Dawson Trail Dispatch November 2020

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

COVID Codes Cause Confusion

Map of new Red and Orange zones.

By Marianne Curtis For the first two weeks of November, the RM of Tache, Ritchot and Town of Niverville will be joining Winnipeg in a Code Red lockdown, while the rest of the province slips into Code Orange. The province made this decision on October 30, while reporting an end of week record breaking total of 480 new cases, 94 of which were reported in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region. In October the Manitoba test positivity rate is close to 9%. Code Red means there is extensive community transmission of COVID-19 and is not contained putting significant strains on our health care system. The alert level indicates there are widespread outbreaks and new clusters that

Business owners such as Tashia Lapiere, owner of Ste. G’s General Continued on Page 3... Store in Ste. Genevieve are left explaining changes to customers.

November 2020

Pandemic Response System Codes Provincial Response Level: RESTRICTED Community transmission of COVID19 is occurring. However, the virus is being transmitted at levels that public health and the health system can manage. The Chief Provincial Public Health Officer has set the response level to orange. - Stay home when sick. - Practise social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing and cough etiquette. - Mask use is mandatory in indoor public places. - Vulnerable people, such as seniors, are encouraged to exercise additional caution. - Limit private and public group gathering sizes to a maximum of five people in addition to a household. - Individuals identified as having COVID-19 or a close contact of someone with COVID-19 must immediately enter mandatory isolation/self-isolation (quarantine) until public health officials advise they can end isolation/self-isolation (quarantine). Additional guidance on self-isolation for confirmed cases and close contacts. - Non-essential travel outside of Manitoba is strongly discouraged. Individuals who travelled internationally or domestically (east of Terrace Bay, ON) must go into mandatory self-isolation (quarantine) for 14 days from the date of arrival to Manitoba. Additional guidance and exemptions to self-isolation for travellers. - Businesses must operate in accordance with the public health order and in a manner that prevents transmission of COVID-19. Additional guidance for businesses in the Restricted Level. The following additional restrictions are in force province wide: Restricted Travel to Northern Manitoba: RESTRICTED With increased case numbers in southern Manitoba, Public Health has implemented travel restrictions to northern Manitoba and remote communities, effective Friday, September 4th. Winnipeg Metropolitan Region: CRITICAL Additional restrictions came into effect 12:01 a.m. on Monday, November 2, 2020. See more on Page 3...

November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

WWII Veteran Shares Story of Lifelong Service and Loss of Limb On Remembrance Day this year, many Canadians will be reflecting on the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. Among those will be war amputee veteran Bob Gondek, of Toronto, who also carries a physical reminder of that pivotal time in history. At the age of 96, Bob can still vividly recall serving alongside the Allied Forces with the 2nd Polish Corps during the Italian Campaign. “We were climbing a hill, heavily laden with equipment carried by mules,” recalled Gondek. “Germans were above and could easily see us. Their machine gun fire pinned us to the ground. We had to deal with completely unknown terrain and extreme darkness. Finally, I found a soft spot where I could seek temporary shelter. In the morning, I realized I was lying on corpses, buried in shallow graves.” In 1944, he was based outside Loretto, Italy, when heavy gun fire broke out. “Without any order, I crawled up to them [the enemy] and threw a grenade,” said Gondek. “I acted instinctively.” After a short period of silence, the enemy began firing mortars. “I remember an explosion and the smell of gunpowder,” he said. “I then realized that my weapon was gone and, in the place where my hand held the machine gun, there was nothing. I had lost part of my left arm below the elbow. I felt like I was dying because my whole life flashed before my eyes.” Gondek also had extensive injuries around his leg and hip and spent five months recover-

Bob Gondek has dedicated a lifetime of service to The War Amps, holding various positions within the Association. He also became an inspiration to other amputees, showing them that Submitted photo. an amputation is not a barrier to living a full and active life.

ing in the hospital. He was awarded the Virtuti Militari, the Polish equivalent of the Victoria Cross, for his valour in destroying two enemy machine gun nests. He also received the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restitua from Poland, the Cross of Valour, Merit Cross, Second Corps Army Medal and Monte Cassino Commemorative Cross. In 1954, Gondek immigrated to Canada where he became a member of The War Amps, an Association originally started by amputee veterans returning from the First World War to help each other adapt to their new reality as amputees. Gondek has dedicated a lifetime of service to The War Amps, hold-

ing various positions within the Association. He also became an inspiration to other amputees, showing them that an amputation is not a barrier to living a full and active life. “You have to teach by example,” said Gondek. “I don’t have an arm, but I enjoyed playing golf.” Over the years, he has helped educate the younger generation about the horrors of war by going to schools and giving speeches to students. For the last 50 years on Remembrance Day, he has also laid a wreath to honour his comrades. “I’m grateful that I have been able to take part in these ceremonies. It’s important to me that I pay tribute to my fellow veterans and all those who lost their lives,” said Gondek.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, there will be no public gatherings on Remembrance Day in 2020. This year commemorations will be virtual. We suggest watching the National Remembrance Day Ceremony broadcast from Ottawa on TV or stream it live online at https://www.facebook.com/CanadianLegion/ as an alternative to pay your respects this year. And as always please observe two minutes of silence at 11:00 AM on November 11th.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November 2020

COVID Codes Cause Confusion

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cannot be controlled through testing and contact tracing. The virus is being transmitted at levels that public health and the health system deem concerning or critical. Under Code Red, most non-essential services are closed or limited for two weeks. Code Orange means community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring. Masks are mandatory in public places, crowd limit restrictions are implemented at businesses and functions to name just a few. In addition some areas within the region have been placed in a restrictive zone due to possible exposure within schools and businesses as well as the Medicine unit of Bethesda Regional Health Centre that was moved in Code Red critical after an outbreak was declared. The changing of the codes has led to some confusion, especially with people traveling from community to community. In Tache, masks have been mandatory for awhile now, but in Steinbach most businesses are allowing customers in without masks. Business owners such as Tashia Lapiere, owner of Ste. G’s General Store in Ste. Genevieve are left explaining this to customers. Ste. Genevieve is located in a panhandle of the RM of Tache, closer to Richer and Ste. Anne in the RM of Ste. Anne, than Lorette and Winnipeg. “I feel the biggest challenge is for our community and customer base to realize we ARE part of the WMR and how that affects our store,” said Lapiere. “We are not CHOOSING these restrictions, but rather abiding by them and in turn, doing our part for the greater good! It’s a bit

tough when we have a community that has kids attending school, or parents working outside the home in an orange area, but they live in the red zone. It feels conflicting and we have definitely heard this from our customer base.” Lapiere said that as a business owner, she wants her staff and customers to be safe, so she has invested in a lot of extra protocols. “This obviously comes as an additional cost and is not something we will expect to get back. But, it is a part of doing business during a pandemic,” Lapiere added. While the protocols and codes have confused some, what has not been confusing is the level of community support the little country store has seen over the past seven months. “What we have seen, is strong community support. Whether it was at the beginning of the pandemic months ago, or until our last customer of the day today, our community is here and super supportive,” Lapiere continued. “They have shown us how important this store is as a vital part of the community and we are encouraged by that. We have been blown away by their support and understanding during this time.” Manitobans are strongly encouraged to focus on several fundamentals to help stop the spread of COVID-19. People must stay home if sick. Wash/ sanitize hands, cover coughs and physically distance when with people outside one’s household. If you cannot physically distance, you should wear a mask to help reduce your risk. Reduce the number of close contacts outside your household, and avoid closed-in or crowded spaces.

Winnipeg Metropolitan Region: CRITICAL Effective 12:01 a.m. Monday, November 2, 2020 New COVID-19 public health orders were issued for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region by the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer on November 1, 2020. These orders come into effect at 12:01 a.m. on November 2, 2020 and remain in effect for two weeks. These orders replace the orders issued on October 19, 2020. Under the new orders: - The maximum size of gatherings is five people. This applies to ceremonies such as weddings and funerals and social events like banquets and receptions, as well as informal gatherings such as dinners and house parties. - Gatherings involving more than five persons may take place if: (a) the number of persons attending does not exceed 15 per cent of the usual capacity of the place or premises where the gathering is held; (b) the place or premises where the gathering is held is physically divided into separate areas which contain no more than five persons each; and (c) persons in each area are prevented from coming into close proximity with persons in another area during the gathering as well as when entering or leaving. - All community, cultural and religious gatherings are to be at 15 per cent of a site’s capacity or 100 people, whichever is lower. - Restaurants and other public food establishments, and bars, beverage rooms, brew pubs, micro-breweries and distilleries are required to close to in-person dining. Take-out, delivery and drive-thru services may continue. - Grocery stores and pharmacies must maintain site capacity at 50 per cent. All other retail capacity is reduced to 25 per cent or five people, whichever is higher (not including employees). eService, pick-up or delivery is recommended whenever possible. People are encouraged to limit the number of people from each household who go shopping. - There is no change to school requirements at this time. Blended learning options are required for grades 9 to 12. Voluntary blended learning options can temporarily be available for kindergarten to Grade 8. Schools are advised to ensure as much physical distancing as possible (two metres). Cohorts or remote/blended learning is required when this is not possible. - Elective and non-urgent surgery and diagnostic services may

be postponed. Urgent and emergency surgeries, procedures and diagnostic services will continue. Hospital visitation is suspended, with exceptions made on a case-by-case basis for patients receiving endof-life care, in labour and delivery, as well as in pediatrics. - Gyms and fitness centres are to maintain site occupancy at 25 per cent of a site’s capacity. Mask use is mandatory, even while exercising. Contact information for attendees/patrons must be collected. - All casinos, VLTs, recreational facilities, group sports, arcades, bowling alleys, all indoor and outdoor sport facilities, museums, galleries, libraries, movie theatres and concert halls are closed. - The maximum occupancy of personal service businesses is limited to 50 per cent of their usual occupancy or one person for each 10 square metres of the premises that is open to the public, whichever is less. For further information on the businesses that are subject to this requirement, please see the orders. Individuals in the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region must also: - Wear a mask in all indoor public places. - Stay home when sick. - Practice social distancing, hand washing/sanitizing and cough etiquette. - Follow public health guidance on travel and self-isolation. - Vulnerable people, such as seniors, are encouraged to exercise additional caution. Previous provisions in place for all other sectors, not listed above, in this region remain in place. Further direction or additional restrictions may put in place by public health at any time. Previous provisions in place for all other sectors, not listed above, in this region remain in place. Further direction or additional restrictions may put in place by public health at any time. The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region includes the City of Winnipeg, the municipalities of East St. Paul and West St. Paul and the following rural municipalities in other health regions: - Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority: City of Selkirk, Town of Stonewall, Town of Teulon, RM of Rockwood, RM of Springfield, RM of St. Andrews, RM of St. Clements (including Birds Hill Provincial Park), and the Village of Dunnottar. - Southern Health - Santé Sud -Rural Municipality (RM) of Cartier, RM of Headingley, RM of Macdonald, RM of Ritchot, RM of St. François Xavier, RM of Taché and the Town of Niverville. The rest of Manitoba is in the Restricted (orange) level. Public health officials may place the province or other regions or facilities in an elevated response level at any time. See www.gov.mb.ca for additional specifics.

November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

What Else Does Justin Trudeau Have to Hide? Canadians deserve an ethical government. Back in August, Justin Trudeau shut down Parliament to stop the multiple investigations into his unethical behaviour in the WE Scandal. He shut down Parliament – despite the serious economic and social consequences arising from COVID-19 – hoping Canadians would forget about the nearly $1 billion dollars he gave to an organization that paid members of the Trudeau family upwards of half a million dollars. On the same day, he released documents to the Finance Committee that were heavily blacked out. He also prevented the release of documents to the Ethics Committee that would have revealed how much money he and his family had been paid by the WE organization. With the return of Parliament in late September, Justin Trudeau’s

effort to keep Canadians in the dark continued. The Prime Minister even went so far as to threaten a snap election, all to prevent Canadians from getting to the truth. Liberal members on the Finance and Ethics committees filibustered - a tactic used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote by means of obstruction and extending debate on the measure -to prevent the committee from receiving vital evidence. Why go through all this effort if there is nothing to hide? Justin Trudeau has broken trust with Canadians again and again. He has been found guilty of violating ethics laws, again and again. So at a time when more Canadians are relying on the government than ever before, Canadians need to know they can trust their government. Canadians deserve answers.

They deserve to know if the Prime Minister is using COVID-19 to line the pockets of his friends and family. Canadians deserve to know what else Justin Trudeau is hiding from them. Conservatives will continue to press for those vital answers. Under the leadership of Erin O’Toole, Conservatives will continue to hold the Trudeau government to account and work to bring good, ethical government back to Canada. Community Heroes Part 2 A while back, I asked Provencher residents to send in stories and nominate people as community heroes. People who, despite the current circumstances, have gone above and beyond to serve their community. The South East Whiteshell Fire Department is comprised of 37 nonpaid volunteers: 13 Executive Members and 26 Fire Fighters. This team provides close to 5000 volunteer hours, annually,

often under the most grueling of circumstances. Their executive team also contributes more than 1000 volunteer hours, annually. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, these brave men and women have risen to that challenge and continued to provide excellent service to their region. During an average twelve-month period, the volunteers of the South East Whiteshell Fire Department would attend approximately fifty 9-1-1 calls. However, this past summer alone, these brave men and women have already responded to 39 calls, including: Three fatal accidents. One vehicle rollover. Six lost/injured hikers. Three vehicle fires. Two EMS Assists. Two boaters in distress. A two-year-old on a floater drifting away. A fuel spill at a gas station. Fourteen hydro pole fires (nine of them in a 4-hour period between 6 pm and 10:30 pm Sunday September 6, 2020). These brave volunteers’ sign

on to hold the nozzle end of the hose, whatever the weather. To be abruptly awakened in the middle of the night. To have a family dinner interrupted, miss birthdays, and sweat like never before. To risk their own health, in some cases their own lives. They have gone above and beyond this year and are truly community heroes. As MP for Provencher, I want to thank them and all our brave first responders for their service to our community. For more information on this or any issue please feel free to contact my office toll free at 1-866333-1933 or at 204-326-9889. Visit me on Facebook at: Facebook.com/TedFalkMP. You may also write my office at 76 PTH 12N, Steinbach MB, R5G 1T4 or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

Wear a Mask, Your Community Needs Your Help! The South East Whiteshell Fire Department is comprised of 37 nonpaid volunteers: 13 Executive Members and 26 Fire Fighters. Submitted photo.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Manitoba continues to grow and effective November 2, the entire province has been moved to Orange under the Pandemic Response System, while the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region has been moved to Red, or critical. As a community, we need to adhere to the new orders and support each other in following the rules to help slow the spread of COVID-19. It is our goal that these new restrictions will help halt the spread of this virus in order to ensure our health care system is there for those who need it. We have pleaded with Manitobans to follow the fundamentals and to significantly reduce their contacts, and the numbers continue in the wrong direction. It is clear that further action is needed, and it is needed now. Fundamentals include simple every day things such as staying home if you are sick, wash and sanitize your hands, cover your cough, physically distancing yourself when you are with people outside your bubble and wearing a mask if you aren’t able to physically distance yourself or are in public to help protect yourself and your community. Participating in large gatherings increases the possibility of spreading COVID-19 yet this

continues to happen despite health orders urging these to cease and limit both private and public group gathering sizes to 5 people. The chief provincial public health officer urges Manitobans to not socialize with people from outside their household to cut down the number of close contacts, and avoid closed-in spaces. COVID-19 is resilient, however Manitobans are more resilient and together we will prevail. This virus can be beaten and our government’s number one priority is to protect Manitobans and to ensure our healthcare system is there when we need it. We have increased access to COVID19 testing and contact tracing, to ensure Manitobans can safely get a test when they need one. More test sites have opened, and more will open in the coming weeks. A new appointment-booking system introduced in Winnipeg, has been expanded to several sites in rural and northern Manitoba. People can call 1-855-268-4318 or go online to make appointments to get a COVID-19 test at manitoba.ca/covid19/updates/testing.html#appointment. A new micro-credential offered at Red River College to train healthcare providers on how to safely preform a nasal swab to collect samples to test for the virus has already seen its first graduates. Officials have also been working with Doctors Manitoba and commu-

nity-based doctors’ offices to offer COVID-19 testing. To-date, the Dakota Medical Centre at 17-845 Dakota St. in Winnipeg has begun offering testing and has already expanded its hours. Testing at additional locations will become available in the coming days. Moving the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region to Red and Manitoba to Orange may seem drastic or scary. Some people may wrongly believe these restrictions are against their personal rights and freedoms and shouldn’t apply to them. To those people, I say that your community needs you more than ever to help out, that we must follow the guidelines, and we must wear a mask. Not only for you, but for those in the community who do need the help and protection. Wear a mask to protect the workers at your local grocery store. Sanitize your hands for the next person waiting to pump gas. Practice the fundamentals to protect your community and the people in it. We depend on you. I look forward to hearing from you with your questions or concerns. I can be reached at 204-424-5406 or dennis.smook@leg.gov.mb.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Fall Flu Shot Campaign Kicks Off As the province prepares for a flu season made more challenging by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Manitoba government is launching a new flu vaccination campaign. The annual influenza vaccination campaign has been revamped this season to take into account the current public health challenges posed by COVID-19. The 2020-21 campaign will be targeted to those most vulnerable and their caregivers, including specific outreach to the healthcare sector and the public service. In an effort to protect those most at risk and to reduce the strain on the health-care system, the province has increased its vaccination order by 20 per cent. Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer recommended that all Manitobans six months of age and older receive their influenza vaccine early in the fall each year, but even more so this year. “We know that simple actions and focusing on the fundamentals can help prevent the spread of disease in our communities and within our health-care facilities. This year it is crucial that we all work together to protect each other, which can be done safely and effectively by getting your influenza vaccine, staying home when you’re sick, practicing good hand hygiene, covering your cough, physical distancing and wearing a mask.” A record 26.3 per cent of Manitobans registered with Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living received the vaccine last flu season. Manitobans who received the vaccine last year are encouraged to get it again, as are those getting it for the first time. The high-dose influenza vaccine is an injected flu vaccine formulated for people age 65 years and older. Evidence shows the high-dose influenza vaccine protects especially those seniors who are at greater risk of influenza and its complications. This year, the high-dose influenza vaccine criteria is expanding for the 2020-21 influenza season to allow more seniors to get the high-dose influenza vaccine for free starting this fall.

Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen line up to get their seasonal flu shot from Pharmacist Hans Epp from Shoppers Drug Mart. Submitted photo

November 2020

November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Two Viral Catastrophes That Could Crush Us The human race is facing some very daunting challenges. One is literally international that is causing extreme devastation. The other is focused on an individual nation’s hateful rhetoric that is spilling across borders and could have international consequences. The first is COVID-19. To vanquish such an enemy requires everybody and enduring perseverance and patience. This is a very tall order as the total population needs to be on the same page at all times and follow a set of directions that are necessary to avoid this deadly virus by starving it out or before it changes to an even deadlier strain. What is insidious is the person who spreads the virus unaware of his or her infectious status. The code phrase should be “Kill the Virus not the Host”.

What will help us is a vaccine to immunize the population at large so as to literally neutralize this deadly virus which is forever seeking to infect any new targets that presents itself in the form of a human and in some animal species. If the population presents an immunized wall to it, for 14 days, the maximum length of the life of the virus, the virus dies. This is a tall order. First we must get a working vaccine with enough people taking it to create this wall of resistance; much like the world population did to defeat polio and small pox. It’s our turn to save ourselves. Patience and individual leadership is the only way to the finish line. The second is democracy’s survival. This clear and present danger is from within the US and his

name is Donald Trump a different kind of virus. His first four-year term has demonstrated his intentions all too clearly. He has ignored the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic which is getting increasingly worse in the US. Importantly a world pandemic is not really impeded by a country’s border. The US has over 9 million infections and over 230,000 dead. In October, COVID-19 had already killed more US citizens that died in battle during the five most recent wars combined, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, Afghanistan War and the Persian Gulf War. Trump as President has unloaded the pandemic onto the states without enough leadership or money. On April 8th he is recorded as knowing exactly what the US was facing and used the excuse to not convey the truth so as not to panic the population. This is demonstrably false as he continually creates panic and division among Americans every day creating a situation far worse

than telling the truth. Trump continually feeds the division and polarization of his own people. On the “Mexican” file a couple of years back he separated 500 plus children from their parents to create panic. Two years later we find that the parents were deported and the children still in the US apprehended, separated and traumatized. This was a situation he created to manage a constant state of chaos and panic. There are too many instances to list, but one more is needed and we can tie in the above pandemic. In the US, COVID-19 deaths and infections per capita exceed all other countries. This demonstrates that Trump has an unmatched callousness towards all Americans and anyone else that doesn’t benefit his personal gains. Trump exudes racism, misogyny and sociopathic tendencies. This is a nation leader with absolutely no empathy. Fascism and dictatorship sticks to him like the stink to a skunk.

I am writing these words just before Americans elect their President. By the week of November 3 we will know the results of the election. If he loses he will use all sorts of ways to stay in power… he packed the Supreme Court for this occasion. If he wins, it will be exhausting to continue listening and beating back his lack of connection to ethics and morality will be fodder for more polarization of… not just Americans… but for people in other nations (we’ve seen the callousness start to spill over to the “polite” Canadians). Does our border offer enough insulation so as not to be infected? We’ll have to wait and see.

Silica Sand Aquifer Proposals

Mutual Aid Agreement in Works Between Manitoba-Minnesota The firefighters from the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn and the Municipality of EmersonFranklin are working together to establish a Mutual Aid agreement with Kittson County in Minnesota. According to council, this agreement means that firefighters on either side of the border would be able to cross at the TolstoiLancaster crossing 24/7 to assist in extinguishing a fire that may

be too great for a department to put out by itself. The agreement will give the fire departments access to reciprocal assistance from another community’s fire department at no additional cost. A mutual aid agreement would benefit communities on both sides of the border and expedite emergency service response. Pending approval by all parties, the new agreement may take place as early as January of 2021.

As your MLA and a member of the elected provincial government, it is my duty to be open and transparent, as well as ensure that my constituents are kept up-to-date on local issues. Recently, a statement by the Manitoba Liberal Party made some bold assumptions about a proposed silica sand project that were not based in fact. I understand that there are concerns with the local aquifer—as there should be—but I can assure you that our government would never approve a project that would pose a threat to public health and safety. The safety of Manitoba drinking water is paramount. The proposed silica sands extraction project in the RM of Springfield is being thoroughly researched by experts before a submission is made. CanWhite has submitted an Environment Proposal for a sand processing facility in full accordance with the legislated Environment Act. An Environment Act proposal for the sand extraction project will be fully inclusive of all elements, including but not limited to an assessment of threats to the nearby aquifer and water supply. Our Government, and the department of Conservation and Climate, emphasize that if the Environment Act Approval Process reveals there are insur-

mountable environmental impacts that would threaten the health of Manitobans or the environment, a licence will not be granted. The process also includes a public review component and CanWhite has been working closely with the community despite the pandemic, via virtual methods when necessary. CanWhite is submitting two separate proposals for review, each for different aspects of the silica sand extraction process. Since this sand extraction process is unique, initiating two separate proposals allows for additional community input, and it demonstrates goodwill to ensure the licensing process is extensive, methodical, and deliberate. We can assure members of the public that CanWhite is aware that an approval of one licence does not guarantee their second licence without another extensive review and approval process as outlined in the Environment Act. Our government stands by the approval processes of the Environment Act. If successful, this proposal for silica sand extraction in the RM of Springfield would allow Manitoba to use resources from our own backyard to help contribute to an environmentally and economically sustainable future. Silica sand can be used in a wide array of applications including cell phones, glassmaking, energy extraction, construction, technology, and even

water filtration. My constituents and all Manitobans can be reassured that our government is working closely with CanWhite and the whole community to ensure a safe and sustainable future for us all. When looking at our future, it’s also important to reflect on our past. November 11 marks another Remembrance Day. While this year’s observance of Remembrance Day may look different than previous years, it’s important that we don’t overlook the importance of it. We may not be able to attend local ceremonies, but I encourage everyone to take the time to remember and honour the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our country and our freedom. You can also visit online resources, such as the virtual Wall of Honour at Legion.ca, watch ceremonies that are televised or placed on the web, or participate in Veterans Week educational activities. Serving you is an honour, and I appreciate hearing your thoughts, comments, and concerns. You can reach my office at ca.lagasse@ outlook.com or 204-807-4663.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November 2020

Sod Turning for Lorette’s Newest Subdivision Lorette Golf Course has moved ahead with the start of construction of its first phase of the River Ridge Development in Lorette which includes 54 duplex lots for entry level home buyers, 38 large 70 feet wide single family lots, 80, 55-plus rental condos and 70 two and three bedroom apartments. Sod Turning Attendees are as follows: Front Row (left to right) Leo Charriere - Director, Ken Tallaire - Director, Justin Bohemier - Mayor of RM of Tache, Jacques Trudeau - Deputy Mayor of RM of Tache, Margaret Akins - Director and Allan Akins - Director. Back Row (left to right) Rob Teatro - Director, Allison Fox - RM of Tache Councillor, Armand Poirier - RM of Tache Councillor and Steven Stein - RM of Tache Councillor. Submitted photo.

Second Death Reported in Connection to Blumenort Poultry Plant On November 1, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 832 announced that a second worker succumbed to complications from COVID19 at the Blumenort poultry plant. Back on October 21, Exceldor Cooperative confirmed there were 27 positive cases of COVID-19 within its plant in Blumenort. The plant, formerly known as Granny’s Poultry, has around 650 employees is still open and operating. As of October 30, there are now 52 positive cases among union members at the plant. Of those cases, 35 are active and 17 people have recovered. A spokesperson for Exceldor confirmed the plant has been working with the situation since a forty-two year old man passed away on October 11. “Exceldor investigated every single one of the cases and results show that all the measures in place are effective in avoiding contamination among employees in the workplace,” Gabrielle Fallu, a spokesperson for the Quebec-based

co-op said in a written statement. As for the turkeys and chickens, the province said scientists with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency have confirmed they do not spread the virus responsible for COVID-19. The spokesperson said there is no evidence of transmission within the plant, though the cases appear to be caused by community transmission. Fallu said this is leading to issues within the plant. “Our reality is as follows: several workers live together or commute together, which may have led to this situation within our employees,” Fallu said. “The biggest challenge is the speed at which the virus is spreading, which is why we are working day and night to stay ahead of it.” Exceldor said it has already implemented Public Health recommendations and will implement new ones if needed. Exceldor also said all employees who

Exeldor co-op markets products under several brands, including Exceldor, Butterball, Granny’s and Lacroix.

have tested positive, and any employee who had been in direct contact with them, are now in self-isolation. The union said this highlights the need for paid sick days. Dr. Brent Roussin, the province’s chief provincial public health officer confirmed no transmission has happened within the plant adding some of the cases are linked to community transmission and he cited carpooling as a factor for the spread. The province is reminding people in the Blumenort community to practice good hygiene and follow the public health fundamentals such as physical distancing, staying home when ill, and wearing a mask when physical distancing is not possible.

Photo from Facebook

November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Whiteshell Park Areas to Receive Infrastructure Upgrades The province is using $16 million to fund a variety of projects that will improve visitor experiences and protect the environment at provincial parks, while working to minimize the effect on cottage owners as the province modernizes the cottage fee structure. In addition to improving parks, the province is engaging with provincial park cottage owners to develop new cottage fee models, signaling an end to a moratorium that has frozen fees since 2016. Cottage lease and service fees will increase by two per cent per year over the next three years, until new models are implemented. This will add about $25 to the average cottage owner’s annual bill, beginning in 2021. The province has committed to improving accessibility by dedicating $100,000 to expand the number of beaches where mobility mats will provide accessible connections to the water. These mats will be put into use next summer at Falcon Lake Beach at Whiteshell Provincial Park. Some projects have been funding through #RestartMB. Last month, $4.2 million was announced for a new truck-haul sewage treatment lagoon at Whiteshell Provincial Park. This month project funding includes several other projects in the Whiteshell including the Whiteshell waste management initiative ($650,000); Big Whiteshell water treatment plant ($950,000); Big Whiteshell campground office relocation and accessibility improvements ($200,000); and Falcon Lake Provincial Park south shore road improvements ($3.1 million).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Renal Centre Coming to the Southeast By Marianne Curtis Southeast residents will soon feel the relief of being able to obtain treatment at home after the province announced that renal dialysis services will be provided in Steinbach to meet growing needs in that community. Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen said that he along with others have been advocating for some time about the need to get dialysis service in Steinbach. While there is no timeline for the centre, Goertzen noted that for the, “First time we have that commitment from the provincial government to have that dialysis service in Steinbach. This is good news.” Provencher MP Ted Falk applauded the announcement and called it “life changing” for those in the community who suffer from chronic kidney disease. “Residents of the southeast are currently forced to travel to Winnipeg multiple times a week to receive care. Needless to say, the physical, emotional and financial toll on patients, families and caregivers adds up quickly,” Falk stated. Steinbach is the third largest and one of the fastest growing cities in Manitoba. While Steinbach, itself, has a population of approximately 16,000 people it serves a surrounding population of roughly 55,000 people. The towns of Niverville and Ste. Anne both served by Steinbach are the fastest growing communities in Manitoba.

“In short, a kidney care centre in Steinbach just makes sense. This is a big win for our communities across the southeast, and I am thankful to the advocates who worked tirelessly to make this possible,” Falk added. Bob Barrow launched a mail writing campaign last summer to raise awareness that Steinbach was one of the last places in Manitoba that did not have a renal centre. At the time, he was driving an eighty-year old client to Winnipeg three times a week for dialysis. “I am very pleased that the clinic is going ahead, it will not only ben-

efit the residents of the southeast but also take the pressure of the current clinics in Winnipeg and Selkirk,” said Barrow. “I would love to see the clinic named after Art Kornelsen, who opened my eyes to this need; the Kornelsen Klinic.” There has been no public word on possible locations for a new renal centre. However, Barrow noted that a study was done awhile ago that suggested placing the clinic in the temporary emergency room, which was developed during the renovations to the existing emergency room.

Bob Barrow started a campaign last year for a dialysis centre in Steinbach which would save dialysis patient Art Kornelson (above) and others like him the stress of having to travel multiple times a week to Winnipeg for treatment. Bob says, “I would love to see the clinic named after Art Kornelsen, who opened my eyes to this need; the Kornelsen Klinic.” File Photo 2019 by Bob Barrow

Falk Welcomes New Role Provencher MP Ted Falk is pleased to accept a new role on the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. “Serving on the Finance Committee is a big job,” said Falk. “It’s one of those committees that tends to have a higher profile since it’s all about the dollars and cents of government.” The Finance Committee’s mandate includes examining and reporting on all matters referred to it by the House of Commons, the management and operation of the Department of Finance and the Can-

ada Revenue Agency, and conducting pre-budget consultations. “The Finance Committee plays a particularly critical part in stewarding the nation’s finances,” Falk added. “I’m honoured to accept this new role and get down to work holding the Trudeau Liberals accountable for the financial mess they’ve created.” Earlier this year, the committee was front and centre earlier this year when it held televised hearings into the Liberal government’s WE Charity scandal before Justin Trudeau asked the Governor General to prorogue Parliament, shut-

tering the Committee’s investigation. “The Liberals spent the cupboards bare before COVID-19,” Falk added. “Now they’re dealing with a national crisis from a position of financial weakness, rather than the position of strength our previous Conservative government left them with. Justin Trudeau sure squandered that in a hurry.” Falk cited his experience as an entrepreneur and small-business owner, as well as 16 years as President and Board Chair of the Steinbach Credit Union, as assets for the new role.

Fatal Vehicle Collision in RM of Tache At approximately 10:50 pm on October 9 Steinbach RCMP responded to a single motor vehicle collision on Road 32 East near Provincial Road 501 in the RM of Tache. The report indicated that an SUV was in the east ditch

of Road 32 East and that the driver of the vehicle was unconscious. Upon arrival, local fire and emergency medical services personnel were already on scene providing care to the lone occupant of the vehicle, a 52-year-old male from the RM of

Tache. He was later pronounced deceased on scene. The initial investigation has determined that the SUV had veered into the ditch along Road 32 East and collided with an embankment, causing significant damage to the vehicle.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November 2020

Parents Lean Towards Appreciating Educators as Pandemic Continues

Overall, parents seem to be pleased with the way schools have been working hard at keeping everyone safe, and providing assurances to parents at the same time. Stock photo.

By Marianne Curtis As the province goes into Code Red and Code Orange, parents are finding themselves once again being faced with either sending their children to school or keeping them home for remote schooling. Some parents confidently sent their children back to classes knowing that teachers have been trained and safety measures are in place. As random students have tested positive in schools in Mitchell, Lorette, Ste. Anne, La Broquerie and Ile des Chenes, praise has been heard for how the divisions handled these situations. Overall, parents seem to be pleased with the way schools have been working hard at keeping everyone safe, and providing assurances to parents at the same time. “Our counselor has sent an email to us asking how everything is going. The communication coming from the school and the division has always been timely,” stated Green Valley School parent Candice BakxFriesen. The kids really have had very little negative to say about the changes. They are just happy to have the opportunity to see their friends regularly.” From St. Pierre, Crustal Isaak says, “Our grade one teachers in Ecole Heritage St Pierre have been so incredible at keeping things fun while engaging the kids despite the challenges they have been facing. I’m amazed at their creativity in the ways they have adapted games and learning for our kids. My son looks forward to going to school and that is a testament to their dedication and positivity in the midst of incredible pressure. I am so thankful for our teachers!” Tamara Bartel adds, “The only negative I have heard from my children is that SRSS should have more in-class time. My son is

grade 12 and would rather be in school. Mitchell Middle has been great.” “I have a child in school and he is still attending because I’m an essential worker but if I could pull him it would be because he is being made to wear a mask,” noted Cathy Samms-Brule. “I want to add he’s in grade 7 and their recess has been taken away which makes no sense to me cause I would like to see them getting more fresh air considering they are sitting in a mask all day.” Cynthia Ricard says, “Richer school has been amazing! Positive and all hardworking teachers and EA’s have been making my daughter’s education fulfilling and happy!” While they would have preferred to send their kids to school, some parents made the tough decision to home school including Danielle Forest Czarnecki from St. Malo. “My children are being home schooled because my youngest has asthma and a processing sensory disorder. According to Pallister government asthma is not a medical condition to do remote learning and my son would not be able to sit at his desk all day long due to his disorder, so a child like mine, I had no choice but to home school and I work full-time.” Holly Edwards from Grunthal says she is pulling her daughter for remote learning come November 12. “My son is irritated with the mask wearing. He says he is forced to wear it during badminton (which is the stupidest thing I ever heard). My 16 year old has just recently complained that her lungs are hurting when she has to wear them, came home in tears because it was painful,” Edwards says. “So with that all said, their school experience BLOWS!”


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Métis Government Responds to Code Red In response to the province’s second wave of COVID-19, the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) is restarting previously offered supports, as well as initiating new programs to support the Métis Citizens who are being negatively affected by the pandemic. The MMF has already restarted its province-wide hamper program to support shut-ins, seniors, and other vulnerable Citizens to stay inside and protect their loved ones and community. MMF President David Chartrand says they recognize the negative impacts that the mandatory closures will have on all businesses. During the first wave, the MMF offered $40,000 loans to Métis entrepreneurs. “Not only has Canada answered the call and offered a wide variety of supports tailored to businesses and entrepreneurs across Canada, but they have also recognized

the importance of partnering with Indigenous Governments to help address our unique needs,” commented Chartrand. “We have openly praised the Trudeau government and their response and approach to this unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19.” The MMF is setting aside $5.5 million to assist businesses during the beginning of November two-week closure. Eligible businesses will be able to receive a non-repayable grant of $10,000 so long as they promise to stay open after Code Red restrictions are lifted. For business owners like Mike LaFrenier, this is good news. A year ago LaFrenier, along with his daughter Vanessa Jimmy, opened Shoni Cree’s Gift Shop in Ile des Chenes. The shop, which specializes in traditional aboriginal artwork, giftwear and clothing was forced to go online after less than six months in business. While the storefront has remained

closed, it has been business as usual. “Yes, we opened October 12, and then had to shut down six months later, but we implemented curbside delivery and by posting items for sale online we have been able to stay in business. We have been grateful for the support,” said LaFrenier. “I am currently in Norway House because I can’t go back and forth between businesses and my daughter is running the Ile des Chenes store.” “As a Metis business owner, I appreciate these programs – I opened my store in Norway House through a Louis Riel Capital Corporation grant,” LaFrenier continued. “I highly encourage business owners to utilize them.” Métis entrepreneurs that are negatively affected by the recently implemented Code Red restrictions and closure in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas can contact Louis Riel Capital Corporation at 1-800387-6004 for more information and to apply for this new funding.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Piney Tests Transit Plan By Marianne Curtis The RM of Piney is taking action about the transportation options and service potential to residents in the region. In September, the municipality with independent consultant Connie Gamble conducted an official transportation survey. With the province expecting the senior population to increase by 43 percent over the next twenty years, the municipality is looking at options to improve the quality of life for residents in the region. Gamble said that transportation is a quality of life issue and the ability to live in a rural, remote community. Options can foster independent living to allow residents to age in their community rather than moving away for services and social engagement, Gamble explained. Rural residents are more reliant on personally-owned vehicles than their urban counterparts. In the RM of Piney residents are virtually one hundred percent reliant on personally-owned vehicles (with the exception of school buses for children) since the demise of the Greyhound bus service to the RM in 2009 and discontinued stops by White Owl in 2015,” Gamble noted. “The nearest taxi service in Steinbach is an hour away for many residents making it cost prohibitive. Some residents don’t drive by choice or necessity.” According to Gamble, the transit development plan is an initiative of the RM of Piney encouraged by a 2020/21 Building Sustainable Communities grant

in response to recent surveys, community public forums and aligns with a strategic plan to support the betterment of individual lives in the community, more specifically the age in place focus. “There were no real surprises in the survey results and we appreciated the number of people who took the time to respond and provide supportive comments,” said Gamble. “Seniors have been requesting transportation support for appointments, access to services and social outings. We know that rural areas are increasing in older residents and that they have greater transportation requirements. Our transit planning is currently considering everyone, with a focus on seniors and those in need, but also families, commuters and anyone else who wants a ride.” The survey revealed that 35% of respondents took weekly trips to Steinbach, while 20 percent went to Winnipeg monthly. Other travel destinations noted included Altona, Morden, Vita, Ste. Anne, Richot, Portage La Prairie and Roseau and Warroad in the US as well other outing ideas. The most important considerations for a transit plan are cost and schedule followed by availability and safety. With that in mind, on November 25 the first trip is scheduled to Steinbach using the Vita Handi Transit at a subsidized cost of $30. This trip will be dependent upon the COVID19 restrictions in effect at the time. Priority may be given to those 60 years plus and those in need (unable to drive or don’t drive) as seating capacity is expected to be limited to fifty percent. To book contact Mel Parent 204 437-2604.

Vita Christmas Cheer Board Launches

The Vita Christmas Cheer board will be accepting applications for Christmas hampers from November 2 - 18. Pickup and delivery will be on December 12. Anyone in need or who knows of someone in need of a Christmas Hamper can contact Linda at 204-425-3745.

For all your sealed non- perishable donations there will be drop off bins starting November 18 to December 9 at the Sumthing Special and Shevchenko School. The Credit Union will have a tin for all monetary donations from December 1 – 22. Your donations are needed to make a difference in another person’s life.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November is “Make a Will Month”

Make a Will Week and Make a Will Month are annual awareness campaigns, with the goal of informing and educating you on the need for a Will. Although formally Make a Will Month in Ontario (Manitoba Make a Will week was in April), I will use it as an inspiration for you to get a Will! Despite the fact that every adult needs a Will, a recent national survey showed that 62% of Canadian adults still do not have a Will. And more than 10% of Canadians noted that while they did have a Will, it was actually out-of-date: it no longer reflects their desired executors or beneficiaries. Why is Having a Will so Important? Two of the most important functions of a Will are: 1. Choosing how to distribute your estate among loved ones and charities, and 2. Making key appointments including Executor(s) to administer your estate and a guardian for minor children. Your estate distribution could be as simple as, “Leave everything to my spouse, and once we are both gone, divide everything between our children.” But even basic intentions need a Will. And more complex wishes definitely need a well thought out executed Will. A Will even allows you to make provisions for the care of a pet, through a Pet Trust. Why Do Most People Not Have a Will? Most estate planning lawyers charge between $500 and $800 per person for a complete estate plan, including a Will, a financial Power of Attorney and a Health Care Directive. This seems expensive to many people and they put it off. It is never a good strategy to not have a Will. A Will should be written as soon as you are an adult; and updated and replaced throughout your life. Writing your Will doesn’t really benefit you in any way – you will be dead. But if you care anything about the people you are leaving behind, you would take the time to prepare a Will. If you have ever had to administer an estate of a parent or loved one who did not have a Will, you realize how important it is. A properly executed Will saves money (reduced lawyer fees, no bonding fees) and time (delays in getting someone appointed as legal representative).

What Happens If You Die Without a Will? If you die without a Will there is generally a lot of confusion. Nobody is in place to take charge because nobody has been named as the Executor or estate administrator. Eventually, hopefully, somebody will put their hand up and say I will do it; they will then apply to the probate courts to administer an estate without a Will. There are many things the potential administrator needs to do immediately: prove to the probate courts that no Will exists, get an inventory of your assets, plus get approval from other family members to be the administrator. And the administrator may also need to be bonded (insured) and this costs the estate more money! Dying without a Will is known as dying “intestate” If you die without a Will, you will not be able to decide who inherits from you. Your assets will be distributed based on the laws of your province, your estate will go through a lengthier probate process, and your family will have a much more difficult time obtaining your assets. It is common for people to assume that when they die, everything will automatically go to their spouse. In fact, if you have common children this only happens in Alberta and Manitoba. Every other province distributes an intestate estate between a spouse and children. This can often result in a family home being sold off in order to create the required distribution. If you are living common-law and have lived with your common law spouse for more than three years, only some Provinces like Manitoba recognize this relationship. For example, in Ontario dying without a Will in a common-law relationship gives the surviving partner….. nothing. Guardianship If you have minor children and both parents die in a common accident, your children are put in the care of guardians. Hopefully you will have family members who put themselves forward as candidates. Ultimately, a judge will decide on the most appropriate guardian from the selection of applicants. Of course, a judge will not know any of these people, so they will make a decision based on their biological relationship to the children, their financial means, their location, age and their own family status. The judge will not be able to

November 2020

Falk Opposes Bill C-6 That Bans Abusive Conversion Therapy By Marianne Curtis

assess their personal interactions with the children, their alignment with your own moral and spiritual beliefs, or parenting styles. It is amazing how many people get stuck on completing a Will with the question of guardianship. It is a very difficult decision, but one that is better made by you, rather than a judge. If you name a guardian in your Will, the judge will use this appointment as the over-riding influence in their decision. Get a Properly Executed Will Are you still not sure that you need a Will? For example, what if you don’t have kids, or don’t care how your estate is distributed? As a tax preparer, I need to know who will look after your final tax returns; who will be signing the authorization forms? I do get asked about the on-line or paper “Will Kits”. They may look good enough, but one problem is the proper execution: signing and witnesses. One of the witnesses needs to complete an affidavit of execution. This is an important step that is missed when you try to do it yourself. If you already have a Will but are recently married or in a new common-law relationship or if you are recently separated, review your Will; it may need to be replaced with a new one. Plus you need the other important documents too: Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive / Living Will. And the Power of Attorney can only be witnessed by certain professionals in Manitoba; you cannot complete a POA from a kit if you live in Manitoba! Get started today. You won’t believe how satisfied you will feel once you have all your estate documents completed. You will finally have peace of mind for you and your loved ones. If you need more information or some direction, please contact our office. Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@SAtaxes.ca.


On October 28, the federal government passed second reading of Bill C-6 an Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy). Provencher MP Ted Falk was one of only seven members of parliament who voted against the bill when it went to vote for the second time. Bill C-6 is an act to amend the Criminal Code specifically regarding conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is considered any of several dangerous and discredited practices aimed at changing an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Conversion therapists use a variety of shaming, emotionally traumatic or physically painful stimuli to make their victims associate those stimuli with their LGBTQ identities. Under the amendments, it would become a criminal offense to force a person to undergo conversion therapy against the person’s will; causing a child to undergo conversion therapy; or doing anything for the purpose of removing a child from Canada with the intention that the child undergo conversion therapy outside Canada. Falk said he voted against the bill because the definition of conversion therapy is so broad it could potentially criminalize voluntary conversations between individuals and their parents or family members. “I am opposed to any sort of violent, coercive actions that seek to change someone’s sexuality against their will,” Falk stated before explaining why he opposed the Bill. “In free societies, governments must leave space for indi-

vidual citizens to make decisions about their lives. This includes the space to seek counsel on personal matters such as one’s sexuality without leaving participants in fear of violating the law,” Falk explained. “Canadians expect their government to respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including the rights to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, opinion, and expression. Those with deeply-held convictions who may want to seek advice and support on questions of sexuality ought to feel free to do so.” Falk added that he might be more optimistic of the bill would focus on violence and coercion rather than conversations. “Any legislation on this theme must respect the freedom of those wrestling with questions of sexuality. No one should be told by the government that seeking guidance, asking questions, or helping reconcile faith and sexual attraction is off limits to them. There should not be a chill on conversations between individuals and trusted friends and advisors,” Falk continued. “If the Justice Committee, which is currently studying Bill C-6, is able to tighten up the definition to focus on violence and coercion, rather than conversations between two individuals, I would be more optimistic about the bill.” Bill C-6 also makes it illegal to advertise to provide conversion therapy; and receiving a financial or other material benefit from the provision of conversion therapy. The bill also amends the Criminal Code to authorize courts to order that advertisements for conversion therapy be disposed of or deleted.

St. Pierre-Jolys Receives Support to Improve Systems The Village of St. Pierre-Jolys is one of five communities that will benefit from a share of $187,000 through the Municipal Asset Management program (MAMP). The program aims to strengthen infrastructure investment decisions based on reliable data and sound asset management practices through asset management training, funding and information sharing. St. Pierre-Jolys will receive $32,400 for their policies and systems project. The project will centralize asset information in one database, set up a robust asset management policy, strategy and plan, and receive training to improve in-house asset management capacity.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is delivering the program on behalf of the federal government. Garth Frizzell, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities said it is important that municipalities have the right tools. “Municipalities are Canada’s builders. With responsibility over two-thirds of our public infrastructure, and as the governments closest to daily life for Canadians across the country local leaders are building strong, vibrant, and sustainable communities,” said Frizzell. “That’s why having access to the right tools and information at the local level is so important. Its how we’re able to build better lives.”


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Increased Water Bill Rate for Vita Residents Memberships: 2021 memberships available for $25 per person. Join now to enjoy our member’s benefits! Programs: Please read carefully as programs have been temporarily altered. Phone ahead to register for the following programs, as space is limited. Walking - Monday – Friday 8:30 – 9:00 am. Coffee Corner - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am – 12 pm. Pickleball - Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 am – 12 pm. Beginner Pickleball - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 2 - 4 pm. Drums Alive! – Tuesdays, 1 – 2 pm. Yoga - Mondays, 1 – 2 pm. PACE - Thursdays, 1 – 2 pm. Floor Curling – Wednesday, 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Craft Corner – Fridays, 1:30 – 4 pm. Games - BINGO Friday, November 27, 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Old Time Country Jam-Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm, limited space available, reserve your spot. Foot & Calf Massage - For more information and to book appointments please call. Classic Comedy Corner - Every Thursday, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm. Take a step back in time at our new weekly viewing of the classic comedy, “The Golden Girls.” You receive a soup and biscuit lunch with complimentary coffee provided when you sign up for $5. Please call 204-320-4600 to reserve your spot. New Laughter for Health & Happiness - Starting Tuesday, November 3, from 2 - 3 pm and every Tuesday after. Need a reason to laugh? Look no further. Join Certified Laughter Leader Pearl Wintoniw for an afternoon of light-hearted fun. Laughter has been proven to be the best medicine, helping to boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones, and release endorphins, the body’s natural feelgood chemicals. This class will teach you a variety of breathing exercises and encourage you to laugh. Try it out and see how good it can make you feel! Call to reserve your spot. Special Events: Craft & Bake Sale – Friday, November 13 from 11 am – 4 pm. With the Christmas Season quickly approaching there is no better place to get in the spirit and get shopping than at a Weihnachtsmarkt. Tables filled with a variety of crafts and delicious baked goods await. Community Resources: Are you or is someone you know in need of help during this difficult time? We are here to help if you need assistance getting groceries, transportation or a meal delivered to your home. Call Carrie at 204-320-4604 if you or someone you know is in need of any of these services or has questions. Meals on Wheels: Getting tired or running out of ideas of what to cook? Our Meals on Wheels Program may be just what you’re looking for. Get a warm, delicious and nutritious meal (including dessert) delivered to your home or now again available at the centre for only $7. To see what’s on the menu daily visit our website PatPorterALC.com (Make sure to refresh the site to reflect changes). Ways to Order - Call the kitchen at 204-320-4605 to place an order. You may order a single meal or meals for the week or whole month. To receive a same day meal you must call before 9 am. Payment can be either a credit card payment over the phone or an invoice at the end of the month. Rentals: Looking for a nice place to have your business meeting, family event or celebrations? Give us a call, e-mail or come to the centre and let us know how we can help you. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm call Sonja at 204-320-4603 or the reception desk at 204-320-4600.

By Marianne Curtis Residents connected to the low pressure sewer system within the town limits of Vita can expect an increased water bill after the Public Utilities Board (PUB) approved an application by the RM of Stuartburn to recover a significant deficit. According to the RM of Stuartburn, the application was made after the utility incurred an operating deficit in the amount of $36,469 in 2019. The application stated the deficit was due to fulfilling the requirements of its new lagoon licence that resulted in higher than normal expenses to bring the phosphorus level to an acceptable number, and a pump replacement in the Utility’s lift station. As per PUB Order 121/20, “The actual operating deficit,

when calculated for regulatory purposes, of $36,469 in 2019 incurred in the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn, Vita Wastewater Utility, is hereby approved to be recovered through a rate rider of $56.28 per REU per year to be collected a period of two years.” The rate rider is effective January 1, 2021 and the RM of Stuartburn will be notifying residents of this change before hand. The RM of Stuartburn collects the annual utility charge on annual property tax bills, and the same will apply for the deficit recovery. Residents can expect to find a line item listed on the property tax bill that states: PUB121/20 – Utility Deficit Surcharge Recovery – End Year 2022 - $56.28. It was noted that multi-family dwellings, along with small and large businesses may be expected to be pay more.

This is the second PUB order approved within twelve months. On August 27, Order #122-19 was approved. This order, granted approval of revised waste-water rates increases for the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn, Vita Wastewater Utility (Utility). The rate of $138.24 was increased to $226.41 for 2020. In addition, the Board also approved the 2018 operating deficit of $14,065, to be recovered through a rate rider of $45.19 per REU for a period of one year. The last previous rate request was made in 2009. At the time, the PUB noted that the “RM’s inattention to the Utility rates has resulted in a significant deterioration of the financial state of the Utility. The RM’s failure to take action to implement rates sufficient to cover operating expenses has now resulted in ratepayer’s being subject to increases that certainly would be considered rate shock.”

Speed Decreases Approved for Niverville The results of a 45 day consultation are in and the province is proceeding with a decision to decrease the speed in Niverville and within other municipalities. Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced that the province will be amending the Speed Limits and Restricted Speed Area Regulation under the Highway Traffic Act to lower speed limits on designated provincial roads. “The core value of our government is the safety of Manitobans and speeds that motorists

travel greatly influence the severity of collisions and injuries or fatalities due to collisions,” said Schuler. “The proposed speed reductions will improve the level of safety on Manitoba’s roadways.” Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck confirmed that the province began a 45-day consultation on the proposed amendments in August. “Our council has been lobbying the province for the past several years to reduce the speed coming into town from both the East and West,” said Dyck. “We are very pleased by this announcement and are grateful to our MLA Minister Ron Schuler for

his work on bringing this very important safety measure to our community.” The outcome of the consultation indicated strong support for speed limit reductions in the town of Niverville, RM of Headingley and the RM of Springfield. In the town of Niverville, the western limit of the existing 70 km/ h speed limit at the west end of the town will be extend 200 metres west of the centre line of Krahn Road and extend the eastern limit of the existing 70 km/h speed limit at the east end to a point 50 metres east of the east limit of Sixth Avenue.

Credit Union Supports Community Food Banks On October 15, Access Credit Union made good on its promise to continue supporting community organizations by contributing $15,000 to local food banks. Each year, on International Credit Union Day (ICU), credit unions use the day to bring awareness to the ways credit unions improve the lives of members around the world. When the intentions for Access Credit Union and Cross Town Credit Union to merge were announced in November of 2019, both credit unions stated that the amalgamated entity would have the increased

ability and capacity to support local businesses. Though the new Access Credit Union does not come into effect until January 1, 2021, the two legacy organizations have made good on that promise by supporting their local communities throughout 2020. Larry Davey, President and CEO of Access Credit Union said, “Community support is in our DNA.” “Those values are deeply held by all staff inside the credit union and we are proud to be able to help strengthen the communities where we all live, work, and play,” continued Davey. In response to the challenges

faced by support services, Access Credit Union distributed more than $15,000 to community food banks across southern Manitoba, including Grunthal, the RMs of Piney and Emerson-Franklin. In 2020, Access and Crosstown Civic Credit Unions supported more than 300 local charities and contributed more than $545,000 to inspiring hope on a local level. “The new Access Credit Union will remain committed to supporting our communities, now more than ever. Access encourages all Manitobans to give where and if they can. We are all in this together,” Davey concluded.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November 2020


Comedy Night Raises Funds for DropZone By Marianne Curtis On October 24, over $43,000 was raised during a dessert-less fundraiser in support of the Grunthal DropZone. The highlight of the night was a lively performance by Niverville comedian Matt Falk, who admitted that he was thrilled to performing again after COVID sidelined a normally busy schedule. “This is not my first time performing in Grunthal, and I am always happy to be here to support such a great cause,” Falk told the audience both online and at Abundant Life Church. Funds raised at the event go in support staff and programming at one of Grunthal’s favourite places for teens to hang out. The Grunthal DropZone is a faith based youth centre that offers a safe place for teens to hang out and be part of a positive community. On average up to fifty kids a week participate in a variety of programming including recreational games or play video games. Steve Elias the Director of the Grunthal

DropZone said that while it was a difficult year for students due to COVID and staff has been grateful to be available for the kids coming through their doors seeking solace. “All things considered, our youth are doing okay, it has been a year of loss for many of them,” Elias told those in attendance. “We are grateful to be there for the kids.” The DropZone also offers a drop in ministry, Monday night bible study and Connect groups for grades 5/6 and 7/8. JJ Szeponski, who runs the Connect groups, said that the programs are a vital for the kids in the community. “Kids are asking questions at a younger age than we thought they would, and we see the effects of blended families,” Szeponski said. “We also see the potential in these kids and we want them to know it.” Normally the Grunthal DropZone hosts a dessert fundraiser but due to COVID regulations the event was changed to an auction where several items from local businesses were sold to bidders.

SAC Spotlight - It’s that time of year again. Did you know that the Steinbach Arts Council is a non-profit charitable organization? And we are knocking on your doors to participate in our annual Corporate Giving Campaign. A cash donation of any size or a donation in the form of goods and services is greatly appreciated and eligible for a tax receipt. Any donations over $100 will also receive a SAC membership for the 2020-21 season, which offers you many perks and discounts at local businesses. Your donation may be directed towards a program sponsorship, studio naming, a contribution to a bursary/scholarship or offer it freely to assist SAC with general operations, upgrades and new equipment purchases. Interested in giving your time? We also welcome a gift of your time and talents. If you would like to volunteer or offer some skills at SAC for an event, in the office or on a board/ committee, we accept that with open arms as well. Thank you for your consideration of the Steinbach Arts Council in your giving plans. Your support will help us to create a safe, healthy and creative place to learn. Please call Cindi Rempel Patrick, Director of Development at 204-346-1077 or email crpatrick@steinbacharts.ca for more info. Pressed Flower Art Workshop - Last week, SAC hosted its first ever Pressed Flower Art Workshop taught by local flower farm owner, Lourdis Still. Our skillful instructor has had years of experience buying flowers as well as pressing and dyeing with flowers. Lourdis is passionate about appreciating the beauty of local flowers while reducing flower waste. The workshop took students through various methods of flower pressing and then it was time to create their very own flower art. There was a vast array of flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours to choose from. The students created stunning works of art including bookmarks, cards and wall murals. The class ranged from people who had been working with flowers for 60+ years to people who had never worked with flowers before. Now that our first flower workshop is done, SAC is excitedly planning for their next workshop with Lourdis coming in the winter of 2021. Botanical Dyeing will focus on using flowers and other plants to dye materials. Everyone will leave with their own hand-dyed project. Watch our website for more information! Instructor of the Week - You may have seen our talented theatre instructor, Alan Fehr walking around our centre. Alan Fehr (and his alter-ego, Dr. Sprocket) have been edu-taining kids in the Southeast area since 2012. His trilogy of improvised Kid‘s Fringe shows taught the fundamentals of good storytelling while eliciting giggles and participation from kids of all ages. Outside of children’s edu-tainment, Alan has been involved in writing, directing and producing all of Real Live Entertainment theatre productions, including “Of Mice and Men” (2015), Agatha Christie‘s “The Mousetrap” (2017) and the up-coming production of “Still Stands the House” (2020). Alan and his wife Christal live just outside of Steinbach with their 2 children, Arianna and Grayson. Alan is thrilled to teach Acting Out, where he and his students will be learning to express themselves, work collaboratively and explore the performer’s toolbox. Acting Out teaches the fundamentals of acting for children, ages 5 - 8. Learn the basics of performance like voice projection, confidence building and explore the world of costumes all while having a ton of Fun! To sign your young actors up, call 204-346-1077.

Comedian Matt Falk was excited to be performing live in Grunthal.

Photo by Marianne Curtis

New Brand Announced for Access CU With less than two months until Access and Crosstown Civic Credit Unions amalgamate, the new organization promises to be “Where you need us to be”. Access Credit Union board representative Curt Letkeman the incoming vice-chair of the new credit union said to celebrate the merger, an entirely new brand was created. “Our new brand celebrates the beginning of a new organization while respecting the legacies of our pasts,” noted Curt Letkeman, current board chair for Access and incoming vice chair for the new credit union. “Our brand will be reflected in exceptional service and convenience for members when they want, how they want. Our new brand is unique, just like each member we represent!” Ingrid Loewen, incoming board chair for the new Access CU said, “’Where you need us to be’ is a nod to the expanded geographical range of the new credit union, as well as the new digital frontiers for banking and communicating.”

“We are committed to being available for our members, online, offline, at any milestone in their lives,” Loewen noted. In the new “Triple Cheque Mark” logo, Crosstown Civic is represented by the blue check mark, Access by green and together, both credit unions represent the teal capital “A”. The inspiration is all positive; arrows for forward, upward motion and change; a check mark for solutions and right choices; a knot to tie it together; and an “A” for accessibility. Signage on the 26-branch network including Vita, Sprague and Grunthal will begin changing in January 2021. On January 1, Access Credit Union and Crosstown Civic Credit Union will amalgamate to become one entity with a combined total of 26 rural and urban branches, more than 400 employees, more than $5 billion in assets, and more than 80,000 members. This merger will make them the second largest credit union in Manitoba.

What’s happening in Arts4Tots - Our Arts 4 Tots Preschool Program is having a blast learning together and making new friends. This last week, our tots experimented with Music under the care of guest clinician Katie Schroeder, a music teacher with HSD, who is well known in our community for her skills as an educator and her stage performances. Another highlight was our safe and healthy Halloween Party. Complete with costumes, candy and cheer, our tots had an amazing time! Are you looking for a place for your preschooler to thrive this fall? It’s not too late to sign up! We still have a spot or two open in some classes. Join Miss Pam and Miss Jen in Steinbach’s most creative preschool program. Reduced class sizes - Don’t wait. Southeast Centre for Music – Still accepting students. Do you know about SAC’s music lessons? Southeast Centre for Music has university-educated instructors in piano, voice, violin, cello, guitar, musical theatre, music theory, and music therapy. Some of our instructors are still accepting students for fall, including Willie Wiebe – Guitar, Brandon Post – Guitar, Hally Friesen – Piano, and more. Visit our website to see a full list of our music instructors and read their bios. Whether you are a child or adult, beginner or advanced student, SCM works to find the teacher that is right for you and provides learning and performing opportunities for all musicians who study here. Concerts – Stay Tuned - We’re working hard to secure artists for the current concert season. We are in regular contact with touring artists, exploring the best ways to make safe concerts happen this year. You might even find a few surprises in our season offerings this year. Stay tuned for more information. KR Barkman Concerts in the Park - Even though we were not able to take advantage of one of the most beautiful park settings in the city this summer for our Free Concerts in the Park, we continue to work at finding ways to bring our KR Barkman series to the public. Watch our website for information on Live Streamed concerts. The venue might be different, but the local artists are as good as ever. Visual Arts Exhibit – Soul Stories - Don’t miss our first Visual Arts Exhibit of the season. Postponed from last spring, we’re excited to feature Bev Unger & Olivia Peters in our fall Exhibit. Enjoy “Soul Stories” until December 16. Supporting local artists in our very own Hall Gallery. Inquiries Welcome! - Fall programs have started, and SAC is thrilled to have an amazing group of kids and adults moving through our Centre again this fall. With socially distanced classes and extra cleaning we’re making sure the Steinbach Arts Council a safe, healthy and creative place to learn. Check out our 10-week dance classes, our theatre classes for all ages, Pilates and French. There may still be room in your favourite classes. Visit our website at SteinbachArtsCouncil.ca or call 204-346-1077 for more information.


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Local Manufacturer Gains International Exposure on “The View” Lynn & Liana Serveware, a local Steinbach manufacturer of cheese boards and serving trays was featured recently on the ABC network television show “The View”. This comes on the heels of an appearance earlier this year on Good Morning America. When asked how a small company from Steinbach ends up on national television in the United States, President Evan Funk explained “We met the Good Morning America staff at a trade show earlier this year and they loved our product line. Conversations happened soon after and things really progressed quickly from there.” Lynn & Liana’s Co-owner, Mike Cancade, said that the response to their resin covered cheese boards has surpassed all expectations. “We knew that we had a new and truly unique product idea, but the response has surpassed anything that we had hoped and planned for. It certainly has left us with many challenges to meet the demand, especially when receiving attention at that level, but we have adapted as best we can and are managing to keep up.” Funk says that in the past

From left to right: Mike Cancade, Candice Cancade, Melissa Funk, Evan Funk.

year they have moved from their home to a large production facility and this winter they will be moving again into an even larger building, which will more than double their current space. Funk added, “It’s amazing to be able

to talk to customers from all around the world and tell them about where we live and where the products are made. E-commerce has certainly changed things over the past few years and made it much easier for

Submitted photo.

small companies like us in rural Canada to compete with the big brands.” For further information you can contact Candice Cancade at candice@lynnliana.com or phone at 204 371-1193.

The Decision of “Which Eternity” What happens to people after they die? Some believe that is the end. They are either buried or cremated and they are no more. Others believe in reincarnation and think they may return to earth as an animal or a bug. There are several other beliefs, but it really doesn’t matter what theories are out there; what really matters is the truth. The God of Heaven has given us a complete guide Book called the Bible. John 17:17 calls this Book “truth”. This is not “truth” from your point of view or mine; it is Almighty God’s truth. It is given as a standard to follow and obey, not as a book to be critiqued, altered or rejected. So what does the Bible say happens to people when they die? John 5:28,29 says, “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear His [God’s] voice, and shall come forth; they that have done

good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” People end up with eternal life or eternal damnation. Hebrews 9:27 says, “And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” A person only lives once upon earth and when they die, there is a judgment of God that renders either eternal life or eternal damnation to that person. That judgment is based on a decision the person made during their time on earth. The Bible tells us all have sinned and come short of God’s standard. Because of this everyone deserves eternal damnation, but God has provided a solution for all people of the world. God sent His Son to this earth 2,000 years ago and He willingly gave up His life and died in our place. Now the gift of eternal life is freely offered to “whosoever will.” if you willingly accept Christ’s payment for your sins, then all your sin is put on Christ

and you will be set free and given eternal life. Have you made that decision in your life yet? The Bible says our life is like a vapour. It won’t last forever, so now is the time to have all your sin taken care of. Then you can look forward to eternal life one day in Heaven, and not eternal damnation in hell. I trust you will make a wise decision. If you have honest questions, pray and ask the God of Heaven which decision you should make.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

These Winter Driving Mistakes Might Be Putting You In Danger

November 2020

RCMP Advise to Be Prepared for Winter Emergencies By Marianne Curtis

Canadian winters are unforgiving of mistakes and lack of preparation can have severe consequences.

The winter months make for some of the most challenging driving conditions. With icy roads, poor visibility and harsh conditions taking a toll on our vehicles, it’s important to prepare yourself and your car for the season to come. Here, the experts at OK Tire share common driving mistakes drivers make may put you in danger. 1. Using all-seasons instead of winter tires Winter tires are designed to perform on wet, cold, snow-covered and icy surfaces by providing hundreds of extra biting edges for better traction and staying soft in frigid temperatures. All-seasons don’t offer security in winter due to their inability to maintain road contact in cold weather. When the temperature drops to 7°C consistently overnight, it’s time to change your vehicle’s tires and brace for the snow, slush and ice to ensure you stay safe on the road. “Due to the consistently cold temperatures and heavy snowfall, winter tires are the best option for driving in Canada,” says Shayne Casey, OK Tire automotive expert. “Modified rubber compounds and additional siping allow the winter tires’

treads to remain flexible in colder temperatures, ensuring maximum traction in the most severe winter conditions.” Consider studded tires if you live in a part of the country where the roads are often covered in snow and ice. Be sure to check provincial laws or ask your local tire expert before installing, as there are restrictions on where and when these tires can be used. Find more information at oktire.com. 2. Driving without adequate ride control Ride control is crucial for your vehicle’s stability. Excessive bounce or vibration while driving may mean your suspension system is due for a tune-up. To help ensure you have full control of your vehicle, avoid expensive repairs, and keep you and your passengers safe, consider preventive maintenance. 3. Not being prepared When driving, it’s important to have everything you need in case of an emergency – and this is even more essential in winter. In addition to carrying a snow brush and ice scraper, prepare an emergency kit complete with jumper cables, a first aid kit, portable cellphone

charger, road maps, water bottles and a flashlight. 4. Depending on four-wheel drive Vehicles equipped with four-wheel drive tend to be better at navigating in winter conditions. That said, four-wheel drive is no match for icy patches that cause your vehicle to skid and shouldn’t be depended on when driving fast. Traction is all in the tires, so during the winter months it’s best to invest in winter tires as well as slow down. 5. Inadequate snow removal Do an audit of your snow removal supplies from the previous winter and see if anything needs to be replaced. A good snow brush is necessary to clear your vehicle before driving for good visibillity. Don’t forget to keep a shovel in your vehicle in case you get snowed in while away from home, and always remember to clear snow away from your tailpipe first to prevent toxic exhaust fumes from reaching the cabin. And keep your driveway clear so you can get out easily. If you have a snowblower, make sure it’s working properly and that you have plenty of salt or sand on hand for the first big snow. Article courtesy of www.newscanada.com


Slippery or snow-covered roads, reduced visibility and bitter cold, these are all conditions that can make driving difficult and even dangerous during cold weather months. Winter also brings an increased risk of getting stuck, so dress warmly before heading out. Cpl. Richard Graham with the Sprague RCMP Detachment wants to remind drivers to be prepared for road condition. “As the snow starts to fall, and the roads become a little more slick, let’s all remember to slow down, and wear our seatbelts,” Graham cautioned. “This is also a good time to review your winter safety kit for your vehicle. If you don’t have one… you should.” Having an emergency kit on hand can make the difference between life or death, he added. Extra blankets, warm clothing, winter boots, food, water, a flashlight, candles, and a lighter, are

just a few items to have on hand. “If you do hit the ditch, and have to spend the night in your vehicle, there are a couple things to consider. First, if your vehicle is still running, make sure snow is not covering your exhaust pipe,” Graham continued. “Secondly, stay in your vehicle. It’s shelter from the wind, and houses that look close enough to walk to can be deceiving. Exposed skin freezes quickly in the winter temperatures, and many a person has not made what they thought was a ‘close walk’ to the next farm yard!” A good emergency kit should include food that won’t spoil, plastic bottles of water, blanket, extra clothing, first aid kit, shovel, scraper, candle, matches, flashlight, maps, a whistle and an emergency plan. Other ideas to keep on hand include sand, salt or cat litter (non-clumping), antifreeze and windshield washer fluid, tow rope, jumper cables, fire extinguisher and warning light or road flares.

RCMP Still Finding Drivers Taking Risks Steinbach Traffic Services have been conducting initiatives within their detachment area expressly to combat high risk driving behaviour. Targeted patrols were conducted throughout October and RCMP found a number of driving issues. On October 6 there were 5 cell phone tickets, 2 drive without seat belt, 2 failing to stop at stop sign and 1 drive with no registration; on October 16 there was 6 cell phone

tickets, 3 driver without seat belt, and 3 failing to stop at stop sign; on October 17, 4 cell phone tickets, 1 driver without seat belt and 2 failing to stop at stop sign and on October 26, 12 cell phone tickets, 7 driver without seat belt, 2 drive with no registration and 1 drive without a valid driver’s licence. “It is very disconcerting to continue to see these at risk driving behaviours,” said Staff Sergeant Harold Laninga.


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Community E vents National Remembrance Day – On Wednesday November 11. Some are suggesting that because of our current COVID-19 situation and events being cancelled that we stand in silence on our doorsteps at the 11th hour on the 11th of November for 2 minutes. Lest We Forget. Ile-des-Chênes Ritchot Senior Services: Office is open Monday-Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. All programs and activities require preregistration. If you have preregistered for an event but find yourself feeling unwell on the day call or email to let us know you will not be attending. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinics – On Thursday, December 10 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. La Broquerie Seine River Services for Seniors - Monday to Friday from 9 am - 4:30 pm. Help and support with E.R.I.K. kits and other forms, foot care, transportation services, friendly visitors, homecare services, illness, grief, housing, finances. If you have any questions contact the community resource coordinator, Melanie Bremaud at 204-424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Attention local business owners, friends and neighbours: We are putting out the call for help for our seniors who reside in local 55+ Centres and homes by requesting basic necessity donations such as non perishable food items and toiletries. A lot of our seniors do not have family that can help during this time and volunteers aren’t allowed to interact because of social distancing. If you are in a position to help, please do so. We are currently setting up donation drop off points so please keep watching our page for that information! For business owners: we are asking that you set up donation bins for our cause, we will arrange for pickup and delivery by utilizing the services of the seine River school division! Contact Rosalie Stelmack directly on Facebook, “See a need, Fill a need. Pay it Forward Program”. Lorette Ritchot Senior Services: Office is open Monday-Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Community Meals –Full meal including dessert for $8 for pick up a Le Club Les Bles D’or, 1254 Dawson rd. Please reserve your meal one day prior, before 6 pm. Call 204878-2682 and leave a message. Foot Care Clinics – On Wednesday, November 4 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. Weekly Meals: Le Club Des Bles D’or is offering weekly meals. Please remember when picking up your meal to social distance. The Club is providing a terrific service and we would like to see them be able to continue. They are located at 1254 Chemin Dawson Road. Phone 204-878-2682. You must place your order one day prior before 6:00 pm by calling and leaving a message.

St. Adolphe Ritchot Senior Services: Office open Monday - Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinics – On Monday, December 21 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. Ste. Agathe Ritchot Senior Services: Office open Monday - Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinic - On Monday, November 9 at the Community Centre with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register; contact Janice 204-883-2880. Ste. Anne Open Exhibition for Artist Ms. Fillion (Elfi) - At the Salon Elfi on Thursday, November 5 at 191 Central Ave. The Sainte-Anne Cultural Committee is pleased that the family has allowed us to invite the public to a preview of the works of their 91-year-old mother. Due to the health and distancing measures imposed by COVID-19, visits will be every 30 minutes from 2 pm. To reserve your visit contact Diane at 204-422-9599 or 204-422-8650. Seine River Services for Seniors - Monday to Friday from 9 am - 4:30 pm. Help and support with E.R.I.K. kits and other forms, foot care, transportation services, friendly visitors, homecare services, illness, grief, housing, finances. If you have any questions contact the community resource coordinator, Melanie Bremaud at 204-424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Steinbach Steinbach Area & Animal Rescue 50/50 Raffle – With your chance to win you can help animals in need by purchasing a 50/50 Raffle fundraising ticket before Monday, November 2 at 9:30 am. Tickets can be purchased from the many caring sponsors, Clearspring Animal Hospital, Pet Vet, Southeast Veterinary Hospital, Prairie Picker’s Café, Santa Lucia Pizza or Best West Pet Foods. License LGCA 7811-RF-34857. Minds in Motion – Until Thursday, December 4 at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre, 10 Chrysler Gate. $65 per participant pair. A two-hour weekly fitness and social program for people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia to enjoy with a family member or friend. Contact 204-320-4600 or mindsinmotion@alzheimer.mb.ca. Interested in volunteering, contact Kathy Diehl Cyr Community Partnership Manager 204-943-6620 ext 203 or mindsinmotion@alzheimer.mb.ca. To have your event featured in this listing, please email your events each month to to editor@dawsontrail.ca

Dawson Trail Dispatch

An Intimate View of God in Our Heart Mark 11:24-25… 24) Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 25) And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. (NIV) Not until one feels convicted does one feel a need for forgiveness. The strange part of this thought is that many people do feel quite innocent. Consequently, this petition, instead of being a genuine desire rising from a remorseful heart, is often little more than an empty repetition of words by a self-satisfied soul. All of this leads one to the second question: Do I indeed come to our heavenly Father as one who feels obligated to Him? Do I sense in some deep instinctive way that I have trespassed on His love and generosity? Amazing – utterly amazing when I do not realize that my intentions are dishonourable. We should always come to our heavenly Father in prayer keenly sensitive to sin and selfishness in our lives. The very recognition and admission that we are debtors and trespassers produce within us a heart genuinely humble. The result will be that we open our whole being to the presence and Person of God Himself. When we have an intimate

view of God in our hearts and soul, our reaction will always be the same. We are overwhelmed by the utter majesty, the indescribable magnitude, the awesome glory of His Person. Our immediate impulse is to bow low in worship before Him. God’s great glory is His flawless character and His splendid glory! Nothing we know in this world of ours can in any way be even remotely compared to the character and person of our Father in heaven. Yet, miracle upon miracle we stand back in amazement that God would come down to recognize a sinner such as me/us who search, who long for His true likeness. This part of the prayer is a powerful expression of praise to our Father in heaven. The question now begs us to ask if we are truly sure that the kingship of both heaven and earth is rooted in our Heavenly Father. Are we supremely confident that He does control the events and destiny of all history? Do we see Him as the One who declares His Son to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, before whom, one day; every human heart will bow in utter subjection? Today, tomorrow, and every day given to us is a day direct from the hand of our Father. It is a day in which we can fully appreciate all the advantages and benefits He brings to us as His children. It is a day during which we can turn our hearts and minds back toward Him in sincere gratitude and praise. And out of this, there flows between us that peaceful sense of oneness

which is so very precious to God’s people. For you who understand the wondrous goodness of our Father in heaven, who feel your heart warm with genuine gratitude for the generosity of God, who feel appreciation and love welling up within you because of your Father’s love, you have found the secret to a peaceful and enduring relationship with your God. You have discovered that the motivation, the desires which now determine this relationship to God and others, are not those of your own making. They have their origin with God; To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has done. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have peace in my heart. I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to Your Name.” Amen.

Providence Elects New Board Members A City of Steinbach councillor and Steinbach businessman were both recently named as new members of Providence’s Board of Governors. According to President David Johnson, the Providence Board of Governors is responsible for the school’s stewardship, purpose, viability, vitality and integrity. The members of the Board are committed to advancing Providence’s mission and vision. “Providence recently ap-

proved Libby Hanna to serve another term, and welcomed two new board members and alumni, Ken Friesen and Terry Kaufman,” Johnson stated. “Ken and Terry each bring a wealth of board experience and will be great assets to Providence as we move forward.” Friesen has served as a councillor and Deputy Mayor for the City of Steinbach. He has also pursued a career in sustainability consulting. He co-founded Earthbound Environmental and is currently President of Reclay StewardEdge Inc.

which is based out of Toronto. He also actively serves on boards with various charitable foundations and non-profits, including the Steinbach Campus Foundation and the Eastman Education Centre. After graduating from Providence Seminary, Kaufman served in various leadership roles at the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) national office as well as pastoring for more than 20 years. He’s also teaches part-time at Steinbach Bible College, giving oversight to Marketplace and Ministry Leadership.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

November 2020


NaNoWriMo Yeah, try saying this month’s column title five times fast. (I’m sure you can do it, I just wanted to see if you would). NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. This event involves taking on the amazing challenge of writing 50,000 words during the month of November. Last year, my daughter and I joined the ranks of writers that took up the challenge. While most writing was done at home, we would also go to the Jake Epp Library once a week for a dedicated writing session. This was a great boost to our writing as it gave the two of us some uninterrupted writing time with no cell phones, no visitors and no household chores (or tasks) to contend with. During our writing sessions there would also be a ten minute blitz writing just for the fun of it. I really liked these blitzes because I could throw caution to the wind and let my fingers fly across the keyboard. It was great fun to see what kind of short, silly stories my daughter and I could create off the top of our heads.

Deck the Halls in Reynolds The first snow means it’s time to start getting houses and yards reading for the Christmas season. For the first time, the RM of Reynolds is inviting residents to get competitive while spreading a little cheer by initiating a municipal wide decorating contest. To participate, residents are encouraged to decorate and then submit photos of their yard, or to nominate someone in the community. According to council, one yard from every community will win prizes from the RM of Reynolds. The winning homes will also be featured on the municipal website. The contest runs November 15 to December 22 with the winners to be announced on December 23. Send nominations to admin@rmofreynolds.com. Include a first name, address, phone number and the area of Reynolds the entry is from.

As for the 50,000 words, my daughter was not aiming for that goal, instead her goal was to write an entire story to which end I am very pleased to say that she did it. It was awesome to see her work hard towards that goal and to achieve it. Very proud, puffed-up-chest-daddy-moment right there! While I was shooting for that most prestigious 50,000 word mark, I did fall a little short of it when the month, and my novel, ended at just over 34,000 words. While working on it this year, I did manage to add and edit my novel to a polished 42,000 word creation. This year the NaNoWriMo will be run quite a bit differently as the

COVID-19 restrictions prevent the writers from getting together to write. Thankfully, the restrictions can’t keep a writer from writing! So, the NaNoWriMo will be a bit more lonesome but it will go on. This year I have a great idea for my next novel and in a few days time I will be diving headfirst into it! Most of my evenings and weekends will be taken up by the pursuit of the elusive 50,000 words goal. There will be times when I will be sitting at the table lost in thought and my wife and children will know that while I’m there in body, my mind may be off in a distant land or it will be travelling the highways with a lonesome travel-

ler. Thankfully, my family knows me well; they understand that this quiet mulling is just part of my creative process. Of course, there are moments when I’ll just stare at the empty white screen and think about climbing out the window and making a run for the woods. Thankfully, those moments are few. Then there are the days when the words are flowing like snow on a hot summer’s day and your fingers will barely be able to get the words down fast enough. These are the best days in the world... treasure them! What is very cool about NaNoWriMo is that once the month of November is over, you... the writer...

can crawl out of the space that you’ve been living in, manuscript in hand... a rough draft... an amazing creation that no one else would have been able to create and you can hold it up to the sky and shout, “See world... I did it!” and then you can fall to your knees and thank the Lord that the month is over. (This might all be sounding a bit melodramatic but that’s okay, I’m a writer). Feel free to check out the NaNoWriMo website at nanowrimo.org to learn more about this free event and to check out their other cool resources. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

RCMP FILES If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP Investigate Assault

RCMP Search for Stolen Vehicle and Suspects On September 30 Steinbach RCMP were advised of multiple vehicle related thefts on 38E in the RM of Ste Anne. Vehicles had been entered and various items were taken. From one residence 2 vehicles were taken. So far Police have recovered one, however a blue Honda Pilot with licence plate KCN 221 has not yet been recovered. Furthermore, a credit card which was stolen was used at Deacons corner Petro Canada gas station. Two individuals were observed on video to be in possession of the vehicles. Police are requesting assistance in trying to identify the suspects and the location of the missing vehicle. If you have any information regarding the above incident or any other information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

On October 15 at approximately 11:50 pm, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP received a report that a male had been assaulted with a weapon at a residence in St. Adolphe. When police arrived on scene, the 32-year-old male victim was being taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Investigation determined the victim had been assaulted when he opened the door to the residence. It is unknown if the victim knew the suspect. Police believe the suspect left in a vehicle. The investigation is continuing. RCMP are asking anyone with information to call the St-Pierre-Jolys RCMP at 204-433-7908, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP Respond to New Bothwell Robbery On October 18 at approximately 7:30 pm, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP responded to a report of two youths, aged 16 and 17, who were robbed as they were walking to the store in the community of New Bothwell. Officers were advised that a male suspect, who was armed with a knife, had approached the two youths and demanded money from them. The youths handed over what they had and ran home where they advised their parents of what had just occurred. Further investigation led to the arrest of the suspect where officers located and seized the knife and clothing used during the robbery. RCMP have charged 20-year-old Bryan Doerksen, of New Bothwell, with robbery, disguised with intent, possession of a weapon for dangerous purpose and assault with a weapon. He was remanded into custody.

High End Mountain Bike Stolen Around September 24 a “Specialized” Camber mountain bike model with gold lettering was taken from a garage in Blumenort. If you have any information regarding the above incident or any other information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Thief Rides Away with Tricycle

Trio Make Off with Van On October 9, the Steinbach RCMP received a report that a van had been stolen from a residence on Dawson Trail near Dufresne. The van is a 2009 red Dodge Caravan with Manitoba Licence Plate KFE272. The suspects appear to be one unknown male and two unknown females. The Steinbach RCMP are requesting the assistance from the public in identifying the female in the photo. If anyone sees this van or has any information about who is responsible for stealing the van contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Fuel Bandit Sought The Steinbach RCMP are investigating a theft of gas from the Brandt St. Coop that occurred on October 17 at around 12 noon. An unidentified person wearing a black jacket, black pants, black toque, black and white shoes and a white mask filled up two jerry cans of gasoline and left without paying. The suspect then left on foot west bound on Reimer Ave. The suspect is described as a male, Caucasian, between 5’5” to 6’ tall, medium build with dark neck length hair. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

On September 29 Steinbach RCMP were advised of a stolen Blue Evol Tricycle outside a building on Hanover Avenue. The tricycle worth over $700 is described as blue with chrome basket on the back. Police are requesting assistance from the public to locate the tricycle. If you have any information regarding the above incident or any other information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Recycling Collection Storage Torched On October 9 at approximately 9:15 am the Steinbach RCMP received a report of fire damage to the recycle building in the RM of Ste Anne at the junction of Paradise Road and Rd 45N. If you have any information regarding the above incident, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477 or manitobacrimestoppers. com. Be aware of happenings in your neighbourhood and report suspicious activity to the authorities. Check on your neighbours. Call 911 if you suspect a crime is in progress or has occured!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Roseau River Remains Identified as Missing Winnipeg Man car was discovered on Queen Street in Winnipeg, on August 11, Bud’s body was located in Roseau River and on October 13, RCMP investigators were back at the scene in Roseau River conducting an additional evidence search. Investigators believe that those responsible for the murder of Paul continued to access his bank account and use his cell phone after his death. Police can also now disclose that the male who parked the vehicle prior to it being burned also discarded evidence in a nearby garbage bin.

Police are still looking to identify the woman who was present when the vehicle was parked. Finding her and speaking with her is essential to this investigation. We are very close to solving this homicide, and need public assistance to put these last few pieces of the investigation together. If anyone has any information as to the identity of the woman involved with the burned vehicle or Bud’s whereabouts between August 1 - 10, or any other information related to this investigation, please call the tip line at 431-489-8551.

Bud Paul.

RCMP are confirming that the remains located in Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation are those of Bud Paul. Paul has been the subject of a missing person investigation since August 7. Bud Paul was a 56year-old male from Winnipeg who was reported missing to the Winnipeg Police Service on August 7. Investigators with the RCMP, Winnipeg Police Service, and Manitoba First Nations Police Service have been piecing together Bud’s last days alive and determining how his body ended up hidden in deep brush in Roseau River. A timeline has been developed that is critically important to the investigation. On August 1, Bud was seen with two individuals at an MLCC store. This was the last time he was seen alive. On August 10, Bud’s burned

November 2020


Motorcycles Stolen from Steinbach and Blumenort Between October 8 at 8 am and October 10 at 1:40 pm, a black Ducati Monster motorbike was stolen from the backyard of a residence on Lumber Avenue in Steinbach. And sometime between the hours of 8 am and 5:55 pm on October 11, a Harley Davidson FXSTB with Alberta plate CJ234 was stolen from a residence located on Centre Street in Blumenort. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

RCMP Respond to Double Fatality Rollover Near Ste. Anne On October 24 at approximately 10:50 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a single-vehicle rollover at the Seine River Bridge on Highway 210 in the RM of Ste. Anne. Initial investigation has determined that a car was travelling northbound on Highway 210 about 3/4 mile south of the 207 when it drifted onto the shoulder of the road, striking the concrete railing of the bridge. The vehicle then flipped onto its side. The 63-year-old male driver from Ste. Anne was not wearing a seatbelt and was pronounced deceased on scene. The 45-year-old male passenger from Scanterbury, Manitoba, was wearing a seatbelt and was pronounced deceased on scene.

Manitoba RCMP Launches Online Crime Reporting System for Non-Emergency Incidents The Manitoba RCMP launched its Online Crime Reporting system across the province a few days ago. The Online Crime Reporting system can be used if: • The crime happened within Manitoba RCMP jurisdiction • You have lost something that costs less than $5000 • Someone has stolen something from you that costs less than $5000 • Someone has vandalized your property or vehicle and it will cost less than $5000 to repair it It CANNOT be used if: • There is a witness or suspect • There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity or firearms • There are lost or stolen licence plates or decals Crimes that cannot be reported online will have to be reported to police either in person or by telephone. “Two weeks ago, we launched a trial run of the Online Crime Reporting system for the Selkirk, Red River North, and Grand Marais detachment areas. The system worked extremely well and residents quickly took advantage of this new online tool,” said Chief Superintendent Rob Hill, Criminal Operations Officer for the Manitoba RCMP. “We’re hoping that by expanding the system province-wide, especially in today’s environment where limiting contact is so critically important, we are giving Manitobans in RCMP jurisdiction a safe, secure and simple way to report crime.” The Online Crime Reporting system can be accessed through the Manitoba RCMP website, www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/mb or directly through, ocre-sielc.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/MANITOBA. A typical report will take 15 minutes to complete and will require the person filling out the report to provide their name, address, phone number, and email address.

A screenshot of the new online reporting system.


November 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Local Producer Spotlight:

Paradise Road Bakery Just Like Mom’s

Each month, the Stuartburn Franklin-Emerson Local Food Initiative profiles a local producer of the area whose homegrown products are available for purchase. In May 2014, Mark Penner and family moved to Roseau River and opened Paradise Road Bakery, just off Hwy 59. Penner’s baking career began in 2005 in Cartwright, where he and his wife owned and operated a bakery and restaurant. Penner said that he has many happy childhood memories of coming into a warm house after chores to the aroma of his mother’s homemade bread and buns. He said that he prepares his baking in much the same way, except he has the use of a mixer to do the kneading. He does not add preservatives so he recommends freezing whatever baking is not eaten in a day or two. On offer are a variety of breads, buns, cinnamon buns, muffins, tarts, cookies and pies. Penner also has a variety of pizzas with options of thin or thick crust, frozen or baked and ready to serve. On the days the bakery is closed, Penner stays busy, picking wild fruits such as saskatoon berries, wild plums, blueberries and chokecherries. He also grows a large vegetable garden and enjoys growing fruit such as apples, grapes, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, honey berries, strawberries and rhubarb. These wild and domesticated fruits are made into pies, jams and jellies for sale at the bakery and market. Penner is appreciative of his loyal customers and is especially grateful when folks preorder and pick up enough baking to last two or three weeks. With several campgrounds and many cottages nearby, summer is his busy season. Paradise Road Bakery is open Thursday through Saturday from 9:30 am to 6 pm at 15 Paradise Road, just north of the Roseau River Bridge.

Mark Penner from Paradise Road Bakery, in Roseau River.

Some of the products available in Mark’s shop.

Submitted photos.

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