California Republican May-June 2014 Issue

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Volume 36, No. 4

The Official Publication of The California Republican Assembly — “The Conscience of the Republican Party” – Pres. Ronald Reagan © CRA

May-June 2014

Tim Donnelly Endorsed for Governor CRA President Briscoe Calls CRA Convention “Major Success”


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ssemblyman Tim Donnelly was unanimously endorsed by the California Republican Assembly delegates in his bid for governor at their annual state convention at Knott’s Berry Farm in Orange County. Donnelly told the convention delegates, “I want my state back. I want my freedom back. You are going to be the key, because… you are the foot soldiers of freedom.” “CRA’s leadership and involvement across our state is why Ronald Reagan called them ‘the conscience of the Republican Party,’” Donnelly stated after his ringing endorsement by the group. “I could not be more honored by their enthusiastic approval and their desire to stand together in order to get California back on track,” continued Donnelly. CRA also endorsed former California Republican Party chair Ron Nehring for Lieutenant Governor and Pete Peterson for Secretary of State. Both Nehring and Peterson vowed to work towards making California a more businessfriendly environment.

There were many notable Republican dition, Anne-Marie contributes to nearly a candidates seeking CRA’s coveted en- dozen conservative websites among which dorsement who attended the Buena Park are TownHall, Daily Caller, Front Page convention. Noteworthy ascendant conser vatives on hand were NFRA President Sharron Angle, AnnMarie Murrell and Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz, who headlined the convention prayer breakfast along w i t h B a k e r s - Assemblyman Tim and Rowena Donnelly field’s Assemblywoman Shannon Grove. Magazine, and The Blaze. Former CRA National Committeewoman California Republican Party chairman, Angel Zarobinski returned to bless the retired Senator Jim Brulte addressed the delegates with her gift of music and song. CRA faithful underscoring CRA’s sigAnne-Marie Murrell is the original nificant role in the California Republican PolitiChick anchor and is the National Party. Director/Editor-in-Chief of, CRA President John Briscoe enthusiastiwho was nominated at CPAC 2013 as the cally reported that this convention was a “People’s Choice Blogger of the Year”. In adSee Donnelly, Page 4

2014 Continues Our Quest for Membership Growth and New Units for the CRA

CRA Leadership PAC Helps Jorgensen


range County CRA’s newly formed CRA Leadership PAC provided a much needed boost to the Congressional Campaign of CRAendorsed candidate Kirk Jorgensen. “We were able to raise the funds to mail a special edition of the California Republican throughout the 52nd CongresKirk Jorgensen sional District,” noted CRA Vice President Dale Tyler. “In addition, we sent over 50,000 extra copies of the newspaper to volunteers in the district for use in door-to-door precinct walks.” The newspaper featured information about Jorgensen, the issues in the race, and more. “The California Republican is an excellent vehicle to communicate with voters,” continued Tyler. “It stands out from typical political mail, and carries the credibility of the CRA with it.”


California Republican Assembly 11230 Gold Express Dr., #310-325 Gold River, CA 95670

he CRA continues with tremendous growth thanks to the diligent efforts of our CRA Vice Presidents, Senate District Directors and Unit Officers, and to that end; the CRA Membership Contest is back by popular demand. Here are the details you need to know about the 2014 CRA Membership Contest: Categories of Measurement: 1. Largest Increase in New Members (Net Gain in Members) 2. Highest Percentage Gain in Membership (Net Gain in Membership) 3. Highest Percentage of Membership Retention (Highest Percentage of Renewing Members) Recognition: 1. CRA Unit with the Highest Number of Members Gained as of 12/31/2014 2. CRA Unit with the Highest Percentage Membership Gain as of 12/31/2014 See Membership, Page 2

IN THIS ISSUE / NEWS AT A GLANCE President’s Column...................................................2 Guest Commentary: Tom Del Beccaro.................3 Inside Sacramento: Senator Mike Morrell...........4 Malkin: Cash for Obamacare Shirkers............... 4 CRA Around the State....................................... 5

CRA Endorsements........................................... 6 Inside the Beltway: Congressman McClintock....8 Farah: Diversity? Tolerance? Not in Media......... 8 CRA Convention Highlights.....................................12 and more...

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The California Republican

May / June 2014

President’s Greetings! IT’S BEEN AN EXCITING TIME since I last wrote. Our annual convention exceeded all my expectations. A great turn out, great speakers and we made money, which we desperately needed. I hope those in attendance enjoyed it as much as I did and came away with much positive energy. My hope is that this convention will be the one all future conventions will be judged against. As soon as the board approves the 2015 CRA convention we will publicize the place and date, so you can plan to attend. As a CPA I’ve gone pretty much into hibernation since the convention, had to please those clients!! But now tax season is over and I’m out and about. Besides my own unit the First Lady and I have enjoyed visiting the Glendale/ Burbank unit, Sonny Sardo has his unit on fire!! Then a bit of a drive to the visit the folks in the Antelope Valley unit, they have doubled their membership in the last year. Phyllis Reily does an outstanding job as President. I look forward to my next visit as they indicated they will be doubling their membership yet again. Finally flew up to San Jose for a meeting of the Berryessa

Membership from Page 1

3. CRA Unit with the Highest Percentage of Renewing Members as of 12/31/2014 The following CRA Units are off to a great start, adding new members from 1/1/2014 to 4/15/2014. As of April 15, 2014 the CRA Membership Contest Leaders are: 1. CRA Units with the Highest Number of Members Gained: 1. Sacramento, 2. Fresno County, 3. Placer County 2. CRA Unit with the Highest Percentage Gain: 1. Fresno County, 2. Sacramento County, 3. Huntington Beach 3. CRA Unit with the Highest Percentage of Renewing Members: 1. Glendale Burbank, 2. Placer County, 3. Santa Clarita Valley Over 24 CRA units have added new member so far in 2014. Congratulation and keep up the great work.

Milpitas Republican Assembly. Ty Greaves has a very active group and was able to meet up with VP Mark Gardner, who has expansion plans for the central coast. All these units are making a difference in their communities which will pay big dividends for their local governments, Sacramento

and even in our nation’s capital. Also, visited the Huntington Beach unit, Pat Garcia is really helping the conservative movement there and was able to give them a nice “profit sharing” check from the convention as I also did when I visited Saddleback. President, Matt Trudell, was re-elected and is doing a great job. He and VP Dale Tyler have been very active in getting the word out about CRA endorsed candidates to voters in South Orange County. Dropped by my home unit, Fountain Valley, that same night to watch newly elected President, David Pruyne, chair his first meeting, he did a super job too. Visited Corona del Mar’s meeting Sunday, Sandy Nichols was re-elected President, she runs a great meeting. And

finally spoke at Anaheim’s meeting again and passed out another “profit sharing” check. Steve Sarkis and Benita Gagne are very pivotal to the success of that unit. Have an upcoming visit to Tustin planned to hand out their profit sharing check from the convention too. I, again, want to thank Chairman George Park, and the crew from Placer County that helped put on the convention along with local Orange County Convention members: Dale Tyler, David Pruyne, Pat Garcia, Helen Krause, and Benita Gagne who also worked hard and earned some cash for their units. Nice to make a profit!! Another result from the convention

because it was very profitable, we finally had the money to fix our website which had been broken for the better part of the last year. So please check out: It is not totally operational yet but I am keeping the endorsements page current on an almost daily basis. We will be adding new features in the future. I would appreciate any comments and/or suggestions. We are less than two weeks from the June election. So let’s do all we can to help our CRA endorsed candidates make it to the November elections so the voters will have a REAL choice. After the results come in from that election we are going to be See President, Page 3

Available For Your Immediate Use For Units, Unit Officers, And Members Unit Support has the following available electronically:

H 2014 Membership Application (to be copied double sided – with What We Believe on the back) H Mission Statement and What We Believe (promotional materials) H Model Unit Bylaws (2013 version) H CRA Bylaws (amended March 1, 2014)

LOCAL OFFICERS TRAINING SCHOOL PowerPoint presentations of the following topics H President – Duties and Best Practices H Vice-President/Committees – Duties and Best Practices H Secretary – Duties and Best Practices H Treasurer– Duties and Best Practices


H District Director – Duties and Best Practices – based on a presentation by Alice Khosravy

H Unit Activities in an Even Calendar Year – Template and Sample

H Unit Endorsing Conventions – a presentation by Dale Tyler

H Unit Activities in an Odd Calendar Year – Template and Sample

H Growing a Unit – a presentation by Todd Blair

H Starting New Units – a presentation by George Park, Jr.

If you send a USB data stick, you get all of the above including the video presentation of “How to Create Facebook Page” by Aaron Park

To order today or for further information, contact Benita Gagne at

May / June 2014

The California Republican

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Democrats Suffering From Integrity And Issue Inequality Originally published

IT’S AN ELECTION YEAR and much is at stake. Political control of the Senate – and therefore how the Country will be governed - is up for grabs. The stakes are especially high for Democrats. That is so because the economy continues to underperform and true unemployment is in the double digits. ObamaCare looms over swing-state Democrat candidates and our foreign policy is in shambles. Those problems are also dividing Democrats and they don’t much want to talk about those issues. Instead, the Democrats are using one word at almost every turn this year: inequality. Indeed, they are making their stand in 2014 on income inequality. The real inequality this year, however, will be the lack of winning issues for the Democrats and their leaders’ blatant hypocrisy. By contrast, there are several issues that strongly favor the Republicans - if they remain principled. Keep in mind that there is no example in American political history where income inequality, the minimum wage or the gender pay gap – or even the climate have been defining election issues. The central issue that drives most national elections is the state of the economy overall – jobs - and sometimes foreign policy/war concerns. Those issues present a clear and present danger for Democrats this year. In the most recent Gallup Poll, the economy was rated the number one issue and voters give an edge to Republicans on that issue. The most recent Fox poll shows registered voters disapprove of Obama’s job performance by a margin of 50–46%, with only 18% of respondents stating that

the economy is either excellent or good. Worse yet, in that same Fox poll, only 38% of Independents approve of Obama’s handling of the economy and over 49% of registered voters overall believe we are still in a recession. When it comes to healthcare, only 43% overall, and just 33% of Independents, approve of Obama’s performance in the Fox poll - although that poll was taken before the full impact of the VA healthcare scandal could be felt. When it comes to foreign policy, the numbers get even worse, with just 39% overall and just 32% of Independent voters approving of the President’s performance. While there are still polls showing the Democrats are trusted more on important issues, Stuart Rothenberg effectively explained them away. According to Rothenberg, polling shows that (1) Republicans express disapproval of their own party to a much larger degree than Democrats, but (2) Republicans generally come home to vote in November. Moreover, it is important to note that all signs point to significantly higher voter intensity for Republicans this Fall than for Democrats. Beyond that, no one logically thinks the economy is going to rebound to such an extent that the Democrats will be singing Happy Economic Days Are Here Again by November. Similarly, objective observers know that ObamaCare is not going to improve significantly this year—it could, in fact, get worse—and the VA scandal could

engulf the Administration and Democrats by extension. Beyond those issues, the world’s foreign policy problems appear to be growing, in the Ukraine, China and Syria, not receding. Even worse for the Democrats, but predictably, they are divided on many of those troubling issues. Despite their questionable marketing efforts on ObamaCare signups, the Democrats actually running

for office in difficult districts are running away from ObamaCare. With respect to foreign policy, numerous Democrats openly oppose their own President. On the economy, there is division among the Democrats as well. For instance, on the Keystone pipeline - a rather simple issue for voters to understand - vulnerable Senate Democrats have staked out positions starkly different from their President. In other words, on the most significant issues this year, the Democrats are a divided party. Divided parties have illdefined brands and messages at best. That is why intra-party fights during an election year are always bad for the divided party – just ask Lyndon Johnson and the 1968 Democrats. Unable to campaign on the economy, healthcare or foreign policy, the Democrats are left to tertiary issues. The issues they are choosing, however, such as claims of inequality – by definition - divide

Americans. In a down economy, where a majority of American families are living paycheck to paycheck, making people feel guilty about the job they have is hardly unifying. Indeed, they are called “wedge” issues for a reason and they pit some Americans against other Americans. Most importantly, divisive issues do not attract Independent voters. That is especially true given the way Democrats are going about pushing these issues – call it Democrats integrity inequality problem. Voters well know that the attack on CEOs comes while Democrats ignore the gobs of money in the liberal entertainment industry and the President’s lavish parties, vacations, and golf outings. Harry Reid attacks the Koch brothers relentlessly, but ignores CEO George Soros’ larger contributions. The Democrats claim an interest in jobs but reject Keystone if favor of getting cash from CEO Tom Steyer. The flip side to these political coins means that Republicans have a great opportunity to run on the most salient issues, to define themselves and present a unified front. The Democrats problems alone will result in Republicans gaining seats this Fall. If Republicans choose to run on a simplified, national platform of practical and principled reform solutions, they could more than win this Fall’s elections—they could dominate them. Tom Del Beccaro is past Chairman of the California Republican Party. He is author of The New Conservative Paradigm available at Tom’s website:

Visit the All New CRA Website:

President from Page 2

encouraging units to work, in addition to their own local candidates, on a few key legislative races. We have a real opportunity to take super majority status away from the Dems if we can knock off a few of their incumbents which won by such small margins in 2012 and protect our own. I think we have a chance to win a state-wide race or two. We won’t take back our great state in one election but one step at a time and with this election we can take

the first steps. And if you haven’t already done so, please reach out to groups whom are also supporting good conservative candidates, Young/College Republicans, Women’s Federated, Tea Party and others. Together we will do so much more than separately. Let’s go win us some elections!! This is the year for the impossible after all.

Join the CRA Facebook Group:

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The California Republican

May / June 2014

To Fix Schools, Return to Founding Principles WHEN DID WE ACCEPT average as ordinary? Most Americans agree that our education system is badly fractured. We read continuously about how America’s and California’s academic rankings are slipping at an alarming rate. CEOs like Sky Dayton (founder of EarthLink) have warned that skills for success are often lacking in college graduates. The National Science Foundation indicates that America’s inability to produce graduates in STEM programs (science, technology, engineering and math) has forced employers to seek candidates from other countries to fill critical positions. In our mad rush to change with the times, have we forgotten how to produce a quality workforce? If so, how do we recapture the things that once made California’s educational system one of the best in the world? First, recognize that this crisis in education is both an economic and a moral problem. Human capital is the main driver for long-term economic success, which requires an educated workforce. Our economy could not survive without one directed by a strong moral compass. Furthermore, problems with education

also point to a crisis of freedom. History clearly teaches that a free, self-governed and prosperous people must value liberty. If voters are unenlightened about our constitutional rights, it sends us down a dangerous path. Many good ideas have been offered to fix the educational system. Returning decision-making power to local districts, as we took steps to do this year, will help improve the mess created by Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Additionally, creative policies like a bill I jointly sponsored, Assembly Bill 51, which would offer California State University students entering STEM fields of study the opportunity to earn their bachelor’s degrees for $10,000, can move us in the right direction. But at the same time, I believe our problems require a return to basic foundational principles. Before digital classrooms and standardized tests, our great nation produced many of the brightest minds in history. Though times change, these

principles do not. How can education produce strong minds and sturdy, honest character? University founders understood that education requires a core set of values. Their mottos included words like courage,

piety, honor, duty and liberty. But in our zeal to give students a taste of everything, we have failed to impart a hunger for the best. I believe this road, where children receive no absolutes, leads to nowhere, except to a drop in academic and economic advantages. We must start with teaching our children how to think. That includes emphasizing the importance of memorizing facts that can be used in critical thinking. We must lay the groundwork for mastering effective writing and public speaking — all skills necessary for a well-rounded and prepared workforce.

Most importantly, we must also become champions of parental involvement. What early Americans knew, modern Americans are rediscovering: a student’s performance is largely the result of a parent-teacher partnership. Peres Fobes wrote in 1799 that the law of nature “… teaches parents and others that while employed in the humble office of instructing our youth, their services may be as patriotic and perhaps more useful to their country than their wisdoms and their counsels in the senate.” These principles have stood the test of time and will preserve our Golden State with economic, political and moral prosperity. Every problem of education today is an opportunity for each of us to step forward and invest in the lives of young students. If we perform this duty without fail, the next generation will become the best depository for our national safety and happiness. Mike Morrell represents the 23rd State Senate District covering portions of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles Counties.

Cash for Obamacare Shirkers WHEN OBAMACARE operatives aren’t busy trashing the private health insurance market and squandering billions on useless technology, they’re busy ... being idle. File the latest example of government health care profligacy under “Caution: Your tax dollars not at work.” According to at least one Obamacare paper-pusher, employees at an applicationprocessing center in Wentzville, Mo., are getting paid to sit around and do nothing. Investigative reporter Chris Nagus of the St. Louis television station KMOV News 4 spoke to the whistleblower. “They want to hire more people even though we still don’t have work to keep the people that we have busy,” the worker revealed. “There are some weeks that a data entry person would not process an application.” The worker -- or rather, shirker -- also spilled the beans on how his colleagues are “told to sit at their computers and hit the refresh button every 10 minutes.” Another former worker at the processing facility added that the company “is a JOKE! There is nothing to do -- NO WORK.” You will not be surprised to learn that the company in charge of these Obamacare layabouts is embroiled in scandal -- around the world, no less. Multinational tech management com-

pany Serco won a $1.2 billion contract with the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid last summer to “support” the beleaguered Obamacare health care exchanges. (According to the latest estimates, nearly half a billion dollars in taxpayer subsidies have now been squandered on inoperable or defunct health care exchanges in Massachusetts, Oregon, Nevada and Maryland.) In addition to the office in Missouri, Serco oversees Obamacare processing centers in Rogers, Ark., Lawton, Okla., and London, Ken., which are projected to “employ” up to 10,000 people. Not long after Serco snagged its billiondollar Cash for Obamacare Shirkers contract, news broke in Britain of a massive probe of fraud involving Serco’s parent company. The firm allegedly overbilled the government by “tens of millions of pounds” on a public contract to electronically monitor parolees. Investigators found that Serco had billed British taxpayers for tracking criminals who were dead or still in prison. Just this week, British watchdogs called

on the U.K. government to ban Serco from any further government work. The company is also in hot water for manipulating a prison van escorting contract in London. And in Australia, Serco has been investigated and fined $15 million for mismanaging asylum detention centers across the country, where more

than a dozen detainees have escaped and riots and chaos reigned. Will someone on Capitol Hill follow the lead of KMOV-TV and find out what exactly Serco’s shirkers are doing (and not doing) with our money? The see-no-incompetence Obama administration, for its part, has no worries, as usual. “Serco is a highly skilled company that has a proven track record in providing cost-effective services to numerous other federal agencies,” Medicare spokesman Brian Cook said in response to questions last year about Serco’s integrity. Serco’s American subsidiary is one of the largSee Malkin, Page 10

@cragop Donnelly from Page 1

success beyond most CRA member’s memory and he was very pleased with the participation and turnout. This particular state CRA endorsing convention hosted local CRA endorsing conventions as well. Some of the resulting endorsement actions include: • CD-25 – Steve Knight takes CRA endorsement • CD-26: Jeff Gorrell endorsed • 36th State Senate District – Pat Bates unanimously endorsed • 73rd Assembly District: Bill Brough • 74th Assembly District – Matthew Harper • OC Board of Supervisors, Fifth District Robert Ming unanimous • Paul Tanaka for L.A. County Sheriff Additional endorsements are listed on page 6

May / June 2014

The California Republican

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CRA Activity Around the State Northern Gold Country Aaron Park, CRA Vice President Only 6 weeks into my first term as CRA VP, I’ve been busy! I’ve helped recruit several members into both the Sacramento and Shasta RAs. I am actively engaged in working with the Nevada and Shasta RAs to get both of those units in to the “over 30” crowd. On the horizon will be an effort to create a Yuba-Sutter RA and a Butte RA with the assistance of CRA-Aligned electeds in the North State. I recently visited the El Dorado RA and was present when they announced that they just signed up their 50th member! It is going to be a busy summer. Inland Empire Jonathan Ingram, Vice President The California Republican Assembly Is On The Move!!!!!! Our California Republican Assembly units are re-energized and working hard to build unit and membership numbers by our 2015 Convention! We have seen a resurgence of former members reactivating memberships, members getting involved with their respective local units, and the building of new units. The Murrieta Temecula Republican Assembly MTRA is leading the charge in growing our Republican base as well and pushing our Riverside County stronghold because of the hard work of amazing members and unit leadership! MTRA members have also been instrumental in organizing a new unit in Hemet with Mr. Dale Dieleman who is working diligently to build a strong unit. We are looking forward to organizing and building a chapter in Corona and re-establish the Hesperia unit. District 28 Director Kurt Kunkel and I had the honor of attending a nomination convention with the San Bernardino West Valley unit SBWV where we met the President Earl De Vries. He is a unique combination of scrappy and helpful! He would probably give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. This is exactly the sort of member the organization produces! The members of this unit made me proud to be a member of the California Republican Assembly! MTRA will be holding an endorsement convention at Temecula City Hall on May 2, 2014 at 6 pm. Guest speakers will include Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff and Murrieta City Police Chief Shaun Hadden. This convention will be one to remember as Paul Zellerbach, Riverside County District Attorney will square off with challenger Mike Hestrin. Make sure to attend this lively meeting. We are forming a new unit in the San Bernardino area. The Big Bear Valley Republican Assembly BBVRA, their first meeting took place at the beautiful home of Big Bear Mayor Jay Olbernolte. We had the privilege of meeting Jay and his wife Heather at the state party convention in Burlingame earlier this year. We spoke with them about bringing the CRA to their community and they enthusiastically helped get this chapter going. Heather set the wheels in motion fast and organized the first meeting with 17 new members on April 15th! The second meeting of BBVRA was held on April 27th. Their membership has grown since the first meeting. I believe this unit will be actively engaged in the success of the statewide organization and will deliver sustainable results. I consider CRA fortunate to have the BBVRA as a new unit and look forward to their final approval at our next convention! Thank you to Brigitte Green MTRA Board member and Douglas Gibbs MTRA member host of Constitution Radio Show for attending the meeting and welcoming new members to the CRA. I also want to recognize the amazing work and commitment of those volunteer members that give their time. Where would we be without your hard work and dedication? Thank you for your unwavering support and generosity. On a more personal note, I would like to thank Bob Kowell for being my inspiration, and President John Briscoe, Vice-President Aaron Park, Membership Secretary George Park, and Senate Director Kurt Kunkel for their active encouragement and energy. Thank you so much for your support of our clubs. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude to you! Your leadership, loyalty, and friendship are very appreciated.

Central Coast Mark Gardner, CRA Vice President Hello, my name is Mark Gardner and I’ve recently been assigned as VP for the Central Coast of California, who could ask for a better assignment? While this geographic area covers a lot of miles, and encompasses the counties of San Luis Obispo, San Benito, Monterey, Santa Cruz and Santa Clara unfortunately we have very little representation in these areas with only two CRA units currently, one in the far south, SLO, and one in the north in Berryessa/Milpitas and nothing in between. Fortunately both of these units are doing well at the leadership of Mike Zimmerman, SLO and Ty Greaves, BMRA and both are growing our presence in these areas. Our goal and mission becomes obvious, grow the organization in the number of units on the Central Coast. Our immediate targets are the cities of Paso Robles, Hollister & Gilroy/Morgan Hill, with eventual focus on Salinas, Monterey, and Santa Cruz and perhaps another unit in the San Jose area. For obvious reasons this will only enhance the presence of our current units and bring better exposure of the CRA and its goals on the Central Coast and credibility and viability of our organization and the Republican party in the state of California overall. On Thursday, April 17, 2014 I did have the pleasure of attending a campaign rally with President Ty of Berryessa/Milpitas in San Jose for our endorsed candidate for Governor, Tim Donnelly who is doing well in the polls. It would certainly be a breath of fresh air to unseat Jerry Brown in November and being successful in a number of other statewide races as well as changing the balance of power in Sacramento. In addition, I plan of visiting with President Mike in SLO later this month and then on May 5th will be attending a meeting of BMRA with President John Briscoe in San Jose. A little of my background: While you may feel we are battling an uphill, almost unsurmountable, situation here in the state of California, you must understand that I’ve just recently relocated, 3 years ago, back to California from the state of Hawaii where we only had/have 1 Republican state Senator out of 23 (caucuses all by himself?) and only 6 Republican State Assembly members out of 51, so if you think we are outnumbered just imagine how they feel! And to think, in 1957, when Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the U.S. the reason both states were admitted at the same time was that Alaska was heavily Democratic and Hawaii was very Republican and the admission of both would not throw off the balance of power in the US Senate. Go Figure? Anyways, looking forward to serving the CRA as Vice-President and hopefully expanding our presence on the Central Coast, at least I’m gonna have fun trying! South Los Angeles County Bill Schmidt, CRA Vice President Sarah Wiltfong, President, Torrance /Lomita RA and current Field Representative for the Assembly Republican Caucus, has been active increasing the clubs membership. They added 10 new members within the past month. The club recently held an endorsing convention for the Torrance Mayoral and City Council election, which is scheduled for June 3rd. They are actively involved in supporting their endorsed candidates. Sandra Sandoval is President of the Palos Verdes Peninsula RA, and current State Corresponding Secretary. She has built her membership to over 55 and has been hosting several major “Community Information Events” with great specialty speakers. The topics included election integrity, voter identification, Obama Care, Common Core, voter registration, absentee ballots, and phone banking. The South Bay Unit has developed a “Candidate Support” structure with Committee Chairmen. The committees are: voter registration, precinct operations, telephone callers, fund raising, yard sign distribution, office administration, and home events. It is our intention to fully support various candidates in the 2014 election cycle, specifically local city councils and our State Assembly District candidate, David Hadley. David Hadley is one of five CRP targeted races in the State to break the Super Majority in the Assembly! We want to win elections! San Joaquin Valley & Inyo Tim Thiessen, CRA Vice President The Spring Primary season has been exciting throughout the Central Valley with See Around the State, Page 10

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The California Republican

May / June 2014

CRA 2014 Primary Election Endorsements As of May 14, 2014

California Statewide Governor – Tim Donnelly Website: Facebook:

AD-08 Doug Haaland

AD-60 Eric Linder

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-09 Manuel Martin

AD-65 Young Kim

Lt. Governor – Ron Nehring


Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-26 Rudy Mendoza

AD-66 David Hadley

Controller – Ashley Swearengin

Website: LinkedIn:

Website: Facebook:

Facebook: Website:

Secretary of State – Pete Peterson Website: Facebook:

AD-28 Chuck Page Website: Facebook:

AD-32 Romeo Agbalog

AD-67 Melissa Melendez Website: Facebook:

AD-68 Don Wagner

Insurance Commissioner – Ted Gaines


Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-33 Jay Obernolte

AD-69 Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias

Superintendent of Instruction: Lydia Gutierrez

Website: Facebook: com

Website: Facebook: CeciIglesiasforCongress?fref=ts

AD-34 Shannon Grove

AD-71 Brian Jones

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook: assemblymanbrianjones?fref=ts

Website: Facebook:

Board of Equalization – Dist 1 – George Runner Website: Facebook:

Board of Equalization – Dist 4 – Diane Harkey Website: Facebook:

Assembly Districts

AD-36 Tom Lackey Website: Facebook:

AD-37 Ronald Deblauw Website: Facebook:

AD-38 Scott Wilk

AD-02 Matthew Heath

Website: Facebook:

AD-03 James Gallagher

AD-40 Mark Steinorth

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-04 Charlie Schaupp

AD-41 Deborah Behovnek (write-in candidate)

Website: Facebook:

AD-52 Dorothy Pineda

AD-05 Frank Bigelow

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-54 Glen Ratcliff

AD-06 Beth Gaines

AD-55 Phillip Chen

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

AD-72 Travis Allen Website: Facebook:

AD-73 Bill Brough Website: Facebook:

AD-74 Matthew Harper Website: Facebook:

AD-75 Marie Waldron Website: Facebook:

AD-78 Barbara Decker Website:

Senate Districts SD-02 Lawrence Wiesner Website: Facebook:

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The California Republican

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CRA 2014 Primary Election Endorsements (Continued) SD-04 Jim Nielsen

CA-22 Devin Nunes

CA-50 Duncan Hunter

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook: Congress

SD-08 Tom Berryhill

CA-23 Kevin McCarthy

CA-52 Kirk Jorgensen

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook: mccarthy.1690671?fref=ts

Website: Facebook:

SD-10 Peter Kuo Website: Facebook:

SD-14 Andy Vidak Website: Facebook:

SD-16 Jean Fuller Website: Facebook:

SD-23 Mike Morrell SD-24 William Rodriguez Morrison

CA-24 Dale Francisco Website: Facebook:

CA-25 Steve Knight Website: Facebook:

CA-26 Jeff Gorrell Website: Facebook:

CA-35 Ben Lopez

CA-53 Joel Marchese Website: Facebook:

COUNTY OFFICES – ALPHABETICAL BY COUNTY KINGS COUNTY Supervisor D1 – Joe Neves District Attorney – Keith Fagundes Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook: morrison2013?fref=ts&ref=br_tf

CA-30 Mark Reed

SD-32 Mario Guerra

CA-39 Ed Royce

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

SD-34 Janet Nguyen

CA-41 Steve Adams

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

Assessor – John Wong

SD-36 Pat Bates Website: Facebook:

Congressional Districts CA-03 Dan Logue Website: Facebook:

CA-09 Steve Colangelo Website: Facebook:

CA-21 David Valadao Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

CA-43 John R. Wood Website: Facebook:

CA-46 Carlos Vasquez Website: Facebook: php?id=100007383582909&fref=ts

CA-47 Andrew Wallon Website: Facebook:

CA-48 Dana Rohrabacher Website: Facebook:

CA-49 Darrell Issa Website: Facebook:

LOS ANGELES COUNTY Sheriff – Paul Tanaka


ORANGE COUNTY Supervisor D2 – Michelle Steel Website: Facebook: TaxfighterMichelleSteel?fref=ts

Supervisor D5 – Robert Ming Website: Facebook:

Assessor: Claude Parrish Website:

Auditor/Controller: Eric Woolery Website: Facebook:

See Endorsements, Page 9

Page 8

The California Republican

May / June 2014

Putting Fish Before People The following remarks were delivered on the House floor by Congressman McClintock. CALIFORNIA IS SUFFERING one of the worst droughts in its history. More than a half-million acres of the most fertile farmland in the nation have been devastated. Some Central Valley farmers have been notified that they will receive ZERO water allocations this year from the federal system. The owners of long-held water rights are being cut off. In some communities, “water police” go from door to door to enforce water restrictions. Homeowners are forbidden to water their lawns except under the most rigid constraints. Sacramento offers an “app” so people can turn in neighbors to the water authorities. And yet, knowing full well we are facing a devastating drought and that our dwindling water supply will be desperately needed by our people this summer, over the past several weeks the Bureau of Reclamation has released more than 70,000 acre feet of water from dams on the American and Stanislaus rivers to meet environmental demands that place fish above people. That is enough water to meet the ANNUAL needs of a city of half a million people – all sacrificed in order to flush salmon smolts to the ocean (where they tend to swim anyway) and to keep the

river at just the right temperature for the comfort of the fish. The releases of this water are so enormous they are called “pulse flows.” Citizens are warned to exercise extreme caution on rivers undergoing pulse flows – so swift is the water current they produce as that water rushes toward the ocean. Four months ago, Folsom Lake on the American River was almost empty. Yet on April 21st, the Bureau of Reclamation more than tripled water releases from Folsom and Nimbus dams from 500 cubic feet per second to more than 1,500 cubic feet per second for three days – about 7,000 acre feet of water. On April 14th, a 16-day pulse flow drained nearly 63,000 acre feet of water from New Melones and Goodwin Dams on the Stanislaus. The irony is that if we hadn’t built these dams, these rivers would be nearly dry in this drought and there wouldn’t be any fish. We cannot demand that our people scrimp and save and stretch and ration every drop of water in their parched homes while at the same time, this government

treats our remaining water supply so recklessly, so irresponsibly and so wastefully. This conduct utterly destroys the credibility of government demands for stringent conservation and sacrifice by our people,

and it thoroughly undermines its moral authority to make these demands. Inflexible laws administered by ideologically driven officials have taken this wastage of water to ridiculous extremes, and it cries out for fundamental reform. The House twice has passed such a reform bill, most recently as HR 3964, but the Senate refuses to act on it or to pass its own alternative. Nevertheless, the administration has the authority to stop these releases through provisions in the Endangered Species Act, but it has failed to do so. Mr. Speaker, we use the word “outrage” too often on this floor, but in this case, it is an understatement. If a homeowner is caught with a one gallon puddle on his lawn on the wrong day, he can be severely fined. But the government thinks nothing of flushing

23 billion gallons of desperately needed water this past month for the comfort and convenience of the fish. How much longer will the people tolerate this kind of mismanagement from their government? How much longer will we allow these policies to threaten the health, safety and prosperity of the human population throughout these drought-afflicted lands? California’s chronic water shortages won’t be addressed without additional storage. There are plenty of suitable and affordable sites, but current environmental laws have delayed them indefinitely and made them cost-prohibitive. Until those laws are changed and new dam construction can begin, our state and federal governments have a responsibility to manage our dwindling water supply as carefully as we ask our citizens to do. The wildly frivolous and extravagant water releases from our dams last month make a mockery of the extraordinary sacrifices that our citizens are making to stretch supplies in this crisis. Perhaps, at least, they will serve to educate the public on just how unreasonable are these environmental laws -- and the policy makers responsible for them. Tom McClintock represents California’s 4th Congressional District.

Diversity? Tolerance? Not In Media WHAT DOES MODERN “liberalism” stand for? Well, if you believe the marketing hype, it’s “diversity” and “tolerance,” right? Actually, those buzzwords have never really meant more to liberals and progressives than ensuring they are able to bully their own views into public policy and dominate the cultural landscape. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the backyard of a cultural institution monopolized by progressives – the news media. For decades, polls have shown self-identified Democrats, liberals and progressives greatly outnumber Republicans, independents, moderates and conservatives in newsrooms and boardrooms of the major corporate media institutions. The first studies were conducted in the early 1980s, and the trend has actually become more pronounced in the 21st

century. But wait a minute! I thought liberalism loved diversity? Why would liberal institutions allow themselves to become dominated by one worldview? Isn’t that the opposite of diversity? In fact, couldn’t you argue that intellectual and philosophical diversity is the most important kind of diversity of all – especially for a news-

gathering organization? Well, you could. And I have. But you’d be wasting your time. I found it to be much more effective to start my own media institution 17 years ago to compete with the one-sided media that long ago lost its way and its mission of being a watchdog on government and an advocate for liberty. The Internet leveled the playing field for media entrepreneurs like me, and, for the

first time in decades, there were competing voices in American journalism again. And how have Democrats, liberals and progressives reacted to this explosion of diversity? Not well. In fact, you could say they have been downright intolerant. Take the latest intel from Federal Elections Commission Chairman Lee Goodman. He told a reporter for the Washington Examiner recently that there are “impulses in the government every day to secondguess and look into the editorial decisions of conservative publishers” – and, he explained, his own commission has been used in efforts by Democrats, liberals and progressives to squelch constitutionally protected political speech. Repeatedly, he says, the First Amendment-inspired media exemption that permits the press to escape regulation under campaign finance laws has been under attack by Democrats, liberals and progressives – those who like freedom of the press when it protects their rights, but

not when it protects the rights of those with whom they disagree. This is the hypocrisy and corruption of modern liberals and progressives today. They just don’t mean what they say. They are bullies and authoritarians. They do not love the kind of liberty that provides equal protection under the law and a spirited political debate. Goodman explained it this way: “The right has begun to break the left’s media monopoly, particularly through new media outlets like the Internet, and I sense that some on the left are starting to rethink the breadth of the media exemption and Internet communications. … They can compete with the big boys now, and I have seen storm clouds that the second you start to regulate them, there is at least the possibility or indeed proclivity for selective enforcement, so we need to keep the media free and the Internet free.” This is hardly the only time we have seen Democrats, liberals and progressives push for government regulation of free speech. See Farah, Page 10

May / June 2014

The California Republican

Page 9

CRA 2014 Primary Election Endorsements (Continued) ORANGE COUNTY (CONTINUED) Clerk Recorder: Hugh Nguyen Website: Facebook:

District Attorney: Tony Rackauckas

Assessor – Kristen Spears

RIVERSIDE District Attorney-Paul Zellerbach

Sheriff: Sandra Hutchens

Website: Facebook:

Treasurer-Tax Collector: Shari L Freidenrich Website: Facebook:

Board of Education District 2: Tom Pollitt Facebook:

SAN JOSE San Jose City Council D 7 – Van Le

Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:


LinkedIn: Facebook:

SACRAMENTO COUNTY District Attorney-Anne Marie Schubert Website: Facebook:

Website: Facebook:

SIMI VALLEY Simi Valley City Council – Mike Judge LinkedIn: Facebook:

Simi Valley School Board: Josie Hirsh


Website: Facebook:

Board of Education District 5: Linda Lindholm

Supervisor D5-Bill Horn



Dean Kunicki

Superior Court Judge, No. 20: Helen Hayden

SD County Board of Education D5-Doug Perkins

Website: Facebook:

LinkedIn: Facebook:

Superior Court Judge #19 – Paul Ware

Superior Court Judge, No. 35: Jeff Ferguson Website: Facebook:

PLACER COUNTY Supervisor D2 – Robert Weygant Website: Facebook:

Superior Court Judge #25-Ken Gosselin

Torrance Mayor – Tom Brewer

Website: www.

Website: Facebook:

SANTA CLARA COUNTY Supervisor D1 – Mike Wasserman Website: Facebook:

Clerk-Recorder – Jim McCauley Website: LinkedIn:

District Attorney – Scott Owens Website: Facebook:

TULARE COUNTY County Sheriff – Mike Boudreaux Website:

Supervisor D5 – Greg Shelton Check Out Our All-New Website: Get Up to Date Endorsements & More!

Auditor-Controller – Andy Sisk Website: Facebook:

Treasurer-Tax Collector – Jenine Windeshausen Website:



Torrance City Clerk – Gina Semana Website: Facebook:

Torrance City Council Milton Herring Website: Facebook:

Leilani Kimmel-Dagostino LinkedIn: Facebook:

Charlotte Svolos Website: Facebook:

Dr. J.P. Tabakian Website: Facebook:

Page 10

The California Republican

May / June 2014

CRA Local Unit Contacts UNIT NAME









Steven Sarkis



Ed Rowen



Phyliss Reily



A.L. Lucketta

(559) 784-7272


Fred Porter





Ty Greaves

(408) 929-2010


Ron Givens

(916) 870-1854


Richard Rios



Matt Trudell



Baron Night

(714) 469-8623


Paul Russell



Bill Baker

(925) 300-3222




Richard Nichols



Sylvia Sullivan



Phil Morello

(714)434 1009


Michael Denunzio



William Tolson



Jim Shoemaker



Joan Matteson



Michael Zimmerman (805)481-7077


Jeff Clitheroe




Tim Thiesen

(559)352 9891


Robert Mercado


Zonya Townsend

(714)525 9441


Dana Schlumberger (661) 200-5633


Clay Bock

(714)420 1911


Cherrill Clifford

(530) 276-9171


Sonny Sardo



William Schmidt

(310)214 8319



Craig Alexander

(949)443 3963



Norman H. Reece

(707) 644-3875




Pat Garcia

(714) 742-1670


Susan Dignan


Carl Mandernacht



David John Shawver (714)931 8863


Lois Wynne



Sarah Wiltfong



Nicolas Melendez



Jay Peterson



Greg Marks



Ashur Givargis



Nicholas Testa

(714)894 4941


Earl De Vries

(909) 947-5311

(714)658 5250



Wayne Soller

(214) 770-9049


Chris Nguyen


Cyuong Cao


Sandra Sandoval

(310) 729-4717



Michael Grant



Tom Randell

Visit for the Most Current Unit Listings Around the State from page 5

many hotly contested State and Local Races. The Porterville Area Republican Assembly is active and staying engaged in their region. The Fresno, Kings and Kern River Valley Republican Assemblies are growing their memberships, reclaiming ground and making the CRA presence known in local, State and Congressional races. Plans are moving forward to establish new units in Madera and Merced Counties as the election season approaches.


from page 4 est federal prime contractors in the U.S., with oversight of our patent application and visa application processing systems, as well. Egad. Serco is just the latest in a parade of


from page 8 It has come in many forms, most notably efforts like “the fairness doctrine” that would target talk radio, one part of the media dominated by conservative voices. I thought Democrats, liberals and pro-

shady federal health care contractors -from fraud-riddled Seedco to feckless CGI Federal -- who are ripping off American taxpayers. While the White House amuses itself with selfies and hashtags, the Obamacare clunker keeps burning up our billions to pay do-nothings and destroyers. It’s the slush fund from hell.

Michelle Malkin is the author of “Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies” (Regnery 2010). Her e-mail address is

gressives saw “diversity” and “tolerance” as their highest values. Why, then, do they oppose diversity and tolerance in the media? You know why. Because they don’t really value diversity and tolerance. Those are merely convenient buzzwords they cite when they are shouting down opposition.

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies.

May / June 2014

The California Republican

Page 11

The California Republican Assembly Carrying the Republican Banner for over 75 years. Why not join us?

What We Believe Inalienable Rights: We believe that man’s “rights” flow

from the Creator and the rights of life, liberty, and justice cannot be legitimately granted or rescinded by men. Judeo-Christian Foundation: We believe in the guiding force of moral law as expressed by the Judeo-Christian ethic and contained in the Holy Scriptures of these historic faiths. Self-Government: We believe that the only answer to the current moral decline that our nation now faces is a return to the beliefs and standards of morality which our founding fathers placed into the Constitution. We believe with the framers of that document when President Adams stated, “This Constitution will not work except with a religious people.” We understand that the concept of self-government begins with governing one’s self first, then family, community, state, and nation. Education: We believe in the rights of parents to a quality education for their children. We support parental choice to create competition among the schools. We must insure that no school or teachers union can compromise the education of our children or advance a particular political agenda at the expense of our future generation’s educations. Decentralized Government: We believe in the power of the individual over the power of the state. We believe that only small government truly serves the needs of the people. Taxes: We believe that the federal tax system is abusive to the American people while discouraging investment and growth. We believe in growth-oriented tax policies which would gradually eliminate punitive income taxes and move our tax system in the direction of use taxes and sales taxes only. Sanctity of Life: We believe that the preborn child is a human being deserving the full protection of the law. National Defense: We believe in a strong and consistent national defense. We believe in victory over, and not accommodation with, tyranny in any form or philosophy. Free Enterprise: We believe in the free enterprise system as the best hope for men and women to fulfill their economic hopes and dreams. We know that the free market is the most efficient and the least costly system to deliver the highest quality goods and services at the lowest price to the consumer. We will support only those who support the free enterprise system through legislation to reduce or eliminate intrusive government intervention in the marketplace. Family: We believe that the traditional American family, defined as any persons related by blood, marriage of a man and a woman and/or adoption, is the cornerstone of our American society, and the government is duty bound to protect the integrity of the family unit through legislation and taxation policies. Right to Bear Arms: We believe in the unqualified right of our citizens to keep and bear arms without the intrusive hand of government. Victims’ Rights: We believe in the concept of victims’ rights over the rights of any criminal. We support a system of restitution as a deterrent to crime and recidivism. Term Limitation: We believe that public service is a privilege. We support term limits for public officials, not as an ideal but as a necessity to dissuade career politicians. It is the people who should rule, not an elite with little accountability. National Sovereignty: We believe in an America first program in which Government’s first concern is the welfare and protection of the American people. We support political leaders who will adopt policies that create fair and competitive trade.

SINCE 1934, the California Republican Assembly – CRA – has been working to elect Republican candidates who stand unwaveringly for Republican principles. As California’s oldest and most influential volunteer Republican organization, CRA’s endorsement is a coveted privilege for those candidates who meet our high standards — conservative, principled, electable and the overwhelming choice of our membership. When CRA endorses a candidate, we are committing volunteers, resources and our reputation. This is what President Reagan had to say about CRA:

“The best symbol of the grassroots worker I can think of is the California Republican Assembly ... CRA provides the nucleus of the Republican candidate’s volunteer work brigade. I know from personal experience. It’s hard to imagine my campaigns being anywhere near as successful as they were without the dedication of CRA’s members. I urge you to join CRA today.”

Join the CRA Today! At-Large-Membership dues are $25 per year For One Person and $15 for each additional household member. EXAMPLES: Husband & Wife...........................$40.00

CRA Grizzlies Are you a Grizzly? Help CRA impact elections and make a difference in this state.

Become a Grizzly today! The $1,000 annual membership gives you many benefits... • Free convention registration and meals • Access to special CRA events • Recognition at the convention and more...

CRA Membership Application ❏ YES! I wish to be a proud member of the CRA. I’ve enclosed annual dues in the amount of $_________. ❏ Please have someone contact me at this time. ❏ YES! I wish to be a member of the CRA Grizzlies. I’ve enclosed annual dues in the amount of $1,000 per person. Name________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Home Phone_________________________________ Fax Number______________________________________ E-mail Address__________________________________________ I understand that in order to become and remain a member of the CRA, I must be a registered Republican, keep my dues current, and uphold the principles and objectives of the CRA.

Signature of Applicant__________________________________________________________________________ Mail completed application and check made payable to “CRA” to: CRA Membership Secretary H 401 Bremerton Ct H Roseville, CA 95661-5106

Page 12

The California Republican

May / June 2014

Highlights from the CRA Convention

Congressional candidate Igor Birman, CRA President John Briscoe and Gubernatorial candidate Assemblyman Tim Donnelly

California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte

State Senator Mike Morrell

CRP National Committeeman Shawn Steel, Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel (candidate for the OC Board of Supervisors) and Tim Donnelly

Pastor Rafael Cruz (Senator Ted Cruz’s father), Angel Zombrowski, John Briscoe, Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, CRA National Committeeman Bill Cardoza

CRA’s Board of Directors

Board of Equalization candidate Assemblywoman Diane Harkey and CRA President John Briscoe

National Federation of Republican Assemblies President Sharon Angle

Assembly candidate Young Kim, Ann Marie Murrell and Los Angeles County Sheriff candidate Paul Tanaka

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