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School of Medicine ​this video will demonstrate the chapter 8 level one case that begins on page by 57 of your text so the first thing we need to do is download the file the data file alright and you need to save that as transport quotes now step two tells us to apply appropriate names to cells D 17 through D 20 so all they're talking about there is you just need to come up here and you need to give give this a name that has some meaning to it so up here on D 17 this is a car chart so I'm just going to name that car charge okay so that's how you do so way to name it a data field then we'll name D 18 my let's charge and when you're naming these you can't put any spaces in there it has to all be one word right so that's my let's charge if we look up here says my let's charge and you'll notice up here at says D 19 and we're just going to call that gas expenses instead and then finally we'll call this one total transportation expense okay so there it is alright so that's step two now step three says to set up the structure for one variable data table and that shows the car charge mileage all of this stuff and they want us to calculate it on our price of gas from 220 to 380 going in increments of 20 cents so I'm going to come over here to sell L 4 and I'm going to set up I'm going to set up that structure but before we do that I want to point out a couple of things if we look over here in cell D 17 we can see that there's a formula and it's taking in the car charge is d7 is d7 so here's d7 185 dollars times j6 so here's this here's this here j6 this is two weeks so that's that if we take 185 times two of course it returns a value of 370 then this formula is the mileage charge and it's taking d8 which is the charge per mile x j7 for two weeks so the charge per mile is 15 cents times two weeks so we end up with D 8 D 8 times j7o 475 mm-hmm so it's 15 times 475 naught times 2 and let's look at this formula so to get that gas expenses they're taking j7 divided by the value of d 11 times d 12 so here's D 11 times D 12 and then finally we're just summing all of those factors to come up with the total expense per the total transportation expense so you kind of have to understand that there's formulas in here and and as we use as we build this table those formulas will be used and what we'll be doing is changing some of these values in here to generate our what-if analysis all right so going on to step 3 again I'm going to build a table that is going to use some what-if analysis so it says I need to I'm gonna put gas price here and then I'm going to build that table from two dollars and 20 cents to 380 so it's just gonna be two dollars and twenty going up by 40 20 cents each I could do that with the formula - really easy but I'll just do it really fast like this yes make a type here it's harder when you don't have the Tim key in front of you I'm using my laptop and I'm going to format that so that it's it's two decimal places all right now what do I want going across here so I want to determine I'm going to have some different gas prices and I want to know what my total transportation expense will be with with all of these different variables in there so I need to know what my car charge is with all of these different gas prices so I'm just going to hit equals the car charge and I'm getting that figure right now but we're going to fix that and then equals the mine lives charge and then equal the gas expenses and then finally that is going to be the total here now I can change these so that they have some meaning is right now it's just referring to this cell but when we look at it because I renamed what those cells were called instead of seeing the formula I'm seeing what I renamed it but the formula is still there so that so what we need to do I'm going to go ahead and skip around a little bit here it says to add headings and basic formatting to the data table but I'm going to go ahead and format these right now so and that was on step five so what I need to do is just right click on this and hit format cells and I'm going to go to custom and up here I'm gonna give it it still will have the formula in there it's still going to refer to cell D 17 for the gas charge I mean the car charge but I want it to say something else I'm going to have it say have it be called car charge and when I do that notice that I had to put this in parentheses I'm not in parentheses in quotes so it's it's a quote so quotes there before and after and then I'm going to click OK and you can see how that is now it's still referring if I hadn't read into this I would still be seeing equals 2 LD 20 there so I'm going to do that another way to do this is to click on the next cell we're going to rename that as well and I can go to format in my cells group and you can click on format cells I hardly ever do it that way you had to look for it for a second I always use my right click when I'm formatting so same thing I'm gonna click on custom come up here to this general type tab and I'm going to call that one my lips charge and I have to put it in quotes again and then click OK you know we'll name this one that that cell is referring to gas expenses so I'm going to right-click and format cells and click on custom and same thing I'll put that in quotes and that's going to be called gas expenses two quotes quote before and after click OK and then finally that the last one is the total and I'm going to format that right click format cells once again you can get it here format cells as well I'm gonna go to custom and in here when I'm since I'm putting text in I'm just going to call this total transportation expense a little bit goes the quotes same quotes again click OK

alright so there we have a structure set up so now I'm going to perform a what-if analysis using a data table so I'm going to define this is my data table this is where I want the information to go so it's going to calculate based on these different scenarios of gas price and you can see the average cost per gallon in this scenario the very first thing that we were looking at was two dollars and 85 cents so these were the will be the different prices that I'm looking at so I can see what my total transportation expense will be so this is a one variable table so the way that I do that I just go to data and then I click here in the data tools I have a what-if analysis I'm going to click that down arrow and then click on data table now I have to decide if it's going to be a row input or a column input when my input is is here it's in a column it's not in a row it's not going across in a row it's going down in a column so I'm actually wanting to use a column input cell this is a one variable data this would be 2 if I used both column and row which we'll see in a few minutes so I have to define where does it need to look where does it need to change how does this make sense where does it need to change so that when I put in these different variables I'll get a different result from here so that is the cost of the average cost per gallon of gas so this is this is the variable that I'm going to change here's the words cannon calculate it and it's going to return the results up here and it's going to recalculate it from here because I used those formulas all across here so two dollars and 85 cents it's in cell d12 and I'll just click that and then I will click OK and it will populate my table so you can see that what it did is it took it calculated from this formula here because I have all my headings up here and each of those headings of course it's referring to these cells here so I'm just going to format that now so I'm just gonna highlight that go to the home home tab and click that I want it to be in with a comma there all right so lists so this is what if I was paying three dollars and 80 cents this would replace 3 dollars and 80 cents here and I can see that my total transportation expense would be five hundred and thirty one dollars and fifty cents so now we need to just put some formatting into this I'm gonna just move that down so it kind of matches up to the example I gave when you were doing this I wanted that to be on cell l4 so you can see how I moved that just copied all of it let it turn into that kind of an arrow and I was able to just click and hold and drag it down one cell all right up here I'm going to just give this a name on this table and this is I'm going to name this transportation all right now I'm gonna highlight all of this and hit merge and center so then all of these cells are merged and it puts a nice little heading over there now turn the bold face and since these are dollars I can put dollars on all of these cells I'm gonna hold down my control key and click on each of those to indicate that it's $1 and then I'll hit the dollar sign here so that's a pretty nice formatted table all right so that finishes the one variable table now the next step sticks it says to create a that we need to create a structure for a two variable table so I'm going to do that and what is it wanting us to do says we want to project transportation expense given the interaction between average gas price from 220 to 380 and by increments of 20 cents and miles per gallon from 18 to 28 by increments of 2 miles per gallon so I'm going to go ahead and set this up and I'm gonna go to cell el el 19 and I'm gonna call this miles per gallon okay oops can't type today miles per gallon won't fix that all right I'm gonna just size that so I can see it better so there's my miles per gallon so I'm gonna have miles per gallon going down this way and then I'm gonna have the gas prices going across this way to can see two variables a variable going down this way and a variable going across the rows so across here I'm going to put the gas prices so it will be two dollars and 20 cents and I'm going to increase by 20 cent variables 20 20 cents increments try this again okay so I typed that in and I'm going to format those cells make this a little bit bigger so you we can see it okay I'm gonna format those sales so I just highlighted all of the cells and I'm going to click on dollars because those are dollars so now that format's pretty nicely and then down the side here I need to put the miles per gallon all right so I typed those in and and there the scenario is $18 and then it's going to increase by $2 for the miles per gallon okay I'm finally before we move forward with doing this what-if analysis I need to have a formula for this to work you'll notice nowhere in this tube variable table do I have a formula and remember up here we did on the one variable table let me just size that because I have it so big you can't see it these were all formulas even though it doesn't show it here remember it's because we renamed those over there and the very first step of the assignment so I'm gonna put my formula here so everything that the table does that it will look to this formula to determine what the what the cost is so the formula that I want there is I want to know what the total transportation expenses based on these different scenarios based on the the gas prices and based on the number of miles the number of miles per gallon so I'm gonna put my formula right here so I'm going to just type equals and define it that I want it to look to this cell to get my formula all right and then I can format that cell to so that it's meaningful for somebody else that's looking at it so I'm going to just call that two miles per gallon okay putting those in quotes and I'll click okay all right but when I look on when even though I change this to read miles per gallon you can see that it still has that formula there all right so now I'm ready to do this so I'm gonna highlight this is my data input I'll up here all of this including the formula and all of the different variables here's variable 1 and here's variable 2 so now I'll click on my what-if analysis and I'll click on data table then I have to tell it what is the input for the for the row so the row right here is my gas prices this is all my

different gas prices so what cell do I need to look at so that it will calculate in this formula so I'm going to click on here and my gas prices are defined right here on cell d12 let me scoot that over so d12 is 285 the average cost per gallon of gas so the gas prices I'm going to click on that I want it to refer to that then I'll click this up here or you can just hit enter either one works and now because I'm using a two variable table I have to also tell it what is my column input now if we remember the column is this information right here the miles the miles per gallon and over here we have the average miles per gallon so that's going to be my my column input this is going down the column the miles per gallon we're going across the row I'm gonna click on this so I can define it and I want the average miles per gallon and it's this one and I can just hit enter and then watch what happens I'm gonna scoot this over so we can see it and I'm going to click OK and it fills it all in it's not formatted nicely but it all fills in so now let's give it some formatting so I'm gonna highlight all of this move that up and really just click on the home button and we'll tell it that we want it to econo with two decimal places and then I will just highlight because this is good accounting and procedure at the beginning of all of this row actually you want it to be dollar signs to indicate that is dollars at the beginning of a column you only have to do it at the beginning of the column and at a total column so good accounting format now if something goes wrong when you're creating this table let's say I made a mistake when I did this all I can do is highlight all the information and delete you cannot make changes so if you if something is wrong in your table you just have to delete the whole table and start over all right let's put some formatting on this this across here is gas prices so I think I will just merge and center that I'll click on my home button hit merge and center and I will give it a heading called gas prices we already labeled this as miles per gallon going down here even though this is just a label it's actually looking at a formula there and then we'll give this table a be heading as well so we'll call this whole thing we'll just do the whole thing here all the way across we'll merge and center there and we'll label that okay hit enter I think I will make that bold face so I can control B there or you can hit boldface here either way and so now that looks that looks pretty decent so go ahead and save this as transport quotes and that is the end of that lesson Albert Einstein College of Medicine.


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