Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

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After Two Decades of Band-Aids, Tache to See New Community Complex in Lorette

Free Provincial Park Entry for All of February

The Province will once again offer free park entry for the entire month of February so Manitobans and visitors can take advantage of the many winter activities available in provincial parks.

Vehicle permits are not required in any provincial park in February, but Snopasses are still required for snowmobiles using trails. Entrance fees still apply in national parks.

Provincial parks have groomed trails for a variety of activities including cross-country skiing, fat biking, snowshoeing and hiking. Paint Lake, Spruce Woods and Turtle Mountain provincial parks also offer outdoor skating areas, hockey rinks and toboggan hills. Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park has ice-fishing shelters on Lake Winnipeg that are free to use.

Manitobans are encouraged to check trail conditions before visiting parks. Trail maps and updated reports can be found at gov.mb.ca/sd/parks/recreation-and-activities/trail_conditions.

Trail users are reminded to only use trails for designated activities, keep dogs on leash and practise the principles of “Leave No Trace.”

With very little dwelling on the past, the RM of Taché, along with their Federal and Provincial partners, have announced a plan to build a new multi-purpose facility in Lorette to house an arena, library and seniors’ resource facility.

Taché Mayor Armand Poirier, flanked by members of his council, Premier Heather Stefanson, Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse, MP Ted Falk and various service groups released details of an $8 million combined external financial package for the facility.

“[This] announcement is another example of the great things we can accomplish when we work together,” said Premier Heather Stefanson. “We are pleased to see the new Taché Community Centre project move forward that will benefit the local community for years to come.”

The arena will be approximately 62,000 square feet and include spectator seating. The arena portion of the new complex will replace the existing Lorette Arena, which has exceeded its useful life expectancy. The library will be approximately 8,000 square feet.

While Taché council has always been eager to create a new facility, they required the financial assistance from both the Federal and Provincial governments for this massive undertaking.

According to MP Ted Falk, the project, which includes $4.4 million in federal funding, will help improve access to community recreation, culture and events for Lorette and the surrounding communities. The Premier and MLA Lagasse confirmed the Province would contribute more than $3.6 million.

Continued on Page 2...

Park interpreters in Birds Hill, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell provincial parks offer numerous guided programs to enrich visitor experiences. Highlights for the month of February include wolf howl hikes, snowshoe treks, ski clinics, quinzhee building and ice fishing. Event details and registration information can be found at manitobaparks. com.

Teachers can also book free guided field trips to Birds Hill, Spruce Woods and Whiteshell provincial parks, along with virtual programs to bring park interpreters into classrooms.

Additionally, annual park vehicle permits will be available for purchase beginning on March 1. To purchase a permit, visit manitobaelicensing.ca.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023
The RM of Taché, along with their Federal and Provincial partners, have announced a plan to build a new multi-purpose facility in Lorette to house an arena, library and seniors’ resource facility. Photo by Angelique Forest

After Two Decades of Band-Aids, Tache to See New Community Complex in Lorette

According to Taché Mayor Poirier, the Rural Municipality of Taché is providing the balance of eligible costs of this project. Out of the approximately $10 million the municipality may need, about $6.9 million would be taken from reserves built up over the years that also include money raised from grassroots fundraising such as the 36 Hour Hockey event hosted over 20 years ago and the Taché Library’s recent campaign efforts. The balance of approximately $3 million would be some

form of long-term borrowing.

Poirier cautions that while the project is basically green lit there is still a bit of work needed by the municipal government to work out the details for their share of the financial commitment in order to make it fair to residents.

“The reason this is coming to fruition now is simple, our PC government is committed to getting things done!” said MLA Bob Lagasse, not holding back a jab to the opposition party. “Unlike the NDP, we keep our promises, and we don’t make promises we can’t keep. This new complex has both the plan and the secured funding necessary to move forward.”

“I have brought this project up with Premiers and Ministers with a warm reception on many occasions, showing them why it’s a great project and was a great fit for the ICIP program,” Lagasse added. “Premier Stefanson and my PC Caucus colleagues always agreed that this was a great initiative, but of course, things take time to get everything lined up.”

Lagasse said he also worked closely with the council and both the former and current mayors to ensure they were communicating “with accurate and timely information so that each level could get their requirements put together.”

when we work together,” said Premier Heather Stefanson. “We are pleased to see the new Taché Community Centre project move forward that will benefit the local community for years to come.”


“The reason this is coming to fruition now is simple, our PC government is committed to getting things done!” said MLA Bob Lagasse, not holding back a jab to the opposition party. “Unlike the NDP, we keep our promises, and we don’t make promises we can’t keep. This new complex has both the plan and the secured funding necessary to move forward.”

The arena will be approximately 62,000 square feet and include spectator seating. The arena portion of the new complex will replace the existing Lorette Arena, which has exceeded its useful life expectancy. The library will be approximately 8,000 square feet. There will also be an attached seniors’ resource facility.

Small Team Effort Snowballs into Community-Wide Campaign

While it has not always been a smooth journey, one Lorette resident can now take some satisfaction that an event created out of necessity two decades ago is now reaping the intended results.

The year was 2002 and Chris Maxemuck, owner of C&S Garden Centre, along with a group of friends had heard that the Lorette Arena was scheduled to be closed due to mould related issues. One of the friends came up with a novel idea, why not a fundraising hockey game?

“After hockey one night a local resident put the idea of a fund raising hockey game forward,” said Maxemuck who was one of many who be-

came concerned that the youth may miss out on a traditional Canadian past-time if the arena shut down.

The group, including Maxemuck, came together and built an idea that could raise some funds and create a buzz, and hopefully get the topic of recreation higher up on the priority list of their municipal council.

“We worked as a team to help build a community ‘OneGoalAtATime’,” added Maxemuck.

One of the first events was the 36Hour Hockey fundraiser which raised thousands of dollars, placed them in a record book and was picked up by all local media and many provincial, national and international media outlets.

“The community has been very supportive of 36-Hour Hockey for well over 20 years,” reflected Maxemuck who hosted a puck sale fundraiser and a 36-Hour Hockey reunion. “We appreciate all the positive support from local residents, businesses, volunteers and the hockey community.”

Maxemuck has taken over the role as spokesperson for the group but is quick to give credit to everyone who had their hands in the campaign.

Keeping the spotlight on the need for a new facility was spreading and the municipality designated dollars to a recreational reserve fund and council became more vocal about the need.

Soon, this talk became contagious as other groups also added to the pot and exposure hosting their own successful fundraising efforts.

Twenty years later, taking credit for a new facility can truly be shared throughout the community and surrounding area. Maxemuck, and the original group that stepped forward, should be proud of what they accomplished and realize that “it takes a community,” and their community stepped up after the initial puck dropped in the faceoff circle two decades ago.

Not to sit back and relax though, Maxemuck wants the community to all come out and take in what may become an annual event.

“36-Hour Hockey would like to invite everyone to our Friends & Family - 21st Anniversary Reunion Game March 18 at Lorette Arena from 5 to 10 pm,” he added.

“The community has been very supportive of 36-Hour Hockey for well over 20 years,” reflected Chris Maxemuck.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023
Continued from Page
Architect’s rendering of new Community Complex. “[This] announcement is another example of the great things can accomplish Photo by Angelique Forest Photo by Angelique Forest

Reality of New Tache Community Centre Thrills Council

With the Province and Federal Governments solidifying a funding commitment to the RM of Taché of $8 million towards their new community centre, it would be an understatement to say council is happy as it was one of the last pieces in the puzzle to bring a dream to reality.

“Council and I are ecstatic with the funding news,” said Taché Mayor Armand Poirier. “This allows us to begin a project which will now make our community whole again.”

“This new community centre will serve our citizens and ratepayers in multiple ways,” he added. “The arena facility will be welcomed by young and old. I have no doubt this community centre will be a hub for all citizens of Taché.”

Poirier explained that in addition to a new library and seniors drop in centre, the community centre will be a social gathering space complete with walking track. The Municipality is still working on the financial structure of their share.

“It is expected the entire project could cost as much as $18 million,” said Poirier. “Inflation, supply chain shortages and weather may affect the final outcome of the project.

“Over and above the $8 million granted by the federal and provincial governments the RM of

will make up most of the difference with monies set aside in its reserves which includes a $1.5 million commitment from the LUD of Lorette, the proceeds from the 36 Hour Hockey Tournament, donations from the Thrifty Treasures, monies accumulated by the Library committee and money received from a grant to the Ble d’or seniors group as well as the proceeds from the sale of their hall,” he explained.

“Whatever shortfall will be covered through general borrowing by the RM, however I do not expect to see much if any impact on the community.”

In addition, Poirier said the plan is to bring in additional revenue through advertising opportunities.

“The various user groups have long touted the idea of additional fundraising through sponsorship and naming rights which I expect will also yield a significant amount of money,” he said.

Poirier could not give an exact date of when shovels will be in the ground.

“I’m optimistic we will see the project see light of day this spring or early summer with a late 2024/early 2025 opening,” he estimated.

Poirier assured that this project will have absolutely no impact on other planned projects within the municipality. On the contrary, he expects the long expected arrival

of a new community centre will further attract people to become part of the communities which will spur additional economic development in Taché.

As for the reason we were successful in obtaining grants I believe there are multiple reasons.

Poirier is thankful for everyone who had their hand for making this project become a reality.

“The community has been working very hard for a very long time - to the point of exasperation raising money, trying to convince both levels of government we needed to replace an aged, decrepit, moulding, sometimes rat occupied facility,” he said. “In addition to this we received much appreciated help and support from CDEM, the economic arm of the Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities, with the application processes and lobbying assistance through the AMBM.”

Poirier, in his first term as a councilor was a vocal proponent of Taché becoming part of the Francophone organization.

“This community center will be for everyone,” Poirier concluded. “The spinoffs will reward each and every citizen of this municipality for decades to come.”

Opinion: Arena Deal Leaves

Taché Residents Out in the Cold

With great fanfare, Premier Heather Stefanson and Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagassé announced this week that the Lorette Multiplex was finally being fund-

ed. This was long overdue and is a necessary hub for our growing community.

The federal government is contributing $4.4M and the province is contributing $3.6M. Unfortunately, the total project costs are estimated at $21M. This means that the residents of Taché and the RM will have to raise the additional $13M on their own. The fundraising efforts of our community have been absolutely incredible, and they have resulted in us getting closer to our goal.

However, the RM will still be short millions of dollars for this deal, resulting in either reduced services, higher property taxes, or borrowing money to make the arena a reality here. None of these situations is desirable.

Unfortunately, this is part of a greater trend of this MB PC government of austerity cuts and under funding services. The transfers to RMs were frozen under Pallister, making it difficult for RMs to balance budgets and pay for what residents need.

We are seeing teachers paying for school supplies out of pock-

et, hospitals crowd funding for important medical equipment, and in Taché, citizens fundraising for years to help make this arena possible. This is unfair.

Tax breaks to the rich while the PCs have run us into the ground for services have led to one of the most unpopular MB PC governments in recent memory, and for good reason. In Dawson Trail, our MLA has been missing in action, not responding to constituents nor doing much for our community for six years. Only when there is an election year is there some spending for a long awaited arena, only to have a shortfall of millions of dollars that the residents of Taché will have to shoulder.

After years of PC cuts, our community needs a willing partner in government who will help families today with accessible childcare; better seniors care and truly invest in our future. This day late, dollar short announcement isn’t good enough.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! February 2023
“Council and I are ecstatic with the funding news,” said Taché Mayor Armand Poirier. “This allows us to begin a project which will now make our community whole again.” Photo by Angelique Forest Chris Wiebe is the NDP candidate for Dawson Trail in the upcoming provincial election. He lives in Lorette West with his wife and children and teaches science at the University of Winnipeg.
Submitted photo

Piney Pleased with Stuartburn Partnership

As the RM of Piney assumed a greater administrative role in the operation of the Piney Stuartburn Economic Development and Tourism Board (PSED Board), a partnership formed between the two municipalities to pool resources, according to Piney CAO Martin Van Osch, a joint financial fund just made sense.

“Creating a reserve fund to manage funds for future economic or tourism development is a good management strategy which helps the municipalities prepare, develop and implement projects with the least amount of tax impact to the ratepayers of the municipalities,” explained Van Osch. “Annually, the PSED Board can decide to set funds aside in the reserve for future projects.”

With the oversight of both Piney and Stuartburn Councils, the PSED Board will determine the amount of funding to be transferred to the reserve.

Van Osch stressed the PSED Board has a great deal of autonomy over the direction, investment and implementation of economic development and tourism development within the two municipalities.

The reserve fund gives the board flexibility to respond to new opportunities as they arise.

“By utilizing a key partnership between the RMs of Piney and Stuartburn, the municipalities are able to support and grow opportunities within the region which would have been very difficult to achieve as individual municipalities,” added Van Osch.

Van Osch noted there are many projects which will benefit from the reserve fund.

“Currently some of the money in the reserve is earmarked as matching funds for a provincial Building Sustainable Communities grant for an Investment Readiness Assessment and Business Attraction Strategy Project being undertaken by Sunrise Corner Economic Development,” he elaborated.

“Our focus has always been on the balance between building sustainable communities and maintaining the wonderful quality of life we all love.”

Attracting the right kind of development is also important said Van Osch.

“Other projects include marketing plans for Sunrise Corner or the further development of tourism attractions within the region,” he continued. “Some of these projects are underway and others are potential projects into the future.”

Van Osch wanted to point out that “The Investment Readiness Assessment and Business Attraction Strategy Project” is currently in the research phase. An online survey will be launched on February 1 to obtain input from residents in the RMs of Piney and Stuartburn on how they see development progressing in the region.

Additionally, in early March, they “will host in-person community consultations to further delve into the kinds of development we would like in our region.”

“As always, our focus will be on the balance between building sustainable communities and maintaining the wonderful quality of life we all love here in Sunrise Corner,” he concluded.

Honouring Provencher’s Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion Recipients

I was honoured to host a special awards ceremony for the recipients of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion.

On February 6th of 2022, Queen Elizabeth II became the only British/Canadian Monarch to reach the milestone of seven decades on the throne.

While the official national decoration created for this occasion was a lapel badge, Canadian Provinces and Members of Parliament also had the opportunity to create their own Royal commemorative medals to mark Her Majesty’s seventy years of selfless service to Her people.

Many nominations came in and 50 worthy individuals were selected to receive the honour.

In our riding, the eligibility and criteria for these badges and medallions was simple: Who has

made an exceptional contribution to our community?

Like Queen Elizabeth, who are those individuals who have devoted their lives to service?

Those honoured have lived lives of exemplary community and public service, and whose longevity of service is also noteworthy.

Those honoured spanned generations, diverse fields of work and study, and political affiliation and preference.

Each one is an example of what ordinary citizens can do when they seek to serve others. What is, perhaps, most extraordinary of all is the fact that most, like Elizabeth, would not consider their achievements to be extraordinary. (And I think true service can only take place when that level of humility is present).

I suspect many of those who were

honoured would have preferred we didn’t “make a fuss”, but we wanted to recognize the achievements, the selfless generosity, and the personal toll it takes on individuals and their families.

Whether it be jumping out of bed at three in the morning to rush to put out a fire, to caring for the poor and sick, to serving in public office, all take a toll and all are worthy of recognition.

It was a privilege to honour these individuals and their service to Provencher.

Re-inventing A Political Focus

hit much harder.

Yup we are all tired of political inaction and lack of foresight.

No matter how hard you squeeze, getting water form a stone is next to impossible depending on the type of stone you’re squeezing.

However, this is what it feels like both the provincial and federal governments are doing to 98% of Canadians.

In my opinion hardest hit are our young adults who are trying to pay rent, buy groceries, and paying to further their education (let alone saving money to buy a house, plan a family or put aside a retirement fund). Additionally, our seniors are struggling to live off old age pensions and the middle income households are taxed heavily to prop up government budgets. So just about everybody is feeling more than a pinch.

Living pay cheque to pay cheque is akin to running on a hamster wheel that many of us can’t get off for a very long time without serious targeted action. And depending on where you live, such as living in the north and rural Canada, you’re getting

Food Banks Canada reports that 45.4% of food bank users in Canada are single adult households, while only representing 29.3% of the population and seniors who represent 8.9% of Canadian food bank users, have a rate of increase far outpacing other age groups.

Statistics Canada in its November 2022 price index reported that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 6.8% year over year in November, following a 6.9% increase in October. Prices for food rose 11.4% year over year in November, following an 11.0% gain in October. The cost of groceries rose at a faster rate than the all-items CPI every month since December 2021. The cost of a roof over our heads rose 7.2% at a faster pace year over year.

Minimum wage in Manitoba is currently at $13.50. It’s set to rise on April 1 to $14.15/hour. The next planned provincial increase is not until October but even that is not set in stone since the rise in minimum wage depends on increases in the consumer price index (cost of living). Right now, the best estimate is that on October 1 minimum wage will increase to $15.

That means this October a minimum wage earner’s take home gross pay will be $31,200 assuming a 40 hour work week. Now deduct approximately 15% for provin-

cial and federal taxes. A minimum wage earner in Manitoba has about $26,520 left to pay for a roof over their head, buy food, and put gas in their car. Living anywhere in rural Manitoba means that the basics just to survive like the cost housing or food is more expensive.

Here’s a solution that both levels of government can tackle. First target one thing from everyone’s household or business budget to reduce or eliminate.

How about the cost of heating a home or business? Decide that you will make a monumental effort over the next 10 years, to incentivize building an energy infrastructure that is capable of heating our homes and business then feeds excess back into our electrical grid. Get aggressive when creating this program and making it affordable to everyone, not solely dependant on their income levels. The key goal is to lower everyone’s monthly energy costs.

This program would target one of many identifiable costs the in the mainstream household or business budget.

As a government, it can easily identify the balance of the “mainstream” expenses the majority of people face every month. Their focus could be on reducing the cost of living targeting these mainstream costs. And fine-tune these programs to be as inclusive as possible not restricted by age or income.

Dispatch February
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!
 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

Southeast Residents Receive the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal

Plenty of residents from southeast Manitoba have, over the past few months, either met with their MP, MLA or ventured to the Lt. Governor’s quarters after being awarded with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal.

A total of 1,000 medals are being awarded at ceremonies held throughout the province during Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee year and the southeast was not short of those nominated and honoured.

The medal was a tangible way for the Province of Manitoba to honour Her Majesty for her service to Canada.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Manitoba) program was created with a strong focus on community mindedness, service and reconciliation. Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), indigenous leadership organizations, the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, the Premier of Manitoba and the leader of the opposition were entrusted to make selections of recipients through a nomination process.

Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse was able to nominate 10 individuals and invited those honoured to a ceremony which included the Premier and Lt. Governor Anita Neville.

MP Ted Falk collected a further list of 46 nominated residents from the southeast who were also nominated for the medal. They gathered with their families at a special event.

Provencher MP Ted Falk was also able to honour dozens of recipients in a ceremony hosted for them.

Springfield-Ritchot MLA Ron Schuler presented 7 residents in Niverville and the RM of Ritchot with the medal in December.

Raymond LaFlèche, one of the recipients, is the president of the Ste. Anne Hospital Foundation and sits on the board for the Seine River Services for Seniors (SRS).

“We are proud to have [him] as a member of our SRS Board,” said Heather Dean, President of the organization when sharing the information with fellow board members. “[He] brings such a wealth of experience from many different sectors as well as local history and


Another recipient, Lexi Taylor, not yet even 16 years old, began collecting toques and mitts for people less fortunate at the age of nine.

“She recognized that need and she started to fill it,” explained Lagasse. “Her simple impact of kindness flourished into a winter drive for people experiencing homelessness. I thought what a fabulous person to nominate, because these are the people that are going to continue to make differences later, so let’s honour them now and continue to encourage them.”

A young woman from Richer, Carmen Trudeau, began volunteering at the age of 7 at the Villa Youville in Ste. Anne. She has also

volunteered at Richer Rodeo, Summer in the City, Teddy Bear Picnics, mini soccer coaching, Kismet Creek Animal Sanctuary, Waldenway Canine and Kitty Camp… she does all kinds of volunteering.

“Carmen has been recognized provincially for her countless hours for volunteerism and community service,” said Lagasse. “So again, another young lady from the Richer area who will be a future go-getter, so let’s honour her and get her going.”

Rookie councillor for the RM of Ste. Anne, Kyle Waczko has spent years of, not only joining initiatives, but also creates them, contributing from idea to completion.

“Kyle has been named Ducks Unlimited volunteer of the year

in Manitoba,” continued Lagasse. “Kyle also volunteers as a firefighter and is an active advocate for childhood cancer. He took place in the Great Cycle Challenge of Canada to fight kids’ cancer. Out of 1,000 riders he is third in the province for funding.”

“That’s what it takes, selfless action,” explained Waczko on his commitment to improving lives. “Trying to make a difference, as little as it may seem, creates bigger ripples downstream.”

Waczko also looks at the bigger picture.

“I hope to inspire more people to get involved in their communities and put their energy towards things that are important to them,” he added, “to try to make this a better place for the ones that follow. Just be a good person, give back where you can, and make time for others.”

“This recognition came as a real shock… prior to the announcement I didn’t know the award existed,” said Lorette resident Chris Maxemuck. “I do things out of the kindness of my heart to help and support others.”

Maxemuck is credited with starting the ball rolling to replace the aging community centre in Lorette. Over the past 20 years, he has been tirelessly keeping the issue on the mind of the community and on the agenda of Taché council. This award was presented just days before a funding agreement was establish to finally replace the facility.

“My grandmother was a big supporter and admired Queen

The list of Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medals from the southeastern region are:

Aline Pilotte

Anita Gagné

Annette Fast

Art Bergmann

Barry Gushuliak

Bev Zarazan

Bill Krahn

Brooklyn Walker

Carmen Trudeau

Chris Goertzen

Chris Maxemuck

Cindy Patrick Rempel

Claudette Lavack

Corny Rempel

Curtis Krahn

Darryl Rempel

David Carlson

David Driedger

David Kirkpatrick

Don Janzen

Elaine Krahn

Èmile Remillard

Evelyn Krahn

Fred Emms

Gerald Palidwor

Glen Lange

Gord Daman

Jake Hiebert

Janine Boulanger

Jorie Sawatzky

Justin Johnston

Kyle Waczko

Len Heibert

Lexi Taylor

Libby Hanna

Lloyd Plett

Madeleine Dupuis

Manuel Maendel

Margaret Skibo

Michael Zwaagstra

Mona Lavalée

Dr. Paul De Moissac

Paul Dyck

Paul Maendel

Pauly Kleinsasser

Pierrette Sherwood

Raymond LaFlèche

Robert Freynet

Roland Gagné

Ronald Falk

Sandra Draper

Shaun Crew

Sieg Heibert

Stan Toews


Terry Kaufman

Yoland Dupuis

Yvonne Romaniuk

RM of Whitemouth Reeve

Walter Amerongen

RM of Piney Reeve

Wayne Anderson

RM of De Salaberry Reeve

Darrel Curé

RM of Hanover Reeve

Jim Funk

RM of Reynolds Reeve

Russ Gawluk

RM of Stuartburn Reeve

Michelle Gawronsky

RM of Montcalm Reeve

Paul Gilmore

Village of St. Pierre Mayor

Raymond Maynard

RM of La Broquerie Reeve

Ivan Normandeau

RM of Ste. Anne Reeve

Richard Pelletier

Town of Ste. Anne Mayor

Yvan St. Vincent

RM of Springfield Mayor

Patrick Therrien

RM of Taché Mayor

Armand Poirier

RM of Ritchot Mayor

Chris Ewen

Niverville Mayor

Myron Dyck

Steinbach Mayor

Earl Funk

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch
February 2023

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

February 2023

Town Takes Next Step to Revitalize and Support Development Ste. Anne Woman Recognized with Order of Canada

The first Franco-Manitoban woman appointed to the Senate, Maria Chaput, has received the Order of Canada.

In 2002, Chaput’s name crossed the desk of then Prime Minister Jean Chretien and she accepted his appointment of her to the Senate.

Chaput served on the Senate for over 13 years and retired in early 2016. She continues to reside in Ste. Anne with her husband.

According to the Governor General’s announcement, Chaput was nominated to the Order of Canada for being a tireless champion of the Franco-Manitoban community and for her work on official languages during her tenure as senator.

Chaput is considered a key designer of the modern Official Languages Act, laying the foundation of a Bill finally passed after her retirement.

Receiving accolades from a nation was not new to Chaput as a few years earlier she was appointed “chevalier de l’Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur de France”. She received this in July of 2011.

The Order of Canada was established in 1967 by Queen Elizabeth II, is considered the cornerstone of the Canadian Honours System, and recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation.

The Order recognizes people in all sectors of Canadian society. Their contributions are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and made a difference to Canada.

The Town of Ste. Anne is moving fast on its commitment to support an active Community Development Corporation (CDC) by appointing key community members to the board. Taking a fresh look at develop-

ing the community is Bailey Mitchell, Jeremy Wiens, Jules Pattyn, Terri Tauffenbach, Guylène McLean, Marcus Kirouac, and Jason Einarson. The Town municipal council confirmed they were appointed at the end of January.

The make up of this new board combines business owners, community service group involvement and council members. This holistic group has the potential to give council a diverse look at growing and improving the community.

Wildlife Haven to Showcase Art in Online Auction

Wildlife Haven will once again host an online auction with funds raised going towards the care and rehabilitate injured, orphaned and sick wildlife. Well-known artist have stepped up again to ensure that there are enough pieces to please anyone’s sense of taste. Additionally, back by popular demand, they will also be auctioning off original artwork created by some of their raptor and reptile ambassadors.

The auction will open on February 17 at 9 am. Make sure to register your account to receive auction notifications! Go to bit.ly/artforwildliferegistration to register now and watch the inventory of art build!

Maria Chaput has received the Order of Canada. Submitted photo Wildlife Haven is offering original art at their online fundraiser auction.

Municipality Loses Community Advocate and Friend to Many

Many family members, residents and service groups are mourning the tragic loss of Brent Wery, a councilor with the RM of Ste. Anne after he was involved in a fatal accident recently when the car he was driving collided with a train at an uncontrolled crossing between La Broquerie and Marchand on January 8. He was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Wery, 42 years old, grew up in Richer and was involved with municipal politics, representing his ward and was a captain with the Richer Fire Department. Previously, Wery spent years as an elected LUD of Richer committee member. He served on the Richer Community Club as a director and served a few terms as their president.

The service hosted recently in Steinbach was packed to overflow with hundreds of people attending to pay their respect for a person they all considered a friend above all.

The various eulogies of Wery’s legacy found a common connection. He was described as a person who balanced his time between his love for his family and friends and his commitment to improving the lives of those living in the area.

One particular mantra Wery said often stuck with those present… “You are not stuck if you are unstuck.” Wery’s legacy will be one of keep trying, and solve whatever is thrown in your path, there is always a solution.

Phoenix Cheer Athletics Travel to Moose Jaw, Eyes on Nationals and Finals

The Phoenix Cheer Athletics team based in Ste. Anne is competing in Moose Jaw this month and if they win, some of their teams could earn an invite to the Canadian Cheer Finals in Niagara Falls in the spring.

Phoenix Cheer’s Meaghan Boras the treasurer and a co-director on the board of directors explained that 4 teams with a total of 39 athletes are traveling to Moose Jaw. The ages of the youth range from 7-14.

The four teams comprise of a hip hop pom team, a youth level 1 team, a youth level 2 team and a junior level 2 team. Competitive Pom is a dance genre focusing on lines, formations, cheerleading jumps, sharp staccato arm movements and form.

Submitted photo

The youth level 2 and junior level 2 will have the chance to win the finals spot. Concurrently, the cheer Nationals are also held the same weekend as the Finals and according to Boras, the teams are going to that nonetheless.

Ag Days Gives Grant to Ste. Anne Fire Department

Manitoba Ag Days through their “Ag Days Gives Back” program is sending $2,000 to the Ste. Anne Fire Department to help with their purchase of grain rescue equipment and air bags, which are used to lift heavy items in the event of an accident with entrapment.

Manitoba Ag Days created the “Ag Days Gives Back” grant program 10 years ago

and has awarded over $375,000 over the years for community projects. A total of $29,000 was given out this year.

In addition to focusing on community fire departments this year, the program also awarded funding to scholarships and Ag in the Classroom.

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In Memoriam: Brent Wery. The Phoenix Cheer Athletics team based in Ste. Anne is competing in Moose Jaw this month.

Hope’s Cradle is Now Installed in Landmark

Tache Fire Department has finished its installation of the Hope’s Cradle at the Landmark Fire Hall.

The fire department has been working with Gems for Gems, lawyers, CFS, and the proper authorities to ensure this is legal and safe. Gems for Gems is a Calgarybased organization that works with survivors of domestic abuse.

Hope’s Cradle is meant as the very last option for someone to safely surrender a baby before they may choose the worst possible outcome for the baby.

The site has basic instructions that inform people using the cradle how it works.

When a person opens the door of the drop-off location, a silent alarm goes off to alert first responders.

A Hope’s Cradle is an anonymous and safe place where an infant can be safely surrendered. Inside is a temperature-controlled bassinet and documentation that informs the parent, usually the mother, of her rights, how the process works, a form to send in about medical history, and a list of resources. Once the door is opened, the parent has two minutes to place the baby in the cradle and vacate the site before a silent alarm is sent to first responders.

Ste. Anne Curling Modernizes its Branding

Last year the Ste. Anne curling club decided it needed to update its logo to be more modern, have more colour, and be something that would look great printed or embroidered on club swag.

Ste. Anne to Host a Festival du Voyageur Kick-Off!

They followed through and hosted a competition and have now selected the winning design.

Created locally by Maïa Friesen, the chosen design had a prominent large curling rock and curling brooms crossed behind a circular centre. It also had a banner with name of their club that overlaid it all.

After having the design digitized, the curling club has four variations of the logo available for use, the main logo plus three variations to cater to different applications.

Kick-off the Festival du Voyageur in southeastern Manitoba in Ste. Anne with Tire-toi une bûche! Games, music, pea soup, galette (Bannock) cooked on the campfire, sucre à la crème for everyone’s sweet tooth and of course a small glass made with ice of Caribou. Tour the community ice sculptures on Central Ave. It all happens on February 11 starting at 1 pm at 112 Central Avenue. Everyone is invited to this celebration sponsored by Comité culturel de Sainte-Anne Inc.

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Trail Dispatch February 2023
Three variations of the new logo designed by local resident, Maïa Friesen for the Ste. Anne Curling Club.

February 2023

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Ste. Anne Vies for Kraft Hockeyville Title

Winning the Kraft Hockeyville title would be like winning the lottery for the iconic but aging community arena in Ste. Anne. The facility has echoed with the sounds of countless kids throughout the years dreaming of being the fastest and the most skilled.

The Town of Ste. Anne is registered in the Kraft Hockeyville competition seeking to win the grand prize of $250,000 and to host an NHL hockey game. The challenge requires a community to join together and outlast those that don’t call the Aces their home team.

“Ste Anne and the RM of Ste Anne

and LUD of Richer have an approximate population of 8,000, and this community eats, sleeps and breathes hockey,” said Krystyn Eirika, a community member that is rallying residents. “From the little guys just starting out to the senior hockey players who have played their entire lives, this town loves hockey.”

According to Krystyn, hockey and the arena are central to the community and area.

“On any day you can find families gathered at the Arena for practices, some staying for hours as they have multiple kids who play on multiple teams,” she said. She looks at hockey in the community as more than just the ice time.

“The community also uses Hockey for good,” she explained. “This year we have seen team’s band together and shovel snow for other community members. They have done food drives, and last year when they lost a long-time member of Ste. Anne Minor Hockey family they pulled together and started the charity, the “Kiddo 35 Foundation” to assist families in our region and keep kids in sports.”

She also points out another amazing fact that could be very unique to Ste. Anne.

“…the last three Olympics, we have had not one, but two ladies represent Ste. Anne on the Canadian Women’s Olympic Hockey team!

With Gold medals in 2014 and 2022 and a Silver in 2018,” she noted.

Krystyn believes, as many others, the arena is the heart of the Town and the RM.

“This place brings people in from all over the area,” she explained. “Kids from many different schools in different languages all gather here to play a special game where the language is simply hockey.”

“Our Arena not only hosts teams from Ste Anne Minor Hockey but also offers a recreational hockey program,” she added, “[and it] is used by both adult men’s and women’s teams.”

She credits hockey as a sport that has taught kids things they may not learn anywhere else, how to win how to lose and most of all how to be a great community member.

$250,000 to put towards a new ice plant for the facility,” Krystyn pointed out. “At this moment the ice plant has been repaired and repaired and we are out of repair options.”

The money could help with a solution.

“We need to replace the unit, which is costly, and we are currently looking at ways to fundraise,” she explained. “We are working as a community to help think of ways to contribute ideas, etc. to try and get the funds to keep us running.”

She points out that this year the arena opening was delayed until mid-October and some of the organizations dependent on the facility had to buy ice times from other communities in order to form the teams and prepare for regular season play.

“I know these funds would mean so much to this town and would ignite our fire to do more for our community,” she noted. “With the funds to fix the ice plant we could start looking at other ways to improve the facility instead of simply trying to keep it from shutting its doors.”

She sees this as an opportunity but needs the community and surrounding area to embrace it, she needs a team.

Kraft Hockeyville has two stages in its competition. The first is to stand out with the judges who will choose the top 4 to compete.

February 19 is the final day to register at krafthockeyville.ca (Search for “Town of Ste. Anne”). In the second step, residents need to upload 5 hockey or rink related photos to the Ste. Anne Arena’s rally page and “Like” or react to 15 of the photos uploaded. Lastly share to twitter if you are a member.

The more you can interact when you register, the more “Rally Points” the Town of Ste. Anne receives.

February 19 is the final day to register at krafthockeyville.ca (Search for “Town of Ste. Anne”). In the second step, residents need to upload 5 hockey or rink related photos to the Ste. Anne Arena’s rally page and “Like” or react to 15 of the photos uploaded. Lastly share to twitter if you are a member. The more you can interact when you register, the more “Rally Points” the Town of Ste. Anne receives.

Stuartburn Creates Snowshoe Lending Program

Wanting to embrace winter recreation, the RM of Stuartburn has created a program that encourages residents to get active and enjoy our Manitoba winter.

The program will lend out, at no cost, snowshoes and trekking poles starting in February until the end of March. Equipment is available in various sizes for both youth and adults.

Snowshoes can be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. The equipment is picked up and returned to the municipal office at 108 Main Street in Vita, Monday to Friday between 8 am to 4 pm excluding the lunch period.

Feel free to call 204-425-3218 or email inquiries@rmofstuartburn. com for more information or to reserve a pair.

The program is sponsored by Southern Health to promote healthy living.

As the years roll by, the inevitable costs of maintaining the arena increase.

“Our community could use the

When the Town of Ste. Anne makes the final selection, there will be a public voting period to compete for the $250,000 and an exhibition NHL game hosted in Ste. Anne.

The program will lend out, at no cost, snowshoes and trekking poles starting in February until the end of March. Equipment is available in various sizes for both youth and adults. Size chart above lists the currently available equipment.

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Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

Town of Ste. Anne Facing Rink Woes as Arena Ages

RM Looking into Feasibility of a Richer Waste Water System

At a recent RM of Ste. Anne council meeting they agreed to move ahead with the LUD of Richer Waste Water Servicing Feasibility Study thanks to a cost sharing agreement with Manitoba Water Services.

“The RM of Ste Anne received a grant for $100,000 to conduct a feasibility study for sewer systems in the LUD of Richer,” explained Brent Wery, the councillor who represents the community. “We are expecting the study to cost well under that amount and the grant should cover all the costs associated with the study. A cost share would have the RM of Ste Anne covering any costs over that grant amount.”

The purpose of this study is to look at alternatives to septic systems, such as a sewer system said Mike McLennan, CAO for the municipality.

“It is recognized that to move forwards into the future with dedicated settlement areas which include dense housing and commercial spaces, a sewer system is a necessity,” elaborated Wery. “The study will answer the question of the costs to develop a sewer system and if those costs are feasible with the current population size along with the risk/benefit of incurring such a cost.”

According to McLennan, the next step will be defined contingent on the results of the study.

By Dan Guetre services has been a topic for both the Town council and the RM council over the years.

Faced with an aging arena that requires more money yearly to operate, the Town of Ste. Anne is asking the RM of Ste. Anne to come back to the bargaining table to re-evaluate the multi-year agreement they had signed only a couple of years ago.

“Our recreation services are severely lacking funds (this has been the reality for many years) to operate our arena, library, sports fields, etc.,” said Ste. Anne Mayor Yvan St. Vincent. “If we aren’t able to strike a new Rec deal with RM we will have several very hard decisions to make in very near future and we are worried we won’t be able to offer what we’ve always been able to.”

Currently the arena is in dire need to replace some aging equipment.

“The Town needs a complete ice plant over haul, as most of the equipment is 40 plus years old, and R-22 refrigerant is no longer available,” explained Town of Ste. Anne CAO Marc Dakur. “This is the situation with most rinks in Manitoba. The cost to keep the doors open next season for hockey and curling ranges from $325,000 basic to $1.8 million [for a] new ice plant.”

With the high expenses on the horizon, the Town says they are not in a position to write a cheque without help.

“This is difficult to achieve alone without granting,” explained Dakur who hopes the surrounding rural municipality can work together and increase their financial share and justify it to their residents as an opportunity for everyone.

The lack of funds for recreation

According to a 2022/23 Arena budget provided by the Town CAO, the revenue for the arena is expected to bring in $382,058. General operating expenses are predicted to come to $184,331 leaving the arena $197,726.81 in the black. Unfortunately, the arena facility is carrying over almost $100,000 deficit from the previous year due to Covid19 restrictions and has a budgeted $396,943 in expected capital costs required to perform basis repairs and upgrades in order to keep the arena running, the largest of which is replacing the arena compressor at $350,000.

The Town of Ste. Anne and the RM councils have their joint meeting scheduled for around mid-February. This is an annual formal event where mutually beneficial ideas are discussed.

According to Randy Eros, Deputy Reeve of the RM of Ste. Anne, that would be a good time to broach the subject. While the RM of Ste. Anne has a plan to build out their own recreation services as part the creation of a development plan, he feels his council will be open to discussing this.

The Town of Ste. Anne is also hosting an open house discussion at their office in regards to the arena and curling rink “and its future” on Wednesday, February 8 at 7 pm.

The public is invited but they are asking those interested to RSVP their Recreational Services Manager, Sarah Normandeau by emailing rec@steanne.ca to be added to the

list which will also be used as a sign in for the meeting.

“Our facility is in need of some significant upgrades to remain operational,” wrote the Town in a notice sent out. “The Town is facing some big decisions and large costs associated with our facility and the goal of this open house is to gather insights from residents and users.”

Following the announcement for an $8 million Federal/Provincial government commitment to help build a new Taché Community Centre in Lorette, Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse is open to talk to the Town.

“As always, my door is always open, and when community leaders come to my office with plans or ideas, I do my best to help them execute them, just like we did with the new Tache Recreational Centre project,” said Lagasse. “If they need help with an application process, I am always happy to help with that as well.”

Even Chris Maxemuck, who created the first grassroots fundraiser for the Taché Community Centre 20 years ago offered to talk to those in the town who want to create a community led campaign or even talk to the Town council about his experience.

He also has some advice. “Based on my experiences I would definitely recommend four key points. One… Have Fun. Two… Be Positive. Three… Stay Focused. And four… Be Determined,” he said. “This can be a long and tiring process, have some fun along the way and always work to improve the lives of others.”

Town of Ste. Anne Invites Public to Discuss Future of Aging Arena

The Town of Sainte-Anne will be hosting an open house discussion at the Town of Sainte-Anne Office in regards to the Maurice Chaput Arena/Curling Rink and its future. The meeting will be open to the public on February 8 at 7 pm.

“Our facility is in need of some significant upgrades to remain

operational,” the Town said in a written statement. “The Town is facing some big decisions and large costs associated with our facility and the goal of this open house is to gather insights from residents and users.”

They are asking that those that wish to attend this open house

RSVP to their Recreational Services Manager, Sarah Normandeau, so that they can accommodate those that wish to be in attendance. You can RSVP by emailing rec@steanne.ca and you will be added to the list that will also be used as a sign in for this meeting.

Wery explained various scenarios that could play out. “The next step would be to analyze and debate the results. To be debated would be if this would only be an LUD expense, an RM expense, or would a debenture be worth while?” he said. “Should reserves be created to cover the cost? Should we allocate Gas Tax to be used? Is it even worth while?”

Even though the results would dictate the direction council takes, Wery was hopeful that council can pivot when the time comes.

“I had originally asked that the study would include hook ups to Paradise Village and La Coulee [two other communities within the municipality] but the way things were approved it is only currently covering Richer,” he said. “If the results are not favourable because the area is small, I hope to look into expanding the project into these other populated areas as that is what makes the most sense.”

Editors Note: Councillor Brent Wery passed away recently and the above quotes and comments are from emails he had sent prior when responding to the topic.

Stuartburn Seeks Approval from Province for Possible Operating Deficit

The RM of Stuartburn council has asked their administration to reach out to the Province forewarning them that there may be a potential shortfall in operating capital and a deficit could result.

This is just a precautionary action taken by council and they are required to inform the provincial government.

“[It’s] just under $90,000, however after audit transfers, the reality likely will not be an anticipated deficit at all,” explained Stuartburn Reeve Michelle Gawronsky. “By the Act, all Municipalities must notify the Provincial Government of a possible deficit which is why the Resolution was passed by Council, so a letter of Notification would be sent to the Province.”

“…Council inherited it through no fault of the previous Council,” stressed Gawronsky. “Almost all costs increased for the municipality [with] the main one being snow clearly last winter.”

She said fuel surcharges, inflation costs, and higher construction costs also contributed.

She explained that since the provincial government has frozen municipal funding since 2016, the increase in costs created a huge challenge to the previous Council without any increased funding to cover the cost. In a year like 2022, she recognizes that every municipality or business has been impacted by inflation costs, increased need and cost of services such as snow clearing.

“I haven’t spoken to any Municipality from all across the province that hasn’t shared in increase in the costs,” said Gawronsky. “The rate payers need to know the Provincial Government froze the funding in 2016, off loaded more responsibility to the RM’s without the funding to pay for them.”

Stuartburn residents should not feel the pinch if a small deficit is realized. “We are not expecting any affect to the municipal services, any deficit should be covered by the accumulated surplus,” she assured.

Gawronsky said residents should not be focused on a small deficit in the RM’s Budget as everyone is aware of, and feeling, the impacts of rising costs of everything. There is a bigger, general picture to look at.

“We need to be paying attention to the economy of our communities and our province,” she added.

Currently the Ste. Anne arena is in dire need to replace some aging equipment. File photo

Local Legendary Musician Succumbs to Cancer

many members of the family took their talent to the national stage successfully combining the rich Métis culture with country roots music.

There is a family in Richer that is synonymous with music on a national scale. For decades, the Dutiaume family performed at regional festivals and events reminding residents of the local Métis heritage that surrounds the area. It wasn’t long before

Clint Dutiaume, at a young age of 59, passed away from lung cancer recently leaving a family mourning and a community saddened as they cope with the loss of a musical ambassador they called their own. This past November, Clint along with his brothers, Jim, Keith, and Tom were inducted into the Manitoba Country Music Hall Of Fame.

“Clint Dutiaume was a multiple award winning world class fiddler, guitarist, and singer who absolutely lit up each and every stage that he stepped on to,” wrote the Manitoba Country Music Association in a statement shortly after they heard

the news. “He was an amazing musician, teacher, mentor, son, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend.”

“He was a bright light in the music community and will be missed terribly,” they added.

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization defined Clint as an influential Métis fiddle player who made an incredible impact in the music community and reminded his family and friends of the numerous people Clint inspired.

Clint was a nine-time winner the Manitoba Instrumentalist of the Year Award. He also won C.A.M.A. For Best Fiddle Album (Canadian Aboriginal Music Award) and was nominated for top producer. He leaves behind his mother, two children, two grandchildren and 10 siblings.

Gallery Displays

The Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre is currently featuring a visual arts exhibit “Take a Hike with Me” by Leslie Paulet until February 24.

Paulet resides in Steinbach with her husband, Nick, and two sons, Tyler and Troy. While living in Alberta throughout most of her 20s, Leslie immediately fell in love with the mountains. Ironically, it was not until Leslie moved back to Manitoba that she became an avid hiker and an ‘occasional’ mountain climber in the Himalayas in Nepal. Her favourite thing to do in the world is throw on a backpack with all her gear and head out on the trail for a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks at a time. Her next favourite thing to do is turn on the music and paint.

If Leslie is not out on the trail in nature, she can most likely be found at home painting it.

Consistently painting for the past 5 years, Leslie is self-taught. She continues to learn new techniques and skills with every brushstroke. Primarily using acrylic paint on canvas or wood, she will often add texture to her work with canvas paste or cover finished pieces with coats of resin. Most of her pieces are bright and vibrant with a bit of an abstract/contemporary feel; however, she sometimes chooses to work solely with shades of grey or monochromatic colors. One thing all her pieces have in common is inspiration always comes from time spent on the trail.

“Leslie Paulet’s artwork will transport you to the beautiful mountains and glacial lakes that can be seen in Canada,” said Tonya Godee, Exhibit Coordinator. “Paulet’s love for nature really shines through her artwork.”

of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023
Celebrating Over 25 Years
“Take a Hike with Me”
SAC is currently featuring a visual arts exhibit “Take a Hike with Me” by Leslie Paulet until February 24. Submitted photo of Leslie Paulet’s Art “Clint Dutiaume was a multiple award winning world class fiddler, guitarist, and singer who absolutely lit up each and every stage that he stepped on to,” wrote the Manitoba Country Music Association Clint performing at the Lockport Dam Family Festival. Submitted photos

A Service Dog Could Help Young Girl Find Courage

A St. Adolphe mother is reaching out to the community for help on behalf of her daughter who struggles with a combination of autism and anxiety.

Nadine Huberdeau’s 11 year old daughter Leia is sometimes filled with intense anxiety and fear that, what we consider normal, becomes a world that is terrifying.

They have been searching for a solution or a way to help the young girl cope.

“We’ve been told the combination of autism and anxiety she has is one of the hardest to treat, so every tool we can have to help her out, the easier life will be for her,” said Nadine.

It has been suggested that Nadine arrange to get Leia partnered with a service dog to help her face the crippling fear.

“The dog will help with quite a few things, deep pressure therapy, safety, distraction,” Nadine was told. “It will also provide tactile grounding, assistance with over stimulation, kinetic engagement and repetitive behaviour. These are just a few benefits.”

With the help of family, Leia was able to explain her situation in a written post.

“My autism causes me to be scared of a lot of things, so scared in fact that I haven’t left my house in over a year! I haven’t gone to school,” she wrote. “I know I have some cavities but I haven’t seen a dentist. I need new glasses but I haven’t been able to get my eyes checked again. I haven’t even left my driveway!”

“I often tell my mom that I just want to be normal and don’t like living like this but my fears are so big that they make me panic and feel like I’m dying,” added Leia.

“I also have a tremendous sensitivity to noise, loud noises hurt me and scare me a lot,” admitted the young girl. “I don’t like the garbage truck or the school bus driving by because they’re so loud and scare me so much that I need to hide in a closet till it’s

safe again to come out.”

Nadine pointed out that not everyone understands Leia’s struggle, or the reality that Leia has to face everyday.

“Some of the struggles we have are people not understanding why someone with autism and severe anxiety would need a service dog and how it can change her life,” Nadine said.

Leia recognizes that a service dog could be a life changing solution for her.

“My parents believe that getting me a service dog will help me to feel safer leaving the house, [and] I think so too because it would be allowed to come with me everywhere I go,” said Leia. “It could open lights for me before I walk into a room, and inspect it so I know it’s safe.” “I know it can do much more than that too!” she said, excited about new possibilities.

Leia believes a service dog may help her when she panics and help keep her feeling safe.

Nadine sees a lot of talent in her daughter.

“Leia loves doing cosplay, she’s quite the artist and she loves every aspect of making videos from writing a script to directing, making the costumes and editing,” she explained.

Nadine noted that Leia is hopeful she can get her new “friend” and has already picked out a name.

“Her full name will be Queen Bella Bartholomew the 1st,” said Nadine, “but she will go by Belle.”

So far family and friends have raised almost $2,700 out of the expected $40,000 needed to bring a service dog into their lives.

Leia’s aunts have set up a GoFundMe page and you can donate by visinting www.gofundme.com/f/vfde6-servicedog-for-leia.

11-year old Leia believes a service dog may help her when she panics and help keep her feeling safe.

Also, there will be an online auction to raise funds. This event will be held on February 28 starting at 8 pm. You can follow Leia’s Service Dog Journey on Facebook for more information. Many local and regional businesses have donated products and services available for bidding.

Piney Continues Commitment to Monitor Groundwater at Waste Sites

The RM of Piney has issued a Ground Water Monitoring Request for Quote in order to ensure its residents continue to be confident is their water source and protect the environment.

“As part of our operating license for the RMs Waste Transfer Sites, the RM must complete groundwater monitoring

on an annual basis,” explained Martin Van Osch, CAO of the RM of Piney.

“The RMs current contract with WSP ended in 2022 and as such, the RM is seeking new bids to determine the best price and service provider.”

Having the program in place assures residents that the water they consume is never affected by the municipality and

the services it provides.

“To date, our sampling program hasn’t identified any results of concern,” added Van Osch. “The results are sent to the province annually for their review.”

Should any issue arise, a remediation plan would be developed to address the concern, he assured.

Numerous motor vehicle accidents, including a few with fatalities at Highway 12 and Provincial Road 210 near Ste Anne, and a Provincial Government still months away before offering any potential remedies, has forced the RM of Ste. Anne to think outside of the box to try and protect the public.

At a recent council meeting, RM of Ste. Anne councillor Robert Sarrasin lamented how the Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) could take “months and months, if not a year until something happens” to come up with some options.

According to CAO Mike McLennan, MTI has identified the issue and they will be conducting a functional design study, which involves public engagement. Recent correspondence from MTI indicates that this could take 8-12 months to complete.

One temporary solution discussed by council was to try and educate the public with the help of Manitoba Public Insurance. Without the expertise and experience to create a relevant video, council believed they should reach out to the provincial experts.

“The option of a driver’s safety video was discussed as a short term option to help navigate that intersection,” explained McLennan. “Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure is looking at longer term options which we hope to hear more about in mid-late 2023.”

“MPI has expertise when it comes to driver education and as a result Council though it best to approach them with this project,” added McLennan. “Additionally, MPI is familiar with the type of video envisioned, so it made sense to pursue this option with them.”

According to discussions at a council meeting in mid-January, MPI has yet to respond but council will again reach out to them.

If the video is a possibility, getting the message out to the public could be social media and other avenues.

“This was a preliminary option for circulation,” McLennan noted. “A more detailed release plan, including options apart from social media, would be discussed once details of the project were further determined/finalized.”

Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!
Slow Provincial Response for Accident Prone Corner has Municipality Thinking Outside of the Box
Submitted photo

RM of Ste. Anne Shows Interest in Provincial Daycare Program

Following an initial demand with exceeded expectations, the Manitoba government is proceeding with soliciting proposals to develop up to an additional eight daycare facilities in communities throughout the province to be identified by the spring.

The concept, supported by the Province, is to build these daycares off-site in modular sections, move them to the communities and assemble them. The rational for all the stakeholders in the project is cost savings, and managing quality. It has been called a “Daycare in a box” by some of the communities who have already been approved for a building.

The RM of Ste. Anne has added their name to the list by sending in a request of interest to be included in the program.

“Yes, a letter of interest was submitted to the province as part of this project,” confirmed RM of Ste. Anne CAO Mike McLennan.

He also confirmed that, “There has been conversation with the Richer Day Care”, the municipality’s only licensed daycare within their borders.

The municipality is aware of other municipalities who have signed an agreement to secure a daycare, but will look at whether or not reaching out to them about their success only after the process takes shape and the RM of Ste. Anne is chosen.

“While the RM has heard of other municipalities interested in the program, there is still a selection component to the program, and hence projects are not guaranteed,” explained McLennan. “Once approval announcements have been made, further discussion with other municipalities and/or centers about their development process will occur.”

McLennan could not say where the daycare would be located within the municipality as council is just starting to look at some of the potential logistics.

“There are a couple of areas being considered [but] location has not yet been determined,” he said.

It’s Time to Plan Your Garden

Whether you’re new to gardening or a seasoned grower, have a large plot or a few containers, early planning is key to improving the success and productivity of your garden space. “Thinking green” in January and February is a great way to beat back the winter blues while ensuring you don’t miss any planting deadlines. It’s also a good time to organize your seeds and create a wish list for local seed swaps. Here are a few things to consider as you dream about your garden.

Plant Spacing

It’s important to be realistic about the amount of space you have, but even containers can be surprisingly productive if you have a good plan. The block method of growing, commonly referred to as “square foot gardening” involves growing plants in beds, rather than in conventional rows. Not only does this approach maximize space usage, it reduces weed problemsless bare ground means more competition for weeds as the crops mature.

Know how much space each type of plant requires. For example, one square foot (30 cm x 30 cm) can fit 1 cabbage, 2 corn, 4 garlic, 8 pea, 9 beet, or 16 carrot plants.

Sprawling plants, like cucumbers, will require a larger area, but using vertical space will save ground space for other crops. Trellises can be quick and dirty, such as a simple hog panel, or an elaborate work of art. This is the time to brainstorm ideas and rummage through the shed for useful materials.

Companion Planting

Planting certain crops together, or in close proximity, not only makes the most of any garden plot, it can provide benefits in the form of weed or pest control. In a previous article, Debra Henry introduced the “three sisters’ garden” where corn, beans and squash are planted together because each provides support or protection for the others. I’ve found that sweet potatoes pair well with peppers. The creeping ground cover helps to retain soil moisture and reduce weed growth, and the harvesting periods are complementary - by the time the sweet potatoes are ready, the peppers have all been picked.

Crops that are prone to insect damage, such as cabbage and broccoli, can greatly benefit when herbs that are highly attractive to pollinators grow nearby. Paper wasps, yellow jackets and tachinid flies work wonders on cabbage worms, either carrying them back to the nest to feed their young, or parasitizing them. Birds that eat cabbage butterflies can be encouraged by ensuring there is something nearby for them to perch on.

Starting Plants Indoors

As the days start to get longer and the itch to start planting grows, it may take everything you have to resist this urge. Starting plants indoors gives them an often necessary head start on our short growing season. Started too early, however, they will outgrow their pots, resulting in the need to transplant them into larger containers - and a house overrun with bedding plants. Check your seed packets and follow the suggested time for planting, keeping your average last frost date in mind. For Altona north to Morris, it’s May 11 – 20 and for the rest of our area, it’s May 21 – 31.

If you simply can’t wait to get your hands in the dirt, there are a few crops that are best started in February. Onions grown from seed and sweet potatoes, ginger and turmeric grown from sprouted tubers/roots will only reach a healthy size if started extra early.

Lighting is an important consideration when starting plants indoors. Inadequate or distant lighting forces plants to stretch toward whatever light source there is, resulting in weak and spindly plants. This can be prevented with grow lights. The shape and size of the lights will depend on your space, but be sure to get bulbs with a light temperature of 5000 - 7000

Kelvin. Higher light temperatures (in the blue light range) promote foliar growth while lower light temperatures (in the red range, or around 3000K) are better for flowering and fruiting.

With early planning, you can ensure you have all the things you need for a successful garden. May all your dreams come true.

Brought to you by the Stuartburn Emerson-Franklin Local Food Initiative, initiativelocalfood@gmail.com or find them on Facebook.

Attention New Home Owners in Lorette

Welcome to the growing community of Lorette!

Have you purchased a home, town home, duplex, or condo in the LUD of Lorette, in the last year? Is this your first time living in Lorette?

Do you have questions about your new community? The Welcome Basket Committee would be happy to answer any questions.

We have a FREE basket of Gift Certificates, coupons, gifts, and information which have been generously provided by the businesses and organizations in the LUD of Lorette.

To arrange a short curbside visit please e-mail lorettewelcomebasket@gmail.com (no strings attached).

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail
February 2023
Starting plants indoors gives them an often necessary head start on our short growing season. The “three sisters’ garden” where corn, beans and squash are planted together because each provides support or protection for the others. Submitted photos

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

Food Bank Cashes In on Paperless Statements

Free Seed Library is Back Again in Roseau River

The seed catalogues have been arriving in my post box for a while already. As the winter wears on, some of us have begun making plans for vegetable gardening 2023.

Last year, local gardeners and seed savers began sharing their favourite seeds by bringing them to the free Community Seed Library located in Artisan Hall at Reimer Concrete and Building Supplies, in Roseau River. After a short winter break, the Library is back, beginning January 14.

For those of you who didn’t know about this last year, this seed exchange works just like our Little Free Libraries – take some seeds, share some seeds – with one difference.

To make it easier to search for certain seeds, sharers are asked to clearly label their seeds, including the year they were harvested, and file them alphabetically by type, rather than variety. For example, “Scarlet Runner Bean, 2022” would be placed under “B” for beans. If you are open to fielding questions about your seeds, consider including your contact information as well. One improvement suggestion over last year would be to package your seeds in a small paper envelope or insert a piece of stiff paper/cardboard if using a plastic bag (no wider than 3 inches), as they will stand up and be more easily noticed in our seed display box.

Laura Reeves, local botanist, proprietor of Prairie Shore Botanicals, enthusiast and participant of the Seed Library gives us some compelling reasons for seed saving and sharing.

Who knew saving someone else’s printing costs could benefit local charities? That’s exactly what Niverville Credit Union is offering when their members decide to go paperless when it comes to their statements.

Through the incentive program the Niverville Credit Union Statement Suppression Campaign recently donated $5 for each statement that was

suppressed to a local charity. The Landmark branch again chose the Tache Food Resource Centre as the beneficiary.

A cheque was presented to the Tache Food Resource Centre (TFRC) in early January.

“Our credit union has made annual donations to the TFRC for a number of years, and this year is no exception as we donated $520,” said Branch Manager Steven Andres. “As

a community-oriented organization, we give back in a variety of ways each year. We love what the TFRC is about, uniting this community to meet the needs of our neighbours. It is a mission we can all get behind and groups like this make us proud to operate in Tache.”

Andres proudly added that members of their board and staff also make individual contributions to support the Centre.

Survey Looking at Getting Around Becomes a Regional Focus

A project initiated by the RM of Piney in partnership with Eco-West has spread throughout municipalities in the southeast to identify transportation challenges.

The idea to improve peoples lives by making getting around more accessible seems to have caught the interest of jurisdictions from the edge of the US border, as far east as the Ontario border, and to the outskirts of Winnipeg.

General transportation plus a focus on seniors and those with disabilities are all on the table once data is received through a survey that is being promoted by municipalities who have signed into the project. Only the Town of Niverville and the City of Steinbach have declined to participate.

Connie Gamble, the lead on the data collection for ridership data encourages everyone to respond to the sur-

vey whether they feel they would use transit or not.

“Everyone travels to get somewhere, we’ve simply forgotten why public transportation is essential until we really need it!” said Gamble. “Some may want options to travel to sporting or entertainment events, or enjoy a social outing, some may need it to get to services not available locally, and others just need to get to work.”

“There is value and strength in working together. Small rural RMs have similar transportation challenges without a public regional transportation system and affordable options,” explained Gamble who feels a joint or regional project is more sustainable.

Over the years various municipalities have discussed the issue of transportation and some even acknowledged this topic as a quality-of-life issue.

The Southeast Regional Transporta-

tion Initiative is supported by a collaborative partnership including TONS (Transportation Options Network for Seniors), the University of Manitoba - City Planning (Age Friendly Communities), municipal and First Nation leadership, local businesses, and EcoWest Canada with the RM of Piney as project lead.

Results of the survey will provide valuable information towards identifying the need for potential regional transportation solutions to connect nearby communities in the southeast for short and longer travel distances.

This data collection stage is expected to wrap up at the end of February so now is the time to visit rmofpiney. mb.ca/transit-plan and take a few minutes and fill out the survey. You can also reach out to your own municipality; some have it linked on their website or have alternative options for participants.

“For seasoned gardeners, seed saving is par for the course – a simple way of ensuring that our favourite or most successful foods and flowers can be planted again next year. Selecting seeds from fruits with favoured qualities, like sweetness or resistance to environmental conditions, such as disease or drought, will result in those qualities becoming dominant over time,” said Reeves. “Saving and sharing our seeds offers a safeguard against crop failure when we can turn to our successful neighbours to help us recover from the loss. Moreover, sharing seed from our favourite plants is undeniably fun and a great way to cultivate relationships with other community members.”

The Reimer family has been very generous in allowing us space for this library in their store. One concession they have asked of us is that the seeds we offer not be available in their store seed stand. When you bring your seeds in, we would appreciate you checking the seeds for sale to make sure we’re not in competition with the store.

The more people participating in the Community Seed Library, the more fun it will be! Some contributions from 2022 that were grown in 2021 and stay viable over a number of years have started our seed offerings for 2023. They are flat green beans, Hubbard, Guatemalan Blue and Sunshine Squash, okra, Parsnips, chilli peppers, yellow bell peppers, pie pumpkins, sesame seeds, heirloom tomatoes and more. Come on down and add and/or take from our collection.

The Woodmore Women’s Institute is planning an inperson seed exchange later in the year. Stay tuned for more details.

Brought to you by the Stuartburn Emerson-Franklin Local Food Initiative, initiativelocalfood@gmail.com or find them on Facebook.

Roseau River free Community Seed Library. Submitted photos Cheque presented by Niverville Credit Union – Landmark Branch Manager Steven Andres to President of the Tache Food Resource Centre Roger Prevost in early January. Submitted photo

Regional Animal Rescue Group Serious About Brick and Mortar Facility

After over a decade of rescuing animals, and with seven years under their belt as a registered charity, Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue (SAAR) has grown the organization to a point where a facility has become a necessity.

Before SAAR became a reality, Michelle Neufeld along with a couple of animal loving friends had created a reputation of bringing stray and abandoned pets into their homes.

“My understanding is that people would find strays or abandoned animals and knew that Michelle and her friends would take them in,” said Graham Pollock, Vice President of SAAR. He shared that it grew from there. “Initially, they received no funding other than some donations from friends and other animal lovers.”

In 2016, recognizing a need, the rescue applied for and received their not-for-profit status as a charitable organization.

“As a result of that a board of directors was formed to oversee and direct the organization,” explained Polluck. “Michelle was president of the organization at that time. Now the board has grown in the past two or three years to now being comprised of 9 individuals.”

Polluck joined the Board two years ago and oversees the grants process to seek funding from the Province, municipal and private donors.

As the reputation spreads, so do the number of people contacting the group.

“In 2022, the rescue received over 700 calls for service,” said Polluck. “We don’t really have a defined service area and we receive calls from as far away as Whitemouth, Lac du Bonnet, Emerson, Dominion City.”

While not being able to respond to all the requests, Polluck admits that calls also come in from as far away as Winnipeg, Lac du Bonnet, St. Malo, and Sprague.

Polluck clarified that SAAR is not an animal control service. Most municipalities have those in place.

“However, we will respond to animals that are in need of veteri-

RITchoT SenIoR SeRvIceS evenTS

Quilting & Knitting – Monday, February 13 and 27 from 9:30 – 11:15 am at 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe. Touch Quilts - are being created that will be donated to the Manitoba Alzheimer Society. Touch Quilts provide individuals in the late stages of dementia with an

nary care or have been abandoned,” he added. “We do work in partnership with rural animal management services, or RAMS, as they’re referred to, and the animal control people in some of the surrounding RMs.

In 2022, SAAR had 291 intakes, animals that needed care.

With the lack of a building, SAAR works solely through a foster program.

“Our foster program is a fluid program with Fosters coming and going and taking a break due to health reasons, family situations, or vacations,” explained Polluck.

“Currently we have approximately 28 active fosters that will accept and look after cats or kittens and approximately 15 foster homes that will consider dogs or puppies.”

Polluck does admit more foster volunteers are needed.

“We are constantly looking for new fosters to apply for either cats or dogs,” he said. “It’s also important for us to find some fosters that have experience in dealing with dogs, especially those with some behaviour issues.”

“Currently our cat foster intakes are full and our cat intake coordinator Raelle has a waiting list that she works from to place as many cats and kittens as possible,” added Polluck. “Our dog fosters all have puppies or dogs placed with them at the moment as we recently took in a number of puppies that were found abandoned on the side of the road.”

With the growth of the organization and an increased demand, SAAR is gearing up for the next stage with their eye on having a building they could call their own. They already have the land required.

“A wish and dream for a permanent building has been with us for a number of years,” said Polluck. “Three years ago, SAAR purchased property on Keating Road on the west side of Steinbach, with the intent of constructing a shelter facility to house Steinbach & Area animal Rescue.”

Building their own facility has not always been straight as an ar-

opportunity for sensory stimulation which is important for someone affected by dementia because it can provide feelings of comfort and relaxation.

Knitting - A variety of knitwear is being created such as mittens, hats and scarves. These items are donated throughout the year to different groups to help provide comfort to those less fortunate. If you are interested in participating, come on by. Everything you need to help is supplied.

Foot Care Clinics - By appointment only. For more information, please contact Janice at 204-883-2880.

Upcoming clinic dates: Ste Agathe – Wednesday, February

row flies.

“As we are a not-for-profit, and we operate solely on, private donations and gifts with some grants, financially, it was not feasible at that time construct a building,” he admitted. “Over the past couple of years, the board has looked at a number of different options for a shelter facility.”

Polluck now feels the Board is ready to commit.

“We recently made the decision to revisit the idea of constructing a facility on the property,” he explained. “And that is our hope for this coming year.”

Getting all the pieces to come together is their strategy.

“We do have a commitment for some financial support towards the building from the City of Steinbach and … we are in the process of writing grant applications to help support the building of the facility.”

Polluck stated that SAAR currently has about $100,000 in

1 and Thursday, February 2. St. Adolphe – Monday, February 6, Tuesday February 7 and Wednesday, February 8.

Ile des Chenes – Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday March 8. Heart to Home Meals -To place your order please call 1-204-816-8659 or 1-888-216-1067. Call Heart to Home and they will send you a menu. Menus are also available to pick up at Ritchot Senior Services. We ask you to please call or email Ritchot Senior Services after placing your orders and let us know you have placed an order. This will assist us in organizing volunteers for delivery of meals to you.

Order your meals by:

Wednesday, February 1 meals will

their building fund built through fundraising efforts, and generous gifts and donations from different private donors.

Polluck explained the Board of SAAR has learnt patience as their fundraising efforts have to be balanced between this project and money they require for daily operating expenses.

“I’d love to be able to say that we’re going to have a building by June or July of this year however there are some financial things that the board needs to work out and approve before we can go ahead with that,” explained Polluck. “It may surprise you to know that our largest operational cost is our vetting. Every animal taken into care gets fully vetted and spayed/neutered. In 2022, SAAR spent almost $118,000 on vetting of our animals.”

“As a rescue, we need to ensure that we have sufficient income each month to support our daily operations and construction of a new

be delivered directly to you on February 2. Wednesday, February 15 meals are ready for pick up or delivery on January 16. This service is available to all areas of the Ritchot Community including St. Adolphe, Ste Agathe, Ile des Chenes, Grande Pointe, Howden and Glenlea. There are no contracts, no minimum orders.

Coffee with Friends – Thursdays, February 9, 16 and 23 at 10 - 11:30 am. Open to everyone. $2 for bottomless coffee and a treat. Ritchot Senior Services, 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe.

Bingo – Tuesday, February 28 from

building will obviously add to our monthly expenditures,” he added. “We hope to be in a position to have a facility by the end of 2023, but again that will largely depend, on our ability to receive grants and our continued support by our generous contributors.”

If you are interesting in becoming a volunteer or a board member please contact Michelle at Steinbachanimalrescue@gmail.com. If you are interested in fostering contact them at foster.saar@gmail. com.

SAAR February Events

Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue will be having a pet adoption event at Pet Valu in Steinbach on February 11, as well as one at Clearspring Mall on February 12.

In conjunction with the pet adoption event at Clearspring Mall on February 12, SAAR will host a volunteer recruitment. The SAAR team will have information about the various volunteer roles available within SAAR, as well as answering questions about signing up as a foster.

February is “Double the love and double the fun!” SAAR is having a bonded pairs promotion, with reduced adoption fees for the cats that need to be adopted as duos. “We currently have a number of pairs of closely bonded cats that would not do well if they were separated, so we are hoping to encourage people to open their hearts and homes to two new furry family members, instead of just one,” said Raelle, a SAAR volunteer.

SAAR is currently running a Chase the Ace fundraiser every Monday evening at Smitty’s lounge in Steinbach. The current total of the pot is $10,765.

Information on all the events can be found on their social media pages, and the adoptable animals are all on their website along with online application forms.

1:30 – 3 pm at 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe. Play for fun prizes. $2 admission. You must pre register for this event.

Lunch & Learn – Tuesday, February 21 at10 am, 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe. Join us in welcoming special guest Carefree Concierge offering tips on downsizing, then carefully pack and move your belongings. They can help confirm appointments with cable, internet, and phone companies to ensure services are transferred to your new home. They can also arrange to have your previous home cleaned and ready for resale. Stay after for bowl of soup and chat with friends. You must pre register for this event.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch
February 2023
Graham Polluck and Winnie. Winnie’s rescue by SAAR was picked up by The Dodo social media channel and went viral.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Southeast Woman Seeks Manitoba Green Party Leadership

Additionally, she has played a role with the International Organic Inspectors Association include serving as their President, a peer evaluator, and trainer. If it involves “organics” or environmental accountability in Manitoba, Gibson has or is still involved with the organizations. Her decision to seek the leadership did not come to her on a whim.

“Having been asked to consider leadership, after many years of membership and activity locally and nationally as an environmental activist, I felt compelled to work with my colleagues to promote communication and team development in supporting our Green values across Manitoba,” explained Gibson.

Following the announcement that the Green Party of Manitoba’s (GPM) leadership contest is now underway, one rural woman who lives south of Steinbach is throwing her hat in the ring.

Janine Gibson, a mother and grandmother, is co-founder of her solar powered co-op farm in part of what inspired her desire to become a GPM Leadership candidate.

According to her bio, Gibson tries to live and work with nature which has in turn led to protecting ecosystem health through work with local and national communities.

Gibson has also served as the GPM candidate in La Verendrye and Steinbach several times in the past complimenting her long tenure as a member of the party.

Timing could be right for her leadership bid as Gibson believes the movement is strengthening.

“More and more Manitobans want to live authentically from the values for social and environmental justice they hold dear,” she added. “Living and speaking our truth through sharing Green values at election opportunities continues our community team building and is always empowering for diversity, personally and collectively.”

Gibson likes what she sees when the GPM policies are respected and even adopted.

Little Steps for Growth

“We are glad when individuals and other parties find inspiration in our policies and we will continue to challenge the status quo to prioritize environmental and social justice for health,” she explained.

Within the GPM party, Gibson is confident she can add some key skills to lead the party if the membership chooses her.

“I bring a great deal of experience in building and working in teams to develop policy alternatives and see them implemented, through my work in organic agriculture,” said Gibson. “Experience in communication, team building and determination are key requirements for this role.”

Gibson added, “Having lived and worked collaboratively for many years, I welcome the opportunity to work collegially with the other candidates for leadership to build our movement in Manitoba.”

Gibson is one of four candidates vying for the leadership of the GPM. The three other candidates are from Winnipeg. The leadership contest was triggered when long-time leader James Beddome announced he was stepping down.

Anyone can join the GPM. If you do so before February 24, members are eligible to vote in the leadership race online or by mail from the 13 to the 23 of March with the new leader announced at the March 26 AGM.

Niverville’s Got Thin Ice

In mid-January the Town of Niverville issued a notice warning its residents to stay off the ice formed on the pond located at Hampton Park.

The pond, which is used by residents and locals to skate, is no longer safe due to thin ice caused by water that’s being pumped through to the water treatment plant. This resulted in the

ice melting from the bottom up. The Town promises to inform the community when it is safe to venture onto the frozen pond, but currently it is a potential danger.

Welcome to all my readers, I hope that you are all having a great winter. I recently heard some folks complaining that a polar vortex was coming and about how it was going to be so cold and snowy. This may be true and it may come to pass but why complain about something that has not even happened yet, if at all. What does it accomplish by not enjoying this moment while we are having beautifully warm winter weather? Even if the colder weather were to arrive and you had chosen to wait and complain about it at that time... why?

We’ve had an awesome winter where the temperatures have been mild to the point of melting and there have been very little storms to prevent us from dangerous travel, so why complain about a little bit of colder weather now?

Maybe I just have a bit of a different mindset but I do try to look at the less-than-desirable situations as opportunities to grow, problems as challenges to overcome and learn from. This is not a mindset that I’ve been born with, while God may have given it to me in creation, I can attest that my environment and life experiences have more than done their best to squash any such positivity. I do have good news for all my readers, if you do desire to have a more positive outlook in life, there a numerous books and online sites that can help you to take those steps (sometimes very tiny steps) forward. Much like how you’d eat an elephant (one bite at a time) the road to a new mindset is taken by little bits of progress, even when we find ourselves slipping up and making errors we can always go back and keep on working at it. I’m confident that as we work on ourselves we will one day soon look back, nay glance back, and realize that we’ve covered a great distance from where we’d started. Just remember, we will never be perfect and that is okay but we can always strive for a better life and a positive existence that touches those around us in a memorable fashion. Keep working at it, even when the world seems dark and full of despair, keep working at being the light that shines. You never know when the light that you’ve become will be the light that someone is desperately searching for, the light that they are in need of seeing. Even if you never see the results of how your life will touch others, rest assured, your light will and does touch others. Keep shining, I’m proud of you.

Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Dispatch February
Janine Gibson Submitted photo

February 2023

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch

Join the Count: Good for You, Good for Birds

The 26th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place Friday, February 17, through Monday, February 20. Bird and nature lovers everywhere unite in the effort to tally as many of the world’s bird species as possible over these four days. Combined with other bird counts, GBBC results help create a clearer picture of how birds are faring - whether individual species are declining, increasing, or holding steady in the face of habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.

Each participant or group counts birds for any length of time (but for at least 15 minutes) and enters the bird(s) they could identify at each site where they did their observation, whether that be from home, at a local park, or wilderness area. Sightings are entered online at the GBBC website, the Merlin Bird ID app, or the website ebird.org, which powers the GBBC and is the largest database of bird observations in the world. People of all ages and skill levels are welcome. And there’s another reason to count the birds: it’s good for you.

Step-by-step instructions for the GBBC:

- Merlin Bird ID app: birdcount.org/merlin-bird-id-app

- eBird Moble app: birdcount.org/ebird-mobile-app

- eBird on a computer: birdcount.org/ebird-on-compute

“Take a moment over this long weekend to observe, listen to, and count birds and improve your health, too. Bird watching and being in nature can reduce stress and improve your mood,” said Chad Wilsey, chief scientist and vice president at National Audubon Society.

A record number of participants joined the 2022 count. An estimated 385,000 people submitted checklists reporting more than 7,000 species from 192 countries. Many GBBC participants discover a fascination with birds for the first time and enjoy exploring (and comparing) results from around the world.

“The Great Backyard Bird Count is a stepping stone towards bird conservation,” said Patrick Nadeau, president and CEO of Birds Canada.

“Taking this step in February launches a journey of discov ery whether you’re just beginning to learn about the birds around you or an experienced birder watching out for new feathered friends!

From here participants can look for their next steps in resources like Your Guide to Helping Canada’s Birds available at birdscanada.org.”

The GBBC website has tools and information to help bird watching newbies and veterans participate in the count. You’re also invited to tune in to a special webinar about how to participate in the GBBC being held February 15, at 1pm Eastern Time. It’s free. Just register to attend this live-streamed event at dl.allaboutbirds.org.

The Great Backyard Bird Count is a joint project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society, and Birds Canada.

Manitoba RCMP Continues to Ask for Tips at the One-Year Anniversary of the Tragic Deaths of Four Members of the Patel Family

On January 19, 2022, Manitoba RCMP discovered four bodies near Emerson, Manitoba, approximately 12 metres from the Canada/US border. Their deaths were determined to be due to exposure.

The four deceased were identified as Indian nationals and all from the same family. Jagdishkumar Patel, a 39-year-old male, Vaishaliben Patel, a 37-year-old female, and their two children Vihangi Patel, an 11year-old female and Dharmik Patel, a 3-year-old male.

Investigators believe the family was dropped off near the border and were attempting to enter the United States on foot with a larger group of people, when they became separated and succumbed to the elements. The bodies of Jagdishkumar, Vihangi and Dharmik were located together. The body of Vaishaliben was located a short distance away from her family.

An investigation was immediately launched and has determined that the Patel family entered Canada for the purpose of eventually entering into the United States. Further, it has been determined that the Patel’s travel from India into Canada and their attempt to gain entry into the United States was an organized and thought-out operation likely being run by a human smuggling network.

Following the airing of a Fifth Estate episode on October 21, 2022, and an RCMP news release issued on October 22, 2022, new information about their travel in Canada has been confirmed. Investigators, however, continue to have a gap between their last known location in southern Ontario on January 16th and their arrival to Emerson on the evening of January 18th.

A timeline of the Patel family known movements within Ontario:

- On January 12, 2022, at approxi-

mately 2:30 pm (eastern), the Patel family arrived in Canada at Toronto Pearson International Airport. They arrived in Toronto via an international flight that left Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on January 12, 2022.

(Video of the Patel family in the Toronto airport. Link to video: youtu.be/f4ehPDQH_D0)

- The Patel family was picked up at the airport by a private vehicle. Between January 12 and January 13, the family stayed at a hotel in the Mississauga area. The Patels travelled in the Toronto area using both private vehicles and a ride sharing service.

- Between January 14 to 16, 2022, the Patel family moved between the Mississauga area and the City of Welland, Ontario.

- It is believed the family left the Mississauga area shortly before arriving in Manitoba.

- The family arrived in Emerson sometime in the late evening of January 18th to begin their attempted crossing. It is unknown if they were in Manitoba earlier than this date.

- Their bodies were located near the Canada-United States bor-

der on the morning of January 19, 2022.

There remains a gap of two days between the family leaving the Mississauga area and arriving at the Emerson border. It is still unknown how they travelled from southern Ontario to Emerson.

“A year ago today, a senseless and preventable tragedy occurred. This tragedy was facilitated by individuals who had no regard for the safety and wellbeing of a young family,” said Corporal Julie Courchaine of the Manitoba RCMP. “RCMP officers have been diligently working on this investigation and continue to urge anyone with information, as small or insignificant as it may be, to please come forward.”

Investigators continue to ask the public for their assistance with the movements of the Patel family within Canada. If anyone has information on the Patel family’s stay between January 14-16 in the Mississauga area and the City of Welland, Ontario, as well as their travel from Ontario to Manitoba, please call Manitoba RCMP Major Crime Services at 431-489-8551, or you can report it to Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Investigators continue to ask the public for their assistance with the movements of the Patel family within Canada. If anyone has information on the Patel family’s stay between January 14-16 in the Mississauga area and the City of Welland, Ontario, as well as their travel from Ontario to Manitoba, please call Manitoba RCMP Major Crime Services at 431-489-8551, or you can report it to Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

A Pileated Woodpecker. Photo by Steve Luke A Bohemian Waxwing. Photo by Nick Saunders Photos provided by RCMP It has been determined that the Patel’s travel from India into Canada and their attempt to gain entry into the United States was an organized and thought-out operation likely being run by a human smuggling network.

Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

Falcon Beach

Bingo – Wednesdays at 7: 30 pm, early bird games at 7 pm at the Whiteshell Community Club 20 301 Pr, Falcon Beach. Contact 204-349-2293.

Dominion City

Cheese Making Workshop – Thursday, February 9, 6 pm at the Roseau Valley School hosted by Woodmore Women’s Institute. Learn about making different types of cheeses from Jim Appleby, an artisan cheese maker. There will also be a tasting session of cheeses made by Jim. Pre-registration requested at meloskydebbie@gmail.com, with a $10 fee to be paid at the door.


Coffee Connections - All adults ages 55+ are welcome to join us at the New Horizon Centre for a time of visiting, while enjoying coffee, tea and refreshments. Join us and bring your friends. There is no cost. Contact Anita Funk 204371-9134.

Ile des Chenes

Snowman Festival – Saturday, February 4, 10 am – 6 pm at the TC Energy Centre. Snowshoeing and Tobogganing all day (bring your own toboggan), Canteen, Crib Tournament registration at 11:30 am cost $20/team. Bingo Kids, Carnival games, kids crafts, Cookie decorating, Story Time, bouncer, Pony Rides (cost $5), fireworks 5:45 pm, 50/50


Yoga - Thursdays at 9 am and Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Gentle yet invigorating yoga for adults 55+. $5 per class. Contact yogaforyoumanitoba@outlook.com to register.

Lorette Victoria Lifeline Presentation – Keep on your Own Two Feet on Tuesday, February 7 at the Community Complex. Presented by Tina Plett a quick overview on how a locally serviced help button can help you keep your independence, how to make your home safe, and tips on how to prevent falls.

Tache Library - is hosting various events throughout the month of February. On Wednesday, February 8 join us for Family Library Night from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. On Wednesday, February 15, the Book Club will meet from 7 pm to 8:15 pm. Finally, Festival at the Library will be held from 11 am to 11:40 am. Everyone welcome!

Mitchell Toast & Coffee – On Tuesdays, drop-in for toast and coffee for $2 and a menu is available with prices according to what you order at the Mitchell and Area Community Centre, 130 Ash St. Contact Jane Penner 204-346-2469, jpenner@ jantre.com.

New Bothwell Winter Carnival Cribbage Tournament - Friday, February 3 at 6:45 pm. Cribbage tournament registration starts at 6:45 pm, games start at 7 pm, at the Rec Centre, 50 Park Bay. $20 per team. Cash prizes! Contact chantelle.dueck@ gmail.com.

Richer Young at Hearts Club - Saturday, February 18. Hosting their monthly dinner and dance with music by Gemstars. Doors open at 4:30 pm, Dinner at 6 pm and dancing till 11 pm. Call Ron Vincent 431-275-0874 for tickets. Cost $25 each.

Richer Recovery AA Group - Meets every Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at LUD Hall. If you would like more information, call Jeff at 204-371-5518 or Albert at 204-380-3058.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

C ommunity E v E nts

Chase the Ace - every Saturday night at the Richer Hotel. Tickets on sale from 5 pm to 7:45 pm. Organized by the Richer Community Club, see Facebook page for more info.

Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating grades 8 and 12. Limited seats please reserve. Doors Open at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 or doreen@spmf.ca.

RM of Stuartburn

Services to Seniors - Access Credit Union sponsored Free Shuttle for residents of the RM the first Friday of each month. Call to book a ride and do your banking and shopping locally or book your doctor’s appointment and we will get you to your appointment. Call 204-425-3701.

Services to Seniors Steinbach Shuttle - Subsidized cost $15/ person. Minimum of 8 participants required for the trip to take place. Departure from Shady Oaks at 9:30 am. Call 204-425-3701 to book a seat.

RM of Tache

“Wee Run” Little Ballers Basketball Activity- Saturday February 11, 10 – 11 am, for ages 2.5 to 3.5 years at the Landmark Kinsmen Centre and Saturday, February 25, 10:30 – 11:30 am for ages 3.5 to 5 and 12:30 - 1:30 pm for ages 5 to 8 at the Lorette Collegiate. Cost $5 each. To register contact alison@rmtache.ca. Limited space available. Registration closes February 3. With age appropriate direction an exhilarating 60 minutes for your child to introduce kids to the game of basketball and the fundamentals skills.


Sprague Service to Seniors Seeking Volunteers - Seeking individuals to assist and to provide a few services to seniors within our community such as snow removal, transportation for a fee, volunteers in the congregate Meals Programs as well as home cleaning services to seniors for a fee. A criminal record check is required for cleaning services and transportation. Email lgdseniors@gmail.com with your rates and for information, or call 204-437-2604.

St. Adolphe

Carnival Weekend – Thursday, February 2 – Sunday, February 5 at the community centre, arena, curling club. Thursday SnowMaze (5-9 pm), Friday Kids dance (pre K – grade 4 6:30 – 8 pm) and grade 5 – 9 (8:30 – 10 pm).

Saturday Hawk Day hockey games, Kids Carnival, Dodge ball, Crib Tournament, Adult Social (8 pm – 1 am) dress from your favourite movie $10/person. Sunday, February 5 Family Bingo (4:40 pm), Curling Funspiel (10 am – 3 pm) $10 per team.

80s Retro Theme Open Bonspiel – Starts Saturday, February 18 - 20 at the Curling Club. Men’s, Women’s, Mixed teams welcome. Bar and Kitchen will be open. Blind Calcutta, Prize for best dressed team. Saturday Night Entertainment included. Entry Fee $180/Team (Cash Prizes). Register at curlstadolphe.com, curlstadolphe@gmail.com or 204-792-1404.

St. Pierre-Jolys

Winter Family Fun Day Fundraiser – Saturday, February 18 at the Rec Centre. Pancake breakfast, skating, kid’s activities, crib tournaments, broomball tournament, bouncy castles. Winter Social at 8 pm featuring the Ricky Smits. To register contact 204-294-8015.

3234 Manitoba Horse Cadets – Thursdays, 6:30 – 9 pm at the Community Hall from September to June. Cost is Free. Meet new friends, fun, adventures, leadership, citizenship, community service, drill band, orienteering, and more. Contact Captain Phil Atkinson 3234Army@cadets.gc.ca or phillip.atkinson@cadets.gc.ca. Website 3234manitobahorse.ca.

Ste. Anne

Vote Kraft Hockeyville Contest – Show us what the Town of Ste. Anne means to you and your community. Let’s give our arena a chance to score big in the Kraft Hockeyville 2023 Grand Prize to host an NHL hockey game and win a $250,000 for arena upgrades. All three runner ups will receive $25,000 of arena upgrades. Vote now at hockeyville. kraftcanada.ca/#/community/townofsteanne.

SACC Mixed Drop-in Curling Night – Saturday, February 11, 7 pm registration, first draw starts at 7:30 pm (2 draws of 4 ends each at the curling club. Experience the game of curling in a friendly, social, and non-competitive atmosphere. No experience needed - we can show you how to play! All you need are a clean pair of shoes. Sign-up as an individual, couple or team (4 players). Teams will be formed as needed. Minimum age for players – 12 years old. $10 per player (cash only). Contact Robert Régnier at robert_regnier@hotmail.com or 204-422-8838.

Crib Night – Sunday, February 19, 6:30 pm at Club Jovial. Membership not required.

Cost $8 (includes 50/50). For Information Call Denise 204422-5763

Ste Genevieve Community Ski and Snowshoe Event – Monday, February 20, 11 am – 1 pm at Monominto Trails. Bring your own mug or cup. We’ll be serving hot chocolate and water to every participant.

St. Patrick’s Social & Dance – Saturday, March 11, 8 pm – 1 am at the Community Centre. Wear your green accessories. There will be a Silent Auction, light lunch and much more. Cost 18 years and over $15 each.

Mini Library - Every second Tuesday of each month, Taché library holds a “mini-library” at the Community Centre from 6:30 -7:30 pm. Come check out some books, exchange and request items from the library.


Assassinating Thomson - presented by Manitoba Theatre Centre on Tuesday, February 28, 7:30 pm at the SRSS Theatre. A one-man play written and performed by Bruce Horak, a well-established theatre and visual artist who lost 90% of his vision after a childhood battle with cancer. The play is named for an unsolved mystery in Canadian art history – the mysterious drowning in 1917 of Group of Seven precursor and iconic painter Tom Thomson. Cost 28 adult, $12 student. Contact Tara Schellenberg 204-346-1077 or tara@steinbacharts.ca.

IRAL Winter Fest – Friday – Sunday, March 3 – 5 at 115 PTH 12 North (Co-op Open Lot). Come enjoy the food, music, and dance a little as the entertainment across multiple shows gives you the experience that you’ve been wanting all winter long. Cost Adult $10, Youth $5, Children (6 & under) free. Contact Neville Hamilton 204-381-0581, iralmusicartsfest@gmail.com.

Winter in the Village – Until March 8, bring your friends and family to Mennonite Heritage Village for skating, snowshoeing, kick sledding, and so much more! Be enchanted by the village light show, skate along Main Street or on the ice rink. Explore the grounds via snowshoe or sled. End off the night with some complimentary hot chocolate. Warming hut will be open for visitors. Sunday and Monday closed, Tuesday – Thursday 9 am – 5 pm, Friday and Saturday 12 – 8 pm. Admission Adult/$6 and Senior (65+) $5, Student (13-22) $5, Child (6-13) $3, 5 & Under free.

Steinbach & Area Garden Club – Monday, February 13, 7 –9 pm at the Mennonite Heritage Village, Hwy 12. Speaker “The Coleus King” Igor Kaptan Master Gardener and Coleus Expert will do a presentation on the topic “Everything You Wanted to Know About Coleus - A Treasure for Your Shade Garden” Cuttings from his Coleus plants that he grows in his house as Door Prizes. Seed and propagated plant exchange will be happening as well.. Annual Membership- Individual $20; Family $30. Contact sagcnewsletter@gmail.com.

Ukrainian Settlement Support Donation Drop Off – Tuesdays, February 7 and March 7 from 5 - 8 pm at Southland Church. Specific areas of need for donation: furniture, mattresses and box springs, bedding, clothing for men, women and children of all ages, coats and jackets (all seasons), shoes/ boots, other household items for Ukrainian families. Drop-off at marked storage units in the parking lot; use west entrance, closest to Bush Farm Road. If you have to donate outside of the defined dates/times, please ensure to clearly label “Ukraine” on the items and they will be designated for the Ukraine relief initiative.

Astronomy & Group Walks – Fourth Tuesday of the month until March, 8 – 9:40 pm with Chris Desrochers. Meet at the L.A. Barkman Park Gazebo. Walk along Bush Farm Tail, around Abe’s Hill, and observe sights of the night sky, using telescopes at the conclusion of the walk. Dress for the weather and for walking, bring binoculars and questions.

February 28 (sights visible: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, & Half Moon) and March 28 (sights visible: Mars, Venus, & Crescent Moon).To register, email smclean@jakeepplibrary. com or mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com. If the sky is unclear and weather is too poor, the hosts will make the decision to cancel 1-2 hours before the event and will send out an email to participants to let them know.

Assassinating Thomson Play - Tuesday, February 28 at 7:30 pm, SRSS Theatre presented by Manitoba Theatre Centre. A one-man play written and performed by Bruce Horak, a well-established theatre and visual artist who lost 90% of his vision after a childhood battle with cancer. The play is named for an unsolved mystery in Canadian art history – the mysterious drowning in 1917 of Group of Seven precursor and iconic painter Tom Thomson in an Ontario Lake. Cost $28/adult and $12/student. Contact 204-346-1077, tara@steinbacharts.ca.

Chase the Ace Fundraiser - Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue – On Mondays at Smitty’s Restaurant. Come out and try to win cash. The jackpot goes up weekly until the Ace is drawn!

Royal Canadian Legion Steinbach Branch - Meets first Tuesday of the month via Zoom at 7:30 pm; Ladies Auxiliary meets first Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Steinbach Legion, 227 Main St – Unit 5. Email steinbach190rcl@ outlook.com.

Leave a Legacy of Honour

Have you ever thought of leaving a legacy? That’s something of value that you leave behind to be a help and benefit to those who follow behind you in life. But what if our legacy that we leave is not helpful but harmful?

It is still a legacy and we will be remembered for good or for evil.

There are those in our community that we generally look to for a good example to follow. Pastors, parents, and leaders in our community should set a high

standard for their lives for others to emulate. I remember a Canadian Prime Minister saying as he retired that he wanted to leave a legacy so he would be remembered for the good he had accomplished while in office.

Every one of us is leaving a legacy whether we realize it or not. The things we say and do are leaving an impression on others.

In the Bible, the first King of Israel was Saul. He started out well but at the end of his life he said this about

himself “I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly.” He was humiliated as he died in battle, and he is remembered today as a bad king. On the other hand, the Apostle Paul started out persecuting the church, but changed his ways when he met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. His life took a 180° turn, and he lived the rest of his life for God. At the end of his life, he said this about himself “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

So, you have two men with very different legacies. What kind of legacy are you creating? Paul found that with God’s help, he could be successful and fulfil God’s plan for his life. If you have met Jesus Christ in your life and let Him guide and direct you, He will help you leave a good legacy for others to follow. God is willing to help us. He is just waiting for us to call upon Him, trust in Him and follow His leading in our lives. The legacy you leave depends very much on how much you

Al-Anon - Monday 7:30 pm Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. For information call Lloyd 204-3264365.

Creative Writers Club - Second Wednesday every month at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. This is not a class but rather a writing share group where we hope to foster and encourage our participants’ love of writing. Feel free to bring 5 pages of writing (single sided, double spaced) to share with the group. Our evening will begin with an ice breaker and then move into share time. Coffee and tea will be served. Contact Madison Redekopp email mredekopp@ jakeepplibrary.com.

Steinbach Professional Development Toastmasters Club – On Thursdays at 9:46 am, Eastman Education Centre, 385 Loewen Blvd. How can a person get the message across well, keep meeting participants engaged, and fully use the capabilities of videoconferencing platforms? What works? What doesn’t? What is the etiquette expected? Join us in person or by zoom on 12 pm every Wednesday. All guests are welcome! Contact Mark Hiebert 204-371-5197, email mhiebert@barkmanconcrete.com.

Knit-Wits Fibre Craft Club- First Tuesdays of the month at 6 – 8 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, cross stitching and other types of fibre crafting? Join other adults for an informal knitting, crochet, etc. circle. All skill levels welcome. Please bring your own project/supplies.

Craft Night - Wednesdays at 7 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Ages 16 years and up join us for a free event, with coffee and crafting. Our craft for the evening will be a beaded spring wreath. There is limited space available. To sign up, email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com.

Book Club - Meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Books are available at the circ desk as well as on our Libby App (free with your library card). Please sign up by email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com. Limited space available.

Steinbach & Area Lions Club - Meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm, South East Helping Hands. Contact 204-326-2313.


Snowshoe Tour in the Tall-grass Prairie - Saturday, February 11 am to 12 pm (weather depending). The tour starts from the Agassiz Interpretive Trail, 7km west of Vita on highway 201. All are invited to partake in a free snowshoe tour focusing on how tall-grass prairie species survive such harsh winters and looking for signs of wildlife. Snowshoes are provided, all you need to bring are winter boots and weather appropriate clothing. Contact Norm at sarcommunityliaison@gmail.com to register or for more information.


Jarvis Picklyck Rec Hockey Tournament – starting Friday, February 17, to Sunday, February 19 at the Arena. Admission $5/day or $12/weekend. To register contact Steven Watts 204-905-1416 or Dane Zarazun 204-754-7543.

Please email your events to us each month for inclusion at editor@dawsontrail.ca

let God lead in your life today. God bless you as you let God help you build your legacy for good and for His honour and glory!

Artists Invited to Participate in Southeast Open Judged Exhibit

The Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) “loves to bring local artists together of all skill levels” and are inviting southeast artists to fill out an application and get their work displayed at the 25th annual Southeast Open Judged Exhibit. All amateur artists are welcomed to join.

Due to the limited space in their gallery, artists may only enter one artwork per person. There is a registration fee of $10 for adults and there is no fee for ages 17 and under.

The competition welcomes any art medium at any skill level. The categories include Oil, Acrylic and Watercolour Painting, Charcoal, Ink, Pastels, Coloured Pencil, Pencil, Printmaking, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Crafted, and Fibre Arts.

According the SAC, their skilled judges are artists themselves from Southeast Manitoba who will look at the pieces and give 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honourable Mention awards.

There will also be a People’s Choice Award. The public voting will take place in-person at the hall gallery and close around the end of the exhibit with the winner announced.

Additionally, SAC is introducing a non-competitive distinction for all adult and juvenile categories. If you don’t want to compete with the other artists, but still want to show off your work, then just indicate that on your application. They want everyone to have the chance to show off their work.

SAC is only accepting one judged piece of art but will also accept an additional non-competitive piece per artist. The artist will need to enter two different submissions and be subjected to two different submission fees if they choose to enter both categories.

Applications close on February 17 and the show will run from March 3-31. Applications are available at steinbacharts.ca.

White Envelopes and MB Cheques

An interesting notice came out mid January from Service Canada: Your Mail from Service Canada

“Service Canada usually sends mail in beige envelopes. This year, however, we will be sending your 2022 CPP Canada Pension Plan and OAS Old Age Security T4 tax slips in a white envelope.

“All envelopes containing official documents from Service Canada will feature the ‘Canada’ word mark.”

This is a warning to watch for the envelopes from Service Canada. You may be expecting the beige or brown envelopes, but this year they will be white!

For our clients, we do not need the actual tax slips; we can access the digital government tax slips such as CPP, OAS, EI Employment Insurance, EIA Employment and Income Assistance as early as mid-February.

If you do not get your government tax slips by end of March, they may have an incorrect address. You can call Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914 to confirm or correct the address they have on file and get duplicate tax slips.

We remember a year ago when the mailing of the CPP and OAS tax slips was delayed for weeks because of a re-printing issue at Service Canada. That delayed many people from filing their taxes early. Again, a reminder, that for our clients, we do not need the tax slips, we can get the digital copy from Canada Revenue Agency directly. So if you are only missing your CPP and OAS tax slips, don’t wait for them if you are filing with us!

Manitoba Affordability Package

At the end of January, the government of Manitoba announced it will be sending out more cheques to Manitoba families and individuals with income under $175,000. The amounts are $225 for an individual and $375 for couples with or without children.

The cheques will start coming out early February and may take up to six weeks. The lower income spouse will receive the cheque.

If you have moved since you filed your 2021 taxes and did not notify CRA of your new address and do not have mail forwarding, you may need to contact Manitoba Taxation, but not until end of March.

For an individual who has died since the announcement was made on January 26, 2023, the executor or legal representative will need to return the cheque to Manitoba taxation with a note including their date of death.

This new round of cheques will be issued to many more Manitobans compared to the last ones that were issued in October. Those payments were made to low-income seniors and families with children under 18.

Previous MB Affordability Payments

In October 2022, families with children under the age of 18 and household income of less than $175,000 in 2021 received a benefit cheque of $250 for the first child and $200 for each additional child.

And seniors, for households with a family income less than $40,000, received a $300 cheque in the mail if they rent or own a home and claimed the education property tax credit on their 2021 income tax return.

2022 tax filing deadlines

File your 2022 taxes as soon as you are ready and have all your tax slips and receipts compiled for deductions and credits.

The deadline to file your taxes (especially if you owe!) is May 1 2023. The normal filing deadline of April 30 falls on a Sunday, so we get an extra day. If you do have an amount owing, file on time even if you cannot pay it by May 1. The penalty for not filing on time is 5% of the amount you owe, plus 1% per month. And if this is not your first time filing late, the penalties may be double or more!

If you are expecting a refund, you do not need to file by May 1, but you may as well get your refund as soon as possible!

For those who are claiming business or farm income on their personal taxes (you are self-employed), you and your spouse have until June 15 2023 to file your taxes. However, if you owe, the amount owing should be paid by April 30 to avoid any interest.

The interest on unpaid taxes has increased from 6% to 8%! So, pay your taxes as quickly as possible even if you are paying CRA monthly or biweekly, it will reduce the overall interest cost if you pay as much as you can as early as you can.

Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 (phone or text!) or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Coop) or info@sataxes.ca.

RM of Piney Gives Boost to Summer Fun Events

Four communities in the RM of Piney are receiving some financial assistance following council’s approval of their annual grant requests.

South Junction will be receiving $3,000 towards their budget to host their annual Canada Day Celebrations.

Both the Sprague Fest and Vas -

sar Summer Camps received support of $1,500 each. Additionally, Woodridge’s 3rd Annual Summer Fun on the Ridge event will receive $1,000.

Piney Seeks Input to Create “Roadmap” for Recreation

Everyone living in the RM of Piney is invited to have their opinion heard when it comes to recreation goals and priorities within the municipality over the next two decades.

The RM of Piney is undertaking a comprehensive Recreation Plan,” said Martin Van Osch, CAO of the RM of Piney. “Although recreation is vibrant in our communities, the municipality lacks a comprehensive plan that assesses current infrastructure and projected recreational needs to guide future programming decisions and capital improvement planning.”

Van Osch defines the creation of an RM of Piney Recreation Plan a roadmap for the region to establish goals and priorities for the next twenty years.

The municipality has added a survey to their website and hope they will receive plenty of feedback.

“The Recreation Master Plan survey is intended to elicit responses from stakeholders as to their sense of leisure and recreation in the region including issues such as things that may be lacking and the desired state of current and potential future facilities and programs that may be suitable for the RM of Piney,”

explained Van Osch. “For the purposes of this survey, ‘stakeholders’ include current officials responsible for recreation in the region, policy makers involved in the delivery of programs and, the public and endusers who may or may not utilize recreation programs and facilities.”

To get the most out the survey, the municipality has brought in consultants to compile the results.

“The consulting team is using several different methods of community consultation,” said Van Osch. “The survey is designed to provide the widest reach possible so every citizen in the RM of Piney has a chance

to provide their valuable input on the direction of recreation planning in the community.”

Responses will be compiled and the overall needs and desires of the community at-large will be assessed based on the responses received via the survey,” he added and for this reason, he stressed public participation in the survey is key.

Van Osch anticipates that a draft summary report on the results of the survey will be delivered to the RM of Piney in June, 2023.

Currently, the RM of Piney is working on a recreation inventory within the municipality, include

physical assets and services. They are also compiling demographic data related to the use of the current facilities and have met with various organizations within the municipality to discuss the resources and activities they make available. To make sure they are on the right track, for a complete perspective, they are reviewing other jurisdictions that have completed their own plans.

The final deadline is March 15 to provide feedback via the online survey. A draw for the three Co-Op gift cards as an incentive to participate in the study will take place by the end of March.

of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023
Celebrating Over 25 Years

Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

About Us

Pat Porter Active Living Centre (Serving Seniors Inc.) is a non-profit organization that provides programs, activities and services for seniors and members of the community. Seniors are the foundation of our community and our goal is to keep them a part of it for as long as possible. Read on to find out about everything we offer and how we can help you. Check out our Website for Programs & Events – patporteralc.com. Our Centre offers a great variety of events and programming weekly. Ranging from Fitness Programs to Recreational and Social Programs, there is something for everyone!

current Programs

Cost is $2 for members and $4 for nonmembers. * Programs are subject to


Morning Walking: Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 9 am.

Coffee Corner: Monday – Friday, 10 am -12 pm.

Pickleball: Monday – Friday, 9 - 10:3 0am.

Beginner Pickleball: Monday – Friday, 10:30 am- 12 pm, Tuesday 2 - 3:30 pm, Wednesday 1 - 3 pm (1 court) and 4 – 6 pm, Friday 1 - 3:30 pm.

Evening Pickleball: Monday, 7:30 – 9:30 pm.

Badminton: Monday – Friday, 12 -1 pm.

Registration required at patporteralc. com.

Cards: Card games are played Monday to Friday from 1 - 4 pm.

Fitness Classes

Laughter Yoga: Monday, 1 - 2 pm.

Fitness Drumming: Tuesday, 1 - 1:45 pm.

Pace: Wednesday, 1 - 1:45 pm.

Floor Curling: Wednesday, 1 - 3:30 pm.

Yoga with Carrie: Friday, 9 – 10:30 am.

Old Time Country Jam: Wednesday, 7 - 9 pm.

Craft Corner: Friday 1 - 3 pm.

Choir: Wednesday, 10 - 11:30 am.

Square Dancing: Tuesday 7 pm – 9 pm.

Steinbach Rockin’ Rollers

Sunday 5 - 7 pm. A fun new roller-skating program is now being offered at the Centre. All skill levels and ages welcome, and

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Species at Risk Spotlight: Black Ash

no pre-registration required. Cost $5 ($3 for Pat Porter members). Please bring your own roller skates. Registration required at patporteralc.com.

Special events

Pat Porter Active Living Centre will be offer a LUNGtivity ™ series of classes. A low intensity community exercise program for individuals living with lung disease. The goals of the LUNGtivity ™ program are to:

- Reduce feelings of breathlessness during daily activities.

- Remain independent for as long as possible.

- Be active in a safe and accessible environment.

- Be supported in lung disease self-management.

LUNGtivity ™ is a continuation of the exercise portion of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program offered in Manitoba. Before starting this exercise program, you are not required to complete a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program. However, it is strongly recommended either before participating in LUNGtivity ™ or at the same time as LUNGtivity ™.

This is the exercise program for you if you can:

- Safely attend a community exercise class.

- Walk and transfer to a chair on your own or with a gait aide (cane/walker, etc.).

- Administer/change and manage your own oxygen (if you require oxygen).

- Have an emergency contact available during your exercise class for safety. For more information on upcoming classes, please contact Carrie at 204-320-4600.

Square Dancing Starts Tuesday, January 13 from 7:309:30 pm. Our Daily Program schedule will be growing to offer Square Dancing classes weekly. Cost $2 for members and $4 for non-members.

valentines Dinner & Dance:

riday, Februrary 10 featuring “The Cracked Eggshell”. Doors open at 5 pm, dinner served at 5:30 pm and dance starts at 7 - 11 pm. Dinner/Dance tickets - $25 Members; $30 Non-members; Dance Only tick-

ets - $20.

Painting Workshop

Tuesday, February 21, 1:30 – 4 pm. Cost $20 members/ $30 non-members. Led by local artist Doug Enns. All supplies included. This months painting features a nature scene. RSVP by calling 204-320-4600.

Book Reading

Monday, February 13, 12 – 1 pm. Relax and regale to stories told by local author Clint Toews as he reads from his book “Beyond the Mist: The Beauty of Brokenness in the Things We Cannot See”. Feel free to bring your own lunch or order ahead for lunch at the centre.

Pancake Breakfast

Thursday, February 23 from 9:30 – 11 am. Cost $8/person. Enjoy a stack of pancakes and 2 sausages. All proceeds going to the Steinbach Meals on Wheels Program.


We have rooms of a variety of sizes and prices. For pricing and room, availability visit our website patporteralc.com, email rentals@patporteralc.com or call 204-3204600.

Meals on Wheels

A healthy, warm and delicious meal cooked fresh daily and delivered to your door. We have two Meals on Wheels programs running out of Steinbach and Grunthal. Meals may be purchased for $8 for delivery (residents of Steinbach and Grunthal) or pickup. A meal includes soup, a main dish, sides and dessert. Please call 204-320-4600 with any questions or to order a meal. To receive a same day meal, you must call before 9 am.

Steinbach’s Accessible Transit

Need a ride to an appointment or other errand? Steinbach Accessible transit can get you there! This service is available to residents of Steinbach. Please visit our website patporteralc.com for a full price list. Services are available Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm and every other weekend. To book a ride, call 204-326-4055. If your call is not answered, leave a message with the answering service. Appointments must be booked in advance to ensure availability.

Check out our Website for Programs & Events – patporteralc.com.

In the winter, most at-risk species in southeastern Manitoba have either migrated south or are hidden under deep snow. No matter how cold or how much snow we receive we can always rely on having the chance to observe at least one species at risk: the black ash tree.

If you are in search of black ash, good places to look would be undisturbed wetland areas near rivers, swamps, and fens. Here they can live 150 to 300 years. Black ash can also be found in urban settings, and this is where they can be misidentified as the non-native Manchurian ash. The bark of Manchurian ash has a more tan-coloured appearance compared to black ash which is greyer. All Manitoban ash trees have bark with a corky texture to it. Green ash is another native species in Manitoba that may cause some identifying issues. For me, the easiest way to make a proper identification is in the summer, where you can count the leaflets per leaf. Black ash usually has 7-11 and green ash usually has 5-7.

Although black ash are large trees, growing from 1525 meters tall, one of the biggest reasons the population is falling is because of an insect no bigger than a grain of rice: the emerald ash borer beetle. Where present, this non-native insect causes a more than ninety per cent mortality rate on trees. Across eastern North America, tens of millions of trees have already been lost due to this beetle and there are no signs of it slowing down.

The cycle between beetle and tree begins when the female ash borer beetle lays eggs on the bark of a tree. Once the eggs hatch the larvae bore into the tree bark to feed on these layers. They may stay here for up to two years before emerging as adults. When the adults leave through the tree they leave behind a “D” shaped exit hole. During this entire cycle the tunnels that the beetle leaves throughout the tree cut off water and nutrient supply for the tree, killing it in a matter of years.

The adults can fly short distances and then continue this process over again, but this is not the only way they spread. A common way for the emerald ash borer beetle to expand range is when humans move wood from one area to another. I believe most of us who have spent time in the outdoors- in Manitoba parks- have seen the signs warning not to move wood. It is up to us to follow these guidelines and work towards keeping this invasive beetle contained and our forests healthy.

In mid-January, a Ste. Anne student was named Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Athlete of the Week.

Jared Hiebert is with the Ste. Anne Lynx basketball team.

Hiebert is off to a great start this season. In the 5 games played recently, he averaged 24.8 points, 10 rebounds, 9 steals and 4 assists per game.

“Jared is the engine that drives our ship,” said Coach Kyle Hiebert. “Most players, high school players, or any player for that matter, are unable to play an entire game effectively without rest. Jared can.”

“He takes great care of his body, and he never quits making plays for us,” added Coach Hiebert. “He is an excellent defender and creates 10-15 extra possessions for us every night. Jared is a great teammate and makes all of the players around him better.”

In grade 12, Jared also maintains an 87% academic average. Throughout the year he also competes on the school volleyball, badminton, baseball, and track and field teams.

Photo by Norm Gregoire All Manitoban ash trees have bark with a corky texture to it. Green ash is another native species in Manitoba that may cause some identifying issues. For me, the easiest way to make a proper identification is in the summer, where you can count the leaflets per leaf. Black ash usually has 7-11 and green ash usually has 5-7. Lynx Player Recognized for Leadership On and Off the Court Jared Hiebert Submitted photo

February 2023


If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

RCMP Hunt for Stolen Trailer

On January 13, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a stolen trailer sometime between the beginning of December to the beginning of January. It is believed the trailer was stolen from a residence located on 48 Road N in Dufresne.

The trailer is described as a 2020 grey Apogee utility trailer with Manitoba license plate 191FL. The picture provided is a photo of the trailer from the manufacturer.

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Help Needed Solving Early Christmas Break In

On December 25 Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a break-in at the Great Canadian Dollar Store. It is believed the theft occurred sometime in the morning of Christmas Day by prying the front door open. Cash was stolen from the business.

Surveillance footage shows a suspect with long blonde hair, wearing jeans, yellow and black gloves, black toque, and ski goggles. The suspect was viewed on surveillance footage between 6:50 am

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Multiple Arrests Made in Several Drug Busts

A man and woman from the Ste. Anne area face numerous drug traf ficking charges after the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) and RCMP teamed up on a double drug bust.

Police say the Guns & Gangs unit began an investigation earlier in January looking into alleged cocaine trafficking from a residence in Winnipeg and another on Dawson Road east of Ste. Anne.

On Friday, January 27, the WPS tactical support team executed a search warrant at the Winnipeg residence, while the RCMP’s emergency response team did the same at the house on Dawson Road.

Police discovered $10,000 worth of cocaine at the Winnipeg address, along with $25,000 worth of contraband cigarettes, $18,000 in cash, and other drug paraphernalia.

A search of the Dawson Road residence resulted in the seizure of several weapons, including a revolver, four rifles, a compound bow, and various rounds of ammunition.

James Robert Armstrong, a 41-year-old male of Ste. Anne faces several drug trafficking and weapons-related charges. He remains behind bars. A 41-year-old woman from Ste. Anne also faces charges but was released on an appearance notice.

Thieves Target TVs and Game System

On December 26, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a break and enter to a residence located along Highway 12 in the RM of Hanover. It is believed the front door window was broken to gain access to the residence. It is also believed the lock of the garage was damaged to gain entry into the garage. The property representative advised two flat screen TVs valued at $200 each and a Playstation 5 with two controllers valued at $599 were stolen.

It is believed the break-in occurred sometime between the evening of December 22 and the afternoon of December 26.

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Fatal Vehicle-Snowmobile Collision

On January 11 at approximately 7:40 am, Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of a vehicle-snowmobile collision on Highway 12, near Clearspring Road, in the city of Steinbach.

A 73-year-old male, from Steinbach, attempted to cross Highway 12 eastbound on his snowmobile when he was struck by a southbound pickup truck, being driven by a 45-year-old female from Ste. Anne.

The 73-year-old, who was wearing a helmet, was pronounced deceased on scene. The 45-year-old was not physically injured.

Police Investigate Rash of Church Break-Ins

RCMP are investigating a number of church break-ins recently. It is unknown if these 3 incidents are related however police believe that they might due to the occurrence dates.

On January 15 at approximately 9 am, the Steinbach Christian Mennonite Church was broken into and culprit(s) stole a soundboard.

The next day, on January 16 at approximately 1:30 pm, the First Baptist Church was broken into overnight. Culprit(s) took the Sunday offerings and cause damage inside the church.

Lastly, on January 17 at approximately 6:51 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of break, enter and theft that occurred at the Covenant Reformed Church in Steinbach. The culprit can be seen breaking into the church and once inside seen rummaging through different areas. Stolen was a guitar with case and a propane tank. The culprit is seen leaving in a 2008 grey Hyundai Accent LCZ208. This vehicle was reported stolen from the Aquatic Centre in Steinbach on January 15 at approximately 6:30 pm. Photos were obtained from the surveillance cameras at the Covenant Reformed Church.

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Thousands in Footwear Stolen

On January 1 at approximately 8:45 am, Steinbach RCMP received a call of a break-in at the Pick ‘n’ Pay shoe store situated on Main Street in Steinbach. A passer-by noted the front door smashed and alerted police. Investigation revealed that the break in would have occurred between Saturday, December 31 at 4 pm and when it was reported to police.

Police were advised that approximately $3,000 worth of boots and shoes were stolen. The size of boots and shoes range from size 7 to 12 but mostly size 10 – 11 men and women.

Police continue to investigate.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-3264452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Hundred Pound Anvil Stolen

On January 13, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a stolen horseshoe anvil. The anvil was stolen sometime during the evening of January 12, and before 3:30 am on January 13 from a residence in the 200 block of Gauthier Street in La Broquerie.

The anvil is described as roughly 12” tall, solid steel, and weighs approximately 100 pounds. The anvil’s value is approximately $1,600.

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Fuel Stolen After Hole Drilled in Tank

Two Arrested for Assault

On January 15, at approximately 10:55 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of an assault that occurred hours earlier at a residence located on Road 41 E in the RM of Ste Anne.

It was reported that two males, aged 28 and 27, had attended this address to speak to one of the residents when they were approached by the 69-year-old male property owner. A fight then ensued where the 69-yearold suffered serious injuries.

Officers were advised that the 69-year-old had been taken to hospital and later transferred to Winnipeg where he was reported to be in critical condition. His condition has since been upgraded to stable.

The investigation that afternoon led officers to a residence located on Provincial Road 210, in the RM of Ste Anne, where the 28-year-old male, from Steinbach, was arrested without incident. The second suspect, a 27year-old male, from the RM of Ste Anne, was placed under arrest but resisted being taken into custody. The suspect was eventually restrained and placed into the police vehicle.

While officers were taking the two suspects into custody, the 50-yearold male property owner became belligerent towards one of the officers and attempted to intervene with their arrest. This suspect uttered threats to harm one of the officers and became combative. The officers on scene had to physically take control of the suspect in order to place him into the police vehicle.

Darcy Funk, 28, has been charged with Aggravated Assault and Mischief; Dallas Funk, 27, has been charged with Aggravated Assault, Mischief and Uttering Threats and Gerald Funk, 50, has been charged with Uttering Threats and Resisting Arrest.

The three accused were remanded into custody for a court appearance on January 17 in Winnipeg.

Steinbach RCMP continue to investigate.

On January 20 at approximately 4 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of vandalism to a vehicle. The vehicle owner advised that an unknown individual drilled a hole into the fuel tank and drained it of fuel. There was no surveillance footage or suspect description available. It is believed the incident occurred sometime in the evening of January 19 and the afternoon of January 20. The incident occurred in the 100 block of Woodhaven Avenue in Steinbach.

If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Be aware of happenings in your neighbourhood and report suspicious activity to the authorities.

check on your neighbours. call 911 if you suspect a crime is in progress or has occured!

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2023

RCMP Make an Arrest in Abduction Case

On January 10, 2023, 24-year-old Hercules Nicholas Chief, of Steinbach, was arrested and remanded into custody on charges of kidnapping, assault with a weapon, possession of property obtained by crime and the theft of a truck.

Back on June 23, 2019, Manitoba RCMP received a report of an attempted abduction of a 16-year-old female on Ste. Anne’s road located in the RM of Tache. Officers from St-Pierre-Jolys, Steinbach and the Police Dog Services responded to this complaint.

The victim was walking her dog on Ste. Anne’s Road in the RM of Tache when a male driver of a pickup truck stopped and asked the victim if she needed a ride. When the victim declined, the male driver forced the victim into the vehicle.

As the vehicle was approaching a dead-end on Road 45 North, approximately 4 km east of Landmark, it began to slow; it was at this time

that the victim managed to escape.

She made her way to the nearest residence. The homeowner made an emergency call indicating that an injured 16-year-old female was at their house and that she may have been the victim of an abduction.

The male suspect was described as 18-22 years-old, clean-cut, approximately 5’8” with a medium build with a light-brown complexion, thick and wavy black hair and a round face.

RCMP conducted extensive patrols looking for the suspect and described vehicle but, at the time, he was not located.

As a result of recent information provided to RCMP Major Crime Services, several key pieces of evidence was obtained that secured charges against the now identified accused.

According to the RCMP, the breakthrough in the case came when someone was arrested on an unrelat-

Ste. Anne Police FileS

The Sainte-Anne Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the driver of the vehicle pictured and/or the whereabouts of the vehicle. The male driver was operating a 2009 blue Pontiac G5 4-door sedan with a broken left rear quarter window and damage to the front left light assembly at approximately 1 pm on January 15. The vehicle had no front license plate, and was bearing a rear Manitoba license plate of KUS 841 at the time.

ed matter and their fingerprints were put in a national database, which turned up a match.

“ It is my sincere hope that the arrest of this suspect, who remains in custody, brings some closure to the victim and reassurance to the community that we will do all we can to solve these serious crimes,” said Assistant Commissioner Rob Hill, Commanding Officer of the Manitoba RCMP.

Arrest Made in Recent String of Bank Robberies

On January 9, 2023, as a result of an extensive investigation into recent bank robberies that occurred in the communities of Steinbach (November 10), Lowe Farm (November 14), Glenboro (December 8) and Miami (December 23 and January 3), officers from RCMP Major Crime Services, Pembina Valley and the Emergency Response Team (ERT) attended to a residence, located in the city of Morden, and arrested a 30-year-old male without incident.

These robberies, initially investigated by the various RCMP detachments of jurisdiction, involved the suspect entering the bank, providing the teller a note stating that it was a robbery, and then the suspect fled the scene. In some instances, the suspect indicated in the note that he had a firearm. The suspect fled with an undisclosed amount of cash in four of the robberies with Steinbach being the exception. No injuries

were reported and no weapon was produced.

Due to the similarities of the robberies, RCMP Major Crime Services assumed responsibility of the investigation. They examined extensive video surveillance and were able to determine that the suspect had worn similar clothing during each of the robberies but had fled the scene in a different vehicle each time.

The investigation continued and with the execution of several Judicial Authorizations, officers were able to identify a suspect. With this information, officers then executed search warrants at two separate residences, one in the RM of Hanover and the other in the City of Morden. The search of these residences resulted in the seizure of key pieces of evidence including cash and clothing.

Brett Ashton Krashel, 30-yearsold, from Morden, was remanded

into custody on five counts of Robbery.

“This was a difficult investigation with crime scenes spread out across southern Manitoba. I would like to commend the investigators who quickly recognized the similarities of these crimes and worked tenaciously to identify and safely arrest the suspect,” said Assistant Commissioner Rob Hill, Commanding Officer of the Manitoba RCMP. “It’s also our hope that this arrest will bring back a sense of safety to the employees and communities who were affected by these robberies.”

Krashel is no stranger to running afoul of the court system. In 2014 he was picked up for possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. He was convicted of one count of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and in 2018 he was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment.

Anyone with information regarding this individual/vehicle is encouraged to call the Sainte-Anne Police Service at 204-422-8209.

The Sainte-Anne Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a stolen snowmobile and trailer.

The snowmobile is a yellow 2004 Ski-Doo MX Z Adrenaline 500 SS Rev, license plate 4W521, and was taken on a homemade utility trailer with plate 608AZ.

Anyone with information regarding these items is asked to call the Sainte-Anne Police Service at 204-422-8209.

The Sainte-Anne Police Service reached out on January 19 seeking the public’s assistance in locating a stolen vehicle. The vehicle is described as a black 2003 Chevrolet Silverado with a black camper shell, last seen with license plate AHY 905.

Anyone with information regarding this vehicle is encouraged to call the Sainte-Anne Police Service at 204-422-8209.

Your Eyes Open for Stolen Truck
Sainte-Anne Police Search for Stolen Snowmobile Police Looking to Contact Vehicle Owner

February 2023

Fire Cider

I’m forever grateful that the love of gardening, harvesting and natural medicines was instilled in me from an early age by both my parents. As I grew my dad loved to share his knowledge of trees and herbs that grew around us. I clearly remember the first time we went foraging in the woods for anise hyssop. The whole experience was wonderful! The colour and intoxicating smell of this wild plant started a life long fascination of herbs and medicinal plants.

I am blessed to have land in both coniferous and deciduous forest areas which has allowed me to benefit from many different types of wild herbs and medicinal plants. I enjoy foraging and collecting everything from mint, plantain, sage, hyssop, yarrow and more. From these plants I make tea blends, salves, tinctures, solar infusions and oils for myself and friends.

This fall I came across a recipe, which was different than my usual preparations, for an herbal tonic called Fire Cider. The name alone piqued my interest! Like many of you, I am always looking for preventative measures I can take during the winter flu season. As I read more I learnt that Fire Cider is a traditional folk remedy passed down through many generations and developed by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar.

This rather spicy tonic is promoted to:

- support and stimulate the immune system.

- open up the sinuses and assist with drainage.

- act as an antioxidant.

- prevent or treat the onset of cold symptoms.

I appreciated that it encouraged the use of everyday foods, herbs, and spices to help us feel better. After some thought I decided to combine a couple of recipes and create a batch of my own. I filled 3 quart jars with the following ingredients:






Cinnamon sticks









Lastly, I filled the jars with apple cider vinegar, ensuring that all ingredients are submerged. Secure lids and place out of direct sunlight.

Let infuse for 4 weeks or one moon cycle and shake gently daily.

After 4 weeks, strain through cheese cloth or a fine sieve. Add

honey to taste. Store Fire Cider liquid in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Most references recommend taking 1-2 tbsp twice a day as a preventative or during a cold to treat symptoms. If you’re brave, like my husband, you can take it straight up! Or, if you’re more like me, and like more calming things, mix the cider with water, tea or juice.

Though this tonic is generally well tolerated, consult your healthcare provider if you are on medications for a health condition or are pregnant or breastfeeding and planning on using fire cider on a regular basis.

Brought to you by the Stuartburn Emerson-Franklin Local Food Initiative, initiativelocalfood@gmail. com or find them on Facebook.

of Service to Our Communities! Dawson
Celebrating Over 25 Years
Fire Cider - Fill the jars with the ingredients (above), wait 4 weeks and let it infuse, then strain (below right) for a final product (below left) which is good for up to 6 months refrigerated. Photos by Tammy Tesarski-Derksen

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Articles inside

Arrest Made in Recent String of Bank Robberies

page 23

Ste. Anne Police FileS

page 23

RCMP Make an Arrest in Abduction Case

page 23


pages 22-23

Species at Risk Spotlight: Black Ash

pages 21-22

Piney Seeks Input to Create “Roadmap” for Recreation

pages 20-21

White Envelopes and MB Cheques

page 20

Artists Invited to Participate in Southeast Open Judged Exhibit

page 20

Leave a Legacy of Honour

page 19

Manitoba RCMP Continues to Ask for Tips at the One-Year Anniversary of the Tragic Deaths of Four Members of the Patel Family

pages 18-19

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch Join the Count: Good for You, Good for Birds

page 18

Niverville’s Got Thin Ice

pages 17-18

Little Steps for Growth

page 17

Southeast Woman Seeks Manitoba Green Party Leadership

page 17

RITchoT SenIoR SeRvIceS evenTS

page 16

Regional Animal Rescue Group Serious About Brick and Mortar Facility

page 16

Survey Looking at Getting Around Becomes a Regional Focus

page 15

Food Bank Cashes In on Paperless Statements Free Seed Library is Back Again in Roseau River

page 15

It’s Time to Plan Your Garden

page 14

RM of Ste. Anne Shows Interest in Provincial Daycare Program

page 14

A Service Dog Could Help Young Girl Find Courage

page 13

Local Legendary Musician Succumbs to Cancer

page 12

Stuartburn Seeks Approval from Province for Possible Operating Deficit

page 11

Town of Ste. Anne Invites Public to Discuss Future of Aging Arena

page 11

Town of Ste. Anne Facing Rink Woes as Arena Ages RM Looking into Feasibility of a Richer Waste Water System

page 11

Stuartburn Creates Snowshoe Lending Program

page 10

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch Ste. Anne Vies for Kraft Hockeyville Title

page 10

Ste. Anne to Host a Festival du Voyageur Kick-Off!

pages 9-10

Hope’s Cradle is Now Installed in Landmark

page 9

Ag Days Gives Grant to Ste. Anne Fire Department

page 8

Phoenix Cheer Athletics Travel to Moose Jaw, Eyes on Nationals and Finals

page 8

Municipality Loses Community Advocate and Friend to Many

page 8

Wildlife Haven to Showcase Art in Online Auction

page 7

Town Takes Next Step to Revitalize and Support Development Ste. Anne Woman Recognized with Order of Canada

page 7

Re-inventing A Political Focus

page 4

Honouring Provencher’s Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medallion Recipients

page 4

Piney Pleased with Stuartburn Partnership

page 4

Opinion: Arena Deal Leaves Taché Residents Out in the Cold

page 3

Reality of New Tache Community Centre Thrills Council

page 3

Small Team Effort Snowballs into Community-Wide Campaign

page 2

After Two Decades of Band-Aids, Tache to See New Community Complex in Lorette

page 2

After Two Decades of Band-Aids, Tache to See New Community Complex in Lorette

page 1
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