I W i s h I K n e w H o w t o Q u i t Yo u
縱 使 不 你再 的相 聲見 音 卻 從 未 消 散
Presented by CU Chorus Association Limited
香港 The Ch 中文大學合唱團 ines Hong K e University o ong Ch f orus 音樂總監 兼指揮 M
usic Dire
ctor & Co
Leon C h
anists 馮荻文 黃歷琛 Fung Tik Man Alexan der Wo ng
2021.6.13 3pm
Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
中大合唱協會有限公司主辦 Presented by CU Chorus Association Limited
不見・不散 I W i s h I K n e w H o w t o Q u i t Yo u
2021年6月13日(星期日)下午三時 13 June 2021 (Sunday) 3:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall 節目長約 1小時10分鐘,不設中場休息 Running Time: Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes without intermissionn 緊貼中大合唱團最新消息 Follow CU Chorus!
www.cuchorus.org.hk cuchorus
場地規則 House Rules
各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位 切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。 在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的 裝置。多謝各位合作。
Dear Patrons, In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.
主辦機構保留更改節目及表演者權利 Programme and artists are subject to change
祝中大合唱團 演出成功
Congratulations to The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
楊于銘校友 致意 With Compliments of Mr. Kelvin Yeung
香港中文大學校長獻辭 Message from the Vice-Chancellor 我謹此祝賀香港中文大學合唱團「不見.不散」音樂 會演出成功。音樂會曲目選自不同歷史和文化背景的 作品,反映愛情如何牽動人心,亦可見音樂如何把愛 情最珍貴的時刻保存下來。「不見.不散」音樂會對 合唱團而言是難忘的時刻,因為這場音樂會是合唱團 自新冠疫症流行以來的第一次台上表演。我希望合唱 團的演出能給久為疫症所撓擾的朋友帶來一些快慰。
我也藉此機會感謝香港中文大學合唱團為我們送來美 妙徽音,以及使人緬懷的演出。
I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to the CUHK Chorus on their much-anticipated performance — I Wish I Knew How to Quit You. The musical selections, chosen from a historically and culturally diverse repertoire, reflect how deeply love can dwell in our hearts and be expressed in music. The performance is a memorable event since it marks the Chorus’ first on-stage appearance after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope it will bring solace to music lovers and relief from the stress of the pandemic. Let me take this opportunity to thank the CUHK Chorus for bringing us fine music and an afternoon which I am sure will prove unforgettable.
香港中文大學校長 段崇智 謹識 Rocky S Tuan Vice-Chancellor and President The Chinese University of Hong Kong
I W i s h I K n e w H o w t o Q u i t Yo u
Love Tree
選自合唱組曲《致愛——愛情安魂曲》 (2011) 作曲:冉天豪 作詞:王友輝 國語演唱
from the Choral Suite Requiem Pro Amor (2011) Music: Jan Tien-hao Lyrics: Wang Yu-hui Sung in Mandarin
Dieu! qu’il la fait bon regarder!
選自三首奧爾良公爵歌曲,L. 99 (1898) 作曲:德布西 作詞:奧爾良公爵查理一世 法語演唱
選自合唱組曲《花的訴說》 (2016) 作曲:潘行紫旻 作詞:李皓 普通話演唱
唉!如果你這麼喜歡 (SV 85)
選自《牧歌第四冊》 (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 作詞:瓜里尼 意大利語演唱
對着眾星發洩 (SV 78) 選自《牧歌第四冊》 (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 作詞:利魯切尼 意大利語演唱 那閃亮的一瞥 (SV 84) 選自《牧歌第四冊》 (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 作詞:瓜里尼 意大利語演唱 世界恬靜落來的時 (2016) 作曲:石青如 作詞:向陽 台語演唱 我有一個戀愛
選自合唱組曲《風雪戀星》 (2008) 作曲:冉天豪 作詞:徐志摩 國語演唱
我的靈魂啊,請你原諒/如果你是我的摯愛 (SV 80) 選自《牧歌第四冊》 (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 作詞:瓜里尼 意大利語演唱
墮落天使 § (2005/2016)
作曲:石青如 作詞:蔣勳 國語演唱 男高音獨唱 袁天逸
from Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orléans , L. 99 (1898) Music: Claude Debussy Lyrics: Charles d’Orléans Sung in French §
Dandelion§ from the Choral Suite What Flowers Tell You (2016) Music: Pan Xingzimin Lyrics: Li Hao Sung in Putonghua
Ohimè, se tanto amate (SV 85) from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) Music: Claudio Monteverdi Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini Sung in Italian Sfogava con le stelle (SV 78) from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) Music: Claudio Monteverdi Lyrics: Ottavio Rinuccini Sung in Italian
A un giro sol (SV 84) from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) Music: Claudio Monteverdi Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini Sung in Italian
When the World Quiets Down (2016) Music: Shih Ching-Ju Sung in Taiwanese
Lyrics: Hsiang Yang
I Am in Love from the Choral Suite Wind, Snow, Love, Star (2008) Music: Jan Tien-hao Lyrics: Hsu Chih-mo Sung in Mandarin
Anima mia, perdona / Che se tu (SV 80) from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) Music: Claudio Monteverdi Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini Sung in Italian Fallen Angel§ (2005/2016) Music: Shih Ching-Ju Lyrics: Chiang Hsun Sung in Mandarin Tenor Solo Nathaniel Yuen
選自《林徽音詩四首——深別晚天》 (2013) 作曲:冉天豪 作詞:林徽音 國語演唱
選自《蔣勳詩三首》 (2012/2014) 作曲:冉天豪 作詞:蔣勳 國語演唱
只有在睡夢中 (2010) 作曲:艾森華茲 作詞:蒂斯黛爾 英語演唱 女高音獨唱 佘雅筠 尚 ‧ 拉辛讚歌,作品 11 作曲:佛瑞 作詞:尚 ‧ 拉辛 法語演唱
選自《貝加馬斯克組曲》,L. 82 (1890/1905) 作曲:德布西 鋼琴獨奏
Clair de lune§ from Suite bergamasque , L. 82 (1890/1905) Music: Claude Debussy Piano Solo
Music I Heard at Night§ from Four Poems of Lin Huiyin (2013) Music: Jan Tien-hao Lyrics: Lin Huiyin Sung in Mandarin
Wish§ from Three Poems of Chiang Hsun (2012/2014) Music: Jan Tien-hao Lyrics: Chiang Hsun Sung in Mandarin
Only in Sleep (2010) Music: Ēriks Ešenvalds Sung in English Soprano Solo Cherry Shi
Lyrics: Sara Teasdale
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 Music: Gabriel Fauré Sung in French
Lyrics: Jean Racine
香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 朱振威 Leon Chu 馮荻文 Fung Tik Man、§ 黃歷琛 Alexander Wong
音樂總監兼指揮 Music Director and Conductor
鋼琴伴奏 Pianists
本場音樂會設中、英文字幕 Surtitles in Chinese and English are available for the entire concert
請填寫音樂會電子問卷,謝謝! Please fill in the audience survey. Thanks for your support.
( 不是 ) 樂曲介紹 朱振威
這一場音樂會本來是期待已久,由台灣指揮家吳尚倫* 指揮中大合唱團的香港首演。正是好事多磨,從去 年延至今年,他也重新設計了節目,奈何最終仍未能成行。
收到曲目清單再跟吳尚倫討論,我對這套節目的喜愛與沉迷與日俱增。他以樂曲的調性為經,以歌詞的 意象為緯,交織出一個如幻似真的愛情獨白,戀愛的五味在歌曲間連成意識的流動。一向以「baroque man」自居的吳尚倫,其實用了 pasticcio「拼貼」(以不同現成作品拼湊出一部多樂章的「作品」)的理
穌受難,而是一次愛情苦旅——英文 passion 的拉丁字源是 passionem,就是受苦的意思,這場音樂會 述說的「故事」就是一個你我都有可能也有機會甚至已經經歷過的感情歷練,這裡才是我們平常使用的
「passion」。這個語帶相關倒不是巧合,因為激情從來都是傷痛苦難之源。「Passion」的歧義,恰好為這 套節目下了一個可堪玩味的註腳。
傳統的樂曲解說不外乎把每首作品的來歷闡述一次,這在選集式(anthology)的節目最能發揮功能。但 面對這部「愛情受難曲」 ,我卻懷疑史料或作曲技法上的陳述對觀眾欣賞與感受這些幫助有多大,事實上 如果你想知道這些歌曲的背境,大可上網查找。
就當這一場音樂會是一個愛情故事:從一開始對愛情的憧憬,到遇上自以為命中注定的一人,卻因故未能 修成正果。失去情人後反覆在回憶中受痛苦煎熬,漸漸也分不清過去的甜蜜是現實還是想像。除了寄情夢 境,只能寄望來生。最後是否放下?你可以有自己的答案。
意卻未能消散(不散)的執著,解讀為約會承諾的「不見不散」倒是後來才意識到。三年未有為大家現場 演唱,歷盡艱辛今天終能在音樂會相見,實要感激各位履行諾言,前來支持。
* 按:台灣指揮家吳尚倫為本團 2019-2020 年度駐團藝術家,原定於該年 度合作指揮大師班、多場學校指導課及指揮該年度公演,惟因種種阻滯最 終只能於 2019 年 11 月完成大師班及訪問一家本港中學。期待不久的將來 能再次合作。
(Not) a Programme Note Leon Chu
This concert was expected to be the debut of Taiwanese conductor Wu Shanglun* and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus on the concert stage in Hong Kong. After a series of postponements under difficult circumstances, Wu cannot make the trip to Hong Kong with the revised concert programme. After receiving the programme from Wu, I studied in depth and discussed with him, and my love towards the programme grew immensely. With an overall tonal plan between the pieces, and the series of imagery evokes from them, the entire programme forms a monologue-fantastique on the course of a love affair. Calling himself as a ‘baroque man’, Wu puts the programme as a pasticcio , a popular musical form in the Baroque period — excerpts from various works by different composers are ‘pasted’ together to form a large, multi-movement work. In this case, one can even regard this pasticci o as a musical Passion — though the subject is not about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but the suffering of a lover. The Latin root of the modern English word ‘passion’ is passionem , which means ‘suffering’. Through this passion-pasticcio , the audience will listen to a lover’s story that one may experience — here the word ‘passion’ relates to our daily usage, since the passion of love is always the source of suffering. The intertwined double-meaning of the word ‘passion’ is never a mere coincidence, and now it forms the backbone of the entire concert programme. The usual programme notes for classical concerts carry the background information of each individual piece. This is beneficial to the audience for concerts with anthological programming. But for this ‘Passion of Love’, I wonder if such background information or descriptions would offer any guide to the audience to appreciate the entire programme as a whole. In fact, anyone may look for such information on the individual pieces online. Imagine this concert programme as a love story — from hope, encounter, to ultimate separation. The disillusioned one suffers from the past memories, reality and imagination of bygone sweetness are fused. The remains of love can only be stowed in dreams, or even to the next life. Whether one can put all these behind, perhaps the audience will find their own answers. We deeply appreciate your presence in this concert, a hard-fought endeavour after our absence on the concert stage in Hong Kong for three years.
*Wu Shanglun was the Artist-in-Residence of CU Chorus in the year 2019-2020. A series of events was previously planned for his residency, including a number of choral conducting masterclasses, school choir coaching sessions, and the annual concert performance. Due to unforeseen circumstances, only one choral masterclass and one coaching session for a secondary school in Hong Kong had actually taken place in November 2019. CU Chorus is looking forward to future collaboration with him.
English version by Lam Hoi-cheong
愛情樹 Love Tree 選自合唱組曲《致愛⸺愛情安魂曲》 from the Choral Suite Requiem Pro Amor (2011) 作曲:冉天豪 Music: Jan Tien-hao 作詞:王友輝 Lyrics: Wang Yu-hui
天啊!能看着她何等美好 Dieu! qu’il la fait bon regarder! 選自三首奧爾良公爵歌曲 from Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orléans , L. 99 (1898) 作曲:德布西 Music: Claude Debussy 作詞:奧爾良公爵查理一世 Lyrics: Charles d’Orléans
Dieu! qu’il la fait bon regarder, La gracieuse bonne et belle; Pour les grans biens que sont en elle, Chascun est prest de la loüer. Qui se pourroit d’elle lasser? Tousjours sa beauté renouvelle. Par de ça, ne de là, la mer, Ne scay dame, ne damoiselle Qui soit en tous biens parfais telle! C’est un songe d’y penser.
A seed of love is sowed beneath the ground Rain and sunshine nourish all around Bit by bit, it grows up fresh and green Inch by inch, it soars with effort seen
日復一日迎風長大 枝葉漸漸聚成傘一把 黃昏遙望山邊晚霞 入夜探看星空眨呀眨
Day by day it grows by the wind Twigs and leaves, an umbrella is seen See the clouds over the hills at eve Gaze the stars and seek their blinks
不管野草茂密紛雜 根苗抗壓努力向下紮 有時雲霧遮蔽靈魂之塔 有時難免孤獨害怕
The seedling cares not how weedy it may be, Striving hard in rooting down the tree, Sometimes clouds may cover the tower of soul Sometimes it may feel lonely and low
唯有深情能夠穿透雲霧 帶來天堂裡的無限祝福 愛情樹的枝枒 終究開出一朵美麗的花
Only deep love can radiate through the cloudy skies Bringing blessings from the heaven that never dies Branches on the love tree Will blossom with flowers for thee
愛的種子埋在地底下 雨水滋潤陽光揮灑 一點一點冒出新綠芽 一吋一吋奮力向上爬
English Translation by Roger Fong
天啊!能看着她何等美好⸺ 如此優雅、良善與美麗的人! 為着她的極美內涵, 人人都爭相讚美她。 哪有誰會對她厭倦? 她的美麗恆久彌新。 無論海的哪岸, 都沒有任何女士, 能像她這般完美! 能想着她,是一場夢!
God! How good it is to look at her, The gracious, kind and beautiful lady! For the great goodness within her, Everyone is eager to praise her. Who could possibly tire of her? Her beauty renews itself constantly. On neither side of the sea, Sees not a lady or maiden Who is so perfect in every respect. It is a dream to think of her!
蒲公英 Dandelion 選自合唱組曲《花的訴說》 from the Choral Suite What Flowers Tell You (2016) 作曲:潘行紫旻 Music: Pan Xingzimin 作詞:李皓 Lyrics: Li Hao
唉!如果你這麼喜歡 Ohimè, se tanto amate SV 85 選自《牧歌第四冊》 from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 Music: Claudio Monteverdi 作詞:瓜里尼 Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini
Ohimè, se tanto amate di sentir dir 'Ohimè', deh perché fate chi dice 'Ohimè' morire? S'io moro, un sol potrete languido e doloroso 'Ohimè' sentire; Ma se, cor mio, volete che vita habbia da voi, e voi da me, avrete mill' e mille dolci 'Ohimè'.
Fly, ever so tenderly. I fly over the hill in the wind I fly over the river in the wind Fly, ever so slowly, Over the hill, over the river, Knowing not when to return
飛 輕輕飛 看不清點點燈火 只聽見潺潺溪水 飛 慢慢飛 靜夜裡 人安睡 有誰伴我飛
Fly, ever so tenderly I cannot discern the glittering lights I can only hear the murmuring creeks Fly, ever so slowly, In the silent night, over those in slumber, Knowing not who’d fly with me
忽然風停 我飄落你身旁 多想長留此處 結束漫漫旅途
The wind ceases suddenly, Dropping me right beside you. How I want to stay here for long, Ending my never-ending journey
無奈風再起 帶我離開大地 飛向未知方向
But the wind starts again, Taking off the ground with me, Flying towards the unknown
飛 自在飛 白雲在腳下來回 清風是我的翅膀 飛 隨風飛 漸行漸遠飛揚 那座山那片水 只有在夢裡回
Fly, ever so freely The white clouds wander beneath me I have the breeze as my wings Fly, with the wind The journey goes on and on The hills, and the river, They are only in the dream
漸行漸遠 只有夢裡回
On and on, I fly forward, The memories are only in my dreams
飛 輕輕飛 風吹我過這座山 風吹我過這片水 飛 慢慢飛 這座山這片水 不知何時歸
English Translation by Sun Kai
唉!如果你這麼喜歡聽到有人說「唉」, 那為何要讓這個說「唉」的人死去? 如果我死了,你將只能 聽到一聲疲弱又痛苦的「唉」; 但如果,我的摯愛啊, 你願意讓我為你而生,也讓你為我而活, 你將會有千千個甜美的「唉」!
Alas, if you love so much to hear me say, 'alas', Then why do you make the one who says 'alas' die? If I die, you will only be able to Hear a languishing and sorrowful 'alas'! But if, my heart, you want me To have life from you, and you from me, You will have thousands and thousands of sweet 'alas’.
對着眾星發洩 Sfogava con le stelle SV 78 選自《牧歌第四冊》 from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 Music: Claudio Monteverdi 作詞:利魯切尼 Lyrics: Ottavio Rinuccini
那閃亮的一瞥 A un giro sol SV 84 選自《牧歌第四冊》 from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 Music: Claudio Monteverdi
Sfogava con le stelle un infermo d'amore sotto notturno ciel il suo dolore, E dicea fisso in loro: 'O imagini belle de l'idol mio ch'adoro, si com'a me mostrate mentre così splendete la sua rara beltate, così mostraste a lei i vivi ardori miei. La fareste col vostr'aureo sembiante pietosa si come me fate amante'.
A un giro sol de' bell'occhi lucenti ride l'aria d'intorno, e 'l mar s'acqueta e i venti, e si fa il ciel d'un altro lume adorno; Sol io le luci ho lagrimose e meste. Certo quando nasceste così crudel e ria, nacque la morte mia.
作詞:瓜里尼 Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini
世界恬靜落來的時 When the World Quiets Down (2016) 作曲:石青如 Music: Shih Ching-Ju 作詞:向陽 Lyrics: Hsiang Yang
世界恬靜落來的時 就是思念出聲的時 窗外的風陣陣地嚎 天頂的星閃閃啊熾 世界恬靜落來的時 我置醒過來的暗暝想起著你 我置睏未去的暗暝想起著你 想起咱牽手行過的小路 火金姑提燈照過的田墘 竹林、茫霧和山埔 猶有輕聲細說的溪水 世界恬靜落來的時
In converse with the stars a sick man of love under the night sky gave vent to his pain and said, gazing at them: “O beautiful images of the idol I adore, just as you show me while you shine so, her rare beauty, likewise you show her my burning ardors You would make with your golden semblance her compassionate as you make me affectionate.”
那美麗、閃亮的一瞥, 讓四周的空氣都愉悅起來, 海和風都平靜下來, 天空添上新的亮光; 唯有我,眼中仍是淚水與悲傷。 的確,若你生來 就如此殘忍狡詐, 那就註定我的死亡。
At a single glance of those beautiful, beaming eyes, the atmosphere all around becomes cheerful, the sea and the winds grow calm, and the sky is adorned with a new light; I alone remain with tearful and sad eyes. Certainly, when you were born so cruel and wicked, my death was born.
世界恬靜下來的時候 就是思念出聲的時候 窗外的風呼呼地吹 天上的星閃閃生輝 世界恬靜下來的時候 我在醒過來的夜晚想起你
When the world quiets down, It’s the time to speak out about missing; Winds beyond the window blow fitfully, Stars in the sky sparkle glimmeringly. When the world quiets down, I, at the night I woke up, think of you;
我在睡不著的夜晚想起你 想起我們牽手走過的小路 螢火蟲舉燈照過的田邊 竹林、茫霧和小山坡 還有輕聲細說的溪水 世界恬靜下來的時候
對着眾星發洩⸺ 一個因愛而病孱的人, 在夜空下訴說着他的痛苦, 且直視它們,說: 美麗的形象啊, 那個我所鍾愛的偶像啊, 就是你們向我展現的⸺ 在你們閃耀的時候⸺ 她那罕見的美麗; 也請你們向她展現 我洶湧澎湃的熱情。 藉著你們的金光,你們會 讓她憐憫我,正如你們讓我為她動情。
I, at the night I failed to sleep, think of you. Think of the path we walked pass hand in hand; The fields that lightened up by the fireflies; The bamboo grove, the mist, and the hillside, As well as the murmuring streams. When the world quiets down ...
我有一個戀愛 I Am in Love 選自合唱組曲《風雪戀星》 from the Choral Suite Wind, Snow, Love, Star (2008) 作曲:冉天豪 Music: Jan Tien-hao 作詞:徐志摩 Lyrics: Hsu Chih-mo
我的靈魂啊,請你原諒/ 如果你是我的摯愛 Anima mia, perdona / Che se tu SV 80 選自《牧歌第四冊》 from Il quarto libro de madrigali a 5 voci (1603) 作曲:蒙台威爾第 Music: Claudio Monteverdi 作詞:瓜里尼 Lyrics: Giovanni Battista Guarini
Anima mia, perdona a chi t'è cruda sol dove pietosa esser non può; perdona a questa, [solo] nei detti e nel sembiante rigida tua nemica, ma nel core pietosissima amante; e, se pur hai desio di vendicarti, deh! qual vendetta aver puoi tu maggiore del tuo proprio dolore? Che se tu se' il cor mio, come se' pur malgrado del cielo e de la terra, qual’hor piangi e sospiri, quelle lagrime tue sono il mio sangue, quei sospiri il mio spirto e quelle pene e quel dolor, che senti, son miei, non tuoi, tormenti.
I am in love, I love the stars in the sky, I love their glitter, There is no such exceptional deity in the mortal world.
在冷峭的暮冬的黃昏 在寂寞的灰色的清晨 在海上 在風雨後的山頂 永遠有一顆萬顆的明星
In the dusk of the cold winter, In the lonely and grey dawn, Over the sea, or the peak after tempest, There are always thousands of bright stars.
山澗邊小草花的知心 高樓上小孩童的歡欣 旅行人的燈亮與南針 萬萬里外閃鑠的精靈
Confidant of flowers by the stream, Delight of children up in the tower, Wanderer’s torch and compass, the fairy shines over thousands of miles.
我有一個破碎的魂靈 像一堆破碎的水晶 散佈在荒野的枯草裡 飽啜你一瞬瞬的殷勤
I have a broken soul, Like a crystal shattered, Scattered on wilted grasses in wilderness, Fed greedily on your complaisance.
人生的冰激與柔情 我也曾嘗味 我也曾容忍 有時階砌下蟋蟀的秋吟 引起我心傷 逼迫我淚零
Cold passion and tenderness, I tasted, I endured, Autumn crickets’ moans on the stairway Bring out my sadness and my tears.
我坦露我的坦白的胸襟 我獻愛與一天的明星 任憑人生是幻是真 地球存在或是消泯 太空中永遠有不昧的明星
I lay bare my chest with honesty, Dedicate my love to the celestial stars, Be life an illusion or reality, Whether earth exists or vanishes, Forever shine the stars in deep universe.
我有一個戀愛 我愛天上的明星 我愛它們的晶瑩 人間沒有這異樣的神明
English Translation by Dennis Wu
我的靈魂啊,請你原諒 這個對你殘忍的人,只因為 她無法表現對你的憐憫;請你原諒這個 在言語和外表上 對你頑強的敵人,但在心裡卻是 最恩慈的情人。 如果,你仍懷著復仇的渴望, 哎!什麼樣的仇恨,能大過 你自己的痛苦? 如果你是我的摯愛⸺ 正如你確實是⸺儘管 不顧天地一切, 每當你哭泣嘆息, 你的眼淚就是我的血, 那些嘆息就是我的呼吸; 而你所承受的那些愁苦, 都是我的⸺而不是你的⸺折磨。
My Soul, forgive the one who is cruel to you only because she cannot be compassionate; forgive this one who only in the sayings and in the semblance is your rigid enemy, but in her heart the most compassionate lover; and, if you still desire to take revenge, Ah! what vengeance you have greater than your own pain? For if you are my heart, as you truly are, in spite of heaven and earth, whenever you weep and sigh, those tears of yours are my blood those sighs are my life’s breath, and those sorrows and pain that you feel are my torments, not yours.
墮落天使 Fallen Angel (2005/2016) 作曲:石青如 Music: Shih Ching-Ju 作詞:蔣勳 Lyrics: Chiang Hsun
月光曲 Clair de lune 選自《貝加馬斯克組曲》 from Suite bergamasque L. 82 (1890/1905) 作曲:德布西 Music: Claude Debussy
鋼琴獨奏 Piano Solo
深夜裡聽到樂聲 Music I Heard at Night 選自《林徽音詩四首⸺深別晚天》 from Four Poems of Lin Huiyin (2013) 作曲:冉天豪 Music: Jan Tien-hao 作詞:林徽音 Lyrics: Lin Huiyin
Falling, can it be forgiven? I would like to ride on wings of angel, Flying towards the light; However, it’s too close to the sun.
我的翅翼只是不堅強的臘 一點一點融化我的意志 傾向地獄的引力 上帝 祢在哪裡? 這墮於死亡的苦酒 必定要飲嗎?
My wings are just wax-made, not strongly, Bit by bit, eroding my will, Drawing by the gravity of hell. God, where have you been? This bitter wine of falling death, must I drink it?
美與青春 像蝴蝶逝去 我在地獄的門口 哭了一夜 沒有人相信 年輕時候我也曾是 這罪惡都市 最後一名天使
Beauty and Youth had gone like butterflies, I, at the gate of hell, cried throughout the night. Nobody believes when I was young, I also used to be The last standing angel in this Babylonian city.
這一定又是你的手指 輕彈着 在這深夜,稠密的悲思
Again, this must be your fingers Gently playing, Late at night, unceasing, gloomy griefs.
我不禁頰邊泛上了紅 靜聽着 這深夜裡弦子的生動
I, with cheeks flushed, Listen quietly To the liveliness of the late-night strings
一聲聽從我心底穿過 忒淒涼 我懂得,但我怎能應和?
A sound penetrates my heart— So miserable— I understand, but how can I respond?
生命早描定她的式樣 太薄弱 是人們的美麗的想像
Life is destined for what it is: Too frail Is the beautiful imagination of people.
除非在夢裡有這麼一天 你和我 同來攀動那根希望的弦
Unless one day in a dream, You and I Could pluck together that string of hope.
墮落 可不可以饒恕? 我想乘天使的翅膀 飛去明亮的國度 但是 太近日光了
願 Wish 選自《蔣勳詩三首》 from Three Poems of Chiang Hsun (2012/2014) 作曲:冉天豪 Music: Jan Tien-hao 作詞:蔣勳 Lyrics: Chiang Hsun
只有在睡夢中 Only in Sleep (2010) 作曲:艾森華茲 Music: Ēriks Ešenvalds 作詞:蒂斯黛爾 Lyrics: Sara Teasdale
I wish to be the azaleas all over the hills, Blossoming just for a spring without regret I wish to be the stars, offering myself for a summer night I wish to be the myriads of rivers, running to the only ocean I wish to be the moon, which gets full again because of you
如果你是島嶼 我願是環抱你的海洋 如果你張起了船帆 我願是輕輕吹動的風浪 如果你遠行 我願是那路 準備了平坦 隨你去到遠方
If you are an island, I wish to be the ocean that surrounds you If you lift up the sail, I wish to be the wind and wave that moves you If you go on a journey, I wish to be the even road To lay your steps on along all your way
當你走累了 我願是夜晚 是路旁的客棧 有乾淨的枕席 供你睡眠 眠中有夢 我就是你枕上的淚痕
Whenever you are tired, I wish to be the night To be the hostel on your way, with a bed with clean sheets For you to lie on, to dream in your sleep I would be the tears stained on your pillow
我願是手臂 讓你依靠 雖然白髮蒼蒼 我仍願是你腳邊的爐火 與你共話回憶的老年
I wish to be the arm for you to lean upon When you are silver-haired I still wish to be the warm flame at the fireplace To chatter on our past memories
你是笑 我是應和你的歌聲 你是淚 我是陪伴你的星光
If you are the smile, I am your echoing song If you are the teardrops, I am your accompanying starlight
當你埋葬土中 我願是依伴你的青草 你成灰 我便成塵 如果啊 如果你對此生還有眷戀 我就再許一願 與你結來世的姻緣
When you are buried, I wish to be the grass lying with you If you turn into ashes, I would be the dust If, really, you still miss this life May I make another wish For our encounter in the next life
我願是滿山的杜鵑 只為一次無憾的春天 我願是繁星 捨給一個夏天的夜晚 我願是千萬條江河 流向唯一的海洋 我願是那月 為你再一次圓滿
English Translation by Roger Fong & Lam Hoi-cheong
只有在睡夢中,我看見他們的臉龐, 那些我兒時同我玩耍的孩童⸺ 露易絲回來了,留著棕色的髮辮; 安妮的鬈髮溫暖又狂野 只有在睡夢中,時間會被遺忘⸺ 他們經歷了甚麼,有誰知道? 我們昨晚一起玩耍,就像當年, 而洋娃娃的玩具屋,就放在樓梯轉角
歲月沒有磨掉他們標緻的臉龐, 我看著他們的眼睛,都是如此柔善⸺ 他們也會夢見我嗎?我在想, 而在他們的夢中,我會否也是個小孩?
Only in sleep I see their faces, Children I played with when I was a child, Louise comes back with her brown hair braided, Annie with ringlets warm and wild. Only in sleep Time is forgotten — What may have come to them, who can know? Yet we played last night as long ago, And the doll-house stood at the turn of the stair. The years had not sharpened their smooth round faces, I met their eyes and found them mild — Do they, too, dream of me, I wonder, And for them am I too a child?
尚 ‧ 拉辛讚歌 Cantique de Jean Racine Op. 11 (1864-65) 作曲:佛瑞 Music: Gabriel Fauré 作詞:尚・拉辛 Lyrics: Jean Racine
Verbe égal au Très-Haut, notre unique espérance, Jour éternel de la terre et des cieux, De la paisible nuit nous rompons le silence: Divin Sauveur, jette sur nous les yeux! Répands sur nous le feu de ta grâce puissante; Que tout l'enfer fuie au son de ta voix; Dissipe le sommeil d'une âme languissante, Qui la conduit à l'oubli de tes lois! Ô Christ! sois favorable à ce peuple fidèle Pour te bénir maintenant rassemblé; Reçois les chants qu'il offre à ta gloire immortelle; Et de tes dons qu'il retourne comblé!
散播祢全能恩典之火到我們當中 讓惡魔潰散,因祢的聲響 打消疲弱靈魂的沈睡 令我們忘掉了祢的律法
基督啊,眷顧這些信實的人們 他們如今聚集祝福祢 悅納這讚歌,這是為了祢永恆榮耀所獻上的 並且教他們回轉,以成就祢的恩賜
話語⸺與至高者同等⸺是我們唯一的希望 是地上與天上的永恆日光 在平靜的夜晚,我們打破了寂靜 神聖的救主啊,請祢用眼睛注視我們
Word, equal to the Most High one, our sole hope Eternal of both the Earth and the Heavens Of this peaceful night, we break the silence Divine Saviour, cast your gaze upon us! Spread on us the fire of your mighty grace So all of Hell flees upon hearing your voice Dissipate the sleep of a yearning soul Which leads us to forget your laws! O Christ, be favourable to this faithful people Now gathered to bless you Receive the hymns they offer to your immortal glory And may they come back fulfilled!
除特別註明外,歌詞翻譯:吳尚倫、朱振威 Lyrics Translations (unless otherwise stated): Wu Shanglun, Leon Chu 字幕編輯:朱振威 Surtitles Editing: Leon Chu 歌詞錄音示範:Sylvain Picault(法語)、Julia Frodyma(意大利語) Lyrics pronunciation guide: Sylvain Picault (French), Julia Frodyma (Italian) 歌詞錄音示範及指導:奚婷妤(國語)、李泳杰(台語) Lyrics pronunciation guide and language coach: Shi Ting-Yu (Mandarin), Lee Yung-Jye (Taiwanese) All Chinese names in this section are listed in surname - first name format. Catalogue numbers (L.) of works by Claude Debussy are based on François Lesure. Claude Debussy: Biographie critique: suivie du catalogue de l'œuvr e. Paris: Fayard, 2003. 樂譜版權 Copyright of Sheet Music
《愛情樹》(Love Tree )、《願》(Wish ):財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education 《蒲公英》(Dandelion ):上海復旦大學出版社 Shanghai Fudan University Press 《世界恬靜落來的時》(When the World Quiets Down ):福爾摩沙合唱團 Formosa Singers 《我有一個戀愛》(I Am in Love ):台北室內合唱團 Taipei Chamber Singers 《墮落天使》(Fallen Angel )、《深夜裡聽到樂聲》(Music I Heard at Night ):有點感動合唱出版(台灣) Moving Touch Studio Inc., Taiwan Only in Sleep : Musica Baltica
縱使不見,我們一直努力讓歌聲不散 Our music never ceases, nor do we
儘管各種原因令我們三年來無法在大家面前演出,我們仍會對著手機演唱,我們仍會在空蕩的聖堂演唱,我們仍 會在音樂廳演唱,我們不會放棄與大家分享音樂。 Despite various restrictions and hindrances forbidding us from performing in front of you in the past three years, we still endeavour to sing with our phones, sing in an empty chapel and sing in the concert hall. We shall never give up sharing our music with you.
21-24/7 24/11 24/12 25/11
23, 28/5 4/6 2-6/7 22-24/7 27/7 - 4/8
12-17/11 12/12
帕羅薇琪合唱指揮大師班 Choral Conducting Masterclass with Professor Theodora Pavlovitch 港麗酒店聖誕演出 Christmas Performances at Conrad Hong Kong 香港中文大學(深圳)周年音樂會客席演出 Guest Performance at the Annual Concert of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
香港中文大學崇基學院週五黃昏音樂會 (FM530) The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chung Chi College Friday Music at 5:30 pm 灌錄第二張專輯《唱自己的歌——香港粵語合唱曲選》 Recording CU Chorus’ second album Sing Our Own Song — Selected Hong Kong Choral Works in Cantonese
拍攝百老匯/黃宗澤《發夢之王》音樂錄像 Shooting for Broadway Electronics/Bosco Wong’s Music Video 為藝術家楊嘉輝「Real Music」 展覽拍攝錄像作品 Video Shooting for Exhibition Real Music by artist Samson Young
加拿大 Babεl 合唱工作坊及交流音樂會 Choral Workshop and Exchange Concert with Babεl from Canada 2019 亞太合唱高峰會 Asia Pacific Choral Summit in Hong Kong 2019 2019 台北國際合唱音樂節演出暨台北交流團 Performance at the Taipei International Choral Festival 2019 and Taipei Exchange Tour 吳尚倫合唱指揮大師班 Choral Conducting Masterclass with Shanglun Wu K11 ARTUS 聖誕演出 Christmas Performance at K11 ARTUS
2020 23/3 29/4 8-10月 Aug to Oct 30/8 8/11 20/11 20/12 24/12
2021 2/5
虛擬合唱團演出杜魯菲《何處有仁愛》 Virtual Choir Performance of Ubi Caritas by Maurice Duruflé
虛擬合唱團演出伍卓賢《獅子山下留》 Virtual Choir Performance of Under the Lion Rock by Ng Cheuk-yin
《創作者言》網上座談系列 Conversation with the Composers Webinar Series
巴西阿雷格里港國際合唱節網上匯演 Festival Internacional de Coros de Porto Alegre “In Linea” (online) 中大崇基禮拜堂主日崇拜獻詩 Performance at Sunday Service of Chung Chi College Chapel, CUHK 佛瑞《安魂曲》網上直播音樂會 Gabriel Fauré Requiem Live Broadcast Concert
K11 ARTUS 聖誕宣傳片拍攝 Shooting for K11 ARTUS Christmas Promotional Video 《The Coventry Carol》虛擬聖誕合唱演出 Virtual Christmas Choir Performance of The Coventry Carol
保加利亞國際復活節合唱音樂節 2021 ( 網上 ) Bulgaria International Easter Choir Festival 2021 (online) 巴西塞爾巴什第一屆網上國際合唱節暨第二十八屆五月音樂會 1º Festival Internacional de Coros Online & XXVIII Concerto de Maio
有你在 更精彩 請密切留意中大合唱團來年更多精彩節目及製作 Please stay tuned for CU Chorus' upcoming programmes and productions
我們的使命 Our Mission
為社會帶來以更多高質素的合唱音樂,啟發、教育及 娛樂大眾,從而讓大眾獲得更豐盛的生命。 To enrich people’s lives with choral music that inspires, educates and entertains. www.cuchorus.org.hk
香港中文大學合唱團 「…唱來熱情充沛,正是年輕人的精神可貴之處。」 ― 李歐梵《明報》
經過四十多年努力不懈追求卓越,香港中文大學合唱團已經成為香港其中一隊最具實力的大學合唱團。植根香港, 放眼國際,在香港舞台耕耘之外,多年來已踏遍華南地區以至多個東南亞國家。中大合唱團一直致力以高水準的 演出,充滿創意的節目,向普羅大眾推廣合唱藝術。 中大合唱團於 1972 年由一班中大學生自發成立,早期由學生擔任指揮。九十年代起設立固定音樂總監兼指揮一 職,歷任總監有伍德榮、葉長盛及現任朱振威。現在中大合唱團每年演出活動已擴展至包括周年公演、免費校園 音樂會、海外交流演出、聖誕演出、指揮工作坊、公益外展演出不等。
合唱團曾推出多個廣受歡迎而內容多元化的主題節目,如以韋塔克(Eric Whitacre)、雅羅(Ola Gjeilo)、冉天豪、 顧嘉煇、伍卓賢及伯恩斯坦的原創及改編作品專場音樂會,與爵士樂音樂家侯活麥格尼(Howard McCrary)合作 之聖誕音樂會等,為本地合唱團開拓曲目發揮影響力,更藉著網絡將影響伸至全球 ― 2009 年以色列《新消息報》 (Yedioth Ahronoth ) 專題報道,中大合唱團的一段 YouTube 錄影於世界各地猶太人間流傳,引發巨大迴響。
多年來曾與中大合唱團合作的本地及海外藝人不計其數,近期例子有香港流行音樂大師顧嘉煇、女中音連皓忻、 男中音林俊、敲擊樂演奏家邵俊傑、香港中樂團、香港電台弦樂四重奏、台灣指揮家杜黑、古育仲、保加利亞指 揮家帕羅薇琪、美國指揮家韓多普、艾力史達克、以及爵士樂大師侯活麥格尼等。自 1970 年代起,中大合唱團 持續與中國內地及東南亞各地合唱團作音樂交流,曾到訪城市包括北京、上海、台北、台南、馬尼拉、曼谷、新 加坡、新山等。近年合唱團多次應邀參與海外演出,如 2006 年澳門國際音樂節、2013 年暹羅愛樂樂團馬勒第八 交響曲泰國首演、2015 年上海之春音樂節冼星海《黃河大合唱》莫斯科原版的世界首演、及 2019 台北國際合唱 音樂節。
從成立之始,推動香港合唱創作就是中大合唱團的使命之一。合唱團不斷邀請香港作曲家如胡銘堯、蘇梓安、楊 嘉輝、鄧樂妍、伍華晞、伍卓賢、以及台灣作曲家冉天豪譜寫新曲,2016 年更與演戲家族合作,委約多位作曲家 改編粵語原創音樂劇選曲,為建立富香港色彩的合唱作品而努力。
2014 年 6 月,中大合唱團推出首張商業錄音專輯《春風吻上我的臉⸺冉天豪合唱作品選》,由現代音像發行。 甫推出後反應熱烈,得到不少樂迷支持,更榮獲《IFPI 香港唱片銷量大獎 2014》全年「最暢銷古典、戲曲唱片」 之一。而第二張專輯《唱自己的歌⸺香港粵語合唱曲選》已在 2019 年 8 月由中大合唱團出版,並在多個網上 音樂平台發行。2020 年 11 月在網上直播的佛瑞《安魂曲》演出,亦已作數碼專輯發行。合唱團亦由 2019 年開 始出版樂譜及書籍,至今已發行 17 首合唱作品樂譜,以及台灣學者查太元編著的《冼星海年鑑》。
為了打下更穩固的基礎,持續發展永不止息的藝術追求,2012 年 1 月合唱團以慈善團體有限公司形式成立「中大 合唱協會」。透過藝術、管理、行政三部份的分工,讓源自中大、立足中大的中大合唱團,能夠在中大本科生、 研究生及校友三方面的同心協力下,繼續翻過一座又一座的藝術高峰。
CU Chorus is a wonderful youth choir with amazing abilities! Having worked with them and their conductor - my former student Leon Chu, I will keep forever my memories about the great spirit, sensitivity and beautiful music they can create! I am happy to know you, my dear friends! - Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch
CU Chorus were splendid in their collaboration with Siam Philharmonic in our complete Mahler Cycle. They sang like angels — just as the composer intended!
For 40 years' pursuit of excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) has become one of the best local university choirs in Hong Kong. With a global vision, CU Chorus has performed not only on the local stage, but also in various cities in southern China and Southeast Asia. With its high quality performances and innovative programmes, CU Chorus is dedicated to promoting the art of choral music to the general public.
20th Macau International Music Festival in 2006, the Thai premiere of Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 by Siam Philharmonic Orchestra in 2013, the world première of the original Moscow version of Xian Xing-hai’s Yellow River Cantata in the 2015 Shanghai Spring International Music Festival, and the 2019 Taipei International Choral Festival.
CU Chorus was founded in 1972 by a group of CUHK students. In the early days, the role of conductor was taken up by students. Since the 1990s, the formal post of Music Director and Conductor has been established. The post was first taken up by Dennis Ng, followed by Yeh Cheung-shing from 2000 to 2005, and Leon Chu from 2006. CU Chorus expanded its range of performances in recent years including public concerts, free campus concerts, overseas exchange performances, Christmas caroling, conducting workshops and charity outreach performances. CU Chorus presented a number of popular programmes with diverse themes, such as a number of composer-portrait concerts featuring original choral works and arrangements by Eric Whitacre, Ola Gjeilo, Jan Tien-hao, Joseph Koo, Ng Cheuk-yin and Leonard Bernstein, and Christmas concerts with the American jazz legend Howard McCrary, making an influence in expanding choral repertoire in local music scene. CU Chorus’ performances also made an impact through the internet — a YouTube video of CU Chorus received coverage in the Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth , for its wide circulation and resonance in Jewish communities worldwide. Over the years, CU Chorus has collaborated with numerous local and overseas artists, including Cantopop iconic figure Joseph Koo, mezzo-soprano Carol Lin, baritone Albert Lim, percussionist Louis Siu, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the RTHK Quartet, Taiwanese conductors Dirk DuHei and Johnny Ku, Bulgarian choral conductor Theodora Pavlovitch, American conductors Paul Hondorp and Eric Stark, and American jazz musician Howard McCrary. Since the 1970s, CU Chorus has constantly engaged in exchange activities with choirs in mainland China and Southeast Asia, visiting cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Tainan, Manila, Bangkok, Singapore and Johor Bahru. In recent years, CU Chorus was invited to various guest performances in overseas music festivals, including the
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
- Somtow Sucharitkul, Music Director of Siam Philharmonic
Promoting Hong Kong choral compositions is one of the missions of CU Chorus since its establishment. CU Chorus has been commissioning new pieces from a number of composers, including Hong Kong composers Dennis Wu, Andy So, Samson Young, Tang Lok-yin, Ng Wah-hei, Ng Cheuk-Yin, and Taiwan composer Jan Tien-hao. In 2016, in collaboration with Actors’ Family, CU Chorus commissioned choral arrangements of various numbers from the company’s original Cantonese musicals, altogether forming a unique and local voice in Hong Kong choral music. CU Chorus released its first commercial album Spring Breeze Kisses My Face — The Choral Music of Jan Tien-hao on The Modern Audio label in June 2014, which was well-received by music lovers, and awarded as one of the Best Sales Releases (Classical and Operatic Works Recording) in the IFPI Hong Kong Top Sales Music Award 2014. The second album Sing Our Own Song — Selected Hong Kong Choral Works in Cantonese was released by CU Chorus in August 2019 on CD and various online music platforms. The online performance of Fauré's Requiem in November 2020 is also released as a digital album. In 2019, CU Chorus launched their own publications, including sheet music of 17 choral compositions, and A Chronology of the Life of Sin Sing-hoi (Xian Xing-hai) by Taiwanese scholar Zha Tai-yuan. To lay a better foundation for its never-ending artistic pursuit, CU Chorus registered charitable organisation status with CU Chorus Association (a limited-liability company) in January 2012. The new governing body, with its finer division of labour in artistic, management and administrative aspects, better facilitates the collaboration of CUHK undergraduates, postgraduates and alumni in their efforts to raise CU Chorus – a group coming from and based in CUHK – to ever-higher artistic heights.
朱振威 Leon Chu
音樂總監兼指揮 Music Director & Conductor 朱振威出生於香港一個草根家庭,在學時期未有接受正統音樂訓練,直至初中時無意中接觸到馬勒交響曲並為之 著迷,始立志學習音樂。他的音樂訓練始於高中音樂科中央訓練計劃,同時跟隨蔡立德學習敲擊樂。因緣際會 考入香港中文大學現代語言及文化系後仍積極參與多個合唱團及樂團,亦隨林俊學習聲樂。後隨 Kåre Hanken、 Theodora Pavlovitch 及 Gábor Hollerung 等歐洲名家研習合唱指撣。2014 年,朱氏在澳門聖若瑟大學考獲合唱指 揮碩士,期間受業於 Colin Mawby 、Nancy Telfer 及 Pedro Monteiro 。近年隨支韻怡深造聲樂。
2006 年,朱氏獲邀出任香港中文大學合唱團音樂總監,除活躍於香港舞台,亦帶領合唱團出訪國內、台灣、馬來 西亞、泰國等地。2014 年他與合唱團灌錄首張專輯《春風吻上我的臉⸺冉天豪合唱作品選》,獲該年度《IFPI 香港唱片銷售大獎》全年「最暢銷古典、戲曲唱片」殊榮。及後亦陸績獲邀成為香港大學利銘澤堂合唱團教練、 職業訓練局 VTC 交響樂團及合唱團助理指揮及香港中文大學新亞合唱團指揮。朱氏也是富經驗的合唱指導,近年 與閻惠昌及香港中樂團緊密合作,也曾到曼谷為暹羅愛樂樂團的馬勒第二交響曲演出擔任客席合唱指導。
朱氏自大學時代起為《Hi-Fi 音響》雜誌撰寫唱片評論。他的評論文章亦見於《信報財經新聞》、《香港經濟日報》、 《明報》、《謬斯客》、《上海藝術家》等報刊,也有為香港管弦樂團、香港中樂團、飛躍演奏等機構撰寫及翻 譯場刊。近年主力於博客 leonchu.net 發表文章,以及為立場新聞、輔仁媒體及國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會) 等網站供稿,題材包括各式評論、音樂專題,近年更涉足香港音樂掌故。音樂以外,朱氏於 2010 年聯同朱耀偉 及陳英凱合著《文化研究 60 詞》一書。 朱氏自 2017 年起為香港藝術發展局音樂界別藝術顧問。
Born in a grassroot family, Leon Chu did not receive any formal music training during his teens. His first encounter with Mahler's Symphonies sparked his interest in music, leading him to pursue his musical studies, starting with the Centralised Scheme of Music Training for Senior Secondary Students, and percussion studies with Choy Lap-tak. Upon his admission to the Modern Languages and lntercultural Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he participated in a number of choruses and orchestras, and studied vocal under Albert Lim. He later studied choral conducting under renowned European masters including Kåre Hanken, Theodora Pavlovitch, and Gabor Hollerung. In 2014, Chu attained the Master degree of Choral Conducting from the University of Saint Joseph, Macau, under the tutelage of Colin Mawby, Nancy Telfer and Pedro Monteiro. Recently he furthered his vocal studies under Myra Chih. In 2006, Leon Chu took up the position as the Music Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus. Apart from local performances, he brought the chorus to stages across the mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand. He conducted the chorus in their first commercial recording Spring Breeze Kisses My Face - The Choral Music of Jan Tien-hao , which was soon awarded as one of the Best Sales Releases (Classical and Operatic Works Recording) in the IFPI Hong Kong Top Sales Music Award 2014. Currently he is also the coach of RC Choir, R.C. Lee Hall, The University of Hong Kong, Assistant Conductor of VTC Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, and Conductor of New Asia Chorus, CUHK. Chu is an experienced chorus master. In recent years, he closely collaborated with Yan Huichang and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in their symphonic choral concerts, and was invited by Siam Philharmonic as the guest chorus master in their performance of Mahler's Symphony No. 2, "Resurrection" . Chu started contributing CD reviews to HiFi Review magazine from his university years. His review writings are published on Chinese newspapers and magazines including Hong Kong Economic Journal , Hong Kong Economic Times , Ming Pao Daily , MUZIK of Taiwan, and Shanghai Artists . He also annotated and translated the house programmes for Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Premiere Performances of Hong Kong. His recent writings are uploaded on his blog leonchu.net, and contributed to online sites such as Stand News, VJMedia and International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), covering various topics including critiques, issues on music and even anecdotes about Hong Kong music history. Apart from music, he is the coauthor of the book 60 Keywords in Cultural Studies with Stephen Chu Yiu-Wai and Anthony Chan.
Since 2017, Leon Chu is an Arts Advisor (Music sector) of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
黃歷琛 Alexander Wong 鋼琴伴奏 Pianist
黃歷琛畢業於美國羅徹斯特大學伊士曼音樂學院及香港中文大學音樂系,分別取 得音樂碩士(鋼琴伴奏及室內樂)及文學士(一級榮譽)學位。在學其間先後隨 梁靜宜老師、吳美樂博士及巴爾博士學習鋼琴,黃健羭老師學習管風琴。畢業後 曾於夏威夷演藝節中任聲樂課程伴奏;其後透過香港藝術發展局所資助的「音樂 藝術人才培育計劃」獲聘為非凡美樂之全職練唱指導(2015-2017)。近期參與 的歌劇製作包括《魔笛》、《美麗與哀愁》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《老栢思春》、《天 使之骨》及《蝙蝠》等。 黃 歷 琛 現 為 香 港 兒 童 合 唱 團、 聖 保 羅 男 女 中 學 附 屬 小 學 合 唱 團、Young Vocalists、Die Konzertisten、香港巴赫合唱團、非凡美樂之排練伴奏及香港大學 音樂系兼職助教。
Alexander Wong holds a Master of Music degree in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music from Eastman School of Music, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music (First Class Honor) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His major mentors include Jeffie Leung, Dr Mary Wu, Dr Jean Barr, and Wong Kin Yu. After his graduation, he participated in the Hawaii Performing Arts Festival as a collaborative pianist in the Voice Programme. He was then employed as a full-time Répétiteur at Musica Viva (Hong Kong) through Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Music Artistic Internship Scheme (2015-2017). In recent years, he collaborated in various opera productions such as Die Zauberflöte , Beauty and Sadness , Madama Butterfly , Don Pasquale , Angel’s Bone and Die Fledermaus . Wong is currently an accompanist of St Paul's Co-educational College Primary School Senior Choir, Hong Kong Children’s Choir, Young Vocalists, Die Konzertisten, Hong Kong Bach Choir, Musica Viva (Hong Kong), and part-time Teaching Assistant in the School of Humanities (Music) of the University of Hong Kong.
馮荻文 Fung Tik Man 鋼琴伴奏 Pianist
馮荻文畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修鋼琴,副修大提琴;師隨羅乃新老師及 貝樂安老師。其後於香港中文大學考獲學位教師教育文憑(小學),主修音樂。 她曾多次在公開演出及比賽擔任鋼琴伴奏,為香港中文大學合唱團及香港新青年 合唱團擔任排練伴奏,亦為聖十字架堂彌撒風琴師。
Fung Tik Man obtained the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in piano with Nancy Loo, and minoring in cello with Laurent Perrin. Fung then earned the Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Music) at CUHK. She collaborated with various musicians and ensembles as pianist in performances and competitions, and as accompanist for the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus and the Hong Kong Youth Choir. She also serves as the organist in the Sunday Masses at the Holy Cross Church, Hong Kong.
香港中文大學合唱團 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
音樂總監兼指揮:朱振威 Music Director and Conductor:Leon Chu
女高音 Sopranos
佘雅筠 Shi Nga Kwan
吳頌恩 Ghaw Sheong Oon
吳學而 Ng Hok Yee
柳多妍 Roo Dayeon
奚婷妤 Shi Ting Yu
梁潔瑩 Leung Kit Ying
許菀珊 Hui Yuen Shan
陳悅晴 Chan Yuet Ching
楊寶玲 Yeung Po Ling
甄珮誼 Yan Pui Yee
潘宇珩 Poon Yu Hang
鄧鈺怡 Tang Yuk Yi
盧穎心 Lo Wing Sum Amy
鍾天詠 Chung Tin Wing
羅玉鈴 #* Law Yuk Ling #*
龐希平 Pong Heather
王卓然 Wang Cho Jan
李愛珊 Li Oi Shan
郭曉楠 Kwok Hiu Nam Jodie
殷孝琳 Yun Hau Lam
陳沛言 Chan Pui Yin
陳泳姸 Chan Wing Yin
湯曉彤 Tong Hiu Tung Janice
童駿敏 * Tung Chun Man *
黃泳旋 Wong Wing Shuen
黃芷菁 Wong Chi Ching
楊宛霖 Yeung Yuen Lam
蔡晴彥 Choi Ching Yin
鄧頴彤 Tang Wing Tung
譚琛元 Tam Sum Yuen
女低音 Altos
男高音 Tenors
袁天逸 Yuen Tin Yat Nathaniel
梁樂鈞 Leung Lok Kwan
黃智衡 * Wong Chi Hang *
王栢濤 Wong Pak To Plato
李梓諾 Li Tsz Nok Carlos
張偉文 # Cheung Wai Man #
張凱傑 * Cheung Hoi Kit *
馮荻文 Fung Tik Man
黃歷琛 Alexander Wong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
王子翹 Wong Tsz Kiu
男低音 Basses
陳迦諾 Chan Ka Nok
鋼琴伴奏 Pianists
聲樂指導 Vocal Coach
林俊 Albert Lim
休假 On Leave 助理指揮 Assistant Conductors * 聲部長 Part-leaders 名字依姓名筆劃排序 The list is in the order of Chinese name
江欣茜 何文政 呂彥筠 陳蘊明 譚穎雯
Kong Yan Sin Ho Rachael Lui Yin Kwan Chan Wan Ming Tam Wing Man
2020-2021 年度贊助名錄 Patrons and Partners 2020-2021 中大合唱團在此向以下熱心人士及機構表達衷心謝意。 您的支持,讓合唱團能夠提升藝術水平,教育學生合唱藝術,委約創 作新合唱曲,為香港合唱努力貢獻。 CU Chorus would like to thank the following persons and institutions who have supported the chorus. We endeavour to perfect our art, pass on our spirits and sing new songs to make this a better choral community.
常年經費贊助 Annual Fund Sponsors
金贊助人 Gold Patrons (HK$2,000 或以上 or above) 李丹教授 黃雅各先生 Mrs Charlotte Chan 陳志新先生 陳治宇先生 陳其謙先生 譚少薇教授 Ms. Dorothy Wong Anonymous (2)
藍寶石贊助人 Sapphire Patron (HK$10,000 或以上 or above) 楊于銘校友 Mr. Kelvin YEUNG 銀贊助人 Silver Patrons (HK$1,000 或以上 or above) Mr. Lee Long Sing Rico 林文正先生 譚復禮、譚約禮小朋友 Ms. Antonia Yeung Anonymous (4)
銅贊助人 Bronze Patrons (HK$500 或以上 or above) Katie Chan 蔡文俊醫生 百階次子 Hyakukai Jishi Reap In Joy Miss Lydia Siu Torrance & Jorden Tse 陳英凱博士
「乘著歌聲的翅膀」計劃 On Wings of Song Sponsorship Scheme 銀贊助人 Silver Patron (HK$1,000 或以上 or above) Mr. Lee Long Sing Rico
學生票計劃 Student Ticket Sponsorship Scheme 銅贊助人 Bronze Patron (HK$500 或以上 or above) 陳韋丞先生 中大合唱團之友 Friends of CU Chorus ZEN Chung Ming
香港新聲 Canticum Novum H.K. 銀贊助人 Silver Patron (HK$1,000 或以上 or above) 無名氏 Anonymous
如欲贊助中大合唱團,可參閱右頁之捐款表格,或瀏覽本團網頁 http://www.cuchorus.org.hk For donation and supporting CU Chorus, please refer to the Donation Form on the right page, or visit our webpage http://www.cuchorus.org.hk
我願意支持香港中文大學合唱團 I wish to support the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (請在方格內勾選 Please tick the box)
I would like to make a one-off donation of
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本人願意每月捐贈 I would like to make a monthly donation of
HK$ ____________________________
本人希望贊助刊登彩頁廣告/賀辭* (贊助HK$2000或以上) HK$ ____________________________ I would like to post an advertisement/compliment* (With donation of HK$2000 or above) *我們將有專員與您聯絡 We shall contact you for further details
本人願意將捐款撥入 (請選其中一項): I would like to designate my donation to (please choose one of the following)
常年經費 Annual Fund
學生票計劃 Student Ticket Sponsorship Scheme
支持合唱團的日常運作,籌辦音樂會及各式工作坊的場租與宣傳活 動,提升水平,將美好的音樂帶給香港觀眾。 Give donations to support the Chorus’ daily operations, and cost for venue booking and preparation work of concerts and workshops.
支持全日制學生以半價購買中大合唱團的節目門票。讓他們以低於成 本的價錢接觸合唱藝術,培養他們對合唱藝術的認識與興趣。 Support CU Chorus’ half price ticket offer to full-time students to encourage them to know more about choral arts.
乘著歌聲的翅膀計劃 On Wings of Song (OWOS) Sponsorship Scheme
香港新聲 Canticum Novum H.K.
支持中大合唱團團員(特別是本科生)到外地參與交流演出,擴闊 眼界與增加演出經驗,將中大合唱團的歌聲帶到世界其他角落。 Supporting our members (especially undergraduate students) on the cost for overseas tours, widening their horizons and bring CU Chorus’ music to other parts of the world.
支持中大合唱團「Canticum Novum H.K. 香港新聲」計劃,贊助合 唱團未來新作的委約及出版費用,支持本地作曲家為本地合唱音樂發 展作出貢獻。 Support CU Chorus’ future endeavour in commissioning local talents in composing and publishing choral works for the city. Fee supports the work of the local talents, and also to the development of local compositions.
捐款方法 Donation Method
贊助人資料 Donor’s Information
(請在方格內勾選 Please tick the box)
(教授/ 博士/ 先生/ 女士/ 小姐/ 公司名稱# ) # (Prof/ Dr/ Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Miss/ Organization )
劃線支票 By Crossed Cheque
姓名 (中文) ____________________________________________
祈付「中大合唱協會有限公司」 Payable to “CU Chorus Association Limited”
(姓 Surname)
(名 Given Name)
鳴謝芳名或寶號 Listing Name (individual or company)*
銀行轉帳 By Bank Transfer
恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank [戶口號碼 Account No.: 774-207195-883] 中國銀行 Bank of China [戶口號碼 Account No.: 012-399-1-014003-8]
( 請傳真或電郵存款憑單 Please fax or email the bank-in slip. )
* 如欲匿名贊助,請填「無名氏」。 閣下亦可選擇「向 (名字) 致敬」或 「紀念 (名字)」) (If you want to remain anonymous, please write"Anonymous". You may write "In honor/memory (name as you wish it to appear on listing)"
電郵地址 Email Address: _______________________________________________________ 聯絡電話 Contact No. : ___________________________________
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謝謝您的捐助!Thank You for Your Generous Donation! 請填妥表格並按以下途徑送交本會 Please fill in the form and send it to the Association by: 傳真 Fax: (852) 3007-0344 電郵 Email: cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk
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中大合唱團對所有取得之個人資料,均會謹慎處理及保密,取得的資料只會用作與本團通訊、開發收據、本團活動宣傳之用。 Personal data collected will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used only for receipting, communications and event promotion by CU Chorus. 「中大合唱協會有限公司」為根據香港稅務條例第88條獲豁免繳稅註冊慈善機構。 “CU Chorus Association Limited” is incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance and is registered as a charitable institution under Section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance.
With Compliments of
Prof Tam Siu Mi Multiculturalism in Action Project, Centre for Urban History, Culture, and Media, Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
主席 President 王卓然 Wang Cho Jan
副主席 Vice-president 黃智衡 Wong Chi Hang 成員 Members 李愛珊 Li Oi Shan 奚婷妤 Shi Ting Yu 朱振威 Leon Chu 潘宇珩 Poon Yu Hang
香港中文大學學生會合唱學會幹事會 2021-22 Committee 2021-22, Choral Society, The Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
中大合唱協會理事會 2020-21 Board 2020-21, CU Chorus Association
中大合唱協會行政人員 Management Team of CU Chorus Association 行政總監 Executive Director 陳蘊明 Monica Chan
副行政總監 Deputy Executive Directors 羅玉鈴 Kirstie Law 發展經理 Development Manager 陳倩鈺 Katie Chan
市場及發展部 Marketing and Development Department 許家榮 Ron Hsu 鄧鈺怡 Katie Tang
會長 Chairperson 潘宇珩 Poon Yu Hang
副會長 Vice-chairperson 梁樂鈞 Leung Lok Kwan 財政 Treasurer 鄧頴彤 Tang Wing Tung 秘書 Secretary 陳迦諾 Chan Ka Nok
常務幹事 General Affairs Officer 柳多妍 Roo Dayeon
中大合唱協會 CU Chorus Association 香港九龍旺角亞皆老街 16 號旺角商業大廈 20 樓 2001 室 Unit 2001, 20/F, Mongkok Commercial Centre, 16 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon 電郵 Email: 傳真 Fax: 網頁 Website:
cuchorus@cuchorus.org.hk (852) 3007 0344 www.cuchorus.org.hk
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
香港中文大學段崇智校長 Prof Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學校友事務處 CUHK Alumni Affairs Office 香港中文大學傳訊及公共關係處 CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office 現場 LED 字幕器材 LED Surtitles Equipment Vanadium Production House Limited
香港電台第四台 RTHK Radio 4 藝頻 arts-news 演戲家族 Actors’ Family 打書釘 Nose in the Books 香港同人管弦樂團 Hong Kong Doujin Philharmonia 吳尚倫先生 林家琦女士 麥敦平教授 馮荻文小姐 黃歷琛先生 陳凱浩先生 姚潤敏女士 奚婷妤小姐 李泳杰先生
Mr Shanglun Wu Ms Kathy Lam Prof Arthur Mak Miss Fung Tik Man Mr Alexander Wong Mr Alston Chan Ms Mandy Yiu Miss Shi Ting-Yu Mr Lee Yung-Jye
音樂會製作 Concert Production
舞台監督 Stage Management 陳凱浩 Alston Chan
字幕器材 Surtitle Equipment Vanadium Production House Limited 字幕控制 Surtitle Operation 鄧汀琳 Angela Tang 攝影 Photography 李志權 Martin Lee
Mr Sylvain Picault Ms Julia Frodyma Mr Lam Hoi-cheong 林凱昌先生 Mr Alpha Li 李鏡輝先生 Miss Celia Wang 王卓然小姐 Mr Rachael Ho 何文政先生 Dr Martin Lee 李志權博士 KarlRecord Mr Angelos Ching 程啟翔先生 Miss Chloe Lee 李諾蘊小姐 Mr Holok Chen 陳榮慰先生 Miss Ivy Choi 蔡菁華小姐 Ms Angela Tang 鄧汀琳女士 陳漢記粥麵專家 Chan Hon Kee
工作人員 Helpers 陳蘊明 Monica Chan 陳倩鈺 Katie Chan 李諾蘊 Chloe Lee 何文政 Rachael Ho 陳榮慰 Holok Chen 蔡菁華 Ivy Choi 鄧汀琳 Angela Tang
錄影 Video Recording KarlRecord 錄音 Audio Recording 程啟翔 Angelos Ching
出版 Publication
編輯及翻譯 Edit & Translation 林凱昌 Lam Hoi-cheong 吳尚倫 Wu Shanglun 朱振威 Leon Chu 設計 Design 李鏡輝 Alpha Li
中大合唱協會有限公司出版 版權所有 © 2021 中大合唱協會有限公司 未經本會書面授權,不得轉載及翻印 Published by CU Chorus Association Limited Copyright © 2021 CU Chorus Association Limited No reproduction is allowed without written consent from the association
只要你有6級嘅樂樂樂樂器證書* 及 DSE 10分** 或以上, 我們的「⾳音樂樂樂樂研習⾼高級⽂文憑」歡迎你 !
* 申請⼈人須於英國皇家⾳音樂樂樂樂學院聯聯合委員會術科考試達6級或以上程度,或獲同級認可機構頒 發同等成績⽔水平,或通過內部試⾳音⾯面試。 ** 香港中學⽂文憑考試取得五科達第⼆二級成績 (包括中國語⽂文及英國語⽂文);或毅進⽂文憑畢業; 或香港⾼高級程度會考取得⼀一科⾼高級程度或兩兩科⾼高級補充程度科⽬目及格,及於香港中學會考取 得五科及格(包括中國語⽂文及英國語⽂文);或成年年申請⼈人,即於入學學年年的九⽉月⼀一⽇日年年滿⼆二⼗十⼀一 歲,並在⼯工作及學術上有相關經驗(成年年申請⼈人需完成中五學歷及通過相關入學考試)。 詳情請參參考:http://www.cbcc.edu.hk/chi/academic/gels/hdms.html 或 與課程主任 Dr. Martin Lee 聯聯絡 (Email: mlee@cihe.edu.hk)。 Higher Diploma in Music Studies
Address: 2 Chui Ling Lane, Tseung Kwan O, NT (Exit B, Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station)