The New Agora August 2011

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THE AUG | 2011



Is Going Green Killing Us? Liquid Sunshine TEDx Kids

News Health Science Culture


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Published by Paradoxical Publishing Subscriptions (one year) Canada $36 North America $67 World $90 Bulk Subscriptions available upon request. Article Submissions Letters to the Editor General Information - 1-778-422-1902 Editorial Dan Merchant Ryan Foster Rob Bunney Fredalupe Kugelmann Walker Morrow Advertising Vancouver - Rob Bunney 604-600-7492 Victoria - Lorenzo Malowane 250-885-6249 Designer Dan Merchant DISCLAIMER

The Agora is a periodical that represents opinions and articles on a wide variety of issues and disciplines to its readers. The Agora is edited for appropriate content, and the authors swear that all articles are original and appropriately sourced. Neither The Agora nor its editors are liable for any damage incurred by the material printed herein. To the best of our knowledge all images and content are not copyrighted material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and may not reflect those of The Agora or the businesses that advertise with us.

In This Issue

Cover Feature - Is Going Green Killing Us? Why Self Sufficiency Should Replace Sustainability The Different Strategies of De-Growth Save the World, Eat Your Dog The First Global Revolution

10 11 11 12

Local What The Frak? 4 Fat, Fallow, Tripiloid Fish 4 BC Man Faces 6 Months In Jail For Growing Food 4 TEDxKids@BC 5 Go Boston! 7 Smart Meters 14 Cynthia McKinney in Vancouver: Report From Libya 17 Call for Donations - Support Kevin Annett’s Work 17

National The Riddle of the Middle 6 Moving On 16

World 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out 2011 Buckminster Fuller Challenge Winner

17 19

Health The Doc Is In 15 Creating a Summer Herbal First Aid Kit 15

Science Liquid Sunshine 8

Culture Breakfast at Apathy’s 16

Cover Art Floating Observations 19

What the Frack? by Ben Parfitt


n British Columbia’s Peace River region, farming families and First Nations are witnessing an unprecedented rush on water resources, a rush driven by energy corporations that need copious amounts of water to produce natural gas. Last year, Bob and Terry Webster got a firsthand taste for just what the water rush means. It’s left them and many of their neighbors wondering what the future holds for the region they call home, and for one of our most precious natural resources. The Websters own a buffalo farm on Berryl Prairie, west of Hudson’s Hope and a short distance from Williston Lake, the reservoir in the north central region of the province created by the building of the WAC Bennett dam. During the summer of 2010, single and double tanker trucks ran constantly up and down local roads, filled with water pulled from surrounding streams, rivers and lakes. The water was destined for use in hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” operations – a process used in at least half of all the gas wells drilled in BC and one that is certain to increase. Fracking involves pumping huge volumes of water at high pressure deep into rock beds to fracture the rock and release natural gas. At some BC fracking operations, where a dozen or so wells are drilled at one location, upwards of 600 Olympic swimming pools worth of water is pressure-pumped underground, water that subsequently returns to the surface heavily contaminated with a range of toxins that can include chemicals, minerals, heavy metals and radiological compounds. Last September, with their parched fields reduced to stubble by the worst drought in 50 years, the Websters were visited by a Talisman official and surveyors, there to situate a proposed pipeline. Talisman’s proposal was subsequently replicated by Canbriam Energy, with both companies proposing to build parallel pipelines across the Websters’ land, each capable of delivering 3.65 million cubic metres of water annually from Williston Lake to the Ferrell Creek area. The pipeline proposals are potentially precedent setting in that they would herald prolonged industrial water withdrawals from the hydroelectric reservoir that provides British Columbians with one quarter of their power. Yet most BC residents know nothing of these proposals or dozens of others like them, which would result in large volumes of water being used to produce a fossil fuel that some say is the natural gas equivalent of tar sands oil, so energy and water-intensive is its production. In the traditional territory of the Fort Nelson First Nation, there are 17 active long-term water license proposals that would give natural gas companies access to nearly 20 million cubic metres of water per year, more than 100 times what the City of Vancouver’s 643,000 residents are estimated to use. Independent MLAs Bob Simpson and Vicki Huntington used the recent (and rare) legislative session to raise questions about water withdrawals as part of their effort to strike a special committee of the legislative assembly to investigate all aspects of the emerging unconventional gas industry. In response to questions, Energy and Mines Minister Rich Coleman assured the house on June 1 that there would be an “extensive process of public consultation, discussion and negotiations with First Nations before anything would go ahead” relating to the Talisman or Canbriam water applications. But no such public consultation occurred. Instead, on June 21 the Websters received a fax from BC’s energy industry regulator, the Oil and Gas Commission, saying that Canbriam’s water pipeline application had been approved. The Websters asked whether or not Talisman had also received an approval, and were informed that Talisman’s proposal had been approved four days earlier. This certainly left local residents with the impression that the massive water diversion project was a done deal. With the OGC having granted Talisman and Canbriam permission to build the pipelines if they received water licenses from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, could the license approvals themselves be far off? Late last week, CBC Radio reported that a decision on the licenses will be made at the end of this month, meaning that two months will have passed since Minister Coleman committed to an “extensive” public process. If this is what extensive looks like, managing public water resources in the public interest appears to be in a whole lot of trouble.

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elp, I’m falling into a slough of despair. The deeper I get into reading the scientific papers on how to create sterilized, sex changed, fish farm fish slurry out of what would have been beautiful, healthy wild salmon is turning my stomach. And I have a cast iron stomach (I’ve raised eight kids.) I’m also relatively shock proof. But, in reading another of Dr. Edward Donaldson’s papers, I find I am not shock proof at all. The salmon Dr. Donaldson (DFO, West Vancouver laboratories) and colleagues are designing to stock fish farms with, are not only also being stocked in BC lakes, but already have been released into BC’s coastal waters. We are told in a paper entitled The Reproductive Containment of Genetically Altered Salmonids that salmon, triploided and directly treated with estradoil (the most potent of estrogens ) “have been released from both Capilano Salmon Hatchery and Big Qualicum Salmon Hatchery into British Columbia Coastal Waters.” Page 114 And in the same paper we read that these fish were caught and are being caught, by both commercial and recreational fisher people and consumed by humans. However, there are many problems associated with sterilization of salmon, as Dr. Donaldson goes on to inform us, because male hormones are also being used to sterilize fish. Why? Just for fun? To see what will happen? Just to see what will happen to wild fish when some of the treated fish are not completely sterilized as has happened before? There isn’t even a reason to use male androgens as fish farms want all females. Dr. Donaldson tell us on page 118, bottom of the page no.3 No. 3 “Androgens are potent steroids (testosterone, etc.) which are biologically active in humans. Operators must therefore utilize appropriate protective equipment and avoid self exposure.” No. 5 “Androgen solutions must be disposed of after use in an environmentally sound manner.” No.6 “While androgen residues are completely eliminated in a matter of two to three weeks after the termination of treatment and the sterilized fish at the time of marketing contain no indictable levels of natural androgen, the potential exists for consumer resistance to fish that have received androgen treatment during early development.” The potential exists? Just the potential? That the public would be appalled at buying and eating sterilized, sex changed, super fat fish? With no real assurance that hormonal residues are not lurking in the mushy fish flesh? I think perhaps Dr. Edward Donaldson and his colleges have been driven more than a little mad by the secrecy they must labour under; by a grossly magnified sense of their own privilege to destroy and rearrange natural systems almost at whim, and by both provincial and federal governments who recognize only one mantra, that of profit. This is the same sense of an almost god-like privilege that the logging corporations feel when they freely admit they are after every last old growth tree in this province so that natural forests can be replaced by tree farms. Is it such a stretch for the BC government and the government of Canada to feel that it might also be a profitable thing to change the very fish of the seas into manufactured versions of fish that can be patented? Not likely? Oh, very likely. I’ll tell you about Monsanto’s interest in these fish later. Also about the interest that an extremely prominent businessman in British Columbia has in FrankenFish.

British Columbia Man Faces Six Months in Jail for Growing Food


by Jeff Nield

ichigan is not alone in it’s efforts to fine people for growing their own food. Sadly, this type of heavy-handed, by-the-letter enforcement of bylaws exists at the same time as people embrace urban agriculture as a viable source of high quality nutrition. A man in Lanztville, British Columbia is facing a battle with the local government after converting his 2.5 acre “residential” lot from a gravel pit into a thriving organic farm. His refusal to “cease all agricultural activity” could land him six months in jail. Acting on a single complaint from a disgruntled neighbor the regional district sent a letter to Dirk Becker giving him 14 days to “remove the piles of soil and manure from the property.” The quoted bylaw states that property owners will ensure their property doesn’t become or remain “unsightly”. Specifically this refers to “the accumulation of filth, discarded materials or rubbish, which includes unused or stripped automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, vessels, machinery, mechanical or metal parts.” Admittedly, it can be argued that, to some a manure pile could be considered “filth”. But, considering how Becker regenerated his 2.5 acres (see photo above) this characterization is an insult. Becker explains the character of his neighbourhood and the evolution of his piece of property in an article he wrote for Synergy Magazine: “We have 2.5 acres in total, as do several of our neighbours. Three doors down our road are both cows and horses. As you can see from our photographs, the area we live in can hardly be considered “urban”. However, we are using the term to describe our situation as our property is zoned “residential” and we are doing small scale, organic growing of fruits and vegetables on one acre. Lantzville is a small community (population 3,500) just north of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Even the name, Lantzville, evokes images of small town comraderie, walking down main street, basket in hand, to see the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. It’s surprising that on such a quiet, rural, two-block long, dead-end road, with forest across the street and acreages on either side of us, that we would end up being ordered to stop such an essential activity as growing food for others because of a particular bylaw. The previous owner used an excavator and dump truck to mine and scrape the land bare. He had a soil screener set up on the property, selling the soil, then sand, then gravel, which resulted in lowering the level of the property by about four feet. When Dirk assumed ownership, all that remained was gravel. There were no worms, no grasshoppers, no birds, no butterflies; essentially - no living creatures! It has been a gradual, organic process from planting a few fruit trees and having a small growing area, to expanding with more hand-made soil using wood chips from local tree companies and a small amount of horse manure from local, Lantzville stables. Now we have four kinds of bees, several types of dragonflies, numerous types of butterflies, frogs, toads, snakes, hundreds of birds and much more! We have dedicated our time to supporting hundreds of community members who have sought guidance on how to become more sustainable in their own lives; from educating people on how to support sustainable local initiatives (including 4H and homeschoolers), to teaching families how to grow their own food.” The original letter asking Becker to stop agricultural activities arrived in September, 2010. Since then, there has been a huge public outcry in support of his activities, including a decent showing of 75 people at a support rally last night. Despite this, the municipality has recently hired a law firm to pursue the matter. Becker received a couriered letter in early June, once again asking him to stop growing food or they will proceed with legal action against him. What this could amount to, according to Becker, is a judge ruling that he is “in contempt” of the district bylaw and he could be sentenced to six months in jail.

Kids Out of the Box! by Rob Bunney


Play. Build. Reach. Learn!

ncredible kids who do amazing things, that understand as Einstein did, imagination is the master key to unlock the world! Some of those imaginative kids, young and old, will be speaking at TEDxKids@BC, September 17th at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver. Throughout the day, TEDxKids@BC will encourage all participants, both speakers and audience alike, to share their own thoughts and passions. Goran Kimovski, founder of TEDxKids@BC, launched the idea of a TEDx event for kids in Vancouver because of his insight as a father and a learner: “My vision for TEDxKids@BC is to be (and remain!) first and foremost an idea! An idea that can inspire! An idea of a world in which passion, creativity, critical thinking and other 21st century skills will be valued above everything else and fostered in our kids at a young age. An idea of a society teaching their children social intelligence, compassion, and to embrace diversity. An idea that is worth spreading!!” TEDxKids@BC is part of a movement of independently organized TEDx events around the world, created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading.” The TEDx program is designed to give communities, or-

ganizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. The TEDxKids@BC event has been created by a team of parents, educators and people who have a vision of nurturing creative, passionate, empowered children. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. TED Conference ‘s are held iin Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TEDTalks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize. The annual TED conferences, in Long Beach/Palm Springs and Edinburgh, bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less). From Goran Kimovski: “I wanted to see a community form to support and nurture kids’ creativity and passion without squashing their authenticity for the sake of fitting them into predefined roles in our society. I figured, we adults are so bad at dreaming, we can’t possibly imagine what the world will look like in the future for our kids. How can we then know what is best for them to learn in order to prepare for that future? The answer to this was obvious to me — and I hope you agree too! — we can invite them to try and figure out the future together with us and we can support them in their efforts to reshape it for themselves. TEDxKids@BC was borne out of the initial dream as a way to start creating such a community. Or better yet, pooling together existing groups that are trying to empower kids in taking ownership of their future and inviting them as partners when deciding on issues that will affect them. That is the reason we have put BC in our

name — I would’ve asked for Canada or World if that was possible, but sometimes we need to be realistic too . It is not there to limit us in any geographic terms, but to widen the horizon for our speakers, our audience and ultimately, our community. With the use of technology, we believe we can do it. We believe we can reach out to people everywhere in the world, even if our base is British Columbia. We plan to connect with people wherever there is interest in joining our community. We hope to help our speakers share their ideas and stories with all of you reading this post, whatever your GPS coordinates might be at the time we go live on September 17. We will be streaming the event so that anyone can enjoy the stories and performances from the comfort of their home. Better yet, we’d love if you brought together a group of people in your community centre, school classroom or anywhere else you can to watch the inspiring talks from our kids. We will keep everyone informed about this and other ideas we have to help you connect with us and engage with the rest of the community” As an attendee you’ll hear and see amazing stories from our speakers who will awe you, energize you, and best of all, inspire you! ------------------------------------Due to limited space, the event will be invitation-only. Visit to apply! Check out the original Ted Talks at Talks and Performances from TED are available to the world for free.Over 900 TEDTalks are now available, among the many adult talks, are of course, several of those amazing kids !

“And every day, everywhere, our children spread their dreams beneath our feet. And we should tread softly.” Sir Ken Robinson


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The Riddle of the Middle

by Erika Shaker


t’s like a bad riddle: almost everyone thinks they belong to it, but few can define what it is. Politicians claim to champion it, but it’s increasingly difficult to determine what it actually wants. And, often, when we talk about it, we’re really only referring to part of it—the part that doesn’t really belong to it at all, but likes to think it does. What is it? It’s the middle class. The CCPA Growing Gap Project did extensive public opinion research to look at issues around income inequality and poverty—how it’s experienced and how it’s perceived. But something else was revealed: as my colleague explained to me, it doesn’t matter if you make $25,000 or $150,000; everyone self-identifies as “middle class.” Now, obviously the vast majority of Canadians understand there’s a world of difference between life as experienced by someone living right around the poverty line and someone among the richest 5% of income earners. So how can both extremes (representing that massive swath of humanity not in a position to light cigars with $100 bills—at least not every day—but not living on the street either) possibly see themselves as part of the same class? Is “middle class” simply a label that speaks to how people want to think of themselves and be perceived? Perhaps its real significance is as a term that de-stigmatizes both ends of the spectrum. It allows the well off to feel less privileged (less “elite,” to use a term co-opted by neoconservatives to describe postal workers) and the working poor feel less financially insecure. We talk about the “disappearing middle class,” but while disposable income is flatlining and decent jobs are vanishing, the middle class label isn’t. On the contrary, it’s being stretched like an elastic band to accommodate an enormous range of people with very different lives and financial realities. People who make less can aspire to the notional lifestyle middle class evokes, and people who make more can take comfort in a label that allows them to have more, yet still be considered ordinary, down-to-earth folks. But I think constant use and acceptance of this term allows us to avoid addressing the persistent financial struggle experienced by too many, the accumulation of wealth by too few, and the difference in between. I think the over-use of “middle classism” provides

a convenient way to avoid the fact that far too many people constantly face the heartbreaking struggle of paying the rent or feeding the kids, while others bring in six figures and can top up their RRSPs each year quite comfortably. I think it relies on the illusion of economic commonality—even, dare I say it, a solidarity—that is a useful pretense come election time when parties of all stripes champion the “middle class.” The distribution of wealth has shifted, but the selfidentification as middle class has not; if anything, identification of and with the middle class has expanded to include more people than ever. And rather than political

Almost everyone thinks they belong to it, but few can define what it is. Politicians claim to champion it, but it’s increasingly difficult to determine what it actually wants. And, often, when we talk about it, we’re really only referring to part of it—the part that doesn’t really belong to it at all, but likes to think it does. What is it? leaders addressing the vast disparities across the economic spectrum, we hear how their policies will benefit the “middle class” when even a cursory analysis reveals the real beneficiaries of many of these policies are those with much higher incomes (the very upper crust of the middle, so to speak). So, for example, we’re told the middle class will be the beneficiary of income splitting, when they really mean families (with kids) making over $125,000 a year—the richest 20%–who still self-identify as middle class.

In spite of the “middle class” framing, tax policies are being used to help enrich the already most affluent. Meanwhile, everyone else labouring under the false impression that they are part of the middle class that politicians are talking about is left wondering why at the end of the day the so-called middle class-friendly numbers don’t seem to add up for the people who need the most help. The political disconnect is profound. But so, too, is the social one—between the stagnating wages we earn and the longer hours we work on the one hand, and our increasing inability to afford the life we’re living as household debt hits record highs on the other. Consumer culture has played an enormous role in servicing this disconnect. It guides how we define ourselves, how we judge others, and how we want to be judged. We are encouraged to perceive qualitative concepts that help constitute our quality of life as little more than consumer transactions. Election promises that privilege tax credits for soccer lessons or home renos over bigger societal solutions such as implementing a national pharmacare program or using the wealth of this country to eliminate poverty in our lifetime reinforce our identification as consumers instead of privileging our roles and responsibilities as democratic citizens. We are encouraged to think about acquiring a university or college education the same way we acquire iPods or flat screen TVs. Accumulation of these items is what ensures us our place in the “middle class”—some of us just go more deeply into debt to acquire them for ourselves or for our children. And these are not all luxury items, by any means. Today post-secondary education is almost without exception a job requirement. But ironically, the process by which we make the money to purchase the illusion of “middle classdom”— the work we actually do, unless we suddenly stumble into an inheritance—has been erased from the equation…or at the very least hived-off and devalued. What we do isn’t important. What we aspire to, and the items we acquire that identify us as “middle class”, appears to be the goal—though, for many, the goal of middle classdom feels increasingly like a hologram. Call it the (middle)class-less society. The modern riddle of the Sphinx.

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

171 Jubilee Street

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Duncan, BC




by Sid Ishon


o Boston! YEAH! Odds are you’re thinking “Oh great, here’s one more asshole with an opinion on the Stanley cup riots.” and I don’t blame you. I’m sick of hearing about this crap too! I’m choking back vomit when I listen to the reactionary nonsense that passes for journalism and social commentary regarding Vancouver’s latest claim to being a world class city. That’s what folks should find interesting here, not the predictable pathology of a sports riot, but the range of hysterical reactions to it. Entering from the right, Gregor Robertson and Jim Chu, both of them armed and ready to deflect the storm of public outrage. Neither the mayor nor the chief of police are particularly skilled at this, but they knew enough to cover their asses ASAP. In fact, they’re both relatively young and inexperienced hacks which goes double for Christy Clark, so everyone decided to play Bush era politics and try blaming the phantom boogeyman for what is obviously their own fuck-up. You can almost picture the frantic phone call late that night as the first live footage of burning cop cars was hitting the airwaves. Gregor sweating bullets, saying something like “holy shit Jim, this is BAD! What the hell are we going to say when the vultures start to circle tomorrow morning?!” or maybe it was Chu begging for marching orders, we’ll never know. But we do know they settled on the “blame the anarchists” narrative and I remember it immediately struck me as sounding like a weak wet fart of an argument ... because that’s what it is. *Fffpbbbtpsss* The blogosphere (is that still a thing? am I dating myself?) exploded over the course of the next week, many folks wisely choosing to mock Jim Chu rather than point out how his allegations about riotorchestrating-anarchist-ninjas are completely impossible to substantiate, how it’s an obvious appeal to the worst sort of intellectually lazy reactionary yuppie liberal types, people who are just terrified of the big bad world outside their little bubble of privilege with overactive imaginations from watching too many contrived cop dramas on primetime. Who the hell are these people whose warped world view can accommodate shadowy networks of highly organized political agitators with nothing better to do than urge drunk douchebags to burn cop cars? I mean, it’s fun to imagine ... but apparently much of the CBC’s audience actually believes this crap! A poll on their talk radio weighed in at 70%! That’s almost as depressing as walking past the “apology wall” on the Hudson’s Bay building, where the world can see that Vancouver takes their stupid little sports riot as seriously as New Yorkers after 9-11. Get over yourselves losers! Nobody even died! The worst injury was some guy jumping off an overpass which could of happened on any given weekend involving too much drinky drink. So anyone that actually knows any Vancouver anarchists, anyone who participates in grassroots organizing or anyone who knows not to trust the chief of police the day after the downtown core’s been smashed and burned on his watch, anyone with TWO BRAINCELLS TO RUB TOGETHER, saw through the smokescreen and had a good chuckle about it. Some folks were also nervous about where all this vindictive hysteria

would go. So the thing was building to a fever pitch in the next few days, with an army of online vigilantes conducting a sadistic witch hunt in the name of civic pride. The witches being all the kids stupid enough to post pictures of themselves committing acts of arson and looting with their faces exposed for the cameras. Half the time they’re smiling proudly in to the lens because myface and jackassbook have created this charming culture of instant-gratification-narcissism where everyone under the age of 30 habitually documents all their hedonism as if anyone else gives a shit. The difference being that after game 7, the VPD suddenly DID care what you’d done with your hockey evening. Do I even need to get in to how creepy this was? Parents turning their children in to the cops? Neighbour against neighbour? People losing their jobs in a recession? Folks were lining up to do the VPD’s work for them! Bunch of clueless tools falling over each other to snitch on their fellow citizens, it was fucking repulsive! The pigs could barely contain their gleeful smiles as they explained


Boston fan puts finishing touch on Vancouver man how to submit footage to their website. Safe bet the cops are clocking serious over-time as they sift through hour after hour of footage, mostly getting paid to laugh at riot porn and ogle the ladies of the “Nuck bloc*”. (*The riot 2011 version of the Black bloc in Vancouver. Credit to the Stimulator of All of which was made possible by the fact that this was easily the most filmed and photographed riot in Vancouver’s history. The social media and camera-phone aspect of this became the key to the whole story. Anyone who genuinely wants to know what happened (instead of believing whatever lies or spin) can pull up youtube and watch hour after hour of raw footage. It’s all there if you truly want to know. There’s no conspiracy, there’s not even much to support these longwinded articles that popped up in the mainstream press where “social scientists” peddle their half-baked theories about mob psychology and the neurophysiology of someone breaking a window. The irreducible truth of it is that thousands of regular people drunkenly trashed the downtown core for fun. There were occasional bursts of anti-authoritarian sentiment which is standard when people interact with riot cops. (The guy shooting teargas at you is always an asshole and you don’t make friends dispersing a crowd)

But mostly, it was the kid next door, the college student blowing off steam, the low-wage hordes of the service industry and even the interns from the office were letting their hair down. Oh, and I’m pretty damn sure there were “real canucks fans” no matter what some franchise lackey tries to tell you. In a mob that size, the whole range of political opinions and uhm ... levels of sophistication are going to be represented. A sports riot is probably the least complex kind of mass social phenomenon. None of this is difficult to understand unless you go skipping off down some rabbit-hole with a conspiracy theory where there is none. Even veteran riot cops were calling in to radio shows with fake names to try and talk sense in to folks because they couldn’t tolerate what they were hearing. How about some basic math : For the G-20 in Toronto, you had 10,000+ police on hand to deal with crowds considerably smaller, most of which were peaceful protestors drinking only coffee and still, the cops couldn’t keep order in the streets. Contrast that with approximately 1000 police deployed in the downtown core when game 7 ended, to deal with a crowd estimated at one hundred times the size. That’s a tenth as many cops to deal with a hundred times as many people and these are drunk, pissed off hockey fans, not the “concerned citizens” of a protest summit. Reinforcements were called in from the burbs when shit started getting crazy, but most of the work was preventing MORE people from heading downtown to join the fun. The analogy that occurs to me is fighting a massive forest fire. Riot police can set up at choke points, offer incentives to go this way or that and they can try and deprive the flames of fuel and air to breathe but they’re still mosquitoes attacking an elephant. A mob that size is a force of nature, pure chaos and trying to explain it is a bit like defining the abyss, no theory seems to fit quite right, plus it was a full moon too! Maybe the reason folks grasp for meaning with this issue is because it illustrates how fragile the social peace really is, how powerless the agents of order become when they have to face the lot of us at once. Maybe the civic-pride lynch-mob reacts with such venom because their neatly organized worldview has been rattled, they need anarchist boogeymen to avoid facing the truth. All the fancy riot gear and over-priced security apparatus is worthless when thousands of ordinary people get together and fly the fuck-you-flag high and proud. We don’t even need a good reason, or a political analysis or organization or tactics or ANYTHING. Just numbers, and the combined paramilitary might of the state is reduced to politely asking us to please get bored of trashing babylon and go home. It’s just that easy folks, you and a couple thousand of your friends are basically invincible when you get together. But for fuck’s sake kids, what did you learn? Masks are your friend, cameras are not, public apologies get you lynched and snitches are the scum of the earth. DON’T FUCKING SNITCH! Oh yeah, also I wasn’t there. I think Hockey’s stupid, for the record, so shoot me. *cue Stompin’ Tom*

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LIQUID SU “My friend Sarah says that I get to be the voice of God. I usually roll my eyes when she says it, because if I were God, I would never have chosen me of all people to speak for him.” Such are the words of wisdom of Bethany Hamilton, a typical young American girl who is not so typical in many little ways. Bethany is famous for losing her left arm to a shark attack off the surfing shores of Hawaii in 2003. If she had given up her budding surfing career and left it at that, she would still be an amazing human being. But what Bethany did next is what we can emulate and learn from. The indelible faith that this young woman has in God, not to mention her incredible surfing skills with just one arm, is enough to move any mountain and solve any problem. Bethany is our Seabiscuit during these extremely trying times. Two of her memorable sayings are worthy to frame: “I don’t need easy. I just need possible.” “Love is bigger than any tidal wave or fear.” So what has Bethany Hamilton got to do with alcohol production?

Liquid Sunshine


he economic and financial limbs of the world are being chewed off by the financial sharks from Wall Street and their co-conspirators, the world’s Central Banksters, whose only modus operandi is bottomless GREED. Concurrently, the world is going through a transition called “Great Depression 2” or GD2. Ground zero of GD2 is the U.S. This GD2 is going to be longer and much more severe than the first one. Why? Because all the major countries around the world are “solving” their collapses with one tool: FINANCIAL HEROIN, i.e., creating zillions of dollars, pesos, and yuans from thin air. The only bubble left to inflate is War, as in World War 3 or WW3 which will probably engulf the entire northern hemisphere and it will include nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction on a global scale. Millions of uninformed and unprepared people are going to die needlessly due to the ensuing shortage of clean energy and organic food. In this article, we are going to do a “Bethany Hamilton” thing and surf right through these seemingly insur-

Diagram A

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mountable problems. As General George Patton would say: ”We’re going to go through them like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!” We are going to cover small scale alcohol production in four areas: • The forbidden history of alcohol • The Big Myths against alcohol • How to grow clean energy and organic food • How to use alcohol fuel for automobiles, cooking, heating, lighting, refrigeration, and electricity generation.

Forbidden History of Alcohol We are told over and over again that “Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.” But history is written by the winners. So how do we glean lessons from history? Well, Mark Twain said it best: “History does not repeat itself, but it rhythms.” Here are two interesting historical rhythms. In 1918, John Rockefeller sponsored a bunch of crazies called the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement whose singular purpose in life was to stamp out alcoholic drinking. They wanted to send the “devil rum” back to hell. What they didn’t know was that they’d be working hand in glove with the Devil himself. John Rockefeller was in the kerosine lighting and heating business. He distilled kerosine from petroleum. At night, he would flush into the rivers the volatile, explosive, toxic junk left over from his distillation business. Nobody wanted a “molotov cocktail” as their kerosine lamp in their homes. John Rockefeller found out that he could use this toxic waste by-product to run the newly invented automobile—if the internal combustion engine was slightly modified. Most people don’t know that Henry Ford’s Model T car originally ran on alcohol first. It was subsequently modified to run on alcohol AND gasoline. See this video for more information: The Model T. Henry Ford’s motto was, “How can we expect the farmers to be our customers if we are not theirs?” Good question. He wanted to work with farmers, not against them. John Rockefeller’s motto and business practice were a bit different. He called the toxic by-product from his kerosine distillation business “gasoline.” And he called the farmers of America his number one enemy, because they made alcohol fuel for cars. In 1918 he decided that he had enough of competition from those pesky farmers in the hinterland of America, so he sponsored the aforementioned crazies with $4 million USD. What the ladies did with that money was nothing short of miraculous! They got Congress to pass a constitutional amendment in 1919 to ban the drinking of alcohol for all of its citizens and, much more importantly, to ban the production of alcohol for all of its farmers and everyone else. The results were nothing short of spectacular. Thousands of American farmers lost work because of Prohibition and millions of dollars

for families evaporated. And for John Rockefeller? No more competition from those pesky farmers. M i s sion accomplished. D u r ing the same time period, Germany was also in the alcohol business. The Germans made alcohol from potatoes. Their farmers would bring potatoes to the local community alcohol distilleries. No money exchanged hands. The distillery got free alcohol feedstock (the input material for making alcohol) and the farmers got back 1/3 of the alcohol distilled from their potatoes. What is really interesting to note is that the farmers got back all the mash, or the solid leftovers which are full of proteins, fats, nutrients, vitamins, etc. Making alcohol only removes the sugar or starch content. These farmers used the mash to feed their cows, pigs, chickens, etc. They used the alcohol for lamps, stoves, heaters, and for running tractors. This cooperative alcohol distillery model worked so well that it actually prolonged World War 2 as the Allies had to bomb every one of the 70,000 distilleries spread across Germany. The first thing the Americans did after the Nuremberg Trials was to put into the new German constitution a prohibition against making alcohol fuel. How is that for history rhythming?

Big Myths about Alcohol What are the Big Myths about alcohol as a fuel? How about the one, “Making alcohol in the U.S. causes the children in Africa to go hungry?” More specifically, that making alcohol causes the price of corn to go up and food to be expensive? Myth Number One is utterly unscientific. Approximately 87% of the corn grown in the U.S. is used for animal feed. Only about 1% is used for actual human consumption as in corn flakes for breakfast cereals, corn chips, etc. Another 1% is used to make whiskey. The rest of the corn grown is used for things like high-fructose corn syrup, modified food starch, and other corn-based products that are not exactly fit for human consumption. You could make a half-convincing argument that corn used for cows that are then eaten by human beings is “human food.” So, let’s tackle this argument. In the U.S., it takes about 10 pounds of corn to grow 1 pound of beef, because cows are not designed to digest starch. Cows are meant to graze on woody brushes. Forcing them to eat corn, i.e., starch which make up 70% of the corn kernel, is animal cruelty and causes all sorts of bloating problems and digestive diseases. Inefficient digestion equates to inefficient meat production. Were that 10 pounds of corn be turned into alcohol first

Continued on Page 13

UNSHINE The First Global Revolution

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only throughchanged attitudes and behaviorand thatplants they can The real is humanity itself.” Production” shows how a Vegetables takebeinovercome. CO2 and water, and,enemy viewthen, of Small Scale Alcohol by fermenta- Club Rome through the process of photosynthesis, they create carbo- community can truly become self-sufficient. Up until now, tion, weofwould

get alcohol hydrates, ranging from simple sugars like glucose, to more carbohydrates like it starches, and finally to these even fuel and he environmental movementabout has beencomplex deticles on this website is abundantly clear that more complex carbohydrates like cellulose. 3.3 pounds scribed as the largest and most influential are three heads of the same beast. The CoR has also production is all about a feedstock of in mash—the social phenomenon modern history.Alcohol established a network of 33fermenting National Associations. and distilling the captured sunshine energy (simple sugars, leftover solFrom relative obscurity just a few decades ago it has Membership of the ‘main Club’ is limited to 100 instarches, or cellulose) into a liquid form. Hence making ids from the spawned thousands of organisations and claims mildividuals at any one time. Some members, like Al alcohol isGore literally making Strong, “liquid are sunshine.” lions of committed activists. fermentation Reading the newspaper and Maurice affiliated through their process, full During the fermentation process, the (e.g. amount of CO2 today it is hard to imagine a time when global warmrespective National Associations USACOR, gas released by the yeast is equal to the amount of alcohol of proteins, ing, resource depletion, environmental catastrophes CACOR etc). fats, nutrients, that is produced (lb for lb). This CO2 gas can be piped into and ‘saving the planet’ were barely mentioned. They I would like to start this analysis of the Club of vitamins, etc. greenhouses growing vegetables. Studies show that letnow rank among the top priorities on the social, poRome by listing some prominent members of the Feeding cows tuces grown in a CO2-enriched environment can actually litical and economic global agenda. CoR and its two sub-groups, the Clubs of Budapest this mash ac- grow twice as fast as their cousins breathing normal air Environmental awareness is considered to be and Madrid. Personally it isn’t what the CoR is that I tually produc- with a lower CO2 level. And pumpkins can grow almost the mark of any good honest decent citizen. Multifind so astonishing; it is WHO the CoR is! This isn’t es 17% more twice as large in a CO2-enriched environment. national companies compete fiercely to promote some quirky little group green activists or obscure meat 13% The mash left over from theofalcohol fermentation protheir environmental credentials and ‘out-green’ each politicians. They are the most senior officials in the faster! cess is nutritious food for growing fishes in aquaponics, other. The threat of impending ecological is United currentamong and ex-world leaders, and L e s disasters s mushrooms, andNations, earthworms, many other useful uniting the world through a plethora of international the founders of some of the most influential environanimal feed, products. treaties and conventions. Butmore where did beef, this phenom-Diagram mentalB,organisations. When you in “Table of 10-Acre Fuelread andtheir Foodreports Producenon come from, how did it rise to such prominence, the context of who they are – its gives an entirely and healthier tion” shows how a cooperative of 10 families can produce and more importantly, wherecows. is it going? new, and frightening, to their claims. What a approximately 9,000 gallons context of alcohol fuelextreme per year. UsWhile researching for these articles, and during Some current members of the Club of Rome or concept! ing the CO2 to grow organic vegetables in greenhouses and my academic studies, I have come across many refits two siblings: During Prohibition, the revenuers would go to the using the mash to grow fishes, mushrooms, earthworms, erenceswho to the The of Rome (CoR), and reports county fairs to discover are theClub “moonshiners.” How? potentially $500,000 of organic products can be produced produced by them. Initially I assumed that they were Al Gore –onformer of theconditions. USA, leading climate They would look for the fattest cows and fattest pigs, beannually,• depending local VP market just another high-level environmental think-tank and change campaigner, Nobel Peace Prize to winner, cause those farmers were feeding their prized animals with A cooperative of families using this model grow conspiracy theories found on many Award winner, winner. the leftover mashdismissed they gotthe from their illegal moonshine clean energyAcademy and organic food wouldEmmy not only survive, but stills! they would assume that the overhead towebsites claiming that the CoR is a group of global • thrive. MauriceLet’s Strong – former Head of the costs UN EnSo, making alcohol fuel fromtocorn cansome provide both tal around $100,000 perProgramme, year. This Chief meansPolicy that each family elitists attempting impose kind of one world vironment Advisor to fuel for humans and food for animals at the same time. It could net $40,000 per year. And we are talking 25 to government. Kofi Annan, Secretary General of theabout Rio Earth makes cows happier. IAnd it makes more beef.person by nature35 hours of work perco-author week per(with family! am not a conspiratorial and Summit, Gorbachev) of the Earth Myth Number One goes straight into the dust bin of That is not a bad way to survive and thrive during GD2 was faced with a dilemma when I first read their reCharter, co-author of the Kyoto Protocol, founder Propaganda History 101. and WW3. ports. But it’s all there - in black and white. The CoR of the Earth Council, devout Baha’i. For the otherclaims Myths, thearefull article at www.Liqthatsee “we facing an imminent catastrophic • Kofi Annan – former Secretary General of the ecological collapse” and “our only hope is to trans- Using United Nations. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Alcohol in Cars and for form humanity into a global interdependent sustain• The Dalai Lama – The ‘Spiritual Leader’ of TiCooking, Heating, Lighting, able society, based on respect and reverence for the bet. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Growing Clean Alcohol and & –Electricity Earth.” In the end I came to the conclusion that there Refrigeration • Father Berry Thomas Catholic Priest who is Organic Food Locally are two possibilities – either the CoR wrote all these one of the leading proponents of deep ecology, is produced in a local community, opreports andproduced setup a vast network of supporting or-Once alcohol ecospirituality and global consciousness. There are three things when we make alco- portunities open up for community members to member, start usor theyliquid, actually • David Rockefeller – CoR executive hol from grains. ganisations They are just (1) for the fun alcohol (2)believe the what ing alcohol stoves, alcohol heaters, alcohol lamps, have written and aredried working hard to fulfill their former Chairman of Chase Manhattanalcohol Bank, CO2 gas, and (3)they the mash or distiller’s grains. refrigerators, alcoholofelectricity generators, etc. executive You can role as the self-appointed saviours of Gaia. founder the Trilateral Commission, To make alcohol fuel, we need at least three things: purchase some of these from my be close observation of their member of the alcohol-fueled World Economicequipment Forum, donated The feedstock(s)Based whichoncan almost anything that actions, manufacturers and dealers that specialize in marine or recwatching the recommendations made by the land on which the United Nations stands. contains sugars orand starches. reational vehicle appliances. And, of course, alcohol can CoRsystem many years ago now adopted as official • Bill Clinton – former President of the United A fermentation that turns thebeing prepared feedbe used in all vehicles—gasUN and government policy – well, We I have States, founder of the Clinton Global Iniative. stock into approximately 12% alcohol or “beer.” use become oline AND diesel. personally convinced that they are deadly serious. • Jimmy Carter – former President of the United enzymes first to convert the starches into simple sugars and Almost every gasoline On this website I try to use quotes and excerpts as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. then yeasts to convert the simple sugars into alcohol. Al- fuel-injectionStates, car can use much as possible and let the reader reach their own • Bill Gates – founder of Microsoft, philanthropist cohol is literally yeast poop: yeasts eat simple sugars, and alcohol fuel (190-proof alconclusions. • toTed Turner – media mogul, philanthropist, foundthen excrete alcohol while producing CO2 gas. The yeasts cohol) up 50% in its fuel then die when the alcohol aroundand tank So, whatconcentration exactly is the reaches Club of Rome who withouterANY of CNN changes 12%. are its members? Founded in 1968 at David Rocke• George Soros – multibillionare, major donor to whatsoever. A distillationfeller’s systemestate that turns the 12% “beer” intodescribes apin Bellagio, Italy, the CoR it-For gasoline the UNfuel-injecproximately 190-proof alcohol which is 95% alcohol and self as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common former Prime Minister of the United tion cars• to Tony run Blair from –50% 5% water. This concern alcohol for is ready for use in cars and the future of humanity.” It for consists Kingdom to of 100% alcohol, you need cooking, lighting,current heating, electricity generation. andand former Heads of State, UN beaureacrats, to buy • and Deepak install Chopra a plug-– New Age Guru Small scale alcohol production allows local growers to and-play high-level politicians and government officials, dip• conversion Desmondkit Tutu – South African Bishop and activthat use a variety of feedstocks, suitableeconomists, to the localand climate and leaders lomats, scientists, business Nobel Peace costs aroundist,$300. ThisPrize Laureate soil conditions, many of which from around the have globe.much higher alcohol conversion • kit Henry is Kissinger a device– former US Secretary of State yields than the corn used in large production. The Club of scale Romealcohol subsequently foundedthat twoextends the andcapability many, many of more…. Other alcoholsibling feedstocks include the sweet sorghum, fod- andthe organizations, Club of Budapest theengine’s existing comder beets, sugar Club beets,ofJerusalem artichokes, cattails,onetc. Madrid. The former is focused socialputer and to dealThe of ‘environmental sustainability’ withconcept the extra Waste products that contain high levels of sugar or starch of in alcocultural aspects of their agenda, while the latter amount conwasoxygen first brought to widespread public attention in may be obtained from companies looking for ecological hol. It takes about 20 mincentrates on the political aspects. All three of these 1972 by the Club of Rome in their book entitled The means to get rid of their organic production wastes. ‘Clubs’ share many common members and hold utes joint to install. Limits to Growth. The official summary can be read Diagram A shows how we can grow organic food as following “Overmeetings and conferences. As explained in other ar-The here. The report basically concluded that the growth we are making our clean alcohol fuel.


permaculture, grow biointensive, aquaponics, and other natural methods that self-sufficiency all of the farming human population, and proclaim an increase in proslack one key and vital component: the ability to produce perity, would cause an ecological collapse within the clean renewable next and hundred years: energy locally. With alcohol, can trends achieve “If the presentwe growth in true worldenergy popula-and food self-sufficiency in our local communities. tion, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on thisConclusions planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probis liquid sunshine. and simple. ableAlcohol result will be a rather suddenPure and uncontrollable Small scalepopulation alcohol production in capacity.” growing clean redecline in both and industrial newable and food in local “It isenergy possible to organic alter these growth trendscommunities and istoTHE transitional technology for GD2 and WW3. It is establish a condition of ecological and economic based on years years of far practice andfuture. experience stability that isand sustainable into the The by our grandparents and great grandparents. Now by perstate of global equilibrium could be designed soutilizing that maculture and polyculture take the basic material needs of practices, each personweoncan earth arewhat our ancestors knew and practiced theopportunity next satisfied and each person has anonto equal With liquid sunshine produced locally, we can literrealize his individual human potential.” ally tell Big Oil and the other “corporations from “The overwhelming growth in world populationhell” like Monsanto BP to allbirth-rate go to where the sun don’t caused byand the positive loop is a recent phe-shine! But remember, talk does not boil rice. nomenon, a result of mankind’s very successful reIt’s time for us tomortality. implement small scale duction of worldwide Thethis controlling neg- alcohol production where we are. It is time for everyone who cares ative feedback loop has been weakened, allowing the about the environment, clean and renewable energy, and positive loop to operate virtually without constraint. organic food to just do it! There are only two ways to restore the resulting imLet’s take a page from our beloved Bethany Hamilton balance. Either the birth rate must be brought down and General George Patton: to equal the new, lower death rate, or the death rate ”Let’s plow through all these man-made problems of must rise again.” greed and artificially created shortageS like crap through a “The of stopping population growth in goose; like result shit through a tin horn!” 1975 and industrial capital growth in are, 1985and with Make liquid sunshine where you beno happy and other changes is that population and capital reach prosperous . . . constant values at a relatively high level of food, industrial~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ output and services per person. Eventually, however, resource shortages reduce industrial output and the Chu temporarily stable and stateprofessional degenerates.”engineer who David is an author “Man possesses, for the a small in his hishas worked throughout U.S.moment for 20 years. Since late tory, powerfulhis combination knowledge, know2008,the hemost has devoted career andofengineering tools, the world has ever known. how to and helpresources people everywhere learn about andHe implement has all that issmall physically to create a totally scalenecessary alcohol production. new form of human society - one that would be built Tofor obtain a 220-page PDF “10-Family Coop Proto last generations. The two missing ingredients posal & Cost Estimate” ($25)that which detailsmanthe necesare a realistic, long-term goal can guide sary and tools including the carWill conversion kindequipments to the equilibrium society and the Human please the following PayPal clickable link: tokit, achieve thatuse goal.” “Without such a goal and a commitment to it, short-term concerns will generate the exponential growth that drives the world system toward the limits of the earth and ultimate collapse. With that goal and that commitment, mankind would be ready now to begin a controlled, orderly transition from growth to global equilibrium.” So as you can see the even back in 1972 the Club considered modern industrial society to be completely unsustainable. They state that even if population was frozen at 1975 levels, and industrial activity at 1985 levels, then the earth’s ecosystems would still ultimately collapse. The CoR has not changed these views in the slightest, in fact, in the last three decades their warnings have become increasingly more urgent and alarmist. They call this imminent collapse the ‘World Problematique’ and their proposed solution the ‘World Resolutique.’ The Limits to Growth is considered to be the most successful environmental publication ever produced and propelled the Club of Rome to its current

Diagram B continued on page 12

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Is Going Gree

e have all heard about “economic development”, and over the last few years, we hear more and more it being coupled with the adjective sustainable. Some people find combining these terms to be an oxymoron. What do you think? Is it possible to sustain, while developing? In June I was asked to attend something called Degrowth Vancouver. This conference was organized by a gentlemen named Conrad Schmidt. Conrad is a Vancouver filmmaker and writer who describes himself as one who is “working at the cusp of economic and social change to enable an ecologically viable future”. He is the author of Workers Of The World Relax and Efficiency Shifting and the director of the film Five Ring Circus.

When I first heard the name of the conference I thought, what kind of “ degrowth” are we talking about? Are we talking about,degrowth economics? or perhaps its a Ted Turner( former owner of CNN) inspired, degrowth population event. In case you were unaware, Turner has been very outspoken about the need to radically degrow the world poulation. This Teddy is not one you want to snuggle at night, he feels we need to to reduce the current 7 biilion people on the planet, to a sustainable 500 million. Maybe Degrowth was another way of saying “sustainable economic development”, and were talking about supporters of the infamous 1972 Club of Rome report “ Limits to Growth”.Finally I thought, of a more recent document ,the United Nations( Division For Sustainable Development) Agenda 21.

Degrowth (in French: décroissance,in Spanish: decrecimiento, in Italian: decrescita) What I’ve gathered about “degrowth” is it’ s a term very much up for debate. I will say that supporters of “de-growth” appear drawn to this motto largely because of a perceived failure of traditional economic and political systems and their associated ideologies (e.g., capitalism, socialism, social-liberalism and possibly sustainable development aswell). Some say that “degrowth” is a concept and social grass roots movement, that originates with Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen three decades ago. Georgescu-Roegen, who some consider “the father of de-growth” wrote a paper in 1975 “Energy and Economic Myths” in which he debated the Club of Rome’s 1972 report on “Limits to Growth”. Georgescu-Roegen’s thesis about the

Why `Self-Sufficiency' Should Replace `Sustainability' in the Environmental Movement by Jeffrey Green


he environmental movement is in love with the word ‘sustainable’. Admittedly, it’s a wonderful word in the purest sense, meaning; 1. capable of being sustained, 2. capable of being continued with minimal long-term effect on the environment. Who doesn’t want those capabilities? Yet, ‘sustainability’, like everything else good and pure, has seemingly been hijacked by the ruling oligarchs as a way to impose more top-down control of society. Passionate environmentalists are beginning to realize that the only way to affect real change is by becoming sustainable individuals through self-sufficiency. This focus on individual empowerment will naturally lead to increased liberty, as it minimizes the tactics used by mega-cartels and government to control our core needs of food, electricity, or medicine. Living in an environmentally and socially sustainable world should be an obvious goal, but it won’t work if imposed at the barrel of a gun. Removing individual liberties through restrictive legislation can never amount to sustainability, since much of the proposed legislation doesn’t even ‘minimize the longterm effect on the environment.’ Banning incandescent light bulbs, for example, in favor of more energy-efficient but chemically-poisoning CFLs, demonstrates that our leaders have no genuine desire for the environment, but only wish to control consumer choice. It’s similar to favoring nuclear power because it seems cleaner today, yet when the reactors meltdown, or waste needs to be disposed of, it irrevocably ruins Mother Nature. Legislating something as petty as what type of light bulbs we are allowed to purchase only indicates the tyrannical level of micromanagement intended for their view of a sustainable society. Those who are trying to force lifestyle modifications on the public, while they jet-set and limo around the world, have forever stained the authenticity of the ‘sustainability movement’. However, if we, as environmentally-concerned individuals, focus on becoming self-reliant, we will not only break our dependency on many of the establishment’s control mechanisms, we’ll also limit our impact on the environment and gain the ability to ‘be sustained’ -- the two core definitions of sustainable. That’s the real triple bottom line for environmental activists: sustainable self, sustainable environment, and genuine independence. If the current oil spike continues, the industrial food and big box store machine will grind to a halt, or at least make non-local food impossibly expensive. Perhaps then the masses will discover how much power this system has over them. We’re already seeing the makings of a global food crisis. By producing some of your own food and buying the shortfall from your local organic cooperative, you can come close to food self-reliance. This type of food production/consumption is healthier for us, it reduces the impact on the environment in countless ways, and it breaks our dependence on factory food. Furthermore, when we apply some level of alternative energy, we not only stand in defiance of the corporate energy state and the endless resource wars, we commit to cleaner energy technology. When we can harvest our own fresh water, we can survive without chemically-altered “public” services. When we become a producer instead of a consumer, we inch closer to breaking free from the rat-race economy while limiting our rubbish. And when we learn to make and apply natural health remedies, we discover a level of freedom from the toxins of Big Pharma. By the very nature of becoming more self-sufficient, we’ll limit our individual footprint on nature by maximizing the use of all resources. Instead of being ‘sustainable’ by taking things to the recycling center, anything useful is re-used. Mason jars are used for canning, shampoo bottles are refilled with homemade or castile soap, empty milk jugs are used to start seedlings in, and so on. In short, very little waste is produced when we are committed to becoming independent from the consumer culture. Because the only genuine path to sustainability in any broad sense is through one person and community at a time, the environmental movement must shift its focus to personal self-sufficiency. And because sustainability cannot be achieved through forced coercion, gently educate your peers when they express interest. On a broader scale, propose ideas to make your neighborhood or town less dependent on outside influences and seek like-minded volunteers to assist in projects. Ultimately, in order for environmentalists to affect real change we must do as Gandhi said and “be the change you want to see in the world.” This doesn’t mean preaching, picketing, or protesting. It means living the change. And the most effective way to live a more sustainable existence is to dedicate ourselves to breaking free from the poisonous system itself.


he problems associated wi based economies have bee recognized (declining qua ronmental degradation) and con are finding increasing acceptance with these issues. Yet action lags acknowledgement. The purpose bring together leading experts an logue with audience members to into action.

1) Ant

The ‘anti-growth’ approach consi tions and policies that represent examples are different forms that growth:

Save t


ove your pet, hate the new book by Robert the Dog, this scholar sized dog has twice the Carbon “How is this possible?” you dogs eat an average of 360 poun acres of land to generate their d Hummer. Humm, shoot the dog, buy If you cat people think you

en Killing us? necessity to understand thermodynamics to think adequately on economics was endorsed and discussed by several french authors. Serge Latouche on the other hand states that,” de-growth is not a concept at all and that there is no theory of de-growth, as it does not correspond to a ready-made system. Instead, Latouche describes it as “political slogan with theoretical implications”. He goes on to say “ The motto of de-growth aims primarily at pointing out the insane objective of growth for growth. Degrowth is not negative growth, a concept that would be contradictory and absurd, meaning stepping forward while going backward.” “Degrowth is a political, economic, and social movement based on environmentalist, anticonsumerist and anti-capitalist ideas. Degrowth

ith growth en increasingly ality of life, envincepts of degrowth e as a means to deal behind acceptance and of Degrowth 2011 is to nd local contributors in diao translate degrowth concepts


ists in being opposed to the instituthe growth society. The following t can take such an opposition to

thinkers and activists advocate for the downscaling of production and consumption—the contraction of economies—as overconsumption lies at the root of long term environmental issues and social inequalities. Key to the concept of degrowth is that reducing consumption does not require individual martyring and a decrease in well-being. Rather, ‘degrowthists’ aim to maximize happiness and well-being through non-consumptive means—sharing work, consuming less, while devoting more time to art, music, family, culture and community.[2] At the individual level, degrowth is achieved by voluntary simplicity. Global solutions, for ‘degrowthists’, involve a relocalization of economic activities in order to end humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels and reduce its ecological imprint. Degrowth opposes sustainable development because, while sustain-

able development aims to address environmental concerns, it does so with the goal of promoting economic growth which has failed to improve the lives of people and inevitably leads to environmental degradation.[citation needed] In this way, degrowth stands in sharp contrast to current forms of productivist capitalism that consider the accumulation of capital and commodities a desirable end”. - Wikipedia This feature probes the origins on the Environmental Movement and what “Going Green” actually means. Are governments around the world doing the right things to preserve the environment, like promoting local food production and investing in alternative energy, or is there an over arching agenda that aims to reduce the world population through various initiatives that would essentially save the world from us?

The Different Strategies of Degrowth • Civil disobedience to banks • Clown actions • Anti-nano action; anti-advertisement action • Blocking of mining site • Opposition to mega-projects of infrastructures • Landless demonstrations in India • Etc.

2) Alter-growth The ‘alter-growth’ strategy consists in other ways of living as alternatives to the growth society through voluntary simplicity (or simple living) and frugal innovations.

3) A-growth The ‘a-growth’ strategy stands in the way of “the religion of growth” in the sense in which we speak of ‘a-theism’[2]. This will be possible through: Theorization (R&D, Entropia, etc.) and vulgarization (DegrowthPedia, etc.) of the notion of degrowth Degrowth work and sciences and arts

4) De-growth ‘De-growth’ is a political project but not in the electoral sense[2]. Such a strategy consists in political actions for the change of institutions: • Promotion of the gift economy • Engaged artists • Deepening democracy (more direct and participative) • Leaving more resources in/on the ground • Radical ecology • Pro-Redistribution

5) No-growth The ‘no-growth’ strategy consists in the steady-state of institutions through: • Political struggle to maintain non market relations • Conservation of art traditions • Defense of democratic institutions • Conservation of resources • Defense of ecosystems • Defense of equality rights

the World Eat Your Dog!

e environment. This is the focus of a and Brenda Vale. Titled, Time to Eat rly work states that owning a medium n footprint of an SUV. u scream. According to the Vale’s, nds of meat each year. It takes two dinner. This is two times more than a

y an Escalade. u’re off the hook, thing again. Their

dietary habits are the same as driving a VW Golf for a year, but who owns just one cat? OMG! The old lady down the street with all the strays is committing genocide! John Barrett at the Stockholm Environment Institute in York, Britain, confirmed their facts, and came to this conclusion, “Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance, mainly because of the carbon footprint of meat,” Looks like the Koreans are ahead of us again. Now, where did I put my copy of 101 ways to Wok Your Dog?

LIQUID SU continued from page 9

position of an environmental thought-leader and a major consultant to the United Nations. It has been translated into more than forty languages and sold more than 30 million copies. Throughout the 1970s and 80s the concept that humanity was irreparably damaging the earth gained popularity and facilitated the formation of mainstream and activist environmental groups. “My friend Sarah says that I get to be the voice of God. All meetings of the CoR are held ‘behind closed I usually roll my eyes when she says it, because if I were doors’ and nohave public records However the God, I would never chosen meare of kept. all people to speak Club does produce many ‘discussion reports’ that for him.” canare bethe found on itsofwebsite. United Nations con- a Such words wisdomThe of Bethany Hamilton, tracts the Club of Rome to prepare ‘Policy Guidance typical young American girl who is not so typical in many Documents’ which it uses in formulating its policies little ways. and programmes. A quick search for Club of Rome Bethany is famous for losing her left arm to a shark on the UNESCO publications site reveals 250 such attack off the surfing shores of Hawaii in 2003. If she had documents. There are many other documents there given up her budding surfing career and left it at that, she authored CoR members acting But in other would still be an by amazing human being. what capaciBethany ties. As many high ranking UN officials are actually did next is what we can emulate and learn from. members, likeyoung a man woman asking himself for TheCoR indelible faiththis thatisthis has in God, advice, and then agreeing with that advice. Not very not to mention her incredible surfing skills with just one arm, is enough to Various move any and also solvehold anyjoint probobjective! UNmountain organisations lem. conferences with the CoR. BethanyWhile is ourchecking Seabiscuit trythe during Club ofthese Romeextremely website this ing times. morning the first item in their ‘current news’ section Tworefers of her sayings are worthy to memorable a briefing delivered by the CoR to to frame: G8 of“I don’t need easy. I just need possible.” ficials in preparation for the upcoming G8 meeting. “Love biggeritem thanisany tidal wave or fear.” Theissecond a summary report from the Club So what has Bethany Hamilton got to do with alcohol of Romes ’strategy planning retreat’ with 150 senior production? UNESCO officials. The joint CoR/UNESCO communique states: “WeLiquid are at the end of an era – a turning point Sunshine in history. We are approaching the threshold of runhe economic of the world away climate change.and Wefinancial underlinelimbs the urgency of being chewed off by the sharks radical are action to reduce emissions, byfinancial both immedifrom Street and their co-conspirators, ate action andWall longer-term measures; to stress to pothe world’s Central nature Banksters, only litical leaders the non-linear of thewhose processes modus operandi is bottomless GREED. at work which will generate sudden change; and to Concurrently, the overriding world is going through assert that the priority must bea transition to avert called “Great Depression GD2. Ground zero of GD2 the impending risk2” of or catastrophic climate change.” is the U.S. This GD2 is communique going to be longer and much more - CoR/UNESCO severe than Twenty the firstyears one. after Why? Because the major the Limits to all Growth the countriesCoR around the world are “solving” their collapses published another major report that became an with oneinstant tool: FINANCIAL HEROIN, i.e., creating zillions best-seller. In The First Global Revolution the of dollars, pesos, and yuans from Club of Rome claimed thatthin the air. time to act had run Theout. only bubble left to inflate is War, as in World War It was now or never. Delay in beginning correc3 or WW3 which will probably engulf the entire northern tive measures will increase the damage to the world hemisphere and it will include nuclear, chemical, and bioecological system and ultimately reduce the human logical weapons of mass destruction on a global scale. Milpopulation that will eventually be supportable. They lions of uninformed and unprepared people are going to die also stated that democratic governments are far too needlessly due to the ensuing shortage of clean energy and short-sighted to deal with the ‘problematique’ and organic food. new article, forms ofwe governance required. HamIn this are goingaretourgently do a “Bethany In order not too violate any copyright protection ilton” thing and surf right through these seemingly insurI will not reproduce the text of the book on this site. However, it is permissible for me to quote a brief excerpt in the context of thisDiagram wider discussion.AThe complete text (third ed.) can be read and searched online at Google Books. As you read the following quote (from page 75, first ed.), please remember the names of the leaders listed above. This is not some quirky little cult. This is the stated agenda of the leaders of the environmental movement: “This is the way we are setting the scene for mankind’s encounter with the planet. The opposition between the two ideologies that have dominated the 20th century has collapsed, forming their own vacuum and leaving nothing but crass materialism. It is a law of Nature that any vacuum will be filled and therefore eliminated unless this is physically prevented. “Nature,” as the saying goes, “abhors a vacuum.” And people, as children of Nature, can only feel uncomfortable, even though they may not recognize that they are living in a vacuum. How then is the vacuum to be eliminated? It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize


and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation “A radical change from the current trajectory is must be found to bring the divided nations together required, a complete reordering of global society...” to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one “Humans only truly unite when faced with a invented for the purpose. powerful external enemy...” New enemies therefore have to be identified. “At this time a new enemy must be found, one New strategies imagined, new weapons devised. either real or invented for the purpose...” The common enemy of humanity is man. “Democracy has failed us, a new system of In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we global governance, based on environmental imperacame up with the idea that pollution, the threat of tives, must be implemented quickly...” global warming, water shortages, famine and the like Obama is firmly ensconced in the mountable problems. As General George Patton wouldNowforthatfamilies would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by huWhite House the Club of Rome and its affiliates say: ”We’re going to go through them like crap through a evaporated. man intervention, and it is only through changed atare swinging into high And for John gear. The CoR recently ungoose; like shit through a tin horn!” titudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The veiled a new 3-year programme entitled A New We are going to cover small scale alcohol production Rockefeller? real enemy then, is humanity itself. Path for No World Development. The Club of Madrid more in four areas: The have functioned reasonhas launched the Road to Copenhagen, a joint procompetition • old Thedemocracies forbidden history of alcohol ably • wellThe overBig the Myths last 200against years, alcohol but they appear gramme from with thethose UN Environment Programme innow • to beHow in a phase of complacent stagnation with food tended topesky facilitate a binding global climate change farmto grow clean energy and organic little • evidence and innovation treaty in ers. 2009. Perhaps most interesting is the State Howoftoreal useleadership alcohol fuel for automobiles, cookDemocracy is not a panacea. cannot organize and of Global Emergency by the Club of BudaM i s declared ing, heating, lighting,It refrigeration, elecsion accomeverythingtricity and it generation. is unaware of its own limits. These pest in October 2008. The declaration states that we plished. facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though only have four or five years to prevent a total colD u r ecosystems. this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited lapse of the Earth’s To quote from the Forbidden History of Alcohol ing the same for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical document: timecontinue period,on our present unsustainable nature many today’s problems not“Those alwayswho don’t“If we Weofare toldofover and over againdothat G e r m a n ythe Earth may become largely allow electedhistory representatives to make competent de- history path,is by mid-century learn from are destined to repeat it.” But was also in and most other forms of cisions right time.” So how do we glean lessons uninhabitable for human writtenatbythethe winners. from the alcohol So, long before Global Warming became a well life. Such a total systems collapse could occur much history? b u s i n edue s s to . runaway global warming or known issue Al Twain Gore and Club “History of Romedoes col- not repeat sooner, however, Well, Mark saidhis it best: The Gerleagues stated that they would threat of glob- historical other ecocatastrophes, and/or by nuclear wars trigitself, but it rhythms.” Hereuse arethe two interesting made al warming to unite humanity and “set the scene for gered bymans religious, ethnic or geopolitical conflicts or rhythms. alcohol fromnatural resources. The macromankind’s encounter with the planet.” In theasame In 1918, John Rockefeller sponsored bunch ofaccess cra- to diminishing p o t a these t o e sglobal . zies called the Women’s Christian Temperance way that shamans and sooth-sayers in medievalMovement trends driving threats and challenges Their farmwhoseused singular purposeknowledge in life wasofto stamp out alcoholic times their advance when eclipshave been apparent for decades and are now building would bring potatoes to the local community alcohol drinking. Theytowanted send the their “devil rum” back totoward hell. aers es would occur controltoand terrify followers, threshold of irreversibility. The scientific distilleries. No money exchanged hands. The distillery got Whatwould they didn’t know was that they’d working in they use a natural phenomenon as be their ‘en- hand modeling of complex systems shows that when sysfree alcohol feedstock (the input material for making alcoglovetowith the Devil himself. But then they state emy’ achieve their objectives. tems reach a state of critical instability, they either hol) and the farmers got back 1/3 of the alcohol distilled John Rockefeller was in would the kerosine lighting heat- down to their components that although Global Warming be presented as and break or break through from their potatoes. ing initial business. kerosine from would At the enemy,He thedistilled real enemy of humanity a higher order of integral functioning. theseis that the farmers What is really interesting toAtnote night, he would flushhimself. into theI am rivers the volatile, be portrayed as man already noticingexplosive, “points of no return” maintaining the status quo, or got back all the mash, or the solid leftovers which are full toxicfrequently junk left over fromclimate his distillation business. how the terms change and over- Nobody returningoftoproteins, a previous mode of organization and fats, nutrients, vitamins, etc. Making alcohol wanted a “molotov as their their population are being cocktail” uttered in the samekerosine breath. lamp infunctioning, are not a feasible option. only removes the sugar or starch content. These farmers homes. Having discovered that all these influential enThe used acceleration of critical and cross-imthe mash to feed trends their cows, pigs, chickens, etc. They John Rockefeller found out thatwith he could use this pacts toxic among vironmental leaders were associated the Club them indicatesforthat the ‘window of op- and for running used the alcohol lamps, stoves, heaters, waste by-product run theall newly invented automobile—if of Rome I set abouttoreading the reports, lectures portunity’tractors. for pulling out of the present global crisis the internal combustion engine was slightly modified. and speeches on their website as well as the reports and breaking through to a more peaceful sustain-model worked so This cooperative alcoholand distillery Most people don’t know that Henry Ford’s Model T commissioned by the UN. I was amazed to find that able world is likely toactually be no more than four to five well that it prolonged World War 2 as the Allies car originally ran on alcohol first. It was subsequently they lay out their entire agenda for anyone who has years from thetoend of 2008. This is of close in70,000 time todistilleries spread had bomb every one the modified to run on alcohol AND gasoline. See this video eyes to see. Exactly the same themes, concepts and the Mayan 2012 prophecy for the end of the current for more information: The Model T. Henry Ford’s motto across Germany. phrases are repeated continuously throughout their world. The period around the the end Americans of 2012 is likely to the Nuremberg The first thing did after was, “How can we expect the farmers to be our customers Trials was to put into the new German constitution a prohipublications. They are full of references to ‘immibe a turbulent one for this and other reasons. Predicif we are not theirs?” Good question. He wanted to work bition against making alcohol fuel. nent collapse’, ‘dying planet’, ‘our mother Gaia’, tions coming from the physical sciences foresee diswith farmers, not against them. Howgeomagnetic, is that for history rhythming? ‘wrenching transformation’, ‘united society’, in the electromagnetic and John Rockefeller’s motto andglobal business practice turbances were ‘global consciousness’, ‘new forms of governance’ related fields that embed the planet causing signifia bit different. He called the toxic by-product from his etc. They truly intend to bring about the world’s First cant and impacting Big Myths about Alcohol kerosine distillation business “gasoline.” And he called thedamage to telecommunications Global Revolution. many aspects of human activity and health. For the farmers of America his number one enemy, because they The Kosmos Journal provides perhaps thefuel bestfor cars. esoteric traditions 2012 will be the end of as a fuel? Whatthe areend theofBig Myths about alcohol made alcohol insight into their worldview. This Journal was foundthe known world, although the more optimistic inHow about the one, “Making alcohol in the U.S. In 1918 he decided ed by the Club of Rome in partnership with sev- of tepretations speak a new world taking thehungry?” place theofchildren in Africa to go More specifithat he hadwith enough com- causes eral of its sibling organizations.petition As described of the old.” cally, that making alcohol causes the price of corn to go up fromin my those pesky article, The Green Web, the CoR has established a mayfood seemtovery strange – a group of promibe expensive? farmers in the hinterland ofThisand network of supporting organizations, eachsofocusing nent talking One aboutis ancient Mayan Myth Number utterly unscientific. America, he sponsored the world leaders on a different aspect of their agenda. The Kosmos but as I describe 87% in myofarticle, Gaia’s Approximately the corn grown in the U.S. is aforementioned crazies prophecies, with usedleading for animal Only aboutopen1% is used for actual $4 million USD. Journal contains many articles written by CoR memGurus, many globalfeed. warming activists human consumption in corn for breakfast cereals, What the bers. The basic premise of their worldview is: ladies didlywith advocate earth-reverence andasother Newflakes Age phicorn chips, etc.Warming, Another and 1% Global is used Govto make whiskey. The that is money was nothing “Modern industrial civilisation fast outstriplosophies. Gaia, Global restintricately of the corn grown ifisone used forbelieves things like high-fructose short of They are ping the Earth’s natural regenerative andmiraculous! life-supernance entwined, truly corn syrup, modified food starch, got Congress to pass a conporting capacity...” in Gaia, and that she is being fatally harmed byand the other corn-based products that are not exactly fit for human stitutional amendment in “At current rates of resource depletion and encurrent system, then a new system of global gover- consumption. You could 1919 to ban the drinking of and control vironmental degradation a near complete collapse of nance wouldmake appeara half-convincing to be the only an-argument that corn used for cows that are then eaten by human beings is “hualcohol for all of its citizens ecological integrity will occur within the next 100 swer. Global Warming provides the ideal ‘enemy’ to man food.” So, let’s tackle this argument. and, much more importantly, years...” bring about this objective. It is easy for these global the sacrifice, U.S., it takes abouttransforma10 pounds of corn to grow to ban humanity the production alco- to talk In “Gaia, our Mother, who nutured for of elitists about wrenching 1 pound of beef, because cows areuse notofdesigned to digest hol for all of its farmers and countless millenia within her womb of evolution, is tion, population reduction and eliminating the starch. Cows are meant to graze on woody brushes. Forceveryone else. dying...” fossil fuels but the implications are truely horrenThe results were nothing ing them to eat corn, i.e., starch which make up 70% of the “A small window of opportunity now exists to dous. short of spectacular. Thou- corn kernel, is animal cruelty and causes all sorts of bloattransform humanity into a sustainable global interAs Al Gore said in the closing sentence of his sands of American farmers ing problems and digestive diseases. Inefficient digestion depedant society based on respect and reverence for statement after he won the Nobel Peace Prize ... lost work because of Prohi- equates to inefficient meat production. Earth...” “This is just the beginning.” Were that 10 pounds of corn be turned into alcohol first bition and millions of dollars

UNSHINE by fermentation, we would get alcohol fuel and about 3.3 pounds of mash—the leftover solids from the fermentation process, full of proteins, fats, nutrients, vitamins, etc. Feeding cows this mash actually produces 17% more meat 13% faster! L e s s animal feed, more beef, and healthier cows. What a

concept! During Prohibition, the revenuers would go to the county fairs to discover who are the “moonshiners.” How? They would look for the fattest cows and fattest pigs, because those farmers were feeding their prized animals with the leftover mash they got from their illegal moonshine stills! So, making alcohol fuel from corn can provide both fuel for humans and food for animals at the same time. It makes cows happier. And it makes more beef. Myth Number One goes straight into the dust bin of Propaganda History 101. For the other Myths, see the full article at

Growing Clean Alcohol and Organic Food Locally There are three things produced when we make alcohol from grains. They are (1) the alcohol liquid, (2) the CO2 gas, and (3) the mash or distiller’s dried grains. To make alcohol fuel, we need at least three things: The feedstock(s) which can be almost anything that contains sugars or starches. A fermentation system that turns the prepared feedstock into approximately 12% alcohol or “beer.” We use enzymes first to convert the starches into simple sugars and then yeasts to convert the simple sugars into alcohol. Alcohol is literally yeast poop: yeasts eat simple sugars, and then excrete alcohol while producing CO2 gas. The yeasts then die when the alcohol concentration reaches around 12%. A distillation system that turns the 12% “beer” into approximately 190-proof alcohol which is 95% alcohol and 5% water. This alcohol is ready for use in cars and for cooking, lighting, heating, and electricity generation. Small scale alcohol production allows local growers to use a variety of feedstocks, suitable to the local climate and soil conditions, many of which have much higher alcohol yields than the corn used in large scale alcohol production. Other alcohol feedstocks include sweet sorghum, fodder beets, sugar beets, Jerusalem artichokes, cattails, etc. Waste products that contain high levels of sugar or starch may be obtained from companies looking for ecological means to get rid of their organic production wastes. Diagram A shows how we can grow organic food as we are making our clean alcohol fuel.

Vegetables and plants take in CO2 and water, and, through the process of photosynthesis, they create carbohydrates, ranging from simple sugars like glucose, to more complex carbohydrates like starches, and finally to even more complex carbohydrates like cellulose. Alcohol production is all about fermenting a feedstock and distilling the captured sunshine energy (simple sugars, starches, or cellulose) into a liquid form. Hence making alcohol is literally making “liquid sunshine.” During the fermentation process, the amount of CO2 gas released by the yeast is equal to the amount of alcohol that is produced (lb for lb). This CO2 gas can be piped into greenhouses growing vegetables. Studies show that lettuces grown in a CO2-enriched environment can actually grow twice as fast as their cousins breathing normal air with a lower CO2 level. And pumpkins can grow almost twice as large in a CO2-enriched environment. The mash left over from the alcohol fermentation process is nutritious food for growing fishes in aquaponics, mushrooms, and earthworms, among many other useful products. Diagram B, “Table of 10-Acre Fuel and Food Production” shows how a cooperative of 10 families can produce approximately 9,000 gallons of alcohol fuel per year. Using the CO2 to grow organic vegetables in greenhouses and using the mash to grow fishes, mushrooms, earthworms, potentially $500,000 of organic products can be produced annually, depending on local market conditions. A cooperative of families using this model to grow clean energy and organic food would not only survive, but they would thrive. Let’s assume that the overhead costs total around $100,000 per year. This means that each family could net $40,000 per year. And we are talking about 25 to 35 hours of work per week per family! That is not a bad way to survive and thrive during GD2 and WW3.

Using Alcohol in Cars and for Cooking, Heating, Lighting, Refrigeration & Electricity Once alcohol is produced in a local community, opportunities open up for community members to start using alcohol stoves, alcohol heaters, alcohol lamps, alcohol refrigerators, alcohol electricity generators, etc. You can purchase some of these alcohol-fueled equipment from manufacturers and dealers that specialize in marine or recreational vehicle appliances. And, of course, alcohol can be used in all vehicles—gasoline AND diesel. Almost every gasoline fuel-injection car can use alcohol fuel (190-proof alcohol) up to 50% in its fuel tank without ANY changes whatsoever. For gasoline fuel-injection cars to run from 50% to 100% alcohol, you need to buy and install a plugand-play conversion kit that costs around $300. This conversion kit is a device that extends the capability of the engine’s existing computer to deal with the extra amount of oxygen in alcohol. It takes about 20 minutes to install. The following “Over-

view of Small Scale Alcohol Production” shows how a community can truly become self-sufficient. Up until now, permaculture, grow biointensive, aquaponics, and other natural farming methods that proclaim self-sufficiency all lack one key and vital component: the ability to produce clean and renewable energy locally. With alcohol, we can achieve true energy and food self-sufficiency in our local communities.

Conclusions Alcohol is liquid sunshine. Pure and simple. Small scale alcohol production in growing clean renewable energy and organic food in local communities is THE transitional technology for GD2 and WW3. It is based on years and years of practice and experience by our grandparents and great grandparents. Now by utilizing permaculture and polyculture practices, we can take what our ancestors knew and practiced onto the next level. With liquid sunshine produced locally, we can literally tell Big Oil and the other “corporations from hell” like Monsanto and BP to all go to where the sun don’t shine! But remember, talk does not boil rice. It’s time for us to implement this small scale alcohol production where we are. It is time for everyone who cares about the environment, clean and renewable energy, and organic food to just do it! Let’s take a page from our beloved Bethany Hamilton and General George Patton: ”Let’s plow through all these man-made problems of greed and artificially created shortageS like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!” Make liquid sunshine where you are, and be happy and prosperous . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David Chu is an author and professional engineer who has worked throughout the U.S. for 20 years. Since late 2008, he has devoted his career and engineering knowhow to help people everywhere learn about and implement small scale alcohol production. To obtain a 220-page PDF “10-Family Coop Proposal & Cost Estimate” ($25) which details the necessary equipments and tools including the car conversion kit, please use the following PayPal clickable link:

Diagram B

There goes the neighbourhood... FACTS about Smart Meters – mandated to be installed on your home without your consent BC Hydro started installation July 4, 2011 The Clean Energy Act of May 2010 mandates that BC Hydro replace every meter with a ‘Smart Meter’ by 2012. Section 17 specifies that installation can be done “without the consent of the owner.” There has been no normal process for public input. The Act strips the BC Utilities Commission of the power to review the project. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from ‘Smart Meters’ is 24/7 and is a known public health hazard... n Smart meters have been installed in several US states and in

Ontario. Many people are reporting ill health effects soon after these meters appear. Serious problems, including fires and voltage spikes which destroy appliances, have been reported consistently.

n BC Hydro is misleading the public. They claim that the signals

will total 1-5 minutes a day. In fact, because the transmissions are calculated in milliseconds, this actually means your meter can transmit 13,000 times or more per day.

n BC Hydro has stated that 20 years’ exposure to a Smart Meter is the same as 30 minutes on a cellphone. It appears that BC Hydro is comparing whole body average exposure from Smart Meter radiation to peak exposure to the ear for the cellphone. One needs to compare apples and apples, or whole body exposures to whole body exposures. Comparing the peak dose to the ear from a cell phone, when the rest of the body gets vastly less radiation, with a whole body exposure where all organs get roughly the same dose from a Smart Meter, doesn’t seem appropriate. Dr. Daniel Hirsch, UCSC, states: “...the cumulative whole body exposure from a Smart Meter at 3 feet appears to be approximately two orders of magnitude higher than that of a cell phone.”

A Mayor’s Warning “…the ambient electromagnetic and radio wave fields that will come as a result of having these things at every house running constantly is an unforeseen health risk. For people who are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, it’s going to be a living nightmare.” Mayor Lew Tremaine, Fairfax, California

The World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Lyon, France, May 31, 2011


Work Safe BC, Workers Compensation Act Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 5.57 (1) If a substance identified as any of the following is present in the workplace, the employer must replace it, if practicable, with a material which reduces the risk to workers: (a) ACGIH A1 or A2, or IARC 1, 2A or 2B carcinogen;

n Collector hubs and Home Area Network transmissions add to the electromagnetic pollution in our home, neighbourhood, and natural environment. You’ll be receiving constant radiation not only from your own meter, but from all of your neighbours’ meters as well. n BC Hydro misleads again. They say ITRON meters must be

wireless, and you have no option. YET, the makers of ITRON clearly state in their patent and elsewhere that there are other options to radiofrequency, including wired. Watch ITRON’s video at minute 3:05 to see for yourself - n Smart Meter EMR exposure is non-consensual. Most EMR exposures (i.e. from household or personal wireless devices) are optional. BC Hydro is undemocratically mandating a recognized Class 2B Carcinogen be added to your house through an essential service.

Together, we have the power to stop this. Page 14

(PG&E is the California equivalent of BC Hydro)

Dear Frances,

Dear Doctor Dahl, A family member was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she nervously seeking alternative treatment options. I remember you did a column last year on this subject and for the life of me I can’t find it. I know this would be of interest to many others, could you please re-run this column? Sincerely, Jessica D. Abbotsford, BC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Dr. Dahl, My name is Frances, I had breast cancer 4 years ago and out of fear did chemo/rads/tamoxifen. I’ve never taken meds before and have always been very healthy. The chemo damaged the thyroid function and in December 2007 I was told I had hypothyroidism, the TSH was 23; they gave me 75mcg of Synthroid, now they tell me the TSH is at 3.3. I want to get off this drug and I need to find a natural supplement that will return the gland to its natural function. Can you give me some advice on the steps to take to get off the drug and a suggestion of a natural pill that I can take? Thank you, Frances

Thank you for your interesting question regarding a delicate subject that affects a very large portion of our society. The symptoms that you are describing are sadly very common: I call it the chemo/ radiation/tamoxifen cocktail. The currently recognized cancer treatment –chemotherapy/radiation-often comes into question by those who are personally affected or by those who have loved ones affected by the disease. The mere association of the cancer label conjures up images of horror, fear and desperation in pursuit of the avenue of treatment - will those affected go against the acceptable drug approach with known risks and prolonged side effects or turn from the traditional treatment to entertain a natural approach? Cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment due to fermentation and oxygen deprivation, creating an acidic environment within the blood supplying capillaries. This toxic cocktail is then transported into our filter organs and the entire lymphatic system. The cancer cells become enveloped in an oxygen-deprived death grip and their growth becomes rapid and quickly transforms into malignancy. Most cancer patients have high acidy and low ph levels; treatment must include a high alkalinity diet and vital nutrients to offset this imbalance, in an effort to create greater oxygenation within the infected cells. Tamoxifen is now the recognized form of drug treatment especially for women recovering from breast cancer. Revenues from tamoxifen make it a financial winner as it is used by more women with breast cancer than any other drug. Tamoxifen is an estrogen blocker, but estrogen, when in balance by nature, is a woman’s best friend. Chemically blocking estrogen damages healthy cells and prevents cell structures from communicating; it therefore can actually cause cancer cells to grow by sending false signals to the weakened cell structures!

As a replacement for tamoxifen, consider the nutrient DIM or Indole 3-Carbinol (I3C). In fact, the famed M.D. Anderson Cancer Clinic and Hospital now use this product as a chemotherapeutic treatment for breast and other forms of cancer. Great news for patients – not so good for Tamoxifen profits! I3C appears to act in five ways: • By partially blocking estrogen receptor sites on cell membranes. • By returning alpha and beta receptor site expression to normal levels • By converting highly active estrogen forms to much safer compounds • By blocking other cancer enhancing receptor sites • By directly killing cancer cells. I3C not only weakens estrogen and keeps chemicals out of cells, it also goes after cancer in ways similar to tamoxifen. It, like tamoxifen, interrupts the cell cycle. In studies from the University of California at Berkeley 1997, I3C inhibited the growth of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells by 90% compared to tamoxifen’s 60% by stopping the cell cycle. And In 1997, researchers at Strang Cancer Research Laboratory at Rockefeller University discovered that when I3C changes “strong” estrogen to “weak,” it stops human cancer cells from growing (5461%) and provokes the cells to self-destruct (apoptosis). Substitute for Synthroid with Raw Thyroid Gland. Natural thyroid has both T-3 and T-4 hormones: Synthroid, on the other hand, has only T4 and needs to convert T-4 to T-3. In general, people whose thyroids are suppressed due to stress cannot respond to synthetic thyroxine, which only has the T-4 hormone. In addition to the above, eat a diet rich in alkaline foods; Asparagus, Onions, Vegetable Juices, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Garlic, Barley, Okra, Squash, Green Beans, Beets, Celery, Lettuce, Zucchini, Sweet Potato, Lemons, Watermelon, Limes, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Papayas, Dates, Figs, Melons, Grapes, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears, Raisins, Almonds, Flax Seed Oil, Ex Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed oil, Stevia, Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup. Be sure you find a Naturopathic Doctor in your area who can supervise your progress, to ensure your results. Best of health, Dr. Dahl

Creating a Summer Herbal First Aid Kit by Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist


he summer months are a time of increased activity, with more time spent outdoors, in the sun, gardening, or at the beach; it is also the season for insect bites, sunburns, minor cuts, scrapes and bruises requiring some first aid attention. Herbal medicine offers numerous options for treatment and will address many issues commonly experienced during the summer season. Here are some MUST HAVE herbal remedies to include in your first aid kit! Natural insect repellents: Lavender, Tea Tree and Citronella Essential Oils all have insect repellent properties. Essential oils are for external treatment only –do NOT ingest. Dilute in a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil – add 3 drops of essential oil into 1/3 cup of oil and apply to the skin before venturing outdoors. A Sunburn Spritzer: dilute Lavender and Peppermint Essential oils (using 3-4 drops each) in ½ cup of water. Pour into a spray bottle and spritz over the burning skin frequently, then apply aloe vera gel to the sunburn. Aloe vera is a gentle, soothing aid for inflamed tissues and helps to take the ‘heat’ out of a sunburn. Barbeque burns and scalds: Cool the burn with cold water then apply pure Lavender essential oil. Lavender works like magic for preventing blisters and minimizing scarring. Apply frequently to the burn. Lavender Essential Oil is cooling and helps to relieve inflammation caused by bites and stings; its antiseptic and

properties help to combat infection when used directly on open cuts and wounds and of course its calming effects will assist with symptoms of shock and trauma. Bites and Stings: A bee sting can be both washed with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), or the baking soda can be applied as a paste (mix with water) to the bite. The herb Plantain can be used as a skin wash or applied as a poultice for helping to ‘pull out’ venom from the bite or form. Motion sickness and travel sickness: For people on-the-go consider using ginger capsules or prepare a tea by adding 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger root to 1cup of boiling water. Steep 10 minutes – an adult dose of tea, is 3 cups daily. Ginger is a well known traditional remedy for settling the stomach and relieving symptoms of nausea, vomiting while traveling. Poison Ivy: Try not to scratch, as it will worsen itch. Apply aloe vera gel to the area, bathe the affected area in apple cider vinegar diluted in cool water then apply Lavender Essential oil to the affected skin. Minor cuts and scrapes: Marigold cream is used to promote rapid skin healing and to prevent infection from minor cuts, scrapes and open wounds. Marigold is also of benefit for boils, rashes, skin ulcerations and reducing inflammation of local tissues. Arnica Cream applied frequently for bruising, sprains, local inflammation and athletic injuries.

Plantar warts: Potent antiviral essential oils such as Cinnamon and Lemon can help remove plantar warts from the body. Protect the healthy skin with cream and apply these essential oils directly to the wart frequently throughout the day. Keep away from the eyes and do not ingest. Additional home remedies include applying the white milk from the fresh Dandelion stem directly to the wart and taping a clove of crushed garlic or the peel of a ripe banana to the problem area, replace daily and use for several weeks to help clear up the issue. Cayenne pepper powder: a surprise too many, cayenne pepper powder offers invaluable support for stopping all forms of external bleeding. For any open wound which is bleeding profusely, sprinkle cayenne pepper powder into the wound. The wound will sting like a paper cut for a couple minutes then the pain will subside; the amazing thing is just how fast the cayenne will stop bleeding. This is one remedy to rely on for any kitchen cuts or abrasions where bleeding is involved and to help speed up wound healing. Always consult your holistic health care provider if problems linger or if emergency advice is required. -------------------------------------------------Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, Medical Herbalist - is in private practice in Vancouver and Port Moody, BC and the owner of Alchemy & Elixir Health Group. Clinic appointments can be booked at:

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Breakfast at Apathy’s

Moving On

by Fredalupe Kugelmann


oday I’m reminded of a quote from author Leo Buscaglia. He stated, “ I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate it’s apathy. It’s not giving a damn.” Apathy is when you would do nothing for someone. Love is when you would do anything. I’ve come to realize that apathy is in fact the main subject that I was taught from the earliest age continuing on to the present. If I’m completely honest apathy has become my ‘normal and natural’ condition. Business as usual one might say. The world of human affairs seems to work with all its might to reinforce this particular state not only in myself but also in all those around me. Fed by a willful, chosen, ignorance about the true condition of humanity, one that allows and even encourages evil to run rampant. Apathy gives fear permission and free reign to rule the day. Of course in such a place feeling deeply only brings suffering. And so we have a perfect circuit of sorts, seemingly perpetual: that’s just the way it is, has been, always will be, or so I’ve been told. Ours is a United States of Apathy, bound together by the common purpose of wanting to be left the hell alone whatever the cost. On this point the majority of us all seem to be in agreement. With that in hand our masters have our consent to enslave us, and all who come after, in chains fabricated by our very own compliance and acceptance. None of this should be too surprising really, seeing how all of society, economy, religion, culture, is geared towards driving us towards that result. Quite the machine we’ve constructed out of our combined awareness. Describing it is easy: it’s everywhere. It is the very fabric of our reality, the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, the language we speak, the world we inhabit, the school in which we swim, it is the sackcloth over our heads, the noose around our necks…the metaphors are unending because it is true wherever one looks. It is our matrix, our prison, our virtual reality, our separate selfish selves. A foreign installation to be sure, parasitical, artificial, alien. A slave is defined as a person who is the legal property of another, who is forced to obey them. That definition reminds me of childhood, of parents, of police, of government, of the legal fiction that has become of our collective consciousness. By hook and by crook our shepherds continue to lead us down a path of certain destiny.

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What exactly do we expect for our troubles of not troubling to bother about the crimes against life perpetrated in our names? What can we expect as our reward for continuing to empower the psychopathy in humanity? Look around. It’s not hard to see. We pay for it in everyday. It’s price is terrible in deed. Of course if we have our proverbial heads in the ground the rest of us will soon follow, but not before we get a good you know what from you know who. After all, assuming the position invites the act. So I fight. Not anyone else. Not even myself. Not anymore. Been there done that. Been that - done there, too. I fight apathy, my own. I’m doing it right now. I fight it with tailor made techniques, designed with the express purpose of re-possessing my Being. I’ve given in to it for too long to not know it deeply. I’ve lived with it all my life after all. Studying it, learning patience, biding my time. It’s been my constant companion through childhood, adulthood. I was given little choice once here. It may even be why I agreed to come. Apathy, and fear in all its forms, has been an excellent teacher and has afforded me a soul deep education in my own evolution. And in the grand tradition of evolved consciousness I fight by not fighting. My ‘weapon’, if it can be called that, is knowledge and my strategy is simplicity itself. Know thyself. Know thine enemy. Make of your enemy your friend. Do no harm Though difficult and without question challenging the admission of our ‘worst’ selves into the totality of our being puts us all into perspective. Personally and globally. The contextual field of my experience offers all that I require to see clearly and therefore to choose wisely. What do we really have but the power of our decisions. How else do we get anywhere? Step by step, moment by moment, one choice at a time. Every morning so far, even before my eyes open, when I might be at my most vulnerable, my friend, here named Apathy, challenges me with the question of the proper use of my energy. I can give in right away, indulging myself in the imagined warmth that giving in promises so sweetly, and thereby set myself on a very certain path, well trod and familiar, or I can be present, really there in the now, knowing that the game is afoot, recalling to myself the truth of that promise which is the momentary warmth of a loosened bladder, soon to become the embarrassing cold of an incontinent will. Instead I dare to make a new choice, an exciting one, one filled to the brim with an absolute gratitude for that very challenge and everything else to boot. My choice is to wake up, not to pretend sleep. And so I begin my day with exactly that intent, only to be challenged again and again and again, from every corner, through every medium, by almost everyone everywhere, visible, invisible, on and on. To care, to be grateful, in a world gone to hell is an awesome, truly empowering act. Sure, I feel fear, despair, desperation, joy, elation, the whole spectrum, at times so deeply I might burst from encompassing the depth and breadth of my humanity. There’s even a time for apathy to play, for when the flow becomes too much, for when I am asking to be reminded of the contrast to being so wonderfully alive. Doing so within that context I remain free from the trap that seems to await my every step, I remain myself. I exclude no part of my experience of being. To do otherwise brings us to where we are now collectively, at war, in fear, lost and abandoned by our own choosing, never owning up to it, avoiding responsibility at every turn, headless chickens still running from the axe, ridiculously impossibly, looking for a hole in which we can hide till the danger passes. Wordplay aside, I’m here to share with you something you probably already know but have possibly chosen to forget to make your experience of rediscovery as joyful as can be: Life is the Play of Love. How’s that for breakfast?


by Don Findlay Host of The Party

here comes a time in our journey to truth and freedom that we must look beyond the ground around us, to the ground ahead. Our longings for fairness and justice are totally useless if they fail to move us forward along a better road. Merely inspecting the debris of our failures is not enough. Once identified and understood, the obstacles in our path, the quicksand of debt, the fires of war, need not be examined any longer. Once the danger that they represent has been recognized, we must move on and fully commit ourselves to building the bridges that will take us up to a higher ground. Once our eyes have been opened and the true depth of our dilemma becomes obvious, it is simply too painful to remain in the same place and do nothing. If we remain transfixed, merely lamenting the latest evidence of our plight, we unwittingly perpetuate the despair and hopelessness that keeps us captive. Our captors, in fact, count on us to do exactly that, so they bombard us with a never ending story of shocking news to distract and immobilize us. The “Chicken Little” industry is booming with the warnings of experts that “the sky is falling my books & DVDs” but only rarely is a clear vision of a comprehensive plan for a better future ever revealed. The Financial Party of Canada is urging Canadians to move on in their thinking, beyond the obscene betrayals of our current financial system, to an empowering vision of a truly liberating, interest-free society. Although radically different from what you have been led to believe about money, investment and the economy, our plan is totally realistic and completely achievable ...but we need your interest and support to win the majority government necessary to implement it. Please seriously consider the framework of our proposals that are posted at Then, help us build the details of a new democracy, and a fair and just society, for the whole world to see. Please stop dwelling on our failures and join us in the celebration of the positive possibilities for life on this tiny planet.

N E W M U S I C . O R G

More than 120 days of U.S./CANADA/NATO bombing of LIBYA 16,000 b o m b i n g r a i d s


Report from Libya:

Impact of U.S. war in Africa

Hear former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney , who recently returned from leading a delegation to Libya in opposition to the U.S. criminal destruction of Libya. Includes new VIDEO footage of U.S. war on Libya



15 city-tour in the U.S. and Canada, organized by International Action Center ( and endorsed by Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) in coordination with many antiwar and community organizations from July 7 to August 27, 2011. This is an educational and fund-raising tour to help recover the cost of Cynthia McKinney’s fact-finding delegation to Libya and to educate on the true cost of U.S. wars.


AUGUST 9, 2011


visit for Vancouver premier date and location

HERITAGE HALL 3102 Main Street at 15th Ave.uesdgust9th2011 To help donate for the tour expenses:

mobilization against war and occupation -mawo


HELP KEVIN ANNETT EXPOSE THE CRIMINALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MURDER OF CHILDREN IN INDIAN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS Dear friends, Please take a moment and consider making a donation to support our ITCCS campaign to bring home the children who died in Canadian Indian residential schools – and bring those responsible to justice. That campaign is now blossoming into an international movement to hold the Vatican, the Crown and others responsible for their centuries of crime, commencing at ITCCS forums to be held in September across Europe and North America. I’m delighted to tell you that our work is finally beginning to reap a harvest: this month, three indigenous groups in Canada are working with us to commence forensic archaeological digs on their territories at the mass grave sites of children who died in residential schools. What really happened to these thousands of children will finally be known to the world. The information gained from this historic breakthrough will place this genocide once again in international headlines, especially since we will be bringing the evidence disclosed by these digs to international forums and press conferences in Europe in the fall, to formally indict Canada and its churches with genocide. Not surprisingly, because of our successes, the opposition and attacks we face have escalated, the closer we get to actually opening the graves of these children. We are entirely dependent on the financial support of the community. Unfortunately, our networks have been undermined and most of our fund-

ing sources have dried up recently because of these attacks. We are now operating with virtually no money or income, and so we need to replenish our travel funds to make our September Tribunal in Europe a reality. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by September 1. This money will be spent on paying the way for eyewitnesses to crimes against humanity to attend our Tribunals to give their testimony. As well, it will be used to fund my own travel and research expenses, since I receive no income for this work, and the facilities for the Tribunal events have all been gratefully donated. Please help us today, so that twenty years’ effort will not be in vain. A receipt will be issued to you for your donation, as well as a complimentary copy of our award-winning documentary film Unrepentant. You have all brought us this far; please help us make many hopes come true by funding our ITCCS Tribunal and its research and travel expenses. Every bit of assistance from you will help us get there, and will reaffirm our trust in your support. To Donate Please Call or Email: 250-753-3345 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA) Very gratefully and hopefully, Kevin D. Annett

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futuristic tower called “Floating Observatories,” which resembles a tree trunk with eight floating elevator observatories shaped like leaves, will soon become a major landmark in Taichung, Taiwan’s third largest city. The conceptual design of the tower was made by a team from the companies Dorin Stefan Birou Arhitectura (DSBA), Upgrade.Studio, and Mihai Cracium, and led by DSBA principal architect Stefan Dorin from Romania. The tower design won first prize in the recent Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition. Dorin explained the design represented a “technological tree,” with elevator observatories shaped like the island of Taiwan, which is leaf-shaped. The tower, standing over 300 meters high, will include an information center, museum, office tower, conference venue, fixed and floating observation decks, restaurants, and an urban park. The floating elevator observatories can take up to 80 people and are built from lightweight materials developed by the space industries, and covered by a new generation membrane of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Their design was influenced by science fiction computer games. They move up and down on a vertical track positioned within a strong electromagnetic field and are “self-sustained” by helium balloons. The observatories provide the key exhibit of the museum for the visitors — the city itself — and when nested they are themselves exhibits. The design’s “green” features include a small footprint, natural ventilation through the “chimney” effect, turbines and solar cells to generate power for the building, a fiber optics dome to light basement areas and museum spaces, and rainwater collection and purification. There is also a geothermal power plant in the basement for heating in winter and for heating water. The Taiwan Tower will be the tallest building in Taichung, but is much shorter than the tallest building in Taiwan, the Taipei 101 skyscraper. The design was chosen from 237 entrants from 25 countries and gives Dorin a prize of around $130,000 as well as the chance to have the tower built to his design. Building of the tower on the one hectare site within sight of the Taiwan Strait is expected to begin in 2012 and take two years to complete. The competition was held to celebrate the centenary of the founding of Taiwan and to commemorate the merger of Taichung County and Taichung City. The government of Taiwan will fund the building.

Blue Ventures Wins the 2011 Buckminster Fuller Challenge


lue Ventures, a conservation organization that simultaneously protects marine environments while improving the standard of living in some of the world’s poorest coastal communities, has been named the winner of the 2011 Buckminster Fuller Challenge. The London based non-profit, which validates the bio-economic viability of conservation, was awarded $100,000 to further develop and scale up its work at a ceremony tonight at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. The Buckminster Fuller Challenge, named “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award” by Metropolis Magazine, is the annual global competition recognizing bold, visionary, tangible initiatives that take a comprehen-

sive, anticipatory, design science approach to radically advance human well being and the health of our planet’s ecosystems. Blue Ventures’ comprehensive systems approach assumes that survival of a natural habitat and the people whose lives depend on it are inseparable. The organization’s high-leverage scalable model has enabled impoverished fishing communities in Madagascar to increase and diversify their incomes by protecting the biodiversity of their coastal waters. Amongst other conservation successes, they have created the largest community-run Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Indian Ocean bringing direct economic benefits to more than 10,000 people in 25 traditional fishing villages, and given rise to new

conservation legislation. The approach encompasses a full range of diverse programming, synergistic activities and economic development initiatives. Blue Ventures’ partner communities are trained in conservation science and empowered to develop, implement, and oversee community-owned marine conservation solutions that include marine and fisheries research, family planning and public health, environmental education, fisheries management, and protected area development. The organization also is pioneering the development of commercial-scale sustainable aquaculture initiatives that provide alternative sources of income, including the world’s first community-managed sea-cucumber farms.

Over 700 performances in 11 days! Tickets on sale now! And don’t forget Opening Night on Sept. 6: Resistance is Futile

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SURRENDER TO THE FRI NG E Sep t. 8-1 8 (On and around Granville Island)

Page 18 (Fringe Box Office Powered by Mac Station)

August 5 – 14, 2011

Jazz on the Regina Carter and the Reverse Thread Project (USA) A high energy evening fusing jazz violin and African folk melodies Monday August 8 @ 8pm Vogue Theatre | Tickets $39/34 Tickets through 604.569.1144


World at the Garden: From Cuba to Denmark Ernán López-Nussa Trio and Touché Vocal Jazz Sunday August 14 @ 7pm | VanDusen Botanical Gardens Tickets in advance: $37/32 At the door $42/37 ERNÁN LÓPEZ-NUSSA TRIO

Jazz in the Industrial Alliance Pacific Pre-Dinner Concerts Touché Vocal Jazz (Denmark) 14 voices create big band style in an a cappella explosion of energy Friday August 12 @ 5:30pm Christ Church Cathedral Tickets $27/22


Jazz in the Industrial Alliance MusicFest Flavours Concerts

Ernán López-Nussa Trio: Sacrilegio (Cuba) High octane Latin jazz twist on Bach, Beethoven, and Cervantes Friday August 12 @ 8pm Christ Church Cathedral Tickets $39/34


Jazz at the Rothstein presented by 950 W 41st Ave Vancouver

The Inside Story

The Night Crawlers & Cory Weeds’ Cellar Jazz Club All Stars (Canada) Fave Vancouver band extols legends of the B3 organ Sunday August 7 @ 8pm | Tickets $39/34

Lorraine Desmarais Trio (Canada)


Rare visit by Montreal's first lady of jazz Tuesday August 9 @ 8pm | Tickets $39/34

Helge Lien Trio (Norway) Powerhouse jazz pianist back by popular demand Thursday August 11 @ 8pm | Tickets $39/34

Joe Chindamo & Friends with special guest Phil Dwyer



Improvisatory fireworks as jazz giants reunite Saturday August 13 @ 8pm Tickets $39/34 Pick up a Festival Guide at selected Choices Markets stores, Book Warehouse outlets, and Greater Vancouver BMO branches



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