Canadian Auto Recycler 13#1

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Your key to the recycling market

Votre clé pour le marché du recyclage



Issue La publication


Volume 13 Le volume 12



Les recycleurs d’automobiles canadiens se font connaître dans le monde entier!

Canadian auto recyclers are making themselves known around the world!



P&G Auto Part’s Darrell Pitman takes the lessons of a life-long career in auto recycling to the far north!


Darrell Pitman de P&G Auto Parts apporte son expertise en recyclage automobile dans le Grand Nord!


Frank Serravalle’s inspiring battle to save his family and their business, Thorold Auto Parts, from disaster Special edition of Collision Repair magazine / Collision Quebec Édition Spéciale de Collision Repair magazine / Collision Quebec

Frank Serravalle s’est battu pour sauver sa famille et leur entreprise, Thorold Auto Parts, de la catastrophe

2019 Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Agreement

Annual Publication Édition Annuelle No: 40841632 86 John St. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 1Y2





P&G Auto Parts owner, Darrell Pitman (far left) joins community members in northern Manitoba as part of the Tundra Take Back program.


Darrell Pitman (à l’extrême gauche), propriétaire de P&G Auto Parts, se joint aux membres de la collectivité du Nord du Manitoba dans le cadre du programme Tundra Take Back.

(Left to Right) Steve Fletcher, David Gold, Olivier Gaudeau, Ed MacDonald, Ted Taya, Andy Latham. (De gauche à droite) Steve Fletcher, David Gold, Olivier Gaudeau, Ed MacDonald, Ted Taya, Andy Latham.


Departments | Départements

On the Cover En page couverture Managing Misfortune Gérer le Malheur Frank Serravalle, owner of Thorold Auto Parts shares his unique story of success. Frank Serravalle, propriétaire de Thorold Pièces d’auto partage son histoire unique de succès.


Association Updates Des Nouvelles Pancanadienne


News Nouvelles


Focus on Operations Se Concentrer sur les Opérations


Focus on Technology L’accent sur la Technologie



Calendar of Events Événements à Suivre Events Evénements

- ARA annual conference and tradeshow - Conférence annuelle et foire commerciale de l’ARA


- Western Canadian Auto Recyclers tradeshow - Salon des recycleurs d’automobiles de l’Ouest Canadien


- ARA and ARC’s summit in Washington - Sommet de l’ARA et de l’ARC à Washington

Features | Fonctionnalités 18

Car-Part’s Concerns Les Préoccupations de Car-Part


Switch Out’s Last Call Dernier Appel d’ÉlimiMercure


A Shocking Truth Une Vérité Choquante


Tundra-Take Back Le Defi du Nord




Annual Publication / Édition annuelle spécial



hat a busy year 2018 was for the Canadian auto recycling community! From its near-constant commitment to giving back to the environment and to the community, to the many big provincial, national and international events that Canadian delegates have played enormous roles in, I am so proud to be a part of it! This year marked the 75th anniversary of the Auto Recyclers Association (ARA), and that milestone fueled so many wonderful conversations about the industry--where it has been, and where it is going. As we know, more and more complex technologies are making their way to automobiles, and the impact this will have on recycling remains far from clear. Uncertainty hasn’t prevented Canadian auto recyclers from approaching these new challenges in constructive ways. They have been united in their focus on gaining the right access to data and to the safety precautions around electric vehicles. Canada’s auto recyclers have shown that they are all are in this together! Between raising funds for the Sunshine Foundation of Canada and sharing their expertise to help northern communities manage their auto recycling challenges; members of the industry have also come together to do good in ways that have nothing to do with the bottom line. On an individual basis, too, Canadian auto recyclers have raised the profile of the community as-a-whole. At the ARA’s Convention and Tradeshow in Orlando this year, Auto Recyclers of Canada executive director Steve Fletcher took centre stage, chairing the global concepts panel. And then, of course, there was David Gold of Standard Auto Wreckers. As the president of the ARA, David’s efforts to bring the ARA’s message around the globe will have a major impact over the coming decades. I have no doubt that 2019 will be just as wild, busy and wonderful as 2018 was. There are so many things to look forward to, like the OARA convention,the AARDA/ARC convention, and the next International Roundtable on Auto Recycling in Norfolk, England. I don’t know about you, but I’m already excited! CAR

Volume 13 Issue 1, 2019 Volume 13 numéro 1, 2019



uelle année 2018 bien remplie pour la communauté canadienne du recyclage automobile ! De son engagement quasi constant à redonner à l'environnement et à la communauté, aux nombreux grands événements provinciaux, nationaux et internationaux dans lesquels les délégués canadiens ont joué un rôle énorme, je suis si fière! Cette année marquait le 75e anniversaire de l'Auto Recyclers Association (ARA), et ce jalon a alimenté tant de conversations merveilleuses sur l'industrie où elle en est, et où elle va. Comme nous le savons, de plus en plus de technologies complexes font leur chemin vers l'automobile, et l'impact que cela aura sur le recyclage reste loin d'être clair. L'incertitude n'a pas empêché les recycleurs automobiles canadiens d'aborder ces nouveaux défis de façon constructive. Ils ont été unis dans leurs efforts pour obtenir le bon accès aux données et aux précautions de sécurité concernant les véhicules électriques. Les recycleurs d'automobiles du Canada ont montré qu'ils sont tous dans le même bateau ! Entre la collecte de fonds pour la Fondation Rayons de soleil du Canada et le partage de leur expertise pour aider les collectivités du Nord à gérer leurs défis en matière de recyclage des automobiles, les membres de l'industrie se sont également réunis pour faire le bien d'une façon qui n'a rien à voir avec les résultats financiers. Sur une base individuelle également, les recycleurs d'automobiles canadiens ont rehaussé le profil de la collectivité dans son ensemble. Au congrès et salon professionnel de l'ARA à Orlando cette année, Steve Fletcher, directeur exécutif de Auto Recyclers of Canada, a occupé le devant de la scène en présidant le panel des concepts mondiaux. Et puis, bien sûr, il y avait David Gold de Standard Auto Wreckers. En tant que président de l'ARA, les efforts de David pour diffuser le message de l'ARA dans le monde entier auront un impact majeur au cours des prochaines décennies. Je n'ai aucun doute que 2019 sera aussi sauvage, occupée et merveilleuse que 2018 l'a été. Il y a tant de choses à attendre, comme la convention de l'OARA, la convention de l'ADRAO/ARC, et la prochaine table ronde internationale sur le recyclage automobile à Norfolk, en Angleterre. Je ne sais pas pour toi, mais je suis déjà excité ! CAR

EDITOR / RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF Gideon Scanlon > ISSUE MANAGING EDITOR / CHEF D’ÉDITION Lindsey Cooke > STAFF WRITERS / RÉDACTEURS SALARIÉS Jordan Arseneault > CREATIVE DEPARTMENT/ DÉPARTEMENT CREATIF Jill Thacker > VP INDUSTRY RELATIONS & ADVERTISING/ V.P. RELATIONS AVEC L’INDUSTRIE Gloria Mann > SALES ASSISTANT/ASSISTANT DES VENTES Wanja Mann > DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING/ DIRECTRICE COMMERCIALE & MARKETING Ellen Smith > For advertising inquiries please call Gloria Mann at 647-998-5677/ Pour les demandes de message publicitaire téléphonez à Gloria Mann au 647-998-5677.

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine is dedicated to serving the business interests of the automotive recycling industry. It is published by Media Matters Incorporated. Material in Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine may not be reproduced in any form without written consent from the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising and disclaims all responsibilities for claims or statements made by its advertisers or independent columnists. All facts, opinions and statements appearing within this publication are those of the writers and editors themselves, and are in no way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsements by the publisher. Media Matters Incorporated would like to thank the Ontario Media Development Corporation and the Province of Ontario for the generous support in helping launch Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine. PRINTED IN CANADA ISSN 1707-6072 CANADA POST CANADIAN PUBLICATIONS MAIL SALES PRODUCT AGREEMENT No. 40841632 RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED. Send change of address notices and undeliverable copies to: 86 John Street, Thornhill, ON L3T 1Y2. Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine is published by Media Matters Inc. publishers of; Collision Repair magazine, Bodyworx Professional magazine and the 2006 Collision Repair Training Directory.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. 86 John Street Thornhill, ON L3T1Y2 t. 905-370-0101 f. 1-888-868-7072

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A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE The Canadian auto recycling industry continues to progress

UNE TRADITION D’EXCELLENCE L’industrie Canadienne du recyclage automobile continue à progresser Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine




“ ” “ “ “ ” ” ” “ “ Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2013

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2014

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2015

Our business embraces change, we’re excited by it. With so much happening within the industry with each passing year, the auto recycling business is always evolving and this magazine helps communicate the industry’s mission. It highlights where we are all headed, and we were pleased to be featured on the cover in 2013.

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine and its great staff have become incredible partners in the automotive recycling community since the publication was first launched in 2006. It was an honour to have the opportunity to share the story and history of our family’s business with the rest of the industry and the public.

—Glenn Hickey

—Dom Vetere

Being on the cover of Canadian Auto Recyclers is something that has further elevated the status of every recycler that graces the cover of the magazine. Canadian Auto Recyclers is the conduit for knowing the players in the industry and believe me, it’s much appreciated. I’m very humbled to be a part of the magazine, and to be on the cover is a tremendous honour.

Notre industrie adore le changement, ça nous stimule. Et avec tout ce qui se passe, d’année en année, l’industrie du recyclage automobile est toujours en évolution et ce magazine aide à faire circuler le message. Il met l’accent sur l’endroit où nous nous dirigeons tous. Nous sommes fi ers d’avoir paru sur la couverture de 2013.

Canadian Auto Recyclers et sa belle équipe sont devenus d’excellents partenaires de la communauté du recyclage automobile depuis le lancement du magazine en 2006. Ç’a été un honneur de pouvoir partager l’histoire de notre entreprise familiale avec le reste du secteur et avec le public.

Glenn Hickey and Adam Budden

—Glenn Hickey

Dominic Vetere

—Dom Vetere

David Gold

—David Gold

Les recycleurs qui ont fait la une de ce magazine sont unanimes ; l’année qui a suivi a été parmi les plus riches de leur vie professionnelle. Ce magazine est le portail de choix des décideurs de l’industrie, et nous en sommes très reconnaissants. C’est en toute humilité que je partage mon histoire et j’en suis très honoré. —David Gold




Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine

Canadian Auto Recyclers magazine




“ “ “ ” ” ” “ “ “ ” ” ” Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2016 Steve Fletcher

Canadian Auto Recyclers is a pillar of the industry in both Canada and around the world. I was touched to be asked to be on the cover. I followed in the footsteps of industry leaders I have long admired, and to join their number was a tremendous honour. —Steve Fletcher

Canadian Auto Recyclers est un pilier de l’industrie au Canada et partout dans le monde. J’ai été touché d’être invité à être sur la couverture. J’ai suivi les traces des leaders de l’industrie que j’ai longtemps admirés. Les rejoindre était un immense honneur. —Steve Fletcher

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2017 Dalbert and Tabitha Livingstone, Andrew MacDonald, Cherie Cohen and Natalie Miller

Canadian Auto Recyclers, 2018

Greg Lane, Emile Hogue and George Shae

Being featured alongside the up-and-coming leaders of the auto recycling industry in Canada was something I will always remember. I know that we will all be working in close proximity in the decades to come, and I am sure we will talk about the cover story every time we meet.

Canadian Auto Recyclers has always reflected the spirit of friendly competition that has made our industry such a great place to work. To stand beside Emile and George, my own long time co-petitors really brought that feeling home. After all, we help each other out so much that clients often think we are sister companies!

—Andrew McDonald

—Greg Lane

Le fait d’être présent aux côtés des leaders émergents de l’industrie du recyclage automobile au Canada était quelque chose dont je me souviendrai toujours. Je sais que nous travaillerons tous à proximité dans les décennies à venir, et je suis sûr que nous parlerons de l’histoire de la couverture chaque fois que nous nous rencontrerons. —Andrew McDonald

Canadian Auto Recyclers a toujours reflété l’esprit de compétition amicale qui a fait de notre industrie un endroit formidable où travailler. Pour rester aux côtés d’Emile et George, mes propres co-participants de longue date ont vraiment ramené ce sentiment à la maison. Après tout, nous nous entraidons tellement que les clients pensent souvent que nous sommes des sociétés sœurs! —Greg Lane






ACROSS CANADA News and information for recycling associations across the country


British Columbia (B-CAR)

Alberta (AARDA)

In British Columbia, all auto recyclers and dismantlers are required to be certified to environmental standards. British Columbia Automotive Recyclers has also been working with the government insurance corporation, ICBC on supplier standards, with the proposal that certification and auditing to the standards be made a requirement for all auto recyclers in the province. The association has developed a five-step phase-in plan laid out in order to implement the program. Under the proposed plan, recycling facilities must complete core training requirements, a self-audit, and, finally, a full third party facility audit. The scheme is part of a broader effort in the Automotive Retailers Association. Each division within the association has developed certification programs for their industry sub-sectors, including collision repair, auto glass, and auto dismantling.

The Alberta Automotive Recycling and Dismantling Association has added three new members to its team this year bringing the membership count to 52 members, with 25 associate members. Besides adding to its membership, the association has been working alongside the government to bring forth new licencing requirements for auto recyclers in the province. Currently, there is very little in the way of proper licensing requirements that is fairly distributed throughout all of Alberta. This has been an issue for several years, but after several meetings and discussions the association is finally making some progress. The AARDA has also been working on solving the issues of abandoned vehicles not being dismantled properly. They are looking to revisit the program as it has not been updated for more than 30 years.

À l’heure actuelle, tous les recycleurs et démanteleurs d’automobiles sont tenus d’être certifiés selon des normes environnementales. B-CAR a également travaillé avec la compagnie d’assurance gouvernementale ICBC sur les normes des fournisseurs, avec la proposition que la certification et la vérification selon ces normes soient rendues obligatoires pour tous les recycleurs d’automobiles de la province. L’association a élaboré un plan de mise en œuvre progressive en cinq étapes afin de mettre en œuvre le programme. En vertu du plan proposé, les installations de recyclage doivent satisfaire aux exigences de formation de base, effectuer une auto-vérification et, enfin, une vérification complète par une tierce partie. Ce programme s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un effort plus large de l’Association des détaillants automobiles. Chaque division de l’association a élaboré des programmes de certification pour ses sous-secteurs industriels, y compris la réparation des collisions, le verre automobile et le démantèlement automobile.

L’Alberta Automotive Recycling and Dismantling Association a ajouté trois nouveaux membres à son équipe cette année, ce qui porte le nombre de membres à 52, et 25 membres associés. En plus d’augmenter le nombre de ses membres, l’association travaille de concert avec le gouvernement pour établir de nouvelles exigences en matière de permis pour les recycleurs d’automobiles dans la province. À l’heure actuelle, il y a très peu d’exigences en matière de permis qui sont réparties équitablement dans toute l’Alberta. C’est un problème depuis plusieurs années, mais après plusieurs réunions et discussions, l’association fait enfin quelques progrès. L’AARDA s’est également efforcée de résoudre le problème des véhicules abandonnés qui ne sont pas démontés correctement. Ils envisagent de revoir le programme, car il n’a pas été mis à jour depuis plus de 30 ans..



DE L’ASSOCIATION Nouvelles et informations pour les associations à travers le pays Saskatchewan (SARA)

Manitoba (ARM)

The Saskatchewan Auto Recyclers Association carries a small but stable membership adding one extra member to its team this year, bringing the total to 15 members. The association still continues to face challenges with increasing its membership as a result of having to compete against non-members who don’t have to comply with the same recycling standards. As a solution to this issue the association is planning to promote the association alongside partners in the industry in order to attract more members to join the team and present a standard for all recyclers in the province to follow. Beyond this, as many other provincial associations are undergoing the same struggle, SARA is also still working on putting standard regulations in place for auto recyclers within the province.

The Automotive Recyclers of Manitoba steered its focus towards providing training to recyclers in the far north on how to properly dismantle end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) this year. The ARM held an ELV and CAREC training day, where approximately 30 members from the northern communities had attended. The training was provided by Colin McKean, INAC and Jennifer from Scout Environmental. The days consisted of delegates from the northern communities being shown how to properly de-pollute vehicles, capture and contain harmful substances and harvest valuable materials when processing ELVs.

La Saskatchewan Auto Recyclers Association compte un nombre restreint mais stable de membres, ajoutant un membre supplémentaire à son équipe cette année, pour un total de 15 membres. L’association continue de faire face à des défis avec l’augmentation de ses membres en raison de la concurrence avec des non-membres qui n’ont pas à se conformer aux mêmes normes de recyclage. Comme solution à ce problème, l’association prévoit promouvoir son association auprès de partenaires de l’industrie afin d’attirer plus de membres à se joindre à son équipe et d’établir une sorte de norme que tous les recycleurs de la province devront suivre. De plus, comme de nombreuses autres associations provinciales sont aux prises avec le même problème, la SARA travaille toujours à la mise en place de règlements normalisés pour les recycleurs d’automobiles dans la province.

Les Automotive Recyclers of Manitoba se sont concentrés sur la formation des recycleurs du Grand Nord sur la façon de démanteler correctement les véhicules hors d’usage. Le MRA a organisé une journée de formation sur les véhicules en fin de vie et le CAREC, à laquelle environ 30 membres des collectivités du Nord ont assisté. La formation a été donnée par Colin McKean, AINC et Jennifer de Scout Environmental. Les journées consistaient à montrer aux délégués des collectivités nordiques comment dépolluer correctement les véhicules, capturer et contenir les substances nocives et récolter les matières précieuses lors du traitement des véhicules en fin de vie.




Ontario (OARA)


Atlantic Canada (ARAAC)

The Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association has been working on two inter-related projects, which involves the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry for ELV waste disposal sites and a training manual to help others understand these standards.The EASR puts the onus on all businesses processing two or more ELVs per year to register with the Ontario Ministry of Environment and meet new operating standards. OARA has been working with the Ministry’s enforcement team to see how the regulations are working with members and the industry to meet the standards.

The Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada will be holding its annual meeting June 7 - 8, in Moncton, New Brunswick with a growing focus on vendor relationships. The association’s move to a larger annual meeting has increased the interest and attendance of vendors and members. The Canadian Auto Recyclers Environmental Code (CAREC) audit score improvements are expected to continue this year as the ARAAC is expecting more platinum level members than ever, and is actively encouraging new members to join.

L’Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association a travaillé à deux projets interreliés, soit Registre environnemental des activités et des secteurs (REAS) avec le lieu d’élimination des déchets des véhicules en fin de vie et un manuel de formation pour aider les autres à comprendre ces normes. REAS exige que toutes les entreprises qui traitent plus de deux véhicules hors d’usage par année s’inscrivent auprès du ministère de l’Environnement et respectent les nouvelles normes d’exploitation. L’OARA a travaillé avec l’équipe d’application du ministère pour voir comment les règlements fonctionnent avec les membres et l’industrie pour respecter les normes.

L’Automotive Recyclers Association of Atlantic Canada tiendra son assemblée annuelle les 7 et 8 juin 2019 à Moncton, au NB, en mettant de plus en plus l’accent sur les relations avec les fournisseurs. La tenue d’une assemblée annuelle plus importante a accru l’intérêt et la participation des fournisseurs et des membres. Le Code environnemental des recycleurs automobiles du Canada (CAREC) devrait se poursuivre cette année, car l’ARAAC s’attend à ce que le nombre de membres de niveau Platine soit plus élevé que jamais, tout en encourageant les nouveaux membres à adhérer.




WHAT’S NEW AT ARPAC? Gasoline: the Greatest Threat to Recyclers During the past 10 years, ARPAC members have been involved in several major fires that destroyed buildings where vehicles were dismantled. In most cases, gasoline handling was the cause. In February 2016, a prevention committee was established, consisting of Pierre Robitaille, president of ARPAC, Denis Bégin of Pièces d’autos Fernand Bégin, Pierrette Grenier, owner of Pièces d’autos Samson, Marc Ayotte, insurance broker at DPA assurances, and Simon Matte, CEO of ARPAC. An information document on this subject was produced, under the title “Tips and Tricks”, in collaboration with all ARPAC members. The document reflects the different experiences of the recyclers. A 30-point checklist was also prepared, in collaboration with Auto-Prévention.



I have a chain with a hook that can be thrown into the carcass of an ELV, which lets me pull a vehicle on fire in the dismantling area using the loader.

Dismantling Area

All waste containers inside the facility are metal and have lids.

Dismantling Area

At least one employee is always present in the dismantling area during the day; no vehicle remains there after work.

Dismantling Area

In September 2016, all members present at the ARPAC convention were given the opportunity to attend a 90-minute fire prevention course presented by Michel Gagnon of Auto-Prévention. The course was repeated in April 2017 in different regions of Quebec to ensure that all recyclers would have access to it.





EVERY 6 MOS. (time change)


There is a sufficient number of working fire extinguishers in visible locations throughout the facility and they are properly maintained. A yearly check must be done by a specialized firm. All waste containers in the facility are emptied every evening and the contents are placed in a metal bin outside, at a distance from the building. This applies everywhere except the office. No end-of-life vehicle is stored inside or close to the building after work hours. No vehicle being dismantled is left unattended inside the building at any time. The batteries of all vehicles received during the day are disconnected. Despite the use of preventive measures, a fire can occur at any time and it is important to know what to do and which tools to use. For example, to put out a gasoline fire, only a dry powder extinguisher should be used – never water.





QUOI DE NEUF À L’ARPAC? L’essence, le pire ennemie des recycleurs Depuis 10 ans les membres de l’ARPAC ont subi plusieurs incendies majeurs détruisant des bâtiments où sont démontés les véhicules. Dans la majorité des cas, la manipulation de l’essence était en cause. Dès février 2016, un comité de prévention a été mis sur pied, composé de Pierre Robitaille le président du conseil d’administration de l’ARPAC, de Denis Bégin copropriétaire de Pièces d’autos Fernand Bégin, de Pierrette Grenier propriétaire de Pièces d’autos Samson, de Marc Ayotte courtier chez DPA assurances et de Simon Matte p-dg de l’ARPAC. Un document d’information intitulé « Trucs et astuces » a immédiatement été produit en collaboration avec tous les membres de l’ARPAC et regroupe les diverses expériences vécues des recycleurs. Voici par exemple, trois trucs extraits de la liste qui en contient 30 :

TRUCS ET ASTUCES - PRÉVENTION DES INCENDIES Trucs de prévention des incendies


J’ai une chaîne avec un crochet qu’on peut lancer dans la carcasse d’un VHU qui permet de tirer avec le loader un véhicule en feu dans l’aire de démantèlement.

Aire de démantèlement

Toutes mes poubelles à l’intérieur du commerce sont en métal et ont des couvercles.

Aire de démantèlement

L’aire de démantèlement est toujours occupée par au moins un employé durant le jour et il n’y a aucun véhicule dans ce local après les heures de travail.

Aire de démantèlement

Une liste de vérification « check list » de 30 points a aussi été préparée en collaboration avec Auto-Prévention. Voici cinq exemples de la liste de contrôle qui en contient 30 :






(chgmt d’heure)


Il y a des extincteurs fonctionnels en quantité suffisante, à des endroits visibles dans toute l’entreprise et ils sont entretenus convenablement. Une vérification annuelle par une compagnie spécialisée est nécessaire. Les poubelles de toute l’entreprise sont vidées tous les soirs et leur contenu déposé dans un conteneur métallique à l’extérieur, éloigné de la bâtisse. Ceci est valable partout, sauf pour le bureau Aucun véhicule hors d’usage n’est remisé à l’intérieur ou près de la bâtisse. Aucun véhicule en démantèlement n’est laissé sans surveillance en tout temps à l’intérieur de la bâtisse Il n’y a aucun réservoir d’essence entreposé à l’intérieur de la bâtisse.

En septembre 2016, tous les participants au congrès de l’ARPAC ont pu assister à un premier cours de formation en prévention des incendies d’une durée de quatre-vingt-dix minutes présenté par Monsieur Michel Gagnon de l’organisme Auto-Prévention. Par la suite, dès avril 2017 le cours a été donné dans plusieurs régions du Québec afin que tous les recycleurs puissent y participer. Malgré la prévention, un incendie peut se produire en tout temps et il est important de savoir quoi faire rapidement avec les bons outils car, par exemple, pour éteindre un feu d’essence ça prend un extincteur à poudre, jamais à l’eau.






Auto recyclers need their seat at the table


Les recycleurs d’automobiles ont besoin d’une place à la table By / Par Lindsey Cooke

Car-Part co-founders Jeff, Janice, Urban and Roger Schroder. Fondateurs de Car-Part, Jeff, Janice, Urban et Roger Schroder.


uto recycling industry icon Jeff Schroder has been changing the way buyers access recyclers’ parts since 1998. Jeff has not been alone in this mission. His two brothers Urban and Roger as well as his wife, Janice are the co-founders of an internet marketplace they created called When Urban and Roger started out as owners of auto recycling facility, Foreign Auto Salvage in Fort Wright, Kentucky, they began to become frustrated with their management system. It wasn’t until then that Jeff decided to use his technical skills to help. Thus, was created. A genius site that provides an inventory of recycled parts from various facilities available to all potential buyers, bodyshops, insurance adjusters, independent appraisers, mechanical shops, recyclers, core buyers, and retail customers. With more than 200 million inventories parts in the database it’s designed to help recyclers make it easier for customers to find the parts they need based on a series of factors such as, delivery, condition, location, availability, certification, and price. Canadian Auto Recyclers caught up with Jeff to find out what’s in store for the company and what some of the biggest challenges are for the auto recycling industry. 18



ondateurs de Car-Part, Jeff Schroder aux côtés de son épouse Janice Schroder, et de ses deux frères Urban Schroder et Roger Schroder. Icône de l'industrie du recyclage automobile, Jeff Schroder a changé la façon dont les acheteurs ont accès aux pièces des recycleurs depuis 1998. Mais pas seulement Jeff, ses deux frères Urban et Roger ainsi que son épouse Janice sont les cofondateurs d'un marché Internet qu'ils ont créé, Quand Urban et Roger ont commencé comme propriétaires de l'installation de recyclage d'automobiles, Foreign Auto Salvage à Fort Wright, Kentucky, ils ont commencé à être frustrés par leur système de gestion. Ce n'est qu'alors que Jeff a décidé d'utiliser ses compétences techniques pour l'aider. Ainsi, a été créé. Un site de génie qui fournit un inventaire de pièces recyclées provenant de diverses installations à la disposition de tous les acheteurs potentiels, ateliers de carrosserie, experts en sinistres, évaluateurs indépendants, ateliers mécaniques, recycleurs, acheteurs principaux et clients au détail. Avec plus de 200 millions de pièces en stock dans la base de données, il est conçu pour aider les recycleurs à aider les clients à trouver plus facilement les pièces dont ils ont besoin en fonction de nombreux facteurs tels que la livraison, l'état, la localisation, la disponibilité, la certification et le prix.


A Better Future With this clever database created, Jeff revealed that he is still looking for ways to improve the system. “While we think we have come a long way and we have solved some of the hardest challenges, we still think there’s a lot to do.” For right now, he has been working on simplifying the user experience to make it easier for professional buyers to navigate and purchase the exact part that they need. With this strategy in mind it can increase the use of recycled parts especially within the collision repair industry. Leveraging the insights learned and the technologies developed for professional buyers, Car-Part is working on simplifying consumers’ ability to source and buy recycled parts. “There’s a big opportunity to simplify that process of buying the right part from the right recycler every time. ”

Concerns When it comes to recalls on parts, the growing challenge for auto recyclers is gaining access to the proper information from OEMs. This is a frustrating concern that Jeff has been working on for the past four years. “It’s really a threat to the industry when they start to challenge the legitimacy of all of our parts,” he said. “I don't really feel that the industry is given the proper seat at the table in terms of looking at the automotive industry as a circular economy. The auto recycling industry really is a critical part of that process whether its helping to pull parts out for recalls or making sure that we have the correct information from the OEMs in order to be able to optimize the reuse of parts.” But this isn’t just an issue for the U.S., it’s something that Jeff says is impacting auto recyclers all over the world. “The quality information about recalls, quality information about part numberings, VIN data, that kind of information would greatly help with reuse and greatly increase safety by having a better recall system. And it is not being provided to the industry. I don't know that it is being provided to the industry anywhere, nowhere that I'm aware of, not to the level we need.”

Canadian Auto Recyclers a rencontré Jeff pour savoir ce qui attend l'entreprise et quels sont certains des plus grands défis pour l'industrie du recyclage automobile.

Un avenir meilleur Grâce à cette base de données intelligente, Jeff a révélé qu'il est toujours à la recherche de moyens d'améliorer le système. "Même si nous pensons avoir parcouru un long chemin et que nous avons résolu certains des défis les plus difficiles, nous pensons qu'il y a encore beaucoup à faire." Pour l'instant, il travaille à simplifier l'expérience de l'utilisateur pour faciliter la navigation des acheteurs professionnels et leur permettre d'acheter la pièce exacte dont ils ont besoin. Avec cette stratégie à l'esprit, il peut augmenter l'utilisation de pièces recyclées, en particulier dans l'industrie de la réparation de collisions. Tirant parti des connaissances acquises et des technologies mises au point pour les acheteurs professionnels, Car-Part s'efforce de simplifier la capacité des consommateurs à se procurer et à acheter des pièces recyclées. "Il y a une grande opportunité de simplifier le processus d'achat de la bonne pièce chez le bon recycleur à chaque fois. ”

Préoccupations Lorsqu'il s'agit de rappels de pièces, le défi croissant pour les recycleurs d'automobiles est d'avoir accès à l'information appropriée des OEMs. C'est une préoccupation frustrante sur laquelle Jeff travaille depuis quatre ans. "C'est vraiment une menace pour l'industrie lorsqu'elle commence à contester la légitimité de toutes nos parties ", a-t-il dit. "Je n'ai pas vraiment l'impression qu'on donne à l'industrie automobile la place qui lui revient à la table des négociations pour ce qui est de considérer l'industrie automobile comme une économie circulaire. L'industrie du recyclage automobile est vraiment un élément essentiel de ce processus, qu'il s'agisse d'aider à retirer les pièces pour les rappels ou de s'assurer que nous avons les bonnes informations des fabricants d'équipement d'origine afin de pouvoir optimiser la réutilisation des pièces. Mais ce n'est pas seulement un problème pour les États-Unis, c'est quelque chose qui, selon Jeff, a des répercussions sur les recycleurs d'automobiles partout dans le monde. "L'information de qualité sur les rappels, l'information de qualité sur la numérotation des pièces, les données du NIV, ce genre d'information aiderait grandement à la réutilisation et augmenterait grandement la sécurité en ayant un meilleur système de rappel. Et elle n'est pas fournie à l'industrie. Je ne sais pas s'il est fourni à l'industrie nulle part, nulle part que je sache, pas au niveau dont nous avons besoin." Car-Part co-founders Roger, Janice and Jeff Schroder at the 2019 CCIF conference in Toronto. Roger, Janice et Jeff Schroder, cofondateurs de Car-Part, à la conférence 2019 de la CCIF à Toronto..





Finding a Solution

Trouver une solution

As Jeff has been working closely with the ARA for the past four years on a new solution for this issue he doesn’t see it being solved anytime soon. “I do think it’s a really important issue especially because some parties are claiming if you don’t know that a recycled part was not recalled how can you trust the legitimacy of our whole industry,” he said. Car-Part has been working with Transport Canada and the U.S. National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) to assist with testing and recovery of recalled airbags. With efforts to be heard, Car-Part and the ARA have written white papers on the issue, detailing the challenges with getting OEMs to provide more information on recalls, but it still hasn’t been implemented because the government has not forced the OEMs to provide the information needed to solve the problems. “Some parts are recalled, and the industry is happy to pull those recalled parts out, but we need be able to do identify recalled parts electronically at scale and we need better information from the people who made the mistake in order to pull and report on the recalled parts. That’s the role of the government to look at the whole circular economy there and artificial barriers to a properly functioning industry.” CAR

Jeff travaille en étroite collaboration avec l’ARA depuis quatre ans et ne voit pas de solution à ce problème dans un avenir proche. “Je pense que c’est une question très importante, d’autant plus que certaines parties affirment que si vous ne savez pas qu’une pièce recyclée n’a pas été rappelée, comment pouvez-vous faire confiance à la légitimité de toute notre industrie, “ a-t-il dit. Car-Part travaille avec Transports Canada et la National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) des ÉtatsUnis pour aider à tester et à récupérer les sacs gonflables rappelés. Avec des efforts pour se faire entendre, Car-Part et l’ARA ont rédigé des livres blancs sur la question, détaillant les défis à relever pour que les OEM fournissent plus d’informations sur les rappels, mais cela n’a toujours pas été mis en œuvre parce que le gouvernement n’a pas forcé les OEM à fournir les informations nécessaires pour résoudre ces problèmes. “Certaines pièces sont rappelées, et l’industrie est heureuse de retirer ces pièces rappelées, mais nous devons être en mesure d’identifier électroniquement les pièces rappelées à l’échelle et nous avons besoin de meilleures informations de la part des personnes qui ont commis l’erreur afin de pouvoir tirer et signaler les pièces rappelées. C’est le rôle du gouvernement d’examiner l’ensemble de l’économie circulaire et les obstacles artificiels au bon fonctionnement de l’industrie.” CAR








2019 ARPAC Congress Laurentides, Quebec



28-30 2019 OARA Convention & Tradeshow Toronto, Ontario



11th International Roundtable on Automotive Recycling Norfolk, England

ARAAC 2019 Annual Conference & Tradeshow Moncton, New Brunswick



2019 AARDA Convention Edmonton, Alberta



2019 ARC Board of Directors Meeting Edmonton, Alberta

76th Auto Recycler Association Convention and Exposition Charlotte, North Carolina



AAPEX & SEMA Show 2019 Las Vegas, Nevada

2019 Canadian Auto Recyclers Industry Conference Call Toronto, Ontario








Frank Serravalle’s visionary fight to energize and innovate the family business


Le combat visonnaire de Frank Serravalle pour dynamiser et innover l’entreprise familiale By / Par Gideon Scanlon


o the observer, Frank Serravalle of Thorold Auto Parts and Recyling seems like a man fortune has taken a shine to, inheriting an established business set and primed for the future. Rarely seen without a warm smile on his face, the 44-year-old is, by any measure, happy and successful. His business, which now employs 50 people and occupies 23 acres of the Niagara region, is thriving. He is also the father of two girls—Sofia and Audrey—and recently celebrated his 16th wedding anniversary with their mother, Vanessa. Yes, Frank Serravalle sure does seem like a lucky man. But the truth is that Frank’s luck ran out a little more than 20 years ago. He’s just learned to make do without it. In 1997, his then 48-year-old father Lenny Serravalle suffered a life-altering injury, and Frank—then still in university—was forced to take the reins of the family business. Shortly after taking over, Frank realized that the once-profitable business model, which was based primarily on the resale of rebuildable vehicles, had to be radically transformed—a reality he had no choice but to face while in his final year of university.

Frank Serravalle, owner of family auto recycling business, Thorold Auto Parts and Recycling. Frank Serravalle, propriétaire de l’entreprise familiale de recyclage automobile, Thorold Auto Parts and Recycling.




our l'observateur, Frank Serravalle, de Thorold Auto Parts and Recyling, semble être l'héritier d'une fortune humaine, héritant d'une entreprise établie et prête pour l'avenir. Rarement vu sans un sourire chaleureux sur son visage, cet homme de 44 ans est, à tous points de vue, heureux et prospère. Son entreprise, qui emploie maintenant 50 personnes et occupe 23 acres dans la région de Niagara, est florissante. Il est aussi le père de deux filles - Sofia et Audrey - et a récemment célébré son 16e anniversaire de mariage avec leur mère, Vanessa. Oui, Frank Serravalle a l'air d'un homme chanceux. Mais la vérité, c'est que la chance de Frank a tourné il y a un peu plus de vingt ans. Il vient d'apprendre à s'en passer. En 1997, son père Lenny Serravalle, alors âgé de 48 ans, a subi une blessure qui a changé sa vie, et Frank-alors toujours à l'universitéa été forcé de prendre les rênes de l'entreprise familiale. Peu de temps après avoir pris la relève, Frank s'est rendu compte que le modèle d'affaires autrefois rentable, qui reposait principalement sur la revente de véhicules reconstruisables, devait être radicalement transformé - une réalité à laquelle il n'avait d'autre choix que de faire face alors qu'il était en dernière année d'université. Comme de nombreux membres de l'industrie, Frank est tombé en amour avec le recyclage automobile lorsqu'il était enfant, attendant avec impatience les étés qu'il passerait à différents rôles dans l'entreprise de ses parents. "J'ai commencé à travailler dans le chantier de démantèlement des pièces. À partir de là, je suis devenu commis à l'inventaire, écrivant des voitures et rangeant des pièces, avant de passer à la livraison des pièces et au ramassage des voitures ", se rappelle Frank. "J'ai aussi passé quelques étés en haut avec les dames car ma mère m'a appris la comptabilité." Lorsqu'il a quitté l'école, il avait l'intention de se bâtir une carrière à vie chez Thorold Pièces d'auto et Recyclage. Son plan était simple : après des études de commerce à l'Université Brock, Frank apprendrait tout ce qu'il y avait à savoir sur la gestion quotidienne de l'entreprise de ses parents, Lenny et Marcella Serravalle. Frank savait qu'aucune quantité d'enseignement académique ne pouvait battre leur record de succès de près de deux décennies.


Frank, Lenny and Marcella Serravalle. Frank, Lenny et Marcella Serravalle.

Like many members of the industry, Frank fell in love with auto recycling as a child, looking forward to the summers he would spend in different roles throughout his parent's business. “I began working in the yard dismantling parts. From here I became an inventory clerk writing cars and putting parts away, before moving on to delivering parts and picking up cars,” Frank recalls. “I also spent some summers upstairs with the ladies as my mom taught me the bookkeeping end of the business.” By the time he had left school, he was intent on building a lifelong career at Thorold Auto Parts and Recycling. His plan was simple: after studying business at Brock University, Frank would learn all there was to know about the day-to-day running of the business from his parents, Lenny and Marcella Serravalle. Frank knew that no amount of academic instruction could beat their nearly two-decade track-record of success. After all, by the time Frank was headed to university, his parents had long made sure that the business had found its rhythm. The auto rebuilders side of the business remained a steady earner for the company, and it had forged a sterling reputation within the Niagara region. Not only had their team grown to 12 full-time staff members, but the business loan used to buy the facility had been paid off— in large part, thanks to Marcella’s judicious book-keeping. The good times, however, were not to last. The Serravalle’s lives were turned upside down and Frank’s careful plans for the future was about to fly off the rails. “It was the moment my life changed completely. I was in my third year of university when I got a call from my mother,” Frank says. “‘Your father has been in a serious accident.’” A fall had left the 48-year-old Lenny with a serious spinal in-

Après tout, au moment où Frank se dirigeait vers l'université, ses parents s'étaient longtemps assurés que l'entreprise avait trouvé son rythme. Le secteur de la reconstruction d'automobiles est demeuré une source de revenus stable pour l'entreprise, qui s'était forgée une solide réputation dans la région de Niagara. Non seulement l'équipe comptait maintenant 12 employés à temps plein, mais le prêt commercial utilisé pour l'achat de l'installation avait été remboursé, en grande partie grâce à la comptabilité judicieuse de Marcella. Les bons moments, cependant, ne dureront pas. La vie du Serravalle fut bouleversée et les plans prudents de Frank pour l'avenir étaient sur le point de dérailler. "C'était le moment où ma vie a complètement changé. J'étais en troisième année d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel de ma mère ", dit Frank. "Ton père a eu un grave accident." Lenny, 48 ans, avait subi une grave blessure à la colonne vertébrale et des lésions cérébrales à la suite d'une chute. Tandis que son esprit se remettrait au cours de plusieurs mois, Lenny ne serait plus jamais capable de marcher. Cette blessure n'aurait pas seulement mis fin à la carrière de Lenny, mais elle l'aurait obligé à prendre soin de Marcella à temps plein. "Thorold Pièces d'auto est resté sans l'attention de mon père pendant quelques années, et a considérablement diminué financièrement, car notre objectif principal était sa santé, le situant dans une maison et l'acceptant comme paraplégique". Pendant ces deux années, ses parents ont clairement indiqué que le travail de Frank serait de terminer ses études et de s'occuper de la gestion de l'entreprise. "C'était une situation d'évier ou de baignade. Le seul objectif CANADIANRECYCLER.CA


PROFILES OF SUCCESS PROFILS DE SUCCÈSS jury and with brain damage. While his mind would recover over the course of several months, Lenny would never again be able to walk. The injury would not just put an end to Lenny’s career— Marcella would now have to serve as his full-time care-giver. “Thorold Auto Parts was without my father’s attention for a couple of years, and had drastically declined financially as our primary focus was his health, situating him in a home and coming to terms with him as a paraplegic.” During those two years, his parents made it clear that Frank’s job would be to finish school and take care of running the business. “It was a sink or swim situation. The only objective was survival, and looking after my parents and two brothers,” Frank remembers. “My father and mother worked extremely hard to turn the business around and made it profitable again. I was terrified. I did not want to be the one who sunk it!” Without the help of his parents, Frank could only do his best to live up to their example. There was just one problem—Lenny and Marcella never had a unified approach to running the business. Where Lenny was eager to make bold business decisions, Marcella had a more safe and pragmatic approach, favouring steady, reliable growth. “My dad is more of a do-er. He took out the loan to buy an auto recycling facility when interest rates were at their highest,” Frank says. “My mother was terrified of the enormous risk and didn’t really agree with the decision. However, she supported him and was a big contributing factor in its success, managing the company’s finances. Unlike my father, she was educated in Canada and could read and write in English.” Frank suspected that this push-and-pull dynamic in his parent’s business relationship was the key to their success. But without a partner to serve as his foil, Frank felt uncomfortable making his first major business decision—and he had a big one to make. “Like many auto recyclers of the time, the lion’s share of profits came from the resale of rebuildable vehicles. The sale of parts were secondary. I felt that was coming to an end and realized we would need to build a stronger parts sales system in order to esAn aerial view of Thorold Auto Parts facility in the Niagara region. Une vue aérienne de l’usine de Thorold Auto Parts dans la région de Niagara.



était de survivre et de prendre soin de mes parents et de mes deux frères ", se souvient Frank. "Mon père et ma mère ont travaillé extrêmement dur pour redresser l'entreprise et la rendre rentable. J'étais terrifié. Je ne voulais pas être celui qui l'a coulé !" Sans le soutien de ses parents, Frank ne pouvait que faire de son mieux pour être à la hauteur de leur exemple. Il n'y avait qu'un seul problème : Lenny et Marcella n'ont jamais eu une approche unifiée pour gérer l'entreprise. Là où Lenny avait hâte de prendre des décisions d'affaires audacieuses, Marcella avait une approche plus sûre et pragmatique, favorisant une croissance stable et fiable. "Mon père est plus un bricoleur. Il a contracté le prêt pour acheter une installation de recyclage d'automobiles lorsque les taux d'intérêt étaient à leur plus haut ", dit Frank. "Ma mère était terrifiée par le risque énorme et n'était pas vraiment d'accord avec la décision. Cependant, elle l'a soutenu et a grandement contribué à son succès en gérant les finances de l'entreprise. Contrairement à mon père, elle a fait ses études au Canada et savait lire et écrire en anglais." Frank soupçonnait que cette dynamique de " push and pull " dans la relation d'affaires de sa mère était la clé du succès de son entreprise. Mais sans partenaire pour lui servir de papier d'aluminium, Frank ne se sentait pas à l'aise de prendre sa première grande décision d'affaires - et il avait une grande décision à prendre. "Comme beaucoup de recycleurs d'automobiles de l'époque, la part du lion des profits provenait de la revente de véhicules reconstruisables. La vente de pièces était secondaire. J'ai senti que cela touchait à sa fin et j'ai réalisé que nous devions bâtir un système de vente de pièces plus solide et établir de multiples sources de revenus ", dit Frank. "J'ai commencé par développer des procédés et investir dans des équipements et des installations pour augmenter nos ventes de pièces." Préoccupé par le poids des responsabilités, Frank s'est approché de ses parents et leur a expliqué ses préoccupations. Comme les deux se concentraient entièrement sur le rétablissement de Lenny, ils ont décidé de ne prendre aucune décision et ont plutôt choisi de faire savoir à Frank qu'ils l'appuyaient totalement. "Il faut se fier à son instinct et diriger l'entreprise, ne pas avoir


Frank and the Thorold Auto Parts team in action. Frank et l’équipe de Thorold Auto Parts en action.

tablish multiple revenue streams,” Frank says. “I started out by developing processes and investing in equipment and facilities to increase our parts sales.” Concerned by the weight of responsibility, Frank approached his parents and explained his concerns. With both of them entirely focused on Lenny’s recovery, they decided against making any decision, instead choosing to let Frank know he had their absolute support. “You’ve got to trust your instincts and run the business, don’t be afraid to make mistakes” Lenny had told him, with Marcella adding: “Just do it—we trust you and we know you’re ready.” By the early 2000s, Frank had the business model undergo a transformation, no longer focusing on selling rebuildable vehicles, increasing parts sales, and also offering a number of tertiary services—including a service centre, full-service tire shop, certified car sales—to customers. As a result, Thorold’s enjoyed a period of comfortable, organic growth, with his staff eventually expanding to a 50-person team. While the company’s growth rate would turn many Wall Street executives green with envy, Frank is steadfastly humble about it. “Yes, we have been fortunate to have some growth—but I don’t think that comes down to any single decision I made. We’ve endured many struggles but I owe a lot of the success to the great

peur de faire des erreurs" lui avait dit Lenny, avec Marcella en plus : "Fais-le, on te fait confiance et on sait que tu es prêt." Au début des années 2000, Frank a fait subir une transformation au modèle d'affaires, qui ne se concentrait plus sur la vente de véhicules réparables, l'augmentation des ventes de pièces et l'offre d'un certain nombre de services tertiaires - y compris un centre de service, un atelier de pneus à service complet, des ventes de véhicules certifiés - aux clients. Par conséquent, Thorold a connu une période de croissance confortable et organique, et son personnel s'est éventuellement agrandi pour employer une équipe de 50 personnes. Bien que le taux de croissance de l'entreprise sous la direction de Frank rendrait de nombreux dirigeants de Wall Street verts d'envie, il est résolument humble à ce sujet. "Oui, nous avons eu la chance d'avoir un peu de croissance et de succès, mais je ne pense pas que cela se résume à une seule décision que j'ai prise. Nous avons enduré de nombreuses luttes, mais je le dois en grande partie à l'excellente équipe de gestionnaires et d'employés, et mes parents ont bâti une entreprise qui avait un énorme potentiel. Tout ce qu'il nous a fallu pour grandir, c'est que je continue à prendre le même genre de décisions que mes parents ont prises." Thorold Pièces d'auto n'a pas seulement prospéré en tant qu'entreprise. Fort de son succès financier, Frank a décidé de faire de l'installation un porte-drapeau de l'industrie du recyclage automobile dans son ensemble. Au début des années 2000, Thorold Pièces d'auto est devenu le porte-drapeau du mouvement de recyclage automobile soucieux de l'environnement. Il a également investi dans la technologie et l'équipement les plus récents afin de recycler de façon responsable les véhicules en minimisant leur empreinte sur l'environnement. En fait, lors de la Table ronde internationale sur le recyclage automobile qui s'est tenue à Niagara Falls, l'ARC a choisi l'installation comme modèle d'efficacité du recyclage au Canada, et des délégués du monde entier l'ont visitée et ont discuté avec l'équipe de Thorold Auto Parts de questions sur le déroulement du travail. En 2013, l'équipe s'est retrouvée à défendre une toute autre cause CANADIANRECYCLER.CA


PROFILES OF SUCCESS PROFILS DE SUCCÈSS team of managers and staff, and my parents built a business that had a huge amount of potential. All it took for us to grow was for me to keep making the same kind of decisions my parents made.” Thorold Auto Parts didn’t just thrive as a business. With its financial success, Frank decided to make the facility a flag-bearer for the auto recycling industry as-a-whole. In the early 2000s, Thorold Auto Parts became a standard bearer for the environmentally conscious auto recycling movement. He has also invested in the latest technology and equipment to responsibly recycle vehicles, minimizing their footprint on the environment. In fact, when the International Roundtable on Auto Recycling was held in Niagara Falls, ARC chose the facility to serve as a model of Canadian recycling efficiency, with delegates from around the world touring it and discussing workflow questions with the Thorold Auto Parts team. In 2013, the team found itself championing an entirely different cause—raising awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. “A vehicle that had been mangled beyond recognition arrived at our facility. I found out that the driver had been killed because he was sending a text, not focusing on the road,” Frank says. “I feel a responsibility to the community to educate and warn people of the dangers of texting and driving. We display the vehicle out front and we mount it on a truck and display it at public parades.” While the misfortunes faced by Frank and the other Serravalles give them every reason and excuse to be pessimistic about the future, they are not so easily cowed. Like his father, who put everything on the line to make a better life for his family, Frank is a steadfast optimist. “Hey, life is going to throw challenges at us and we unfortunately got dealt a big one. It was a difficult time, but I just kept my head up, stayed positive and just tried really hard!” Frank says with his familiar grin. CAR

Thorold Auto Parts’ team brings attention to the dangers of distracted driving to the local community. L’équipe de Thorold Pièces d’auto attire l’attention de la communauté locale sur les dangers de la distraction au volant.



: la sensibilisation aux dangers du SMS et de la conduite automobile. "Un véhicule qui avait été mutilé sans qu'on le reconnaisse est arrivé dans nos installations. J'ai découvert que le conducteur avait été tué parce qu'il envoyait un message texte, sans se concentrer sur la route ", dit Frank. "Je me sens responsable envers la communauté d'éduquer et d'avertir les gens des dangers de l'envoi de SMS et de la conduite automobile. On expose le véhicule à l'avant, on le monte sur un camion et on l'expose aux défilés publics." Si les malheurs de Frank et des autres Serravalles leur donnent toutes les raisons et excuses d'être pessimistes sur l'avenir, ils ne sont pas si facilement effrayés. Comme son père, qui a tout mis en jeu pour améliorer la vie de sa famille, Frank est un optimiste inébranlable. "Hé, la vie va nous lancer des défis et nous en avons malheureusement eu un gros. C'était une période difficile, mais j'ai gardé la tête haute, je suis restée positive et j'ai vraiment essayé ! "dit Frank avec son sourire familier. CAR




The dangers of recycling electric vehicles


Les dangers du recyclage des véhicules électriques By / Par Lindsey Cooke

Andy Latham is the managing director of Salvage Wire and travels all over the world to raise awareness about the proper training when handling electric vehicles batteries. Andy Latham est le directeur général de Salvage Wire et voyage dans le monde entier pour sensibiliser les gens à la bonne formation à la manipulation des batteries des véhicules électriques..


f transport Canada is right, then there will by more than seven million electric vehicles (EVs) on the nation’s roads by the end of the next decade. With much more of a benefit to the environment, these vehicles could enliven the auto recycling industry. But where there is value, there is also great danger. A standard vehicle contains a lead acid battery, but electric vehicles—both hybrid or fully electric ones—use lithium-ion batteries. "There are a number of risks in terms of the EVs, which include, electrocution, the risk of a fire and chemical risks," says British auto recycler and managing director of Salvage Wire Andy Latham, who has been studying EV recycling for the past five years. EV batteries are much heavier and more powerful than those used in gas-powered vehicles. Where a standard vehicle battery weighs less than 100 lbs (45 kg) and issues a 12.6 volt current, electric vehicle batteries can weigh up to 1,200 lbs (500 kg) at 200 volts. The difference in strength can be a matter of life and death, as a 60 volt current can be fatal. As battery designs become more efficient, the dangers are going to worsen—800 volt car batteries will make their debut to the public this year.



This is an example of how electric vehicle batteries should not be stored. “The way these batteries are stacked could potentially cause a very serious fire, not to mention one of the batteries are still plugged in, which is a serious hazard for a fatal electric shock,” says managing director of Salvage Wire Andy Latham. C’est un exemple de la façon dont les batteries de véhicules électriques ne doivent pas être stockées. “La façon dont ces piles sont empilées pourrait provoquer un incendie très grave, sans parler du fait qu’une des piles est encore branchée, ce qui constitue un risque grave de choc électrique morte” explique Andy Latham directeur général de Salvage Wire.


i Transports Canada a raison, il y aura plus de sept millions de véhicules électriques sur les routes du pays d'ici la fin de la prochaine décennie. Avec beaucoup plus d'avantages pour l'environnement, ces véhicules pourraient animer l'industrie du recyclage automobile. Mais là où il y a de la valeur, il y a aussi un grand danger. Un véhicule standard contient une batterie au plomb-acide, mais un véhicule électrique - hybride ou entièrement électrique - utilise des batteries au lithium-ion. "Il y a un certain nombre de risques liés aux VE, dont l'électrocution, le risque d'incendie et les risques chimiques ", explique Andy Latham, directeur général de Salvage Wire et recycleur automobile britannique, qui étudie le recyclage des VE depuis les cinq dernières années.


Latham mentioned that when he travelled to the U.S., he visited a couple different auto recycling yards, where he witnessed auto recyclers removing high-voltage batteries from vehicles that were live. "That could have caused a fatal electric shock," he says. "Not having the right training is a massive issue right now for auto recyclers.” As a result, Latham has been travelling across the globe to get the message across and raise awareness to auto recyclers about the training and procedures that need to be followed when handling a high-voltage battery. While Latham is still concerned about continued ignorance of the dangers, in Canada there is at least some awareness of the issue, with regulations put in place preventing the dismantling of a high-voltage battery without a license.

Ajay Kochhar is the CEO of Li-cycle, a Toronto-based facility that deals with the recycling of lithium-ion batteries. Ajay Kochhar est le chef de la direction de Li-cycle Corp, une installation de Toronto qui se spécialise dans le recyclage des batteries lithium-ion..

The Home Front Canada is also home to a number of firms specializing in finding ways to improve lithium-ion battery recycling. One of these, LiCycle, a closed loop lithium-ion battery recycler based in Toronto, recently received a grant for $2.7 million to establish an improved approach to lithium recycling. “The electric vehicle landscape and lithium-ion batteries are continuously developing,” CEO, Ajay Kochhar said. According to Kochhar, in Canada EV batteries can typically end up with one of two types of parties. If someone takes their car back into the dealership, then the dealer typically coordinates with the OEM to have the EV battery pack picked up and transported to a processing facility for suitable recycling. He said that this works “quite well and is continuing to develop further as EVs become much more common.” The other type of party that it could end up with are groups outside the dealer, for instance, the collision repairers and auto recyclers. "The possible challenge with this type of party is the current lack of specialized knowledge pertaining to high voltage lithiumion batteries from EVs, including safe handling and transportation," Kochhar said. CAR

Les batteries des VE sont beaucoup plus lourdes et plus puissantes que celles des véhicules à essence. Lorsqu'une batterie de véhicule standard pèse moins de 45 kg (100 lb) et délivre un courant de 12.6 volts, les batteries de véhicule électrique peuvent peser jusqu'à 500 kg (1 200 lb) à 200 volts. La différence de force peut être une question de vie ou de mort, car un courant de 60 volts peut être fatal. À mesure que les conceptions de batteries deviennent plus efficaces, les dangers vont s'aggraver - les batteries de voiture de 800 volts feront leur entrée sur le marché cette année. M. Latham a mentionné que lorsqu'il s'est rendu aux États-Unis, il a visité deux différents chantiers de recyclage d'automobiles, où il a vu des recycleurs d'automobiles retirer les batteries haute tension des véhicules qui étaient sous tension. "Cela aurait pu causer un choc électrique mortel", dit-il. "Ne pas avoir la bonne formation est un gros problème pour les recycleurs d'automobiles." En conséquence, il a voyagé à travers le monde pour faire passer le message et sensibiliser les recycleurs à la formation et aux procédures à suivre lors de la manipulation d'une batterie haute tension. Bien que le Latham soit toujours préoccupé par l'ignorance continue des dangers, au Canada, il y a au moins une certaine sensibilisation à la question, les règlements mis en place empêchant le démantèlement d'une batterie haute tension sans permis.

Le front intérieur Le Canada compte également un certain nombre d'entreprises spécialisées dans la recherche de moyens d'améliorer le recyclage des batteries au lithium-ion. L'un d'eux, Li-Cycle, un recycleur de batteries lithium-ion en circuit fermé basé à Toronto, a récemment reçu une subvention de 2.7 millions de dollars pour établir une approche améliorée du recyclage du lithium. "Le paysage des véhicules électriques et des batteries lithiumion ne cesse de se développer ," Ajay Kochhar est le chef de la direction de Li-cycle Corp. Selon Kochhar, au Canada, les batteries des VE peuvent typiquement se retrouver avec l'un ou l'autre de deux types de parties. Si quelqu'un ramène sa voiture chez le concessionnaire, le concessionnaire coordonne généralement avec l'équipementier pour que le bloc-batterie du VE soit ramassé et transporté à une installation de traitement pour un recyclage approprié. Il a déclaré que cela fonctionne " assez bien et continue de se développer à mesure que les VE deviennent beaucoup plus courants." L'autre type de partie avec laquelle il pourrait se retrouver sont des groupes à l'extérieur du concessionnaire, par exemple, les réparateurs de collisions et les recycleurs d'automobiles. "Le défi possible avec ce type de groupe est le manque actuel de connaissances spécialisées concernant les batteries lithium-ion haute tension des VE, y compris la manipulation et le transport sécuritaires ", a déclaré M. Kochhar. CAR





SWITCH OUT COMES TO AN END Looking back at the 17 years of success

ÉLIMIMERCURE PREND FIN Retour sur 17 ans de succès By / Par Scout Environmental


fter 17 years, more than 1,000 participants, and more than 750,000 mercury switches recovered, Scout Environmental’s pioneering Switch Out program has come to an end. Between 2001 and 2018, Switch Out collected and managed mercury-containing convenience lighting switches and anti-lock braking system (ABS) sensor modules from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). Thanks to the enthusiastic support of automotive recyclers across Canada, the program collected a whopping 1,400 lbs of mercury—that’s the weight of an adult beluga whale! Removing mercury-containing switches from ELVs is vital for protecting human and ecosystem health. Mercury is a substance of concern because it is bioaccumulative and can have toxic effects on our lungs, kidneys, skin, and eyes, as well as on our nervous, digestive, and immune systems. For these reasons, the people behind Switch Out are proud to raise greater awareness about mercury and implement programs to keep it out of the environment.

Major Switch Out Milestones 2000 – The charitable organization Pollution Probe pilots Switch Out with 11 auto recyclers in Ontario. 2001 – Switch Out is transferred to the Clean Air Foundation (now Scout Environmental); plans are made to expand the program to B.C., Alberta, Québec, and Nova Scotia with the support of provincial governments and other stakeholders. 2003 – As of January 1, 2003, vehicles are no longer manufactured with mercury switches. 2007 – Environment Canada publishes a Pollution Prevention (P2) Planning Notice targeting vehicle manufacturers and steel mills, and the industry prepares a pollution prevention plan for the management of mercury switches from ELVs.




près 17 ans, plus de 1 000 participants et plus de 750 000 interrupteurs au mercure récupérés, ÉlimiMercure - le programme pionnier de Scout Environnementale - a pris fin. Entre 2001 et 2018, ÉlimiMercure a collecté et géré les interrupteurs d’éclairage d’appoint et les modules de capteur des systèmes de freinage antiblocage (ABS) contenant du mercure des véhicules en fin de vie (VFV). Grâce au soutien enthousiaste des recycleurs d’automobiles de tout le Canada, le programme a permis de collecter 645 kg de mercure, soit le poids d’un béluga adulte! Retirer les interrupteurs contenant du mercure des VFV est essentielle pour la protection de la santé humaine et de écosystème. Le mercure est une substance préoccupante car il est bioaccumulable et peut avoir des effets toxiques sur les poumons, les reins, la peau et les yeux, ainsi que sur les systems nerveux, digestif et immunitaire. Pour ces raisons, les personnes à l’origine d’ÉlimiMercure sont fières de sensibiliser davantage au mercure et de mettre en œuvre des programmes pour le garder hors de l’environnement.

Jalons dans le programme ÉlimiMercure 2000 – L’organisme de bienfaisance Pollution Probe pilote le programme ÉlimiMercure avec 11 recycleurs d’automobiles en Ontario. 2001 – Le programme est transféré à la Fondation Air Pur (actuellement Scout Environnemental); il est prévu d’étendre le programme à la Colombie-Britannique, à l’Alberta, au Québec et à la Nouvelle-Écosse avec le soutien des gouvernements provinciaux et d’autres intervenants. 2003 - Depuis le 1er janvier 2003, les véhicules ne sont plus fabriqués avec les interrupteurs au mercure.


A recycler performing a mercury switch removal in Hay River, North West Territories. Une entreprise de recyclage d'automobiles effectue l'enlèvement d'un interrupteur à mercure à Hay River, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest.

2008 – Switch Out is funded by the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA) and the CanadianVehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA). With their support, and the guidance of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) and the Canadian Association of Recycling Industries (CARI), Switch Out expands to all provinces and territories and becomes a national program.

2007 - Environnement Canada publie un avis de planification de la prévention de la pollution (P2) destiné aux constructeurs de véhicules et aux aciéries; l’industrie prépare un plan de prévention de la pollution pour la gestion des interrupteurs au mercure provenant des VFV.

2014 – The Switch Out video launches and mercury switches are collected from Nunavut for the first time through Scout Environmental’s Tundra Take-Back program.

2008 - ÉlimiMercure est financé par l’Association canadienne des producteurs d’acier (ACPA) et l’Association canadienne des constructeurs de véhicules (ACCV). Avec leur soutien et les conseils des Recycleurs Automobiles du Canada (RAC) et de l’Association canadienne des industries du recyclage (ACIR), ÉlimiMercure s'étend à toutes les provinces et à tous les territoires et devient un programme national.

2015 – A major collection milestone is reached when Switch Out collects its 500,000th switch.

2011 - ÉlimiMercure remporte un prix ministériel d’excellence environnementale du ministère de l’Environnement de l’Ontario.

2018 – P2 obligations are met, program funding comes to an end and Switch Out winds down operations.

2014 - Lancement de la vidéo d’ÉlimiMercure; Les interrupteurs au mercure sont collectés pour la première fois au Nunavut dans le cadre du programme Tundra Take-Back.

2011 – Switch Out wins a Minister’s Award for Environmental Excellence from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.

2015 – Un jalon de collecte est atteint lorsqu’ÉlimiMercure collecte son 500 000 ème interrupteur. 2018 – Les obligations du P2 sont satisfaites, le financement du programme prend fin et ÉlimiMercure cesse ses activités.

Herbert Dugas, owner of Dugus Auto Recyclers and Rebuilders shows his support for the program. Herbert Dugas, propriétaire de Dugus Auto Recyclers and Rebuilders démontre son appui au programme.





A Team Effort

Un effort d’équipe

This program would not have been successful without the active involvement of recyclers, dismantlers and funding organizations. Scout Environmental would like to thank the CVMA, CSPA, ARC, and CARI for their support and guidance over the past decade. We would also like to thank CSPA, Schnitzer Steel Canada, and Algoma for funding the final 2018 collection sweep. Most of all, we thank our participants for their dedication and commitment to keeping mercury out of the environment!

Ce programme n’aurait pas été un succès sans la participation active des recycleurs, des entreprises de démantèlement et des organismes de financement. Scout Environnemental aimerait remercier ACPA, ACCV, RAC et ACIR pour leur soutien et leurs conseils au cours des dix dernières années. Nous souhaitons également remercier ACPA, Schnitzer Steel Canada Ltd. et Algoma pour le financement de la collecte finale en 2018. Surtout, nous remercions nos participants pour leur dévouement et leur engagement à garder le mercure hors de l’environnement!

Où puis-je envoyer mes interrupteurs? Bien qu’ÉlimiMercure ait atteint sa fin, il demeure extrêmement important de gérer convenablement les interrupteurs au mercure. Chaque interrupteur contient 0,85 grammes de mercure et doit être bien gérée pour la santé humaine et de l’écosystème. Si vous rencontrez des interrupteurs au mercure dans le futur, veuillez les faire recycler par une entreprise de gestion des déchets dangereux telle qu’Aevitas. Veuillez noter que tous les frais d’expédition et de recyclage doivent être payés par votre entreprise. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter Dan Power à dan@ ou au 1-800-324-9018, poste 225. Gardez l’œil ouvert et rappelez-vous que chaque interrupteur compte!

Owners of F.J. LaFrance, Gilles LaFrance and Helene St. Pierre revealed that they support Switch Out because they love their grandchildren. Les propriétaires de F.J. LaFrance, Gilles LaFrance et Hélène St-Pierre ont dit appuyer ÉlimiMercure parce qu'ils aiment leurs petits-enfants.

Where Can I Send My Switches? Although Switch Out has reached its end, the proper management of mercury switches remains extremely important. Each switch contains 0.85 grams of mercury and needs to be properly managed for human and ecosystem health. If you find any mercury switches in the future, you should arrange to have them recycled by a qualified hazardous waste management company like Aevitas. Please note that any shipping and recycling costs must be paid by your company. For more information, please contact Dan Power at or 1-800-324-9018 x 225. Please continue to check for switches and remember: every switch counts! (RIGHT) A dismantler from Direct Auto Parts in Manitoba. Démonteur de Direct Auto Parts au Manitoba.




THE TUNDRA-TAKE BACK PLUS: The award-winning program expands its reach and impact

LE TUNDRA-TAKE BACK PLUS: Le programme primé élargit sa portée et son impact By / Par Scout Environmental

After a season of transformative community engagements, Scout Environmental launches two new developments for the Tundra Take-Back program — expanding our range of services and redefining roles for automotive recyclers.

Après une saison d’engagements communautaires transformateurs, Scout Environmental lance deux nouveaux développements pour le programme Tundra Take-Back - élargir notre gamme de services et redéfinir les rôles des recycleurs automobiles

Introducing: Tundra Take-Back Plus

Je vous présente : Tundra Take-Back Plus

Every Indigenous community is unique. That’s why we’ve launched Tundra Take-Back Plus: a range of customizable services and training projects tailored to the specific needs of each community. Traditionally, we’ve sent recycling teams to northern and remote Indigenous communities. There, they provide hands-on education and resources to enable local residents to recycle and depollute endof-life vehicles and appliances as well manage hazardous materials.

Chaque communauté autochtone est unique. C’est pourquoi nous avons lancé Tundra Take-Back Plus : une gamme de services et de projets de formation personnalisables et adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque communauté. Traditionnellement, nous avons envoyé des équipes de recyclage dans les collectivités autochtones du Nord et éloignées. Ils offrent une formation pratique et des ressources pour permettre aux résidents locaux de recycler et de dépolluer les véhicules et les appareils hors d’usage et de gérer les matières dangereuses.

This won’t change. But with Tundra Take-Back Plus, we’re now helping communities: • Develop sustainable waste management plans • Provide recommendations for new garage designs • Write proposals, request funding, and connect to key stewardship programs • Clean up after emergencies • Register and complete relevant certifications for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Ozone Depletion Prevention WHMIS, and much more!

Cela ne changera pas. Mais avec Tundra Take-Back Plus, nous aidons maintenant les collectivités : • élaborer des plans de gestion durable des déchets, • fournir des recommandations pour la conception de no veaux garages, • rédiger des propositions, demander du financement et établir des liens avec les principaux programmes d’intendance, • nettoyer après une urgence, • enregistrer et compléter les certifications pertinentes pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses, la prévention de l’appauvrissement de la couche d’ozone, le SIMDUT, et bien plus encore !

The auto recycling trainees of St. Theresa Point reserve in Northern Manitoba during the Tundra Take-Back. Theresa Point, dans le Nord du Manitoba, lors de la reprise de la toundra.




A Brief History

Une brève histoire

Every year, tonnes of vehicles and appliances are shipped to northern, remote Indigenous communities — never to return. Often, the result is an overflowing dumpsite, where waste can accumulate for decades, threatening human and ecosystem health by leaching a range of toxins into the land and water. Tundra Take-Back is a practical skills development program that empowers Indigenous communities to depollute and recycle ELVs and appliances. With the support of tribal councils and governments, Tundra Take-Back has transferred skills and helped develop infrastructure in 18 communities across Ontario, B.C., Manitoba, Nunavut, Labrador, and Quebec, recovered more than 2,000 tonnes of pollutants and recyclables, and trained more than 100 people.

Chaque année, des tonnes de véhicules et d'appareils électroménagers sont expédiés dans des collectivités autochtones éloignées du Nord pour ne jamais revenir. Il en résulte souvent une décharge débordante, où les déchets peuvent s'accumuler pendant des décennies, menaçant la santé de l'homme et de l'écosystème par lixiviation d'une série de toxines dans le sol et dans l'eau. Tundra Take-Back est un programme de développement des compétences pratiques qui permet aux communautés autochtones de dépolluer et de recycler les VLE et les appareils ménagers. Avec l'appui des conseils tribaux et des gouvernements, Tundra TakeBack a transféré des compétences et contribué au développement d'infrastructures dans 18 collectivités de l'Ontario, de la ColombieBritannique, du Manitoba, du Nunavut, du Labrador et du Québec, récupéré plus de 2 000 tonnes de polluants et de matières recyclables et formé plus de 100 personnes.

Wanted: Auto Recyclers!

Recherché : Auto Recyclers !

With their hands-on approach, our automotive recyclers are the heart of the program. They ensure Indigenous trainees learn fundamental depollution skills and industry knowledge right from professional sources. Now, we’re building a broader network of recyclers to act as mentors for projects and spearhead in-field clean-ups. Specifically, we’re seeking practicing and retired experts to join us on incredible, life-changing journeys. But don’t take our word for it. “The whole experience is awesome,” says Paul Bell of Poehl’s Auto Recyclers (Kentville, Nova Scotia), who’s participated in two projects. “And that’s because you get to see different places and meet different people.” Increasing the capacity of Indigenous people brings our recyclers a profound “sense of accomplishment,” adds Darrell Pitman of P&G Auto (North Bay, Ontario), who’s participated in three Tundra Take-Back adventures and is proud of the difference he’s made in the lives of his trainees.

Grâce à leur approche pratique, nos recycleurs d'automobiles sont au cœur du programme. Ils veillent à ce que les stagiaires autochtones acquièrent des compétences fondamentales en matière de dépollution et des connaissances de l'industrie directement de sources professionnelles. Aujourd'hui, nous bâtissons un réseau plus vaste de recycleurs pour agir comme mentors dans le cadre de projets et diriger les opérations de nettoyage sur le terrain. Plus précisément, nous sommes à la recherche d'experts pratiquants et retraités pour nous accompagner dans des voyages incroyables qui changeront notre vie. Mais ne nous croyez pas sur parole. "Toute l'expérience est géniale ", dit Paul Bell de Poehl's Auto Recyclers (Kentville, Nouvelle-Écosse), qui a participé à deux projets. "Et c'est parce qu'on peut voir des endroits différents et rencontrer des gens différents." Accroître la capacité des peuples autochtones procure à nos recycleurs un profond " sentiment d'accomplissement ", ajoute Darrell Pitman de P&G Auto (North Bay, Ontario), qui a participé à trois aventures Tundra Take-Back et est fier de la différence qu'il a faite dans la vie de ses stagiaires.

P&G Parts owner Darrell Pitman (far left) joins community members of St. Theresa Point reserve in northern Manitoba to assist in educating them with the proper recycling of ELVs. Le propriétaire de P&G Parts Darrell Pitman (à l'extrême gauche) se joint aux membres de la collectivité de la réserve de St. Theresa Point dans le nord du Manitoba pour les sensibiliser au recyclage adéquat des ELV.




A Summer of Success

Un été de succès

These developments come after a fruitful summer season. With financial support from Indigenous Services Canada and in-kind support from the Keewatin Tribal Council, we travelled to the Island Lakes Region of Manitoba and the First Nation communities of St. Theresa Point, Garden Hill, and Wasagamack. Trainees were taught how to depollute ELVs, decommission appliances, and store and stockpile pollutants. When the program concluded, 18 participants were trained, nearly 80 ELVs were depolluted, and more than 1,000 litres of hazardous liquid waste were recovered! In the same month, we arrived in the First Nations community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) in Northern Ontario. After being welcomed by chief and council, we taught trainees to depollute ELVs and appliances while organizing a stockpile of liquid waste and consolidating nearly 100 lead-acid batteries. Supported financially by Indigenous Services Canada, and in-kind by the Independent First Nations Alliance, we’re also organizing the removal of more than 100 drums of hazardous waste from the community on the 2019 winter road in partnership with True Grit Engineering.

Ces développements interviennent après une saison estivale fructueuse. Grâce au soutien financier de Services autochtones Canada et à l'appui en nature du Conseil tribal Keewatin, nous nous sommes rendus dans la région des lacs Island du Manitoba et dans les collectivités des Premières nations de St. Teresa Point, Garden Hill et Wasagamack. Les stagiaires ont appris à dépolluer les VLE, à déclasser les appareils et à entreposer et stocker les polluants. À la fin du programme, 18 participants ont été formés, près de 80 VLE ont été dépolluées et plus de 1 000 litres de déchets liquides dangereux ont été récupérés ! Le même mois, nous sommes arrivés dans la communauté des Premières Nations de Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) dans le nord de l'Ontario. Après avoir été accueillis par le chef et le conseil, nous avons appris aux stagiaires à dépolluer les VLE et les appareils électroménagers tout en organisant un stock de déchets liquides et en consolidant près de 100 batteries plomb-acide. Grâce au soutien financier de Services autochtones Canada et en nature de l'Independent First Nations Alliance, nous organisons également l'enlèvement de plus de 100 barils de déchets dangereux de la collectivité sur la route d'hiver 2019, en partenariat avec True Grit Engineering.

Contact Us For more information — or to get involved yourself — head to !

Contactez-nous Pour plus d'informations - ou pour vous impliquer - rendez-vous sur !

(LEFT) Auto recycler, Darrell Pitman (far left) stands alongside community members at a recycling facility in Garden Hill, Northern Manitoba. (GAUCHE) Le recycleur d'automobiles Darrell Pitman (à l'extrême gauche) se tient aux côtés des membres de la collectivité dans une installation de recyclage à Garden Hill, dans le Nord du Manitoba. (BOTTOM) A couple community members of Garden Hill, are putting what they’ve learned to the test! (EN BAS) Deux membres de la communauté de Garden Hill mettent à l'épreuve ce qu'ils ont appris !





AARDA to host major recycling trade show in Edmonton


L’ADRAO organisera une importante foire commerciale sur le recyclage à Edmonton By / Par Lindsey Cooke


ure, the Auto Recycler's Association may be able to wow with its annual conventions in Disneyland, but it isn't the only organization prepared to bring a sense-of-wonder to auto recyclers. This year, the Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA) will bring their members to Fantasyland Hotel, hosting the first Western Canadian Auto Recyclers Trade Show in two decades. To be held in the hotel's convention centre on September 21, 2019, auto recyclers should expect nothing but the unexpected. The internationally acclaimed Fantasyland Hotel, located in the West Edmonton Mall, is a one-stop destination where imaginative decor, culinary expertise and one-of-a-kind theme rooms join together to create a vividly unique guest experience. It has even been listed as one of the top 10 most unique hotels in the world. AARDA executive director Ken Sorensen told Canadian Auto Recyclers to expect plenty of booths with information and several equipment manufacturers attendees. "This is going to be a very exciting convention," Sorensen said. "There will be a whole lot for guests to see and do." It won't just be Albertan recyclers who find themselves learning about the industry in an entirely alien setting. The tradeshow will coincide with both AARDA and the Auto Recyclers of Canada annual meetings. "We're expecting lot of auto recycler representatives from all over Canada to be in attendance," Sorensen said. The event is set to kick-off with a bus tour in the morning giving recyclers and attendees a look at some of the auto recycling facilities located in Edmonton, followed by the tradeshow in the afternoon. CAR


ien sûr, l'Auto Recycler's Association peut être en mesure d'impressionner avec ses congrès annuels à Disneyland, mais ce n'est pas la seule organisation prête à apporter un sens de l'émerveillement aux recycleurs automobiles. Cette année, l'Alberta Automotive Recyclers And Dismantlers Association (AARDA) amènera ses membres à l'hôtel Fantasyland, qui accueillera le premier salon professionnel des recycleurs automobiles de l'Ouest canadien depuis deux décennies. Le 21 septembre 2019, au centre des congrès de l'hôtel, les recycleurs automobiles ne devraient s'attendre qu'à l'inattendu. L'hôtel Fantasyland, de renommée internationale, situé dans le West Edmonton Mall, est une destination à guichet unique où décor imaginatif, expertise culinaire et chambres à thème uniques s'unissent pour créer une expérience unique et vivante. Il a même été classé parmi les 10 hôtels les plus uniques au monde. Le directeur exécutif de l'ADRAO, Ken Sorensen, a dit à Collision Repair de s'attendre à ce qu'il y ait beaucoup de stands d'information et plusieurs fabricants d'équipement présents. "Ce sera un congrès très excitant ", a déclaré M. Sorensen. "Il y aura beaucoup de choses à voir et à faire pour les invités." Les recycleurs albertains ne seront pas les seuls à se familiariser avec l'industrie dans un environnement totalement étranger. Le salon professionnel coïncidera avec les assemblées annuelles de l'ADRAO et des Recycleurs d'automobiles du Canada. "Nous nous attendons à ce qu'un grand nombre de représentants de recycleurs automobiles de partout au Canada soient présents ", a déclaré M. Sorensen. L'événement débutera le matin par une visite en autocar qui permettra aux recycleurs et aux participants de jeter un coup d'œil à certaines des installations de recyclage d'automobiles situées à Edmonton, suivie de la foire commerciale l'après-midi. CAR

For the first time in 20 years, the AARDA Western Canadian Auto Recyclers Trade Show will be held at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton. Pour la première fois en 20 ans, l’Alberta Automotive Recycling Dismantlers Association Western Canadian Auto Recyclers Trade Show aura lieu à l’hôtel Fantasyland à Edmonton.






Canadians shine bright at 75th annual ARA conference and tradeshow

LES RECYCLEURS D’AUTOMOBILES SE MONDIALISENT Les Canadiens brillent de mille feux à la 75 conférence et foire commerciale annuelle de l’ARA By / Par Steve Fletcher The 75th ARA convention had a theme of global perspectives that was the focus of various panels and presentations. Le 75e congrès de l’ARA avait un thème de perspectives mondiales qui a fait l’objet de divers panels et présentations.

Steve Fletcher, David Gold, Olivier Gaudeau, Ed MacDonald, Ted Taya and Andy Latham. Steve Fletcher, David Gold, Olivier Gaudeau, Ed MacDonald, Ted Taya et Andy Latham.


he 75th Automotive Recyclers Association annual convention and tradeshow saw an invasion of Canadian auto recyclers helping to advance the global auto recycling industry. From suppliers like Cliff Hope from PMR Catalyst, Philippe Clermont from Power-DB and Henk Huijgen from ELV Select/SEDA, to board members Dalbert Livingstone from Island Auto. Supplier, Ed MacDonald at Maritime Auto Parts and ARA president David Gold of Standard Auto Wreckers, the Canadians seemed to have been everywhere. While in the past, the ARA convention’s content may have tended to focus on the American market, this convention had a distinctly global flavor—an initiative largely spearheaded by Gold and the executive team, who have spent the last year attending events across four continents. With presentations such as Working in a Global Industry, France’s Circular Economy for Auto Recyclers, and my own wrap-up panel—Automotive Recycling Concepts from Around the World. ARA even hosted an International Networking Reception with representatives from Brazil, Canada, England, Poland, Australia, Japan and of course the U.S. Ten years ago, Canadians would have been an interesting novelty to the majority of ARA delegates, but now, Canada is recog-




e 75e congrès annuel et salon professionnel de l'Automotive Recyclers Association a été le théâtre d'une invasion de recycleurs d'automobiles canadiens qui ont contribué à faire progresser l'industrie mondiale du recyclage automobile. Des fournisseurs comme Cliff Hope de PMR Catalyst, Philippe Clermont de Power-DB et Henk Huijgen de ELV Select/SEDA, aux membres du conseil d'administration Dalbert Livingstone de Island Auto. Le fournisseur, Ed MacDonald chez Maritime Auto Parts et le président de l'ARA, David Gold chez Standard Auto Wreckers, les Canadiens semblaient avoir été partout. Alors que dans le passé, le contenu du congrès de l'ARA avait tendance à se concentrer sur le marché américain, ce congrès avait une saveur nettement mondiale - une initiative largement menée par Gold et l'équipe de direction, qui ont passé la dernière année à assister à des événements sur quatre continents. Avec des présentations telles que Working in a Global Industry, France's Circular Economy for Auto Recyclers, et mon propre panneau de synthèse Automotive Recycling Concepts from Around the World. L'ARA a même organisé une réception de réseautage international avec des représentants du Brésil, du Canada, de l'Angleterre, de

ÉVÉNEMENTS EVENTS nized as a North American leader in the auto recycling field, with many commenting on how progressive Canadians have been regarding the adoption of standards, training, government and OEM engagement and overall promotion of the industry. In fact, three of the five ARA executive members have signed up for the big Ontario association meeting in Toronto in March—a reflection of the influence that Canadian members are having within ARA and the overall industry. The ARA convention also saw the official launch of the Recyclers Mentoring Sessions - with recyclers hooking-up the event and pledging to be involved in each other’s businesses to help grow the industry and recruit the next round of industry leaders. Attending conventions are a great way to keep up on the everchanging trends, problems and opportunities, but when your peers step up and deliberately try to aid their fellow recyclers—that takes learning to another level. The overall event ended with dessert and fireworks that only Disney could pull off—a fitting end to a magical weekend that cemented Canada’s place as an innovator in the global auto recycling industry. CAR

la Pologne, de l'Australie, du Japon et bien sûr des États-Unis. Il y a dix ans, les Canadiens auraient été une nouveauté intéressante pour la majorité des délégués de l'ARA, mais aujourd'hui, le Canada est reconnu comme un chef de file nord-américain dans le domaine du recyclage automobile, avec de nombreux commentaires sur la façon dont les Canadiens progressistes ont adopté les normes, la formation, l'engagement gouvernemental et OEM et la promotion globale du secteur. En fait, trois des cinq membres de l'exécutif de l'ARA se sont inscrits à la grande réunion de l'association de l'Ontario qui se tiendra à Toronto en mars, ce qui témoigne de l'influence que les membres canadiens exercent au sein de l'ARA et de l'industrie en général. Le congrès de l'ARA a également vu le lancement officiel des séances de mentorat des recycleurs, au cours desquelles les recycleurs ont branché l'événement et se sont engagés à s'impliquer mutuellement dans leurs entreprises respectives pour aider à faire croître l'industrie et à recruter la prochaine ronde de leaders de l'industrie. Assister à des congrès est une excellente façon de se tenir au courant des tendances, des problèmes et des possibilités en constante évolution, mais lorsque vos pairs s'impliquent et essaient délibérément d'aider leurs collègues recycleurs, cela amène l'apprentissage à un autre niveau. L'événement s'est terminé par un dessert et des feux d'artifice que seul Disney a réussi à préparer - une fin de semaine magique qui a consolidé la place du Canada comme innovateur dans l'industrie mondiale du recyclage automobile. CAR

The team from Multimetco in front of the organization’s booth. Then-ARA president, David Gold and Paula Knapp from Commercial Forms Recycler Supply. David Gold, président de l’ARA, et Paula Knapp de Commercial Forms Recycler Supply.

Car-Part’s Roger Schroder took home the 2018 recipient member of the year award during this years convention. Roger Schroder de Car-Part a remporté le prix du membre de l’année 2018 lors du congrès de cette année.

L’équipe de Multimetco devant le stand de l’organisation..

During the convention, Canada’s auto recycling community was acknowledged as a global leader within the auto recycling field. Au cours du congrès, la communauté canadienne du recyclage automobile a été reconnue comme un chef de file mondial dans le domaine du recyclage automobile.




NEWS IN BRIEFS NOUVELLES EN BREF AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS OF CANADA LEAVES NATA LES RECYCLEURS D’AUTOMOBILES DU CANADA QUITTENT LA NATA The Automotive Recyclers of Canada are no longer a part of the National Automotive Trades Association, according to the managing director of the organization, Steve Fletcher. “We’re out,” Fletcher said, following a public meeting organized by the Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) in August. “I can confirm that.” Fletcher explained that a lack of activity from the association contributed to the departure. “We hear from them maybe once or twice a year,” he said. Unclear initiatives from NATA also led to AARO board member John Cochrane resigning as NATA president in July. To add to the turmoil AARO executive director Diane Freeman resigned as treasurer, along with her Ontario association also dropping out of NATA.



Managing director for the Automotive Recyclers of Canada, Steve Fletcher. Directeur général des Automotive Recyclers of Canada, Steve Fletcher.

Les Automotive Recyclers of Canada ne font plus partie de la National Automotive Trades Association, selon le directeur général de l’organisation, Steve Fletcher. “Nous sommes sortis “, a dit M. Fletcher, à la suite d’une réunion publique organisée par l’Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO) en août. “Je peux le confirmer.” Fletcher a expliqué que le manque d’activité de l’association a contribué au départ. “Nous

avons des nouvelles d’eux peut-être une ou deux fois par an,” dit-il. Le manque de clarté des initiatives de la NATA a également conduit John Cochrane, membre du conseil d’administration de l’AARO, à démissionner de son poste de président de la NATA en juillet. Pour ajouter à l’agitation, la directrice générale de l’AARO, Diane Freeman, a démissionné de son poste de trésorière, tout comme son association de l’Ontario, qui a également quitté la NATA.

FAMILY-RUN AUTO RECYCLERS BUSINESS WINS AWARD UNE ENTREPRISE FAMILIALE DE RECYCLAGE D’AUTOMOBILES REMPORTE UN PRIX Blenkhorn Auto Recyclers in Truro, Nova Scotia received the Small Business Achievement Award during the 2018 Small Business Awards for the Truro & Colchester Chamber of Com-


merce. A family-run business, Blenkhorn’s Auto Recyclers was founded half-a-century ago by current-owner Sheldon Blenkhorn. The team processes approximately 600 locally sourced vehicles each year in the facility’s three dismantling bays. Blenkhorn’s team and representatives of the other award-winning small businesses were honoured at the small business week luncheon, held in October.

modity end-products, such as carbon black substitute, oil, gas and steel. Ecolomondo currently operates an industrial-scale plant in Contrecoeur, Quebec.

Montreal cleantech company, Ecolomondo is setting up a tire-recycling plant in Hawsbury Ontario.

Blenkhorn’s Auto Recyclers in Truro, Nova Scotia. Blenkhorn’s Auto Recyclers à Truro, Nouvelle-Écosse.

Blenkhorn Auto Recyclers de Truro, en Nouvelle-Écosse, a reçu le prix Small Business Achievement dans le cadre des 2018 Small Business Awards de la Chambre de commerce de Truro & Colchester. Entreprise familiale, Blenkhorn's Auto Recyclers a été fondée il y a un demi-siècle par son propriétaire actuel, Sheldon Blenkhorn. L'équipe traite environ 600 véhicules d'origine locale chaque année dans les trois aires de démantèlement de l'installation. L’équipe de Blenkhorn et les représentants d’autres petites entreprises gagnantes ont été honorés lors du déjeuner de la Semaine de la petite entreprise en octobre.

ECOLOMONDO SET TO OPEN NEW PLANT IN ONTARIO ECOLOMONDO S’APPRÊTE À OUVRIR UNE NOUVELLE USINE EN ONTARIO Montreal-based cleantech company Ecolomondo purchased land to begin the set up of a tire-recycling plant in Hawkesbury, Ontario. The company acquired a 13.4-acre piece of land, costing approximately $350,000, with the intention to use the facility to showcase its thermal decomposition process technology. According to the company, the planned construction of the 50,000 sq. ft. plant is expected to be completed by the second or third quarter of 2019. Ecolomondo’s thermal technology takes hydrocarbon waste including, tire, rubber and plastics and converts it into marketable com-

Entreprise montréalaise de technologies propres, Ecolomondo met sur pied une usine de recyclage de pneus à Hawsbury, en Ontario.

L’entreprise montréalaise de technologies propres Ecolomondo a acheté un terrain pour commencer l’installation d’une usine de recyclage de pneus à Hawkesbury, en Ontario. La société a fait l’acquisition d’un terrain de 13,4 acres, d’un coût d’environ 350 000 $, dans l’intention d’utiliser l’installation pour présenter sa technologie de décomposition thermique. Selon la société, la construction prévue de l’usine de 50 000 pieds carrés devrait être terminée d’ici le deuxième ou le troisième trimestre de 2019. La technologie thermique d’Ecolomondo transforme les déchets d’hydrocarbures, y compris les pneus, le caoutchouc et les plastiques, en produits finis commercialisables, tels que le noir de carbone, le pétrole, le gaz et l’acier. Ecolomondo exploite actuellement une usine industrielle à Contrecoeur, au Québec.

STELLEX CAPITAL MANAGEMENT BUYS FENIX PARTS STELLEX CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ACHÈTE DES PIÈCES FENIX In April, Stellex Capital Management acquired recycler and reseller of OEM products, Fenix Parts. With more than 25 years of experience in the industry, Bill Stevens is serving as CEO of the enterprise. “Fenix intends to work with independent operator and industry alliances while pursuing initiatives to allow the company to grow both organically and inorganically,” he said. Paul Delaney will be joining Stevens as COO, along with Stoney Rutledge, who take on the

position of vice president of purchasing and procurement. All three are former executives of GreenLeaf Auto Recyclers.

Stellex managing partner Michael Stewart. Michael Stewart, associé directeur de Stellex.

Le 18 avril, Stellex Capital Management a acquis le recycleur et revendeur des produits OEM, Fenix Parts. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie, Bill Stevens est le PDG de l'entreprise. "Fenix a l'intention de travailler avec des opérateurs indépendants et des alliances industrielles tout en poursuivant des initiatives pour permettre à l'entreprise de croître à la fois organiquement et inorganiquement ", a-t-il déclaré. Paul Delaney se joindra à Stevens à titre de chef de l'exploitation, tout comme Stoney Rutledge, qui occupera le poste de vice-président, Achats et approvisionnement. Tous les trois sont d'anciens dirigeants de GreenLeaf Auto Recyclers.

NEW PERMANENT ARA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NOUVEAU DIRECTEUR EXÉCUTIF PERMANENT DE L’ARA The Auto Recyclers Association announced that Sandy Blalock will be the organization’s new executive director, having served as interim CEO for a number of weeks. “For the past six weeks, I have been working very closely with the Auto Recyclers Association’s interim executive director Sandy Blalock. It has been my pleasure to see her in action,” said then-ARA president David Gold. Blalock, who hails from Santa Fe, New Mexico, has served in a number of executive positions at the organization, including as the ARA’s president in 2007. An auto recycler since 1993, Blalock first joined the ARA executive committee in 2005.




M. Blalock était auparavant chef de la direction par intérim, M. Blalock, qui vient de Santa Fe, au Nouveau-Mexique, a occupé un certain nombre de postes de direction au sein de l’organisation, dont celui de président de l’ARA en 2007. Recycleur d’automobiles depuis 1993, M. Blalock s’est joint au comité exécutif de l’ARA en 2005. Sandy Blalock is the ARA’s new executive director. Sandy Blalock est la nouvelle directrice générale de l’ARA.

L’Auto Recyclers Association a annoncé que Sandy Blalock sera la nouvelle directrice générale de l’organisation, après avoir occupé le poste de PDG par intérim pendant plusieurs semaines. “Au cours des six dernières semaines, j’ai travaillé en étroite collaboration avec Sandy Blalock, directrice générale intérimaire de l’Auto Recyclers Association. J’ai été ravi de la voir en action “, a déclaré David Gold président de l’époque de l’ARA.



located in Kingston, Ontario as a platform for end-market material development, ensuring robustness to recycle all emerging lithium-ion battery types. The difficulty involved in lithium recycling remains one of the largest barriers to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

INVESTING IN CLEAN TECHNOLOGY INVESTIR DANS LES TECHNOLOGIES PROPRES Li-Cycle, one of the clean technology companies that looks after the recycling of lithium-ion batteries, commonly known as those found in electric vehicles, has received funding for a pilot plant to continue development of a better recycling process. The Sustainable Development Technology of Canada (SDTC) provided Li-Cycle with $2.7 million to establish a pilot plant for recycling all types of lithium-ion batteries. The funding will further develop Li-Cycle technology through an integrated pilot plant and establish the Li-Cycle Centre of Excellence

(Left to right) Leah Lawrence, president of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, and Ajay Kochhar, president of Li-Cycle. (De gauche à droite) Leah Lawrence, présidentede Technologies du développement durable Canada, et Ajay Kochhar, président de Li-Cycle.

Li-Cycle, l’une des entreprises de technologie propre qui s’occupe du recyclage des batteries lithium-ion, communément appelées batteries


de véhicules électriques, a reçu des fonds pour une usine pilote afin de poursuivre le développement d’un meilleur procédé de recyclage. Technologies du développement durable du Canada (TDDC) a versé 2,7 millions $ à Li-Cycle pour mettre sur pied une usine pilote de recyclage de tous les types de batteries au lithium-ion. Le financement permettra de développer davantage la technologie Li-Cycle grâce à une usine pilote intégrée et d’établir le Li-Cycle Centre of Excellence situé à Kingston, en Ontario, en tant que plateforme de développement de matériaux pour le marché final, assurant ainsi la robustesse nécessaire au recyclage de tous les nouveaux types de batteries lithium-ion. La difficulté du recyclage du lithium demeure l’un des principaux obstacles à l’adoption généralisée des véhicules électriques.

COPART JOINS S&P LIST COPART REJOINT LA LISTE S&P In July, Copart joined the S&P 500 list, replacing the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group after its merger with the privately held company Keurig. The U.S. company, which operates auto recycling facilities and auto salvage auctions, joined the benchmark before the start of trade on July 2. Copart currently has a market cap of $13.5 billion and this move has increased its exposure since exchange funds that track the performance have had to buy the stock. The S&P 500 is a stock market index of the 500 largest publicly traded companies on American stock exchanges. The membership’s combined capital value comprises close to 80 percent of the American equity market.

après sa fusion avec la société privée Keurig. La société américaine, qui exploite des installations de recyclage et des encans de récupération d’automobiles, s’est jointe à l’indice de référence avant le début de la négociation le 2 juillet, avec une capitalisation boursière de 13,5 milliards de dollars. Ce qui a augmenté son exposition puisque les fonds boursiers qui suivent le rendement ont dû acheter l’action. Le S&P 500 est un indice boursier des 500 plus grandes sociétés cotées sur les bourses américaines. .

TIRE TAKE BACK ON A ROLL IN ONTARIO REPRISE DES PNEUS EN ONTARIO This past year marked the ninth annual Tire Take Back and Ontarians recycled a total of 9,617 used tires, raising $14,142 in support of the Sunshine Foundation of Canada. To celebrate this success, members from OARA, tire haulers and Sunshine gathered at Erin Auto Recyclers in Erin, Ontario, the recycler with the highest number of tires collected across the province. In celebration of their efforts, an official cheque was presented to Sunshine. The facility collected 4,990 tires and raised $4,391. Since the genesis of Tire Take Back, Ontarians have collected 519,902 used tires, resulting in a total of $1,131,117 in donations to Sunshine, and effectively providing hundreds of life-changing dream experiences for children living with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses.

Erin Auto Recyclers had the highest number of tires collected.

Copart CEO A Jayson Adair. Copart CEO A Jayson Adair.

En juillet, Copart a rejoint la liste S&P 500 en remplacement du Dr. Pepper Snapple Group

Erin Auto Recyclers a recueilli le plus grand nombre de pneus.

Cette année, c’était la neuvième année de collecte de pneus et les Ontariens ont recyclé un total de 9 617 pneus usagés, ce qui a permis de recueillir 14 142 $ au profit de Sunshine. Pour

célébrer ce succès, les membres de l’OARA, les transporteurs de pneus et Sunshine se sont réunis chez Erin Auto Recyclers à Erin, en Ontario, le recycleur ayant le plus grand nombre de pneus recueillis dans la province. Un chèque officiel a été remis à Sunshine en l’honneur de ces personnes.L’installation a recueilli 4 990 pneus et 4 391 $. Depuis la création de la campagne de récupération des pneus, les Ontariens ont recueilli 519 902 pneus usagés, ce qui a donné lieu à des dons totalisant 1 131 117 $ à Rayons de soleil et a permis à des centaines d’enfants vivant avec des handicaps physiques graves ou des maladies mortelles de vivre des expériences de rêve qui changent la vie.

AARDA WORKS FOR STANDARDIZED LICENSING REQUIREMENTS L’ADRAO TRAVAILLE POUR LES EXIGENCES NORMALISÉES EN MATIÈRE D’OCTROI DE LICENCES The Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA) has been working alongside the Alberta Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC) to standardize the province’s license requirements for auto recyclers. Ken Sorensen, executive director of AARDA explained that right now the licensing is controlled through the municipality and not the province. As a result, some areas of the province will have more strict environmental requirements for recyclers, while others may not. L’Alberta Automotive Recyclers and Dismantlers Association (AARDA) collabore avec l’Alberta Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC) pour normaliser les exigences de la province en matière de permis pour les recycleurs automobiles. Ken Sorensen, directeur exécutif de ADRAO a expliqué qu’à l’heure actuelle, le permis est contrôlé par la municipalité et non par la province. Par conséquent, certaines régions de la province auront des exigences environnementales plus strictes pour les recycleurs, alors que d’autres pourraient ne pas en avoir. L’association a remarqué ce problème et travaille depuis plusieurs années à la mise en place d’une réglementation appropriée, mais. Sorensen dit qu’elle s’en rapproche maintenant. CAR




(Left to right) First Secretary of Commerce for the Embassy of Canada in the U.S. Brad Wood, Wally Dingman, Dalbert Livingstone, David Gold, Steve Fletcher, Michael Wilson, Ed MacDonald. (De gauche à droite) Premier Secrétaire de Commerce Ambassade du Canada dans le U.S. Brad Wood, Wally Dingman, Dalbert Livingstone, David Gold, Steve Fletcher, Michael Wilson, Ed MacDonald.


The ARA and ARC’s summit at the Canadian Embassy in Washington


Sommet de l’ARA et de l’ARC à l’ambassade du Canada à Washington By / Par Gideon Scanlon


ast spring, representatives from the Automotive Recyclers of Canada and Automotive Recyclers Association put their heads together at the Canadian Embassy in Washington to discuss ways to improve the issues of cross-border cooperation between recyclers in the nations. Recyclers from nearly two dozen states arrived in the U.S. capital on April 2, to gather with more than 60 congressional officials to assist efforts on enforcing a federal law requiring automakers to provide OEM parts data for recalled parts. ARA staff arranged the meeting in conjunction with the Hill Days lobbying event. Then-ARA president David Gold, along with Dalbert Livingstone, Wally Dingman of Caughill Auto Wreckers and the current ARC chairman, Ed MacDonald from Maritime Auto Parts also attended representing Canada. Michael Wilson, then-CEO of ARA and Delanne Bernier, director of Government Affairs represented the American delegations. During that time, the NAFTA re-negotiations were underway, along with dangerous precedent setting of pending aluminum tariffs




u printemps dernier, des représentants de l’Automotive Recyclers of Canada et de l’Automotive Recyclers Association se sont réunis à l’ambassade du Canada à Washington pour discuter des moyens d’améliorer la coopération transfrontalière entre les recycleurs des pays concernés. Des recycleurs de près d’une vingtaine d’États sont arrivés dans la capitale américaine le 2 avril pour se réunir avec plus de 60 représentants du Congrès afin d’aider à faire appliquer une loi fédérale obligeant les constructeurs automobiles à fournir des données sur les pièces d’origine des pièces rappelées. Le personnel de l’ARA s’est mis en place lors de la réunion en conjonction avec l’événement de lobbying des Hill Days. Gold, ainsi que Dalbert Livingstone, Wally Dingman de Caughill Auto Wreckers et le président actuel de l’ARC, Ed MacDonald de Maritime Auto Parts, représentaient également le Canada. Micheal Wilson, directeur général d’ARA et Delanne Bernier, directrice des affaires gouvernementales, représentaient les délégations américaines.

ÉVÉNEMENT EVENT and trade wars, so the timing of the meeting was most interesting. We covered a number of topics including the great working relationship between ARA and ARC; obstacles and opportunities to the import and export of parts, vehicles, scrap, and cores between the two countries; and the need for better data exchange with the OEMs on both sides of the border. The “urban-mining” of vehicles for metals - ferrous, non-ferrous, platinum group, lithium, cobalt, and rare earth metals was a great discussion as both Canada and the U.S. undertake studies on sources and supply of these strategic metals. While there are obvious environmental and economic benefits to recycling these metals, both countries are looking to ensure a continental supply of these critical items, and auto recyclers are a key player in ensuring these materials are made available. The meeting concluded with a tour of the Embassy and a great photo opportunity from the rooftop patio overlooking the U.S. capital. CAR

Pendant ce temps, les renégociations de la NAFTA étaient en cours, ainsi que l’établissement d’un dangereux précédent de tarifs douaniers et de guerres commerciales sur l’aluminium, de sorte que le moment de la réunion était très intéressant. Nous avons abordé un certain nombre de sujets, notamment les excellentes relations de travail entre l’ARA et l’ARC, les obstacles et les possibilités à l’importation et à l’exportation de pièces, de véhicules, de rebuts et de noyaux entre les deux pays, et la nécessité d’un meilleur échange de données avec les OEM des deux côtés de la frontière. L’exploitation “ urbaine “ des véhicules pour les métaux - métaux ferreux, non ferreux, métaux du groupe du platine, lithium, cobalt et métaux des terres rares - a fait l’objet d’une grande discussion alors que le Canada et les États-Unis entreprennent des études sur les sources et l’approvisionnement en ces métaux stratégiques. Bien que le recyclage de ces métaux présente des avantages environnementaux et économiques évidents, les deux pays cherchent à assurer un approvisionnement continental de ces articles essentiels, et les entreprises de recyclage d’automobiles jouent un rôle clé pour s’assurer que ces matériaux sont disponibles. La réunion s’est terminée par une visite de l’ambassade et une excellente séance de photos depuis le patio sur le toit donnant sur la capitale américaine. CAR Last April ARC and ARA went to Washington this past year to discuss topics concerning the future of the industry. Les Auto Recyclers of Canada (ARC) et l’Auto Recyclers Association (ARA) se sont rendus à Washington l’an dernier pour discuter de l’avenir de l’industrie.




For health and safety reasons, auto recyclers don’t tend to wear capes. Their efforts on behalf of the environment, however, are downright super heroic. Like many masked crusaders, their good work too often goes unaccredited. It is high time that recyclers let the world know exactly why their industry is so important.

Manufacturing Process: By the time it has been driven off the dealer’s lot, a vehicle has already released for about a third of its lifetime carbon dioxide emissions. From raw material extraction to parts manufacturing, the more use that we can get from waste metals, the higher the carbon savings.

• Using lowsulphur scrap metal can reduce a steel mill’s air pollution by 86 percent and water pollution by 76 percent

• More than a million vehicles are recycled in Canada each year

• 2,500 lbs of iron ore is mined to produce enough metal to build an average vehicle

• More than 90 percent of the material in cars can be repurposed, making vehicles the most recyclable engineered goods in the world

• Auto recycling provides about 40 percent of the ferrous metal for the scrap processing industry across North America

• E ach year, recyclers safely dispose of toxic fluids equal in volume to the Deepwater Horizon spill

End-of-Life Process: • During the end-of-life cycle, recyclers responsibly dispose of harmful coolants and fluids that would otherwise pose a threat to the health of people and the environment • Worldwide, the industry recovers eight million gallons of gasoline and engine coolant, as well as 24 million gallons of motor oil • Recycled parts save about 80 million barrels of oil annually that would be used to produce new replacement parts

Reusable Resources: • Vehicles are made up of alloys, plastics and rubbers • An average vehicle is 65 percent high-grade steel • Aluminium accounts for another 10 percent and one kilogram of it saves 14 kilo watts of energy • Copper and gold exist in smaller quantities in vehicle electronic systems

Cost Saving:

• In most cases, consumers are saving hundreds of dollars when buying recycled parts as oppose to buying the part from a manufacturer. Canadian recyclers offer identical parts at a significantly lower cost than OEMs—offering savings as high as 80 percent. Example: 2010 Chevrolet Malibu • For a brand new A/C condenser, the cost is about $600 • The average cost of the 2010 Malibu’ intake manifold through an auto recycler is about $120 • The average listed price for a recycled OEM A/C condenser is $125, a difference of approximately $475 —about 79.2 percent Sources:,


TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Bodyline Auto Recyclers invests in the best


odyline Auto Recyclers is a cornerstone for full-service and quality recycled OEM auto parts at wholesale value. The company has been serving the GTA automotive industry for more than a quarter of a century. Originally founded by Jim and Dave McDonald, like many successful automotive companies, it began as a result of a passion for vehicles — out of their garage.Today, Dave is charge of the company with Jim having retired in late 2017. Business is a team sport which is why Dave focuses on building a staff with people that are dependable and motivated. His mission is concrete, he offers first-class, full-circle salvage recycling solutions, and supplies top-quality auto parts. Therefore, it is pragmatic that his staff is fit to solidify his vision. Bodyline currently operates out



The team at Bodyline Auto Recyclers.

of an 80,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility and has 64 full-time employees. Much to its success, the company has developed and retained a number of first-rate employees across 10 departments. The inventory department is managed by a seasoned, highly skilled individual who oversees all vehicles, and is integral to ensuring that quality parts are stocked and priced accordingly. Likewise, the sales team has a number of driven employees that ‘bring it’ on a daily basis, not only generating sales but building relationships with their customers that

transcends common customer service. Furthermore, some of the newest additions to Bodyline in the quality control and parts picking department are proving to be valuable assets, displaying attention to detail and focus on improving daily. Overall, Dave’s employees are a major part of Bodyline’s past, present and future, which is why he is continually investing in them. On the whole, Dave looks to always keep it simple and to offer more than a service. It’s about providing convenience through experience and trust.


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Boston Auto Wreckers knows best


he know-how market has collapsed and it’s all because of our smartphones. Want to bake your wedding cake? Google it. Want to install your own bathtub? Ask an app. Want to figure out why your car doesn’t work? Just type in the symptoms. But know-how isn’t knowledge. Knowledge is how you stay in business as an auto recycler in an era when the industry is being squeezed on every side, and it is what you rely on when your living is based on informed gambles about what parts should fill your stockroom. Knowledge is what true recycling professionals, like Boston Auto Wreckers general manager Mike Maio, bring to the table, and why their businesses remains steady in an industry that is anything but.

Mike Maio’s father, Fernando Maio.

“When I first started, the parts to fix four cars could be found in two, but now it takes six to fix just one!” says Maio, remembering a time not-solong-ago. “We could make money on used spark plugs - but now they are five bucks brand new.” It isn’t just new parts that are cutting into the sales of recyclers. Without worrying about making

payroll, managing inventory or dealing with waste disposal in an environmental way, anyone can make money stripping down parts from their car to selling them online. “With online sales, and parts coming in from overseas, the value of a recycled vehicle isn’t where it used to be,” says Maio, who has been with Boston Auto Wreckers since 2005. “Now we are a bit more like pharmacists. We stock parts that people can’t find anywhere else­because the OEMs aren’t making them, and the online sellers have no idea they exist.” Maio is not one to waste time on himself and his team, but, whenever a desperate OEM representative calls asking for a no-longermanufactured part, he will be smiling as he says, “Yeah, I have a few in the back.”




EXPANDING THE NETWORK Carcone’s focuses on the future Servicing the auto recycling industry for more than 40 years, Carcone’s Auto Recycling is ready to see what the future has in store. During those years, now owner of the second-generation facility, Michael Carcone, has seen an evolution of changes within the business, and a series of exciting obstacles that they are looking to staying on top of in the upcoming years. From the on-going issue of the availability of salvage, to diversifying new product offerings and services, Carcone says, “We can’t stay status quo.” With that being said, for the past couple years they have been jumping with the times by creating an online presence, drawing more and more customers in. “There is a huge pressure to have an online presence these days,”



Inside Carcone’s Auto Recycling.

he says. Now appearing on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with a vast number of followers, social media has definitely been one of their

main strategies for flowing with the future. It was just last year when they started to attract followers going from 1,000 to 11,000. Carcone believes that the future also lies with the younger generation. “The younger generation coming into the business today has so much to offer us old folks,” he says. Staying on top of the technology trends that are altering the industry is something all facilities have to face but one that Carcone is excited to overcome. “Business is still an exciting challenge and we’re looking forward to moving ahead with the future and preparing our company for an even better online presence,” Carcone says. For more information about Carcone’s Auto Recycling please visit or phone 905-773-5778.

Nestled in the small town of Lumby, in the interior of British Columbia, D&M Auto Recycling has found a home for itself and has been going big ever since. Situated centrally to supply all of western Canada with quality used parts, D&M Auto Recycling has more than 27 acres of land and 42,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space, overflowing with late model insurance write-off vehicles and parts. Since day one of moving to our rural location, we have focused our business plan on keeping the highest quality parts available to our market. We do not stock end-of-life-vehicles, only parts we trust to supply to our customers.

But it is not always business at D&M! We are strong supporters of the town we call home and the community that supports our cause. Our staff is always volunteering to help this community grow in any way it can, from our yearly float in the Lumby Days parade, competing in Halloween and Christmas decorating light up contests to bringing the local schools on yard tours to showcase our environmental impact, plus so much more. Due to our involvement, we were given the honor this year of receiving the Lumby Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year award, as voted by the community itself, in recognition of the efforts we are putting towards making our small town great. At D&M we are always growing. Whether it is our business and the best ways we can supply our customers or the ever-expanding sculptures and gardens that we have built for the community outside our offices, every day at D&M is something new and exciting. We may have found a small place to call home, but it is the best place to go big, and big is what D&M is all about. Check us out at and see what we are all about!

Our extensive inventory can be searched online, with our warranties and standards available to everyone. Our industry is ever-changing, and we are strong advocates on making the ordering process as seamless as possible for our customers. Competitive freight rates and fast turnaround times allow D&M to stay competitive in any market. It gives our customers the peace of mind that they can purchase any of the parts they need to complete their repairs on time.


KEEPING YOUR WORD At Dom’s Auto Parts, integrity comes first For more than 55 years, Dom’s Auto Parts has been building its reputation in the GTA as the go-to supplier for used auto parts. A fourthgeneration family business, it was founded by industry legends Dominic Vetere and his son Mickey, and is now operated by Dominic’s grandson Dom, and great grandson Dustin. For the last five years, Dom’s Auto Parts has operated the Parts4Less U-pull yard, which features older-to-late model cars and trucks and allows retail customers to pull their own parts at a huge discount. Offering customers used OEM parts at price list based on type, the business is located within Dom’s Parts facility. It contains thousands of vehicles organized by make and model.



Dom’s Auto Parts is located just outside Toronto, in Courtice, Ontario.

Dom’s mandate is to ensure proper endof-life vehicle management, and the team is proud to take their responsibility to the environment seriously. Licensed by the Ministry of the Environment and CAREC-certified, the

facility also meets OARA’s gold standards of practice. Dom’s Auto Parts has also partnered with several different associations and programs. Beyond their business successes, the team at Dom’s Auto Parts and Parts4Less are committed to giving back to the local community through their charitable efforts. At Dom’s Auto Parts, customers can expect quality service, an impressive parts selection and a business that understands a handshake is as good as a promise. As Dom says “After more than five decades in business, we believe that you’re only as good as your word.” For more information on Dom’s Auto Parts and Parts4Less please visit or


TURNING TOWARDS TECHNOLOGY Island Auto is changing the game For the largest supplier of used parts in the province of Prince Edward Island, modern technology is the way to go. Owners Dalbert and Tabitha Livingstone took over the facility in 2013 and have been moving towards different forms of technology to improve the efficiency of their business in their day-to-day tasks. For one, their eBay store is now incorporated with the shop which has not only cleaned up the inventory processes a lot but has also helped with revenue. With this new process they have also implemented a lot of quality control by testing out majority of their parts before they upload them online for sale. “It’s just implementing the small steps to make sure everything is in working order,” says owner of Island Auto, Dalbert Livingstone.

Island Auto owners, Dalbert and Tabitha Livingstone.

Beyond the eBay aspect of their business, they have integrated a lot of technology with their process of auditing and imaging. By installing Wi-Fi in their warehouse and yard it has made it easier for them to stay organized.

They have started using tablets as tools to perform imaging outside which Dalbert says has contributed to the improvement of their efficiencies. For more information, please visit





After 88 years in business Maritime Auto Parts says bring on the future!


here is something to be said about being ageless. It implies a certain unchanging quality. In business for 88 years, Maritime Auto parts is one of the oldest recyclers in North America certainly earned moniker of ageless, but it is hardly advers to change. Many large and small companies may follow the traditional path of feeling secure in their past as a basis of their future development and growth, but not Maritime Auto Parts. The business’s success has never come from a willingness to rest on its laurels as a guarantee of future success. The team knows very well that to remain relevant, the business must continue to work hard at reinventing itself, and challenging the old approaches to auto recycling.



The team at Maritime Auto Parts.

The challenges it faces today are generally not unique to the industry and the Maritime team is fully aware that changes in vehicle compositions and components, crash avoidance systems and autonomous vehicles amalgamations are changing the way the industry operates. But where the industry faces challenges, Maritime’s team sees and the opportunity to grow. The business is well-prepared for these challenges, thanks to the

wonderful support of its dynamic team. Without their commitment, unique individual talents, Maritime Auto Parts would not be where it is today. Many major corporations and mainstay businesses have come and gone over the years that Maritime has been in business, yet it remains. Still chugging along and chasing the future, time has, quite possibly, made it more relevant than when it was started. Despite this, some things are ageless about Maritime Auto Parts, like its obligation is to continue to provide clients with the best possible service and to deliver the highest quality parts at a very reasonable price. Those are the business’s founding principles. Bring on the future!



Miller’s Auto Recycling takes the wheel on quality control


xciting and progressive changes continue into 2019 for Miller’s Auto Recycling. The third-generation family business has been pushing forward this past year placing major emphasis on revamping the quality control process throughout their entire organization. “The customer always has been and remains our first priority. For this reason, our management team put forth a mandate to revise and improve our organization procedures throughout 2019 with the goal of providing our customers with their parts on-time as described day in and day out.” states co-owner Natalie Miller. The company instills the importance of quality control with all employees in the company from vehicle inventory to our sales team, the message of quality is clear and consistent.

Some of the Logistics team at Miller’s Auto Recycling.

As part of this initiative in late spring, Miller’s under-took the enclosure and expansion of their shipping and receiving area. “We decided to enclose our current loading dock with the addition of 250 sq. ft. of working space for shipping preparation, improved part

storage and quality control checks.” says co-owner Chris Miller. This transition allows the company to load all of their product into delivery vehicles or courier from the enclosed space lessening the risk of any damage from the elements and preserving the integrity of the part. Everyone at Miller’s is excited for these changes within the organization and is ready for what the future has to bring. For more information about Miller’s Auto Recycling please visit





Thorold Auto Parts and Recyclers bold strategy for success


ver the course of three decades, Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers has built a reputation for excellence within the Niagara region and even around the world. Built up during the 1980s and 1990s by Lenny and Marcella Serravalle, today the award-winning facility is run by their son, owner/operator Frank Serravalle. From humble beginnings, the facilities operations have expanded considerably under the Serravalles. Situated with over 24 acres, Thorold Auto Parts & Recyclers now has a 50-person team of dismantlers, parts sellers, rebuilders and technicians. With 10 dismantling bays in operation, Frank Serravalle recently invested in developing the infrastructure to perform all crushing on-site. "We're processing about 3,000 vehicles a year and



Thorold Auto Parts and Recyclers in Thorold, Ontario.

with that volume it just makes sense to make the investment to do our own crushing," says Frank. With such a tremendous number of vehicles to process, Frank has also added a fullservice mechanical shop with three full-time technicians. While the addition allowed Frank's less technically savvy customers to buy more difficult-to-install parts, it impressed many of

the delegates who were not used to such service being provided by a recycler. "It really compliments our parts sales business," says Frank. "Actually, we've seen it increase parts sales, as well as parts sales often increasing the mechanical business. Our mechanical customers are buying more parts, and our parts customers are more often asking us to install them as well." In 2017, the facility served as one-of-two models of top-tier Canadian Recycling Facilities. During the tenth International Roundtable on Auto Recycling, it played host to delegates representing recycling associations from around the globe. “It was an honour to represent what it means to be a progressive recycler in Canada.” says Frank. For more information, please visit



David Gold dismantles industry challenges


tandard Auto Wreckers David Gold is an auto recycler at heart. Gold, in addition to running his business, served as the ARA president for 2018. “It was such an honour being able to work so closely with so many auto recyclers and to see firsthand the difference the executive committee made, and continues to make,” said Gold. Juggling back and forth between his two commitments wasn’t always easy for Gold, but having a knowledgeable and reliable team back at Standard Auto Wreckers certainly helped. “I can’t say enough great things about my team. They make me so proud. I was away a lot as president of the ARA and I always had the comfort of knowing the business was in good hands. It’s the people that make the business great.”

The hard work and commitment demonstrated by the Standard Auto Wreckers team is something Gold believes to be a staple of the industry. This is really a special industry. What we do for the environment, and the roll we play in society, is something that goes far beyond any business. We are all a part of something bigger, something that can impact the planet in a positive way.” Moving forward Gold remains excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Standard Auto Wreckers, even if it means putting in some extra time. “The community and the customers we serve are what inspire me every day to continue to work hard and look for new ways to constantly

David Gold, former ARA president and owner of Standard Auto Wreckers.

improve. I have so much love for this industry; it’s so much more than just a job.”





Buffalo Engine Components has grown tremendously in the last 20 years


uffalo Engine Components (BEC) is a family owned and operated business in Buffalo, New York that started in 1980. The company began with two partners, Andy and Salvatore Pellitieri, and a pick-up truck used to buy automotive cores to sell to the automotive aftermarket. The partners rented a 5,000 sq. ft. building and within a couple years had outgrown their first home. Joe Pellitieri Sr. joined the partners in 1984, and one year later they bought a 50,000 sq. ft. building located on a few acres where they continued to grow their business. BEC began as a full line core supply company providing cores to the small part, engine and transmission rebuilding industries. Today the company remains focused on its origins, but has added scrap metal recycling, aluminum sow production and retail sales of transmission rebuilding products to broaden its revenue streams. With the addition of family members Jason, Paul, Mary, John, Joe Pellitieri Jr. and Marc Parisi the company has grown tenfold in the last 15 years. BEC currently owns and operates a 330,000 sq. ft. facility and has grown to a workforce of close to 150 employees. Our fleet of roll off trucks and containers give our suppliers a resource to help keep their facilities in order while always

receiving competitive value for their material. Today BEC processes 1,000 tonnes of automotive parts per week, including dismantling 450 engines and 900 transmissions per day. Engines and transmissions that have value to the rebuilding industry are cleaned of their accessories and are sorted and palletized for sale to our customers. The units that do not have value as complete units often have value in their component parts. BEC sells a large quantity of cylinder heads, cranks, cams and other engine components to its rebuilders. BEC is also one of the largest suppliers in North America of reclaimed transmission internal hard parts and torque converters. The company carries a full line of remanufactured torque converters, new electronics, frictions, steels,

What was once a byproduct of the business had become one of the company’s largest revenue streams.

gasket sets and good quality used transmission hard parts for transmission rebuilding shops and home mechanics. The engine and transmission dismantling process began to leave BEC with larger quantities of scrap materials that needed to be recycled. What was once a byproduct of the business had become one of the company’s largest revenue streams. Scrap metal sales reached 3,000 tonnes a month by 2012. In early 2016 BEC added two aluminum recycling furnaces to take the cast aluminum from the disassembly operations and turn it into 2,000 lbs aluminum sows to sell back to the automotive industry’s die casters. The company now produces over 500 tonnes a month of a near 380 quality aluminum sow that ends up being cast back into engines and transmissions for many of the world’s auto manufacturers. BEC’s partnerships with some of North Americas largest die casters assure that its vendors will continue to receive the most competitive prices for their reusable cores as well as their scrap. BEC continues to grow and diversify its offerings and has a number of projects in their infancy stages to continue to bring our suppliers and customers the products and services they have come to expect.

Joe Pellitieri, Marc Parisi, Jason Pellitieri, Andy Pellitieri, and Rich Watkins.





Car-Part’s iPro marketplace changes the game for the auto recycling industry


ur Integrated Car-Part Pro marketplace (iPro) is a specialized market designed to serve the collision repair industry. It provided us the opportunity to address insurance claims, industry supply chain transparency and efficiency and recycler supply chain challenges while considering new vehicle technology complexity. These fast-changing technologies are at the heart of changes impacting the recycling industry and represent both our biggest opportunities and biggest threats. Availability of parts that meet insurance and shop requirements is key. iPro’s focus on availability is unmatched. We start with 350 of Canada’s largest recycled, aftermarket, discount OE, and remanufacturer distribution locations, then add real time delivery information for 300 of their supply chain locations (effectively providing 650 supply chain locations). The iPro prices are all inclusive. iPro buyers select a supply chain part 48 percent of the time which makes iPro twice as good as! Car-Part Certified Recyclers have 400 locations including their supply chains. Accurate availability information is important to reduce cycle time and industry costs (for claims organizations, shops, and part suppliers) which is why iPro automatically checks real time part availability for hundreds of Canadian auto recyclers before a part is added to an estimate or part order. iPro also provides images with part results (as supplied by hundreds of Canadian auto recyclers).

iPro integrates with both Mitchell Estimating and Audatex Estimating. These systems are designed around OEM components, but the recycling industry is designed around assemblies because assemblies require the least

These fast-changing technologies are at the heart of changes impacting the recycling industry and represent both our biggest opportunities and biggest threats amount of effort to dismantle and provide the greatest value. One click inside the estimating system activates iPro which reads the estimate and launches the iPro marketplace with the list of parts being replaced. iPro’s workflow and mappings bridges that component/assembly gap to optimize the use of assemblies and recycled parts. Many of the top selected iPro parts are assemblies. Car-Part provides iPro Analytics, which reports on iPro usage and workflow success.

iPro Analytics uses Internet based funnel technology to see where workflow opportunities are lost. Providing this actionable insight to insurance companies and shop networks helps them drive more effective user behavior. iPro measures the part type utilization and total part dollars of estimates before and after entering the iPro marketplace. In 2018, our North American iPro users experienced 17 percent of their part dollars being added to estimates coming from recycled parts. This represents a 49 percent increase in their recycled parts utilization versus before they entered the iPro marketplace. They also experienced a three-percentage point drop in their overall part dollars being added to the estimates versus their pre iPro part dollar spend. Part ordering is integrated with Mitchell’s RepairCenter shop management system. One click launches Car-Part Pro from within Repair Center and Pro updates Repair Center’s repair order and purchase order. Car-Part Pro provides part ordering for hundreds of Canadian auto recyclers. To increase the use of recycled parts in the collision repair industry, it should be easiest to source, procure, and use recycled parts. The recycled part usage in iPro demonstrates progress toward that goal. iPro’s robust marketplace, rich features, and better alignment with collision repairer’s workflows, are increasing recycled part usage—and industry success in overcoming today’s challenges.

(RIGHT) Car-Part received a CIECA E-Commerce Company of the Year Award in 2017, right after the launch of iPro.

(LEFT) Car-Part president Jeff Schroder.




ARRIVE AT SUNRISE Cardinal Couriers Delivers


ince 1978, Cardinal Couriers has earned a reputation for waking up with the farmers. Committed to making rural deliveries before 8 a.m., Cardinal doesn’t make the Ontario agricultural community waste time awaiting packages. When it is sent with Cardinal, it will be there before breakfast! With this kind of reputation propelling, it’s no wonder that Cardinal has since branched out into other industries. While the agrarian community still makes up the core of its clientele, Cardinal has partnered with vaunted international firms in industries such as automotive OEM, automotive aftermarket, industrial, HVAC, high tech, medical, construction, utility, marine and many more. Any industry you can name is one that Cardinal is doing business with. Cardinal has always managed to keep ahead of industry trends­­. Cardinal’s new online system is a fully equipped web service designed with making the user experience the top priority. Every step of the shipping process is automated through this system. From point of shipping, tracking and tracing to arrival at the destination, two-

way wireless scanners keep track of it all. This allows clients to keep abreast of their parcels while drivers can view and access data while updating dispatchers of their current locations and status. Cardinal’s waybill imaging system allows users to scan and upload the actual delivery documentation, making it easy to access with just the waybill number. Prospective high volume shippers should also look into the CARS 2000 shipping system. The

There are several competitive advantages to the Cardinal solution.

Cardinal’s vaults help keep your packages secure during both pick-up and delivery.



Courier Administration Reporting System is an in-house solution that Cardinal has developed specifically for high volume clients. The company is so confident in its efficiency, that they provide, install and maintain a computer within their clients shipping departments. Cardinal’s fleet is a veritable Swiss Army knife, with tractor trailers, cube vans, three and five ton tailgated trucks, all equipped to switch from standard courier freight to skids. Cardinal maintains the security of its client’s shipping needs by maintaining an average of two years for line haul and heavy equipment trucks, while outfitting their vehicles with air ride suspension, logistics racks and logistics tracking. They have a unit and accompanying gear for any shipping problem. With Cardinal when you rise with the sun, you also rise to the goods you need, safely arrived and ready for use.



Commercial Forms specializes in what you need for auto recycling


ommercial Forms Recycler Supply serves the automotive recycling industry and many other automotive related industries with forms, tags and consumable supply items such as carplugs, paint markers, heat tabs, saw blades, shipping and safety supplies. We were founded as a business forms company to serve the needs of automotive recyclers using the AutoInfo and Hollander Yard Management System. This niche provided the foundation that has allowed us to expand our offering to include many industry specific consumables used by automotive recyclers throughout the world. It started in 1988 when we wanted to create a business that provided the unique forms, tags and supplies used by automotive recyclers. Our goal was to create a centralized source of supplies that modern thinking auto recyclers consumed in the operation of their businesses. We wanted

to create a way to make things simple! A way to eliminate multiple vendors, multiple calls, multiple POs and most importantly eliminate added overhead to your business. A unique business that catered to your unique needs! Our motto is “Supplies Made Simple.” This means you and your staff can count on us to make life easier when sourcing your unique consumable supplies. Our in-depth knowledge

Serving the Supply Needs of Automotive Recyclers for more than 30 Years.

of your business, your software and your industry gives us the advantage to serve you. We’ve done the homework for you to consolidate commodity consumables like safety and shipping supplies to make the ordering process easy too! We offer a streamlined approach to international shipping experiences which includes no duties, taxes, bond fees, and no flat broker fees. Landed costs are known prior to shipment of your order and our NRI importer status provides for smooth customs processing. Our customers appreciate our “no hidden costs” approach that offers solid financial information to make good purchasing decisions. We can be reached Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST at 800-233-0771 or you can reach us via email to sale@commercialforms. com. Ordering may also be done through our website

Forms and tags.

Yard and shop supplies.




PEOPLE, PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY Copart brings its vision to life


hat’s your vision?” This can seem like an odd question when all of us are working so hard to complete today’s tasks, but for our professional and personal lives, having a vision of what the future should look like can serve as a roadmap for what we’re doing today. Here at Copart, our vision is “To provide an unmatched experience, every day and everywhere, driven by our people, process and technology.” A company can have great people, but if they don’t have the tools (technology) and the direction (process) they need, they won’t reach their full potential. Similarly, process without the people or technology to back it up may look great on paper, but it will be nothing more than good intentions if nobody is there to carry it out. Technology without a defined process or the heart of a team of people to back it up won’t get the company very far. What I have been most pleasantly surprised about during my time at Copart is the people. I have enjoyed being part of the team here, and I feel like this is the type of place where ideas are encouraged, and employees are respected for “challenging the norm.” It is clear to me that Copart has a team spirit that is unique and empowering. Ideas are encouraged, and employees are challenged to make their ideas work. This creates a culture of ownership and innovation that helps to keep our technology moving forward. Since I started at Copart three years ago, I’ve been dividing my time between working with our IT department on the Copart website and working with auto recyclers at tradeshows and industry events. It’s a good balance because technology and relationships must work hand-in-hand in order to be successful.

Copart is always searching for ways to make things faster and easier for our customers, and what better way to do that than to get out and talk to people face-to-face? I’ll admit that I’m biased – I will always enjoy working with people more than I like working with computers, but I love it when we find win-win situations where technology makes it easier for people to do their jobs. One example of technology making things better is our online-only auction model. By running auctions online, all bids are recorded automatically by our technology, so our

Here at Copart, our vision is “To provide an unmatched experience, every day and everywhere, driven by our people, process and technology.”

members can bid with confidence. The Copart website is “responsive,” meaning that it automatically resizes for viewing on different size screens like tablets and smartphones. Pre-bidding, and multi-lot bidding is a great feature for members who want to prebid their way through a sale list in a short amount of time and get on with their day.

The search and filter options on Copart websites help members search for specific vehicles and find what they need quickly. The “customize view” option is great for adding or removing columns of sale lists and vehicle search results so you can see the columns you need in the order you want. Certainly, these are features that make bidding faster and more efficient, and all of them started out in one way or another as an idea from an employee or a customer. Our process is to develop new features with our customers in mind, so if you have an idea about how we can help you, please let us know! All auto recyclers are welcome to call or email me directly, or you can look for the Copart booth at an upcoming ARA event near you. We appreciate your business, and we’re here to help. For a personal tour of the Copart website, questions, comments or to just say hello, contact Amanda Zmolek, Copart industry relations analyst at or 972-391-5759.

Amanda Zmolek, Copart’s industry relations analyst.





Incidents are bad for the environment and your wallet


sn’t it ironic how North American communities tend to ignore the daily environmental damage caused by our heavy consumer culture and product utilization, but are yet quick to point a finger at the recycling industry when a pollution incident occurs? The popular perception and depiction of Canada’s auto recycling industry may take time to change, but that does not mean you have to wait to minimize your exposure to risk. Pollution incidents are an everyday business risk for auto recyclers. While providing a service that benefits the environment through recycling discarded products, operators also take on a greater risk due to the concentration of pollutants they collect. The pollution risk may be well managed, but it is often not well insured. So, why should you purchase insurance

for a pollution incident? Depending on the remediation required and the damage done, pollution incidents can be quite costly and can continue to rise once lawyers get involved, sometimes reaching more than a million dollars in damages. Insurance offers on-site remediation, litigation defense costs and awards compensation to others for property damage or bodily injury. Cowan Insurance Group has been insuring recycling operations for more than 30 years. During that time, the industry has changed for the better through technological advancements, training and improved business practices, awareness of environmental risks and participation with government programs. In spite of all these improvements, pollution remains a common business risk and we encourage you to regularly review your risk management

Myth #1: I’m only responsible when it is my fault. In reality, even if an incident is caused by vandalism, the pollutants are ultimately still on your property, and thus you will be responsible for the damage done to others. Myth #2: Pollution policies are expensive. Policies are no longer cost prohibitive and are certainly cheaper than litigation and the costs of remediation.

practices and, as a financial safety net for your company—to purchase a pollution policy that fits your desired level of protection. Cowan Insurance Group offers several recommendations for mediating risks. It suggests you to determine your level of exposure to a pollution incidence, and discuss any concerns with your broker. Further, you may want to consider bringing the insurer out to your property. It also suggests that you take the time to review your current risk management processes from extraction to containment, through to removal. Address shortfalls and make improvements on safety while addressing your exposure. Recognizing the many reasons auto recycling facilities may have for refraining from getting insured, Cowan Insurance Group details some commonly held myths regarding insurance. Ryan Burns is a commercial account executive at Cowan Insurance Group. Ryan specializes in insuring recycling operations. For more information or to reach Ryan directly, email ryan.burns@

Myth #3: All pollution policies are the same. Different types of environmental policies are available to cover a range of exposures, including sudden and accidental or preexisting conditions. Extensions, sub limits, clauses, and exclusions may also differ between insurers. Myth #4: It is a bad idea to let insurers to visit your facility. It is actually a great idea to have the insurer involved in a proactive risk inspection. Safety is everyone’s concern. The insurer’s risk services representative is not there to judge but can help identify concerns so they can be addressed before they become a problem. Ryan Burns Commercial Account Executive Phone: 519-650-6363 ext. 41229 Toll Free: 1-866-912-6926




RELIABILITY FOR THE ROAD Eagle Towing Equipment remains a central pillar of the towing community in Ontario


n 1979, 18-year-old Victor Poladian left his family home in Armenia to follow in his older brother Simon’s footsteps and build a life in the New World. When then 23-year-old Simon Poladian discovered his eager younger brother had landed on his doorstep in Cambridge, Ontario, Simon was a little less enthusiastic. “We had to do something, so we started a business – just a gas station, but we did a lot of repairs on the side,” says Simon. “One day we had no idea what we were doing, the next we were business partners – best decision of my life.” In the almost 40 years that have passed since they began working together, the brothers have accomplished a lot. After buying their first wrecker, a small Vulcan mounted on a Ford pickup, they soon rebranded themselves as S&V Towing.

By the end of the decade, the brothers had begun to work closely with NRC, being the first Canadian outfit equipped with the company’s heavy wreckers—one of which caught media attention when it lifted an overturned bus just enough to allow the trapped passengers to escape, before righting the vehicle entirely. After almost a decade in the industry, and with first hand knowledge of the most soughtafter towing equipment, the brothers became more involved in the equipment sale side of the towing industry. Offered the opportunity to be NRC’s sole Ontario dealer, the brothers leapt on the opportunity, founding Eagle Towing Equipment. Today, Eagle remains Ontario’s only official NRC dealership, offering the towing community

Eagle Towing Equipment, NRC’s sole Ontario dealer, in Cambridge, Ontario.

the tools needed to keep our roads safe. While Simon’s son Jack, who joined the team in 2014, turned the managing duo into a trio, the Poladians haven’t let time change their working relationship—after all, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.





ELV Select provides more options for customers


entrally located in Fergus Ontario, ELV Select has grown to be the “go-to” company for auto recycling equipment for many small to large end-of-lifevehicle processing facilities. Whether it’s fluid drainage equipment, AC evacuation equipment, hoists, compressors or tanks, ELV Select has been successfully supplying top of the line equipment. In 2018 we supplied our customers with catalytic converter cutters, airbag detonation cabins, ES2 mobile drainage stations, drain towers, compressors, dryers and so much more. However, we felt it was necessary to expand a little more! Some exciting product lines were added. First, we added the complete line of C. E G. Taurus shear balers, balers, loggers, pre-shredders and hammermills. This line includes mini hammer mills for collected scrap as well as engine and transmission refining. Next, we added a Euro-

pean built-line for engine pullers. These excavator mounted engine pullers are ideal for any auto and metal recycler to pull engines and recovery of harness wiring. Finally, we’ve brought on some smaller lines including oil absorbing pads and spill kits, fuel dispensing pumps and air hose reels. These expansions have given us the ability to service the needs of recyclers all over Canada to a much better extent. Without surprise, our customers have been able to focus on the day-today operation of their facilities without worrying about downtime. Our service team works hard to ensure that any questions about equipment are answered, wear or replacement parts are sent out immediately and training is done for new installations as well as for new staff. At ELV Select we spend time with our customers to make sure that we come up with ELV

processing solutions that maximize profitability without disrupting current business processes. We take the time to plan the layout, whether it’s a simple addition to an existing floor plan or perhaps a complete disassembly line. We work hard from start to finish to make sure that our customers are satisfied. If you own a recycling facility and would like a free second opinion on improving your current processes or need help with navigating the ins and outs of an industry regulation, let us help. If you are in the market for industry leading equipment, proven to perform well into the future, visit us at an upcoming trade show or look us up on our recently updated website From all of us at ELV select, we want to say thank you! Thank you for your continued trust in us, and thank you for keeping us hopping! All the best in 2019!

ELV Select’s ES2 mobile drainage station.

Bob Vanleevwen.

Henk Huijgen.





A Helluva packaging solution for any business


hen Balcon Enterprises Inc.continued to hear feedback from customers using their shipping supplies such as ‘that’s a Helluva box’ or ‘that’s a Helluva bag’, it struck a chord. So much so, in fact, that they decided to consult with a marketing company in Minneapolis and eventually register ‘Helluva’ for their packaging products. Helluva specializes in packaging solutions using high-end shipping products such as Gaylord Boxes, FIBC Bulk Bags, liners, tape, film and pallets. They consider themselves consultants as much as vendors, working with clients to solve problems and developing long-term relationships with customers based on a commitment to high quality and no corner cutting. A big part of their ability to maintain high quality at low costs is their Gaylord Box refurbishing program. While purchasing used Gaylord Boxes is not new, Helluva takes the time to inspect those boxes and repair them as opposed to just passing them on from one customer to the next without even looking at them. A practice that can lead to some obvious, and nasty, consequences. The last thing anyone should have to worry about is whether their shipping products will fail. If a box Helluva acquires can’t be



repaired they don’t use it, they send the leftovers to be made into more cardboard. The result is one ‘Helluva’green innovation. Only 35 percent of most new boxes is recycled material, with the other 65 percent coming from new trees. With its refurbishment program, Helluva has committed itself to recycling and reusing boxes, leading the way in reducing the deforestation that cardboard use and production demands. Using calculations based on the EPA estimate that 17 trees are used to make one ton of cardboard stock, Helluva’s refurbishment program reduces demand for new cardboard stock by roughly 13,000 lbs a year, sparing more than 102,000

trees annually which is enough trees to cover an area the size of Dallas. Bulk bags are another of Helluva’s strengths. They have options for fully customizable bags so that customers can get exactly what they need. Helluva makes things even more convenient by keeping an in-stock bag program for common-sized and custom designed bags so that customers only have to order those that they need without clogging up their inventory. Ever-reliable and ever-expanding, they’re running one ‘Helluva’ company.



BLUE = PMS 661


Simple, economical solutions to meet ELV regulations


he Ontario end-of-life vehicle (ELV) processing regulations are having a significant impact on the automotive recycling sector. In 2014, Recycling Equipment Canada (REC) of Waterloo, Ontario set out to find the safest, easiest-to-use, and highestquality solution to enable its auto recycling customers to meet rising standards with minimal effort. REC focused its search on Europe, where similar regulations have been in place longer, and concluded that Iris-Mec equipment is the right choice for its customers. REC has since sold many Iris-Mec systems to used auto parts and scrap metal recycling customers.

Iris-Mec visual option for good and bad fuel.

“We reviewed all the leading manufacturers and chose Iris-Mec because of its proven track record, its simple, rugged design and ease of operation,” says Pete Mulvany, CEO of REC. “Iris-Mec is also competitively priced compared to other systems, maximizing profit opportunities for our customers.”

Key features and benefits of Iris-Mec equipment include pneumatic drainage systems that require only an air compressor to operate and hands-free drainage tools, as well as handsfree extractor drills that are completely selfsupporting. The drill also has a large sealing bellows to eliminate fuel spillage. As well, IrisMec offers an optional visual module for fuel drainage. This allows you to see the fuel while it is being extracted, so you can divert it to good or bad fuel tanks. REC worked with Iris-Mec to develop two standard depollution systems that are optimized for auto dismantlers and scrap processors in Canada. These simple, single-unit systems enable customers to meet all Canadian regulations quickly and efficiently. For auto dismantlers recovering used parts, the ISQ compact drainage system allows for the most efficient throughput of fluid removal without damaging car parts. Its compact, narrow footprint allows it to fit between two lifts so the operator can work on two vehicles at once. For scrap dealers who are processing vehicles directly to scrap, the IBQ compact drainage system has the same features as the ISQ and includes a built-in vehicle stand. This allows cars to be placed on the stand using a frontend loader, eliminating the need to install lifts. “Our Iris-Mec ISQ systems are excellent value. They are easy to install and simple to operate and maintain. If you’re looking for a solution to increase your productivity, Iris-Mec is a great choice,” says Chris Miller, co-owner of Miller’s Auto Recycling in Fort Erie, Ontario.


C: 100 M: 69 Y: 0 K: 9

C: 50 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0

Self-supporting Iris-Mec fuel drill.

Mulvany says that Iris-Mec impressed him with their dedication to customer service and accessibility, as well as their technology. “The people at Iris-Mec are great to work with. We deal directly with the owners of the company and have access to senior engineers for any system design and support we need,” says Mulvany. REC is able to offer a complete package for processors who are starting from scratch, and can help optimize the design of expanded or new facilities. REC also offers parts and accessories for all Iris-Mec equipment, and stocks service items and common wear parts for same-day shipping. For more information, please call 866-496-4955 or visit





Impact Auto Auction’s game-changing digital platforms


t Impact Auto Auctions, Canada’s leading live and live-online salvage, damaged, high-mileage or aged-vehicle auction company, there is always excitement. While many set their sights on luxury cars on the auction block, expert bidders pore over the rest of the stock searching for the overlooked offerings. With 14 north-of-the-border locations, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, Impact offers sellers an easy way to get their vehicles sold anywhere in the country, and gives buyers access to Canada’s most extensive selection of salvage vehicles. This year, excitement is at an all-time high. With the introduction of a new online hub, My Auction Center. Impact has provided customers access to a personalized online dashboard giving bidders all the information they need to quickly search out the vehicles of interest, including up to 10 images of each vehicle, details about branding, damage estimates and other important decisionmaking attributes, such as whether the keys are present, or if air bags have been deployed. Among the most popular tools on impactauto.

ca, is an advanced search function, which allows browsers to search for vehicles using as many category settings as they like and save them. The site also now offers a simplified registration process for new bidders, letting them get right into the action. The site also allows for simultaneous participation in multiple auctions and gives wouldbe buyers the chance to pre-bid on vehicles. Full mobile auction access, including live video and audio streaming from the block is available through the new iOS/Android AuctionNow app, allowing bidders to participate in auctions from anywhere using their smartphones. “The AuctionNow mobile app allows bidders the ability to search and source specific vehicles with both speed and precision,” says managing director of Impact Auto Auctions Terry Daniels. “Customer interest and response has been positive. The number of downloads has by far exceeded our expectations and remains strong.” The payment system has also been simplified, with Impact partnering with Interac Online in order to provide customers with a secure and easy online payment option. Buyers can now make

direct payments through almost all Canadian major banks and credit unions. Vehicle and invoice payment using Interac Online payment is the easiest, fastest and most convenient way to pay, obtain Bill of Sale and Gate Passes to pickup vehicle purchases. For more information on online payment, please visit support/payments. To join a live auction guest registration is free, visit As a subsidiary of Insurance Auto Auctions (IAA) and a business unit within KAR Auction Services, Impact buyers and sellers benefit from access to information from a network of more than 165 North American auction facilities, offering secondary services—including towing, financing and titling transfer management. IAA also leverages its business model to assist charitable organizations through its One Car OneDifference® campaign.To date IAA has provided millions of dollars in additional funding to charities by assisting in the processing of donated vehicles. For more information about our charitable services, visit

Impact’s newest facility in Edmonton is the largest auction site in Canada.




REDEFINE YOUR BUSINESS Hollander prepares for the future


he horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad,” said the president of the Michigan Savings Bank when he was advising Henry Ford’s lawyer, Horace Rackham, not to invest in the Ford Motor Company in 1903. It’s fun to predict the future, and your prediction could be historically acclaimed, but most of the time we are spectacularly wrong. Thankfully, those of us in the auto industry don’t have to predict the future to be ready for it. Businesses like ours need to live with a mindset of constant evaluation and action. What can we do to anticipate trends and technology? What parts of our business can we upgrade to make our processes right, better, or different for our customers? Instead of predicting what we don’t know, we have to constantly evaluate what we do know and respond with agility. So, what practical steps can the organizations in the very fluid automotive recycling industry take to be ready for the future? To start the conversation, consider asking your technology partners what they do right, what they can do better, and what they can differently to benefit you. Hollander does a lot right such as, part identification (Hollander Interchange),

We know that salvage is in short supply and the value of metal is down, but we don’t know when either will improve. So, how do we prepare for the future using the information we have today?



yard management systems (Powerlink) and parts marketplaces (EDEN, eBay). While I believe that most of what Hollander does is right, the reality is that we at Hollander also have to look for things we can do better and different for our customers such as, provide solutions that identify more parts of value, enable parts to be inventoried faster and smarter than before, and seamlessly connect them to as many sources of demand as possible. Consider what we know, and don’t know, about the not-so-distant future. We know there will be automobiles, given the latest statistics on OEM manufacturing and the vision for connected cars, but they’ll most likely evolve in ways we don’t understand yet. We know that automobiles will most likely need to be repaired, but we can’t predict what will need to be fixed. We know that the recycled parts marketplace is consolidating and more competitive than ever, but we don’t know when or how that will change. We know that salvage is in short supply and the value of metal is down, but we don’t know when either will improve. So, how do we prepare for the future using the information we have today? Hollander’s answer is the Powerlink 3.0 and Production Manager 3.0. These upgraded tools, launching in Spring 2019, are the first steps in Hollander’s long-term strategy to provide new solutions and data to recyclers so we can help improve what, how, and where you inventory and sell your parts.

Powerlink 3.0 represents an evolution of Powerlink, functionally and technically. The workflow and advanced features streamline the process of inventorying vehicles and parks, including a new proprietary “VIN to Part” database to automatically identify parts on a vehicle, and an embedded image capture process that automatically associates images of vehicle sections with parts. Production Manager 3.0 runs on a cloudbased platform and is integrated with Powerlink, allowing managers to process an inventory item from sale to delivery. Every part that’s been sold can be tracked electronically through each stage of the process until it reaches the customer—future enhancements will allow users to choose the most efficient route for delivery. Users have the ability to see parts progress real time as well as create reporting and see trending information. Production Manager’s flexible features make it easier for yards of any size to operate into the future. Powerlink 3.0 and Production Manager 3.0 redefine what Hollander can do for your business. They’re just the start of critical solutions Hollander has been developing over the last several years to ensure our industry and our customers are ready for what comes next. For more information about Powerlink 3.0 or Production Manager 3.0 coming this spring, please contact Hollander at 800-825-0644, option 4.



Supershear’s patented technology helps you realize profit from cats


n 1975, when the U.S.based Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required the stricter regulation of exhaust emissions, having a catalytic converter on your automobile or truck became a necessity. As the use of this device became more of a commonplace, so did the knowledge that it still had worth even after a vehicle’s end-of-life phase. During the recycling process, the catalytic converter can be removed from a vehicle and the precious metals within it can be extracted and repurposed. The worth of the platinum, palladium and rhodium housed within a catalytic converter makes its removal well worth it. It is the value of these precious metals that drives the catalytic converter’s value. When prices are high, converters can draw $200. Recycling yards were in need of a way to safely and efficiently remove a catalytic converter from a car. The necessity of such a tool is what inspired Dave Casebolt to design and patent a cutting head that would effectively do the job, the Supershear. The Supershear hydraulic catalytic converter cutter has provided the recycling industry the best tool for the removal of the catalytic converter for more than 20 years. We continue to use the same original design invented and patented by Casebolt more than two decades ago because it is safe, powerful and efficient. During the design process, keeping things simple was a high priority.

For those yards looking to take their catalytic converter processing to the next level and harvest the precious metals found within, we also offer the Supershear DeCanner. The DeCanner is designed to slice through a catalytic converter can with a steel blade, at which point you can funnel the captured catalyst into a container of your choice below the machine. We take pride in the customer service we provide to our customers. In our shop located in Mesa, Arizona, we assemble The platinum, palladium and rhodium each machine from parts we housed within a catalytic converter make purchase and fabricate in-house, its removal well worth it. as well as provide service when it is needed for every Supershear and Supershear DeCanner. We can even handle special orders for Complex jaws and pivot points make for explosion zones or when requested, a dual head more wear points, which leads to expensive cutter. The inventory kept on hand ensures that repairs when problems arise. we are able to support all Supershears sold and The Supershear cutting head uses one nearly every phone call receives attention from moving part, making it simple and efficient. a person directly in touch with the creation of Each machine is equipped with 23 ft. braided the machines, the owner Larry DeMik, who hydraulic hose, a cart and a range of power can even help you troubleshoot common errors. sources, a 12 volt battery, an electric start gas Many scrap and recycling yards’ waste time and engine and a 110/220 volt motor. This variety money because they don’t have the proper tool allows us to offer a quality product to smaller to remove the converter. recycling yards that process 20 to 100 cars a For further details on the Supershear and how it can potentially help your recycling yard, please week, as well as larger yards that process more visit our website at that 100 each day.





QRP Canada introduces its new mega site


RP Canada, with 43 locations across the country is excited to announce in collaboration with the introduction of our new Mega Inventory site and ordering systems. Our mega site has the inventory of all of our locations providing the public and industry with a source for millions of quality recycled auto parts at their fingertips. In addition to recycled parts our aftermarket member Monidex is also featured. Retail customers can simply go to our website at to search parts near them and further afield across the country for those hard to find items. Results will show for our members closest to them and go further



afield giving customers the greatest choice. A live-chat button allows the customer immediate access to the location to complete the sale. Our commercial customers can access it through, which allows them to search online and place the available part right onto the estimate with a click of a button saving time and money. These systems coupled with our standards of performance which governs top quality parts and with superior customer services gives our customers the assurance we will deliver on our promise of “on time as described.” As industry leaders QRP Canada is actively involved in our industry as members and

board members of industry associations across the country. We are also proud to contribute to our communities working for a host of charities and associations such as the chamber of commerce, rotary and hospital foundations. As ongoing sponsors and Maple Leaf participants at the Canadian Collision Industry Forums (CCIF), we will be in Toronto, Halifax and Calgary this year. We would love to meet you and discuss your needs and how we can serve you better! Recyclers interested in joining the team are welcome to contact CEO, Ron Fisher at 250-202-6114 or through our website at



LKQ offers recycled and aftermarket parts, PBE supplies and much more By Marty Coonan


KQ Corporation, an S&P 500 company, was formed in 1998 through the acquisitions of wholesale recycler businesses and expanded into the aftermarket business in 2007 with the acquisition of Keystone Automotive Industries. In addition to recycled and aftermarket parts, LKQ distributes a full line of paint, body and equipment supplies, specialty parts, glass, high performance engines and much more. LKQ is a leading provider of alternative and specialty parts to repair and accessorize automobiles and other vehicles. Our extensive nationwide inventory includes: recycled OEM, reconditioned, remanufactured, refurbished and aftermarket automotive and truck parts. LKQ is committed to providing the highest quality standards in the business. We stand behind the integrity of our products with the LKQ Parts Replacement Promise which provides coverage for our products beyond the purchase date. Our commitment to quality allows us to back our recycled and aftermarket collision products with industry leading lifetime warranties. Our mission is to be the leading global valueadded distributor of vehicle parts and accessories. With more than 500 locations throughout Canada and the U.S., we offer our customers the most comprehensive, available and cost effective selection of part solutions. For more information about LKQ Corporation, please visit

LKQ has 500 locations throughout Canada.

“LKQ is committed to providing the highest quality standards in the business.� - Marty Coonan

The company started out with OEM recycled parts, but added aftermarket parts with the acquisition of Keystone Automotive.

Marty Coonan is the national accounts & MSO manager-Canada for LKQ Keystone. He can be reached at 416-737-2743 or via email to





Kobelco Auto-Dismantlers create additional revenue for recycling yards


o do the best job, you need the right tools. Since 1979, Kobelco has been working to develop the best tools for the auto recycling industry and the Kobelco SK210D and SK140D Auto-Dismantlers are just those tools. Auto recyclers need to get as much revenue as they can out of each vehicle. If your yard is not pulling all the copper and aluminum before sending it to the shredder, you are giving away money. Some yards have expanded their scrap recovery even more by removing steel and iron from the vehicle. This includes frames, steel rims and suspension. When all the usable parts have been picked off the vehicle, most yards flattened it, send it to a scrap yard with a shredder and get paid the mixed material price for the weight of the vehicle. This scrap yard would then put the vehicle into a shredder and pulverize it into smaller pieces and sort the different materials (primarily ferrous metal, aluminum and copper). These sorted more pure metals were sold at high profits by the shredder owners. Some recyclers saw the profits the scrap yards were making by separating and sorting these valuable metals out of their vehicles and began to remove these metals themselves by hand before sending the vehicle to the shredder. This created a new and profitable revenue stream for their business. They just needed a better, faster and more efficient way to pull the copper and aluminum. Kobelco began to work closely with Japan Auto Recyclers Association in the late 1970s to develop and refine a machine for their market that would provide a safe and cost effective way to capture these materials. Almost 40 years and several generations of machines later, Kobelco is pleased to bring the Kobelco SK210D and SK140D Multi-Dismantler machines to the North American market. These are not “add-on” or “conversion packages” that take a standard excavator and install hold down tines and a nibbler/picker tool. These Kobelco machines are purpose built from the factory for one job: tearing things apart with power and precision. They have a heavier frame and counterweight than a standard machine and additional reinforcing in

the boom and arm to stand up to the stresses and demands of dismantling and demolition work. The cab has safety glass with a mesh front window guard and a cab interference device that prevents the tool from hitting the cab and protects the operator. Many other features such as boom and arm holding valves, cylinder guards, reinforced belly guards and travel motor covers are included but the biggest thing is the movable hold down arms. Kobelco machines all come with hold down

They just needed a better and more efficient way to pull the copper and aluminum from the car.

arms that raise and lower (like the competition) but also open and close side-to-side (unlike the competition) to grab the car low and from the sides so you have full access to the engine compartment and all the wiring harness to maximize your metal recapture rates. We have specialized tools for cleaning wire, holding engine blocks and separating engine heads and transmissions built into these movable arms to assist in your recycling process. Kobelco is so confident in their machines that they offer full-factory, three-year, 3,000 hour warranty on the entire machine and tool. There are a lot of factors to consider when looking to expand the scrap operation on your yard and we understand every yard is different. But if you are looking for additional revenue from capturing more copper and aluminum or looking to go further and capture the frame and suspension as well, the Kobelco Auto-Dismantlers are purpose built to do just that. Any questions please contact Dave Donneral at 346-205-3820 or





One of North America’s largest and oldest precious metals recyclers


GM of Texas specializes in recycling platinum, palladium and rhodium from automotive ceramic and metallic catalytic converters, DPFs, industrial stationary elements, petroleum catalysts and oxygen sensors. We offer three service options: 1. Buying by the piece – We evaluate your precious metal bearing material for the best daily market price. Same day service, same day payment. 2. XRF Analysis is a service ideal for customers with small lots needing quick reliable results and payout. Advance payments can be made at time of delivery. Final payment and XRF results are normally in five days. 3. Toll Refining is an ICP assay based analysis. This service is ideal for customers with larger quantities. Process time line from receipt of your material to ICP assay is normally in 21 days. Advance payment can be made at time of delivery and final payment is made at time of assay (ICP-OES) results. Over the years we have achieved continuous growth with eleven locations: • Texas – Austin, Dallas, Houston, and Laredo • Florida – Orlando and Jacksonville • Mississippi – Gulfport • Alabama - Dothan • North Carolina – Charlotte • Missouri - Kansas City • New Hampshire - Bow

We are here to provide the best and most transparent reliable service to fit the needs of all our customers big or small.

Our success is due to the success of our customers. We treat all our loyal customers as partners, sharing our knowledge, data and experience. We believe in providing our customers with the tools to become more profitable and successful. Our professional staff of trusted buyers, logistic specialist, and metal management team are here to provide the best and and most transparent reliable service to fit the needs of all our customers big or small. Remember, when it comes to precious metals recycling, PGM of Texas is all you need. For pricing and toll refining information, please call 512 829 4194 or visit our website





PMR Inc. shares insight on how to get the best value out of catalytic converters


ne of the more common measures for evaluating catalytic converters these days is the notion of average dollar value per unit. On the surface, this method of evaluation would seem to be a very straight forward way of comparing the purchasing prices of potential catalytic converter buyers. Unfortunately, this can be like asking a hungry fox to count your chickens unsupervised. So how should you count your converters to get the best value? Unless you are already refining your converters just about every other buyer you have encountered so far has a different method for arriving at a “can/unit average,” which in most cases will make his pricing look great! Bluntly stated, converters are only ever evaluated based on the recoverable precious metals contained in the different types of materials. Most toll refiners purchasing material by assay will offer you a more accurate count of your materials and averages will be broken down by the types of converters they are able to process. For the sake of simplicity let’s say there are five types which include, OEM ceramic converters, OEM metallic converters, DPF/DOC diesel converters, aftermarkets and beads. If your current buyer is not identifying each type of material for you, chances are he is a fox counting your chickens. That is to say, in the attempt to offer supposed simplicity, they are ensuring you feel good about your average unit price while doing some creative math in their favour to get there. An honest buyer will give you can counts outlining each type of material and partial cans. The less transparent buyers will combine materials or count smaller units as two for one to achieve a more attractive average. Now add in the fact that each of the different types of catalytic converters listed above are processed differently by a refiner how can there be an average value for all combined materials? While it is always possible to arrive at an average for all the units that leave your facility, the mixture of each material is going to change from one batch to the next. Usually bringing up the question, “What happened with converters this

month?” As an auto recycler you really need to be aware of the average value for each material, not the combined average, as this will alter the view of your month-to-month converter core profits and how to competitively purchase vehicles to recycle.

A real count will give you a detailed report of all the catalytic converters leaving your yard for precious metal recovery. How many times has a buyer told you they will be happy to purchase your material with an across the board unit price? If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. What you may not know is that they will be setting the other types of material outside this across-the-board purchase and will often consider smaller converters half-a-unit. What does a real count look like and

how can it help your operation? A real count will give you a detailed report of all the catalytic converters leaving your yard for precious metal recovery. This outline should state how many of each of the five types of catalytic converters you sold including partial units. A refiner will then be able to give you the total weight of ceramic/wash coat that came from the lot and the average weight per unit. Only then can you determine the actual value per unit based on the price of precious metals in the market. All of this information should closely reflect the types of vehicles you processed this month. If you are consistent in the types of vehicles you process the converter counts and weights should not change much month-to-month nor should the precious metal recovery. With proper counting you will be able to ensure the security of your material and consistency of return, if there are inconsistencies in any piece of the puzzle a good refiner can help you understand, “What happened to catalytic converters this month?” If your buyer has no answers for you, maybe it’s time to look to professionals that will be more of a partner than a predator.

A PMR grader counting catalytic converters.





Power Metal Recycling uses it’s business strategies to improve the industry


ower Metal Recycling along with its partnering companies are North America’s largest processors of catalytic converters. With years of experience in the industry and locations across the U.S. and Canada, our companies were able to prosper even more in recent times and accumulate market share while our competitors were weakening financially and closing doors or leaving calls unanswered. Our companies were built on discipline, integrity and a formula for putting the business first and hence our customers first. Our long-term thinking strategy places us at the forefront of innovation in the way we process, in the way which we treat our customers and the amazing tools which we have to offer and continue to develop. We seek to improve the industry itself by raising the bar over-and-over again in technology. Our Mississauga, Ontario location services suppliers all across Canada. From large lots processing on assay to yards selling per piece, our suppliers offer a range of purchasing tools and two methods of purchase. Our distinctive reputation is in part due to the extraction capabilities of our processing system located in Kenbridge,

Power Metal Recycling facility.

Our companies were built on discipline, integrity and a formula for putting the business first and hence our customers first. Virginia. With the ability to extract two to six percent more material than our competitors along with the capability of processing ceramic

catalytic converters, foil catalytic converters and oxygen sensors all in the same lot, Power Metal Recycling is able to provide its suppliers with higher profit margins whether they are selling per piece or on assay. Our buyers can travel to your location or you are welcome to visit us at 7440 Tranmere Dr., Mississauga, Ontario. Our grading is based on laboratory results for individual catalytic converters and we pride ourselves in accuracy. Power Metal Recycling also purchases ferrous and non-ferrous metals such ACRs, rims, batteries, AC compressors, starters, alternators and much more. Reach out to us today for competitive prices or to schedule a meeting with one of our buyers and take a look at the difference in our grading.

Power Metal Recycling focuses on recycling scrap metal and converters from all over Canada.





Progi cherishes its partnerships within the automotive industry


rogi was founded in 1990 when eight partners launched the organization’s first software, a recycler yard central management system. Since then, Progi and its team have developed a passion for servicing the automotive market. Over the course of almost three decades, Progi has created a dozen digital solutions tailored for the automotive, insurance and medical industries. Today, Progi’s solutions are used across North America and will soon be entering European markets. A growing company, Progi currently has 70 employees, with new hires coming in each month. The company encourages its staff to make bold decisions and close business relationships with its client networks. Progicians, as team-members are known, are true believers in the power of hard work, innovation and excellence, and remain passionate about what they

do. Outside of their job responsibilites, Progicians volunteer their time to work together on the yearly ProgiDonation project.This year’s project revolves around school rentention and making a difference in the lives of students. Progicians are working hard to help more students graduate and accomplish their goals. Progi was built in a step-by-step manner. By listening to collisions shops, recyclers and partner insurers, the company has been able to drive innovation in positive direction. Though its growth has been a good thing for the organization, it is, of course, challenging. Each day, Progi must adapt to a new reality in order to overcome these challenges. In 2011, Progi scored a huge hit with ProgiSync Appointments. It is believed that the solution will one day go beyond the automotive market and

be adapted to other markets. Progi is proudly Canadian and thanks the many collision shops, recyclers and insurers who participate in enhancing its solutions, and who help define the company as a leading organization in the automotive market. Progi offers a standing invitation to Canadian auto recyclers that are members of OARA, ARPAC, ARAAC and LKQ to join the ProgiPix network. Created in 1998, the network is constantly growing and offers more and more opportunities for its members. The Progi team strongly believes that its auction system is the best way to buy and sell salvage vehicles on the Canadian market, and believes ProgiPix can benefit members of Canadian auto recycling community. More information can be found at Progi’s website,

Progi’s software suites offer auto recyclers all of the tools they need to have efficiently run businesses integrated into the global automotive aftermarket.





Rebuilders Automotive Supply thrives on its sterling reputation


ebuilders Automotive Supply is the number one full-line core supplier to the largest remanufacturers and auto recyclers in the world. With more than 45 years in the automotive recycling industry, RAS is a quality and service-conscious company with more than 40 product lines, 180,000 part numbers in inventory and over three million cores processed annually. RAS’ offerings include CoreConnect, Recalls, CorePro, RASBid, CorePro mobile app, catalytic converters and RASCAT app. RAS tools uniquely streamline all aspects of the automotive core evaluation and inventory process while maximizing core revenue. RAS serves as an exclusive buyback partner for certain recalled Takata airbag modules. The population of VINs included in the buyback program is limited to those currently authorized for purchase by the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Honda hired RAS to coordinate its buyback and track down recalled salvage parts in 2015. RAS’s recalled airbag recovery program has grown to now include 10 OEMS: Ford, GM, Honda, Jaguar Land Rover, Mazda, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru and Toyota. RAS is quickly becoming ‘the recall specialist’ by working with thousands of salvage yards to identify and recover recalled parts. RAS has played a key role by providing educational and technological tools to the

RAS will continue to assist the salvage industry until there comes a day when recyclers will be made aware of recalls prior to purchase into the salvage network.



salvage industry which facilitate streamlined identification and removal of recalled parts by VIN or year/make/model criteria. Additionally, RAS provides instructions on how to properly handle and ship hazmat material along with appropriate packaging supplies needed to safely remove these dangerous parts from public circulation. RAS will continue to assist the salvage industry until there comes a day when recyclers will be made aware of recalls prior to purchase into the salvage network. RAS is very proud of their role as a corporate citizen in removing these very dangerous parts out of the salvage network which ultimately saves lives. Furthermore, the company was recognized by General Motors as one of its best global suppliers during GM’s 23rd annual Supplier of the Year awards ceremony. The Supplier of the Year and Overdrive award winners are chosen by a global team of GM purchasing, engineering, quality, manufacturing and logistics executives. Winning suppliers from around the world received the award for going above and beyond GM’s requirements, designed to provide customers with the most innovative technologies and the industry’s best quality vehicles. “These companies are the best-of-the-best suppliers, and deserving of special recognition for their outstanding contributions,” said Steve Kiefer, GM vice president of global purchasing and

supply chain. RAS is one of 78 global suppliers to earn the prestigious Supplier of the Year 2014 award, among them are FedEx, Dell, Lear, BASF and Alpine to name a few. RAS has demonstrated superior handling of both the Takata airbag recall and GM ignition switch recall. The company has dedicated a team exclusively to recalled part recovery from the salvage industry: the team is tasked with verifying the VIN, year, make, model and ID of the part, receiving the parts in house, where, once received, they undergo a second verification process. RAS then reimburses the salvage yard and securely stores the parts until they are returned to the OEM for destruction. To date, RAS has acquired more than 300,000 airbags, one of many parts on the RAS recalls radar. RAS launched CoreConnectSM in 2015 in partnership with Hollander. CoreConnectSM is a web-based application connecting the demand for parts from manufacturers and rebuilders identified by RAS with your inventory in Hollander’s EDEN® parts network. On average, automotive recyclers have thousands of dollars of core parts sitting in their inventory, representing an immediate, significant revenue opportunity. CoreConnectSM enables you to see the demand for parts to easily price and sell them. For more information, go to



Monidex prides itself on offering the best customer experience


onidex has a simple goal: 100 percent satisfaction at every transaction. It’s easy to put into words, but not as easy to achieve. Nevertheless, the company has been doing just that for 34 years. Sal Polletta is the owner of Monidex. He stands by the company’s ideals and says that if a customer ever believes that the company has not met that goal, just get in touch. “Don’t hesitate to contact us,” he says. “Serving our customers is why we’re in business. That’s what we’re here for.” Monidex Distribution International was founded in 1983 and is one of the fastest growing auto parts importing and distribution companies in North America. The company has grown at an impressive rate, both in terms of employees and square footage. Currently the company operates 200,000 sq. ft. of warehouses in Montreal and Halifax, and a partnership with QRP Canada signed in 2015 greatly expanded the company’s reach. The company offers delivery to over 90 percent of Ontario before 8 a.m. Place an order in the morning, and chances are good that you’ll have it before you open up the next day. The goal is 100 percent satisfaction. The company’s mission is to offer customers the most reliable aftermarket car parts available at the lowest prices possible, without ever sacrificing top-notch service. “I’m confident that if you ask any of our longstanding customers, they will vouch that Monidex has offered, and continues to offer, the best service every step of the way,” says Polletta.

“Monidex has offered, and continues to offer, the best service every step of the way.” – Sal Polletta

The knowledgeable and committed sales staff has many years of experience. They know the company’s inventory very well. That’s even more impressive when you consider that Monidex has over 40,000 car parts in stock. “To our long-term customers, thank you for your continued support,” says Polletta. “To those of you considering Monidex, we hope you let our 34 years of excellent service, impeccable reputation, and many satisfied customers assure you that you can feel confident about purchasing auto parts from Monidex. We’re always happy to assist our retail customers and professional installers in finding the proper replacement auto parts. We pride ourselves on making sure you’ll get the car parts you need delivered to you quickly.” For more information on Monidex, please visit

Monidex’s operation in Quebec.




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TWELVE-THIRTY-FOUR – IT’S TIME In refrigerant recovery, SST has you ready.


he concept was brilliant in it’s design and simplicity. Pressurize a gas and it gets very cold. It revolutionized food storage and gave us relief from the heat in our home and automobile. For years the only residual effect was dripping water. That was until holes in the ozone were discovered. One of the major culprits, CFC’s found in refrigerant gas. Since then scientists have been hard at work. The dilemma: creating a harmless gas that actually works in air conditioners. The latest in-car nation is called R1234yf, “Twelve-Thirty-Four” for you hip cats. What does this mean for recyclers? For starters all new “ignition proof ” recovery equipment is necessary, new dedicated tanks must be used, and all port fittings are now different and specific to 1234yf. A decal under the hood will specify the refrigerant in use. Note that hoses or other components may say both R134a and R1234yf. This simply means the hose is compatible with both gases. Do not interpret this as meaning the car could have either refrigerant inside, consult

With no outright ban predicted for North America, recovery equipment like this unit for R134a will still be needed for many years to come.

the decal only. In rare cases you may come upon a vehicle retrofitted back to 134a. Hopefully the system is marked as such, if not the service ports will tell the story. Lastly, R1234YF is flammable, all precautions need to be taken pertaining to storage of compressed flammable gas. Appearing as early as 2013, about 50 percent of new light and medium duty vehicles now sport

the new refrigerant with some makes like BMW now at 100 percent. By 2021 full adoption will be required for domestic vehicles. The upside for those of you recovering the gas is that market price for the commodity is currently quite high. The downside is that it may take years before late model off-warranty vehicles begin experiencing air-conditioning failure. SST introduces the newest addition to our great line-up of drainage and recovery equipment, a spark-free Twin Turbo Recovery Machine for R1234yf vehicles. This recovery-only unit incorporates a revolutionary dual piston design and increased cooling by the largest fan and condenser in the market making it the most complete solution for your R1234yf recovery needs. Includes a 30 lbs. DOT tank, sight-glass, R1234yf low side coupler, oil drain bottle and R1234yf blue and yellow hose. Now in stock at Salvage Supply & Technology, Call 888-2 BUY SST or email

The European Union has already mandated the use of Twelve-Thirty-Four in all new vehicles.

Despite a similar appearance this new equipment and tank is purpose built for 1234yf Under the hood decals like this will say it all, if not the service ports will.





Streamlining and simplifying the insurance recovery and auto recycling industries


ith a beautiful website filled to the brim with high quality photos, Stark Auto Sales’ webpage is as engaging as the company it was built for. A family-owned business based out of Toronto, Stark began as a scrap dealer before transitioning into a service for auto parts. Since then, Stark has become a full-service insurance recovery centre, establishing key contracts with major insurance companies and a nation wide presence. As insurance estimates for repairs continue to climb, more and more reparable cars end up being scrapped. It’s not that they can’t be fixed but rather that they are deemed too expensive and not worth it. Stark’s response has been to develop a comprehensive service for repairing and reselling the vehicles or recovering the parts for use among auto recyclers. Stark’s innovation and combination of both analytic and hard-earned intuitive understanding of its various clients’ needs have allowed them to become industry leaders in solutions for pick-up and storage management. Stark’s insurance recovery process is simple.­ Once an insurer has written off a vehicle, the insurer can use custom software to dispatch the vehicle for Stark to come pick up. Stark picks

up the vehicle from the bodyshop themselves, fronting any towing and storage cost after attempting to lower such costs through negotiation. With its growing clientele list and relationships on the ground with the shops themselves, the promise of professional partnerships and expanded volume makes negotiating these deals much easier. Once the vehicle is settled with the insurer, Stark buys it from the insurance company, minus the previously mentioned fronted costs. After purchasing the vehicle they either fix it up or strip it for parts and scraps. The vehicles they restore are often sold by retail, but it is the weekly auctions that get them the most attention. Selling from its Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal locations these auctions offer more than 200 salvaged cars, as well as trucks/ SUVs and motorcycles every week. Auction calendars and listings are offered on its website complete with specs and high quality photos, all you have to do is register online. Adding to the convenience is the number of search options available to give customers every opportunity to get as specific as they need to be in the hunt for just the right vehicle. With an easy to understand system, easy-to-

Stark’s innovation and combination of both analytic and hard-earned intuitive understanding of their various clients’ needs have allowed them to become industry leaders in solutions for pick-up and storage management.

use website and reliable customer service, Stark is making everything simpler for insurers and car lovers all across Canada.

Stark holds auctions every Monday on its designated auction floors.

One of the many salvaged vehicles that come into Stark’s on a regular basis.





Tiger Auto Parts prides itself on providing the best possible experience


iger Auto Parts has been serving the automotive industry since 1985 and has become one of the largest importers and distributors of aftermarket automotive collision parts in Canada. We are a proud member of the Aftermarket Body Parts Association (ABPA) and the Certified Automotive Parts Association (CAPA), industry-recognized organizations that certify the quality of automotive parts used for collision repairs. At Tiger Auto Parts, we are committed to providing the best quality parts and service with the lowest prices available. Many of the parts we offer come from ISO9000 registered manufacturers and are certified to meet or exceed the OEM specifications set by CAPA. With more than 250,000 sq. ft. of space, Tiger Auto Parts carries one of the largest inventories of aftermarket collision parts in all of Canada.

Our extensive inventory allows us to reliably and efficiently fulfill the needs of the automotive industry for aftermarket body parts. In October 2017, Tiger Auto Parts opened its new location in Montreal. As with the oth-

With our continuous training programs, we have the most knowledgeable staff.

er locations, our mission is to provide the best quality parts to our customers, and them the most competitive rates in the market. With our continuous training programs, our knowledgeable staff deliver excellent service to our valuable clients, saving them time and stress. Tiger Auto Parts is one of the first auto parts supplier to offer 100 percent computerized online shopping. With a digital inventory of more than 50,000 SKU, our customers are able to search our products. Our customers can gain access to our inventory, price list, their online profile, approved or pending orders, return parts and much more at their own convenience. In mid 2019 we will be starting operations in Cleveland, Ohio. For more information, come visit us on the web at

The inside of Tiger Auto Parts facility.

Tiger Auto Parts location in Brampton, Ontario.





United Catalyst Corporation increases recyclers’ profits


nited Catalyst Corporation gets you the most from your converters with a process you can trust. Offering processing and refining services, recyclers benefit from being paid on the precious metals contained in the converters confirmed by a test called an assay. Most recyclers once they experience the increased profit from assay-based selling say they would never go back to selling converters by the piece. With United Catalyst program, you can purchase or acquire your converters as auto parts, but sell them as precious metals. Beginning with the end in mind, United Catalyst Corporation re-counts all converters coming in and confirms all shipment weights in its delivery confirmation report. Believing that if you are missing weight, you are missing money, United Catalyst balances all weights coming in to all weights post processing and refining to a tolerance of less than one half of one percent. Shipping to Greenville, SC, is easy from anywhere in the world. Payments are quick, and

the results are verified by a third party. From beginning to end, the United Catalyst process works to get you the most value from your converters with a verified process. From processing to refining and selling metal, United Catalyst

United Catalyst takes you on a journey to greater profits and true precious metals expertise getting you the most from your converters with a process you can trust.

works to maximize each recycler’s load no matter the size. From 100 units to 1,000,000 units the process is the same.

In a world where recyclers have not had all the information on converters to maximize their sales, United Catalyst takes you on a journey to greater profits and true precious metals expertise getting you the most from your converters with a process you can trust. For 27 years United Catalyst Corporation has been serving the recycling industry and has been an active associate member of many industry groups including the Ontario Auto Recyclers Association, Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA), United Recyclers Group (URG), Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, and the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI). United Catalyst Corporation president, Becky Berube, writes a monthly educational column for the industry, serves as co-chair of the ARA annual convention educational programming committee, is a part of the administrative team for the ARA peer mentoring program and is an executive committee member of the IPMI.

United Catalyst Corporation is a North American processor of scrap catalytic converters that offers global refining services to recyclers.

United Catalyst Corporation has been serving the auto recycling industry for 27 years.




FOLLOWING THE PATH TO SUCCESS URG encourages auto recyclers expand their possibilities


o you ever sit back at the end of a year and try to analyze what kind of year you had? I do. I try to determine whether I grew as a person both socially and spiritually, and what effect my words and actions might have had on the lives of others. I examine my professional career and the business I am a part of, and consider again how my words, actions, and decisions impacted the business, employees, and our customers.

Can we adopt a more empowering interpretation of events that will enable us to respond more powerfully to life? Do we need to change our perspective to achieve success? At URG, the employees meet in December to reflect on the year’s successes and missed opportunities. We examine current business processes and products and then brainstorm future opportunities. We ask ourselves how we can expand the possibility of achieving success next year and in future years. If it is time for your annual business review, here are some things you may want to consider. In the article “Change your Perspective, Expand Your Possibilities” Dr. Matt James discusses how your perspective has a direct impact on your perception of the possibility of success in the future. Remember, what you see is not necessarily the truth, nor reality. What we see is based on a number of things such as, our beliefs, our experiences, and even the mood we happen to be in at that moment. We all create our own “spin”

on the event. It’s our interpretations that shape our responses to life and our futures. We may not have control over the situation, but we have a choice about how to view it and the impact it may have on us and our business. Can we adopt a more empowering interpretation of events that will enable us to respond more powerfully to life? Do we need to change our perspective to achieve success? Here is an exercise you may want to consider to help you achieve success and expand the possibility. The exercise is Greg Reid’s Success Equation and looks like this: passion+talent+ (action x association) + faith= success. Your passions are the things that you love to do, love to talk about, and never tire of discussing. Talents are things you are good at doing, and that other people compliment you for. They are easy for you to do and they create value for other people. The actions that you take will either lead toward success or away from it. The greatest impact to your success is who you hang out with. You have already started developing your success network, and the more strategically you can combine them with your passions, talents, and actions the more successful you can be. Successful people press on in the face of adversity under the belief that opportunities will open up, and that life will be better as a result of our actions. Growth and expansion are key goals for most business owners and entrepreneurs. Here are six potential tips that will help to accomplish this task. 1. Figure out which products and services your customers want, and how much they are willing to pay for them. 2. Sell more products and services to existing customers. Penetrate deeper into your current customer base. 3. Market and sell your existing products and services to new customers. 4. Reach the right target customer through the right mediums, at the right time, to be able to expand your business into new customer markets.

5. The internet is the best example of how a new sales and delivery channel can transform a small business. 6. Acquire another business to create growth and expansion. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the 2019 URG Educational Conference “Expand the Possibility” directed towards business owners and staff and is scheduled for April 11–13 in Orlando. The conference focus expands on the ideas and philosophies set forth in this article. The conference provides an exceptional opportunity for single location operators and multi-location recyclers from across the globe to network, ask questions, and share business strategies. For additional information please visit or contact any one of our URG personnel.

Donald C Porter, chief executive officer of United Recyclers Group.



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