June 2022 Component Manufacturing Advertiser Magazine

Page 112


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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the


June 2022 #14275 Page #112

Mass Timber Aerospace Project Uses Innovative Truss System A new museum/hanger in British Columbia mirrors the shapes and curves of a plane By Johanna Knapschaefer

Reprinted courtesy of Engineering News-Record, copyright BNP Media, February 7, 2022, all rights reserved.


hile having lunch with his executive director at the Four Points hotel in British Columbia’s Kelowna International Airport, KF Aerospace founder Barry Lapointe pulled out a red pen, asked the waitress for a piece of paper and began drawing a building shaped like an aircraft. This was in May 2017, when he first conceived the concept for the two-story, 60,000-sq-ft KF Aerospace Center for Excellence museum now nearing completion in Kelowna on the eastern shore of Okanagan Lake. The busy entrepreneur was quick to delegate the details, says KF Aerospace executive director Paula Quinn. “‘It’s got to be mass timber; it’s got to look like an aircraft; and I want it built at the airport,’ he said, so basically we … had to run with this little drawing,” Quinn recalls. “He wanted to leave something that would tell the story of aviation in the Okanagan.”

Aerial view of the KF Aerospace museum/hangar before it topped out in mid-November. It is nearing completion on land between the Kelowna International Airport and Highway 97 in Kelowna, British Columbia. Photo credit Agency Media, courtesy naturallywood.com. Continued next page

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