Atlanta Ambition Magazine October 2012

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The Channel for the Unique & Ambitious!

On Survival Radio Network

Tuesday Nights 10:00-11:00PM EST

Damitra Simmons-Stuart CEO


Ingenious business ventures were not the only things that comprised Damitra’s arsenal. As an avid dog lover, in 2006, Damitra invented and sold a portable dog potty called, “Porty Pooch”. She marketed and sold the invention to ten (10) of her neighbors for $20.00 amitra (Dee Dee) Simmons-Stuart is while attempting to provide a larger scale distribution originally from El Paso Texas. The 36 year older has to a merchant in Buckhead, Ga. This novice yet entrealways been passionate about business and at an early preneurial attempt to leverage her idea resulted in the age aspired to be successful and interested in a variety loss of her invention. Nevertheless, her multimillion of things. In 1999 while attending college at University dollar idea was repackaged and is currently being used of Texas El Paso, Damitra was a campus DJ at KTEP as portable potty for dogs world-wide! Radio, interned with channel 9 NBC News, worked for Providian Financial Services as a sales representative On January 1, 2011, Damitra created Atlanta Ambi( i.e. she received the state-wide award for the #1 sales tion Magazine & TV. Atlanta Ambition Magazine & rep in Texas). In pursuit of increased entrepreneurial TV is an online lifestyle magazine focusing on women and income opportunities, Damitra started her first busi- who are either business owners; occupy prestigious ness called Dee Dee’s Cleaning. While growing the titles in business, or individuals who aspire to become business, she continued to work second jobs to acquire successful in the Atlanta area. Although the magaadditional skills and learn more trades. In 2002, not zine initially targeted an Atlanta-based audience, its’ only did Damitra work as a Vetenerian Technician while content has become contagious, captivating viewers, owning her business, she assumed a part-time job as an nation-wide. As the host of a You Tube web series office manager with The Northeast Community Bugle called, “Hanging with Dee Dee”, Damitra covers her Publishing Company in El Paso, Texas. While workown version of news footage! Damitra’s casual yet ing as the office manager, Damitra requested additional authentic style allows her to conduct interviews with responsibilities and asked to create her own publication. women from all walks of life. These interesting and The publishing company afforded Damitra with the one opportunity to prove her abilities; and she happened to do it successfully! She created a monthly magazine called, Tyght which showcased Fort Bliss, Texas, a huge, predominantly African American military base inside of El Paso, Texas. When the publishing company began to go belly up, Damitra decided to start her own company named, D&D Publishing Company where she continued the Tyght publication for an entire year. In 2004, Damitra’s vision for Dee Dee’s Cleaning expanded. Her love for business and growth resulted in eight branches of her cleaning company. Starting with her first location in El Paso, Texas, Damitra’s business eventually expanded the nation from New Mexico to Denver; Athens to Atlanta; and lastly, Tampa to Los Angeles. At the end of 2010, Damitra dissolved Dee Dee’s Cleaning Company.

dynamic women comfortably share their life successes and challenges, transparently unveiling their road to victory. It is definitely Damitra’s sincere passion of getting to know others, and her love of interviewing that resonates so loudly during each interview. However, Damitra does not solely focus on a woman’s success; she tends to be most interested in understanding the road that led them to their journey! She also started Epic Graphixx in the summer of 2011 where she specializes in graphic and web design! Damitra is currently a junior at Westwood College studying Visual Communications and Design and is the CEO of Ambizion Media which holds her other media entities including her own cable channel called Ambizion Television Networks on Wisecast Television Channel 519 as well as her own radio show called Ambizion News and Entertainment Radio! October 2012

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Not Only A Business but A BRAND!

Table of


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Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Page 11-13 Cover Story Jeanine Chait

Page 25 Putting Yourself First

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Why be Drab when you can be Fab with a Fierce Handbag?

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Stuffed Jack-O-Lantern Peppers

Page 19 Intrauterine Devices October 2012

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THE LITTLE VOICE THAT GUIDES US TOWARD FINANCIAL SUCCESS Written by Phyllis Walker While attending a recent weekend workshop designed to increase financial prosperity, I was amazed at the number of attendees who shared their fears of failure and rejection as primary obstacles toward leading successful business and personal lives. Among other factors, our business success depends on timing, talent, innovation, team building, networking, and consistent cash flow. Each of these is irrelevant, however, without a distinct desire backed by an unwavering decision to implement and attain our business goals. Fears of failure and rejection must not be entertained. These fears are based on an unruly inner voice. That voice either controls us or we control it. We each have a “little voice” within us. Does yours threaten and sabotage your dreams and aspirations, or does it nurture and intuitively guide you toward the success you so richly deserve?

That same inner voice reinforces our will to persevere as we continue along our path of accomplishment. Cut the ties that bind you! Realize that it’s all about options. Your most valuable opportunity is now, in this very moment. Right now. Utilize your time, talents, and your positive inner voice to navigate your goals and realize your financial success! Tell me, what fears overtake you where your business endeavors are concerned? How about the joys associated with success? Tweet me @hummingbirdlady and we’ll connect! By-line info: Phyllis Walker is a fine art photographer and owner of Hummingbird Studios ( where she markets her work for home décor, office accents and all-occasion gifts. She is additionally the founder of Esperanza! A Woman’s Hope, Inc. ( a non-profit organization offering scholarships to Georgia’s survivors of domestic violence who are returning to school for job skills upgrade. To schedule Phyllis for a speaking engagement, exhibit, or lunch and learn talk, contact her at

Transforming a dreamed for potential into a viable reality requires strength and decisiveness as we navigate toward our goals. Entrepreneurs can become overwhelmed from daunting challenges and adversities associated with moving ventures forward. In a matter of seconds, doubt and indecisiveness can creep in to erode a magnificent vision, including the inner confidence to fulfill that vision. During times such as these, a strong inner voice can serve as our guide star. A well-cultivated intuition, balanced with common sense, keeps us focused with respect to our desired outcome and our ability to handle whatever may be happening within our lives at the moment. Eliminating the negative by devoting time and energy to focus on the positive results in an expanded creative inner space, conducive toward brain storming, and masterminding our success. October 2012

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4. Acknowledge & Release Your Guilt: Survivor guilt is not just some theory cooked up by doctorate students in search of a dissertation topic, it is very real. Our co-workers often become like extended members of our families. We know of the challenges they face in their personal lives; challenges that the job loss will most likely amplify, and our concern for them will illicit feelings of grief that we survived and they didn’t. Acknowledge this feeling and then release it. Allowing it to take root makes it more difficult to keep things moving in a forward motion, and if left unchecked can develop into an attitude of resentment toward the organization, which certainly does not benefit any of the parties involved. 5. Continue to Invest in the Company’s Success: Generally layoffs are done to keep the business viable from a financial standpoint. Commit yourself to doing your part to help the organization in this mission. This is not the time to pull back, or disengage. Now is the time to take a strategic and proactive approach to helping shore up the fiscal standing of the company. Look for opportunities in your purview to make a positive impact on the Company’s bottom-line; either by making or saving money. This investment in the company’s success will prompt out-of-box thinking, and potentially pay dividends for all of the company’s stakeholders. Rhonda C. Hight is President/Owner, Let’s Talk, LLC & LT Productions


Independent Filmmakers, Screenwriters & Directors

Initially, it’s a good idea to request a meeting with your manager. Discussing next steps for the business can minimize the fear of the unknown, and help you feel reassured about what to expect, and help you focus on moving forward. Additionally, The author of “How to Self-Destruct: Making the Least of What’s Left of Your Career”, Jason Seiden, outlines 5 steps that layoff survivors can take to move past the emotions that the loss of co-workers, accompanied by significant change in the organization brings about.

1. Offer Assistance: Utilize your personal network (internally & externally) to assist former colleagues with their job search. Make it a point to setup virtual introductions for them with Drama/Comedy Documentary/Talk Shows Inspirational/DIY key players in your network, or share leads on open positions that you become aware of. One of the most valuable things you can do is to be a supportive ear for You’ve Survived....Now What? them. They too (more so than the survivors) will experience the 5 Stages Dr. Kubler-Ross described, and havBy Rhonda C. Hight ing someone as a sounding board can help them work The national unemployment rate was 8.3 percent through their emotions and move the healing process in January, down from 8.5 percent the prior month forward. 2. Keep the Connections Alive: and from 9.1 percent a year earlier. Total [nonInitially, it can be awkward and difficult to find the farm] payroll employment increased by 243,000 right words to say. Oftentimes people will avoid sayover the month and by 1,953,000 over the year. ing anything, or allow an extended period of time to While the numbers are encouraging, the reality is lapse thinking that time will make these conversations that there are still many Americans that are uneasier to have, but in reality the opposite is true. The employed or working for organizations in which more time that goes by, the more difficult it becomes to layoffs are an expected reality. There’s a surfeit Series/Game Shows Business/Infomercials Entertainment/Sports Animated restore these connections. You may feel guilty about of support and assistance for individuals who lose the prolonged gap in communication, and because of their jobs; however layoffs can also be challengthe emotional stages they’re experiencing; the former ing for the employees who remain. colleague may interpret the lapse as indifference, versus discomfort on your part. As with the loss of a loved one, numerous lay3. Resume Daily Patterns: Office norms will be slightly altered in the first few days off survivors experience The 5 Stages of Grief, a and sometimes weeks following a layoff. The focus [for model developed by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which has become known in psychiatric circles as many] will be on the loss of co-workers, anxiety about the security of their own positions, and the increased the Kubler-Ross Model. The stages are: Denial, responsibilities that will inevitably follow the redisAnger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance tribution of work. Resuming your daily patterns, and (not always in sequence). It’s normal for survivencouraging or influencing others to do the same is good ing employees to feel sadness about the loss of for your mental health. It forces you to continue movco-workers, and even guilt that they survived. ing forward instead of looking back and reflecting on a future that you can’t fully control.

Broadcast Your Original Programming on Ambizion Networks on Wisecast Television Channel 519 Are you a filmmaker with content shopping for networks to showcase your content?

Ever held off on a dream of creating your own show because you felt you had limited areas to broadcast? So, you’ve survived….Now what?

Send us your original shows and movies!


Join the Team Ambizion Challenge

Did You Eat Your Breakfast This Morning? Did you get up this morning, grab a cup of coffee and decide you just didn’t have time for breakfast? Or maybe you just weren’t hungry yet and skipped it, thinking you’ll just eat later? Breakfast, or breaking fast, is the most important meal of the day. Because it: • Jump starts our body • Get’s our brains working • Helps our metabolism get going. • You’re busy and you just don’t want to take the time. There are plenty of breakfast meals that are easy and quick to fix. Consider these options: • Oatmeal-top with cinnamon and some raisins and/or chopped nuts • Peanut butter on whole grain bread • A smoothie (see recipe below) • Low fat plain yogurt topped with fruit and nuts • A hard boiled egg-travels well and you can make it in advance, a piece of fruit and whole grain toast • A corn tortilla stuffed with an egg and fresh veggies • Get creative, you want to include whole grain, a protein and fruit or veggies. • My Favorite Green Smoothie Smoothies are quick to make, easy to clean up and easy on your digestion. By adding dark green leafy vegetables to your smoothie, you can “sneak in” some extra minerals for the day. 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups of water Several handfuls of your favorite green i.e. kale, spinach, romaine, celery 1 banana 1 peeled orange, apple or pear with skin (you can even blend the core) 1 scoop of protein powder Blend all the ingredients and enjoy. Play with the portions to find what you like best. Use different fruits for sweetening and to change the flavor. If you have your own favorite smoothie blend, please share it with me at Vicki@ Remember: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. October 2012

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Jeanine Chait

Screenwriter & Actress Where are you from? I’m originally from Pittsburgh, PA but transferred to Houston, Texas for a few years before planting myself permanently in Atlanta, GA. How did your parents influence you growing up? My parents were both very influential to us growing up. They provided a solid and stable foundation for our household and were great examples of what parents should be. We had our rules, chores, and worked for our allowance. We learned to be independent as my father often said it was “necessary to survive as we grew older.” They were very loving, taught us right from wrong, the value of money, hard work and education. I couldn’t have asked for better parents. It was through their influence, I am the person I am today. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? I wanted to be either a flight attendant or a professional tennis player when I grew up. Didn’t get to do either. Went the corporate route.

A week later, those words resonated with me, and I began writing my own short film “Atlanta HEAT”. Fortunately, having so many years of business experience overall, I had no fear of stepping into a different category of the industry. The challenges will always be present regardless of the industry you choose. I’m happy to be on this road and believe it’s ultimately a good business decision to stay on this path. Tell me about your business. JBC Entertainment was initially created to produce the film “Atlanta HEAT”. While the business is still fairly new, I intend to grow it and eventually bring on a team in an effort to write and produce other projects which are currently on stand-by. We may also get involved in casting and other aspects of the industry to grow the business. Atlanta offers a wide array of opportunities for those who seek it.

What lead you to the road that you are on now business wise?

If anyone in business could be your mentor who would it be?

The last few years after leaving corporate, I began learning the ropes of the entertainment industry by being a background actor, taking acting classes, networking, acting in a feature film, theater, a couple web series, narrating and so forth. Then finally, my father said to me on the phone “why don’t you create your own opportunities and don’t let others determine the direction of your journey”.

My dad has always been my favorite business mentor; but ironically, in entertainment, I’d settle for Kris Jenner; she has built a phenomenal empire in a rather short period of time. It takes an incredible amount of business savvy to pull this off. I’d sit in on a meeting with her any day. October 2012

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What do you love most about your career? What I love most about my new career is the freedom to take my ideas and turn them into something. I’m grateful my husband has helped me acquire this freedom. Being my own boss and not reporting to anyone is ideal. It’s very satisfying not to have to get approval to move forward with a phenomenal project. I can Just Do It! How do you balance family life with your career? Balancing family life with one’s career has never been an easy task, especially if there are children involved. You often feel like you have two full time jobs and thus, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Although my son is now grown, I think as long as you make dates, even spontaneously with the spouse, partner and/or the children, it helps remind you that they are just as important and likewise. Always include them in on what you’re doing and communicate; it will open the gateway. Where do you see yourself in the next year? In the next year, I will premiere my feature film “Atlanta HEAT 2” and make every effort to learn how to get it into theaters. Additionally, I will be starting my new supporting role in a television network series “Secrets” in the Fall. I simply see myself as continually accomplishing, growing and becoming more established in the entertainment industry and grow my business. When you leave this earth, what would you want your legacy to say about your ambition? My legacy is the creation of the film “Atlanta HEAT”. Having worked in the corporate sector for just shy of 33 years, I had no legacy; because once you leave, you just disappear. “Atlanta HEAT” will always be out there with my name attached to it as the creator, writer and producer. By creating this project, it also provided opportunities for many others, including myself, to obtain more exposure to boost our acting, writing, directing or musical talent to the mainstream. “Atlanta HEAT 2” will premiere in 2013 and there will likely be a 3rd. No matter how old you are or how far you’ve come, if you have drive, determination and ambition; anything is possible. October 2012

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Why be Drab when you can be Fab with a Fierce Handbag? By: Muñeca Ramos So you’re having one of those days, the sky is cloudy, rain trickling in and you just don’t feel like doing anything fancy with your wardrobe today. So you throw on the simplest “plain Jane” thing you can find. You toss your coat on and grab your umbrella as you’re headed out the door, but not before you catch a glimpse of yourself in the full length mirror by the entrance. You stop, examine yourself from head to toe and think “There is no way I’m stepping out like this.” So quickly you think of a way to spruce your outfit up without the hassle, and what better way than to throw on a fabulous handbag. Browsing for extraordinary and unique boutiques in Atlanta, searching for a modish and classy handbag for any day and any occasion, I came across a stylishly controversial boutique, with designs that went from modern sassy to vintage chic all in one breathe. S since I am a fan of online shopping I had to also make sure the boutique was a click away, and it was. Controversy Boutique located off Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia, created by Dawn Harrell, a Baltimore native currently living in Atlanta, only lives up to its name because of the array of amazing styles. From apparel to travel accessories you are bound to find something trendy that will stir-up conversation anywhere. But, in my opinion, the handbags are the showstoppers at this boutique. After skimming through about 38 fabulous handbags; clutches, hobos and satchels, I came across a musthave. The vintage rose pink, flower detailed handbag popped out of the crowd. Its sophisticated and stylish quality will be an asset to any outfit. Adding an accessory as simple as a fabulous handbag will turn those unadorned jeans and white baby tee, or those slacks, oxford button-up and cardigan into a more than ordinary outfit and turn you into a fashionista. Not only is this handbag fashionable it is affordable. For $80 you can add a little class and sass to any outfit despite the season. This handbag and many more, among other trendy things, can be found at or the boutique at 230 Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, GA. The prices in the boutique and online range from $30- $400, so there is something for everyone. No matter what you’re wearing your handbag will be the center of attention, so get creative and classy with them and show them off. Whether they are big or small, an amazingly unique and classy handbag is bound to add sunshine to your fashion storm. October 2012

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Intrauterine Devices – The How and The Why By Dr. Entrekin

Intrauterine devices, better known as IUDs, are an excellent form of long term birth control. Sadly, they have been underutilized in the United States but this is changing. Why? IUDs are highly effective at preventing pregnancy, they do not require the user to remember to take them, they last for 5 or 10 years depending on the IUD chosen, they have very few side effects, they contain no estrogen, and they allow for rapid return of fertility. One of the two currently available IUDs, Mirena®, actually markedly reduces menstrual flow. Both IUDs are safe with breastfeeding. How does it work? The device is placed into the uterus by a healthcare provider during an office visit. The procedure can be moderately uncomfortable but is well tolerated with ibuprofen taken one hour prior to insertion. Women with no prior children often benefit from taking a pill the night before to soften and slightly dilate the cervix to allow passage of the device into the uterus. The device is made of molded plastic and has a string for monthly checks by the patient and for easy removal. There is no interference with intercourse. The two devices available in the United States are Paragard® and Mirena®. They have several important differences. The Paragard® prevents pregnancy by creating a foreign body reaction due to the presence of copper in the device and thus blocks sperm from reaching the egg monthly. It can cause an increase in menstrual flow and monthly cramping but lasts for 10 years and contains no hormones. Patients benefit from this device due to the relative cost benefit (approximately 500 dollars for 10 years of birth control, most every insurance company covers the device) and the lack of hormone exposure (especially important for breast cancer survivors and other patients who should avoid exposure to estrogen and progesterone). The Mirena ® prevents pregnancy by thinning the endometrial lining and thickening the cervical mucus which keeps sperm from reaching the egg monthly.

It is in high demand due to its unique ability to markedly decrease the amount of blood lost monthly with menses. By the end of the second year of use 60-80% of patients have no flow at all and thus do not have to purchase feminine products or reschedule social events due to bleeding. It is not harmful to not bleed monthly and in many cases is beneficial (for patients with severe anemia due to a long history of heavy cycles). There are several studies now that show that Mirena® helps to suppress the pain symptoms of endometriosis. The Mirena® generally costs about 700$ and is covered by most insurance plans. Both devices have a less than 1% failure rate which is comparable to a tubal ligation and neither device contains latex. Who shouldn’t get an IUD? Patients with heavy menstrual cycles of unknown origin need to have this evaluated prior to placement of an IUD. Those with a current vaginal, cervical, or uterine infection should have the infection treated prior to receiving an IUD. Women with breast cancer are generally not candidates for the Mirena® IUD and those with heavy and/or painful cycles should probably not get the Paragard®. Any patient desiring pregnancy in the next 24 months should probably chose a shorter acting form of birth control as the up front cost of either IUD is only recouped by the fact that patients use the device for 5 and 10 years. Patients with a severe uterine distortion are not good candidates for the IUD. Patients with a known or expected pregnancy are also not candidates for the IUD. Fencr So, if you are in search of a long acting, cost effective, low maintenance, highly private, and highly effective birth control method with few side effects that is rapidly reversible, consider an IUD. October 2012

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Nathalie Loma Fashion Designer “Nathalie Loma is professional knows as Cameroonian journalist, entrepreneur, and now fashion designer. She is founder and CEO of Loma Boutique. This past weekend, she launched her line of high energy, fresh, and trendy styles her boutique will have during the Loma Boutique Showcase. The showcase embodied bright colors, animal prints, and neutral pieces that brought every look together. Her styles are elegant and bold. Each piece, from blouses to skirts to shoes, brings about a confidence to every client’s wardrobe. Nathalie exudes fashion, loves shopping and developing new styles not only for herself but for her clients. She created Loma Boutique to give anyone a one-stop shop for all of their beauty needs. Loma Boutique has tops, bottoms, boots and heels, jewelry, and even flawless Brazilian human hair. Loma boutique offers personal styling to high profile clients and celebrities. The first opening of Loma Boutique will be held in her home town of Cameroon, Africa late 2012. Loma Boutique is internationally available online to all clients. No job is too big or small. Please feel free to contact Loma Boutique today for your free consultation. Loma Boutique’s vision is to continually grow internationally, spreading the love of fashion world wide. October 2012

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Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout By Teena Baine If you are not use to working out, or it has been a long time since you last worked out, then it is easy to find excuses not to start! “ I can’t get up in the morning”, “I work late and I am tired when I come home at night”, “I just don’t like to work out”. There are many other excuses, but bottom line if you want to feel better and look better than adding some type of exercise is required. Here are some tips that will hopefully motivate you to start an exercise program. 1) Find something you like to do. Some people like to run, others like to walk. Don’t worry about what someone else wants to do, find what you like. Some examples are, swimming, dancing, cycling, rowing, climbing stairs or going for hikes. Anything that gets you off the couch and breaking a sweat is considered exercise. 2) Tell yourself you will work out for 10 minutes and see how you feel. There are days when we all don’t feel like working out but, for me, I tell myself, “I am just going to get on the treadmill for 10 min, or I am going to take my dog for a short walk.” Usually what happens is that I start feeling so good that I end up working out longer, usually doubling my time. It is amazing how good you feel when you work out. 3) Make it easy. Plan your workout, put your clothes in your gym bag, just go straight to the gym before or after work. If you don’t want to workout at the gym then have everything ready to work out at home. Have your clothes laid out so when you get home you put them right on. Have the DVD ready to start if you are doing a home video. If you remove the obstacles, and plan for it, more than likely it will work. And remember, you only have to work out for 10 min. 4) Mix it up. Don’t do the same thing every day. Rotate Cardio with weights. Do circuit or interval training one or two times a week. By mixing it up, not only are you tricking your body to change, you are not becoming bored with your workouts and you are more likely to actually do them. 5) Add music. I think having the right mix of music is essential to helping motivate you to workout. Music can take us places and lift our spirits and push us farther. Pick different music so you work harder with some songs and recover with others. 6) Do it with a friend. I know I can work out on my own, and there are many days I do that because it just works out to get it done, but I can tell you working out with someone has so many advantages. The camaraderie of working out together is fantastic. You are accountable to each other to get together because you know they are waiting on you. Your partner can push you to do a “few more” reps, that by yourself you might not do. So what is holding you back from getting off that couch and working out? I challenge you for the next 30 days to work out for 10 min most days and just see how you feel. I would love to hear from you about this. Find a partner and ask them to join in on this Fitness challenge, Just because. You will be more fit, feel better and probably lighter in 30 Days. What have you got to lose? You know you can find me at Or on facebook, or Or my website October 2012

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Putting Yourself First Are you Caring or Caretaking? • • • • •

Is it easier for you to give than to receive? Do you give to the point of taking on people’s problems? Do you often go above and beyond what is expected of you? Is it challenging for you to set limits and say “no”? Are you so focused on everyone else’s problems that you overlook your needs and feel depleted?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions posed above than you may be a caretaker, not just caring. Remember, life is all about balance and a caring personality trait is wonderful, but caretaking can become too much and will eventually take a physical and spiritual toll. As women, it is ingrained in us from infancy to serve others, to nurture others and to put others needs before ourselves. This is common but, of course, not always the case. On the other hand, Men are taught to provide for others, but more financially where as women are taught to provide emotional needs. Both can be taxing, both can be demanding, however, emotional demands placed on women in particular can create stress and depression that can go undiagnosed and unrecognized b/c emotion is non-tangible. We are often the emotional centers in our families which require tremendous strength and psychological stability. Unfortunately, many women feel guilty and unworthy of taking care of self, “self-care” so they neglect their own needs and wants to care the needs and wants of children, partners, friends, bosses, coworkers, extended family, etc! So where are the energy, time and desire to focus on self-care? It’s not there and woman can easily became unsatisfied and unhappy in their homes, their careers, and there overall lives. WE must focus on ourselves and take care of ourselves to be fully productive and evolved participants in society. Putting yourself first means taking a few minutes daily (if needed) to do something that is solely to serve your needs and desires. I would recommend longer than a few minutes if possible, so find avenues to pamper your body, your mind, and your spirit. We all deserve this pampering and attention and hopefully our mates recognize this and take care to make this happen. We have only one life on the planet in this body and with this mind so do everything you can take care of yourself. Depending on what your greatest focus is or attention goes to, then that’s what your pampering and self-care should be focused on. For example, the work that I do in the field of psychotherapy can be extremely emotionally draining but not really challenges me physically. So I try to incorporate many activities to soothe my soul and mind and rejuvenate my spirit. On the other hand, I have a toddler at home and anyone who is the mother of a toddler understands that requires a significant amount of physical exertion to run after your little one and keep them out of trouble and harms way! So my body is exhausted a good amount of time; I have to make sure my body experiences rest and relaxation. Find activities that are pleasurable and especially relaxing to you and all of your senses (touch, taste, sound, sight, smell) and you will be rewarded. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you, so never forget to put your needs first. This is never selfish, after all what can you give to others if you haven’t ensured you have enough supply of your own to meet those demands. Take care! October 2012

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May 2012

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Stuffed Jack-O-Lantern Peppers 6 bell peppers, any color 1 pound ground beef 1 egg 4 slices bread, cubed 1 small onion, chopped 1 small tomato, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 cup chili sauce 1/4 cup prepared yellow mustard 3 tbs Worcestershire sauce 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8x8 inch baking dish. Lightly mix together the ground beef, egg, bread cubes, onion, tomato, garlic, chili sauce, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper in a bowl. Wash the peppers, and cut jack-o’-lantern faces into the peppers with a sharp paring knife, making triangle eyes and noses, and pointy-teeth smiles. Slice off the tops of the peppers, and scoop out the seeds and cores. Stuff the peppers lightly with the beef stuffing, and place them into the prepared baking dish so they lean against each other. Bake in the preheated oven until the peppers are tender and the stuffing is cooked through and juicy, about 1 hour. Of course, you can choose to use your favorite stuffing recipe. May 2012 2012Pg Pg26 October Channel 519

Visit famed interior designer and HGTV’s Jan Britt on her own decorating show The Decorate with Jan Show! Learn fun and unique ways to decorate your living space! Only on Ambizion Television Networks Channel 519!

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