Cranmore Prep Chronicle 24 April 2023

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Message from the Headmaster

A very warm welcome back to everyone after the Easter break; it was wonderful to greet the pupils on Tuesday morning. Many of them had their first lessons in our new Science and Technology Centre and from walking into lessons it was evident that they were relishing their new surroundings.

Over the course of the last few weeks there have been some notable achievements by our pupils. In particular, some Cranmore pupils attended the Football Prep Lions Schools Representative Team on a residential camp, members of our ski squad competed exceptionally well at the British Alpine Championships, and a number of pupils, representing their local rugby team, Esher, won the Waterfall Cup Final held at the Twickenham Stoop. A real highlight was the Easter multi-sports tour to Barbados. Staff reported that it was a wonderful success and a superb overseas experience for the pupils.

Congratulations to our Lower Prep House Captains and Vice Captains whose roles were announced in assembly this week.

We are all very excited about the busy term ahead and I look forward to seeing you at various events throughout the summer term.

24 APRIL 2023

Year 3 Planting Activity

Year 3 have started their summer term Science project on Plants and Growing by planting some seeds. We also discussed how to look after our seeds so they would grow well.

Rotary Young Writer Competition

Congratulations to Connor F. in Year 5 for achieving 'Highly Commended' in the district round of the Rotary Young Writer competition. The competition attracted over 400 hundred entries from schools across the district of Bookham and Horsley. The theme this year was 'Peace'. Mr Chapman Mrs Sinclair and Miss Freeman

Music News

Congratulations to all the pupils who took music exams last term. We are delighted with the results.

Name Instrument Result Prep Test

Luke H Singing Pass

Grade 1

Toby F Violin Pass

Dylan V Guitar Pass

Ethan A Piano Merit

Daniel C Guitar Merit

Joshua H Violin Merit

Benjy M Piano Merit

Sotaro T Violin Merit

Theo G Piano Distinction

Fabian H Piano Distinction

Ayan M Piano Distinction

Grade 2

Henry B Violin Pass

Rafferty C-D Cello Pass

Erik F Singing Pass

William M Clarinet Pass

Anthony N Clarinet Pass

Mathias P Violin Pass

Oscar H Singing Merit

Alexander D Piano Merit

Oscar S Piano Merit

Grade 3

Morgan D Alto Saxophone Merit

Grade 5

Colin C Cello Merit

Advance Warning of Music Department Events in week commencing 15th May

Parents of children who take individual instrumental music or singing lessons with the Visiting Music Staff are warmly invited to attend their child’s lesson during the above week. This will give parents the opportunity to talk to their child’s teacher and discuss progress and any concerns. Parents will be asked to sign in on the sheet which will be placed inside the Auditorium doors and then make their way down to the music practice rooms where the staff will be on hand to direct them to the correct room.

The heats of the Upper Prep and Senior Young Musician Competition will take place during class Music lessons in the same week. All those pupils who take individual instrumental and/or singing lessons are encouraged to take part. Participants must be prepared to play their chosen piece to myself or Mrs Thornton during their class Music lesson. We will then select the best performances from each year group and invite those musicians to take part in the year group finals later in the term.

Nursery News

In Nursery this week, the children have been focusing on British Values. They listened to the story of St George and the Dragon and coloured in their flags. In Science, they conducted a ‘make it rain,’ experiment, learning about what happens with the rain in the clouds.

The Red Group have been busy learning all about the letter sound ‘M’, learning the action for the sound and talking about things that start with ‘M’. They also enjoyed painting their own St George’s flag for our display. In their numeracy lesson, they focused on symmetry and have made some lovely butterflies to reflect their learning.

There has been a strong patriotic theme in PreNursery. They have been involved in making crowns, decorating bunting and making St George’s crosses.

Cake Competition Next Week

Please remember to bake a cake for our Coronation Cake Competition which is taking place next Friday 5th May.

Pupils can buy a slice of the cakes at morning break for 50p.

Ms Luke, Head of Nursery Coronation Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Multi-sports Tour to Barbados

Sport Update

On Friday 31st March, the Year 9 tourists arrived in Barbados ready for the start of their tour. During the week, the boys participated in cricket and football matches, as well as having a tennis session at the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex. With the temperature at 30 degrees, blue sky and the beach nearby, it was the perfect setting for a Sports Tour.

The football teams had the privilege of playing on the same pitch as the Barbados National team. In the first game they played under floodlights and had professional referees and assistant referees to officiate. After these matches we met up with Emmerson Boyce (an FA Cup winner with Wigan) who is now the Technical Director of Barbados Football.

The cricket teams played some competitive matches against schools and local clubs and despite the results not going their way, the boys had a great time socialising with the local children. Whilst travelling to the matches, the boys had the opportunity to see the local countryside and sites.

The boys were fortunate that Dale Clarke, the CEO of Professional Road tennis (a traditional Barbados Sport), arranged a Road Tennis coaching session with Julian White, who is a former World Number 1 and Coach Birkett, who has coached the sport for over thirty years. The boys thoroughly enjoyed this experience and are looking forward to playing it again.

In terms of excursions, the group had a day on a catamaran, where we sailed around the island and then had the opportunity to snorkel with turtles, manta rays and fish, as well as snorkelling around a shipwreck. We stopped for a while so the boys could jump and dive into the sea and swim to the local beach. The group had the opportunity to watch Notre Dame v The University Blackbirds in a Premier League Football Match. It was a very entertaining match which the Blackbirds won 3-1. One evening was spent at Ositins Fish Fry restaurant, where the boys could choose to eat fresh fish. The choices were swordfish, marlin, tuna, barracunda, lobster or mahimahi.

The boys represented the school incredibly well, they all had a fantastic time and have made memories that will stay with them for a lifetime.

Mr O’Neill

Sport Update

After our winter cricket programme finishing, which started back in October, we have finally commenced our official cricket season this week. Bowling, fielding and batting skills, smallsided matches and tactical concepts have all been explored in the PE/Games lessons and after-school training. Year 6 pupils have also had the added choice of tennis in their Games lessons, whilst all other Prep year groups will participate in tennis and athletics (plus golf for Year 6), later in their PE lessons. The hour-long swimming lessons continue as normal. The U11A side have their first round of the Surrey Cup against Downsend tomorrow with all other matches starting next week.


the Easter holidays, Cranmore had over a dozen pupils Freddie B at the Giant Slalom starting gate

Men's Tennis Group

ESTA is delighted to introduce a Men's Group to its programme running on Wednesdays at 7:458:45pm!

Sessions will take place at St Teresa's for 9 weeks from 3rd May until the end of term. Players should be of an intermediate standard.

If you are interested, please contact Kirsti at or on 07980 604372.

May Half Term Tennis Camp

We are excited to be running a tennis camp at ESTA from Tuesday 30th May-Friday 2nd June.

Please note the timings as follows:

9-12pm Years 2-4

9-12pm Performance Camp (invitational)

1-4pm Years 5&6

1-4pm Years 7-11

Camp days are priced at £39 per player with a 10% discount for the full week option.

Please contact Kirsti to sign up or for more details at

Open Event at ESTA - Sunday 14th May

There is still time to sign up to our drills and skills event on Sunday 14th May! This is a FREE event open to all players from Years 2-11 and is a great opportunity to get on court and have a hit with our fabulous coaches. There will be a BBQ running at the clubhouse for players and parents to enjoy!

Please note the timings as follows:

11-12pm Years 7-11

12-1pm Years 2-6 *We are delighted to open this event up to Year 2 players!*

To sign your child up, please contact Kirsti at by Friday 5th May.

Message from ESTA

Thought for the week:

Message from our Chaplaincy Team

Vocations Sunday

How will you follow your calling?

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

God our Loving Father, Guide me in every step I take in life and lead me in every decision I make in responding to your call. Make me and mould me into the living image of Christ your Son, who was ever close to those in need. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.


In 1964, Pope Paul VI launched Vocations Sunday a day celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Easter. It is sometimes known as Good Shepherd Sunday and this year it falls on 30th April. It is a special day when we celebrate those who give their lives in service of others.

Let us Pray: Our Father

Hail Mary

1 minute silence

Bless young people with the gift of courage to respond to your call. Open their hearts to great ideals, to great things.”

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Soup Bank Holiday

Soup of the day – Carrot & coriander

Soup of the day – Roasted butternut squash & sweet potato

Soup of the day – Leek & potato

Soup of the day – The crown jewels chunky vegetable soup


Meatballs in a fresh tomato & herb sauce with rice

Roasted chicken breast with Yorkshire pudding & stuffing

Traditional beef lasagne with Italian style salad

Coronation fried chicken burger or the king’s homemade sausage rolls

Plain pasta & tomato sauce

Jacket potato & beans

Plain pasta & tomato sauce

Jacket potatoes & beans


Roasted butternut squash & red pepper risotto

Layered roasted vegetables & mozzarella bake

Root vegetable & lentil cottage pie

Royal red pepper, cheese & chive tarts


Sweetcorn/ courgettes

Roast potatoes/ broccoli

Additional Salad bar Salad bar

Roasted Mediterranean vegetables/baton carrots

Chips Peas

Salad bar Salad bar

Dessert Chocolate sponge & chocolate sauce

Millionaire shortbread

Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher

Apple crumble & custard

Union jack cake

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