Dawson Trail Dispatch February 2022

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Tache Neighbourhood Opposed to Residential Development Project

February 2022

Southeast Municipalities Receive Infrastructure Federal Funding By Angelique Forest

River Road development area as seen from Google Earth. Almost 50 lots would be added requiring water drainage rerouting and flood protection. Photo Google Earth

By Dan Guetre Residents of a neighbourhood in the RM of Tache are opposing a residential development which the municipality is in the process of considering. They are alleging the municipal government has been less than transparent with the proposed development and question whether the municipal government is actually taking current resident’s concerns seriously. The contentious almost 50 residential lot development is being proposed just west of Lorette, north of River Road along Poirier Road by Schinkel Properties and has been in front of Tache Council since late 2019.

Current residents of the area are concerned about the impact the development will have on potential flooding, increased traffic and property values. According to the paper trail, the original plan submitted had conditions placed on it that included a traffic study to predict infrastructure impact and a hydrology study to take in consideration flooding concerns. Water Woes are a factor. Residents outside the perimeter of the development are concerned about an added dike that would surround the development which seemed to magically appear after the original conditional use approval by council. Continued on Page 2...

Through the Municipal Asset Management Program a handful of southeast jurisdictions have successfully been approved for funds totaling almost $250,000. From roads and buildings to wastewater systems, a strong asset management is key to building stronger communities. Municipalities of all sizes need tools and resources to make evidence-based decisions that support long-term asset management and build a healthier, safer and more prosperous future. As Canada moves toward a strong recovery, these projects will help communities make data-driven decisions about key infrastructure and ensure longterm infrastructure performance. The Surface Water Management Strategy for the RM of Hanover will provide insight into the flood and drought risks through an in-depth investigation of culverts and the water flow network throughout the region in partnership with the municipalities of Stuartburn and Emerson-Franklin. The hope is to reduce flood and drought risk within three watersheds. The three municipalities were awarded $50,000 each to go towards this project. Additionally, Steinbach received $50,000 to help them with an Asset Management Software Implementation and Road Network Condition Assessment. The RM of Ste. Anne received $43,200 to use towards their Asset Management Plan, Strategy and Policy. This funding is part of a $1.18 million funding package just announced for 26 Manitoba communities through the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP), delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for the Government of Canada. The purpose of the fund is to help communities make data-driven decisions about key infrastructure and ensure long-term infrastructure performance.

February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Tache Neighbourhood Opposed to Residential Development Project Continued from Page 1...

The hydrology study, compiled by KGS Group for the developer, had to take into account Provincial regulations that required any buildings constructed in the area to be flood proofed to a “200 year” flood protection level. Rather than building up each lot with the required fill, a dike was added to surround the development. Accord to Kurt Braden, one of the neighbours to the proposed development, “The original public hearing on a development in the area proposed no berm [on the] property with approximately 40 some lots using a drainage retention pond.” “So now, in non-public hearing, a berm has been approved by Council to surround the entire development including close to the river bank. This may allow new residents to build without the cost of 4 to 5 ft of fill but it will be at the increased risk to existing area residents,” added Braden. “Council is not assuring any of the existing residents of no increased flooding or taking on financial responsibility if or when it occurs.” The report actually admits the dike was added to alleviate Manitoba Infrastructure (MI) flood protection requirements. According to CAO Christine Hutlet who reached out to another concerned resident in a written statement, it appears the municipality only considers the addition of the dike a small change. “As the public hearing is closed, and based on the revised proposal with minor edits, the Planning Act does not require a second public hearing as the overall intent of the subdivision has not changed,” she wrote. Many residents, including Ed LeBlanc, believe council accepted the hydrology report at face value and did not take into consideration perceived errors and potential bias they pointed out. LeBlanc believes the information that most homes surrounding the proposed development are not, as mentioned in the report, built up to the “200 year” flood protection levels and additionally, the report was contracted and submitted by the developer with no oversight in place by the municipality to ensure accuracy. “The information they started with is incorrect,” believes LeBlanc. He alleges that there is only one home in the surrounding area that would fall into the classification that MI defines. The firm contracted to provide the report are clear in their writing that they take no responsibility or liability for the information compiled as they relied on the developer to providing information. “This report is based on information made available to KGS Group by Schinkel Properties. Unless stated otherwise, KGS Group has not verified the accuracy, completeness or validity of such information, makes no representation regarding its accuracy and hereby disclaims any liability in connection therewith. KGS Group shall not be responsible for conditions/issues it was not authorized or able to investigate or which were beyond the scope of its work,” reads their final document. “If the RM assumes or guarantees financial compensation in the event of the diverted water flooding us, I don’t believe there would be any issues… but neither Council or the engineering company appear to want to assume this responsibility,” said Braden. Another issue is outdated traffic data. In order to satisfy the RM of Tache’s conditions, the developer was required to provide some answers to increased traffic and whether the infrastructure

can support an additional 48 residential homes on the 100 acres development. Schinkel Properties turned to MORR Transportation Consulting to prepare a traffic report. The report was accepted by the municipal council but again residents have their concerns when it comes to accuracy. The report shows that the majority of the figures used for the baseline were over a dozen years old (2008) with a few traffic statistics from 2015. Those opposed to the development as presented are requesting the municipal council to question the developer and ask themselves if this information gathered is valuable or just a guess as the information to start with was extremely dated. Similar to the hydrology report, the contractor for the traffic study is ensuring they are covered in case their findings don’t roll out as expected. “In preparing this report we have relied in good faith upon representations, information and instructions provided by the Client and/or Client representative concerning the site. Accordingly, we cannot accept responsibility for any deficiency, misstatement or inaccuracy contained in the Report as a result of misstatements, omissions, misrepresentations, or other acts of the Client or other persons providing information relied on by us,” is written at the end of their report. If the development goes through Public Reserve and Green Space disappears. Most municipal councils make it a requirement for developers to set aside a percentage of the land for use for the public. According to municipal documents, the designated “public reserve” was on an earlier plan but was removed in early 2020. Their correspondence shows it was a request from the municipal council to the developer to change and omit this space from the proposal as it was deemed too large of an area for public works to maintain. The proposal has a Lot of Lots. Residents are concerned with the number of lot size variance requests the developer is proposing. The municipal zoning for the area requires a 2 acre minimum lot size and those already living in the area have grown used to the spacious lifestyle. Schinkel Properties have asked for variances on about 30 percent of the proposed lots to reduce them from the zoned 2 acres minimums to some lots having only above 60 feet of frontage. In a letter sent to the RM of Tache Council, area resident Gisele Ferland showed her frustration and concerns. “First, to address the variance order I would like to mention that this is a rural area and the proposed plan does not in any way resemble a rural area. These lots are squeezed in to get as much money out of the land and it is the existing citizens who do not benefit but a company,” stated Ferland. “Schinkel is asking for a variance on the frontage for 30% of the lots and 9 out of those 13 lots are asking for a frontage reduction variance of anywhere between 137 ft to 60 ft in reduction; this is not a few feet but on average it is 105 ft in reduction to the frontage on these 13 lots. The 200 ft frontage for rural development was put in place for a reason and when you take into account that a dike will run through some of these yards it is a wonder where the house, septic field and well will go.” “How can you allow Schinkel Properties to submit a plan in the first place that requires variances to 30% of the lots?” she questioned. “Why should they not have to follow the rules and submit a plan for development that fits into the current subdivisions in the area?”

Dawson Trail Dispatch Slim Access Could Hamper Safety. MI has suggested the developer and the municipality add a second road to connect the development to the rest of the municipality. The initial one road access was deemed a potential bottle neck and a safety hazard if there was ever an emergency. The development drawings have evolved over the period on a couple of years, but while there are other access roads added to the plan, they both dead end at the border of private property and no agreements have been announced to allow them to be extended to the municipal road system. LeBlanc believes this could be in violation of either municipal bylaws or provincial regulations. Residents of the area even went so far as to create a petition, gather signatures, have it notarized and submitted only to have the CAO respond saying the petition would not be presented to council, as the public hearing had closed therefore the petition is “invalid evidence”. When asked to address the concerns by local residents, Tache Mayor Justin Bohemier would offer very little insight citing the process is at the provincial level now. “We have no further information on this matter,” said Bohemier when asked for any for info on the status of the Schinkel Property development that seemed to have some neighbours concerned regarding the way it was laid out. He did clarify that work, was performed at the property (a driveway access), even though no permits have been approved is really nothing that concerns council. “The work that took place was to create additional access to the property only,” explained Bohemier. Additionally, Bohemier is sure that the hydrology study, which was included in the package to the Province to work through the licensing process, would get the vetting it requires. “This has not yet been approved to my knowledge and I believe is still being reviewed,” added Bohemier. “The final approvals for the licensing is still under review at the provincial level.” LeBlanc believes Mayor Bohemier has not followed through with his campaign message which was creating a council that would be transparent, open and fair. The paperwork presented show a pattern and supports LeBlanc’s concerns that as the project progresses, less dialog with residents runs parallel. When the development was proposed, 246 area residents were informed and the “notification zone” for the RM of Tache was 1 mile. The follow-up opportunities for the public to participate, according to notice records for the municipality, show 33 notices for one meeting and 27 notices for the other. The “notification zone” for residents was shrunk to 100 metres. “You know, he [Bohemier] turned around at one meeting, the September variance meeting, and said ‘if you didn’t like it [residential development project], you should have just bought the property yourself’,” said LeBlanc. According to LeBlanc, the group of residents who oppose the development have now hired legal counsel. Bohemier’s response, “We are aware of this.”

Residents of the area created a petition, only to have the CAO respond saying it would not be presented to council as the public hearing had closed therefore the petition is “invalid evidence”. Photo Facebook

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

February 2022

Community Grant Application Deadline Soon If you are a community organization in the RM of Stuartburn, you are reminded that the Grant applications are due back in the office by February 14. Applications must be submitted on the approved application form and if you require the application, feel free to contact the municipal office at 204-425-3218.

Couple Feels Let Down by Municipal Council After Bylaw Enforcement Ignored By Dan Guetre After living in a municipality for almost fifty years you would think your municipal council would be open to hearing your concerns but one couple in the RM of Tache feels the total opposite. Rolande and Bob Chernichan said they have been experiencing an issue with their neighbour and dogs that keep getting loose and harassing them, to a point of her husband being bit once and a grandchild threatened by one of the dogs. At a recent council meeting, Rolande tried to explain the issues they were having with the neighbours dogs, an issue that has been ongoing since 2017 only to be cut off by Mayor Justin Bohemier a few times. At one point Bohemier cited that council did not need to hear the history of the complaint but later argued that this was the first time the issue was being brought up to council. The Cherichan’s, who are now at retirement age, are concerned for their safety explaining that they both feel they are unsafe in their own yard and are worried about any friends or family that visit them. “In August 2017, we made CAO, Christine Hutlet, and Angelo of Prairie Bylaw Enforcement aware of problems we had with [neighbour’s] dogs being at large and in our yard. One [dog] had bitten Bob in the leg,” explained Rolande in her presentation. “A few weeks later it came into our yard and snarled and snapped at our 3-year-old granddaughter; both incidents were completely unprovoked.” “In October 2017, Bob was again bitten by one of the dogs which required medical attention,” added Rolande. “The incident was again reported to Prairie Bylaw who informed [neighbour] that the dog would have to be euthanized. [Neighbour] invaded our home with force and verbally threatened us where we called 911.” She explained that those dogs were rehomed shortly after but the neighbour acquired two more. She added that these new dogs are constantly running free and venturing on their property. “After a few months, the dogs were running at large at all hours, defecating in our yard, burying, and digging up animal carcasses they put in our yard,” she explained to council. Complaining to the neighbour multiple times and making calls to the animal control

contractor for the municipality ended up creating an extremely hostile situation explained Rolande. “This resulted in [neighbour] verbally threatening violent retaliation against us and actively stalking us from the road in front of our property, to the point we feared leaving our home,” she added. “After reporting the incident to the RCMP, we applied for and were granted a protection order from a Manitoba judge.” She explained to council they have reported the issue multiple times to both the CAO and the animal control contractor and have even provided photos taken on multiple days. The Chernichan’s then made council aware that they were not going to put up with anymore delay as the neighbour’s dogs are still getting loose and coming on to their property. “What is council going to do to immediately resolve this situation consistent with its bylaws?” asked Rolande. “What is council going to do to address the lack of enforcement by the CAO and RAMS?” “If Council does not take prompt remedial action, our next step will be to secure a lawyer to begin litigation against this municipality and council for inaction and liability,” she concluded. When asked about the situation, Tache Mayor Justin Bohemier did not respond to whether he believed the municipality had dropped the ball on this or whether proper procedure was followed. He also did not offer any suggestions to what the Chernichan’s could have done to avoid their frustration. “This is an ongoing by-law enforcement concern involving two parties that has many complexities surrounding the issue to which we are not able to discuss in an open public meeting thus, I cannot disclose to you, but I can say that council has been updated regularly and aware of the situation when this particular situation was first officially reported to Animal Control on October 20, 2021,” Bohemier stated. According to discussion by council after the presentation, they are going to ask RAMS to attend council for a discussion. “I do hope there will be an outcome where the municipality will finally enforce its dog bylaw,” said Rolande, adding that she is continuing to send photos to the CAO and RAMS. “I don’t really feel hopeful that anything will come out of this at the end of the day though.”

Tache Fire Department Adds UTV to Fleet The RM of Taché Fire Department has recently taken delivery of its latest rescue vehicle. The Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) generally designed for more passengers as well as a brawnier hauling and towing capacity will enhance the Fire Departments capability to conduct rescues which could be difficult to reach due to terrain. The Fire Department would like to recognize TC Energy and CN for their generous donation of funds. Without their support, this purchase couldn’t have been made.

The Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) generally designed for more passengers as well as a brawnier hauling and towing capacity will enhance the Fire Department’s capability to conduct rescues which could be difficult to reach due to terrain. Photo Tache Fire/Facebook

February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Budget 2022 to Focus on Health Care and Economy Earlier this month, exciting announcements were made with Premier Heather Stefanson’s first cabinet shuffle and those Minister’s new legislative assistants. I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the legislative assistant to the Minister of Families, and I am honoured to have been chosen for this role. As someone who has experience with children who navigated the CFS system, this is a big responsibility, and one that I do not take lightly. I look forward to immersing myself in the responsibilities of this position, and the many ways in which I will be able to help Manitobans. March brings about the beginning of another legislative session, which is an exciting time. I always look forward to when my colleagues and I are gathered with the deliberate purpose of making decisions that will improve the lives of all Manitobans. One of our main focuses for this upcoming legislative session is Budget 2022. Our priorities will continue to be strengthening health care and building up our economy. Budget 2022 will strengthen our essential services to ensure quality healthcare and education, while also improving and upgrading our province’s infrastructure. During the month of January, public consultations were held to address the priorities of Manitobans in regard to the upcoming budget. The decisions we make as a government impact the lives of all Manitobans, and that is why it is so important to have these public consultations and listen to voices from all sides. They provide us with an opportunity to hear directly from Manitobans about what matters most to them and their families, and help us prioritize government investments. I’d like to thank everyone who attended these public consultations and provided valuable feedback. It is greatly appreciated. For more updates and information, visit my website at boblagasse. com. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact my constituency office at ca.lagasse@outlook.com or 204-807-4663.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Light at the End of the Tunnel? After two years of COVID19 restrictions, it appears there may, finally, be some light at the end of the tunnel. Last week, the United Kingdom announced the most significant easing of their restrictions to date. Facemasks will no longer be required and vaccine passports will no longer be needed. Many US States did away with such restrictions some time ago. Even here in Canada we have seen an easing of restrictions. Ontario recently announced its intention to loosen restrictions in the coming days. Saskatchewan and Alberta have indicated they are unlikely to add any new restrictions. Even NDP stronghold British Columbia has indicated it is ready to open up. These provinces have begun to recognize what other jurisdictions around the globe have known for some time, and other Canadian jurisdictions cannot seem to get their heads around. Lockdowns and other restrictions show little evidence of effectiveness in curtailing COVID-19. In fact, in many cases, they have only served to make things worse. As Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe stated: “The evidence is right here in Saskatchewan as we manage through this

Omicron wave, with very little in the way of restrictions on people’s lives, and we have lower rates of hospitalizations, lower rates of ICU admissions and lower rates, thankfully, of fatalities through the month of January, than many other provinces with much more severe restrictions. While we all want to protect the vulnerable from COVID-19, we must recognize that the coronavirus isn’t going anywhere. As I have pointed out on numerous occasions, vaccines are just one of many useful tools we have to deal with COVID-19. Unfortunately, rather than look at the overwhelming evidence, the PM chose instead—as usual—to listen to his own propaganda and refuse to admit that vaccines were only one of many tools rather than a silver bullet. In fact, as one, excellent article in the Globe and Mail stated last week: “Perhaps if we hadn’t been so focused on one tool things might have gone differently. And perhaps if certain voices hadn’t been silenced, and others handed a megaphone, our pandemic tool kit, and mindset, would have been different too.” Sadly, the PM (and others) continue to focus on mandates and lockdowns. They cannot bring themselves to admit they may have been wrong, and Canadians are the ones suffering for it. While I recognize that Omicron is still an issue, and public health

resources are still stretched thin, I still believe it is time to open up. As with any virus, we need to learn to live with it—recent advances in COVID treatment and therapeutics, as well as accepting a broader range of recommendations by doctors and researchers will help with this transition. Prolonging re-opening is only serving to damage to livelihoods and mental health of Canadians—Canadians who have gone above and beyond and are tired of the never-ending uncertainty. Any loss of life is a tragedy, but we cannot stay in this state of flux and restrictions forever. We should follow the lead of other jurisdictions who have transitioned to an endemic and are re-opening. It’s time to re-open our country. For more information on this or any issue please feel free to contact my office toll free at 1-866-3331933 or at 204-326-9889. Visit me on Facebook.com/TedFalkMP. You may also write my office at 9A-90 Brandt St, Steinbach MB, R5G 0T3 or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

Task Force Building Health Care and Surgery Capacity I am pleased to share that our government has signed agreements and put new initiatives in place to build capacity for women’s health, diagnostics and spine surgery. Our Diagnostic and Surgical Task Force is delivering improvements for Manitobans waiting for surgeries and relieving some of the backlog that has been exacerbated by Covid-19. Nearly 1,000 Manitoba women will soon be receiving their surgery as a result of the efforts our task force. Hundreds of spine patients will also be provided the option to travel for surgery. These programs will be offered to patients by their doctors and paid for by the province, as we continue to build capacity and more made-in-Manitoba solutions. Stay tuned for more announcements as the task force works on further new solutions that will help Manitobans get the care they need sooner. This is the time of the year when our provincial govern-

ment is preparing for Manitoba’s annual budget, as we prepare for the Spring Session. Earlier in January I was honoured to moderate a rural telephone town hall with the Minister of Finance where Manitobans had the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback, and take part in poll surveys. The suggestions and data collected during the town halls is an important piece in creating the provincial budget every year. I would like to thank the thousands of Manitobans that took the time to take part in this year’s budget consultations, whether on the telephone town halls, virtual public meetings, or completing the online survey. It is important that Manitobans have the opportunity to share their views when it comes to important government decisions, and our government appreciates all the constructive feedback we received. Manitoba is home to many beautiful provincial parks with camping facilities that Manitobans enjoy using. After compiling the results of a recent online survey at Engage MB titled Improving the Parks Reserva-

tion Service, the Manitoba Government is taking steps to develop upgraded provincial parks reservation service online software. There will also be short-term changes to the system to improve users’ experiences when booking campsites this upcoming spring. These improvements will help manage the load on the opening day for reservations, ease the booking process for campers, and provide more opportunities to book camping facilities in high demand and limited inventory, such as cabins and yurts. A tendering process will soon be underway to develop and implement a replacement system for future seasons. As always, I look forward to hearing from you with your questions or concerns. I can be reached at my constituency office at 204-424-5406 or at dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Free Provincial Park Entry for Month of February The Manitoba government will again allow free entry to provincial parks for the entire month of February so Manitobans and visitors can take advantage of the many winter activities they offer. Vehicle permits will not be required at any provincial park in Manitoba in February, though Snopasses will be needed for snowmobilers using groomed trails in parks. Entrance fees will continue to apply at national parks. Provincial parks have groomed trails for a variety of activities, including cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, fat biking, snowshoeing and hiking. Paint Lake, Spruce Woods and Turtle Mountain provincial parks also offer outdoor skating areas, hockey rinks and toboggan hills. Trails province-wide are in excellent condition with a good snow base, the minister noted. Manitobans are encouraged to check trail conditions and weather forecasts before visiting parks to properly plan their outdoor adventures. An online interactive trails map is updated regularly with grooming and condition reports at www.manitobaparks.com. Trail users are reminded to use only trails that are designated for their activities, to keep dogs on leashes and to practise the principles of Leave No Trace by not littering. While being outdoors and active in nature is important for physical and mental health, COVID-19 public health orders must be followed, including for physical distancing and group size restrictions. Warming shelters are open with reduced capacity limits and masks are required indoors. Park visitors are reminded to observe capacity signs and to kindly limit their time in shelters to share with others. Information on COVID-19 guidelines in provincial parks is available at www.manitobaparks.com.

Niverville to Get New Post Office Location By Angelique Forest Canada Post is not immune to the rapid growth and development success of the Town of Niverville. Many visiting the old Niverville Post Office location are still a bit confused before seeing the sign on the door about the changed location just down the street from the previous location. Canada Post said they are pleased to be able to provide this new and upgraded post office to continue serving the community. They are assuring the community the new location will have increased accessibility features as well as a fresh new look with better access to products and services. “The relocation to this new 3,000-square-foot building was undertaken to accommodate Niverville’s current and anticipated growth and increased demand for postal services that would bring,” explained Phil Legault, director of media relations for Canada Post. “The new facility will provide local residents and businesses with continued reliable, affordable, and accessible postal services, and will include an access ramp for those with mobility issues. All existing products and services will be available at the new location, with all postal boxes residing inside the building.” Notice of the move was provided to postal box customers in early January. All existing postal box numbers will remain the same and there will be no change to addresses or postal codes. Customers with existing boxes will be provided with new keys. Keys can be exchanged at the existing post office until January 21 and at the new post office starting on January 24. Regular business hours at the new location will be Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:15 am to 12 noon. The postal box lobby will be open Monday to Saturday from 6 am to 9 pm.

February 2022

The Pas RCMP Rescue Stranded Steinbach Fishermen in Freezing Temperatures On December 31 at approximately 12:17 am, The Pas RCMP received a report that a truck was stuck on Clearwater Lake. The three male occupants had been heading out to do some ice fishing when their truck broke down. They were stranded and ill-equipped for the plummeting temperatures. The temperature at the time was extremely cold, with a windchill factor of -38 °C. The exact location of the stranded fishermen was unknown. It was determined that a search and rescue team consisting of four RCMP officers, an off-duty paramedic, and a conservation officer would attempt to locate the missing males, two aged 18 and a 19-year-old, from Steinbach. After searching a large area of Clearwater Lake, the men were located in the northwest quadrant and transported back to safety. There were minor physical injuries to the stranded males and some of the searchers due to the extreme cold.

Map showing location.

Submittted photos

A search and rescue team consisting of four RCMP officers, an off-duty paramedic, and a conservation officer located the missing men.

February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Manitoba’s Politicians Lorette Business Set to Destroy Adds Cash to Library Aquifers with Approval Building Fund of Silica Sand Mines Jeanson Grocery co-owner, Irene Jeanson presented a $600 donation to Bibliotheque Tache Library Building Fund. The donation is an accumulation of the store’s customers depositing their loose cash into a special cash box. Since the cash came from the community Irene and Robert felt it makes sense to return the money to a community project. In Lorette and the surrounding area, the Jeanson’s have always been very supportive of the community projects.

Jeanson Grocery co-owner, Irene Jeanson presented a $600 donation to Bibliotheque Tache Library Building Fund. Submitted photo

Attention New Home Owners in Lorette Welcome to the growing community of Lorette! Have you purchased a home, townhome, or condo in the LUD of Lorette, in the last year? Do you have questions about your new community? The Welcome Basket Committee of the LUD of Lorette would be happy to answer some of those questions. We have a free basket of Gift Certificates, coupons, gifts, and information which have been generously provided by the businesses and organizations in the LUD of Lorette. To arrange a short curbside visit please e-mail lorettewelcomebasket@gmail.com, no strings attached.

St. Adolphe Schedules “Plaid” Open Bonspiel The St. Adolphe Curling Club is holding a 3-day, open Bonspiel event from February 19 to 21. Any and all team formats are allowed in this open, cash spiel; any combination of men and women, including junior curlers, can enter. You will be guaranteed a minimum of three games. Kitchen and bar will be open all weekend. The theme for the bonspiel is “plaid”, and there will be a prize for the best dressed team! In addition a blind Calcutta will be held. Entry deadline is Friday, February 11. There is a 24-team limit for the bonspiel, so do not delay in registering your team. To register for the bonspiel, or for more information, contact curlstadolphe@gmail.com.

Dear Editor, The Manitoba government is poised to approve two silica sand mines, one near Vivian in Southeastern Manitoba proposed by CanWhite Sands (CWS), the other on a community-designated trapline adjacent to the Hollow Water First Nations reserve boundary, on the eastern shores of Lake Winnipeg, proposed by Canadian Premium Sand (CPS). Each of these proposed silica sand mines is looking to extract roughly 1.3 million tonnes of silica sand per year, for a combined total of 2.6 million tonnes a year over the next 25 to 30 years minimum. These two Alberta-based companies are run by former oil and gas executives, who, it appears, have no real hands-on experience running a silica sand mining business. These companies appear to be greenwashing the intended use of the silica sand that they are proposing to mine here in Manitoba in order to obtain the necessary social licence from Manitobans. For instance, CPS announced, in mid-October of 2021, that they wanted to produced pattern solar glass and build a float glass plant to be located in Selkirk, Manitoba. However, their technical report prepared in October of 2021, stated that…“based on the silica, iron, and other elemental contents of the mechanically and chemically treated sand in these beneficiation tests – and depending on market and manufacturing conditions – the Wanipigow LBI sand can be used to manufacture standard glass products such as flat glass, coloured container glass, and insulating fibers.” Their technical report did note that it was “theoretically possible” for CPS to produce patterned solar glass, but “that the batch calculation result is preliminary and additional test sets are required on a bulk sand sample (e.g., 500 kg) with the actual raw materials.” CPS has yet to undertake these additional batch tests to prove they can get the iron content in the silica sand down low enough to make patterned solar glass. Their technical report also went on to note, “while the emphasis in this report is on the definition of a sand resource intended for glass manufacturing (7.2 million tonnes total), the 2020-defined frac sand resource/reserve (25 million tonnes total), which pertains to hydraulic fracturing in the energy industry is still material to CPS. Hence a summary of the frac sand resource, reserve, and economics is reiterated in this report, which represents CPS’s current Technical Report.” The company’s own technical report identifies fracking for natural gas as a use for the silica sand. It

remains unclear if Manitoba silica sand is appropriate for solar glass, and if it was, it would only be a fraction of the silica sand these companies are proposing to extract. Initially, both these companies saw an opportunity to cash in on their proposed Manitoba silica sand mines by selling their product to the fracking boom taking place in the Balkan oil field, located a very short distance from Manitoba in North Dakota. However, this fracking bonanza in North Dakota has now fizzled for the most part. The newest market for selling Manitoba’s silica sand to the fracking industry is in the Montney Formation, which straddles Northern British Columbia and Alberta, where fracking for natural gas is about to explode once Coastal GasLink completes its natural gas pipeline to the LNG Canada facility located in Kitimat in northern BC. The natural gas with be turned into Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and exported by shipping tankers to the Asian market. Currently, the Montney formation represents more than 50 percent of the fracking (silica) sand demand in Canada and 70 percent of that frack sand comes from the USA, mostly from Wisconsin. Canada Energy Regulator estimates that some 42,734 new fracking wells will need to be drilled in the Montney Formation over the next 20 to 40 years if all three proposed B.C. LNG facilities come online. In the Montney Formation, fracking operations in 2013 used an average of 227 kilos of sand per foot of horizontal drilling. In 2017 that number was closer to 454 kilos per foot of a horizontal well drilled, according to research by RS Energy Group. Wells are getting longer: horizontal wells in 2017 were averaging around 9,000 feet (2,743 metres), compared to 5,000 feet (1,524 metres) in 2013. On average, one fracking well required about 5,000 tonnes of silica sand per well in 2017, and some estimates for 2020 go as high as 9,000 tonnes of silica

sand used per well. So, if an estimated 42,734 new wells, each well requiring a minimum of 5,000 tonnes of silica sand are needed to meet the anticipated demand for the planned expansion of natural gas that these new BC LNG facilities require, this means approximately 213.6 million tonnes of silica sand will be consumed by all these new fracking wells. These two silica sand mines proposed for Manitoba are well positioned to meet this huge demand for use in fracking in the Montney Formation. Even if these three new B.C. LNG facilities do not materialize for some reason, the Canada Energy Regulator projects conservatively that an additional 11,518 new wells will need to be drilled in the Montney Formation, over the next 20 years, just to keep pace with the current demand for natural gas, which means that some 57.6 million tonnes of silica sand would be required to feed these new wells. Silica sand from these two proposed silica sand mines in Manitoba would be sold to fracking operators in Montney Formation in Canadian dollars, which means a substantial saving right off the hop compared to the current American sources. The transportation cost would also be another big reduction in costs for fracking players operating the Montney Formation. Providing silica sand to the fracking industry in the Montney Formation is where the big money is to be made. Whatever profits these companies derive from these proposed silica sand mining operations will come at great social and environmental costs to Manitobans, putting Southeastern Manitoba’s clean potable drinking water at risk, and creating environmental and cultural damage on the east shores of Lake Winnipeg. Submitted by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). CCPA is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.

The Wanipigow sand project, previously known as the Seymourville silica sand extraction project, is being developed by Canadian Premium Sand. Photo from https://www.mining-technology.com/projects/wanipigow-sand-project-manitoba/

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Indoor Market to be Hosted in South Junction By Angelique Forest “If you can make it, bake it or grow it, it’s at the farmers market,” said a spokesperson for the Southeast Farmers’ Market group. The Southeast Farmers’ Market is hosting an indoor market at the Pine Grove Seniors Centre in South Junction on Saturday, February 26 from 10 am to 2 pm. Organizers are also offering free hot chocolate to visitors and mentioned there will also be a 50/50 draw. With current Provincial Health Orders in place, considering it is an indoor market, masks will be required. For more information contact Jen at 204-423-2223 or The Southeast Farmers’ Market is hosting an indoor market at the Pine Grove Seniors Shawny at 204-437-2600. Centre in South Junction on Saturday, February 26 from 10 am to 2 pm.

Get Ready to Win with Free Annual Scavenger Hunt By Angelique Forest Families are encouraged to jump on board and participate in the Steinbach Family Resource Centre’s free family-friendly “It Takes a Village - Community Scavenger Hunt” which kicks off on February 1. Participants play to win one of three Grand Prizes valued at over $5,000. The community-wide event is your chance to get motivated, connect with friends and have some fun while completing a variety of activities inspired by their ‘Family of Sponsors’. They are encouraging people to beat those winter blues while helping them raise awareness for the challenges faced by growing families. In the Scavenger Hunt, every square you complete is one entry into their Grand Prize Draws. Additionally, you can get involved every day on social media for your chance to win over one hundred more prizes in their daily prize packs just for sharing your participation. Follow the Centre on Facebook or Instagram, and be ready as they launch all twenty challenges. Complete them as quickly as you can, or follow along with their team as they feature one activity every day for twenty days. The three Grand Prize draws consist of a Local Adventure (value $1,600), an E-Bike(Hyper 36v Electric 20 inch Radster), Mini Dirtbike (Razor MX350 24-Volt), Video HD Streaming Drone and a $200 gift basket prize pack; second prize pack is a Family Adventure (Value $1,250), Custom Firepit Ring, Family Lawn Chairs and Firepit Accessories, 2 Family passes to Hoopla Island (Pinawa), 2 Adult & and Toddler Bicycles and a Compact Video Streaming Drone; and the third prize is a Getaway Adventure (Value $950), 2 Night Stay Mariaggi’s Hotel, 2 Golf Passes Assiniboine Golf Club, Cart Rental, $60 Gift Card to Confusion Corner Bar & Grill, suitcase and a treat basket. To be eligible, each completed activity must meet all criteria with one entry per square, per household , be tagged with a photo on Facebook or Instagram, be tagged with the appropriate sponsor/business on social media using their listed username, include the hashtag #SFRCVillage2022 and photos be taken and posted between February 1 to 21. For further information and contest rules visit the Steinbach Family Resource Centre steinbachfrc.ca.

February 2022

February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Vassar Community Builder Remembered By Dan Guetre Once people became aware of the devastating news of his passing, tributes began to pour in. Cub Cayer of Vassar was called a legend, because everyone who knew him either had a story about him or were grateful to him for one reason or another. Cub passed away recently at the age of 91 years after a healthy, long and active life at his home in Vassar, the town where he grew up and which he helped shape. According to his family, Cub was never one to “act his age” and proof in that lies in his very active lifestyle even as he completed the ninth decade of his life. He was still employed and working as a snowplow driver and did work with Canada Cub with his best friend Jay Jay volunteering post and Manitoba Housing. for the Terry Fox Run. Add this to his dedication to help out anytime he was needed, Cub led the way as a volunteer inspiring others to join in. Whether it was long hours at the annual Vassar Beer Gardens or just helping pull out a car who may have taken the ditch, Cub was considered to be a friend to all. Simply, if you needed someone to volunteer, there was Cub. Needed a great place to pick blueberries? Cub would guide you there. Had a flat tire on your bike? Kids knew they could pop over to his shop and fill it up with air. From the small things to the larger complex issues that make up a community, Cub had a simple philosophy, love your community and the people who live there. In tributes reCub was notorious for selling fundraising counting his life, a common theme tickets every chance he got. is visible; he had a huge part to play in making Vassar run smoothly and he was a “rare gem” any community was lucky to call their own. Cub’s family played a big part in his dedication to his neighbours. He carried on a legacy of his family’s dedication to the region from his mother’s commitments, and he both learnt from and taught this selflessness to other family members who also have similar traits to give back. His younger sister, Judy Preteau, also lives in Vassar. Talk about a dynamo! She still works at the lo-

cal school, as well as holding down various other positions. She goes to the church on Sunday morning to start the furnace at the century old Roman Catholic church. Additionally, Judy cares for the cemetery and organizes card parties to raise funds for her beloved church. The list of what she contributes to the town of Vassar is endless. Let’s not forget to mention Cub’s brother, Richard Cayer, for whom the local ballpark is named after. After an injury sidelined his baseball playing days, Richard still gave much of his time to baseball. As he got older, he kept the three diamonds looking stellar - always ready for a game. As President of the Vassar Community Club, he was always making improvements to the recreation centre and its surroundings. Sadly, Richard passed away about seven years ago. Cub had his own working bee wife at home. After operating the local store for years, Joyce may have retired from that but instead of sitting back and relaxing she intensified her commitment to many town-related obligations as town treasurer, gravy maker for every event, worker for all elections, and correspondent for the Carillon News. According to her family, “if it comes to food, Joyce is your volunteer [or] for whatever you need her for.” At 86, she still is the go-to gal for a multitude of reasons. Lucky for Vassar, a community of about 100 in the winter, the Cayer family still has vibrant roots living in the area. Cub’s daughter, Gina Cayer Davis, constantly gives of her time and energy. She has helped coordinate the famous Vassar Beer Gardens, and is involved with the Vassar Pool, Poker Derby and the Fall Supper. Gina does this while working more than one job. Gina is currently President of the Vassar Community Club. Richard’s daughter, Karen Theriault, also still lives in Vassar. You can usually find Karen helping out at various functions. Her specialty is the stupendous silent auctions she

One of many awards Cub had won. This one says in part “who gained the respect of everyone associated with baseball on and off the playing field.”

arranges. While Cub’s son Travis has relocated to the small community of Richer, he brought along his family’s community passion. It didn’t take Travis too long to join the board of the Richer Community Club, start the Communities in Bloom project, and get involved with the Dawson Trail Arts and Heritage Committee. He spends hours of his time volunteering for projects in the Dawson Trail Park and the region, encourages youth and is tireless in promoting community action. What is it that shapes these people and families to give tirelessly to their communities? We all have that go-to family in our community. The Cayer family in Vassar defines the family in all our small communities that we depend on to improve the quality of our lives. We can call this an “old school kindness” that in passed on through generations. Maybe, like Cub Cayer, you too can become part of the legacy in your own community. He had no title - he was just a good ol’ boy who gave 100% of himself when he was needed. The Cayer family believes it doesn’t take up your entire day; all it takes is a few good deeds, a couple hours here and there, some acts of kindness. “With a little effort which will only result in satisfaction all around, you too can become one of the good ones.” Generation after generation, the Cayer family led by the matriarchs and patriarchs, did not lead their lives searching for the greener grass on the other side of the fence, but by nurturing the plots they called home into bountiful and thriving pastures. If a community loses a big part of its soul, like the passing of Cub, it can often lose direction. Thankfully for Vassar, there are those who have been inspired to build on and even export the legacy that surrounds them. With that said, that never eases the emotions punctuated with the most common spoken words… “There goes another good one.”

June 5, 1957. Joyce and Cub marry in Vassar.

Back in the day when a woman could ask a man out once a year and that was for the Sadie Hawkins dance.

This is what 64 years married looks like.

Editor’s note: I would like to thank the Cayer family for taking the time to candidly talk about their family during this emotional time.

Cub and Joyce dancing to their favourite song, “You are the Girl of My Dreams”

The job Cub held as a logging trucker. He had many tales about driving over frozen lakes.

Richard Cayer in his heyday.

The Vassar hardball team. Richard is far left, back row. Cub is front row, 2nd from right.

Cub getting the playing field ready when he was coaching Little League hardball.

A Facebook post asking Judy to perform a miracle so she could be granted sainthood already!

A news story about Judy and the Terry Fox run she has organized for the past 40 years.

Cub and Joyce sitting in their rock in the front Submitted photos yard.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Municipality Invites Residents to View Draft Trail Plan The RM of Piney has scheduled a virtual meeting for February 16 starting at 6 pm to discuss their draft Trail Plan inviting anyone interested in finding out more about the project. According to the municipality, over the past 5 years, numerous requests for non-motorized trails, from both residents and visitors, have been made to council. With the multitude of requests in hand, council realized there may be a need to fulfill to create walking and cycling paths that could have economic, health and environmental benefits. The draft trail plan to be presented identifies trail location, construction standards, and phases. The Piney Council believes the plan brings together the vision and goals into a concrete actionable framework that will increase the community’s infrastructure. If you would like to participate in the discussion, please reach out to the RM of Piney municipal office for a meeting link or Bluestemdevelopment@gmail.com or call 204-392-3849.

Piney Reminds Motorists of March Road Restrictions By Angelique Forest The RM of Piney is reminding those who live in and travel through the municipality to expect road restrictions coming in March. Road restrictions that will be imposed is a 65% weight restriction of normal loading on Menisino North (Rd 59E) from PTH 12 to PR 201, Whitemouth Lake Rd (Rd 21N) from PR 210 to Rd 74E, St.Labre Rd (Rd 27N & 63E) from PR 210 to Whitemouth Lake Rd (Rd 21), Vassar North - Vassar to Whitemouth Lake Rd (Rd 20N), Vassar East Road 6N from Vassar East Access to PR 308 and Municipal Road 12N from PTH 12 to PR 210. Spring road restrictions are coming in March. Motorists are also warned that road locations are subject to change and once restrictions are implemented, they will remain until further notice. All other municipal governments will also be adding their own road restrictions around the same time and people are reminded to watch for the posted signs and to check with the local municipal office if they are unsure.

February 2022


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Advice to Keep You Potentially Warmer and Safe

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Kelburn Recovery Centre Announces New Personnel

Dear Editor, The deep freeze is here! If you have to travel on the roadways at this time of year, make sure you’re prepared in case you hit the ditch! Have a safety kit in your vehicle. It should include extra clothing, a blanket, food, water, some candles, a lighter, and a small shovel. These are the basics, but feel free to add anything else you think you might need. Make sure your cell phone is charged and if you do hit the ditch, call 911! Remember, nobody plans to hit the ditch or have an accident! Having a good emergency kit can be the difference between life and death. If you do hit the ditch while the weather is extreme, stay in your vehicle, and wait for help to arrive. Shelter can be further away than it seems, and you won’t last long exposed to the elements. Be smart and be safe people! Richard Graham Cpl. NCO i/c Sprague Detachment

Stuartburn Reminds Residents to Make This Winter Safe and Easy The RM of Stuartburn is asking residents to avoid parking on the streets during the winter months as it affects the municipal contractors from being able to clear the streets properly and in a timely fashion. “Our priority is to have our roads cleared of snow within 48 hours of being dispatched and our contractors can’t do a proper job if obstacles are in their way which causes other issues,” the RM of Stuartburn mentioned in a statement. “Failure to comply may result in your vehicles being towed away at your expense.” Further, they want to remind residents that depositing rocks, bales or snow on a highway, municipal road or shoulder is in contradiction of the Highway Traffic Act and the resident is responsible to immediately remove it. The RM of Stuartburn will take the necessary action to enforce the above-mentioned section of the Act and any person acting in contravention of the Highway Traffic Act will be held liable for any claims arising out of their actions. Violators will be invoiced for removal services without further notice.

What to Do in a Natural Gas Outage When natural gas service is disrupted, Manitoba Hydro acts quickly to restore it. Although disruptions are usually short-lived, a gate station or pipeline may require complex repairs and you may be without service for several hours. While you’re waiting, follow Manitoba Hydro on Twitter or Facebook for updates, or listen to your radio for current information and instructions. If you experience a natural gas outage in the winter months, rest assured that your home will retain heat for several hours. Conserve heat by keeping doors and windows closed. Turn on extra lights as they can contribute some additional heat. Use a supplemental heat source, like a portable electric heater or a wood-burning fireplace to warm one room of your home. Keep combustibles away from alternate heat sources. Never use propane heaters, camp stoves or barbecues in your home or garage, as they can generate dangerous levels of carbon monoxide very quickly. An adequate fresh air supply must be available where fuel-burning heaters are used. If you decide to leave your home, notify Manitoba Hydro on where you can be reached, as they will need to access your home to restore services and re-light the pilot lights. When the natural gas is restored, do not re-light your fuel-burning equipment yourself. A qualified Manitoba Hydro gas service technician will re-light the pilot light on your heating equipment and appliances. Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

Kelburn Recovery Centre is a unique facility situated on 45 beautiful acres along the Red River, located in St. Adolphe.

By Angelique Forest Kelburn Recovery Centre in St. Adolphe has recently announced some personnel additions to complement the treatment facility. The facility covers a wide range of needs, from outpatient therapy to short-term detox stays and multimonth treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. Dr. Ian Rabb, an addiction treatment and clinic operations veteran has recently joined as Managing Director. Rabb is considered one of the most recognized and respected leaders in addiction treatment in Canada. Additionally, Kate Bloy, a renowned addiction treatment psychotherapist and psychedelic therapy pioneer, has also joined their team as Clinical Director. “At Kelburn Recovery Centre, we recognize addiction as a treatable

illness; we provide substance use and mental health treatment in a private setting to ensure confidentiality,” explained Rabb. “We are committed to a holistic approach to healing. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health are considered in every program. Each guest receives trauma-informed therapies and evidence-based treatments individualised for their own situation.” “We would like to thank Josephine D’Andrea for her years of dedication and work at Kelburn Recovery Centre as she has decided to move forward with her next endeavour,” added Rabb. Bloy has been a professional psychotherapist for 14 years and is the founder and CEO of Therapeutic Alliance, a private therapy practice in Winnipeg. She has been working in the addictions field for over 12

Website photos

The facility covers a wide range of needs, from outpatient therapy to short-term detox stays and multi-month treatment for mental health and substance use disorders.

years, heading up therapy programs in Manitoba including the St. Raphael Wellness Centre and the Aurora Treatment Centre as well as successfully treating people with addiction issues within her private practice. Kelburn Recovery Centre is a unique facility situated on 45 beautiful acres along the Red River, located in St. Adolphe.

Maintain Your Home for Everyone’s Safety This Winter Manitoba Hydro crews work through extreme conditions to ensure you have reliable electric and natural gas service throughout the colder months. Extreme wind chills, excessive snow, and snowdrifts can block roads and make access to our equipment much more difficult. But you can help Manitoba Hydro employees do their jobs safely, effectively, and quickly by: - Maintaining your walkway and driveway; - Removing ice and snow from your natural gas meter; - Reporting a power outage. It can be challenging for meter readers to navigate piles of snow and icy walkways to do their job. Please keep your driveway, walkway, and steps free of ice and snow,

and ensure there is a clear path to your natural gas and electric meters. Even though your natural gas meter and pressure regulator are built to withstand extreme winter weather, snow and ice on the equipment can create a safety hazard. Build-up on the regulator can block the vent and allow excess gas pressure into your home. Accumulated snow and ice can put stress on the meter piping and could cause a gas leak. Gently remove the snow with a broom or your hand. Avoid shoveling or using a snow blower around your meter. If you have difficulty removing the snow or ice from your meter or regulator, call Manitoba Hydro at 1-888-624-9376.

Power outages can occur when heavy snow or ice accumulates on power lines, or from high winds knocking trees onto lines or damaging other equipment. If the power goes out, report it using your smartphone at hydro.mb.ca/outage. Be sure you can be reached at the phone number you provide and it’s linked to your Manitoba Hydro account so we can assign a crew to the right location. If you see a downed power line, keep yourself and others at least 10 metres away and call 911 immediately – it poses a public safety risk. Our emergency number is 1-888624-9376 (1-888 MBHYDRO) to alert our staff and deploy a crew. Visit hydro.mb.ca/safety for more information.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

February 2022


Celebrate the Arts Virtual Fundraising Gala Almost Live Get your tickets now for Saturday, February 26 where you will enjoy a memorable Celebrate the Arts Saturday Night (Almost) Live Virtual Fundraising Gala at the most exclusive venue in town, your home. Dress it up, or lounge in your favourite recliner, you choose the style and attire. Once again, Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) will deliver delicious cui-

sine, wine, and entertainment right to your door. You and your guests may participate in the ever popular online “Silent Auction with a Twist” offering private painting/pottery sessions, or unique experiences and services by local VIP’s, politicians and businesses. Bid on beautiful fine art featuring local artists or join in on the Jewelry Tombola, where your odds to win beautiful jewelry

of your choice are amazing. It’s a perfect night to gather with friends and family to share laughter while supporting a great cause and an ideal way for the Corporate Community to host their staff and clients in the most unique way. This year’s fundraising event features a variety of SNL-inspired entertainment hosted by radio personality Michelle Sawatzky and ac-

companied by the “Saturday Night Almost Live House Band”. You’ll enjoy entertainment from BOSS Dance Academy, Jeremy Plett and Kenton Dyck, and special musical guest, Jayme Giesbrecht. Also back by popular demand, enjoy the traditional Friedensfeld Community Centre meal. If you prefer not to join the dinner, you may receive the evening’s entertainment and live stream experience only, by making a tax receiptable donation to SAC. “This Gala comes at a perfect time when we yearn to gather and

celebrate with our guests, safely in our homes,” said Cindi Rempel Patrick, Director of Development at the Steinbach Arts Council. “The virtual aspect brings an innovative experience, sharing delicious food, drinks, laughter and even dancing if you choose. Our community needs an event to celebrate and our Arts Council is truly honoured to share it with you.” Tickets and more details are now available on the SAC website at steinbacharts.ca, or can also be purchased over the phone at 204-346-1077.

Features a variety of SNL-inspired entertainment hosted by radio personality Michelle Sawatzky and accompanied by the “Saturday Night Almost Live House Band”.

Once again, Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) will deliver delicious cuisine, wine, and entertainment right to your door.

Tickets and more details are now available on the SAC website at steinbacharts.ca, or can also be purchased over the phone at 204-346-1077. Submitted photos


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

2021 A Busy Year for Stuartburn By Dan Guetre According to information released by the RM of Stuartburn, 2021 was a busy year with a lot accomplished within the municipality along with some great work performed working

with their neighbours. With many areas affected by flooding in June of 2020, the following year dealt with repairing the areas and now only three identified sites are left to tackle this year.

Within their borders, they were able to replace some sewer lines thanks to a grant from the Manitoba Water Services Board. Council also built a new heated shop, purchased a skid steer to help them move bins around

at landfill, push up burn pile as well as perform in-house brush mowing of ditches and snow clearing at the municipal office and fire hall. A Masterplan is being done for the Vita rest area with a focus to create a

community gathering space for residents and tourists. There are plans to also construct a new play structure by spring. Additionally, they worked with Gardenton Park to help secure funding to create a landscape master plan. The purpose is to develop the park with new and improved amenities like overnight and seasonal camping. The RM of Stuartburn has partnered with both Buffalo Point First Nation and the RM of Piney on a joint venture to provide garbage and recycling pick up. The established Buffalo Point-Piney-Stuartburn Recycling and Waste Management board will provide a partnership approach to waste management aimed towards excellent service and further employment with the southeast corner of the province. Funds and an agreement with the RM of Emerson-Franklin are also in place to replace the Prawda Bridge in 2022. In early 2021, the municipality released its strategic plan which focuses on business development, tourism, housing, and marketing the region. A new economic development website is online along with a virtual business directory to help local businesses promote their products and services and help new residents easily find what they’re looking for locally. The municipality switched gears from an in-person career symposium by creating a series of videos with local businesses with on job opportunities for youth in the region in three streams: direct-to-workforce, entrepreneurial and post-secondary. On the tourism front, they worked with Eastman Tourism to develop and implement an experiential tourism training program for operators or entrepreneurs who are looking to offer tourism experiences in a more sustainable way. There is also a video series focusing on Sunrise Corner as an incredible place to live, work, play, visit, invest and explore.

Piney Council Confirms Grant to Area Service Groups The RM of Piney Council has awarded $6,400 to various service groups in the region so far for 2022 to support various events. The South Junction Community Club received $2,500 to put towards their Canada Day Celebration, the Sprague Community Centre received $1,500 for their Sprague Fest, Vassar Community Recreation Centre was awarded $1,500 for the Vassar Summer Camp and Woodridge Community Club can count on $900 towards the 3rd Annual Summer Fun on the Ridge.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

February 2022


Information Sought on Tragic Deaths of Family at the Emerson Border

Approximate area of the search near Emerson, Manitoba.

On the morning of January 19, RCMP officers with the Integrated Border Enforcement Team received concerning information from their counterparts in the United States. Specifically, the information outlined that officers with the US Customs and Border Protection had apprehended a group of individuals who had crossed into the US from Canada, near the town of Emerson. Further, it indicated that one of the adults had items meant for an infant but that no infant was with the group. Upon receiving this information at 9:23 am, a search was immediately launched on both sides of the border. RCMP officers were already patrolling the area and the search began at 9:24 am. Extensive patrols were conducted and, at approximately 1:30 pm, the bodies of three individuals were located on the Canadian side of the border, approximately 10 km east of Emerson. They were identified as an adult male, an adult female, a male toddler. Shortly after, the RCMP located another body, a young female in her mid-teens. All victims were located approximately 40 feet from the US/Canada border and subsequent autopsies showed they all died due to exposure to the cold weather.

Meanwhile, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Minnesota said 47-year-old Steve Shand of Florida was arrested on Wednesday by US Border Patrol for smuggling undocumented foreign nationals. The charges against him have not been proven in court. The United States Attorney’s Office said, on Wednesday US Border Patrol stopped Shand, who was driving a white-coloured, fifteen-passenger van in a rural area less than two kilometres south of the border. Their statement alleges there were two undocumented people in the van. According to the statement from the United States Attorney’s Office, while Shand and the two passengers were being taken to the Pembina Border Patrol Station in North Dakota by US Border Patrol, five more people were located just south of the border walking in the direction of where Shand had been arrested. The release said the five people told officers they had crossed the border expecting to be picked up by someone. The release said one of the members of the group was carrying a backpack with children’s clothes, a diaper, toys, and some children’s medication inside. The release said the man told officers he had been carrying the backpack for a fam-

ily of four that had walked with the group earlier but became separated during the night. The RCMP has now confirmed the identities of the four victims as Jagdish Patel, 35, his wife, Vaishali, 33, their daughter Vihanga, 12, and son Dharmik, 3. The family left Dingucha, a village of 3,000 people in the state of Gujarat. The RCMP is in regular contact with Indian consular officials who have arrived in Manitoba. The RCMP is continuing to conducting a thorough investigation and is working in close collaboration with US Customs and Border Protection and the US Department of Homeland Security. Currently, RCMP are working on developing any leads that show how the family travelled from Toronto to Emerson. The family had arrived in Toronto on January 12 and RCMP would like to know how they travelled to Emerson somewhere around January 18. According to the RCMP, there was no abandoned vehicle located on the Canadian side of the border and they believe this indicates that someone drove the family to the border and then left the scene. They know the Patel family moved around Canada for a period of time and they are looking for anyone that may have had encounters with them such as hotels, restaurants and gas stations.

The RCMP has now confirmed the identities of the four victims as Jagdish Patel, 35, his wife, Vaishali, 33, their daughter Vihanga, 12, and son Dharmik, 3. The family left Dingucha, a village of 3,000 people in the state of Gujarat. Photos submitted by RCMP

RCMP officers were already patrolling the area and the search began at 9:24 am. Extensive patrols were conducted and, at approximately 1:30 pm, the bodies of three individuals were located on the Canadian side of the border, approximately 10 km east of Emerson.


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

CRA: Banking and Online Access There are changes with the 2021 personal income taxes and other upcoming CRA changes this summer. And it will make it easier if you have online access to your Canada Revenue Agency CRA My Account. As I wrote in the January article, the Climate Action Incentive (CAI) will no longer be included in your 2021 taxes as a refundable credit (additional refund). It will be paid out quarterly starting July 2022. So, expect lower refunds. Or if you typically owe each year, expect it to be higher. Climate Action Incentive The CAI, or also known as the carbon tax rebate, has been paid to taxpayers since 2018 via their tax returns. Each year, many taxpayers have been receiving larger refunds due to the CAI. It has been increas-

ing each year. But that ends with the 2021 taxes. Since the payments will be made to you or your spouse on a quarterly basis from July 2022 to April 2023, it’s imperative that you both know that CRA has your correct banking information on file. If you have a spouse or common-law partner, only one of you can get the credit for the family. The credit will be paid to the spouse or common-law partner whose tax return is assessed first. Both of you need to confirm your banking with CRA. If both of you received tax refunds last year then you both know that CRA has correct banking for both of you. But what if only one of you normally gets refunds? Does the other spouse know that CRA has correct banking

information? Do you receive the GST Credit or Canada Child Benefit direct deposit from CRA? Then you know CRA has your correct banking information. What if you have not received anything from CRA direct deposit in the past year? CRA My Account Do you access your CRA My Account on a regular or periodic basis? If so, you already know all the information you can access: - view recent notice of assessments - confirm or update your banking information - confirm or update your address - check your RRSP contribution room - check your TFSA contribution room - view or change your marital status If CRA does not have banking information on file for you, the payment will be made by cheque. But does CRA have your correct address? Have you received your notice of assessment by regular mail in the past year? If not, you need to find out what address CRA has for you. Or what if CRA has old banking information? How do you know what they have if you haven’t received a direct payment from CRA in years? Maybe you have changed your banking since you last received any refund? You can make sure CRA pays it direct deposit, if you provide your banking information when you file your 2021 taxes. Online Banking If you use online banking, most banks and credit unions have a new service that allows you to submit your banking information to CRA. Look for “set up direct

deposit with CRA”. You add in your SIN and your bank sends your account information to CRA. Simple! Make sure both spouses do this individually with their own banking credentials. Part of the process includes confirming the names match from the online banking to CRA. Notice of Assessments There is another reason you should get online access to CRA My Account. CRA recently announced that they will be moving away from paper Notice of Assessments (NOA) being mailed to taxpayers. Since majority of taxpayers have their taxes filed online either by themselves or by a tax preparation firm like Ste. Anne Tax Service, all of these taxpayers will no longer receive a paper Notice of Assessment when they file their 2022 income taxes a year from now. Only taxpayers that paper file their taxes will continue to receive the paper Notice of Assessments in the mail. If you do not have access to your CRA My Account, I recommend you get registered now. Go to cra.gc.ca to get started. It takes a few weeks, so don’t wait until you need access. If you have previously signed up for CRA My Account but have forgotten your user ID and/or password, contact CRA and get it reset now. Represent a Client As your authorized representative we can view much of the same information as you do, except we do not have access to your banking information so we do not know which bank account CRA has on file for you. What we can do is provide new or replacement banking information when we file your tax return. We can view your address on file with CRA, but we cannot change it. But we can provide a new address when we file your taxes. If you cannot confirm what bank-

ing information has, we recommend you include a void cheque or your banking information (print out from bank) with the rest of your tax papers. Tax services like Ste. Anne Tax Service can always access your NOA if you have authorized us to view your CRA account. Like other tax services, we do charge an extra fee to print or send a PDF of your Notice of Assessment since you do receive it (or should be receiving it) from CRA either in the mail or only digitally starting a year from now. CRA opens February 21 CRA is open for e-filing and netfiling on February 21. That is the earliest anyone can electronically file their 2021 taxes. Remember that we can access most tax slips electronically from CRA, so don’t wait for your tax slips to come in the mail. Especially the ones from the government like OAS, CPP, EI or EIA. We can get these for you. If you have the rest of your information such as rent, you can contact us now and we can prepare your file so it’s ready for the week of February 21! Vaccinated For the safety and health of our clients, our employees, and the community, all our staff are fully vaccinated. Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste. Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@ sataxes.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

February 2022


Community Initiates Free Seed Library in Roseau River As the winter wears on, many of us itch to start our garden plants and get our hands back in the soil. Unfortunately, job and supply chain disruptions over the past two growing seasons have made certain seeds harder to come by. Paper shortages have led to seed catalogue delays while an increasing interest in home gardening has caused the demand for some seed varieties to exceed the supply. This could very well be a problem if it weren’t for the tremendous opportunities it provides. “Out of stock” messages mean tracking down alternate sources, which can lead to the discovery of smaller seed suppliers, many of which offer unique and fun alternatives to the norm, such as heirloom, open-pollinated, or native varieties of vegetables, grains and flowers. Another opportunity comes in the form of seed saving and sharing. For seasoned gardeners, seed sav-

ing is par for the course – a simple way of ensuring that our favourite or most successful foods and flowers can be planted again next year. Selecting seeds from fruits with favoured qualities like sweetness or resistance to environmental conditions, such as disease or drought, will result in those qualities becoming dominant over time. Saving and sharing our seeds offers a safeguard against crop failure when we can turn to our successful neighbours to help us recover from the loss. Moreover, sharing seed from our favourite plants is undeniably fun and a great way to cultivate relationships with other community members. Seed sharing is not new. In fact, seed swapping events have become quite popular in both urban and rural areas of Manitoba, our local community included. With specific times scheduled for these events, however, not everyone who would like to attend can.

Enter the Community Seed Library. Located in Artisan Hall at Reimer Concrete and Building Supplies in Roseau River, this seed exchange works just like our Little Free Libraries – take some seeds, share some seeds – with one difference. To make it easier to search for certain seeds, sharers are asked to clearly label their seeds, including the year they were harvested, and file them alphabetically by type, rather than variety. For example, “Scarlet runner bean, 2021” would be placed under “B”. If you are open to fielding questions about your seeds, consider including your name and/or phone number, as well. The more people who participate in the Community Seed Library, the more fun it will be! Contributions of both unique and common varieties of food and flowers have already been deposited and we look forward to seeing our local seed bank grow.

How to Start a Seed Library in Your Community

Seed exchange works just like our Little Free Libraries – take some seeds, share some seeds.

Submitted photo

You’ll also need a desktop computer with a seed database (or another system for keeping track). Free, open source databases are available online. Ask local gardeners for seed donations. Don’t worry about having a huge variety of seeds at first. Starting small is a good idea. Late summer and autumn (seed saving time) is the best time to request seeds. Decide on categories for your seeds. Many libraries use “super easy,” “easy,” and “difficult” classifications to describe the difficulty level involved in planting, growing, and saving the seeds. You’ll also want to divide seeds by the type of plant (i.e. flowers, vegetables, herbs, etc. or perennials, annuals, or biennial.) Include classifica-

tions for heirloom plants and native wildflowers. There are many possibilities, so devise the classification system that works best for you and your borrowers. Establish your ground rules. For example, do you want all seeds to be grown organically? Are pesticides okay? Gather a group of volunteers. For starters, you’ll need people to staff the library, sort and package seeds, and create publicity. You may want to promote your library by inviting professional or master gardeners to provide informational presentations or workshops. Spread the word about your library with posters, fliers, and brochures. Be sure to provide information about saving seeds!

If you’re interested in starting your own, then there are a few things to consider prior to creating seed libraries. Present your idea to a local group, such as a garden club or master gardeners. There is a lot of work involved, so you’ll need a group of interested people. Arrange for a convenient space, such as a community building. Often, actual libraries are willing to dedicate a space for a seed library (they don’t take up much space). Gather your materials. You’ll need a sturdy wooden cabinet with dividable drawers, labels, sturdy envelopes for the seeds, date stamps, and stamp pads. Local hardware stores, garden centers, or other businesses may be willing to donate materials.

Dennis Edwards fixed up an old box and Vivian Bott painted it (Cheaper Than Therapy Rustic Works), and donated it to Artisan Hall for their Seed Exchange.

One Step at a Time

Across the desktop of my computer screen I have an image of a paved, single-lane road that cuts through a thick, fall-coloured forest. The forest is dim on the sides but ahead where the road curves away from sight the trees are lit up with a beautiful golden light. Across this lovely picture are written two simple sentences. “One step at a time. You’ll get there.” I really like this phrase, or quote if you will. Some may think that it is too simple to give any real guidance or support. For me, when I read these words, I am encouraged. I often find myself feeling like I am coming up short. If I haven’t accomplished something BIG before bedtime, how will anything ever get anything done? If I haven’t written five-thousand words on my latest novel before I close my eyes, how will the novel ever get finished? “One step at a time. You’ll get there.” As I grow older, and sometimes wiser, I have found that I will often look back and reflect on moments of my life. Upon looking back, I have found that the times where I rushed to get something BIG done before bed I was often not at my happiest. After all, how can one enjoy and relish the task at hand when a person is in such a rush to get it done that they don’t have time to enjoy the very thing they are trading their life for? We all have only so many days on earth and we should strive to accomplish that which we need to do and have to do with joy. I for one don’t want to be on my deathbed, alone because I was too focused on getting the big things done and not spending time in joy with my family. “One step at a time. You’ll get there.” This quote helps me to realize that if I keep working at things, one step at a time, one bit each day, it’ll get done. I do realize that there are times when things do need to get done faster such as a burst water pipe or a fire that is out of control but I see this quote as an encouragement. I once worked at a factory building boats. One man pointed out to me that if I was told on my first day of work that I would need to build thousands of boats, I would quickly become overwhelmed. Now, if I was told that I would need to build five boats today, it wouldn’t be so bad. Sometimes we need to break down the bigger challenges in our lives to smaller, manageable pieces to avoid becoming overwhelmed and unable to move ahead. “One step at a time. You’ll get there.” Sometime, take a few quiet minutes and look back at the steps throughout your life and I’m sure that you’ll see, if you’re honest with yourself, that the little steps that you’ve taken have lead you to a greater place than one you could’ve imagined at the time that you were starting out. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

The Author of Love February is the month of love, with Valentine’s Day on the 14th, the middle of the month. Everyone talks about love but do we really know what real love is, where it comes from and what it involves? The Bible tells us God is the author of love, in fact I John 4:8 says, “God is love.” So if we examine how God interacts with His children (Christians), then we should see a demonstration of love. The following is not original but it does bear repeating. 1. God’s love involves ACCEPTANCE. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from or what you’ve done; as a child of God, Ephesians 1:6 tell us, “he hath made us accepted in the beloved.” That means if a person comes to God the Father through the Beloved (Christ, His Son), then God accepts them as His, just as if they were His own Son. In the world around us we see discrimination and alienation on the basis of race, sex, occupation, religion, vaccination, etc. But God’s love will accept anyone through His Son, no matter who they are. 2. God’s love includes AFFIRMATION. As God’s child He will remind you many times of His presence, support and approval. With all the difficulties, challenges and trials of life, it’s easy to think God isn’t there for His own. But His love affirms us that He is still with us, no matter the circumstance. 3. God’s love includes AFFECTION. When my children were young, just before bedtime, we would often spend time together, wrestling, talking or reading. Then when they went to bed, they would say their prayers and get a hug from Mom and Dad. If parents love their children, they show them affection. Have you ever spent quality time with God and let Him show you His love and affection? 4. God’s love will give you ATTENTION. Matthew 10:29-31 tells us God even notices if a sparrow falls to the ground. Then He says that His children are of more value to Him than a sparrow. In Genesis, Enoch “walked with God” and Abraham was a friend of God’s. God was also in the fiery furnace with Daniel’s three friends in Daniel 3. II Corinthians 1 tells us God is the God of all comfort. He comforts and consoles His Children through the tough times. Hebrews 13:5 says He, “will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” In Psalms 139 David said no matter where he went, God’s hand was there to lead him and hold him. 5. God’s love show’s RESPECT. Some people think if they love someone, then that person is somehow indebted to them and they try to control that person. But when God shows His love, He allows the person their God-given right to respond in their own way. John 3:16 tells us God loves us, sent His Son to die for us, but then gives us the respect and choice whether to accept His love or not. Have you accepted God’s love today? Are you His child? How does the love you give compare to God’s love? We all need His love and His help to love.

Registration Open for “There’s A Dad for That” Parenting Course The Steinbach Family Resource center is offering an in-person dad’s parenting course for dads with kids age 0 - 6 years called “There’s a dad for that”. It will be held Wednesday evenings at 6 pm on February 2, 9, 16, 23, and March 2. Numbers are restricted because of provincial health measures. To register call Maggie at 204-346-0413 or email maggie@steinbachfrc.ca.

Get Your Early Bird Tickets: Celebrate the Arts Fundraising Gala Don’t miss out on this year’s biggest arts event in the region. Get your early bird tickets before February 11 to make sure you get your discounts. Join us on Saturday, February 26 for the Celebrate the Arts Saturday Night (Almost) Live Virtual Fundraising Gala, where we deliver the cuisine, wine, entertainment, and online auctions right to your door. Stay tuned for the online auctions coming February 16, featuring local artwork, a spring roll workshop, a customized menu for 8 guests by Chef Suke, golf passes, and more. A table of 8 is great and your best deal; a portion of your tickets is eligible for a tax receipt. This year you can make your table a little bigger and enjoy an evening of fun with the people closest to you. Treat your household, friends, clients, or colleagues to a comedy-filled night. Get tickets at steinbacharts.ca or call 204-346-1077. Calling All Artists! SOJE 2022 Wants You! Do you like having your artwork proudly on display for the public? The Southeast Open Judged Exhibit application is now open. SAC’s open judged exhibit highlights the local artistic talent in our community. We invite you to take part and display your work in our annual SOJE exhibit, no matter the medium and the skill level. Applicants can submit any visual art form/medium, from Oil, Acrylic and Watercolour Painting, Charcoal, Ink, Pastels, Coloured Pencil, Pencil, Printmaking, Mixed Media to Digital Art, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Crafts, and Fibre

Arts. We encourage all artists to showcase their work regardless of their skill level. Artists can apply in the Competitive/Non-competitive Juvenile and Adult Category. There will be an entry fee of $10 for adults and no fee for ages 17 and under. Go to steinbacharts.ca/soje to submit your art entries today. Frankie Hargreaves Presents her Exhibit at SAC The Quiet Folklore and the Things No One knows Exhibit is now open for public viewing at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre until February 17. Nature is the primary inspiration for Frankie Hargreaves’s art as well as her life-long fascination with folklore; she often incorporates both in her artwork to tell stories that have been nearly forgotten with the passage of time. Bold and contrasting shades are a distinguishable feature of her art as well as odd but beautiful subject matter. Please plan your visit with us by calling 204-346-1077. We are committed to providing you a safe, healthy, and creative space to experience local art. Proof of vaccination is required. This exhibit is also made available online at steinbacharts.ca/virtualgallery. You can also read about her exhibit spotlight on our blog, “The Whole Human” at steinbacharts.ca/ sac-blog. New After School Arts Class – ASAP Improv Theatre After School Improv is a free drop-in for Grades 5 - 12, designed to help students learn Improv at any level. Our skilled instructor, Alan Fehr will help students learn the art of Improv whether they have never had an acting class or have starred in

their school play! This is a great way to learn a new skill, meet friends with shared interests, and creatively express yourself through acting. Join us at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre every Wednesday from February 2 – March 23 at 4:30 – 5:30 pm. Call Roxie/Tonya at 204-3461077 to save your spot today or visit steinbacharts.ca and register online. It’s Time to Renew Your SAC Membership and Receive Great Benefits Are you a previous SAC Member? Don’t forget to renew your membership today. We’ve lined up amazing benefits for you in appreciation of your support and you can use these benefits when you purchase a membership with us. Buy your membership online at steinbacharts.ca or call 204346-1077. Cost is $15 for Individual Residents, $20 for Individual Nonresidents,| $30 for Family Resident and $35 for Family Non-Resident. 2021-22 SAC Member Perks: - 10% off at Santa Lucia Pizza (Steinbach location) - 10% off at Coffee Culture (Steinbach location) - 10% off at Za Pizza (Steinbach location) - 10% off at Chicken Chef (Steinbach location) - 10% off at Old Church Bakery - 15% off at Janzen’s Paint & Decorating (all art supplies) - $2 off a 10lb box of farmer sausage from Country Meat Deli - Discounts on SAC Concert Series Package - 10% discount on SAC additional attractions, concerts, and events as stated - Reduced rental fees at SAC - Voting privileges at AGM

Southeast Open Judged Exhibit is Now Open for Artist Applications The Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) is inviting all adults and students to submit their artist applications until February 18 as part of the 24th Annual Southeast Open Judged Exhibit (SOJE). This open call is welcome to all adults over 18 and students 17 and under residing in the Southeast region. They are opening the judged exhibit this year with a new initiative, which is the Non-Competitive entry. The Non-competitive distinction is open to both adult and juvenile categories and will be displayed alongside all other competitive entries in

their respective category, which offers everyone a chance to showcase their artwork at this year’s SOJE in a supportive spirit. “This exhibit is one of the most exciting opportunities we have for local artists. It showcases the incredible talent that the region possesses and supports every age and medium imaginable” said a local organizer of the event. “And now, with the new non-competitive option, it opens the door even wider for aspiring artists who want to share their work.” Applicants can submit any visual art form, from oil, acrylic and wa-

tercolour painting, charcoal, ink, pastels, coloured pencil, pencil, printmaking, mixed media to digital art, photography, pottery, sculpture, crafts, and fibre arts. All artists are encouraged to showcase their work regardless of their skill level. Due to the limited space in the SAC gallery, artists may only enter one artwork per person. There is a registration fee of $10 for adult entrants and no fee for students. Apply today by visiting steinbacharts.ca/soje and for further questions, you can call Roxie at 204-346-1077.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

February 2022


Why Pray?

For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities Monday to Friday 9 am - 4 pm, call Sonja at 204-320-4603 or the reception desk at 204-320-4600. Current Programming: All indoor programming requires preregistration by calling 204-320-4600, an Immunization Card, and masks while moving indoors. Coffee Corner - Mon-Fri 10 am – 12 pm Cards/Games - Monday - Thursday, (Monday Bridge, Tuesday Yahtzee, Wednesday Crib, Thursday Domino) from 1 – 3 pm, pre-register, Member $2/ Non-Member $4 Drumming – Tuesday 1 - 1:45 pm, preregister, Member $2/ Non-Member $4 Badminton - starting February 1, Tuesday 6:30 - 8 pm; preregister to signup. Member $2/ Non-Member $4 PACE - Wednesday 1 - 1:45 pm, preregister; Member $2/ Non-Member $4 Old Time Country Jam – Wednesday 7 – 9 pm, Member $2/ Non-Member $4 Pickleball - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 am-12:30 pm. Member $2/NonMember $4. Register at patporteralc.com. Beginner Pickleball – Tuesday and Thursday, 2 - 4 pm. Register at patporteralc. com. Member $2/ Non-Member $4 Craft Workshops: Friday, January 28, from 1 – 3 pm. Calling all cardmakers, scrapbookers and complete newbies. Join these fun and easy to follow craft classes and learn how to make different types of cards and/or scrapbook pages. Using the high-quality supplies that are provided, you can feel free to let your creativity shine! $10 per person. Call 204-320-4600 to register. Painting Class: Tuesday, February 15 at 1:30 pm. Join local artist Doug Enns for a painting workshop suitable for all skill levels. All supplies are provided with a registration fee of $20 for members or $25 for non-members. Call 204-320-4600 to register. Steinbach Rockin’ Rollers: Sundays, 5 - 7 pm. No skill required! A fun new roller skating program is now offered at the Centre! All skill levels and ages welcome, and no pre-registration required. Cost to participate is $5 ($3 for Pat Porter members). Please bring your own roller skates and proof of vaccination. We hope to see you there!

Hogs & Kisses Valentine’s Day Special: Lunchtime Special on Monday February 14. For $10 you can order an amazing meal cooked by our very own staff. This lunchtime special can be delivered straight to your door (in Steinbach) or picked up at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre. A delicious meal of creamy mushroom soup, bacon wrapped pork tenderloin, scalloped potatoes au gratin, buttery peaches-ncream corn and a special dessert. Orders must be placed by Wednesday February 9 at 4 pm. Please call 204-320-4600 to order. Payment can be in person with cash, debit, credit or cheque. Pancake Breakfast: Thursday, February 24, 9:30 am – 12 pm, $7 per person. Start your morning off with a stack of pancakes and sausage from our Meals on Wheels kitchen. Stop by at the Centre anytime between 9:30 am and 12 pm to grab your stack. Old Time Country Dance: February 25, 7 – 11 pm featuring “Northern Reflections. Cost $12 for members, $15 for non-members. Potato-Cheddar and Cottage Cheese Perogies: Freshly made and for sale. Handmade by staff at the Centre, these perogies are delicious and ready to be enjoyed. $7 per dozen. Please call 204-320-4600 to order. Foot & Calf Massage: By appointment. Treat your feet and calves to a relaxing massage. Our massage machines emulate the same techniques used by massage professionals and are a wonderful treat to incorporate into your day. Appointments last 30 minutes and are $2 for members and $4 for nonmembers. Call 204-320-4600 and treat your feet today! Clinic-Footcare: A licensed footcare Nurses will take care of your feet and make sure they stay healthy. Call 204-320-4600 to make an appointment. Hearing Clinic: First Wednesday of the month, please call 1-800-661-2653 to make an appointment. Rentals - We have rooms of a variety of

sizes and prices. For pricing and room availability visit our website patporteralc. com, email programs@patporteralc.com or call 204-320-4600. Meals on Wheels: A healthy, warm and delicious meal cooked fresh daily and delivered to your door. We have two Meals on Wheels programs running out of Steinbach and Grunthal. Meals may be purchased for $7 for delivery (residents of Steinbach & Grunthal) or pickup. A meal includes soup, a main dish, sides and dessert. Call 204-320-4600 with any questions or to order a meal. To receive a same day meal, you must call before 9 am. Community Resources: Transportation Program, Equipment Loan program, Friendly Visitor program and ERIK. Call 204-320-4600 if you require access to any of these resources. Circle of Friends Adult Day Program: Our Circle of Friends program is designed to strengthen an individual’s ability to continue to function in their homes as well as remain active in the community. The program runs twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Transportation can be arranged through Steinbach Handi Van. We have lots of coffee and snacks; participate in light exercise and arts and crafts or games. We often have special guests who perform live music and go out for lunch in the community. For more information, please call 204-320-4600. Volunteering: All volunteer positions require a Criminal Record Check. To find out how you can help, call 204-320-4600 or email programs@patporteralc.com. Memberships: Now’s the time to purchase your 2022 membership for $30 each. Stop by the Centre to purchase yours. Why become a member? - Decreased program rates - Discounts on special events - Discount on rentals of the building - Voting privileges at the AGM - Supports the Centre directly so we can continue to provide programs, activities and services to you!

Late Betty White Social Media Challenge Garners Local Success! By Angelique Forest Funny woman Betty White is still making people smile even after her recent passing. A worldwide social media campaign to honour her passion for helping animal charities took on a local twist as donations celebrating a cause close to her heart were received by the Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue (SAAR). Almost $3,500 was raised for SAAR thanks to the social media challenge established to coincide what would have been the actress’s 100th birthday on January 17. Betty White passed peaceBetty White was a passionate supporter of animal fully in her sleep December 31, 2021. charities throughout her life. Photo from Facebook “We are blown away by the amount

of support! Thank you so much to all those who donated,” posted SAAR on their Facebook page. “We could not be more thankful for our community; so many animals can be helped with this amount!” SAAR received $3,472 from the campaign. The donations totaled over $163,000 province wide. Additionally SAAR would like to remind everyone they are in high need of fosters for the animals in their care. You can contact them through their Facebook or their website at steinbachanimalrescue.com for more information about how to become a foster.

John 17:9-11… 9) I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours, 10) All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. 11) I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. (NIV) There is an old saying. “Those who pray within their homes, surround them with a wall that is stronger than iron.” Have we ever asked ourselves the question, why is it important to pray? Well, first, prayer is important because it changes attitudes. It removes the mysteries that so many folks struggle with. It opens our minds so that we may know what is right and what is wrong. But there is another point we must explore; prayer quiets our fears and calms our nerves. How many times have we prayed out of fear of the unknown? How many times have we prayed because we were hopelessly at an end? How many times have we prayed; to do otherwise would have caused us to give up? We may come to prayer distressed, but when we give our worries to the Lord, we come away carefree and confident. Prayer is after, all making deliberate contact with God in word or thought. We become co-workers with God in matters of future events. When we pray, we spend time in His presence; His thoughts gradually become our thoughts, and his ways our ways. Prayer changes the way we think. My thoughts will go beyond my selfish nature; I open my mind for Christ to speak to me privately. Prayer must never be an attempt to bend the will of God to our sinful desires; prayer ought always to be an attempt to submit our wills to the will of God. Prayer transfers our burden. Who in his right mind would say, or even think about hanging unto all the heavy burdens that life brings? We cannot forget to mention this one more point, prayer upholds others in need. Now, why did I have to say that? Always others are they not able to pray for themselves, are they so helpless that we should spend our free time in prayer for those who cannot seem to handle life’s problems? But wait a minute! Jesus prayed for others! Prayers have helped me to find victory, and I know that they were not my prayers only, but the prayers of many others. Prayer is the way we help bear one another’s burdens. Intercession occurs when we earnestly labour in prayer for others. There are times when it involves great emotional and spiritual labour to take the burdens of another person into the very presence of the Lord. These few Scripture verses quoted encourage us to be full of the joy of the Lord. We must strive to be unselfish and gentle in all that we do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. We are not to worry about everything; instead, we are to pray about everything. Telling God our needs, not our wants and we must not forget to thank Him for His answers. If we do this, we will know God’s peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. God’s peace will keep our thoughts and our hearts quiet and at rest as we put our trust in Christ Jesus, To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have peace in my heart, I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honor to Your Name.” Amen.


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

RCMP FILES If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Oakbank RCMP Respond to Fatal Snowmobile Collision On January 17 at 2:25 pm, Oakbank RCMP responded to a report of a snowmobile collision that occurred in a field near a rural property located on Pleasant Road in the RM of Springfield. Officers attended the scene and were flagged down by several individuals who were providing medical assistance to the snowmobile driver. The investigation has determined that a 72-year-old male, from the RM of Springfield, was operating a snowmobile in a field when he collided with a fence on the property. The driver of the snowmobile, who was not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision was pronounced deceased on scene. Speed and alcohol are not believed to be a factor in the collision.

Falcon Beach RCMP Investigate Fatal Single-Vehicle Collision On January 27 at approximately 12:10 pm, Falcon Beach RCMP responded to a single-vehicle collision just off Highway 1, on the exit ramp to Falcon Lake. A truck with a hydraulic crane for logging, was attempting to go under the overpass when it collided with the structure, causing it to come to an abrupt stop. A driver in the vehicle following the truck pulled over immediately and called 911, and came to the aid of the driver and lone occupant of the truck. Falcon Beach RCMP, along with Emergency Medical Services, arrived on scene and began performing CPR. The driver, a 77-year-old male from Falcon Lake, was pronounced deceased at the scene. Speed and alcohol were not factors in the collision. Falcon Beach RCMP, along with a Forensic Collision Reconstructionist, continues to investigate.

Police Seek Leads on Copper Theft and Property Damage On January 14 at approximately 8:08 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of theft of copper wire and mischief to property. The incident occurred at a gravel pit located off of Highway 302 in the RM of Tache and would have occurred between January 13 at 5 pm and 6:30 am on January 14. The total amount of property damage and theft is $25,000. Police are looking for assistance from the public with any information regarding this matter. If you have information regarding this matter, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Thieves Target Construction Site and Business for Tools On January 30 at approximately 8:30 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a Break and Enter that took place overnight in the area of McKenzie Avenue and Bushfarm Road. As a result, an office trailer was broken into and approximately $3,000 - $4,000 worth of tools were taken from the construction site. Additionally, at approximately 3:15 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report that a business located on Keating Road in Steinbach had been broken into overnight. Power tools were stolen from the business. If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at (204) 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Arrested on Warrants, Stolen Item Cache Discovered On Friday December 17 Steinbach RCMP attended a residence in Richer and arrested one male that was wanted on several outstanding warrants. While on scene, members of the Steinbach RCMP Detachment located several stolen vehicles, including; two stolen trucks, two stolen trailers, an Arctic Cat snowmobile and an ATV. Justin Klassen was arrested on three outstanding warrants and possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000 x4 and possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000. Klassen was remanded into custody.

Snowmobiles and Trailer Stolen in Steinbach On January 24, Steinbach RCMP received a call about stolen snowmobiles and trailer. The 2 snowmobiles are described as Arctic cat, one green and the other one is orange and were on the trailer when stolen. The incident happened sometimes overnight on Penner Street in Steinbach. Steinbach RCMP is asking the public assistance in locating the stolen property. If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Early Morning Vehicle Theft in Steinbach On January 13 at 6:33 am, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a vehicle theft which occurred approximately 15-20 minutes prior to the report. The vehicle is described as a 2017 Hyundai Elantra, grey in colour with Manitoba plate HS5502 and occurred on Parkview in Steinbach. If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

RCMP Request Public Help in Finding Man Wanted with Warrants Steinbach RCMP are requesting the public’s assistance in locating Matthew Dueck. Dueck is currently wanted on Unendorsed Warrant for Fail to comply with release order x3. If you have any information in regards of Matthew Dueck, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Staff Assaulted at Fast Food Restaurant On December 4, the Steinbach RCMP received a report of an irate customer at the McDonalds in Steinbach. The incident occurred at approximately 11 am. The customer became upset with the staff over an order at the drive through. The irate customer threw the order of food at the drive through employee hitting the employee. The customer also hit a new order of food out of the hand of a manager who was talking to him. Then the customer returned inside the store and threw a coffee toward the employees inside the McDonalds. The suspect is described as a Caucasian male in his 40’s. He is bald with a beard and has a heavy a build. He left driving a blue Chrysler 200 with LP KUE600. If you have any information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at (204) 326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com. UPDATE 25 January 2022: Steinbach RCMP say the individual has turned himself in to police. No other details have been provided.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Arrest Warrant Obtained for Michael Gordon Jackson In consultation with crown prosecutors, the Saskatchewan RCMP charged Michael Gordon Jackson with one count, abduction in contravention of custody or parenting order, contrary to Section 282(1) of the Criminal Code. Additionally, investigators obtained a Canadawide warrant for Michael Gordon Jackson’s arrest. RCMP believes Jackson could be in Manitoba. Investigators believe individuals may be aiding or assisting Michael Gordon Jackson in evading police. It is important to remember this activity may result in criminal code charges. Individuals with information related to this are asked to contact police or report information anonymously to Crime Stoppers. We are also seeking the public’s assistance to help locate his daughter, 7-year-old Sarah Jackson, who is believed to be with him. “Sarah, we want you to know that you are not in any trouble,” said Chief Superintendent Tyler Bates, Officer in Charge of the Saskatchewan RCMP South District. “Your mom misses you very much and we have police officers doing what they can so you can see her again soon.” 7-year-old Sarah Jackson is described as being Filipino/Caucasian, 4 feet 2 inches tall, 76 pounds with long, waist-length brown hair that is all one length with no bangs. She has brown/hazel-coloured eyes and last had teal-coloured eyeglasses that she wears most of the time. Since January 5, when an enforceable court order was issued, investigators have followed up on several tips and reported sightings of Michael Gordon Jackson and his 7-year-old daughter, Sarah Jackson. Every one of these has been thoroughly investigated and police officers have determined all sightings reported to police were not Michael Gordon Jackson or his daughter. This included officers attending to multiple businesses to view surveillance video. Investigators are ensuring Sarah’s legal guardian is

7-year old Sarah Jackson.

Michael Gordon Jackson.

aware of all steps officers are taking to locate the child. Additionally, officers continue to work closely with and consult with crown prosecutors as well as other government and community partners. The Saskatchewan RCMP continues to ask for the public’s assistance in locating Michael Gordon Jackson and his 7-yearold daughter. At this time, the criteria are not met for an Amber Alert. Investigators continue to assess the circumstances and information related to this file on an ongoing basis and as new information is reported to the police. “Locating Michael Gordon Jackson and Sarah is a top priority for Saskatchewan RCMP officers,” said Chief Superintendent Tyler Bates, Officer in Charge of the Saskatchewan RCMP South District. “Our investigators are diligently following up on all tips and reported sightings. Every piece of information received is thoroughly examined and investigated. The charge laid against Michael Gordon Jackson is significant. The seriousness of the charge is reflected in the fact that the Saskatchewan RCMP has laid 34 charges in relation to 21 investigations since 1998. We are committed to locating Michael Gordon Jackson and reuniting Sarah with her mom.” Michael Gordon Jackson is described as a 52-year-old male, weighing approximately 250 pounds with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He typically wears glasses. He does not have a known vehicle. He resides in the Carievale, Saskatchewan area and may have connections to the communities of Dilke, Oxbow, Alameda, Regina, Saskatchewan and Lamont, Alberta. However, he may be in other communities. Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Michael Gordon Jackson or his daughter is asked to call the Saskatchewan RCMP at 310RCMP-7267 or 306-780-5563. Information can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1‐800‐222‐TIPS (8477) or saskcrimestoppers.com.

February 2022


Two Week Crime Spree Leads to Multiple Charges After Arrest During the early morning hours on December 5 the Steinbach RCMP and Steinbach Fire Department responded to two separate fires. An abandoned house on the 500 block of Hespeler Street was reported to be on fire. Responding RCMP officers were able to safely extinguish the fire before there was extensive damage to the house. Within two hours, a vehicle was set on fire on the 100 block of Barkman Avenue in Steinbach. The Steinbach Fire Department was able to safely put out the fire without damage to other property. During the morning hours of December 13, a Honda Civic was stolen from the 100 block of First Street West in the City of Steinbach. This vehicle was used during the commission of several other offences that took place over the next two days. A short time after the vehicle was stolen; gas, cigarettes and food items were stolen from a business in Mitchell. An adult male, acting alone, was determined to be responsible. During the morning hours of December 15, a male operating the stolen Honda Civic attended a business in Lorette, and stole gas. The same male then attended a business in Tourond, and committed a robbery while using a firearm, which was later determined to be

an airsoft weapon. Within four hours, the same male attended a business in the 3000 block of Pembina Highway in Winnipeg and committed a robbery using the same airsoft weapon. Within an hour of the robbery in Winnipeg, the same male attended a business at Deacon’s Corner in the RM of Springfield. A third robbery was completed and the male left the scene in the stolen Honda Civic. Within two hours the stolen vehicle was located abandoned and on fire in the RM of Tache. A joint investigation involving the Steinbach RCMP (General Investigation Section), Springfield Police Service, Oakbank RCMP Detachment, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP Detachment, East District CREST (Crime Reduction and Enforcement Support Team) and the Major Crimes Unit of the Winnipeg Police Service was undertaken. On January 14, the Steinbach RCMP arrested a 21 year-old male from the RM of Hanover, just outside of Steinbach. Also on this date, the male was involved in a family dispute and has been charged with additional offences. The complete list of charges are Arson and Damage to Property x 3; Theft Under $5,000 x 2; Theft of a Motor Vehicle; Robbery while using an Imitation Weapon x 3;

Possession of Property Obtained by Crime x 2; Assault with a Weapon x 4 and Uttering Threats x 4. The 21-year old male, Tobias Renz, has been remanded into custody and is awaiting his next court date. The investigation is ongoing and Steinbach RCMP are requesting the public’s assistance. If you have information regarding this matter, please call Steinbach RCMP at 204-3264452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com. Steinbach RCMP would like to thank all of those who have assisted with this investigation.

Suspect photos which led to the arrest.


February 2022

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Steinbach Chamber Reflects on Generosity and Innovation Reflecting on the past year, the Steinbach Chamber recognizes with gratitude a year of generosity and innovation within the local business community. While the past two years have been anything but easy for businesses, the Steinbach

Chamber continues to work as the voice of business in our community at all levels of government. In 2021, the Steinbach Chamber maintained a strong focus on leading growth and connecting people in our community.

“While we recognize the intense challenges our business community has faced in the past two years, we would be amiss to ignore the inspiring experiences of generosity and innovation that have also taken place,” said Michelle Bezditny, Ex-

ecutive Director for the Chamber. “We have received positive feedback from many business owners about creative and innovative ways in which they’ve pivoted operations to stay open.” Part of the Steinbach Chamber’s

mandate is to provide opportunities to connect to the resources and networks you need to grow your business, be more profitable, and attain success. While that may have looked different in the past two years, the Steinbach Chamber is pleased that members continue to find value in its events, resources, and expertise. “Our members have communicated that building connections and networking is significant to their success,” said Bezditny. “Hearing that, the Chamber sought to provide virtual opportunities for connection in 2021, including our Virtual ‘Speed Networking’ Mixers, online Lunch & Learn events, Young Leaders Breakfast Series, weekly Chamber Chats, our Roundtable Mentor Event, and others. Events like these foster new valuable business connections but also help to maintain important existing relationships as well.” Alongside the connections and networking component, there is the ever-growing promotion and education of what it means to ‘Support Local’ in our community. “At the Chamber, I think it’s fair to say we are extremely passionate about supporting local and the farreaching community benefits that result when we do so,” said Bezditny. “When you support local business, you support the local economy, local families, local sports and recreation opportunities, and local non-profits. It’s really a win-win situation.” In line with supporting the love for local, the Chamber successfully executed many initiatives in 2021. July 2021 saw the Chamber’s first ever “Backyard Tourist” contest, encouraging local consumers to shop local and post pictures on social media for a chance to win one of ten $150 local prize packs. Over 26,000 people viewed posts on social media and the Chamber website. In September 2021, the Chamber hosted its fourth annual “Steinbach Burger Days” event. A record 19 local restaurants featured signature burgers to tickle taste buds across the southeast. During the week, over 12,500 burgers were sold, generating $195,000 in total sales, with each restaurant selling between 1501,500 burgers. The Steinbach Chamber launched a new “Celebrate Supporting Local” promotional video in December 2021; highlighting the tangible impacts that supporting local has on the community. The video has quickly become a source of community pride on social media. The Chamber’s first “A Merry Local Christmas Campaign” took place in December 2021. This campaign saw promotion of shopping local during the holiday season. Local businesses were provided an opportunity to promote a holiday special or deal on the Chamber’s website. Local consumers were encouraged to buy local, brag about their purchase on social media, and tag local businesses and friends for a chance to win one of three $500 local gift baskets. Over 21,000 people viewed posts on social media and the Chamber website.

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