FIE Escrime # 39

Page 23

“TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!” Conversation with Jean-François Lamour

■ You are a member of the Olympic Program Com-

ends up going back on its decision to include

trial events: the World Championships in 2002 and

mission for the Summer Games. What were your feel-

women’s sabre or postpones it to 2008, with all the

2003. This is a real challenge and I understand per-

ings during the latest negotiations and discussions con-

pressure on the IOC from a certain number of new

fectly that this involves a fundamental change to

cerning the number of events allocated to fencing for

sports, who will one way or another knock at the

the spirit of team matches. However, everyone

the 2004 Games?

door, I fear that the cost of introducing this event

must understand that these two events are vital

Jean-François Lamour*: Things must be made clear.

would be a lot higher than it is at present. This

moments, especially that of Lisbon. I think that

The new president of the IOC, Jacques Rogge was

implies that the entry of women’s sabre would

Gilbert Felli will be there. If ever he is aware of neg-

adamant: there will be no more than 300 events

mean the end of all the team events. We would

ative impressions from the fencers, from the orga-

and 10000 athletes in Athens in two years time. Any

therefore be left with only the six individual events.

nizers, or from certain of the management of the

further reasoning must take into account this over-

I could add that most of those in power on the IOC

FIE, the IOC will not hesitate to say “they are not

all limit. The general program has been released.

would see no problem with that: they consider

happy, this is not a good choice, let’s finish there,

The only uncertainty concerns fencing because of

fencing as an individual sport. Among other things,

we cannot accept it.” It is up to us to prove that

the FIE’s desire to introduce women’s sabre. The

in terms of the figures, what would this mean? A

everyone is happy with the idea and that is works

problem is both simple and complicated: how can

loss of visibility for fencing at the games, with the

well. There is no better solution. ●

we complete the feminization of our sport by

four or five days of competition being reduced to

including women’s sabre while our possibilities are

two- and with it less importance for the economic

*Olympic Sabre Champion 1994 and 1998. World

limited to 200 participants and 10 events? It’s a case

interests that surround the IOC. Fencing would be


of putting a square peg in a round hole. The fenc-

weakened. This would bring up the question of

ing world does not realize the position in which we

fencing being removed from the Olympic program.

find ourselves. We are certainly a fundamental sport, one of the rare ones which has always been

■ What do you recommend?

part of the Olympic program since 1896. This is an

I would like to attract the attention of the fencing

asset but on its own it is not enough. On the other

world the following:

hand, despite the efforts made to develop fencing

One: We must introduce women’s sabre into the

throughout the world, we are not a universal sport.

Games. Two: This must be done quickly. Three: The

We are in the Olympic tradition but it is often diffi-

rules for the team competitions must be modified.

cult for us to admit that we must constantly evolve

After that, I think that we will be stable for a few

and be young and dynamic in order to show the

years. So, take responsibility!

world that fencing has a future. It would be a mistake to imagine that we can make the IOC give in

■ You have reiterated the rules of the IOC for fencing:

and to do so would lead us up the wrong path and

ten events, and no more. In the minds of the Olympic

into a wall.

hierarchy, does fencing have any choice in the organization of its events or must we still yield to the wishes

■ Is there really a risk?

of the IOC?

We are at a turning point. From my time spent on

There were two reactions to René Roch’s proposi-

the Program Commission, the first conclusion we

tion after the Executive Congress in Havana. On

drew was that we will not get any bigger. I there-

one hand, the IOC said: “we take note of your

fore advise those in control of the fencing world to

desire to introduce women’s sabre, why not? On

be well aware of what is at stake. 2004 may allow

the other, you are not offering us any trial compe-

us to introduce women’s sabre while retaining team

titions and we do not want the Olympic Games to

events, albeit of a new type, but team events

be used as a laboratory”. We suggested to Jacques

nonetheless. If, for one reason or another, the FIE

Rogge and Franco Carraro that they accept two

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