HYDRO (1-888-624-9376). - Keep yourself and others at least 10 metres away from a downed power line (the length of a bus) and anything it may be touching. The ground, surrounding water or objects near a downed power line can also be energized. - Do not attempt to move a downed power line out of your way or remove branches or other debris from it. Doing so may result in serious injury or death. If you are in a situation where a power line is touching your vehicle, follow these steps: - Stay inside the vehicle as it may be dangerous to exit. The vehicle and ground may be energized. - Back the vehicle away from contact with the line if it is safe to do so. - Call 911 and warn others to stay 10 metres away. If a fire or other immediate danger forces you to exit, do not simply step out of the vehicle as your body can make a path for electricity to the ground – resulting in electrocution. Follow these steps: - Open the door wide and stand on the edge of the vehicle; - Hold your arms tightly at your sides; - Jump without touching the vehicle and ground at the same time and land with your feet together; - Don’t run! SHUFFLE (keep both feet touching) or HOP (keep both feet together) and continue moving in this way for a distance of at least 10 metres from the vehicle and the downed line. - Do not return to the vehicle until Manitoba Hydro advises it is safe to do so. Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s…. a Trampoline??? Many not-so-common objects have become tangled in power lines, like foil balloons, shoes, drones and yes, even trampolines! A quick search online will reveal dozens of videos where foil balloons, remote-controlled aircrafts, drones and kites have interfered with power lines. Sometimes they cause an explosion or fire. Sometimes they cause an entire neighbourhood to go dark. Each object can pose a serious safety risk near power lines. One item that might surprise you is a trampoline. When a strong wind or storm moves through, and a trampoline is not properly staked or secured to the ground, the wind can blow it into power lines. And because trampolines are made with aluminum, a conductive material, they can not only cause a power outage, they also pose a serious safety risk to people nearby and a challenge for power line workers to remove. Here are some tips to reduce the risk of things your children enjoy accidentally becoming a hazard: Trampolines: - Install u-shaped wind stakes over the base of the trampoline and into the ground or purchase a trampoline anchor kit. - Consider using sandbags which are a good, low-cost option. When laid on top of each leg of the trampoline, they provide enough weight to hold it down. - Place trampolines, play structures, swing sets and pools at least 3 metres (10 feet) away from overhead power lines. Balloons, Kites and RC Toys: - Keep foil balloons secured and attached to a weight so they don’t float away. - Never release metallic balloons into the sky. When you’re done with a balloon, puncture and deflate it before disposal. - Remind children to fly kites, remote-controlled aircrafts and drones in open fields, far away from power lines. - If a balloon, kite or other object becomes tangled in a power line, DO NOT attempt to retrieve it. A shock or electrocution may result. Call Manitoba Hydro at 1-888-624-9376 (1-888-MBHYDRO). Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

No Substitute for God’s Love Have you ever thought of the major basic need of man? There are many basic needs that help make a person what God desires them to be. These include 1) Acceptance, 2) Affirmation, 3) Affection, 4) Attention and 5) Respect. But the most important need is Love. Without love, a person withers away and finds little or no purpose in life. People who attempt suicide do so because they feel unloved, unwanted and even unworthy to be loved. God made man to love and be loved. I John 4:8 says, “God is love.” Our Creator, who is love, created the whole universe to love and be loved. But He created man special. No other creature on earth was made to have a relationship with their Creator. John 3:16 starts out, “For God so loved the world...” When you study the Bible, you will see anytime the word “world” is used, it refers to all the people on planet earth. When God created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden to keep it and look after it, God came down every day to talk to them. But when they disobeyed God and sinned, that love relationship could not continue. Man was cut off from God because of sin. The relationship was temporarily restored through animal sacrifice in the Old Testament times. But Galatians 4:4-6 says, “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” “Abba Father” is a term only used to denote a close loving relationship. This relationship that God desires for the whole world, can only be realized when a person comes to God through His Son. When someone repents (sorry for) of their sin and believes Christ died on a cross to pay for that sin, then God saves them and restores that love relationship to man. The world system talks about love and tries to substitute its love for God’s love, but it’s really a cheap counterfeit for the real thing. In our uncertain world we live in today, don’t be content with the world’s substitute for love, when Almighty God offers you the real thing through His Son. Do you know God’s love today? Are you a son of God? Don’t stop searching for love till you’ve found God’s love. He already loves you, but when you’ve found His love you can love Him back. God bless you as you walk in His love.

Pioneer Days Parade Cancelled Every year, the Pioneer Days Parade in Steinbach is a special event for a variety of reasons. However, similar to 2020, this year’s circumstances necessitate major changes for community health and safety. Michelle Bezditny, Executive Director for the Steinbach Chamber said that for this reason, the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s parade. “After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Pioneer Days Parade due to our current environment,” said Bezditny. “We did not make this decision lightly, as we realize how important this exceptional event is to our community, and we want to take the health and safety of our community seriously. We look forward to organizing the Pioneer Days Parade in 2022!” This year would have marked the 53rd Pioneer Days Parade in Steinbach. Steinbach is known far-and-wide for its Annual Pioneer Days Parade that kicks off the Pioneer Days weekend of festivities in Steinbach, celebrating the community’s roots and rich heritage. With an average of 120 unique entries per year and the always-popular candy and other free giveaways, over ten thousand people attend the Parade each year. The Parade, like other Chamber events, focuses on leading growth and connecting people in the community.

Memberships: 2021 memberships available for $25 per person. Join now to enjoy our member’s benefits! Painting Class: Tuesday, July 20 at 1:30 pm. Join local artist Doug Enns for a paint class, depending on regulations either at the centre or over Zoom! We will be painting a landscape. All skill levels are welcome and supplies are provided. Supply package includes: paint (red, green, white, black, yellow), 1/2” brush, #4 brush, sponge, paper. Packages can be picked up at the Centre or delivered for a fee. Costs: $20 for members and $25 for nonmembers. Call 204-320-4600 to register, space is limited. Christmas in July: Special Lunchtime Meal on July 30. Chicken and Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Vegetables and Dessert. This special meal from our Meals on Wheels Program is delivered straight to your door for only $10! Available for delivery within Steinbach or pickup at the Centre. Order must be placed by 4 pm on Wednesday, July 28. Please call 204-3204600 to order. PPALC Raffle: A chance to win amazing prizes! Our Centre is hosting a fundraising raffle for the months of July and August. Incredible prizes to be won with all proceeds going directly back to support our Centre. Tickets are 10 for $10. Prizes: 1st Prize: Neckless from GNM Fine Jewelers $349 2nd Prize: Country Meat & Deli $150, Canadian Tire $100 3rd Prize: Earls Meat Market $100, Canadian Tire $100 4th Prize: Unger Meats $50, Canadian Tire $100 Walking & Biking Bingo: Keep active this summer. Start-

ing July 12. Get out your bike or walking shoes this summer and take part in our fun Bingo challenge. Participants will be provided with a Bingo card every two weeks featuring items they must find on their walks or bike rides and take photos of. Once you reach a Bingo on your card, simply send in photo proof to programs@patporteralc. com to win prizes. Prizes include Centre memberships, prepaid program cards and more. This program is a wonderful way to remain active this summer while having fun and earning rewards at the same time. Free of charge. Please call 204320-4600 with any questions or to sign up. PPALC Cookbook: Share your recipes with us. We’re making a cookbook and we need your help. Do you have a recipe with a special story? We are looking to put together a cookbook featuring recipes (and their associated stories) submitted by you. Share your favourite recipe and include a story. For example, tell us where it came from, the first time you made it or anything else you’d like to say. Types of recipes are not limited. You may submit main dishes, snacks, baked goods or desserts. To submit a recipe you may drop it off at the Centre or email communications@patporteralc.com. It would be great if you included a photo of the finished product also. We look forward to seeing your delicious recipes. Potato- Cheddar and Cottage Cheese Perogies: Freshly made and for sale! Handmade by staff at the Centre, these perogies are delicious and ready to be enjoyed. $6 per dozen. Please call 204-320-4600 to order. Pen Pals: Letter writing fun! Pat Porter Active Living Centre in collaboration with the Shine Homeschool group is looking for

people interested in participating in a pen pal program. Those interested would exchange letters with students from the group on a regular basis. This group of young and bright students frequently volunteers at the Centre and would love to chat with you. Sign up and make a new friend! Please call 204-3204600 or email communications@ patporteralc.com if you would like to be added to the mailing list. COVID Vaccine Clinics: Appointments are required for these sites, and can be made by calling the vaccine call centre at 1-844626-8222 (1-844-MAN-VACC) from 6 am to 8 pm daily. Have your health card ready. Website gov. mb.ca/covid19/vaccine/clinics. Current Programming (outside only): Coffee Corner - Monday - Friday from, 10 am – 12 pm. Cards/Games - Monday – Thursday, from 1 – 3 pm, preregister at 204-320-4600, Member $2/ NonMember $4. Remember to follow the fundamentals! Meals on Wheels in Steinbach and Grunthal, delivery only, Please make sure you call by 9 am if you would like to order a lunch. If you need help with shopping, mobility equipment or transportation call to make arrangements for us to provide assistance. If you, or someone you know just needs someone to talk to, please call us 204-320-4600 and one of us will gladly spend some time with you. Staff will be at the Centre from 9 am - 4 pm if you need support or assistance. We are here for you! Stay safe, stay healthy! For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities we are open from Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm. Call Sonja at 204-320-4603 or the reception desk at 204-320-4600.

City Collects Record Oil at Recycling Event Despite the rain, the City of Steinbach landfill took in a record amount of used oil during their annual oil recycling day. On June 9, more than 3,441 litres of used oil was collected and everyone received coupons for free new oil at Oil Recycling Day. The used oil collected at the city’s landfill is sent to an oil re-

cycling plant that will eventually turn it into recycled products such as fuel oil for cruise ships and oilbased paints. For those who could not attend, residents can continue to dispose of their used oil at the Eco Centre year round during operating hours at the City landfill, free of charge. The annual event is hosted by the

Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC). Used oil, used oil filters, and used plastic oil containers need to be disposed of properly so they can be recycled into useful products instead of threatening the environment. On average, the City of Steinbach collects over 2,500 litres of used oil during the one-day event.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

July 2021


An Amazing Privilege Summer Camps Have Started – Come Join the Fun! We’ve got some serious activities planned for our Day Campers this year! With a staff like no other, our campers will be busier than ever. This year’s camp staff is eager to give kids ages 5-12 the best summer yet. We’ve found specialists in theatre, culture, dance, science, visual arts and sports. You name it, we’ve got it. And with over 20 years of camp experience, your kids are sure to love every minute of this summer at SADC. We’re working to keep as many activities outside this summer, keeping kids safe, healthy, and enjoying the Manitoba summer! Enjoy one…or ALL of our awesome camp themes: July 5-9: “Life on the Farm” (Ages 58 only) July 12-16: “Once Upon a Time” (Ages 5-8 only) July 19-23: “Space, Rockets and Aliens (Ages 5-8 & 9-12) July 26-30: “Knights, Wizard and Dragons (Ages 5-8 & 9-12) August 3-6 (4 days only): “The Wild Wilderness” (Ages 5-8 & 9-12) August 9-13: “Olympics and Sports” (Ages 5-8 & 9-12) August 16-20: “Saving the Day!” (Ages 5-8 & 9-12) Visit our website to register at steinbacharts.ca or call 204-346-1077 to register by phone.

And don’t forget to follow us on social media, for plenty of info, and maybe even a contest of two! Don’t wait – register today! Help us share the love with Summer Camp Bursaries Do you know a child who deserves to attend camp for free? Due to the generosity of our community, we have 5 camp bursaries to give away this summer! Visit our website to submit a Summer Arts Day Camp Bursary Nomination form. Limited Space Available in Arts4Tots Preschool Program It’s one of our most popular classes at the Steinbach Arts Council! Our Arts4Tots Preschool Program is now open to children ages 3-5. We presently offer Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/ Thursday sessions in the mornings from 9–11:30 am and in the afternoons from 1–3:30 pm. Daily Activities include Montessoriinspired programming like drama, art discovery, music and movement, dramatic play, dance, science, math, and snack time, and the use of educational materials such as sand and water tables, crafts, and storytelling. Learning stations, such as science, geography, math, reading, and fine motor skills, are set up and explored to enhance this development. Our calendar features new themes each week like Fairy Tales, Science, My Community, and All About Me!

Preschool runs from September 20, 2021 – June 9, 2022. Spaces are limited, and some sessions are already full. Don’t wait – Register today by phone at 204-346-1077 to secure your spot. Planning for Music Lessons this Fall? The Southeast Centre for Music has highly qualified instructors in piano, voice, violin, cello, guitar, musical theatre, music theory, and music therapy. As part of the Steinbach Arts Council’s educational offerings, SCM strives to meet the teaching needs of our community, reaching the high level of musical education that has become an expectation in the Southeast. Whether you are a child or adult, beginner or advanced student, SCM works to find the teacher that is right for you and provides learning and performing opportunities for all musicians who study here. Read all about our teachers on our website and let us help find the right music instructor for you. SAC Memberships – Get yours now! New SAC memberships are coming up this fall, and we will have new benefits from local merchants for our members to enjoy. Purchasing an SAC membership is a great way to support the Arts Council and also benefit from great business discounts. Purchase your membership by visiting SteinbachArts. ca or by calling 204-346-1077.

Keep on the Sunny Side In The Moment By Arlene Derksen

Sunday request, CFRY time. Family dinners at Grandma and Grandpa’s, down a muddy dirt road in the backwoods of my sleepy little hometown. Both were necessary for my childhood memories to be complete. As the squeaky, summer time screen door on the 1940s front porch, swung open wide to make way for my family, dressed in their Sunday best, to join all the other families dressed in their Sunday best, gather for a good part of the day., my heart swelled as the sounds of the

familiar Carter family tune played nostalgically, even then, in the living room, crooning through the vintage radio. Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side. My heart was home. Sunday after Sunday over many a decade, this was my favourite memory. The song, written and sung well before my time, welled in my soul. Still relevant… Keep on the sunny side. Years later, my curiosity scoured the web for the history of this beloved childhood song. Written in 1899, now over a century ago, by Ada Blenkhorn, the song was inspired by her disabled nephew, who’s only daily wish was to have his wheelchair pushed down the “Sunny Side” of the Street on his daily walks. Many years later, this song became a signature sound for The Carter Family, coming into family homes via many a radio station. CFRY for our family on those beautiful

Sundays in my childhood. It’s a simple song. Sometimes the simple is the most powerful. Let us greet with a song of hope each day, though the moments be cloudy or fair, let us trust in the Saviour always. To keep us everyone in His care. Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side…. And there it is. Let us greet with a song of hope each day. The message is still the same, now a century later. No matter the direction the world may be spinning each day. Send a message to someone whose four walls seem to be closing in. Sing a song from the rooftops and press send so the world can hear. Perhaps leave a basket of Love on a porch for those in need. Send a prayer for someone who just can’t face tomorrow. But most of all let us trust in the Saviour always to keep us everyone in His care. And always. Always…Keep on the sunny side.

Farmer’s Market Season in Richer The Dawson Trail Museum in Richer is hosting its 2021 Farmers Market every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm rain or shine until September 25.

According to organizers, many vendors There will be a little something for evfrom last year are returning for this sea- eryone with some vendors being present son and they have also added many new every week and others coming on fewer vendors with exciting new products. dates.

Ephesians 3:7-8… 7) I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. 8) Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, (NIV) What makes a person humble? Have you ever felt humbled when you discovered that you had the privilege of, let us say, “Teaching some very profound truth?” Now by that, I mean, discovering Biblical truths about God’s plan for yourself and others? God has placed an idea, a thought within your heart, placed there by the Holy Spirit, to make this truth known. That is an overwhelming experience that does not fill the human heart with foolish pride, but rather humbles a human heart. Let us say for a moment we have an idea for our community. And in that mental picture, the Holy Spirit made us aware that our group of believers is not like a company, it is not departments run by Presidents but, a living organism of God’s redeemed people. Now in that vision, we are called to minister the message of love to others. We are called to submit to God’s authority. We are called to make known God’s grace and wisdom as it has been revealed to us. And then we find that the greatness of the message does not come from the messenger but Jesus Christ. And we feel humbled and deeply privileged that God would use us in this way. When we have been called to work in a leadership role we soon find that we are undergoing and experiencing some technical glitches, better known to us as testing, trials that we had not experienced before. We find that our time is not our own. We sense that our popularity is not as great as we felt it might be with this new position. We soon realize it even costs us some money. It is now that a new thought springs to life in our mind and we wrestle with the idea that other folks are victimizing us. This is a tough situation for us. Now we learn the truth behind the fact that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but evil forces. Forces that want to stop us from ministering to others. It is at this time that we must sort through some difficult thoughts that enter our minds and heart. Our mind is now working feverishly. We are asking ourselves whether we are doing this service for show and tell or championing the cause of Christ. Notice what the apostle Paul says, “Just think,” he says, “I do not deserve this privilege that has been given to me, I feel so useless, as though I am the most useless Christian there is. But! But I was chosen for this special joy and excitement, adventure and thrill of telling others the Great News, the Good News of the endless riches available to them in Christ Jesus. And then explain to everyone that Jesus Christ was sent by God to be our Saviour. And that we can now come freely and fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of His welcome because we have put our faith and trust in His Son Jesus Christ… that is a privilege. A thought to consider: When we are involved in Christian service, and I suppose it does not matter where, or what we are asked to do. We will soon find that it would be impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. We must never lose heart when our Christian service is not treating us the way we thought we should be treated. In the end, we can be assured that Christ’s glorious, unlimited resources have been made available to us. And Jesus Christ will give us that mighty inner strength through the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish that work…To God be the glory great things He has done. Would you pray this prayer with me … “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I really want that peace, joy and happiness that will fulfill my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name.” Amen.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

RCMP FILES If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Thief Grabs Motorcycle from Street On June 30 the Steinbach RCMP received a call about a stolen motorcycle. The motorcycle was parked overnight in the parking lot on Third Street and Reimer Avenue and when the owner woke up in the morning the motorcycle was gone. The Motorcycle is described as a red Honda newer model. Steinbach RCMP is asking the public assistance in locating the Motorcycle. If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

RCMP Continue Enforcing Public Health Orders Steinbach RCMP have been receiving complaints about people gathering at a Main Street parking lot in Steinbach and disobeying the Public Health Order. On June 2 Steinbach RCMP members attended the area and observed multiple people gathering, not wearing masks and disobeying the Public Health Order. A few people and cars left when police arrived, however several remained gathering. The Public Health Order at the time did not allow any outdoor gathering. Six people were fined $1,296 each for disobeying the Public Health Order. Steinbach RCMP will continue to enforce the Public Health Order in place and fines will be issued.

Motorcycle Theft Investigation On June 20, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of theft of motorcycle that was parked at Brighton Lane apartment complex. The theft would have occurred between June 19 and June 20. The motorcycle is described as a KTM 690D, orange / black in colour bearing Manitoba plate 3FE441. If you have information regarding this matter, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-2228477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

RCMP Look for Leads on Truck Stolen from Blumenort The Steinbach RCMP received report of a stolen white 2012 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie truck bearing Manitoba plate CFN585. The vehicle was stolen from a business in Blumenort. The theft would have occurred between June 28 at approximately 6 pm and June 29 at 7 am. If you have information regarding this matter, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-2228477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Keep an Eye Out for “Loud” Stolen Truck On June 28 Steinbach RCMP received a report of a white Ford F150 bearing Manitoba plate HRK 637 stolen from a residence in Giroux. The theft would have occurred between 11:30 pm on June 27 and 7:30 am June 28. The truck has a noticeable loud exhaust. If you have information regarding this matter, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-2228477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Reminder - Towing a Camper or Other Trailer Legally and Safely in Manitoba Did you know that you’re required to hold a valid class 1, 2 or 3 driver’s licence if you’re towing a camper with a registered gross vehicle weight of more than 4,540 kg (10,000 lbs)? HTA 173 (1)(a) = $298 fine #TrafficTues #rcmpmb

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Steinbach RCMP Locate Abducted Child On June 23 at approximately 10:50 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of an abduction of a 22-monthold male child from a residence in Steinbach. The child was at the residence of a babysitter when a 56year-old female known to the babysitter entered the residence and took the child without permission or any previous arrangement being made. The female left the residence with the child on a bicycle. Steinbach RCMP canvassed the neighbourhood until the early hours of the morning and followed up on a number of investigational leads. At 8:25 am the following morning, the female and the child were located at a residence in Steinbach. The child was safe and sound. The female remains in custody and is being charged with abduction. The child has been reunited with his mother. The investigation is ongoing. The Steinbach RCMP would like to thank the many people who were woken up early in the morning by officers looking for the child for their cooperation and understanding.

RCMP Remind Boaters to Stay Safe Summer is here and that means weekends spent camping or on the water. As a reminder, Sprague Detachment Cpl. Richard Graham said that every summer, RCMP responds to emergency calls on one of the many bodies of water within the region. “Before you head out on the water, make sure you’re properly prepared in case things don’t go as planned! Do you have all the required safety equipment? Not only is it going to be handy if you run into problems, but it’s also the law!” Graham explained. Some of the questions Graham suggested are to consider is whether you have good knowledge of the body of water you’re going to be on, and “Does anybody else know where you’re going to be for the day, or the weekend? Finally, do you not only have your lifejacket, but are you wearing it?” said Graham. “It’s not going to do you much good hidden in some boat compartment, or laying on a chair if you need it. Put it on! If you’re boating with kids, know that they’re watching what you do,” Graham continued. “If you’re not wearing your lifejacket, what example are you setting for them?” Transport Canada has a great website that’s a one-stop shop, for boating safety and regulations. For more information, visit tc.canada.ca/en/ marine-transportation.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Wildfire Causes Released Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development advises that conservation officers are continuing enforcement to protect Manitoba’s natural resources including compliance checks for fisheries, addressing illegal hunting, and supporting wildfire prevention and suppression. Conservation officers have been busy with the high number of spring fires conducting wildfire investigations of human caused fires. In total, there have been 14 fires investigated including in the Whiteshell and Marchand. Two out of four of the Whiteshell fires were determined to have been caused by railway with metal fragments from a passing train, while the other two are still under investigation. The Marchand fire is also still under investigation. From April 1 to June 9, a total of 30 charges and 39 warnings have been issued under the Wildfires Act. During the burning permit season, April 1 to Novevember15, burning permits are required for any burning, with exception of fires in an approved fire pit. Any person lighting a fire that requires suppression, may be liable for suppression costs and or fines. Call 911 or the toll-free TIP line at 1-800-782-0076 to report any forest fires or any resource offences.

Piney Receives Funds for Critical Asset Registry The RM of Piney is one of seven projects recently approved for funding through the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP). Through this program, the Government of Canada is investing $288,240 in seven new projects in Manitoba communities through MAMP, delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on behalf of the federal government. The program helps municipalities strengthen local infrastructure planning and decision-making by increasing local asset management capacity through investments in activities such as asset management training, technology and software enhancements and information sharing. Through the program, the RM of Piney will receive $50,000 for an asset management policy and critical asset registry. The $110-million Municipal Asset Management Program, delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada, has invested in more than 962 municipal asset management projects.

July 2021


Power Outage Culprit!

I’m sure that you all remember that we had some pretty powerful thunderstorms last month. Lightning had been streaking across the sky, the thunder had been rolling by in a near constant roar and the rain, well, the rain was coming down so heavy that many folks were considering building an ark... if only the lumber prices weren’t at an all-time high we might have.

Despite, or maybe because of it, my family and I were able to sit out on our covered deck and take in some of the beauty that one of the storms provided. Also, during these heavy rain showers is when I discovered that my covered deck had two leaks in the ceiling. As the dark clouds were rolling towards my home and the rain had started to fall upon the yard, my family and I were sitting in our living room and watching the Marvel Avengers movie Endgame. While my wife and I had seen this movie previously with our oldest son, this was the first time for our youngest two. We had all been happily pulled into this amazing tale and awesome special effects when the unthinkable happened.

There is a part in the movie where the Avengers are battling Thanos, the big bad villain of the movie, and they are losing. Iron Man stepped up and opened what appeared to be a type of electricity collector on the back of his suit. Iron Man shouted to Thor, the god of lightning and yelled, “Thor, hit me!” Thor raised his muscular arms and began to draw upon the power of lightning and began to pull in massive amounts of lightning from the sky; his eyes were lit up and electricity was crackling through and around his entire body as he continued to draw in even more power and that, my dear readers, is when the power in my home went out.

As my family and I sat in the sudden darkness of our living room we realized that Thor had caused the power outage! Thor was the reason why our power would not be on for several hours. Thor was the reason that we were sitting in the darkness laughing. Never, in the history of our movie viewing, has a scene been so well timed and fit in so well with our current reality. I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to the hydro workers that worked through the night to get our power back on and to let them know that the bill for repairs and damages should be sent to The Avengers, attention Thor. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.


July 2021

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Businesses Vie For Coveted Customer Service Award The public has until July 15 to cast their vote for one of the top nominated local businesses vying for the Customer Service Award. Every year, the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce presents the Customer Service Award to a business recognized for outstanding quality and consistency of their customer service. This year, a record number of twenty local businesses have been nominated for the coveted Customer Service Award. They include Arctic Board Games, Best West Pet Foods, Earl’s Meat Market, Giant Tiger - Steinbach, Great Canadian Dollar Store - Steinbach, Great Canadian Oil Change, Harvest Insurance Agency Ltd., Hello Taxi, Mary Brown’s Chicken, MJ’s Kafé, Pita Hut / Lecoka Café, Rocky Mountain Equipment, Schinkel Properties, Shag to Chic, Steinbach Fly-In Golf Club, Steinbach Holiday RV & Marine, Stone City Coffee Roasters, Sunlife Financial Chad Richardson, The Detail and Glass Company, and Ungers 1903 - Unger Feeds & Unger Meats. The winner of the award will be announced during a presentation at the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce AGM on September 28, 2021. Other awards to be presented that night will be the Young Entrepreneur Award, Community Involvement Award, and the coveted Business of the year. Voting for the Customer Service Award began on June 17 and will officially close on July 15. Votes can be cast online at surveymonkey.com/r/MV8TKY6. Only one vote per IP address will be counted.

Building Inspector Reminds Residents to Get Permits

Construction season is now in full swing, and Gary Hora, Municipal Building Inspector for the RM of Stuartburn is reminding homeowners to make sure they have proper permits for all projects. Hora said that building season is well under way in the RM of Stuartburn and Piney based on the numerous building permits issued to date. It has gotten so busy that he is asking for at least two days advance notice for inspections. “There is some misinformation going around such as, “If a deck is not attached to a home, no permit is needed.” “This is not true,” Hora confirmed. “A permit is required for any deck that is 2 ft or higher from grade or built in the front of the home. Another example is a shed or small building, “That is constructed on wood skids would not need a permit.” This again is not true, he added. “All structures require a permit whether or not it is constructed on skids.” Hora reminded residents to make sure that when applying for a building permit that it is classified correctly for the building’s intended use. “A great example would be pre-fab shed packages that folks want to use as a seasonal cabin, which can be achieved and meet MB code requirements. This means permit applications should have seasonal dwelling filled out and not ‘shed’ as these are two very different buildings,” Hora noted. He added that by having permit applications filled out correctly, it will help get the proper building insurance from insurance providers.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Mobility Aids Wanted in Tache The Tache Senior Resources is looking for donations of mobility aids in order to pass these items on to seniors using their services. According to Laurie Drysdale-Campbell specific items they are looking for include wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and splints. “We will be offering a lending program in the future,” Drysdale-Campbell explained. “We want people to consider us when rehoming any medical aids.” The Tache Senior Resources offer a variety of much needed services to seniors from the RM of Tache. They are also offering foot clinics in Lorette on July 14 at the Club Des Bles D’or, 1254 Dawson Road starting at 9 am. “Our Foot Nurse is Ursula, and she looks forward to meeting people,” Drysdale-Campbell noted.

The Tache Senior Resources is looking for donations of mobility aids in order to pass these items on to seniors using their services.

Primary visits are $50. Returning visits are $45 and $5 extra for a fingernail cut. Cash or cheques are accepted at the time of service. Re-

ceipts will be provided for tax and insurance purposes. Contact 204230-2131 to make arrangements for an appointment.

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