On Your Left! - April 2012

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6901 Snider Plaza, Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75205 214.389.6460 Facebook.com/ cryoUSA

“I will be using it again this marathon season, when I hit my long runs.”

RUNNING GROUPS: CryoUSA welcomes your running group at a DISCOUNTED RATE! Call Mark or his team at 214.389.6460 for details.


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from the training schedule. I ended up having the easiest long run to date and did not feel fatigued or sore in the hours or days that followed. Conditioning or coincidence? I am certainly scheduling my pre Big D Marathon session and recovery session at CryoUSA immediately. You don’t have to take my word for it, but how about Boston Marathon and three-time NYC Marathon winner, Alberto Salazar’s? Salazar not only has a track record for success when he was competing, but continues his achievements as coach at Nike Oregon Project- a group aimed at producing Olympic-caliber athletes. “When I told top NFL strength and conditioning coach, Tom Shaw, to let me know whenever he comes across something amazing, he recommended this machine.” Salazar told me. Almost instantly, Alberto requested a machine to be delivered from Texas to New York City in time for his runner, Dathan Ritzenhein, to use it right before the NYC Marathon. Salazar also now uses one at his Oregon training center. “There’s the theory that some inflammation is good so it is important for athletes to let their bodies somewhat systematically recover first- not to go in immediately after a hard workout, but later in that day.” He explains. “One should use it judiciously early on in the training season, maybe once a week, until the workouts become more intense and the body needs more help recovering, to be ready for the next hard workout. Then we may bump the sessions up to twice a week.” He told me cryotherapy has been “tremendous” in helping in the recovery of athletes. Alberto Salazar is not the only one who’s been on board with this cooling method for performance and recovery, but local runner and coach for Luke’s Locker ATP, Maggie Riba, also gave her testimony. “I have run most of my life, starting running marathons 16 years ago. After my long runs I used to do ice baths for 15-20 minutes which is HORRIBLE. You put cold water in the bath tub, get in, then start filling the tub up with ice. Then if our pool was cold enough, we would stand in the pool for that amount of time. BRUTAL. Then last year during my marathon training, I was lucky enough to meet owner, Eric [Rauscher], through my husband. I tried it after and 18 mile run and was SOLD. No pain that day or the days following, had TONS of energy the rest of the day, and could run the following day without any problem. I then introduced it to my training group that I coach, ATP marathon training through Luke’s locker. Many of them started going to Cyrotherapy and love it as well. I will be using it again this marathon season, when I hit my long runs.” Visit CryoUSA.com to read how your Mavericks and many other professional athletes are using this product. Aside from sport related benefits, reported wellness benefits include: Tighter, healthier skin, Cellulite reduction, Fewer skin blemishes, Decreased anxiety, Decreased depression, Decreased incidence of colds and flu, Decreased fatigue, and Psychological competitive edge. With very few facilities in America yet having the ability to offer such therapy, we’re lucky to have one right here in Dallas. How cool is that?!

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