Cream City Magazine No. 51

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Contributors&Publisher’s Letter

founder & publisher fernando de haro

Design & Production

october • november 2018

N 51 O

copy editor gabriela treviño lead designer gabriela lozano photographer ferch

Hello Creamsters!

high end retouching paola denyce badouin

October has arrived, and soon it will be November. Here is our 51st edition, which is jam packed with really interesting content as we’ve tried to give you time and time again. September was a crazy month. We traveled to Mexico City, where we did a few very cool photo sessions. This time, we met with two actors who are currently skyrocketing to the top in Mexico. We had the pleasure of getting to know Gonzalo García Vivanco and Carlos Marmen and talk about their promising careers. Stay tuned to our social media for a chance to see these two in action in our behind-the-scenes clips. Also in the edition, we had the chance to get to know the founders of Laredo Film Society. These girls got us motivated by hearing them talk about how the organization is planning film and arts related events in Laredo. We need more people like that! As I write this letter, I can’t stop thinking about what is to come. We are now planning our December edition. It’s incredible how time flies; it can be overwhelming, but when you do what you love, it should be taken as a blessing! A big fat hug to all our readers.

production + video assistant katya peña Cream San Antonio christian hachar

Writers joe arciniega, michelle cook, victor hugo garcía, elyssa canales-villarreal, and aira greco.

I’ll see you in the next edition!

Fernando De Haro

Sales cynthia vallejo


Cream Team No. 51 956.753.6755











gaby t

cream city magazine


gaby r


cream_citymag Copyright © 2018 Cream City Magazine is a bi-monthly publication. All rights reserved. Points of view expressed do not necessarily represent those of Cream City Magazine. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the magazine. Advertisers are legally responsible for the content, accuracy, and images of their ads. Printed in Mexico.


Contents Falling For Fall Styled By Michelle


Basic Witches


Wedges Of Memory


Philly Cheesesteak, Anyone?

Mommin’ Made Chic

Arciniega Eyes

Food, Places & Things



Carlos Marmen


Two. One. Oh My!

Gonzalo 34 García Vivanco CREAM FAshion EditoRiAl


Cream Special

San Antonio, TX

Laredo Film Society Fin de semana en CDMX

Victor Hugo en SMA

Styled By Michelle Editorial

Falling For A

nd there you have it, summer is long gone and we’ve got a new season to dress for. The good news is that the leaves are finally changing color, and I am so excited to present you the trends that Fall will be all about! Time to make a checklist, because where’s the fun in fashion if you don’t switch out that over rotated summer closet?


Primary colors. I approached this with some simple color blocking and bulky silhouettes using a boxy, oversized denim jacket over a dusty olive pant and crop set. Let’s archive this look under the athleisure trend too. When you want easy and effortless, look no further.


Polka dots and green suit. This has been quite a year for women, and let the fashion world take note of that! We have taken over the power suit. Women have dabbed on the menswear idea but have not really made it their own. Until this year. We have revolutionized and marched in the name of politics and now, we confidently wear the pants. In this case, I’m showing you an olive green blazer with matching high-waisted shorts, a polka dot top and neon clementine pom pom earrings. Aside from all the political talk, we love polka dots.

Leopard slips and sneakers. Yup, this one has creeped back into our closet, and I’m not mad about it. Devotees have dared to wear it head-to-toe, but let’s take it slow. A comfortable, leopard print slip is the way to go. I’m all about comfort, and having said that, no one is more excited about the ongoing sneaker trend than me. I paired “mix and match” with the olive blazer from the last outfit.

What’s best is that these are all available to you anywhere you shop, without having to spend top dollar. And don’t forget -- if you didn’t Instagram it, you didn’t wear it.




Editorial | Cream City Magazine

The Meet two dynamic achievers who contribute to the development of both Laredos. They are flying high on Cream’s radar.

Dr. Guadalupe Martinez Perez

Luis Antonio Figueroa

Superintendent of Catholic Schools


Since I was a child, I remember always wanting to be a teacher. As a middle and high school student, I always focused on becoming an educator. My career began in December of 1985 as a third grade teacher at Ryan Elementary School.

Coming from a humble family, my father did not have the means to send me to college; so I knew that I would need to work to put myself through school. My father always told us that he would not be able to help us monetarily through college, so he made sure we got the most out of our education in high school. He always instilled in us a strong work ethic, and I started working at a young age. It was at my first job, working at the health department, where I met my surrogate parents, Dr. Shannon T. Peterson, a dentist and Mrs. Marie Link Leyendecker, the office manager. They were instrumental in my career and success as a dental hygienist, a career I still try to practice.

They instilled in me the value of an education, how it could break the cycle of poverty and make a better future for myself and future family. I hope to increase community evangelization through a strong faith-based curriculum at the Catholic schools. I also hope to develop a rigorous educational program to continue the success of our graduates as they continue their studies after high school. 8 CREAM

As soon as I graduated from Thurgood Marshall School of Law, I was offered an opportunity to practice with the late Julio García, a renowned local attorney. I was sworn in one day and handling a divorce case the next day at the age of 24. I have been in private practice since 1979, and I will complete my 39th year of practice this November. My interest in law began when my older brother, Arturo, graduated from law school and also when I saw a murder case being handled by Attorney Julio García in Zapata, Texas.

I have handled hundreds of cases over the years, but one that is memorable was a murder case in Zapata County. The first trial of the case was a hung jury, and in the second trial my client was found guilty but was granted probation. So it was still a victory, and my client was very happy and went home that day as a free man.

With passion and with time you will see the fruits of your hard work. Give back to your community, to the less fortunate, enjoy life and your loved ones. My career has given me the opportunity to make a difference in others’ lives. It has also given me the satisfaction of being able to provide for my family and live very comfortably. I greatly admire people who have fought to help the poor and oppressed, especially President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mommin’ Made Chic Editorial

“Basic Witches” Y

ou know them... roast, double tap, screenshot and hate them just the same. There are many subtypes to modern day depictions of the “Basic Bitch.” The expression alone has become as basic as the description itself. From #the #ones #that #hashtag #every #word #on #their #captions, label hoes and those 30-somethings who still quote lines from Mean Girls. Whether you’re using this term to put someone down or lightheartedly labeling yourself, let me tell you this term has got to go!

If I’m being completely transparent, nothing frightens me more than the thought of existing as a painfully normal, basic bitch. Newsflash: believe it or not we’re all just a little bit basic! Now, here’s the problem. Let me set my pumpkin spice latte aside and begin to explain.

Long before consumer culture hailed fashion bloggers, celebrities and catapulted everyday girls into Instastardom, and before we wishfully scrolled through dozens of perfectly staged photos… We didn’t give AF! Whether you ate a bean and cheese taco or tuna tartar in flight to Asia, no one cared. We’ve created an infinite number of ways to remind us that things aren’t as great as they could be.

I love wearing my leggings on days that I remember to forget to go to the gym. I’m a mom, a writer and sometimes I believe I’m a blogger with Bachelor’s degrees in Communications and Marketing. On paper, I have quite masterfully succeeded in ticking every box of the “journalist basic bitch” category. We can agree to disagree -- that those things may or not be deemed as interesting. Nonetheless, there are so many other women like me who enjoy all the “basic” things I do. We are all different. I love memes. I’m not a grammar Nazi, and yes, fashion excites me. Nonetheless, I can’t begin to comprehend finding fulfillment in a life that consists of gender stereotypes and boldly sustaining the status quo. I’d like to think that this generation is just plain smarter. These clichés and stereotypes are so silly, we all have shortcomings as well as strengths. Let’s dwell on that and not be so hard on ourselves. You do you, baby doll!


Arciniega Eyes Editorial

Wedges of Memory I

had my very first cup of coffee when I was seven years old. Do the math; this devoted coffee drinker just turned sixty. That is about three cups per day, 365 days per year, in the 53 years since. So, I remember the very first of what has been more than 58,000 cups of coffee. And I remember every detail of it. Still. It was the summer of 1966, the third summer since my parents’ divorce that I made the trek from Laredo to San Antonio via Greyhound Bus the day after school let out, only returning the day before it began again. During those summers, I spent all day with my paternal grandmother while my father worked. I never figured out why I was the only one of my siblings that did so, I never even asked. Maybe I didn’t because I never wanted anything to change about it. I loved being with my grandmother. “Andale Quinkie!” It was 8:00 A.M., and Adelina Partida Arciniega did not like being kept waiting. I was still wet from a shower, struggling with my hot stickiness, as I punched my arms into the shirtsleeves of the clothes she laid out for me. “Nana,” I tossed toward the door, “Dad doesn’t want anyone calling me that baby name anymore; he says I am Joe.” I must have forgotten that nobody told my grandmother what to do, and that she still called my father by his baby name. “Let’s go, Quin-Que,” her accent giving my nickname a nickname for either emphasis, rebellion, or both, “Vamos al café!”

“Let’s go, Quin-Que,” her accent giving my nickname a nickname for either emphasis, rebellion, or both, “Vamos al café!”

Wedges Café was on 206 East Fredericksburg Road in central San Antonio. Traveling eastward, the street abruptly forks, with Woodlief Street on the right side diverting cars more gently into a neighborhood of porched clapboard houses, leaving the faster commuters on Fredericksburg heading downtown. Within the saddle of land, a small wedge-shaped strip created by the forking, was nestled the wedge-shaped Wedges Café. And if the bell slapping the door with the oval window didn’t announce us sufficiently, the imperious, perfumed, grande dame followed by the little boy in Sunday best clothes (not of his own choosing), whose drying hair was beginning to cowlick in several directions, caught everyone’s attention. “Two coffees, please. Right away,” BY JOE ARCINIEGA | 12 CREAM

sent the waitress scurrying. Nana had a way of commanding obeisance even from strangers. “Nan,” I caught the quick worried glance the waitress gave me, “I don’t drink coffee. I’m just seven years old.” Saying nothing, my grandmother looked at me with loving intensity as she unwrapped the palm sized red and white box of Pall Mall cigarettes, lighting and inhaling the first of many that day. She kept my gaze; she didn’t have to mind what she was doing, her fingers acted in complete sense memory. “Quinkie,” she exhaled as the scurrying worrying waitress arrived with two smoking cups, “I’m going to be sixty this year and you will be eight. I’m old enough to know better, and you are old enough to drink coffee with your grandmother.” And that was that. Both the waitress and I seemed relieved to have that fully settled with such definitive, if not entirely logical, finality. In that moment, my grandmother could have double lit two of those filtered Pall Malls and placed one in my chubby hands, and no one would have dared object. My first careful sip of coffee was a revelation. Once my grandmother topped mine off with cold milk and added three lumps of sugar, the thick smooth cup was as warm as a puppy, and the flavor as sweet. Over coffee and pan dulce, above the cheerful chatter of the patrons in the place she pronounced “Wedgies,” my grandmother spoke with me as she would the most scintillating adult in the room. She talked, she listened, she questioned, she commented, she replied, and she laughed. She told me stories about her life as a girl on a farm, born the same day as their piglets, about her father who died in the flu of 1918, before she was even a teenager, and about her mother who was raised by nuns in an orphanage. She talked of her ex-husband, and about her children, my father included, stories that covered the infinite variety of sixty years of a life at that point. I listened to her every word. And I remember all. Wedges of memory in the most aptly named place anywhere. Oh, and the coffee, gallons and gallons of coffee.

Cream Certified | Cream City Magazine


People | Cream City Magazine


Let’s Meet...

Yesenia B


25, Entrepreneur How do you combine what you love with what you do? Inspiring the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” and immigration reform are my greatest interests. I am actively fulfilling my vision of helping entrepreneurs cultivate and monetize their calling by providing clarity, personal developmental guidance, systemic working business models, and data driven optimization.

Pasta con



have always been a pasta lover. Don’t ask me why; I just love it. Recently, I had the opportunity to try a delicious pasta at a wonderful restaurant! The façade is low-key, and it is easy to miss. When you go inside, though, you step into a different place in time and space. It has the perfect Spanish ambiance, with beautiful music that makes one just start to sway their way to a table. The peachy-colored brick walls, occupied with paintings of elegant bullfighters and graceful flamenco dancers, suffuses the restaurant in such a way that makes one feel in an Andalusian holein-the-wall. Most furniture is made of wood, which gives the place a smell of an early Spanish colonial residence. The music seems to make the whole bar move to and fro, like it resides on the hips of a flamenco dancer.

What are your recent projects and/or accomplishments? Aside from my proficiency in Systems Engineering and Political Thought, I have recently founded a state-wide organization for young professionals interested in commerce, advocacy and leadership. I am also sought out as a public speaker in corporate and educational events.

What are 3 words that best describe you? Leader, Empowering, and “chiquita pero picosa!” What is your ultimate goal? To positively impact as many lives as possible before I die. Although, I know I’ll only get as far as God permits me.

They open from Thursday to Saturday and have live music from local artists. They even have live flamenco shows by international and regional artists. Don’t take my word for it! Stop by to experience it first-hand. Now, let’s get back to the pasta! This delicious dish is shrimp tossed in angel hair with lemon herb olive oil. The pasta goes exquisitely with a bottle of sangria or any Spanish wine of your choice from their extensive wine selection. If we have not convinced you yet, the crystal bread is to die for. So, if you ever find yourself starving on a weekend, having trouble deciding what to eat and on the edge of madness, do yourself a favor and try the Pasta con Gambas at Casa Lopez Tapas Bar. Oh, yes, this is not in Spain, it’s in Laredo. *wink, wink*

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Food, Places & Things Editorial

Philly Cheesesteak,


As soon as you hear the word “Philly” the word “cheesesteak” seems to always follow. The dish is incredibly popular not only in the Pennsylvania area, but also throughout the entire United States. Many restaurants and franchises have attempted to invent their own. But alas, no one does it like the city of



t all began in the 1930’s with a hot dog vendor named Pat Olivieri. Surrounded by meats, toppings, and cheeses, the idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. Why not put sautéed rib eye on an Italian roll? And why not add onions and peppers into the mix? Well, that’s exactly what Olivieri did. And it was a hit! It wasn’t until the 1940’s that cheese was introduced to the sandwich. Soon enough, everyone wanted a cheesesteak! Cab drivers would pass by in their cars, take one whiff of Olivieri’s invention and sure enough, they’d pull over. This then led to the opening of “Pat’s King of Steaks” right on 9th Street and Passyunk Avenue in Philly. Fortunately, I had the pleasure of visiting Pat’s and found it to be an appetizing and enticing experience! Upon arrival, you’ll see that the line reaches up to 3 blocks long. Then, once you’ve made your way to the front of the line that’s where the real magic happens. For beginners, ordering can be a little intimidating. At least it was for me! Keep this in mind, ordering isn’t the same everywhere. Some may find the experience of ordering to be thrilling; some may think otherwise. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! It all truly depends on the location, popularity and style of restaurant or stand.


If you ever find yourself at Pat’s, however, here’s my advice to you. First thing you’re going to want to say is how many sandwiches you’d like. Then, whether or not you’d like onions. Finally, your choice of cheese. I’ll use my personal order as an example. “One, without onions, and with wiz! Please and thank you!” Once that’s over, you’ve got your order, and you can enjoy the savory goodness of all that is the city of Philly! After this experience, I firmly believe that once you’ve ordered yourself a cheesesteak in the actual city of Philadelphia, there isn’t a single thing you CAN’T do! The hustle and bustle of cooks running about, the aroma of cheese and meats, the constant announcing of “With wiz!” or “Without onion!”

Now that’s what I call lunch!


GarcíaVivanco Hace unos días, Cream aterrizó en la Ciudad de México para entrevistar en exclusiva al talentoso actor Gonzalo García Vivanco, quien aparte de platicarnos sobre su carrera, nos cuenta un poco sobre su nueva faceta de traveling photographer.

¡Definitivamente un artista en su máxima expresión! Los invitamos a que descubran más sobre sus próximos proyectos y aventuras que estamos seguros los va a sorprender.

Actor Gonzalo García Vivanco


Fotografía Ferch

Stylist Manuel Delgado

Retoque Fotográfico Paola Denyce Badouin

Maquillaje y Peinado Leslie Corte/The Makeup Center

Locación The Booker Agency Producción Miguel Angel Reyes

Blazer LOB Camisa ADR SUPPLY

Lo importante, para Gonzalo García Vivanco, es estar abierto a las oportunidades que nos ofrece la vida.

“Mi carrera empezó, la verdad, sin buscarlo”, comparte el actor de 36 años, quien es conocido por su interpretación de Diego García en la serie popular, Soy tu fan. Aunque estudió teatro en la preparatoria, todo llegó de manera inesperada. “Primero estudié música. Era muy malo en música; luego cambié a dibujo. Era muy malo en dibujo y entonces llegué al teatro. Es lo único que me gustó. En mi vida nunca pensé ser actor; esto sucedió y llegó a mí. Llegó cuando vine a vivir aquí al DF”, cuenta Gonzalo en una entrevista exclusiva con CREAM en la Ciudad de México. Originario de Guadalajara, Jalisco —el actor también trabajó como modelo mientras terminaba la preparatoria en la CDMX; fue en un set de un comercial que lo invitaron a una escuela de actuación. “Como siempre me gustaba actuar en teatro, dije, <<Bueno, vamos a probar>> Y de ahí siguió, se fue dando. Empecé a estudiar en la escuela de actuación y a partir de ahí comenzaron a salir proyectos. Obviamente, siempre con personajes chicos. Poco a poco fui creciendo. Terminé la carrera en México y después me fui a estudiar a Madrid por tres años”, dijo el actor. Alcanzó a ser reconocido en las calles por su papel en la serie, Soy tu fan, cuyo lanzamiento fue todo un éxito. “Esta fue una serie que me gustó muchísimo” dijo García Vivanco. Ana Claudia Talancón, Maya Zapata, Juan Pablo Medina, entre otros actores reconocidos completaron el elenco. “Hubo dos temporadas. Lástima que no hubo una tercera aunque daba para más”, nos compartió el actor. También participó en otras series y telenovelas como La patrona, Tierra de reyes y Las malcriadas.


Denim Jacket ADR SUPPLY


Jeans Diesel


Calzado Nike


Sweater LOB


Jeans Diesel


Blazer LOB


Calzado Nike


Blazer LOB |


Calzado Converse

Ahora el actor se ha sumergido en otra forma de arte: la fotografía. Toma fotos de sus viajes a países distintos y partes de la república mexicana pocos conocidos. Sus fotos, todas en blanco y negro, tienen un estilo de reportaje que te cuentan de una persona o una cultura.

“Yo creo que cada persona tiene un ojo distinto: si pones a cinco personas en esta habitación, cada quien va a ver algo totalmente diferente. Así es mi visión del mundo. La gente que entre a mi Instagram verá un poquito de lo que es mi mundo.” García Vivanco relaciona la actuación con la fotografía. “Va de la mano la sensibilidad. Como actor debes estar conectado con tus emociones y sentimientos. Con la fotografía es igual. A veces me cuesta no tomar una foto y solo observar el momento. En papel de actor soy muy perfeccionista y trato de mejorar cada día. Mejorar en mí, mejorar en mi carrera y mejorar mi profesión”. Al final, nos cuenta que está en pláticas para una serie de televisión que lo tiene muy emocionado. Él seguirá actuando, pero no esperes que sea en una película de terror. “¡Soy muy miedoso! No puedo ver las películas de terror”, nos confesó. Bueno, ojalá sea como un superhéroe o el interés romántico en una historia… ¡las posibilidades son infinitas! Y estamos seguros de que cualquier papel que decida tomar va a ser espectacular. Instagram: @gonzalogarciavivanco (personal) @thepresenttraveler (fotografía)


Pets&People | Cream City Magazine

Monika Cárdenas


What type of pet do you own? An English Bulldog, his name is Mack. How old is your pet and how long have you had it? Mack is one year-old, and we’ve had him since he was a puppy.

When and how did your interest in this species and race spark your interest? My husband, Armando, and I had been wanting an addition to our family. We came across Mack’s brothers and sisters and thought they were super adorable. Bulldogs are usually very lazy, mellow and very muscular or fat. I just fell in love with Mack the moment I saw him. What does your pet mean to you? Mack is actually one of the only ones that is able to bring a smile to my face besides Armando, when I’ve had a crazy, overwhelming day. Mack is like my best friend, someone there for me and always wants to be with me.

What type of special care do you have for your pet? Oh my! He is basically a child. We have to take extra care of his extra rolls, wipe them clean daily. Mack only likes to be outdoors if the sun is down, and he likes to eat ice like his mommy.

Is your pet trained? How difficult was it to train it? He is a very intelligent little fellow. He can sit, give you his paw, give you a high five and lay. I trained him since he was very young, and it wasn’t hard. Tell us your favorite anecdote with your pet. While I go to school and Armando goes to work, Mack stays in a playpen until I arrive. He eventually learned that he could push the playpen around. One day, Mack thought it would be cute to go to the living room and start licking the wall through the playpen. He licked until there was a huge hole in the wall, and we had just moved into our first home. Mack still doesn’t know he can jump over the playpen. Could you give us some tips for when choosing a pet? Try to see yourself in the future with your new friend. Check the breed and how active they are. In knowing that, you should know more or less if they will be great for you.


Monika Cárdenas is an Aesthetician at Laredo Wellness & Aesthetics.

Editorial | CreamPeople City Magazine | Cream City Magazine

People || Cream Cream City City Magazine Magazine People


Let’s Meet...

Let’s Meet...


Yesenia Bondoc


25, Entrepreneur How do you combine what you love with what you do? Inspiring the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” and immigration reform are my greatest interests. I am actively fulfilling my vision of helping entrepreneurs cultivate and monetize their calling by providing clarity, personal developmental guidance, systemic working business models, and data driven optimization.

College Life

What are your recent projects and/or Sophia Alonzo is a 20-year old Musical Theater major accomplishments? Aside from my proficiency and American Sign Language minor at Columbia in Systems Engineering and Political College in Chicago. She sat down with Cream to reveal Thought, I have recently founded a state-wide her experiences and tricks of the trade in higher ed. organization for young professionals interested

in commerce, advocacy and leadership. I am Tell us about yourself: I grew up always singing and dancing, as aout little I’vespeaker also always had the alsoeven sought as baby. a public in corporate incredible love and support from my family. They’ve always been supportive of my musical theater career and educational events. and always told me to go after what I love. So because of them, I’ve been able to follow my dreams. are 3the words that best describe you?isLeader, What is the most challenging part of having a college life?What I think most challenging part finding Empowering, and “chiquita pero picosa!” a balance between everything that goes on. Between classes, extra activities, and meeting new people Whatinisa different your ultimate goal? To positively -- it can be quite overwhelming at times. Is attending school city something distressing or impact asObviously, many livesit’s as hard possible before I die. exciting? For me, attending a school in a different city was both. leaving everyone Although, I know I’ll knows only get as far as God you love and your home, but it’s also refreshing to go somewhere where no one your name. How permits me. do you feel about the changes that can happen during college? I’m learning to take it day-by-day because it’s crazy to think about what the next few years could mean. You go through so many different phases, and it’s important to just accept them and be ready for whatever is to come. Do you feel like these coming years will impact your life goals? For sure! I want to take these years to figure out how I want to go about life after college. This is the time to make things happen, and I want to take advantage of that. I have so many things I want to accomplish. How has your family life been affected now that you are in another city? This is definitely the hardest part of my college experience. My family and I are incredibly close, and I can’t begin to tell you how many tears were shed while we were apart. FaceTime became my best friend, and my whole world was in a tiny screen in my dorm room. Have you made any serious decisions already? Not that I can think of, and I’m okay with that. So many important decisions are going to come up eventually, and I want to take my time before deciding on bigger things. Let’s get back to the fun stuff now: is college life all it’s cracked up to be or were you taken by surprise? I took a gap year so that I could prepare myself as much as I could, but college is definitely filled with many surprises. But it’s SO much fun. Between new and old responsibilities, how do these new college experiences affect you? I think it just makes me more aware of myself as a person and all the things I have to take care of now that I really never dealt with before. It’s definitely more responsibilities. Okay, let us in on the college student life secrets. What is the guilty pleasure you indulge in most? I definitely indulge in the freedom I have now. I got to sleep, eat, and plan stuff whenever I wanted. Also, chocolate chip cookie dough is a MUST for everyone in college. Anything else you want to share with us? I would say that college is definitely a ride, but it’s been the most amazing experience. So for anyone that’s doubting themselves, DON’T. Follow your dreams no matter how scary it may be.


22, Theater Director at Mary Help of Christians School

How do you combine what you love with what you do? I am constantly surrounded by projects for the theater. I enjoy storytelling, be it on stage, through videos, or any type of media. I love illusions, so teaching theater and creating a space for these illusions is not only rewarding but motivating to do more. What are your recent projects and/or accomplishments? I recently graduated from Texas A&M International University with a BA in Communication and a minor in Theater. This summer, I produced “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” at the Laredo Center for the Arts. This was Break A Leg Productions’ third musical. I am currently the fine arts teacher at Mary Help of Christians School and directing projects for Senator Judith Zaffirini and Laredo Theater Guild International.

What is your ultimate goal? My dream is for every person in my community to find ways to express themselves artistically. I try my best to not only encourage but also create as many platforms as possible for people to involve themselves creatively. I will continue to work towards this goal because I believe that Laredo deserves more than just citizens. It deserves art, culture, and to be represented by the creativity it cultivates.

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Editorial | Cream City Magazine

As Laredo’s only Catholic high school, St. Augustine gives students the tools they need to succeed after their studies. The students create strong bonds with each other that last for decades after graduation. Together, they walk the same hallways and follow the same faithbased, college prep curriculums that shape their lives forever.

Success Starts At St. Augustine

Erika Garcia Haynes How has your education at St. Augustine High School influenced the person you are today? Attending St. Augustine has immensely influenced my life. It has shaped me into the person I am today. The Catholic education I experienced gave me the tools to live a life filled with faith and good morals. It also gave me many valuable life lessons that today are still very beneficial and priceless. It taught me the value of service. I put the things I learned into action by volunteering for causes I believe in. I feel it is my civic responsibility. What high school moments at St. Augustine stand out to you? They are the lifelong friendships that started while I was a student at St. Augustine that are notable. What makes it so special is that I am not only close to my high school friends that were in my grade, but also to other students in years ahead or behind me. The memories we share are those that I will hold close to my heart for many years.

Describe your favorite St. Augustine tradition. The school’s annual Jamaica is by far one of my favorite traditions. Every year in the fall, the school comes together to organize this festive celebration. I have been attending since I was very young and now I volunteer as a parent. It’s so much fun for the whole family. There is great food, fun games, a haunted house and a dance for the students.

What advice would you give to prospective students or parents looking to enroll their children at St. Augustine? Prospective students or parents, who are thinking of enrolling their children at St. Augustine, should pay a visit to the school. Sitting in on a class, talking to the faculty is the best way to see if St. Augustine is the best fit for your family. By talking to current students, you will get a sense of community that envelopes everyone at the school.

Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Like mother, like daughter. Kateryna Vygivska tells us how her favorite accessory comes from a special place – her heart.

Kateryna Vygivska Lady Dior is such a timeless piece and definitely a “must have” for every fashionista. I was introduced to Lady Dior at an early age; I remember going to my mom’s closet and just staring at it. After some time, I knew I needed that bag.

My mom is my fashion icon. She is a fan of Chanel, Versace, and Dior. I grew up appreciating these brands because these fashion houses had built their empires by empowering women -- by making them feel better and happier.

My style is very multifaceted. I always go with my mood. One morning I can feel like wearing Fendi logo shorts and a blouse. The next day, it could be a simple white dress. My style is very basic during the cold season: black clothes with colorful accessories or leather jackets and furs. During summer I love being colorful: light dresses, sunnies and hats. You can also see me wearing jeans, a white shirt, favorite Gucci belt, and loafers.


To Have To Hold



Jacket Aurora NiĂąo de Rivera

Los dejamos con imágenes de este encantador actor quien compartió una tarde con nosotros para una sesión de fotos muy Cream. ¡Chao!

Blazer LOB Camisa LOB Jeans ADR SUPPY Calzado Rob Castillo

Stylist Manuel Delgado | Maquillaje y Peinado Leslie Corte / The Makeup Center | Locación The Booker Agency | Producción Miguel Angel Reyes

Carlos Marmen, actor y conductor mexicano-español con 10 años de carrera. Ha participado en varias series españolas como Compañeros, Física o Química, Javier ya no vive solo y con el rol protagónico en la serie juvenil HKM, además en telenovelas mexicanas como Vivir a destiempo, Emperatriz y recientemente en L.I.K.E. la leyenda y Losers, una comedia teatral.

Actor/Modelo Carlos Marmen | Agencia Siete Agencia MX | Fotografía Ferch | Retoque Fotográfico Paola Denyce Badouin

¡Desde España llegó a México este majo que es la bomba!


San Antonio,TX | Cream City Magazine

Two. One. Oh My! It’s easy to become a victim of habit when in San Antonio, so I have always made it a mission to discover and explore new places.There are many enjoyable spots in every corner of this beautifully diverse city, and here are a few of my favorites.

Eisenhower Park Eisenhower is a huge and untamed chunk of land located at 19399 NW Military, just north of Loop 1604. It’s my favorite pet-friendly park with some of the most challenging nature trails in San Antonio. The park provides trail maps, and you can choose from asphalt tracks that are dotted with shrubs and tree identifiers or nature trails that wind through beautiful ravines and rocky outcrops. I enjoy the nature trails for their quiet solitude and heart-thumping inclines. All trails reach a peak on the west end of the park. Climbing to the peaks lookout tower provides a beautiful view of San Antonio and the “La Cantera” area. A full loop at this park can take up to an hour and you will be well entertained with wildlife, rocky rises, slippery drops and healthy fun.

Mila Coffee Located on 2202 Broadway St. or “Broadway News” in San Antonio lies a food truck that is filled with character, great service and exceptionally delicious specialty brews. Ranging from craft coffee to espressos, to dirty chai lattes and everything in between! With locally roasted beans, dairy free options and the most amazing vegan pastries, this is sure to become your favorite go-to spot for a caffeine fuel-up.

Ocho Ocho is the perfect combination of privacy and posh vibes, located in the boutique Hotel Havana. It is dimly lit, with a nostalgic-feel bar area, combined with a beautifully decorated open feel glass house ambiance overlooking San Antonio’s beautiful River Walk. With its yummy cuisine influenced by Mexican, Cuban and Texas dishes, and their wide variety of specialty cocktails, Ocho is a must for all and does not disappoint. BY CHRISTIAN HACHAR 32 CREAM

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Let’s Meet...

Let’s Meet...

Let’s Meet...


Yesenia Bondoc


25, Entrepreneur How do you combine what you love with what you do? Inspiring the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” and immigration reform are my greatest interests. I am actively fulfilling my vision of helping entrepreneurs cultivate and monetize their calling by providing clarity, personal developmental guidance, systemic working business models, and data driven optimization. What are your recent projects and/or accomplishments? Aside from my proficiency in Systems Engineering and Political Thought, I have recently founded a state-wide organization for young professionals interested in commerce, advocacy and leadership. I am also sought out as a public speaker in corporate and educational events.

22, Theater Director at Mary Help of Christians School

How do you combine what you love with what you do? I am constantly surrounded by projects for the theater. I enjoy storytelling, be it on stage, through videos, or any type of media. I love illusions, so teaching theater and creating a space for these illusions is not only rewarding but motivating to do more. What are your recent projects and/or accomplishments? I recently graduated from Texas A&M International University with a BA in Communication and a minor in Theater. This summer, I produced “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” at the Laredo Center for the Arts. This was Break A Leg Productions’ third musical. I am currently the fine arts teacher at Mary Help of Christians School and directing projects for Senator Judith Zaffirini and Laredo Theater Guild International.

What is your ultimate goal? My dream is for every person in my community to find ways to express themselves artistically. I try my What are 3 words that best describe you? Leader, best to not only encourage but also create Empowering, and “chiquita pero picosa!” as many platforms as possible for people to What is your ultimate goal? To positively involve themselves creatively. I will continue impact as many lives as possible before I die. to work towards this goal because I believe Although, I know I’ll only get as far as God that Laredo deserves more than just citizens. permits me. It deserves art, culture, and to be represented by the creativity it cultivates. Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina and Commissioners Court are shining a light on a sensitive subject -- mental health. Attendees of “Let’s Chalk about Mental Health” were able to share their messages of hope to those living with mental illness. Check out these pictures of Laredoans spreading the love.

Let’s Chalk About Mental Health


Delgado III

24, Civil Servant What are your interests and how does it translate over to your work? I love anything having to do with art, technology, nature and culture/history. My job primarily consists of the acquisition of services, research, new technologies, and/or hardware via government contracts. Additionally, I analyze budgets with relation to performance in support of our nation’s aerospace mission. Here I combine my studies with my passions, as well as the opportunity to surround myself with some of the world’s brightest minds.

Tell us about your recent projects. I’ve been working alongside my father in the creation and development of Boogaloo The Rooms, a performance arts venue located in the heart of downtown Laredo. Our aim is to provide an alternative outlet for local artists to promote, expose, and sell their work while also offering a unique form of entertainment.

What is your ultimate goal? “What do you believe in? What do you want? and Are you brave enough to go after it?” are the questions I ask myself everyday. My ultimate goal is serve as an example and to inspire people to remain true to themselves, without censorship.


Lights. Camera. Community Action. Three Laredo women are creating a community of film lovers in Laredo. If you’re one of those people who gets annoyed that that really awesome movie didn’t make it to local theaters, such as indie flicks, documentaries or foreign films, chances are the Laredo Film Society is up your alley. If you just love movies and want to talk about them, you’d feel right at home at their next event. Check out what they’ve been up to!


Editorial | Cream City Magazine

When and why did Laredo Film Society start? Laredo Film Society was founded in February 2018. For years now, there has been an avid interest in cinematic arts in our border town. This interest, paired with a frustration of not enough independent films reaching the Laredo market, gave birth to the film society. Our goal is to use filmmaking as a tool to empower the community and educate the public through the exhibition of film and media arts.

How did you all meet? On a film set! We all worked on the production of featurelength film, Journey Beyond Borders, filmed in Laredo. We later collaborated on short films together, and worked on local TV production. What brought us together was our shared belief in our city’s potential to be a pioneering force for Mexican-American cinema, arts and storytelling.

What kinds of events has the organization hosted? Our first event was an Oscar’s Watch Party, followed by secret screenings and documentary screenings. We have screened work of regional and local filmmakers, as well as screenings respecting a theme, including National Bike Month and Pride Month. We hosted a workshop at TAMIU with two filmmakers native to Laredo that worked with Robert Rodriguez in Rebel without a Crew: The Series. We also had a double feature screening of their work at the Alamo Drafthouse. Our mission is to use our events as a tool for dialogue in the community about the many different stories that exist. What events can we expect to see in the future? We will continue our secret screenings and continue to host filmmaking and media arts workshops. You can expect to see anything from classics, to documentaries, to foreign films, to art house films -- and everything in between. We also love screening work from local filmmakers!

THE WOMEN BEHIND LAREDO FILM SOCIETY: Lizett Montiel, 30, Social Media Coordinator (KGNS) and DJ/Producer (Rizu X) Karen Gaytan, 23, Writer, Filmmaker and Community Advocate Gabriela A. Treviño, 27, Documentary Filmmaker

Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Why did you become involved in Laredo Film Society? K: We founded the film society to begin formalizing an audience of cinephiles in the city. We wanted to watch classic, contemporary and independent films, but programming in local movie theaters wasn’t filling the void. This idea had been circulating in our heads for a while, but after seeing the shared sentiment from other Laredoans through a Facebook group (Indie Film Lovers on FB), we decided to pull the trigger and create something with the community in mind. L: I was invited to be part of LFS talking to Karen and Gaby while the idea was on the works. We would occasionally frequent each other. I try to stay active and involved in the arts community with my other side projects, so with our common goals and taste in film, it made sense to do this together.

G: After interning at Austin Film Society, it had always been a long term goal of mine to start a similar project in Laredo. I was always scared that no one would be interested or that there was not a big enough film community to back up the project. Once Karen started the Facebook group, I realized that there are plenty of spectators of alternative cinema. We discussed the idea, and soon Liz joined the team!

What do you hope to accomplish through this project? K: To cultivate a strong following of cinema in the city. One of LFS’s pillars is the belief that cinema is for all, regardless of income level or cultural background. Storytelling is universal and can inspire us all to discover things about ourselves. I personally hope LFS can inspire Laredoans to explore films they wouldn’t otherwise see. L: To inspire and encourage filmmakers and cinephiles of all ages to engage in different experiences when it comes to film. Everybody loves blockbusters, but there is so much more behind the screen. And who knows, maybe someday have more film-related events in town from different groups and venues! G: I hope young kids start to attend our events. I wish LFS was around when I was younger. So basically, I hope they can have something that I didn’t have growing up.

What does film mean to you, personally? K: Film has been a teacher in my life. Growing up, my family’s weekend activity was to go to Blockbuster after dinner and then watching a movie at home. Through film, I learned about humor, grief, perseverance, darkness, rage, and much more. I gained an insight into the many layers we carry as complex beings -- all through watching stories on screen! L: It’s a very powerful and beautiful way of storytelling that is life-changing and requires patience to master and craft.

G: Films, to me, are like reading books. You have this view into a world you’ve never known, you become so immersed in this world and become attached to its characters, and it’s a bit sad when it’s over. However, just like good books, there are plenty of good movies to repeat that experience with.


Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Favorite movie: K: I’m torn between Y tu mamá también or Cleo From 5 to 7!

L: So many on the list, but if I really have to pick... Amélie, without a doubt! G: La dolce vita directed by Federico Fellini.

Movie quote that you find yourself using sometimes: K: “La neta es chida pero inalcanzable.” - from Y tu mamá también. L: “You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!” from The Room.

G: “Get your stinking paws off of me, you damn, dirty ape!” from the OG Planet of the Apes has been an inside joke in my family ever since I can remember. What director you would like to hang out with and why: K: Alfonso Cuarón because he’s extremely insightful, chill and a fellow Mexican! He, too, shares the philosophy that cinema is for all and takes all pretense away from the art while keeping the craft raw and powerful. Or any Texas filmmakers who have been successful at independent filmmaking in the state without depending on Hollywood.

L: Alejandro Jodorowsky, because we could talk about psicomagia and tarot cards. G: I’d love to hang out with Agnès Varda. She’s definitely a hero of mine.

Which snack makes a movie: K: Popcorn! Butter lover right here. Classic.

L: I love nachos with extra cheese. G: Pizza makes everything better.

Wine Society | Cream City Magazine

A lot of wine enthusiasts forget that we have vineyards right here in the U.S. Angie Moore tells us how she taps into those cool, carefree Cali vibes with her favorite wine.

Angie Moore My favorite wine? My all time favorite is Faust Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley. It’s easily located locally and when I travel out-of-town. Why is it your favorite? I am not a connoisseur, so my answer is relatively basic. This wine is so bold and heavy that it can’t be ignored by taste or smell. Faust is always consistent as far as quality. Simply put, it’s never failed me. What makes it special? First, I don’t get to drink it every day. However, regardless of whether I purchase Faust at H-E-B, a wine retailer or a restaurant, the quality is never less than excellent. To me, its smooth and rich flavor along with its deep aroma elevate any occasion. It’s hard to explain, but when I take that first sip, the world seems to slow down, and I end up very present in the moment with those who I am sharing each bottle with. In short, one bottle of Faust translates into a fabulous evening with family or friends where wonderful memories are created. When too many bottles of Faust are consumed, you can add in a few fun and fuzzy memories as well.


San Antonio,TX | Cream City Magazine

Places We Loved


Pipe Corner Next time you’re in Downtown San Antonio, check out The Pipe Corner. It’s only three years old, but it’s already creating a buzz amongst the locals. It’s the hip, new place to be if you’re looking for a Gatsby-esque night out! Erik Rosales 32, Owner/Manager at The Pipe Corner, Q.P.V. Queso Pan y Vino and Backroom Bar

The Pipe Corner has so much variety! How did you come up with its concept? The idea was to have a high-end cigar and wine shop where one can enjoy al fresco. The idea was executed, but as time has gone by I’ve tweaked areas, always trying to bring something unique to the people. Now, with the expansion, we can call it a “4-in-1” concept: restaurant, speakeasy bar, patio and the cigar/ wine shop. The concept is suitable for various age groups. We have something for everyone.

Can you describe the atmosphere on a typical Friday or Saturday night? Friday and Saturday nights are definitely full of life and movement in all four areas. The restaurant gets a nice crowd of people looking to enjoy a glass of wine, cocktails, beer, charcuterie boards, tapas, or our house made pizzas! The Backroom bar starts bringing in a crowd since the early afternoon to enjoy our happy hour. The patio... well, what can I say? It’s probably the place I enjoy the most because I’ve seen it grow from having no customers to being at capacity. The patio has a homey feel with a beautiful view. We have live entertainment weekly.

These people are not only my customers but part of my family!

Smoking cigars seems to be a bit like being a wine connoisseur. They have different origins and flavors. What can you tell us about the cigars at The Pipe Room? Wine and cigars have a lot in common. They both have a lot to do with climate, humidity and soil. Liking either or will also have to do a lot with your palate. The cigars we carry are mainly premium grade. They are the ones featured on the top 25 lists or cigars with a rating above 88 points. We have plenty of wines, liquors and cocktails to find a perfect pairing.

Do you have ties to Laredo? Why do you think Laredoans should pay your business a visit next time they’re in town? My parents Daniel and Susana Rosales and many of my closest friends live in Laredo. We moved to Laredo in the summer of 1998 from Saltillo, Mexico. My wife, Laura, was also born and raised in Laredo. I would recommend it to all Laredoans to come by and experience what we have to offer. There is not another place like it!

What is it that makes people keep coming back to The Pipe Corner? Everyone might have a different answer as to why they like coming back. Some might say it’s our hard work and dedication to making you feel right at home. While others might argue, what else can we ask for? We have food, drinks, cigars, live music and a great staff. But as for me, I just enjoy giving my best to every single person that walks in through our doors. I’m so grateful to have customers I’ve seen since day one when our staff consisted of one person (me). CREAM 39

Victor Hugo en SMA Editorial

Fin de semana en


Ya sea que visites la Ciudad de México por primera vez o que seas un visitante recurrente, esta urbe capitalina nunca dejará de sorprender y cautivar todos tus sentidos. Es considerada una de las ciudades que “tienes que visitar” por el New York Times, la segunda ciudad con más museos en el mundo, y una metrópolis con ofertas gastronómicas, culturales, paseos y todo lo que se te pueda antojar.

Para mí, un fin de semana en la CDMX siempre significa una aventura llena de descubrimientos, pero también la oportunidad de recorrer mis lugares favoritos y que nadie debe perderse.

de 1,400 especies y el Castillo de Chapultepec, que resguarda colecciones de arte y objetos de la época de la Independencia. Es el único castillo en el continente.

El Museo Nacional de Arte. El MUNAL alberga una de las colecciones de arte más espectaculares en nuestro país. Es un edificio con mucha historia y representativo de la época del Porfiriato. Originalmente sirvió como la sede de la Secretaría de Comunicación y Obras Públicas y después como Archivo de la Nación. Es simplemente un lugar que no se debe dejar de visitar; les robará el aliento.

Súbete al Turibus. No importa si llevas toda la vida viviendo en la Ciudad de México o si es la primera vez que la visitas, este recorrido es un perfecto modo de conocer la ciudad y lo mejor son las explicaciones de los lugares que recorre.

Conoce el Museo Nacional de Antropología. Diseñado por el Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, evoca rasgos de la arquitectura prehispánica. Este museo es considerado por especialistas como el más importante en Latinoamérica y uno de las 20 más influyentes a nivel mundial. Pasea por la Colonia Roma. Esta hermosa colonia destaca por la elegancia de sus fachadas, restaurantes, plazas y bares. Aquí puedes ver desde una réplica de la Fuente de Cibeles hasta una del David de Miguel Ángel. En esta zona hay muy buen ambiente nocturno y opciones gastronómicas para todos los gustos, incluyendo el original Mercado Roma. Bosque de Chapultepec. Este hermoso lugar tiene espacios para correr, andar en bicicleta y caminar entre muchas otras actividades. Además, alberga un zoológico con una colección de más POR VICTOR HUGO GARCÍA | Instagram: @victorhugo956 40 CREAM

Ve una película en la Cineteca Nacional. Sobre la Avenida México, en Coyoacán, existe este espacio que se encarga de preservar y promover la cultura cinematográfica de nuestro país y el mundo. Principalmente se exhiben películas de cine independiente. Aunque la Ciudad de México siempre tiene algo nuevo que ofrecer, estos lugares y paseos clásicos son el ejemplo perfecto de cómo pasar un fin de semana lleno de actividades que harán de tu visita algo inolvidable. Vivimos en un tiempo en que esta gran ciudad ya ha tomado una identidad como ciudad inteligente, en donde toda la información necesaria está al alcance de un celular y diferentes apps, facilitando la movilidad y la disponibilidad de grandes experiencias y lugares que visitar. Apps para tu visita: • Guía Arquitectura CDMX • CDMX Travel • CÍVICO • City Mapper

The Gallery | Cream City Magazine


Walls ToBags

From walls and canvases to shoes and bags, Ana Karen Escamilla thinks the world could use a bit of color. The painter is known for customizing one-of-a-kind wearable pieces for her clients and creating large scale paintings bursting with hues of all kinds. Between brush strokes, she took the time to share a little something with Cream about herself.

What is your favorite thing about being an artist? The fact that I get to create constantly and express myself through shapes, strokes and colors. How would you describe your style? Colorful and vibrant. Self-evolving. What has been the satisfaction you have had with your work? The biggest satisfaction is being able to contribute and raise awareness for Casa de Misericordia with my art. Casa de Misericordia is a shelter where they protect and help heal women who have escaped from an environment of domestic violence. What is it like painting on bags and different accessories? How is it different than painting on a canvas? The difference is the way I approach the object. When it comes to a bag, jacket, shoes, etc. it’s a lot more strategic because I can’t afford to mess it up! With a canvas it’s a lot more free. I approach the canvas 42 CREAM

fearlessly. Do each of your works have a different meaning? Most of my work has meaning. Some are studies of color and technique. What projects are you working on as we close out 2018 and begin the new year? I’m really curious about myself; I’m evolving, and that shows in my work. Step-bystep, I’m seeing how far I can take my creativity in different platforms. I won’t speak of my plans, I’ll just do it and share it when the moment is right. What inspires you the moment you’re in front of a blank canvas? My inspiration has always been my mom. A woman’s strength inspires me. Healing inspires me. Helping others inspires me. If you could paint the world, what would it look like? It would be hella vibrant. Any last words for Cream readers? Create, inspire and always, always spread nothing but love and kindness.

Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Get Your Smile Selfie Ready There’s a new doctor in town!

Dr. Catherine Martin

has returned to her hometown of Laredo, Texas to help you achieve your perfect smile.


he’s an Alexander High School grad who continued her studies at Texas A&M University in College Station. This brainy beauty earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science as well as an International Certificate in Communications and Cultural Competency in Spanish. Así que si solo hablas español o si prefieres hablar en español en tu consulta, ¡Dra. Martin está aquí para ti! Dr. Martin continued her studies at Texas A&M College of Dentistry in Dallas to complete her DDS. Being that she has always been drawn to science, working with her hands and helping people, she’s found that dentistry is the perfect combination of all of the things she loves. It was when she shadowed Dr. Davenport while still in high school that she realized this was the life path for her.

Dr. Martin has said that dentistry allows her to be an artist and create a smile that can boost patients’ sense of well-being, both physically and mentally. She really enjoys being able to make a difference in someone’s life by promoting good health and re-instilling their confidence.

If you want to enhance your health and smile, visit Dr. Martin at Davenport Dental Group. You will love the results!


Trends | Cream City Magazine

irRESINstible There’s something about resin we cannot resist. Undulating, clean shapes that capture our eyes with strokes of color and shine. Whether a pair of earrings, bangles or a necklace, use these colorful pieces to make a statement. Here are some of my picks, from local boutiques and from my favorite part of the house: my closet. BY ALICIA RUIZ

Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Cream presente en


Fashion Week SS�� La famosa frase “París es siempre una buena idea“, toma aún más fuerza durante el Fashion Week. Para la presentación de la temporada SS19 vivimos 9 días de intenso glamour en cada rincón de la ciudad. Las calles se inundaron de estilo e innovación y los famosos edificios se transformaron en lo inimaginable para dar la bienvenida a espectadores de todo el mundo, impacientes de conocer cada mínimo detalle de las grandes marcas. Para la inauguración, Dior nos recibió con una magnífica presentación de danza contemporánea que interactuó con los modelos, dándole un toque de misticismo.

Yves Saint Laurent nos regaló una noche de luces, en donde pudimos ver a las modelos caminando sobre la pasarela llena de agua y de fondo del lugar más icónico de la ciudad: La Torre Eiffel. L’Oréal Paris no se quedó atrás. Ellos decidieron hacer una pasarela flotante en Port de Solférino sobre el mismísimo Río Sena, en donde personalidades como Eva Longoria, Nikolaj Coster, Winnie Harlow y Doutzen Kroes conquistaron al público.

Además de las presentaciones de las grandes marcas, París es el escenario perfecto para conocer a las futuras promesas de la moda, tal fue el caso de Francisco Sáez, el joven diseñador español que nos presentó una propuesta inspirada en el clásico y moderno cine de Hollywood, y la diseñadora Johana Hernández; nos cautivó con su marca Glaudi, presentando una lujosa colección de vestidos de novias en el Hôtel d’Evreux.

Una de las pasarelas más esperadas fue Chanel, quienes nos demostraron que para la firma francesa no hay imposibles, transformando El Gran Palais en una playa, con el sonido del oleaje, arena y las modelos siempre naturales y frescas como en un verdadero verano.

Para el cierre del PFW la lujosa marca de primer nivel Louis Vuitton nos llevó por un viaje al futuro a través de un laberinto montado en el museo de Louvre, con pasillos translúcidos iluminados en blanco neón presentando una colección que nos hizo pensar en los supersónicos, vanguardista, atrevida, con piezas como traídas del espacio y colores brillantes. Sin lugar a dudas París siempre será el rincón perfecto en el mundo para los amantes de la moda y con eventos de primer nivel como Fashion Week nos demuestra que no hay barreras para lo inimaginable y que las marcas cada vez nos dan más experiencias y no solo colecciones.


Editorial | Cream City Magazine

Boo & Other

Scary Things

Finally, it’s October! Which means that for all the fans of spooks and trick-or-treating — Halloween is around the corner. Indulging yourself in sugary treats and visiting the Spirit store at least once a week are just two of the must-do activities of this month. However, if you’re taking a rain-check from all the fun activities outdoors (boo… get it?) and staying in to watch some movies and not share your candy, check out some of the films we recommend for you to get your spooky mode on. But seriously… share some of the sweets with those poor kids.

Halloween. You cannot just have a movie night on Halloween without

watching its most renowned movie. Skipping this scary motion picture would be like skipping coffee on a Monday. John Carpenter, the director, creates the character of Michael Myers, a serial killer who murdered his 17-year old sister when he was six. It is 1978, and now 21-year old Michael Myers returns to his hometown to seek for his next victims. Featuring Jamie Lee Curtis, this film is sure to give you the feeling that you might not be alone. We know, we know, you might get hooked on the other 20 Halloween sequels, but it’s worth the watch. Plus, it’s Jamie Lee Curtis, I mean… Come on!

Sleepy Hollow. Okay, so maybe I am being biased because Tim Burton is seriously a genius, but we have to give credit to this film. If the image of a headless horseman chasing you down a dark forest does not give you nightmares, then you might want to go get that checked out. Based on Washington Irving’s classic tale The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, this amazing, gothic film is the perfect blend of horror, fantasy and romance. This movie would be enjoyable if watched with some popcorn mixed with candy corn, followed by an exciting pumpkin carving session. If we haven’t convinced you yet, well… remember what the eccentric Johnny Depp looked like in 1999? If you don’t, watch it, if you do, watch it again. Also, did we mention that headless horseman is played by Christopher Walken? Let’s not forget Christina Ricci also comes out! Okay, I’ll be right back, I’m going to go watch this now.

A Nightmare on Elm Street. You might want to remember

not to leave this movie until the end. In fact, watch this one first if you treat yourself to scary movies on Halloween. Maybe watch a Disney movie right after it to ease the chills. Drink some hot buttered rum or hot chocolate for the nerves as well. Whatever you do, remember to NOT leave this movie for last, or at least right before dozing off. This Wes Craven 1984 slasher film is sure to leave you believing you should not fall asleep tonight. Thankfully, this movie was totally based on a true story… Wait, what? Oh, yeah! It is based on a true story, and just in case we haven’t convinced you to watch it yet, Johnny Depp also comes out in it! Honestly, how could we get enough of him? Even with him in it, this film still gives me the creeps! Whatever you choose to do with your night, make this a night to remember! So for all of our Halloween devotees out there, we hope you fill your night with as many movies, or activities possible. Eat as much candy as you can, and have the scariest, creamiest holiday. BY DENISSE MONTFORT


�� Most Basic

Halloween Costumes BY CAMILA CRUZ

October 31 comes once a year, and it is hands down one of the most globally celebrated holidays of them all. Halloween is the only day where it is socially acceptable to take candy from strangers. I mean, who doesn’t love free candy?

While sweets are a delicious bonus, our favorite thing here at Cream is dressing up. Yet, every time Halloween rolls around, so do the tons of basic costumes along with pumpkin spice everything. To help you out this year, we took on the task of narrowing down some of the most basic Halloween costumes of all time so you can be unique this year!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Cat Devil Angel Witch Vampire Any superhero Clown Unicorn Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s Pirate Sandy from Grease 20s flapper girl Bunny Wednesday Adams Mia Wallace Skeleton Mermaid Tom Cruise’s character in Risky Business Mummy Hippie

Bonus basic points if you make any of them sexy. If you do end up choosing a costume from this list, don’t worry… We’re not judging. CREAM 47

Editorial | Cream City Magazine


Marco Antonio


Athletes are not like the rest of us. They’re disciplined, strong superhumans, and they’re not afraid to sweat to make their dreams a reality! Here is one of Cream’s Most Valuable Players.

How long have you been practicing Tae Kwon Do? I started when I was 3. So, it’s been about 9 years, basically my whole life.

What’s your favorite memory regarding TKD? My favorite experience was when I competed in Nationals all the way in Salt Lake City, Utah this past July. I’ve been to 3 Nationals before, but this one was my favorite because it was the most challenging, and I got to meet new people. What are your favorite things to do in your free time? I like to draw and play XBOX with my friends, especially Fortnite.

What do you want to do when you grow up? I want to become an architect and hopefully keep practicing Tae Kwon Do. What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is my mom’s spaghetti with shrimp.

What song do you listen to before a big competition? “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” by Daft Punk.

Editorial | Cream City Magazine

10 things to know about

Cultura Beer Garden There aren’t many places in Laredo to sit outside and enjoy a delicious craft beer. If you’re looking for a place like that, look no further than Cultura Beer Garden. Besides being the “it” place to be, here are a few things Cultura’s team shared about this sensational hot spot:

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Laredo's First Official Beer Garden! We strive to feature mainly craft beer from Texas breweries. We are not a food-truck park. However, we do feature the best food trucks in Laredo. We love that we sell canned wine and Frosé (another first for Laredo). We are extremely pet-friendly and love to show them off ! We don't have T.V.s at our establishment because we encourage social interaction and making NEW friends.


We go crazy with our events. We have so much fun planning them and bringing them to life! Check out our events like Chicas Chingonas Night, Bidi Bidi Bom Beer Pachanga, El Día del Rasquache and Oktoberfest.


We are open for lunch, and the food trucks provide a variety of options from salads, tacos, and burgers, to name a few.

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We are so happy to be located downtown and happy to contribute to it’s revitalization. We love to collaborate with our local artisans and musicians. We encourage expression and support community involvement.

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