2020 Annual Report

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Go forth! ANNUAL REPORT 2019–20

President’s Message


atholic Theological Union began its second halfcentury of graduate theological and ministerial education at a time of national unrest and unease, not altogether unlike the tumult of 1968, when its doors first opened. Fifty years ago racial injustice, environmental negligence, and urban violence were issues that also challenged the nation. Yet what has also remained constant is the unwavering spirit of CTU. Our students, alumni and faculty are agents of change who bring these heady topics into not only the classroom, but our communities as well.

When the COVID-19 pandemic reached Chicago last spring, CTU quickly and seamlessly pivoted to online learning and remote administrative work. Almost immediately, the Bernardin Center rose to the challenge of creating unity in a time of distress by presenting a ten-week long series, A People of Hope, which delivered comfort and hope to hundreds of people who tuned in for these Tuesday evening live broadcasts. The only reason that Catholic Theological Union is able to offer this relevant programming is because of the generosity of our supporters. I was humbled by the generosity of our supporters when our flagship fundraising event, the Blessed are the Peacemakers Trustee Dinner, moved to a virtual venue. Our sponsoring Corporation Community Members, our Board of Trustees and Life Trustees, and many annual supporters exhibited their belief in the mission of CTU. We gratefully met our fundraising goal, even exceeding prior-year levels. Thank you!

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Distance learning in the time of COVID-19. Sr. Laurie Brink, OP, conducts her “Introduction to the New Testament” class in a virtual format. opposite pag e

Student Johnathan Turba, OPraem, participates in classroom discussion before courses moved online in the spring semester.

Outgoing Board of Trustees leadership Joan Wrenn and Rev. Kurt Hartrich, OFM, in front of St. Peter’s Church in Chicago.

Of course, at the center of our fundraising efforts are the women and men who study at CTU and dedicate their lives to ministry. They are the very future of our Church; the men and women who will lead us in prayer, comfort us in moments of loss, teach our children, care for our poor, accompany our students on campus, and bring the presence of Christ into our hospitals and jails. I conclude with an emphatic thank you to the outgoing Chair of our Board of Trustees, Rev. Kurt Hartrich, OFM, and Mrs. Joan Wrenn, the Vice Chair. They welcomed me in 2013 and faithfully served the school through their leadership of the Board. Their warmth and giving spirits have touched our lives, encouraged our dreams, and strengthened our institution. I am most grateful to have walked beside them these many years. Sincerely,

Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV President

annual report 2019–2020

CTU prepares students to Go forth! to bear witness to Christ’s good news in today’s world, a critical step in regaining the credibility of our Church. Through spiritual formation, theological foundation and field education, CTU lay men and women study, work, and serve alongside men and women religious, each respecting and learning from one another. CTU has emerged as the very model of pastoral and ministerial preparation that the Church needs to Go forth!




The New Board Chair and Vice Chair

n July 2020, Rev. James Halstead, OSA, a 1976 (MDiv) and 1980 (MA) graduate of CTU and a member of the Midwest Province of the Order of St. Augustine, became chair of the CTU Board of Trustees, and Judith Chiarelli, a 1999 graduate of CTU, became vice chair. These individuals represent the partnership between the religious orders comprising the Union and lay people to proclaim the Reign of God and build the Church.

annual report 2019–2020

Fr. Halstead served 33 years on the faculty at DePaul University, retiring in 2019. An award-winning teacher and accomplished administrator, Fr. Jim was the first Director of DePaul’s Program in Catholic Studies and, for 12 years, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies. Additionally, he has taught at Loyola University Chicago, for the Archdiocese of Chicago, and in Lithuania, Greece and Japan. For the past 28 years, he has done sacramental ministry at St. Nicholas Parish in Evanston, Illinois. Fr. Jim was treasurer and prior of St. John Stone Friary, Interim Formation Director at St. Augustine Friary, and is presently provincial counselor and provincial treasurer.


Judith Chiarelli is a model of lay leadership, actively devoted to her dual vocations of science career and faith. Judy serves as the Acting Deputy Director of Argonne National Laboratory’s Strategic Security Sciences Division, providing senior leadership in the areas of Division operations, infrastructure development, and strategic planning. She also leads the Security Systems Analysis and Testing Group, an experienced team of technical experts working on a variety of national security response and recovery programs. Judy earned a Masters of Divinity from Catholic Theological Union, and served as a lay minister at St. Clement Church in Chicago for eight years. Along with her husband, Paul, she has continuously supported scholarships at CTU including the Biblical Study and Travel Program, as well as the Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ Endowed Scholarship. They are members of The Way Society, naming CTU in their estate planning.


Judy… The gospel message of community, unity, love, social justice, and the dignity of all human beings is particularly relevant for our society and the world today. This is what we need to preach and teach. The world needs authentic faith more than ever, and CTU‘s approach to ministry and theological education reflects a more authentic Church prepared to face the challenges of today.

Fr. Jim… I was drafted. I was very happy to be retired from DePaul. After being drafted I asked myself, “What did CTU do for me? What does CTU mean to me?” Then I remembered: When I came to CTU in 1972, I met Zachary Hayes, Paul Knitter, Bob Karris, Don Senior, and Caroll Stuhlmueller among many other faculty members and students. Those five people blew my world apart. I’m more philosophically oriented than Biblical, spiritual or pastoral. So, what happened was that Zachary Hayes and Paul Knitter, and Roman Vanness to a lesser extent, altered my understanding of what religion is and what Christianity is, and the richness and complexity of Catholic theological teaching—what is essential and what is secondary speculation. I learned of “cultural accretions” and what is fundamental, authentic to Christian religious experience and creedal teaching.

The Bible people, because I didn’t have much use for the Bible before CTU, made the Bible more credible to me.


Combine my gratitude to CTU, my sense of the Trinitarian God in the world and in my own life, my belief in the importance of education (lest ministers foist their smallness onto others) and my vocation to proclaim the Reign of God—I said to myself, “I guess I do not get to fully retire…yet.” It was the memory of and gratitude to those men (and in those days it was men)— who were incredibly challenging, inspiring, liberating and enriching—that moved me to accept election.


Judy… I’ve had a long secular career, and that combined with my lay ministry experience years ago, and my Master of Divinity degree from CTU, gives me a unique perspective. I bring what I have learned over my 40-year career to my Board position. My management and leadership experience help me identify practical solutions that can be applied to the complex problems we are facing today.

Fr. Jim… Two things. I spent 33 happy years at DePaul University. All of them were in a classroom. I also did administration. As a faculty member, Program Director and Department Chair, I learned how educators and educational systems work: the ways different professors work, how curriculum gets developed, how curriculum gets trimmed, how curriculum has to attend to contemporary situations if it’s going to be attractive, intriguing and enriching to students, how individual courses get developed and improved, and how teachers become better teachers. CTU is a professional school, not a liberal arts or a finishing school. I learned from my former colleagues in DePaul’s business, computer science, nursing and other professional schools that a professional school has to be attuned and responsive to changing job markets. Secondly, ministry as a priest. I have learned a lot. I think I know something about essential ministerial knowledge and skills, fundamental attitudes toward creation and peoples, and a couple things about personal, inner life which are vital to those who minister. One more thing: I’ve learned from my mistakes.


Judy… The mission of CTU is to prepare effective leaders for the Church. The mission hasn’t changed, but the world around us has changed and we have to adapt. Our graduates serve all over the world and their ministry is more important than ever. Our role as a Board is to ensure that the mission is served, the institution thrives, and we prepare our graduates to spread the gospel message of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Fr. Jim… In addition to the inspiration, knowledge and intellectual freedom I mentioned, CTU, as well as my Augustinian formation, gave me the tools for ongoing growth and development. Being a religious questioner by personality, I learned that wondering about and addressing fundamental human questions in a community of questioners is a wonderful, happy and noble way to live one’s life. Did Jesus, St. Paul, St. Augustine— or even Zach Hayes!—have all the answer to life’s questions? No. But they addressed those concerns in their own time and place—which is all a human being can ever do. The same with the moral matters. Then there are pastoral skills. I believe that a minister can have all the book knowledge, but if he or she does not have the skill to lead prayer prayerfully and beautifully…and if you don’t have the skill to organize a group and ask, “All right, folks, how are we going to promote the common good? How shall we build and fund a hospital? How to run a school? How are we going to live in and do the work of the Reign of God? How shall we pray?” If you don’t have the skill to do that, well, your ministry will be severely limited. If a minister cannot sit quietly with a dying person, console a family or community who mourns, or help a person address a life issue—that minister is less-than-fully effective. If a minister cannot be comfortable with, or at least try to understand those of different races, ethnic backgrounds, or religious practices and beliefs, that minister has a growing edge. CTU gave me a start in becoming a skilled minister. How have I used my CTU theological and pastoral education? I leave that judgement to others…and to God.

annual report 2019–2020


My CTU experience profoundly impacted my life as a person of faith. My MDiv studies opened up the Bible, teaching, preaching, lay presiding, and so much more to me. This led to a rich understanding of ministry both within the institutional church and within my secular career. In addition, the four CTU biblical study trips I took to the Holy Land were highlights of my life that I will always cherish.





n August 2019, Catholic Theological Union opened its doors for our second half-century of providing exceptional graduate theological and ministerial education. Our atrium was once again filled with excited chatter in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese, representing just a few of the forty countries from which our dedicated students hail. CTU prepares students to Go forth! to bear witness to Christ’s good news in today’s world, a critical step in regaining the credibility of our Church. Through their ministerial work, CTU students proclaim Christ’s message louder than words. What began as an ordinary school year quickly transitioned into something quite extraordinary by midMarch. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, CTU faculty were very adept and quickly pivoted to online teaching. In fact, many of our classes had already been offered in this format. In that initial period of global uncertainty and fear, CTU seized the opportunity to do what we do best, bringing people together in thoughtful and theological discussion and fostering a community of support. Some highlights of the year follow.

In November, US Representative Jesús G. (Chuy) Garcia was honored at the Corazón de Romero fiesta. The Romero Scholars Program celebrated its 25th anniversary on el Día de los Muertos. They began the dinner-dance with the creation of an ofrenda dedicated to Saint Óscar Romero, and to those who have been part of the Romero program and who have passed away. In celebration of the 30 th anniversary of the Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program, three honorees were recognized at Harambee! in March. Rev. Don Senior, CP, Dr. Opal Easter-Smith, and Bishop Joseph Perry were recognized for their long-time stewardship and commitment to the Tolton Program. The strong network and ongoing programming of the Tolton Program continue to nourish its graduates and local parishes, and it remains the only formation program of its kind in the nation. The Catholic-Muslim Studies Program celebrated its 20 th anniversary during the virtual Blessed are the Peacemakers Trustee Dinner in June. Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald, M. Afr., was honored for his lifetime of outstanding scholarship and groundbreaking pastoral leadership as the Church’s highest ranking expert in Islam and CatholicMuslim relations. A commemorative video recognized the founding and leadership of Dr. Scott Alexander, who has led the program since its inception and fostered CTU’s commitment to dialogue, reconciliation and peace. Scott has since transitioned to lead the Doctor of Ministry program at CTU, and we welcomed Syed Atif Rizwan as the new director of the Catholic-Muslim Studies Program.

Catholic Theological Union has emerged as the very model of pastoral and ministerial preparation that the Church needs to Go forth! Through spiritual formation, theological foundation and field education, CTU lay men and women study, work, and serve alongside men and women religious, each respecting and learning from one another.

Spiritual Formation CTU offers lay formation opportunities that integrate academic and personal experiences with the students’ religious traditions, while at the same time providing a support system for students who balance studies, family, work, ministry and long commutes. Through meetings with a spiritual director, retreats, and reflections, our lay students discover and respond to the presence of God in their midst, just as their fellow men and women religious peers receive similar formation through their communities. 6


Throughout the year, CTU continued Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s ministry of reconciliation and peacemaking, interreligious dialogue, leadership development for the Catholic Church, promoting the consistent ethic of life, and the search for common ground in the church and the world. The Bernardin Center at Catholic Theological Union hosted a three-day National Young Adult Ministry Summit sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in September. The program brought together leaders from across the country to vision where the field of Catholic young adult ministry is called to go next. Many CTU alumni and faculty led plenary sessions. Through the Catholic Common Ground Initiative, the Donnelly Family-Bernardin Conference hosted a three-day gathering entitled Evangelization in the Digital Age with Pope Francis. It brought together a diverse group of Catholics to explore how evangelization and the search for common ground are carried out in the age of digital communication, and how evangelization might be transformed by newer

communication media. A keynote lecture was given by Rev. Matt Malone, SJ, editor of America Magazine. Facilitating an active spirit of dialogue and understanding remained at the forefront of Bernardin Center programming. The Catholic-Muslim Studies Program hosted a three-part lecture series on criminal justice reform which heightened awareness of injustices in the American legal system. The series highlighted three champions of social justice who have accompanied countless incarcerated and returning citizens in their struggle to maintain their dignity as valued members of the community. The Catholic-Jewish Studies Program, through the Shapiro Lecture series and the annual Rabbi Hayim Goren Perelmuter Conference, hosted scholars from the University of Chicago and Northwestern University to present Christianity Thinks with Judaism and The Holy Family? The Theology of Family Life in Medieval Judaism and Christianity.

Theological Foundation A solid theological foundation propels our students to succeed in their ministries. Students take critical, broad-based courses taught by our world-renowned faculty, grounding them in the principles of a pastoral theology attentive to the signs of the times. Our curriculum speaks meaningfully to many of the new generation who need to be convinced of the pertinence of the Church and the Gospel. Nourished by the best scholarship, CTU graduates begin their careers on a sure footing, well-equipped to understand the needs of the Church.

Field Education Field education gives our students real-world experiences that enable them to succeed in their future ministries. CTU has a strong commitment to field education and the accompanying theological reflection. The integrative work of theological studies alongside practical experience in ministry is essential to the development of skills needed to be an effective minister, especially in today’s troubled world. Field education offers interested students the opportunity to explore a ministry in a supervised setting. Every year, around forty-eight students participate in field education, primarily in Chicago, but also as distance learners in their own communities all over the country.


Ten years after its initial launch, CTU announced the relaunch of its multimedia platform, Learn@CTU. With the redesigned continuing education platform, users can stream world-class lectures on handheld devices, and receive engaging blogs and podcasts weekly.

annual report 2019–2020

Expanding opportunities for student engagement and broad theological reflection, CTU offered a series of academic lectures throughout the year. This year marked the 20 th anniversary of the Louis J. Luzbetak Lecture on Mission and Culture, with Research, Practice and Training: The Challenge of Mission in an Increasingly Mobile and Complex World. Additional programs included the annual Duns Scotus Lecture, Asian Slavery in the Americas: Franciscanism, Race and Identity in the Asian American Experience; the Paul Wattson Lecture, The Ecumenical Value of Reflection on Moral Discernment; the Historical and Doctrinal Studies Lecture, Fresh Waters and the Implications of Pope Francis’ Turn to Indigenous Ecological Knowledge; and the World Mission Lecture, Encounters in Doing Theology Contextually on the US-Mexico Border.


Our Sundays at CTU series was just one of many public opportunities that facilitated engaging, insightful conversations throughout the year. We highlighted the civil rights contributions of Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, the long-time president of the University of Notre Dame. Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA, presented the first installment of the Dr. Barry Rankin Sunday at CTU series on God’s Creation, considering our environmental responsibility as outlined in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. Meanwhile, an interfaith panel presentation discussed the myriad ways Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim communities are confronting the violence in Chicago. Our lecture series concluded with an engaging, online presentation, Take Me Out to the Ball Game—but Stay 6’ Away: Baseball and Theologies of Nation, Recovery and Resistance by Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández.

A Scholarship Breakfast in the fall brought together scholarship donors and recipients. Held in the Paul Bechtold Library, this was a wonderful opportunity for our donors to meet the recipients of their generosity, and to get know the remarkable impact their gifts have on these students’ lives. A generous grant from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) gave our faculty the opportunity to expand their annual fall Faculty Days from one to two and a half days. The expanded faculty development program was called Science and Saving Stories That Shape Us: Engaging Science and Religion in Our Curriculum and Culture. It raised awareness about expected and unexpected points of intersection between science, faith, and pastoral ministry, and provided some initial strategies to help faculty members begin exploring science-related topics with students in their classes. Faculty members had the opportunity to engage with scientific experts on-site and off-site, and learn from theologians who have successfully incorporated scientific insights, analogies, and strategies into their own research and pedagogy. The annual Alumni Retreat was virtual this year, with Sr. Christa Parra, IBVM, presenting God’s Presence Within Us: Reflections from the US-Mexico Border, and Rev. Robin Ryan, CP, celebrating an alumni liturgy. The online format significantly increased participation, allowing alumni from all over the US to participate.

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Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández, Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry, leads pilgrims in prayer before they depart for Jornada por la Justicia in El Paso, Texas, a gathering of Catholic Latino organizers, labor leaders, scholars and activists to make real change through concrete action on issues of immigration and the border.

CTU at a Glance STUDENTS BY DEGREE PROGR AM Doctor of Ministry


Master of Divinity


Master of Arts


Master of Divinity / Arts


Pastoral Studies


Biblical Ministry


Hispanic Theology and Ministry


Intercultural Ministry


Justice Ministry


Liturgical Ministry


Spiritual Ministry


Continuing Education



11 272



Lay Women


Lay Men

17% 11%


Women Religious

Institute of Religious Formation


Diocesan Priests

Reframing Retirement for Mission






* Includes degree-seeking students.



annual report 2019–2020

Men Religious

Hesburgh Sabbatical

Together Program



Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Benin Brazil Burma-Myanmar Cameroon, West Africa China Colombia Croatia Dominican Republic Ecuador Ghana, West Africa Haiti India Indonesia

Ireland Japan Kenya, East Africa Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria, West Africa Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Rwanda, Africa Republic of South Korea Togo Uganda United Kingdom United States Vietnam

4 386


* Clerics from Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Lutheran and Protestant traditions.

3% <1% <1% 100%

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

SOURCES OF FUNDS Tuition and Fees



Gifts and Grants
























Bond Interest Expense



Development Department





Housing and Food Services Investment Income Contributed Services Other Income

USES OF FUNDS Education Programs General and Administration Student Services Housing and Food Services

50 th Anniversary Campaign


( $569,921 )

NET ASSETS Total Without Donor Restrictions


…without Donor Restrictions*


…plus Board Designated** With Donor Restrictions**

4,628,848 26,756,811 $47,993,329

* Includes Building Fund Campaign ** Includes Forward in Faith 50th Anniversary Campaign

annual report 2019–2020

Financial Statements



July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 LIFE TRUSTEES

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rev. James T. Baraniak, OPraem Canons Regular of Premontre St. Norbert Abbey De Pere, WI Rev. Paul J. Bernier, SSS Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Province of St. Ann Cleveland, OH Ms. Linda Blakley DePaul University Chicago, IL Mr. Francis J. Bomher UNA Design and Build Hinsdale, IL Mr. Thomas P. Brown Sidley Austin LLP Winnetka, IL Mrs. Ann Kenny Carr Chicago, IL Br. Daryl Charron, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Cincinnati and Kansas City Provinces Chicago, IL Rev. Joseph Cheah, OSM Order of Friar Servants of Mary USA Province West Hartford, CT Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS Society of the Precious Blood Cincinnati Province Chicago, IL Rev. John R. Conley, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province Park Ridge, IL Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Land & Lakes Company Park Ridge, IL

annual report 2019–2020

Mr. Gregory Darr Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers U.S. Foundation Chicago, IL


Ms. Angela Dinger William H. Sadlier, Inc. New York, NY Rev. John Fahey-Guerra, CSsR Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Denver Province Denver, CO

Mr. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Cornerstone Bancorp, Inc. Inverness, IL

Mr. John D. Oliverio Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Glendale, WI

Ms. Maureen Lopez Fitzpatrick Missionary Society of St. Columban United States Region St. Columbans, NE

Rev. Christopher Promis, CSSp Congregation of the Holy Spirit Province of the United States Chicago, IL

Rev. Leandro Fossa, cs Missionaries of St. Charles Province of St. John the Baptist Sun Valley, CA

Dr. Mary Ann Rowan Chicago, IL

Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV President Catholic Theological Union Chicago, IL Mrs. Susan Goodman Lake Bluff, IL Rev. James R. Halstead, OSA Order of St. Augustine Our Mother of Good Counsel Province Chicago, IL Rev. Kurt F. Hartrich, OFM Order of Friars Minor Sacred Heart Province Chicago, IL Mr. J. Michael Heaton O’Keefe Lyons & Hynes, LLC Wilmette, IL Rev. Glen Lewandowski, OSC Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross Province of St. Odilia Phoenix, AZ Mr. James Lubawski Lubawski and Associates Wilmette, IL Rev. Daniel J. Lydon, CSV Clerics of Saint Viator Province of the United States Arlington Heights, IL Very Rev. Mark Marangone, sx Xaverian Missionaries USA Province Wayne, NJ Mr. William McNally Chicago, IL Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Claretian Missionaries USA-Canada Province Chicago, IL Rev. Alfredo Ocampo, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province Park Ridge, IL

Rev. John K. Schork, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province Park Ridge, IL Mr. Michael Stephan Fort Lauderdale, FL Mr. Steve Stoute DePaul University Chicago, IL Rev. Michael Surufka, OFM Order of Friars Minor Assumption BVM Province St. Francis, WI Mr. Thomas Taylor Glenview, IL Rev. Francis S. Tebbe, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of St. John the Baptist Cincinnati, OH

Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr. Dr. Donna M. Carroll Rev. Theodore Cirone, CMF Mrs. Ellie Clarke Dr. Richard A. DeGraff Mr. James M. Denny Rev. David Donnay, osc Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM Mr. Daniel J. Foley Mrs. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry Mr. James Haugh Mr. John B. Higgins Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Mr. William Lawlor, III Rev. Sebastian MacDonald, CP Mr. Anthony M. Mandolini Dr. Richard J. Meister Rev. Michael Miller, MSC Mr. David M. Murdoch Mr. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Ms. Joan F. Neal Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF Rev. Donald Senior, CP Mr. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr. Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. Barry Sullivan Mr. Fidelis N. Umeh Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck

Mr. Richard Tilghman Glenview, IL Rev. Nhan Tran, SVD Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province Techny, IL Mr. Patrick J. Unzicker Roadrunner Transportation Systems Chicago, IL Rev. Gary J. Wegner, OFM Cap Capuchin Franciscan Friars Province of St. Joseph Detroit, MI Mr. Paul Wheeler Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus North American Province La Grange Park, IL Mrs. Joan S. Wrenn Hudson Precision Systems Oak Park, IL

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CTU Board of Trustees and Corporation Provincials gathered at a fall retreat sponsored by a grant from In Trust’s Wise Stewards Initiative.

Right Rev. Dane Radecki, OPraem Canons Regular of Premontre St. Norbert Abbey

Very Rev. Jeffrey Duaime, CSSp Congregation of the Holy Spirit Province of the United States

Very Rev. Miguel Alvarez, cs Missionaries of St. Charles Province of St. John The Baptist

Very Rev. James Gannon, OFM Order of Friars Minor Assumption BVM Province

Very Rev. Michael Sullivan, OFM Cap Capuchin Franciscan Friars St. Joseph Province

Very Rev. Stephen Rehrauer, CSsR Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Denver Province

Very Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Cincinnati Province

Very Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of the Sacred Heart

Very Rev. Rosendo Urrabazo, CMF Claretian Missionaries United States Province

Very Rev. Joseph Moons, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province

Very Rev. Garry Richmeier, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Kansas City Province

Very Rev. Mark Soehner, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of St. John The Baptist

Very Rev. Daniel Hall, CSV Clerics of Saint Viator Province of the United States

Very Rev. James O’Shea, CP Congregation of the Passion St. Paul of the Cross Province

Very Rev. Richard Kennedy, MSC Missionaries of the Sacred Heart United States Province

Very Rev. Anthony Pizzo, OSA Order of St. Augustine Our Mother of Good Counsel Province

Very Rev. Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus North American Province

Very Rev. Tom Enneking, osc Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross USA Province of St. Odilia

Rev. John Burger, SSC Missionary Society of St. Columban United States Region

Very Rev. Quang Duc Dinh, SVD Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province

Rev. Eugene Smith, OSM Order of Friar Servants of Mary USA Province

Very Rev. Mark Marangone, sx Xaverian Missionaries USA Province

Very Rev. Anthony Schueller, SSS Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Province of St. Ann

Very Rev. Raymond J. Finch, MM Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers US Foundation

annual report 2019–2020



Campaign Update $16 M I L L I O N C A M PA I G N I M PAC T


atholic Theological Union’s Forward in Faith campaign has always been about access. Student access to scholarships, faculty access to professional development, and access provided by the innovative use of technology. The interrelated campaign priorities are even more relevant today than four years ago. The campaign was launched on the occasion of CTU’s 50th anniversary, reimagining what the best of theological education can offer men and women, religious and lay, preparing for the world of the twenty-first century, while building on a half century of success. Now in its fourth year, the ambitious Forward in Faith campaign is already achieving success and making an impact, even as we are engulfed in a global pandemic, conflicts over racial injustice, and deep divisions in our society. The need for thoughtful, committed, and well-prepared ministers of the Gospel has never been more urgent.

annual report 2019–2020

Despite this challenging climate, and with the campaign’s 2022 target end date in sight, momentum continues to move us Forward in Faith. In June 2020, thanks to your generosity, cumulative Campaign giving surpassed $13.9 million, or 87% to the goal of $16 million. These much-needed funds came from the religious orders who sponsor CTU, as well as the many devoted individual lay friends and donors who partner with us in this crucial enterprise.


With that encouraging support has come a burst of energy and a surge of creativity in every corner of our institution as we strive to meet the needs of the global Church. The availability of expanded scholarship capacity enables us to recruit and sustain excellent students from across the country and worldwide. New educational programs have been launched while others have been enhanced and expanded. Faculty have new resources to engage in both traditional and cutting-edge theology and methods of evangelization in forming future ministers. Here are a few specific examples of the kind of support that is making a difference for CTU, enabling us to continue to prepare the seminarians of our twenty-four member communities, as well as expand our outreach to talented lay men and women eager to serve the Church and our world.


faculty excellence

innovation and technology

Ladies of Bethany This named scholarship, funded by the international religious community of the Ladies of Bethany, is intended for women who understand the problems and opportunities presented in today’s socially, politically, economically, culturally and religiously diverse societies. The scholarship helps women— either lay women or vowed religious—who might otherwise not have the financial means to pursue theological education. Successful applicants will demonstrate the following spiritual and ministerial commitments: “creating an open heart to the reality of God”, developing the spiritual dimension, having attention to ecumenism, relating interculturally, and enriching each other spiritually from the richness of each culture and all religious traditions.

Mary Rose Shaughnessy Endowed Scholarship Fund The family of CTU friend and alumna, Mary Rose Shaughnessy, established this scholarship fund in her memory, to provide lay women and men the funds they require for ministerial training. These lay ministers, who are taking on increasing responsibilities in the Church, will speak to and effectively address the world’s needs for reconciliation, peacemaking, and transcending boundaries. Barry and Winnifred F. Sullivan Faculty Research Support Endowment Established by CTU Life Trustee and distinguished university professors Barry and Winni Sullivan, this endowment supports annual grants to faculty for ongoing research and writing projects. The Sullivans recognized the need to continually resource and invest in CTU faculty, our most valuable asset. Franciscan Friars, St. John the Baptist Province Faculty Excellence Endowment One of the CTU Corporate members, the Franciscan Friars of the St. John the Baptist Province, endowed this fund to support the annual professional development funds for every qualified faculty member. Professional development, including membership fees in professional organizations, attendance at professional conferences and gatherings, is the life-blood sustaining faculty research and writing. Next Generation Challenge — Achieved! Ennobled by her concern for the alarming number of young people drifting away from the Church, a dear friend of CTU offered us this bold challenge: for every dollar we raise devoted to welcoming young people into the Catholic Church, she will match it with a dollar of her own, up to $400,000. We are thrilled to announce that we have met and exceeded this challenge in February 2020. Reaching out to young adult Catholics is a major commitment of CTU for the future.

Campaign Leadership Catholic Theological Union is grateful for the leadership of the individuals who have contributed time, talent, and exceptional generosity in support of the institution and the historic success of the Forward in Faith campaign. Honorary Chairs Cardinal Blase J. Cupich James and Catherine Denny Gordon and Carole Segal Campaign Co-Chairs Daniel R. Murray — Life Trustee Rev. Donald Senior, CP — Chancellor Members Mary Margaret Cowhey Rev. Eddie De León, CMF Rev. Robert M. Egan, CSV Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. William J. McNally Very Rev. Joseph Nassal, CPPS Christine Riley Very Rev. Bernard Scianna, OSA Patrick J. Unzicker Robert H. Wheeler Regina Wentzel Wolfe

These are but a few examples of how your generosity has made a genuine impact. They touch every area of the institution and sustain the work of faculty and students. The Campaign is an effort to build an even greater CTU for tomorrow, and we are deeply grateful that alumni, friends, and corporation members continue to advance this goal.



ooking ahead, we are excited to be part of such a historic effort as we gear up for the final year of Forward in Faith. We are confident that this wonderful community will rise to the challenge to meet and surpass our $16 million goal.

These pages offer details of the campaign’s fundraising results and further acknowledge the many donors who made this milestone possible. To all of CTU’s supporters, thank you. With your generous participation, we are building a bright tomorrow for our institution.




Forward in Faith

annual report 2019–2020

C A M PA I G N D O N O R S as of June 30, 2020


Anonymous (3) Estate of the Rev. Harry Joseph Adams Dr. Sheila Adams Mr. Eugene Ahner Ms. Luz Eugenia Alvarez Dr. and Mrs. Michel Andraos Dr. Cheryl A. Antos Mr. and Mrs. Donal Barry Mr. Emile P. Bataille Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, DMin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bernhart Blackfriars ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bomher Rev. Edgar Borchardt Mr. David Meade Bowles, Jr. Ms. Cynthia M. Bowns † and Deacon Loren Bowns Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Ms. Sharon Brock Ms. Eleanor Louise Brosio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Ms. Mary Ann Bulanda Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Sr. Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM Ms. Gloria J. Callaci and Mr. Lawrence J. Suffredin Canons Regular of Premontre, St. Norbert Abbey Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Rev. Thomas E. Cima Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Mrs. Ellie Clarke Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province Sr. Joy Clough, RSM Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Collins Comboni Missionaries, North American Province Congregation of the Holy Spirit Congregation of the Mission Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Denver Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Connors Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Couri Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Creech Dr. Eileen Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Ms. Marianne B. Danks Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Deneen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny DePaul University Mr. Anthony K. Devassy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Rev. John L. Doctor, OFM Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Honorable Thomas Donnelly and Ms. Anne Wicker Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Doris Federation of Augustinians of North America Mrs. Maggie V. Finley, MAPS, BCC Retired Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. John Fontana, III Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Franciscan Friars, Holy Name Province Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght

Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert, DD Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Ms. Nancy Mark Goldfarb Mrs. Mary Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grantham Rev. Eric Groner, SVD Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. James Hargadon Mr. and Mrs. James Haugh Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Ms. Christine Henderson and Mr. Matthew Wiley Sr. Angela Hibbard, IHM Mr. John B. Higgins Rev. Daniel F. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Mr. Stephen Patrick Jendraszak Ms. Emelia Junk Mr. John Kay Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz, OSF Mrs. Kathleen Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kitamura Mr. and Mrs. Martin Knuth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kochanny Ms. Janet Kotarski Ms. Rachel Kuhn Ladies of Bethany Msgr. Patrick Lagges Dr. Robert and Mrs. Nanda LaPata Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor, III Mr. Carl A. Lekan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Logue Mr. and Mrs. James Lubawski Mr. Daniel Lunney Mrs. Kieran Lyons Mahoney Rev. Byron Macias, CMF Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr. Ms. Mary Majewski Mr. and Mrs. David Manzo Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, US Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauney Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, OSA Ms. Maggie White McLean Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert McMenamin Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meaney Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister Ms. Barbara J. Menard Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Kansas City Province Missionaries of St. Charles, Province of St. John the Baptist Missionary Society of St. Columban Ms. Sharon Monroe Ms. Suzanne Morgan, AIA Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin Ms. Linda Nishi Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Ms. Dolores Nugent Mr. Fred O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. O’Connor Mrs. Mary Oliphant Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oliverio

Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province Order of Friars Minor, Province of the Sacred Heart Order of Friars Minor, St. John The Baptist Province Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Rev. Philip D. Paxton, CP Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petersen Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch Mr. Robert S. Pietrusiak Mr. and Mrs. Fred Power Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Prassas Mrs. Donna Rankin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe RBC Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Rose Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Dr. Mary Ann and Mr. John Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rusinak Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Ms. Ellen Salmi van Cleef and Mr. Joshua van Cleef Ms. Esther H. M. Sanborn Ms. Lois A. Schmitz Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schreiter Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Ms. Kathleen Senger and Mr. Mark Luecke Estate of Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Anthony Sheehan Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Sisters of St. Francis Ms. Elizabeth A. Sivek Mrs. Mary Kay Slocumb Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr. Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. Clemens Suen Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornburgh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Dr. Marie Tobin and Dr. John Cunningham Ms. Margaret Trepal Mr. Walter J. Turlo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Unzicker Ms. Denise Utter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ventura Mr. Eugene Vonderhaar Ms. Anne Walter and Mr. Joe Grant The Waraich Family Ms. Cynthia Whalen Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick White Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Mr. Stephen and Dr. Regina Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wrenn Xaverian Missionaries, USA Province Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH

$25,000­ – $99,999 Helen V. Brach Foundation Katharine Bries Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Franciscan Friars, Holy Name Province Mr. and Mrs. James F. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor The Waraich Family $10,000­ – $24,999 Anonymous (4) American Association for the Advancement of Science Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bomher Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Joseph Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey DePaul University Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Koch Foundation, Inc. Kresge Foundation Ladies of Bethany Mr. and Mrs. William Lawlor, III Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pasin Mr. and Mrs. James Riley Rukavina Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province Mr. Michael Stephan W.P. & H. B. White Foundation $5,000­ – $9,999 Adrian Dominican Sisters Ms. Linda Blakley Mr. and Mrs. John Boberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Canons Regular of Premontre, St. Norbert Abbey Carney Family Foundation Rev. James Allen Cassidy Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Ms. Mary Vee Connell Ms. Maria A. Corpuz and Mr. John Hug Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Rev. Larry Hemmelgarn, CPPS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lanctot Frank J. Lewis Foundation

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Little Company of Mary Sisters USA Loflin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Lubawski Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, US Foundation Mazzolin Family Foundation Dr. Michael McCune and Dr. Karen Smith McCune Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Menard Family Foundation Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Kansas City Province Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oliverio Order of Friars Minor, Assumption BVM Province Order of Saint Augustine Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly Family Foundation Paluch Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wrenn $2,500­ – $4,999 Blackfriars ‘57 Mrs. Marina Carney Congregation of the Mission Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Mr. David D. Fukuzawa and Ms. Toni Kovach Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght Haugh Family Foundation Mrs. Mary Clare Loftus Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province Order of Friars Minor, Province of The Sacred Heart Mr. Talat M. Othman Gary, Maureen and Jane Sagui Charitable Fund Rev. A.J. Schumacher † The Siragusa Family Foundation Estate of Miss Regis Walling $1,000­ – $2,499 Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Alexander Dr. Abdul Amine Mrs. Elizabeth W. Armstrong and Mr. Harold Hindsley Carrigan Charitable Trust Congregation of the Holy Spirit Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Crosier Fathers and Brothers, US Province of St. Odilia Pat and Patty Crowley Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM Ms. Clare Faherty Mrs. Marlene Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flynn Franciscan Friars of the Atonement Mr. James Robert Geisler Mrs. Mary Goodrich Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. James Haugh Rev. Donald J. Headley Mr. and Mrs. William Hollingsworth

Mr. and Mrs. John Iberle Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jaffee Jewish United Fund Ms. Maggie Kast Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kennedy Mr. Thomas E. Kerber and Ms. Janice Magnuson Ms. Kitty Kevin Loyola Press Ms. Charlene Madden Mr. Anthony M. Mandolini Maryknoll Sisters Ms. Lisa A. Masucci and Mr. John Butler Dr. and Mrs. Eugene T. McEnery Mrs. Evilin McHugh Mr. William A. McIntosh Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister Dr. David R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch Ms. Christina J. Norton and Mr. John A. Biek Mr. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Order of Friars Minor, St. John The Baptist Province Mr. Glen Ostdiek The Owens Foundation Rev. Michael D. Place Mr. Gerard Pottebaum Ms. Muriel Quinn and Mr. Robert Pasin Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Daniel Rudd Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schreiter Ms. Mary Ann Spina St. Columbanus Church Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Tierney Rev. Raymond J. Tillrock Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Toolan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Unzicker Mr. Stephen and Dr. Regina Wolfe Ms. Theresa Alston Wright Xaverian Missionaries, USA Province Ms. Donatta M. Yates $500­ – $999 Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, DMin Mrs. Lynn R. Callagy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cavataio Dorothea Cunningham Family Foundation Rev. John V. DiBacco, Jr. Mr. Carl P. Eigelsbach Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Ms. Barbara S. Gorham Healey Family Foundation Br. Thomas Johnson, FSC Ms. Susan Kamp Mr. Thomas V. Kandathil Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Mrs. Charlene Klabacha Dr. Kimberly M. Lymore Mrs. Kieran Lyons Mahoney Rev. Adam E. Macdonald, SVD Most Rev. John R. Manz, DD Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauney Ms. Kathleen W. Murnion Rev. Robert Oldershaw Ms. Marionette C. Phelps


Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ross Dr. Mary Ann and Mr. John Rowan Saint Paul’s Benevolent Educational and Missionary Institute Ms. Guillermina V. Sanchez SC Johnson Giving, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Mrs. Barbara Schornack Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sisters of the Divine Savior Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, Minnesota Ms. Carol Smith-Taliaferro Mr. Timothy Snowden Ms. Glenda R. Spearman, M.Div., BCC Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Ms. Mary Treanor Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun Ms. Cynthia Whalen Dr. C. Vanessa White Sr. Marie Louise White Mr. James B. Wilson Miss Victoria Yeung $250­ – $499 Dr. Ghulam Haider Aasi Rev. Richard Aiken Ms. Luz Eugenia Alvarez Most Rev. Mark A. Bartosic Rev. Steve Bevans, SVD Birrieria Reyes de Ocotlan Dr. John Borelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Mr. James Cantwell Deacon Garrett and Katheryn Christnacht Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership Rev. John E. Cockayne, Jr. Ms. Barbara Cottrell Deacon and Mrs. Paul Covino Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dahmus Mr. Gregory Darr Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids Ms. Jeanne Kathleen Foley Ms. Dorothy Fortenberry Ms. Joyce F. Franklin Most Rev. Ronald A. Hicks Mr. John B. Higgins Ms. Siobhan Hill Mr. Michael Holmberg and Dr. Louise Berner-Holmberg International Super Market Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keenan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Koenigs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosnik Mr. Michael W. Kuchar Ms. Rachel Kuhn Ms. Lorraine A. Kulpa Ms. Loretta M. Lymore Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCune Mr. Edward McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mehler Modern Man, Inc. Ms. Suzanne Morgan, AIA Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández Ms. Joan F. Neal Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Dr. Claire Noonan and Mr. Anthony Schmitz Ms. Kathleen M. Osberger Parenting 4 Non-Violence

annual report 2019–2020

Annual Donors


annual report 2019–2020

Sr. Barbara Reid, OP Ms. Mary Ellen Reynolds Ms. Christine A. Riley Most Rev. Alberto Rojas Rev. Gregory Rom Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Romenesko Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz Rev. Bernard Scianna, OSA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seliga Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Shanks Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Dr. and Mrs. Peter Steinfels Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Thiernau Most Rev. Michael W. Warfel Ms. Joy Ziemke


$100 – $249 Dr. Sheila Adams Ms. Dorothy Ambrose Dr. Mary Alice Amore Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mr. Adrian A. Basora Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bechtold Ms. Peggy Bensman Mr. Roger J. Bialcik Ms. Alicia Bradley Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Ms. Cindy M. Brito and Dr. Anthony J. Costello Ms. Therese M. Brown Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Rev. Gerardo R. Carcar Ms. Tina Carter Ms. Margaret Casey Cenacle Sisters Ms. Maureen Cetera Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coffey, III Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Mr. Peter Denio Dr. Marian Kay Diaz Mr. and Mrs. John Disterhoft Ms. Sharon Dobbs Ms. Elizabeth Anne Donnelly and Dr. Phillip Pulaski Mrs. Mary Therese Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Duffy Most Rev. John Dunne Elias Family Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ermolovich Dr. and Mrs. Peter Fecanin Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Rev. Donald J. Fenske Ms. Margaret Finnegan Rev. John J. Fitzgerald Mr. Kenneth P. Fivizzani Mr. Dennis Foley Ms. Mary C. Follen Ms. Corinne Francis Drs. Warren and Nancy Furey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Furjanic Br. Charles Gamen, OCD Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gass Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz, III Most Rev. John R. Gorman, DD Br. Michael Gosch, CSV Ms. Christina M. Graf Fr. Joseph T. Graffis Rev. Jay M. Harrington, OP Ms. JudeAnne Hastings

Mr. John Hedrick Mr. Thomas M. Howard and Ms. Libia Paez-Howard Mr. Jerome Hund Ms. Carol B. Johnson Mr. Daniel Jones and Ms. Tina Moreau-Jones Mr. Richard Kaczmarek Mr. Mohammed Kaiseruddin Ms. Bridget Kennedy Mr. Robert W. Kerls Mrs. Jackie King Ms. Joycelyn A. King Ms. Gwendolyn V. Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kitamura Dr. and Mrs. Francis Klocke Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke Sr. Margaret Mary Knittel, RSM Ms. Beth M. Knobbe Ms. Janet Kotarski Rev. Joseph P. La Mar, M.M. Dr. Mary S. Laver, PhD The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Ms. Aoife Lee Mr. Brian T. Lepacek Sr. Mary E. Loftus, RSM Mr. and Mrs. Edward Logue Ms. Margaret A. Lorincz Michaels Rev. Martin Lowery Ms. Corinne Lyon Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Maher Drs. Anthony and Mary Mahowald Rev. Kevin Mannara, CSB Ms. Mary Meg McCarthy Rev. Joseph McCormick, OSA Dr. and Mrs. Terrence F. McDevitt Mr. Joseph McDonald and Ms. Madeleine Raymond Dr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinn Mr. Thomas McGuire Ms. Melody McMahon Mr. Michael P. McNeil Ms. Maureen Meter Ms. Megan C. Mio Mr. Michael Missaggia Missionary Society of St. Columban Ms. Margaret Mitchell and Mr. Rich Rosengarten Ms. Sharon Monroe Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Ms. Carolyn Mullally National Religious Vocation Conference Dr. Jon Nilson Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robb Oldfield Mr. Joseph Paprocki Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petersen Ms. Susan M. Pudelek Mr. Richard Pütz Mr. Joseph Quane Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Quinde Sr. Mary Lou Rajdl, MM and Sr. Gloria Tamayo, MM Mr. John A. Rdzak Mr. Stephen Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rotunno Saint Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church Mr. Hugh Schulze Mr. and Mrs. John E. Scully Mrs. Carolyn A. Severson Mrs. Willa Shegog-Neely Mr. Richard J. Shinners, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Shubert

Mr. L. William Staudenmaier Ms. Mary Jeanne Steele Sr. Yolanda Tarango, CCVI Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terrien Ms. Barbara P. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Todd Troshynski Mr. Eugene Vonderhaar Ms. Marietta Walsh Dr. Caroline A. Wamsler Ms. Claire Louise Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wisner Ms. Kathryn F. Worthen Mr. and Mrs. William Youngberg Ms. Aldona Zailskas Mr. Frank Zimmerman Up to $99 Anonymous Ms. Claire M. Anderson Dr. Cheryl A. Antos Mr. Ernesto Avina Sr. Antonina Avitabile, MSC Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima, S.T.D. Mr. Raymond Bayless Mrs. Nellie L. Bell Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA James Michael Bergin, SVD Dr. Michael J. Bland Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglass Bond Mrs. Shirley Brown Mr. Marvin Brustin Rev. Edward Byrne Ms. Gloria J. Callaci and Mr. Lawrence J. Suffredin Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Campbell Mr. Lew Campione Ms. Mary B. Caraway Brother Thomas P Casey, FSC Ms. Cheryl Cattledge Mr. Andrew Nicholas Cirillo Sr. Ardis Cloutier, OSF Ms. Kathryn Conway Mr. Tom Cordaro Rev. Stephen Corder, SJ Sr. Lorraine Crawford, IBVM Sr. Sheila A. Curran, RSM Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ Mr. and Mrs. Steven Delaney Rev. Raymond A. Dunmyer Deacon Michael and Mary Jo Fekete Mrs. Maggie V. Finley, MAPS, BCC Retired Ms. Anita C. Fischer Mr. John Flaherty Ms. Karen Flavin Dr. Zenobia Fox Sr. Susan R. Francois, CSJP Sr. Joan Fronc, OP Mr. Jim Furey Ms. Gigi A. Galardi Mr. Lawrence Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Garden Ms. Stephanie B. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gerdes Mrs. Anne Gibbons Rev. Rick M. Ginther Ms. Mildred R. Gladney Mr. David L. Gordon Mrs. Eileen Griffin Mrs. Taylor N. Groenke Ms. Elizabeth Guss Ms. Catherine Hart Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hartigan Sr. Mary Hauke, OSF Rev. Richard K. Hayatsu

Dr. Diana L. Hayes Sr. Patricia Heath, SUSC Sr. Denise Herrmann, CSA Mrs. Janet Hoffman Rev. Kermit M. Holl, OSC Ms. Diane Horner Ms. Anita Houck Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Mr. Justin Huyck Mr. Ted Johnson The Jordan Family Ms. Emelia Junk Msgr. Peter V. Kain Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Mr. John Kay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keevey Dr. Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Rev. William F. Krlis Sr. Cynthia Jean Langlois, IBVM Mr. Carl A. Lekan Dr. Bruce Lescher Ms. Judith K. Locke Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti Mr. William E. Lowry and Mrs. Teresita Gonzalez-Lowry Mr. Michael Macneil Mr. Donald Mahoney Ms. Sally T. Mahoney Rev. Jason Malave Mr. Sam Mauro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mazukelli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McBreen Ms. Julia B. McCarron Sr. Susan McCrery, CSJ Mr. and Mrs. Charles McEnery Ms. Kathleen McGourty Mr. James McLafferty Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meaney Sr. Marlene Minnaert, OSB Mr. Fred W. Morton, Jr. Ms. Aida Munoz Ms. Barbara Murphy-Sanders Sr. Mary Bridget Murphy, SND Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Newberry Mr. Brandon Nida Rev. Edmund Nnadozie Ms. Dolores Nugent Ms. Mary O’Donnell Rev. Martin O’Donovan Ms. Maura O’Donovan Mr. E. Robert Olson Rev. Robert E. Osborne Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM Ms. Suzanne Othman Sr. Jeanne Oursler, CSJ Ms. Judith M. Palmer Ms. Mary Paukovitz Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D Ms. Aphrodite E. Peponis Mrs. Peggy M. Plastina Mr. Patrick Racey and Hon. Sheila Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Reithmaier Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Regina Richter Ms. Charlotte A. Roeber Romanian Catholic Diocese of Canton Dr. and Mrs. Adam H. Romeiser, Jr. Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Rowley Mr. Michael J. Sanem Mr. Dennis Schafer Mr. Bernard Schiml Ms. Peg Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Matthew Schreiner Rev. John A. Schultz

Mrs. Christina Semmel Mr. Justin Sengstock and Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier Sr. Betty Smith, RSM Ms. Rebecca Gray Smith Ms. Karen Soos Mr. Juan F. Soto Mrs. Harriet Spieth Ms. Marilyn J. Streit Mrs. Jeanne Tatum Mrs. Donna Rose Thompson Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Rev. Dan Tomich Mr. Daniel Tonozzi Guadalupe and Ana Valtiema Dr. Paul J. Wadell Sr. Mary Jane Wagner, OSF Mr. John Walters Rev. Raymond Webb Ms. Julie M. Welborn Mr. Jim William Wilhelmy Mrs. Patricia Wilkerson Dr. Dorothy Williams Dr. Anne M. Windholz Dr. Christina Rae Zaker Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH Ms. Mary E. Ziegler Mr. Izzat Zoibi



Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM Mrs. Clara L. Bricher

Anonymous Dr. Mary Alice Amore Ms. Claire M. Anderson Dr. Michael J. Bland Mr. Andrew Nicholas Cirillo Rev. Stephen Corder, SJ Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ Dr. Marian Kay Diaz Ms. Sharon Dobbs Mrs. Maggie V. Finley, MAPS, BCC Retired Ms. Mary C. Follen Mrs. Anne Gibbons Mr. David L. Gordon Br. Michael Gosch, CSV Rev. Jay M. Harrington, OP Mr. Thomas M. Howard and Ms. Libia Paez-Howard Mr. Justin Huyck Mr. Thomas E. Kerber and Ms. Janice Magnuson Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kitamura Mrs. Charlene Klabacha Sr. Cynthia Jean Langlois, IBVM Dr. Kimberly M. Lymore Mrs. Kieran Lyons Mahoney Rev. Kevin Mannara, CSB Ms. Kathleen McGourty Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mehler Mr. Joseph Quane Rev. Dennis J. Schafer, OFM Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Matthew Schreiner Mr. Hugh Schulze Rev. Bernard Scianna, OSA Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Ms. Barbara Tinkasiimire Dr. Christina Rae Zaker


Dr. Scott C. Alexander Dr. Ghulam Haider Aasi

Sr. Jamie T. Phelps, OP, Ph.D. Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, DMin

Rev. Paul Bechtold, CP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bechtold

Robert L. Berner, Jr. Ms. Mary Ellen Reynolds

Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Sr. Mary Bridget Murphy, SND

Rev. Joseph M. Burns Mr. Justin Sengstock and Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier

Rev. Donald Senior, CP Anonymous Ms. Sharon Brock Mrs. Lynn R. Callagy Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Mrs. Mary Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grantham Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mrs. Carolyn A. Severson

John V. “Jack” Crowe Mr. and Mrs. William Hollingsworth

Thomas and Sharon Taylor Ms. Lisa A. Masucci and Mr. John Butler Mr. and Mrs. William Youngberg

Joseph Loftus, OSM Sr. Mary E. Loftus, RSM

Rev. Eddie DeLeon, CMF Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly Family Foundation Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Mrs. Mary Therese Donnelly J. Michael and Barbara Heaton Ms. Mary Meg McCarthy The Maldonado Family Rev. Byron Macias, CMF Kathleen Martin Mr. Daniel Tonozzi Richard Morrisroe Ms. JudeAnne Hastings Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF Mr. and Mrs. Michael Terrien

Rev. Gregory Ostdiek, SJ Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Rev. John Ostdiek, OFM Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM, Ph.D Mr. John Kay

Richard and Patricia Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. James Riley Gardis Watts Ms. Alicia Bradley Joan Wrenn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grantham Donatta M. Yates Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Mr. E. Robert Olson

CONTRIBUTING MEN’S RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES We are grateful to the following men’s religious communities for underwriting a percentage of faculty member compensation. Capuchin Franciscan Friars, St. Joseph Province Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Clerics of St Viator, Province of the United States Congregation of the Mission, Western Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Congregation of the Passion, St. Paul of the Cross Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Order of Friars Minor, Province of St John the Baptist Order of Friars Minor, Holy Name Province Order of Friars Minor, Assumption BVM Province Order of Friars Minor, Province of the Sacred Heart Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province

Elizabeth DiCrasto Ms. Kathleen A. Kelleher Kathleen Regina Foley Blackfriars ‘57 Joseph Michael Heaton, III Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Anthony R.L. Irvin Ms. Catherine Hart

John R. Ludwick Mr. James Hargadon Irene E. Mahoney Mr. Donald Mahoney Lorraine Mandolini Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Msgr. Philip J. Murnion Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Ms. Bridget Kennedy Carmen and Charles Nanko Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández Thomas Owens Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Rabbi Hayim G. Perelmuter Elias Family Charitable Trust Kevin John Rowan Dr. Mary Ann and Mr. John Rowan Rev. Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCune Joseph Tatum Mrs. Jeanne Tatum Bonnie Umeh Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Elmer Veldheer Mrs. Kathleen E. Martin


TRUSTEE DINNER SPONSORS Co-chairs Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin The Waraich Family Host Committee Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal

Students and staff attend the Scholarship Breakfast.

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS The following scholarship funds reflect donors to the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign and annual scholarship donors. Bernardin Scholarship Menard Family Foundation The Waraich Family Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ Memorial Scholarship Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Brach Scholars Leaders in Ministry Helen V. Brach Foundation Maryjeanne Burke Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Chapin-May Scholarship Fund Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois Zenaida Corpuz Scholarship Ms. Maria A. Corpuz and Mr. John Hug Ms. Kitty Kevin

annual report 2019–2020

Dominican Lay Scholarship Adrian Dominican Sisters Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters


General Scholarship Endowment and Annual Scholarship Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes Dr. Sheila Adams Ms. Gloria J. Callaci and Mr. Lawrence J. Suffredin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr Mrs. Ellie Clarke Congregation of the Mission Ms. Gigi A. Galardi Mrs. Mary Goodrich Mr. Stephen Patrick Jendraszak Mr. Thomas V. Kandathil Ms. Janet Kotarski Ms. Barbara J. Menard Ms. Maureen Meter Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone

Ms. Carolyn Mullally Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. O’Connor Rev. Philip D. Paxton, CP Sisters of St. Francis Mr. Clemens Suen Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Thiernau Ms. Anne Walter and Mr. Joe Grant Ms. Cynthia Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick White Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH International Women’s Scholarship Ms. Jeanne Kathleen Foley Koch Foundation, Inc. Ladies of Bethany Endowed Scholarship and Annual Scholarship Ladies of Bethany Lay Women Scholarship Fund Ms. Cynthia M. Bowns † and Deacon Loren Bowns Maryknoll Sisters Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity Linnan Scholarship Endowment Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province Rev. Gil Ostdiek, OFM Endowed Scholarship Mr. Glen Ostdiek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Todd Troshynski Oscar Romero Scholarship Endowment and Annual Scholarship Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Ms. Kathryn Conway Ms. Elizabeth Anne Donnelly and Dr. Phillip Pulaski

Ms. Guillermina V. Sanchez Siragusa Family Foundation W.P. & H. B. White Foundation Rev. Donald Senior, CP Endowed Scholarship and Annual Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bernhart Ms. Sharon Brock Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Creech Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Ms. Kathleen A. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. David Manzo Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Mrs. Mary Kay Slocumb Mary Rose Shaughnessy Scholarship Estate of Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy Rev. Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP Scholarship Ms. Mary Vee Connell Augustus Tolton Scholarship Anonymous Ms. Tina Carter Dr. Kimberly M. Lymore Daniel Rudd Fund St. Columbanus Church St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church

Peace Capuchin Franciscan Friars Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province DePaul University Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Rev. Donald Senior, CP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Dove Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Canons Regular of Premontre, St. Norbert Abbey Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Franciscan Friars, Holy Name Province Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Mr. and Mrs. James Lubawski Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, US Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Kansas City Province Order of Friars Minor Order of Saint Augustine Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wrenn Olive Branch Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province



Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province

Dr. Ghulam Haider Aasi Dr. Javeed Akhter, M.D. Dr. Scott C. Alexander Dr. R. Scott Appleby Rabbi Michael H. Balinsky Dr. Georgette F. Bennett Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Rev. Steve Bevans, SVD Ambassador J. D. Bindenagel Rev. Jeremiah M. Boland Mr. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr. Dr. John Borelli Rev. John M. Buchanan Mrs. Catherine Mouly Carlson Mr. Leroy T. Carlson, Jr. Dr. Donna M. Carroll Mrs. Renée S. Crown Rev. Stanley L. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Denny Mr. William J. Devers, Jr. Dr. John Esposito Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Drs. Warren and Nancy Furey Mr. Harold Gershowitz Professor Inamul Haq Dr. Shakeela Hassan, MD Rev. J. Bryan Hehir Dr. Asad Husain Msgr. Richard Hynes Imam Kareem M. Irfan Mr. Robert D. Jaffee Ms. Elizabeth Kane Dr. Michael C. Kotzin, PhD Ms. Judith Longdin Mr. William E. Lowry Dr. Eugene T. McEnery Mr. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr. Dr. Steven P. Millies, PhD Mr. Newton N. Minow Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid Mr. Daniel R. Murray Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM Mr. F. Oliver Nicklin Mr. Kemal Oksuz Mr. Talat M. Othman Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM, PhD Rev. Michael D. Place Mr. Thomas W. Reedy Sr. Barbara Reid, OP Mr. Thomas A. Reynolds, III Ms. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Mrs. Shirley Ryan Dr. Mohammed Zaher Sahloul Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS Dr. Elaine M. Schuster Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF Mrs. Carole Segal Mr. Norman A. Shubert Dr. Malka Simkovich Ms. Emily D. Soloff Mr. Sherif Soydan Mr. Howard L. Stone Mr. Jerome H. Stone Dr. Howard Sulkin Dr. Winnifred Sullivan Dr. Sayyid Syeed Msgr. Kenneth Velo Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH Mr. Safaa Zarzour

Catholic Common Ground Initiative Rev. Richard Aiken Mr. Adrian A. Basora Cenacle Sisters Rev. John E. Cockayne, Jr. Deacon and Mrs. Paul Covino Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dahmus Mr. Peter Denio Rev. John V. DiBacco, Jr. Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Rev. Raymond A. Dunmyer Most Rev. John Dunne Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Rev. John J. Fitzgerald Mr. John Flaherty Dr. Zenobia Fox Drs. Warren and Nancy Furey Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gerdes Rev. Rick M. Ginther Most Rev. John R. Gorman, DD Ms. Christina M. Graf Fr. Joseph T. Graffis Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory Ms. Elizabeth Guss Dr. Diana L. Hayes Healey Family Foundation Ms. Diane Horner The Jordan Family Ms. Emelia Junk Msgr. Peter V. Kain Dr. Margaret Mary Kelleher, OSU Ms. Bridget Kennedy Rev. William F. Krlis Mary S. Laver, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti Mr. Michael Macneil Ms. Sally T. Mahoney Mr. James McLafferty Mr. Michael Missaggia Ms. Kathleen W. Murnion Mr. Daniel R. Murray Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor, Inc. Mr. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Rev. Robert E. Osborne Rev. Michael D. Place Romanian Catholic Diocese of Canton Mr. Bernard Schiml Sisters of The Divine Savior Mr. L. William Staudenmaier Dr. and Mrs. Peter Steinfels Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R. Ms. Mary Treanor Estate of Miss Regis Walling Bishop Michael W. Warfel Mrs. Patricia Wilkerson

San Martín de Porres Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph Loyola Press Santa Rosa de Lima Vicariate IV, Archdiocese of Chicago– Most Rev. John R. Manz, DD Santo Toribio Romo González Birrieria Reyes de Ocotlan Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters of Springfield International Super Market Modern Man, Inc. Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Office of the Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago–Most Rev. Ronald A. Hicks Ms. Kathleen M. Osberger Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seliga Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, Minnesota Vicariate II, Archdiocese of Chicago– Most Rev. Mark A. Bartosic HAR AMBEE! SPONSORS Ven. Rev. Augustus Tolton Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province St. Katharine Drexel, RSM Dr. David R. Miller Dr. Sr. Jamie Phelps, OP Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow, DMin Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Ms. Marionette C. Phelps Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, Minnesota Ms. Carol Smith-Taliaferro Glenda R. Spearman, M.Div., BCC Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA Ms. Barbara Cottrell Joyce F. Franklin Ms. Loretta M. Lymore Ms. Christine A. Riley


General Gifts Mr. John F. Benware Ms. Dorothy Fortenberry Sr. Susan R. Francois, CSJP Mr. Sam Mauro Ms. Mary Paukovitz Mr. Michael J. Sanem Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Catholic–Jewish Studies Elias Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Catholic-Muslim Studies The Waraich Family Mr. and Mrs. William Youngberg Catholics on Call Rev. Steve Bevans, SVD Chicago White Sox Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province Rev. Adam E. Macdonald, SVD Saint Paul’s Benevolent Educational and Missionary Institute IN - KIND GIFTS General Mr. John F. Benware Chicago White Sox DePaul College Prep Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Pompei Restaurant Library Br. John Barker, OFM Mr. Julio Barriga Rev. Richard Benson, CM Sr. Laurie Brink, OP Ms. Susan Hansen Rev. Thomas O’Meara Orbis Books Rev. Gil Ostdiek, OFM Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Rev. Donald Senior, CP Br. Antonio Sison, CPPS

annual report 2019–2020




A Challenge for CTU’s Future: Join The Way Society The first followers of Jesus called themselves the “people of the Way” because they were setting out on a courageous journey of faith that would bring the Gospel to the world. In that same spirit, CTU is helping build the future of the Church today. We ask you to take this journey with us in this critical time. We intend to build membership in The Way Society, our community of donors who have named CTU in their wills or other estate plans. Your estate gift will provide the critical support that CTU needs to do God’s work, to proclaim the gospel of peace and justice in a credible way. We ask you to partner with us in preparing a new generation of women and men, committed to renewing the life of the Church of the 21st century. If you have already included CTU in your estate plan, please let us know so we can recognize your legacy of generosity. If you would like to join The Way Society with this very personal level of support, please visit ctu.edu/plannedgiving and contact: Colleen Kennedy Vice President of Institutional Advancement 773.371.5417 ckennedy@ctu.edu

BE WITH US on this journey.

Estate of the Rev. Harry Joseph Adams Estate of Mr. Joseph L. Adler Estate of Ms. Helen F. Anderson Rev. Patrick Joseph Bergin Drs. Ernest and Vanice Billups Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth Ms. Cynthia M. Bowns † and Deacon Loren Bowns Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Browne Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Estate of Ms. Genevieve Casey Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Estate of Mrs. Victor V. Colucci Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Ms. Sharon Dobbs Estate of the Rev. Richard R. Dolezal, PhD Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Doyle Ms. Catherine L. Endicott Mr. Daniel J. Foley Estate of Mr. Robert Foster Estate of Ms. Mary T. Frace Estate of Ms. Helen M. Heerey Dr. Patricia J. Hughes Mr. William R. Jordan, IV Ms. Lorraine A. Kulpa Ms. Catherine Leyser Mr. and Mrs. Cyrin Maus Ms. Mary Rita McCarthy John E. and Philomena M. McGill Mrs. Lucille Merlihan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr Mr. Brian Murphy Estate of Mrs. Ward E. Perrin Mrs. Donna Rankin Ms. Christine A. Riley Estate of Ms. Margaret C. Roach Estate of Mrs. Arthur J. Schueneman Mrs. Barbara Shanahan Estate of Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Ms. Anne Marie Tirpak Mrs. Jean Unsworth Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun Estate of Miss Regis Walling Estate of Ms. Julia J. Zywert

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020



Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV President

Dr. Scott C. Alexander Professor of Islamic Studies

Rev. Richard Benson, CM Vice President and Academic Dean

Dr. Michel Andraos Associate Professor of Intercultural Theology and Ministry

Ms. Karen Walker Vice President for Administration and Finance Mr. Kevin Doherty Vice President for Finance and Operations (from May 2020)

Br. John Barker, OFM Assistant Professor of Old Testament Studies Rev. Richard Benson, CM Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics

Ms. Colleen Kennedy Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Sr. Laurie Brink, OP Professor of New Testament Studies

Mr. Martin Fitzgerald Director of Facilities

Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ Associate Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics

Ms. Christine Henderson Assistant Dean for Academic Advising and Programs Ms. Rachel Kuhn Director of Development Ms. Maria de Jesús Lemus Registrar Ms. Kathleen Martin Director of the Writing and Resource Center Mr. Richard Mauney Director of Educational Technology Mr. Darnell Payne Information Technology Manager Mr. Herbert Quinde Director of Enrollment Management Ms. Kathryn Trnka Sr. Director of Enrollment Management Ms. Kristine J. Veldheer Director of Bechtold Library

Dr. Eileen Crowley Associate Professor of Liturgy, Arts, and Communication Rev. Eddie DeLeón, CMF Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Preaching Sr. Joanne (Jaruko) Doi, MM Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry Rev. Edward Foley, OFM Cap Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality; and Professor of Liturgy and Music Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni Professor of Liturgy and Preaching Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Professor of Liturgy Sr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ Professor of Spirituality Rev. Daniel P. Horan, OFM Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Spirituality Rev. Leslie Hoppe, OFM Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP, Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies Dr. Richard E. McCarron Associate Professor of Liturgy Dr. Anne McGowan Assistant Professor of Liturgy Dr. Steven P. Millies Associate Professor of Public Theology


PROGR AMS Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics; and Erica and Harry John Family Chair of Catholic Theological Ethics Rev. Ferdinand Okorie, CMF Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM Professor of Liturgy Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP Professor of New Testament Studies Dr. Syed Atif Rizwan Assistant Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies Rev. Robin Ryan, CP Associate Professor of Systematic Theology Rev. Robert J. Schreiter, CPPS Professor of Systematic Theology; and Vatican Council II Chair of Theology Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry; and Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Chair of Mission and Culture Rev. Donald Senior, CP President Emeritus, Chancellor; and Professor of New Testament Studies Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich Crown-Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies Br. Antonio D. Sison, CPPS Associate Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. C. Vanessa White Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Ministry

The Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry Dr. Steven P. Millies, Director Biblical Studies and Travel Program Rev. Ferdinand Okorie, CMF Catholic-Jewish Studies Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, Director Catholic-Muslim Studies Dr. Scott C. Alexander, Director Center for the Study of Consecrated Life Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ, Director Continuing Education, Summer@CTU, and Thriving in Ministry Ms. Marian Kay Diaz, Director Doctor of Ministry Rev. Edward Foley, OFM Cap, Director Emmaus Lay Formation Ms. Mary Ellen Knuth, Director Field Education and English for Theological Education Ms. Christina R. Zaker, Director Hesburgh Sabbatical Program and Institute of Religious Formation Sr. Lucianne Siers, OP, Director Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández, Director Intercultural Outreach Rev. Eddie DeLeón, CMF, Director Master of Arts in Theology Rev. Robin Ryan, CP, Director Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Ms. Christine Henderson, Director Master of Arts in Specialized Ministries Ms. Christine Henderson, Director Master of Divinity, General Ms. Christine Henderson, Director Master of Divinity for Priestly Ordination Rev. Richard Benson, CM, Director Oscar Romero Scholars Program Mr. Marco López, Director Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program Dr. Kimberly Lymore, Director

Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry Rev. VanThanh Nguyen, SVD Professor of New Testament Studies; and Bishop Francis X. Ford Chair of Catholic Missiology

The Development Department has made a sincere effort to ensure information contained in the annual report is accurate and complete. If you were a contributor to CTU between July 1, 2019, and June 30, 2020, and your name has been omitted, misspelled or is listed incorrectly, please advise us by calling 773.371.5417.

annual report 2019–2020

Faculty and Staff


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