Creative Code Logo Design Proposal

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Phone - Online


Creative Code


0800 808 5292


1 Fore Street London EC2Y 9DT


Contents Section 1




Section 2


Our Credentials


Section 3


Your Project Process


Section 4


Research and Planning Stage


Section 5


Design Phase


Section 6


Developmant Phase


Section 7


Testing Phase


Section 8




Section 9


Launch and Promotion


Section 10




Section 11


Our Other Services


Section 12


Next Steps


Introduction Your logo is critical part of your branding and marketing strategy. A logo is a company’s visual identity, encapsulating your brand’s image and will represent and express to potential customers the core nature of your business. Your logo is deemed to be to be the ‘face’ of your business, being a visual, graphical display and representation of your company’s unique identity. Through synergy between imagery, colours and fonts, logos communicate indispensible information about a company that enables customers to associate themselves with the company’s core brand. Logos serve as an anchor for the rest of the brand’s design activities pertaining to marketing and advertising across all mediums. Benefits of a solid logo: ąą Brand recognition ąą Consumer confidence

ąą Brand loyalty ąą Overall awareness

ąą Market share & ROI ąą Overall awareness

A successful logo should convey information about the brand to the desired target market without saying anything at all. Characteristics of a good logo: ąą Simple ąą Memorable

ąą Timeless ąą Versatile

ąą Appropriate ąą Proportionate

It is therefore imperative that a logo it is meticulously crafted and selected in a fashion which will propel the brand and connect with the company’s ideal target audience. When undergoing the website design & development process, having a well designed & curated logo is fundamental to the entire journey as the website is an extension of your brand.

Project Process

Our creative process is a key part of our business, formulated carefully in order to secure both our interests and that of our clients. Formulated in order to ensure clear communication is maintained at all times with defined frameworks and goals, our process provides a system that you can rely on.

Initial Meeting

Mind Mapping & Sketching

Presentation Phase


Clearly astablishing your business positioning, objectives and goals fundemental in order to bring the brand to life

Systimatical and logical design process undertaken by our design team prior to commencment of digital design

Interactive presentation of concept showcasing the creative product along with the underlying thought process

Hand over of final product assets in a variety of formats.

Research Phase

Conceptualize into Digital Realm

Refine & Revise

research and analysis of the brand environment and positioning

Distillation of blue print and sketches into the digital relm utalising Adobe Illustrator

Final crystallization into end product once all parties are satisfied.

Initial Meeting The most fundamental part of the planning process is to gain a clear understanding from you, the client, what your needs and objectives are. During this phase, we will meet in person to discuss goals & ideas.

It is vital that we have a sound understanding of elements and factors behind your business, its target market & competitors. We will ask a lot of questions so be prepared, but it is quintessential we understand your value proposition and passion.

Research Once the brief has been taken and formulated, we will undertake our own investigation regarding the relevant target market & competitors. Part of this phase includes finding out more about the industry & field your business operates in, both locally & globally. This is important not only in order to develop your specific logo, but also to gauge the industry ensure differentiation & uniqueness during the design process. ąą

Defining and analyzing your market


Scrutinizing your competitors, monitoring their online activity


Ensure your branding is configured correctly and has a consistent online presence


Identifying and researching your market and their online behaviour

Mind Map & Sketching We always create mind maps and sketch prior to taking the design into the digital domain. Sketching sparks creativity and allows our creative juices to flow outside of restrictive parameters of design software, enabling our design team to truly create & give life to your brand.

Conceptualize into the Digital Realm Once we have finalized our sketches, we take these into the digital world, using Adobe illustrator. This step transforms our ideas into vector format concepts. Here we will create several versions of the design, and consider things like colour pallets and typography.

Presentation Once we have reviewed our concepts and selected those we feel most appropriate, these concepts are presented. During this presentation we also explain the rationale and how they will work for your business. ąą

Defining and analyzing your market


Scrutinizing your competitors, monitoring their online activity


Defining and analyzing your market


Scrutinizing your competitors, monitoring their online activity

Refine and Revise After presenting our concepts to our client, we will leave the designs with you to consider. Here clients select their prefered disegn and our design team works through any design revisions subject to conditions. For example, colour and typefaces may be reviews and re-considered. The inital design is meticulously refined until the final product is precise and complete. At this point we can also assist in formulation of style guides.

Delivery Once the final design is complete and ready, we will send you your new logo package which will include both web and print ready formats. Also depending on the logo package you choose there will be a full brand guideline document that will contain your new brands colour palette and relevant logo / font direction.



File formats delivered






Logo Design Packages As with any other form of design, the logo design process is one that is carefully thought out and systematically adhered to. At Creative Code, we value the process as much as we do the final end product.




Perfect for start-ups and small budgets

Higher quality package for established start-ups.

Agency grade work for competitive brands

Logo Design Options

Logo Design Options

Logo Design Options




Design Revisions

Design Revisions

Design Revisions



Market Research

Market Research

Market Research

Business Card Design

Business Card Design

Business Card Design


Brand Guide

Brand Guide

Brand Guide


Print Format

Print Format

Print Format

Web Format

Web Format

Web Format




Our Other Services Website Design Smart, bespoke interactive online identities, uniquely designed and developed to be the best in user experience.

Custom Web Application Design We take are well aware that sometimes our clients have extraordinary requirements. We therefore offer bespoke web-based applications to meet a wide variety of needs and requirements.

Smart UX & Creative UI Design In our case, beauty is more than skin-deep. It goes right to the core of every experience we create. Whether it takes a few small changes or a complete system refurbishment, our team provide incredible UX design.

Ecommerce Solutions Turn browsers into buyers. Manage your store, update your catalogue, and run your business online with a tailor-made e-Commerce platform.

Like what you see? Then please get in touch and one of our dedicated team members will

Phone - Online: Phone:

0800 808 5292



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