DB3 Sports & Leisure Profile

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DB3 Sports & Leisure Project Experience

About DB3

Founded in 1883, DB3 Group is an award-winning, dynamic practice consisting of DB3 Architecture & Design, DB3 Building Services Engineering, DB3 Net Zero, DB3 Professional Services, Formation 3D and Home & Maker.

DB3 Group has seven studios across the UK including in Leeds, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff and Aberystwyth, so we are never too far away from your project. Renowned for our quality design and technical delivery, we have long standing relationships with some of the biggest global brands across private and public market sectors.

From architectural vision to the completed build, we provide multi-disciplinary expertise aimed at meeting the diverse needs of our client base. We embrace the latest technology, including Building

Information Modelling (BIM), to assist in our process and operations for design, visualisation, design team co-ordination and more.

We maintain a focus on not only delivering the project on time, with exceptional quality and within cost, but also in ensuring long term value is designed into facilities to ensure that they are easy and safe to operate, sustainable, minimise energy use and are cost effective to maintain.

Our dedicated team of experienced Architects, Project Managers, Building Services Engineers, Interior Designers and Surveyors provide a quality service regardless of project value, size or complexity, to deliver the best for our clients. Working collaboratively, we aspire to make this an enjoyable process and build relationships which result in us returning to work for the same clients on future projects.

Glasgow Leeds
Birmingham London Aberystwyth Cardiff About DB3 SECTORS ƒ Commercial ƒ Conservation & Heritage ƒ Education ƒ Energy & Waste ƒ Healthcare ƒ Hospitality ƒ Industrial & Manufacturing ƒ Retail ƒ Residential ƒ Science & Labs ƒ Sports & Leisure EXPERTISE ƒ Architecture ƒ Passivhaus Design ƒ Urban Design ƒ Visualisation ƒ Principal Designer ƒ NEC Supervisor ƒ Building Services Engineering ƒ

Wellbeing Spaces for your Health and Fitness

Our specialist Sport and Leisure Architecture team have completed over 200 wet and dry leisure centres in the past 35 years and delivered everything from ice rinks, hotel spas to arenas and stadia.

Our team of architects and technologists have extensive experience in the planning, design and procurement of both public and private sector sports and leisure facilities throughout the UK and overseas.

Our expertise in this very specialist and technical field has not gone unnoticed and DB3 have sat on British and European standards committees

and worked with most of the industries national governing bodies. We have been appointed as Design Advisor and Design Assessors for Sport England since 1998 and were the External Technical Assessors and Supervisors for one of the London 2012 Olympic facilities on the Olympic Park.

In this role we helped to author several Sport England design guidance documents, and have been involved in design reviews of hundreds of leisure centre projects either during their design or following completion of the schemes. The knowledge we have gained from this we bring to each of our projects.

DB3 Building Services Engineering

DB3 is fairly unique amongst specialist Sports and Leisure designers in that we have our own specialist swimming pool M&E team in house. Finding engineers who are true specialists in swimming pool technology was a challenge for us in the past until we found a partner who exceeded our expectations. After working closely together over many years and building a strong relationship, the opportunity to acquire the firm arose.

This gives us the advantage of seamless integration and coordination of architecture and services as well as shared knowledge. It also enables us to be more efficient with our clients benefiting from lower overall fees.

Our M&E Engineers have a vast knowledge in the design of swimming pool projects. They have successfully completed hundreds of wet leisure projects over the last 20 years. During this time they have worked both with our own Architectural team and with other specialist Architects.

DB3 have been appointed as design advisor and technical assessors for Sport England since 1998 and have worked continually in this role ever since. Prior to this, our practice worked for Sport England’s predecessor organisation the Sports Council.

In our role as design advisors we have been involved in design reviews of hundreds of Leisure Centre projects, both during their design and following completion of the schemes. This work has provided us with a unique opportunity to learn from the successes, and perhaps more importantly, from the failures of a few projects. We bring the knowledge we have gained from this to each of our projects.

In order for us to be able to undertake design and technical reviews for Sport England, our practice has developed an unprecedented technical knowledge of best practice within the industry including, Sport England’s guidance documents, legislative standards, building type specific risks, etc.

We have an excellent day to day relationship with the personnel at Sport England and both our Architectural and specialist M&E team are often consulted on complex technical issues,

particularly in relation to swimming pools and Leisure Centre projects.

During our many years of working for Sport England and the Sports Council we have authored several of their guidance documents and have contributed to many others.

We have recently been working with Sport England on design papers exploring energy saving measures in leisure buildings such as the use of ceramic filtration in swimming pool projects and the practicalities of using LED lighting. We would be happy to share our findings in relation to this with you.

A large percentage of the Leisure Centre project that we have designed over the last 20 years have received significant grants from Sport England. Our understanding of the required standards and necessary procedures has helped to make the process of securing these grants smoother for our clients.

Several of our projects have been used by Sport England as exemplars for the industry, these include the Flitwick Leisure Centre where the business case led development of the facility mix was very highly praised.


Helensburgh Leisure Centre

Location: Helensburgh, Scotland

Value: £19m including Sport Scotland Grant

Completion Date: 2022

DB3 are appointed to provide Argyll & Bute Council with design support for a new leisure centre on the Helensburgh Waterfront Development. This ambitious project sees us working in partnership with civil, structural and geotechnical engineers to deliver the complex and technical project.

Helensburgh’s leisure facilities include:

6 Lane 25m Pool

Learner Pool with Movable Floor

State of the Art Fitness Suite

Dance Studio

Activity Studio


Ancillary Facilities

Enhancements to the current site include better lighting, public open spaces, a walkway around the pier, flood defences and additional environmental improvements.

With stunning views of the Clyde this centre is destined to be a prominent feature of the town.

Leisure Expertise

DB3 Sports &

Castle Farm

Leisure Centre

Location: Kenilworth, Warwickshire

Value: £12m

Completion Date: due Autumn 2023

This project delivers new state of the art facilities on the site of an existing dry sports facility. A beautiful mature oak tree is a focal point for the new facilities helping to root them into the park setting. The scheme includes a cutting edge interactive activity space.

A comprehensive review of possible environmental measures was carried out as part of the design process. As a result, the most environmental and cost effective options were adopted into the scheme.

These include a large photovoltaics array, air source heat pumps, combined heat and power, super high insulation levels, heat recovery,

rainwater harvesting, as well as many passive measures.

Facilities at Castle Farm Leisure Centre include:

6 Court Sports Hall

Fitness Suite

Dance Studio

Activity Studio

Spin Studio

Scout And Guide Facilities

Outdoor Changing

Ancillary Facilities.


Abbey Fields Swimming Pool

Location: Kenilworth, Warwickshire

Value: £10m

Completion Date: due Autumn 2023

The proposed new Leisure Centre is set within a very sensitive and historically important site. The scheme is adjacent to the remains of Kenilworth Abbey within the area of the scheduled monument.

To avoid any unnecessary impact on the historical setting and any surviving archaeology, the new facilities have been carefully designed to sit within the footprint of an existing leisure building. The scale, built form and materials for the scheme have all been designed to be sensitive to the scheduled monument.

Because of the sensitivity of the site the use of some renewable energy solutions has not been permitted. Despite these restrictions we have

managed to still deliver a very environmentally efficient project. The scheme includes Photovoltaics, air source heat pumps, combined heat and power, super high insulation levels, heat recovery, grey water usage as well as many passive measures including careful building orientation.

The project received planning and commenced in spring 2022.

Facilities at Abbey Fields will include:

25m 5 Lane Pool

Learner Pool


Ancillary Facilities.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


New Kensington Gym

Location: London

Value: £1m

Completion date: 2020

Our Sports & Leisure Architects at our DB3 London studio were appointed by ISG Agility to provide Architectural and Principal Designer services for the fitout of a vacant unit in the sought after location of High Street Kensington.

Facilities at Roar Fitness include:


State of the art Private Personal Training Gym based on 1 to 1 tuition for 20 clients at any one time

Three Olympic Racks

Free Weights and Associated Assisted Machines

16 Station Studio Space

Treatment and Assessment Rooms

Club Roar Area

Office and Staff Facilities

Associated Changing Facilities.

The Club Roar Metal Studio has class based training both on site and virtually with their Personal Training approach delivers exceptional results for their clients.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Sedbergh Leisure Centre

Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire

Value: £17.5m including Sport England Grant

Completion date: 2019

DB3 were asked to create a new, high quality wet and dry sport and leisure facility providing for and encouraging sport and physical activity within a diverse community.

Facilities at Sedbergh Leisure Centre include:

6 Lane 25m Swimming Pool with a Wheelchair

Access Lift

12.5 x 8m Learner Pool with Movable Floor

Wet Change Village and Group Change

8 Court Sports Hall with Dry Change

Large 80 Station Gym Area

2 Dance/Flexible Studios

Spinning Studio

Meeting Room

Large Reception & Entrance Foyer

Outdoor Changing with Direct Access to external Pitches and Facilities

Staff Facilities and Admin Spaces.

The centre made an incredibly positive impact on the community when it opened in 2019, attracting approximately 3,700 gym members in its first few months, doubling previous figures.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Wyke Cycle Track

Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire Completion Date: Spring 2022

Bradford Council appointed DB3 as Design Team Lead for the Wyke Community Sports Village project.

The project delivers the provision of a new local community sports facility that includes:

Circuit Cycle Track (Lit)

Other Cycle Facilities


Outdoor Sports Pitches & Artificial Grass Pitch (Floodlit)

Amenity Grassed Areas

Pavilion Building containing Changing & Community Facilities Amenity Grassed Areas

Associated Parking

External Lighting

General Maintenance & Emergency Access Routes.

This project replaces the closed circuit cycle facilities at the demolished Richard Dunn Sports Centre and is the follow on project from the Sedbergh Leisure Centre that DB3 delivered.


Cornwall Cycle Hub

Location: Cornwall Value: £5m

DB3 have been appointed as design team lead in the development of plans for the Cornwall Cycle Hub with British Cycling and Sport England. The project supports the Council Plan by being an innovative project that will be able to integrate with community health and wellbeing services in an inspiring community setting. The ethos of the Centre involves promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviours which will assist with the prevention of health risks and improving long-term health outcomes. By helping people to be more active the site will help to promote and protect children and adult’s physical, emotional and mental health.

Facilities at Cornwall Cycle Hub include:

ƒ Closed Road Circuit Designed to British Cycling standards the approx 1.75km undulating circuit provides 3 internal loops, a cobble and hill climb, technical elements and flatter faster

areas with sections to suit all abilities.

MTB, Cyclocross & Accessible Trails - Designed for mountain, Cyclocross and jump bikes the tracks will have a variety of skills levels for all

BMX Racing Track - Designed to UCI international standards, with a total length of 350m.

Pump Tracks

Fitness Trail

Grass Track Cycling - A 250m grass track to be used for bikes and running

Learn to Ride

Covered bike training area - Wet weather covered training area for skills development.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Newbold Comyn

Location: Warwick

Completion date: 2019

Expertise Area: Architecture & Building Services

DB3 acted as Architect and Building Services Engineer for the extension and refurbishment of an existing leisure centre set within Leamington Spa.

New facilities at Newbold Comyn include:

Wet Changing Village, Group Changing & Accessible Changing Facilities

Sauna & Steam Area

Entrance Lobby & two way control Reception

Lounge Seating Area

Café Seating

Kitchen & Servery

Climbing Zone

4 Court Sports Hall

3 Multi-use Studios

Offices & Administration

Staff Rest Area

Meeting & Function Room

Plant Room

Dry Change Facilities

Suite, Store & Reception

‘Feature’ Stair

Handling Plant


Cleaner’s store

This project is part of Warwick District Councils wider programme of improving their leisure and wellbeing facilities, where DB3 was appointed as their Architect.

ƒ Additional
ƒ Redeveloped
ƒ Fitness
ƒ Circulation
ƒ Air

Dunstable Leisure Centre

Location: Dunstable, Bedfordshire

Completion date: 2019

Value: £19m including Sports England Grant

DB3, together with Faithful and Gould and The Sports Consultancy, was appointed by Central Bedfordshire to complete a Feasibility Study investigating options for the refurbishment of Dunstable Leisure Centre.

The existing leisure centre, constructed in 1974, required significant refurbishment to extend its life. During the initial stages of work a range of surveys were completed to assess the condition of the building structure, plant and fabric. These surveys identified a number of issues required to be addressed. Five options were then prepared, ranging from a basic refurbishment in order to keep the building operational, through to a refurbishment with new build incorporating additional facilities, to complete replacement.

The option of Extension and refurbishment was selected and facilities include:

25m Pool / Learner Pool

6 Court Sports Hall

Fitness Suite

Dance Studios & Spin Studio

Activity Studio

Squash Courts



Citizens Advice

Adult Day Care


DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Flitwick Leisure Centre

Location: Flitwick, Bedfordshire

Completion date: 2019

Value: £15m including Sport England Grant

DB3 was appointed to provide full architectural services to Central Bedfordshire Council on a Two Stage Design & Build contract. We were novated to the successful contractor for completion of RIBA stages 5-7.

We designed the project so that all the facilities were easily viewed and accessed from the main circulation which flowed from the outside in, providing great legibility and a visually stimulating entrance space. Facilities include 25m pool, splash pool for children, fitness suite, outdoor 3G pitch, climbing wall and café.

Our effective briefing and design process has

been widely recognised by Sport England who are now using the scheme as an exemplar project for an approach to the development of the brief, business case and design proposal. DB3 worked closely with the client and their financial team to secure a Sport England grant. The brief was developed through rigorously testing all the facilities requested against the client’s business case with the council’s Strategic Sports Policy Team.

An innovative Disabled Lift was incorporated in the swimming pool, which is now adopted as a standard by Sport England.


St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre

Location: Warwick

Completion date: 2018

Expertise Area: Architecture & Building Services

DB3 acted as Architect and Building Services Engineer for the extension and refurbishment of an existing leisure centre set within St Nicholas Park, Warwick.

New facilities at St Nicholas Park include:

Fitness Suite, Store & Reception

Spin studio (redevelopment of existing gym)

2 Multi-Use Studios & Stores

Pool Viewing & Seating Area

Accessible Change & WC

Redeveloped Dry Change Facilities

Redeveloped Wet Change Facilities

Additional Outdoor Changing Room

Entrance Lobby

Reception / Foyer

Vending & Retail

Office Administration

Staff Rest Area

Circulation Mezzanine

The Transformation of this centre was astonishing. By carefully designing the new facilities the feel and appearance of the whole building completely changed.

This scheme is held in very high regard by Sport England and has been used as an exemplar for how to refurbish existing facilities.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Graves Leisure Centre

Location: Sheffield

Completion Date: 2016

Value: £14m including Sport England Grant

DB3 was successful in a competitive tendering process and appointed as Lead Consultant in the design of a new leisure centre that was built alongside the existing Graves Tennis Centre.

The project is unique in that it also contains the NCSEM (National Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine) headquarters, which is fully integrated within the leisure facilities. Our primary client was Sheffield City Council with the NCSEM as a subclient. Other stakeholders we managed during the design and construction stages were Sport England, the Lawn Tennis Association and British Gymnastics.

This fully integrated health and leisure centre provides a huge range of high quality facilities at exceptional value for money.

Leisure Facilities include:

25m 6 Lane Pool / Learner Pool

Gymnastics Hall

150 Station Fitness Suite

Dance Studios

Flexible Studios

Indoor Tennis Centre

Café & Crèche

NCSEM Facilities include:

Consultation Rooms

Ice/ Wax Treatment

Physiology & Biometrics Lab

X-ray Facility

Associated Utility Spaces.



Glenrothes Leisure Centre

Location: Glenrothes, Scotland

Value: £23m

DB3 was appointed as Architect, Lead Consultant, Contract Administrator and CDM Co-ordinators heading up a multi disciplinary design team comprising Civil & Structural Engineering, Fire Engineering, Cost Control / Quantity Surveying, Project Management Services, Ecological and Landscape Design Services, by Fife Council following submission of a PQQ and then shortlisted concept design competition.

The project programme duration was 18 months on site completion and delivered:

8 Lane 25m Pool

Learner Pool (14m x 8m) with Movable Floor

Confidence Water Pool

Hockey (sand dressed) Pitch & Athletic Track.

ƒ 9 Court Sports Hall ƒ 120 Station Fitness Suite ƒ 2 Squash Courts ƒ 3 Multi-Use Studios ƒ Spin Studio ƒ Climbing Wall ƒ Café ƒ Associated Ancillary Accommodation ƒ 3G STP ƒ Upgrade
DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Queen’s Park Sports Centre

Location: Chesterfield

Completed: 2015

Value: £11m including Sport England Grant

This replacement for Queen’s Park Leisure Centre on the site of Queen’s Park Annex delivers new facilities for the local community.

A true collaborative approach was undertaken to fully realise the extra potential of the additional funding through wider involvement of local community groups, sports teams and prospect users. This enabled the design to capture the needs and aspirations of a wide collection of users as possible, whilst strengthening the client’s future income streams.

With careful planning, responsible design and a well considered approach to value through detailed development of the brief and revisions of specification involving all team members, this facility was delivered on time, on budget and has exceeded the expectations of all parties involved.

Queens Park is one of the most efficiently

designed Leisure Centres in the country. The layout is simple and intuitive and all of the facilities are attractive yet functional and include:

25m 8 Lane Pool

Learner Pool

8 Court Sports Hall

80 Station Fitness Suite

Dance Studios

Activity Studio

Squash Courts

Teaching Rooms




Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre

Location: Kirkcaldy, Fife

Value: £17.5m

Kirkcaldy’s Esplanade project is Fife Council’s third Leisure Centre to be built as part of the ‘Future of Leisure Initiative’.

The new leisure centre offers both swimming and dry side facilities. The project was a full Architectural service for a traditional JCT project and the programme completed within 16 months.

Facilities at Kirkcaldy include: ƒ 6 Lane 25m Pool ƒ Learner Pool ƒ 4 Court Sports Hall ƒ 60 Station Fitness Suite ƒ Studio ƒ Café ƒ Soft Play ƒ Ancillary Facilities. DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Southport Aquapark

Location: Southport

Expertise Area: Architecture

This leisure pool development, linked to the existing ‘Dunes’ leisure centre, is packed with exciting water features and flumes. This development provides a full range of sports and leisure facilities.

The building incorporates renewable and energy saving technologies including biomass boilers, grey water usage and CHP.

DB3 were initially appointed to act as Client’s Agent up to completion of RIBA stage D/E. We were then novated to the contractor on a Two Stage Design and Build tender. The project was executed on an open book partnering basis and we were required to attend regular partnering meeting throughout its design and construction.


Formby Pool

Location: Formby, Liverpool

Expertise Areas: Architecture

This landmark award winning facility has been developed around a commitment to procure a fully sustainable facility offering a unique experience designed to promote the well-being and health of visitors and participants.

DB3 worked as part of a bigger design team and delivered specialist swimming pool design services.

Full advantage has been taken to introduce natural lighting into the building, which is filtered, and generally specified to protect against excessive glare and solar heat gain. Other facilities include rainwater harvesting and ground source heat pumps designed to reduce the energy usage.

The building is a high quality facility incorporating a timber frame and timber and copper cladding.

Facilities at Formby Pool include:

New Indoor Pools

Fitness Suite

Dance Studio

Health Suite


Associated Town Park with space for Performing Arts.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Maghull Leisure Centre

Location: Maghull

Completion Date: 2012

Value: £9m including Sport England Grant

The most striking feature of the facilities at Maghull Leisure Centre is the Kalwall glazed spine which runs down the length of the building providing beautiful diffused daylight to every one of the buildings main activity spaces. Light from this spine spills down through the sloping glazed fitness suite walls into the pool hall suffusing it with daylight. The potentially complex integration of the facilities to the Town Hall was achieved with a delightfully simple curved corridor which is used to define a new small civic courtyard. This courtyard fulfils many functions including being a quiet place to read or a pleasant backdrop for wedding photographs.

The library and leisure facilities link seamlessly and share the same reception desk as well as

entrance. The library spills out into the leisure centre foyer and users of the facilities are able to browse the books and magazines and are even able to take them to read elsewhere in the building.

The facilities at Maghull Leisure Centre include:

5 Lane 25m Swimming Pool

Learner Pool

Fitness Suite


Multi-use rooms

Associated facilities & external works.



New Fitness Centres

Location: UK-wide

Expertise Areas: Architecture

DB3 have worked with fitness operator ‘Fit for Free’ since the summer of 2011. Having established itself in the Netherlands with over 40 sites, Fit for Free has begun to expand its operations across continental Europe and into the UK.

Typically, their business model is based on prominent City Centre locations, offering between 1500m² and 2000m² of floor area. Facilities include spaces for cardio training, virtual spinning, zumba,

circuit training, aerobics and step classes. Projects included strip out conversions to existing buildings as well as shell “fit-outs” within City Centre Retail Developments.

The USP of the operation in the UK is based on the provision of high quality equipment with no frills low cost membership free of any long term “tie in”.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Centre

Location: Rugby, Warwickshire

Expertise Area: Architecture

DB3 was appointed by Rugby Borough Council to provide a full Architectural service for a Two Stage Design and Build project to design of a new leisure centre to meet the future requirements of the Borough. The design has been developed to match both the existing needs and to provide the flexibility to allow for future additional facilities.

Facilities at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Centre include:

ƒ 8 Lane 25m Pool

Learner Pool with Movable Floor

6 Court Sports Hall

100 Station Fitness Suite

Multi-Use Studio

Dance Studio

Climbing Wall


Associated Ancillary Accommodation.



Beswick Leisure Centre

Location: Manchester Completion Date: 2014

DB3 provided full Architectural service to Stage D, then full service for wet areas only to completion for a Two Stage Design and Build Project.

Built as part of the East Manchester gateway project, this scheme was designed to be the home of British water polo. The larger pool size required for polo was designed to be flexible with the introduction of a boom and movable pool floor.

Facilities at Beswick Leisure Centre include:

35m x 21m Pool which can be divided to form 8 lane 25m Completion Pool

ƒ 21m x 8m Learner Pool (21m x 8m) with Movable Floor ƒ Spectator Seating ƒ 80 Station Fitness Suite ƒ Dance Studio ƒ Café ƒ Associated Ancillary Accommodation. DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Taunton Swimming Pool

Location: Taunton, Somerset

Expertise Area: Architecture

The purpose of this swimming pool refurbishment, which was assisted by a Sport England grant, was to improve facilities, reduce running costs and increase the attractiveness of the building in order to boost visitor numbers.

The building’s entrance facade has been enlivened with coloured cladding and accessibility facilities for disabled people greatly improved with a new entrance area and reception counter. A bright, warm and contemporary appearance to the swimming pool was created with new wall tiles and brightly coloured balustrade panels, a highly reflective ceiling finish and new LED uplighters.

The health suite has been refurbished and enlarged to provide a new sauna, larger steam

room and enhanced showers. Single sex changing rooms were converted into village change style changing areas comprising a mix of unisex changing spaces for one and two people, family rooms and group single sex changing rooms. A “Changing Places” room consisting of a shower, hoist with adjustable bench and a WC is provided for disabled people.

The refurbishment addresses sustainability by the provision of new gas condensing boilers and replacement M&E services including new ventilation plant which are predicted to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% and significantly reduce running costs.

Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre

Location: Tiddenfoot, Bedfordshire

Expertise Areas: Architecture & Principal Designer

Our remodelling of this leisure centre has transformed its appearance and appeal and created greatly improved facilities for its users. The original building suffered from a visually unattractive and cramped entrance area with low ceilings and an inefficient layout.

A new entrance and replacement glazing responds sympathetically to the site and adjoining buildings. The use of cast glass to the new stair enclosure complements the adjacent brickwork, hints at the enclosure’s purpose and allows it to

stand out at night via the use of coloured LED lighting.

Structural alterations allowed the opening up of the reception area and introduction of a new reception counter and cafe. The fitness suite was doubled in size, fitted with the latest equipment and has new changing rooms.

A carefully considered phasing strategy allowed the leisure centre to remain open throughout this refurbishment.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Eton Manor

Location: London

Expertise Areas: Architecture

DB3 was retained by the Olympic Delivery Authority as External Technical Reviewers for the Eton Manor complex of the Thirtieth Olympiad and the Paralympic Games that took place in 2012 in London.

Eton Manor includes three 50m pools, one 33.3m and one 30m pool, which were used primarily for swimming training, including training for waterpolo as well as synchronised swimming.

In addition, front and back of house facilities were provided for archery and wheelchair tennis, together with a hockey facility, incorporating 3,000 permanent seats capable of being increased to provide temporary seating for 15,000 spectators.

DB3 was also appointed to undertake the role of Architectural Supervisor through the construction phase of Eton Manor.

Wolverhampton Fitness Centre

Location: Wednesfield, Wolverhamption

Expertise Area: Architecture

This new leisure complex was procured for the City of Wolverhampton Council under contract with a PFI Consortium led by DC Leisure Ltd. Situated on a reclaimed industrial site at Bowman’s Harbour in Wednesfield, the project was designed to play a major role in the Council’s regeneration plans. The list of high quality facilities provided by the project includes a 6 lane 25m swimming pool, a leisure pool with extensive water features and a separate studio pool. In addition to water based activities, the centre features a 140 station cardiovascular exercise gym, group training studio,

fully serviced café, linked meeting rooms and a soft play activity area.

A strong geometric theme, based on a series of intersecting curves, is overlaid on the site and is designed to contain and link the building and all its principal external elements. The form of the building is intended to reduce its apparent volume, employing variations in façade treatment, roof heights and orientation, all encompassed within a unifying visual strategy.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise


Lammas Leisure Centre

Location: Sutton-in-Ashfield

Expertise Areas: Architecture

DB3 was commissioned for this new leisure centre facility which was won by the D&B team under an “invitation only” design competition. The site was an old quarry, more recently used as public open space. It is located within walking distance of Sutton-in-Ashfield town centre, and is well served by local public transport provision.

The site had significant planning constraints attached, particularly in connection with the proximity and preservation of views towards the Grade II listed St Mary Magdalene’s Church, which required a particularly sensitive approach to the positioning and massing of the design.

The extensive range of sports facilities includes:

6 Lane 25m Swimming Pool

Learner Pool

Ice Rink

Squash Courts


Bowls Hall

Sports Hall

Multi-Purpose Dance / Aerobic Studios

120 Station Fitness Gym.

The facility was procured within a very competitive cost framework and provided excellent value for money. It was delivered on time and within the client’s budget.



Catterick Leisure Centre

Location: Garrison

Expertise Area: Architecture

The project involved the design and delivery of a new Leisure Centre, Library and Regional Rehabilitation Unit (RRU) to serve both the Garrison and the local community in this area of rural Richmondshire.

The facility includes a 6 lane 25m swimming pool, training pool, toddler pool, 6 court sports hall, fitness and health centre, multi-use rooms, regional post injury rehabilitation unit and a public library.

The centre is located within a military owned site close to the town centre and local shopping facilities. The counter terrorist design discipline, which required a 50m stand-off from any unrestricted boundary, has had a significant impact on the sitting, landscaping and form of the

building at the top of this sloping site. This has generated two immediate design consequencesfirstly all car parking has been positioned “apron fashion” in front of the building and secondly the mass of the new building occupies a dominant position with regard to the “urban context” of the town centre.

The public and urban responsibilities of the project have been acknowledged within the design context and the importance of the pedestrian access route leading up to the building is recognised and presented as a clear, simple yet strong visual approach.

DB3 Sports & Leisure Expertise

Architecture and much more

As a multi-disciplinary consultancy, our expertise extends beyond architecture, meaning our clients can pick and choose key areas or combine a number of our service skill sets and project management skills when selecting our single point service offer. DB3 Group offers the following six individual business units.

DB3 Architecture & Design

Providing RIBA Chartered sustainable architecture, urban design and masterplanning, with supporting services including BIM, visualisation and interior design. DB3’s architectural team comprises 35+ architects, supported by a strong team of 50+ technologists and architectural assistants with the capacity to resource projects across all sectors.

DB3 Building Services Engineering Offering CIBSE Chartered Mechanical and Electrical Engineering to all sectors. The team have particular experience in the leisure sector, having delivered numerous wet and dry leisure facilities across the UK. The team are CIBSE Low Carbon Energy Assessors and offer Thermal Modelling (DSM).

Formation 3D (F3D)

Drone operated aerial surveys, photography and videography by DB3’s in-house CAA qualified drone operators. A low risk, time efficient alternative for building inspections and land surveys. F3D also offers highly accurate 3D data capture and mapping of existing structures using point cloud, RTK and PPK technology, turning into 3D digital models for construction, design and facilities management projects.

DB3 Net Zero

Drawing on the experience of our in-house mechanical & electrical engineers, architects, energy assessors, Passivhaus designers and sustainability experts. Our suite of Net Zero consultancy services is broken down into six categories which cover topics around whole life cycle. These categories include; Carbon, Efficiency, Passivhaus, Wellbeing, Performance & Compliance.

DB3 Professional Services

The team deliver building surveying, retail project management, principal designer, contract administration and NEC supervisor roles, across the UK. Working alongside DB3’s architectural and M&E teams, these roles can be incorporated into a multi-disciplinary offering or procured as an independent service.

Home & Maker

A sister company to DB3 Architecture & Design, Home and Maker provides RIBA chartered online architectural services to domestic residential customers. Drawing on DB3’s many years of home design and construction experience, Home & Maker focuses on designing great homes at an affordable price.

About DB3
AJ100 Company RIBA Chartered Practice Passivhaus Trust Member Certified Passivhaus Designers CIAT Registered Practice CIBSE Directory of Practices & Firms CIBSE Low Carbon Energy Assessors ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Altius Approved Elite Vendor H&S SSIP Accredited, through Eurosafe and Alcumus Constructionline Gold Member Achilles RISQS Accredited Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditations


DB3 Group: Winner – City of Manchester & City of Birmingham Business Awards 2022 ‘Architect of the Year’; 2021 Digital Enterprise Top 100; Winner – Insider Property Industry Awards 2018 ‘Architectural Practice of the Year’ & ‘Design Excellence’; Shortlisted – BD Awards 2017 ‘Sports & Leisure Architect of the Year’; RICS Design Through Innovation Award 2017; Insider Property Industry Awards 2015 ‘Highly Commended Architectural Firm of the Year’

Llys Cadwyn Regeneration: Winner – Cardiff Property Awards 2021 and Ystadau Cymru 2021 Award for ‘Creating Economic Growth’; Highly Commended – British Construction Industry Awards 2021; CLAW Project of the Year Awards 2021

Adidas Oxford Street: Gold Winner – London Design Awards 2020

Leeds College of Music: Winner – RIBA Regional Award 2015 ‘Small Project Award’; Shortlisted –Insider Property Industry Awards Yorkshire 2018 ‘Regeneration Project of the Year’, Education Estates Awards 2018 ‘Refurbishment Project’, AJ Retrofit Awards 2018 ‘Further & Higher Education’; Constructing Excellence Yorkshire & Humber Awards 2018 ‘Building Project of the Year’

Chancery Lane Residential: Shortlisted – London Construction Awards 2018 ‘London Build Excellence’ & ‘Regeneration Project’

Airedale Air Conditioning: Winner – RICS 2017 Regional Award ‘Design through innovation’

Ysgol Craig Y Deryn School: RTPI Wales Planning Award 2014

Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre: Commended – SCALA Awards 2014 ‘Civic Building of the Year’

Michael Woods Leisure Centre: Highly Commended – SCALA Awards 2014 ‘Civic Building of the Year’; Scottish Property Awards 2014 ‘Architectural Excellence’

MOMA Machynlleth Tannery Gallery: CPRW Awards 2014 ‘Special Award’

Marks & Spencer, Liverpool: Highly Commended –CIAT Award 2010 ‘Technical Excellence’

PAN Emirates, Dubai: Shortlisted – Retail Interiors Awards 2010 ‘Best International Interior’

Threeways School, Bath: BCSE Awards 2009 ‘Inspiring Design for Special Schools’

ASDA Stores Supplier Awards: 2009 ‘Best Consultant’ & ‘Best EDLC (Every Day Low Cost) Initiative’

University of Huddersfield, Creative Art Building: Bronze Awards – RIBA White Rose Award 2009; Commendation – CIAT Award 2009; Shortlisted –RICS Pro Yorkshire Awards 2009

University of Huddersfield, Milton Centre: Winner – Insider Yorkshire Renaissance Awards 2006 ‘Best Restoration Project’

Aberdovey Yacht Club: Winner – Snowdonia National Park Awards 1992 ‘Good Design in the Countryside Award’

St Giles Business Park for the DBRW: Winner – Prince of Wales Design Awards 1990 ‘Good Design Awards’

Llwydcoed Crematorium: Commendation – RIBA Awards 1968


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS): 2017, 2011, 2010

Green Apple Awards: 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008,

LABC Building Excellence Awards: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

LABC Design Excellence Awards: 2013, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2003, 2002

Leicestershire & Rutland Craftsmanship Awards: 2013, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2003, 2002

Civic Trust Awards: 2012, 2007, 2006, 1993, 1990 BREEAM Awards: 2008, 2007

Montgomeryshire Design Awards: 1997, 1994wydrium

0113 244 6931 contact@db3group.com www.db3group.com London Leeds Birmingham Manchester Cardiff Glasgow Aberystwyth

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