Conscious Community Magazine - December 2019

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Happy Holidays May the Spirit of Hope, Wonder and Joy of the Holidays, be with you throughout the New Year!






Interview with Lama Surya Das by Janae Jean and Spencer Schluter

14 FULL MOON DEC. 11, 2019

The Uncomfortable Road to Success by Donna Stellhorn




06 PUBLISHER’S LETTER Beyond Gifts by Kasia Szumal

07 ASK ALECIA Community Q&A

Ask Alecia – December 2019 by Alecia Rice


10 ALL ABOUT TOWN Women in Business

It’s Your Season, Harvest Your Potential by Theresa Puskar

12 FROM THE HEART When God Shows Up on Earth by Alan Cohen

12 4


16 HEALTHY EATING Healthful Sweets

Ideas for the Holidays by Betsy Bruns


(Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian)


19 CCM BUYERS’ GUIDE Give the Gift of Wellness 24 COSMIC DAILY WEATHER In–Depth Astrology Perspectives

December 2019




MIDWEST PULSE CALENDAR Events, Happenings and Announcements of Interest

December 2019

22 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Resources for Better Living




18 IN PRINT by Kayla Hancock

ON THE COVER The Holiday Spirit

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY is published 12 times yearly by CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY, LLC 47 W. Polk St., Suite 153 Chicago, IL 60605 847.966.1110 © 2019 Conscious Community, LLC. Formerly The Monthly Aspectarian. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Conscious Community does not necessarily agree with opinions of the writers, nor is it liable for advertiser claims or representations. We believe in the reader’s judgment regarding the quality of any information. All ads should be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





elcome to the December issue of Conscious Community Magazine! It is our last issue of 2019, and I would like to thank all of you for reading, staying connected, and continuing to elevate your consciousness! In this month’s issue, discover ways to make this year’s holiday season more meaningful and joyful by remembering that the true value of a gift goes beyond its price tag. As Lama Surya Das said in the interview, The Greatest Gift, “Values trumps material. Any parent or pet owner knows that. If we are conscious, pets, wild animals and the whole environment are part of our community. The community of all beings, the circle of all beings is our true family; it’s not just our nuclear family, not just who we look like or are related to.” If you are searching for a heartfelt gift, you can find some meaningful gift ideas from our advertising partners in this season’s Give the Gift of Wellness. Give to your loved ones and support Conscious Community Magazine!


Also, in this holiday-themed issue, Betsy Bruns shares two recipes for treats sweetened with maple syrup and dates, so that we can enjoy the sweetness of the holidays without refined sugar in her article, Healthful Sweets Ideas for the Holidays. Also, in this month’s column, When God Shows Up on Earth, Alan Cohen reminds us of the miracles behind the holiday season and encourages us to express our intangible gifts and give them to the world. To show our gratitude to you, we would like to invite you to our Holiday Party! It is a potluck-style party with games, gifts and great conversation. When: Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019, 5 p.m. Where: Equilibrium Energy + Education, 850 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60605. RSVP by calling 847-966-1110 or emailing Space is very limited, so RSVP early to guarantee a spot! I hope to see you there and celebrate the holidays with you! The Best,

Kasia Szumal




ASK ALECIA by Alecia Rice Q: I’m a recently remarried, middle-aged woman. I have good communication with my husband, but I’m still shy about initiating intimacy. Do you have any tips? — Timid Desire A: Dear Timid Desire,

spouse, so there’s no doubt in their mind as to what you mean, to make it easier for you both to meet in these intimate spaces. Once the symbols are agreed upon, there’ll be no doubt and you’ll both be on the same page.

This is something about which both men and women can feel vulnerable— regardless of age. Often the issue arises out of having difficulty getting the words out. When one is shy about verbalizing, we can often find workarounds that require little to no words.

Q: Christmas fills me with dread. There’s so much artificial pressure to do this and be that. I feel lost and overwhelmed by it all, as my history with the holiday doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies. How can I enjoy it more? — Resistant Elf

It’s unreasonable to expect our spouses to read our minds. We need to come up with ways to communicate, so we don’t assume they know what we want. If one is having difficulty verbalizing, then try to do things like writing a note, sending a text, or leaving a voicemail. These are all more indirect ways to let them in on your desire to connect with them. A couple can make up “code words,” which have predetermined meanings, that don’t require a long request or explanation when uttered. Even shy people can find a way to say—or write—a word that clues their partner in on what they’re thinking about.

A: Dear Resistant Elf,

Try reserving a couple of special “symbols” that indicate your desire to connect such as a certain touch, wearing a negligee, lighting a candle, turning the bed down, or purposely playing a certain song. The most important thing is to find a way to communicate these signals to your

The holidays are a mixed bag for many people. Most don’t necessarily admit it because if they do they risk being labeled a “Grinch.” Many people may not respond in the same way that it seems everyone else does, and that’s ok. When we take into consideration the multitude of reasons that people feel less joy this time of year, it makes sense. Consider those who lack funds and feel compelled to contribute gifts or food to the office party, those who are sick or have loved ones who are sick, others who are missing key family members who have transitioned, or the awkward pressure that the non-religious might feel to participate. Add to that those who suffer from depression, isolation, or food/alcohol addictions while surrounded by social events brimming over with the trap of enticing food and drink. We haven’t even addressed the pressure felt to spend, decorate, shop, bake,

entertain, wrap and participate in all of the “traditions,” not to mention paying the credit card bills that arrive in the new year. There are layers and layers of concerns this time of year. That said, one has the right to choose how to celebrate (or not), which requires a bit of discernment to define what’s important to keep or create, as well as what one wishes to release. I’d suggest making a list of the things about the holidays that light you up, make you feel connected, and don’t feel like a burden to follow through with. Decide to only participate in those things. One can start small and build on this each year if they wish. Spoken or written boundaries can be set to quell expectations from others while offering guidance as to what one’s willing to experience (or not) regardless of what others think. We have the right to celebrate in a way that’s meaningful to us. This is doable, but it can initiate some challenges—especially when one has children and feels pressure from family members to do differently. Yet, what better way to instill what’s really important in one’s children than to raise them with the spirit of what the holiday really means to us. Weeding out the high expectations of holiday joy and fulfillment can be beneficial, as it often serves as a set up for disappointment when the experience doesn’t match the fantasy. Replacing those with more grounded, meaningful thoughts of service to others who are lacking can bring returns that money just can’t buy, which really infuses the holiday with a sense of compassion, sharing, connection and community, which is ultimately what the spirit of the season represents. Alecia Rice integrates higher concepts with wisdom to bring forth balance, perspective and clarity. She’s a personal advisor, speaker and gatherer of women. For perspective on life issues, you’re invited to text questions and comments to 681-321-1109. Discussions continue at Ask Alecia on Facebook. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



THE GREATEST GIFT Interview with Lama Surya Das by Janae Jean and Spencer Schluter For this interview, we had the honor to speak with Lama Surya Das, affectionately called “The Western Lama” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Surya Das is the author of 15 books, including his most recent book, his first children’s book, The Yeti and The Jolly Lama: A Tale of Friendship. His other books include the best-selling Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Modern World and The Snow Lion’s Turquoise Mane: Wisdom Tales From Tibet. He is also the host of Awakening Now on the Be Here Now network. Surya is a highly sought after teacher, mentor, speaker and lecturer, translator and writer and has spent over 45 years studying Zen, meditation, yoga and Tibetan Buddhism. He is the founder of the Dzogchen Center and Foundation. As founder of the Western Buddhist Teachers Network with the Dalai Lama, he helps organize its international Buddhist Teachers Conferences. Connect with him online on Facebook, Twitter 8


and YouTube @LamaSuryaDas. Visit, Surya. org and for more information. Janae: You’ve written over 15 books, but this is your first children’s book. This is really a book for children of all ages with themes like lovingkindness, reaching out and turning a monster into a friend. What brought you to write a children’s book? Surya Das: I’ve published in different genres, but mainly I’m known for my non-fiction work, especially Awakening the Buddha Within. I’m also a translator and collector of Himalayan folktales. I have a book of them called The Snow Lion’s Turquoise Mane: Wisdom Tales From Tibet. I didn’t write that for children, but some of them have been adapted into children’s stories. I’ve noticed that the younger generation today is not as exposed to Biblical parables, moral stories, Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Aesop’s Fables—instructional, edifying and amusing stories like those. I wanted to put forth some of these universal principles and Buddhist principles like lovingkindness and friendship across species. There’s a lot more children in my life now

that I have grandchildren, grandnieces and nephews and that my godchildren have children. I’m really enjoying telling stories to children. Spencer: What drew you to Tibetan Buddhism and led you to become a Lama? SD: Health is a big part of the spiritual life in any tradition, some emphasize it more than others. Buddha said his teaching was like medicine. He was like a doctor and the students were like patients, and it’s up to the patient to take it or not. Nobody can do it for you. This is my life, the Buddhist path, which I met in college in the 60s and then pursued in the Himalayas in the 70s, 80s and 90s. I learned Tibetan and studied these things as I translated Tibetan teaching tales. I’ve been studying this my whole adult life and been helping to bring mindfulness and yoga to the Western countries, as well as translating for the Dalai Lama and other people of Tibet. I teach and write fulltime. I have the Dzogchen Center for retreats, and I offer personal spiritual guidance. I got into this when I was young, and it healed me of my afflictions. I was a seeker and became a finder. I’m just here testifying that these ancient and timeless—yet very timely—traditional practices, spiritual self-inquiry, mindfulness, healthy living, balanced eating, yoga and exercise all conspire together to make one a better person, and for spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational health. It can help with societal health too. SS: We’ve been getting the house ready for the winter. It’s going to be cold here in Illinois, and we want to make it as cheerful, warm and pleasant as possible. It’s very hard to gather data on how that affects quality of life, but I feel like that’s the elephant in the room when there’s so much anxiety and depression. You have to consider how you spend your life and all those intangible, beautiful things. There’s no replacement for that beauty. SD: I’m from the Middle Way school. Balance is probably the most important thing. The Middle Way does not mean a razor’s edge that you have to follow on the middle of the road. It means there are many lanes on either side of the central line. Let’s just try to stay out of the ditches on either extreme, like Nihilism or materialism. The Middle way is about balance and appropriateness. We are under the spell of progress, as if newer or bigger is always better. We know that’s not true. These things are good servants but poor masters. The problem is we are too much under their power. Do we own the possessions in our houses, or do they own us? What are we really occupied with? These are very important questions to look into. Values trumps material. Any parent or pet owner knows that. If we are conscious, pets, wild animals and the whole environment are part of our community. The community of all beings, the circle of all beings is our true family; it’s not just our nuclear family, not just who we look like or are related to. I think this is very

important. These teaching tales told by wise Tibetan lamas have to do with these kinds of morals. “Think globally but act locally.” I think the community of all beings is very important here, and not to get too siloed as many do in this over-information era. JJ: You mentioned materialism is a problem; as we move into the holiday season, it becomes a big issue. What are your thoughts on healthy giving and receiving? SD: I think it’s incumbent to look at ourselves in the mirror and be very honest with ourselves. If we’re truth-seekers, we need to see what parts greed, clinging and fear play in whether we can give or even receive. Some people are always giving, giving, giving and are burnt-out helpers and not able to receive. The essence of generosity is a transcendent virtue. It’s like what you do with your children, you do the best you can. Of course, we expect results, but you keep doing the best you can and keep being a loving parent—even when they’re in their terrible teens and give without expectation of anything in return. It comes back eventually; it’s hard to measure or quantify. In the spiritual world, there are many ways of explaining this. It’s the essence of the Bhagavad Gita, where God, in the form of the Lord Krishna, says to Arjuna, “The Chariot’s here. Do your duty and let go. I take care of the rest.” In other words, do what you need to do and don’t be attached to the results. That’s a hard lesson to learn. We are all attached to the results. JJ: As you mentioned, some people are givers, who give, give, give but have a hard time receiving gifts or even sincere compliments. What advice would you give them? SD: It’s like breathing in and out. You can’t be breathing in only one way all the time. Mutual reciprocity is very important to keep the balance. Otherwise, you become a burnt-out healer. I’ve said to someone, “You give, give, give. You say you are burnt-out, but you’re hijacking all the giving from that equation. Maybe you can let someone else give to you and revitalize yourself that way.” It’s beyond sharing; it’s really acknowledging our interconnectedness and interdependence and that we are all in touch with the Source of Infinite Abundance. There’s a Buddhist saying that non-attachment is the greatest offering or gift and contentment is the greatest form of wealth. This article is a brief excerpt taken from our in-depth conversation. To hear more about how ancient wisdom can heal today’s world; the spirit of giving and receiving; living the Middle Way; as well as how to let your inner light shine, listen to the entire interview at or wherever you listen to podcasts. Janae Jean is a professional music educator, musician and healing sound artist. Visit and www. Spencer C. Schluter is a consultant with experience in visual communications, advertising, social media, marketing, public relations and business development. Visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM





IT’S YOUR SEASON, HARVEST YOUR POTENTIAL GATHERING LIGHTHOUSE AT SEVEN BRIDGES GOLF COURSE Woodridge, IL - October 24, 2019 by Theresa Puskar “I was hitting the gas, then the brake, then the gas, then the brake…Release the brakes and enjoy the ride!” — Goldie Matthew How many times has that small voice in your head clearly and loudly spoken to you, but you resisted its prodding, only to discover that you would have, could have, should have listened? Throughout the years, I have fought that voice, only to find that I should have trusted it. Such was the case on Oct. 22. I was finishing book one of my two books due to my publisher by the end of the month. They had requested that I get the first book, 8 Ways to De-Clutter Your Brain to them one month early. I was at the precipice of completing it. I wanted to focus on it and get it done, along with the myriad of tasks I had to complete with my new Power Princesses and Superheroes emotional intelligence edu-tainment program for pre-school 10


children. Needless to say, I was swamped, yet that voice kept chanting “You need to go to the Gathering Lighthouse Women in Business event. You need to go.” June Kortum, (2nd from the right), and her staff, with Theresa Puskar, center.

Finally, I acquiesced and purchased a ticket to the event. While I wasn’t planning on writing an article about it—again that voice suddenly appeared during the event—and encouraged me to take a couple of photos and write some notes. Fast forward a couple of weeks, and I

was asked to review a movie for this issue. However, I could not encourage you to attend. I felt it would be a great waste of your time and money. It was not an engaging movie. I’m glad I listened to that quiet but persistent voice! “Networking is not a four -letter word, but it should be!” I’m going to be frank with you. I was not looking forward to attending the event. While I had heard amazing things about The Gathering Lighthouse from friends for several years, a women’s business network event was not my cup of tea…so I thought. It has recently become clear to me that while I could perform my solo show or speak in front of thousands without a problem, to mingle with strangers at a networking event is something I always dread. When I arrived, I was greeted by the founder of The Gathering Lighthouse, June Kortum and her team. They were all very warm and welcoming. I found my way to a seat in the hall and proceeded to head to the room where exhibitors were promoting their wares. I had a couple of really wonderful conversations with the various vendors. There was more a sense of connection than people pushing to sell. I really appreciated the laid-back vibe in the room. A panel discussion that inspired and warmed hearts! After having a wonderful lunch, there was a panel discussion where four women shared their wisdom, anecdotes and suggestions on consciousness, business and success. The panel From left to right, Shatira Wilks, Goldie Matthew, consisted of Terrie June Kortum and Terrie Simmons. Simmons, Director of Women’s Business Center of Aurora; Goldie Matthew, the Founder of Motivational Movie Nights and a highly successful Melaleuca and Tastefully Simple sales rep; Shatira Wilks, a serial entrepreneur, intuitive psychic medium and highly successful restauranteur, and June Kortum, the Founder of The Gathering Lighthouse. Here are just some of the golden nuggets I mined from their engaging exchange (paraphrased): • June: I came from the wrong side of the tracks. If something is calling from within your heart and you have a passion for it, do it! I started Gathering Lighthouse at age 70, now at 76 years of age, the business is thriving. Elevation is so important. I had to say goodbye to some people because they wanted to hold me in a place that I didn’t want to be in. Keep on moving, one foot in front of the other. One of my biggest lessons was around boundaries. I had to create them and be able to say, “No.” I had to own my truth.

• Shatira: You don’t have to be smart to move ahead. You just have to have common sense. Acting is critical to your success and elevation requires separation. While it is not easy, it is important. I believe in individuality. I am unapologetically me! I have proudly made it to the wall of ‘How not to dress for success’—no leather, no red, no skirts…I wear them all. I don’t follow the rules. If it works well for me, it’ll work for you. • Goldie: You have to be courageous enough to change the rules. I changed them when selling Tastefully Simple, and then, Melaleuca. In the past, one was not allowed to sell both, but I chose to and have been highly successful ever since. • Terrie: To successfully grow your own businesses, you have to have a passion around a particular problem. Then find a way to fix it and create an audience. What is your contribution to the world? The women shared so much practical and useful information. When asked what their contribution is to the world, their responses were inspiring: • Shatira: I move from a place of helping others. I ask God to assist. My goal is to be of assistance and to serve. • Goldie: I help people see the light that is in them that they might not see themselves. We all have a light, but we might not know it. • June: I encourage others not to buy into the shame. Allow yourself to shine. Whatever your dream, move forward and don’t let anyone shame you into not doing it! • Terrie: I am an encourager and a motivator. I try to do so every single day. I am very involved in the Second Chance program for non-violent ex-offenders.. Take a moment and ask yourself what your contribution to the world might be. If you don’t know, then ruminate on it for a while. Set an intention to know what it is, anticipate getting an answer and then follow through on any insights you receive. Listen to that small, self-assured voice when she speaks. She is your best friend. She instructed me to attend this magical event, and I was glad that I did! For information about The Gathering Lighthouse, their services and upcoming events, go to Theresa Puskar is a keynote speaker, actor and author who edu-tains joy seekers, empowering them to dance their soul dance. A published author, her most recent books, 8 Ways to De-Clutter Your Brain and The Good Morning Mind are available on and She will be performing her solo show, Causeless Joy, Friday and Saturday nights throughout January at Trinity Lutheran Church in Warrenville. To purchase tickets, go to BrownPaperTickets. com. For more information, visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




WHEN GOD SHOWS UP ON EARTH by Alan Cohen I am a big Beatles fan. The more I hear their music, the more I recognize the sheer genius behind it. I saw a rare YouTube video of an especially vibrant 1964 Beatles concert in Australia at the height of Beatlemania, “Beatles Live—Australia.” One comment on the YouTube page struck me: “I’m a solid atheist. But I swear John, Paul, & George (still love u Ringo!) were slapped on the back by a higher power. How does it happen that 3 of the most incredible 12


songwriters EVER just come from nowhere? If I meet God, and I tell him he didn’t give me enough information to believe, God might say ‘I gave you proof. The sun, the earth, and the Beatles.’” The writer is far from an atheist. He or she recognizes the presence of God in the world through the Beatles. God manifests divinity by way of people. We are the windows through which heaven shines into the world. The Beatles, talented as they were, did not give themselves their talent. It was seeded within

them by a Force far beyond their human personalities. Their role was to bring it to a waiting world, which they did masterfully. Those talented musicians served as vessels through which the Creator delivered huge gifts to make the world a better place During this season many people celebrate God showing up on Earth. Christians remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Jewish people observe Hanukkah—when God miraculously extended light to beleaguered free-

dom fighters. Hindus enjoy Diwali, and people of African descent observe Kwanzaa. All of these holidays recognize that for a moment in time, God reached into the world and lifted it closer to heaven. The same God that blessed the world through Jesus, the Beatles and other visionaries wants to bless the world through you. You have talents that no one else can bestow. But you have to honor your inspiration enough to deliver your gifts. The only difference between great people and mediocre people is that great people trust and act on their guidance. The German philosopher Goethe said, “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” A turning point in my career came when I was about to lead a weekend seminar. Until that time, I went into my programs doubting my abilities, wondering if I was qualified, questioning my decisions. At the outset of that seminar, I decided to experiment: I would imagine that any intuition that I had about where to take the program was guided by a Higher Power. I would not judge my choices. Instead, I would envision that I was working in co-creation with an intelligence that knew how to create the best possible program. The results were phenomenal! The seminar turned out to be the most successful I had ever done, and I enjoyed myself far more than I had when I doubted my decisions.

A Course in Miracles Lesson 353 asks us to affirm, “My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today have but one purpose; to be given Christ to use to bless the world with miracles.” You don’t have to be a Christian—or any religion—to put this vision into action. You just have to live true to your passionate purpose. Every day, we have a thousand opportunities to help God show up in the world. To let someone into a traffic lane when you could speed ahead. To phone a friend who is hurting and say, “I just want you to know I’ve been thinking about you and I’m on your team.” To publish your book or song or start your business, trusting you will reach the right people who can benefit from it. World change agents are so focused on giving life to their visions that they pay no attention to naysayers—within or without. If Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, or Barack Obama had denied expressing their gifts, the world would be emptier for it.

You don’t need to be a Spielberg, a Jobs or an Obama. Just quit comparing yourself to others and finding reasons why you can’t. What is within you must come forth. Live true to your visions, knowing that you did your part to make the world a little more like heaven. When you do, you will look forward to getting up in the morning, your heart will be at peace, you will sleep well, and one day some not-so-solid Atheist will say, “I now see proof that there is a God, after all.” Alan Cohen is the bestselling author of A Course in Miracles Made Easy. Become a professional certified holistic life coach through Alan’s six-month program beginning Jan. 2020—the year of clear vision. For more information about this program, his books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, as well as his weekly radio show, visit

Certain talents are unexplainable except as intervention by a Higher Source. Mozart wrote his first composition at the age of six. He later stated, “It is when I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer . . . that ideas flow best and most abundantly. Whence and how they come, I know not, nor can I force them.” Genius inventor Nikola Tesla explained that his ideas came to him in a flash from a source beyond this world. He would then work them out in his mind such that the inventions were complete before he even reached his laboratory to construct them. Beethoven wrote many of his greatest compositions when his physical ears were essentially deaf. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



FULL MOON DEC. 11, 2019 The Uncomfortable Road to Success by Donna Stellhorn This Full Moon in Gemini is notable for making hard aspects to Saturn, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn asks for a leader when Gemini wants to hang back and observe. Capricorn calls for people to take a stand when many feel more research is needed. The Gemini Moon would prefer to study about business rather than go out and make sales. It would rather talk about plans while Capricorn says “implement them.” The way forward is uncomfortable, but it’s clearly the way to success. The road ahead is getting steep now and a bit rocky, but it is the way to reach the top. This month, the Sun and Moon square Neptune, which is your vision and your connection to the river of Universal Consciousness. You can tap into unlimited resources to help fulfill your heart’s desire. But once you do so, the rest is out of your hands. You get swept along in the current and things manifest when they are ready. Your schedule means nothing to Neptune. You can’t push a rope, you are just pulled along. In practical terms, it’s good to visualize, not just the outcome you want, but the journey 14


itself. Visualization will call opportunities into concrete reality. Gigantic Jupiter, king of expansion and growth, now dances with unpredictable Uranus. New ideas burst into your awareness. Your hunches prove to be right. You can quickly grasp the nature of situations at hand. A desire for freedom is strong now. Your life can change with a phone call. A new person you meet may open doors beyond your fondest wishes. A single seed may produce an orchard of results so it’s good to plant seeds. Venus sits between Saturn and Pluto and you find self-discipline pays dividends. Goals are achieved through work and sacrifice. Love the journey and you’ll make swifter progress. Stop for a picnic along the way but don’t tarry too long. Focused effort on the tasks in your life will bring not only success but joy as well. December 26 brings the New Moon and a solar eclipse at four degrees of Capricorn. Those hit by this eclipse will throw off restrictions and break out of the prison

that they feel they’re in. Focus on what you want to change. Have the courage to crawl through a sewage tunnel, and you will emerge to be washed clean by the rain.

ARIES Jupiter sits at the zenith of your chart and can bring recognition and career opportunities. Take a lead and be decisive about the direction you want to go. Travel may be on the schedule, though it could be delayed by weather. Guard your reputation and passwords this month, especially around the time of the eclipse. You can receive help from a friend or sibling if you ask. A friendship may turn passionate. New love can be found in places where people dance or sing.

TAURUS You may come into financial benefits this month though it can be spent as quickly as it is received. Schoolwork or professional exams need your attention. Make time to study or help children with homework. Travel is difficult, especially around the time of the eclipse. A love relationship becomes more intimate and comfortable. Success

with a legal matter or contract negotiation is quite possible now. Read the fine print and don’t be afraid to demand what you want.

GEMINI The Full Moon is in your sign giving you an extra bit of luck this month. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted. You can find new friends and meet a potential love partner. If you’re dating, you can take the relationship to the next level. You may be very busy at work while some sensitive project needs your expertise to be completed. It’s good to review your investments and channel more money into long term goals. Marketing for a business can be successful now; you can reach your audience.

CANCER The solar eclipse is in your house of partnerships this month indicating that some aspect with a significant relationship can change. It’s good to open up and talk about your feelings. Ask for what you need from others now. You can connect with important people who can be quite helpful in your future. Recognition at your job may be coming in. There are people who can help you there. You are more spiritually connected this month. Your intuition is right on. Health improves.

LEO There may be changes with your job around the time of the eclipse. You may be given much more responsibility, but perhaps not the title or the compensation. It’s good to fight for what’s fair. Your creativity is strong and it’s good to pursue interesting projects. There’s a lot of activity around children and pets. You can meet a new potential relationship at parties or social events. Noise in the house indicates you may have overnight guests in the house or you may even be pet-sitting.

VIRGO There is a lot of activity at home, and your house may be the host location for friends and family for the holidays. A love relationship gains solid footing going forward. This may mean moving in together or getting engaged. There is fertility energy now that can assist you in pregnancy or adoption. There is movement in your career. You may be changing job positions or getting a new team. A contract comes through, however, avoid signing it on the day of the eclipse.

LIBRA There is a focus on writing, teaching and spirituality this month. Consider yoga classes, meditation or going on a vision quest. There may be changes at home this month. You may be decluttering and hosting guests. The house is filled with joy and laughter. Finances improve though changes in investments, or insurance may be needed. There is happy communication with your beloved. If you’re looking for love, it’s good to go to charity events, holiday parties or visit friends.

SCORPIO This is a good month for money for Scorpio natives. You may be receiving a small windfall. Investments may be paying off. You may get the opportunity to acquire a special item at a deep discount. There may be changes around transportation. Communication issues can happen at the time of the solar eclipse. Love energy is strong. You may be meeting someone new or if you’re already in a relationship, your love union can strengthen. There is happy news from a child or younger relative.


extra money. A lot of work is happening behind the scenes. You may be finishing up reports or school projects. A secret admirer makes themself known. There is a lot of activity with children or younger relatives. You may acquire a new pet or a new pet project.

PISCES Home is where the joy is this month. You may be opening your doors for visits from friends and relatives. A neighborhood party is possible. Income from a job or a bonus can happen. The solar eclipse energy brings you a glimpse of the future. It’s good to do a vision board or meditate on possibilities. A friendship may turn to romance if you’re looking for love. An adult child may bring home a significant other to introduce to the family. A piece of technology needs replacing. You can find a bargain now.

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 15 books. Her website is www.fengshuiform. com. You can follow her on Instagram @DonnaStellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at DonnaStellhorn.

There is a lot of positive relationship energy for you this month. You can meet new friends and grow closer to your partner. If you’re wanting to find love, look when you’re traveling or out in the city. Income increases through investments or overtime at work. A business opportunity becomes viable. It’s a good idea to take some time off around the time of the solar eclipse to recharge your batteries. Look to get rid of excess stuff to allow positive energy to flow.

CAPRICORN Jupiter enters your sign of Capricorn and will bring you luck and expansion for a whole year. You can take more risks and ask for opportunities. The solar eclipse is also in your sign and may bring the changes you’ve been asking for. While you do have a lot going on, it’s also a good idea to take a few days off. Many new ideas can come to you during this break. If you’re looking for love, it’s good to step outside your usual path by visiting new restaurants, coffee shops and shopping malls.

AQUARIUS You have friends with invitations for social activities filling up your phone this month. Time to break out of your routine. Finances improve if you have a clear vision for the CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



[ H E A LT H Y E AT I N G ]

Two goodies that I’ll be serving a lot of this season are made mostly with shelf-stable ingredients. This means they require no refrigeration and can be whipped up quickly.


Ideally, a food processor and high-speed blender are needed to make these recipes work. *See note on high-speed blender in the Chocolate Nirvana Crème Recipe.

Ideas for the Holidays by Betsy Bruns

My childhood holidays were filled with sweet memories. My mother, Bunny, made sure we were indulged in every way. She was an only child of Irish descent who grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. She was born to parents of “The Greatest Generation” who never forgot the lessons of the Great Wall Street Crash. My mother’s father, who we called Poppy, worked on Wall Street in 1929 and witnessed the devastation firsthand. Because of this, my grandparents never invested their money in markets or in a home. My mother grew up in a one-bedroom flat with very few frills or holiday trimmings. When she became a mom, she decided to celebrate in a very different way. Back to the sweet memories. I mean, literally sweet. The celebrations started with St. Nicholas Day on Dec. 6, when Bunny would wake us to Christmas stockings filled with candy and gifts. That was just after we were given our own Christmas Chocolate Advent Countdown Calendars. Remember those? Twenty-four days of being rewarded with chocolate candy while you ticked away the days until the motherload. And, of course, there were Christmas cookie baking extravaganzas and overflowing candy dishes.


VEGAN COCONUT BLISS BALLS Makes 16 large bliss balls These vegan coconut bliss balls, which my sister insists I call “Betsy Balls,” are always devoured. I’ve become known for them in my community and corporate workshops and have made many friends by serving them. They are a whole food breakfast, snack, dessert or any time of day kind of treat that fill you with wonder that they are actually healthful. Ingredients

1 ½ cups sunflower seeds

When Christmas morning came, I’d lick a candy cane or two while waiting for the family tradition to be served, Petits Fours from Kirschbaum’s Bakery. This was the beginning of a twoweek feast of sweets!

½ cup walnuts

Now that I am more than grownup, and admittedly growing older, I’ve decided to celebrate in a different way—a healthier way. Living a whole-food plant-based lifestyle doesn’t mean sweets are shunned, but it’s not so nice to your body to overindulge in refined sugar. Sweet treats can still be enjoyed but with more healthful ingredients.

½ cup grade A maple syrup

I’ve used substitutions to “plantify” the goodies I’ve been making for years, such as banana bread, pancakes and cookies. Perhaps you can enjoy some of your traditional sweets with plant-based ingredients so you can, as they say, have your cake and eat it too! The accompanying chart will guide you in making healthier swaps while still enjoying holiday sweets and baked goods.

In a food processor cup fitted with the s-blade, grind the sunflower seeds, walnuts, coconut and sea salt to a crumbly consistency while leaving some chunks of nuts. Add in the remaining ingredients and process until the mixture forms into a sticky dough. Remove the lid and scrape it out into a bowl. Form into balls and roll in shredded coconut. Store in refrigerator or freezer.


¼ cup shredded coconut ½ teaspoon sea salt 5 pitted dates 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions

CHOCOLATE NIRVANA CRÈME This crème is heavenly warm or cold. You can adjust the sweetness to your preference. Serve it as a dip with fruit, over pancakes or waffles, with sundaes, or lick the spoon to your heart’s content. This is a decadent treat that you can eat without regret. Ingredients

2 cups rolled oats ½ cup cocoa powder ¼ cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder 1 teaspoon sea salt 5 oz. Medjool dates (about 10 large) soaked in hot water from 10 minutes to an hour ¼ to ½ cup grade A maple syrup 4 cups warm water Directions

Using a high-speed blender* with a heating element and the ability to cook food, add all ingredients to blender and blend on high for 5 minutes, or until crème begins to thicken. You will hear the motor slow down and the sound get louder as the crème gets to the right thickness. Once thick, stop the blender and quickly transfer to a large container. It will thicken more as it cools. Store in refrigerator. *If you don’t have a high-speed blender, you can use a standard blender, transferring mixture to a medium to large saucepan once blended. Stir over medium to high heat until desired thickness is reached. Betsy Bruns is a plant-based health coach, “Food for Life” instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. When she isn’t making healing food taste like comfort food or helping clients tap away stress and cravings with EFT, she’s soaking up nature and dreaming of ways to make life more delicious for all beings. Visit CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM




In Print Reviews by Kayla Hancock

The Last Unknowns:

Deep, Elegant, Profound Unanswered Questions About the Universe, the Mind, the Future of Civilization, and the Meaning of Life, by John Brockman (William Morrow Paperbacks, $16.99, Paperback)

John Brockman shares the final edition of his “Edge Questions” book series that started over 10 years ago. He asks some of the most complex thinkers of our time what questions keep them up at night. Would you like to live a thousand years? How diverse is life in the universe? Will humanity end up with one culture? These are examples of some questions that were posed by interview subjects.

Beneath the Surface: A Teen’s

A Simple Process to Transform Confusion into Clarity and Pain into Peace, by HeatherAsh Amara (St. Martin’s Essentials, $16.99, Paperback)

The Warrior Heart Practice is a revolutionary process aimed to help us access our inner truth and intentionally create lives that authentically align with that which is within our true nature. HeatherAsh Amara explains how the system is based on the four chambers of the heart: Feeling, Story, Truth and Intent. Each step of the process is instrumental in helping individuals reframe their mindset and recreate a life of true purpose.

Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to

Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis, by Kristi Hugstad

Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness, by Keisha Blair (Catalyst Books,

(New World Library, $15.95, Paperback)

$14.95, Paperback)

Achieving and maintaining a consistently positive outlook on life can be challenging for anyone. Depression and anxiety are very common, especially among teenagers. After experiencing her husband’s struggle with clinical depression (and his eventual suicide), Kristy Hugstad has made it her mission to spread awareness and abolish the stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide. Hugstad writes about different aspects of depression in each chapter; some of which include: PTSD, self-harm, parental pressures, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, bullying, and more. Moreover, Hugstad provides readers with information on how to handle these circumstances gently and lovingly with the hope of saving lives.

Awakening Your Crystals:

Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones, by Sharon L. McAllister (Earthdancer, $19.99, Paperback)

Experienced crystal healer Sharon McAllister shares valuable knowledge about how to connect with crystals and maximize their healing effects by intentionally caring for them with love. McAllister focuses on eight key crystals, including rose quartz, fluorite, citrine, and amethyst. She also provides an A-Z directory with the descriptions of over 60 additional crystals. 18

The Warrior Heart Practice:


Keisha Blair lost her husband when he was 34. One spark of light she managed to find throughout this experience was writing and sharing an article called, “My Husband Died at 34; Here Are 40 Life Lessons I Learned from It,” that went viral and still helps people all over the world. Blair expands on this article to help readers find balance in various areas of their lives. She provides manageable steps to readers that will guide them to serenity.

The Art of Jin Shin: The Japanese Practice of Healing with Your Fingertips, by Alexis Brink (Tiller Press, $19.99, Paperback)

Based on Japanese energy medicine, the art of Jin Shin uses gentle finger and hand touch to restore energy flow to the body’s 52 points known as Safety Energy Locations or SELs. With decades of experience behind her, Alexis Brink shares the main points of Jin Shin needed to practice on oneself. The practice can vary from exercises as simple as holding your finger for a few minutes to creating specific harmonizing patterns. Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.


Give the Gift of


Holiday Gift Guide for Your Body, Mind and Soul

1. Lifewave X39

Light Therapy Patches

Activate your own new, youthful stem cells by using your body’s own energy in the form of infrared body heat to power up and activate the nano-crystals which emit specific wavelengths of light for the production of photobiomodulation. No injections, creams or pills.


Benefits: • • • • •

Reduce inflammation Rapid pain relief Support wound healing Reverses age related issues Greater energy and sleep quality

Price: $99.95 1 month/30 patches Available at Call Brenda 312-487-1427

2. Rasha


Stress and Anxiety Reduction Session

Are you thinking of what to get your loved ones (or yourself) for the holidays? How about giving the gift of relaxation? Health is wealth.

Benefits: • • • •

Improved quality of life Better digestion Increased focus Decreased inflammation

Price: $60 for 45-minute Rasha session. Call 630-362-7209 or email

3. Intuitive Clarity Session

An intuitive clarity session is a unique opportunity to explore specific issues or questions related to your personal life, relationships or work with an intuitive coach. During the session, you will receive heart-centered guidance and insight from a higher perspective. Julita will help you to recognize your strengths and weaknesses in order to begin the process of self-discovery.


Price: $55 Call 773-844-0053 or visit Get $10 OFF with Code: Clarity CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



SETTING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES by Yvonne Tally Women today have reset the bar, and it’s high. They collectively aim into the stratosphere: to be the most creative and dynamic professionals, the parents with all the answers, the most understanding and loving partners, and the best and most reliable friends. Their perfectionistic expectations have led to an unrealistic and terribly demanding mind-set, and they multitask from one event to another, silently murmuring under their exhausted, coffee-soaked breath, “Something’s got to give. I’m tired of it always being me!” Constant availability, unyielding accommodation of others, and unrealistic expectations can easily morph into time-zapping habits. Busy has no boundaries; you just keep going and going. It’s like treading water with no shore in sight — you keep doing it in hopes that someone will show up and rescue you. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to set some new boundaries. Boundaries are not designed to keep others out; rather, they’re meant to protect personal space so that each of us can develop, protect, and maintain our sense of self. Setting healthy boundaries is fundamental in maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. Most people understand this and respect the boundaries that we set. However, if we have not established consistent boundaries, others won’t have a clue as to when they are crossing them. When this happens, frustration and anger are often the result, pushing us over the line of our ill-set boundaries. Understanding your limits before you reach them will help you set good boundaries and give you the confidence to enforce them. You may get pushback from others when you set new boundaries; this is often a reaction to the changing dynamics that new boundaries bring. Setting and enforcing boundaries comes with a learning curve, and once you get on the other side of that, you’ll be in a better position to manage your time.

THE SOLUTION 1. Flag your feelings. Be aware of feeling resentful or uncomfortable. These feelings are likely signals that you’ve reached the limits of the boundary you have set. A yellow flag means pause and evaluate. Evaluate whether you really need to do what’s being asked of you. Is it too close to a limit that you’ve set for yourself? Or is there some way you could modify the situation or request so that you feel more comfortable? A red flag means stop and communicate. A 20


red flag is a sure sign that you have reached your limit and that it’s time to communicate that. Be firm and kind while clearly stating why you won’t accept whatever is causing you the discomfort, and follow it by restating your boundary and what you will accept. 2. Review your Need/Want Connection. Determine what you need to get done before you accept any requests from others. Be sure you really have the time to do what’s being asked without it affecting your positive mood. 3. Use clear communication. Don’t beat around the bush when you express a boundary. Do be mindful of the relationship you have with the other person and the style in which she communicates. Doing so will make what you have to say easier for her to hear. And that’s key in getting your point across in a direct and compassionate manner. 4. Keep it simple. Don’t overthink whether or not you should do something — go with your gut! 5. Consistency is key. Establish healthy boundaries by sticking to them. Those around you will stop expecting so much when you stop doing so much. Think of boundaries as the handrails on a staircase; everyone feels better when they’re there. Yvonne Tally is the author of Breaking Up with Busy: RealLife Solutions for Overscheduled Women and leads meditation and de-stressing programs for corporations, individuals, and private groups in Silicon Valley. Visit her online at www. Excerpted from the book Breaking Up with Busy: Real-Life Solutions for Overscheduled Women.

Midwest Pulse Calendar Thursday, December 5

Saturday, December 14

CONSCIOUS LIGHT SCREENINGS. 7:30 pm. $7 at door. CONSCIOUS LIGHT is an award-winning film about the Divine Life and Revelation of AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ. “A powerful glimpse into one of the most profound spiritual teachers of the modern world.” –Stuart Gibson, Senior International Advisor, UNESCO. Location: Adidam Chicago Center Bookstore & Gallery, 3301 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60647. For more information: Call 872-760-3150 or visit www.

CHICAGO IANDS, support/study/resource forum for near-death, out-of-body, & spiritual experiences, losses. 2-5 pm. Donation: $20. Guest Speaker: YVONNE KASON, MD: 4 NDEs, Author, Dramatic Plane crash in the Arctic, from Toronto. Location: Frank Auditorium in Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave. (& Central), Evanston, IL 60201. Free covered parking. For more info: 847-251-5758 or http://www.

THE GLOBAL CELEBRATION OF “LIGHT-IN-EVERYBODY.” TIME: 2-4:30 pm. $10 A joyful, participatory, musical and artistic celebration of the universally understood characteristic of light – the non-separate “radiance”- or the prior unity of all of humankind – a Celebration of The Light in everybody. Open to all. Location: Adidam Center & Bookstore, 3301 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago IL 60647.

Friday, December 21

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Saturday, December 7

WOMEN’S WINTER SOLSTICE DAY RETREAT. Journey through your Chakras, Emotions, Body, Soul! Psychic medium, yoga, meditation, art, cord-cutting, solstice ceremony, and more! Southeast WI.; 608.393.7353; https://mindsoulandself. com/womens-wellness-retreats/

Happy New Year!

PRE-CERTIFICATION EFT WORKSHOP. 9:30 am - 5:00 pm. $95. For EFT newbies and professionals. Experience/learn EFT basics. Counts as day 1 or 2 of 12 hours required for certification. Location: Heaven Meets Earth Yoga, 2736 Central St, Evanston, IL 60201. 847-475-1500. For info, contact Tom: 708-955-3634 or

Sunday, December 8 ILLUMINATE BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL MIND-BODY-SPIRIT-ARTS FESTIVAL: 11 am – 6 pm. $6 at the door or save $1 by purchasing online. The finest local holistic wellness practitioners, products & amazing artisans - try a sample session; find crystals, jewelry, essential oils, spa products, gifts, and art. Intensive workshops on the hour, included with admission! Free for military, emergency response personnel & children under 18. Location: Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 201 Broadway Ave., Normal, IL 61761. Visit: bloomington-normal

Wednesday, December 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS! May your home be filled with joy and love this Christmas season. Wishing you a wonderful holiday from the Conscious Community Magazine team!

Saturday, December 28 PRE-CERTIFICATION EFT WORKSHOP. 9:30 am - 5:00 pm. $95. For EFT newbies and professionals. Experience/learn EFT basics. Counts as day 1 or 2 of 12 hours required for certification. Location: SoderWorld Wellness, 16 W. 501 Nielson, Willowbrook, IL 60527. 630-455-5885. For info, contact Tom: 708-955-3634 or

Friday, January 3 JOIN ALL ABOUT TOWN’s Theresa Puskar in CAUSELESS JOY. Jan. 3 to Feb. 1, Fridays & Saturdays @ 7:30. Trinity Lutheran Church, 3S460 Curtis Ave., Warrenville, IL 60555

Saturday, January 25 ANNUAL DINNER AND SILENT AUCTION - The Friends of Astrology, Inc., (FOA), an affiliate of the American Federation of Astrologers. Cocktails (cash bar) at 5:30 pm. Dinner served at 6:15 pm. Fees for Guests (FOA Members are $10 less each): Through December 15, 2019: $70. Through December 31, 2019: $85. After December 31st and at the door: $95. An all-you-can-eat family-style buffet with a vegetarian option is included in the registration fee. Location: Chicago Marriott - Downers Grove, 1500 Opus Place, Downers Grove, IL 60515. Website:

AT T E N T I O N A D V E R T I S E R S Did you know that the Midwest Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of Conscious Community? The Midwest Pulse Calendar listings are $1.00 per word with a 30 word minimum. Copy is due by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card information must accompany calendar listings.

For questions, please call: 847–966–1110 or email: CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



BUSINESS Directory

APARTMENT FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, living room, bathroom and kitchen in Skokie, IL. Location: Oakton and Skokie Blvd. $975 plus electric. This place is on the second floor in a very nice neighborhood, quiet place with plenty of parking spots.Call Ruby 773-951-1553.

BUSINESS SERVICES MARMEL ACCOUNTING, LLC, accounting with heart provides QuickBooks accounting, tax research and business consulting for small businesses.100% of every invoice you pay is first loaned out on kiva. org as a microloan to people in developing countries. Location: Chicago, IL. Phone: 773-456-9729,

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ARCHE MEDITATION CENTER OF PURPOSE AND JOY Using a simple, ancient philosophy, you’ll experience a shift in consciousness to reawaken your Soul’s powerful connection with the Universe. Classes help align your vibration with your Authentic Self, to develop healthy relationships, empower natural self-healing abilities, eliminate sabotaging beliefs and create a life of purpose, peace, love, laughter and joy. Location: 212 S. Marion St., Oak Park, IL 60302. Contact: Sandy Daliege, www.archemedi or 708-622-8453. DIVINE CREATIVE SYNERGY. Diann Squiers, CRMP, CRMT, CA, O.M. Reiki Aromatherapy sessions by appointment. First phone consultation is free. Visit website for more information on workshops and 22


events. Location: Divine Creative Synergy, 707 Chicago Ave, Evanston, IL 60202. Website: https:// or 312-391-8740.

ENERGY HEALING & MEDICINE REV. LINDSAY BATES. Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Offering private sessions, Distant Reiki, animal Reiki, and classes for all levels. We focus on life issues, including stress management, fertility, oncology. Location: 1211 Pershing Ave, Wheaton, IL 60189. Contact: or 630-464-1668. SUSAN OFFERS GROUP MEDITATIONS with crystal singing bowls and Peruvian whistles. Contact for upcoming events. Also, individual sessions and workshops with the OXOY, See display ad. Northwest Suburbs. Dundee. Website: http:// , http:// or 224-293-2373.

with experiential courses in personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life. Location: 1280 Old Skokie Road, Highland Park, IL 60035. Contact 24 hours a day: Infinity Foundation or 847-831-8828.

HOLISTIC HEALING FOR ANIMALS ANIMAL REIKI WITH AMBER SHANER - Reiki Master Teacher. Through energetic healing, Amber helps to provide a restorative balance for your pet companion on a social, emotional, and physical level. Sessions, classes, workshops offered. All animals welcome. Location: Naperville & Chicagoland surrounding areas. Website: or 630-835-6727.


CAROL SWANSON LLC, Medical Intuitive & Wellness Consultant, specializing in the release of chronic health issues. Intuitive Health Analysis and Treatment Protocol. Deep Meridian Clearing releases the energetic blockages/trauma that support your illness. Clients worldwide. Serving Humans and their companion animals. Contact: carol.swanson, or 608-359-4720.

HEMAVEDA AYURVEDIC HEALING for a healthier and happy life. Swati Mhaske is a Certified Ayurveda Doctor and Clinical researcher and an Herbalist. Swati specializes in Gut health, Female health and nutrition, autoimmune disorders, allergies, anti-aging, joint health, skin disorders and hormonal imbalances. Location: Yoga Seva Studio, 407 E Terra Cotta Ave, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Contact:, Email: or 224-829-8185.



INFINITY FOUNDATION is the Chicago area’s leading holistic education center. Infinity offers Courses For Life®, providing you

HAPPINESS IS CHOICE, LLC, a Relationship & Life coaching boutique that provides strategies and solutions for life, dating and finding love.

Location: Chicago, IL. Contact: Website: www. or 312-846-0061. JULITA MACHALSKI. Intuitive Coach + EFT Practitioner Helping you to release emotional pain and supporting you in the process of personal transformation. Chicago area/worldwide via Skype or in person. Both English & Polish. julita. or 773-844-0053.

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER LOOKING FOR A MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? Contact Michael “The Energizer” Applegate! The author of Work for God and The One Minute Energizers. Contact: or 773-326-8195.

PAST LIFE REGRESSION SUSAN WISEHART, LMFT, 25 years licensed therapist. Past/Between Lives regressions. Trained by Brian Weiss and Michael Newton. Des Plaines/Mundelein. Contact: 847-438-7878 or

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICIATE: WEDDINGS & OTHER TRANSITIONAL EVENTS Ordained non-denominational minister officiates at transitional events (weddings, baptisms, funerals, birth rites, etc.). For further information on personally-tailored, magical and intimate experiences, contact Theresa Puskar. or 630-272-1805.

PSYCHICS SOUL ADVISOR LLC TRICIA RUITER was born with these gifts from God. I can connect you with anyone who has passed - and animals. Location: Plainfield, IL. Phone: 815-529-1887. Website:

RETAIL STORE WILD RASPBERRY RESALE SHOP with gently used designer label clothing, jewelry, books, music, coffee bar, mini-workshops. Come and

taste the Wild Raspberry experience! Location: Arlington Club Commons, 9 Huntington Lane, Wheeling, IL 60090. Contact: 224-676-1125, or

SCHOOLS AND LEARNING CENTERS THE SPIRITUAL LEARNING CENTER (SLC) is here to offer you the opportunity to study with like-minded people in an emotionally safe environment. SLC strives to provide learning opportunities based on expansive concepts that challenge and amplify mainstream knowledge and experience. We offer the chance to learn about things that you may have always been curious about but haven’t known where to go for answers. To check our classes and receive location details please email: SpiritualLearning Center@gmail. com, visit www.SpiritualLearning

SPIRITUAL COUNSELING REBECCA ROCKWOOD SPIRITUAL COUNSELING FOR SPIRITUAL PEOPLE! Specializing in spiritual disconnection, lost life direction, energy overwhelm, spiritual depression, resonation changes, advanced spiritual evolution. Your future doesn’t have to be a replay of your past! 219 W. 55th St., Suite 105, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514, 407-575-7547 or

TAROT SUSAN BRADY. Experience the wisdom of the Tarot in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home by phone or email. Additionally, I am available for in person readings at Healing Arts Metaphysical Center in Batavia, and The Journey’s Path in West Chicago. Bring your questions and leave with answers. Website: I’ll be happy to schedule your appointment with me by phone at 630-209-7678.

WEIGHT CONTROL WEIGHT OUT OF CONTROL? MEDICAL HYPNOTISM can help you renegotiate your relationship to food. Backed by outcomes research and a long history of success. Visit us at for more information or call 630-668-1141.

CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY ADVERTISERS Tap into an open and aware community by advertising your events, services, products in the Conscious Community Magazine Calendar and Business Directory listings. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Call Conscious Community Magazine or see website for advertising information. Distributed in Illinois and Wisconsin. Reach your potential with Conscious Community Magazine! Please visit: or call 847-966-1110.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! ARE YOU A MOVER AND A SHAKER? Are you an organized self-starter? Do you have a desire to help out, but you are not sure where your skills will be best suited? The Conscious Community family is looking for assistance in the following areas: Administration, Event Scheduling, Event Sponsorship, National Calendar Coordinator, IT Expertise or Conference Coordinator. Whether you can give one hour per month or 10 hours per month, we would love to have you join our team. Please call 847-966-1110 or email Kasia at:

BUSINESS Directory

The Business Classified Directory provides listings of a wide variety of practitioners, products and services available to our readers. Business listings are $1.00 per word with a 25 word minimum. Display ads are due by the 10th of every month. Copy may be submitted by email or regular mail. Check or credit card information must accompany your insertion unless you are submitting it by email. In that case, please call with your credit card information to finalize your listing

Please call: 847–966–1110 or send your listings to: Kasia@ ConsciousCommunity by the 10th of the month prior to publication. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



COSMIC DAILY WEATHER December 2019 by Bernadette Evans


Well, here we are at the last month of 2019. I don’t know about you, but I found that the year flew by. This month will be a busy one, so let’s get started. Jupiter enters the sign of Capricorn on Dec. 2 and will stay there for approximately one year. When the planet of expansion and generosity is in the sign of Capricorn, you can expect a more serious approach to life, especially in comparison to the last 12 months when it was in Sagittarius. There will be more energy put into work and business opportunities with a high value placed on accomplishments. Jupiter in Capricorn asks you to put your head down and focus on what you want. With hard work and a plan, you can achieve your goals. There is also a Solar Eclipse this month on Christmas night at 11:13 pm. A solar eclipse is an amped-up New Moon. The energies are felt for up to six months. This solar eclipse may be a lucky one with Jupiter in close conjunction to it. Jupiter is lucky, generous and expansive. This solar eclipse could bring good fortune in your personal life, as well as your professional life. Uranus is also in the mix, forming a trine to the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. You could have a surprise in store, possibly having to do with work. You may feel the urge to step out of your comfort zone. The solar eclipse will be felt by all, but more so the closer it is to a personal planet in your natal chart. Either way, expect some surprises along the way. The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course or VoC, it means that the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign its in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is Void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out The times below are listed in Central Standard Time.



Sunday, December 1 When the Moon squares Mars, you could feel like you need to go out on your own. There’s a feeling of having to forge your own path, which at times can bring up feelings of loneliness. There are always choices to be made, act out and possibly push others away, or recognize what it is you need and go after it without any ensuing drama. Moon is in Aquarius.

Monday, December 2 Emotions and logic may be at odds with each other when the Moon squares Mercury. You could feel very moody and have strong opinions on a subject. Be careful of voicing an opinion that sparks a disagreement. You may just feel like stirring the pot for fun and instead, have created something much larger. Jupiter moves into the sign of Capricorn at 12:20 p.m. Moon is VoC at 6:27 a.m. and all day.

Tuesday, December 3 The Venus-Mars sextile may enhance relationships, whether it’s a friendship, a love interest or a business relationship. You’re clear and confident about what you desire and aren’t afraid to go after it. Hard work and discipline are the cornerstones of your success. You may want to share your knowl-

edge with others so they too can benefit. You could also be excited about beautifying your surroundings or creating a piece of art. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 1:11 a.m.

Wednesday, December 4 You may feel the need to escape from a situation when the Moon conjuncts Neptune. Sensitivity and intuition are heightened and your emotions could be fluctuating as you pick up on others’ feelings and mistake them for your own.

Thursday, December 5 When the Moon squares Jupiter, you may be feeling quite benevolent and generous towards others. Balance is required so that you don’t overspend today or rush from one thing to the next. Stay present and enjoy the everyday moments. Moon is VoC at 2:15 a.m. until 1:44 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aries.

Friday, December 6 Everything is flowing easily when the Moon trines the Sun. You feel confident in your successes, whether they are in business or relationships. Your strength and belief in yourself shine through and you are happy to extend a helping hand to those in need.

Saturday, December 7 The Moon is VoC for most of today, starting at 9:01 a.m., and you may feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle and have to defend yourself or your beliefs. Put down your sword and walk away. Listen to what the other person has to say and remember nothing has to be decided today.

Sunday, December 8 You could be feeling slightly pessimistic when the Sun squares Neptune. Situations haven’t turned out the way you envisioned. Try and be clear and above board in your communications to avoid any problems. This energy could also spark your imagination and get your creative juices flowing. Enjoy creating something beautiful. Moon enters the sign of Taurus at 1:29 a.m.

Monday, December 9 Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius at 3:42 a.m. When the planet of communication is in the sign of the Archer, you can expect conversations to be interesting and varied. You may find that people are searching for meaning and answers.

Communication may be more optimistic, but there’s also the potential for being blunt and saying what’s on your mind without any filter. These are just a few potentials when Mercury visits Sagittarius. You may be able to complete a few projects on your to-do list today with all the earthy energy. The Moon-Venus trine helps you to see people and situations in a positive light. It could be the start of a beautiful romance, friendship or finding what brings you joy. The MoonSaturn trine may bring you the justice that you’re seeking in a situation. Everything will balance out in the end. Advice from an older person or someone whose opinion you trust could prove invaluable. Lastly, the Moon-Pluto trine could increase your sensitivity and you’ll be more in tune with what’s happening below the surface. Discussions could turn intense. Moon is VoC at 7:13 p.m.

Tuesday, December 10 There’s the possibility of feeling slighted and on the outside looking in when the Moon opposes Mercury. Your thoughts keep you going in circles, leaving you unsure of what’s true and what is just your own paranoia. Moon enters the sign of Gemini at 10:47 a.m.

Wednesday, December 11 The Full Moon is asking you to tune into yourself and see what speaks to you. What would nurture you right now? You could feel pulled in a few directions, wanting to experience a variety of things. Stop, ask yourself what you want, listen and go for it. With planning, you could make your dream a reality. Emotions are heightened and you could be feeling everything. Be careful of misinterpreting something and being offended. Step back, take a breath and find out what’s really being said. The Full Moon is at 11:12 p.m. Moon is VoC at 11:12 p.m.

Thursday, December 12 After the energies of the Full Moon, which of course you’re still feeling, you may need some alone time. It could be time to retreat into your own cocoon until you feel safe enough to come out and face the world again. The Moon is VoC in Gemini for a good portion of the day, so there could be a lot of talking going on with little action taking place. Think about what you need to do next and make a list. You’ll get to it soon enough. Moon enters the sign of Cancer 5:23 p.m.

Friday, December 13 The Mars-Neptune trine may have you thinking of ways that you could help others. You’re idealistic and want to lend a helping hand; just don’t get caught in the trap of believing you’re someone’s savior. That won’t be good for anyone. Another aspect of this energy is that you may feel quite attractive and sensual and want to go enjoy yourself tonight. You never know who you may meet.

Saturday, December 14 You may be taking care of someone you love when the Moon is VoC in Cancer. Tending to emotional or physical wounds (yours or those of another) could be just what is needed. If you feel the need for comfort, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Everyone can use a shoulder to lean on now and then. Moon is VoC at 9:57 a.m. until 9:56 p.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

Sunday, December 15 When the Moon trines Mercury, you easily express how you feel to others. You’re feeling sentimental and grateful for the people in your life and want to let them know how important they are to you. There’s a desire to start a new venture. If you are suddenly inspired when Jupiter trines Uranus, run with it. You never know where this path may lead.

Monday, December 16 You may feel like celebrating when the Moon trines the Sun. You’re feeling optimistic and want to spread the good cheer to others. Your enthusiasm for life is contagious. Moon is VoC at 4:10 p.m.

Tuesday, December 17 With the Moon in Virgo, you may be able to accomplish quite a bit at work. When the Moon trines Uranus, you could be entertaining some unusual ideas. Insights are quick and fast, thinking outside of the box comes naturally. Moon enters the sign of Virgo at 1:16 a.m.

Wednesday, December 18 When the Moon trines Pluto, your sensitivity could be increased. You have a strong desire to act and are eager to understand what is going on below the surface. If you tune in and figure out what’s not being said, then you feel you can do something about it and act. CONSCIOUSCOMMUNITYMAGAZINE.COM



Thursday, December 19 You may find yourself immersed in a project, head down, nose to the grindstone. When Mars sextiles Saturn, you persevere and have the stamina to get the job done. It may feel like slow going but putting in the work now will yield results in the future. Moon is VoC at 2:07 a.m. until 4:04 a.m. when it enters the sign of Libra.

Friday, December 20 Venus enters the sign of Aquarius 12:42 a.m. When the planet of love, relationships, money and values is in the sign of the Water Bearer, you’re more apt to feel like socializing with a variety of groups to exchange ideas. You may also be inclined to express your individuality by being rebellious. Standing out from the crowd and expressing your unique self, while enjoying freedom, is at the heart of Venus in Aquarius.

Saturday, December 21 Happy Winter Solstice! The Sun enters the sign of Capricorn at 10:19 p.m., so Happy Birthday dear Capricorns! You may be looking at the glass as half-empty when the Moon squares Venus. A relationship may have run its course but that also means there’s space for something new to arrive, so don’t despair. You could also feel like going out and socializing when

the Moon squares Venus. Moon is VoC at 5:45 a.m. until 6:57 a.m. when it enters the sign of Scorpio.

Sunday, December 22 You could be on the lookout for some added excitement in your relationships when Venus squares Uranus. If you’re attached you might just want to spice it up; if single, someone unexpected could appear, someone unusual or exciting. Also, pay close attention to your spending, don’t go overboard buying unnecessary items. Moon is VoC at 9:27 p.m.

Monday, December 23 The Mars-Pluto sextile encourages you to come out of the shadows and take the necessary action to transform any situations where you may have felt blocked. Your laser focus and determination can help you achieve any goal you set your mind to. Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius at 10:34 a.m.

Tuesday, December 24 You’re more inclined to show some quirky aspect of yourself when the Sun trines Uranus. Being able to truly express yourself in all of the beautiful colors that you possess just adds to your personality. You’re also driven to leave your comfort zone and try something different today.

Wednesday, December 25

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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! The Moon is Void in Sagittarius for a good portion of the day. While its Void, don’t expect to get a lot done. Just enjoy the day for what it is and roll with it. Be open to the possibilities of the day and all the excitement and joy that it brings. Moon is VoC at 5:18 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn. New Moon Solar Eclipse at 11:13 p.m. See above for more information related to the Solar Eclipse.

Thursday, December 26 The energies of the Solar eclipse in Capricorn are still being felt. You could have a lot of energy and drive to get something done. You may also be feeling optimistic about all of the possibilities in front of you. As positive as you may feel, you might feel the need to cut back on expenses.

Friday, December 27 You are optimistic about creating what you want when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter.

Maybe there is someone you can team up with that will and enthusiasm, combined with your work ethic can produce some great results. Moon is VoC at 3:03 p.m. until 11:21 p.m. when it enters the sign of Aquarius.

Saturday, December 28 Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn at 10:55 p.m. When the planet of communication is in Capricorn you can expect conversations to be more serious, controlled and focused with a goal in mind. When the Moon conjuncts Venus, it could be time to create something. Whether it’s a painting or writing in your journal, everyone has their own way of expressing themselves. Take time today to discover your unique way of expression.

Sunday, December 29 Are you feeling the urge to strike out on your own? Experience something new and have a taste of freedom? That’s the Moon in Aquarius beckoning to you and asking you to dip your toes into a new adventure to see where it leads.

Monday, December 30 When Mercury trines Uranus, you could be struck by some unusual ideas. In fact, you could have so many insights it may be hard to pick one and run with it. Write them all down and start there. Like a puzzle, they could all link together to form one masterplan. Moon is VoC at 4:24 a.m. until 9:41 a.m. when it enters the sign of Pisces.

Tuesday, December 31 The Moon-Neptune conjunction provides the perfect playground or some would say, escape, for New Year’s Eve fun. Enjoy the evening’s festivities, but be conscious of keeping one foot firmly planted on the ground. There’s also the potential for overindulging and this Moon-Neptune aspect can amplify the effects of drugs and alcohol, so be aware and careful. That being said, I’d like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and the best for the year 2020! Bernadette Evans is a counseling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counselor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or Bbevans001@gmail. com to schedule a consultation. Her website is






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