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State University of New York at Cortland ​all right so today is an exciting day I just got a new desk and here we are exactly one month later let's go ahead and tour this desk yeah it's awesome for my desk I have the drevis desk by fully now I actually reached out to Foley and I'm super surprised that they said yes but I'm glad that they did but anyway take that as you may all opinions will be my own but I just want to honestly say I love this desk it's it's awesome so for the top and frame of my desk I just went with white it's a white frame and a white matte top the corners of the desks are nice and rounded but the top here is just nice and smooth it's not like smoothest glass on top but it is a nice smooth matte material but they have other varieties that I looked at such as bamboo and wood and white board I just went with the simple matte white the desk comes in at roughly around four or five hundred dollars depending on the size that you get for my size I went with the 30 by 60 I really like the size of it cuz it's nice and wide my workspace area is about this big I can have overhang items such as notebooks or pens or a water bottle just off to the side and it's just out of my workspace but we haven't even gotten to the exciting part this is a fully automated sitstand desk so what that means is instead of cranking it up and down you would go go ahead and press a button and it goes up and goes down for you it's nice if I got a crank one now we'd either always keep it up or always keep it down because it would just get super annoying to put it up and down all the time so this desk in that regard has been awesome you've got four buttons you got your standard up-and-down you have one two three and four those are programmable memory ones so for one I have that as my normal standing position for number two I have that as my normal sitting position for number three I have an anti-fatigue mat that I can stand on every now and and I just need to raise it up a tiny bit and then finally for number four I have a little sister so if I need to raise it down all the way to her there you go now I went with the programmable switches but you can just have the standard up and down and that works just as well too and then finally with this desk they sent out a cable management kit which hmm as someone who has never had good cable management ah this is just like a breath of life to a room it's amazing but underneath the desk I've got to surge protectors one just hangs out in the cable box and the other one I actually bought velcro strips and I connected it to the top and bottom of the desk so I can pull that on or off if I want to one of the surge protectors has a really long cable so that will run down the leg of the desk so that's the only visible cable that you notice in my desk setup and I call that a major accomplishment but what Foley sent me is these cable management boxes that just hide all the cables obviously you could use just cable ties or duct tape or whatever over to the left right there that I've got a power grommet you might not need that I personally do because I need to make sure that my camera battery is always charging and just having it that at a quick glance and not like underneath the table or something that's just really helpful but if you don't want the power drum it comes with a hole anyway and that just helps with cable management that's what I've done over there but to me they hide the cables in a nice way and I like it but anyway there you have it that is the Jarvis BestBuy Foley thanks to them for sending this out to me I've loved using it for the last month and I looked at the other competition and it just seemed like the best one out there and it was fairly good priced so if you want to check it out link will be in the description down below as will all the links to everything that I have on this desk but let's talk about everything else now all right so let's just go from left to right so first off the lamp so this lamp was sent to me by Foley as well but you can choose any lamp you want it's a very nice lamp the thing I really liked about it is having color temperature changes of course if you want to get like a Philips hue and put that into like a normal desk lamp you can go ahead and do that but for myself it's nice and simple looks elegant and it just adds another source of light throughout the day as you're staring at a string so it's another nice touch over to the right of this I got a journal that I like to write on every now and then I also have some scriptures on top of that that I like to read I'm Christian I'm going on a mission soon so I like to study these pretty regularly now but yeah those are just some personal stuff moving on so we have these hard drives so I've got an 8 terabyte hard drive and a 4 chair buy high drive the err terabyte here is generally used for pictures that my family takes we've actually got that halfway filled up so we take a lot of pictures in our family but from the other 4 terabyte head drive those are my projects that I'm working on those are the videos I've worked on and yeah that's where I keep stuff in storage or where I keep backups or other stuff like that that's my main hard drive they're both made by Seagate I don't know I like their brand there I think there's a cheapest on the Amazon actually but they haven't failed me yet so I'll call that a win now for my main keyboard I like to use just the standard Apple keyboard I don't know it's got a nice typing experience it's nice and shallow and I've just gotten used to it and then for my mouse I like to use the Logitech MX

master 2's Thank You Daniel my brother who gave me this for Christmas it's awesome I used to use the Apple Mouse which is a killer on economics I have my hand got cramp during the day so it was terrible so I actually switched from the Apple Mouse to a different mouse that had buttons on two sides it was like just really old Dell Mouse and a better ergonomics and the Apple Mouse but it was a terrible Mouse overall so this was a massive upgrade it's got two buttons on the side I just used those for going left and right and then it's also got a horizontal scroll wheel I like using that when I'm editing videos and then just nice and clicky and if where you're scrolling here you have this little addictive thing so if you scroll down hard enough on this it just starts scrolling infinitely or you can just press this button and then it's girls infinitely but there you have it that is that's the MX master 2's my mini review on it if I haven't had too many problems with it the number one problem that I am seeing from it is Bluetooth connectivity I might just have to contact Logitech about that and see if there's anything because it seems to cancel out every now and then it really only seems to cancel out when I'm doing something that like bogs up my computer so it might just be a computer issue but there is that issue that I've noticed that I haven't noticed with other mice yeah those are my main peripherals we'll get into my headphones in just a second but let's get to the main computer so I actually made a video on this a long time ago two years ago in fact but this is the first computer that I personally ever bought I believe I've got this actually in 2015 but this is the late 2013 iMac it is the 21.5 inch display it has 16 gigabytes of RAM it's running an Intel iris Pro for the hard drive I'm running a one terabyte 5400 rpm hard drive so as you can imagine in today's world it's the hard drives pretty bad I probably should have gone for the fusion drive when I was buying it but it works overall though this computer still is very nice this is where I do literally all my work I program on it I do video editing on it so it put this thing through the paces and it's still coming out on top and for my first computer yes I could have built a hackintosh and I realized that nowadays and I probably will in the future but it's a nice computer it served my purpose as well I don't plan on upgrading anytime soon it's still a good computer now as for applications that are used on a daily basis I use sketch to map out my iOS application if you haven't used sketch oh it's so nice it adds so much to your workflow in terms of UI design you get just it's much better than writing it out on a piece of paper like I was doing before Pixelmator is another photo editing program of choice it's an alternative to photoshop it doesn't do many things but I use it to edit all of my thumbnails and it's working good I used to use Adobe products but now that they've come out with a monthly subscription service I just dodged them all together and good looked for alternatives so I now edit all of my videos on Final Cut Pro nowadays for music listening I am a YouTube read subscriber which means there's no ads and stuff on YouTube but also you get google play music so I use radiant player which is an open source application that puts an app onto your desktop which uses Google Play Music and as for music I listen to a lot of instrumentals throughout the day so like relaxing film scores John Williams stuff every now and then I'll listen to something like Hamilton which is fantastic if you haven't listened to it or I listen to the greatest showmen that was pretty good I don't know it doesn't have the same storytelling as Hamilton but again it's like part of the whole movie so anyway I use brackets which is an open-source application for any web development that I need to do if I'm doing nodejs I can also use it for that but I rarely dabble in that so there's probably a better application out there I've looked into Adam but it just seems like a little bit too complicated for what I like so brackets is nice and simple and then of course Xcode no explaining there yeah that's what I have on my computer and that is the computer I use now let's continue on off to the right here I use a Focusrite Scarlett this is going to be for both my microphone up here I need to plug this in using auxiliary cables and let go into my computer and also I use it for a DAC that runs to my headphones right here you can control gain you can directly monitor what's going on side of your microphone it provides a lot of power to your headphones so you can hear a lot of dynamic range when you're listening to music so it's very nice and as for my headphones of choice I use the AKG K 7x X now these headphones have been put through the paces I'll tell you what but the cables I've had to resolder multiple times and I've burned the melted the plastic around it of course so yeah they've been put through their paces but they sound fantastic still so I don't plan on getting rid of them anytime soon if you haven't used a pair of open-back headphones and want to experience your music in a completely new way it's got a lot of dynamic range you can hear where the instruments are when you're listening to the music it's probably perfect for gaming although I never game so but these are the AKG case of an xx they're really they're really wide and you can hear people calling you if people are calling you it's it I can hear myself snapping it doesn't block any of the sound so yeah then off to the right here I have a Google home mini so this is also my bedroom so what I like to do is I have an alarm going off every morning at 6 a.m. so that's what I use for front alarm but also if I want to play music that's outside of my headphones I can play it on this speakers good enough definitely needs more bass that's the only thing that I say about it but of course if you want more bass you can always upgrade to the Google home so where the Google home acts that would also work very well something that very recently came I don't know if you guys played this game but Age of Empires this was a very classic kid game of mine I played it for days on end

honestly this in Starcraft were my childhood games so I actually on Twitter I went a little giveaway they gave me their original sign track I already ported this over to iTunes here so I listened to that every now and then but hey it's a nice little decoration to go on the desk then almost last year we've got a hydro flask I got it because it's my blue color I really like it a lot I don't know just keeps water cold it's a nice flask and then finally for the microphone here I have the blue spark it's a pretty good budget high-end microphone like it uses auxiliary cables so it captures a lot more dynamic range in your voice but it is on the lower end compared to other auxiliary microphones but it's I think it's perfectly fine for what I do and then finally the last thing we should talk about is probably this topo map that I have down here so this is of course the the anti-fatigue map that I was talking about earlier it's really nice it's just a nice simple gray thing I've got carpet floor so it slides in and out easily if I want to use it I like it for my chair and I've been using this for the last two years keep in mind it's been a folding chair a metal folding chair see so what I like to do is stand most of the time it keeps me engaged in my work and I just like standing a lot but on those off days that I do need to sit and just be like bundled up in a blanket I've got that thing and that thing just is tucked away in a corner it works it's not the most comfortable thing in the world but it works but yeah there you have it that is my desk tour I hope you guys enjoyed it I love looking at people's desks and seeing the tools that they use so I hope you guys found enjoyment and looking at the stuff I use and I also want to say thank you because none of this stuff would be here if it wasn't for the massive support that I've seen on YouTube in the community on Twitter and with my own application I have over 600 beta testers on my application I mean that's just incredible and also for those 600 and so or so beta testers keep an eye out we'll be sending out beta soon for our new version that's coming out but also I just want to end this off with my previous desk let's go get it there it is is my previous desk so this folding table right here was my desk for two years it worked okay but obviously it was bad and I said this before I love standing while I'm working so you want to know how I finish a standing desk that's exactly what I did for two years thinking of it now it's really stupid I had my computer everything that you see on there I had on top of here so what I have to do is if I ever wanted to sit one day I'd have to use my whole body and take it down but this is legitimately what I worked on for two years yeah this is kind of gonna be the mission statement for archetype 2018 to work harder to work harder towards the goals that you want to get in life if you want to build your own game take the steps necessary to get to that place first learn how to build a scene next you need to learn how to add a sprite on to that scene and so on and so forth until you make your game I do want to say for those who are working on application 2 or have applications out there I'm bringing back after the day so take that as you may leave your apps in the comments below leave your apps in the comments below anyway that's it have an amazing day everyone and I will see you in the next video bye Hebrew Union College.


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