Forte spring 2017

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Forte et Gratum Columbus School for Girls


Entrepreneurs, Risk Takers, and Innovators


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ronald A. (Rocky) Robins, Jr., Board Chair Michael Glimcher, Vice Chair Lisa Young, Treasurer and Finance Chair Timothy Miller, Secretary Liz Zimmerman Donaldson ’92, Development Chair Cecily Alexander ’88, Nominating & Board Governance Chair Glenda Harrison, Diversity Chair Jill Levy ’70, National Alumnae Chair/At Large Christopher Graham, At Large John Sokol, At Large Lavea Brachman ’80, Ex Officio/Immediate Past Chair Jennifer Ciccarelli, Ex Officio/Head of School

EX OFFICIO Kacey Chappelear ’98, Alumnae Board President Ami Carmon, Co-President Parents’ Association Jim Wilson, Co-President Parents’ Association


David Paragas

Jordan Davis

Robert Polite, D.O.

Steve Falk

Ira Sharfin

Jonathan Feibel, M.D.

Davina Shayani

David Feinberg

Elizabeth Siemer ’89

Kate Giller ’87

Lynne Smith

Kimberly Hall ’91

Webb Vorys

Nancy Jeffrey, Lifetime Member

Mark Wagenbrenner

David McCurdy

Kim Rice Wilson ’80

Susan Merryman

Patti Ziegler

CSG STAFF Dana Booth, Chief Development Officer Julie Eikenberry, Chief Financial Officer

Forte et Gratum
















LETTER FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL There has been much in the news of late about gender bias, implicit bias, and the effects of these biases on girls and women. At CSG, we have always strived to counter the messages our students receive that seek to limit their potential in any way. “Avoid risk” is one such message. In her book, The Art of Risk: The New Science of Courage, Caution, & Chance, Kayt Sukel discusses research on women, men, and risk-taking behaviors. Although women are often assumed to be less likely to take risks, Sukel’s research has demonstrated that, in reality, this isn’t the case. Sukel points out what we at CSG have always known: that women take risks in equal measure to men and those risks, while sometimes different in their degree of calculation, lead to great success.

This month’s issue of Forte et Gratum offers ample evidence to support both Sukel’s findings and CSG’s record of producing courageous women who make a difference

Learning requires taking risks.

in the world. Kristen Orlando ’01’s successful multi-book publishing deal came as a result of putting her young-adult novel on a publisher’s crowd-sourcing site to be voted upon. A less traditional, more risky path to publication, Orlando’s gamble paid off. In a similar vein, Janis Bond ’01 launched her own childhood learning center after her home daycare started to grow beyond capacity. Bond, who wanted to become a school counselor when she went to college, could have chosen to limit the number of children applying for her care, but instead responded to demand and opened a larger location on Columbus’ north side. Knowing that they had something important to contribute to the world helped these CSG alumnae to pursue their respective passions. Our students get this message from the time they are in the PYC all the way through their CSG education: their voices matter, and they have important ideas, skills, and passions to contribute to the world. At CSG, we don’t take for granted the fact that learning requires taking risks: sharing your ideas, whether fully formed or not; trying a new skill, failing, and trying again; speaking up when you disagree with a classmate or a teacher; all of these are fundamental to learning, and all of them happen daily at CSG. In the following pages, you will see many examples of CSG students taking the risks necessary for learning; you will also see the spectacular results of those risks!

Jennifer Ciccarelli Head of School



Significantly CSG

Lower School and PYC Celebrate the Lunar New Year Celebration of the Lunar New Year brought a colorful experience for students in the Lower School and PYC. In January, the divisions gathered in the Agnes Jeffrey Shedd Theater where they watched a performance of the traditional and iconic lion dance. Accompanied by beating drums, cymbals, and gongs, the lion dance is performed in Chinese communities across the world and is meant to bring good luck and prosperity in the year ahead. The presentation included martial arts movements to demonstrate a lion’s movements and an opportunity for the students to actually climb into the lion costumes. Other divisions also celebrated the Lunar New Year with special presentations from outside performers. This is the Year of the Rooster, which falls every 12 years. That means the next year of the Rooster won’t be until 2029, when this year’s 5/6 PYC class will be seniors! McKinley Rauch ’30 trying on a traditional lion dance costume

Acknowledging Science’s Hidden Figures Middle and Upper School students took their lessons to the movies in January for a screening of Hidden Figures at AMC Lennox Town Center Theatres. Students, parents, and faculty/staff had the opportunity to view the film then return to school to hear from women who are currently working in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine) fields, including current engineering student and CSG alumna Tiffany Lau ’13. Hidden Figures is the untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation’s confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The panelists for the Upper School discussion included Michelle Richard, Digital Marketing Strategist for Scotts Miracle Gro; Eva Bradshaw, Regional Affiliate Manager for the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT); Kimberly Clavin, Engineer at Pillar Technology; and Darlene Waite, President of Vartek Services, Inc.

Michelle Richard, Eva Bradshaw, Kimberly Clavin, and Darlene Waite answer questions about their careers in STEMM fields

Tiffany Lau ’13

Annie Feibel ’19 asks questions during the post-movie discussion



Significantly CSG Food for the Soul Feast The Beauty of African American Culture Club (BAACC) hosted its annual “Food for the Soul Feast” in February in CSG’s Ruch Dining Room. Families, faculty, and staff from all divisions enjoyed a lovely evening of food and entertainment provided by BAACC members. The audience also heard remarks from Keiana Mitchell of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio, this year’s beneficiary. The Ronald McDonald House across the street from Nationwide Children’s Hospital is the largest in the country. All of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to help families cover the cost of their stay while their children are receiving care at the hospital. Club members say it was their largest crowd to date! The club raised a total of $1200 for Ronald McDonald House!

Members of the Beauty of African American Culture Club (BAACC) at the 2017 Food for the Soul Feast

Musicians Shine in OMEA Contest… The Upper School Band, Strings, and Choir had a strong showing at the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) Solo and Ensemble Contest in January. The adjudication was held at Reynoldsburg Summit High School. Most students achieved a Superior or Excellent rating, but every student had her best performance. The Upper School Band is directed by Kristen Cook, Strings are directed by Agnes Becker, and Choir is directed by Dani Moyer-Wynn.

Upper School Band, Strings, and Choir students who participated in the OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest (Not all are pictured)

…and Ohio State Honors Band

Alexis Knight ’22


Saba Rehan ’22


Natalie Tangeman ’21

Congratulations also goes to Middle School Band members Alexis Knight ‘22 (euphonium), Saba Rehan ’22 (tuba) and Natalie Tangeman ’21 (flute). All three were chosen to participate in the Ohio State Middle School Honor Band. The band performed at the 2017 Ohio State Middle School Honor Band Festival on February 25.

Significantly CSG Peyton Files Places First at MLK Oratorical Contest

Peyton Files ’27 at the King Arts Complex

Peyton Files ’27 won first place in her division at the City of Columbus MLK Youth Oratorical Contest. Peyton’s speech was entitled “Understanding the Call.” Form II teacher Nichole Bondi attended the contest and also helped Peyton to prepare. Peyton will move on to the state competition in April.

Clara Livingston Wins Regional Theater Competition Clara Livingston ’19 is heading to New York City for the English-Speaking Union National Shakespeare Competition. Clara was the regional winner of the competition in Columbus in February. In May, she will join 55 other contestants from around the country in New York City, where she will perform her monologue on the stage at Lincoln Center, participate in workshops run by Broadway stars, and enjoy the theater. Clara Livingston ’19

Author Visits The Lower School hosted award-winning author Doreen Rappaport in December. Ms. Rappaport, who traveled from New York City to visit CSG, has written 48 books for children and young people. Her books are typically focused on American history and often celebrate diversity, courage, and resilience. She has also written biographies that focus on various American heroes and their struggles to overcome injustice in the world. A featured author at the National Portrait Gallery, National Book Festival, the Smithsonian Museum of American History, and the White House, Ms. Rappaport spent time with girls in Forms I-VIII during her two day visit. Before she arrived, students read many of her books and created classroom projects in her honor. The projects included special presentations by Forms II and V. Ohio author Michael J. Rosen joined Form I to discuss his book, The Greatest Table: A Banquet to Fight Against Hunger. The book features illustrations of families around the world gathering at one continuous dinner table to highlight the issue of world hunger and support anti-hunger efforts. To prepare for Rosen’s visit, Form I students collected recipes of the meals that their families enjoyed most. They shared the recipes and “stories” of each dish with one another. The exercise was the beginning of a writing workshop that ended with the creation of a Form I recipe book. Rosen also worked with Form IV on a project that featured the Underground Railroad. Middle and Upper School students indulged in a little girl talk in February with visiting author Carol Weston. Ms. Weston, columnist and author of 16 books, has sometimes been called a “Teen Dear Abby.” She answered questions about body image, crushes, cliques, eating habits, talking about sex, parent-daughter relationships, and other items highlighted in her book Girltalk: All the Stuff Your Sister Never Told You (4th edition). She also met with Upper School parents in a parent coffee on “How Can We Raise Healthy, Happy Daughters?” Ms. Weston topped it all off with individual writing workshops in some classes. Though she lives in New York, Ms. Weston has a CSG connection. Her sisters-in-law, Lisa Ackerman Jeffrey ‘78 and Sarah “Sally” Ackerman ‘84 are CSG alumnae. Ms. Weston’s new Young Adult novel, Speed of Life will be published in April.



Significantly CSG #givekindnesscolumbus at CSG While most see February as the month of love, it was the perfect time for lessons in kindness at CSG. As part of Columbus Kindness Month, a partnership between The Columbus Foundation and community-wide service organization Besa, Lower School students were challenged to join other central Ohioans in delivering acts of kindness to one another. In Lower School, students built birthday kits for the families who visit the Broad Street Presbyterian Food Pantry. The kits include baking ingredients for the birthday cakes that some families forego because other needs are more pressing. Before preparing the kits, Forms I-V heard from Besa’s Executive Director, Matthew Goldstein, about the motivation behind Columbus Kindness Month and the impact of their kind actions. The story was one of several featured under the #givekindnesscolumbus hashtag on social media.

Form V girls assembled and delivered 107 birthday cake kits to the Broad Street Food Pantry. They were met by former CSG teacher and volunteer Connie Aldrich Bodiker '54 who volunteers at the pantry

In Upper School, students were encouraged to perform random acts of kindness for their classmates, and February’s Big/Little Sis event also included a kindness activity where all divisions shared their gratitude with others in our CSG community. Big and little sisters created thank you notes for the friends who help make CSG special by volunteering their time and/or providing donations that enhance programs and facilities. All of it was capped off by a visit from the Kindness Heart which was at CSG March 2-7. The heart has traveled all over central Ohio collecting and displaying words of kindness. Students and other members of the CSG community had the opportunity to add their words while the heart was at CSG. The instructions were to complete this sentence: “To be kind is to…” All messages collected at CSG will go back to Besa with the hundreds of other kind words collected by the traveling heart.

Kiera Rennick ’22 and Kaitlyn Kaspar ’28 work together on a letter to a friend of CSG during the February Big/ Little Sis activity

Upper School Theater presents Meet Me in St. Louis Large audiences filled the Agnes Jeffrey Shedd Theater from March 2-4 for the Upper School Theater production of Meet Me in St. Louis. The stage adaption of the 1944 film classic took the audience on a heartwarming, year-long journey in the life of the Smith family, complete with all of the memorable songs, dancing, life lessons, heartbreak, and romance that have sustained the production’s popularity. The cast, crew, and professional and student musicians delivered all of the familiar musical numbers including “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” “The Boy Next Door,” “The Trolley Song,” and “Skip to My Lou.” The Middle School Theater Department will present Anne of Green Gables in partnership with CATCO in April.



Katie O’Leary ’23, Charlotte Falk ’18, and Clara Livingston ’19 in the spring production of Meet Me in St. Louis

Significantly CSG PYC Gets a Lesson in West African Dance Practice and Theory

PYC students learn West African dance with instructor Suzan Bradford

In early March, students in the Program for Young Children had a special opportunity to learn West African dance moves and rhythms from Suzan Bradford of the Lincoln Theatre. The two-session lesson included everything from the history of the music and dance to the materials and construction of the drums. Faculty also jumped in, taking a moment to go from teachers to learners alongside their students.

Mock Trial Team among “Elite Eight” State Championship Finalists CSG Mock Trial team “Team Pop” had a strong showing at the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OCLRE) State Mock Trial Competition. Together, Ariel Brodey ’17, CC D’Arms ’17, Maura Hackett ’18, Dana Hungerford ’19, Maddie Weaver ’17, and Blythe Yaffe ’17, became one of the top eight teams in the state. The team competed at the State Mock Trial Competition in early March.

Top row L to R: Dana Hungerford ’19, Maddie Weaver ’17, CC D’Arms ’17 Bottom row L to R: Maura Hackett ’18, Blythe Yaffe ’17, and Ariel Brodey ’17

This is the second time a CSG team has advanced to the state competition since Pfeiffer helped to start the program in 2013. Several students won individual awards throughout the season. CC D’Arms ’17 won Best Attorney and Best Witness in the team’s final competition rounds! The entire 2017 CSG Mock Trial Team consisted of 21 students and three teams. With the help of Upper School faculty member Frank O’ Grady, Suzanne Pfeiffer has been the team’s faculty advisor for the past four years. Bill Pohlman and Monica Dorman serve as the team’s legal advisors. “Our mock trial students are incredibly hard working, dynamic, dedicated students,” said faculty advisor Suzanne Pfeiffer. “They think clearly and creatively. They are a force to be reckoned with and make us all proud.”

The entire CSG Mock Trial Team



Embrace Fear, Pursue Your Passion Kristen Orlando ’01’s Unconventional Path

It might seem like author Kristen Orlando Ricordati ’01, whose pen name is Kristen Orlando, was incredibly lucky to land a three-book deal with Macmillan Publishing. However, to really understand her journey, one must be acquainted with the word fear and the realization that sometimes luck is in the willingness to take a risk. Orlando remembers her freshman year at Kenyon College. The lesson was on photosynthesis. The class was biology. Coming from a family of medical professionals – her father was a doctor and her mother was a nurse– she was on her way to becoming a doctor. “I remember instantly, all at once, thinking this is not what I want to do with my life,” Orlando said. “I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be creative.” That would mean changing her major from biology to English and disrupting a path that was all but laid out in front of her. She was ready, excited, and resolved, but her parents were scared. “It was hard for my parents who are incredibly supportive and wonderful parents,” she said. “They didn’t really understand what you could do as an English major. To become a doctor there is such a clear, linear path. You go to college, get into a good medical school, and do your residency. In a creative field, especially to be an author, there is no clear path.” Kristen Orlando’s You Don’t Know My Name can be purchased at, Barnes & Noble and other retailers

It would be one of Orlando’s first confrontations with fear, but not her last. From there, she was chosen for selective creative writing classes at Kenyon. Orlando says that put her parents at ease, and let them know that not only did she have writing



talent, but writing could be both her passion and a way to

With her husband Michael Ricordati’s encouragement, she

make a living.

uploaded the manuscript to Swoon Reads, an imprint of

“I think when you hear ‘Oh, I want to be a writer,’ some think

Macmillan Publishing where writers submit their work online,

you’re going to run off to New York City and live in squalor and

and readers rate it. The result was a three-book deal starting

try and write a novel, but I knew I needed to support myself so I

with her debut novel, a young spy thriller, You Don’t Know My

started doing internships.”

Name. The story follows 17-year-old Reagan Elizabeth Hillis, who

The internships led to a post-college position as a news

ironically, or perhaps not so ironically, is faced with following in

producer at NBC4. Orlando says it was an opportunity to write

her parents footsteps as a member of a top-secret agency

every day, and in time, she was recruited to work in marketing,

known as the Black Angels or succumbing to the appeal of a

writing for Resource Ammirati. While it wasn’t her novel,

different path. Set in New Albany, the plot includes references to

Kristen says she truly enjoyed her work and being able to write for a living. Still, there was always that calling, a yearning to create something from scratch.

familiar central Ohio places like the Short North. There is also a dedication to former CSG English teacher Dr. Veronica Leahy. Orlando says CSG is not only where she first started to love

“My dad told me, ‘Never be satisfied with success and never fear failure,’” Orlando said. “The ‘never fear failure’ part is what I’ve always clung to, because I feel like if you fear failure, you

writing, but also where she found her courage. “I know that CSG made me the person that I am today,” she said.

have no idea what you can do.”

“I know that it was CSG that made me fearless.”

She started writing her book during nights and weekends, while

With the second installment finished, Orlando is now preparing

still working during the day. But, ask most who have tried it: the

for a multi-city book tour and getting comfortable in her newest

road to becoming a published author is a feat peppered with

role as a mom. She and her husband welcomed their first

obstacles, where actually writing the book can be the easy part. For most authors, it can take years to find an agent, a publisher, and finally get the book to readers. For every author, there is the chance that the words never reach the masses. “Writing a book and putting it out in the world is really scary, it’s like putting your soul on a plate and saying please judge me,”

daughter, Samantha Rose, in February. Perhaps one day her advice to her daughter will be the same advice she gives to others considering the unconventional route. “Do the work,” she said. “If you want to be a writer, an entrepreneur, or something that doesn’t have a linear path, be

Orlando said. “I had written it hoping that it would be published,

prepared to work your butt off, but know that it’s going to work

but also just wanted to do it for myself.”

in the end and that it’s worth it.”





Keep Moving Forward At Junior Graduates Enrichment Center, each day starts with a call-and-response.

Janis Bond ’01 and her students



I AM SOMEBODY. I CAN DO ALL THINGS. I AM STRONG. I AM SMART! Their words are affirmation for the three-to-five-year-old students who attend the school and confirmation for Janis Bond ’01 that she made the right decision to open the center in 2014. “It’s crazy that something that was just a fantasy and a daydream came true unintentionally,” Bond said. Bond has been going to kindergarten practically all of her life. Her mother has been a Columbus City Schools kindergarten teacher for 30 years. “I get a lot of advice from my mom,” she said. “Every year I sit down with her in the summer and ask what an ideal kindergartner looks like and that’s how we develop our plan.” Bond also had a plan when she graduated from Columbus School for Girls in 2001, but, as many planners learn, life has an inspiring way of disrupting the expected order of things. Such was the case for a 19-year-old Bond who had her first child the spring of her sophomore year at Ohio University. Before her pregnancy, Bond’s plan was to stay at school and follow her undergraduate degree with a Master’s degree to become a school counselor, but, as a young mother, she had to adjust. “I had a sad period, watching my friends graduate and thinking, ‘What did I do?’” she said. “You can have those mental setbacks, but it really got me to where I am now.” The temporary setback became a catalyst to a future she hadn’t imagined. “I took the adversities that were thrown at me and it challenged me to have to do better,” she said. “I couldn’t be mediocre because now, I had someone to care for at 19. That is when the hunger started. Whatever I did, I was going to do it well, because I had to.” Bond went on to earn her Bachelor’s in Integrated Language Arts for seventh through 12th grade and was hired as an English teacher at Focus Learning Academy, an at-risk school for students ages 16-22. In her second year at the school, she became the Dean of Students, which included some of the school counseling responsibilities she always wanted, without having the Master’s degree that would have been required in a traditional school system. She was back on track and closer to her goal of becoming a school counselor. She also married her husband Christopher Bond, Jr.



The birth of their twins brought another big decision. Considering childcare costs, Bond



left her job to stay home and care for the boys, but, as the twins grew, she started to think about reentering the workforce. When they bought their home, the Bonds looked for a place with the space for an at-home daycare center, and in 2011, they made it a reality.


“Even when there were just six kids in the home, I’ve always done curriculum and my


preschool,” Bond said. “The product that was created, it was just too good to keep so

work hard AND TO be great. TO

students have always tested in the 90th percentile or gifted consistently since the home small. It was like you have to, it wasn’t an option and I couldn’t see going back to work for somebody else.” It was the beginning of what has now become a full preschool in a building on Columbus’ north side. With five employees and an enrollment of 30 students, the tagline at Junior Graduates Enrichment Center is “Putting the focus on education.” “The standards are so low, in my opinion, for what kids have to know compared to what they are capable of learning,” Bond said. “I just don’t believe that you shouldn’t teach children. Here, they get the love and nurturing they get at home, but they are also going to know how to read, write, do science experiments, explore, and expand their vocabulary. They can do it, they want to do it.” That belief in what is possible came in part from her own education at CSG. “I’m very comfortable with challenges, just because at CSG the expectation was to work hard and to be great,” Bond said. “I think CSG gave me that competitive edge where I am always ready for what’s next.” That same forward thinking inspires her ten-year plan, which includes earning her master’s degree and building the preschool into a full, family-support center. Her husband is not only her cheerleader, but her business partner operating his side of the business, Graduates Excelling for Tomorrow or G.E.T. The program helps college athletes to keep their academic focus so as to not risk losing their college scholarships. When asked what inspired her to take the leap, Bond says it was almost like she didn’t have a choice because going backwards was not an option. Still, she wants others to know it hasn’t always been easy and that good ideas aren’t enough. The best entrepreneurs have heart and grit. “I come from a very service-oriented family. My mom is a teacher and my dad was a pastor, so I always look for how I can lend myself to others,” Bond said. “You’ll never be ready. You have to get ready. Surround yourself with people who have more or different skills than you, and go for it. If you wait until that perfect time, the perfect time will never come.” For more info on Junior Graduates Enrichment, go to



I N S P I R I N G G I R L S . C U LT I V AT I N G L E A D E R S .

CSG’s Strategic Plan in Action The ink has settled on the final version of Inspiring Girls. Cultivating Leaders. CSG’s bold strategic plan for 2016-2021. Now, the real work has begun in transforming ideas into reality. In the fall of 2016, Head of School, Jennifer Ciccarelli, passed the baton to Sarah Brewer, Dean of Faculty, to begin leading a carefully selected team of faculty, staff, and administrative team members in the next phase of the strategic plan – implementation. Throughout the next several years, this team will lead the challenging work of breathing life into ideas and solidifying CSG’s position as the premier school for educating central Ohio’s brightest girls. A web presence for CSG’s Strategic Plan Inspiring Girls. Cultivating Leaders. is planned for the start of the new school year.

Lead >

INSPIRING GIRLS. CULTIVATING LEADERS. Co-chairs: Betsy Gugle & Kimberly Ditty Faculty/Staff Liaison: Patricia Miranda The LEAD committee met with the full faculty/staff to

Deepen >

EXPAND UPON OUR HALLMARK ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Co-chairs: Nola-rae Cronan, Jessica Fries-Gaither Faculty/Staff Liaison: Serena Lett

share a new framework on how to think of leadership—

Should say On January 4, during a faculty professional

relational vs. authoritative and also shared what other

development day, the DEEPEN committee brainstormed

schools are currently doing in regards to leadership.

and processed the differences between skills and core

Afterwards, the faculty and staff gathered in small groups

competencies. Following this brainstorming session, a

to begin crafting our school definition of leadership.

small group of faculty from all divisions was convened to

The committee’s next step is to pull a small group of faculty from each division to analyze the definitions and

take the work from the full faculty and distill it to 5-7 core competencies.

begin refining the definition of leadership at CSG using

The committee is planning to have the competencies

the feedback.

in draft form by April to present to faculty and administration for review. A sub-committee is also beginning to think about the process of defining what excellence in teaching means at CSG.

Flourish >

Thrive >

Co-chairs: Kevin Sweeney & Dana Booth

Co-chairs: Pam Hartshorne & Dani Wynn

Faculty/Staff Liaison: Jenni Biehn

Faculty/Staff Liaison: Rachel Barends

The FLOURISH committee led a session at the March

The THRIVE committee is in full data-gathering mode as

27 faculty professional development day to discuss

they identify security implementation projects that we can

and gather data from faculty to determine the

move forward and explore school spaces that can easily be

“profile” or qualities of a successful CSG student.

rented out to provide additional revenue to the school.

In May, Dana Booth, Chief Development Officer, will

They have begun collecting data on CSG’s athletic,

join Julie Eikenberry, Chief Financial Officer, for a

artistic, extracurricular, and co-curricular programs to

presentation to faculty/staff about how the school

complete a comprehensive audit of our programs in order

is funded.

to create a scope and sequence of student activities



outside the traditional classroom.




Dr. Mary Juhas

CC D’Arms ‘17, Jennifer Ciccarelli, Dr. Mary Juhas, and Nichole Dunn



Dr. Mary C. Juhas speaks at the 2017 Women’s Leadership Breakfast

Marissa Madison ‘17 , Jennifer Hodge, Carrie Madison P’17

Lori Maite P’22/’27/’30 and Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler

Mary C. Juhas, PhD says she was destined to have a career in

organization finds that women tend to be less comfortable with

science. Her father was an engineer. His father was an engineer,

self-promotion, have smaller networks, tend to be screened out

and as a young girl in her suburban Pittsburgh neighborhood,

at every level of the process, and tend to be more risk adverse

she remembers feeling like anything was possible.

in some situations. It adds up to a lack of representation and

“We were empowered, confident, inquisitive, and scientific.” she said. “We were scholarly, and when we played, we played

voice for females not just as scientists, but also as entrepreneurs and inventors.

both the male and female roles because there were no boys.”

Elimination of those barriers requires an intentional pursuit.

Dr. Juhas also remembers when those ideas came into

Dr. Juhas believes there is promise with the recently passed

question. It was once she entered engineering school. The

Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act. The law seeks

voice that she was so accustomed to using seemed to be

to “Encourage its entrepreneurial programs to recruit and

systematically quieted, while the lack of representation and

support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory

promotion of women in STEMM (science, technology,

and into the commercial world.’’ As support for the bill,

engineering, math, and medicine) fields was glaring. It was the

Congress found that while women and men are equally

focus of Dr. Juhas’ remarks as the featured speaker for the

represented in the total workforce, there are far fewer

2017 Women’s Leadership Breakfast. On March 8, an audience

women working in STEMM fields, and of the women who

of 115 future and current leaders gathered in CSG’s Ruch Dining

attain STEMM degrees, the majority are working in non-

Room to take on the 2017 challenge for International Women’s

STEMM fields. On the other side, Congress also found that

Day: Be Bold for Change.

studies have shown that technology & commercialization

“I am going for money, power, and influence,” Dr. Juhas said. “Because just being nice and working hard is not enough.” It is a bold statement from a woman making bold moves for change. Dr. Juhas went on to become an engineer, earning a B.S. in Chemistry from Seton Hill University, a Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering

ventures are successful when women are in top management positions. The findings are more fuel for Dr. Juhas’ vision of advancement for females in STEMM fields and beyond. “My bold vision is women occupying the post of the United States Secretary of Energy and Secretary of Defense,” Dr. Juhas said. “Energy and defense… imagine the possibilities if women made the key decisions about war and our nuclear arsenal.”

from The Ohio State University. Her scholarly research is

The comment brought a rousing round of applause from the

focused on understanding microstructure/property

women in the room who could imagine that day, the day when

relationships in structural metallic systems. Dr. Juhas is an

they would no longer have to imagine. It was a feeling topped

angel investor, ex-officio member and past chair of the

only by a promise.

President & Provost’s Council on Women at Ohio State, and was the 2015-2016 national president of the Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN), among other accomplishments. Now, her career has taken a turn to helping

“They don’t self-promote. We will promote for them,” Dr. Juhas said. “We are going to build these research leaders and they will be prepared. They will be ready.”

other women to promote their intellectual property in a way that everyone at the table, including the men, have to listen.

Dr. Juhas is an engineer, a teacher, and Director of Ohio State

Through her work as Director at Ohio State ADVANCE, where it

ADVANCE at The Ohio State University. An angel investor and

has been found that women are underrepresented in all measures of entrepreneurial activity, Dr. Juhas works to improve representation, recruitment, retention and advancement of women in STEMM. The organization is also home base to “REACH for Commercialization,” an initiative to

ex-officio member and past chair of the President & Provost’s Council on Women at Ohio State, she has been recognized, nationally and internationally, for her work to advance gender equity. For more information on Ohio State ADVANCE or “Reach for Commercialization,” go to

develop the entrepreneurial capacity of women. The




Welcome to the Jungle



The Class of 2017 planned a Senior Day worthy of the mightiest roar when they presented the much anticipated annual fundraiser. The theme this year was Welcome to the Jungle. Upper School students enjoyed the senior skit, auction/raffle, and a showing of the animated film Madagascar. The younger students indulged in face painting, bounce-house jumping, and games. This was after the Senior Class transformed the school with décor that highlighted the jungle theme throughout the hallways and common spaces. From the aroma of fresh popcorn to the sounds of music coming from the gym, it was a great final school day before Spring Break! All of the proceeds will go to the Class of 2017’s Senior Gift.




CSG Athletics Swim and Dive Team Breaks Records in State Runner-Up Team Title Win The Upper School Swim and Dive team finished 2nd in the DII State Championships in late February. The 200 free relay swam by Miranda Donley ’17, Jordan Aurnou-Rhees ’20, Alicia Donley ’19, and Maggie Wagenbrenner ’17 set a new state and team record with a time of 1:34.45. This was a first in CSG’s history!

The 200 free relay swimmers (from L to R): Jordan Aurnou-Rhees ’20, Maggie Wagenbrenner ’17, Alicia Donley ’19, and Miranda Donley ’17

“We gave them a challenge to get 2nd after disqualifying in a relay at districts, and they ran with it,” said Coach Stephanie Donley. “This showed what strong young ladies and fighters they are.” Miranda Donley ’17 won the 50 and 100 freestyle, setting two school records in the process. Miranda was also awarded the Ohio High School Swim Coaches Association “Performance of the Meet” for her swim in the 50 freestyle. Before the state competition, the team won the Central District Championship, the team’s fourth consecutive time taking that title, and Coach Stephanie Donley was named Central District Coach of the Year.

State Champion Miranda Donley ’17 tests out the CSG pool’s new video review and replay equipment. The purchase of the equipment was funded by the Helen Hamer Geoffrion ’56 Aquatic Support Fund

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

CSG state qualifiers and champions honored at halftime of the CSG-Columbus Academy basketball game on February 7

Annie Feibel ‘19 on the court against Columbus Academy in February



Did you know that more than 60% of CSG Middle and Upper School students play a CSG sport? In February, the CSG Community acknowledged those students and other girls and women as we celebrated “National Girls and Women in Sports Day” with a variety of events on campus. One of the special events was during the February 7th Upper School Varsity Basketball game. CSG was victorious over Columbus Academy with a score of 40-25. During halftime, the athletics department recognized current student-athletes who are state qualifiers and state champions.


Kirk Campus Renovation Work to Continue this Summer After a quiet winter, CSG’s Kirk Campus has come alive. The fields, track, and courts teem with activity, again, welcoming the green of spring along with the return of our athletes. Training has begun for lacrosse and track and field, and tennis courts are in use by our friends from St. Charles, preparing for their competition season.

and alumnae. Maintaining the school’s Kirk Campus tennis courts,

Launched in the fall of 2016, the school has raised $342,000 towards a $500,000 goal to complete Phase I of the “Kirk Campus Initiative” to refresh this important school asset. Resurfacing work is scheduled to begin on the tennis courts and track immediately following the completion of the spring competition season. This will ensure that we maximize the early summer weather to make certain that our students have freshly renovated tennis courts ready for use by late summer and a refreshed track for the next season. It will also be much easier to keep on top of the action on all of our fields with the new scoreboards installed earlier this year.

Julie Eikenberry, Operations Coordinator Brian Botzman, and

CSG is committed to providing athletic facilities that both match our athletes’ potential and remain a point of pride for our families

volunteer leader Dave Presper ’P16, 18 at (614) 949-6498 or

track, and fields, as well as general infrastructure of this very special space, is a priority for the Board of Trustees. Members of the Facilities committee, including Steve Falk, Dave Presper, Mark Wagenbrenner, and Webb Vorys, chair, work closely with CFO Assistant to the Athletic Director Jen Bunker to address current facility needs and plan for future improvements. Scoreboard sponsorships are still available! We welcome and encourage businesses and families to support CSG Athletics through a scoreboard ad. For more information on how you can be a part of the future of Kirk Campus through an ad or other support of the Kirk Campus Initiative, contact Chief Development Officer Dana Booth at (614) 252-0871 ext. 130 or dbooth@ or Kirk Campus Initiative parent

Before/ After The scoreboard at Kirk Campus has been replaced! Sponsors are still needed. Show your Unicorn spirit and give your business and logo prominent display. Contact the Development Office for information on how to sponsor the new scoreboards.




Middle School Faculty Present at Educating Girls Symposium On February 22, Middle School faculty members Vincent Maite, Kimberly Ditty and Lynn Sweeney joined nearly 200 all-girl educators in New York City at the Nightingale-Bamford School to present and share their experiences during the “Educating Girls Symposium.” The symposium was sponsored by the National Coalition of Girls Schools (NCGS) and New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS). The presentation, “Successful Advisories in a Block” focused on CSG’s Middle School advisory program.

Middle and Upper School Teacher Appointed to National Board Chinese teacher Ping Wu was elected to the Board of Directors of the Chinese Language Association of SecondaryElementary Schools (CLASS) for a three-year term (2017-2020). Ms. Wu recently completed a three-year term as President of the Ohio Association of Teachers of Chinese and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Ping Wu Foreign Language Association. Founded in 1987, CLASS is the national organization representing all K-12 Chinese language educators in the U.S. Its mission is to advance and promote the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture by sponsoring teachers’ conferences, student contests, research, and other activities.

Middle School Theater Teacher to Perform in CATCO Production Director of College Counseling Visits NYU Abu Dhabi Director of College Counseling Cari Schultz was selected to attend a counselor tour of NYU Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. During her visit, Ms. Schultz had the opportunity to observe Candidate Weekend, a part of the application process that Ellie Wade ’16 experienced during her admission process to NYU Shanghai. Ellie is currently in her freshman year on the Shanghai campus.

Middle School Theater Director Liz Bishara ’00 will return to the stage in the Contemporary American Theater Company’s (CATCO) production of I Do! I Do! The Broadway classic is a fun-loving musical that spans 50 years of marriage between Agnes and Michael Snow–1895 to 1945–and the changes that go with it. Memorable songs include “My Cup Liz Bishara ’00 Runneth Over,” “Flaming Agnes” and “Together Forever.” Mrs. Bishara is an Equity actress as well as a professional director and choreographer in the Columbus area. I Do! I Do! will run May 31-June 18 at the Riffe Center.


CSG Alumnae Weekend Friday, April 28 & Saturday, April 29, 2017 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER Director of College Counseling Cari Schultz at NYU Abu Dhabi




Faculty and Staff Participate in CSG EdCamp CSG Faculty and staff stepped away from the day-to-day to reflect on best practices and trends in education during the first CSG EdCamp professional development day in February. The workshops are one way to ensure that CSG students are receiving the best education possible to prepare them for a complex future. CSG EdCamp is a fast-paced, teacher-led conference for all CSG faculty and an important part our teachers’ continuing education as we take the first steps towards implementing CSG’s strategic plan, “Inspiring Girls, Cultivating Leaders.” PYC through Upper School faculty and staff gathered to share presentations and conversations on teaching strategies and special projects, and even had an opportunity to share their personal passions. Some worked to define leadership at CSG, while others learned how to develop stop motion animation, explored how to lead a student debate, and even learned to unleash the full potential of Google G-Suite. There were a total of 17 sessions

CSG Faculty and Staff learn about the 3-D Printer from PYC Teacher Kasey Neer

A Snapshot of the CSG EdCamp Sessions Add an Extra Dimension to Your Classroom with the 3-D printer Presented by Kasey Neer, PYC Faculty

What Makes CSG extraordinary? What Will Make CSG Extraordinary for the Students of the Future? Presented by Linda Swarlis, Director of Information Services & Library

What the Heck is All the Fuss about Coding? Presented by Christine Murakami, Upper School Information Services

InDesign Fundamentals Presented by Ben Simon, Asst. Director of Marketing & Communications

Civic Engagement in the Classroom Presented by Sean Delaney, Middle School and Upper School Counselor

TED-Ed and You Presented by Nola-rae Cronan, Middle School Director

My Students Love Reading! Presented by Staci Schulte, Lower School Faculty

NEW FACES Sarah Syring is CSG’s new Admission Assistant. She joined the CSG Admission Team in October 2016. A native of Columbus, Sarah was raised in Florida. She is very happy to return to Columbus so that her daughter can attend The Ohio State University. Sarah earned her BS in Economics and Finance from Barry University in Miami, FL and a teaching degree from Florida Gulf Coast Sarah Syring University. She has previously worked in the finance industry as well as K-12 education. She is a former middle school teacher and now runs her own business in addition to her position at CSG. She enjoys singing, particularly opera, and was a member of Opera Naples for five seasons. Sarah is a strong addition to the Admission Team!

Scott Hook joined us as Groundskeeper. He came to CSG after spending the past 30 years managing a specialized commercial construction company. Scott’s customers included CSG, Columbus Academy, Upper Arlington schools and many property management companies. He has a BBA from Cleary University in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and has worked as a manager for ChemLawn and Scott Hook an auditor for a private bank in Columbus. We are thrilled to have his talents here at CSG!




Form IV teacher helps parents embrace the quiet What do Meryl Streep, J.K. Rowling, and Steven Spielberg have in common? They are all introverts. They are also successful, highly respected in their fields, and leaders in their own right. It was one of the things Form IV teacher Charlotte Stiverson ’76 wanted CSG parents to take away after attending a parent coffee entitled “Understanding Your Introverted Child.” Often if a child is quiet, prefers to keep to herself, and doesn’t love crowds, parents become worried. With the help of Ms. Stiverson, a certified “Quiet Ambassador” under the Quiet Revolution, parents learned more about what their introverted child needs to be her best and that having a quiet temperament can be powerful. The concept debunks the myth that to lead, one must be an extrovert. Parents explored the introvert-extrovert range and how understanding their child’s personalities could be a helpful parenting tool. They also had an opportunity to assess their own socialization styles. The Quiet Revolution is a company started by author Susan Cain to “create a world where introverts are celebrated for their powerful contributions and, more importantly, for who they are.” (http:// Under Ms. Stiverson, CSG has become one of several “Quiet Schools” across the country, where “everyone is recognized for their potential to learn and lead in authentic ways.” Ms. Stiverson is also working with faculty. In Lower School, girls will answer a questionnaire at the beginning of the year to determine their learning styles. There will be dedicated time at Lower School faculty meeting to bring sensitivity and awareness to all learning types. Faculty will also engage in discussion and practice sessions on how to write reports with more understanding of the

IS YOUR CHILD AN INTROVERT? Here are a few things she might need at home: 1. Give the introvert time to recharge 2. Honor the time she needs to process and answer questions 3. Provide a quiet space at home 4. Don’t assume that if she prefers time alone that she is having social issues 5. Understand that the introvert’s needs are normal & healthy

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Check out these books by Susan Cain: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking (adults) Quiet Power: The Secrets of Introverts (young adults & adults)

diverse needs of students. CSG’s goal is to maintain an inclusive culture where faculty deliver learning experiences based not on assumptions, but on students’ needs as individuals who are introverts, extroverts, or perhaps some of both. Introverted students appreciate solitude and may prefer staying in for recess or working quietly; they are often not the first to raise their hands and need time to process thoughts and concepts internally before answering questions; they may not love social events or need to talk things out with friends. They are also leaders. They just have a quiet approach. One that, along with more extroverted personalities, is acknowledged and embraced at CSG.

Form IV Teacher Charlotte Stiverson ’76 hosts a parent education coffee on understanding the introvert



Why CSG? Parents share their perspectives Hear more at

“They are so mindful about making sure that girls know the sky is the limit and there is a strength and a power and a benefit to being female. That, for me, for her, was a huge part of this decision. I want that for my daughter. I want her to know her power.” -Elizabeth Siemer ’89 P’26 23



The CSG Alumnae Board Needs You! This year, the CSG Alumnae Board traveled to Chicago for an alumnae mixer, hosted a special “Gal-entine’s Event” for Valentine’s Day at the Columbus Museum of Art, welcomed CSG alumnae and their families to campus for a “Family Gym and Swim”, and raised scholarship dollars with events like ScholarShop, Ride for CSG, and special shopping events at

Fundraising Committee The Fundraising Committee determines how to raise funds and increase donations donations for scholarships and the CSG Annual Fund.

Vineyard Vines and Kendra Scott. On April 28 and 29, the

Engagement & Outreach Committee

board will welcome alumnae back to CSG for the 2017

The Engagement & Outreach Committee will be responsible

Alumnae Weekend. These events and activities not only keep alumnae connected to the School and each other, but also help to ensure that more girls may access the best education a girl can receive in central Ohio! If you are considering board membership for the first time or want to return to the board, this is the time! The Alumnae Board is currently filling positions for the upcoming year. As

for encouraging and maintaining relationships between local and national alumnae, students, and the school. Alumnae Events Committee The Alumnae Events Committee will be primarily responsible for planning Alumnae Weekend, but will also be

a Board Member, you will have an opportunity to get

tasked with assisting in planning national, regional, and local

involved in one of these committees:

alumnae events.


for more ways to stay connected and get involved!

CSG Alumnae Board



CLASS NEWS 1932 – 85th Reunion! Class Representative: Virginia Kurtz Ebinger ’32 On February 9, 2017, CSG’s oldest alumna, Virginia Kurtz Ebinger turned 102 years young! Please join us in wishing her a very happy birthday! This year also marks Virginia and the Class of 1932’s 85th Reunion!

1933 1934

Marty Downing Johnson ’43’s family at a wedding in May of 2016

1942 – 75th Reunion!


Class Representative Needed

Class Representative Needed

It is with great sadness that we share the death of Evelyn Means McKitrick’s sister, Harriet Means Bradney ’45 on October 25, 2016. She passed away in Jacksonville, Illinois. Our thoughts are with the Means family during this difficult time.

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Ellen Byer Friedlander. Ellen passed away at home surrounded by her family, after a brief illness on September 4, 2016. She spoke very fondly of CSG her whole life to her four daughters. She is greatly missed.

1937 – 80th Reunion!


We are deeply saddened to announce the death of Harriet Drew Adair on January 12, 2017. She was 96 years old. Harriet’s niece writes, “She was so proud of her CSG affiliation and held dear her friends she made there. While going through some of her belongings, I came across a picture she had saved of her and several others who had contributed to CSG every year since graduation – and considering she was 96, that was quite a commitment. Although she won’t be at the reunion this year, her spirit will be!”

Class Representative: Jane Mitcheltree Werum ’43

It is with great sadness that we share the death of Harriet Means Bradney on October 25, 2016. She passed away in Jacksonville, Illinois, surrounded by her daughters. Our thoughts are with Harriet’s sister, Evelyn Means McKitrick ’42 during this difficult time.

Class Representative: Mary Ruth Essex Patterson ’34

1935 1936

1938 1939 Ruth Keller Slaughter writes, “I am doing well and in an assisted living facility in Grove City.”


Jane Mitcheltree Werum writes, “I received a wonderful picture at Christmas, of Marty Downing Johnson with her huge family at a grandchild’s wedding in the summer. She looks as beautiful as ever and is still enjoying living in her retirement community. I do know she had a stroke which blinded one eye, but it doesn’t seem to have bothered her. “Also, I received a lovely Christmas card and a phone call from Mary Lea Price Fleig telling me she had been ‘unhoused’ from her home, due to a fire in her building and was at a daughter’s near Sacramento where she is cold. By the time you receive this, she will probably be back in her rebuilt abode in Pacific Palisades near another daughter and where it’s warmer.

Class Representative Needed

“I see by the address list sent from school, that Pat Gumble Grayson is at Wexner Village, but that’s all I know. Please send me your news. Happy New Year and love to all of you.”



Class Representative Needed

Class Representative Needed

1946 Class Representative: Nancy Dunn Williams ’46 Nancy Dunn Williams writes, “I reached a record number of classmates with many different stories. Some of what I learned included… Donna Cole Egan has the record for grandchildren with 17. Sally Luethi Havens just got a fishing license for identification! Bev Prentiss Dunkel is off to Mexico with family. I have huge admiration for Nancy McGinnis Redd and Pati Belle Davisson Skinner who have fought off illnesses. Diane Evans Vernon reports that three of her four children live close by and that she is enjoying life in her 80’s. Janie Turton Miller takes the prize for activity. She shows movies at the library and runs a used book store. I had a fabulous birthday party in December attended by 50 family and friends. As our class song says ‘Forte et Gratum’. Congratulations to all!” It is with great sadness that we report the death of Dorothy Pitner Miller on October 29, 2016. She attended CSG for two years,



before being sent to Chatham Hall. Dorothy’s daughter, Anne Miller Paschall ’68, and granddaughters, Sarah Kingsley Paschall ’96, Hannah Townsend Paschall ’00 were with her at the time of her passing. Our thoughts are with the Miller and Paschall families

1947 – 70th Reunion! Class Representative: Jane Maize Stone ’47 Barbara Van Meter Carey writes, “I am still well and active with two artificial high performing knees and looking forward to the weddings of two grandchildren this year. Missing our five year get togethers at CSG’s Reunion Weekend, which haven’t happened since we lost our classmate, Tibbi Sterner Johnson.” Jean Hengst Smith writes, “I have nothing new to report since the last Forte et Gratum Autumn/Winter 2016 issue! I hope that everyone sends in their contact information so that we can keep in touch!” Nancy Sondles Janiszewski writes, “I’m alive and well in the same house we have lived in for 48 years. Thank God for many blessings!”

1948 Class Representative Needed It is with great sadness that we report the death of Betty Coleman Turton on September 21, 2016 at the age of 86 years old. Our thoughts are with Betty’s family. We are deeply saddened to announce the death of Helen Ferenbaugh King on January 16, 2017 at the age of 86 years old. We are thinking of Helen’s family during this difficult time.

1949 Class Representative Needed Marilyn Havens Bagby writes, “I am still retired and have two great-grandsons.”

1950 Class Representative: Judith Gibson Stone ’50 Sudie Durstine Schumacher writes, “My husband, Bud (Ray V. Schumacher, Jr., who attended Columbus Academy and Dartmouth), passed away on June 15, 2016 of congestive heart failure. He died on our 62nd wedding anniversary. I have sold my San Diego home and am moving in 2017 to La Costa Glen Retirement Community in Carlsbad, California. Looking forward to a new adventure in life.”

1951 Class Representative: Nancy Cottingham Johnson ’51 Brenda Mykrantz Milum writes, “George and I live at Squaw Valley and we still ski most days for two or three hours. We also still travel a lot. This past year we traveled to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi for safaris and Mozambique and Madagascar for snorkeling in May. In early May, we left for Africa. The next day, we took a short flight to Kruger Park, where our luggage caught up with us. We stayed at Sabi Sands Reserve which is outside of the park itself and much less crowded with Jeeps and tourists, but still full of the animals that roam back and forth. We spent three days there with many exciting game drives and excellent viewing. Next, we flew to Victoria Falls. We had visited the falls many years ago, when a drought had reduced the flow to a meager dribble. This time, there was a mighty flow that was thrilling to view! The next day, we were driven to Hide Safari Camp in Zimbabwe Hwange Park. The game viewing was good there, but very cold. The game drives are in the early morning (7am) and late afternoon (5pm) when the animals are more active. But riders in the open vans needed to wrap up in ponchos. This camp is one of the nicest that we have been to – a super friendly staff, good food and free booze, wine and beer. We celebrated our 55th anniversary there and at dinner they set us up at a special, separate table. We flew on to Malawi where we had a very interesting drive to Mvuw Camp. It was a holiday and the colorful crowds overflowed the streets and markets. The lodge is on the river and it was fun to sit on our porch and watch troops of hippos swim and stroll by. Most of our game drives were by boat and loaded with a wealth of different families of hippos; some groups had as many as 20 hippos. Land safaris were boring by comparison.The safari part of our trip ended then and the snorkel part started. We flew to Mozambique, where we had a hellish time obtaining visas. We felt that the officials went out of the way to be slow and dumb. The next day we flew from Maputo to Pemba and then took a helicopter to Ibo Island. We had been told that we could each take only one small bag on the helicopter and would have to repack our snorkel gear into smaller bags and leave our larger suitcases at the airport. It turned out that we were the only passengers so, after weeks of stewing and an afternoon of repacking, it ended up that our bags went with us. The heli ride was great! George sat in the copilot’s seat. In July, we took our family of 12 to Jamaica for a week. And we spent most of October on snorkel boats in Indonesia and Myanmar. We are trying to stay active while we still can!”

1952 – 65th Reunion! Class Representative: Barbara Swisher Kelly ’52 Barbara Swisher Kelly writes, I thought I had retired from being in charge of our class news



but it seems – praise God – most of us are still up and kicking, so I thought I’d give it another go, especially since we have some exciting good news. Jane Power Mykrantz’s news is included in this report, so I’ll let her tell it. It’s so unbelievably exciting! Jane Power Mykrantz writes, “Joyful news for Forte et Gratum! I will be married on Saturday February 4th to Kiehner (Jake) Johnson, father of Liz Johnson Taylor ‘75, Francie Johnson Hester ‘77 and Jennifer Johnson Eve ‘80. The wedding was at Broad St Presbyterian – our church with all our children, their spouses, our 13 grandchildren, and my sister Charlotte Power Kessler ‘61 and her daughters Katie Kessler Chatas ’84, Liza Kessler ’86, Jane Kessler Lennox ’88. It was a family affair with so many CSG connections.” Barbara continues, “On a sadder note, Oralee Coughlin Finnigan is residing at First Community Village and her daughter would like your prayers for her because she has been suffering from Alzheimer’s. She also suffered a fall injuring her back, so she has been confined to a wheelchair requiring part time help hired by her daughter. “I couldn’t reach everyone by telephone – tried several times – but I did have a nice visit with Carol Brooks McCrady, who lives with her husband in Paradise Valley, Arizona. She is doing well and informed me that her sisters are scattered all over: Leslie Brooks Binzer ‘61 in Los Angeles, Rosalind Brooks ‘60 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Diane Brooks Pleninger ‘58 in Alaska (still a trip on my bucket list). “Another person I had a pleasant conversation with was Nancy Dial Love, who is living in a condo in Port Angeles, Washington – loving her great view of Victoria and the snow covered mountains of Washington. She loves her condo of five years and manages to play bridge several times a week. “My news is the same always – enjoying life with my 59 year old son in my log home in New Mexico. Enjoying the scenery and the climate more of the time. Although we do get snow, mornings can be in the 30’s but warming to the 60’s this time of the year. Until the next report, unless someone else wants to take it, this is Barbara Swisher Kelly, signing off and wishing you well”

1953 Class Representative: Sally Lane Crabtree ’53 Sandra Yenkin Levine is doing well in her new apartment at North Hill in Needham, Massachusetts. She attends poetry and painting workshops and volunteers in the Newton Public Schools. She is currently working with two students and finds it very rewarding. Sally Lou Kirkendall McDonald is still living in the family home on Greenwich, Connecticut, overseeing her 4.5 acre property and also

managing the farmland in Marysville. She walks with friends and spends time with her children and grandchildren. One of her grandsons has a business making swords. Sharon Henry Zaharee is at home in Whitmore Lake, Michigan, battling Parkinson’s. Her husband cares for her tenderly. Penny Packard is also at home in Gahanna. She enjoys reading and listening to opera on the radio. Sally Lane Crabtree, in Andover, Massachusetts, will have a show of her paintings in Lawrence, Massachusetts in March. Also, this spring, she and her husband, Douglas, will participate in a conference on transgender youth. Barbara Ratner is very comfortable in her apartment building in Rockville, Maryland. Her four children live all over the country. Her daughter lives nearby and they go to museums together. DC is an exciting place to live. Jo Bruny Griswold is recovering from a broken shoulder but is doing well, slowly recovering good mobility. She and her husband, Grant celebrate their 60th anniversary this July. They are still on their farm in Virginia.

Andy Smith Lorig writes, “It was something of a CSG summer and fall for us. In June, Julia Brooks Katz and her husband came to call. In August, Sue Andreae Brown, Betsy Kurtz Argo ’63, Nancy Kauffman Sanford ’63 and husbands joined us at our Michigan cottage. Then, the Browns and Lorigs took off for an African photo safari in late September. Of course, we ogled all the animals and stayed in some amazing lodges as we made our way from South Africa to Zimbabwe to Namibia. Our travels took us to the deluxe vastness of the Dubai Airport and dirt runways in the middle of nowhere. “We rounded out the reunions with a visit from Barby Boothby Thun and her husband, David. The Northwest didn’t disappoint: pestilential downpours, high winds, Typhoon warnings and weather not suitable for anything but, hunkering down with a good book and a fire. So much for their introduction to Seattle. We hope they’ll bravely try again one day. On the bright side, one of my classmates from Wellesley and her significant other joined us as well. Seems

Class Representative: Bette Abel Young ’54

Julia Brooks Katz ’56 and husband, George at Sequim Bay

Connie Crabbe Dehlendorf writes, “My husband, Mike died in August 2016. We were married 58 years. One grandson is a freshman at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Another grandson is a freshman at Parsons School of Design in New York City. Very different colleges, but each is very happy where he is.”

Class Representative Needed Judy Pass Redd writes, “I am happy and healthy. My granddaughter, Fontyne, graduates from OSU School of Architecture, May 7th. All my family will be here. Shortly after graduation, May 10th, I am relocating to Mt. Shasta, California. I am packing up my house daily. I will be staying with my daughter, Stacey, until an apartment becomes available. Our 60th class reunion is this year. I am so looking forward to it.”

1958 Class Representative Needed

Class Representative: Monin Lopez Dreebin ’59 Addie Thompson Matcham, Toni Seymour and Monin Lopez Dreebin, had a mini reunion in Newport Beach to revisit old times and catch up on news.” It is with great sadness that we report the death of Addie Thompson Matcham’s brother, Jim Thompson (Columbus Academy ’52), in August 2016. Addie writes, “He had been failing for quite a while. He leaves his wife, Sue, his son, Scott, his brother, Bob, and me. Many of you may remember that my brothers were twins.”


The Browns and Lorigs (1956) enjoying sunset cocktails in Namibia

1957 – 60th Reunion!



Class Representative: Andrea Smith Lorig ’56

“There you have it. As you know reunion was sparse at best so, it’s wonderful to hook up with some of you in other places at other times. Our welcome mat is always out here and at the Bay.”

Julie Price Myers writes, “I am enjoying condo life and keeping tabs on children, grands, and great grands. Just returned from Sarasota, I usually am able to visit dear friends there three times a year. Watercolor painting is also becoming a bit lucrative as well as fun!”


Class Representative: Bobbie Isaac Weiler ’55

her late husband and David were college classmates. Small world!

Andy Smith Lorig ’56 and Barby Boothby Thun ’56 and their husbands Sequim Bay

Andy Smith Lorig ’56, Sue Andreae Brown ’56, Nancy Kaufman Sanford ’63 and Betsy Kurtz Argo ’63 in Michigan

We are saddened to report the death of Deborah Dawes Fortkamp’s husband, The Reverend Frank E. Fortkamp Ph.D. on February

A 1959 mini reunion with Addie Thompson Matcham, Toni Seymour and Monin Lopez Dreebin!



26, 2017. Our thoughts are with Debby’s family during this difficult time.

1960 Class Representative: Carolyn Thomas Christy ’60 Lynn Balshone Jacobs writes,” I count my blessings and thank my son, Bruce for his donated kidney to his mom three years ago. I am truly relishing every branch and beautiful flower on our family tree. Children and grandchildren make trips to see utterly warm climates. My husband, Frank is still practicing law full time in Toledo. In between trips, my current project is the founding of the Toledo Jewish Historical Society. And a unique collaboration is happening between other Jewish Historical Societies and the Lucas County Library System. It will permanently archive and digitize our rich history – over 170 years!”

months to 75 years. Something for everyone. Ted and I joined six friends for a Viking Cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg in September. Cold! Putin left us alone, since he was busy hacking emails.” Cynthia Yenkin Levinson had a new children’s book published on January 17, 2017. It is called The Youngest Marcher, The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist. Congratulations, Cynthia! It is with sadness that we report the passing of Cathy Read Wuellner’s husband, Richard (Richie) W. Wuellner at home on October 1, 2016. Cathy shares that her late husband of 42 years was a true “bionic man,” waiting for a heart transplant while under the excellent care of the Cleveland Clinic when he passed away unexpectedly. Our thoughts are with Cathy during this time.



Class Representative: Linda Benua ’64 & Carla Pollack Lane ’64 &

Class Representative: Anne Kirsten Wilder ’61

Carla Pollack Lane writes, “We had such a good time five years ago when Linda McNealey Anderson and Kathy Tice Phillips hosted a class 65th birthday celebration in Greensboro, North Carolina, that we decided to get together again for our 70th. This time, Lisa Platt Carmalt and her husband, Charlie, welcomed us to Philadelphia. Five of us were able to there: our two aforementioned Greensboro classmates flew in; Linda Benua and Carla Pollack Lane took the train down from Boston; and Mary Ann Beverly and her husband, Gary Schneider, get the longestdistance award coming from their new home in Parker, Colorado. Two of our classmates joined us over the Internet – Andrea Alloway Ralston who recently moved to Columbus from Lima, Ohio, and Cathy Balshone Becze, who lives in Sudbury, Massachusetts. Cathy

Annie Saxby Houle writes, “Interesting fact: the 1961 calendar and the 2017 are the same, so if you saved your calendar from our senior year, you can use it again this year! “I am enjoying my retirement, but am getting way too involved with my community! Having knee replacement surgery in March, so maybe I’ll finally get to some of the books piled up beside my bed. Betsy Kurtz Argo ’63 and Jim Argo were just here visiting on their way to Florida. “I had my entire family here for Christmas. 21 people came from Maine, Montana, Michigan, and Ohio.”

1962 – 55th Reunion!

and Priscilla Gray Platt (Portland, Maine), who also couldn’t make the trip that weekend, met for lunch in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Saturday for a mini-reunion of their own. “And we got warm email greetings from some of our other classmates who couldn’t join us: “Diane Vorys Phillips (Mount Vernon, Washington), Ann Casto Moran (Charleston, West Virginia), Susan Lloyd Thomas (Palm Beach, Florida), Abbie McClintock Crane (North Bend, Washington), Diana Dienst Heinl (Gilbert, Arizona), Lizzie Rambo Lewis (Salida, Colorado), and our other classmates still in Columbus, Julie McGuckin, Molly Kauffman Marsh, and Susan Miller Strader. “Philadelphia was a fine place to meet. Lisa arranged a docent-led tour of the collection at the Barnes Foundation, and we took a jaunt through the galleries of the Moore College of Art and Design. Our tour of Philadelphia’s Historic District included visits to Independence Hall and the National Constitution Center and lunch at the historic City Tavern. We also took advantage of Philadelphia’s hop-on, hop-off city bus tour, flashing our Medicare cards to ride ride for free. “We are under the general agreement that we want to keep these gatherings

The Class of 1964 in Philadelphia: Mary Ann Beverly, Linda Benua, Kathy Tice Phillips, Lisa Platt Carmalt, Linda McNealey Anderson, Carla Pollack Lane, and courtesy of the Internet, Cathy Balshone Becze

Class Representative: Patricia Tice Offenberg ’62 Patricia Tice Offenberg writes, “In January, my daughter, Elizabeth Offenberg Sauer ’87, my granddaughter, Sally Sauer, and I went to Washington, DC to participate in the Women’s March. We had an enlightening experience seeing the thousands of people join together in support for equality for all.”

1963 Class Representative Needed Louise “Doodie” Gorrell Frank writes, “The Franks enjoyed a Disney Cruise in August 2016. Kids and grandkids, 11 of us, ages 16



Cynthia Yenkin Levinson ’63’s new book, The Youngest Marcher, The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist

Unable to join the Class of 1964’s Philadelphia reunion, Priscilla Gray Platt and Cathy Balshone Becze (and Cathy’s husband, Victor Shakespeare) met for lunch in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

ongoing, Mary Ann is considering hosting the next one in Colorado. Karen Wise Jaffe, who is the program director of the Young Readers Center at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., was unable to attend the Women’s March in Washington on January 21, but writes that her daughter, Sara, “came into town with four of her Chicago friends. They found it an amazing, energizing experience, as I know it has been for others who participated around the country.”

1965 Class Representative: Dectora Coe Jeffers ’65 Susan Ninde Lanier spent time with her grandson Bobby Jefferson and his auntie Emma Tresemer at the beach on a windy day.

1966 Class Representative: Kay Jeffrey ’66 Kathy McClure Whitlow writes, “I was one of the fourteen who attended our fiftieth reunion in April. I have been to quite a few reunions, but this one was the absolute best! For one thing, we looked great (congrats to us who will be seventy in two years), and we had some quality time together. We really got to share at a deep level with one another, especially on Friday night at Lynn Byers Barno’s house. We went around the room – before and after pizza – Skyping with Jane Schiff, who unfortunately could not be there. As each lady shared, we laughed, we cried, we applauded, and most importantly, we listened with our hearts! Not all of the ladies had graduated with our class, moving to Bexley High freshman year, but the camaraderie was seamless. In fact, we had such a great time that we have unofficially decided to meet somewhere other than Columbus for our 70th Birthday celebration.” It is with great sadness that we report the death of Dianne Loehnert Vogt’s sister, Deborah Loehnert Reasons ’68 on August 8,

Susan Ninde Lanier ’65, grandson, Bobby Jefferson, and his auntie, Emma Tresemer at the beach!

2016. Deborah was also the mother of CSG alumna, Heather Schworm ’95.

1967 – 50th Reunion! Class Representative: Carol Benua Major ’67 Nancy Emig Jones writes, “Looking forward to our 50th! I am also looking forward to our third grandbaby in March, my sixth choral residency in England (Wells) in July, and our family reunion at the Outer Banks in September! Still working full time as a retail buyer in between – looking forward to retirement in a few years!”

1968 Class Representative Needed Anne Miller Paschall writes, “My mother, Dorothy Pitner Miller ’46 passed away on October 29, 2016. She attended CSG for two years, before being sent to Chatham Hall. Sarah Kingsley Paschall ’96, Hannah Townsend Paschall ’00, my husband Bayard, and I were with her.” Our thoughts are with the Miller and Paschall families. It is with great sadness that we report the death Deborah Loehnert Reasons on August 8, 2016. Our thoughts are with Deborah’s sister, Dianne Loehnert Vogt ’66, and daughter, Heather Schworm ’95 and their family during this difficult time.

1969 Class Representative: Candace Corson ’69


Lesley Wilson Schaab, Leslie Huntington, Janie Marr Werum, Roseanna Coleman Kolar, Gretchen Wells Sara Smith Harris, Anne Jeffrey Wright, Beth Byers Sells, Jill Levy and Lynne Aronson. It is with great sadness that we report the death of Kim Williams’ sister, Leesa Zella Williams ’74 on December 9, 2016. Our thoughts are with the Kim and her family during this difficult time.

1971 Class Representative: Sharee Zand ’71

1972 – 45th Reunion! Class Representative Needed Tracey Lind writes, “I write to let you know that after 17 years as Dean of Trinity Cathedral and 30 years of ordained ministry, I am retiring. Emily, my beloved spouse, and I intend to live in Cleveland where we’ve built a home overlooking Lake Erie. We plan to travel a lot, spending mid-July through Labor Day in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. In retirement, I hope to write, make photography, play music, ride my bike, garden, and find new ways of being a priest without a pulpit. My new email address is Hope we’ll stay in touch.” Paula Penn-Nabrit writes, “My news is mostly about my 86 year old mother, Mrs. Mildred Penn. She’s not a ‘CSG girl’ but she loves that all of her daughters, me, Cheryl Penn ’76, and Courtney Penn Blevins ’89 graduated from CSG. She also like to mention we all went to Wellesley College so we, along with about 2,000 other alums traveled to Wellesley on election night. Even in the crowd “Mommy” stood out and ended up being interviewed by The New Yorker… ‘As I walked through the field house on Election Night, my eye was caught by a supremely elegant

Class Representative: Jill Levy ’70 Janie Aronson Baskin writes, “My father’s 95th birthday was celebrated by 27 family members at a Club Med in Port St. Lucie, Florida. While there, my husband and I stopped in Orlando to look for a place to rent for this winter. We didn’t find a rental, but we did put an offer on a house. Next month, we take possession. The plan is to live in Orlando and Glenview – we’ll see how that unfurls. Two weeks ago, we celebrated the first birthday of our grandson. We are very blessed and look forward to spending more time in Orlando with our daughter and her family!” Members of the Class of 1970 gathered on Oct. 15, 2016 at Green Lawn Cemetery to join Anne Jeffrey Wright and her family for a committal service for Rick Wright’s ashes. Present were Kitty Porter Young, Sally Schmidt Austen,

The Class of 1970 helped Anne Jeffrey Wright celebrate the life of her late husband, Rick Wright: (back l-r) Kitty Porter Young, Sally Schmidt Austen, Lesley Wilson Schaab, Leslie Huntington, Janie Marr Werum, Roseanna Coleman Kolar, Gretchen Wells and (front l-r) Sarah Smith Harris, Anne Jeffrey Wright, Beth Byers Sells, Jill Levy & Lynne Aronson



older woman in a fitted, checkerboard-pattern skirt suit and a white Afro that framed her face like a cloud. She was Mildred Penn, eighty-four years old, and she was sitting at a table with two generations of her family: her three Wellesleyalum daughters, Paula, Cheryl, and Courtney, and Courtney’s young son. They had all flown in from Ohio for the occasion. Mildred felt the same excitement voting for Hillary, she told me, that she had felt voting for Barack Obama in 2008. And her feelings about Wellesley? “Wonderful!” She had sent her daughters to an all-girls high school, too.’ Here’s a link to the entire article, “But that wasn’t the totality of Mommy’s 15 minutes of fame. Just the week before she and I were interviewed by American Public Radio as part of a series “Black Love Stories” as part of the celebration of the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture. She spoke about her 64 year marriage to my Dad. I learned some things about their journey and it was fun to be a part of so many different stories. Here’s a link if you’d like to hear the entire interview”

1973 Class Representative Needed Anne Dilenschneider will be giving a presentation on the Canton Indian Insane Asylum (1902-1933) with Cultural Historian and Artist Jerry Fogg and Visual Artist and Educator Angela Behrends, MFA at the 49th Annual Dakota Conference on the Northern Plains. The conference will be held April 21-22 at the Center for Western Studies in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Their presentation is titled “Wówapi Wakán, Ophiye, Wákan Tánkan” (The Bible, the Box, and the Great Spirit). “The story of the Canton asylum is a story of the clash of religious and spiritual values in the 19th and 20th centuries in the northern plains. Using a variety of resources, including asylum documents from the National Archives and the Yale University Archives, the presenters will share what they are learning about this clash of worldviews as it emerges in the story of the asylum.”

1974 Class Representative: Muffy Hamilton Parsons ’74 It is with great sadness that we report the death Leesa Zella Williams on December 9, 2016. She had been working as a CNA in the hospice unit of a nursing home. Leesa’s sister is Kim Williams ’70. Our thoughts are with the the Williams family during this difficult time.

1975 Class Representative Needed

1976 Class Representative: Michelle Gockenbach Lewis ’76 Edie Milligan Driskill writes, “I opened a new dance and arts space in Hilliard, called Stomping Grounds Dance Hall. I invite all CSG grads to let me know if they need a space to host any dance or arts initiatives, fundraisers, etc.” Together, Betsy Steigerwald Yingling, Julie Steigerwald ’75, Ruby Steigerwald ’78,

The Penn Family, Paula Penn-Nabrit ’72, Cheryl Penn ’76, Courtney Penn Blevins ’89, with their “famous” mother, Mrs. Mildred Penn!


1977 – 40th Reunion! Class Representative: Constance Staber ’77 Nancy “Lee” Rucker Keiser writes, “As a Writing Center volunteer at our daughter’s (almost 16) high school, I assist students with English papers and college application essays. After reviewing the umteenth ‘Great Gatsby’ essay, I recall with fondness CSG’s Mrs. Sedgwick, and wonder why Thomas Hardy novels are missing from the required reading list? “Meanwhile, I still play viola in a community orchestra, and keep the USPS in business with pen-and-paper correspondence. My nod to the 21st century, new this year, is Tweeting @EnhanceValue, where I converse (with my imaginary followers!) as a seasoned health policy ‘wonk,’ mostly about Medicare. There’s no shortage of ways to enhance it, and we have to anticipate every-which-way strategies from our president.

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Lynn Toler and Kathy Toler ’76’s mother, Shirley “Toni” Toler. Mrs. Toler passed away on August 31, 2016 at Lynn’s home in Phoenix. Our thoughts are with the Toler family during this difficult time.

1978 Class Representative: Kate Estabrook Schoedinger ’78 Kate Estabrook Schoedinger writes, “We had a wonderful family trip celebrating college careers of our children (Liza, a 2016 graduate of High Point University and Ferd IV, a sophomore at University of Dayton, Civil Engineering) to Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini, Greece in August 2016. I am looking forward to a girl’s Ireland trip in June for a few days in Dublin and then a Driftwood Tour with 11 other ladies from school. This is the joy of working in the same school since 1984: wonderful lifelong friendships!”

Martha Gallagher Michael is the recipient of the Homer and Isabelle Cotterman Distinguished Endowed Chair in Education at Capital University. As she received tenure and full professorship in 2015, this is an extremely high honor within the University, and there was an Investiture Ceremony and lecture by Martha held on November 9, 2016 at Capital University.


It is with great sadness that we report the death of Kathy Toler and Lynn Toler ’77’s mother, Shirley “Toni” Toler. Mrs. Toler passed away on August 31, 2016 at Lynn’s home in Phoenix. Our thoughts are with the Toler family during this difficult time.

“Speaking of which, I’m counting my blessings of family and home (1 each: husband, child, house), great neighbors, friends, old and new, spectacular cultural offerings of our Nation’s Capital, and spurts of travel. Hope to see everyone at our 40th!”

Anne also adds, “I received a Third Place award in the 2016 South Dakota State Poetry Society contest for my poem, ‘Homestead’.”

Kate Ireland Conley writes, “I am currently teaching English at an all girls high school in Phoenix, Arizona. Kit and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in October. We married off our two younger children last year, and all is well in Arizona!”

and Betsy McNamara ’78 participated in the Women’s March on Washington in January.

Betsy Steigerwald Yingling ’76, Julie Steigerwald ’75, Ruby Steigerwald ’78, and Betsy McNamara ’78 at the Women’s March on Washington in January

Laura Dehlendorf writes, “Well, I can jump right in with news of my wedding at the ripe old age of 56. I married the very handsome

and debonair Jameson Crane on November 19, 2016. His ties to CSG are too numerous to mention here. We had a private ceremony just prior to a cocktail wedding reception. Related alums in attendance were: my mother, Connie Crabbe Dehlendorf ’55, daughters of the groom, Beth Crane ’69 and Sally Crane Cox ’75 and granddaughter of the groom Elinor MacPhail O’Neal ’09. My fellow classmates Seton Melvin, Sarah Porter Good, Cynthia McCracken, Tracy Halliday, and Kate Estabrook Schoedinger also joined us for the celebration. More alumnae included Stephanie Halliday Giroux ’81, Betty Reynolds Halliday ’49, Rosalind Mercier ’68, Dorothy Sugar Ziegler ’55, Betty Miller Custer ’39, and Jane Power Mykrantz ’52. It is with great sadness that we report the death of Laura Dehlendorf’s father, Michael Dehlendorf on August 16, 2016. Our thoughts are with Laura and her mother, Constance Crabbe Dehlendorf ’55.

did!!! Absolutely stunned. What an astonishing night. My second Emmy Award! I’m truly blessed. Then of course, just like Cinderella, the next morning I returned the dress and went back to the usual: hunching over the computer. Party’s over, back to work! Moral of the story – The a**-in-the-seat hard work IS what gets you the awards, if you’re lucky… “Then just after the Emmys, off to South Africa to meet with the musicians on our documentary about Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and honored to be invited to his 85th birthday Peace Lecture! Lovely reunion with SA friends that I first met 20 years ago on The Ghost and The Darkness. How time flies! “Now I’m Directing, Producing and Editing Ham: A Musical Memoir, the TV version of a funny, heartfelt one-man show that played off Broadway. Volunteering as Chair of our Producers Guild Power of Diversity Master Workshop again…and continuing to develop film and TV projects of my own. Life is good!”

Mansour and I traveled to New Orleans for a mini-reunion of friends. We had a fantastic time! Below, a shot of the five of us after brunch in the Court of the Two Sisters. Marla Krupman writes, “Over the summer, my husband and I ran into a gaggle of gals from CSG – who were Tulanians like us. Turns out a couple of the girls were daughters of Mariann Teachnor Dargusch ’75 – in my big sister class. Hopefully, this photo makes it to her – it was such a crazy meeting in the middle of nowhere at the junction of Michigan and Indiana!”

1982 – 35th Reunion! Class Representative: Leslie Rogovin Fox ’82




Class Representative: Bridget Hart ’83

Class Representative: Margaret Cunningham Basiliadis ’79

Class Representative: Robon Warburton Donaldson ’80

Julie Janata writes, “Remember when I said we definitely would NOT win the Emmy? But we

Fiona Crean Tierney writes, “My twins have now settled into university life – my son is in his first year reading Economics at University College London and my daughter is in her first year reading Biomedical Science at the University of Bath. One of my step-twins is in her first year at Leeds University reading Chemistry and her brother is having a Gap year and is currently travelling in South East Asia. My older step-daughter is getting married in August. So, it is all change in our house.”

Betsy Carlin writes, “On November 8, 2016, I was elected to the Teton County School Board of Trustees. I was sworn in on December 1st and I am off and running. It is exciting to be facing a new challenge and I look forward to supporting the children and families of Teton County Wyoming in this position for the next four years.”


It is with great sadness that we report the death of Christina Powell Rak, on November 22, 2016. Our thoughts are with Christina’s family during this time. It is with great sadness that we report the death of and Karen Coomer and Rebecca Coomer Minkin ’85’s father, Richard Coomer on November 17, 2016. Our thoughts are with their family during this difficult time.

Class Representative: Jenny Corotis Barnes ’81 Shelagh Connor Shapiro writes, “In early November, Laura Chu Stokes, Lori Bornstein Linskey, Suzy Havens Nick, Bobi Knoderer

Julie Janata ’79 poses after her big Emmy win for Picture Editing for a Structured or Competition Reality Program for her editing on the TLC show, Who Do You Think You Are?

Shelagh Connor Shapiro, Laura Chu Stokes, Lori Bornstein Linskey, Suzy Havens Nick, Bobi Knoderer Mansour (all 1981) enjoyed meeting up in New Orleans!

Marla Krupman ’81 found a CSG connection in “the middle of nowhere!”



1984 Class Representative: Julie Schottenstein Saar ’84 Julie Schottenstein Saar’s daughter, Maya Saar ’14 took a military leave from Brandeis University and is serving in Israel in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) starting March 7, 2017! She has been accepted into the ‘Karakal’ Combat Battalion, one of only two combat units where men and women train together. Maya did an army preparation program for three months prior to beginning her service and a Middlebury-In-Israel Hebrew program prior to that. Lolly Marks writes, “Katie Kessler Chatas raised a dog (Gambit) for Canine Companions for Independence and Gambit was recently placed with a youth recipient! Katie raised Gambit from eight weeks of age to a year and a half, taught him 30 commands, and then gave him back to the organization for professional training. Gambit had his graduation ceremony in February, where Katie handed over his leash to his new human partner. Lolly Marks, Julie Schottenstein Saar, and Kim Rice Wilson ’80 were there to see the ceremony.” Katie Kessler Chatas adds, “What Lolly left out, is that she is the reason we had the opportunity to raise Gambit. Lolly has worked for Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) for the last seven years, so we learned about the organization through her involvement and encouragement. Raising a dog for CCI was one of the most rewarding things we’ve ever done. And it’s thanks to Lolly!”

1985 Class Representative: Robin Ives Canowitz ’85

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Rebecca Coomer Minkin and Karen Coomer ’83’s father, Richard Coomer on November 17, 2016. Our thoughts are with their family during this difficult time.

1986 Class Representative: Louise Davidson-Schmich ’86 Lisa Baird Panos wrote a book called Big Girl Pants: A Woman’s Guide to Strutting Toward the Life She Craves. It came out on Amazon on February 14th. It’s about creating a life you love on the inside – and not just one that looks good on the outside. You can find out more here

1987 – 30th Reunion! Class Representative: Rachel Cashdollar Bennett ’87 Amy Robins Kandel has relocated her family back to Columbus, Ohio! She writes, “We now live in Bexley. My oldest adorable daughter Aliza is in second grade at Cassingham Elementary and is in class with her cousin, Bret Zeigler, Lisa Robins Ziegler ’84’s son. My youngest and equally adorable daughter Eliana is at BUMP and is the same preschool I went too! I love being home. My husband and I will be opening a new business here in May…More details to follow…Stay tuned!”



Christina McConahay’s son, Michael, just completed Naval Nuclear Power School in Charleston South Carolina. Six more months of Nuclear Prototype training and he will be on active duty. He plans to request assignment on the USS Ohio Submarine. Wendolyn Holland writes, “I am trying to figure out what I might do with my life after I finish school (again) this spring.” Anne Brownfield Bennett is working at Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council as a Product Program Specialist (read that as “cookie specialist”). My oldest Emily is a sophomore at Denison University and is headed to Seoul for her study abroad program next fall, and my youngest Nathan is a junior at Metro Early College High School. Melissa Ziegler writes, “For the past 4 years, I have been living in Barcelona. I came out to visit my brother Ted and Jessica Sadar Ziegler ’89, fell in love with Barcelona, thought why not try living here for a year, a year turned into four, now I am married to a fantastic local guy and Spain can’t seem to get rid of me. On the work

Charlotte Schumann has recently been promoted to Associate General Manager for Ticketing and Guest Service for Nationwide Arena. She writes, “I have still retained my Director of Special Event Ticketing for Columbus Arena Sports and Entertainment (handling all special events at the Schottenstein

Emily Johnston Dube writes, “I still reside in Michigan and am enjoying a year with two seniors. My son, William (22) is a senior at the College of Charleston and my daughter, Frances (17) is a senior at Cranbrook Kingswood – what a year it will be!” Lena Myers-Lini writes, “We moved – again! hopefully for the last time. I took a job in Orlando, very close to Rollins College where I went after CSG. We moved from North Carolina about eight months ago and my mom (Mom Myers) moved in with us. She was so excited to be back in Florida. We are only 40 minutes from Cocoa Beach and loving Florida life. Sadly, however my mom passed away February 2, 2017 after a long struggle with heart disease. We will miss her tremendously. We are asking anyone that is inclined to make donations to either The Nature Conservancy or The American Heart Association.” Our thoughts are with Lena and her family as they mourn Mom Myers.

Center and Ohio Stadium), just adding more duties at Nationwide Arena. If anyone is coming to a concert or family show at either building or a Blue Jackets game (Stanley Cup Playoffs anyone?) at Nationwide, most likely I will be there, running around. Stop by and say hi!”

Christina McConahay ’87 and her son, Michael

Lisa Baird Panos ’86’s book, Big Girl Pants was just published on Amazon in February!

Karen Saah ’89 and her new husband, Mark Price at their Jamaica Wedding in 2016!

front, I started a web development company over a year ago.”

volunteer work for Maryland Elementary and Nationwide Children’s Hospital.


“Henry is now 13 and Stanford is 11, but we felt like we needed one more, so our sweet little puppy, Zinfandel, joined the Brandt family a few months ago. Zini is the only girl allowed in the boys’ bedrooms and has already proven that diapers or not, there is a baby in the house!”

Class Representative: Sarah Hamilton Shook ’88

1989 Class Representative: Tammey Cheek Kessel ’89

Karen Saah writes, “I was happily married on March 5, 2016 to a wonderful man, Mark Price. We were married during a fantastic destination wedding weekend in Jamaica. After our wedding, were asked to be featured in an article in the Winter 2016 issue of The Knot magazine and that was a lot of fun for us and our families. Mark and I live in very hip Brooklyn, NY and we both work in NYC – I am an in-house, M&A attorney and Mark is an investment banker focusing on the municipal bond market.”


Eleanor Ackley Brandt writes, “The days of changing diapers and tying shoes are long behind me, but I’m neck-deep in the role of taxi driver, middle school relationship counselor, laundress for a never-ending stream of athletic gear, math tutor (much appreciation to and of Mrs. Clovis), and chef to an always hungry teenager. I’ll bet many of my classmates can relate! During the day, I’m still working parttime for Portraits, Inc. and doing quite a bit of

Class Representative: Janet Knight Rauschenberger ’90

Jennifer Georgia Lee ’90 supported the Women’s March in Boston

Janet Knight Rauschenberger writes, “Amy Bodiker, Danielle Berger, Julia Kim and I all met up for the Women’s March in Washington My daughter, Lauryn and one of her best friends, Raven joined us. We had a great time marching and connecting. In conjunction, Megan Lisska and Jennifer Georgia Lee marched in Paris and Boston respectively. While Emily Nusbaum supported in spirit in San Francisco.” Elizabeth Emens continues her teaching as a Professor at Columbia University Law School in NYC.

1991 Class Representative: Michelle Congbalay McMichael ’91 Michelle Congbalay McMichael writes, “Greetings from sunny LA! Since our 20th reunion in 2011, I’ve had a great time getting reconnected with my CSG family. And now I’m the Class Rep! It’s been wonderful seeing everyone’s lives now 25 years later. Here are some highlights:

Emily Nusbaum ’90 was part of the Women’s March in San Francisco

Megan Lisska ’90 participated in the Women’s March in Paris

Members of the Class of 1990 met up at the Women’s March in Washington: Janet Knight Rauschenberger, Amy Bodiker, Danielle Berger, and Julia Kim

“Erin Nash traveled to DC for the Women’s March. Back home in Athens, Ohio her crafty Bottlecap Necklaces can be found on athens-ohio-bottlecap-necklace/. “Joiwind Williams Ronen traveled away from DC to the Florida keys on a 1970s sailboat for a week.”

Erin Nash ’91 at the Women’s March in Washington



“Several in our class have girls carrying on the CSG legacy and we couldn’t be prouder. Raakhee Bonsal Gonela has a daughter Maya in Form VII. Heidi Ruben Kleinman has two girls at CSG. This first picture is of Sammy on the first day of Form IV with Angie McLarty ’94’s daughter Rose, and Marya Goldberg Cassandra ’92’s daughter Bradyn. The second picture is of Cammie and Sam on the first day of Form VI and IV. “Our class also sends our love and support to Audra Phillips whose father passed in December 2016.

recently met up in San Francisco and took the town by storm, staying up past 10pm. Julie’s memoir Dog Medicine, How My Dog Saved Me From Myself, was published in July 2016 by Penguin Books. The book made it to the New York Times Bestseller list and was one of Oprah’s top ten memoirs of 2016. It’s the story of her post-college depression followed by the love of a dog that helped her begin again. She’s been touring around the country and continues to travel and speak. You can learn more about her work at

“Ann Bancroft and daughter Addison (9) got together with Bethany Broderick ’92 in July of 2016!

1992 – 25th Reunion! Class Representative: Elizabeth Zimmerman Donaldson ’92 Laurel Beatty writes, “ I was elected to my second full term as a judge in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, General Division in November. My stepmother, Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, was also re-elected to serve in the US House of Representatives representing Ohio’s 3rd District. It was great to see Crystal Reynolds Lewis at the swearing in celebration! On October 26, 2016, Amy Hairston Crockett was awarded the $100,000 McNulty Prize for Improving Birth Outcomes for her work with CenteringPregnancy South Carolina. The prize honors “leaders who harness the innovation and excellence that characterized their career success to create replicable and sustainable

“As for me, I live in suburban LA with my three boys, Henry (9), and twins Shane and Ben (5), husband Erik and giant dog, Dudley. I work at Occidental College managing the college’s fundraising campaign communications. We moved here in late 2012 after a brief stint in Columbus and decade in New York. While we miss being close to family, we love our southern California life. I also, thank goodness, now live in the same state as the amazing, New York Times bestselling author, Julie Hill Barton – we Form IV legacy girls: Heidi Ruben Kleinman ’91’s daughter, Sammy, Marya Goldberg Cassandra ’92’s daughter, Bradyn, and Angie McLarty ’94’s daughter, Rose

Michelle Congbalay McMichael ’91’s boys, Henry (9), and twins Shane and Ben (5) are living the life in LA

Joiwind Williams Ronen ’91, husband Amit, Aloe age 9, Lila 11 in the styling bathing suit and Kai age 7

Raakhee Bonsal Gonela ’91 has a CSG daughter, Maya, who is in Form VII

Heidi Ruben Kleinman ’91’s daughters, Camryn and Samantha on their first day of school this year



Ann Bancroft ’91, her daughter, Addison, and Bethany Broderick ‘92 in July of 2016

Julie Hill Barton ’91’s memoir Dog Medicine, How My Dog Saved Me From Myself, was published in July 2016 by Penguin Books!

models for addressing seemingly intractable problems around the world.” Congratulations, Amy! Sarah Lowder recently moved back to the US after working for the UN for 11 years in Thailand and Italy. She is enjoying work as an adjunct faculty at Georgetown University and agricultural economist in Washington, DC. Sarah would be eager to meet any alumnae who are in the DC area. Don’t hesitate to get in touch at It is with great sadness that we report the death of Alix Mathews’ father, Dr. H. Lee Mathews on December 6, 2016. Our thoughts are with Alix’s family during this difficult time.

novel Island of the Blue Dolphins in lower school. The book has long been a favorite among children and teachers in part because of its portrayal of a strong female protagonist. “I’ve been researching the book and the historical figure who inspired it – the ‘Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island’ for the past three years, taking many trips to California and one to Russia as I scoured archives. My new reader’s edition was just released by University of California Press, and a multimedia web resource, built in collaboration with the Channel Islands National Park, is launching shortly. I hope current CSG students and teachers will enjoy these resources!”


Monica Welt writes, “Late 2015 to 2016 kept our family very busy with a new baby, a new city, a new home, and a new job! After 14 years practicing in DC law firms, I accepted an in-house position as Director of Compliance for Big Lots in September 2015. In November 2015, Evah Margeaux Djourabchi joined her older siblings Leah (5) and Noah (3) to round out our family. Then after some maternity leave, the New Year and much packing, we followed a tractor trailer filled with all our things to our new home on S. Drexel--just down the street from CSG! It has been a whirlwind year, but I have truly enjoyed the challenges posed by building a compliance department for a Fortune 500 and it has been wonderful to be back in Columbus. I haven’t had much time to connect with former classmates and friends, but would love to catch up with my fellow unies in 2017. Angie McLarty and Jenn Ull Frey loved an evening together in Chicago with their daughters. It was wonderful reconnecting!

Class Representative: Laura Julien Blust ’93 Courtney Feuer writes, “My family and I are so proud to have participated in the Chicago Women’s March. My son, Byron enthusiastically carried his sign declaring, “President Trump, be kind”, the entire route!”

Jenn Ull Frey and Peggy Williams were able to connect in Chicago. Peggy stopped by with cookies for Jenn’s daughter’s birthday celebration! This was much appreciated with Peggy’s busy schedule.


It is with great sadness that we report the death of Danielle Hayot’s father, Dr. Fernand Hayot on September 29, 2016 at the age of 76 from complications arising from cancer. CSG extends our deepest sympathy and condolences to Danielle and her mother, former Head of School, Dr. Patricia Hayot.

Class Representative: Katherine Taub ’94 Sara Schwebel writes, “I’m sure that many alumnae will remember reading Scott O’Dell’s Sara Schwebel ’94’s reader’s edition of the Island of the Blue Dolphins

1995 Class Representative Needed It is with great sadness that we report the death of Martha Kieckhefer Bosworth’s father, Frederick B. Kieckhefer, Jr. on September 8th, 2016. Our thoughts are with Martha’s family during this difficult time.

Laurel Beatty ’92 and Crystal Reynolds Lewis ’92 at Laurel’s swearing in ceremony following her reelection as a judge in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas

Monica Welt ’94’s three children, Leah, Noah, and baby, Evah

Courtney Feuer ’93 and her son, Byron at the Chicago Women’s March

Angie McLarty ’94 and Jenn Ull Frey ’94 and their girls connected in Chicago!

Jenn Ull Frey ’94 and Peggy Williams ’94 at Jenn’s daughter’s birthday in Chicago



1996 Class Representative Needed JoVonna Moxley-Knapp writes, “I was married on December 21, 2013. My husband, Mark and I were thrilled to welcome daughter, Kensington Adelie Moxley-Knapp on April 12, 2016. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 6.7 ounces and 19.5 inches. She is keeping us on our toes, but we love every minute!”

1997 – 20th Reunion! Class Representative: Julie Ferber Zuckerman ’97 Lindsay Baker writes, Chris, my husband, and I, welcomed Ramona, our daughter, over a year ago (July 2015). This past July, I started a new job as an Early Childhood and Lower school Division Head at Chatham Day School in Chatham, New Jersey. I feel incredibly lucky to have the mentoring of Marilyn Parker (my Lower School Division Head) and Patricia Hayot (Head of School while I was at CSG). These two wonderful leaders helped me adjust to my new role.I can’t wait to see 1997 Unies in Columbus this spring!”

1998 Class Representative: Miranda Martin Warren ’98 Erin Shea writes, “My family and I relocated to Anchorage, Alaska in 2015 and we have been enjoying exploring the 49th state. Big sister, Orea, was joined by a little brother (Ansel) in August and we look forward to many more adventures together up here. We encourage anyone thinking of a visit to drop us a line!”

Jessica Germain Price gave birth to a girl, Stevie (named after her grandfather) on November 8th, 2016. She joins her brother, Beaux, 1.5 years old, who is adjusting well to being a big brother. Jaquelyn Bitler Walker writes, “We welcomed our daughter Brooklyn Reign Walker into the world on March 20, 2016. We are moving back to Columbus from Chicago this Spring and look forward to being back home!”

2001 Class Representative: Claire Kelley ’01

Laura Barnhart was recently engaged to Adam Speer. He proposed in Central Park in New York City. The couple met playing sports with the Indianapolis Gaelix Athletic Association, which promotes Irish Hurling, Camogie, and Gaelic Football. They play on coed teams and compete nationally! Laura is an environmental consultant with HNTB Corp, in Indianapolis, Indiana. After more than four years abroad, Mikell Taylor and her family moved to San Francisco in August. She has taken on a new role as CEO of a flying robot startup called Everfly. She’d love to hear from CSG alumnae in the area, or anyone wanting to talk robots!

Gina Casagrande Forster welcomed her second child, Cameron Frederick on February 20th, weighing 6.6 lbs. He is already a great little brother to Paige!

2002 – 15th Reunion! Class Representative: Lauren Yen Leahy ’02 Jane Alexander Lopez and her husband, Cesar welcomed their second daughter Camila Alexander Lopez on November 28, 2016 in NYC. Big sister, Sophia delights in having a baby sister. Everyone is doing well! Katherine Exline married Lyle Mohler on October 22, 2016 in Columbus. Katherine and Lyle reside in Columbus, where Katherine works as a nurse practitioner for Mount Carmel Columbus Cardiology Consultants.

Jane Alexander Lopez ’02, husband, Cesar, big sister, Sophia, and baby Camila Alexander Lopez

1999 Class Representative: Katharine Ersly ’99 Melissa Klayman Schmidt, along with her husband, Justin and daughter, Madeline, recently moved to a new home in Belle Meade, Tennessee.

Jessica Germain Price ’00 with her husband, son, Beaux, and new daughter, Stevie

Katherine Exline ’02’s wedding was full of unicorns!

2000 Class Representative: Erica Reaves ’00 Lindsay Saxe Griffin writes, “On May 30, 2016, I had a baby girl, who we named Lana Rose Griffin. In September 2016, I saw Courtney Klein while she was on vacation with her family at Disney World.”



Jaquelyn Bitler Walker ’00, husband, Matthew, and their daughter, Brooklyn

Katherine Exline ’02 and her new husband, Lyle Mohler


root-cause solutions that create lasting positive changes in Columbus.

Class Representative: Liz Liston ’03


Laura Ward McDonley and her husband Tim McDonley welcomed Ezra Thomas Alan McDonley into the world on August 17, 2016. He is happy and healthy. Laura couldn’t be happier! She also wants to add if anyone wants to contact her her new email address is

2004 Class Representative: Emily Kasler Yen ’04

Class Representative: Maria Dixon LeBlanc ’05 Joan Hodge recently completed her Masters Degree in International Security from the University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies, and has accepted a job offer from the political risk consulting firm Control Risks based in Washington, DC and London. She will be working as an embedded intelligence analyst with one of their clients in Charlottesville, Virginia and invites any unicorns to come visit and go wine tasting!

Christine Guenther writes, “This summer, I moved out to Spokane, Washington and took at job at Deaconess Hospital as a Hospitalist after finishing my internal medicine residency in Cleveland. I passed my board certification in September and have been enjoying traveling out west since moving!

Taylor Pospichel Belew married Leland Belew on October 1, 2016 in Westerville. Taylor was thrilled to have fellow unicorns Allison Elia Wisely, Amy Fanning, and Allison Ansari there to celebrate with her. Taylor and Leland currently reside in the Bay Area where Taylor works as an attorney at a legal services nonprofit.

Connie Bowen writes, “My husband, Rudy and I welcomed our second son, Oliver on June 27, 2016. He and older brother, Alfie are fast friends! Everyone is doing well.


Sarah Pariser was recently featured by Columbus Business First’s Spotlight for her work at the Women’s Fund of Central Ohio on

Class Representative: Marielle Perrault McGregor ’06

2007 – 10th Reunion! Class Representative: Kassie Ansley Czubik ’07 Camillia Brown writes, “After completing my master’s in social work at Columbia University with a concentration on contemporary social issues, I decided I wanted to go to law school in hopes of becoming a social justice attorney. I am in my second year at Brooklyn Law School where I have had ample opportunities to do some meaningful public interest work focusing on racial justice and civil liberties. I will be

interning at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund this summer and will be starting a fellowship at the New York Civil Liberties Union next year. I am really enjoying living in Brooklyn and hope to continue to stay here after law school! Please contact me if you are ever in the city – I would love to catch up!” Peyton Onda is now an Associate Brand Manager of Similac at Abbott Nutrition. She joined Abbott Nutrition in August 2015 supporting Digital Marketing Strategy for ZonePerfect and Nutritious Snacks and is excited about the new opportunity. She currently lives in Grandview with her dog, Tucker Ann, and can’t wait for March Madness to start (Let’s go Villanova!). Alexandra Guezennec McKenna married Kyle McKenna on November 25, 2016. Kristin Bergner Rielly was a bridesmaid. Kyle and Alexandra also recently bought a home in Olde Towne East. Tori Hutta will graduate from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry on May 5, 2017. And she is getting married to Daniel Magness in August of 2017. Congrats, Tori! It is with great sadness that we report the death of Meredith Joyce-Houghton’s father, Michael Houghton on November 13, 2016. Our thoughts are with Meredith and her mother, Ann Joyce ’69 during this difficult time for their family.

2008 Class Representative: Caitlin Allen ’08 & Mikayla Upchurch ’08 & It is with great sadness that we share the news of Ashley Staub’s unexpected passing on January 25, 2017. Ashley was a lifer and successful tennis player at CSG. Our thoughts are with Ashley’s family, including sister, Lindsey Staub ’12 during this difficult time.

Laura Barnhart ’02 with her fiance, Adam Speer

Laura Ward McDonley ’03, husband, Tim, and baby Ezra!

Taylor Pospichel Belew ’05 and her husband, Leland Belew at their October 2016 wedding

Alexandra Guezennec McKenna and Kyle McKenna, who were married on November 25, 2016



2009 Class Representative: Patty Arehart ’09 & Laura Raines ’09 & Taylor Onda is working as an engineer for Sam Adams Brewing Company in Boston and Cincinnati. Caroline Hohl completed her Master’s Degree with Ashland University in August 2016. She teaches second grade at Rosehill Elementary in Reynoldsburg.

2010 Class Representative: Molly Schissel ’10

2011 Class Representative: Taylor Lint ’11

2012 – 5th Reunion! Class Representative: Bridget Lorenz ’12 & Angela Mentel ’12 & Robin Smith writes, “In May, I’ll graduate with a double major in Russian and Political Science and minor in Clinical Psychology from Ohio State. I’m looking forward to having the summer to rock climb out west before I start my new job working for the government!” Jacqueline Carroll writes, “Graduated with Honors from The Ohio State University with BS in Fashion and Retail Studies – accepted a job as an assistant merchant in women’s merchandising department at Express Home Office.” Jordan James writes, “January 1, 2017, my friend and I started a podcast called

Goddess Culture. We are a weekly show that highlights small businesses, and focuses on self care and issues that affect the lives of everyday women. Our manifest is to empower, encourage, and embrace your inner Goddess through a dialogue that inspires self-love, self-care, and self-actualization. Our goal is to create a “culture” of women to collaborate and contribute to our brand via blogging/ vlogging, brand ambassadors, and content curators. Episodes can be found here: https://”

Maya Saar took a military leave from Brandeis University and is serving in Israel in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) starting March 7, 2017! She has been accepted into the ‘Karakal’ Combat Battalion, one of only two combat units where men and women train together. Maya did an army preparation program for three months prior to beginning her service and a MiddleburyIn-Israel Hebrew program prior to that.

Lauren Gerber graduated from OSU in Materials Science and Engineering in December 2016 and will start at GE Aviation’s Edison Engineering Development Program, a 2-3 year rotational program, in March 2017.

Class Representative: Mary Anne Click ’15

Sarah Taylor has been living in Morocco since last August, where she works at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. Her job has her placed with the Vice President for Academic Affairs as well as the Hillary Clinton Center for Women’s Empowerment. She will be in Morocco until July 2017, when she will return to the United States and apply for graduate programs in the field of international relations.

2013 Class Representative: Natalie Feldman ’13 & Rebecca Sugar ’13 & Evlin Hogan writes, “I accepted an Audit Associate position at the public accounting firm Deloitte in Cincinnati, Ohio.” Jessica Greer writes, “This February I will start my eighth and final semester at MIT! I am so excited to graduate with my BS in Chemical Engineering. After graduation in June, I will be working for The Clorox Company as a Process Designer for the Glad brand in their Chicago, Illinois pilot plant.”

2014 Class Representative: Hannah Barends ’14



Michaela Milligan recently transferred to DePaul University to pursue a double major in Anthropology and Chinese Studies (minor in Museum Studies) while taking advantage of Chicago’s amazing cultural opportunities. In the space of 72 hours, while celebrating the Chinese New Year, she recently met the Chinese Consul General, Hong Lei, and nationally revered performers from the Beijing National Opera. As a compliment to her studies, Michaela provides tours of Chicago’s Chinatown for the Chicago Chinese Cultural Institute. Michaela also tutors area middle and high school students from Chinese-speaking families. She uses her language and culture skills to help ESL students navigate the American education system.

2016 Class Representative: Kaitlyn Yale ’16

Katelyn Lennon writes, “I will graduate from Purdue University in May of 2017 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, I will be working for Nestle in Fort Wayne, Indiana in their QMT Program.” Nikki Dean writes, “In December I graduated a semester early from Virginia Tech with a degree in Agribusiness and a minor in English. I have just accepted a job as a product analyst at Grange Insurance Company in Columbus. In addition to this, I am engaged to be married in October 2017. Attached is a picture of me and my fiance, Ethan Schafer.”

Nikki Dean ’13 and her fiance, Ethan Schafer


Katherine Hohl is a junior at Xavier University, majoring in Nursing. Katherine also works as a tutor of anatomy and physiology.

Class Reps needed! Contact the Alumnae Relations office 614-252-0781 x132 csgalumnae@

Congratulations & Sympathy MARRIAGES: Jane Power Mykrantz ’52 married Kiehner “Jake” Johnson February 4, 2017 Columbus, Ohio Laura Dehlendorf ’78 married Jameson Crane November 19, 2016 Columbus, Ohio Karen Saah ’89 married Mark Price March 5, 2016 Jamaica Katherine Exline ’02 married Lyle Mohler October 22, 2016 Columbus, Ohio

Jane Alexander Lopez ’02 and her husband, Cesar On the birth of their daughter Camila Alexander Lopez on November 28, 2016. She joins big sister, Sophia. Laura Ward McDonley ’03 and her husband, Tim On the birth of their son, Ezra Thomas Alan McDonley on August 17, 2016. Connie Bowen ’04 and her husband, Rudy On the birth of their son, Oliver on June 27, 2016. He joins big brother, Rudy.


Taylor Pospichel Belew ’05 married Leland Belew October 1, 2016 Westerville, Ohio

Harriet Drew Adair ’37

Alexandra Guezennec McKenna ’07 married Kyle McKenna November 25, 2016 Columbus, Ohio

October 25, 2016

BIRTHS: Monica Welt ’94 and her husband, Babak Djourabchi On the birth of their daughter, Evah Margeaux Djourabchi in November 2015. She joins big sister, Leah (5) and big brother, Noah (3). JoVonna Moxley-Knapp ’96 and her husband, Mark On the birth of their daughter, Kensington Adelie Moxley-Knapp on April 12, 2016. Erin Shea ’98 and her husband, Kyle Gilpin On the birth of their son, Ansel in August 2016. He joins big sister, Orea. Gina Casagrande Forster ’01 and her husband, Nick On the birth of their son, Cameron Frederick on February 20, 2017. He joins big sister, Paige.

January 12, 2017

Niece, Diane Adair

Harriet Means Bradney ’45 Sister, Evelyn Means McKitrick ’42 2161 Sheringham Rd. Columbus, OH 43220

Ellen Byer Friedlander ’45 September 4, 2016

Daughter, Lynne Friedlander

Dorothy Pitner Miller ’46 October 29, 2016

Daughter, Anne Miller Paschall ’68 332 Westland Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 Granddaughter, Sarah Paschall ’96 5256 Tree Way Lane S. Jacksonville, FL 32258-2298 Granddaughter, Hannah Paschall ’00 2616 Dover Road, Columbus, OH 43209

Betty Turton ’48

September 21, 2016 Daughter, Roberta Lowe

Helen Ferenbaugh King ’48 January 16, 2017

Husband, William 132 Lancaster Dr Apt 502, Irvington, VA 22480-9744

Deborah Loehnert Reasons ’68 August 8, 2016

Sister, Dianne Loehnert Vogt ’66 12700 Lake Ave #2106 Lakewood, OH 44107 Daughter, Heather Schworm ’95

Leesa Zella Williams ’74 December 9, 2016

Sister, Kim Williams ’70 4227 Beechrun Rd. Columbus, OH 43213-1320

Christina Powell Rak ’83 November 22, 2016

Husband, Michael: 9681 Twigg Hupp Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074

Ashley Staub ’08 January 25, 2017

Parents, Annette and Stephen Staub, and sister Lindsey Staub ’12: 2482 Sherwood Road Columbus, OH 43209

CONDOLENCES Sudie Durstine Schumacher ’50

On the death of her husband, Ray “Buddy” Schumacher on June 15, 2016. Sudie: 1970 Silverleaf Cir #303 Carlsbad, CA 92009

Connie Crabbe Dehlendorf ’55 and Laura Dehlendorf ’78

On the death of Connie’s husband and Laura’s father, Michael Dehlendorf on August 16, 2016 Connie: 7459 Spanish Bay Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004-9561 Laura: 205 N Stanwood Rd. Columbus, OH 43209

Deborah Dawes Fortkamp ’59

On the death of her husband, The Reverend Frank E. Fortkamp Ph.D. on February 26, 2017 Debbie: 5500 Karl Rd #138 Columbus, OH 43229

Addie Thompson Matcham ’59

On the death of her brother, Jim Thompson on September 19, 2016. Addie: 1744 Woodlark Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028

Cathy Read Wuellner ’63

On the death of her husband, Richard “Richie” W. Wuellner on October 1, 2016. Cathy: 2401 Brookwood Rd. Columbus, OH 43209

Kathy Toler ’76 and Lynn Toler ’77

On the death of their mother, Shirley “Toni” Toler on August 31, 2016. Kathy: 2011 Cedar Springs Rd #105 Dallas, TX 75201-1520 Lynn: 7220 N 15th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021-7918

Lena Myers Lini ’85

On the death of her mother, Betty Lou Myers on February 2, 2017. Lena: 14338 Southern Red Maple Dr Orlando, FL 32828



Rebecca Coomer Minkin ’85 and Karen Coomer ’83

On the death of their father, Richard Coomer on November 17, 2016. Rebecca: 309 South Ardmore Road Columbus, OH 43209

Audra Phillips ’91

On the death of her father, Stephen Phillips in December 2016. Audra: 5332 Sharon Ave Columbus, OH 43214

Alix Mathews ’92

On the death of her father, Dr. H. Lee Mathews on December 6, 2016. Alix: 61 Spring Creek Rd Barrington, IL 60010

Danielle Hayot ’94

On the death of her father, Dr. Fernand Hayot on September 29, 2016. Danielle: 6420 5th St NW Washington, DC 20012 Dr. Patricia Hayot: 520 East 86th St, Apt. 7C New York, NY 10028

Martha Kieckhefer Bosworth ’95

On the death of her father, Frederick B. Kieckhefer, Jr on September 8th, 2016. Martha: 2767 Dover Road NW Atlanta, GA 30327

Meredith Joyce-Houghton ’07

On the death of her father, Michael Houghton on November 13, 2016. Meredith: 35 E Henderson Rd Apt C Columbus, OH 43214 Ann Joyce ’69: 95 Brevoort Rd Columbus, OH 43214

Philanthropy Makes a Real Impact on CSG – Today and Tomorrow At CSG, girls and young women access exceptional opportunities. They become part of a vibrant learning community, making friends that last a lifetime while preparing for very bright futures. While independent schools work to keep tuition as low as possible, providing the excellent educational experience families expect and students deserve comes with significant costs. Raising tuition to meet those costs is rarely the best option, which is one reason why schools fundraise. Gifts to CSG’s Annual Fund are increasingly important to the school. The Annual Fund is like CSG’s “checking account,” funding needs and extras that make our student experience the best it can be in the current year. Another important revenue source, made possible in part through philanthropy, is the CSG endowment. A 1963 scholarship gift from a forward thinking benefactor and past parent, Mrs. U.S. Brandt, was one of the first made to, and invested in, the CSG endowment. If the Annual Fund is a checking account, the endowment is CSG’s “savings account.” Over the years, gifts to endowment have increased and been carefully stewarded, with the principal invested in perpetuity by the Board of Trustees. Only an annual income distribution is available for use each year. Endowment gifts arrive either unrestricted (no limitations as to how the gift should be used) or restricted (a donor may indicate that the annual income distribution support some aspect of the school’s operations, i.e. scholarships, athletics, arts, etc.), and both are valued and play important roles in funding our work. Endowments are often bolstered by alumnae and friends who wish to make larger gifts, often to “leave a legacy” at the school. Donors may make gifts during their lifetime, or as part of an estate plan. Gifts of cash, securities, real estate, retirement plans and bequests all may benefit the school, along with more complex giving vehicles that could provide income for a donor during their lifetime and become a gift to the school at the donor’s passing. Individual tax implications for any of these are best discussed with a financial consultant. CSG is immensely grateful for the support received from alumnae, families and friends annually through gifts to the Annual Fund, Scholarship Fund and the endowment. If you intend to include CSG in your estate plans, please contact Dana Booth at (614)252-0781 ext. 130 or at CSG would like to recognize you as part of the Golden Unicorn Society and celebrate your generosity.




CSG Alumnae Weekend Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29, 2017

FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH 50th (and higher) Reunion Lunch

12:00 – 1:00 pm

Chester Family Private Dining Room

Annual Reunion Chapel

1:15 – 2:00 pm

Agnes Jeffrey Shedd Theater

2:05 – 2:15 pm

AJS Theater Lobby

2:15 – 3:00 pm

Schottenstein Alumnae Living Room

3:00 – 3:45 pm

Schottenstein Alumnae Living Room

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Ruch Dining Room

9:00 - 10:00 am

Hadley Family Yoga Studio

10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Ruch Dining Room

1:00pm – 2:15 pm

Schottenstein Alumnae Living Room

to Celebrate the Alumna of the Year and Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Legacy Photos Seniors and their alumnae mothers, grandmothers, aunts etc.

AP Comparative Government Class Presentation and Discussion Miss the classroom? Join current students as they present and lead a discussion on Comparative Government.

I.D.E.A. Round Table Discussion Join CSG’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy Committee for a round table discussion on current events and issues.

Cocktail Party and Class Photos Reconnect with your classmates and pose for your official reunion class picture.

SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH Alumnae Yoga Class Hosted by K ​ aty Carpenter Gibson ‘92

Alumnae Weekend Brunch State of the School Address by Head of School Jennifer Ciccarelli • Class Giving Awards • Campus Tours • Additional Class Photos

Alumnae Academic Salon Join CSG faculty Dr. Perry Rogers and Dr. Frank Doden in a discussion on Between the World and Me (2015) by Ta-Nehisi Coates. See discussion questions and details at alumnae/academicsalon


Columbus School for Girls 65 S. Drexel Ave. Columbus, OH 43209



CO-ED 2017

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Academic, Artistic, Athletic, or Just Plain Fun! CSG Summer Program for Boys and Girls Pre-K through Grade 12.

PROGRAM DATES Bookends Preseason: June 12 – June 16 Week 1: June 19 - June 23 Week 2: June 26 - June 30 Week 3: July 3 - July 7 (no classes July 4) Week 4: July 10 - July 14

Week 5: July 17 - July 21 Week 6: July 24 - July 28 Week 7: July 31 - August 4 Bookends Postseason: August 7 – August 11

For more information and to register, please visit

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