Copenhagen Photo Festival 2018 Program

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SATELLITUDSTILLINGER Satellites Copenhagen Photo Festival sætter fokus på fotografiets rolle i samtidskunsten i samarbejde med gallerier, museer, kunsthaller og projektrum. Vi ønsker samtidig at være en brobygger mellem vækstlaget og det etablerede miljø og giver derfor plads til uafhængige fotografer, kunstnere og projekter, der medvirker til at forny den fotografiske institution. Udstillingerne spreder sig over Storkøbenhavn, Skåne og de større byer i Danmark. Along with galleries, museums, art centres, and established project spaces, Copenhagen Photo Festival highlights the role of photography within contemporary art. We wish to be bridge builder between the emerging photographers and the established scene, and that is why we also give space to independent photographers, artists, and projects that contributes to renew the institution of photography. The exhibitions are distributed in the greater Copenhagen, Southern Sweden and bigger cities of Denmark.


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