The New Agora October 2011

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OCT - NOV | 2011

Elect to Govern Yourself


Evolution Ignite !

Angels In Action They Want Us Dead News Health Culture Opinion

Unearthing Genocide

Read more about Vancouver’s top entertainment event of the year!

IMAGINE . . . Designing and building a neighborhood from the ground up Living in proximity to the water, the bike path and town Knowing your neighbors Gardening on rich river-bottom soil Feeling connected to your surrounding community Walking your child to elementary school Working with kindred spirits to restore the native habitat of the greenway Seeing children play with friends on the car-free village green


NOVEMBER 13th, 2011 1pm - 3pm

Pyramid Theatre - Summerhill Winery 4870 Chute Lake Road, Kelowna BC $15 Donation per person


NOVEMBER 14th, 2011 6pm - 9pm

Club Room in the Halina Senior Citizen’s Centre Vernon Recreation Centre 3310 37th Ave. Vernon BC $10 Donation per person Reserve spot online at | email: Presentation from,

Charles “Chuck” Durrett California Cohousing Architect the award-winning California architect credited with bringing the cohousing concept to the U.S.

Don’t Divide, UNITE! From Occupy Wall Street to Liberate the World

by Andrew Gavin Marshall


aving watched closely the development and rapid growth of the ‘Occupy’ movement from when it began on Wall Street in September to its current global scope, where on October 15th it is expected to erupt in hundreds of cities around the world, there are various concerns and issues which I feel the need to discuss in a little more detail. First, there is the very real threat of having the movement co-opted, whether by philanthropic foundations, political parties, NGOs, union reps or more likely, an amalgamation of them all simultaneously. Present and pervasive., there is the potential threat for the movement of being coopted and made ineffective insofar as true change is concerned However, there is another threat, more subtle, and yet, even more damaging than co-optation. This threat comes from not only the movement, but the wider population itself. In a word: division. While closely following the developments in regards to politicians, philanthropists, and long sold-out activist organizations aligning with the movement in order to assert their authority over it, I have been even more disturbed by many reports, voices, criticisms, and perspectives of the wider alternative media and ‘awakening’ population, particularly in the United States, but also elsewhere as the movement spreads. The easiest way for a movement to be co-opted is for the movement to first be divided against itself. So I would like to delve into a little more detailed observations on this issue. What is the threat of co-optation? I have written and spoken on this issue previously. I recently wrote an article entitled, “Against the Institution: A Warning for Occupy Wall Street,” in which I explained the

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Photos by Cherry Baylosis methods through which co-optation takes place, as well as Principally, co-optation of social movements is made another article, “End the Fed… but don’t stop there!“, in most effective through the efforts of philanthropic foundawhich I expressed support for the development of the Oc- tions. Foundations (most notably the Carnegie, Ford, and cupy the Fed movement, but warned against such a nar- Rockefeller Foundations) were created in the early 20th row focus, and finally, I did an interview with Russia To- century with a dual purpose: to create consensus among day in which I warned about the potential for co-optation the elites (through the formation of ideology, think tanks, and methods to guard against it shaping the educational system, etc), and more importantly, So, at the risk of reContiued on page 5 peating myself, I will just quickly summarize my points here. Co-optation is the process whereby established, institutional powers join a movement with the intent to direct the movement into an area which is ‘safe’ for the institutional elite. The ‘institutional elite’ (or global and national elite, if you prefer), are those who own, direct, control, fund, and steer the various institutions and dominant ideologies of our world, including (but not limited to): corporations, international organizations, the State, education, psychiatry, the media, political parties, NGOs, philanthropic foundations, Occupy Vancouver organisers asked the crowds to think tanks, the military, intelligence, central banks show their support by raising their hands and private banks.


Empower the change you want to see manifest in this life. It can be simple and straightforward to help yourself and at the same time help your community become a stronger and more loving place. As a participator in The New Agora you not only get to share conscousness in your business and personal contribution to our 70,000 readers each month, you can also be certain that your energy is becoming part of a new community: one intent on nurturing growth, truth, and loving abundance for everyone. Allowing us to help you help yourself also allows us to continue our efforts of sharing real news and real solutions to literally create a better world. Become a participator for as little as $100 a month. Our lives are made through the decisions and choices we make everyday. We’ve decided that we’re here to change ourselves and the world for the better. The New Agora: Truth is our currency.


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Smoke Shop Page 3

In This Issue


Feature - Evolution Ignite! Freedom,s Not Just Another Word



Participation & Support. An Invitation to Grow with Us.


Don’t Divide, UNITE! 2

AGORA: a public open space used for assemblies and markets.

Agora Exclusive Reports Unearthing Canadian Genocide


Angels in Action 12

Opinion Red Level Alert - They Want Us Dead


Health, Beauty, and Style The Doc Is In 16 3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots


Health Depends on “Good Vibes”


Thoughts on Personal Style


Butter Up With African Free Trade


Soul-Full Food The Fleeting Comfort of Familiar Lies


Raw Milk Information Night


Our intent for the New Agora is to set the stage for a new way of being together, for sharing information and doing business to the benefit of all. There are in this world of affairs already set and defined rules and regulations, some are helpful and necessary to guard against foul play, but many more are instituted to work against the majority’s empowerment enriching only a few. Our aim is to master our own personal and collective destinies, happily living our lives while doing no harm. We’re all in this together: this awareness is our strength and our guide. Through ‘The New Agora’ we are offering a straightforward way to participate in making this a reality for everyone. The best way to change a system is to propose a better one. We believe we have such an instrument in hand and invite you all to help us help ourselves to a better world and abundant future we can all share in together. We have the freedom of choice. We are free to participate in life as we see fit. It is up to each one of us to direct our energies, be they monetary or other, towards that which we’d like to see grow and flourish. This is an age of transparency where motive and intent are become self evident. The buck literally stops and starts here with you. The New Agora offers a forum where all interested eyes can clearly see who are supporting the people and businesses that uphold that which we hold dear and those who aren’t. Our readers, thereby empowered to reciprocate with their patronage and nourish the kinds of businesses that will help their lives and families. This is Truth Marketing, not the marketing of truth. Here awareness is the key to prosperity and there is always more than enough to go around. The New Agora, reaching approximately 70,000 readers each month, is a real newspaper that isn’t afraid to focus on real challenges and real solutions, so that our readers can make the loving and informed choices for their lives so necessary in these interesting and pivotal times.

Cover Art The Crow, by Mirificent Inspiration

Without having to spend exorbitant amounts of money on advertising month after month our Participators can be in the Public’s Eye on a continual and steady basis.


Dan Merchant

Lorenzo Malowane

Publisher Layout

General Manager 604 565 0721 cell 250-885-6249 lorenzo@


Frederic Kugelmann (Fredalupe) Editor

Cherry Baylosis Cultural and Events Ambassador



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The Agora is a periodical that represents opinions and articles on a wide variety of issues and disciplines to its readers. The Agora is edited for appropriate content, and the authors swear that all articles are original and appropriately sourced. Neither The Agora nor its editors are liable for any damage incurred by the material printed herein. To the best of our knowledge all images and content are not copyrighted material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and may not reflect those of The Agora or the businesses that advertise with us.

Let’s get together and discuss the possibilities of helping each other grow. Feel free to contact us anytime. We’d be happy to e-mail you our Participator’s Kit. H. Lorenzo Malowane Cell: 250 885 6249 Office: 604 656 0721

Would you would like to help wake the world up with truth?


he New Agora is gearing up to become the voice, face, meeting and marketplace for a free and prosperous community. We have a whole world to reach and there is a place for you to pitch in and help transform this place with courage and integrity. un, rewarding and good for the heart: we are now asking for inspired Volunteers who feel aligned with what we offer. Everyone has something worthwhile to share and contribute. Photographers, journalists, writers, event hounds, distribution hands, everyone : we welcome all positive and loving energy to join in The New Agora. We are stronger together and like any good movement we’ll go further and last longer the more of us there are moving together. We’re doing this for the all of us: your kids, your parents, your brothers and sisters, the guilty and the innocent, the lost and the found: everyone, including you.


he key to our continued success is getting our paper out every month. It is perhaps the most important part of our work: to be where we are needed. Distribution requires some smiling even-handed strength each month. If you know an area where you feel The New Agora would be welcome but is not yet there, or have a vehicle or some friends who could offer even a small amount of their time, we would love to hear from you. We’re interested to work and play with friends who believe in what we are here to accomplish together. Helping the World one issue at a time!


Welcome To The New Agora!

Always Know Where to Find your copy of The New Agora Our Top Dozen Rack Spots Greens Organic-Natural Market - 1978 W. Broadway, 604-568-3079 Cuppa Joe Coffee, Main & Broadway - 189 E. Broadway, 604-709-4123 Eternal Abundance - 1025 Commercial Dr., 604-707-0088 Famous Foods - 1595 Kingsway, 604-872-3019 JJBean Coffee Roasters - Main & 14th One Stop Shop-Cards and Games - Tinseltown Mall, 778-373-0365 Yaletown Deli and Grocery - 499 Davie St. at Richards St. Genesis Nutrition - 1040 Davie St., 604-608-0318 Genesis Nutrition -2682 W. Broadway, 604 739-7788 Brigid`s Books - 2932 W. Broadway, 604-731-7582 Tanglewood Books - 1553 W. Broadway, 604-736-8876 Inhale Smoke Shop - 109 W. Cordova St., 778-786-0977 Opus Framing and Art Supplies - Granville Island, 1360 Johnston St., 604-736-7028

More Key Locations The Gourmet Warehouse-1340 E. Hastings St. Fountain Head Pub-1025 Davie St. Agro Café-Granville Island-1363 Rail Spur Alley Kids Books-3083 W. Broadway Zulu Records-1972 W. 4th Granville Island Brewery-Retail Store-1441 Cartwright St.-Granville Island Darby`s Liquor Store-2001 McDonald St. The Roundhouse Community Center-181 Roundhouse Mews Fun in the Sun-2835 W. 4th The Cultch Theatre Center-1895 Venables St. East West Supermarket-4169 Main St. Little Sisters Bookstore- 1238 Davie St. Skye`s Nut Heaven-2471 East Hastings St Yek-o-Yek 3046 Main St. Genesis Nutrition-2570 Main St. Opus Framing and Art Supplies11-207-W. Hastings Adrenaline Vancity-104-1926 W. 4th Ave Vancity (By entrance-Inside-Mall), Commercial and 1st The Hive, 128 W. Hastings-Upstairs Nester`s Food Market-4475 Main St. Whole Foods Market on Cambie-510 W. 8th Smart Mouth Café-117-131 Water St. Displace Hashery-3293 W. 4th Ave Mayfair News-1535 W. Broadway Choices- 2627 16th Ave Choices Yaletown-1202 Richards St. Choices-Kerrisdale-1888 W 57th St. Waves Coffee-1858 Commercial Dr. Britannia Library-1661 Napier Kitsilano Library 2425 McDonald St. AxleAlley Auto Repairs-396 W. 5th Ave In Again Consignment-1962 W. 4th Ave and 1124 Commercial Drive

For more locations visit our website:

Don’t Divide, Unite! Contiued from page 2

the engineering of consent (also through education, as well as facilitating the rise of the consumer society, constructing ideology, organizing Non-governmental organizations – NGOs – and directing social movements). When money from a foundation enters a social movement, it has several effects. Often, the movement may start out as or be organically developing into a radical movement aimed at altering the actual social structure – or system – of which the philanthropists themselves sit atop. Philanthropic foundations were founded by and are still run by bankers, industrialists, the heads of universities, think tanks, and other social and cultural leaders. When the money from a foundation enters a social movement, it begins to organize the movement. It removes the radical concepts (or demands) and begins to organize around what they consider “acceptable” demands, which are those which promote “reform” (not revolution), which can be enacted through legislation. The funding helps create activist organizations, NGOs, non-profits and lobbying groups. Those within the movement who promote the reformist and legalistic “demands” are then elevated into leadership positions through foundation funding. Those who are radical may even be tempted into such positions with the hope and promise of “making change.” Thus, the

from the editor


elcome to The New Agora. In keeping with the tradition set our previous two years of publication we are continuing to use Truth and Courage as our guides in navigating through the dark and tumultuous waters of the so called Age of Information. Past monstrous reeking logs of congealed lies, howling ship loads of damned piratical parasites, crazed bottom feeding creatures shrieking in horror at finally being unmasked of their pretence of being human, all heading at breakneck speeds towards the apocalyptic whirlpool swirling around the draining prolapse of evil, The New Agora sails on to brighter shores, yet with such tales to tell as might forever fill our hearts with awe and gratitude at the sacrifices of all those involved, and with the hard earned wisdom of living through it all. We, each and every one of us, have chosen these very times, these very incarnations, to participate and bear witness to the final fall of that once mighty edifice to the hubris of self-importance, that selfish separating force, once so dreaded named Fear. Together we continue to take our part in exploring the true meaning manifest in the word “Apocalypse” which is to uncover, to reveal, to lift the veil on that which has until now so cancerously thrived in the festering darkness of occlusion, and in the pathetic attempt at hiding the great secret of our true mirificence, of our celestial heritage of our divine parentage. And all this because we asked for it! We asked to know ourselves as the brightest light emergent from seemingly absolute darkness. We asked to know total freedom and ultimate love: impossible to do without being next to its polar opposite. Such sublime contrast is a marvel. Ours is a glorious time of awakening! In the words of a great man, “We are the imagination of ourselves.” That wonderful statement really opens the door to usher us all into worlds of limitlessness. We bought the ticket so let’s enjoy the ride. Let’s remember who we really are and how much fun we can actually have and become through the experience of our lives and the practice of our greatness. From everyone at the New Agora: Welcome to the party! Thanks for coming, and don’t forget to enjoy the show. -Frederic Kugelmann


Get a Monthly Subscription to The New Agora Canada $48 North America $67 World $90 Bulk subscriptions available upon request


foundations ‘professionalize’ the movement. The leaders direct organizations, sit over large budgets, and have comfortable salaries. They are invited to international conferences of NGOs, corporations, international organizations, and governments. Their purpose is to “speak for the people” in such meetings, but by being professionalized in such a way, they are removed from the people. In fact, their new-found personal wealth, status, respect, and ‘inclusion’ into the global institutional structure makes them dependent upon that very structure and system for their own well-being and sense of self-worth. Thus, they will only pursue “reformist” and “legalistic” changes to the system, never radical or revolutionary, as they are now personally dependent upon that system. The foundations will integrate the movements with particular NGOs, other activist organizations, and particular political parties, which will then “take on the agenda” (albeit the heavily “reformist” agenda) of the movement, create legislation, and seek “change” from within the system. Ultimately, the result is that the movement is made ineffective. Reforming the system is akin to rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic. However, while often creating seemingly benevolent changes, the effects are subtle, yet severe. By turning a potentially radical movement into a reformist co-opted movement, through the effective seclusion of the radical and revolutionary elements and ideas of the movement, the mass of the people behind it are mobilized behind the reformist agenda. As legislation is passed, “causes” promoted, political parties participat-

ing, and media attention growing, the movement loses its steam and becomes complacent. The legislation addresses their “demands,” and now that the “professional” and “organized” movement has taken up the cause, the people can go back to sleep and feel comfortable in that they were a part of some effort at “change.” However, by promoting change within the system, instead of creating a new social, political, and economic reality, the changes themselves are ineffective. This is because the fundamental problem, whether the issue is racism, economic exploitation, poverty, war, empire, austerity, tyranny, exclusion, discrimination, and political oppression, the problem rests in the ideas and institutions of power. If the institutional system itself is not addressed as THE problem, no alterations to that system will sufficiently address the particular concern of the activists and social movements. I have begun a Facebook page to promote the issues and make others aware of the threat of co-optation. Please “like” the page, share ideas, issues, articles, videos, and concerns (as well as SOLUTIONS!) to help stop co-optation! Solidarity or Co-optation? In regards to the Occupy Movement, the unions in the United States and elsewhere began showing support and solidarity with the movement, marching with them, and

Contiued on page 19

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Freedom’s Not Just Another Word! by Jim Kirwan


reedom is not just another word. Freedom is the key to all our dreams and to everything that has to do with living any LIFE at all. Our current version of Freedom is nothing more than a truncated form of what the New World Order has “allowed us” to have: Which is to say we have NONE! Here you can see that our freedom has been destroyed from the inside out; as those holes are exit wounds and the rest of this symbol has become just a cruel but realistic hoax in which there is no longer any freedom here for anyone except our owners. When I turn on this monster beyond the keyboard, the messages roll in the hundred, each hour; yet most of them are junk. Amerikans have hundreds of different must-say things but WITHOUT FREEDOM EVERYTHING ELSE IS MEANINGLESS! There is a back-story here that matters. When this place was founded we displaced and murdered more than 59 million people from over 5,000 nations; most of which had been living here for 15,000 years: We stole their freedom, when we “conquered this land.” And to make it even worse, we also stole the FREEDOMS of the millions of slaves that were used to build up the wealth of the colonies, to give this fledgling country something to bargain with as well as a place in the wider world. So the America that so many venerate today was founded in murder, in massive theft and colossal barbarity: Now it’s our turn to be beneath the wheels of “other owners” and in the path of the rapidly advancing Empire that no longer has any use for us-except as human-resources or profitable income-streams. This weekend there might well be a real showdown between the people involved in the 950 cities; where OCCUPY AMERICA demonstrations are now taking place. What we have witnessed so far are the cowardly acts of mayors, governors and attorney’s general from around the country as each tries to put the genie of FREEDOM in this country back into their bottle, from which these freedoms are just beginning to re-emerge. I would just remind people that without FREEDOM there can be nothing else of any real importance: Because where there is no freedom, there can be no life. The so-called version of what we call freedom today was bought and paid for by billions of others. We began by spilling one hell of a lot of other people’s blood; and we followed that up by continuing to spill the blood of millions more as we began to work our way around the planet. During WWII we fought these same people who supported the axis powers as well as the allies (both sides of all wars were funded by these soulless criminals). But strangely we really thought that we were fighting to protect this country, and NOT for the acquisition of other nations, such as was the case with Russia and several others at the conclusion of that war. But we spoiled all that when we decided to adopt, without any reservation, that little country of Israel that has been the most vile place that has ever tried to become a real state among the community of nations. Today we have reached the Zenith of that crossroads where we must

171 Jubilee Street

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Duncan, BC

choose either real FREEDOM or recognize that we really are no more than SLAVES. EVERY OTHER CONSIDERATION IS VIRTUALLY MEANINGLESS, unless the people of this country have the right to think their own thoughts, hold their own opinions and live their own lives: Because if we cannot do these simple things, then we are not alive! What we must also recognize is the FACT that any state, city, or federal officials that stand between us and our FREEDOMS, are the BLOOD-ENEMIES of all of us. That is just a fact that MUST BE DEALT WITH DIRECTLY, and this weekend is as good a time as any to show the illegal Police-State-Forces just who it is that OWNS THIS LAND! “THEY” are nothing now but the uniformed servants of those of us who are demonstrating, and without our consent-they are NOTHING but just another common gang of criminals that must be rounded up, arrested and imprisoned. And as for their superiors,’ those so called city, county, state, or federal officials that have committed TREASON by sending our own “official officers to arrest those who have turned out in numbers to DEMAND THEIR RIGHT TO THEIR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, in this pitiful country that was once a nation-state: Those (in-charge) people in particular need to face life sentences, at a minimum, for committing treason against both the Constitution and the people of the United States of America! The defacto laws of this place are what the government is sighting, and unless we force this issue then the Defacto Laws become the ONLY LAW: So we must challenge all the current laws that seek to DENY us the RIGHT TO DEMONSTRATE WHEREVER THE HELL WE CHOOSE TO DEMONSTRATE, IN THIS PLACE THAT WE HAVE PAID FOR A MILLION TIMES OVER ­IN EXCHANGE FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FROM THIS CORRUPTED SYSTEM! Tell them; show them; and stand your ground; because if you do not choose to do this, then everything worth fighting for can never-ever be yours again! There should BE only one topic this weekend and topic ought to be SETTING THIS NATION FREE from the corporate clutches that are strangling us all to death with every breath we take that is STILL NOT FREE!

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Connect People Through Kindness by Lorenzo Malowane


eeting Brock Tully is like seeing a brother several times that he is no one special and does not feel As Brock puts it: ``I couldn’t do this alone. I have or sister you haven’t had the opportunity comfortable being held up as some kind of hero. “Af- so many wonderful people helping me along.” Jonas to in a long time. This beautiful man ter all”, he said, “I have my problems and challenges, I Falle, Concert Producer, and CEO with Vancouver emanates a kindness that immediately touches the heart make mistakes and sometimes ‘fall down’. So I really based Moon Coin Productions, has been involved with and soul at the same time. Brock dislikes being put on would rather not be equated with the message, for it is the concert since 2006. After having met him and his any pedestal and goes out of his way to make sure you far more important than any individual.” wife Jeanette at this year`s Kindness Concert launch know the message is more important than the man. In Like many of us, he comes from a family that had ceremony, along with so many others, I can easily say his own words he is like the rest of us, with his flaws its loving challenges. Lack of hugs, emotional expres- that with so many beautiful and loving people offering and challenges, although one who, in my words, em- sion, support beyond the surface, worries over money their own unique versions of loving support this year’s bodies the true meaning of the word humble; he truly and overt success, these are all experiences we have concert will, without a doubt, be the best so far. seeks to help the world to get to a It was a real breath of fresh air, kinder place. For more than 30 years in a city that can often seem harsh, now, in one form or another, Brock to meet so many kind, creative and has worked to usher in a kinder more loving folks. I would like to personbeautiful world, one with less bulally thank Toni O`Keeffe and Cherry lying and more music, where loving Baylosis for their contributions to this hearts are free to grow in peace and ‘kind’ report’ you are now reading. togetherness. Even though he may The 2011 World Kindness Condisagree, I’ve got to say it: Brock is cert takes place November 4, 2011, a modern day hero, one particularly at the Centre for Performing Arts, in needed in these trying and often fearVancouver, BC - Canada. For tickets filled times. Alone on a bicycle, and more information please go to: he’s ridden three times around North, www. America to promote kindness, ping from town to town, often chalIf you want to help generate betlenged by weather, lack of support, or ter feelings all year long check out ‘normal’ human ignorance. And yet, – and with a smile, and more often than not their programs on how to support his own funds, he has persisted in his being kinder at school, home, and at bringing his message of kindness to work...they also sell kindness bracehundreds of schools and thousands lets that help spread that super posiof people across three countries on tive message the whole world needs his bicycle journeys through Canada, to hear! Brock Tully accepting the first annual Kindness Award America and Mexico. Any surplus from ticket sales (Photo by Cherry Baylosis) Thnaks to these generous, humwill be re-invested into initiatives that ble and loving actions Brock has behelp foster a world that is kinder, more come the perfect candidate to receive aware, and compassionate. ‘Kindness the first Kindness Award. The first of its kind which will had at one time or another and can easily relate to and ROCKS’ is the name of their anti-bullying and youth from now on be presented annually to an outstanding understand. His admissions of a personal life filled empowerment program. person who generates kindness in the community. Brock with challenges increases the power of his message. If you’re interested in finding Brock`s books or exhas set a high standard for kindness that is well worth Anyone can be happy and kind when life has been ploring his past bicycle trips for a kinder world please emulating. Having co-founded the Kindness Founda- good and easy for them, but growing in humility and visit, You can ask for your own tion, Brock has become the awesome seed of inspira- love through adversity gives strength and validity to copies at tion for the organization to flourish and spread kindness his message of kindness. “I was concerned with how disconnected and viothroughout the world. All of which leads us to this year’s World Kind- lent society had become,” said Tully. “The vision for On a mild and sunny early October morning, I met ness Concert. It’s the biggest yet with an arena seating the World Kindness Concert is to raise awareness and to Brock Tully in front of Eternal Abundance to talk about 1800. For the first time ever the concert will be held inspire the active practice of Kindness.” I am sure mosty being kind. Arriving with an air of calm power and an at The Center for Performing Arts featuring inspiring would agree with me when I say this city, and the world, easy smile, Brock radiates that which he promotes: kind- artists such as, Juno award winner and BC Entertain- could use more infusions of love of THIS KIND. Let’s ness. With eight books published, 140,000 of them in ment Hall of Fame Inductee Shari Ulrich, Pop-music all get together to help make a beautiful world full of circulation, and 10 years of The Kindness Concerts un- sensation ‘Dirty Radio’, Canadian singer and TV host kindness, truth and strength. der his belt, Brock is the resident expert on the strength Michael Vincent, world renowned ABBA Stage show, Thanks for everything Brock. You’re my hero. of love. During our time together, Brock emphasized ABRA Cadabra and many, many more.

2010 World Kindness Concert

Page 7


International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Investigations of children’s graves continues. Kevin Annett adopted into Mohawk Nation, given name and protection. Excavations spark similar actions in other native nations. Test dig in forest near Mohawk Institute residential school, Brantford, Ontario.


oth pro- and anti-government groups in the Mohawk Nation united this past week to endorse the independent investigation into mass graves of children at the former Mohawk Institute Indian residential school. The inquiry was initiated last April by nine elders of the Wolf and Turtle clans. Chief Bill Montour of the government-funded Mohawk Band Council said publicly at a council meeting on October 4, “This dig is long overdue and it’s needed. I back this thing one hundred percent.” Meanwhile, the Men’s Fire, a traditional group of warriors from all of the Six Nations, arrived at the excavation site the same day to provide security and protection for the inquiry members, especially for Kevin Annett of the ITCCS, who was asked by the Wolf and Turtle elders in writing to organize the inquiry into the missing children of the Brantford school. As a sign of their support for Kevin Annett and the ITCCS, these elders formally adopted Kevin into the Turtle Clan of the Mohawk (Ongyahonway) Nation at a ceremony on October 6, and gave him the name Rawennatshani, which means “One who warns the people with a strong and wise voice”. The inquiry into the fate of many hundreds of missing children at the school continued this week, through Ground Penetrating Radar surveys that revealed that graves of children on school grounds were buried under tons of soil; and that suspected grave sites extend into the wooded perimeter of the former school, which was founded by the Crown and Church of England in 1832. “We’re looking at a massive investigation into an enormous crime site, but at least it’s begun,” commented Kevin Annett today. “We hope to have a preliminary report issued before the new year once we have samples and other evidence analyzed forensically. We’ve already assembled an archaeological team to do a professional study of what’s being uncovered.” Earlier this week, traditional Mohawk elders announced that they were imposing their own jurisdiction over the graves of residential school children, and declared that the government of Canada, its police and courts had no authority to intervene into their investigation. Elsewhere in Canada, groups among the Maliseet, Anishnabe and Squamish indigenous nations announced this week their intent to launch their own digs and inquiries at suspected mass grave sites at former residential schools on their territories, independently of the government’s stagemanaged “Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” “The Mohawks have inspired all of us”, said Jeremiah Jourdain of the Anishnabe nation in Winnipeg today. “Now we have to spread this movement to bring the children home on our terms - and prosecute those who killed them.” Nearly half of all Canadian Indian residential school students - more than 50,000 children - died or went missing between 1832 and 1996, when the last school closed.

Naming our Power, and Receiving a Name

The Feds Move To Shut Down The Mohawks’ Dig

by Kevin D. Annett - Rawennatshani


he young Mohawk man kept a solitary but loyal vigil outside my bedroom all through the night, in response to the latest death threat against me. He greeted me with a tired, happy smile the next morning in the Kanata community centre, as others of the Men’s Fire warriors society arrived to relieve him. Over breakfast, after I had thanked him for being there, the youth said to me, “You don’t have to thank me. Doing this makes me feel sane again.” We had been discussing our slow but steady efforts to uncover the mass graves of children at Canada’s oldest Indian residential school, not even a mile away. And as he spoke, I was reminded how good and right it is to simply act on what we know is right; and how our investigation is impacting the world far beyond the present moment. On October 6, this struck home for me when a gathered assembly of Mohawk elders adopted me into the Turtle clan of their nation and gave me the name Rawennatshani, which means “One whose powerful voice warns the people.” By bringing me under the canopy of the Great Law of Peace, these traditional Mohawks - the Ongyahonway, or Authentic People - have not simply granted me their sovereign protection, but placed me outside the false jurisdiction of Canada, for a specific purpose: to bring to judgement the killers of their children. All of this indicates something more than a crime investigation. Canada is being undone and reinvented by those it tried to exterminate. My new Mohawk friends never speak of “healing”, or of being “reconciled” with white Canada. They talk instead of taking everything back that was robbed from them, beginning with the lost and murdered residential school children. But even “reclamation” isn’t the right word, for these people have never lost themselves, even if 95% of their original land base has been grabbed by the whites. Justice is a concept invented by slaves, and only slaves need to imagine it. But the Ongyahonway, whom we call Mohawks, are not paying heed to the false rulers of “Canada”, let alone demanding anything from them. The Mohawks have always been the people who offer sanctuary and a home to anyone who is lost, or persecuted. And as an exile from my own people, banished and castigated for speaking of our crimes, I have been given a place among this remnant of a free and unconquered people. For here is the place to begin again, where the mighty will fall from their thrones, and even those as forgotten as murdered children will be lifted up. I am a witness to this dawn.

by William Annett


ou’ve heard the news in the past few days. How at long last, the Mohawk people in Brantford, Ontario, armed with the technological equipment to conduct a forensic magnetometer probe of grounds surrounding the oldest Native Residential School in Canada, have already unearthed positive evidence of what has been witnessed, testified, proven and documented since 1907 – that the Anglican church of Canada, in this case, and the Roman Catholic and United Church, buried thousands of native children from 141 charnel houses across Canada, which they fondly dubbed “schools.” Right on cue, because the Mohawk people have come too close to the truth, the Federal Government, responsible with the churches for these atrocities for 150 years, is swinging into action to shut the whole project down. In the Prime Minister’s Office, it’s known as damage control. Working with Mohawk hereditary Chief Bill Squire and eight other elders in the project, the International Tribunal into the Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), and its co-founder Reverend Kevin Annett have been present on the scene for the past week. Kevin Annett, you’ll remember, has spent 20 years taking on the establishment, the government, the churches and the RCMP single-handedly, taking his one-man campaign to two continents in the formation of the seven -nation ITCCS. Why? Because he gave up trying to get the Canadian government to do something about their own crime. As the Mohawk people are doing for themselves now. Meanwhile, the Canadian media have steadfastly thought up reasons to ignore the subject of church crime amounting to genocide in favor of such newsy items as hockey scores, the highschool politics of the House of Commons and whether or not to publicize shale oil recovery. Today, the Feds swung into action. Tribal Council Chief, Bill Monture, which means Government Payroll Chief, who has been busy since the weekend talking out of both sides of his mouth (the old movies used to call it “speaking with a forked tongue”) pronouncing in band council meetings that they were “100% behind the forensic project” at the Mohawk Institute, and behind the scene threatening to cut off the use of the survey machinery, which is the property of the band council, although they’ve made no move to use it. Today, the big payroll chief was “summoned to Ottawa.” Gee, I wonder what Stephen Harper and John Duncan want to talk to him about? Simultaneously, Jan Longboat, a prominent Mohawk icon, also in the employ of the Federal Government, which sponsored a book she put together, along with three stalwart relatives (read goons) has been openly threatening Kevin Annett and his involvement in Indian business. Like this is something new for Kevin Annett who has

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You can follow the work of the Brantford inquiry, and the work of the ITCCS, at: , and by writing to We can be contacted for interviews and support at 519-757-3624. Page 8

The Crime is Finally Unearthed - Making History on Mohawk Nation Land: An Eyewitness Report

by Kevin Annett


he sun had just risen over the thick forests surrounding the oldest Indian residential school in Canada, and the site of the mass grave of children. All of us gathered there, native and white, seemed to hold our breath as Cheryl Squire of the Mohawk Nation Clan Mothers knelt over the grave of unknown children and gently parted the soil. History was made that morning of October 1, 2011. For the long struggle to bring home the murdered children, and place their killers on trial, had finally begun. For me, it was the start of something incredible, but also the end of a long journey that has spanned two decades. Every imaginable lie, threat, obstacle and attack has been deployed by criminals of church and state to stop what we did that morning, but all to no avail. For the real unveiling of the Canadian Holocaust has begun. This final step commenced last April, when Cheryl Squire and eight other Mohawk elders had asked me in writing to come to their land in Brantford, Ontario and begin forensic surveys and digs on the grounds of what they call “the Mush Hole”: the Mohawk Institute, set up by the Anglican Church of England in 1832 to imprison and destroy generations of Mohawk children. This very

first Indian residential school in Canada lasted until 1970, and, like in most residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned there never returned. Many of them are buried all around the school. “I seen kids buried up to their necks in the ground for running away. I seen kids beaten and killed for taking apples off the trees” said one survivor of the Mush Hole, so designated because maggoty mush was the best children could expect in the way of food there. The same survivor took me to the top of an underground cistern behind the school covered with a concrete slab. “That’s where they stuck kids for speaking their language” the elderly man said sadly. “I know a girl put in it who died down there. Maybe she’s still there.” In search of such missing children, since October 1st, I have worked with the Mohawk community to begin scanning the school lands with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) manned by experts, to locate the underground disturbances that can point to hidden graves. And helped by local seers and eyewitnesses, we have already identified five areas containing mass graves of children. “One thing that’s for sure is there’s been incredible soil disturbances beside the school, and I mean tons of dirt piled in here”, described Clynt King, the GPR technician. “Somebody is really trying to hide something here.” An understatement, indeed. For the government and churches of Canada have been burying the evidence of their residential school crimes for many years, most recently with an expensive whitewash called a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” that doesn’t allow names or crimes to be named, cannot subpoena evidence, and absolves the churches for their murder of more than 50,000 residential school children. Our excavations at the Mush Hole are a direct challenge to this cover up, and to the entire colonial regime called Canada. “This is another way, and a major way, that we’re declaring our sovereignty and nationhood”, explained Mohawk Wolf Clan elder Bill Squire, who helped authorize the dig. “We can’t have the cops or the courts come in here and call this a crime site, when they’re the ones who caused this. We are establishing Mohawk jurisdiction over this investigation and we won’t let the police in here. We are going to put Canada on trial for their murder of our children.”

This isn’t idle talk. For years, Squire’s people - the Grand River Mohawks - have waged battles to preserve their dwindling land base, and they’ve stopped construction on their land by mobilizing hundreds of their people in big protests. The same unity is visible around the Mush Hole excavations this week, as many different factions of the Mohawks - the Men’s Fire group, clan mothers, the traditional elders, and even government-funded band council chiefs - have all showed up to pledge their support for our inquiry. News of this historic action has spread across the world media this week, but not surprisingly it’s been completely blacked out in the Canadian press, despite a massive media blitz by the Mohawks. And yet regardless of cover-up or indifference within Canada, the results of the digs and surveys in Brantford will be part of the deliberations of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), convened in Brussels last month to consider bringing charges of genocide against Canada and the Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada, all of whom ran Indian residential schools. For all of the unity among the Mohawks here, their efforts are facing a looming shut down and repression from the Canadian state and its churches. Already, undercover operatives have been unmasked in the ranks of the Mohawks, and there’s talk that the RCMP or Ontario Provincial Police will shut down the excavations. “We need every Canadian and every indigenous nation to help us now” said Bill Squire yesterday in a radio interview. “We need you here to make a stand with us, and we need public statements of support. But most important, we need you to do these kinds of digs on your own territories. Start to bring your own residential school children home for a proper burial, ‘cause nobody else will do it for you.” The digs at the Mush Hole have just begun, and will span many months. But for the survivors of torture and genocide there, the dig is a ray of hope, and a chance for justice. “I been waiting my whole life for this” says Geronimo Henry, who was imprisoned in the Brantford school during the 1940’s. “I suffered in there for eleven years and I got a say in this, and I say it’s time we bring these kids home for a proper burial. Their spirits have been wandering too long. And the people who caused it have gotten away with murder for too long.”

`Due to austerity measures, we are burying children two to a grave` -Letter from Reverend J. Zimmerman. Principal of the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford. Feb 2, 1946. to Former Residential Principal Gordon Snell. Contiued from previous page been physically worked over on at least three occasions. Out come the old garbage arguments – how Reverend Annett has been making a fortune off the troubles of native people, how he speaks for no one in the native community. (The fact that Kevin Annett chose to devote his life to a truth that got him kicked out of the hallowed halls of the United Church because he wouldn’t shut up seems to escape this line of reasoning. Or that he has existed for most of those two decades at or below the poverty level, while more than one Mercedes-driven band council Chief has tried to have similar button men get to him.) Who will prevail? The Mohawk people, and other nations across Canada now beginning to explore 28 proven mass grave sites? Or the PMO, the Federal Government, the tax-free monoliths pretending to be holy institutions,

aided and abetted by the RCMP? I wonder. I tell you one thing, government payroll Indians, outreaching fellowship boys and you elected jerks who call all the shots: I’m 83, and I have damn-all to lose. Lay a finger on my son, Reverend Kevin Annett, and I’ll come up there and get into this dust-up myself. I’m a certified combat rifleman, and I’ve checked out on everything from .45 automatics to rifle grenades. _________________________________ Bill Annett entered Canada illegally at the age of three as part of a witness protection program. (His father knew people in New Jersey.) Raised in the dustbowl during the Thirties, at 18 he got even by making the anthology “Canadian Short Stories,” before it was edited by

Margaret Atwood (Fortunately). He never went straight after that, although sporadically he has sought employment as a jug hustler for both a seismograph crew and a bootlegger, a cook in a lumber camp, a logger in a cooking academy, a cab driver, a stock broker, a supermarket bagger, a financial columnist and a part time piano player in a Baton Rouge bordello. His rap sheet lists five books, including a corporate puff piece, a page-turner on the Prince Rupert salmon run, a treatise on Inuit cuisine, a tell-all about Bay Street and a novel that has been banned from the Campfire Girls’ reading list. He admits to undergrad study at Manitoba, N.Y.U. and the Wharton School, and he failed creative writing at UBC. Under cover of the millenium computer glitch, he hid out as a displaced person living somewhere in Florida. He acknowledges no paternity save for that of Kevin Annett, and that as no contest and without prejudice.

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They Want Us Dead Red Level Alert W

hile we are all focusing on the coming financial collapse, as bad as that is something much more sinister is in the works. It’s very subtle if you are not paying attention. But, to the aware, it’s blatant, insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany. There is a small group of the world’s banking elite who have worked for a few hundred years with ingenious precision and unlimited money, to corral, coerce, and conquer every country of value on earth. For people who are normal and not rabidly greedy, it’s hard to fathom the idea of anyone trying to get control of the whole world, and taking a chunk of every measure of value traded between its people. What’s even harder to grasp is that they will stop at nothing to do it. And I mean nothing! Look around you! Look at the millions of people slaughtered in just the last 10 years. Their leaders may have resisted the Cabal, but many if not all of those dead people were innocents. We have actually become numb to the idea of genocide, even when it’s right under our nose!!! And we are sadly mistaken if we think we are somehow immune to the wrath of the most evil people on earth. They want us dead! They would love nothing better than to use our own military against us by goading us into revolting. They have really upped the ante lately too. Swat teaming everyday Americans on a regular basis and making sure it’s in the news, and in our face. If we finally snap, then they will have their pretext to kill us off en mass. They love the cover of war for murdering millions. Don’t you think that our trick CIA could have found and destroyed Hussain or Gaddafi without dropping a single bomb? Smedley Butler was right, war is a racket. But I get the distinct feeling that it’s just not quite as much fun for this group of psychopaths if there’s not total Mad Max destruction. If after pondering and researching these facts and events, you come to any other conclusion; you are in need of a serious wake up call. The Powers That Be (TPTB) have even carved in stone their desire to eliminate 80% plus of the population of the world. They need a much smaller herd if they are going to be able to steer and control everyone for a One World Government, under their control. A theme emerges when you look at the big picture. They find the things that we all need to survive or use, then put their agenda in motion. If you still want to believe your government loves you, let me count for you the ways they don’t.

1. ASPARTAME (renamed AMINO SWEET or NEOTAME to thwart growing awareness)


amed commercially Equal/Sweet ‘n Low, aspartame has now found its way into 5000-6000

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Artwork by David Dees food products. This artificial sweetener was denied approval three times. That is, until Mr. Donald Rumsfeld was hired as the new president of the Searl Co. The company has since been sold to Monsanto. This chemical literally turns into wood alcohol in your body, bypassing the blood brain barrier. Tests show it causes brain tumors and cancer, reduces fertility, can be addictive, and cause many other serious health problems. The incidence of brain tumors and cancer has risen dramatically since it was introduced. The test monkeys were trying to tell us something. A quick read on how they make it and you’ll realize why it’s so toxic. Instead of a “WARNING” on food labels, most products just say ‘sugar free’.


Organically grown crops are being contaminated by wind and cross pollination, and farmers are being sued for ‘stealing’ Monsanto’s property. If they can’t afford to fight the monster company, they are losing their farms and lifetime investments. Monsanto hires private thugs to secretly inspect organic farms in order to accomplish these take downs. The predatory Big Ag companies have declared war on smaller farmers and us. Scientists believe that once the distorted DNA of these plants go into our bodies, that our own DNA is invaded and that our intestines can literally become pesticide factories. Monsanto has put up vicious attacks on scientists who try to warn about GMO dangers. Recently the USDA ignored an urgent letter from a Purdue scientist about a newly discovered pathogen in GMOs, pleading with them not to approve Monsanto’s new GM alfalfa. The USDA has even defied an appeals court order not to approve it until an environmental impact study was conducted, but they approved it anyway. What ever happened to the truth that “you can’t fool mother nature”? If GMO’s are not stopped now, indigenous seeds, organic foods, age old farming methods, clean and normal healthy foods will be destroyed forever. Since Monsanto lobbied against their ‘Franken Foods’ being labeled, and won, we have become the de facto ‘environmental impact study’. There are already red warning lights flashing, but hell, who cares? Full steam ahead!



ince these crops are patented; no one really knows exactly what types of genes are spliced into their DNA. They call them terminator seeds, meaning they do not produce seeds for future planting and must be purchased by farmers every year. The original theory was to blend Monsanto’s herbicide Round-Up into the gene of the plant so the crops could be sprayed with Monsanto’s Round-up without killing the plant. Way back in the 1980′s president G.H.W. Bush declared that if Genetically Modified crops looked like regular foods, then they were foods, and the government would not spend federal money on testing or researching their safety or efficacy. It has since been a battle royal for independent scientists to show that these foods are indeed questionable as to their safety for human or animal consumption. Obvious evidence from around the world shows that farm animals, as well as mice and hamsters in laboratory tests, have a high incidence of death and deformity in second and third generation offspring, spontaneous abortion and sterility. These plants have infiltrated growing fields around the world and their derivatives are in nearly all our foods. Problems are arising in spite of the hyped ‘improved crop yield’. Complete fields are collapsing, new ‘super weeds’ are growing, and the over spraying of pesticides and Round-up are destroying the biology of growing soil. GMO crops were never tested over the long haul, and now the very worm the farmers wanted to avoid are developing a resistance to the GM corn. Monsanto’s answer? Plant up to 20% of the fields with NON-GMO to lure the worms over there! And, now they’ll try splicing two kinds of pesticides into the corn seed. Last summer Monsanto had to pay GMO farmers to use their competitor’s herbicide, since Round-up was not working anymore.


uring the Gulf Oil Disaster, BP defied the EPA’s ‘order’ not to apply this highly toxic deadly poison into the sea water. A ‘no fly zone’ was, and still is in force, so the public will not see that the spraying continues to this day. There has been a news black out imposed on scientists, researchers, doctors who are trying to diagnose and treat the many illnesses that the Gulf residents are sick and dying from. Plants and humans are being affected far, far inland, but no one knows the extent of the damage. The Corexit has produced new and deadly bacteria, one is known as Blue Plague, but that’s where the story dead ends. Has anyone heard the numbers of the premature deaths on the Gulf Coast, compared with the normal death rates? No, I didn’t think so. Somehow the news did leak out though, that the ‘spill’ has blown open and is gushing oil again, although it’s questionable that it ever stopped. Gee, if oil drilling expert Matt Simmons was still here, maybe we could find out. He gave very good reports on TV. He died alone in his hot tub one night from what they said was a ‘heart attack’. I sure miss him.


sold. Sometimes I think they need to float a trial balloon just to see how many people are still buying their scary propaganda, inflamed and enabled by the corporate owned mainstream media. Pharmaceutical companies, with the governments’ help, have already accomplished blackmailing parents into shooting up their children with a plethora of vaccines if they want to send them to school. The Powers That Be are hell bent on finding some way to force their poisons into all of us. Keep in mind that whatever the TV is trying to sell you, whatever story they go hyperbolic over, it means one of 2 things. It is either to promote TPTB’s agenda, or to divert your attention away from TPTB’s agenda. And when they omit news that’s important to your life, it’s so you don’t think there’s an agenda at all.

it actually causes brain damage, or makes your teeth mottled and discolored, or corrodes your bones, we’ll just put that skull and crossbones on the 55 gallon drums to warn people. But they’ll still think it’s good for them because we said so, right? Then we’ll pay the dentists to agree. Gee, another thing a whole lot of people need, water! Now, one of President Obama’s czars suggests adding in lithium to keep people calm, along with the other pharmaceuticals that have been found in our water supplies. No matter what we learn after the fact about what’s been done wrong, it just continues on anyway, doesn’t it? Why is that?




oes it seem to you that every day some new vaccine pops up that we must have? Shingles? HPV? In my 33 years of working with the public on an intimate level, I’ve never known anyone who died of cervical cancer. Hmmm. Each year they guess which flu bug might come around, and we’re all supposed to line up. A couple years ago they said ‘oops, we were wrong, come in for another stab’ of a different brew. Two winters ago they said we were all going to die a quick horrible death if we didn’t get the ‘human, pig, bird’ flu shot. I didn’t even see anyone sick, let alone die, did you? Many got sick and died from the vaccine though. Is it any wonder the drug companies paid off congress some years ago to exempt them from any damage liability for their vaccines? We’ve all heard the horror stories about what these shots can do to people. Squalene, mercury, and lord knows what else is in these formulas, or how they are cultured. Since we aren’t told, I’m not allowed to repeat rumors here. I did read last year that 83% of the people in California who ‘contracted’ whooping cough had been vaccinated for it though. Hmmm Unfortunately, the government has admitted that ‘some’ vaccines had cancers cells in them, that they infected thousands of children in other countries with polio, and conducted illegal experiments on people with syphilis bacteria in Alabama and Guatemala. What a good way to hurt a lot of people at once; figure out what a whole lot of people think they need or want, then shoot it straight into their veins. But just as people are finally wising up to the dangers of vaccines, Big Pharma pushes harder and harder for vaccines to be mandatory for when they decide to create another fake pandemic or illness.




think the number of deaths caused by prescription drugs each year is up to 200,000 if I’m not mistaken. And that’s not even the mistakes. That’s the number for properly prescribed meds! The drug companies trump up a crisis, like cholesterol numbers that are too high, restless legs, hyperactive kids, whatever, just when they are ready to release their shiny new pill for exactly that problem. They lie and fudge in their testing, hide the flaws in the results, push for fast track approval, and wala! Billions more pour into their coffers, while people start keeling over in droves. By the time the FDA decides to even ‘study’ the issue, thousands have died. Don’t you just love being the real test subjects for them? And you didn’t even get paid to be in a clinical trial! Even if the hungry lawyers get the class action suits going, the award damages are far, far smaller than what the company has already raked in. Oh well, there’s always ‘collateral damage’ with these things, you know? Haven’t I heard those words somewhere before, like when the government is making excuses for killing ‘innocent civilians’ during war?


ave you noticed all those pretty streams planes make in the sky over your head? I have. They can turn a clear Arizona deep blue sky cloudy, in just about an hour. Sometimes they make puff clouds that have streamers draping off of them. Cool! But maybe in a short time, you find you can’t breath so well, or you find these cobweb like things on your plants, or it can look like it’s snowing when it’s 100 degrees! More cool! But it’s a different story when you read about the testing of what’s been collected in air samples, or in people’s blood and saliva. Micro particles of aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, zinc, and too many to list other heavy metals, along with strange bacteria and fibers. Have you ever heard of Morgellon’s disease? It’s where people develop moving fibers under their skin. It’s one of the most horrible, unimaginable, creepy and disgusting skin ailments I’ve ever seen. Look it up. Dr. Clifford Carnicom has been researching aerosol spraying, otherwise known as chemtrails, for over 12 years and has discovered the Morgellons fibers in the fallen debris and in the saliva of 99% of the people he’s tested. What do you know? One more thing we all like, breathing the air! By the way, it’s not legal for the government to experiment on us without our permission, “UNLESS it’s for medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial purposes, or for research in general, or for protection against, or for law enforcement purposes, including riot control”. (Section 1520a Chapter 32 of U.S. Code Title 50). No wonder our ‘representatives’ scurry like rats when approached about this subject! They must have their own special air to breathe.

9. FDA


n investigation into the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proclamation that the world was in a bonafide pandemic (after changing the criteria for that level 6 classification), it was discovered that there were unscrupulous and conflict of interest ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Wow! What a surprise! And yes, what was the payoff going to be? Billions of flu shots



his is a little trick they stole from the Hitler playbook. It’s just so expensive to dispose of the waste from aluminum manufacturing, hmmm, what could we drum up as a good use for it? Never mind that

ow many words are the limit for regular articles? Some doctors have been known to call this the Federal Death Agency. There are countless detrimental to life additives, fillers, chemicals, artificial extenders, dyes, poison in plastic food containers, and even radiation that are just fine with the FDA for us to eat. But don’t you dare consume organic raw milk! Oh no no no. They just won’t have any of that! Contiued on page 14

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apan has always held a powerful attraction for me: from the martial aspect of its history to their exotic and tasty cuisine. Ever since I was a little boy part of me has longed to visit and absorb some of their beautiful culture for myself. Perhaps this is why love has lead me to where my heart has grown so much closer to this country that I have yet to see with my own eyes. My fiancé is Japanese. She is there even as I write this visiting her family in the ‘land of the rising sun’, now become the land of rising radiation levels. For me Fukushima brings up a sense of devastation and uncertainty to say the least. As someone dear to me is currently living there, not to mention my many new Japanese friends both in Japan and abroad, I have deep feelings about their plight that run between the anger towards a government seemingly locked on an insane genocide, to admiration for the heroic actions of the many Japanese people waking up to the necessity they face at having to take the situation into their own hands in order to save their very lives. The home where I currently live also houses a daycare, and as I look out the window today writing this and watching the kids play I wonder about the future of Japanese children, the ones most vulnerable to the radiation…and the challenges young Japanese families, my own soon to be included, now face. The nuclear catastrophe of Fukushima with the lack of truthful ‘official’ news, or any real government effort to protect its people, best exemplifies why I moved from Victoria in acceptance of my new role as General Manager of ‘The New Agora’. I fervently wish to help in any way I can to increase consciousness of this our global community. To aid however I can my beloved fiancée….all of Japan…and the rest of the world. A tall order to be sure, but I believe it’s our destiny to become the super heroes we most definitely need to save the day right now. Helping love our world, sharing our best, creating the change we all know this place is literally dying for, inside and everywhere else on this beautiful planet that has literally given us everything we have. With that I am proud to offer you my first official story as the general manager of ‘The New Agora’. Following is an interview with a group in Japan called simply: Angels. They have been working to rescue abused and abandoned animals in Japan for many years now. Their efforts have taken on heroic proportions not allowing government, fears or radiation stop them from their chosen task, following their hearts, right into the exclusion zone of Fukushima….where it seems they are now needed most. Through Abe Motome’s patient interpretation, I conducted a long distance interview with Mr. Toshihiko Hayashisi, one of the founding members of Angels.

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TH: We chose the name Angels because that’s what they are, the animals we rescue…ANGELS. As they ease and heal our hearts. LM: What’s it been like working in the radioactive exclusion zones in Japan? TH: In the beginning we had no protective suits whatsoever. We worked in raincoats, rain boots and medical masks. We barely had any knowledge on radiation so we asked our younger volunteers to stay behind and us older ones went to the afflicted areas to rescue the

Lorenzo Malowne (LM): As a bit of background for our readers can you please tell me why you started the Angels and a bit about what you do? Toshihiko Hayashisi (TH): It’s been my experience that many animals, especially dogs and cats, are abandoned by those who chose to look after them for many selfish reasons. Often it’s because there are costly medical expenses involved, they’ve simply gotten too old, or simply put, they’re not as cute as they were when little. We believe, as humans, it is our responsibility to rescue them and help them trust in humans once again so they can complete their lives with love and happiness. We cannot save them all but we hope to save as many as possible. Our official mission as ‘ANGELS’ is to see that there is “no disposal of animals in public health centers”. No animals should be “disposed” of, regardless of our so-called laws. Each of us needs to develop an awareness of how important it is to save these “small lives”. LM: How did you settle on the name Angels?



by Lorenzo Malowane

animals. Personally, I was prepared to be exposed to radiation. I believe the government’s response on setting restricted zones was too slow and they are not very cooperative with nongovernment (private) organizations. It was pretty clear that they have acted on their measures too slowly. LM: Are you concerned about your health, the obvious radiation implications, and what protective measures are you taking?


TH: I cannot say I was not concerned to operate in the polluted areas but rescue was my top priority so worries came second. There were times it felt like I was suffocating with protective suit and mask on (because I was not used to them) which limited my operations. But we did eventually have a radiation measuring instrument with us during our search operations to give us more awareness of where not to stay too long. The saddest moment for me was finding a golden retriever hanging dead from a balcony. The owner probably let him go but with a leash on and it must have gotten tangled in the balcony bars as he fell through trying to escape. How I wished the owner let him go without the leash on!!! LM: Please feel free to share anything you wish in relation to the Angels: Questions, requests or comments for our readers.

LM: What sort of feedback have you had from the Japanese people and has there been any



pictures courtesy of Angels

response or help from government or other ‘official’ agencies? TH: We have received a lot of support from individual both locally and nationwide. As for the government, although we did ask local authorities for their assistance, there has not been much of anything, interference or help. LM: What happens to the rescued animals?

important. Volunteers at our shelter help us clean the cages, feed, and walk the dogs. This is everyday work. Their support is very precious to us and we are very grateful. We shelter them for indefinite period until the owners are ready to take them back. If the owners have passed away because of the disaster we find them a new home. LM: Please tell us about one of you more interesting ‘missions’, adventures. TH: Our most memorable rescue according to the staffs (volunteers) is the one of “Lala” (Chihuahua) and “Heart” (Shiba). (Those names are given by ANGELS). This rescue was within the 20kmrestricted area in FUKUSHIMA. They hid under the car trying to avoid the rescue team (6 members). They were probably scared of the white protective suits and goggles. Lala was trying to protect Heart. A very Small dog with such a big heart! They’re still in our shelter and doing well, much better than when they first came. Their owners are still unknown. There is a video of their rescue is on YouTube if your readers want to see us in action.

TH: I think now the whole world is paying attention to this “unprecedented” triple disaster which occurred in our country, but can happen to anyone anywhere, even to you in your country. I want you to focus on this reality and do not think of this as “fire on the other side of the river” (An old Japanese saying meaning somebody else’s problem). Japan is one of the leading countries in terms of economy but is way behind in terms of animal rights. In our country, animals are rescued ONLY after human rescue is completed (never concurrently). This has always been the case in the past disasters. We believe that pressure from outside will change the country’s attitude towards animal rights. The only organization which cooperated with us in rescuing animals in the afflicted areas is the Human Society International (a foreign organization). They were pleased with our operation, saying that we are the first animal rescue team they met in Japan that actually acted to help the animals. We are grateful they have offered to continue supporting us in our future operations. Here are some links to connected stories if you wish to see more of these lovely Angels in Action and other related organizations. • • • • • h t t p : / / z a s s h i . n e w s . y a h o o . c o . j p / article?a=2011040300000303-alterna-soci • h t t p : / / w w w . a l t e r n a . • And if you’d like to help in any way…you may contact the angels through their website. http://saveloveanimals.

TH: Well that can be the biggest challenge as rescue operations can be done in one day but aftercare and rearing is much more

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Contiued from page 11 If you report adverse effects from one of their approved elements, you may not hear back from them for years. You won’t even be noticed if you’re already a statistic! It just depends on what made you sick. If it was something a huge corporation makes, forget it. If you got sick from a peach you bought at a local roadside stand, or some lemonade from your neighbors little girls stand down the street, well its curtains for them. They’ll get 10+ years in the slammer. Just beware while you’re shopping at your favorite organic fresh food grocer. Those black Suburban cars, swat team ninja cops, and big AK-47 rifles can be quite startling. Oh, I forgot about all the toxic chemicals that are allowed to go into our skin and hair products too. Boys and girls, don’t forget to use your (cancer causing) sunscreen now. Remember to be careful in that bad sun! P.S. Watch out for domestic home grown terrorists like John McCain and Dick Durbin, they’ve been trying to outlaw your vitamin and mineral diet supplements, and they just won’t quit.

The USDA is an enemy of the country. The FDA is an enemy of people. The SEC is an enemy of investors. The EPA is an enemy of the earth. I could go on if you like. Nothing is logical. Nothing makes sense. What’s love got to do with it? Nothing. TPTB are brutal, evil, and diabolical. They delight in death and destruction, and enjoy watching us suffer.


hormones and anti-biotics to counteract e.coli and staff bacteria; severely depleted in nutrients and minerals, and shipped in from all over the world with scant oversight. Yet they want to deny us the only means we have to counteract the industrialization and over processing of our foods. The deal is to keep us very sick, slowly dying, and drain our purses dry, before we die. Speaking of dying, how many people are killed by vitamins each year? None, or one? From the way the FDA is reacting, and Sen. Durbin’s new bill, you might think there was a holocaust in progress. Well, there is….. But it’s not caused by vitamins!!


10. EPA



atural gas fracking (flaming tap water). 5 year Naval war exercises on all US coasts with every horrible kind of toxin, bomb, or chemical warfare germ you can think of. They even admit this endeavor will “take” (read ‘kill’) up to 11 million sea mammals. Nuclear leakage and fallout. Every imaginable chemical, pesticide, and herbicide. Chemtrails. Oil spills and gushers. Aerosol spraying of deadly toxins on oceans. Ocean trash dumping by corporations. Neglected toxic Superfund sites. Overflowing spent nuclear fuel pools all over the country. Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). Let’s see. What am I forgetting? It doesn’t matter. Anything is OK by the EPA apparently.

hat is Fukushima? I think I’ve heard of that somewhere before. Was that the name of a country somewhere near Japan or something? Oh that’s right, there was a tsunami, and I think I heard something about a nuclear power plant. Boy, that CNN just jumps from one story to the next. Things are moving so fast these days it’s hard to keep up. But I think somebody from England said something about not going out in the rain, or eating green leafy vegetables. But everything must be OK now, because I haven’t heard any more about it. Nothing is more despicable than to have our government order a news black-out about what is very possibly a life extinction event of mass proportion.


11. USDA



et me give you a clue. All these alphabet soup agencies are head fakes. They were put in place by TPTB to make us think the government was protecting us and our country. And maybe for awhile, to get us believing in them, they were. But folks, the worm has turned. Look out. They are all there to enable the move to consolidate the elites’ plan for total control over our lives! Here’s a line from a recent article: ‘The USDA lied to farmers and ranchers about federal drought insurance. The government has refused to pay up during the worst drought in US history’. More farmers down the drain.

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he Pharmaceutical companies have a jealousy problem. They don’t like all the money you’ve been spending on vitamins to stay healthy. It’s just driving them crazy. So they got our government to sign onto some UN treaty called Codex Alimentarius. This multi country UN gig wants to judge just how little nutrition you actually need in your vitamin pills, something like what wouldn’t be enough for your pet fly. Then they want to give the rights to BigPharma to make the pills, with only slightly more milligrams at one thousand times the cost. What the heck took them so long? And to make it even better, you’ll have to go to your doctor (IF you can find one after ObamaCare kicks in) for a prescription for your vitamin A, B, C, D, Etc. So now, we won’t have to worry at all about maintaining good health, because our loving government will do it all for us, right? So, when all the diseases that are caused by nutritional deficiencies return, all the pharmaceutical companies will be lined up waiting to fix us. Are you getting the picture yet? Foods that are loaded up with chemicals, pesticides and herbicides,


etter known as ‘The End of Small Farms and Don’t Bother Looking For Roadside Fruit and Vegetable Stands Act’. Those small time farmers are going to be too busy complying with new draconian paperwork and regulations to worry about the safety of their organic crops. While they are busy paying the piper, the crops will die of neglect anyway. But don’t get all huffy and think you’ll just grow some food of your own. The Garden Police will show up with their AK-47s, and God knows what will happen if you don’t have your permit! And don’t even think about sharing your extra tomatoes with the neighbor. That is against the law now. They’ll work best thrown onto the compost pile for next years planting. Our loyal representatives twisted themselves into pretzels to get this bill passed. The lame duck congress even worked till the wee hours of the morning so no one would see what they were doing on the last day they were in office. Many who may have voted ‘no’ had gone home to bed. They got about 6 million letters, calls, and e-mails from the suckers who voted for them, begging them not to pass this dangerous bill! But they just couldn’t resist giving us a parting gift, because they couldn’t resist the parting gifts they got for passing this disgusting bill. In case you haven’t picked up on it, every new bill in this Orwellian world we live in, has a name the exact opposite of what its underlying purpose is.



ritten by the insurance companies, it will be the perfect covert plan to eliminate all the ‘useless eaters’ and save the government from paying all of us pesky Baby Boomers our social security. It won’t be hard, since while they are adding 30 million people into the system, 60% of the doctors we have now will be long gone. They want nothing to do with it. Everyone knows that the medical system is in melt down as we speak anyway. One of my favorite parts of this travesty is the rule that if you are ‘not up to date on your vaccines’, you won’t get care. It’s such a fabulous law that the scum who voted for it made themselves and their staff exempt from it! Make your doctor appointments now! It may be a few years wait. Ask him if he makes house calls to jails, since that’s where you’ll be if you can’t afford ObamaCare. By the way…. when your doctor (if he hasn’t left the country) asks, by law, if you have any firearms in your home, tell him ‘absolutely not’! Then ask him why he wants to know.

freak maniacs, who have gutted our country and our lives, are ever held accountable and banished from this world? I’d appreciate it. Thank You!





cientists say the technology certainly exists. I’m sure the ruling Cabal has unlimited funds to invest in it, and the Navy says they’ll own the weather by 2025. We keep having rare, deadly, ‘once every 100 years’ droughts, floods, earthquakes, temperatures, and snowfalls, so I’m really suspicious about this. I think they own the weather now! It seems to add up to broke farmers, food shortages and sky high prices. Our government signed on to a UN treaty that prohibits all countries from using weather weapons. So, our leaders promptly privatized the U.S. weather bureau, and created numerous front companies that carry out their plans for them anyway. It’s similar to hiring that company Blackwater in Iraq. They did such a good job for the U.S. in Iraq, and they’re so proud that they changed their name to XE, as if that makes them seem any less dark.



forget. How many people died during the 1930s depression? One of the most telling discoveries were the thousands of coffins piled up that Jessi Ventura showed on one of his TruTV shows. That show was never aired again, and was removed altogether from the TruTV website and the internet. Are the coffins for the masses of people who will starve during the new great depression? Why did the government order them? If they are there in case of a big natural disaster, wouldn’t the government just say so? Instead they removed the evidence from view. In detective terms, they call that consciousness of guilt. Will someone please wake me up after I’m dead, and let me know if any of the psychopathic, demonic, control

s if electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) from cell phones, cell towers, microwave ovens, HD TVs, wi-fi signals, medical CT scans, X-rays, and airport scanners, aren’t enough to fry us, we now get to have the new and improved electrical grid along with the deadly ‘smart meters’ that go with them. Here’s another gift from TPTB money grabbers who have nothing but their own agenda in mind. Even all the corporations who are going to be bidding for a piece of the action dare not bring up the issue of safety. Not a word! This may finally be the wake-up call for all the people who refused to believe their government has anything but their best interests at heart. Once again, our dependence on electricity will be used to hold us hostage, and to make us comply with something that may very well kill us! Not to mention that ‘smart meters’ are a complete invasion of your privacy and a way for Big Brother to keep track of your every move and even control your appliances remotely if they want. Please read up on this subject before they come to your town and alert your neighbors! The meters will be spewing strong pulses of microwave energy all through the environment, your home and everybody in it, then returning the signal to a receiver up to 2 miles away. Even if you didn’t have one, don’t worry, you’ll be treated to all your neighbors signals as well, right through your walls. Your utility’s talking point will be that ‘they are no more dangerous than a cell phone’, or that it only pulses twice a day. Outright lies! Apparently, they haven’t been keeping up on their propaganda scheme. Even the WHO is finally admitting that cell phones do cause cancer tumors! Another case of hiding the health risks for the benefit of big corporations. And, according to Dr. Bill Deagle, who has been testing the smart meter, it’s been putting out 100 times the EMF of a cell phone! I wonder how long it will take to kill people who are unfortunate enough to live in multi-family dwellings, or live with a meter bank containing hundreds of meters a short distance from their home? Don’t think our government knows exactly what they’re doing to us? The military has studied this technology extensively! The meters have not even been approved by UL, and you need a subpoena to get safety rating records from the utility co. How would you like to die? Cooked by microwaves, or fried in a fire? The meters have been catching on fire and may have been the cause of the gas line explosion in San Diego that took 8 lives and 47 homes a few months ago. Federal “investigators” said they were not going to investigate if the meter was the cause “because the meter did not cause the explosion”. They don’t look for things they don’t want to find. The utility commissions and the utility companies are playing extreme hardball with people who do not want to be microwaved in their homes. If you try to ‘opt out’, you

will pay dearly to protect your health, while they are happy to place your life on the black jack table for that first winning hand. Judging by Dr. Deagle’s own testing of his smart meter, it’s obvious that any test results provided by the industry claiming the meters are completely safe are fraudulent! Further, they do admit that there has been no long term testing, but you’ll need a subpoena to see their safety data. So just like cell phones, how can they dare to make any safety claims? “The meters are within the FCC’s guidelines” they say. (Another alphabet agency) I guess cell phones are too, although the radio frequency levels they put out have just been listed as carcinogens. Once again, the people who will get rich off this boondoggle will be sailing away on their yachts, while you lie in a hospital bed dying of cancer. You can bet they won’t have smart meters on their homes! The government has offered bribe money to the states, utilities and the utility commissions (which came from us in the form of ‘stimulus money’) to institute this program. Then we’ll pay for it again ‘to reimburse the utility along with a ‘fair’ profit’, by paying much higher rates. It is NOT mandated by law, but if you refuse them permission to install the meter, they will come back and install it anyway and say you have no choice. Or they’ll threaten to turn your power off! They thought they could pass this one off by saying it will save us money, conserve energy, and save the earth! But people are catching on to this one, and the lawsuits are already under way. (Good luck with that. How many judges do you trust these days?) Act now and get your city to ban them, please! And don’t forget to educate your doctor. He’ll need the info to treat your addled brain and confused bodily systems, if the Cabal gets their way. Every cell in our body has an electrical biology, and unless you aren’t human, you will be damaged. It’s the modern day version of a gas chamber. The chamber this time happens to be your own home, If this isn’t our line in the sand, nothing is.



others, don’t let your babies grow up to be soldiers. If they make it back home, they’ll never be the same. Look up Gulf War Syndrome. They are guinea pigs for every imaginable vaccine, and unwitting victims of America’s own weapon of mass destruction called depleted uranium. You could also become the proud grandparents of a grandchild with 2 heads and 4 legs. It has become very obvious that our government, our military, and our country have been the subjects of a coup ‘d tat. The next time someone says our sons and daughters are defending our freedom, remind them of the black SUVs and swat team raids on the beautiful Amish farmers, or the 630 citizen deaths by cop tasers, or the no warrant, no knock raids on homes of innocent people, or the sexual assault by the airport TSA because people just want to visit their family in another state. I know our young people sign up out of financial desperation and perceived patriotism. Once they sign they are compelled to follow orders, but it is now apparent to the entire world that they are not fighting for our country, but for the agenda of the cabal of elites who want to own it all, including you. The military standing down is our only hope for saving the country. We need them to defend us, right here at home, from the enemies within, and the outside enemies who are fomented by our government’s lies. I hate to say it, but right at this moment, our military is aiding and abetting the enemy to destroy our dreams, our freedoms, and our country. Is there not a single commander who has the guts to loudly and publicly just say NO MORE?!

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Health, Beauty, Style. What’s not to love? Although many do, it’s still hard to live without them for very long. This living world we inhabit embodies beauty itself. Good health is as natural and abundant as the air we breathe is full of energy and possibility. Style…well, that’s where individuality comes in the picture; it’s that special ingredient unique to each one of us. The cultivation of character and joy expressed through style is a particular bloom. The flowering of our beauty as simple as a smile, an open heart, a shared laugh. What marvellous health offered through the elegance of creation! How fortunate to share in this perfection of design, this pageant unending: electric in health, infinite in beauty, omnific in style.

Thoughts On Personal Style by Tierre Taylor


hen we hear the words fashion or style, what comes to mind? How do you personally relate to the clothes that you wear? Do they provide a strictly utilitarian function, or do they represent something more? Everyone has their own way of relating to the way we clothe our bodies and that’s what makes it all so interesting. Upon waking up, as we prepare for the day, one thing we do religiously is choose an outfit to wear. Maybe taking into account the activities in front of us, and then picking something appropriate for the occasion, the weather, and how we are feeling about ourselves in that moment. When we step out the door to greet the world what story are we sharing with the people we pass by? And ultimately, how does this personal presentation make us feel? In this day and age basically you see it all. A full spectrum of ensembles parading through the streets. There are no set rules, except perhaps in the workplace, but off hours a person can wear anything! And I mean anything! This can be both fun and sometimes a little scary. But ultimately the colours we choose, the fabrics, the styles that we put together are a statement about our-

selves even if we aren’t aware of it completely. We can dress to fit in, we can dress to stand out, we can think it’s not important, we can place too much emphasis on appearance, and on and on it goes. I invite you is to take a deeper look at what you feel comfortable in and why. By finding out why we choose what we do, we give ourselves the power to make appropriate adjustments so that more of us can shine through. Plus there is always the added bonus of delighting people with your beautiful self. For myself, how I dress has always been an exciting way to be expressive and to display some creativity. I see the body as a canvas that I get to dress with colour, texture, and shape. I can feel my mood shift as I put on something a little glamourous, or get comfortable in some relaxed-wear. I know we have many beliefs, both personal and societal about clothing, fashion, and style that can overshadow our own personal flare and that takes the emphasis away from simple self exploration. My encouragement for you is to ‘Show your best self! We the People love it!’

Manifesto for Dietary Supplements 1.

2. Dear CHFA: We in the industry have inadvertently been giving our power to Health Canada, by what may be called “the sanction of the victim”. Every time we apply for an NPN, refute any of the NHPD’s decisions, question a particular aspect of a regulation, or ask for special consideration for a particular product, we are playing into Health Canada’s hands. We are delivering to them the message that yes, we agree that Health Canada has the right to regulate our industry. The truth is they do not. The NHP Regulations are ultra vires, and no one is under any legal obligation to obey them. This is a case of the “emperor has no clothes”, if ever there was one. Attached and below is a copy of the “Manifesto for Dietary Supplements” which details the many ways in which Health Canada is operating outside the law. As law abiding citizens it is our right and our duty not to comply with unlawful regulations that are destroying our businesses and depriving consumers of safe alternatives to prescription drugs. What the DSPU is advocating is “peaceful non-compliance”. Please circulate this Manifesto to everyone you feel may be interested in restoring health freedom to Canadians. Yours most sincerely, Robert K. Jefferson Dietary Supplement Protective Union 1 Yonge St. (Ste. 1801), Toronto, ON M5E 1W7 Fax: 416-369-0515

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Millions of Canadians rely on Dietary Supplements to maintain and improve their health, as well as to prevent and help overcome significant health challenges. Dietary Supplements are food extracts/concentrates in convenient tablet, capsule, powder or liquid form. Examples include vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, essential fatty acids, glandulars, and herbs/spices. Dietary Supplements are foods. A food is a food, regardless of the form in which it is consumed, and regardless of the purpose for which it is consumed. Dietary Supplements are safe. Not one has ever died from consuming Dietary Supplements, nor has there ever been a single case of permanent harm caused by these innocuous substances. Dietary Supplements are safer than everyday foods. People die from food poisoning or from anaphylactic shock from eating peanuts. Zero fatalities caused by Dietary Supplements. Under the guise of keeping the public safe, Health Canada has unlawfully restricted over 40,000 safe Dietary Supplements from the market. Aided by the RCMP with guns drawn, Health Canada has raided suppliers of safe Dietary Supplements. These raids violate the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, have destroyed businesses and livelihoods, and have deprived consumers of the benefits of products that were unlawfully seized. Health Canada has lost court cases over its heavy handed regulation of Dietary Supple-






14. 15.

ments and yet continues to over-regulate the industry in spite of these court rulings. The Constitution Act, 1867 gives the federal government policing powers over crime but not over products, as such. This Act makes also makes health the exclusive domain of the provinces. Thus, the regulation of Dietary Supplements by Health Canada is unlawful. The Food and Drugs Act empowers Health Canada to take police action only against products that are either adulterated or fraudulently promoted. Health Canada has zero jurisdiction over Dietary Supplements, as such. None of the Natural Health Product Regulations have ever been sanctioned by Parliament. These regulations are merely bureaucratic dictates that are ultra vires, beyond the law. Thus, the licensing of Dietary Supplements is unlawful. By restricting some products and label claims for others, Health Canada attempts to limit the purposes for which Dietary Supplements may be used. Such restrictions are in violation of The Constitution Act, 1867. Health Canada does not have a licence to practise medicine. Health Canada restricts true health claims of which it does not approve. This is an act of censorship, in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Health Canada is a rogue bureaucracy that holds itself above the law and is answerable to no one. We are law-abiding citizens who choose not to comply with the unlawful licensing of Dietary Supplements, nor with any other unlawful directives from Health Canada.

Butter Up with African Fair Trade by Glennis Taylor BSc


id you know there is a popular healing skin care product that contains natural latex? Many of you are probably using it already as a moisturizer, skin protector and as healing support for many skin conditions. While you ponder this question, let me tell you a little about myself. Born an inquisitive scientist whose first words were “why?” and “what for?”, I have always loved to discover. As time passed, this desire to understand translated into a Science Degree in Biology. My strongly scientific nature has gradually, over time, been draped in a soft, more mystical garb that blows in the wind playing with my need to know all the answers. As the tempered scientist, I now live on Vancouver Island, managing a lively health food store in Victoria. Outside of work, my love of nature leads me to spend many precious moments behind my camera, attempting to capture in digital form the spirits of plants and flowers that lend colour and fragrance to our world. I live a playful and busy life here in the Flower City. Now, leaving me and returning to the question of natural latex... those of you who came up with shea butter or karite butter are correct. Pure unrefined Shea butter has been used for centuries in West Africa. Here, south of the dry African Savannah, the Shea tree grows indigenously – no where outside of Africa does this tree thrive. This graceful tree produces fruit after about 15 years and it may be as long as 30 years before the first quality crop of plum-like fruit is gathered. Inside the soft fruit is a nut and within the nut, a kernel. From this kernel, Shea butter is produced. One tree produces about

15-20 kg of fresh fruit, yielding about 3 to 4 kg of kernels and one or more kg of unrefined Shea butter. The butter is extracted from the ground kernel using only water. No undesirable chemicals are involved in the process. The yellow, creamy butter, hard at room temperature, melts easily in your hands to be applied as stretch mark prevention, a moisturizer, and to heal skin conditions such as dry irritated skin, eczema, and diaper rash. The healing properties of Shea can, in part, be attributed to its blend of known constituents: Catechins (found in green tea), Allantoin (as in aloe and comfrey), Curcuminoids (found in turmeric) and natural Latex. The latex explains its barrier-like ability to hold moisture in the skin and protect skin from the elements. The blend of all its components, known and unknown, gives Shea butter its edge as a healing salve. I have used Shea butter for years, enjoying its subtle nutty aroma and buttery pliancy. When I use it, I know that my purchase of African Fair Trade Shea butter sends positive ripples across the ocean to the sunny shores of West Africa. The African Fair Trade Society plays an instrumental role in supporting the women of Senegal and Ghana. Employing hundreds of women in rural West Africa, paying fair wages, developing Shea butter markets overseas, African Fair Trade supports socially and environmentally responsible harvesting practices. Ba Cisse, founder of African Fair Trade, is a warm caring man who strives to make a difference. He recognized that the women in the fields were unable to secure off shore markets for their remarkable products. After many

months of direct communication with rural African communities, African Fair Trade introduced Shea butter to Canada in 2005. Ba Cisse, his wife, some helpers and volunteers work tirelessly to spread the word “Shea”. With growing success in BC and Alberta, this organization has been able to help fund schools in villages, provide medicine for malaria and support local health clinics for rural Africans. A new school lunch program has been launched to keep students at school for the afternoon. It is common for students to go home at lunch and not return for afternoon classes. The quality of life for these families has been elevated in such a positive way. I honour African Fair Trade and other similar endeavours for their contributions to our planetary welfare. It is good to see more companies creating opportunities for the aware and conscious marketplace. So, as my face and body thank me for my daily Shea butter application, it is rewarding to know that, in some small way, I am helping so many people half way around the world. Why not join me and butter up! Toshea! _________________________________ You will be able to visit Ba Cisse from African Fair Trade, the peeps from The New Agora, and also explore many other interesting new products and healthy services at this years, Vancouver Health Show, Oct. 29th and 30th, The Vancouver Convention Center.

3 Reasons to Reconsider Flu Shots


by Anthony Gucciardi

lu shots are becoming the most widely recommended vaccine on the planet, with The Federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) changing their flu shot recommendation from children between 6 months and 5 years old demographic to virtually everyone except those between the ages of 19-49 who are in perfectly good health. Even within this category there is a barrage of organizations warning against avoiding the ubiquitous flu shot. The fact of the matter is that seasonal flu shots are simply not backed by reputable science, and a number of major studies have even shown that the seasonal flu shot is not effective at all in preventing the flu. Adding fuel to the fire, this ineffective shot comes with pages of nasty side effects that will certainly make you reconsider getting one this year. Here are 3 major reasons you, your family, and the medical establishment should reconsider flu shots as effective flu prevention tools: 1. Seasonal flu vaccines have been found to only be 1% effective A new major study has numerically determined the effectiveness of the flu shot to be 1%. This means that despite the H1N1-loaded flu jab, there is still a 99% chance that you will not be protected against the flu. The reason for this, despite the faulty science behind the development of the vaccine, has to do with flu strains. It is extremely challenging, to the point of guessing, which flu strain will affect your area. With such a wide selection, it is very rare (about 1%, according to the study), for it to be the correct strain. The researchers from the study stated: “The corresponding figures [of people showing influenza symptoms] for poor vaccine matching were 2% and 1% (RD 1, 95% CI 0% to 3%)” announced the study authors. In other words, you would have to vaccinate 100 people to reduce the number of people affected by the influenza virus by just one. The findings do not stop there. The researchers also highlighted other findings about the flu vaccine, which topple the mainstream concept of their safety and effectiveness: “Vaccination had…no effect on hospital admissions or

complication rates.” “Vaccine use did not affect the number of people hospitalized or working days lost.” “The analysis howed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions…” “There is no evidence that [influenza vaccines] affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.” — Meaning vaccines do not affect transmission of disease, what they are designed for. “In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms.”

2. Flu shots have been linked to killer nerve disease Even government health officials have confirmed the link between the H1N1-containing flu shot and the killer nerve disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome. A government agency known as The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued a warning over the connection following the phony swine flu pandemic. The news came after mainstream media reported

on the fact that even 50% of doctors were refusing the H1N1 vaccine over health concerns. Neurologists around the world were even warned about the safety of the vaccine by Professor Elizabeth Miller, head of the immunization department for UK’s Health Protection Agency. The vaccines used to combat an expected swine influenza pandemic in 1976 were shown to be associated with GBS and were withdrawn from use,” she wrote in a letter to neurologists. 3. Vitamin D is over 800% more effective with no side effects A major clinical trial performed at the Division of Molecular Epidemiology in the the Department of Pediatrics at the Jikei University School of Medicine Minato-ku in Tokyo found that vitamin D was extremely effective in preventing and reversing influenza. Led by Mitsuyoshi Urashima, the study involved 334 children, half of which were given 1200 IUs per day of vitamin D3. This is actually a very low amount of vitamin D, with many natural health experts recommending around 5,000 IUs per day for most individuals. If the researchers used a higher amount like 5,000 IUs, the findings and subsequent percentage would most likely be even more profound. What the study found was that 31 of 167 children in the placebo group contracted influenza over the 4 month duration of the study, while only 18 of 168 children in the vitamin D group did. This is in comparison to the flu shot being effective in 1 out of 100 participants, with countless side effects. This means that vitamin D is 800% more effective in preventing the flu than vaccines at 1200 IUs daily. The percentage could likely climb into the thousands if the dosage was upped to the recommended 5,000 IUs per day, and perhaps even higher beyond that. There is simply no reason to receive a flu shot when natural alternatives like vitamin D exist. Deadly nerve disease, narcolepsy, and overall ineffectiveness are but a few of the negative aspects of the flu shot. Spread the word about flu shots during Vaccine Information Week, starting October 1st.

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Health Depends on “Good Vibes” By Kevin E. Abrams


he entire universe & every “thing” in creation is comprised of distinct vibrational frequencies - vibrating on its own unique wavelength. AM & FM radio stations, for instance, broadcast on separate frequencies which are then “deciphered” & “attuned” by receivers. Man, is created in the “Image” of God, which is His Divine “Frequency” to which man is more or less “attuned.” Negative emotions like hate, resentment & anger, lower or diminish the resonant frequency of our bodies, which makes us more susceptible to the function & design of a range of pathogenic microbial functions. Shock, sadness, debt & loss, plus a lack of meaning & purpose in life, all cause our body resonant frequency to subside. As therapist & Auschwitz survivor Viktor Frankl explains in Doctor of The Soul & Man’s Search For Meaning, those who best survive adverse circumstances don’t give up hope. They discover a deeper meaning & purpose to their experience. EVERYTHING HAS A FREQUENCY In Nourishment Home Grown, Dr. A.F. Beddoe explains, “Each species of plants and animals functions on a certain frequency (vibration) - like a musical cord.” “Research by Dr. (Carey) Reams using the early oscilloscope revealed that the frequency of each unique specie is what kept that specie in existence because only animals and plants with the same basic frequency pattern were able to naturally reproduce.” Beddoe provides a sliding scale of life-form frequencies beginning with pure elements like nitrogen on the low frequency side, and (healthy) humans on the highest frequency side of the scale, with compounds, bacteria, insects, plants & animals progressively in-between. The Creator sustains all in existence through frequencies, which are encoded in His speech. Beddoe offers a banana as an example. “The banana frequency calculated in the 1930s is .000(15). The number fifteen is written with parenthesis around it to show it holds a single decimal position. It so happens that in the banana example the (15) part of the frequency number comes from the number 1.5 which is 1/2 the actual chromosome number of 3 for a banana. “The three zeros tell us the time, or how quick the atoms vibrate (circulate) throughout the molecules of the plant kingdom.” What occurs in the dis-eaze process is this... When the vibrational frequency of a plant or a human body plateaus with that of insects or pathogenic microbes respectively, then the host becomes subject to their function. Microbes are pleomorphic (many formed) rather than monomorphic (singular in form), thus, a benevolent aerobic (in oxygen) intestinal flora may morph into a pathogenic, i.e., anaerobic (out-ofoxygen fermentative) function if the terrain becomes or is made toxic, acidic &/or dysfunctional. “Indeed, a root cause of all dis-eaze, as captured in the title of a book by Dr. J.H. Tilden, is, TOXEMIA

Laughter is the best medicine because it raises body vibrational frequency, & purges or neutralizes negative frequencies. (of the blood) EXPLAINED. And of course, toxemia of the blood, largely originates in the intestinal tract, digestive process & quality of food, i.e., mineralization & enzymes. Whereas minerals are the building blocks of life, enzymes are the spark(s) of life in all whole, living food. “When defective or damaged, all plants emit a distress or discordant frequency, which is received by an insect’s antennae & deciphered for remedial action. Insects are, in effect, like all molds & rusts nature’s perfect recyclers. They are actually the ever vigilant guardians of our food supply. “Much like flowers attract bees, minerally deficient & vibrationally weak crops attract insects to perform their function, for which they are rewarded in our current system of adversity with death. In the modern denatured & minerally deficient food supply - an affect of

“The most important of all revolutions, a revolution in sentiments, manners and moral opinions. “ -Edmund Burke

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depleted & poorly mineralized soils, human beings actually substitute, or are “substituted” by Corporate Interests FOR insects. Both modern medicine and conventional agriculture, are “allopathic” systems of cause and effect - systems of opposites that wage war against symptoms, while either ignoring or neglecting causes (terrain). As French microbiologist Antoine Beauchamp (correctly) observed, “the microbe is nothing, the (toxic &/or dysfunctional) terrain is everything.” CANCER For those challenged by cancer, you should first know its “purpose,” or its cause. Cancer’s natural purpose & function, is to recycle the body into usable compost. Cancer terms like “tumor,” are interchangeable with those used in “mycology” - the study of molds, rusts, fungi and mushrooms. Mushroom, for instance, can be substituted to describe the relative appearance and function of a “tumor.” Both propagate similarly, and both perform the same function, which is to recycle depleted, abused, damaged &/or defective organic material into usable compost. This is in effect the carbon cycle, which is compromised or dysfunctional in most soils in which chemical fertilizers & pesticides are dispersed. So, if one wishes to know more about the nature and processes of cancer, simply study mycology. Note: It is in knowing the purpose or function of a thing, the remedy also is to be found. All of the foregoing - health & dis-eaze, is tied in directly, & can be measured in frequencies. When a diseazed body frequency whether plant, animal or human, plateau’s with that of the microbial kingdom, it becomes subject to its laws and function. Much to the chagrin of some, our world and universe is founded upon fundamental laws of cause and effect & order. As Dr. Norman Cousins personally experienced in Anatomy of an Illness, watching Marx Brother movies helped him recover from a life-threatening tissue disease. Laughter had become his best medicine because it raised his body vibrational frequency, & purged or neutralized negative frequencies. Discordance of any type whether externally or internally induced, is a downward slope to discord and diseaze. Other pioneers in the field of frequencies are Royal Raymond Rife, who identified & catalogued thousands of microbial frequencies including the cancer microbe, and the eccentric Serbian inventor Nicola Tesla, who discovered alternating current and pioneered the radio. Essentially, when man is in discord with Divine Conceptualizations and order, he will also by degrees, be in discord with nature & his fellow man. The word “atonement” means at-one-ment, or to be at-one-with. In other words, one must atone or (re)attune, to become complimentary, or at-one-with our Creator, one’s fellow man and nature. This is our true role & place in creation.

Don’t Divide, Unite! Contiued from page 5

ated and amused by the true ruling powers. Edward Bernays, the “father of public relations,” wrote in his 1928 book, “Propaganda”: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. The elite, it can be said, were highly effective in dividing the working class and poor from the middle class. The middle class became dependent upon the system for a particular standard of living (defined by the ability to consume). Radical ideologies were then increasingly made irrelevant, demonized, and erased from the political consciousness. Any criticism of the system was then easily lopped into the category of the “Red Menace” of Communism, a boogeyman which still apparently exists for many right-leaning populations. While the unions began as radical and indeed, revolutionary entities, this is not what they are today. The unions exist as they are, and are only able to be present in today’s

with the movement is the height of ignorance. Solidarity with workers and unions is important and necessary. But, if leadership in the movement develops (as it tends to with all social movements), let it develop organically from among the people, let it remain radical and revolutionary, and let it lead those it stands in solidarity with by showing them the way forward to grassroots, globalized, revolutionary social movements.

speaking out in favour of their causes. One of the effects this has had has been for those on the right, or the more libertarian social movements, to demonize the Occupy movement, or for those critical of co-optation to decry the movement as “controlled.” Even in my warnings against co-optation, I have mentioned the threat from unions, which has led many Destroyed From Within on the left to criticize me. This hits on another major issue, that of internal and Thus, I feel it is important to differentiate between soliexternal divisions. In this era, in the midst of the Technodarity and co-optation. Solidarity implies a type of social logical Revolution providing more information and easier empathy, in seeing how the cause or struggles of one moveglobal communication than ever before in human history, ment or people is the cause and struggle of your own movepeople have the capacity to come together, to organize, ment or people. Solidarity is an incredibly important and unite, become activated and educated, and seek and promote necessary development, especially in the context of today’s change together, around the world. This is unprecedented in globalized world. Solidarity allows for people the world human history. A totally unique position for humanity to be over to understand and believe that the struggle of one perin, and the greatest opportunity for true liberation humanity son is the struggle of all people in all places, and indeed it has ever had. Let’s not screw this up! is. Thus, solidarity, no matter with whom, should not be What I am referring to is that even for all the very real shunned. There is, however, a fine line between solidarity threats of institutional co-optation, we the people, seem to and co-optation. be doing a pretty good job of making the movement inefCo-optation emerges when those who declare solidarfective before the elite even have a chance to. ity then begin to speak “for” the movement, assume leadUnfortunately, one of the methods through which the ership positions within the movement, promote their parmovement is becoming divided is in regards to those who ticular agendas as the agendas of the entire movement, and see a threat of co-optation. This is largely done through the effectively steer it into directions which they desire. This alternative media and various social critics and activists. process must be guarded against. While keeping an eye out for the institutions and individuNow, on unions specifically, there are some things als commonly associated with co-optation, the moment that to keep in mind. Historically, as unions began to rapidly politicians, activist organizations, philanthropists or others emerge in the 19th century in America, the entire century show “solidarity” with the movement, many critical obwas marked with labour struggles, worker uprisings, proservers simply denounce the movement as “co-opted,” as tests, activists, and rebelin: it’s a done deal, party’s lion. At that time, espeover, it’s “controlled” and cially in the latter half of it’s all a conspiracy! Go the 19th century, the unions home, give up, the end. were largely organizing Here is why this is an against the Robber Baron awful position to take: it industrialists and bankers, becomes a self-fulfilling such as JP Morgan, John prophecy. If one sees the D. Rockefeller, Harrisharks circling and yells, man, Carnegie, Astor, and “It’s over, jump in the waVanderbilt. The protests ter and get it over with!” and rebellions were often one may forget that there repressed brutally by state is still a paddle in the boat. police or even the national There is still hope. But for guard, often demanded and the boat to get to shore, atpaid for by those very intention must be called to dustrialists and bankers. the sharks, and those who Interesting to note that the call attention to the risks, NYPD, which has been remay help steer it best to pressing the Occupy Wall safety. If those who see Street movement, received the risks inherent simply a $4 million donation from then jump off the boat, the JP Morgan Chase. Funny others remain unaware of how some things never those risks, and the boat change. will likely sink amidst the At that time, the unions swarm of sharks. Instead, were incredibly radical, ofthe movement needs the ten socialist, communist, critical voices, those who An estimated 5000 demonstrators rallied in Vancouver or anarchistic. They presee and seek to avoid cosented a major threat to the in support of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. optation. These voices are established power, and so needed to help mobilize the 20th century saw the the movement away from development of new institutions and ideas to properly maninstitutional system, by having made the decisions to co- co-optation. After all, while the sharks may be circling, we age a disgruntled populace and radical social movements. operate with big business and big government, and simply have a much better chance together than alone. It was in this context, in the early 20th century, in which promote minor reforms and critiques to the system. They So, to those who denounce the movement as already the working class and lower classes were increasingly radiclaim to speak for the workers of the world, but increas- co-opted and controlled, I have this to say: is it not betcal, and the middle class was increasingly anti-capitalist ingly, especially since the emergence of the neoliberal ter to see the problems and make others aware so that they and distrustful of the banking and industrial elite, that we era, they have come to consistently sell-out the workers. may be avoided, rather than denounce the entire movement, saw the emergence of philanthropic foundations and public Throughout the Third World, as the neoliberal “Washing- isolate yourself from it, and them from you? After all, once relations. In turn, both the fields of public relations and the ton Consensus” was spread by the IMF and World Bank you segregate yourself from the movement, you segregate foundations helped facilitate the development of the ‘conas a result of the 1980s debt crisis, union reps were bought your ideas from the movement. The most unfortunate assumer culture’ in America, with the aim, as one banker with off by government and business interests, made their pect of this is that in diversity, there is strength. Diversity Lehman Brothers, Paul Mazer said, “We must shift America pockets full while stabbing the workers in the back. of ideas and beliefs is a great thing. The power of uniting from a needs- to a desires-culture.” The bankers funded the In regards to the Occupy Movement, solidarity with regardless of these diversities, and in fact, because of them, entertainment industry, Hollywood, Times Square, adverunions is not a bad thing. Here’s why: solidarity does is the only way forward. tising, and the development of department stores; the founnot imply unions co-opting the movement (that must be The elite are constantly engaged in attempting to estabdations helped create credit unions to allow middle class prevented), but it does imply a solidarity with workers. lish consensus, work together, create common ideology, espeople to borrow in order to finance consumption, and pubIndeed, workers in America and around the world have tablish mutual interests, and implement coordinated action. lic relations put a new face on corporate America and made suffered much more at the result of decisions and actions This is their strength. And I am not talking about political consumption the past-time of the middle class. The aim was by banks, corporations, and governments than the mid- parties, Republican and Democrat, they are a sideshow deto separate the middle class from the working class, which dle class have. But solidarity with a growing and global veloped for popular consumption, just like Hollywood. The were in the context of the late 19th and early 20th century, movement is important, because so long as the movement elite – the true rulers of our world – constantly and often becoming dangerously close to uniting against the common remains grassroots, or seeks to promote its grassroots and effectively seek to establish consensus in ideas and action. enemy (the system itself). radical potential, the movement can itself be an example Yet, we the people, tend to actively engineer divisions and The most influential political theorist of the era, Walter for the workers and unions to return to their radical roots. segregation. This is our GREATEST weakness. The elite Lippmann (the Zbigniew Brzezinski of his era), articulated Lead by example! love this. They love it especially because it does not even the need for the “engineering of consent” among the majorThis seemingly reflexive impulse to simply denounce require their active participation. We can do it all on our ity of people, so that society may be ordered and controlled the entire movement the moment an organization, indifrom above, while the desires of the lower classes were crevidual, or idea one does not agree with associates itself Contiued on page 20

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Don’t Divide, Unite! Contiued from page 19

own! Examples of this in regards to the Occupy movement are as follows: I have seen articles and comments, blogs and alternative news, critics and dissenters, who denounce or decry the movement because there are “socialists,” “communists,” “anarchists,” or that the movement is “anti-Capitalist,” and thus, a “communist conspiracy by bankers.” Because the movement does not articulate MY specific ideas, the movement is therefore irrelevant and controlled. The movement decries Wall Street, and not the Fed, therefore it is controlled and co-opted! The Fed is the problem, not Wall Street! … These are very common denunciations of the movement. Well, for those who focus on the Federal Reserve: indeed, the Federal Reserve is one of the MAIN problems, and in fact, the global central banking system itself. However, I find myself confused by those who seem to have enough knowledge of the Fed to know that it “needs to go,” but then state that “Wall Street is not the problem.” My confusion is this: Wall Street owns the Fed. The Federal Reserve System, composed of 12 regional Fed banks, which are themselves private banks, the most powerful of which is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, are controlled by the banks. The board of directors of the NY Fed includes Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase is one of the principal shareholders in the New York Fed, as are the other major Wall Street banks. Thus, Wall Street owns and runs the Fed for the benefit of the Wall Street banks. So, those who claim we should focus on the Fed and not Wall Street are missing the critical point: they are almost identical, represent the same interests, work to the same ends, and are so heavily integrated that we should be against both (not to mention all other institutions of power). In fact, many of those who claim that the Fed is the problem and the movement is controlled had themselves for years been highly critical of Wall Street. Yet, it seems, that as soon as others are critical of the same institution, but articulate different philosophies, they are wrong, the movement is controlled, and they are protesting against the wrong things. This creates needless divisions. Instead, would it not be more effective to join the movement and seek to educate the mass of the movement about the Federal Reserve System, instead of denouncing them simply for not knowing? After The 99% all, by denouncing them, you segregate yourself and your ideas from the movement. Subsequently, you complain that the movement doesn’t share your ideas, and is therefore wrong and controlled. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. It must be understood that the majority of the Occupy movement is made up of students and average people, hurt by the economic crisis, or disturbed by the declining social conditions, the political apathy to make change, and the general dissatisfaction with the status quo, These are reasonable things to make people active and motivated. Do not expect the majority of these people to be as ‘aware’ of the large plethora of issues at hand, or to understand the system as well as those who have made a living out of studying it. I have seen footage from the movement where protesters denounce Wall Street and in the same breath endorse Obama. It’s absurd, yes, Obama is a Wall Street product (much like a derivative!), but don’t denounce the entire movement as a result. Instead, should we not seek to educate, engage, and interact with those people in the hopes of enlarging their perspective? But then, it is always much easier to denounce, disregard, and dismiss than it is to engage, participate, and integrate. What we may not realize is that dismissal only segregates our ideas and analysis from the wider population. This is an Opportunity! Don’t Ignore it, Take it! All too often we miss the forest for the trees. We so easily segregate ourselves from one another, as opposed to uniting together. We see the superiority of our own ideas, and demonize all others. Passive observation is always so much easier than active participation. The notion that libertarians have nothing to learn from socialists is as absurd as

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the notion that socialists have nothing to learn from libertarians. Yet, both groups so often demonize one another, and always keep each other at a distance, segregated, divided, and thereby both sides of the spectrum become ineffective. Both demonize each other based upon false conceptualizations of each philosophy. Socialists, and for that matter, many on the left, identify libertarians with neoliberalism, and thus, as part of the problem, as the status quo itself. Libertarians, for their part, see socialists as absolute Marxist Communists and, many on the right as well, tend to associate socialism with Communist China, the Soviet Union, or North Korea, and therefore they see socialists as wanting to destroy all individuality and freedom in favour of the all-encompassing power of ‘the State.’ This division was not always present, and it’s time it is relegated to the dustbin of history. We cannot move forward lest we move forward together. There is, however, a philosophy which is known almost paradoxically as “Libertarian Socialism.” One would find this an absurd oxymoron, but it is an actual philosophy. It is often interchangeable with the term “anarchism.” Anarchism itself is perhaps the most effectively demonized and dismissed political philosophy, as well as the most misunderstood, not to mention the one with the most potential to unite the masses of people. It is an incredibly diverse philosophy, not dogmatic or strict, but incredibly all encompassing. Anarchism is simply the belief in human freedom being the necessary condition for human happiness, and that it is institutions of authority which make humanity depraved, violent, corrupt, and controlled. Anarchists have presented the most authorita-

calling for a revolution and rise against greed tive critique of the state, as well as various institutions of power. It’s origins and developments can be found in ancient Chinese Taoism, and it emerged as a distinct philosophy organically in several different civilizations, eras, and ideas: in ancient China, Rome, Greece, early Christianity, Medieval Europe, and the word “anarchist” first was used to describe a philosophical position in the 19th century, with philosophers like William Godwin, PierreJoseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, Leo Tolstoy, and into the 20th century with theorists like Emma Goldman and many others. In fact, it was the anarchist philosopher, Bakunin, who presented the greatest challenge to Karl Marx at the First International, as Marx sought to (and ultimately did) have Bakunin and the anarchists sidelined and made irrelevant in the Socialist International. Bakunin, for his part, predicted that Marxism is too authoritarian, as it would use the state to establish a dictatorship, and that if ever attempted, it would establish a “Red bureaucracy” all the more tyrannical than the government it was supposed to replace. Of course, Bakunin was correct in predicting this, but we don’t commonly learn about philosophers or philosophies which are accurate, that might have the undesired side effect of educating us. Instead, we hear the word “anarchism” and think of violence, lawlessness, chaos, disorder, and primitive nature. Anarchism is in fact about the triumph of individuality, and the necessity of community; that the individual is best supported through communal ties. The promotion of absolute freedom from all structures of authority, along with a stressing of individuality (and with it, ingenuity and creativity), as well as the importance of community

and interaction, has allowed this philosophy to attract communists, socialists, liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. In fact, it has allowed for mutual cooperation across the spectrum, for anarchism does not sit upon the left/right paradigm, but rather upon the freedom/tyranny paradigm. It is able to remove socialism and communism from authoritarian elements (which promote the state), and is also able to remove libertarianism from its arch-capitalist concepts which promote corporations and banks at the behest of the rest. Anarchism is capable of mixing the ‘free market’ ideals of libertarians with the social principles of socialists. I stress this point simply to press the idea that there is mutual ground upon which the left and right are able to unite, to come together, act together, and learn from one another. I comfortably place myself within the anarchist philosophy largely because it is not dogmatic. For many years, I struggled to define my own views: I was neither conservative nor liberal, I identified with many social principles of socialists, yet was attracted to the freedom-promoting ideals of libertarians. I felt that Marxist analysis had much to offer, but I had great distaste for its proffered solutions. Through my own individual research on a wide range of subjects, I came to see not capitalism as the problem, nor the state as the sole problem. The problem then, I found, was that I was expected to identify “one” cause of all problems, and therefore, take “one” stance, and offer “one solution.” I could not do this. I found interesting and indeed important ideas in a wide array of philosophies, theories, critiques and concepts, but could not adhere to “one.” Rather, I would seek to take the ideas I liked from each, remove those I didn’t, and throw them together to form my own perspective as a kind of “hodge podge” philosophy. The result, was that I tended to identify the concept of power centralization itself as the issue: the notion of ideas and institutions of power depriving individuals and the collective of humanity the power of self-determination. When I quite literally stumbled into some anarchist philosophy, I realized that this concept has been articulated for thousands of years, developed organically by many civilizations, cultures, religions, and individuals. Known as different things at different times, it all tended to fall under the umbrella of anarchism, and what a wide, all-encompassing umbrella it is. What other philosophy could you have such variations of ideas so as to include what are known as “anarcho-communists” and “anarcho-Capitalists,” and that they may have such common ground to stand upon? Diversity is Strength Do not fear different ideas, radicorporate cal concepts, or foreign philosophies. Engage, learn, teach, debate, articulate, DE-segregate, include, interact, unify, energize, challenge yourself and others, develop and grow. We do not all need to have ONE opinion, ONE idea, ONE solution. All we need is ONE reason to unite, yet we all too often overlook that very blatant, obvious reason to find many reasons for which we can divide. All it takes is one reason to unite, very simple: we are all in this together. That’s it! All the rest is salad dressing. We are all in this little world together. You don’t have to like every idea or every other person, you don’t have to think the same or act the same or dress the same or believe the same, all you have to do is be aware that we are, all of us, here on this little planet together. That realization makes it necessary that we begin to find common ground to stand on. This does not mean we need to have ONE idea, for once we have one dogmatic concept, it becomes institutionalized and corrosive and destructive. Diversity is strength. It amazes me, how in doing my own research for several years now, I find myself feeling so secure, so determined and even stubborn on the ‘correctness’ or ‘righteousness’ of a particular idea or understanding I have come to embrace. And then… I do more research, discover more things, delve into more history, more philosophy, more ideas, more analysis… and suddenly, I have to challenge all my preconceived notions and beliefs. Suddenly, I have to refine all my “correct” ideas to become “more correct.” And then, like it says on your bottle of conditioner, “rinse, repeat.” The one thing I have come to stop being surprised by, is that I am constantly surprised. My own beliefs, ideas, understanding and philosophy is in a constant state of growth, as I am in a constant state of learning. And yet, every time I come to some new conclusion, it seems as if my mind says, “Well

then, that’s it, I’ve got it… now I’m done… right?” And then, I happen across some new subject, some new idea, or issue… and “rinse, repeat.” We must learn to all put aside our inherent biases, to engage with our own knowledge, but with the acceptance that we have more to learn from others. Because, we do! Whether or not you believe it, we do. And we won’t ever move forward in this world unless we move forward together. The elite know this. They have always known this since ancient times. That is why elites seek to divide and conquer. But the system that has developed up and around humanity for the several thousand years of our existence on this little planet has become so ingrained in the human conception of itself that we no longer require the elite to divide us, we do such a good and effective job of it ourselves! Humanity must mature from its adolescent stage of

development where we have authority figures telling us how to dress, what to think, where to go and what to do. It’s time humanity becomes an ‘adult.’ In short, we need to grow up! Put aside the petty differences which do us no good, find our common ground to stand on, and move forward together. The funny thing is, once we are capable of doing that, the elite become a sideshow. When we do that, we realize that the elite are always a sideshow. They become totally irrelevant, archaic, and useless. To change the world, we must change our selves. The true revolution requires no seizure of power or usurpation of the state. The true revolution is a philosophical revolution, fought and won internally. The growing and developing global protest Occupy Movement is an important step in establishing global solidarity, in truly experiencing the ‘power’ of individuals

Power to the People ‐ Growing our own Food right here. Guerrilla Gardening Bokashi The Lego Gardening and Biorope systems Home Harvest Farms Challenge Growing Food – Creating Safety and Building Community Vancouver Food Policy Council’s initiatives

Suggested contribution: $12

6:15pm till 9:45pm Sat, October 22nd at The HiVE Vancouver

Ever wondered what you, personally, could do to feel more empowered? Or considered doing something powerful in response to climate A collaboration lab for change‐makers change and all the other things 128 West Hastings that are making our children and Half a block east of Cambie our futures less secure? As they say, “Making a difference starts at home” and it starts with what Reserve a place at this event: http://www.homeharvestfarms. we put into our bodies. com/events‐3/

Join us on Saturday October 22nd with our hosts, The Hive, to learn how easy it can be to assert more control over the food that we eat by growing it ourselves. Don’t let limited space, insufficient knowledge, or a tight budget deter you. You’ll see how to integrate affordable, easy and compact growing systems and approaches into your life no matter where you live. Take things one step further and you may soon find yourself selling or gifting your surpluses to the people around you. Wallah! ‐ Community.

when they come together, in understanding that we are all indeed, together. If the movement becomes a truly effective engine for change, it will have to promote solidarity with all peoples and groups all over the world, it will not demand anything of institutions and power structures, but demand change only of itself, and as such, seek to forge cooperation, education, understanding, and actively create new ideas and a new social reality. If it is to be truly effective, not only must it guard against institutional co-optation, but it must more so guard against internal divisions and segregation. Whether the movement isolates itself from others, or others isolate themselves from the movement, the effect is the same. But always remember… Diversity is Strength!

A multicultural harvest celebration that invites the world to the garden with harvest celebrations from around the globe! Come out to taste the flavors of fall with food samples, activities, workshops, music and friends.

“Government is an unnecessary evil. Human beings, when accustomed to taking responsibility for their own behavior, can cooperate on a basis of mutual trust and helpfulness.” Fred Woodworth Page 21

Soul-Full Food

Oh, how we all love to eat and drink! Fruit, fish, meat and vegetables, bread, rice, soup and stews; fresh food, hot food and cold food too, all to nourish body and soul. If there is one kind of sustenance a conscious person seeks out it’s the healthy stuff. Wholesome food to feed inspiration and to nourish the energy for fun and creativity. Children delight in desserts, adults adore long dinners over well prepared dishes often complimented with various drinks from around the world. In our new section, Soul-Full Food, The New Agora invites you to adventure with us as we explore a world of healthy food and drink. Whether grown or harvested in the wild, made quickly, or with the long loving care that made most of our mothers forever famous, come share in the cuisine of love.

The Fleeting Comfort of Familiar Lies by Barbara H. Peterson


amiliar lies. We all live with them. These are the lies that we were brought up with. The ones that we rely on to be true in our corner of the universe. The ones that comfort us with their familiarity and social acceptance. That is, until that moment when we learn that just one of those “truths” was indeed, a lie. Then we begin to question… everything. And that is not comforting in the least. In fact, it is the loneliest place in the world, because every comfort is fleeting – remaining only until the light of truth shines on it. Until the mere knowledge of the truth becomes the only real comfort. Until the love of truth outweighs any dalliance from reality and fleeting comfort generated from the bed of lies that encircle us and attempt to ensnare. These are the lies generated by the media machine that intend to mold us into perfect little consumer and social batteries fueling the ever-increasing beast that is our current government system. You know the ones… Santa Claus, Democracy, The Two Party System, The Easter Bunny, Corporate Personhood, The Tooth Fairy, The Federal ReserveSmokey the Bear, GMOs, Fluoride and toxic pesticides are good for you. Anything the government says…

Raw Milk Information Night by Gordon S Watson Party of Citizens


his coming Wednesday, for about an hour, starting at 7:20 pm, I’ll be giving a bit of an update to do with raw milk continuing to be available in British Columbia. In a nutshell : the ruling in Ontario, in which the Court ruled against raw milk dairy farmer Michael Schmidt, does not change our situation here in BC. REAL MILK is still flowing within the ‘Our Cows’ cowshare. I set up cowshare – originally named “Home on the

There are more…. much more, and I’m sure you can add to the list. I’m learning more each day, but it takes time. “Children should be taught to question authority. . . . Children have to be told there is bullshit coming down the road. They have to be warned that life is about detecting the bullshit and fending it off as best you can. No one told me a thing like that; I was never warned about any of this, had to find all of it out for myself. And there are still, as with you probably, a lot of things that you’re expected to believe and accept in America that I personally have a problem with, and I question a lot of these things.” (George Carlin, 2008) With each step of faith out of the corrupt system into the truth, the closer a glimpse we get of freedom. Freedom from the tyranny and chains of lies that bind us to things that we abhor. Lies slither out of the mouths of slippery-tongued devils saying that good is bad and bad is good, such as – GMOs are the new “green revolution,” and a sustainable farming future, while using that technology to rape and pollute the land and enslave farmers. Government thugs crack down on children’s lemonade stands, and forbid people to drink fresh milk due to manufactured “health” concerns, and those of us

that see through the web of deceit watch our freedoms erode more each and every day while minions of the beast applaud it’s duplicity. Recently Wisconsin Judge Patrick J. Fiedler ruled that we have no right to eat what we want, when we want, and no right to grow our own food. “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;” “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;” “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice…” No government minion is going to successfully tell me that I cannot grow a garden and share the produce with my friends and neighbors. No one is going to successfully tell me that I cannot drink fresh milk straight from the udder to the cup. It is a matter of either obeying those who have bought the lie that these things are dangerous hook, line and sinker, or being true to what you know is the truth and simply not complying with what you know is a lie. This is the revolution. It is personal. Very personal. And it starts and ends with each one of us.

Range” - based on the right to use and enjoy private property. We could always prove precisely who held shares, and exactly what was the property we owned jointly = cows in the herd as it was registered with Jersey Canada. In contrast to our model : when it got down to brass tacks in Ontario, Michael Schmidt didn’t come up with the paperwork to satisfy the Court that the cowshare he was running there was actually a joint-ownership arrangement. He was found guilty of ‘selling milk’. The ‘Our Cows’ herdshare here in BC is, at law and in practice, genuinely a group of individuals who are exercising are right to use and enjoy the production of our jointlyowned asset = our herd of Jerseycows Now Fraser Health Authority is having a go at Michael Schmidt. Although he took pains to explain his capacity as the Agister for Our Cows, and that the herdshare in BC had been re-organized as a vehicle delivering raw milk as a cosmetic, rather than for human consumption, FHA alleges he’s in contempt of the Court Order which put Alice Jongerden out of business. Fraser Health says the same thing against me. The thing is set to be heard in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in New Westminster, on November 2 2011 at 9:30 am. Having been through 5 trials for contempt of Court in other political issues … and won a couple of them! … I do

know a thing or two about how it’s supposed to go. For the second hour on October 19th, I will give my opinion about the upcoming criminal prosecution of Russell A Porisky, set for trial in the Supreme Court of BC, at Vancouver. Starting back about a decade ago, Mr Porisky used to hold forth about how the Income Tax Act didn’t apply to a Natural Person. And how that concept could be applied so as to avoid paying tax on income to the Person to whom a Social Insurance Number was allocated. I took a bit of flak from members of the cult dba as the Paradigm School of Prophetic Tax Law Interpretation, when I criticized him for perpetrating a fraud on consumers, by omitting to tell prospective customers about certain Paradigm students who had gone to gaol for tax evasion, after RevScam disagreed with the Porisky method. Mister Porisky now faces 9 counts such as tax evasion, and counselling an indictable offence. Finally! he will get his opportunity to explain it all, from the prisoner’s box. ____________________________ Wednesday evening October 19th 2011 doors open at 7 pm at the Sapperton Pensioners’ Hall 318 Keary Street, New Westminster. Free admission.

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