Atlanta Ambition Magazine June 2012

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June 2012

Yolanda Zellous Model Actress & Entrepreneur

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The Channel for the Unique & Ambitious!

Damitra Simmons-Stuart Creator/ Publisher Damitra (Dee Dee) Simmons-Stuart is originally from El Paso Texas. The 35 year older has always been passionate about business and at an early age aspired to be successful and interested in a variety of things. In 1999 while attending college at University of Texas El Paso, Damitra was a campus DJ at KTEP Radio, interned with channel 9 NBC News, worked for Providian Financial Services as a sales representative ( i.e. she received the state-wide award for the #1 sales rep in Texas). In pursuit of increased entrepreneurial and income opportunities, Damitra started her first business called Dee Dee’s Cleaning. While growing the business, she continued to work second jobs to acquire additional skills and learn more trades. In 2002, not only did Damitra work as a Vetenerian Technician while owning her business, she assumed a part-time job as an office manager with The Northeast Community Bugle Publishing Company in El Paso, Texas. While working as the office manager, Damitra requested additional responsibilities and asked to create her own publication. The publishing company afforded Damitra with the one opportunity to prove her abilities; and she happened to do it successfully! She created a monthly magazine called, Tyght which showcased Fort Bliss, Texas, a huge, predominantly African American military base inside of El Paso, Texas. When the publishing company began to go belly up, Damitra decided to start her own company named, D&D Publishing Company where she continued the Tyght publication for an entire year. In 2004, Damitra’s vision for Dee Dee’s Cleaning expanded. Her love for business and growth resulted in eight branches of her cleaning company. Starting with her first location in El Paso, Texas, Damitra’s business eventually expanded the nation from New Mexico to Denver; Athens to Atlanta; and lastly, Tampa to Los Angeles. At the end of 2010, Damitra dissolved Dee Dee’s Cleaning Company. Ingenious business ventures were not the only things that comprised Damitra’s arsenal. As an avid dog lover, in 2006, Damitra invented and sold a portable dog potty called, “Porty Pooch”. She marketed and sold the invention to ten (10) of her neighbors for $20.00 while attempting to provide a larger scale distribution to a merchant in Buckhead, Ga. This novice yet entrepreneurial attempt to leverage her idea resulted in the loss of her invention. Nevertheless, her multimillion dollar idea was repackaged and is currently being used as portable potty for dogs world-wide! On January 1, 2011, Damitra created Atlanta Ambition Magazine. Atlanta Ambition Magazine is an online lifestyle magazine focusing on women who are either business owners; occupy prestigious titles in business, or individuals who aspire to become successful in the Atlanta area. Although the magazine initially targeted an Atlanta-based audience, its’ content has become contagious, captivating viewers, nation-wide. As the host of a You Tube web series called, “Hanging with Dee Dee”, Damitra covers her own version of news footage! Damitra’s casual yet authentic style allows her to conduct interviews with women from all walks of life. These interesting and dynamic women comfortably share their life successes and challenges, transparently unveiling their road to victory. It is definitely Damitra’s sincere passion of getting to know others, and her love of interviewing that resonates so loudly during each interview. However, Damitra does not solely focus on a woman’s success; she tends to be most interested in understanding the road that led them to their journey! She also started Epic Graphixx in the summer of 2011 where she specializes in graphic and web design! Aside from owning Atlanta Ambition Magazine, Damitra is currently a junior at Westwood College studying Visual Communications and Design, has her own cable channel with Wisecast Television called Ambizion Television Networks and will soon venture into radio and start her own production company!

Table of


Pages 5-6

No Excuses: Take Charge of Your Life!

Page 9

Pamela Ricardo - Atlanta’s Rising New Starlet

Page 11

Are Aggressive Women Less Likely to Succeed?

Page 13

10 Reasons Chocolate Is Good for Your Health

Pages 16-18

Cover Story Yolanda D. Zellous Model, Actress & Entrepeneur

Page 20-21

Benefits of Drinking Water

Page 24

Time To Downsize

Page 25-26


Page 30

Sharon’s Kitchen- Strawberry Lemonade

Page 33

Virginia Lynn

June 2012

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Advertise Your Business on Ambizion Networks! Channel Guide Banner Ads only $29.00 per month! per zip code (over 43,000 zip codes to choose from!)

Showcase your business or product by running a 30 min or 1hr Video Business Card on Ambizion Networks! (your own infomercial) Email for quote Run Your 30sec commercial on Ambizion Networks! Email for quote Air-Time rates are available for programming as well! Email for quote

For More Information

No Excuses: Take Charge of Your Life! By Nancy J. Lewis, MS, PHR, RCC

What dreams are you floating on? What goals are unfulfilled in your life? What have you quit trying to do because it seems hard? Who are you blaming for your lack of success? How many times in the last month have you said, “I can’t?” What self-talk are you consistently telling yourself? Could any of these questions be a struggle you are facing today? If so, realize this is the time for you to move from mediocrity to greatness...!! Stop making excuses and take charge of your life. Consider the following strategies. 1. Whatever you desire to do, the first step is to get started. So often this is the most difficult step to take. We use phrases and words like someday I will go back to school, maybe, I’ll try; or I’ll never be able to do it right. These phrases and words are setting you up for failure. To achieve greatness, you must reprogram your mind; speak phrases and words that affirm what you expect to occur in your life. Begin to speak words like I can, I will, I shall, and I will find a way. If you desire great things in your life, be very careful what you say. In life, you get what you expect. For the next 30 days speak only positive words about your dreams and goals, and then watch wonderful things begin to occur. 2. Stop comparing yourself to others; measure you with you. Recognize your uniqueness and the gifts you possess. Don’t fall into the role of a victim and feel helpless. Instead, realize that where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow. Commit to life long learning and invest in your personal growth. Focus your energy and time on things that are important in life and aligned with your goals and dreams. Stop feeling sorry for the opportunities you missed in the past and open your mind and heart to possibilities of the future. Realize that every challenge, test, and obstacle you jumped over was there to help you learn lessons for your successful tomorrows. email: or website:

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3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Create a board of advisors of trusted people who are positive and you respect. Ask them to share strategies they have used that have allowed them to soar and move their careers and businesses forward. Choose to surround yourself with eagles and people who want the best out of life because they know they deserve it. Minimize your time around negative and toxic people who are often dream busters and because they know longer dream want you to follow their pattern. Don’t allow the negative energy they possess to stop you from pursuing your dreams. Love them and encourage them, but keep moving forward on the dreams and goals you have set for yourself. 4. Make the most of each and every day you live. Don’t spend life being bitter about what might have happened, instead become better in spite of the curves life has dealt you. Make a decision today that complaining, negative comments, and pity parties will no longer be a part of your thoughts. As you pursue your goals and dreams with determination, a positive attitude, and an open mind; watch how the resources and everything you need fall in place. However, it all begins with realizing there are no excuses for not succeeding in life. Life is not a dress rehearsal; dreams are not meant to just float and goals should not go unfulfilled. It requires taking ACTION. Take charge of your life today and realize that you are winner – so act like it! Nancy J. Lewis is the president of Progressive Techniques, Inc. based in Fayetteville, Georgia where the theme of her organization is “Developing a Better You.” Nancy can be reached at (404) 559-7614, email: or website:

June 2012

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Broadcast Your Video Busines Cards & Commercials on Ambizion Networks!

Initially, it’s a good idea to request a meeting with your manager. Discussing next steps for the business can minimize the fear of the unknown, and help you feel reassured about what to expect, and help you focus on moving forward. Additionally, The author of “How to Self-Destruct: Making the Least of What’s Left of Your Career”, Jason Seiden, outlines 5 steps that layoff survivors can take to move past the emotions that the loss of co-workers, accompanied by significant change in the organization brings about.

Authors Motivational Speaking

1. Offer Assistance: Utilize your personal network (internally & externally) to assist former colleagues with their job search. Make it a point to setup virtual introductions for them with key players in your network, or share leads on open positions that you become aware of. One of the most valuable things you can do is to be a supportive ear for them. They too (more so than the survivors) will experience the 5 Stages Dr. Kubler-Ross described, and having someone as a sounding board can help them work through their emotions and move the healing process forward. 2. Keep the Connections Alive: Initially, it can be awkward and difficult to find the right words to say. Oftentimes people will avoid saying anything, or allow an extended period of time to lapse thinking that time will make these conversations easier to have, but in reality the opposite is true. The more time that goes by, the more difficult it becomes to restore these connections. You may feel guilty about the prolonged gap in communication, and because of the emotional stages they’re experiencing; the former colleague may interpret the lapse as indifference, versus discomfort on your part. 3. Resume Daily Patterns: Office norms will be slightly altered in the first few days and sometimes weeks following a layoff. The focus [for many] will be on the loss of co-workers, anxiety about the security of their own positions, and the increased responsibilities that will inevitably follow the redistribution of work. Resuming your daily patterns, and encouraging or influencing others to do the same is good for your mental health. It forces you to continue moving forward instead of looking back and reflecting on a future that you can’t fully control.

Guide Banner Ad

You’ve Survived....Now What? By Rhonda C. Hight

The national unemployment rate was 8.3 percent in January, down from 8.5 percent the prior month and from 9.1 percent a year earlier. Total [nonfarm] payroll employment increased by 243,000 over the month and by 1,953,000 over the year. While the numbers are encouraging, the reality is that there are still many Americans that are unemployed or working for organizations in which layoffs areFood/Informercials an expected reality. There’s30 a surfeit sec Commercial Spots of support and assistance for individuals who lose their jobs; however layoffs can also be challenging for the employees who remain.



Promote Your Business or Product by Airing Your Video Business Card Ambizion Networks! As with the loss of a loved one, numerous layoff survivors experience The 5 Stages of Grief, a 30 model min ordeveloped 1hr air space your own infomercial)! by Dr. available Elisabeth (create Kubler-Ross, has become known in psychiatric circles as emailwhich quote! the Kubler-Ross Model. The stages are:for Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance (not always in sequence). It’s normal for survivAdvertise your business with a Guide ing employees to feel sadness aboutBanner the loss Ad of on Ambizion Networks for only $29.00 co-workers, and even guilt that they survived.

30 So, secyou’ve commercial air space also survived….Now what?available on Ambizion Networks! email for quote!

per month!


4. Acknowledge & Release Your Guilt: Survivor guilt is not just some theory cooked up by doctorate students in search of a dissertation topic, it is very real. Our co-workers often become like extended members of our families. We know of the challenges they face in their personal lives; challenges that the job loss will most likely amplify, and our concern for them will illicit feelings of grief that we survived and they didn’t. Acknowledge this feeling and then release it. Allowing it to take root makes it more difficult to keep things moving in a forward motion, and if left unchecked can develop into an attitude of resentment toward the organization, which certainly does not benefit any of the parties involved. 5. Continue to Invest in the Company’s Success: Generally layoffs are done to keep the business viable from a financial standpoint. Commit yourself to doing your part to help the organization in this mission. This is not the time to pull back, or disengage. Now is the time to take a strategic and proactive approach to helping shore up the fiscal standing of the company. Look for opportunities in your purview to make a positive impact on the Company’s bottom-line; either by making or saving money. This investment in the company’s success will prompt out-of-box thinking, and potentially pay dividends for all of the company’s stakeholders.

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Pamela Ricardo Atlanta’s Rising New Starlet Shooting across the sky like a comet Pamela Erin Ricardo is an actress, model, and hostess looking to light up where ever she lands. The Puerto-Rican, Italian, African- American beauty is a theater trained actress who is branching out into television and film while developing her craft in Atlanta, Ga. Brooklyn born and Atlanta raised, Pamela is definitely multifaceted like that of a diamond. With a degree in Fashion Marketing from Bauder College, certification in makeup artistry and two years at the Stella Adler Conservatory in New York, NY she is AT LEAST a triple threat. The signature “Pamela the Beauty” comes from winning the 2009 Miss Black Manhattan USA Pageant in New York City. With dedication to the craft and mastery of acting she continues to study at YourAct Studios in Atlanta and studying with the legendary Rob Mello. Pamela has worked behind the scenes and in front of the screen and can be seen in more than 10 independent films this year alone such as”Situations,” “Choices,” “Honour Amoung Thugs,” “The Hair Show,” and Xxtreem Films upcoming project “Let’s Get It On.” Pamela is also set to have a recurring role on the second season of the vampire television series “UPYRI.” She recently wrapped up a lead role in the feature film, “The Promise,”directed by Ray Virginn and Lisa Raye McCoy. Pamela is co-starring as Detective Piper in the sequel to “Atlanta Heat,” set to begin filming this fall and she will also be co-starring in the television series “Sister Ninja” early 2013. From drama to sci-fi to just plain action packed fighting, expect to see many sides of this up and coming starlet.

June 2012

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Are Aggressive Women Less Likely to Succeed? By Peggy Parks Last week a new study came out that may be quite alarming to my fellow businesswomen. According to research from Dr. Olivia O’Neill of George Mason University and Charles O’Reilly from Stanford University, women who “act like men” in the workplace—read: act pushy, aggressive, or overly confident—are less likely to succeed than those with more “feminine” traits. More ladylike, less go-getting types are apparently deemed more likeable and are thus more likely to be promoted. “If they are seen to behave in a stereotypically male way, they may damage their chances of promotion, even if these traits are synonymous with successful managers,” Dr. O’Neill said. That said, “bossy” women who self-monitored their behavior so as to appear less intimidating did improve their chances of promotion. So will acting like Joan Harris score you more points than acting like Peggy Olsen? I can’t help but think of some powerful women who prove otherwise. What do you think, readers?

June 2012

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Independent Filmmakers, Screenwriters & Directors


Documentary/Talk Shows


Entertainment/Sports Animated Series/Game Shows Business/Infomercials

Broadcast Your Original Programming on Ambizion Networks on Wisecast Television Channel 519 Are you a filmmaker with content shopping for networks to showcase your content? Ever held off on a dream of creating your own show because you felt you had limited areas to broadcast? Send us your original shows and movies!

10 Reasons Chocolate Is Good for Your Health It turns out that chocolate—especially dark chocolate—reduces body mass, prevents blood clots, improves numeracy, may prevent cancer, and doesn’t ruin your complexion. 1. Chocolate decreases stroke risk A Swedish study found that eating more than 45 grams of chocolate per week—about two bars worth—led to a 20 percent decrease in stroke risk among women. Chocolate contains flavonoids, whose antioxidant properties help fight strokes, the study’s author, Susanna Larsson, told HealthDay. 2. Chocolate reduces the likelihood of a heart attack Studies show that eating chocolate prevents blood clots, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks. Blood platelets clump together more slowly in chocolate eaters, the studies say. 3. Chocolate protects against blood inflammation About 6.7 grams of dark chocolate per day keeps the blood inflammation-inducing proteins away. Just like your mother always told you. 5. Chocolate may prevent cancer 10. Chocolate makes you live longer Jeanne Louise Calment lived to the age of 122—the oldest anyone has ever lived. She ate two and a half pounds of dark chocolate per week. Harvard researchers found that eating chocolate actually adds two years to your life expectancy. But don’t just start binging on chocolate! Most of the chocolate you buy in the grocery store is heavily processed, which means that it has lost many of its healthy chemicals. And some of the research supporting chocolate’s healthy characteristics was paid for by chocolate manufacturers. Velata, our newest product, Chocolate Fondue is imported directly from one of the most famous premium chocolate makers in Belgium. They use only purest ingredients and no additives or chemicals. For more information about Velata, please go to my website

June 2012

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Seeking Independent Artists with Music Videos



Rap/Hip Hop




BE Seen on Ambizion Networks on Wisecast Television Channel 519!

If there is anyone out there (worldwide) who are independent music artist with videos already made? (must have full videos not snippets) Excepting all genres! If you are interested in the exposure please send your video or YouTube link along with your contact info to and let's do business!

Yolanda Zellous Where are you from?

Peoria Illinois home of the late great Richard Pryor

How did your parents influence you growing up? My mother was a hard working God fearing woman she told me to go out and travel and do all the things she could do? My Dad was the motivational person and the entertainer. He could sing and dancer. I was motivated by both of them to follow my dreams.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to be the triple threat like Janet Jackson. She could sing dance and act. So I became the entertainer like her by not to her degree.

What lead you to the road that you are on now business wise? I use to take Toastmaster class at work. I wanted to learn how to speak in front of crowds. During that time they suggested I become at actor. So I began that journey and I learn my way from the bottom up. Tell me about your business. Hello my name is Yolanda Zellous. I am the CEO/ Founder or of a Christian Companies Star Size Studios DBA Star Size Models and Talents and Zellyo Productions Inc, in Atlanta Ga. A company created for presented by and starring real women with curves that provide real issues happenings and solutions. This mission was created to motivate encourage and uplift the plight of “Big Boned women and children that are often looked over.

“MISSION” Is to take ordinary people with extraordinary talents to their fullest potential of making their dreams a reality through acting, films, fashions, and fun!.. We want to change the way the media portrays beauty and talent Our team strives to be the best motivators in our industry. Yolanda D. Zellous Creative Guru,Child of God Married w/kids ,CEO Zellyo Prod/Star Size Studio, BBW Film,Author,BBW Fashion Shows,Southern Curves Plus Size Mega Shoot, Acting Coach,Speaker,A Casting Director 4 hire . God has blessed be with my production company. Zellyo Productions and now I have a plus size talent agency “Star Size Studios” and I have a entertainment comp for models,actors,Big Boned Women and industry folks’ am a actor, filmmaker, acting coach, casting director& host and Yolanda Zellous is an author, playwright, casting director, stage actress, singer and dancer. She has established herself as a live theater director and playwright. Through her roles as the church lady on the award winning filmmaker/director Tyler Perry “Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea’s Family Reunion and the The Gospel, Zellous has catapulted in many genres in the competitive theatrical world. As an acting coach, Zellous helps talented fellow actors by teaching, developing and presenting actors workshops throughout the year in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the executive producer of “The Big Boned Fashion Show with a documentary Big Boned Women, a film created and directed by Zellous.” After all, I am from Peoria, Illinois, home of the late comedian and actor Richard Pryor.

If anyone in business could be your mentor who would it be?


June 2012

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What do you love most about your career? HELPING REAL SIZE WOMEN and children FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS. How do you balance family life with your career? IT’S A CHALLEGE SOMETIMES BUT MY FAMILY SUPPORT ME, WORK WITH ME AND THEY ARE PART OF THE COMPANIES.

Where do you see yourself in the next year?


When you leave this earth, what would you want your legacy to say about your ambition? She believe that your DESTINY is bigger than your size.

June 2012

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Paul Hue Owner

404-916-0746 3313 Stone Mountain HWY STE 600 Fax: 404-496-4202 Email:

Benefits of Drinking Water By Teena Baine Hey guys, I can’t believe it is June and summer is upon us. So when I was deciding what to write about this month, I thought about how important drinking water is for us. I know that many of us love to drink other things, but really nothing is better for you than a tall glass of water. If you don’t like plan water then add lemons, limes, oranges, cucumbers, or mint to help add more natural flavor!! I hope you have a great June and remember I am here if you have questions please feel free to contact me. My email and websites are listed at the end of the article. Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although there are many other reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one. Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity. Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrate. Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. You’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises and water helps to fuel your muscle. Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement. Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.

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Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. Another words one of the benefits of drinking water can improve our immune system. Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks of water, your heart, for instance, need to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so are you.

Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.

Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.

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Hang out with Atlanta Ambition Magazine & Ambizion Television Networks Creator Damitra Stuart as she explores different and topics! Only on Ambizion Television Networks Channel 519! Channel 519

May 2012

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Time to Downsize By Jan Britt

Make sure you tune into Jan Britt’ s Interior Decorating Show on Ambizion Television Networks channel 519 on Wisecast Television or

You love your home but it is time to downsize. You’ve made the decision to move from the house you worked so hard to achieve to a smaller home. Moving from a larger home and location to a smaller home can be extremely stressful. It can be quite an adjustment to downsize your home and leave your neighbors and neighborhood. You wonder what you are going to do with all of the extra furnishings you have in your current home because it won’t all fit into the new house. Before you start looking for a new home prepare for a plan of action. Being prepared in advance can help you reduce the stress level both before and after the move. One way to avoid costly mistakes both financially and emotionally is to hire an interior designer to help you. Your decorator can bring a fresh perspective to help guide you to make the right decisions and the right furniture selections for your new home. Usually, you will try to bring as much of your current furniture as possible. Only you can determine the most important items you have in your home. You may be emotionally attached to some of your furniture or accessories. Sometimes you feel you must use a piece of furniture, etc. because you invested so much money into it. When you downsize usually the rooms you have in the new house will be smaller than the rooms you live in right now. Go through your house room by room and write down what furniture, area rugs, artwork and chandeliers must be included in the new house. Write down the measurements of how long and wide each important piece of furniture, area rug, artwork or pictures are in size. After you find a house and neighborhood that you think might fit your family’s needs start measuring to see if the important piece(s) of furniture will fit. You can make a paper template of each item and take it with you to place on the floor if it is a piece of furniture in the location it will be placed to make sure it will fit. There are many important factors and decisions to be made concerning the requirements your family will have in order to select your new home. Each family’s specific needs and may include but are not limited to these examples of things to look for in a new home.

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RECESSION REINVENTION Finding the Real You: Knowing Who You Truly Are and Creating Cash-Flow from Your Passion By Phyllis Walker

In the midst of recession, downsizing, and scanty year-end bonuses for the still on-board, many of us have begun to re-evaluate our careers, our lifestyles, even our purpose in life. Much like that old Peggy Lee song, we find ourselves wondering, “Is that all there is?” During the last year or so, I’ve met a number of people who not only want to simplify their lives (via eco-movements and sustainable living, for example) but those who want it All! The Ultimate Luxury Billionaire Lifestyle! Nothing wrong with that, I say! As far as I’m concerned, either choice works (including a happy medium) depending on your individual path and preference. Yoga and nutri-supplements aside (and I advocate each), when you find yourself apprehensive and frustrated from a cash flow crunch it can be easy to crumple from an energy drain. Why fizzle? Consider your bounceback quotient! Times such as these offer opportunities for creative brainstorming in terms of multiple streams of income and new sources of cash flow. (Try it!) In the midst of an economic down cycle, you as a human being on this planet have the responsibility of defining the Real You: knowing who you truly are and creating meaningful cash flow from your passion while creating value both for yourself and those your serve. (The cosmos rewards authentic lifestyles!) You may not be responsible for the global recession; however, you are responsible for designing your best destiny. As a successful human being, you already know the importance of taking steps to create your life’s desired outcome. You’re the one in charge. You only need to do it! (Easy!) You also know that each one of us is here with a Life Purpose. One of the most important things we can do is identify that purpose, honor it, and pursue it with focused determination. Why be negative: This recession extends an invitation to figure this out. • What are your passions and enthusiasms in life? • Which hobbies and activities bring you pleasure? • Are there professional organizations and social activities that energize you? • What job or task would bring you joy if you never received a salary? • Is there a thread that ties all of the above together? • Can you market whatever it is and earn a living from it? • Brainstorm! Figure Out a Way! You Can Do It! If necessary, turn that passion of yours into a sideline job. Create an additional stream of income until you’re ready to fly full time!

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By way of example, as a fine art photographer who markets my matted and framed wall art for home décor, office accents, and all occasion gifts, I had already identified my passions and purpose in Life. An activity that energizes and brings me great joy and satisfaction is interacting with the public through informing, educating, and creating awareness via speaking. After brainstorming, I decided to craft an inspirational story surrounding the events that inspired me to embrace photography as a medium of artistic expression and personal empowerment in overcoming personal limitations. These events included a lesson to celebrate life, hold onto your vision, and follow your dream. After writing my story, I identified the type of audience I wanted to deliver it to. I then transformed my story into a marketable lunch and learn talk during which I would offer a complimentary drawing for one of my smaller matted and framed pieces and invite people to the back of the room afterward (no arm twisting) to make purchases from browse bins and easels displaying my various sized pieces. (Voila! Expanded list and customer base)! More recently, I’ve had my talk created into a type of “multi-media” production including voice over, video and a slide show of my photographic images. A goal for 2011 is to make this available via webinars, with a complimentary on-line drawing for one of my smaller matted and framed prints, while inviting people to my web site to make purchases. (Voila! Exponentially expanded list and customer base)! Bottom Line: Anything worth brainstorming is worth considering. Identify your passion. Build a team. Create your strategies. Pursue your goals. Maintain your focus for a life lived with authentic passion and solid cash flow through multiple streams of income, and irrevocably determine that 2011 will become the year of your dreams! By-line info: Phyllis Walker is a fine art photographer and owner of Hummingbird Studios ( where she markets her work for home décor, office accents and all-occasion gifts. She recently founded Esperanza! A Woman’s Hope ( a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on offering scholarships to Georgia’s survivors of domestic violence who are returning to school for job skills upgrade. Phyllis is available for public speaking and additionally leads vision board workshops on “Creating Cash Flow From Your Passion”. For additional information, please contact

June 2012

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May 2012

Pg 33

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May 2012

Pg 34


2 cups water 1 cup sugar 1 Tbs. grated lemon peel (don’t worry it gets strained out) 1 cup fresh lemon juice (from about 6 lemons) 1 pint strawberries, hulled and halved (about 2 cups) 2 cups sparkling water or club soda, chilled mint sprigs, whole strawberries and/or lemon slices for serving (optional) In a medium saucepan, bring the water and sugar to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves. Add the lemon peel and lemon juice, stir, and remove from the heat. Let cool completely, then strain into a clean pitcher. In a blender, puree the pint of strawberries and add to the pitcher with the lemon juice. Stir well to combine and refrigerate until well chilled. Add the sparkling water and stir well. Pour over glasses filled with ice and serve, garnished with mint and strawberries.

Recipes by Sharon Fox, author of COMFORT FOOD for the Mind, Body, and Soul Pick up or order a copy at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, or today!

May June2012 2012

Pg 30 Channel 519

Visit famed interior designer and HGTV’s Jan Britt on her own decorating show The Decorate with Jan Show! Learn fun and unique ways to decorate your living space! Only on Ambizion Television Networks Channel 519!

EDEN’S OWN JOURNAL / ROCKINGHAM COUNTY STAR • 336-627-9234 • 336-613-0325


It’s Simple, It’s Easy, It’s Coffee.

Organo Gold Coffee

OG is the healthy coffee alternative.

336-623-0905 336-623-0905

Virginia Lynn YTB Travel Agent

I am married to Cory Lynn. I am the mother of six biological children and three stepchildren, all of whom I love very much. I was born in Palatka, Florida. I am a breast cancer survivor. I went to Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida and studied medical transcription. I became a self-employed medical transcriptionist in 1987 until the present. Due to changes in technology for medical practices and hospitals, the majority of the transcription jobs are being replaced by computers due to electronic medical records and/or voice recognition. I was president of the Eden Minority Business Association of Eden, North Carolina until I resigned. I was an active member of the Eden Chamber of Commerce. I received multiple awards from The Eden Branch NAACP, the Eden Chamber of Commerce, and the Eden Minority Business Association. I decided it was time to change careers. I became an independent consultant for Organo Gold in October 2011. Organo Gold is a healthy coffee alternative. It has Ganoderma in it, which makes it healthy. It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee. In March 2012, I became a consultant for First Travel Alliance formerly known as YTB Travel, as an independent travel agent. I am also an aspiring inventor. I have a product that I am trying to bring to market in the near future. For business opportunities or to purchase products, please visit either one of my websites at or www.ytbtravel/ com/1141918. Virginia Lynn It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee.

June 2012

Pg 33

Offer Expires June 30, 2012


Media Kit

Alway seeking article writers from women professionals (or male discussing female issues) in the Atlanta area! If interested please send a clear large image of yourself along with your business contact info to be published in the magazine if you have not already. Deadline is the 15th of every month! Seeking these types of Articles & More‌ Health Beauty Fitness Financial Business Fashion Relationships Advice Recipes And More Please Contact If You Have Any Questions at

Seeking Contributing Article Writers!

An original and powerful reality docu-drama about women who have experienced trials and tribulations in life and have manage to turn thier lives around in a positive light! Only on Ambizion Networks Channel 519! Channel 519

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