July 2020 Component Manufacturing Advertiser

Page 16


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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the

July 2020 #12252 Page #16


Navigating Your Future with Spida Wendy Boyd Sales and Marketing Manager Spida Machinery


hat a diverse, interesting, and sometimes scary world we live in. As we navigate our own patch of turf and crystal ball gaze about what the future holds, we are mindful of the differences in the world business landscape. Spida Machinery operates three distinct manufacturing facilities, in different parts of the world. To capture and understand each sector, we hold weekly reviews of what the economy, manufacturing, and construction industry look like in each location and what that means to each sector, and then review as a Global business. Suffice to say, it is more apparent than ever that one size “does not” fit all. Country by country, state by state, and even region by region, the differing landscapes inform our discussions and keep our planning processes fluid, so we are ready to adapt to the demands of the country at hand, while still keeping an eye of the diverse overall big picture. In these times of uncertainty, especially in the housing and building sector, we at Spida find ourselves reflecting on our business principles and our promise to the market: • Provide a high-quality product that is fit for purpose. • Partner with the customer to understand their wants and needs, thereby developing the machinery that best suits our customers’ requests. • Adapt, innovate, and supply. Working and partnering with our customers is our forte. From an initial enquiry, ensuring all questions are answered, we want to provide a machine or machines that will meet your requirements; if necessary, we’ll talk through the alternatives and start a little design work for you too. Regularly we adapt or tweak a piece of machinery to develop and provide the best product for the job at hand. It is no secret that our machinery is Continued next page

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