West Texas Symphony 2023

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WTXS.ORG Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor 2022-2023 SEASON BOOK1 60th season celebration WTXS.ORG Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor 2022-2023 SEASON BOOK2
2 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
3 WTXS.ORG TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Board President 9 From the Executive Director ................................................................................. 10 From the Music Director 12 Music Director Biography ...................................................................................... 13 2022-2023 Orchestra Personnel 15 2022-2023 Board of Directors & Staff.................................................................... 16 Odessa Symphony Guild 18 Midland Symphony Guild....................................................................................... 19 Ticket Pricing 22 Music Education .................................................................................................... 36 OUR SEASON 2022-2023 Season ................................................................................................ 20 WTS Spotlight 24 Brad Leali, Saxophone .......................................................................................... 32 Rachmaninoff 40 Back to the Future In Concert................................................................................ 48 OUR ENSEMBLES Chamber Ensembles ............................................................................................. 14 Chamber Concerts 23 OUR CONTRIBUTORS 2022-2023 Sponsors 54 2022-2023 Fund Drive Contributors ...................................................................... 56 Endowment Fund Contributors 58 Advertiser Index..................................................................................................... 74 Supporting local arts, nonprofits and families — Everyday. BasinPBS.org 432-563-5728 Become a member today, and start watching!
4 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! Proudly Underwritten By 2022-2023 SEASON POPS & FAMILY SERIES Empowering and enriching the lives of West Texans!
6 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! SAFE. SOLID. STRONG. Congratulates West Texas Symphony on a 60th Season! SAULSBURY.COM


o c i a l i z e , n e t w o r k , a n d u n w i n d a f t e r a p r o d u c t i v e d a y i n O d e s s a T X a t W h i t e B u f f a l o B a r

t i m e t o t r a v e l a n d e n j o y a r e s o r t - s t y l e p o o l w i t h p r i v a t e c a b a n a s , l a r g e f i t n e s s c e n t e r w i t h v i r t u a l r e a l i t y t r a i n i n g c l a s s e s , T X - t h e m e d r e s t a u r a n t & b a r w i t h o u t d o o r s e a t i n g , a c l u b l o u n g e f o r a l u x u r y t o u c h , & t h e h i s t o r i c E c t o r T h e a t e r f o r c o n c e r t s a n d m o r e


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Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
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Welcome to tonight’s performance of West Texas Symphony.

As we celebrate the 60th season of our organization, you and your guests are greatly appreciated. Without you, our patrons, the mission of WTS could not be fulfilled.

As the lights dim and Maestro Lewis enters the stage, feel the energy grow to a crescendo as amazing professionals bring music to life and fill the concert hall with sound.

New Name, Achieving potential

You have likely noticed a new name for our organization. As part of a long-term strategic plan, your symphony has a new name and multiple goals for future success. Recognizing that change is essential to staying relevant has enabled WTS to reach for a larger audience and seek new ideas for programs. This rebranding is reaching to connect with the next generation of symphony patrons. The plan includes ideas beyond a name change. Join us in the vision.

The challenge of change is overcome by the opportunity of potential. The West Texas music community is broad and diverse. The cultural impact of professional music is far-reaching. The vision of WTS is one where a growing audience can enjoy professional programming, students experience music delivered by professionals, and the music community is enriched by support and encouragement.

Embracing tradition

West Texas Symphony is proudly keeping traditions. Our symphony is the premier performing arts organization in West Texas. WTS is a professional orchestra with artists both local and from across the nation. From the strings & woodwinds to the brass & percussionists, the music professionals of WTS endeavor to provide a unique experience to each of you. The Masterworks Series plus Pops & Family Series concerts provide eight big events in the world-class Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center. Beyond the eight primary concerts per year, six ensemble chamber concerts are held across our community led by our Principal musicians. Education is a continuing priority of WTS. Thousands of students annually attend program concerts and musical knowledge is shared to our next generation. Our growing Chorale is seeking new voices, while youth is celebrated through the Voices of the Permian Basin program. Impact and value six decades in the making.

Thank you to the sponsors, donors, and patrons of WTS. Your support makes all this possible.

Enjoy the show!

Thomas W. Elrod

2022-2023 President – Board of Directors

West Texas Symphony



What is the West Texas Symphony?

It’s the eight concerts we put on the stage of the magnificent 10-year-old Wagner Noël performing Arts Center. It’s our 3 Chamber Groups - made up of many of the Symphony’s Principal instrumentalists - who perform two recitals each season, education concerts at the local ISDs, and for special events. It’s ‘Voices of the Permian Basin’, our Children’s Choir, that provides an educational and performative outlet for vocalists in 2nd-8th grade. It’s the adult Chorale, largely responsible for the formation of both the Midland and Odessa Symphonies over half a century ago, that dedicates itself to be the premier vocal ensemble in West Texas.

It’s a robust giving community that ensures each Season continues via our annual Fund Drive and Sponsorship opportunities, and who secure future programming through support to our Legacy Endowments. It’s the students and parents of both the Midland Symphony Guild and Odessa Symphony Guild who raise support, advocacy, and enthusiasm from the next generation of arts patrons. It’s our local area foundations, who have invested in the Symphony for decades, to ensure that all have an opportunity to experience quality professional music in West Texas.

It’s a rich history of patronage, with steadfast support through ticket subscriptions. It’s a strong legacy of leadership, from Maestros to Executive Directors, to Board Presidents, and Board Members who have given so much of their time and energy in times of difficulty and exciting change. It’s a powerful support system for local arts and music educators, many who bring their students to rehearsals, concerts, and welcome our smaller ensembles into their schools.

It’s a rich 60-year history of providing quality professional music to the Midland, Odessa, and greater West Texas communities.

Over the next 9 months, we will demonstrate just a small part of what it means to be the West Texas Symphony. You will be able to experience some of our most popular concerts while engaging with our ongoing innovations in programming, music selections, and collaborations. As a strong arts organization, we are committed to embracing our current impact in West Texas, and we are continuing to take greater strides toward increased collaborations. Join our momentum! Tell a friend, bring a friend, or consider reaching out to development@wtxs.org to discover more ways you can play a part in ensuring our legacy lives on.

Let’s go!

10 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!



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Greetings and welcome to our 60th Anniversary Season! We are delighted you are joining us during the first season with our new name, the West Texas Symphony. While the name is new, the real identity of the orchestra is found in the quality of the musicians you see before you and the amazing and inspiring performances they consistently present. That part has not and will not change. We are incredibly excited to bring another exciting season of great music to the communities of the Permian Basin and beyond!

We’ll start our Diamond Anniversary season with the epic Symphony No. 1 by Gustav Mahler. It is always an honor to be able to present an masterwork of this magnitude. In October we will again share the stage with the audience favorite (and ours, too!) Asleep at the Wheel, winners of 10 Grammy awards while bringing Texas swing to their audiences for over 50 years! We are so pleased to feature Lubbock native, Fiona Shea, performing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto on our November program, along with the stunning Symphony No. 2 of Jean Sibelius. As in every December, we’ll help you start the holiday season in a festive way with the annual Basin tradition, the Sounds of the Season.

It is always a pleasure to present one of our own musicians as featured soloist and the February program will bring just that. Principal Bassoonist, Philip Hill, will perform Weber’s Bassoon Concerto with Haydn’s final and brilliant Symphony No. 104 bringing the program to a close. Partnering with the West Texas Jazz Society, we are eager to share the stage with noted jazz saxophonist Brad Leali in March. It will be a great evening of jazz with Brad and the orchestra! 2023 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Russian composer, Sergei Rachmaninoff and we are thrilled to feature pianist Caroline Hong performing his breathtaking Piano Concerto No. 2. Also on this final masterworks program of the season, members of the UTPB orchestra, along with other young musicians in the community, will join the WTS side-by-side on stage. Finally, in May, the timeless favorite movie, Back to the Future, will come to life in the Wagner-Noël as the orchestra performs the score live along with the screening of the film. You won’t want to miss it!

We are grateful for your support and patronage, helping us bring this great music to the Permian Basin. Please be sure to also attend the many wonderful performances by the outstanding ensembles of the WTS, the Chorale, our youth choir The Voices of the Permian Basin, along with the West Texas Winds, Lone Star Brass, and Permian Basin String Quartet. These programs are always inspiring and engaging and you don’t want to miss them!

We hope you will subscribe to all of these wonderful series of concerts. Plan to bring a friend and join us for this season as we celebrate the first 60 years of our mission to change lives in the Permian Basin through great music. I look forward to meeting you at the concert!

12 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


Gary Lewis is the Music Director and Conductor of the West Texas Symphony orchestra. This is his 16th year with the orchestra and his 15th as Music Director. He is also Director of Orchestral Studies and the Bob and Judy Charles Professor of Conducting in the College of Music at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he conducts the University Symphony Orchestra and oversees the entire orchestra program.

Mr. Lewis is equally at home with professional, university, and youth ensembles. In addition to his regular posts with the West Texas Symphony Orchestra and the University of Colorado Boulder, he serves as Principal Guest Conductor for the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra and was the founding Artistic Director of the Greater Boulder Youth Orchestras. He has also appeared with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, the Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra (Chengdu, China), the Colorado Music Festival Orchestra, the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra, the Quad Cities Symphony Orchestra, the New Symphony Orchestra (Sofia, Bulgaria), and the Western Plains Opera Theater. Lewis served as the Resident Conductor of the Pine Mountain Music Festival (opera and symphonic), for seven years and was the founding conductor of the Caprock Pro Musica. His work with summer music festivals has also been noteworthy including the Interlochen Center for the Arts, Pine Mountain Music Festival (opera and symphonic), and Rocky Ridge Music Center.

At CU Boulder, Mr. Lewis also leads the graduate program in orchestral conducting including both the masters and doctoral level. His former students are currently enjoying success as conductors with professional orchestras and opera companies, university and public school ensembles, and youth orchestras.

As a strong advocate of music education, Mr. Lewis has presented many in-service workshops for public school educators, as well as numerous presentations at state and regional music education association conferences. He has conducted All-State Orchestras and Bands in over 20 states along with the ASTA National Honor Orchestra and the Honor Orchestra of America. In 2010, Mr. Lewis became the founding Artistic Director of the Greater Boulder Youth Orchestras and he continues to serve as conductor of the Symphony Orchestra.

Mr. Lewis is also a strong proponent of new music. He has been instrumental in the development and production of contemporary music festivals and his interest in new music has led him to collaborations with composers such as Dan Kellogg, Carter Pann, George Crumb, William Bolcom, John Harbison, Chen Yi, Michael Daugherty, Stephen Paulus, and many others.

Gary Lewis is a Yamaha Master Educator.



For information regarding instrumental teachers, or to hire an ensemble, please contact WTS at 432-563-0921 or marketing@wtxs.org

Permian Basin String Quartet

The Permian Basin String Quartet is the resident string quartet of the West Texas Symphony, whose members are the principal string players of the orchestra. They strive to share classic and current works of the string quartet repertoire in an engaging and approachable way while championing underrepresented composers. The quartet has a loyal audience and has built a reputation as a leading ensemble in the Permian Basin.

Lone Star Brass West Texas Winds

Formed in 1981, the Lone Star Brass is the resident brass quintet of the West Texas Symphony. The Lone Star Brass presents concerts that display the consummate technical skill of each performer and the expertise involved in working together as an ensemble. The group has recorded two albums, “Lone Star Christmas,” and “Western Fanfare.” They performed in Carnegie Hall with the Symphony Chorale and have toured the country performing shows for all ages. From New York to New Mexico, this seasoned ensemble offers programs of classical music, jazz, original works, and even opera. They perform to have fun, and it rubs off on their audiences at every concert.

As the resident woodwind quintet of WTS, the West Texas Winds are active throughout the year presenting audiences young and old with performances full of energy and refinement. The ensemble has a significant repertoire of classic standard woodwind quintets and groundbreaking new music, having presented both U.S. and world-premiere performances by living composers from around the globe. West Texas Winds are always working to present something new and exciting to their listeners.

14 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!




Sarah Cranor, Acting Concertmaster & Principal Second Endowed in memory of Dorothy Croft by the Midland Symphony Guild

Alejandro Gómez Guillén, Acting Concertmaster & Principal Second Laurel Lawshae, Associate Principal

Kevin Crutchfield

Romina Dimock

Nikesha Hailey-Hicks

Amanda Hernandez

Lowell Hohstadt

Saikat Karmakar

Karen McAfee

Robert Meinecke

Turner Partain

Jason Snider

Erin E. Weber


Conrad Sclar, Principal Endowed by Mary de Compiegne & Rosalind Redfern Grover Laura Peña, Associate Principal Beau Garza

Jean Gómez

Kathy Hohstadt


Suyeon Kim, Principal Endowed in memory of Walter Osadchuk by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Miller

Danny Mar, Associate Principal Ilia De la Rosa

Susan Jimenez

Aurelia Rocha David Thomas


Mark Morton, Principal Bill DeLavan, Associate Principal Christopher Arcy Endowed in memory of Mary June Rasmussen by Mr. Kenneth Anderson and Dr. Anne Acreman, MD Nodier Garcia


Lyndsay Eiben, Principal Kate Martin, Associate Principal Susanna Self, Piccolo


Caryn Crutchfield, Principal Abby Yeakle Held, Associate Principal Ann Hankins


Chris Chance, Principal Tyler Webster, Associate Principal & E-flat Mande Gragg, Bass Clarinet


Philip Hill, Principal Bill Harden, Associate Principal


Sonja K. Millichamp, Co-Principal Scott Millichamp, Co-Principal Norma Binam Derek Wright


Eric Baker, Co-Principal Ben Fairfield, Co-Principal Endowed in honor of Michael J. Santorelli by Karen & Spencer Beal John Irish


Stewart Rhodes, Principal Darin Cash


Jon James, Principal TUBA

Arturo Galvan, Principal


Tim Mabrey, Principal


Erin Martysz Thies, Principal Jacob Adam Garcia Matt Richards


Vincent Pierce, Principal


LuAnn Lane, Principal Endowed in honor of Shari Santorelli by Karen & Spencer Beal




Thomas W. Elrod, President Jessica Bexley, Executive Vice President Carolina Keith, Immediate Past President Connie May, Vice President Finance

Floyd Rountree, Vice President Fundraising Dee Anna Arellano, Vice President Sponsorships Sophie Edwards, Secretary


Gabriel Alemendarez

Alice Beckstrom

Rebecca Bell

Erin Berridge

Gregg Blain Mary Dawson Dr. Nnamdi Ezenyi

Maridell Fryar Beau Garza Allison Gray Dr. Aaron Hawley Jacy Lewis Melanie Lively Diann McKee


Mrs. Leland Croft (dec’d) Mrs. James A. Fowler (dec’d) Mr. Don Williams (dec’d) Mr. Josh H. Parr (dec’d) Mrs. Ellen Noël (dec’d)

Megan Pausé

Robin Richey

Stephanie Rivas Deb Shaw Gregory Smith Nancy Stout Melissa Ware

Mrs. Lois Rochester (dec’d) Ms. Mary Harrington (dec’d) Mr. Don Williams (dec’d) Mr. Fred Trout Jr. (dec’d)


Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor

Ethan Wills, Executive Director

Violet Singh, Development Director

Crystal Radford, Marketing Director

Leslie Delgado, Personnel Manager

Deanna J. Russell, Office Administrator

Dr. Juan Hernandez, Interim Choral Director Emily Baker, Voices of the Permian Basin Director

Scott Millichamp, Music Librarian Bailea Woodall, Production


For contributions and/or services that have significantly advanced the mission of the Midland Odessa Symphony & Chorale, Inc.

Frank A. Bell - May 21, 1997

The Beal Family - May 19, 1999

Robert E. Hunt - August 31, 2000 Mary Harrington - May 16, 2001

Ted Hale - April 14, 2007

Grace Osadchuk - October 13, 2007 Scott W. Long - May 18, 2013

16 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
17 WTXS.ORG DONATE TODAY! CONTACT THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE DEVELOPMENT@WTXS.ORG | 432-563-0921 OUR MISSION is to enhance the quality of life in West Texas through professional music performances and music education programs.
your part by contributing to either our Annual Fund or the Endowment Fund. STAY CONNECTED WTXS.ORG

The Odessa Symphony Guild (OSG) is delighted to begin it’s 64th year serving the West Texas Symphony and supporting arts in the Permian Basin. OSG began in 1958 with a group of women who were dedicated to their community. They formed an organization that would provide both financial and volunteer support to arts and music programs across the Basin. Since its inception, the Odessa Symphony Guild has raised thousands of dollars and members have volunteered countless hours to continue the mission of the founders. OSG has greatly enriched the communities of Midland and Odessa by helping the West Texas Symphony provide educational programs and concerts to the West Texas area.

The Odessa Symphony Guild is comprised of members who contribute to their communities by volunteering time and giving financially. The OSG Belles and Beaux, active members, and patrons selflessly gave over 1000 hours of community service last year. Our 9th-12th grade Belles and Beaux spent time ushering concerts, hosting receptions, serving musicians lunches, working SoundBites, and attending concerts for the West Texas Symphony. In addition to the hours dedicated to the West Texas Symphony, the Belles and Beaux volunteered within the community at many local schools, St. John’s Kooky Karnival, Permian Orchestra, Hope House, Odessa College, Salvation Army, West Texas Food Bank, Ellen Noel Art Museum, and Jesus House.

Moving forward, the Odessa Symphony Guild is committed to investing even more in our community. In addition to the financial support and hours given to the West Texas Symphony, OSG will be awarding scholarships to four deserving high school seniors each year. A grant will also be made available to a school or organization that is dedicated to our mission of sharing arts with the Permian Basin. We are thrilled to be able to give back in these additional ways!

Our annual Symphony Ball fundraiser will be held in February. This is a special event for all of our Belles and Beaux and will honor the seniors who have served in the guild for four years. Additionally, we celebrate the numerous hours that our freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have served. It is incredibly encouraging to see students who have given of their time and will soon be leaders in our community. We invite you to join us for this fun event.

I am proud to lead an organization that helps to bring culture and talent to our city. Our community is a better place because of the dedicated volunteers of OSG who are passionate about supporting the arts. We are eager to serve alongside the West Texas Symphony and help bring arts to the Permian Basin for years to come.

18 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


The Midland Symphony Guild (MSG) is excited to begin its 60th year of supporting the West Texas Symphony. The MSG began with the goal of supporting and raising funds for our local symphony music program. Over the past six decades, that effort has grown into a self-sustaining non-profit organization that provides financial and volunteer support to the West Texas Symphony and the various productions and events that it produces. The West Texas Symphony enriches the communities of both Midland and Odessa by showcasing worldclass performers, local artists and musicians, and featured presentations.

The MSG comprises members who invest time and money in their local communities. Annually, the MSG donates thousands of volunteer hours, contributed by our Symphony Belles, who are the daughters of our MSG members. Each Belle is required to complete 15 volunteer events or placements in their years in the MSG program (8th-12th grades), many of which include performances presented by the West Texas Symphony. This requirement of service fosters a sense of giving back to the community and appreciation for the work ethic and commitment demonstrated by the talented artists and musicians. In addition to the West Texas Symphony, our Belles volunteer at community organizations such as Safe Place, Midland Festival Ballet, Museum of the Southwest, Midland Food Bank, Midland Community Theater, and the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center. We are so proud of our Belles!

It is my privilege to serve as president of the Midland Symphony Guild this year. I look forward to working with many wonderful men and women while encountering exceptional musical and fine arts performances. For our Belles, friendships will be formed, a spirit of service instilled and a love of the arts encouraged. Thank you to the West Texas Symphony for enriching our lives for another season.

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SEPTEMBER 10, 2022

“Blue Hour Skyline” - Kevin Day

Symphony No. 1 - Mahler

We’re kicking off our diamond anniversary with past favorites and new selections!


NOVEMBER 5, 2022

Fiona Shea, Violin

“Fanfare for Amazing Grace” - Hailstork

Violin Concerto - Mendelssohn

Symphony No. 2 - Sibelius


FEBRUARY 4, 2023

Philip Hill, Bassoon Bassoon Concerto in F Major, Op. 75 Maria von Weber

Symphony No. 104 Haydn


APRIL 15, 2023

Caroline Hong, Piano

Side-By-Side with UTPB Orchestra & Local Students

Capriccio Espagnol - Rimsky-Korsakoff

Piano Concerto No. 2 - Rachmaninoff

20 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


OCTOBER 8, 2022 Enjoy your favorite hits by Asleep at the Wheel joined by the West Texas Symphony orchestra!


DECEMBER 3, 2022

Celebrate the holidays with West Texas Symphony’s annual Christmas concert featuring our symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, and choral groups!


MARCH 4, 2023

One of the most notable jazz saxophonist of current times. This concert will be an exciting collaboration of jazz and orchestra music!


21 WTXS.ORG WTXS.ORG 800-514-3849 Scheduled programs and individuals are subject to change. POPS & FAMILY SERIES PROUDLY UNDERWRITTEN BY WOOD FAMILY FOUNDATION BACK TO THE FUTURE
IN CONCERT MAY 20, 2023 © Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
22 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! 800-514-3849 Wagner Noël Box Office WTXS.ORG MASTERWORKS CONCERTS ADULTS STUDENTS Orchestra/Parterre/Dress Circle $35 $8 Mezzanine $30 $8 Gallery $25 $8 POPS & FAMILY CONCERTS ADULTS STUDENTS Orchestra/Parterre/Dress Circle $52 $8 Mezzanine $42 $8 Gallery $32 $8 CHAMBER CONCERTS ADULTS STUDENTS General Admission $15 $5 CHORAL CONCERTS ADULTS STUDENTS General Admission $15 $5 Groups of 10 or more receive a 10% discount per concert. All tickets are sold through the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center. Venue ticketing policies apply. Additional fees may apply. 2022-2023 SEASON TICKET PRICING Scan to see upcoming concerts!
24 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor Presents WTS SPOTLIGHT Philip Hill, Bassoon Saturday, February 4, 2023 7:30 p.m. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center THIS CONCERT IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Ann Parish & Betty Ann Prentice Denise & Thomas W. Elrod
25 WTXS.ORG WTS SPOTLIGHT 7:30 p.m. Saturday, February 4, 2023 Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center Gary Lewis, Conductor Philip Hill, Bassoon Bassoon Concerto in F Major, op. 75 ........................................................ Carl Maria von Weber I. Allegro ma non troppo II. Adagio III. Rondo: Allegro Symphony No. 104 in Dajo .......................................................................... Franz Joseph Haydn I. Adagio—Allegro II. Andante III. Menuetto and Trio: Allegro IIII. Finale: Spiritoso *Program subject to change. Agribusiness | Business & Commercial Lending | Construction & Commercial Real Estate | Energy Development | Home Mortgages Land Acquisitions | Oil & Gas | Personal Banking | Real Estate Bridge Financing | Treasury Cash Management Branches also in Alpine, Crane, Denver City, Kermit, Pecos, Seminole and Terlinqua Bank By Phone 800.250.8880 | NMLS 410435 | 877.493.7862 | 432.685.6500 | WTNB .com MEMBER FDIC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Midland - ClayDesta 6 Desta Drive Suite 2400 Midland, TX 79705 Midland - Downtown 300 N. Marienfeld Street Suite 100 Midland, TX 79701 Midland - Loop 250 5401 W. Wadley Avenue Midland, TX 79707 Odessa 6010 E. Hwy. 191 Suite 125 Odessa, TX 79762 Your Locally Owned & Headquartered Relationship Bankers


Philip Hill is Principal Bassoon of the West Texas Symphony and Bassoonist of West Texas Winds. He earned his Master’s degree in Music Performance at the University of Arizona. During his time at UArizona, he studied with William Dietz, was Principal Bassoon of the Arizona Symphony Orchestra, and was bassoonist in the Fred Fox Graduate Wind Quintet and the Saguaro Bassoon Ensembles. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Music Education at East Carolina University, where he studied the bassoon under Christopher Ulffers and was Principal Bassoon of the ECU Symphony Orchestra. He also performed at times with the ECU Opera, which is known for performing a wide variety of works from the standards of Mozart to world premieres. As part of the North Carolina New Music Initiative, Philip participated in many premieres, recordings, and new music projects. Most notable is his performance in the world premiere and recording of Travis Alford’s Loose Strands for chamber wind ensemble. He also made an appearance with the North Carolina Symphony during his time in the Southeast. Philip toured Europe at age 17 as part of the Virginia Ambassadors of Music, then returned to Europe in 2017 as a member of the Prague Summer Nights Festival Orchestra, which performed in Prague in the famous Estates Theatre and the Rudolfinum, and the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Philip has also performed with the Bay View Chamber Music Festival and Opera in The Ozarks Orchestra.

Despite his heavy performance regimen, Philip is active as an educator, holding a private teaching studio in the Permian Basin. He is an adjunct faculty member of the University of Texas Permian Basin, and has been a resident artist at the University of Idaho, Youth Orchestras of Lubbock, and Midland Montessori School. His Instagram and YouTube pages, @Bassoonatlarge, include tutorials on reed making as well as music for TMEA auditions. He is a frequent clinician throughout his various roles, and hosts masterclasses for TMEA audition preparation with the help of his great colleagues in the West Texas Symphony and Cassatt in the Basin.

26 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
ABOUT THE ARTIST Congratulations on your 60th seasonWest TexasSymphony! Pamela McQuillin & Eric Pokky

b. November 19, 1786, in Eutin, Bishopric of Lubeck, modern day Germany. d. June 5, 1826, in London, England.

Bassoon Concerto in F Major, op. 75

Composed: Written in 1811 for Georg Friedrich Brandt, a court musician in Munich. Premiered: First performed on December 28, 1811, in the Munich Hoftheater.

IV. Allegro ma non troppo

V. Adagio

VI. Rondo: Allegro

The Work in Context

• 1809: Russia defeats Sweden and takes Finland, which becomes part of the Russian Empire.

• 1810: Cornelius Vanderbilt starts his first business.

• 1811: Venezuela, Bolivia, and Columbia declare independence from Spain, Weber writes his Bassoon Concerto.

• 1812: Congress declares war on Great Britain in response to the British Navy’s blockade of France.

Known as a key figure in the development of German Romantic Opera, Carl Maria von Weber had a short, but very significant, career in music. His father, Franz Anton von Weber, was a musician, and his mother, Genovefa Weber, was a singer from Vienna. He was baptized with the name Carl Friedrich Ernst Weber. The middle name Maria was seemingly added later, and the “von” in his family’s name was an affectation, as his family was not descended from south German nobility. After Franz’s music director position in Eutin was cut due to lack of funding, he formed a theater company in Hamburg of members of his family and toured Germany. The theater was a rag-tag group, consisting of Franz Anton, Genovefa, their children, and a few other family members. They performed plays and singspiel (German-language plays with sung musical numbers). Young Carl Maria was given his earliest musical education by his family. He studied piano and violin and showed immediate aptitude. During his family’s travels, he studied with musicians in the town the troupe visited, such as Michael Haydn in Salzburg. He composed his first opera when he was 13 while his family was in Munich.

In 1800, the Weber family band settled down in Freiberg where his father hoped to settle down as a lithographer (a printing technique for music and maps). The precocious young Weber kept writing music, traveling, and even started writing music criticism at the age of 15. His second opera, written when he was 14, received a few performances. His first professional position was as director of the Breslau Opera when he was just 17. Weber attacked the job with youthful energy. He forced older singers into retirement, expanded the orchestra, and programed more challenging music. The job left him no time to compose, however, so he only held the position for two years. Weber’s next position, in the court of the Duke of Wurttemberg, ended with him being falsely accused of embezzlement and bribery. This ordeal taught Weber to keep a detailed record of his expenses daily. He left Wurttemberg in 1810 without a concrete plan of what would come next. It was his works for solo clarinet that turned his career around. In Munich, he met the clarinetist Heinrich Baermann, and wrote a concertino and two concertos for Baermann. Starting in December 1811, Baermann and Weber went on tour performing these works. These concerts turned around the public and critical perception of Weber, and lead to prestigious positions in Prague, Berlin, and Dresden. In 1821, his masterpiece Der Freischutz premiered. This pioneering work is still performed today and significantly influenced the development of German Romantic Opera.

Weber wrote Bassoon Concerto in F Major while he was in Munich. This was the same

Carl Maria von Weber

residency in Munich during which he wrote his famous works for clarinet. He wrote the concerto for Georg Friedrich Brandt, a bassoonist in the court in Munich. The success of the clarinet works caused the musicians in Munich to all beg Weber to write them a concerto, but Weber only indulged Brandt with a new work. Weber quickly wrote the work, then left town for the next stop on his tour without hearing the premiere. Brandt performed the four times, and the work was published in 1823. The work has become a classic in the repertoire. After so many bassoon concertos being written in the Baroque and Classical eras, this is one of the few bassoon solos from the early Romantic era.

Weber’s unique style and his position as a composer that was active during the transition from the Classical to the Romantic era make this work the beloved part of the bassoon repertoire that it is today. After an orchestral introduction, the bassoon begins the first movement with a jaunty tune. The second theme is smoother and much more reflective. Weber used the standard sonata form for this first movement, which he dreaded composing in so much that he would often put off writing the first movement of a concerto until last. The second movement is a lyrical gem that sounds distinctly like an aria from Italian opera. In the middle section, Weber writes for bassoon accompanied by the two horns. This was an unusual combination of instruments, but Weber employed it with aplomb. The final movement is in Rondo form. The movement opens with the tune in the bassoon, and this first theme returns throughout the movement. The piece ends with fireworks, as the bassoonist explores the full virtuosic capability of the instrument.

Franz Joseph Haydn

b. March 31, 1732, in Rohrau, Austria.

d. May 31, 1809, in Vienna, Austria.

Symphony No. 104 in D major

Composed: Written in 1795 while Haydn was living in London.

Premiered: The King’s Theater on May 4, 1795.

V. Adagio—Allegro

VI. Andante

VII. Menuetto and Trio: Allegro

VIII. Finale: Spiritoso

The Work in Context

• 1793: Louis XVI of France is executed; France is proclaimed a republic.

• 1794: The French Revolution devolves into a reign of terror, with its early leaders like Robespierre being executed at the guillotine.

• 1795: The first graphite pencils are invented; Haydn writes Symphony No. 104.

• 1796: Edward Jenner tests a smallpox vaccine in London.

While some composers, such as Carl Maria von Weber with German Romantic Opera, may be named the “father” of one genre, Franz Joseph Hadyn has the distinction of being credited with the creation of two genres: the symphony and the string quartet. This is just one of the many amazing aspects of the career of one of the greatest composers in the history of Western classical music.

Born in a small town on the Hungarian border, Haydn’s father was a wheelwright, and his mother was a cook in the palace of the Count of Rohrau. Although his family was working class and not classically trained, Haydn’s father loved music and was a well-regarded folk musician in their neighborhood. Because of this love of music, Haydn’s family was able to see that their son had exceptional talent and looked for an opportunity for him to receive training. When he was just six, Haydn left his family to apprentice with Johann Matthias Frankh, a schoolteacher and choirmaster in a neighboring town. Haydn lived in his distant relative Frankh’s house and would never live with his parents again. Haydn’s life was quite hard as an apprentice: he often didn’t

28 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!

have enough to eat, and his clothes were shabby. However, he did receive the musical training that his family was promised. He learned to sing and play the harpsichord and violin. In 1739, he earned a position as a choirboy in the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. Haydn was in the choir for nine years and may have even sung at the funeral of Antonio Vivaldi in 1741. Eventually, Haydn’s voice changed, and he could no longer sing the high parts, so he was dismissed from the choir. Haydn was forced to try to make a life as a freelance musician in Vienna.

Haydn now had to find a way to support himself while finding a way to compose and continue his studies. He received very little formal instruction as a choirboy. Haydn struggled at first, but he was a hard worker. He moved in with a friend and took any musical job he could find. He took advantage of a few of the connections he had made at St. Stephen’s and was able to find steady work. To improve his composition, he independently studied Fux’s Gradus ad Parnassum and the works of C.P.E. Bach. Haydn slowly built a public reputation until he finally attained the patronage of aristocratic families in Vienna. This was the primary way composers in Haydn’s time, and the decades earlier, supported themselves. The composer received financial support and the aristocrat or noble received the prestige of being a patron of the arts. Haydn had a series of increasingly more prestigious patrons, until he was hired by Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy in 1761. He would work for the Esterhazy family in Eisenstadt for the rest of his life, writing music for the court musicians and giving performances at the palace. As Haydn’s reputation increased, he was able to begin publishing his music and travel to Vienna to meet with friends such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Eventually, a new Prince Esterhazy took the throne and fired all the court musicians. Haydn retained his job, but with no court musicians to write for, this allowed Haydn to travel, and received a generous offer from Johann Peter Salomon to visit England and premiere his brandnew works with a large orchestra. Haydn was a massive hit in London. Audiences loved his music. Haydn returned to London serval times in the last two decades of his life and became a celebrity in all of England. In 1795, Haydn returned to Vienna and was now a public figure in what had become the center of European musical world. He worked part-time for the Esterhazys, but he was able to give public performances in Vienna as well.

Haydn wrote 12 symphonies for his trips to London, known collectively as the London Symphonies. Symphony No. 104 in D major was the last of these twelve works. These were some of the first symphonies to achieve canonical status, meaning works that are performed over and over and become part of a core repertoire. It is hard for those of us living today to understand, but before composers such as Haydn and Handel, pieces were often performed once and then rarely heard again. Haydn’s London Symphonies were some of the first to be continuously performed and have been enjoyed by audiences around the world ever since their premieres. Symphony No. 104 is known as the London Symphony or the Salomon Symphony. Haydn wrote the work while living in London in 1795. Haydn wrote in his dairy that he was paid the sum of 4,000 gulden, a sum with which he was quite pleased.

The first movement starts with a long, slow, and serious introduction before launching into a brisk opening theme. The movement is monothematic which means, rather than having two contrasting themes, Haydn wrote the same theme in two different keys. This was not an unusual practice for Haydn. The second movement, a stately Andante, features the main theme in the strings. Listen for this melody to return with the winds adding to the string texture. The third movement is a minuet and trio. This was a very common form for third movements in the time. The minuet was a stately court dance. The final movement draws inspiration from folk music with a drone in the low strings and a simple tune.

Program notes by Martin D. King

An active performer and teacher, Martin D. King is on the faculty of Washington State University, where he teaches horn and music education. Dr. King maintains a busy performance schedule, holding positions in three orchestras in Eastern Washington and touring with his quintet, the Pan Pacific Ensemble. For more information, please visit. www.martinking.music.com

30 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! 4109 N. Midland Drive Midland, TX 79707 (432) 559-1117 www.eyelasikmidland.com Contact Us For A FREE CONSULTATION MARTHA & PAUL CRUMP Congratulate the C West texas symphony W on a 60th season!
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Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor Presents BRAD LEALI, SAXOPHONE

Saturday, March 4, 2023 7:30 p.m. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center

One of the most notable jazz saxophonists of current times. This concert will be an exciting collaboration of jazz and orchestra music!



Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
BRAD LEALI, SAXOPHONE Saturday, March 4, 2023 7:30 p.m. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor Performing selections chosen from Charlie Parker with Strings and Original works by Brad Leali *Program subject to change.
Sixty Seasons!


With a unique style and sound, which echoes the influences of his past, Brad Leali is one of the most notable saxophonists of current times. Leali toured and recorded with numerous jazz greats, including several years with the Harry Connick, Jr. Orchestra and with the Count Basie Orchestra. Leali was a standing member of the Kennedy Center Honors Band and performed for President Obama’s inaugural celebration. Brad has had a long-time endorsement with Keilwerth Saxophones and D’Addario Reeds. Currently the professor of jazz saxophone at UNT, Brad continues to perform domestically and abroad, including touring with Lyle Lovett & His Large Band.

“Saxophonist Brad Leali was among the most soulful and exciting I’ve heard recently.” – New York Times

“His solos are sparkling and Cannonball Adderley influenced.”- Evening Standard (London, England)

Learn more at BradLeali.com

DeeAnna Arellano Realtor deeannatxrealtor@gmail.com 432-934-4410 PROUD SPONSORS OF WEST TEXAS SYMPHONY Somos la Estación mas Escuchada y Con Mas Años en el Permian Basin. 432-580-5108 Q108FM.COM ABOUT THE ARTIST



To enhance the quality of life in West Texas through professional music performances and music education.

Did you know?

Each year WTS reaches over 13,000 young people through a variety of music education programs designed to offer meaningful music experiences. Our goal is to foster a love for music starting at a young age. These programs include...

• An annual WTS presentation entitled “Marvelous Melodies”, a special symphony concert for 5,000 students performed at the world-class Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center with musical programming tailored to school age children! Students experience exciting melodies by great composers that engages them through repetitive rhythms, by expressing a particular feeling or idea, or by being recognizable and easy to sing.

• Students attending MISD and ECISD elementary schools have the opportunity to experience a live chamber music concert in the comfort of their own school buildings.

• WTS offers reduced ticket pricing for all school-aged and college students: $8 for our mainstage concerts and $5 for chamber performances!

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38 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! TX-40036111 PERMIAN BASIN AREA FOUNDATION Since 1989, Permian Basin Area Foundation has served as this region’s community foundation. The Foundation partners with generous donors to leave a lasting impact in communities throughout a multi-county region of West Texas Permian Basin Area Foundation builds permanent endowments to respond to emerging and changing needs, and to sustain existing nonprofit organizations in the fields of education, arts and culture, health, social services, community development, and civic affairs. Permian Basin Area Foundation www pbaf org 432 617 3213 Because decisions about charitable giving are personal, PBAF is pleased to work with your professional advisor(s) in customizing a plan that reflects your interests and passions. People who care. Causes that matter. Create a philanthropic plan Increase the impact of giving in your community Create a charitable legacy Kris L. Howard, M.D., P.A. Diplomate American Board of Dermatology Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Nicole Connelly
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40 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
RACHMANINOFF Caroline Hong, Piano Side-By-Side with And Local Students Saturday, April 15, 2023 7:30 p.m. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center THIS CONCERT IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Diann & John McKee Martha & Paul Crump
Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor Presents


RACHMANINOFF 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 15, 2023 Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center Gary Lewis, Conductor Caroline Hong, Piano Side-By-Side with UTPB Orchestra & Local Students Capriccio Espagnol Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov I. Alborada II. Variazioni
Alborada IV. Scena e canto gitano
Fandango asturiano Festival Overture Dmitri Shostakovich Side-By-Side with UTPB Orchestra & Local Students
I. II. III. *Program subject to change. Moderato Adagio
animato-Tempo 1 Allegro
TX-40036124 “Our Legacy Is You” 687-6500 LegacyRealEstate.com
Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 Sergei Rachmaninoff

Show an interest in learning trinitymidland.org

At Trinity School, every student is involved in the arts. We are tuning up in band, vocalizing in choir, gracing the stage in drama, snapping pictures in photography, throwing pots in art, and - most importantly - coming to know an aesthetic point of view. Our students are well prepared to be appreciative audiences for and stalwart supporters of organizations like the West Texas Symphony.

42 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
Congratulations on your 60th season West Texas Symphony! CLAIRE & JIM WOODCOCK ‘



Hailed for her “expressive and powerful playing” formidable technique, as well as a “keen sense of lyricism and the classical style”, Korean-American pianist Caroline Hong continues to flourish in her career as an internationally active performer, masterclass teacher, and jury member of piano competitions. To that end, this season takes her to Boston University, Manhattan School of Music, UCLA, and numerous other organizations and institutions of higher learning as an Artist-Teacher and adjudicator. She has served as jury member for the Bartok-Kabalevsky International Piano Competition and Aarhus International Piano Competition among others, and as a faculty for the Amalfi Coast Music Festival, Vianden International Festival and School (Luxembourg), Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Piano Academy 2021, Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and Longwood University. Currently, she is Professor and Area Head for the Piano Area at The Ohio State University School of Music.

Her training is from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University (BM) where she was a scholarship student and graduated with performance honors and an accelerated degree, the Juilliard School (MM) where she also graduated with an accelerated degree, and Indiana University (DM) where she served as an Associate Instructor in both Theory and Secondary Piano. She attended the Music Academy of the West (Santa Barbara) as a student of Jerome Lowenthal, where she won the concerto competition, and the Sergei Babayan International Piano Academy where her work was broadcast live. During the pandemic, Columbus Symphony Orchestra produced of several live broadcasts, two of her work; one with the Concertmaster in a duo program of Gershwin and Ravel, and another as the soloist in Prokofiev’s Third Piano Concerto under the baton of Maestro Rossen Milanov.

Caroline Hong serves the American Liszt Society on the Board of Directors, as the President and Co-Founder of the Ohio Chapter, and as the Executive Director of the Franz Liszt International Piano Festival and Competition.

Her recordings of contemporary piano music have been reviewed favorably by American Record Guide. Pulitzer Prize and Academy award-winning composer John Corigliano referred to her as “one of the greatest pianists I have ever heard” after a performance of his Etude Fantasy (composed in 1976). She can be heard on Fleur de Son records in all three piano sonatas of Carl Vine.



The University of Texas Permian Basin Orchestra is one of the top performing ensembles at the University. It showcases music majors and community members performing all kinds of orchestral repertoire in dynamic concerts and tours. Besides concerts through the year, the UTPB Orchestra provides music for the UTPB Opera productions, serves as the lab orchestra for music majors, and often collaborates with faculty and guest soloists in joint performances.

Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov

b. March 18, 1844, in Tikhvin, Russia. d. June 21, 1908, in Luga, Russia.

Capriccio Espagnol

Composed: Written in 1887. Premiered: October 31, 1887, in St. Petersburg, performed by the Imperial Orchestra.

VI. Alborada

VII. Variazioni

VIII. Alborada

IX. Scena e canto gitano

X. Fandango asturiano

The Work in Context

• 1885: Karl Benz develops an internal combustion engine in Germany.

• 1886: American troops capture the Apache chief Geronimo after a four-year effort.

• 1887: Ethiopian forces fight Italy’s effort to colonize the country, Capriccio Espagnol premieres.

• 1888: Brazil officially ends slavery.

A towering figure in the development of classical music in Russia, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov played a key role in the creation of a Russian nationalistic style. He wrote some of the most beloved pieces in the Western cannon, such as Russian Easter Overture and Scheherazade. Born into a landless noble family, young Nikolai’s family had a history of serving as military officers and administrators in the Imperial Russian government. The family’s history stretched back centuries and could be the subject of a soap opera. One ancestor, an Ivan Rimsky-Korsakov, was a famous lover of Catherine the Great. Nikolai did not show an initial interest in music, even though he had every opportunity. He was a lackluster piano student, and he preferred literature to writing music. At the age of 12, he entered the Naval College

44 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!

to train for a career as an officer. Nikolai continued to study piano while at the Naval College when he was not at sea. During this time, he met other Russian musicians who came to be known as The Five or The Mighty Handful, including Mily Balakirev, Cesar Cui, and Modest Mussorgsky. This was a group of young, avocational musicians who collaborated to create what became a Russian national style of music. Rimsky-Korsakov composed while he was at sea and bought scores to study at every port of call his ship visited on the 32-month cruise. After returning from this long cruise, he filled a desk job where he was able to be involved in the musical life of St. Petersburg.

In 1871, Rimsky-Korsakov made a career decision that would anger his colleagues in The Five. While retaining his active-duty status in the Navy, Nikolai accepted a position as professor at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The members of The Five typically disdained formal musical training. Rimsky-Korsakov, however, embraced his new role and instantly realized he was unqualified. “Having undeservedly become a Conservatory professor, I soon became one of its best students,” he wrote in his diary. He frequently asked his colleagues, such as Tchaikovsky, for help in improving his craft. Nikolai worked to improve his conducting and composition, and he engaged in editing and publishing critical editions of Mikhail Glinka’s operas. This was the first project of its kind in Russia. He eventually became Inspector of Navy Bands which was a civilian position. It was during this period of his life, when he was working as a professor and bandmaster, that he wrote the three instrumental pieces that are most well-loved today: Scheherazade, Russian Easter Overture, and Capriccio Espagnol.

Mikhail Glinka, one of the first Russian composers and the subject of some of RimskyKorsakov’s academic research, had long had an interest in Spanish music. It makes sense, then, that Rimsky-Korsakov would also try his hand at writing music based on Spanish themes. The result was a masterpiece of orchestral writing and orchestration. The piece was originally indented to be a work for solo violin with orchestra, but it became a work for orchestra that features a virtuoso violin solo. The work demonstrates Rimsky-Korsakov’s mastery of orchestration and the creation of a varied palette of sound colors. The first movement, Alborada, is bright and lively dance. An alborada is a dance from Northern Spain that celebrates the rising sun. The movement features violin and clarinet solos. The second movement, Variazioni, begins with the melody in the horns. Here we hear Rimsky-Korsakov’s genius for orchestration as the melody is passed around the orchestra. The third movement is a reprise of the Alborada featuring the violin and clarinet. The fourth movement, Scena e canto gitano, opens with five cadenzas, or solos, played out of time. After the cadenzas, the music transitions into a quick dance with moves without interruption into the final movement, Fandango asturiano. The movement opens with another dance from Northern Spain, and it ends with a final reprise of the Alborada theme.


b. April 1, 1873, in Staraya, Russia.

d. March 28, 1943, in Beverly Hills, California.

Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18

Composed: Written between 1900-1901.

Premiered: First performance of the complete work was on November 9, 1901, at a Moscow Philharmonic Society concert.

IV. Moderato

V. Adagio sostenuto—Piu animato—Tempo I

VI. Allegro scherzando

The Work in Context

• 1899: The first tape recorder is invented.

• 1900: World population is around 1.7 billion.

• 1901: Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as U.S. President, Piano Concerto No. 2 premieres.

• 1902: A young Joseph Stalin, 23, is arrested in Georgia after instigating a riot of oil workers.

Sergei Rachmaninoff was a talented and acclaimed composer, virtuoso pianist, and conductor. Born in Russia in 1873, he was one of the last of the Russian Romantic composers, as the romantic style was beginning to give way to the modernism of the 20th century. As a child in a musical family, he began piano at the age of four. Like RimskyKorsakov, Rachmaninoff also came from a family with a history of military service. His father was an army officer and amateur pianist, and his mother was the daughter of an army general who was quite wealthy. Young Sergei showed an incredible aptitude for piano at a young age. His family had the means to make sure Sergei got the very best education, so they hired him a teacher, a recent graduate from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, to come and live on the family estate to teach their young son. Unlike in modern times, where professional militaries pay the expenses of training their recruits, a military career in Russia was a significant expense to the family of a young officer due to political corruption. Sergei’s father was not a wise steward the family’s money, so he could not afford the military career he wanted for his son. The family’s last estate was sold in 1882, and the family moved into an apartment in St. Petersburg the next year.

The family still believed in Sergei’s musical skill, and they found a way for him to attend the Moscow Conservatory, first living with a family friend, and eventually earning a full-tuition fellowship. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory at the age of 19. He gradually built a successful and composing career until the premiere of his First Symphony in 1897. After his First Symphony was poorly received, he dealt with four years of debilitating depression. His depression ended up improving through therapy, and he began to compose and tour again. Rachmaninoff also began conducting during this time, initially to make ends meet. He found that he loved conducting, and it became an important part of his career.

46 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
Sergei Rachmaninoff

The criticism following Symphony No. 1 made composing almost impossible for Sergei Rachmaninoff. He received help from the physician and amateur musician Nikolai Dahl. Dahl used hypnosis and talk therapy to help Rachmaninoff sleep, regain his appetite, and compose again. After around six months of nearly daily meetings with Dr. Dahl, Rachmaninoff felt like he could start composing again. His first piece that he completed after this long hiatus was Piano Concerto No. 2. Rachmaninoff dedicated the piece to Nikolai Dahl, the doctor who gave him his career back. He wrote the last two movements quickly but had some struggles with the first movement. Rachmaninoff found himself writing too much music, and so he had to edit down the piece significantly. Still dealing with the depression and fear from the premiere of the First Symphony, Rachmaninoff panicked before the performance and almost cancelled it because he convinced himself the work wasn’t good. In a demonstration of artistic courage, Rachmaninoff moved forward with the premiere and the piece was wildly successful.

The first movement, marked Moderato, stars with a series of chords in the piano that reminds the listener of tolling bells. The first theme is in the strings with piano playing a rapid, sweeping accompaniment. The second theme is lyrical and is first presented in the piano. The second movement is an Adagio. An introduction in the strings leads into an elegant arpeggiated melody in the piano joined by solo flute. The last movement, the energetic Allegro Scherzando, contains several themes, but the piano solo is energetic and virtuosic throughout. This concerto was extremely successful when it was first performed, and it remains one of the most popular piano concertos with performers and audiences alike.

Program notes by Martin D. King

An active performer and teacher, Martin D. King is on the faculty of Washington State University, where he teaches horn and music education. Dr. King maintains a busy performance schedule, holding positions in three orchestras in Eastern Washington and touring with his quintet, the Pan Pacific Ensemble.

For more information, please visit. www.martinking.music.com


Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor Presents

48 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
© Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center POPS & FAMILY SERIES IS PROUDLY UNDERWITTEN BY Wood Family Foundation THIS CONCERT IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Carol & Tom Chandler Dee Anna & Johnny Arellano and Lisset & Benjamin Velasquez Dr. Charles Lively and Lively Wellness & Aesthetics
Saturday, May 20, 2023 7:30 p.m.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

7:30 p.m. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center Gary Lewis, Music Director & Conductor








Produced by BOB GALE and NEIL CANTON



Tonight's program is a presentation of the complete film Back to the Future with a live performance of the film’s entire score, including music played by the orchestra during the end credits. Out of respect for the musicians and your fellow audience members, please remain seated until the conclusion of the credits.

© Universal City Studios LLC and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Back to the Future in Concert produced by Film Concerts Live!, a joint venture of IMG Artists, LLC and The Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency, Inc.

Producers: Steven A. Linder and Jamie Richardson

Director of Operations: Rob Stogsdill

Production Manager: Sophie Greaves Worldwide Representation: IMG Artists, LLC Technical Director: Mike Runice

Music Composed by Alan Silvestri

Music Preparation: Jo Ann Kane Music Service

Film Preparation for Concert Performance: Kristopher Carter and Mako Sujishi Technical Consultant: Laura Gibson

Sound Remixing for Concert Performance: Chace Audio by Deluxe The score for Back to the Future has been adapted for live concert performance.

With special thanks to: Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Alan Silvestri, David Newman, Kristin Stark, Michael Silver, Patrick Koors, Tammy Olsen, Lawrence Liu, Thomas Schroder, Tanya Perra, Chris Herzberger, Noah Bergman, Jason Jackowski, Shayne Mifsud, Darice Murphy, Mark Graham and the musicians and staff of the West Texas Symphony.


50 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


Great Scott! After 30 years we find ourselves being sent Back To The Future. This time the re-entry is in the concert hall, bringing a new sense of excitement through gifted musicians all around the world. Unlike Doc Brown, I could never have dreamed that I would have the opportunity to set the time circuits back to 1985 and have the chance to relive the excitement of the arrival of Back To The Future.

“Where we’re going, we don’t need roads…” With a timeless film, and a timeless machine known as an orchestra, we can go anywhere.


Composer Alan Silvestri has scored some of the most beloved and profitable films in Hollywood history, with over a hundred credits to date, earning him two Oscar and Golden Globe nominations, two Emmy awards and three Grammy awards. While stylistically diverse, his scores feature unmistakable rhythmic melodies that continue to embody cinematic excitement and drama for generations of moviegoers.

Born in New York City and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey, Silvestri’s first ambition was to become a bebop jazz guitarist. He studied at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, eventually finding his way to Hollywood at the age of 22, where he composed the scores for several successful low-budget films including The Doberman Gang and its sequel The Amazing Dobermans. This led to his composing the energetic, action-driven music for the hit TV series CHiPs, which caught the ear of budding filmmaker Robert Zemeckis. Their first collaboration, the 1984 film Romancing the Stone, was a runaway hit, and its success formed the basis of a decades-long composer-director relationship that continues to this day. Their numerous collaborations include the jazzy world of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, the time-travel adventure of Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3, the dramatic tension of What Lies Beneath, the dark comedy of Death Becomes Her, the cosmic wonder of Contact, the emotional isolation of Cast Away, the Wagnerian brawl of Beowulf, and the holiday magic of A Christmas Carol and The Polar Express, from which Silvestri’s original song "Believe" garnered an Oscar nomination. But perhaps no film defines their creative partnership better than Zemeckis' 1994 Best Picture winner Forrest Gump, for which Silvestri's gift for beautifully melodic themes earned him an Oscar nomination for Best Original Score.


Silvestri’s other films feature original scores in a wide range of styles and genres, including the hard-hitting percussive scores of Predator, Judge Dredd and James Cameron's The Abyss, the thrilling effects-driven scores for The Mummy Returns and G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra, the ethnic rhythms of Soapdish and The Mexican, and the raucous fun of family films like Stuart Little 1 and 2, Disney's Lilo and Stitch, and the Night at the Museum trilogy. Other credits include the romantic film noir The Bodyguard, edgy comedies like Mouse Hunt and heartfelt romantic comedies like The Father of the Bride 1 and 2, The Parent Trap and What Women Want. Silvestri has also proven adept at evoking the Wild West in Young Guns 2 and The Quick and the Dead, providing thrilling macho muscle for Van Helsing and The A-Team, and creating a dynamic musical soundscape for Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One. Silvestri’s long-standing collaboration with Marvel Studios has helped to propel a number of their films to spectacular world-wide success, including Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, The Avengers: Infinity War and most recently The Avengers: Endgame, which broke all previous worldwide box office records to become the number one grossing film of all time.

In 2014 Silvestri won two Emmy awards for his music for Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, based on Carl Sagan's original 1980 series and updated with the latest scientific discoveries as well as spectacular visual effects and animation. Sagan’s widow Ann Druyan, who cowrote the original Cosmos series, served as an executive producer, writer and director, alongside executive producer Seth MacFarlane.

Silvestri and his wife Sandra are long-time residents of California's central coast. The Silvestri family embarked on a new venture as the founders of Silvestri Vineyards, creating wines that show lovingly cultivated fruit has a music all its own. "There's something about the elemental side of winemaking that appeals to me," said the composer. "Both music making and wine making involve the blending of art and science. Just as each note brings its own voice to the melody, each vine brings its own unique personality to the wine."

Whether in his studio or vineyard, Silvestri continues to find inspiration and passion for music, film, family and wine.

52 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!

2022-2023 SPONSORS


Wood Family Foundation

DIAMOND ($10,000)


GOLD ($5,000)

Community National Bank ConocoPhillips

Midland Symphony Guild & Odessa Symphony Guild Carol & Tom Chandler Claire & Jim Woodcock

SILVER ($3,500)

Cotton Bledsoe Tighe & Dawson P.C. Plains Marketing L.P. Ann Parish & Betty Ann Prentice

BRONZE ($2,500)

Aghorn Energy Brazos Door & Hardware Martha & Paul Crump FirstCapital Bank of Texas West Texas National Bank

Dee Anna & Johnny Arellano and Lisset & Benjamin Velasquez Denise & Thomas W. Elrod Ann & Ken Hankins, Jr. Carolina & Ronny Keith Dr. Charles Lively and Lively Wellness & Aesthetics Diann & John McKee Pamela McQuillin & Eric Pokky

CHAMBER ($500)


Jiminez Law Firm

Right at Home Midland Lodging

Andrew Hernandez, State Farm Agent Penny & Ernie Angelo Maridell Fryar

Sherry & Joe Hurt Dr. & Mrs. Sajjadul Islam Carolina & Ronny Keith Ann Parish & Betty Ann Prentice Gregory Smith Claire & Jim Woodcock


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels Midland Plaza

Odessa Marriott Hotel & Conference Center

LaQuinta Inn & Suites Odessa North Sewell Cadillac of the Permian Basin

Midland Reporter-Telegram

Odessa American Basin PBS CBS7 KMID ABC Big2 West Texas Radio Group The Odessan

54 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
55 WTXS.ORG SYMPHONY! SYMPHONY! OF THE SHAMMY SHAMMY JUST WANTS TO BE PART WEST TEXAS SYMPHONY ON 60 GREAT YEARS! WEST TEXAS SYMPHONY ON 60 GREAT YEARS! ODESSA 4801 E. 52nd St. 432.653.0376 MIDLAND 3510 N. Big Spring St. 432.686.9900 MIDLAND 4300 W. Wadley Ave. 432.694.5300 THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! visit us at softsudsautospa.com At FirstCapital Bank of Texas, we put your well-being above all else. That’s why we’re proud supporters of the West Texas Symphony’s mission to enrich lives through music, one great performance at a time. Music Unites Us All. 844.FCBTEXAS | FCBTexas.com | Member FDIC


West Texas Symphony is pleased to acknowledge the generosity of those who place a high value on the presence of live symphonic, chamber, and choral music in West Texas. Through their monetary commitment or other unique forms of support, they enable us to fulfill our mission of enriching lives through music for a 60th season!

Listed below are the gifts and pledges for the 2022-2023 season as of August 1, 2022.


Arts Council Of Midland Beal Foundation

J.C. Ferguson Foundation

Midland Symphony Guild & Odessa Symphony Guild Odessa Arts

Pevehouse Family Foundation Karen & Spencer Beal

GOLDEN BATON SOCIETY ($5,000+) Kay & George Smith


Jessica Bexley Kay Bird Mary Dawson

Mary Kennedy

Julia Edwards Mary & Nam Kim C. Richard Sivalls

Michael & Dana Ashton & Mr. Marc Capellini Dr. Ed Rathbun & Suzanne Rathbun Rosemary & Max Wright

FORTISSIMO ($1,000+)


Gayle & Michael Banschbach

Robin Richey & Gary Brednich

Drs. Roberta & Richard Case

Martha & Paul Crump

Betty Rae & Paul Davis

Denise & Thomas W. Elrod

Judia Foreman

Maridell Fryar

Rosalind Redfern Grover Carole & Harry Hinkle

Carolina & Ronny Keith

Mark Knox

Diann & John McKee

Patricia & Peter Lufholm Doris Casey Mason

A. Lee Miller

Randee & Jack Rathbone

Doris P. Redfern

Dale Stice Carol Traut

FORTE ($500+)


Cliffy & Barry Beal

Penny & Ernie Angelo

Suzie & Kirk Boyd

Paul Feit

Jonnie Foreman

Elizabeth S Prentice

Juandelle Lacy Roberts

Cathy & Floyd C Rountree Carole V Warren Kay & Tom Zeltman


Rebecca Bell Laurie & Jim Branningan Sophie Edwards Lou Nelle & Jeff George Bill Harden Patty & Tevis Herd Lynn Mashburn Janet & Bill Perkins Dawn Nichols Eric Pantzer Ruth & Bob A. Price Nicholas C Taylor Dr. Tulsi & Mrs. Claudette Singh Violet & Mark Singh Mary Ann Woodard Heather Petty


Network for Good Dee Anna Arellano Dottie Barker Dr. William Christopher Brown Ann Curtis Jeannine & Robert Donnelly Monsignor Larry Droll Ashlee Dunn Connie May Deeann & Richard Werner Unitarian Universalist Church of Midland Janice Archer Megan & Paul Pausé

PIANO ($75+)


Beverly Alstrin Sandra Bridgewater Julie & Pat S. Canty Gabriel Almendarez Sara Campbell Allison Gray Jacy Lewis Mary Nava Dawn Nichols Berta Tong Em Carnett Nancy Hull Ann Parish Crystal Radford Alejandra Sanchez Holly Stroman Ross Waggoner

56 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


Established in 1992 to help provide a financial cushion when economic activity in the Basin declines, the WTS Endowment Fund currently accounts for about 6% of the annual budget. As you consult with your tax advisor, financial planner, or attorney, please consider West Texas Symphony as a beneficiary of your planned giving or of your estate. Your legacy will continue to Enrich Lives Through Music for generations to come. For further details on how you can play your part in assuring that WTS concerts and programs continue well into the future, please contact:

Honoring Your
and the
Violet Singh, Development Director 432-563-0921 or development@wtxs.org
West Texas Symphony! Endowment


You, Your Legacy, and the Music of West Texas Symphony

For 60 seasons the music of West Texas Symphony has not just endured, but grown. What a testament to residents of this community and their determination to include live symphony, chamber, and choral music as part of the cultural landscape of West Texas!

By donating to the WTS Endowment Fund, you join generous contributors whose gifts immediately work to provide critical funding for the quality programming WTS offers season after season, now and into the future.

For further details on how you can play your part to assure that WTS continues to Enrich Lives Through Music well into the future, please contact Violet Singh, Development Director at 432-563-0921.


Mrs. Keleen Beal Mr. & Mrs. Louis Rochester

Millennium Club ($25,000+)


Walter Osadchuk

Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Miller

Mary June Rasmussen

Mr. Kenneth Anderson & Anne Acreman, MD Anonymous

Karen & Spencer Beal Davidson Family Charities

Estate of Dollie Neal Ballenger

Mary de Compiegne

Estate of Mary Louise Gilmour Rosalind Redfern Grover

William Randolph Hearst Endowment for Music Education

Midland Symphony Guild MOSC Board of Directors

Harvey & Harriet Herd

John & Doris Mason

Estate of Alice B. Moxey

David Austin Stephens

Beethoven Society ($10,000-$24,999)


Justin Andrew Fregia

Martha Fregia

Charles Tracy Sivalls

Mrs. C.T. Sivalls

In Honor of Ruth McFarland

Midland Symphony Guild

Estate of Mary Harrington Anonymous (2)

Nancy & Buddy Anguish

Drs. Terry & Elvira Burns Dr. & Mrs. J. Terry Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Nance G. Creager

Marion E. Luper, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William L. McGavran III

Beverly Pevehouse Mr. & Mrs. T.G. Roden Mr. & Mrs. Earl Rodman

Mozart Society ($5,000-$9,999)

In Honor of Ted Hale Anonymous


Nelson Allison

Marion E. Luper, Jr. Jared A. Barlage Marion E. Luper, Jr. Roy E. Campbell Mrs. Viola Campbell


Ted Hale Anonymous

Michael J. Santorelli

Modesta and Clayton Williams

J.C. Ferguson Foundation

The Midland Musicians Club

Drs. Richard & Roberta Case

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cole

Roger B. Corzine

Dr. & Mrs. Bart Mayron

Phil & Susan Parker

Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Sivalls

Mr. & Mrs. George S. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Wilson

Bach Society ($1,000-$4,999)


Anne K. Anson

Robert D. Anson

Robert D. Anson

Drs. Richard & Roberta Case

Tyler T. Burns

Bobby & Denise Burns

Johnny “Cactus Jack” Dowdle

Nash Dowdle

Marguerite W. Davis

Ludie & Eben Warner

John M. Grimland, Jr. Mrs. John M. Grimland, Jr

Neal H. Johnson

Berniece Johnson

Vera Osadchuk

Bea & Bob Angevine

Walter Osadchuk

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Covington

Josh H. Parr

Anne & Jim McLaughlin

Victoria Parr Ehrlich

Mary June Rasmussen

Dr. & Mrs. Terry Unruh

Fred A. Stout, Jr.

Kathlene N. Stout

Martha Tompkins

Dianne & Mark Tompkins

Bob Winkler & Clayton Taylor Winkler

Carolyn Winkler

58 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!



Dorothy Davis

Dr. & Mrs. Terry Unruh

Michael J. Santorelli

Penny and Ernest Angelo Carole V. Warren Shari Santorelli

Penny and Ernest Angelo Betty Rae and Paul Davis

The MOSC Chorale Carole V. Warren Estate of Joyce Ann Bradley ExxonMobil Foundation

Marshall & Winston. Inc. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Shinn Industrial Sales/Barbara & Don Shinn

TXU Electric

The Midland Musicians Club

Anonymous (3)

Nelson Allison

Dollie Neal Ballenger

Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bauman

Karen & Spencer Beal

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Boothe

Mrs. M.O. Boring, Jr. David and Vicki Brown

Bob & Julia Chandler

Mr. & Mrs. K. Michael Conaway Paul & Martha Crump

Betty & Albert Dale

Mr. & Mrs. Roy H. Davidson Mary & Henri de Compiegne

Kimberly B. Dollens

Betty & Don Ewan

Celeste Fasken

Frances Gilliland

Elizabeth A. Greaves

Elizabeth Harvey Karl & Cathy Herzog

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Innerarity

Mrs. Stan Jacobs

Mr. & Mrs. Bob L. Jones

Marian & Charles E. Jones

V. Wayne & Joann Jones

Dr. & Mrs. Nam Kim

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lacy

Dr. Ron Larson & Pat Paxton Larson

Stephanie Latimer

Jane C. Lea

Robert M. & Prudie Leibrock

Scott W. Long

LaNelle McBee

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McHaney

Rusty & Alyson McInturff

Mr. & Mrs. James D. McLaughlin

Walter & E. Grace Osadchuk

Dr. E. Grace Osadchuk

Mr. & Mrs. Josh H. Parr

Dr. & Mrs. Jess Parrish

Margaret L. Peer

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pollard

Mike and Sue Potter

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rice

Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Rutter, Jr. Rick & Debbie Schneider

Violet & Mark Singh

Dr. Roger M. Traxel

Bill & Patti Watson

Harold & Jacquelyn Williams Rachel & Ethan Wills

Jane Wolf

Mr. & Mrs. Max Wright

Contributors (Up to $999)


Bea Angevine

Jane & Don Samples

Katherine Bash & Duncan


Harriet A. & Gene Motter

Jack “Dug” Belcher

Dortha & Ronald Bennett

Dortha & Ronald Bennett & Barbara Shinn

Ms. Judy DeWees

Brad Bullock

MOSC Board of Directors

Eddie Montoya

Marin & Ashlin Bullock

Brad & Crista Bullock

Chris Chance

Pamela Howell

Carol Chandler

MOSC Board of Directors

Jo Ann Collett

The Midland Musicians Club

Kimberly Corman

Janet Williams Pollard Ann Countryman

Larry & Gwen Roberts Mrs. D. Pat Darden

Betty M. Scott

Gary Edmiston

Employees of Security State Bank

Karen Elliott

Jane Wolf

Trisha Faubion

Karen Watson Maridell Fryar

Bea Angevine

Jane & Don Samples

Sue Solari

Louise M. Garay

Bill & Mary Garay

Luis de la Garza, III

Pamela Howell

Richelle Gengler

The Midland Musicians Club Dr. Ted Hale


Carol, John & Caroline Deats Edith C. Hardy

The Midland Musicians Club

Lee Harley

Flo White

Sharon Hickox

Mark & Janet Krause Dr. Thomas A & Anne B. Hyde

Violet and Mark Singh

Rino Irving

Ann Parish

Betty Ann Prentice

Violet & Mark Singh

Jane Wolf

Peggy C. Jones

The Midland Musicians Club

Abigail Kauffman

Mary Macferran

Carolina Kieth

MOSC Board of Directors

Jeannette Kolokoff

MOSC Board of Directors

Crystal Radford

Ann Parish

Betty Ann Prentice

LaDoyce Lambert

MOSC Board of Directors

David Lauritzen

MOSC Board of Directors

Martha Lewis

The Midland Musicians Club

Karen McAfee

Carole Symonette

John and Melissa Madura

Violet and Mark Singh

Reba McHaney

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Parker

Tim Young & Sharon Hickox

Edward McPherson

Jeannette & Mark Kolokoff

Charles & Brenda Nail

Bill Harden

Vera Osadchuk

The Midland Musicians Club

Dr. Henry Page

The Midland Musicians Club

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pope

Midland Symphony Guild




Richy Puga

Jennifer & John C. Harper

Gregory Pysh

Chapter Gd P.E.O.

Connie May

Russell J. Ramsland

Midland Symphony Guild

Jay Reynolds

MOSC Board of Directors Red & Juandelle

Lacy Roberts

Violet & Mark Singh

Elizabeth Roweck

The Midland Musicians Club

Jane Samples

Bea Angevine

Michael J. Santorelli

Violet and Mark Singh

Janet Stafford

Carol Symonette Shari Santorelli

Craig and Doris Anderson

Connie May

Violet and Mark Singh Janet Stafford

Carol Symonette

Cliff & Joyce Sherrod

Violet & Mark Singh Violet Singh

Alynda Best

Joanie Holt

Rev. Jon & Dale Stasney

The Midland Musicians Club

Sue Smith & Jim Huddleston

Alathea & Jim Blischke

Violet and Mark Singh Sue Solari

Jane & Don Samples

Mark & Jeannette Kolokoff

Bill & Mary Garay

Herb and Pat Stanley

Violet and Mark Singh Cindy Walton

Amy A. Walton

Jane Wolf

Memorial Christian Church

Billy T. Schulze

Beverly Wise

The Midland Musicians Club

Gene & JoAnn Wyatt

Risa Brown


Nelson Allison

Michael & Dana Ashton

Bob & Kay Bivens

Karl & Cathy Herzog

Joan McCown

Sue & Buddy McDonald

Violet & Mark Singh

Dr. & Mrs. Steve Wiehle

Anne Anson

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Durham

Arlen Edgar

Betty & Clem George

Robert D. Anson

Thomas K. Anson Ms. Francene Breckenridge

Edith Libson

Andrew W. Austin & Cynthia K. Stewart

Eldon Basney

Midland Symphony Guild

Ms. Beverly K. Cunningham Dr. E. Grace Osadchuk

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tandy Frank Bell

Betty Ann Prentice

Emma Burnett

Violet and Mark Singh Jane Wolf

Jack E. Brown

Jeannette and Mark Kolokoff

Warren Burnett

Paula & Ruff Ahders

Ms. Judy DeWees

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Leeton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tandy

Jane Wolf

Anne Caldwell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jones

Clarence E. Cardwell, Jr.

Eric Leibrock

Mrs. Ethel Chapman

Truman & Doreen McCreless

Viola Campbell

The Midland Musicians Club

J. Dan Carpenter

Alan and Susan Leshnower

Marcella Christensen

Katherine Grella

Doris Cooper

Cowan Hill Bond Agency

Mullis Newby Hurst

Ronald Bennett Howard Cowan

Janet Hayes

Bob & Pam Leibrock

Violet & Mark Singh Mary Nixon Tighe

Dorothy Croft

Caroline Ater Howard

Chancy & Toni Croft

Barbara Davis

Alan & Susan Leshnower

Mary McKeown Davis

Pat & Herb Stanley

Lynn Davis

LaDoyce Lambert

Perry Davis

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Jean Grisham Dean

Jeff & Lou Nelle George

Opal Dobbs

Ludie & Eben Warner

Gretchen Estes

The Midland Musicians Club

Marie Finical

Chris Newman

John Foster

Kay & Robert Bivens

Kathleen Freeman

Lyn Fishman

Maridell Fryar

Ann Parish

Betty Ann Prentice

Fay Griffin

Betty & Stuart Awbrey

Betty Louise Gulledge

Lou Nelle & Jeff George

Martha Savage Marshall C. Gulledge

Marilyn J. Craig

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neill

Frankie Simmons

Mary Harrington

Odessa Council for the Arts & Humanities

Odessa Symphony Guild

Nancy Anguish

Karen & Spencer Beal

Bobby & Denise Burns

Emma H. Burnett

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Karl & Cathy Herzog

Tim Young & Sharon Hickox

Melissa Hirsch

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jones

Charles Milby Hartwell

Barbara Hartwell

Mayor Dan Hemphill

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Harriet Herd

Midland Symphony Guild

Alathea & Jim Blische

Jeannine Donnelly

60 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!

Kenneth Herrick


Elizabeth & Preston Black

Myrna Herrick

The Preston Black Family

Mayor Bill Hext

Bobby & Denise Burns

Jacque Nell Hunder Holland

Marc and Kay Maddox

Dr. Thomas Hohstadt

Jane Wolf

Rose Ann Houghton

Joanie Holt

Robert Hudson

Jane Wolf

Billie Hunt

Pam & Bob Leibrock

Pat Innerarity

Jim & Barbara Clack

Mary B. Kennedy

Rebecca Sawyer

Janet & Paul St.Hilaire

Dr. Thomas A. Hyde

The Midland Musicians Club

Neal Johnson

Ms. Judy DeWees

Marian Jones

Bob & Nancy Dott

Betty & Harvey Dunn

Alan & Susan Leshnower

Sally McGuffey

Esther D. Bird

Jane Knox

Jeannette & Mark Kolokoff

LaDoyce Lambert

Phyllis Kvasnicka

Beverly Muire & Family

Dick Lambert

LaDoyce and Gloria Lambert

Gloria Lambert

Barry and Mary Beck

Jeannette and Mark Kolokoff

Lynn Mashburn

Violet and Mark Singh

Jane Wolf

LaDoyce Lambert

Martha & Paul Crump

Lynn Mashburn

Margaret Purvis

Jane Wolf

Merceda Layton

Audrey Chartier

Katherine Leeton Fowler

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Ed Leps

Audra & J.D. Whatley

Katherine Linehan

Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Berger

Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Blake

Alva D. Butler

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cahoon

Elinore Chase

Harvey & Harriet Herd

Patty & Tevis Herd

Sue Houghton

Dan M.Leonard

Jan & Bill Setzler

Mrs. E.M. Seydell

Barnie Snure

Mrs. George Lovett

Audrey Chartier

Geraldine MacCabe Chastain

Jheri Fleet

Marjorie Sue McLelland

Emma H. Burnett

Maurice “Mo” Martel

W.M. Champion

Sammie K. Rogers

Mary Elizabeth Newman

Carole Symonette

Grace Osadchuk

Jan Artley,

Jane Samples, Patty Smith, Lucinda Windsor, Maridell Fryar

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Mr. & Mrs. D. N. Ewan

Chris & Fred Newman

Rebecca Sawyer Schatzie & Charlie Tighe

Vera Osadchuk

Rino Irving

Pam & Bob Leibrock

Lynch Chappel Alsup

Ed Magruder

Suzanne Martin Bill & Sheila Morrow

Violet & Mark Singh Sue Solari

Bill Stella

Jan & Paul St.Hilaire

The Midland Musicians Club

Jane Wolf

Walter Osadchuk

Vera Osadchuk

Barbara Parr


Rebecca Atwood

Victoria Ehrlich

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jones

Josh H. Parr


Rebecca Atwood

Mrs. Coy Best

Victoria Ehrlich

Delia Griffin

V. Wayne & Joann Jones

Mr. & Mrs. James D. McLaughlin

John O’Hern

Dr. Jess Parrish

Kay and Bob Bivens

Harold Rasco

Audrey Chartier

Victor Rede

Melissa Burnett & Wayne Warren

Charles H. Rentz

Mary Rentz

Charles Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Harley

Betty Lloyd Ross

Frank & Getchen Bell

Rebecca Bell

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cahoon

Ms. Sarah C. Hardwick

Dr. & Mrs. Charles Simmons

Violet and Mark Singh

Russell F. Sanders

Emma H. Burnett

Sue Bob Smith

Drs. Roberta & Richard Case

Jeannette Kolokoff

Elizabeth Prentice

Violet and Mark Singh

Junia Stoddard

Helen Parsons Adhers

Sally Stella

Chris Newman

David Austin Stephens

Davis, Gerald & Cremer

Stubbeman, McRae, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder

Mary Lou Cassidy

Permian Basin

Landmen’s Association

Violet & Mark Singh

Nan & Alan Zeman

Deane Stoltz & Susan Stoltz Tirey

Kay & Robert Bivens

Emma H. Burnett

Wanda Campbell

Kathleen Stout

Midland Symphony Guild

Twentieth Century Study Club

Capt. & Mrs. William E. Clark

Berniece Johnson


Charlene Shults

Kay & Robert Bivens

Sheila Thompson

The Midland Musicians Club

Naomi Tillett

Mary & Barry Beck

Alva D. Butler

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cahoon

Elinore Chase

Capt. & Mrs. William E. Clark David & Sarah Lew Grimes

Sue & Ted Kerr

LaDoyce & Gloria Lambert

Mary Ann McRae

Mr. Mrs. Charles L.Tighe

Earl Van Stavern

Midland Symphony Guild

Thomas Welch

Schatzie & Charles Tighe

Bill J. Whitfield

Dee Griffin

Rita Williams

Ronald & Dortha J. Bennett

Berniece Johnson

Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Johnson

AT&T Foundation

The Bosworth Company

Chapter Gd P.E.O.

The Midland Musicians Club

Tierra Company / Bill Musar Stanton Music Club

Twentieth Century Study Club

Anonymous (4)

Dr. & Mrs. Clayton Alred Jim & Sandra Alsup

Mr. & Mrs. George Alther

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Armstrong

Joyce R. Barthelemy

Cliffy & Barry Beal

Helen B. Beal

Chrys & Kelly Beal

Cheryl Becker

Frank & Gretchen Bell

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bellows

Virginia Berry

Elizabeth & Herb Blankinship

Berry & Jane Breining

Ken & Cathy Burgess

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bynum

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cahoon

Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Cartwright

Edward & Cassandra Cheek

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Clifton

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cooke

Margaret Cowden

Enid W. Davis

Tom & Dorothy Davis Bill & Mary Anne Dingus

Mary Margaret Donelson

Mr. & Mrs. Lynn D. Durham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Erwin, Jr.

Paul Feit

Iris & John Foster

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Frazer

Jeff & Lou Nelle George

Richard D. & Iola Gillham

Dan Green

Sarah & David Grimes

Mr. & Mrs. M.C. Gulledge, Jr.

Barbara Hales

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Halpert

Billie C. Halstead

Mrs. Thornton Hardie

Phil & Judy Hayes

Patty & Tevis Herd

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Hibbitts

Melissa Hirsch

Brittie N. Holster

Dr. Jim Huddleston & Sue Smith

Dr. & Mrs. James Humphreys

Patricia & Leon Jeffcoat

Barbara J.H. Johnson

Maureen Johnson & Todd Torczon

Jo Ann Jonsson

Al & Elayne Karickhoff

Sherry Keisling

Niran E. Kellogg

Lee & Bob Kennedy

Mary B. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Kleine

Jane Knox

Sarah & David Lauritzen

Pam & Bob Leibrock

Edith H. Libson

Buddy & Anita Lintzen

Mr. & Mrs. J.K. Lytle

Beverly Martin

James H. Miller, D.D.S. Darla V. Mueller

Kelvie Williams Muhlbauer

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Nail

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Newman

James & Jerri Nickel

Ann Parish

Steve & Diane Parker

Bill Peyton

Rod & Jane Phares

Margaret & James H. Purvis

Jane B. Ramsland

Randee and Jack Rathbone

Lynn Renaud

Jane & Ray Riddle

Mary G. Ritchie

Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. Hal Roegner

Mrs. Donald A. Ross

Rita Rusnak

Dee Ann & Jeff Salehi

Rebecca Sawyer

Lisa and Geoffrey Schaffer-Harris

Mrs. Suzanne Seright

James & Alison Small

Sally & Bill Stella

Harley R. Stimmel

Mary & Paul Summersgill

John & Barbara Swart

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Szenasi

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tandy

John J. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. L.B. Terrell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Tighe

William A. Townsend

Julia E. Vaughan

Mary Edith Waddell

Orin Wade

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wallace

Rev. & Mrs. Robert Walter

Jenna H. Welch

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Werner

Jann & Dr. Stephen Wiesenfeld

Mike Willson

62 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS (continued) www.crenshawflooring.com 615 East 8th Street, Odessa, TX 79761 (432) 337-2334
63 WTXS.ORG Proud supporters of West Texas Symphony! DENISE & THOMAS W. ELROD Congratulations on on your 60th season! Proudly supporting West Texas Symphony! AGHORN ENERGY, INC. | RHONDA & FROSTY GILLIAM Congratulations on the Symphony’s 60th Anniversary! DR. CHARLES LIVELY AND LIVELY WELLNESS & AESTHETICS
64 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!


Proud supporters of the WEST TEXAS SYMPHONY

66 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
Committed to culture and community. INSPIRE YOUR FUTURE (432) 262-1600 • CNBTX.BANK • MIDLAND • ODESSA • STANTON • LUBBOCK • DFW Congratulate West texas symphony on a 60th season! CAROL & TOM CHANDLER
68 Celebrating Sixty Seasons! Proudly supporting West Texas Symphony Congrats on your 60th season! - Diann & John McKeeCongratulations on a 60th season West Texas Symphony! MIDLANDSG.COM BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! WTJS.ORG
69 WTXS.ORG 2023 Southwest Festival MARCH 9, 10 & 11 tickets at midlandfestivalballet.org ACCOMPANIED BY PERFORMED AT
70 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
71 WTXS.ORG IT’S HOW YOU CHOOSE TO GET YOUR NEWS. PRINT • ONLINE • MOBILE 15 Smith Rd. Ste1004 • Midland, Tx 432. 682.5311 www.mrt.com


February 3 - March 4, 2023

Davis Theatre I

Coproduced by Lissa Noel Wagner

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is your golden ticket to scrumptious, crowdpleasing fun for the entire family!

March 24 - April 15, 2023

Mabee Theatre II

A timeless romance for young and old alike that is sure to intrigue and delight audiences!

2023 Season Sponsored By

April 28 - May 13, 2023

Davis Theatre I Coproduced by Pioneer Natural Resources

Rock of Ages is sure to rock audiences with its timeless classic rock tunes and high energy dance numbers!

July 14 - 23, 2023

Davis Theatre I

This hit Broadway musical retrospective celebrates the life and times of Ellie Greenwich.

September 8 - 30, 2023

Mabee Theatre II

This smartly written high energy comedy is perfect for a night out with friends and is sure to leave your sides aching!

October 6 - 15, 2023

Davis Theatre I

Based on the incredibly compelling novel and true story, this Pickwick Players production touches on our humanity with its timeless message.

October 20 - November 11, 2023

Mabee Theatre II

Coproduced by The Bryant Family Foundation

Based on the novel of the same name by Paula Hawkins, this thriller arrives just in time for spooky season and will give you goosebumps!

November 17 - December 16, 2023

Davis Theatre I

Coproduced by Fasken Oil and Ranch

The final collaboration between Rodgers & Hammerstein was destined to become the world's most beloved musical.

72 WTXS.ORG Become a Member | www.mctmidland.org
22-MCT-14946 - 2023 Season Flyer5_5x8_5.indd 1 11/2/22 4:01 PM
73 WTXS.ORG Memorable Styles with a Classic Touch of @thecanopymidland Proudly Supports the West Texas Symphony West Texas Symphony on your 60th Season!
Ann Parish & Betty Ann Prentice


Aghorn Energy, Inc..............................63

Al’s Water ...........................................64

Basin PBS ............................................ 3

Big 2 News/ KMID ..............................65

Brazos Door & Hardware ..................... 8

Canopy, The ........................................73

CBS7 ...................................................66

Chandler, Carol & Tom ........................67

Community National Bank ..................67

ConocoPhillips ..................................... 8

Corey Sly Electrical Service .................31

Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe & Dawson .......47

Crenshaw Flooring ..............................62

Crump, Martha & Paul ........................30

Dee Anna Arellano - EXP Realty ..........35

DoubleTree by Hilton ........................... 5

Elrod, Thomas W. & Denise .................63

Eye LASIK Midland ..............................30

FirstCapital Bank of Texas ...................55

Four Seasons Plumbing .......................55

Keith, Carolina & Ronny ....................... 8 La Quinta Odessa North ......................68

Lively Wellness & Aesthetics

Mark Knox Flowers .............................30

Marsh & McLennan Agency ................75

McKee, Diann & John

McQuillin, Pamela ..............................26

Midland Community Theatre ..............72

Midland Festival Ballet .......................69

Midland Symphony Guild ...................68

Midland Reporter-Telegram ................71

Midland Storytelling Festival ..............13

N-Tune Music & Sound .......................39

Odessa American................................37

Odessa College Music Department ...... 2

Odessan Magazine, The ......................70 Odessa Marriott .................................. 7

Odessa Symphony Guild .....................63

Parish, Ann .........................................73

Permian Basin Area Foundation ..........38

Permian Basin Opera ..........................53

Philip Hill - New York Life ....................19

Pokky, Eric ..........................................26

Piano Works, Gallery & Clocks ............76

Plains All American Pipeline, LP ..........73 Prentice, Betty Ann .............................73 Q108FM .............................................35

Saulsbury ............................................ 6

Sewell Cadillac....................................11

Soft Suds Carwash ..............................55

Texas Sun Winery ...............................55

Trinity School .....................................42

UTPB - Music Program ........................33

Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center ..34

West Texas Dermatology ....................38

West Texas National Bank ...................25

West Texas Jazz Society ......................68

West Texas Radio Group .....................65

Woodcock, Claire & Jim ......................42

Wood Family Foundation ..................... 4

74 Celebrating Sixty Seasons!
Legacy Real Estate ..............................41

Marsh McLennan Agency is proud to support the West Texas Symphony.

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