Atlanta Ambition Magazine May 2012

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May 2012

Renee Peoples Film Producer &

Co-Owner of The Peoples Network

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9 1 5 l e n n Cha

v t . t s a c e s i www.w The Channel For The Unique & Ambitious!

Premiering May 19th

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Atlanta Ambition Creator Debuting Her Own Cable Channel! Although Atlanta Ambition initially targeted an Atlanta-based audience, its’ content has become contagious, captivating viewers, nation-wide. As the host of Atlanta Ambition TV You Tube web series called Hanging with Dee Dee and creator of Atlanta Ambition magazine, Damitra Stuart covers her own version of news footage and is passionate about helping others! Damitra’s casual yet authentic style allows her to conduct interviews with women from all walks of life. These interesting and dynamic women comfortably share their life successes and challenges, transparently unveiling their road to victory. It is definitely Damitra’s sincere passion of getting to know others, and her love of interviewing that resonates so loudly during each interview. However, Damitra does not solely focus on a woman’s success; she tends to be most interested in understanding the road that led them to their journey! The executives with Wisecast Television were so impressed by her projects that she was approached to create her own channel on their network and she gladly accepted and created Ambizion Networks which is a tribute to her still current magazine Atlanta Ambition. Ambizion Networks will gain world-wide recognition as the trailblazer; a venue that is premier, creative, inspirational, and ambitious. Ambizion Networks helps to make dreams become reality! Ambizion Networks premieres on Wisecast Television May 19th!

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Table of


Page 2-3 Page 29 Atlanta Ambition Creator Debuts New Cable Dorm Rooms Don’t Have to be Channel! Expensive to Decorate Page 6-7 Page 30 The Power of Maintaining a Positive Attitude Networking Through Storytelling Page 10-11 Page 32 April Holt-Smith Owner of Butterfly Cosmet- Author Amanda Lee ics Page 35 Page 13 Sharon’s Kitchen Brunswick Stew Making A Stylish effort Page 36-37 Page 15-16 Marvin Sykes Things You Should know About Fruit and Veggies Page 20,21,22 Cover Story Renee Peoples Page 24 WHY WORKING YOUR UPPER BODY IS “GOOD FOR YOU” Page 25 The Nawty Toolbox

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Advertise Your Business on Ambizion Networks! Channel Guide Banner Ads only $29.00 per month! Local or Nationwide!

Showcase your business or product by running a 30 min or 1hr Video Business Card on Ambizion Networks! (your own infomercial) Email for quote Run Your 30sec commercial on Ambizion Networks! Email for quote Air-Time rates are available for programming as well! Email for quote

For More Information

The Power of Maintaining a Positive Attitude By Nancy J. Lewis, MS, PHR, RCC

The power of a positive attitude is essential for helping you live a successful, prosperous and victorious life. Life will bring challenges, tests, trials, and obstacles but your ability to keep a positive attitude will help you ride the winds of adversity and come out on top. The question so many people ask is how do you keep a positive attitude in the midst of opposition and total chaos? How do you stay grounded when you feel like the bottom is falling out and the world is caving in on you? Through all the difficulties you face, they will either make you bitter or better. The choice is yours to realize that nothing happens by chance and challenges are often merely opportunities in disguise. Let’s look at some key strategies for helping you stay positive. Strategy 1: Keep a positive attitude even when the situation looks overwhelming and you don’t know what to do. Why? Because maintaining a positive attitude allows you to keep your mind open to the possibilities, options, and lessons to be learned from this situation. It helps you realize you can turn your pain into a pearl with the right perspective and a miracle can come from your mess. It’s all about keeping a positive outlook regarding the challenges you face. Is it always easy to do? Certainly is it not, but no one said life would be without struggles. To help you keep a positive attitude read your Bible for an encouraging word, or read other inspirational books, or listen to inspirational tapes or CD’s. The key thing is to keep your focus positive.

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Strategy 2: Do something for someone else. When you are facing challenges one sure way to feel better is to help someone else. This allows you to take the focus off of you and your issues and be a blessing to others. Volunteer at your local hospital, homeless shelter, or your favorite charity and get busy helping others. Many times when you help others, you realize the trials you face are not as bad as you thought. It helps you count your blessings and see things from a new vantage point. Also it is hard to think about your issues when you are busy serving and assisting others. The key thing that will help you maintain the focus is to get into action doing something for someone in need. Strategy 3: Learn how to laugh more. It has been said laughter is a tranquilizer with no side affects and laughter works like medicine it is soothing to the soul. Laughter is essential to helping us not taking ourselves so seriously. I have met people going through major pain and they still have the ability to laugh and find the humor in life. If you find it difficult to laugh, find a comedy on television, or a funny movie, or recall a time you did something really silly, or simply watch small children talking and playing together. You get the picture. The key thing is to learn the power of laughter and laugh often because when you can do this you are maintaining your positive attitude. The important thing to remember is that you always have a choice as to the attitude you will embrace each and every day. When you arise in the morning and your feet hit the floor, you make a decision as to the attitude you will carry that day. Throughout the day, you will face others with all types of attitudes, some good and some bad. The key is to make sure you don’t allow those bad attitudes to spill over onto you. Think about this question, when people leave your presence do they feel inspired or deflated? Keeping a positive attitude allows you to inspire others and lift them up and often turn their frown into a smile. As you continue on this journey in life, make a commitment to yourself that you will carry a positive attitude others want to catch. Make it a positively awesome April!

Nancy J. Lewis is the president of Progressive Techniques, Inc. based in Fayetteville, Georgia where the theme of her company is “Developing a Better YOU!� Nancy does motivational speaking, business and executive coaching, and management and development seminars. Nancy can be reached at: (404) 559-7614, email: or website:

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PREVENTION IS AFFORDABLE Initially, it’s a good idea to request a meeting with your manager. Discussing next steps for the business can minimize the fear of the unknown, and help you feel reassured about what to expect, and help you focus on moving forward.


Additionally, The author of “How to Self-Destruct:

Since conception in 2008, Lab Testing Solutions has Making the Least of What’s Left of Your Career”, Jason been continually expanding as it seeks to send a message of a Free can take Seiden, outlines 5 steps that layoffDrug survivors Drug Free society. Many say the war on drugs is a fruitless Workplace effort similar to the 100 Years’ War, but the significance of both to move past the emotions that the loss of co-workers, accompanied by significant change in the/ On-Site organization Mobile can be seen in many fashions. Because of the century long Testing brings about. battle between England and France, we see the value of democracy versus tyranny as well as many scientific innovations Legal Cases that evolved during that time. In other words, we must remain 1. Offer Assistance: In-Home optimistic of the ancillary benefits. So where exactly do we Utilize your personal network (internally & externally) Substance Abuse stand today in this evolutionary process?

WHY PREVENTION HELPS? Most worldwide policies and systems are designed to punish because it is easier. Lab Testing Solutions sees treatment and prevention as the most affordable option. In other words, the supply of the problem is not the best way to tackle this issue, controlling the demand can choke the supply. Substance abuse is a socioeconomic disadvantage as facts have indicated it decreases productivity costs The national unemployment rateand was 8.3companies percent billions of dollars a year nationwide. Each state has in January, down from 8.5 percent the prior month implemented Drug Free Workplace policies that are and from 9.1 percent a year earlier. Total [nonfinancially driven by offering companies a Worker’s farm] payroll employment increased by 243,000 Compensation discount ranging from 5% to 10%. Additionally, the intangible benefits of lower turnover, higher over the month and by 1,953,000 over the year. productivity, work environments, and overall workplace While thesafer numbers are encouraging, the reality is growth are seen. Thus, making prevention affordable.

You’ve Survived....Now What? By Rhonda C. Hight

that there are still many Americans that are unemployed or working for organizations in which WHY LAB TESTING SOLUTIONS? layoffs are an expected reality. There’s a surfeit Lab Testing Solutions not only will provide business of support andalso assistance for individuals lose services, but they focus on personal programs who that help their jobs; however layoffs can also be challengparents and kids at home with VERY affordable options to stop before it starts. We onlyremain. use SAMHSA labs and ingabuse for the employees who MROs through Quest, LabCorp, MedTox, ATN, Alere, Omega, & Redwood. As with the loss of a loved one, numerous layFrom a physiological perspective, human beings offtosurvivors experience 5 Stages of Grief, a turn drugs/alcohol to balanceThe dopamine (chemicals in the model developed by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, brain) during times of stress or environments that cause lower mood levels. Our body learns to program in as which has become known in psychiatricitself circles these ways until surroundings are changed to avoid this the Kubler-Ross Model. The stages are: Denial, addictive habit. LTS feels that many treatments can be done Bargaining, Depression and third Acceptance at Anger, home with family and friends rather than party (not always It’sworking normaltogether for survivcounseling. Just in likesequence). the workplace, in a holistic manner makes affordable. ing employees to prevention feel sadness about the loss of

co-workers, and even guilt that they survived. So, you’ve survived….Now what?

to assist former colleagues with their job search. Make Expert it a point to setup virtual introductions for them with Cloud Specialist key players in your network, or share leads on open for Employee positions that you become aware of. One of the most valuable things you can do is to beScreenings a supportive ear for them. They too (more so than the survivors) will experiPrerit (Pete)Dr. Patel ence the 5 Stages Kubler-Ross described, and having someone as a sounding board can help them work through their emotions and move the healing process forward. Lab Testing Solutions lives up to its 2. nomenclature: Keep the Connections SOLUTIONS, Alive: via free consultations. A Initially, it candigital be awkward and difficult to find the completely system saves 70% downtime and 10% costs. to With access to thousands collection rightinwords say.special Oftentimes people will of avoid saysites, background checking, drug counselors, risk ing anything, or allow an extended period of time to management services, insurance and many lapse thinking that time will makemitigation, these conversations aspects of keeping your business in business. From easier to have, but in reality the opposite is true. The there, the company takes a personalized approach to more timewho thatneed goes by,atthe more becomes to those help home, or difficult even haveit legal restore these connections. You may feel guilty concerns and need testing to prove parentage orabout maintain the aprolonged gap in communication, and because of drug free lifestyle. Free kits are available. the emotional stages they’re experiencing; the former WHO may IS LAB TESTING SOLUTIONS? colleague interpret the lapse as indifference, versus discomfort The on your part.was established by Anthony Webb company 3. Resume Daily Patterns: in 2008 behind the compelling story of when a close Office norms will beresponsible slightly altered in the firstoffew acquaintance was for a DUI death a days mother and child. Since then, the dedication to keep and sometimes weeks following a layoff. The focus [for companies’ drug is fueled by the passion to educate many] will be on thefree loss of co-workers, anxiety about families, schools, and other societal groups that create the security of their own positions, and the increased our community. To further aspire in this goal, the responsibilities that will inevitably follow the redisacquisition by a new CEO, Prerit (Pete) Patel, has tribution ofthe work. Resuming your patterns, and enabled company to spread thedaily message nationwide encouraging or influencing others toDrug do the same is good through strategic partnerships with Free groups for your health. It forces you to continue movacrossmental the country. ing forward instead of looking back and reflecting on a future that you can’t fully control.

Lab Testing Solutions | 4411 Suwanee Dam Road #1010 | Suwanee, GA 30024 | 770-932-0909 |


4. Acknowledge & Release Your Guilt: Survivor guilt is not just some theory cooked up by doctorate students in search of a dissertation topic, it is very real. Our co-workers often become like extended members of our families. We know of the challenges they face in their personal lives; challenges that the job loss will most likely amplify, and our concern for them will illicit feelings of grief that we survived and they didn’t. Acknowledge this feeling and then release it. Allowing it to take root makes it more difficult to keep things moving in a forward motion, and if left unchecked can develop into an attitude of resentment toward the organization, which certainly does not benefit any of the parties involved. 5. Continue to Invest in the Company’s Success: Generally layoffs are done to keep the business viable from a financial standpoint. Commit yourself to doing your part to help the organization in this mission. This is not the time to pull back, or disengage. Now is the time to take a strategic and proactive approach to helping shore up the fiscal standing of the company. Look for opportunities in your purview to make a positive impact on the Company’s bottom-line; either by making or saving money. This investment in the company’s success will prompt out-of-box thinking, and potentially pay dividends for all of the company’s stakeholders. Rhonda C. Hight is President/Owner, Let’s Talk, LLC & LT Productions


April Smith-Holt Owner of Butterfly Cosmetics This comes a time in the rapid pace world of business when someone comes out of nowhere to dominate the industry. That someone is Buena Vista, Georgia’s very own April Smith, and that industry is the multi-billion dollar beauty industry. You see April did not come to get in the game, her plan is to take it over through her creation of an international cosmetic line that will cater to all shades of color, remember this name, “Butterfly Cosmetics”. On February 28, 2012 the world was introduced to the launch of Butterfly Cosmetics which proudly carries the slogan, “Looking Fabulous and Loving It”. Her goal was to produce cosmetics that was not harsh to the skin and she strives to provide women with the proper education on makeup application. After watching how many teenage girls, including her own daughters, skin would become damaged as a result of trying an array of cosmetic lines, she vowed to step in with a solution. Wearing makeup is a big part young girls adolescent years, so she wants to make sure that the makeup they are using is not harmful & she plans to educate them on the true purpose of cosmetics, this applies also to adult women as well.

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Butterfly Cosmetics consists of minerals to create their products which features a signature line of lipsticks, eye-shadows, lip glosses, foundations & much more. April Smith’s ultimate goal is to have her beauty products featured in upscale elite events around the metro-Atlanta area & also have Butterfly Cosmetics on the tip of the tongue of everybody within the music, fashion, film, & business industries. To pull this off successfully she has lined up a one of a kind exclusive media tour where she already has scheduled interviews with magazines, radio, podcasts, blogs, and talk shows. And we are not just talking about Atlanta, the Butterfly Cosmetics brand is on a steam rolling pace to go regional, national, & international. Being on the scene in a such short period of time, April admits that she gets elated when her Marketing Director Alana Sanders of MarketingPros, LLC, informs her of so many emails and phone calls of people wanting to do business. These people range from A-list entertainers, top colleges with fashion & beauty programs, corporate sponsors from some of the top Fortune 500 companies, who all want a piece of the Butterfly cosmetic brand.

As CEO & owner, April Smith has plans to indeed take over Atlanta, the nation, and why not even the world. She is the epitome of a self-made woman who will not stop until she snags that top spot in the beauty industry. April says there is a strong possiblity of a future book, reality show, & movie about her spectacular rise to the top! For any business opportunites, media, or future endorsements with Butterfly Cosmetics contact: MarketPros,LLC Attn: Alana Sanders (404)482-0749 Facebook (ButterflyCosmetics) Twitter (ButterflyCosmet)

Don’t be surprised if you see April Smith and her signature lines in commercials & on the set of huge movie projects soon because as she would say, “Why stop somewhere in the middle when the top spot is right there within your reach. This is the same attitude that made the visionaries at MAC, Maybeline, & Revlon billions so why can’t I, a strong black woman from Buena Vista, GA, place my stamp on the beauty industry as well. But I do plan to incorporate and tie in my powerful platform to collaborate with a few selected charities to give back as well. I want be considered a role model to all people, all races, but especially young black girls who sometimes get off track with what they think is cool. I want them to have a visual experience & see a woman like me who did not conform to the norm to become a top-notch respected business woman. My goal is to promote positivity, education, high self-esteem, productivity through my brand Butterfly Cosmetics, I don’t just work in the beauty industry, I have OWNERSHIP in it.”

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Still, it made me wonder: How can you expect not to run into someone you know when you go out? If you really feel like you look like a mess, do something about it before you leave the house. You never know who you are going to run into when you leave your house. It can be an old friend, a client, a prospective client, a future boyfriend, or your ex-spouse. You don’t need to get all dressed up to go to the mall or to the grocery store, but you do need to feel good about yourself in case you run into someone you know. It’s too late to apologize about the way you look when you run into someone, and it could reflect badly on your image.

Making a Stylish Effort By Peggy Parks

In fact, one of my “Peggy’s Rules to a Better You” is “always dress as if you were going to run into your ex.” But don’t take my word for it. I recently Last weekend, I was at the mall with my met with a 75-year-old woman who is known for mother when I saw a woman who looked dressing elegantly—perfect hair, stylish glasses, familiar, though I could not really place red lipstick, and simple but chic and well-maintained outfits. She says that every day several her. It is sometimes difficult to remempeople stop her to compliment her appearance. ber someone “out of context.” The And while she appreciates the flattery, she herself woman started coming toward us while is at a loss for why others don’t follow suit. Acsmiling at me and my mother, which cording to her, it’s very easy to dress tastefully— made me assume that she knew the two she herself buys the same outfit in a variety of of us. The only thing I could remember colors—and a little effort goes a long way. She about her is that she was someone who doesn’t understand why people take the time to was always very helpful, perhaps in a compliment her when they don’t bother to take medical or dental setting. the time to make themselves look smart. Feeling inspired? The next time you leave the Two days later, I remembered who she house—even if it’s just to head to the post office was when I called my mother’s docor the supermarket—give yourself a onceover tor’s office. She was one of the doctor’s in the mirror and ensure that you look presentnurses! I apologized for not being more able. If you think that you look like a mess, add friendly and right away she said “Oh, I a touch of makeup, fix your hair, or trade your looked like a mess, I didn’t realize I’d run into anyone I know, etc.” To me, she baggy t-shirt for something more fitted and stylish. Casual? Fine. Sloppy? Never! did not look like a mess. She was very casually dressed but looked younger and slimmer than she does when wearing her scrubs.

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S trothers S herry

The Lipstick Leader™

Inspiring Women to Succeed in Their Professional & Personal Lives

My high energy program inspires leaders, aspiring leaders, and those seeking personal growth to: • Spark their imagination to create a bold vision. • Lead from the heart and not from the head. • Become skilled at achieving balance and establishing boundaries. • Share a clear-picture vision so that it energizes others. • Learn communication skills that exude confidence, not intimidation. • Walk away with tools that they can use immediately. "Sherry is one of the finest and most inspirational leaders with whom I have had the good fortune to work. She has much to say and all should listen. Her message is truly worth hearing."

Michael Lumpkin Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict

ABOUT SHERRY … • Author of the soon to be released (May 2012) book "Strength is in the Struggle - Charting Your Path to Personal Success”. • One of 30 international coaches and consultants selected to co-author: "How to Break the Glass Ceiling without a Hammer - Career Strategies for Women". • An MBA in Information Technology Management and a BS in Management and Technology. • Strong background in training and development particularly in DIA Operating Base Support Orientation Course (OBSOC), Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Counselor Course, Senior Enlisted Leadership Training, Navy Legal Officer Training and Personnel Management Training.


Contact Sherry Today! … •

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There are many foods that help to jump start your metabolism. Find out which foods can assist you in your weight loss efforts. Of course, it is essential to track calories and to also get 40 minutes of exercise daily. Making some changes to the types of foods you are eating is an important key to successful weight loss. Milk, Whole-Grain Cereal, and Oatmeal Key Ingredients: Complex carbohydrates, and fiber Complex carbohydrates and fiber increase your metabolism by keeping insulin levels low after you eat. Oatmeal is high in fiber and takes time to digest, leaving you feeling fuller longer. Adding some cinnamon to your oatmeal and cereal helps to keep your blood sugar levels stabilized for a longer period of time. There are many cereals available with a wealth of both vitamins and minerals. Green Tea and Coffee Key Ingredients: Caffeine and EGCG Caffeine speeds up your heart rate. The more quickly your heart beats, the more calories you burn. EGCG is a compound found in green tea linked to an increase in metabolic rate. Check with your doctor about the amount of caffeine you can safely consume daily. Green tea also comes in decaffeinated varieties. Jalapeno, Habanero, and Cayenne Peppers Key Ingredients: Capsaicin Many research studies have found that eating spicy foods increases metabolism. If tolerable, add some hot peppers to salads or stir in with beans as a snack. Beef, Pork, Chicken, Beans and Tofu Key Ingredient: Protein Protein takes time to break down in the stomach. It takes longer to digest, as a result, assisting metabolic rate as the body works harder to break down proteins. Foods high in protein leave people feeling fuller longer.

Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines Key Ingredients: Omega-3 fatty acids There is a hormone in people’s bodies known as leptin. Leptin levels directly impact the metabolism. Eating fish helps control leptin levels in the body. Low leptin levels help your body to efficiently break down food and store fats properly. Mayo Clinic researchers studied the diets of two African tribes. One of the tribes ate fish regularly and one of the tribes did not. The tribe that frequently consumed fish had leptin levels nearly five times lower than the levels found in tribes that primarily ate vegetables. Fish oil vitamin tablets are also beneficial in supporting your metabolism and leptin hormone levels.

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The 40/40 Celebration Series:

Celebrating 40 years of life by doing 40 events that give back to the community. “If i can’t serve, then I don’t derserve!”

Erica M. Alcox CEO/Founder Geechie Gurl Inc.

Where are you from? I am from Detroit, MI

Cover Story Renee Peoples

How did your parents influence you growing up? My mother is one of my hero’s. I’ve watched my mother go through some very tough times. She always managed to pull through. I look up to her and admire her strength, courage, ambition, and wisdom. She always knows just what to say to me when I’m having a rough day. My dad is my rock! He has taught me things that most men in my generation don’t know. Growing up I thought he was mean for making me cut the grass, work on cars, balance a check book, cook and clean. I felt as though I should be out playing with my friends all day. Now as an adult and a mother I can appreciate what he taught me. My mom and Dad are my hero’s! When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up? I’ve always wanted to be an entertainer rather an actress or a singer. I use to play dress up in my mom clothes and dance and sing around the house as well as act out what I seen on the television. Dynasty was one of my favorite T.V. shows. I would get my friends together and I would direct the scenes and be the star of course. LOL When I became a teenager I was more into my music. I was singing in clubs with my group Umoja. We were not old enough to be there. After we would perform my mom would be waiting for us to get off stage and she would march us right out of the building.

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Tell me about your business. What lead you to the road that you are on now business wise? It was pre-destined! I’ve been doing this all of my life. When I turned 15 I wrote my first play titled “Dreams are Real”. I started a production company called “Youth Praise Production” We traveled all around the city performing the play and monologues that I had written. I had to take a step back once I graduated high school. I became a teen mom and I had to make sure my son was taken care of first. I went to college and pursued a full time career as a computer analyst. I always knew that is NOT where my heart was. I vowed to myself once my son became old enough I would start back doing what I love. I moved to Atlanta, Ga in 2006. I went out for some auditions and I landed the roles. I was approached by someone that I was acting with about directing her mother’s play. We spoke about it and I said sure, send me what you have. From that point forward we’ve been joined at the hip. Tarjatta Rose, and Meliza Woodward helped me get back to what I love once I started co-directing and acting in the stage play/movie “Deliverance in the House”. They are both the founders of TakeHeed Productions. I didn’t know while working with them I would be introduced to my husband whom was the producer/DP for the movie. We met in the later part of 2006 and married in 2008. They are truly my family! Tarjatta was my Matron of Honor along with my aunt Crystal. And Minister Meliza married us. My husband and I founded The Peoples Network Inc. in 2008 and it’s been growing ever since.

The Peoples Network is a production company as well as an online network that writes and produces our own movies, T.V. shows, books, and seminars. We are also a company for hire. We recently had a T.V. drama that ran for three seasons on Comcast on Demand titled “Money Power & Respect”. We are now in the second season of our web series titled “Love Atlanta Style”. You can check us out on I am also the owner of a daycare “Mamas Little Angels” I love children so much. I had to close my doors in the summer of 2010 when I was due to have my youngest son. The enrollment became low and I was really sick towards the end of my pregnancy. I plan to re-open a bigger and better facility by 2012. If anyone in business could be your mentor who would it be? Apostle Elisha Griffin, She is an AWESOME woman of God. She is an attorney and she owns her own business. Apostle Sheila is very ambitious and genuine. She teaches a class on ABC’s of Incorporation. She’s been through the fire and the storm, however she always manage to come out shinning and ministering about the goodness of God.

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What do you love most about your career? I love what I do, because I don’t feel like I’ve ever worked. It’s a fulfillment and enjoyment to see your work go from the paper to the screen. I’m not only a Director, but an actress as well. I love becoming someone else. I can turn it on and off at the drop of a dime. How do you balance family life with your career? Easy, my family is involved in what I do. My husband Bobby M. Peoples Sr. is a film producer. We work together on mostly everything. My children are in the business either in front of the camera or behind it. Now when the cameras are not rolling we are everyday parents. Where do you see yourself in the next year?

Bobby and Renee Peoples

I see myself owning my own studio/theatre. That is a dream that both my husband and I share. Plus I plan to have my daycare back up and running at full speed ahead! When you leave this earth, what would you want your legacy to say about your ambition? When I leave this earth I want people to know me as the lady who was a go getter. I believe that the power of Life and death is in your tongue. I speak, feel it, see it, then I go and get it! I love life, and I love all of God’s people. I always try to encourage people to be the best they can be. I always help when I can. I ask God to bless me so I can be a blessing to others.

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Premiering In May Channel 519


By Teena Baine Last month I talked about why it was important to work your lower body so I thought I would continue that direction and discuss why working your upper body is so important. Most women don’t feel this is an important area to work because we are so concerned with our waist and legs. And while it is important to work the core and lower body, if you are not giving attention to your shoulders, back,chest, biceps and triceps, you really are missing out on some great definition, not to mention more strength to do the everyday things we do. There are lots of muscles in the upper body, and they work together to help us lift things, push and pull things, or just hold them. We do all of these things without thinking. I am going to discuss the main muscle groups, tell you where they are, what they do and the effects that occur when you work them. Upper Back: This group consists of the Trapezius, and Rhomboids. The Traps, as they are called, are a muscle that runs from the center of the back up to your neck. Working this muscle helps to not only sculpt the back but can also help ward off back and neck pain, like the kind you can get from sitting at a desk all day long and having your shoulders rounded. The Rhomboids are the small muscle in the center of your back and runs up to the base of your neck. Working these muscles help with your posture.

Shoulder Muscles: These muscles consist of the Deltoids and the Rotator Cuff. The Delts, are around the top of your shoulders and are split into 3 groups. Training these muscles really help make your shoulders look more defined and not so rounded and slumping. The Rotator cuff muscles are under your Delts. They help hold your arm in place and when they are strong and firm they pull your underarm in and make your arm look slimmer and more defined. Arm Muscles: Most people know about the Biceps and Triceps. The Biceps are in the front of the upper arm and you use them to pick things up. Toning these will give shape and definition to this area. The Tricep is an area we, as women, really don’t like. These muscles are located in the upper back area of the arm. Toning them will help reduce the flabby area that hangs down under your arm when you raise it. Chest Muscles: Last but not least, are the Pectoral Muscles, located in the upper chest. They are used to push things and help to support the bust area. When your Pec muscles are defined your bust area is naturally “lifted”. When adding upper body to your workout, you want to think about how a couple of things, 1) How often you work out and 2) How hard you want to work! If you are limited on time and number of days you workout then work the entire upper body all one one day and make sure you rest for 48 hours so you have sufficient time for your muscle fibers to rebuild and become strong. If you work out everyday, then rotate what you do. For example, combine the groups, like Back and Biceps, Triceps and chest, and Deltoids and Rhomboids can be added or done on a third day. It is really up to you how you want to do it. Also something else to consider is equipment. Weights, like dumbbells, weight machines, or any kind of tubing can be used. And you can work all these muscles even if you don’t have any equipment at all. As always I have included a video on some upper body moves for you to start with. I am always happy to help you with more if you would like. You can contact me several ways: Facebook; My online fitness biz: Tena4Fitness And my blog is If you have any suggestions for other topics please let me know.

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Anthony Webb, the CEO of The Nawty ToolBox, has discovered the answers to enhancing the intimacy in your relationship. The Nawty ToolBox offers different novelties that can be pleasurable, tasteful and unique. Anthony and his team have done extensive research on what men and women desire and why they are afraid to have the discussion about their true intimacy. The Nawty ToolBox allows couples to begin having the discussion without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. It’s the initial discovery of different ways to introduce the novelties to each other.


What made you want to get into this industry? I thought since the novelty industry has had a very “dirty name,” my vision was to educate couples about ways to enhance their intimacy in the relationship. There are so many ways that this can happen; primarily one must have an open mind and want to take their intimacy to another level. What do adult novelties mean to you? Adult Novelties mean having a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship consists of foreplay where one can use toys, games and props. I think that if couples have a healthy relationship this will decrease the number of couples who cheat on each other or divorce. What is the direct message you want to give to people? The direct message I want to give to people is to be open to the experience of trying new things in the comfort of their own home. Learn to live on the edge and have fun doing it! Why work hard to play hard? In today’s society we work very hard to obtain the things in life we want. However, we must learn to play even harder to keep our relationship healthy, exciting and exotic. BUSINESS EXCELLENCE MATCHED WITH CONSUMER INTELLIGENCE

What Anthony and his team at The Nawty ToolBox bring is a mixture of a class of people who are hard-working, successful, and have aspirations of making a difference in society. His products and services are not meant to evoke the socalled “evils” of sex, but to educate human kind of the natural desires that we must invoke in people to fully express themselves. As a man in this industry, he has become a proven leader of this and continues to grow in many ways as you will see. MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE

As you can see, The Nawty ToolBox is not just your everyday “novelty” provider and servicer. In fact, what Anthony does is not a novelty, it is a necessity and his products are merely appendages to help people open those doors of intimacy. Whether it is the toys, games, books, clothing, and events; Anthony will bring the spice back into your relationship. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with his tutelage, these methods and novelty services are meant for heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual individuals. It will be like the first time every time!

Anthony Webb – The Nawty ToolBox 678-609-8699 Twitter: #TheNawtyToolBox


Coming In May Channel 519

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Dorm Rooms Don’t Have to be Expensive to Decorate By Jan Britt Moving on from high school to college can be exciting and intimidating. As an Interior Designer and Window Treatment Specialist, I have some creative ideas for you to help you decorate your dorm room. You have to think “out of the box” if the college or university dorm rooms do not allow you to paint the rooms or use nails to hang items on the wall. The largest piece of furniture you have in your room is usually your bed. You will be wasting a lot of space if your bed is not elevated up higher than normal. You can purchase the bed risers from Wal-Mart, mattress stores and many other stores to help you make better use of the space under your bed. There are many storage units that will fit nicely under the elevated bed. If you are not able to put nails into your walls in your dorm room than I have a solution for you! You can use 3M Picture hanger command strips. You would be surprised to see what those little hangers can hold. You can hang your jewelry pouch against the side wall of the inside of your closet or on the back of the closet door. You can use the larger 3M hooks all by themselves for larger pictures you may want to hang. Read the directions and follow the weight suggestions for hanging. Bedding is one of the important items that will help you create the comfort feeling you will need as you go away to school. You can either choose a “quiet” look to encourage calmness or a wild and creative comforter or bedspread to promote the fun and crazy atmosphere you are anticipating to enjoy. When you are choosing bedding for your bed you can have custom made bedding or a “Bed in the Bag”. Whatever bedspread or comforter you choose it is wise to choose bedding that is washable. You can modify the dust ruffle that you have chosen by sewing in pockets with Velcro or button closures to the dust ruffle. If your headboard does not have to be totally pushed up against the wall you can have a slipcover made to fit the headboard. In the back of the slipcover facing the wall, you can have pockets sewn into it with Velcro or button closures. These pockets can be used for private items. I have many more creative decorating ideas and storage techniques that are just perfect to help you move a family member into a dorm room. Please contact me and I will be happy to help you decorate your dorm room in a traditional or “out of the box” style for this special time in your life. If you have any questions please contact me at (404)510-3636 or

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Given your particular lifestyle, how can you arrange your time more effectively? Are certain days (or hours of the day) more conducive toward certain activities? What activities can be combined and streamlined? List what you can eliminate or delegate. If it no longer works, it’s gone. I’m an early riser with a family of furry pets. I also care for a small colony of spayed and neutered feral cats. I block off my very early morning hours to care for and feed the pets, the cats and myself, to pray / meditate while expressing joy for the upcoming day, and to tidy my house. I’ve created a flexible block of time for these activities. The remainder of my day is blocked off into additional flexible time slots relevant to my business lifestyle. I open each business day with a review of my Action Plan and Activity List for that specific day / week / month, including anything pending which requires follow-up. I try to shut down my activities at a specific time because I’ve learned what happens when you run yourself ragged. I’m no stranger to burn out. Even one time around is one time too many. Although effective time management is a key to financial success, you must commit to action or face disappointing results. If helpful, identify an accountability partner to meet with on a consistent basis either in person, via phone, or e-mail. Make sure the person you choose is a no-nonsense gal or guy who will hold you totally accountable; however, this person must enthusiastically support your vision and passion as well! Your time management system is your unique creation. It is designed specifically by you as a compass in navigating your entrepreneurial journey toward financial success. As your unique system begins to unfold, watch your life unfold and flow as contacts and financial opportunities emerge. As you find “time” to realize your financial vision, you’ll also be celebrating a revitalized and more purpose-driven YOU! Perhaps, not so amazingly, you’ll have all the time in the world to accomplish whatever magnificent undertaking you choose! By-line info: Phyllis Walker is a fine art photographer and owner of Hummingbird Studios (http://www. where she markets her work for home décor, office accents and all-occasion gifts. She is additionally the founder of Esperanza! A Woman’s Hope ( a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on offering scholarships to Georgia’s survivors of domestic violence who are returning to school for job skills upgrade. To schedule Phyllis for a speaking engagement, exhibit, or lunch and learn talk, contact her at

May 2012

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Author Amanda Lee Amanda Lee is one of many authors at 5 Star Publications in Maryland. She’s a native of Forest, Mississippi but resides in Jackson Mississippi with her children. She works full time doing what she loves, writing. Amanda is here to put the “dirty south” on the map in the book world. She worked as a police officer for 8 years, but decided to change her career path. Amanda was born August 16, 1972 to the late Jersey and the late Glenda Patrick. She graduated from Sebastopol High School in 1991. Studied at Virginia College in April 2004; “Criminal Justice.” Graduated from the police academy “MLEOTA” in June 2004. Decided to start a professional writing career as “Author Amanda Lee” in December 2009; also writing under the name “Dirty Diane” since July 2011 with erotic tales. Her first novel, a thriller called “Deranged” will stun readers all over the world of how a woman feels when heartbroken. Her second novel “Down Low Diva” has nothing but dirty secrets beyond the bedroom. Nothing but sexual feelings to get you aroused and up out your seat. In Deranged 2, Nikki takes Nicole on a Psychotic Rampage. My website: www.authoramandalee

May 2012

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BECOME A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH IN TWO DAYS! Coaching skills are in high demand. Coaching is currently the second biggest consulting business in the country, according to U.S News and World Report. To meet this growing demand, The Certified Coaches Federation (CCF) will hold a Certified Coach Practitioner training in Atlanta on July 21-22nd.

Only Certified Coaches FederationTM graduates earn the esteemed Certified Life Coach PractitionerTM designation In

addition to helping students develop crucial coaching skills, you will learn the tools, secrets and strategies needed to build a profitable coaching practice. Graduates also receive a full year of online Continuing Education at no additional cost! If you’ve got a passion to help others, this training will allow you to begin a new career with confidence.

REGISTER NOW! Country Inn & Suites Gwinnett Place July 21-22nd This is the only Atlanta training for 2012. Hurry... seating is limited! For more information please call 704-369-6390 or 866-455-2155 or visit the website below. Register by June 20th & save $100. Use discount code 280512AA. Jennifer A. Gage PhD Master Coach & Trainer

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Sharon’s Kitchen Brunswick Stew BRUNSWICK STEW 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup chopped onions 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 1/2 pounds ground pork 1 1/2 pounds ground beef 1 (3 pound) whole cooked chicken, deboned and shredded 3 (14.5 ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes with liquid, chopped 1 cup ketchup 1/2 cup hickory flavored barbeque sauce salt and pepper to taste hot sauce to taste (optional) 1 green bell pepper 1 (14.75 ounce) can cream style corn 2 (14.75 ounce) cans whole kernel corn Heat the olive oil in a large skillet, and saute the onions and celery until soft. Mix in the pork and beef, and cook until evenly browned. Do not drain. Transfer the pork and beef mixture to a large stock pot over low heat. Stir in the shredded chicken, tomatoes and their liquid, ketchup, and barbeque sauce. Season with salt, pepper, and hot sauce. Place the whole green pepper into the mixture. Cook, stirring occasionally, 2 hours, or until thickened. Stir the corn into the stew mixture. Continue cooking 1 hour, or to desired consistency. Remove the green pepper; chop and return to the stew or discard.4. Combine crushed crackers and remaining 2 tablespoons melted butter. Stir in remaining 1⁄4 teaspoon salt and 1⁄4 teaspoon pepper. Sprinkle over casserole. Bake at 375° for 30 minutes or until crust is crisp and sauce bubbles. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Recipes by Sharon Fox, author of COMFORT FOOD for the Mind, Body, and Soul Pick up or order a copy at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, or today!

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Marvin Sykes

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Marvin Sykes left his rough inner city neighborhood behind; he had no idea that one day he’d become a police detective and a successful, respected home business owner who helps people make money from home.

Marvin remembers filling out a questionnaire online at midnight and getting a response 10 minutes later. After hearing about the business that was built around services we all use-­‐ and pay for-­‐ every day, Marvin got started.

Marvin Sykes grew up in New Jersey raised in a rough inner city by his mother and grandmother, and watched a s number of his friends fell into a life of crime and ended up in jail. Marvin desperately wanted a better life, but knew he’d have to get off the streets. So at age 19 he joined the Army then at 24, he became a police officer.

“I had to continue working overtime at the police department, but I still made it a priority to spend a couple nights a week learning from my mentor and other leaders and working on my business,” he says. Marvin acknowledges that April was skeptical, but he was 100 percent confident. “I told her that in a few years she’d be thanking me, because this was going to change our lives.”

“Going to jail had become a right of passage where I grew up, but I didn’t want any part of that life,” says Marvin, who was also concerned about his young daughter growing up in that kind of environment. “After the Army, I did what my grandma told me to do: I got a good job with benefits to support my family.” Marvin’s family grew to four children and despite a promotion to police detective, he and his wife April were still struggling to make ends meet. Marvin took as many overtime shifts as he could to bring in extra money, but this left little time for his family and for activities he enjoyed, like being involved in the local Boys and Girls Club.

True to his word, 27 months later, Marvin reached the level of Senior Vice President while working his home-­‐based business about 20 to 25 hours per months. He’s still a full-­‐time police detective and intends to keep that job until he can retire with a full pension in just a couple years, but he no longer works overtime “I now make more part time than I do full time on my job,” he says. And as a reminder of how far he’s come, the questionnaire that started it all is hanging in a frame on this basement wall. “One day, when my grandchildren ask me how I became a millionaire, I want to be able to point to that frame.”

“Growing up in the inner city, I heard a lot about struggle. My grandmother showed me first-­‐hand what struggle was. My family believed a better-­‐paying job was the answer to struggle. But a job paid just enough to cover the bills,” says Marvin, admitting that he and April would max out a credit card, pay down the balance then max it out again. “It was a never-­‐ending cycle, we lived paycheck-­‐to-­‐ paycheck, and if we wanted to have any quality of life, we had to go into debt.” For Marvin, the answer wasn’t in finding a better-­‐paying job. He proactively set out to put an end to the struggle and on his quest, he read a magazine about a home-­‐based business opportunity in network marketing that seemed to have everything in place for him to succeed. “I had failed at network marketing opportunities before, but I know it was a business model that worked, but only if you have the right leadership working with you, the right products/services and the right company-­‐solid with a proven history of success. I had never found anything that had all three components until I cam across this one,” he says.

When Marvin reached the Senior Vice President level, he qualified for a new BMW, stock options, and the company sent him and the other Senior Vice Presidents on a European cruise. “My wife was so excited. One of the stops was in Italy, and when we were walking the streets of Rome she actually thanked me, saying, “Two and a half years ago, you said I’d be thanking you for starting this business, so thank you!” Marvin says his biggest accomplishments to date are getting out of foreclosure and eliminating all credit card debt; in fact, the Sykes family has a “cash-­‐ only” policy now. Besides the money, however, he feels fulfillment from showing other people how they can have the same results. Marvin refers to a simple philosophy as the reason for his continued success: “This is a business that requires work, but the work is helping others achieve their goals. That is how my team and I have become successful. My philosophy is that his business is not about you, it’s about you helping someone else. Do that and you will be rewarded again and again.” Get more details directly fro Marvin Sykes or a leader from his team on how you can get involved in the business that has helped them achieve financial goals in spite of a down economy. Visit or call 1-­‐888-­‐369-­‐ 7779 Ext. 1 today!

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DON’T MISS THIS! The Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir is Coming to Atlanta for 1-Week Only! (May 31st to June 7th, 2012) by Tanya Mack, President of Mackworks, LLC (

If you haven’t heard of the “Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir,” you soon will. From May 31st to June 7th this year, the Choir will perform [for free!] at some of Atlanta’s finest venues: Centennial Olympic Park Noon Concert Series, the Georgia Aquarium, the Carter Center, The Strand theatre in Marietta, with the Atlanta Gay Men’s Choir, and churches in Norcross and Woodstock. The Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir is a truly wondrous group of talented children who sing and perform for one year, prior to joining an adopting family. After their year “on the road” performing, the 20-25 adopted children from the Choir join families who commit to their health, well-being, and education all the way through the university level. In the 2012 Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir, there are 22 children from Peru, Liberia, and India. Past years have included children from Uganda, Kenya, Guatemala, Peru, the Philippines, and India. Less than 1% of the world’s estimated 200-600 million at-risk and orphaned children receive the support they need to lead a successful life. From the slums of India to the cemetery dwellers of the Philippines, children grow up with dreams that they know will never come true. They have so much potential, but lack the support they need to succeed and instead remain an untapped resource. Through the auspices of The International Children’s Network (, a group that exists to support and assist the great work being done by other organizations – like the Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir - child sponsorship and support provides these children with the food, shelter, clothing, and education they need. From February through July, the Matsiko Choir has concert dates in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Minnesota, and South Dakota. Atlanta audiences will be able to see and hear the Choir at special venues throughout the city. Join us for the magic, the joy, the music, and the inspiration of this year’s Matsiko World Orphans Children’s Choir. More information and a detailed list of performances will appear on the Matsiko Choir’s LinkedIn page and at: Videos of ICN/Matsiko World Orphan Choir: 1. Eric Video… 2. Sandra Video… B7E3A8B58 3. Jennifer’s Song… 4. Escalator… 5. William’s Video… 6. Kalli Video… 7. …AND MANY, MANY MORE ON YOUTUBE…SEARCH “Matsiko” 8. BLOG (performance documentary)…

May 2012

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Offer Expires June 30, 2012


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