Cream 27 fb

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founder & publisher fernando de haro C I T Y M A G A Z I N E

NO 27

copy editor

october • november 2014

joana santillana


I cannot believe that we have had 27 editions of Cream, as each and every one of them is extremely special due to all the effort, creativity, and love that we put into our publication publisher that has won a special place in my heart, just like all the previous 26. This October/November edition brings in a new weather and we say goodbye to the scorching heat and welcome autumn with open arms. This it is definitely one of my favorite seasons and why we took on the duty of creating a fashion shoot with the unique touch that only this season can provide; dark shades with predominantly black pieces are the protagonists that highlight the beauty in our model, Melissa Martínez, who I personally consider a wonderful inspiration. Take a moment to read her story and learn about her struggle, effort, and enthusiasm to stay strong.

Our city keeps on growing and making progress in so many different aspects, and in order to achieve all of this, it takes some big personalities, and so we wanted to recognize women in this edition, particularly the ladies in the banking industry who are wives and mothers alike, and are able to balance work and family so well! Get to know these amazing professionals and you will be in just as much awe of them as we are. Thanks to all the people that make Cream possible; I am so grateful to all of you and I hope to see you in our next December edition, where we will bid farewell to 2014! Have a great month filled with good vibes and enjoy these last few months left in the year.


design & production graphic designer gabriela lozano design production assistants alicia ruíz-inzunza mariajose mendiola photographer ferch


rubén bazán iii, maita fernández, michelle cook gutiérrez, joe arciniega, sandy lugo, and fernanda maldonado

special thanks paola juárez, jersson luna photography, sealed sweets, beats music, steve jobs, coffee, and birthday cakes.

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Copyright © 2014 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images of their ads. Printed in Mexico.







MARGARITA ARAIZA Preserving Laredo’s unique bicultural experience

GILBERTO D. SOTO Nurturing artistic and musical expression

ANA LAURA RECHY Teaching beyond the basics

Meet three dynamic achievers who contribute to the development of both Laredos. They are flying high on Cream’s radar.


Executive Director / Webb County Heritage Foundation

A lot of people identify with their jobs, but having charge of protecting the entire region’s history as part of your job description, well, that’s a bit more challenging and frankly, exciting. Now, I look around and think, it’s up to us to save this; to share this story; to provide this information; to make sure this isn’t lost forever; to spark a serious respect for our identity. As soon as I started really learning about local history, I was hooked. Laredo has a fascinating history full of fiercely impressive characters, mindblowing historical events, and a treasure-trove of architectural wealth. The more you learn about it, the more fascinating it gets. I’m inspired by the personal stories of local history I hear from elderly people; by the look in the eyes of some of the students visiting our museums; by the discovery of a new piece of information or an artifact that is linked to Laredo history; and I’m inspired by the loyalty of my co-workers who never hesitate to “go into the breach” with me on new projects and ideas. I feel we’ve made significant progress in starting to teach younger audiences the story of their own community. And with that, to teach them to be proud of their city, their ancestors, and their cultural identity – and, with hope, to create awareness of the importance of protecting historic architecture that is all around us.

I’d encourage people to come downtown. Get out of your car and walk around. Look up above the ground floor level and observe the fantastic architecture that is all around you. Think of the craftsmen that built these structures and compare that with the “big box” shopping malls and buildings going up in newer parts of town. After that, try to learn a little bit about Laredo’s history. I guarantee you that you will be surprised and intrigued by what you find. And after that, you’ll see how much history matters. GILBERTO D. SOTO, PH.D.

CEO & Owner, Soto Academy of Music, LLC Professor of Music Education,Texas A&M International University

Since I was very young, I was attracted to music and musical instruments. My oldest brother had a garage band and I used to go and play the instruments while they were not there. Later on, when I was in college, I started working for a private middle school and high school teaching the students instruments and voice, and I felt the wonderful experience of giving a skill to others. At the young age of 18, I was already coordinating college musical groups and ensembles. After finishing my first bachelor’s, I received a full scholarship from Abilene Christian University to pursue a second bachelor’s in music, and a similar educational opportunity happened at the University of Southern Mississippi to receive my master’s and doctoral degrees in music education.

Two of my biggest professional surprises have been to receive an invitation to perform at the White House in Washington, D.C., back in 1992, and that my bilingual music publications have been adopted in schools not only all around this country, but in Spain, the Middle East (Dubai and Qatar), and pretty soon some of my song arrangements and lesson plans for children will be translated into mandarin and be published in China by the fall of 2015.

One of my favorite memories about interacting with music goes back to the when I was 12 years old. I was eating a sandwich by the kitchen counter, and there was this little TV that was on a channel where a guitarist was performing. I was in such awe that I remember I said to myself “I want to play like him;” it was none other than the great Andrés Segovia. The thing about music or the arts is that once you practice and/or perform, you receive an immediate satisfaction. It is this part that inspires me most, and trying to share with everyone that our education should not be only cognitive (knowledge), but aesthetic (feeling, senses and emotions) as well. Music can be a big tool for aesthetic education.

If you really feel the call of doing music, do it and do not look back. Be warned that it will require all your passion, time, and discipline, but if you are willing to give it your all, the satisfaction is unlimited. ANA LAURA RECHY

Owner and Center Director Mathnasium, the Math Learning Center

I always knew I had the passion to be a teacher, but a movie many years ago is what gave me the last push into the field of education. After watching Children of a Lesser God, I knew I wanted to teach. I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. I love math and I knew there was a need to improve math skills of students all over the country. While researching about Mathnasium, I was certain I had stumbled upon something that would make a positive difference in our children’s lives. I just wish I had discovered it sooner. We have been open for only nine months, yet we have seen excellent results thus far. One of my main goals consists of changing the attitude that most children have towards math. I want to help children overcome their fear or anxiety about math.

There isn’t a better feeling of satisfaction for a teacher than to see a child’s face light up when they realize they comprehend, understand, and get it. It is priceless.

My advice for anyone considering a career in teaching is to ensure this is your passion and that you also have the dedication and determination to help students succeed. If you do not possess or ever lose these qualities, then it is time to find another career.

Life is way too short and it can change dramatically in an instant. Live in the moment. Focus on the good things. We cannot control many things, but we can control forgiveness, second chances, and how we deal with the hand we are dealt. And one last thing, feel grateful for all that you do have. cream october / novembre 2014



Gene Walker, a renowned Laredo rancher, was awarded the Businessman of the Year award by the Laredo Chamber of Commerce. This award recognized Mr. Walker for his tireless effort as an employer and job creator in our city.

imagen rmx Imagen RMX’s annual Golf Tournament brought together local golfers to enjoy a beautiful day and compete to win awesome prizes that included a brand new 2014 Ford F-150 Super Crew Mod.

mexican tradition Laredoans gathered in the customary “Grito” celebration on the evening of September 15 to honor their Mexican roots in our border city and enjoy delicious food, Mexican music, and games organized by the Consulate General of Mexico in Laredo, Texas. .




Pain’s sole job is to push us away from what we want to accomplish. However, you can slowly kill it by facing it.

i popped my shoulder in wrestling class the other day. My instructor, a

well-seasoned grappler, was able to easily flip me over and as soon as his elbow pinned me down, I heard my shoulder give in. I had to sit out the last fifteen minutes of the class. You’re probably still laughing, aren’t you? Yes, I managed to sign up for a sport. Yes, I suck at it. Yes, it had been a while since I wore a jockstrap. Living a somewhat sedentary lifestyle for years causes me to bruise and hurt easily when it comes to any physically-engaging combat sport. However, I learned something about myself that day – something that, although I already knew, hadn’t surfaced in a while.

As I stood there walking it off and moving my arm around in order to ease the pain, both my coach and another training buddy of mine kept asking me if I was okay. I pulled the tough guy persona and said that everything was fine. Truthfully, it still hurt a little, yet somehow I was happy about it. It’s a sport that I had been dying to get into for a while and as soon as I saw a local MMA fighter offer the class, I signed up right away. I didn’t mind at all that I was in pain. I knew I would get better, so I was willing to go back for more. This is what I learned. Many people have desires, hopes, and dreams about doing something. Whether it’s starting a business, getting emotionally attached to someone, or entering a new sport, people yearn for that extra step but sometimes refuse to do it out of fear of pain. My friend Rafa started his business earlier this year and I saw the concern in his eyes when he told me that his finances were taking a substantial blow due to the initial investment. More than one friend has told me about getting back with a former significant other but were adamant because they were afraid of getting their heart broken again. I myself knew that getting into wrestling wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew that working at it was going to make it better. The lesson of “no pain, no gain” transcends in almost every decision we make. It’s interesting to see how that one cliché also encompasses many extenuating circumstances as well. One dreadful reminder I was hit with after turning 30 this year was the fact that, like it or not, many of your loved ones’ loved ones are dying. As we get older, we become crashcourse therapists who try to ease the pain of those who have lost a parent, aunt, or uncle. This article may have taken a turn for the weary, but believe me when I say that, in my experience, the only people that survive such a hit are the ones who are able to soldier through the pain that comes with it. They become stronger individuals when they begin flexing those emotional muscles. Even better, they become guides, coaches, and motivators for those who go through it at a later date. Pain’s sole job is to push us away from what we want to accomplish. However, you can slowly kill it by facing it. It may take a while, but nothing helps you grow like taking that step (hopefully with the help of others) and kicking its butt. We all wrestle at some point in our lives. Be it a thin wallet, a recovering heartache, or the pain of losing a loved one, we’re all grapplers. I will never make it to the Summer Olympics’ wrestling bracket, but I know that the pain that comes with certain aspects of life must be pinned down. That’s the transcendental beauty of my favorite sport. It makes men out of boys, women out of girls, and fighters out of pain-fearing weaklings.


november 2014

See you on the mat!


Autumn is my favorite season. It leads us with a gentle hand from the white hot defiance of summer just as we, and our scorched gardens, have grown weary of triple digit temperatures. Suddenly, the mornings are cooler and daylight tints from amber dawn to sepia dusk. The stifling weather umbrella over us begins to close at last, fulfilling callous promises of rain and succoring the fat St. Augustine grass, while ranchers and little boys dance in muddy puddles. The changing season is also a time to contemplate changes in our lives, those with which we must cope and those that we must make. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” You may be familiar with these words from the Book of Ecclesiastes in The King James Bible. Or perhaps upon reading it, you hear “turn, turn, turn” echo within the phrases, as they do in the 1965 pop song adaptation by The Byrds. In either event, these words speak to our human need to understand the cycles of our lives and align them to the universe. This season finds me coping with the most significant changes in my life since I returned to Laredo from Seattle nine years ago. “A time to be born, a time to die…” In the waning days of this past summer, I almost lost my father. His Alzheimer’s disease began to rob him of his ability to swallow food and water without aspirating it into his lungs, infecting them into a critical state of pneumonia. As he lay in the ER already having moved quickly from a simple nasal cannula to a BiPAP breathing apparatus gripping his head, pushing air and oxygen aggressively into his lungs, I couldn’t help but remember the agreement that we both signed years before Alzheimer’s appeared on the scene - no intubation, no feeding tube, and no resuscitation (DNR). These were his legally expressed wishes then, but as things escalated, I began to doubt my resolve to follow through. Now at the very moment considered so easily in our attorney’s office years ago, I could not be certain whether he still meant it, or if he wanted to change his mind. Just before I had to make the ultimate decision, he began to respond and then to recover, leaving it all for another day. On September 22, just four days after my father was discharged from the hospital into a nursing home, as summer turned toward autumn, I told him that his first great grandson Austin Hart was born in Tennessee. I hope he understood. “A time to plant, a time to reap…” Also this summer, my two youngest children left home. My son Evan, his newly minted MBA in hand, moved to Los Angeles to begin his business management career with an exciting company; then only weeks later, I drove my youngest child, my daughter Lily, to Texas A&M University to begin life as a college student. I still remember being

on their side of it, struggling with callow impatience to rip my roots from the dusty ground beneath, and only barely noticing my mother’s tears and worry. Now I was the worried one, and now I know just how hard my mother tried to hide those tears. My dreams for them, so gloriously realized in the brightness of summer, didn’t take into account the reality of the many adjustments that I would have to face through autumn in the wake of their fulfillment. “A time to build up, a time to break down…” Changes are not just those which we must endure or manage through. Some changes we ourselves must activate and propel to assure the best alignment of life with its ultimate purpose. At the end of this year, after five years as its Producing Artistic Director, and almost a year of transition, I am officially handing the leadership of Laredo Theater Guild International, a nonprofit theater organization serving this community, to its next generation creative and administrative team. Those that know the commitment of passion, time, and money that I have given to this most worthy arts organization that I co-founded are aware that this was neither an easy nor a quick decision for me. It is, however, a necessary one. The turning seasons only mean that we have less of them to expend, and now I need more room in my life for other things. Through the changing seasons’ inevitable move toward winter, we should continue to explore and discover our true purpose on Earth, while we prepare for the bounty of another spring. As the seasons turn, so must we.


cream october / novembre 2014


your biggest accomplishment

your favorite kind of day

autumm for me is

what defines a great woman



Gorgeous natural lighting? Check. A wholly refreshing ambience? Check. The ability to transport you into a temporary state of nirvana? Triple check. it’s been said that a little indulgence is good for the soul. For a fully invigorating experience from your head to your toes (and some underrated, yet crucial “me” time) one should look no further than Skintology Spa. Whether you had a long week at work that not even a Grey Goose martini (or a few) can remedy or choose a life of leisure, the Cream team highly encourages you to allow yourself to be taken into the more than capable hands of Andria and Cristell Laurel, the proud owners, and their team of highly trained individuals, for an otherworldly journey into the depths of full bliss and relaxation. In order to gain some insight into the foundation of this exceptional establishment, the aforementioned dynamic sisterly duo, took time out of their hectic luxury spa-managing schedule to answer a few questions for us.

g n i h t e m o s s ing r b y our a d r o f y r , e l v a o “E g e am s e h n t a t h t u b r , e t t t n e e b r e g f dif elin ur doors.” e f e v a e l o t clients walked through o when they

We have visited spas from all over the world, and have tried to incorporate our favorite experiences from each place and provide a service that is exceptional. Also, we’ve consulted with experts and believe we have built the right team to bring a unique spa experience to Laredo. The first step was finding a location large enough to be able to sustain all of our ideas. The extra push to getting it into motion came from the support of our parents, Roberto Laurel and Lisa Jacaman. Then came the hard part, opening it. Our parents raised a very tight-knit family, so we have always been close. We are blessed to have the values that we do and do not take each other for granted. We will even have conferences with our brother when we can’t make a decision or agree on something. He has become our mediator without even signing up for the task. The best part of working together is having a partner to fall back on, one you can trust wholeheartedly and know that she also wants the absolute best for the business. The worst part is that we both have strong opinions, and disagreeing is never fun. We have very different personalities, but the same taste and expectations. Our differences bring a unique touch to the industry; combining them together is quite the formula. The most challenging aspect of what we do is that we always feel we can improve our business; we are never satisfied. It is a job that is never done. The most rewarding part would have to be receiving positive feedback from our clients and family. We want to expand, not only in Texas but other states as well! Our goal is that one day Skintology Spa, a small business founded in Laredo, will be a staple in all major cities. A place of peace and tranquility that is recognized for its outstanding services and benefits.

Every day brings something different, but the same goal, for our clients to leave feeling better than when they walked through our doors. There are so many things that are in the works and will soon be available, such as pedicures, eyelash extensions, a sauna, and several other exciting ideas. Come to refresh your life; whether it be a facial to revitalize your skin, a massage to de-stress, a body wrap to condition and detoxify, pilates to tone and stretch, body sculpting or laser, experience the difference at Skintology Spa.

To pursue fashion you don’t need a certification in hunting. Wear the hunting look this season. Chase the classic, modern and sophisticated style! Tom Ford Aviators $380 / Joe Brand Jon Hart Shotgun Bag $399 / Joe Brand

Remy Windbreaker $595 / Joe Brand

TORRAS Sweater $895 / Joe Brand Lug Duffle Bag $120 / Personal Over Touch

Montblanc Leather watch $3,820 / Joe Brand

Lug Backpack $120 / Personal Over Touch


hen i tell people i have scoliosis, i am astonished that so many people are not aware of what it is. the answer is quite simple. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. During a routine physical checkup required for participating in sports in the 7th grade, the nurse noticed that my back had a curvature. I was then quickly referred to a specialist in San Antonio, where the doctor determined that I had scoliosis and that I would need to wear a back brace. I was referred to an orthotist, where I was measured from my chest, back and waist and then, I was fitted into a custom-molded cast that ran from the top of my chest to just above my pelvic bone. I wore my back brace faithfully for about 20 hours each day for 3 years. In the south Texas heat of over 100 degrees, I was wearing layers of clothing to hide my brace. However, with time, I was no longer being ridiculed and I had gained the confidence to show my brace and inform people about what scoliosis was and the importance of wearing my brace. Although it was something very difficult physically and emotionally, my scoliosis lead to problems that were much more difficult. I began fainting at the age of 12, and as my curvature increased, the occurrence of my fainting spells increased.

At the end of my senior year, my scoliosis specialist informed us that because my curvatures had exceeded 50 degrees, the only solution left was to get spinal surgery. At that point, my parents researched various scoliosis specialists and luckily they found an orthopedic surgeon from Houston who was willing to operate me. Upon the first visit with the doctor, I told him about my fainting spells and he smiled and assured me not to worry that they would vanish after the surgery. On June 25, 2010, I had surgery to correct my scoliosis. During the period of the 8-hour surgery, 2 rods and 21 screws were inserted into my back to hold my spine in place. Months prior to my surgery, I mentally prepared myself for the obstacles I was going to be faced with, and I knew that God was going to give me the strength I needed to overcome this difficult obstacle. Also, living in a small town does have its advantages. I not only had the support from my family, friends and loved ones, but I also had the support of my home town and knew that everyone back home was praying for me. The recovery process was long and painful and many times I felt hopeless, but during those times I stopped and reflected on how blessed I was to be healthy, alive, and to have the support of my family. The pain and emotions I felt living with scoliosis are difficult to put into words, but I often tell people my story in order for them to realize that it is just a bump in the road. I lived with fainting spells and scoliosis for 6 years, and it has been 4 years since my surgery and thank God I have not fainted and I am feeling better than ever. I now have a 15-inch scar down my back and each time I see my scar, I am reminded to continue to be stay strong and have a positive outlook on life.

I didn’t let my scoliosis prevent me from doing the things I loved. I graduated with a 4.0 from Texas A&M International University in December 2013, and I am now pursuing a Master’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology at the University of Texas at Kingsville. I also continued to model and compete in pageants. I’m the former Miss Zapata 2013 and I was given the opportunity represent my town at the 2014 Miss Texas USA Pageant. Because I am so grateful for my recovery, I want to give back. I am currently writing a book about my story and hope to be able to inspire other girls who are in the same situation as I was to accept their differences because differences are what make us unique. I believe at through it all we must “Stay strong.” BY MELISSA MARTÍNEZ


cream october / november 2014

ion t i d e d a Abro

An intrepid traveler pursuing her master’s degree in the cold country, Isabela Cigarroa has taken on a journey of self-discovery and reliance on her abilities to incorporate all she’s learned in the states to get by in a foreign country. Armed with confidence and enthusiasm, she is the protagonist of our latest “College Life” section! Read below to get all the scoop on this once in a lifetime experience. What is the most challenging part of having a college life? The difficulty of living in an incredible city and getting to fully experience this new place is also making time for studying. I would much rather be exploring than sitting at a desk! Is attending school in a different country something distressing or exciting? It is mostly exciting!!! Picking up the Russian language while simultaneously working on a master’s degree is definitely something difficult, but it gives me a ton of opportunities I wouldn’t otherwise have. Do you feel like these coming years will impact your life goals? The next two years will definitely direct me towards my future career. My current goal is to do well in classes, but my future goal is to appropriately apply what I learn. How has your family life been affected now that you are in another country? I know I am missing my younger brothers growing up, but I am used to being away from home. Notre Dame was in South Bend, Indiana, which sometimes felt as far away as Russia is. Have you made any serious decisions already? Anything that made you feel like this was a different stage in your life? I am now living by myself. It is a stepping stone. I always had either a roommate or a family member living in the same apartment or house, so living alone is completely foreign to me. Anything else you want to share with us? I encourage everyone to study abroad! I loved my study abroad semester so much that I am now back in Saint Petersburg for two years! Who knew that just one semester would change my trajectory from law school to living in Russia!



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t is a fact that the breathtaking architecture, a common staple of Italian cathedrals, speaks for itself. I hate to admit it, and it might be that I’m not at the age where I can truly appreciate the kind of detail and historical value these structures uphold, but I was much more delighted at the true homage to carbohydrates that is Italian cuisine. The highlight must’ve been the wine tasting tour in an authentic family-operated vineyard which has been in the “famiglia Maionchi” for generations. Fattoria Maionchi is a little corner of paradise situated essentially in the middle of nowhere, by a city named Lucca (which coincidentally was also our tour guide’s name). There I learned my ideal vacation is dipping a biscotti into a traditionally Italian dessert wine, VinSanto, while soaking in the picturesque view that is the Tuscan countryside. I almost allowed the bus to leave me behind purposely. Almost. Other highlights included the Italian GEM, located along the Amalfi coast, in the city of Positano. Two questions popped in my mind along the drive, the first being “How are there no songs written to honor this place?” and “Why do all Italians drive these winding roads like absolute madmen? I’m going to be sick.” Then the driver mentioned familiar A-listers who enjoy vacationing in this perfect seaside town. As I was walking downwards along the

30 cream october /

november 2014

roads of this town, situated on a steep cliff towards the beach, I decided this was a prospective honeymoon location; however, as we were ascending back to the top by taking a seemingly endless staircase (honestly, we must’ve climbed at least 300 stairs. I think I cried at one point), I decided that maybe not. To quote John Steinbeck: “Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone.” Honestly, if your intent is to have a relaxing vacation, I would think twice before booking a trip to the Old World. Although the adventure could be enervating at times, Italy proved to be a place of discovery. Anything ranging from art, architecture, food, history or even the people, every city is incredibly different from the next; there is a myriad of aspects for anyone to fall in love with what for me is an essential travel destination which I will definitely be returning to. Whether it was tossing a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Rome or appreciating Michelangelo’s Pietà in the Vatican, to drinking a ridiculously expensive cocktail at the Armani Hotel’s Bamboo Bar in Milan or eating pizza in Naples and walking through the ancient city of Pompeii or through Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance era, Italy has something for all walks of life. La Dolce Vita, indeed.


from left to right:

Elva V. Jordan, D.D.S. Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Joe Castellano, D.D.S. Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Christian C. Cabello, D.D.S. Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

castellano and carpenter dental associates, p.c.


hoosing a dentist that can understand and treat the dental needs as well as the emotional needs of a child is important in achieving a healthy smile and a healthy child. We strongly feel that pediatric dental care is essential for giving children the proper foundation for a healthy life, from childhood through adolescence and beyond. A great experience when they are young can lead to years of a happy, healthy smile. We get to see our patients grow up, walking, their first day at school, playing sports, prom, graduation, etc. We enjoy celebrating, along with their parents, the milestones they reach throughout their lives. The individualized, high quality care that we provide is a result of the specialized training that our pediatric dentists receive, coupled with 36 years of combined experience. All three of our doctors grew up in Laredo and understand the culture, the values, and the oral health needs of Laredo’s children. Every child deserves a happy, healthy smile, and we’re here to help every step of the way.

“We have found that working with children is very rewarding. From the big smile, to the high fives, to the children’s “words of wisdom,” each child brings their own special pearl to the visit.” It is important for us to understand the concerns parents have for the well-being of their children entrusted to our care. Our main philosophy resides in treating infants, children, and adolescents like our own. From our special office design to our communication style, our goal, along with our staff, is to help all children feel good about visiting the dentist and teach them how to care for their teeth. We provide unique, positive, and nurturing settings for children and emphasize education, prevention, and positive experience. Our staff is trained to provide the warm and friendly care that children need. Our little patients love coming for their routine check-ups and we love seeing their smiles!

Oral health tips from the pros... Dr. Joe: Dental visits should begin around six months but no later than one year, or with the appearance of a child’s first tooth. The earlier the dental visit, the better the chance of preventing dental problems. Dr. Jordan: Starting at birth, clean your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or cloth and water. As soon as the teeth begin to appear, start brushing twice daily using a soft age-appropriate sized toothbrush. Dr. Cabello: Ensure your children are eating a balanced diet and limit frequency of snacking which can increase a child’s risk of developing cavities.

7002 McPherson, Suite 104, Laredo, TX 78041 • (956) 725-5035 Monday through Thursday from 8am to 5pm • Closed on Fridays cream october / november 2014




Visiting New York is a life-altering experience, and even more so when you venture to explore Coney Island, an amazing place where the amenities and attractions have captured its visitors since the last century is only 45 minutes away from Manhattan and you can get there via subway. Be sure to work up an appetite so you can relish in the legendary Nathan’s Famous hot dogs on Stillwell Avenue, and enjoy the view from the boardwalk while you feel the ocean’s breeze. Without a doubt, Coney Island should be a must on your bucket list.

I wanted to create something simple, but with a very big message. I started going through some photography from the internet, as I like to browse through pictures until I find something that I like. One of the rules they had was that, the drawing/painting could not have any letters or words, just an image that would express itself. I decided to make a hand with the red ribbon (red ribbon is a symbol for Solidarity with HIV-positive people and those living with AIDS), as if it was passing or giving the red ribbon, which symbolized the AIDS awareness/prevention. It took me about three and a half days to complete the mural, working around three hours each day. I have a full time job, so I had to go after work, then by the time I started working on it, the day would start getting dark, I didn’t have much time. I am very proud of this mural, and I hope it can reach out to the youth in our community, and make them more aware of this disease.

SHARE THE MESSAGE Media used: Acrylic exterior paint on concrete MIRO RAMÍREZ 1st place Winner 2012 and People’s Choice

L.E.T.S. raise awareness! Artists and The Laredo Health Department joined forces to bring attention to the very important topic of HIV/AIDS. Since 2011, The L.E.T.S Program has organized contests where artists may expose their talent as they express their feelings on this topic. Every year, the panel of judges and the attendees evaluate the works of many artists participating at this event where the winner does not only obtain recognition for the continuous hours of inspiration, but obtains a wide variety of educational information. For the past two years, this department realized that exploring new available areas for these talented individuals to paint will impact society in a better way. This is why now North Central Park is a witness of not only judgment day, but of great walks of awareness and self education. BY SANDY LUGO

VICTORIA MAJESTA MÁRQUEZ 1st place Winner 2013 NO ONE’S SAFE, SO PREVENT NOW! Media used: Acrylic exterior paint on concrete

This was an overall learning and challenging experience. I am grateful to call this piece mine and appreciate my mother Yanira Solís, my boyfriend Joseph Manzo, and everyone else who aided in the production of this mural. You are all a blessing. The medium was external paint which changed color in correlance with the light presented. I later understood the paint, and it was perfect for this mural because it won’t chip or fade. As for the message of this artwork, I wanted show my take on this detrimental disease. My piece illustrates how HIV is a disease that has no understanding of race, gender, or social statuses. HIV will infect anyone it can find. Some have a mindset that they are almost “immune” to it because they believe that they will never acquire such a disease but the fact of the matter is that it can, has, and will infect anyone. So please, get tested, be safe, and prevent now. This program does not only support the arts, but also provides free support to those individuals that are interested to know about HIV/AIDS. If you are interested in participating or you know of space availability, you may contact Erica Domínguez at (956) 795-4905 cream october / november 2014


LOLITAS BISTRO 6950 McPherson Rd. Suite C Laredo, Texas 956.568.5334

Glazed Pan-Seared Chilean Sea Bass with Orange Cucumber Relish ingredients

• 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar • 1 teaspoon sugar

• 1/4 teaspoon ground mustard • 1/4 teaspoon dill

• Salt and pepper, to taste

• 1/2 cup diced cucumber • 1/3 cup diced orange

In a small bowl combine all ingredients. Set aside. • 2 Chilean Sea Bass filets

• 1/2 orange (the unused half from the relish) • 2 tablespoons olive oil+

• Salt and pepper, to taste instructions

Drizzle oil in a heated skillet and place the fish in it, squeeze the juice of half an orange evenly over the top of the fish, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover the skillet and cook fish over medium-high heat for approximately 6 minutes on the first side, flip and cook (covered) for 2-3 more minutes, adding more oil as needed. Allow fish to rest for a couple minutes, plate it, spoon relish over the top or on the side.



s a chef, I always dreamed of going to the culinary capital of the states, New York City. Where foods from all over the world come and meet in one overcrowded, angry island. Streets are filled with vendors and every corner is a different culinary region. A simple hotdog is transformed into a feast for all the senses. Yes, New York is a chef ’s ultimate culinary dream. The number of spectacular and unforgettable dishes I was fortunate enough to try, in my short time residing, is extraordinarily large. Dishes that are “last meal” worthy, they are “I need help zipping up my jeans” worthy, which I may have said once or twice. I sampled foods from Africa, India, and yes even Mexico, which were above and beyond anything I could have ever expected. Right after I graduated, I started a catering service from my mom’s kitchen which lasted about a year. After that, I packed my bags and ran as fast as I could, all the way to the big apple. Once I was there, it all began. Living in a studio apartment on Bowery Street, the first thing I had to overcome was sleeping with 24/7 traffic noises and the everlasting stench of trash. But living in the city that never sleeps was so exciting, that all those insignificant inconveniences were just that, insignificant. So I put on my giant winter coat to brave the harshness of winter and began school at the French Culinary Institute a week after I arrived. It was all so amazing; being surrounded by people from all parts of the world who shared my passion was perfect. I felt at home.

New York City will always be my home away from home. A giant melting pot with an infinite array of culture. Where everything happens and nothing, not even their bagels, are plain. BY MAITA FERNÁNDEZ

cream october / november 2014


balancing interests


omen’s role in today’s society presents more challenges and is more complex than ever before, yet at the same time it is more comprehensive and gratifying also. There’s no single way to be a woman, it all depends on the time, place, context, and the conditions of each and every one of the diverse phases in our lives, but at the end, what really matters is that each one can choose their path in life and become who they want to be. In the past, the access to higher education and certain social and work settings had been exclusively reserved to the male-driven culture of the past. Women’s reality in today’s present environment is quite a different one. Their role has changed dramatically throughout the last few decades, and now it is completely normal that women be a part of the workplace and hold high ranking jobs that imply new responsibilities and obligations, as well as privileges. At the same time, they are contributing to the economic development of their families and that of their country. Although women are still the primary caregivers in the majority of homes in America, they are a major force in the labor market. Combining these two aspects in their lives and also meeting the high expectations of those around them is no easy task. Nevertheless, it is also not impossible, and being able to seamlessly pull it off brings a sense of great personal satisfaction. Cream is proud to recognize five outstanding women who bring all these wonderful qualities to the forefront through their constant excellence in their profession. REPORTED BY SANDY LUGO / INTRODUCTION BY PAOLA JUÁREZ

Jessica orbe mendiola Vice President, Corporate Compliance at IBC Bank

IBC empowers me with opportunities to voice and implement my ideas. Working with individuals that are passionate about what they do has been an essential driver to my own success. Furthermore, the bank provides a family atmosphere which makes going to work so much fun and one of the reasons why I have built strong friendships at IBC. My life at home is as equally challenging, demanding, and fulfilling as my job; planning ahead, time management, and multitasking are important in both areas. My smart phone helps me stay on top of everything from daily meetings to business trips, grocery lists, kid birthday parties, and many other activities. Jessica loves spending time with family and friends. She is a yoga addict, passionate runner, committed Board member for Voz de Niños, and always enjoys traveling.

“Start at the bottom and learn as much as you can because the more you know the more valuable you are.” -Jaclyn

Jaclyn de la viÑa-méndez Vice President at Falcon International Bank

Being confident is extremely important in my profession; our customers need to be assured that their finances are being handled responsibly. Banking is no longer a man’s world and as long as you are willing to work hard, and you have confidence, you can compete with anyone regardless of gender; this is something that my mom instilled in me at a very young age. The best part of my job is that it allows me to be a mother first and an employee second. I work for a company whose philosophy is: Faith, Family, & Falcon, in that order. I’m blessed that my values are in line with those of my bosses.

Jaclyn enjoys spending time with her family, the occasional jog, and loves gift wrapping while listening to Christmas carols during the holidays.

“My favorite part of my job is the people I work with. My motto is that you are as good as the people around you.” -Susana

Estela Martínez-garcía First Vice President and BSA/AML Compliance Officer at Texas Community Bank

I have devoted my entire professional career to the banking industry and I have been with my current employer, Texas Community Bank (TCB), for over 10 years. Aside from having the best staff, I have great supervisors. Their guidance has tremendously contributed to building the leader/manager I am today.

My most meaningful achievements have been obtaining my business degree while working full-time, becoming a leader in my career, and having a happy family. The most influential individuals in my life have been my father, in my early years, and then later my husband. Growing up, my father encouraged me to be the best, figure out my strengths and accomplish more than he did. On the other hand, my husband motivated me to pursue my education. He always reminds me that I cannot wait for success to come to me; I need to make it happen. I have been able to balance my career and personal life by organizing my time and setting daily priorities. There is no way that I would have accomplished this work-family balance without the tremendous support from my husband.


cream october / november 2014

Estela is a proud mother of two wonderful kids with her husband of 14 years. In her spare time, she enjoys being a parent volunteer at her kids’ school; she currently serves as Secretary for the 2014/2015 PTC Board. Additionally, she is a volunteer Board Member for PILLAR, a nonprofit organization that provides services for prevention of suicide and bullying.

Susana meléndez-Valencia Banker, Laredo City President for BBVA Compass

My greatest accomplishments are my family and my career. My husband has influenced me and given me unconditional support as I pursued my career. My first boss encouraged me to stay humble, be candid with people, and be a better listener. My second boss pushed me out of my comfort zone, showed me the meaning of teamwork and provided me with the opportunities to take my career to the next level. I am proud to work for a company that has invested in my professional development for more than 15 years and recognizes how dedicated I am to my career.

Susana loves traveling and has visited about 40 countries.

Veronica PeÑa Personal Banker II, Business Advocate at Wells Fargo

My educational background gave me a foundation on which to build my career and the 31 years in banking have provided me with a lifetime of skills and knowledge to be at my current position. I’ve been blessed with such an incredible team and terrific colleagues waking up every morning to serve customers and work with one of the best financial institution in the world, it’s been a great honor to have the opportunity to help so many customers satisfy their financial needs and succeed financially. My advice to anyone pursuing a career in the banking industry is to have a positive attitude, be kind, listen, and have a willingness to help those that seek your advice. Know the company you work for and understand its vision and values in order to envision success at its highest levels. Verónica enjoys spending time with her family.

We Take a look at the assorted variety of hand creams, fragrances, candles, shower gels, bath salts, and many other pampering products that will make you relax just at the single thought of them. The soothing aromas in all their products will make you fall in love as soon as your senses take in their glorious smell. Cream dutifully certifies the Lollia collection and we invite all our creamers to indulge in this guilty pleasure by finding what’s right for you at Mel’s Boutique, located at 7917 McPherson Rd., Suite 206, shop online at, or call them at (956) 723-6357.




Enfocado en la producción desde su principio, el Wero ha dedicado su vida no solo a la pantalla, sino también a la radio. En 1997 fue cuando su talento comenzó a desarrollarse en una estación de Querétaro para después continuar su trayectoria aquí en Laredo contribuyendo en Univisión. Fue tanta su popularidad, que Digital 94.9 lo invitó a formar parte de su equipo donde permaneció hasta los finales del 2013. El Wero ahora conduce su propio show de radio en los 40 Principales, donde radioescuchas disfrutan de su programa por las noches. ¿CUÁL HA SIDO TU MEJOR EXPERIENCIA

TRAS BAMBALINAS? En esto de la comunicación siempre tienes que empezar tras telón para aprender el oficio desde abajo y creo que la mejor experiencia son los errores que cometes y lo que aprendes de ellos. ¿QUÉ ES LO QUE MÁS DISFRUTAS DE ESTAR EN CABINA? Que cuando estás ahí, realmente estás en otro mundo donde no tienes problemas y todo es como un ejercicio anti estrés. ¿LA LOCUCIÓN TE HA ACERCADO A APRENDER A TOCAR ALGÚN

Pues te acerca más a la música definitivamente y te da curiosidad de explorar algunos instrumentos como el piano, guitarra y la batería. INSTRUMENTO?


Realmente me gustaría visitar y morir en Italia. ¿TIENES ALGÚN PASATIEMPO PECULIAR? Me fascina cantar y creo que no lo hago tan mal. ¿QUÉ SIENTES


Trato de visualizar que estoy teniendo una plática con una persona y no con muchas, de esa forma la información siempre será personalizada y el nervio es menor al reducir en la mente la cantidad de personas que te escuchan. ¿CON


CONCIERTO? Con los últimos integrantes


Definitivamente el nacimiento de mi hijo.



cada vez que prendo el micrófono.

la maña de estarme sobando las manos


Siempre escuchando la razón de la persona, somos servidores públicos al fin de cuenta y tenemos que escuchar las críticas también. ¿HAY ALGUNA CELEBRIDAD QUE TE GUSTARÍA CONOCER? Enrique Bunbury, Woody Allen, Pedro Ferriz de Con, Ignacio López Tarso y Hugh Hefner. ¿QUÉ O QUIÉN TE MOTIVA A MEJORAR CADA DÍA? Mi hijo es mi motor para hacer las cosas bien todos los días. NO ESTÁS DE ACUERDO CON UN RADIOESCUCHA ACERCA DE SUS OPINIONES SOBRE UNA BUENA PELÍCULA, ¿CÓMO LO CONVENCES DE LO CONTRARIO? Simplemente le das tu punto de vista, al final de todo, siempre son opiniones que vienen de personas diferentes y es muy difícil estar de acuerdo con todo el mundo. ¿A QUÉ LOCUTOR ADMIRAS? Víctor Manuel Luján, José Ramón San Cristóbal, Eduardo Videgaray y mis colegas Reynaldo Arias, Ulises Campos, Eric Soto, Sammy the House y mi maestro Néstor Cobos. HAS QUE DECIR ACERCA DE TI. ¿CÓMO REACCIONARÍAS?


SU EVOLUCIÓN? Café Tacvba es el que más me ha llamado la atención por su evolución musical, de imagen y son las personas más tímidas y con los pies en la tierra que he conocido en mi vida. ¿CÚAL ES TU COMIDA FAVORITA? Mexicana. ¿ROCK CLÁSICO O CONTEMPORÁNEO? Pregunta difícil, pero me voy por el clásico. ¿CÓMO TE VES EN 5 O 10 AÑOS Y QUE SUEÑOS TE GUSTARÍA CUMPLIR? Pasar a un morning show es el proyecto que quiero hacer con la radio y poner día a día el granito de arena para ser una mejor sociedad. ¿QUÉ HACES PARA DESCONECTARTE DEL TRABAJO? Jugar LEGOS o STAR WARS con mi hijo y pasar tiempo con mi novia que son las personas que más amo. ¿CÓMO ES LA PERSONA QUE HAY DETRÁS DEL WERO? Una persona seria y creo que un tanto tímida, pero siempre con una sonrisa en la cara.

cream october / november 2014


golfing day Powell Watson of Laredo sponsored the Women’s City Club Golfing Tournament held at the Laredo Country Club this past September 6, 2014. The event was a total success and many golfers had the opportunity to showcase their skills with friends and enjoy a great time!

birthday bash! Our dearest Fernando De Haro and good friend Cristobal Rodríguez celebrated their birthday in the way only they can! Local and out of town friends and family joined them on this special day to reminisce about all the good times and plan for many more to come. Happy birthday from the entire Cream team!

officially open Gold’s Gym North held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially inaugurate their brand new facilities. Cream wishes them best of luck in everything!




uchos anhelan ser súper estrellas y llegar a la fama durante la infancia, pero este no fue el caso de Pedro Castañeda, Jr. El actor y administrador de sistemas y seguridad, se recibió de la facultad de Medicina en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León como médico cirujano partero. Aunque su don no era hablar en público ni participar en pláticas, la medicina cambió esta parte de su personalidad. Su trabajo analizando la seguridad de sistemas en San Antonio, Texas, donde actualmente reside, lo llevó inesperadamente a su primera actuación en August Evening, donde fue nominado al premio como mejor actor en los Independent Spirit Awards. Él nos comenta, “Al principio no acepté, pero después de que vi que se trataba de trabajadores migratorios [al] igual que mis padres, acepté, pero con la condición que me ayudaran con mi actuación”. Siguiendo el éxito rotundo de su primera participación cinematográfica, Pedro fue contactado por Pablo Veliz y Ya’ke Smith, otros cineastas independientes. El ser seleccionado para actuar en estas producciones, que después llegaron a tener varias nominaciones para diversos galardones y a ser mostradas en otros países, fue un gran honor. La actuación se lleva en las venas y aunque él no estudio para esta carrera, su talento se percibe en cada una de sus actuaciones. “Espero que cuando vean las películas puedan ver que todos somos humanos en busca de mejorar nuestra situación propia y para nuestras familias”, afirmó. Su participación en August Evening, The Boys of Ghost Town, donde participó con Danny Trejo, Cartoneo y Nopalitos, 12 Days to 100 y Wolf, son experiencias que lo llevaron a aprender como leer un guión, cuál es la postura correcta, producción, entre otras cosas. Estos filmes crean conciencia sobre temas importantes donde la mayoría del público se siente identificado no solo con los problemas en nuestra frontera México-EUA, sino aquellos en los bordes entre otros países. Así como Pedro nos compartió, “Me gustó mucho visitar las Islas Canarias. Después me dieron a conocer que ellos también tienen problemas [de inmigración] con trabajadores de África. Ellos no cruzan el río, cruzan el mar”. Estos no solo son filmes, son maneras de abrir nuestra mente a situaciones de las cuales muchas veces no estamos al tanto y la gran interpretación de actores como Pedro Castañeda nos hacen empatizar con lo que otras familias están viviendo. Su talento le ha ayudado a forjar una carrera exitosa en la pantalla grande, la que espera continúe teniendo un impacto en la vida de tantos alrededor del mundo donde sus películas son exhibidas.

PEDRO CASTAÑEDA cream october / november 2014



of the month Extended Side Angle Pose or Utthita Parsvakonasana (utthita = extended / parsva = side, flank / kona = angle) This fantastic stretch has many variations and is suitable for all levels.

It is often used in sequences alongside Warrior 2 that offer deep inner hip openers. Because of its many benefits, you will see it in almost every class offered at Casa Yoga. The pose offers many therapeutic properties such as strengthening the legs, hips, and core as well as lengthening the side body. When the pelvis is properly aligned, it can relieve constipation and infertility issues by stimulating the digestive and reproductive organs. It’s also an excellent pose to help relieve compression of the lower vertebrae and Sciatic nerve. Model: Rebeca Gonzålez


he changing of the seasons brings in cozy bonfire nights, Halloween candy binging, and Christmas decorating lights, all these my favorite things but most of all, the inevitable fall fashion trends. When the leaves start changing it is only indication that it’s time to bring out the knits and jackets. Highlight the word knit, reasons to be explained further. It’s also the time when we dig our noses into the lengthy pages of the famous Vogue September issue or all the magazines in search of what will be popular during these months. So, it is my duty to mention what’s worth having in hand during these cold couple of months and how to prepare by adding the latest must have pieces into your wardrobe. 46

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Booties and a felt hat for a Parisian meets western chic look. Karl Lagerfeld brought Chanel to Dallas, Texas

for his Pre-fall 2014 show. So in honor of the late Coco Chanel and to salute our beautiful state, this season will have references to western meets Paris. Following that style with this little ensemble; a flowy dress with ankle boots and wide brim hat, suited up with a structured blazer for the Parisian factor.

“White [pants] have life after Labor day,” as put by Refinery 29 editor Annie Greenberg, despite that ancient rule. Fashion loves a good mocking trend and so do I. Here (as you can tell, still not over midi skirts) an all-white look with a pleather popular midi skirt and boxy embellished top; a new silhouette that puts aside the feminine form, which is becoming very popular. Ending with leopard printed heels for my favorite added touch to all that white.

Oversized knits and the color grey, simple as that. Knits are the reason we


get excited for sweater weather and the snuggier the better. Our favorite fabric gets a revamped design from the boyfriend cardigan to a cropped sexy top, even a head to toe look as seen in Stella McCartney and Marc Jacobs were the highlights of the Fall RTW 2014 runways. Here, I picked an oversized specked open knit sweater dress over a plaid sheer top and knit grey pencil skirt for an appropriate office look.

Designers heard our prayers of wanting to go into the cold wearing blankets because now it’s the time to do it. Burberry’s

Christopher Bailey ingeniously monogramed oversized blanket was all over London’s fashion week street style. Blankets or aspen ponchos were brought back to rule over last year’s coat. I’m wearing one over a shirtdress and skinny jeans, accessorized by my favorite belt.

Maybe summer might linger as we are used to down here in the south of Texas, but once those cold fronts come in and scare the heck out of us, they should not find us empty handed. On the contrary, we shall be wearing that new wooly cape we’ve been dying to wear. BY MICHELLE COOK Follow her blog at

cream october / november 2014



game of thrones

The (incredibly graphic) sensation that has swept the nation, and which has additionally nursed an entitled culture of snobs who have read the series on which it is based on, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, and feel the impulse to ruin it for the rest of us. But I digress. Instead, let’s talk about Daenerys a.k.a. the ultimate incarnation of girl power. From quiet and subdued by her brother’s cruelty to a queen and mother of dragons, it’s not a surprise that real life mothers have been naming their babies Khaleesi. Although it’s still a little off-putting. Since the premiere of the show, Daenerys has been an iconic subject for cosplay and Halloween costumes alike, with the platinum blonde hair and indispensable dragon on the shoulder. Who knows, why perhaps it’s the promise of taking over the Iron Throne one day? I’d sure like to see that.

guardians of the galaxy

When Marvel announced they were releasing this movie, most fans of the comic-to-movie adaptations turned to each other and said “who?” Ever since its announcement, it seemed that Guardians of the Galaxy would be the black sheep of the Marvel movie franchise. No one expected it to be the best Marvel movie out to date. With an amazing cast starring Chris Pratt (Andy Dwyer for Parks & Rec fans) as a human bounty hunter, Bradley Cooper lending the voice to Rocket Raccoon, an adorably foul mouthed rodent, Vin Diesel as the oafish tree humanoid Groot, WWE wrestler Batista as Drax the Destroyer, and last but not least, Zoe Saldaña as Gamora, the cybernetically enhanced assassin. These five make up a group of outlaws known as the Guardians of the Galaxy. With its hilarious dialogue and amazing graphics, GOTG is a movie for everyone to enjoy and replicate their over the top ensembles this Halloween!

48 cream october /

november 2014


A refreshingly new take on one of Disney’s most iconic villains, children and adults alike were piqued with intrigue at Angelina Jolie’s portrayal of Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent in the eponymously titled film; and disappoint it did not. A tale about redemption which also defies certain patriarchal values which have been instated in Disney Princess movies since their conception, Maleficent is not only an icon, but the beginning of a new era. Even if that’s not your thing, it is worth watching just to see Jolie’s incredible acting as she tells her own cherub-looking offspring Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, who portrays a young Aurora, to “go away” and “I don’t like children.” It’s almost like a huge inside joke the audience are all part of. And surely with her razor sharp cheekbones and darkly elegant couture, it will come as no surprise that Maleficent will be a staple costume this Halloween season.

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