Conscious Community Magazine - June 2020

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by Patti Ashley, Ph.D.


Three Magic Words

“TELL ME MORE” by Linda Carroll



to Ease Our Way through Time and Change

by Charles Garfield, Ph.D.


Ignorance is No Longer Bliss


14 18


DEPARTMENTS 06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Listening to The Heart’s Song by Kasia Szumal

07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A

Ask Alecia – June 2020

by Alecia Rice

08 ALL ABOUT TOWN Garden Gifts

Musings from a Contemplative Green Thumb

by Theresa Puskar

10 4


12 FROM THE HEART Intelligent Programming by Alan Cohen

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 41, NO.9

(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)

18 HEALTHY EATING Food and Mood

in Times of Crisis

by Betsy Bruns

22 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

June 2020

by Bernadette Evans

CONNECTIONS 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living 25

MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

June 2020




26 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock


CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2020 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




LISTENING TO THE HEART’S SONG Love has come to rule and transform; Stay awake, my heart, stay awake. — Rumi


n light of recent events, our brains may be overcrowded with doubt and fear. We may feel anxious or confused, and we may no longer trust ourselves and our bodies. We may feel disconnected from ourselves. We may even feel like we are starting to lose our humanity. The longer I am on my spiritual journey, the more I discover that our minds are terrified of things that we cannot control—the unknown. Over time, I have discovered that there is something inside of me, something that contains a pearl of deeper wisdom—a knowing. It communicates with me constantly and gives me direction, courage, acceptance, appreciation, faith, generosity, compassion, as well as that deeper sense of knowing. And, it is my heart.


Our heart is our emotional center through which we come into contact with and relate to others and ourselves. Our heart is where we choose to whom and to what we should devote our attention, dedication and passion. Your heart always knows what your mind forgets. When I think of who I was when I was younger, my heart was always guiding me towards this community, or to become a Reiki practitioner or hypnotherapist. This joy from my heart has filled my life with a profound sense of meaning. In these times, it is so easy to get lost in our thought patterns and become confused, perplexed and tense. I want to invite you to connect with your heart and feel what it’s telling you. You can do this easily at home by sitting comfortably on a chair or the floor while keeping your back straight and your hands crossed over your heart. Start breathing and just listen. For more about the heart and its role in our bodies, you can read Dr. Patti Ashley’s article, Reconciliation of the Heart. Do not let the music of your heart stop playing, especially in these times. Listen closely! Go, and do new things that you never had time to do before! Lastly, I wanted to let you know that the July issue of Conscious Community Magazine will be online only. However, the format of the issue will be the same. If you want to receive your monthly issue in your email, please sign up for our email list, and check our website often to keep elevating your consciousness! Until next time,

Kasia Szumal




the curtain, one might be surprised to find that they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing trying to fool us into adopting their agendas.

ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice

Q: Things have gotten so confusing lately. I used to think that I had it all together, but I don’t feel that I know much of anything now. I see so many conflicting stories with differing narratives of what’s happening. Nothing seems to align anymore. How do I make sense of it all? — Topsy Turvy A: Dear Topsy Turvy,

You’re not alone in your confusion. Most people I know feel the same way. Paradigm shifts abound. I saw a quote that said, “We’re all in the same storm, yet we’re in different boats.” This describes our similar—yet varying—circumstances, which cause us to process in different ways. We’re simultaneously enduring deep uncertainty in ways that we’ve never experienced as a species. There’s no road map or previous experience to refer to as a guide. The future’s an unknown void awaiting new visioning. It may freak us out to admit it, but noone knows the way from here. Yet if we bring our voices to the table and demand that it be so, we can create a new, triumphant global story for humanity of epic proportions. Growth is a painful, messy process. We have yet to know what’s on the horizon. There are stirrings that seek to untether us from what we thought we knew, so that we may move towards new concepts of being. One of the glues that previously held us together was sharing common beliefs in certain narratives,

but we’re outgrowing those. Stories now churn with new assertions that may be challenging in their unfamiliarity. So how do we know what to believe? We can pull up into a depersonalized eagle’s eye view to see the archetypal energies at play for some clues. Humans typically resist change, but we’re amidst a humanitarian and planetary metamorphosis—a transition of ages. Old templates that don’t serve us anymore are being released, while new foundations for future templates are laid to better serve the collective. Some might call it the struggle of moving out of darkness and control (ignorance/regression/immaturity/dependence) into the light of self-actualization and a new sense of freedom (enlightenment/progression/maturity/independence). Veils are being pulled away as long-held foundational systems fracture and fail all around us. As more is revealed, we’re called as conscious beings towards the flexibility of mind to reconsider what we thought we knew through new perspectives. As new storylines appear, old and new entities rival for our loyalty and support for their agendas. They seem to challenge and conflict with old stories about structures and motives of systems, governments, healthcare, money, work-life balance, and meaningful existence. Some storylines are revelations, while others hook us with emotionally charged kernels of truth padded with untruths. At first glance, sometimes they “appear” to be one thing, but if one waits and pulls back

The balance of power is shifting. It’s time for intuition-building while finding ease with questions more than the answers, as they may not land immediately with the facts. We’re challenged to simmer and synthesize in a new middle ground while getting comfortable with the uncomfortable thought of being in a void of uncertainty for a while. Patience bestows lessons. Remain curious and flexible of mind in the understanding that two seemingly opposing things can be true at the same time. Question if there’s something within that new narrative that could be true. If so, stay open to that possibility, to see what plugs into it down the road to prove or disprove it, which teaches us to flow in a non-resistant response in the midst of not knowing. Discernment and curiosity are key as we move into landscapes that we’ve never experienced before. Work on the allowance and acceptance of what is, while unraveling inner resistance which only creates stress. There is no road map from here except what we choose to co-create, which will include adapting to new stories while releasing old ones. New growth comes through the disruption of patterns and routines which can cause us to feel disoriented and unsure. We’re being remade collectively as a species, one person at a time, while being energetically loosened from our moorings. Will we reach back for the safety of “normal” because it comforts us, or will we have the courage to forge into the scary unknown future co-creating a beautiful, new story together? We’ll make that decision one choice and one person at a time. Alecia Rice is a Spiritual Alchemist Coach, a bridge for the brave and a personal advisor for those ready to step further into consciousness. She integrates higher concepts while offering up sage insights for guidance and well-being. Email questions to or text 681-321-1109. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




GARDEN GIFTS Musings from a Contemplative Green Thumb May 15, 2020 by Theresa Puskar I was no “Goddess-of-the-Garden.” I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. My mother was a highly creative woman and an avid gardener. Each year she would split the back garden into four sections, one for each of her daughters. To start, we planted tulip bulbs in each garden to ensure that they would at the very least grow annual flowers each spring. Thereafter we were left to tend to our tiny gardens in whatever way we saw fit. My older sister Laura was awarded the coveted “Puskar Green Thumb Award” each year for her stellar garden. She seemed to have a knack. Give her a couple of seedlings and a bit of dirt, and she would create a horticultural masterpiece. It’s no surprise that she now designs stunning garden landscapes for golf courses and country clubs. While I was a nature enthusiast, unlike my sisters, I did not have a green thumb. While they toiled over their terrain, I was negligent of mine, as I so often found myself wrapped in awe of nature in action. During hot summer days I remember spending hours lying face down on the cool grass that carpeted my backyard, fascinated by the mysterious maneuvering of the busy earth creatures that surrounded me. I would spend hours absolutely mesmerized by the orderly nature and selfless service of ant colony members. They were so committed and focused – it was no wonder that we had a difficult time keeping massive anthill infestations to a minimum. Then there were the roly-poly bugs (officially named Armadillidium vulgare). I would giggle with delight at how they would miraculously transform into tiny balls each time I tried to pick them up. I’d spend hours playing with Daddy long-leg spiders, watching them quickly dart from one end of my body to the other, their thin legs transporting them at record speed. I was lost in the world of nature in fast motion and had no patience for the steady movement of a slow growing garden. As it turns out, I have a green thumb after all! Fast forward 50 years, and I just discovered that I have a green thumb after all. It took this crazy quarantine to slow me down 8


enough to stop and “plant” the roses, so to speak. Now that I don’t have mile-long to-do lists and deadlines to impinge upon my quiet time, I am actually taking care of my gardens. In fact, I planted several items prior to our May late-frost and had to cover my vegetable garden and take my planters indoors in order to save the impatiens that I impatiently planted just a bit too early. Now that I have completed my planting, I am fastidiously working on weeding. On a visit to see my family in Canada last year, I noted an impressive number of dandelionfilled lawns. When I inquired about it, my sister informed me that there is a very stringent law that does not allow anyone in the country to use toxic weed-killers of any kind. Despite their being allowed here in the US, I don’t use them, as I don’t want the toxins to get into my vegetables and elderberry trees. So, I get on my hands and knees and pull the weeds from my lawn. While time-consuming, much to my amazement, I am actually finding myself enjoying it! Nature has a story to tell, if we take the time to listen. This morning, I woke up with focused attention on avoiding the task of writing this column. Usually these articles flow through me effortlessly. However, uncharacteristically, yesterday this was not the case. I had written a piece that I did not like at all. So this morning, after consuming my morning yogurt, I immediately headed out to my garden to practice a bout of productive procrastination. I’m sure you are familiar with this routine. I completed a plethora of mundane tasks in order to avoid the most pressing duty that required my immediate attention. As I busied myself in the garden, I came to a fascinating realization. I was in a semi-meditative state and as I started to follow the musings of my newly acquired green thumb, I discovered that Mother Earth has a great deal that she wanted to share around resilience and revitalization. Here are some of my observations and their subsequent lessons: Garden Observation: Roots hold on tight and don’t easily let go! Life Application: As much as we try, our roots are a part of us. They won’t let go of their grip on us, so making peace with our

family of origin is a wise and fruitful act of self-love. Garden Observation: If I don’t tend to the clover, they will take over the lawn to the point where there is no turning back. Life Application: Ignoring our issues will not make them disappear. We need to look honestly at ourselves and tend to them before they infiltrate all of the goodness in our lives. Garden Observation: I could have killed my vegetables and flowers by planting them too early. In retrospect, I would have done better to patiently wait until the winter temperatures were no longer an issue. Life Application: We are wise to have patience and trust that the right time to take action will reveal itself to us. Universal intelligence knows greater than our haste. Garden Observation: A tiny dandelion often has a massive, unyielding root below the soil. Life Application: Things aren’t always as they appear. He who seems mighty may be less so, and she who appears small and frail may have might and depth beyond measure. Garden Observation: When I am inattentive, full grown plants seem to appear out of nowhere! Life Application: Life continues to grow gloriously all around us. If we don’t slow down and pay attention, we might just miss out on the best it has to offer us! Garden Observation: Seedlings naturally allow the wind to carry them, trusting that they will find fertile ground in which to grow. Life Application: When we let go and have faith, synchronicity shows up again and again, delighting us with her magic!

titled “The Good Morning Garden.” The book is now available for pre-sale and my publisher has been encouraging me to get orders in. While I am not privy to how the world of publishing works, I have been informed that pre-sales are of utmost importance. If you enjoy my writing, I encourage you to order it on (if you type “Theresa Puskar” in the Amazon browser window, my books will be listed). To celebrate the publishing of The Good Morning Mind, and to further support deeper community connection, I am offering a FREE 30-minute Zoom Virtual session on Tuesday, June 16th at 7:00 p.m. Bring your garden stories and be prepared to “play” with me in our blossoming spiritual sanctuary. To join go to: TSEMyVFZhWmhpa1RjTm1GNHQrdz09 Meeting ID: 334 637 6403, Password: 911824. THERESA PUSKAR edu-tains soul seekers, empowering them to dance their soul dance. As an unabashed truth speaker and inspirational teacher, she is delighted to spread causeless joy throughout the world. Her most recent books, 8 Ways to DeClutter Your Brain and The Good Morning Mind: 9 Essential Mindfulness Habits for the Workplace are now available on Amazon. To learn more about Theresa, visit her website at

Garden Observation: Plants are obstinate and determined to grow. They will find a way to manipulate themselves through even the tiniest of cracks in the concrete. Life Application: When we fully commit to our growth, we will find a way. No hurdle is unsurmountable. Garden Observation: If you observe a flower or a tree closely, each is far from perfect. The leaves are most often blemished and asymmetric. However, as a whole, they are magnificent. Life Application: In our humanness we are imperfect. We don’t need to “fix” ourselves. We are each a perfect creation of our imperfections. “Theresa’s new book is the ANTIDOTE to the mental virus that infects adults. With clear and persuasive prose she translates the mindfulness narrative of Jon Kabat-Zinn into practical ideas and advice that every CEO, Manager, Millennial, Gen-Xer and Baby Boomer will gain massive value from. BRAVO for this masterwork!” — Doug Hall, Founder and Chairman of Eureka! Ranch and best-selling author of Driving Eureka! and Jump Start Your Business Brain. As I ponder upon these profound and simple lessons, I note that they reflect the tenets of my most recent book, The Good Morning Mind: 9 Essential Mindfulness Habits for the Workplace. For all intents and purposes, it could have been • 630-945-7356




RECONCILIATION OF THE HEART by Patti Ashley, Ph.D. Current research has discovered that the heart, not the brain, is the regulatory organ. To feel safe and secure, the head and the heart have to be in coherence. Stressful emotions such as anger, frustration and anxiety create irregular and erratic heartbeats, or what is known as an incoherent heart rhythm pattern, while positive emotions such as appreciation, care, joy, and love create highly ordered, smooth and harmonious heartbeats, known as a coherent heart rhythm. Paying attention to the heart is crucial to overall wellness. Current stressful lifestyles can leave your heart in an incoherent state. Reconciliation of the heart requires an honest inventory 10


of your inner and outer life and a willingness to look at what might be hidden in the shadow. Psychologist Carl Jung defined the shadow as “the place in the unconscious where you hide parts of yourself that appear negative to your conscious mind, fearing they may be evil or bad.” When you fail to recognize these shadow aspects, they may cause you to feel and/or act in ways you don’t consciously understand. Prior to the 20th century, survival was the key component of daily life. Today lifespans are much longer, and we have many luxuries that our ancestors did not enjoy. With modern technology, education, medical advances and appliances that have decreased the time needed

for basic survival, we can now pay more attention to the deeper aspects of what makes us feel more whole. Additionally, the pace of life has quickened, and we tend to want everything fast. High-speed internet, fast food, and even faster self-help practices and psychotherapies have been suggested. Faster is better. Reaching out and grasping whatever is quick and easy to fill the void and ease emotional pain is commonplace today. Addiction is rampant in our culture. The opiate epidemic affects far too many and is a perfect example of an attempt to find a quick fix for the pain. We fear the shadow, and then we run and hide.

Since research on social/emotional needs is relatively new, many people grew up in families and schools where aspects of outdated relational practices were still in place. These rigid, shamebased patterns often resulted in a sense of inauthenticity, or a false self. Charles Whitfield, a medical doctor specializing in trauma and addiction, described in his book, Healing the Child Within, how a false self develops as a way to cover up fear and doubt, focusing on what others want. It is over-conforming, giving love only conditionally, and often covering up, hiding, and/or denying feelings. On the other hand, in an ideal environment, a child develops a sense of authenticity, separate from the needs and desires of others. Swiss psychoanalyst Dr. Alice Miller thoroughly studied the long-term effects of outdated practices on families and individuals and dramatically revealed how rigid rules and unrealistic expectations can create conditions where individuals are unable to develop or express their true feelings. It is eye-opening to realize how the old dysfunctional patterns did much more harm to human development than we consciously recognize. And, it is even more disheartening to know that in this educated country, many people are completely blind to these concepts. Reconciliation of the heart is all about healing the past, present and future. Studies have shown that we are carrying 14 generations of ancestral trauma in our DNA. This means we have an extra difficult job of reconciling the broken and hidden parts. Reconciliation is defined as the action of making one view or belief compatible with another. To do that with your heart, you have to excavate your authentic self and learn to live a more congruent life. This requires three things: Willingness to face the whole self— light and dark—knowing this is the only way to self-love. When you stop running from wounds and self-judgments, you can better acknowledge your willingness to face the shadow and be vulnerable to look at the parts of your-

self that have been hidden due to fear and shame. Commitment to stay the course even when it gets hard and seems emotionally intolerable. It is so easy to go back to old patterns. Making a commitment, saying yes to the process, and staying the course even when it gets tough are all crucial. Tenacity to take your authenticity to the next level of healing. Declaring the past is over and will no longer influence you. Staying and not running away or looking for the quick fix. Taking all the time you need to do the work that will return you to self-love and reconcile your heart. The heart’s journey is a journey of reclaiming the gifts that you abandoned to fit in and realizing it is okay to live the authentic life you are meant to live. Reconciling what has happened, forgiving yourself and creating a new story help bring

you back to your true self. Keep in mind, this is not an easy task. Healing ancestral trauma, staying present in current emotional awareness, as well as building a brighter future for generations to come all call for willingness, commitment and tenacity. Songwriters, poets, authors and other artists express themselves from the heart—often inspiring feelings of awe, curiosity and mystery. Studies have shown that creative expression rewires the brain and helps to calm the nervous system and bring the heart back into coherence. So…find something creative or fun that you love to do and permit yourself to explore possibilities of your authenticity and joy. Reconcile your heart, and as Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see.” Dr. Patti Ashley, PH.D., LPC. is a psychotherapist, speaker, authenticity architect and author of Letters to Freedom. Visit

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INTELLIGENT PROGRAMMING by Alan Cohen While I was in Japan I met an American woman, who had been living in that country for 20 years. I asked her how long it had taken her to learn the Japanese language. “A couple of years,” she answered. “But I still don’t understand everything. Just the things that interest me. For example, I can watch documentaries on television and understand every word. When the game shows come on, I have no idea what they are talking about.” Her selective learning demonstrated to me that we each have the capacity to tune our minds to things of value and to screen out everything irrelevant. The world is filled with all manner of subject matter and intention. You have the power to understand what is of value to you and screen out everything that doesn’t match your intention. A significant part of personal growth is finding the confidence to let in what belongs to you and release all else. My dog, Munchie, was an excellent teacher of selective sifting. When I took him to the beach he would wander off in search of interesting smells and people. I would call him many times, 12


but he would just stay on his mission. I thought he was hard of hearing, so I would go and fetch him. Then one day I opened a snack in a cellophane wrapper, the sound of which resembled what Munchie heard when I opened the treats I gave him. At a distance of 20 yards, amid the sound of waves and people on the beach, he heard the tiniest crumpling of cellophane and he came running back. He heard what was important to him and responded instantly. “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” And dogs, too. You can use the principle of selective sifting to generate intelligent programming with your children and friends. When your children misbehave, or your friends act unkindly or want to go places you prefer not to go, do not engage with their negative behavior. If you resist it, you will only reinforce it. Pay no attention to “silly game shows.” Consider foolishness or banality a foreign language that does not register with you. When your children, spouse or friends show up with positive

behavior or activities that stimulate you, reinforce that behavior with the kind of attention you would pay to a brilliant movie. When they behave amiss, withdraw your attention. Soon they will learn that if they want your presence and support, they will need to walk on the brighter side of the street. The most powerful currency you have at your disposal is your attention. The concept of “paying attention” reveals the key to its wise use. When you pay attention to something, you are investing in the stock of that commodity. You are saying, “This is important to me. I want more of it.” The concept of “interest” also bears crossover between the realms of finance and consciousness. When you are interested in something, you earn interest on it. What you put in comes back to you increased. Take care what you pay attention to and what you are interested in. You will get more of the same. The Internet is a great metaphor for how we choose. The Internet reflects the entire gamut of human consciousness. Everything that anyone has ever thought of is posted on some website somewhere, from the sublime to the ridiculous, the uplifting to the sordid. You get to choose which realm you will participate in by way of the URL you type in. It’s all there. Visiting a website is like visiting a realm of consciousness. You decide what aspect of totality that you receive. If you have your own website, people must know your URL to visit it. They must have the key that enters your consciousness. Choose your URL wisely, metaphorically speaking. It makes all the difference to the people with whom you engage.

In her new book, 8 Ways to Declutter Your Brain, All About Town author, Theresa Puskar provides

you with 37 assessments and guided meditations

to quiet your mind, transforming stress & fear into compassion, self-love and creativity. To order, go to

Groucho Marx said, “‘I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” He also said, “Television is where you let people into your living room that you would not otherwise let near your house.” When you watch a TV show or movie, read a book, or have a conversation, you are participating in a level of consciousness. If that consciousness is rewarding to you, dive in. If not, dive out. I haven’t watched television in over five years. I watched it every day and night when I was a kid. I could recite the schedule of every evening show on every channel. Five years ago, the local TV stations switched from analog to digital broadcasting. Oddly enough, the digital signal does not reach the rural side of the island where I live. We never bothered to sign up for cable or satellite broadcasting. We don’t miss TV in the least. Now Dee and I watch inspirational and educational videos in the evening. We have more to talk about and we sleep better. There are fabulous shows being broadcast and meaningless shows being broadcast. You will watch the ones you understand. As a spiritual being, you understand brilliance. Invite people into your living room by choice, not by default. Alan Cohen is the author of I Had it All the Time: When SelfImprovement Gives Way to Ecstasy. For information about Alan’s books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Three Magic Words

what I need to do. I bet she’s missing him too. We can miss him together.


In the second version of the exchange, Evan doesn’t take the conversation in a predetermined direction — that is, where he wants it to go, or where he thinks it might or should go. Instead, he decides to truly hear her. He is able to see Shanice as different from himself, and because of this, she is able to discover what’s really bothering her and even find a way to help herself.

by Linda Carroll When we think about what we’re looking for in a partner, one of the most important criteria is someone who can love and value us as the unique beings we are, with all of our imperfections and strengths. Our partner’s acceptance instills in us feelings of safety, openness, and passion. All of this comes easily in Stage One, when our differences seem charming or even exciting. As we journey deeper into love, however, the differences between us begin to challenge instead of charm, and we need to develop new skills to help us return to that place of mutual warmth and trust. One key skill is the capacity to genuinely listen.

Shanice: I had a tough day today. Evan: Oh, your job is always getting you down. or, I’m worried that you’re not getting enough sleep. or, Well, the problem is that your boss is a jerk. But if Evan used the three magic words, the conversation would go very differently: Shanice: I had a tough day today.

THREE MAGIC WORDS We often equate the expression “three magic words” with “I love you.” But there are three other magic words that can allow you to discover important things about your partner (and others) that you’d never have imagined. Just as important, these words will help your partner to feel deeply cared about and seen — and to want to respond to you in kind. The words are, “Tell me more.” “Tell me more” is a powerful phrase when backed by a genuine willingness to pay attention to the answers. Listening with true presence — that is, taking in what the other is saying without judging, suggesting, or trying to fix — is a gift that we can offer another person. As author and National Humanities Award recipient Krista Tippett has said, “Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet.” Fundamentally, it’s about recognizing that the conversation is about the other, not about you. Too often, a conversation goes like this: 14


Evan: Oh? Tell me more. Shanice: My mind just isn’t on my work. Evan: What are you thinking about? Shanice: I’ve been thinking about my grandfather a lot lately for some reason. He’s on my mind so much that I can’t seem to focus like I want to. Evan: That’s interesting. What is it about your grandfather that’s gotten your attention? Shanice: Well, he was so important to me when I was a kid, and I miss him a lot. Oh wow, I just realized the 10th anniversary of his death is this week. Evan: How do you think that’s affecting you? Shanice: Well, until this moment, I hadn’t realized it was the anniversary. Until we started talking, I had no idea why I’ve been so distracted. Huh. You know, I think I need to spend some time with my grandmother. Visiting Grandma is exactly

Try this with your partner, neighbor, cousin, or anyone else who calls just to catch up. When they tell you something about their life, say, “Tell me more.” And keep listening. Let them dive deeper and deeper into their thoughts and feelings. Notice what happens. Listening is one of the most powerful ways we let other people know they are important to us. How we respond when they are talking is critical, but another component is important as well: recalling later what they said. For example, in the story above, Evan might follow up a few days later and ask if Shanice had any more thoughts about her grandfather or visiting her grandmother. And listening isn’t just good for the person being heard — it’s good for the listener as well. When we feel close to another person, our brains release oxytocin, the chemical that promotes bonding. Just think about those times you’ve felt a genuine sense of intimacy with someone else when you were laughing together, crying together, or feeling truly heard and understood. It’s exciting to feel so connected, and at the same time it’s deeply calming, like stroking a pet or sitting by the ocean. Linda Carroll is the author of Love Skills and Love Cycles. While she has worked as a therapist and couples’ coach for over three decades and has acquired numerous certificates and degrees along the way, she says that her own 35-year marriage is the primary source of her knowledge when it comes to the cycles of love. Visit her online at

USING GRATITUDE to Ease Our Way through Time and Change by Charles Garfield, Ph.D. I’ve been fascinated by the way that feeling gratitude in the moment changes not only the moment, but also our relationship with past and future. It eases our way through time. At 75, I can’t pretend that challenges and unwelcome change don’t come thick and fast at times. Friends call with news of surgeries, and death keeps shrinking my circle of dear ones. Doctors’ visits become an ever-larger part of all our routines, and the list of watched and worrisome conditions lengthens. Familiar touchstones of the past disappear—“small” things, like a beloved store or corner tree or the elderly dry cleaner whose smile was something you could count on every time you came in. Even the seasons can seem wrong—too hot or dry or cold, the very air unfamiliar, not like before. Not like before. In later life, we can string these changes and erasures and concerns into a litany of loss, a constant state of mourning and complaint and irritation. But gratitude opens us to a way of navigating change that is expansive, uplifting, joyful. When you look at the past with an appreciation of what you’ve loved and gratitude for the time you shared, you carry the spark of that love into the present, where it can walk in the world with you, inspire you, and keep you company, instead of taunting you with a sense of diminishment and loss. I was at dinner with a longtime friend when his knee locked as he stood to go to the men’s room. He grimaced and eased himself up, then slowly limped away. He was grumbling when he returned—damn knee—and I knew that our conversation could easily turn into an organ recital—his knee, my hip, and our shared medley of pains and the procedures to fix them. But I wondered what it would be like to put all that aside. “Here’s a question for you,” I said. “What do you remember most about the times it served you well? You were quite a hiker weren’t you?” “I was a hiker, and you were Pocket Hercules,” he said with a laugh. We started talking about what it had felt like to be strong young men and throw ourselves into joys that let us revel in our bodies. We stood back and admired those earlier versions of ourselves. We cringed a little, too. Those younger selves were competitive and certain of their immortality, yet also insecure, hiding their vulnerability behind an armor of muscles and

proving their fearlessness by pushing their bodies hard. They’d rest when they were dead, they said. “We were a couple of lunkheads sometimes,” my friend said with obvious affection. Our earlier antics had put a lot of wear and tear on us, but there was nothing to regret. We stood next to the athletes we’d been, savoring their youth and feeling their raw energy. It was all there in sense memory and twined into our spirits, there to appreciate and enjoy. That’s true of the people and places and tastes we’ve loved, the songs and stories. We keep them alive in us by recalling them not with nostalgic longing but with thanks. I’ve found that in life-review work, gratitude can be a vehicle and tool for looking again at the dark times we’ve experienced and finding a reason for thanks or appreciation, even for what hurt us the most. In my life and in the lives of many people I’ve known, I’ve seen that some of the most important openings and growth have come from experiences that could be looked upon as reversals, losses, tragedies, or plain bad luck. It’s not a matter of slapping on a smile and saying “make lemonade” or “look on the sunny side.” I would never ask anyone to do that. But I’ve found it revealing and productive to ask: • Who am I now that I never would’ve been without having to face the experiences that most challenged me? • Who or what showed me the way when I was lost or lifted me up when I felt defeated? • What did they teach me? • Might there be lessons and discoveries about my deeper self that I can carry forward now? • How does my suffering connect me to those who also suffer in this world? • And what have my most difficult experiences taught me of grace? This is challenging work, but it eases the way for forgiveness, acceptance, and even joy. Charles Garfield, Ph.D., is the founder of Shanti Project, an internationally honored volunteer organization dedicated to the care of the dying, the elderly, and those living with cancer and AIDS, and the Shanti National Training Institute. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Ignorance is No Longer Bliss

CONFRONTING THE REALITY OF EMFS by Phyllis Light, Ph.D Do you feel well as a rule? Do you sleep well? Do you have plenty of energy to tackle your daily routine? Or is the majority of your time spent fighting off colds, allergies, headaches, or even irritability and stress? Let’s talk about well-being in our modern, high-tech world. We are challenged here in ways that have never existed before on the planet! Feeling thoroughly exhausted 30 years ago, even wondering if I was dying, I had to find answers for myself. My prayers pulled in a scientist who had researched the hazards of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and how they weaken our immune systems and cause tremendous fatigue. Apparently the universe knew that I needed to meet him big time! After studying with him for two years, I was able to heal and repair myself from all the damage I had sustained from exposure to such negative energies—from my computer, along with all the TV and radio frequencies being broadcast from overhead satellites. Just so you understand, that was long before cellphones were even invented. Fast forward to today’s world, with the advent of cellphones (and now smartphones), wireless internet (WiFi), Sirius radio, GPSs, Smart Meters, Homeland Security (which blankets cities 16


with particular frequencies), text messaging, 3G-5G networks, downloading TV shows, movies, etc. onto your TV or handheld devices, etc. The air is now saturated with an unbelievable number of life-damaging frequencies, and we are all getting bombarded by about 300,000 of these PER MINUTE at this time. It’s unreal what the human being is made to withstand in our world today. In fact, it’s unconscionable if you want to know the truth. As my teacher taught me, these frequencies have an unnatural effect on the human body, causing it to dysfunction in numerous ways. The immune system seems to be impacted the most, as it works hard, unsuccessfully, to fight off this invisible enemy. This is why you see so many more immune and autoimmune system disorders in our world today. Technology just keeps getting more powerful and more available everywhere. Twenty-five years ago, I would recommend that people take a periodic break from their computers, because of the detrimental energy field surrounding the computer. Now people carry their computers, e.g. “smartphones,” in their hip or breast pocket, or nearby purse. When you have your smartphone on or near your body all the time, you are getting hit in a huge

way by all of the electromagnetic fields it is producing. It’s like sitting in front of your computer all day and all night. Can you imagine? I’m still reeling from the idea of having to put my “computer” next to my brain whenever I want to communicate with people, i.e., talk on my smartphone. I have a friend whose 73-year-old husband died because of some unknown problem that arose in his colon, and the doctors couldn’t find anything in particular wrong with him. It was only when I asked her if he carried a cellphone, and where on his body, that the truth became known. Her eyes opened in amazement and she exclaimed, “My goodness, you’re right. He carried his cellphone in his jacket pocket, which is the exact place his body started having problems.” This is why I say, “Ignorance is no longer bliss.” We cannot continue pretending that “All is well,” and, “Oh, it’s just a cold... or allergy... or fatigue...” We are all participating in a worldwide experiment called, “Let’s see how human beings do in a world that is wired electronically, and with air that is saturated with all sorts of unnatural electronic and electromagnetic fields and frequencies.” This has never been done before, and we are continually headed in the direction of “more and more.” So buckle your seat belt… we are all in for one helluva ride!! Truth be known, it came to me that in seven years, the medical establishment will have seen so much damage in human bodies that they will finally acknowledge that there is a “new” problem that people are having from the overwhelming exposure to EMFs. People’s immune systems will become so “fried,” that they will not be able to repair themselves or ever return to being well. I kid you not.

SoundI MediAm I trying to scare you? No, that’s not my purpose. want cine and Kirtan to educate you so that you can take the steps necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones. Ignoring what’s going on is no longer a good option. My job is to help you get your head out of the sand, and take steps so that you don’t succumb to the ill health and ill-being that can come from living in a chaotic world like ours. I can offer a few quick suggestions, but basically, do your best to minimize the frequencies in your surroundings, such as:

good idea. The more aware you become, the more you will be open and willing to adopt the best solutions, as they present themselves in your life. Phyllis Light, Ph.D.,is an author, expert in “Telepathic Healing,” pioneer in subtle energy protection, and creator of Rejuvenizers®—protective and healing devices designed to combat the ills of life in a high-tech world. She has spent over 35 years researching how to heal, repair, and normalize the subtle and physical bodies, in order to bring greater health, well-being, and spiritual awareness to all people. For more information: (512) 301-2999 or

an AWAKENING SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY of acceptance, safety and inclusion, offering:

◦ Meditation Circles ◦ Workshops & Events ◦ Group/Individual Sessions

Sound Healing Wed. 7:30 - 9pm Gong,Kirtan or Crystal Bowls (details on website)

Meditation & Blessings!

Mondays 7:30 - 9pm

f l o w e r i n g h e a r t c e n t e r. o r g 630.334.5747

• Turn your computer and WiFi off at night while you sleep. • Don’t sleep with a cellphone near or under your pillow at night (Many kids do this, using their phone as an alarm!). • Take breaks when you’re on your computer, a half hour on, a half hour off, rather than obsessively staying on for hours at a time. • Be mindful of carrying your smartphone on your body… the less the better. • Choose non-technology ways if you can (e.g., getting a pat-down at the airport instead of going through the security device). It is not an easy thing to be a part of this world and avoid the frequencies, yet doing your best to minimize them is always a WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]



We all may be experiencing the pandemic in different ways. Some may feel more fear, either of the virus or about their financial future, while others may feel grateful to have better quality time with family and more time at home. There are many aspects of life we can’t control but focusing on what we can control, will have a positive impact on our sense of wellbeing as we navigate uncertain times.

feelings. It seems that many of us are seeking to regulate our mood with food.

You may have heard of (or even be experiencing) a phenomenon called “the lockdown 15.” These are the pounds people are gaining from quarantine stress munching and a true example of eating one’s

Food is not just calories and carbohydrates; it has great power to harm and great power to heal. During the pandemic, I have been therapeutically turning to food. Each day, I aim to eat


At age 16, I narrowly survived a suicide attempt after years of anxiety and depression. Overweight and overloaded with toxins, processed foods and chemicals, my body was starving for healing foods and mood regulators found in whole plant foods. What I did not know back then is that I was overfed and undernourished.

seven servings of fruits and vegetables. I also avoid all animal foods and limit overly processed foods as much as possible. I credit my diet with regulating my mood and overall sense of wellbeing. Good nutrition can be a great line of defense against the anxiety and stress we may be feeling. When it comes to diet and mood, studies point to both the benefits of fruits and vegetables and the harmful effects of animal foods. Research links depression to inflammation in the brain and chemical imbalances of neurotransmitters. Plant foods are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which help to

repair damage while reducing inflammation in brain cells. Plant foods can help restore balance to neurotransmitters. Many people suffering from depression have elevated levels of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase or MOA. MOA can break down serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that help regulate mood. High MAO levels may lead to low levels of these specific neurotransmitters, causing depression. The phytochemical quercetin, found only in plant foods, acts as an MAO inhibitor. Working much like a natural antidepressant, quercetin can increase the amount of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Foods with high levels of quercetin include apples, kale, berries, grapes, onion and green tea. Animal foods, like chicken and eggs, are high in a type of fat called arachidonic acid. Eating foods high in arachidonic acid sets off a chain of chemical reactions in our body which leads to an increase in inflammatory mediators in the bloodstream. The result is inflammation or an overreactive immune response. When inflammation reaches the brain, feelings of anxiety, stress, hopelessness and depression escalate. Those who avoid foods high in arachidonic acid report a happier, more positive mood. Eliminating inflammatory animal foods from the diet not only improves physical health but mental health as well.

APPLE PIE NACHOS* Serves 2 Is it breakfast, dessert or a movie snack? Any time of day is the right time for this

healthier-for-you comfort food that will not only nourish your body but will also improve your mood. 1 apple, diced ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons agave nectar or maple syrup 5-6 ounces vegan yogurt (plain or vanilla) Cinnamon, to taste 2 tablespoons crushed pecans or walnuts 3 6-inch corn tortillas 1-3 teaspoons cinnamon sugar For the cinnamon chips: Preheat the oven to 375°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut tortillas into triangles and place them in a single layer on the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake 5-10 minutes or until chips are crisp. (You can use a pita in place of the tortillas.) Meanwhile, pour a 1/4 cup of water into a skillet over low heat. Add diced apple and cinnamon. Cover and cook for about one hour or until apple pieces are very soft and starting to break down. You want it to be like a thick jam or compote.

Soak cashews in one cup of warm water for 30 minutes. Drain and combine cashews, zucchini, salt and herbs in a blender and mix until smooth, adding water as needed for desired consistency. Pour into a saucepan and reheat gently, but do not boil. For a chunky soup with a nutritional boost, add steamed chopped vegetables of your choice. This soup can also be served cold. * Recipe and photo credit: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) **Recipe: Betsy Bruns

Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ( and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner and board member of Plant-Based Nutrition Movement ( When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit

Top cinnamon chips with cooked apple. Drizzle with sweetener and a dollop of plant-based yogurt. Add a sprinkling of cinnamon. Garnish with pecans or walnuts.

ZUCCHINI-CASHEW SOUP** Serves 2 So, so easy to make! The comforting creaminess comes from cashews, which have special mood-enhancing benefits. This soup can also be made raw by adding uncooked zucchini to the blender. Serve with a side salad and crusty wholegrain bread, or over cooked grains. 2 large zucchinis, steamed until fork tender and cut into chunks ½ cup raw cashews ½ teaspoon Himalayan sea salt, or to taste 1 sprig fresh basil (or fresh herbs of choice, to taste) Steamed vegetables, chopped (optional for chunky soup) Water WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



BUSINESS Directory

ASTROLOGY OMARI MARTIN, MAFM, LPMAFA - business professor and certified professional astrologer offers consulting services and strategic guidance for novice and professional astrologers and entrepreneurs desirous of developing a prosperous and profitable business. Contact: omari@soular, or 773-432-8308.

BODYWORK ANGELIC HEALING Ada Swanson LMT, offers holistic bodywork from massage & reflexology to reiki, chakra balancing & intuitive reading, to help bring your body into balance. Servicing Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin. 800 Main St., Suite 14, Antioch, IL 60002. Contact: or call 262-581-3606. SHARON M. VOGEL, CLT, LMT, LC, BCTMB, Clinic Director of National Lymphatic Centers. With 27 years in business, I am referred to by Juneo Clinic practitioners, national surgeons, physicians, and patients. The practitioners at NLC care for you with Myofascial release, Craniofascial, Lymph Drainage, Oncology Massage, and much more. 5002 Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515., 630-241-4100.

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in consciousness to reawaken your Soul’s 20


powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemeditation or 708-622-8453.

ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE AMY CIANCHETTI, INTUITIVE HEALER - Intuitive healing provides guidance, insight, clarity, awareness and transformation. Receive supportive, intuitive messages from your Higher-Self & The Divine; release physical, mental and spiritual blocks. In-Person or Phone/Zoom sessions available. 3020 N. Kimball Ave., Chicago, IL 60618. 773-236-2460, REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/ Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Contact:, http://www.the or 224-293-2373.

CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson@, or 608-359-4720.

HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life,® providing you with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24hours a day: Infinity Foundation http://infinity or 847-831-8828.

LIFE COACH HAPPINESS IS CHOICE, LLC, a Relationship & Life coaching boutique that provides strategies and solutions for life, dating and finding love. Chicago, IL. Contact: or 312-846-0061. JULITA MACHALSKI. Intuitive Coach + EFT Practitioner - Helping you to release emotional pain and supporting you in the process of personal transformation. Chicago area/worldwide via Skype or in person. Both English & Polish. com or 773-844-0053.

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER LOOKING FOR A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? Contact Michael “The Energizer” Applegate! The author of Work for God and The One Minute Energizers. Contact: or 773-326-8195.

MUSIC OAK STREET SHAKUHACHI STUDIO - Vintage Japanese shakuhachi for sale. Ongoing instruction, meditation and qigong. Shakuhachi circle of friends and meetups. Traditional and contemporary shakuhachi music. Gold Coast location/Jia Senghe founder 708-972-3373.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. or 630-272-1805.

PSYCHICS PSYCHIC INTUITIVE READER My name is Michelle Gray and I am a Psychic Intuitive Reader. I give accurate, descriptive readings and help to validate relationships and career decisions including intimate, family, and associations plus career and financial goals. Contact:, or 630-854-3175. BOTANICA - Open daily from 8 am – 11 pm. Solve all problems. Psychic Energy, Psychic life coach, Chakra balancing, Reiki, Ordained oracle, Divination, Denomination, Supplier of crystals, candles and oils. Readings in person, phone, emails, also parties. Free parking. Contact: 773-664-3620 or 773-202-7062.

RETAIL STORE WILD RASPBERRY RESALE SHOP with gently used designer label clothing, jewelry, books, music, coffee bar, mini-workshops. Come and taste the Wild Raspberry experience! Location: Arlington Club Commons, 9 Huntington Lane,

Wheeling, IL 60090. Contact: 224-676-1125, or

TAI CHI INSTRUCTION TAI CHI/ QIGONG. These ancient exercises have been documented to improve balance, memory, heart conditions, neurological disorders and more. My unique system is easy to learn. Interested? Call Dr. Dave 847-864-0526.

TAROT SUSAN BRADY. Experience the wisdom of the Tarot in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home by phone or email. Additionally, I am available for in person readings at Healing Arts Metaphysical Center in Batavia, and The Journey’s Path in West Chicago. Bring your questions and leave with answers. Website: www.thetarottruth. com. I’ll be happy to schedule your appointment with me by phone at 630-209-7678.

WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.

WOMEN’S HEALING PROGRAMS RESONANCE RESTORATIVE WOMEN’S COLLECTIVE. A collective created by women, for women to do their inner work in a safe space with a community that is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance. We gather to share our stories, witness each other, heal together, and find our voices, truths, and soft power along journeys. We seek to engage the mind, physical body, energetic body, and soul spirit. Through Engaged Learning, Energy Work, and Group Work, we come together to exchange in meaningful and powerful ways. Founded and facilitated by Kristi Derkacy; Group Work Facilitator, Writer, Reiki practitioner. Location: Palos Heights, IL, 708-373-3874,

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY ADVERTISERS Tap into an open and aware community by advertising your events, services, products in the Conscious Community Magazine Calendar and Business Directory list-

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! ARE YOU A MOVER AND A SHAKER? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar Coordinator, IT Expertise or Conference Coordinator. Whether you can give one hour per month or 10 hours per month, we would love to have you join our team. Please call 847-966-1110 or email Kasia at:

BUSINESS Directory

The Business Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products and services available to our readers. Business Directory listings are $1.00 per word with a 25 word minimum. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing.

Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ by the 10th of the month prior to publication.




COSMIC DAILY WEATHER June 2020 by Bernadette Evans

Overview June’s focus is on communication, relationships and eclipses. There are two eclipses this month—a Lunar Eclipse on June 5 and a Solar Eclipse on June 21. These will be followed by another Lunar eclipse on July 4. Eclipses shine the spotlight on what you need to release so that you can start something new. Full Moons and New Moons always emphasize that, but this is the cosmic kick in the butt that shakes your world. The Cancer-Capricorn eclipses end after next month, while the Gemini and Sagittarius eclipses are just getting started. Venus continues her retrograde which began on May 13. While she’s retrograde, you may be reviewing what works and doesn’t work in your relationships. This applies to all relationships—not just love interests. A past lover may have shown up on your doorstep wanting another chance with you. They may disappear as quickly as they came in when Venus goes direct on June 25. Mercury retrogrades on June 18 and will station direct on July 12. Mercury is in Cancer, emphasizing family and what family looks like for you. You may be re-evaluating your familial relationships. If at all possible, put off signing any legal documents until Mercury is back up to speed and direct next month. I know everyone has to live, so that’s not always possible. A lot is happening this month. With some awareness of what’s in store, as well as patience with yourself and others, you will come out on the other side. The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign it’s in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is Void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time.

Monday, June 1 The Moon-Venus trine could find you re-examining your relationships and what you need from them, especially during this Venus retrograde. What’s been working and what’s been difficult. What do you bring to the table and what do you receive from your relationships? Is it an equal give and take? Tap into your inner knowledge, strength and power to take the necessary steps to bring you the peace you deserve. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, June 2 Venus continues to be in the spotlight today when it makes a square to Mars. If you are in a healthy relationship, you may be feeling amorous and sexy and have a fabulous time with your partner. If you’re experiencing some problems in your relationship, it’s possible things may become heated. Try to really hear what your partner is saying and you can get over the speed bumps. The Venus-Mars square could amplify hostilities, which then magnifies your need to defend yourself or your position. Put your sword down and have a conversation, or go for a walk to cool off and talk later when things have calmed down. Moon VoC at 5:40 a.m. until it enters the sign of Scorpio at 11:06 a.m.

Wednesday, June 3 When the Sun conjuncts Venus, you feel hopeful and confident that everything is going to turn out all right. It could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship or partnership. Maybe it’s a budding



romance or a new business partner. Either way, it feels like you’re on the same wavelength and can make amazing things happen when you work together. Venus enjoys having a good time, so have fun, but be careful of overindulging, whether it’s eating, drinking or spending.

Thursday, June 4 When the Moon moves into Sagittarius you may feel more optimistic and cheerful. You’re idealistic and hoping for the best while dreaming of a better tomorrow. Expressing affection comes easily to you, but you still need your space. You don’t like being fenced in. Moon VoC at 6:36 a.m. until 12:17 p.m. when it enters the sign of Sagittarius.

Friday, June 5 There’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 2:12 p.m. Full Moons are always about what needs to be released and an eclipse makes it very potent indeed. The focus is going to be on your experiences and the consequences of any actions you’ve taken. It will probably have something to do with relationships, because if we’re living and breathing, we’re in relationships with others. Relationships may be frustrating, so be careful expressing yourself and try not to lose your cool. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinion and some people are more vocal than others. A legal matter may be consuming your attention at the moment. Keep your dealings fair and above board so it won’t come back to bite you in the end. There’s a desire for stability but that may be tricky to get at this time. Situations aren’t crystal clear. There’s a desire for truth and justice to win out, but whose truth. We all see truth differently. Moon VoC at 11:10 p.m.

Saturday, June 6 Communications may still be fraught with misunderstandings, or someone—an authority figure, could be trying to strong-arm you when the Sun squares Mars. Try not to get sucked into any drama. Do not fan the flames, just walk away. What actions can you take today that will propel you in the direction you want? Focus on that and steer clear of arguments, you’ll feel a lot healthier for it. If you have some energy to get rid of, do something physical. Moon enters the sign of Capricorn at 2:44 p.m.

Sunday, June 7 When the Moon opposes Mercury there’s the potential for disagreements. Try not to take anything personally. What do you feel in your heart? What does the world see? Your feelings and reason are at opposite ends of the pendulum, and you may think someone else is to blame. Take a look at yourself and your perceptions. Be careful in your dealings with others if you think there is going to be fall-out and you don’t want that. There may be a death of a relationship or a situation. All endings, as difficult and sad as they are, ultimately herald new beginnings.

Monday, June 8 The Moon conjuncts Pluto and Jupiter suggesting feelings are amplified, and you may wish you could escape from it all. Instead of running away, look for solutions to your problems. Focus on ideas that could catapult you forward. Maybe there’s someone whom you trust who would make a great partner. Financial concerns may be on your mind—weighing what you have with what you need and maybe how you can help others. You’re generous but also very smart and know what you can and can’t afford to do at this time. Moon VoC at 1:06 p.m. until 7:54 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius.

Tuesday, June 9 When the Moon trines Venus, there’s an emphasis on affection, lightheartedness and generosity. Tap into that energy and do what makes your heart sing—enjoy the day! Your beliefs around relationships may have gone through a complete overhaul, and you don’t see things the way you used to. You still love Love, but you’re secure enough in yourself to allow your partner space and ask for the freedom that you need too. It will be that much sweeter coming back together after you’ve had time apart. Take a step back and with a detached eye to re-evaluate your finances and your relationships. Reflect on how you handled things in the past and how you’d handle them now.

Wednesday, June 10 The Moon is Void in Aquarius for most of today. Now may be a great time to enjoy some quiet reflection and listen to your inner voice. There’s no need to re-visit past victories, or old love stories, just be present with what you’re experiencing now. Quiet the din of all the voices, others and your own…shh…the quiet is glorious. Moon VoC at 9:35 a.m. and Void the rest of the day.

Thursday, June 11 When the Sun squares Neptune, you may feel physically tired—and maybe even a bit depressed—as you remember happy days and dream of their return. Take time to retreat from your responsibilities and recharge your batteries. This is just temporary; you will get through it. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 4:32 a.m.

Friday, June 12 You may be feeling emotional today when the Moon trines Mercury. Your intuition is clear and your sensitivity is heightened. Connecting with someone on a deep level and expressing your feelings, forges stronger bonds. There’s also the potential to be on edge today, so be careful of blurting something out that can’t be taken back. There are two sides to every story.

Saturday, June 13 You may have been feeling this energy for a while. It’s as if you’re pedaling a bike on shaky ground, trying to hold it steady. It’s a lot of work

and it may seem like you’re not making any progress. That is the energy of the Mars-Neptune conjunction. Look at what’s not working in this situation and focus on what is. There really is a piece of bright sky if you just look for it. Be clear and focused, act where you can and let go of the rest. Another aspect you could be feeling today is one of romance, spirituality or chasing a dream. Moon VoC at 7:45 a.m. until 4:03 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aries.

Sunday, June 14 Just as in chess, you’re trying to figure out what your next move is with the Sun-Pluto quincunx. To understand what to do next, you may have to go digging around in your psyche. Depending on how you look at it, the treasures you discover about yourself could be scary, or precious diamonds. As Yoda said, “The only things you’ll find here are the things you bring with you.”

Monday, June 15 You may feel the need to share what’s in your heart as the Moon squares Pluto. Feeling emotional, you could unburden yourself which can be a cathartic experience and help you grow—as long as you don’t use your emotions to manipulate someone into doing what you want. Also, be on the lookout if someone is trying to guilt you into getting their way. The MoonJupiter square is also in on the fun, bringing the possibility of hanging out with friends and having fun; just be aware of overdoing it and saying something that you’ll wish you hadn’t tomorrow. Moon VoC at 7:49 p.m.

Tuesday, June 16 The Moon–Saturn square could emphasize feelings of sadness or loneliness. You may feel conflicted over your emotions; take some time out. Having a day where you feel sad is normal, so don’t be hard on yourself. There’s strength in acknowledging feelings and being compassionate with yourself, as well as knowing when to release them. Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 4:35 am.

Wednesday, June 17 Communication with others is highlighted when the Moon sextiles Mercury. Some friendly banter with friends over coffee or supporting them by listening are both possibilities. Sometimes you’re the one that needs a friend’s support and then the next time you’re the one offering a shoulder for them to lean on. There’s a calm nurturing presence to the day. Mercury stations retrograde at 11:59 p.m.

Thursday, June 18 The Moon is Void of Course for most of the day. This would be a good time to focus on something you’ve already started. Go over your finances and see where you stand. Think about how you spend money and if you need to make a budget. You can get back on track if you put your head down and have a plan in mind, eyes on the prize. WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Moon VoC at 7:02 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. when it enters the sign of Gemini.

Friday, June 19 There’s a longing to connect when the Moon conjuncts Venus. You’re a social being having an experience, and you need to interact with others, talking and laughing. It’s what makes this trip here on Earth worthwhile. You may want to do something fun and frivolous today. Step out of the box and expand your horizons.

Saturday, June 20 Happy Summer Solstice everyone and a big Happy Birthday to all you Cancers! The Sun enters the sign of Cancer at 4:44 p.m. The Mars-Jupiter sextile may bring an exciting new opportunity. You’re thrilled by the possibilities. A helping hand from a boss or an authority figure may be just the boost you need. Envision your success and focus on the best possible outcome. You could also have an abundance of energy right now, enjoy it! Moon VoC at 4:48 p.m.

Sunday, June 21 The New Moon Solar Eclipse is in Cancer at 1:41 a.m. New Moons are about planting seeds for new beginnings. When it’s an eclipse, it’s extremely powerful. You may want to spend time with family and friends. Nurturing them and yourself could be difficult if restrictions are still in place or some other circumstance prevents you from seeing them. Acknowledge any areas in your life where you need to make changes and move forward. Don’t sit in fear, embrace the changes and see what happens. The Solar eclipse is quincunx Saturn bringing up feelings of being restricted, too many responsibilities and maybe loneliness.

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Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of others or circumstances may be getting to you. You need to be able to express what you need without being shut-down. Find the balance between nurturing yourself and speaking your truth with your obligations to others. You could be letting go of relationships that aren’t serving you so you can move forward and focus on your future. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 1:02 a.m.

Monday, June 22 It’s easier to connect with your intuition when the Moon trines Neptune. You’re sensing the energies and how to work with them. Maybe you’re inspired to create something. It could be in any form, painting or baking a batch of cookies. Just as water ebbs and flows with some currents stronger than others, so does your intuition. Follow it and you won’t be steered wrong. Neptune begins its retrograde at 11:31 p.m.

Tuesday, June 23 The Moon in Leo wants to enjoy all that life has to offer, fun, adventure, laughs, excitement, you get the picture. You may want to connect with someone and do something unusual as it opposes Saturn, maybe it’s something fun, but with structure. There’s both passion and enthusiasm about a goal, but before rushing impulsively ahead, check in with yourself to see if you’re embarking on the wisest course of action. Moon VoC at 2:20 a.m. until 7:33 a.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

create structures and order that may help you organize your work.

Saturday, June 27 You may feel a need—an urgency to finish up a task—when Mars is in the last degrees of Pisces. You could feel pulled in a few directions and not sure which way to turn, or which one should get your attention first. Prioritize, make a list, get going and release your worries about what you didn’t finish. You’re making progress. You’re in the flow, the current is carrying you forward, so enjoy. Mars enters the sign Aries at 8:45 p.m. Moon VoC at 3:02 p.m. until 3:16 p.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.

Sunday, June 28 As Mars just entered Aries yesterday, you may be chomping at the bit to start something. The MarsSaturn sextile may bring an opportunity to focus on the task at hand. You have a hidden reserve that allows you to be disciplined and patient, knowing you will eventually reap the rewards for your hard work. There’s the potential that you’re burying some emotions today, keep them under wraps if you must, but not for too long or they’re liable to erupt at the most inopportune time.

Monday, June 29

The Moon is Void of Course in Leo until tomorrow. Now’s the time, if you’ve been working too hard, to take a break and have some fun! Your passions can fuel your action. Call up a friend and have a chat. Let them know you love and appreciate them. You also want to be appreciated, so be sure to take a compliment with a lovely smile. Moon VoC at 12:34 a.m. and Void the rest of the day.

The Moon is Void of Course in Libra for a good chunk of the day. It’s possible that working with coworkers isn’t going smoothly and you’re not getting a lot of work accomplished. Maybe you’re not on the same page or don’t have the same vision. Look at the original plans and goals and see if you can get back on the same page. Don’t let the situation stress you out, breathe, remain calm and try to find the middle ground. Everyone’s opinion and perspective are valid and can help the team move towards its goal. Embrace others’ viewpoints rather than resist them. A shift in your thinking will make everything seem brighter. Moon VoC at 8:02 a.m. until 5:48 p.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Thursday, June 25

Tuesday, June 30

Wednesday, June 24

When the Moon sextiles the Sun you’re trying to find the balance between getting some work finished and being nurturing to yourself and those around you. There’s a sweet spot, a magical place, where you can keep all the parts of you content and satisfied. One piece of you doesn’t have to take precedent over the other, find the time to acknowledge and indulge both parts. Venus stations direct at 1:48 a.m. Moon enters the sign of Virgo at 12:05 p.m.

Friday, June 26 There’s the potential for disagreements, maybe with a boss, when the Moon sextiles Mercury. It could be just a misunderstanding and you need to make a small adjustment for the conversation to get back on track. You have the opportunity to steer the discussion in any direction you want. Conversations can spark new ideas that

The Sun-Mercury conjunction may bring in lots of ideas that could bring in more finances. Your mind is fertile as you pick up signals from the Universe. This could be a great time to sit quietly, and when these ideas fly through the atmosphere, pluck them out and put them on paper, so you can remember them. Mercury is also being aspected by the Moon, and Uranus, so there’s plenty of info available, what you choose to do with it is up to you. Have a vision of what you want to manifest. Try and go for a walk or just get moving, it will help move the energy through your body/mind. Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or to schedule a consultation. Her website is

Midwest Pulse Calendar Monday, June 1 THE HEART OF BUDDHISM: A 4-Week Online Class with John Cianciosi. 7-8:15 pm. $60. Out of compassion for humanity, the Buddha outlined a very clear, systematic, and practical course of training that can be followed to achieve this realization through direct experience. The Buddha did not want us to believe in the Truth; he wanted us to realize it. This course will provide an introduction to essential teachings that are central to all schools of Buddhism. Location: Online. Call 630-668-1571 or visit website: webinars/4832-the-heart-of-buddhism

Tuesday, June 9 NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE MEDITATION with Bob Macko: LIVE STREAMING ONLINE! 6:30 -7:30 pm. $20; members $18. Bob will take you on an indigenous spiritual journey as he performs with Native American flutes hand-carved by Native American Blackfoot/Shoshone Elder ‘White Shield.’ Be ready to receive guidance and wisdom from your personal Native Spirit Guide as Bob creates and leads you through emotionally rich and transformational soundscapes. Together, we’ll open the four directions to experience a sacred heart-centered expansion of the soul. Don’t

miss this remarkable, transcendent musical experience! Bob Macko is the quintessential creative Renaissance Man. He has been an award-winning fine artist since the age of 5, an international photographer, and a multi-instrumentalist composer and performing musician of more than 12 instruments. Brought to you by Equilibrium Energy + Education. Registration is required, go to website, and click on CLASSES.

Saturday, June 13 REBIRTH, LIFE, AND THE AFTERLIFE: Examining the Soul’s Journey with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell – Online Workshop! 1-3 pm. $40. Join Eben Alexander MD, New York Times bestselling author of Proof of Heaven, and Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, for an illuminating workshop. With insights, discussion, guided meditation, and heart activation, explore the soul’s journey through its process of rebirth, life, and the afterlife. Location: Online. Call 630-668-1571 or visit website: webinars/4836-rebirth-life-and-theafterlife-examining-the-soul-s-journey

Thursday, June 25 BED OF ROSES MEDITATION with Jane

Albright: LIVE STREAMING ONLINE! 6:15-7:15 pm. $25; members $22.50. No matter where you are in your life, your day, your emotional well-being, step into a new comfort zone and experience deep muscle relaxation techniques, coupled with an energetic Bed of Roses for a clearer, protected dream space and better astral connections. Learn how to wake up feeling more rested, energized, focused, and inspired from receiving answers from your subconscious. Jane Albright will guide you through a pre-sleep meditation pattern while lying on a yoga mat for this session. Brought to you by Equilibrium Energy + Education. Registration is required, go to website, and click on CLASSES.

Sunday, June 28 INTUITIVE ARTS FAIRE - TO HELP NAVIGATE OUR NEW EARTH: 10 am-4 pm. Free Admission. Outdoors with mindful safety practices. Multiple healers, readers, artisans, and vendors. Workshops: Past Life Tarot, Gallery, and Essential Oil Make & Take ($20 each). Location: Universal Awareness Fellowship, N91W17194 Appleton Ave., Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. For more information, call 262-404-7119 or visit: www.Universal

AT T E N T I O N A D V E R T I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: WWW.CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

Seasons of Moon and Flame: The Wild Dreamer’s Epic Journey of Becoming by Danielle Dulsky (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback)

How often do we honor the archetype of the crone? In a world that praises youth, the wisdom of the sacred hag can easily be overlooked. Danielle Dulsky teaches readers how to find empowerment through living in harmony with the cycles of nature. Regardless of how high-tech our culture may become, there will always be a desire to connect with nature to simplify our lives and remember our “wild-side.” Each of the 13 chapters corresponds to one of the 13 Moon cycles of the year and contains rituals, spells and more to help readers connect at all times of the year.

The Missing Link:

Your Journey With Peter From Self Power to Holy Spirit Power by Sam Hunter (High Bridge Books, $16.99, Paperback)

While on the divine path, many people feel like something is missing. Sam Hunter addresses this feeling that many Christians share. Hunter invites followers of Jesus, who feel they are missing something in their journey, to embark on the paths of those who have found the power of the Holy Spirit. Told from the perspective of Peter the Apostle, this thought-provoking book will help readers see the Holy Spirit how Jesus had intended.


Seeing Is Not Believing by James Purpura and Steph Purpura (Waterside Productions, Inc., $18.95, Paperback)

When James and Steph Purpura met, both of their lives had hit rock bottom. Together, they decided to transform their lives and become better people. Written in six parts, this book of guidance walks readers through their “Rock Bottom” in part 1, through “The Matrix” in part 3, all the way towards “The Only Way Out is Through” in part 6. The real-life experiences of the Purpuras give this book an edge and will inspire readers to imagine what their lives could be like if they let go of what is holding them back from positive transformation. 26


Living Is Dying:

How to Prepare for Death, Dying and Beyond by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse (Shambhala, $18.95, Paperback)

Death is the one thing that we all have in common, yet it is often a topic that many avoid. Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse believes that it is important to talk more openly about death to deal with it more compassionately and calmly. He shares with readers ancient Buddhist teachings about the dying process and explains each stage of the dying process in detail. Finally, Khyentse answers some of death’s most pressing questions and teaches readers how to interact with those approaching death.

Scripting the Life You Want: Manifest Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper by Royce Christyn (Inner Traditions, $16.99, Paperback)

After four years of experimentation, Royce Christyn finalized his scripting method that now has an almost 100% success rate. In this book, Christyn explains the science behind the scripting method and gives stepby-step advice for utilizing it to attract what you want in your life. He also shares inspirational excerpts from his own journal and journal exercises that help dreams manifest into reality.

You Are Enough:

Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibility by Panache Desai (HarperOne, $25.99, Hardcover)

Too many people in our society live life avoiding their fears. Excessive exercise routines, busy schedules and endless new hobbies are just some examples of how we tend to “run away.” Panache Desai says this is what makes it so difficult for many people to find peace. Desai explains how we must stop and look within to find our true selves. He guides readers towards radical self-acceptance and fulfillment. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.






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