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The Bronx (extension campus) ​hey everyone we taking you all the way across the Germany today in a heavily requested show so with us today is the head of the German academic exchange services in Mumbai talking about all the exciting opportunities waiting for you to study in Germany so super - Audrey thank you so much for being on the show today pleasure is all mine thank you so much and tell us a little bit about your wonderful organization and the work you do okay so the da-ad well it's the day our day in German which lots of people in India say Dada or Dada oh and it's an acronym for Deutsche academia sure al cows Dean's which is the German academic exchange service and it is a non-for-profit organization underfunded by the foreign ministry of germany and by the ministry of education and research right so it is a not-for-profit organisation meaning that we do not charge for any of our services that we provide to the students and our head office is in Delhi and we have four other centers in India one of course being in Mumbai the other in Pune the and then the third one in Bangalore and one in Chennai okay and I also learned it's one of the largest funding organizations in the world yes that's absolutely correct in 2016 we had more than one lakh scholarships given to all people ah Ross the world Wow and we have more than 75 offices all over the world so there are a really large organisation so let's let's talk about the biggest advantages for a student watching the show what are his pros of studying in Germany most importantly when people look at Germany it is that the innovation the level of innovation that comes out of Germany and innovation does not come out of thin air of course there is very clearly a very specific foundation to innovation which starts with the schooling system in Germany so the dual schooling system in Germany as it is called basically illiteracy is a learning theory by putting into practice that theory and there is a very specific term to it in German which is called praxis okay and the student is given the freedom the businesses are very friendly to the store room to do their internships so internships become a very important part for innovation internships and putting into practice what you are learning while given this option or a world-class education in Gyeonggi it comes back a fraction of the cost yeah very nice one scent of German universities do not charge a tuition fee wow this is huge exactly for two years masters wooda proxies approximately cost 15 lakh of rupees which is barely an expensive in terms of an education and exposure abroad sure of course and also then there are a lot of opportunities to stay back in Germany and work in Germany Equestria so I mean given all these points we call it always you know the five points of why you should study in Japan they are all fantastic each one of them beats any other reasons so so if you're watching you've got all the reasons to study here and let's ask her how to make that happen Shabana you spoke about this dual cooling system that's prevalent would you like to take us through the university system as well yes very much in fact that is a very important question that you asked Chitina because the system in germany is very different from what we have in india and also different from the u.s. system what people are aware about it's rather different you see so on one side there are the universities and technical universities and on the other side there are universities of Applied Sciences right which are called far coke cooler or coke seriously now the difference is that the universities are like our universities where they have lots of subjects yes and technical universities are again University of the tech focused on technology like we have IITs right okay so that is a similarity also the universities or technical universities are more research-oriented right whereas the far cooler short-form as FX or HS the hoax ruler they are the universities of Applied Sciences and they are more industry or corporate or the energy okay also another very important fact is that if you have doing your masters from afar Hawkes Euler then you cannot consecutively or immediately do your PhD from a research oriented University because the focus is unresolved you can do it after a late at a later point of time okay but the University of Applied Sciences is not mandated to a word or PhD so that is something that people should bear in mind area yes very interesting another question that a lot of people want to know you know is which is the best university to go to this is one question that I get asked every time in fact I have a presentation or a webinar or whatever because we come from we are exposed to the US system royal March but you have to understand that the education system in Germany is very different it's a lot more egalitarian than it is in the US as you know Germany is very disciplined Germany has got a law for everything yes so there is no question of fake universities and yes like that which I have heard a lot of school in a few ratio in a few nations that they do but in Germany that is nothing like that also in Germany there are about 400 universities although being it being such a small country Wow and you are not going to get 400 courses for the feeling that you are selecting okay so it is more course drizzle right it means that you will choose those universities that are offering you that course right so if X university is ranked at the top Mellon does not offer you the course that you are looking at the kind thing doesn't make any sense

right of course also for example in the world rankings people do look at world rankings also know by then we well in we are a little skeptical about what rankings are filled but apart from that the LMU for example the Brits Maximilian University which is ranked first in the universe in the bowl ranking is not have an engineering course at all so from a German standpoint there is really no deinking for state in terms of one two three four right but there is something called a CH a ranking which is more of a comparison of various universities on ten parameters so you can choose those views the names of the university select the parameters that you are looking at and then it may give you a companion or universe okay okay so that is there but of course it is not one two three four right of four nine which is the DA ad dot de okay this is the main German website okay and of course we have another India based website is under I may be might change in the coming months to dat India may be migrated here so this is very interesting you said that you know every University doesn't offer you every course and the students need to look up individual courses and then choose the colleges so how do the cobalt is searched where do they look for these courses well we have a fantastic web search engine that is created by the da-ad for international students and it is called the as I said international programs it is again available on the vab main web search engine and there you have two in the key world you have to put in your field right and you choose which degree were looking at either bachelors or masters or PhD and then you click on search and we give you a list of all the courses for that particular field available at various University of lis now and then each item on this list is a link in itself which will give you detailed information about that particular course okay yeah so all the details regarding the course like the requirements or you know the course contained or what are the costs and funding what are the services provided by the university everything is available on this and this international degree program read search engine is especially made for English language courses okay and some English German language courses which we call 80/20 courses we're majorly we are taught in English 80% and 20% injured you mentioned 80/20 so one of the questions that a lot of people want to know is how much German do I need to know prior to even applying C from an academic standpoint you don't necessarily need to know German because the classes will be held in English okay rather you would be tested you would need to provide the IELTS or TOEFL scores okay right but on the other PI from a social standpoint you obviously need to know German right so to start with we recommend that you do a two levels to begin with before going to Germany because the moment you get out of the aircraft everything is going to be enjoying German and if you want to stay back and work in Germany then we would recommend you to have at least be to lunch or a job okay but it's good to know that if they have a basic fluency in spoken German to start with they can get there at least and then they can get in you they're learning a versatile offer on campus courses once you go over there okay so can you do those in the evening or whatever and then come up you can increase your proficiency as you go along with your education okay fantastic also we have seen that you know we ourselves come from a multicultural my feeling was a you know very shy and the moment you find somebody who's speaking your own mother tongue there is a different connect towards our sin Omega it is the same with a job even as well also you have to understand that for the German people English as a foreign language unlike for us here we have been born and brought up in the language here but not for them here certainly and if you're looking to work in German companies you're looking at engineering based companies with job flows and I guess there's nothing where salutely necessary then because you need to not only know a spoken German in fact you need to know business German of course communication yes and business communication because that is different former colloquial German diagnosed right so she's know which are the fields that you find people increasingly applying for when they are applying to Germany obviously engineering from an Indian standpoint is very very important but management is coming up tremendously because well huge lot of enquiry for management and Germany offers very very good management options as well there are two different options in Germany one is the MBA trial one is the MS in management okay okay here so or MSC in management so MBA is generally a paid-for course okay yes and they might mostly they require work experience okay whereas n MFC is most of the times of free of cost course and they don't necessarily ask for work experience okay so the usual figures difference I mean I have seen a lot of inquiry for banking and finance for that matter I have seen an increasing where in quality for sports management international management and there have been on and off enquiries for law right nology as we always say that Germany has produced Nobel laureates in all arrived and there are more than 3.5 million foreign students in Germany Wow so let's talk about the master's program that is the most popular route that people choose to when they go so what sort of eligibility criteria would be there to apply for a master's program in German generosity eligibility is that if you have a four-year bachelor's from India then you are eligible for a master's in German okay if you have a three years Bachelor then you should get in touch with the course coordinator clinicals they might ask you to do extra courses during that time or they might ask you to complete another year in India so lots of people do for example if they're coming from commerce not right komm right after three years they get a one year's income

okay yes that's a leguminous well but you know it but two years is a little problematic right - any other criteria you're looking at any age limit you're looking at four there is no age limit absolutely where is you know there have been people who have been working for 10 or 12 years and then they have applied for masters and gotten - Wow so for fourth grade which is looking at twelve plus four there's no age limit and any marks etc that you require generally yes the German universities are a little more weighed down by academics than we have seen the US universities because of course they have to justify finally the payment is coming from the German citizen you know yes so they do look at approximately seventy percent and above but that is not a hard and fast rule okay okay it depends on your letter of motivation on a recommendation letter it also depends on how many students are applying for that year ago what is the direct competition that you are facing so there are a number of factors that go into shine early getting an admission sure hey thanks for watching part one of this two part series of how to study in Germany for free now I will do a quick recap and also tell you what to expect in part two so in part one we did about the ad if you talk five reasons to study in Germany we discussed the university ranking system and also where you can find all this information we spoke about the German language requirement and some of the most popular course choices that people are undertaking when they go to study in Germany we also spoke about the master's program and the eligibility for the same now look at the part two which is really exciting and full of information because of course we're going to discuss the two types of PhD programs and the eligibility for the same the undergraduate program the Abitur and if you're from IGCSE Ivy or Indian Board what sort of conversions do you need we're also going to tell you about costs and tuitions and aware is different types of scholarships that are available to you because yes it is indeed for free we're also going to tell you about application process deadlines the kind of documents you would need the various types of tests for instance that you would need to take and we touch upon these ours as well so student visas vers visas residence permits you blue card and lots of more information so tune in to that one keep watching and if you have any queries you want to ask questions about studying in Germany or about just about anything else put them at the comment section at the bottom and sugar will reply to them personally I will reply to them as best as we can and tell us if you want to watch any other video or any other topic you want us to cover right there at the bottom section of this video and press that little red button at the bottom to subscribe to the channel and happy watching Barnard College, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, across the street from Columbia University.

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