CTU Annual Report 2020-21

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A Message from the President and Board Chair For the Catholic Theological Union community, the 2020-2021 academic year was one of unprecedented transitions, intense institutional assessment and most of all, tremendous HOPE as we continued to navigate through a global pandemic. We both assumed leadership positions at CTU, ushering in fresh perspectives and initiatives. While we are new to these roles, we share more than eighty years of CTU experience between us. This perspective helped guide the direction of two important assessments, the preparation for our reaccreditation from the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and an institutional strategic plan. We are grateful for the timing of these efforts as they provided an opportunity for us to “roll our sleeves up” and work closely with our faculty, staff, students and alumni to chart a future CTU full of HOPE, strength and promise. As the pandemic bore down on the world last spring, CTU deftly seized on these unexpected but consequential opportunities: • Global Enrollment - Our move to 100% online learning increased enrollment and diversity. While our diversity has always been a strength, it is now unmatched, bringing together more perspectives than ever from both the center and the peripheries of the Church.

Our Blessed are the Peacemakers event was certainly a catalyst for expressed optimism and HOPE. We honored Drs. Anthony Fauci and Christine Grady with our highest award for their extraordinary service as courageous healers and public servants. Our sponsoring Corporation Community Members, our Board of Trustees and Life Trustees, and many annual supporters exhibited their belief in the mission of CTU. We well exceeded our goal and successfully raised critical unrestricted funds for faculty development, technology, scholarship, and other vital CTU operations. Overall, CTU ended the year on an encouraging note with total operating activity better than budgeted and a very positive financial outlook for the future. This can mainly be attributed to received COVID-19 relief funds, increased income from tuition, fundraising and careful stewardship of the many financial resources entrusted to our care. In this uncertain time of global pandemic, one constant sign of HOPE has been the unwavering spirit of our students: the women and men who find HOPE in the future of the Church. On behalf of these students and the myriad lives they will touch in their future ministries, thank you for you the many ways you guide and support the mission of Catholic Theological Union.

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• Spiritual First Responders - CTU graduates are performing heroic “essential” work in the time of COVID. As parish priests and lay ministers, hospital chaplains and high school theology teachers, CTU alumni are compassionately leading our Catholic community in prayer, comforting us in moments of loss, bringing the presence of Christ into our hospitals and teaching in our schools.


• Digital Public Engagement – Through the Bernardin Center, CTU’s academic departments, and programs like Sundays at CTU, students as well as CTU friends have benefited from engaging, relevant, online presentations that promote peace, inclusion, and reconciliation in our fragmented world.

Sr. Barbara Reid, OP President

Rev. James Halstead OSA Board Chair

CTU at a Glance

Financial Statements

STUDENTS BY DEGREE PROGRAM Doctor of Ministry Master of Divinity Master of Divinity/Arts Master of Arts MA Ministry MA Pastoral Studies MA Biblical Ministry MA Hispanic Theology and Ministry MA Intercultural Studies and Ministry MA Justice Ministry MA Liturgical Ministry MA Spiritual Ministry Continuing Education Certificates

19 84 17 21 3 37 3 6 8 7 6 3 105 16



STUDENTS BY OTHER PROGRAM Hesburgh Sabbatical Reframing Retirement for Mission Summer Institute Together Program

89 58 125* 3





*Includes degree-seeking students


SOURCES OF FUNDS Tuition and Fees



Gifts and Grants



Housing and Food











Education Programs



General and Administration

Investment Income Contributed Services Other Income

Australia Belgium Belize Benin Botswana Brazil Cameroon, West Africa China Colombia Croatia Dominican Republic Egypt Ethiopia Ghana, West Africa Haiti Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Kenya, East Africa

Malaysia Mexico Myanmar New Zealand Nigeria, West Africa Pakistan Papua New Guinea Peru Philippines Rwanda, Africa Samoa South Korea Spain Togo Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Uganda United Kingdom USA Vietnam Zambia




Student Services



Housing and Food






Bond Interest Expense



Development Department







The Change in Net Assets shown above includes new donations to the Forward in Faith Campaign, as well as strong returns on funds invested from past endowment donations—both restricted and unrestricted—which will help support CTU’s financial future.

Men Religious Lay Women Women Religious Lay Men Diocesan Priest Deacon Other

34% 23% 25% 13% 4% <1% <1%* 100%

NET ASSETS Total Without Donor Restrictions Unrestricted Board Designated With Donor Restrictions

$25,933,341 $20,208,983 $5,724,358 $30,983,030

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*Students from other faith traditions 3

2020-2021 Year in Review PROGRAMS

“But those who HOPE in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” ISAIAH 40:31


Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, was elected to the presidency of CTU. In accepting the post, she succeeds the Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV, who retired from the office on December 31, 2020. As the first woman religious to lead CTU – a union of twenty-four men’s religious orders – Sr. Barbara’s leadership is an important statement of CTU’s commitment to Vatican II and the vision of Pope Francis. President Reid is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has been a member of the faculty of Catholic Theological Union since 1988 where she also served as Vice President and Academic Dean from 2009-2018. Prof. Reid has been actively involved in the Association of Theological Schools of the United States and Canada, including service for two terms on their Board of Directors. She is also past President of the Catholic Biblical Association.

One of the hallmarks of a CTU lay student experience is the Emmaus Formation for Ministry Program. During remote learning, Zoom and D2L have been excellent resources for Emmaus students offering access to retreats and theological reflections.

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CTU faculty skillfully pivoted to online courses in March 2020, and maintained the highest level of educational excellence in this new mode throughout the 2020-2021 academic year. In addition, they have been very present to students, helping them not only with their studies, but also to navigate other life challenges with great pastoral sensitivity. They have given of themselves in ways far above and beyond the call of duty and now are embracing a new challenge of teaching bi-modally (i.e., some students in the classroom physically at CTU and others participating remotely via zoom).

The Hesburgh Renewal Program was held on-line with great success. This residential sabbatical program is a curriculum-centered, community-based, holistic program that fosters both personal and professional renewal and provides continuing formation. Due to broader online availability, enrollment tripled with participants from Ireland, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Peru, South Korea and the United States.

All CTU courses in the 2021-2022 academic year will be available in some form online, either synchronously or asynchronously. Classrooms will be equipped with the technology necessary for bi-modal courses. CTU reconfigured and consolidated many small degree programs into a new 36-credit hour degree titled Master of Arts in Ministry (MAM), now offered with five concentration options: Bible; Interculturality; Liturgy; Social Justice; and Spirituality.

Launched this year, “Preaching with the Sciences” is an innovative effort to bridge the perceived gap between faith and science, exploring the overlap between scientific knowledge and the quest for religious understanding. The grant by the Templeton Foundation will support a 31-month project led by Fr. Edward Foley, Capuchin, exploring the positive ways that science can contribute to preaching in the modern church. Eventually, over a hundred homily outlines for the three-year lectionary cycle will be created and offered free of charge, with open access available to preachers seeking aid and inspiration for sermon preparation. CTU’s “Thriving in Ministry” program, funded by the Lilly Endowment, completed its third of five years of research and programming to promote the integrated wellbeing of professionals in Catholic ministry and the environments in which they work. The ongoing work of the program includes Ministerial coaching offering, Coaching training and curriculum for participants in a spiritual companioning program. A special research focus this year was the Life Satisfaction Scale assessment tool designed for Women and Men Religious.


The Bernardin Center at CTU continued to foster innovative programs around issues of peace and reconciliation, particularly in an interfaith context, including a CatholicBuddhist Dialogue; “The Weal” a weekly program for young adults; and “In Good Faith,” CTU’s longstanding “trialogue” program, gathering Jewish, Christian, and Muslim voices to share experiences of faith, worship, and community. The topic this year focused on the shared global crisis, and the future for faith communities after the pandemic has passed.

CTU’s annual Blessed are the Peacemakers event was held virtually and honored Drs. Anthony Fauci and Christine Grady. The event far exceeded fundraising goals and raised critical unrestricted revenue. The theme of healing and hope was woven throughout the program and highlighted CTU’s alumni chaplains who served as spiritual first responders in hospitals throughout the pandemic.


A major focus at CTU throughout the 2020-2021 academic year was anti-racism awareness and programming on the personal, programmatic, and institutional levels. At the Spring Faculty Study Day, CTU Faculty members had an opportunity to reflect on race, culture, and cultural identity in light of our ongoing efforts to build an antiracist culture at CTU so we can better serve our local community, the Church, and the world. CTU alumna Dr. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow facilitated the morning of reflection which included consideration of CTU’s culture and brainstorming ways to move forward with an awareness of current strengths and weaknesses. CTU faculty and staff launched a reading group featuring biweekly Zoom discussions of Isabel Wilkerson’s recent book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. Wilkerson explores racism and white supremacy in America through a cross-cultural comparison to oppressive caste systems in India and Nazi Germany. It is hoped that these discussions might inform a larger conversation at CTU about how to confront racism and other forms of intolerance in the various communities of which we are a part, including our own CTU community.

Twelve students participated in a pilot workshop of Understanding the Complexities of Power and Race for Ministry, a grant received from the Wabash Center. Going forward, this workshop will be required for all students preparing for ministry practicum. Students learned definitions of racism, bias and power as well as ways ministers can attune themselves the wider church to these issues. The Center for the Study of Consecrated Life at CTU partnered with the National Black Sisters Conference (NBSC) to offer a second round of the 3-part series on “The Call to Transformative Love: Stories of Race, Place and Grace.” There were over 1200 participants registered and many congregations are planning on using both series for their congregational gatherings and conversations. The Bernardin Center at CTU co-sponsored a popular monthly lecture series with the International Thomas Merton Society titled “Tuesdays with Merton.” The first in the series was offered in September by CTU faculty member Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, titled “Thomas Merton & Black Lives Matter: Spirituality and Racial Justice for our Time,” and had more than 2,500 registrations. The most recent lecture returned to this important theme in antiracism and was offered in March by Fr. Bryan Massingale of Fordham University, “Merton, Macolm X, and Catholic Engagement with Black Lives Matter.”

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The March Sundays at CTU lecture had a record number of registrants, over 2,000. This program was the second annual Dr. Barry Rankin Sunday at CTU Lecture on God’s Creation, “Enfolded with Affection: Imagining “Us” in Creation Theology”, presented by Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Fordham University.


FORWARD IN FAITH CAMPAIGN IMPACT REPORT In 2017, on the eve of our 50th anniversary, we were called to intensify and expand our central mission of preparing men and women inspired by the gospel for service to our world. With the generosity of committed donors, CTU is pleased to report our progress on the campaign goals moving CTU Forward in Faith. While we have not yet reached our stated goal of $16 million, it brings us great joy to report progress of over $14 million in pledges and outright gifts as of June 30, 2021.



The interrelated Campaign investments in scholarships, faculty and innovation have propelled CTU forward in service to our local and global Church as the twenty-first century unfolds. The main priority of the Forward in Faith campaign was to provide additional scholarships to religious and lay ministers to inspire, speak and effectively address the world’s needs for reconciliation, peacemaking, and transcending boundaries. Our supporters answered this call with resounding generosity. Investing in endowed scholarships has provided CTU with enhanced ability to attract and retain the very best candidates locally, nationally and internationally, fortifying faith communities all over the world with missionary disciples.

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In recent years, and most certainly through the pandemic, CTU has been called to put its theological education model and programming into greater service to the Church through the intelligent leveraging of rapidly emerging technological advances to enhance classroom and online engagement, and to expand the reach of our program offerings. Today, CTU seeks to heed Pope Francis’ call to “go to the margins”—to serve the Church and its people beyond our campus, and the generous response to the Forward in Faith anniversary campaign has allowed us to do just that.







Donor Designated Endowments and Funds

Ladies of Bethany Scholarship Maryjeanne Burke Scholarship Loftus Family Scholarship Rev. John Linnan, CSV, Scholarship Óscar Romero Scholarship Rev. Donald Senior, CP, Scholarship Mary Rose Shaughnessy Scholarship Augustus Tolton Scholarship Waraich Family Scholarship

Catholic-Muslim Studies Faculty Crown Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies Franciscan Friars, St. John the Baptist Faculty Excellence Fund Sullivan Faculty Research Support Fund

Catholic Common Ground Initiative: Marilyn P. and Thomas J. Donnelly-Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Conference Series Catholic-Muslim Studies Programming In Good Faith Series Dr. Barry Rankin Sunday at CTU Series on God’s Creation

Funds Functioning as Endowment

Bernardin Scholarship General Scholarship Fund

Center Directors Support Faculty Recruitment & Support

Bandwidth Investment Classroom Technology Public Assembly Space Technology Technology Renewal Endowment

Raised as of June 30, 2021 pledges and outright gifts received


The CTU faculty is entrusted to inspire, inform and shape those who will serve as the life blood of the Church. As we embark on out next fifty years, it is essential to attract and retain men and women—religious and lay—who excel in their academic disciplines and who are gifted teachers. Our investment in faculty is allowing CTU’s tradition of academic leadership to flourish and is ensuring the development of the next generation of inspirational and mission-driven faculty.


Anonymous (3) Estate of the Rev. Harry Joseph Adams Dr. Sheila Adams Mr. Eugene Ahner Ms. Luz Eugenia Alvarez Dr. and Mrs. Michel Andraos Dr. Cheryl A. Antos Mr. and Mrs. Donal Barry Mr. Emile P. Bataille Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sheila † Berner, Jr. Mr. James and Mrs. Jean † Bernhart Blackfriars ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bomher Rev. Edgar Borchardt Mr. David Meade Bowles, Jr. Ms. Cynthia M. Bowns † and Deacon Loren Bowns Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Ms. Sharon Brock Ms. Eleanor Louise Brosio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Ms. Mary Ann Bulanda Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Sr. Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM Ms. Gloria J. Callaci and Mr. Lawrence J. Suffredin Canons Regular of Premontre/St. Norbert Abbey Capuchin Franciscan Friars, Province of St. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Rev. Thomas E. Cima Claretian Missionaries/United States Province Mrs. Ellie Clarke Clerics of Saint Viator/US Province Sr. Joy Clough, RSM Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Collins Comboni Missionaries/North American Province Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Congregation of the Holy Spirit Congregation of the Mission Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer/ Denver Province

Congregation of the Passion/Holy Cross Province Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Connors Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Couri Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Creech Dr. Eileen Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Ms. Marianne B. Danks Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Deneen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny DePaul University Mr. Anthony K. Devassy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Rev. John L. Doctor, OFM Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Honorable Thomas Donnelly and Ms. Anne Wicker Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Doris Federation of Augustinians of North America Mrs. Maggie Finley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. John Fontana, III Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Franciscan Friars of The Atonement Franciscan Friars/Holy Name Province Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert, DD Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Ms. Nancy Mark Goldfarb Mrs. Mary Goodrich Ms. Anne Walter and Mr. Joe Grant Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grantham Rev. Eric Groner, SVD Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hamilton, Jr. Mr. James Hargadon Mr. and Mrs. James Haugh Haugh Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton

This journey forward together would not be possible without your commitment and generosity and for that you have our gratitude.

Ms. Christine Henderson and Mr. Matthew Wiley Sr. Angela Hibbard, IHM Mr. John B. Higgins Rev. Daniel F. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Mr. Stephen Patrick Jendraszak Ms. Emelia Junk Mr. John A. Kay Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz, OSF Mrs. Kathleen A. Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kitamura Dr. and Mrs. Roger Klauer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Knuth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kochanny Ms. Janet Kotarski Ms. Rachel Kuhn Ladies of Bethany Msgr. Patrick Lagges Dr. Robert and Mrs. Nanda LaPata Mr. and Mrs. † William Lawlor, III Mr. Carl A. Lekan Mrs. Mary Clare Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Edward Logue Mr. and Mrs. James Lubawski Mr. Daniel Lunney Rev. Byron Macias, CMF Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr. Mrs. Kieran Mahoney Lyons Ms. Mary Majewski Mr. and Mrs. David Manzo Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers/US Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauney Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, OSA Ms. Margaret White McLean Ms. Melody Layton McMahon Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert McMenamin Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meaney Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister

Ms. Barbara J. Menard Missionaries of St. Charles/ Province of St. John The Baptist Missionaries of The Precious Blood/ Cincinnati Province Missionaries of The Precious Blood/ Kansas City Province Missionary Society of St. Columban Ms. Sharon Monroe Ms. Suzanne Morgan, AIA Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin Ms. Linda Nishi Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Ms. Dolores Nugent Mr. Fred O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. O’Connor Mrs. Mary Oliphant Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oliverio Order of Friar Servants of Mary/USA Province Order of Friars Minor/Assumption BVM Province Order of Friars Minor/Province of The Sacred Heart Order of Friars Minor/St. John The Baptist Province Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Rev. Philip D. Paxton, CP Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petersen Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch Mr. Robert S. Pietrusiak Mr. and Mrs. Fred Power Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Prassas Ms. Donna Rankin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe RBC Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Rose Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Drs. John and Mary Ann Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rusinak

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Ms. Ellen Salmi Van Cleef and Mr. Joshua Van Cleef Ms. Esther H. M. Sanborn Ms. Lois A. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schreiter Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS † Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Mr. Mark Luecke and Ms. Kathleen Senger Estate of Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Anthony Sheehan Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Sisters of St. Francis/Dubuque, Iowa Ms. Elizabeth A. Sivek Mrs. Mary Kay Slocumb Society of The Divine Word, Chicago Province Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr. Mr. Clemens Suen Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornburgh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Dr. John Cunningham and Dr. Marie Tobin Ms. Margaret Trepal Mr. Walter J. Turlo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Unzicker Ms. Denise Utter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ventura Rev. Eugene Vonderhaar The Waraich Family Ms. Cynthia Whalen Wheaton Franciscan Sisters Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Mr. and Mrs. Frederick White Mr. Stephen and Dr. Regina Wolfe Mr. Peter † and Mrs. Joan Wrenn Xaverian Missionaries/USA Province Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH † deceased

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July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rev. James T. Baraniak, OPraem Canons Regular of Premontre St. Norbert Abbey De Pere, WI Rev. Paul J. Bernier, SSS Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Province of St. Ann Cleveland, OH Ms. Linda Blakley DePaul University Chicago, IL Mr. Thomas P. Brown Sidley Austin LLP Winnetka, IL Rev. Richard Burke, CP Congregation of the Passion St. Paul of the Cross Province Rye Brook, NY Mrs. Ann Kenny Carr Chicago, IL Br. Daryl Charron, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Kansas City Province Chicago, IL Rev. Joseph Cheah, OSM Order of Friar Servants of Mary USA Province West Hartford, CT

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Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL


Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS Society of the Precious Blood Cincinnati Province Chicago, IL Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Land & Lakes Company Park Ridge, IL Mr. Gregory Darr Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers U.S. Foundation Chicago, IL

Ms. Angela Dinger William H. Sadlier, Inc. New York, NY

Mr. James Lubawski Lubawski and Associates Wilmette, IL

Mr. Steve Stoute DePaul University Chicago, IL

Rev. John Fahey-Guerra, CSsR Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Denver Province Denver, CO

Rev. Daniel J. Lydon, CSV Clerics of Saint Viator Province of the United States Arlington Heights, IL

Rev. Michael Surufka, OFM Order of Friars Minor Assumption BVM Province St. Francis, WI

Mr. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Cornerstone Bancorp, Inc. Inverness, IL

Very Rev. Mark Marangone, sx Xaverian Missionaries USA Province Wayne, NJ

Mr. Thomas Taylor Glenview, IL

Ms. Maureen Lopez Fitzpatrick Society of St. Columban United States Region St. Columbans, NE Rev. Leandro Fossa, cs Scalabrinians of St. John the Baptist Province Sun Valley, CA Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV President (2013-2020) Catholic Theological Union Chicago, IL Mrs. Susan Goodman Lake Bluff, IL Rev. James R. Halstead, OSA Order of St. Augustine Our Mother of Good Counsel Province Chicago, IL Rev. Kurt F. Hartrich, OFM Order of Friars Minor Sacred Heart Province Chicago, IL Mr. J. Michael Heaton O’Keefe Lyons & Hynes, LLC Wilmette, IL

Mr. William McNally Chicago, IL Rev. Jason Nesbit, CSV Clerics of St. Viator Province of the United States Arlington Heights, IL Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Claretian Missionaries USA-Canada Province Chicago, IL Rev. Christopher Promis, CSSp Congregation of the Holy Spirit Province of the United States Chicago, IL Sr. Barbara Reid, OP President (2021) Catholic Theological Union Chicago, IL Rev. Matheus Ro, SVD Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province Techny, IL Mary Ann Rowan Chicago, IL

Rev. Alfonso H. Kim, MM Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers US Foundation Chicago, IL

Rev. John K. Schork, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province Park Ridge, IL

Rev. Glen Lewandowski, OSC Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross Province of St. Odilia Phoenix, AZ

Mr. Michael Stephan Fort Lauderdale, FL

Rev. Francis S. Tebbe, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of St. John the Baptist Cincinnati, OH Mr. Richard Tilghman Glenview, IL Rev. Nhan Tran, SVD Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province Techny, IL Mr. Patrick J. Unzicker Roadrunner Transportation Systems Chicago, IL Rev. Gary J. Wegner, OFM Cap Capuchin Franciscan Friars Province of St. Joseph Detroit, MI Mr. Paul Wheeler Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus North American Province La Grange Park, IL Mrs. Joan S. Wrenn Hudson Precision Systems Oak Park, IL

CORPORATION MEMBERS Current Leadership Right Rev. Dane Radecki, OPraem Canons Regular of Premontre St. Norbert Abbey Very Rev. Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Cap Capuchin Franciscan Friars St. Joseph Province Very Rev. Rosendo Urrabazo, CMF Claretian Missionaries United States Province Very Rev. Daniel Hall, CSV Clerics of Saint Viator Province of the United States Very Rev. Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus North American Province Provincial Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Province of Saint Ann Very Rev. Jeffrey Duaime, CSSp Congregation of the Holy Spirit Province of the United States Very Rev. Stephen Rehrauer, CSsR Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Denver Province Very Rev. Joseph Moons, CP Congregation of the Passion Holy Cross Province Very Rev. James O’Shea, CP Congregation of the Passion St. Paul of the Cross Province Very Rev. Tom Enneking, osc Crosier Fathers and Brothers USA Province of St. Odilia Very Rev. Lance P. Nadeau, MM Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers U.S. Foundation Very Rev. Miguel Alvarez, cs Missionaries of St. Charles Province of St. John The Baptist

Very Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Cincinnati Province Very Rev. Garry Richmeier, CPPS Missionaries of the Precious Blood Kansas City Province Very Rev. Richard Kennedy, MSC Missionaries of the Sacred Heart United States Province Rev. John Burger, SSC Missionary Society of St. Columban United States Region Rev. Eugene Smith, OSM Order of Friar Servants of Mary USA Province Very Rev. James Gannon, OFM Order of Friars Minor Assumption BVM Province Very Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of the Sacred Heart Very Rev. Mark Soehner, OFM Order of Friars Minor Province of St. John The Baptist Very Rev. Anthony Pizzo, OSA Order of Saint Augustine Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel Very Rev. Quang Duc Dinh, SVD Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province Very Rev. Mark Marangone, sx Xaverian Missionaries USA Province

LIFE TRUSTEES Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Boodell, Jr. Dr. Donna M. Carroll Rev. Theodore Cirone, CMF † Mrs. Ellie Clarke Dr. Richard A. DeGraff Mr. James M. Denny Rev. David Donnay, osc Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM Mr. Daniel J. Foley Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Mrs. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry Mr. James Haugh Mr. John B. Higgins Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Mr. William Lawlor, III Rev. Sebastian MacDonald, CP † Mr. Anthony M. Mandolini Dr. Richard J. Meister Rev. Michael Miller, MSC Mr. David M. Murdoch Mr. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Ms. Joan F. Neal Mr. John D. Oliverio Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC Sr. Katarina Schuth, OSF Rev. Donald Senior, CP Mr. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr. Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. Barry Sullivan Mr. Fidelis N. Umeh Ms. Mary-Frances Veeck

$100,000 + Archdiocese of Chicago/ Lay Ministry Programs Mr. and Mrs.† William Lawlor, III John Templeton Foundation $25,000 - $99,999 Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Helen V. Brach Foundation Katharine Bries Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Franciscan Friars/Holy Name Province Lilly Endowment, Inc. Mr. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Sisters of St. Francis of Penance & Christian Charity Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor U.S. Department of Education W.P. & H. B. White Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bomher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Colleen and Tom Cannon Capuchin Franciscan Friars Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois Chicago Community Trust Claretian Missionaries/United States Province Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids Franciscan Srs. of Perpetual Adoration Susan and Mark Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Jenner & Block LLP Little Company of Mary Sisters USA Dr. Michael McCune and Dr. Karen Smith McCune Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Missionaries of The Precious Blood/ Cincinnati Province Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver Nicklin

July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 Northwestern Memorial HealthCare Mr. and Mrs. Mario Pasin Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary Rukavina Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Rev. A.J. Schumacher † Rev. Donald Senior, CP Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters Society of The Divine Word, Chicago Province Mr. and Mrs. Scott Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Wintrust Financial Corporation Mrs. Joan Wrenn $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous (3) Adrian Dominican Sisters Ms. Linda Blakley Dr. Jennie Weiss Block, OP Ms. Cynthia “Sam” Bowns † Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck, II Canons Regular of Premontre/ St. Norbert Abbey Rev. James Allen Cassidy Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Christian Brothers of The Midwest Clerics of Saint Viator/US Province Congregation of The Most Holy Redeemer/ Denver Province Congregation of The Passion/ Holy Cross Province Ms. Mary Vee Connell Ms. Maria A. Corpuz and Mr. John Hug Ms. Mary A. Dempsey DePaul University Dr. Scholl Foundation Frank J. Lewis Foundation Mr. David D. Fukuzawa and Ms. Toni Kovach Mr. William E. Lowry and Mrs. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry Ladies of Bethany Mrs. Mary Clare Loftus Mr. and Mrs. James Lubawski Mr. John Madigan Mrs. Kieran Mahoney Lyons Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers/ US Foundation Menard Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow Missionaries of The Precious Blood/ Kansas City Province

Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province Order of Friars Minor/ Assumption BVM Province Order of Friars Minor/ St. John The Baptist Province Order of Saint Augustine PNC Ms. Donna Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy Religious of The Sacred Heart Mr. and Mrs. James Riley Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Dr. John Cunningham and Dr. Marie Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Unzicker Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler $2,500 - $4,999 Rev. Richard Benson, C.M. Carney Family Foundation Crosier Fathers and Brothers/ US Province of St. Odilia Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sadlier Dinger Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght Ms. Susan Kamp Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oliverio Order of Friars Minor/ Province of The Sacred Heart Rev. Michael D. Place Polk Bros. Foundation Siragusa Family Foundation University of Notre Dame Mr. and Mrs. Philip White Ms. Donatta M. Yates $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Alexander Archdiocese of Chicago/Office of Black Catholic Ministries Mrs. Elizabeth W. Armstrong and Mr. Harold Hindsley Rev. Patrick Joseph Bergin Mr. James H. Bernhart Blackfriars ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Block Mr. and Mrs. John Boberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Carrigan Charitable Trust Dr. Donna M. Carroll Catholic Charities of The Archdiocese of Chicago

† deceased

Congregation of the Mission Ms. Jacqueline Marie Cormier Pat and Patty Crowley Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Curley Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Mr. Vicente del Real Mr. Timothy A. Delaney and Ms. Helen Enright Mr. Terrence Matthew Deneen Ms. Angela Dinger Diocese of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowell Dixon Dorothea Cunningham Family Foundation Rev. James Doyle † Rev. Michael L. Doyle, OSM Ms. Clare Faherty Ms. Maureen Lopez Fitzpatrick Mrs. Marlene Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flynn Mrs. Mary Goodrich Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. James Haugh Rev. Donald J. Headley † Mr. Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Ms. Maggie Kast Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kennedy Mr. Thomas E. Kerber and Ms. Janice Magnuson Ms. Kitty Kevin Mr. Stephen King Mr. Douglas Andrew Kitson Dr. Janice R. Klich Ms. Lorraine A. Kulpa Mr. and Mrs. Edward Logue Mr. Anthony M. Mandolini Maryknoll Sisters Ms. Lisa A. Masucci and Mr. John Butler Dr. and Mrs. Eugene T. McEnery Mrs. Evilin McHugh Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert McMenamin Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meister Dr. David R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr Mr. Daniel Greiwe and Ms. Phyllis Myers Ms. Christina Jo Norton Mr. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olejnik

Mr. Glen Ostdiek Mr. Talat M. Othman Mr. Robert Pasin and Ms. Muriel Quinn Mr. Gerard Pottebaum Pratt Institute Drs. John and Mary Ann Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schreiter Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Mr. and Mrs. John E. Scully Ms. Mary Ann Spina Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Tierney Rev. Raymond J. Tillrock Mr. Fidelis N. Umeh Ms. Cynthia Whalen Ms. Theresa Alston Wright Mr. Joseph Wysocki Xaverian Missionaries/U.S.A. Province $500 - $999 Anonymous Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes Ms. Tanya Bolen Sr. Kathleen Brazda, CSJ Ms. Jeannie Crowley Brunk Mr. Michael Cavataio Francisco and Laura Cervantes Dr. Alfred Clementi Mrs. Elizabeth J. Collins Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Dr. Janet Cudahy Dr. Marian Kay Diaz Rev. John V. DiBacco, Jr. Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Dr. Robert J. Gordon Ms. Barbara S. Gorham Ms. Deborah K. Heen Dr. Darren M. Henson Mr. John B. Higgins Rev. Daniel F. Holland Mr. and Mrs. John Iberle Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jaffee Mr. James J. Kean Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Msgr. Patrick Lagges Mr. William Lowry Mr. Kevin Madigan and Ms. Stephanie Paulsell Rev. Kevin J. Mannara, CSB Maranon Capital, LP Mr. and Mrs. William Martin

A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 - 2 1

Annual Donors


A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 - 2 1

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGee Mr. Robert J. Moynihan Ms. Marina Carney Puryear and Mr. Jim Puryear Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Rev. Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Simon Sisters of Charity of The Blessed Virgin Mary Sisters of The Divine Savior Mr. Timothy Snowden Ms. Marjorie H. Stephan Ms. Marie Mildred Strauch Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Thiernau Ms. Priscilla Thompson Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun Ms. Lisa Veeck Mrs. Patricia Westphal Sr. Marie Louise White Rev. Paul D. Whittington, O.P.


$250 - $499 Anonymous (2) Rev. Richard Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Albrecht Ms. Alice A. Altiveros Most Rev. Mark A. Bartosic Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth Mr. Robert C. Bordone Ms. Eleanor Louise Brosio Mr. James B. Burke Rev. Edward George Byrne Ms. Gloria J. Callaci and Mr. Lawrence J. Suffredin Mrs. Lynn R. Callagy Mr. and Mrs. James Carole Mr. Nisan Chavkin Deacon Garrett and Ms. Katheryn Christnacht Rev. John E. Cockayne, Jr. Mr. William F. Conlon Deacon and Mrs. Paul Covino Mr. Thomas Christopher Cummings, III The Dobbs Family Mr. Thomas Fitzsimons Ms. Jeanne Kathleen Foley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Furjanic Mrs. Maureen A Gilligan Mrs. Taylor N. Groenke Msgr. Robert M. Harris, LCSW Mrs. Janet Hoffman Ms. Camille Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jackson Dr. Arvid Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kloos Knights of Peter Claver/St. Felicitas St. Ailbe Ladies Auxiliary Ct. 181

St. Peter’s in the Loop Mrs. Mary Ellen Knuth Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Koenigs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosnik Rev. Michael W. Kuchar Ms. Rachel Kuhn Mr. Vincent Lazar and Ms. Melissa Kibler Ms. Loretta M. Lymore Ms. Corinne Lyon Most Rev. John R. Manz, DD Rev. Ernest N. Martello, osc Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mauney Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, OSA Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCune Ms. Margaret White McLean Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mehler Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Brien Mr. Tom O’Neill and Ms. Mary Ann Kennedy O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ostdiek Rev. Gregory Rom Dr. and Mrs. Mohammed Zaher Sahloul Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwarz Dr. and Mr. Aaron Simkovich Sisters of The Precious Blood Ms. Carol Smith-Taliaferro Sr. Jean Steffes, CSA Ms. Pamela K. Stefik Rev. Richard F. Trainor Ms. Margaret Trepal Dr. Loyda N. Vida Ms. Kathryn F. Worthen Miss Victoria Yeung Mrs. Catherine Zdziarski $100 - $249 Anonymous (2) Dr. Sheila Adams Mr. Eugene Ahner Ms. Luz Eugenia Alvarez Dr. Cheryl A. Antos Mr. and Mrs. Fred Applewhite Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Austin Ms. Mary Kay Baker Mr. Adrian A. Basora Ms. Dina D. Baute Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow Ms. Peggy Bensman Rev. Steve Bevans, SVD Mr. Roger J. Bialcik Rev. Jeremiah Boland Ms. Judith Borchers Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Ms. Cindy M. Brito and Dr. Anthony J. Costello Ms. Sharon Brock

Ms. Sheila Brown Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Sr. Cathleen M. Cahill, RSM Sr. Helen Elizabeth Cahill, O.P. Rev. Gerardo R. Carcar Ms. Margaret Casey Ms. Peg Casey Ms. Maria L. Castillo Ms. Maureen Cetera Mrs. Eleanor O. Clarke Sr. Catherine Cleary Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coffey, III Congregation of the Passion Sr. Rosemary Connelly, RSM Ms. Dolores B. Coruthers Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cullen-Conway Ms. Judith B. Cunningham Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dahmus Ms. Cristina Damiani Ms. Marianne B. Danks Mr. Gregory Darr Dr. David Dault Rev. Stanley L. Davis, Jr. Ms. Yolanda De Anda Mr. and Mrs. Peter Denio Ms. Ann Slyngstad Dickson Mr. and Mrs. John Disterhoft Mrs. Mary Therese Donnelly Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Doris Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drexler Mr. John P. Duffell Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Duffy Rev. Raymond A. Dunmyer Most Rev. John Dunne Mr. Lester Smith and Dr. Opal Easter Smith Ms. Teri Edelstein and Mr. Neil Harris Very Rev. Robert M. Egan, CSV Elias Family Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ermolovich Dr. and Mrs. Peter Fecanin Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Rev. John J. Fitzgerald Mr. Kenneth P. Fivizzani Mr. Jan Flaska Rev. James E. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John Fontana, III Sr. Susan R. Francois, CSJP Deacon James P. Furey Ms. Gigi A. Galardi Ms. Jean Garrison Ms. Mia Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gass Mr. John J. Gill, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Gillis Dr. Louis J. Glunz, III

Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert, DD Ms. Nancy Mark Goldfarb Ms. Jill Goldsmith Most Rev. John R. Gorman, DD Br. Michael Gosch, CSV Ms. Clare M. Grady Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grantham Mrs. Eileen Griffin Ms. Michele Hartigan Rev. Kurt F. Hartrich, OFM Ms. Mary C. Hayes Mr. John Hedrick Ms. Mary C. Hoagland Mr. Philip Horner Mr. Thomas M. Howard and Ms. Libia Paez-Howard Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Mr. Jerome Hund Dr. Natalia Imperatori-Lee Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Dr. Ruth Jandeska Ms. Carol B. Johnson Ms. Emelia Junk Mr. Thomas V. Kandathil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keenan Mrs. Ginny Kendall Ms. Kathleen Ann Kennedy Ms. Bridget Kennedy Rev. Kevin T. Kenney Deacon Robert W. Kerls Dr. and Mrs. Kevin King Very Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS Dr. Francis and Mrs. Ann Klocke Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke Sr. Margaret Mary Knittel, RSM Rev. Kilian J. Knittel Ms. Beth M. Knobbe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kochanny Rev. Joseph P. La Mar, M.M. Ms. Georgia Landt Mrs. Nanda LaPata Dr. Mary Jeanne Larrabee Dr. Mary S. Laver Ms. Mary Ellen Lawrence Ms. Aoife Lee Sr. Mary E. Loftus, RSM Mr. Marco López Ms. Margaret A. Lorincz Michaels Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Maher Ms. Sally T. Mahoney Drs. Anthony and Mary Mahowald Ms. Mary Majewski Mr. and Mrs. Lou Marohn Mrs. Rita A Marschall Mrs. Diane Matthys Rev. Joseph McCormick, OSA

Dr. Donald McCrabb Dr. and Mrs. Terrence F. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Charles McEnery Dr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinn Mr. Michael P. McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Melendez Sr. Ramona Miller, OSF Mr. Michael Missaggia Missionary Society of St. Columban Ms. Sharon Monroe Sr. Mary Ellen Moore, SH Mr. Don Moseley Ms. Carolyn Mullally Ms. Wendy Musselman Ms. Jenna Musselman Palles Mr. Jay Nawrocki Ms. Joan F. Neal Mr. Joseph Nelligan Rev. Jason Nesbit, CSV Dr. Jon Nilson Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Rev. Edmund Nnadozie Rev. Paul A. Noble Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF Ms. Angelica Nunez Nursing Sisters of The Sick Poor, Inc. Rev. Maurice J. Nutt, CSsR Dr. Timothy O’Brien, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. O’Connor Mrs. Catherine Ohs Rev. Robert Oldershaw Ms. Kathy Osberger Ms. Suzie Otterbeck Dr. Jennifer W Paquette Ms. Gail E. Parry Ms. Amy Pellettiere Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch Ms. Susan M. Pudelek Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Quinde Hon. Marty Quinn Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ratcliffe Mr. John A. Rdzak Ms. Lorena Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Ms. Christine A. Riley Ms. Emily Rostkowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rotunno Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rusinak Ms. Edna Sanders Ms. Maria Santa Lucia Ms. Christine Marie Sarna Rev. John A. Schultz Mr. Hugh Schulze Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Seidl Mrs. Christina Semmel Mr. Justin Sengstock and

Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier Mrs. Carolyn A. Severson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Anthony Sheehan Dr. Martin R. Sheldon Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Ms. Gwynn Simpson Mrs. Mary Ellen Sinkiewicz Sr. Mary Ellen Tennity, IHM Ms. Emily D. Soloff St. Mary’s Institute of O’Fallon Mr. L. William Staudenmaier Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steege Ms. Marilyn J. Streit Sr. Mary Ellen Tennity, IHM Rev. Frederick L. Thelen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornburgh Ms. Marilyn Louise Torborg Dr. and Mrs. Todd Troshynski Mrs. Kellene Urbaniak Mr. George B Vania Mr. and Mrs. John P. Vidmar Rev. Eugene Vonderhaar Dr. Paul J. Wadell Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wagner Mr. John Walters Dr. Patricia H. Werhane Ms. Claire Louise Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wisner Mr. Stephen and Dr. Regina Wolfe Mr. Ignacio Yepez Mr. and mrs. William Youngberg Ms. Aldona Zailskas Dr. Christina Rae Zaker Ms. Joy Ziemke Mr. Frank Zimmerman Up to $99 Anonymous (5) Dr. Kevin Glauber Ahern Sr. Rita Anaka, DDL Ms. Patricia Ann Antikauskas Denise Aruldoss Sr. Anita Price Baird, DHM Mr. Emile P. Bataille Ms. Jessica Beck Mr. James Bialka Dr. Evonne Blakey Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglass Bond Br. Rodney Bowers, SVD Mr. David Meade Bowles, Jr. Sr. Laurie A. Brink, OP Mrs. Shirley Brown Ms. Therese M. Brown Ms. Marina Brown-Bochicchio Mr. and Mrs. Karl Buhr Ms. Judith Bumbul Ms. Susan Butler

Ms. Catherine Hart Dr. Diana L. Hayes Sr. Patricia Heath, SUSC Ms. Pat Heidkamp Ms. Ana Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Hernandez Sr. Denise Herrmann, CSA Ms. Regina G. Herron Sr. Angela Hibbard, IHM Rev. Kermit M. Holl, OSC Ms. Anita Houck Rev. John E. Hurley, CSP Mr. Robert Inglis Mr. Stephen Patrick Jendraszak Ms. Barbara Jennings Ms. Trudi Jenny The Jordan Family Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Mr. John A. Kay Sister Eileen Kazmierowicz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keevey Mr. Patrick Kennedy Ms. Mary-Ellen Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kitamura Rev. Daniel Knepper Mr. William Kramer Rev. William F. Krlis Ms. Christina Anne Lacci Sr. Sallie Latkovich, CSJ Leadership Conference of Women Religious Mr. Carl A. Lekan Dr. Bruce Lescher Mr. Ian D Levit Mr. Andrew Li Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti Sr. Kathleen Lunsmann Ms. Patricia Lydon Mr. Donald Mahoney Ms. Kim Martinez Martinez-Negrete Immigration Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McBreen Ms. Julia B. McCarron Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, OP Sr. Susan McCrery, CSJ Mr. Joseph McDonald and Ms. Madeleine Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonough Sr. Joan McGlinchey, MSC Ms. Kathleen McGourty Ms. Rita McLennon Mr. Michael James McNulty Mr. Paul Melgarejo Ms. Lisa Mersereau Ms. Victoria M. Mervar Ms. Anne Messina Sr. Marlene Minnaert, OSB Ms. Megan C. Mio

Mr. Timothy Moore Sr. Mary Morley, SP Ms. Elena Morris Mr. Fred W. Morton, Jr. Sr. Carol Mucha, RSM Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Ms. Aida Munoz Dr. Randal H. Munsen Ms. Rose Naputano Ms. Rosemary Nash Sr. Mary Navarre, OP Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Newberry Ms. Kim Nigro Mr. Derek T. Nordstrom Ms. Mary O’Donnell Mr. Timothy O’Hara Mr. Michael O’Loughlin Mrs. Mary Oliphant Mr. E. Robert Olson Rev. Robert E. Osborne Sr. Jeanne Oursler, CSJ Ms. Judith M. Palmer Dr. Aline M-J Paris, RSM Mr. Patrick Racey and Hon. Sheila Murphy Ms. Mary Paukovitz Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM Ph.D Rev. Philip D. Paxton, CP Fr. Gerry Pehler, OFM Cap. Ms. Aphrodite E. Peponis Sr. Dee Peppard, BVM Ms. Kathryn Peterson Ms. Joanne Pilat Mrs. Peggy M. Plastina Rev. Anthony James Pogorelc, PSS Sr. Roberta A. Popara, OP Mr. Richard Pütz Ms. Kristen Ras Ms. Bernadette Raspante Mrs. Barbara B. Reidy Rev. Robert Reiker Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Reithmaier Ms. Charlotte A. Roeber Dr. and Mrs. Adam H. Romeiser, Jr. Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Mr. Richard Ryan Ms. Marilyn A. Sala Mrs. Carmen Salas Ms. Maria E. Salazar Ms. Ellen Salmi Van Cleef and Mr. Joshua Van Cleef Ms. Lanise Sanders Mr. Michael J. Sanem Ms. Patricia Sanfilippo Ms. Mary Winifred Scanlon Rev. Dennis J. Schafer, OFM Ms. Maureen Scharberg Ms. Katherine Schmitt

Ms. Lois A. Schmitz Ms. Peg Schneider Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schneider Ms. Mary Ann Schreiber Ms. Abbey Schumacher Ms. Barbara Sheekey Mr. J. Chris Sherman Ms. Lora Shimkus Mr. Richard J. Shinners, Jr. Mr. Paul Sieres Sr. Lucianne Siers, OP Mrs. Marguerite Simmons Mr. John Simon and Ms. Tanya Solov Sr. Betty Smith, RSM Ms. Karen Soos Ms. Beth Grady Strom Rev. Michael Surufka OFM Ms. Dorothy Mae Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thompson Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Rev. Dan Tomich Mr. Daniel Tonozzi Ms. Maryvel Torres Ms. Anna Tuccoli Rev. Patrick M. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vitt Rev. Ross Waggoner Sr. Mary Jane Wagner, OSF Ms. Kathleen Waldron Ms. Karen Walker Mr. Robert and Marrietta Walsh Dr. C. Vanessa White Sr. Judith Wood, OSF Ms. Patricia Woodbury Ms. Jan Wrightsell Ms. Junia Yasenov Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zelewsky Ms. Mary E. Ziegler

ALUMNI DAY OF GIVING Ms. Patricia Ann Antikauskas Ms. Cynthia “Sam” Bowns † Sr. Laurie A. Brink, OP Ms. Judith Bumbul Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Mr. Andrew Nicholas Cirillo Mr. Jack Elden Collins, Jr. Mr. Anthony Bernard Connelly Mr. Thomas Christopher Cummings, III Sr. Sheila A. Curran, RSM Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ Dr. Marian Kay Diaz Ms. Sharon Dobbs Sr. Mary Lois Dolphin, BVM Mrs. Maggie Finley Ms. Mary E. Foley Sr. Susan R. Francois, CSJP Mr. Matthew J. Furjanic Ms. Anne Gibbons Ms. Jill Goldsmith Mr. Marcial Gomez Dr. Robert J. Gordon Mr. David L. Gordon Br. Michael Gosch, CSV Mrs. Taylor N. Groenke Rev. Jay M. Harrington, OP Mr. Robert Inglis Dr. Ruth Jandeska Sr. Barbara Jennings, CSJ Rev. Kevin T. Kenney

Mr. Thomas E. Kerber Ms. Elizabeth Kitamura Dr. and Mrs. Roger Klauer Sr. Margaret Mary Knittel, RSM Mr. Andrew Li Rev. Kevin J. Mannara Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, OSA Dr. Terrence F. McDevitt Ms. Lisa Mersereau Ms. Joan F. Neal Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF Rev. Edmund Nnadozie Mr. Derek T. Nordstrom Rev. Maurice J. Nutt, CSsR Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch Ms. Susan M. Pudelek Mr. Paul V. Reithmaier Ms. Celeste J. Rossmiller Ms. Emily Rostkowski Rev. Dennis J. Schafer, OFM Ms. Katherine Schmitt Mr. Hugh Schulze Mrs. Christina Semmel Mr. Justin Sengstock Dr. Martin R. Sheldon Ms. Pamela K. Stefik Sr. Stephanie Thompson, SNDdeN Mr. John Walters Ms. Patricia Woodbury Miss Victoria Yeung Dr. Christina Rae Zaker

CONTRIBUTING MEN’S RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES We are grateful for the following religious communities for underwriting a percentage of faculty member compensation. Association of Franciscan Friars, State of Missouri Claretian Missionaries, United States Province Clerics of St Viator, Province of the United States Congregation of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Sisters of St. Dominic Congregation of the Mission, Western Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Congregation of the Passion, St. Paul of the Cross Province Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Order of Friars Minor, Holy Name Province Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province

A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 - 2 1

Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Campbell Mr. Lew Campione Ms. Mary B. Caraway Ms. Susan Carlson Ms. JoEllen Windau Cattapan Rev. Dennis F. Chriszt, CPPS Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ Mr. Andrew Nicholas Cirillo Mr. Jack Elden Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Collins Mr. Anthony Bernard Connelly Ms. Yolanda Cortés Mr. James Crane Sr. Lorraine Crawford, IBVM Sr. Patricia Crowley, OSB Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Curbis Sr. Sheila A. Curran, RSM Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ Ms. Mary Supple Dailey Sr. Ellen Dauwer, SC Ms. Kristen Dempsey Pasyk Mr. Ken Denzel Ms. Mary Lynn Dietsche Sr. Joanne Doi, MM Eleanor Doidge, LoB Sr. Mary Lois Dolphin, BVM Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Doyle Mrs. Dorothy Durkin Br. John Eustice, CSV Farmers and Merchants Bank Mrs. Maggie Finley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flavin Ms. Mary E. Foley Mrs. Sandra Foody Ms. Paula Foster Ms. and Mr. Doris J. Foster Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni Ms. Sarah Frick Sr. Joan Fronc, OP Mr. Lawrence Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Garden Ms. Stephanie B. Garrison Ms. Anne Gibbons Rev. Rick M. Ginther Ms. Mildred R. Gladney Mr. and Mrs. David Golden Mr. Marcial Gomez Mr. David L. Gordon Ms. Meg Grady Sr. Sharon Gray, SCN Ms. Elizabeth Guss Ms. Claire Obringer Hamilton Mrs. Mary Beth Hand Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hanley Ms. Maureen Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harmon Rev. Jay M. Harrington, OP

† deceased


IN HONOR OF Dr. Scott C. Alexander Ms. Donatta M. Yates Rev. Richard Benson, CM Rev. Patrick McDevitt, CM Patricia and Phil Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mr. James M. Denny Mr. Stephen King

Archbishop Wilton Gregory Dr. Sheila Adams Mr. Bernard Hennig Ms. Marie Mildred Strauch

Mr. Michael Stephan Ms. Teri Edelstein and Mr. Neil Harris

Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William Youngberg

Ms. Colleen Kennedy Ms. Marina Carney Puryear and Mr. Jim Puryear

Mr. Gardis Watts Ms. Catherine Hart

Ms. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry Ms. Sunny Fischer Ms. Rita McLennon Ms. Gwynn Simpson

Sr. Margaret Mary Knittel, RSM Rev. Kilian J. Knittel Ms. Kathleen Martin Mr. Daniel Tonozzi Mr. Daniel R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olejnik

A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 - 2 1

Rev. Robin C. Ryan, CP Dr. John Cunningham and Dr. Marie Tobin Rev. Donald Senior, CP Mr. and Mrs. Karl Buhr Mr. Ed Carney Mr. Terrence Matthew Deneen Ms. Angela Dinger Ms. Martha FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Dr. Janice R. Klich Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke Ms. Georgia Landt Ms. Marina Carney Puryear and Mr. Jim Puryear Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan

Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Dr. Alfred Clementi Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ingrassia, Jr. Br. Thomas Johnson Ms. Mary C. Mulcrone Rev. Jason Nesbit, CSV


Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP Ms. Jeannie Crowley Brunk Dr. Alfred Clementi Mrs. Kieran Mahoney Lyons Ms. Judith M. Palmer Mr. Kevin Madigan and Ms. Stephanie Paulsell Ms. Emily D. Soloff

Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM Mrs. Clara L. Bricher Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ostdiek Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schneider

Dr. C. Vanessa White Ms. Mildred R. Gladney Ms. Donatta M. Yates Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Mr. E. Robert Olson

Franklin, Arthur, and Marilu Lopez Ms. Maureen Lopez Fitzpatrick


Ms. Concetta Santa Lucia Ms. Maria Santa Lucia

Chair Mrs. Carolyn Noonan Parmer

Ms. Cynthia “Sam” Bowns Mr. David Meade Bowles, Jr. Mrs. Janet Hoffman Mr. John A. Rdzak Mr. Justin Sengstock and Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier

Mr. John R. Ludwick Mr. James Hargadon

Mr. Fred M. Brosio Ms. Eleanor Louise Brosio

Ms. Irene E. Mahoney Mr. Donald Mahoney

Rev. Joseph M. Burns Mr. Justin Sengstock and Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier

Timothy and Lucille Merlihan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cannon

Host Committee Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. † Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Dr. Paul Farmer Mr. and Mrs. † William Lawlor, III The McCune/Stuhlmueller Family Mr. Andrew J. McKenna, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Newton N. Minow Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Daniel R. Murray and Jenner & Block LLP Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Rev. Donald Senior, CP Mr. and Mrs. Scott Swanson

IN MEMORY OF Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Sr. Mary Morley, SP

Ms. Grace Chen-McClone Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Thiernau Pat and Patty Crowley Chicago Community Trust Mr. Richard D. Cudahy Dr. Janet Cudahy Rev. James Doyle Mrs. Carmen Salas Mr. Justin Sengstock and Ms. Caitlin Dohmeier Mr. Jeff Duerwachter Mr. and Mrs. John Madden, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Regina Foley Blackfriars ’57 Rev. Zachary Hayes, OFM Mr. Kevin Madigan and Ms. Stephanie Paulsell Ms. Mary C. Hayes Mr. Joseph Michael Heaton, III Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Ms. Diane Horner Mr. Philip Horner Mr. Anthony Irvin Ms. Camille Irvin

Rev. John Pawlikowski, OSM Ph.D Mr. John A. Kay

Ms. Lucy Kandathil Mr. Thomas V. Kandathil

Sr. Jamie T. Phelps, OP Ph.D. Ms. Kathleen Dorsey Bellow

Ms. Patricia Krug Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keenan Rev. Kaust Langerholtz, OFM Mr. and Mrs. John P. Vidmar

Rev. Sebastian MacDonald, CP Ms. Melody Layton McMahon Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan

Rev. Msgr. Philip J. Murnion Ms. Bridget Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James Carole Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Ms. Sheilamae Shannon O’Hara Mr. Timothy O’Hara Mr. Harold A. Peponis Ms. Aphrodite E. Peponis Mr. Tom Quinn Ms. Kim Nigro Mr. William E. Reidy Mrs. Barbara B. Reidy Mr. Kevin John Rowan Drs. John and Mary Ann Rowan Ms. Kathy Runstrom Ms. Peg Schneider Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS Ms. Maureen Cetera Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Ms. Miriam Senior Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght Rev. Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCune Mrs. Catherine Ohs Ms. Elyse Wagner Ms. Patricia Lydon Ms. Mary Ward Ms. Patricia Sanfilippo Pedro Zapata Sr. Dominga Zapata, SH

Peace Sponsors The Bomher Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brown Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr The Chicago Community Trust Claretian Missionaries USA-Canada Province Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. and Ms. Connie Devers Falcone Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids First Analysis Institute Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Hayford Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton Mr. and Mrs. William McNally Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province Northwestern Medicine Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tilghman Wintrust Government, Not-For-Profit and Healthcare Banking Mr. † and Mrs. Peter Wrenn

Dove Sponsors Ms. Linda Blakley Dr. Jennie Weiss Block, OP Helen V. Brach Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck, II Clerics of Saint Viator, US Province Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Denver Province Congregation of the Passion, Holy Cross Province Ms. Mary A. Dempsey/ Philip H. Corboy Foundation DePaul University Franciscan Friars, St. John the Baptist Province Mrs. Mary Clare Loftus Mr. William E. Lowry and Mrs. Teresita Gonzales-Lowry Mr. John Madigan Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Kansas City Province Mr. and Mrs. David Murdoch Order of Friar Servants of Mary, USA Province Order of Friars Minor, Assumption BVM Province Order of Saint Augustine, Our Mother of Good Counsel Province PNC Mr. and Mrs. James Riley Dr. Scholl Foundation Society of the Divine Word, Chicago Province Society of the Sacred Heart, US-Canada Province St. Norbert Abbey Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Unzicker Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wheeler

The following scholarship funds reflect donors to the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign and annual scholarship donors. Bernardin Scholarship Susan R. Francois, CSJP Menard Family Foundation Sr. Barbara Bowe, RSCJ Memorial Scholarship Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Brach Scholars Leaders in Ministry Helen V. Brach Foundation Maryjeanne Burke Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burke, Sr. Chapin-May Scholarship Fund Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois Columban Scholarship Missionary Society of St. Columban Zenaida Corpuz Scholarship Ms. Maria A. Corpuz and Mr. John Hug Ms. Kitty Kevin Dominican Sisters Scholarship Fund for Lay Women Adrian Dominican Sisters Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters General Scholarship Endowment and Annual Scholarship Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes Mrs. Ellie Clarke Ms. Gigi A. Galardi Mr. Thomas V. Kandathil Ms. Beth M. Knobbe Mr. Clemens Suen Ms. Cynthia Whalen Hesburgh Center Scholarship Fund Rev. Richard F. Trainor International Women’s Scholarship Ms. Jeanne Kathleen Foley Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Sisters of St. Francis of Penance & Christian Charity Ladies of Bethany Endowed Scholarship and Annual Scholarship Ladies of Bethany

Lay Women Scholarship Fund Maryknoll Sisters Linnan Scholarship Endowment Clerics of Saint Viator/US Province Loftus Family Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Mary Clare Loftus Rev. Gil Ostdiek, OFM Endowed Scholarship Mr. Glen Ostdiek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ostdiek Dr. and Mrs. Todd Troshynski Oscar Romero Scholarship Endowment and Annual Scholarship Anonymous Mr. James Bialka Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cannon Ms. Maria L. Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Cervantes Ms. Yolanda Cortés Ms. Cristina Damiani Ms. Yolanda De Anda Mr. Vicente del Real Rev. Donald J. Headley Ms. Ana Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Hernandez Mr. Thomas M. Howard and Ms. Libia Paez-Howard Most Rev. John R. Manz, DD Martinez-Negrete Immigration Consultants Mr. Miguel Melendez Mr. Paul Melgarejo Ms. Wendy Musselman Ms. Jenna Musselman Palles Ms. Angelica Nunez Hon. Marty Quinn Ms. Lorena Reyes Ms. Maria E. Salazar Ms. Edna Sanders Ms. Lanise Sanders Ms. Christine Marie Sarna Ms. Lora Shimkus Ms. Maryvel Torres Ms. Anna Tuccoli Mr. Ignacio Yepez Rev. Donald Senior, CP Endowed Scholarship and Annual Scholarship Mr. James H. Bernhart Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Ms. Sharon Brock Congregation of The Passion/ Holy Cross Province

Mr. Terrence Matthew Deneen Mr. and Mrs. James M. Denny Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Mr. Barry and Dr. Winnifred F. Sullivan Mary Rose Shaughnessy Scholarship Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Augustus Tolton Scholarship Dr. Sheila Adams Archdiocese of Chicago/ Lay Ministry Programs Archdiocese of Chicago/ Office of Black Catholic Ministries Ms. Tanya Bolen Mrs. Shirley Brown Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cannon Sr. Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ Ms. and Mr. Doris J. Foster Rev. James E. Flynn Ms. Jean Garrison Ms. Mia Garrison Ms. Stephanie B. Garrison Ms. Mildred R. Gladney Ms. Regina G. Herron Ms. Camille Irvin Ms. Valerie Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy Knights of Peter Claver/St. Felicitas St. Ailbe Ladies Auxiliary Ct. 181 Ms. Rachel Kuhn Ms. Loretta M. Lymore Dr. Donald McCrabb Dr. David R. Miller Ms. Megan C. Mio Dr. Jon Nilson Ms. Virginia A. Piecuch Ms. Christine A. Riley Rev. Gregory Rom Mr. J. Chris Sherman Mr. Lester Smith and Dr. Opal Easter Smith Ms. Carol Smith-Taliaferro Society of The Divine Word, Chicago Province St. Peter’s in the Loop Ms. Dorothy Mae Thomas Ms. Priscilla Thompson Mrs. Kellene Urbaniak Dr. C. Vanessa White Rev. Paul D. Whittington, O.P. Ms. Claire Louise Williams Ms. Kathryn F. Worthen Ms. Theresa Alston Wright Waraich Scholarship The Waraich Family

BERNARDIN CENTER PROGRAMS General Gifts Dr. Kevin Glauber Ahern Most Rev. Joseph Binzer Dr. David Dault Sr. Edna Hess, CPPS Ms. Deborah K. Heen Rev. Kevin J. Mannara, CSB Maranon Capital, LP Rev. Michael D. Place Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Mr. Michael J. Sanem Most Reverend Dennis Schnurr Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal Dr. Malka Simkovich Dr. Christina Rae Zaker Catholic-Jewish Studies Ms. Teri Edelstein and Mr. Neil Harris Elias Family Charitable Trust Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Segal University of Notre Dame Catholic-Muslim Studies Ms. Alice A. Altiveros Ms. Kristen Ras The Waraich Family Catholics on Call Sisters of the Presentation of the Blesssed Virgin Mary Rev. Steve Bevans, SVD Br. John Eustice, CSV Dr. Natalia Imperatori-Lee Catholic Common Ground Initiative Rev. Richard Aiken Mr. Adrian A. Basora Ms. Dina D. Baute Mr. Robert C. Bordone Mr. and Mrs. John Peter Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James Carole Rev. John E. Cockayne, Jr. Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin Deacon and Mrs. Paul Covino Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dahmus Ms. Mary Supple Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Denio Rev. John V. DiBacco, Jr. Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Mr. John P. Duffell Rev. Raymond A. Dunmyer

Most Rev. John Dunne Mr. Thomas B. Fenlon Rev. John J. Fitzgerald Rev. Rick M. Ginther Most Rev. John R. Gorman, DD Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory Ms. Elizabeth Guss Dr. Diana L. Hayes Sr. Patricia Heath, SUSC Dr. Darren M. Henson Rev. John E. Hurley, CSP The Jordan Family Ms. Emelia Junk Ms. Bridget Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kloos Rev. William F. Krlis Dr. Mary S. Laver Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoPresti Ms. Sally T. Mahoney Ms. Anne Messina Mr. Michael Missaggia Ms. Elena Morris Mr. Daniel R. Murray Ms. Rosemary Nash Nursing Sisters of The Sick Poor, Inc. Mr. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Mr. Michael O’Loughlin Rev. Robert E. Osborne Rev. Michael D. Place Ms. Marilyn A. Sala Sisters of The Divine Savior Mr. L. William Staudenmaier Rev. Patrick M. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vitt Rev. Eugene Vonderhaar Rev. Ross Waggoner Ms. Jan Wrightsell

IN KIND GIFTS General Dr. Claude-Marie Barbour Dr. Eileen Crowley Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ Ms. Barbara Murphy-Sanders Library Focolare Movement, Chicago Sr. Mary Frohlich, RSCJ Rev. Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM Mr. Robert E. Keeley National Religious Vocation Conference Sr. Barbara Reid, OP Rev. Robert Schreiter, CPPS † Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Rev. Donald Senior, CP Br. Antonio Sison, CPPS Dr. Christina Zaker

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† deceased



THE WAY SOCIETY The first followers of Jesus called themselves the “people of the Way” because they were setting out on a courageous journey of faith that would bring the gospel to the world. In that same spirit, CTU is helping build the future of the church today. We ask you to take this journey with us in this critical time. We intend to build membership in The Way Society, our community of donors who have named CTU in their wills or other estate plans. Your estate gift will provide the critical support that CTU needs to do God’s work, to proclaim the gospel of peace and justice in a credible way. We ask you to partner with us in preparing a new generation of women and men, committed to renewing the life of the church of the 21st century.

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If you have already included CTU in your estate plan, please let us know so we can recognize your legacy of generosity. If you would like to join The Way Society with this very personal level of support, contact:


Colleen Kennedy Vice President for Institutional Advancement 773.371.5417 | ckennedy@ctu.edu ctu.edu/waysociety

BE WITH US on this journey.

Anonymous Estate of the Rev. Harry Joseph Adams Estate of Mr. Joseph L. Adler Estate of Ms. Helen F. Anderson Rev. Patrick Joseph Bergin Drs. Ernest and Vanice Billups Blackfriars ’57 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Booth Ms. Cynthia M. Bowns † and Deacon Loren Bowns Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Browne Very Rev. John Burger, SSC Estate of Ms. Genevieve Casey Dr. Paul and Mrs. Judy Chiarelli Estate of the Rev. Bernard McClory Estate of Mrs. Victor V. Colucci Ms. Mary Margaret Cowhey Ms. Sharon Dobbs Estate of the Rev. Richard R. Dolezal, Ph.D Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Doyle Estate of the Rev. James Doyle Ms. Catherine L. Endicott Estate of Mr. Robert Foster Estate of Ms. Mary T. Frace Estate of Ms. Helen M. Heerey Dr. Patricia J. Hughes Mr. William R. Jordan, IV Ms. Lorraine A. Kulpa Ms. Catherine Leyser Mr. and Mrs. Cyrin Maus Ms. Mary Rita McCarthy † John E. and Philomena M. McGill Mr. Michael McNeil Estate of Ms. Lucille Merlihan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen-Muhr Mr. Brian Murphy Estate of Mrs. Ward E. Perrin Mrs. Donna Rankin Ms. Christine A. Riley Estate of Ms. Margaret C. Roach Estate of Mrs. Arthur J. Schueneman Estate of the Rev. A.J. Schumacher Mrs. Barbara Shanahan Estate of Dr. Mary Rose Shaughnessy Ms. Patricia A. Shevlin Mr. Michael Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Ms. Anne Marie Tirpak Mrs. Jean Unsworth Rev. Michael A. Van Sloun Estate of Miss Regis Walling Estate of Ms. Julia J. Zywert

ADMINISTRATION Sr. Barbara Reid, OP President (from January 2021) Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV President (through December 2020) Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Interim Vice President and Academic Dean (from January 2021) Rev. Richard Benson, CM Interim Vice President and Academic Dean (through December 2020) Mr. Kevin Doherty Vice President for Finance and Operations Ms. Colleen Kennedy Vice President for Institutional Advancement Ms. Latisha Akons Information Technology Manager (from May 2021) Mr. Martin Fitzgerald Director of Facilities

through June 30, 2021

† deceased

Ms. Christine Henderson Assistant Dean for Academic Advising and Programs


Ms. Rachel Kuhn Director of Development Ms. Maria de Jesús Lemus Registrar

Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP Distinguished Professor Emerita of Old Testament Studies

Mr. Richard Mauney Director of Educational Technology

Sr. Laurie Brink, OP Professor of New Testament Studies

Ms. Ellen Romer Niemiec Director of Enrollment Management (from May 2021)

Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ Associate Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics

Mr. Darnell Payne Information Technology Manager (through February 2021)

Rev. Eddie DeLeón, CMF Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Preaching

Mr. Herbert Quinde Director of Enrollment Management (through May 2021)

Sr. Joanne (Jaruko) Doi, MM Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry

Ms. Kristine J. Veldheer Director of Bechtold Library

Rev. Edward Foley, OFM Cap Professor Emeritus of Liturgy and Music

Dr. Syed Atif Rizwan Assistant Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies

Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni Professor of Liturgy and Preaching

Rev. Robin Ryan, CP Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV Professor of Liturgy

Rev. Robert J. Schreiter, CPPS † Professor of Systematic Theology and Vatican Council II Chair of Theology

Dr. Scott C. Alexander Professor of Islamic Studies

Rev. Daniel P. Horan, OFM Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Spirituality Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality Rev. Leslie Hoppe, OFM Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Studies Dr. Richard E. McCarron Associate Professor of Liturgy Dr. Anne McGowan Assistant Professor of Liturgy Dr. Steven P. Millies Associate Professor of Public Theology

Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry Rev. VanThanh Nguyen, SVD Professor of New Testament Studies and Bishop Francis X. Ford Chair of Catholic Missiology Sr. Dawn Nothwehr, OSF Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics and Erica and Harry John Family Chair of Catholic Theological Ethics Rev. Ferdinand Okorie, CMF Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies Rev. Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM Professor of Liturgy Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP Professor of New Testament Studies

Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry and Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Chair of Mission and Culture Rev. Donald Senior, CP President Emeritus, Chancellor, and Professor of New Testament Studies Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich Crown-Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies

PROGRAMS The Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry Dr. Steven P. Millies, Director

Master of Divinity, General Ms. Christine Henderson, Director Master of Arts in Ministry Ms. Christine Henderson, Director

Biblical Studies and Travel Program Rev. Ferdinand Okorie, CMF

Master of Divinity for Priestly Ordination Rev. Roger Schroeder, SVD, Director

Catholic-Jewish Studies Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, Director

Óscar Romero Scholars Program Mr. Marco López, Director

Catholic-Muslim Studies Dr. Syed Atif Rizwan, Director

Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program Dr. Kimberly Lymore, Director

Center for the Study of Consecrated Life Sr. Maria Cimperman, RSCJ, Director Continuing Education, Summer@CTU, and Thriving in Ministry Ms. Marian Kay Diaz, Director Doctor of Ministry Dr. Scott C. Alexander, Director Emmaus Lay Formation Ms. Mary Ellen Knuth, Director Field Education and English for Theological Education Dr. Christina R. Zaker, Director Hesburgh Sabbatical Program and Institute of Religious Formation Sr. Lucianne Siers, OP, Director Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program Dr. Carmen Nanko-Fernández, Director Master of Arts in Theology Rev. Robin Ryan, CP, Director Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Ms. Christine Henderson, Director Master of Arts in Specialized Ministries Ms. Christine Henderson, Director

Br. Antonio D. Sison, CPPS Associate Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. C. Vanessa White Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Ministry The Development Department has made a sincere effort to ensure information contained in the annual report is accurate and complete. If you were a contributor to CTU between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, and your name has been omitted, misspelled or is listed incorrectly, please advise us by calling 773.371.5417.

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Faculty and Staff



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