PennPAC 10th Anniversary Annual Report

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l Report a u n • n A



sary Editio ver ni

l 10th A a i c e n p S

020–2 021 •

Harnessing Penn pride to help nonprofits thrive.



DE AR FRIEN DS, I am honored to present PennPAC’s special edition 10th Anniversary Annual Report (2020-2021). Putting this together for you was a walk down memory lane. Within these pages, you will learn of our impact on the nonprofit community, meet some of our dedicated alumni volunteers, and celebrate our many achievements along the way. PennPAC has reached this milestone because of you and your unwavering support of our mission: to harness the intellectual talents and professional skills of Penn Alumni in a meaningful and socially beneficial way. PennPAC had a busy start to 2021 as we prepared for our inaugural virtual Town Hall in January. The Town Hall was an incredible success and brought together more than 100 new and seasoned supporters from across the country and world who shared their PennPAC experiences. Coming together in community, after a year like no other, reaffirmed our purpose and left everyone enthusiastic and energized. Over the course of the evening, we highlighted our four programs (Consulting Projects, Mini Consulting Projects, ImPACt events, and Coaching Calls), introduced new initiatives like our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Task Force, discussed the need for the growing roles in our internal Core, and detailed our spring consulting engagements. New volunteers joined a cadre of over 1,000 alumni who are eager to come together with their Penn classmates in service to their communities. Despite ongoing challenges stemming from the COVID-19 crisis, PennPAC completed 19 consulting engagements in 2020— an organizational record! We continue to receive record numbers of applications from nonprofits each year, and we are constantly evolving to meet the complex needs of a rapidly changing sector. We have worked with more than 150 organizations over the past decade, including those that work to strengthen their communities like Flatbush Development Corps, to those dedicated to the arts like Flex Dance Program and

Casita Maria, and those working to create opportunity for young people like Mission Bit and Philadelphia Futures. They are all diverse in mission, size, and constituency. In the coming year, PennPAC will grow our programs in Philadelphia and the Bay Area, leverage technology to become an operationally hybrid (virtual/in-person) organization, and cultivate strategic partnerships with the University, community foundations, and corporate donors. As we expand our reach, PennPAC will continue to pursue ways to drive impact at nonprofits across the country. I look forward to celebrating throughout 2022 and I can’t wait to see you all at our 10th anniversary gala next spring. Together, we will toast the last 10 years of PennPAC and of course, the next ten to come! Thank you and best regards,

Jackie Einstein Astrof PennPAC Founder, Executive Director and Chair



In celebration of our 10th anniversary, we recognize our Impact Circle donors. A dynamic group of donors at the $1,000 level and above, the Impact Circle is passionate about PennPAC’s mission, excited to support our organizational growth and new programs, and wants to have a meaningful impact on the nonprofit sector.

Anne Turner Atish Davda Bleema Bershad BNP Paribas Carolyn Rosen CJ Bilangino Crystal Caligiuri David Bradley Elaine Harris Ellen Haude Harriet Shaiman Ian Cohen Irene and Fred Einstein Iris and Sam Astrof Jackie Einstein Astrof Karen Finkel

Karen Schub Epstein Kelsey Brongo Kevin Park Kristen Rodriguez Lauren Lorberbaum Lydia Kris Marc Packer Marcia Fox Meredith Galto Nicole Goldberg Rapaport Family Charitable Trust Sam Hollander Sarah Jiang Sarah Williams Scott Millstein

Shraddha Munver Steven Friedman Susan Pechman Susanna Lachs Tobi Bosede Transwestern

Impact Circle Friends Amy Federman Christie Heidelberg Dale Montagna Dominika Jaworski Howard Corb Stacy Bookman



2011 Consulting Project

Coaching Call

Mini Consulting Projects

ImPACt Event

New York City

202 1

New York City


Bay Area




15 0+ nonprofits assisted

38 in 2020 –21

$ 7 . 5 million of pro bono consulting


hours of service to nonprofits

$1M in 2020 –21

1,000 volunteers engaged

200+ in 2020 –21

$ 65,0 0 0

average value per project




PennPAC is founded

First consulting project is launched in NYC



Philadelphia chapter is founded PennPAC Core is launched

First ImPACt event

2013 2014

First business-hours project team

First fundraising event


First paid staff member is hired

Coaching Calls program is launched

PennPAC Bay Area is launched

Second paid staff member is hired



All programs pivot to a virtual model in response to the COVID-19 crisis First virtual ImPACt event is held

DEIA Task Force is launched



Mini Projects program is launched

Advisory Board is launched



Our 10th anniversary spring celebration (date TBD)!

First Town Hall

2021 5


I am constantly amazed by the intelligence, poise, professionalism and work ethic of our volunteers.

— Ellen Haude, W ‘92, Director of PennPAC Bay Area

I love working with inspiring nonprofit leaders while growing my community of fellow Quakers.

— Karen Schub Epstein, C, W ’92, Deputy Director

Finding community through affinity is essential to expanding social and professional networks.

Craig Mills, G ‘07, Board of Directors & Chair of Mini Projects

Working with PennPAC has helped me become a better communicator and leader.

— Kevin Park, W ‘17, Board of Directors & Co-Chair of the Volunteer Relations Team

I strengthened my own consulting skills and helped an organization strengthen their impact on NYC.

— Bleema Bershad, W ‘95, Advisory Advisory Board


The projects end with a workable solution that will be used and implemented by the nonprofit.

— Cindy Lou Cuesta, C ‘07, Volunteer

I founded PennPAC to provide a vehicle for Penn alumni to be a force for good.

— Jackie Einstein Astrof, C'93, Executive Director & Founder

PennPAC brings volunteerism to another level. Your contribution isn't just your time, but your expertise.

— Jeannette Donkervoet, W ‘08 Former Vice Chair, Volunteers


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

In an unparalleled year, our PennPAC volunteers rose to the challenge and worked tirelessly to help nonprofits in New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Philadelphia navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Our four programs — consulting engagements, mini projects, coaching calls, and ImPACt events — were offered virtually. Despite the physical distance, our volunteers forged amazing connections with one another and their clients.


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Consulting Engagements With a record number of applications from nonprofits that needed assistance and volunteers who wanted to help, PennPAC worked hard to meet the demands of our communities. Within the past year, PennPAC completed 19 consulting projects (a year of records!) across three cities.

NYC Fall Consulting Projects

Photo courtesy of Democracy Prep Public Schools


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

NYC Spring Consulting Projects

Photo courtesy of South Bronx United

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2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Bay Area Consulting Projects

This was a huge value to Always Dream. We have talked about providing a parent resource guide for about 3 years. The resources, expertise and time that the PennPAC team spent to create this for us was invaluable. This whole project has been an incredible gift to us that we can now pass onto to parents and families to help them engage with their children with at-home support.”

— KRIS T I YA MAGUC H I FO U N D E R O F THE ALWAYS DRE A M FOUN DATI O N (2020) Photo courtesy of the client


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Philadelphia Consulting Project

It is like you just handed us a million bucks, and I fundraise for a living! It was top quality and thorough work by the team. You could tell how much they put into it.

— P H I LA DE LP H I A FU TU R E S , 2 0 2 1 Photo courtesy of the client

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2020 2021 PROGRAMS

ImPACt Events

N OV EMBER 1 2, 2020 (V IRTUA L)

A P RIL 28, 2 021 (V IRTUAL)


Whether we work directly with the beneficiaries of one of our nonprofit clients or perform “deep dives” to solve an organizational challenge, ImPACt events are a chance for Penn alumni to make a big difference in just one night. Since 2012, PennPAC has held 22 events and assisted 31 nonprofits.

PennPAC worked with each of these four nonprofit organizations on a range of operations, marketing and development challenges.

PennPAC worked with each of these four nonprofit organizations on a range of operations, civic engagement, and fundraising initiatives.

PennPAC volunteers worked with the students and graduates of Year Up to offer advice on resume writing, interview skills and networking/ob-search tactics.

2021 (V IRT UA L)


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Coaching Calls

PennPAC Coaching Calls is our newest, most versatile program that provides nonprofit organizations and leaders with the support and guidance they need to grow and thrive. A group of volunteer consultants, with diverse professional backgrounds, conduct an interactive session of brainstorming and ideas exchange. In partnership with our clients, we foster an incredible amount of thought partnership in a short amount of time. Our clients often share that a fresh, external perspective is invaluable.

Clippers and Cops — (Session 1) PennPAC provided advice about replicating their model in other cities as a larger effort to create change. (Session 2) PennPAC provided guidance on organizational structure and growth planning.

COPE — PennPAC evaluated their new Board Prospectus.

Fearless Femme — PennPAC offered guidance about fiscal sponsorship, fundraising, and organizational structure.

Recovery on Water — PennPAC offered advice on organizational staffing structure and revenue generation.

First Step Alliance — PennPAC provided advice on fundraising strategies, outreach to partner organizations and grassroots social media marketing.

Cocoa 360 — PennPAC assisted with the creation of a marketing and communications strategy.

one2one USA Foundation — PennPAC offered advice on fundraising and marketing strategies to increase their visibility


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Internal Roles

As a small nonprofit, we rely on volunteers to support the internal operations of PennPAC. These Core members assist with internal nonprofit programs, social media, communications and messaging, technology, fundraising and development initiatives. The Nonprofit Selection Team (NST) is composed of seasoned PennPAC volunteers who review all of the nonprofit applications and help create each cycle’s official project slate, while the Volunteer Recruitment Team (VRT) recruits and interviews applicants for PennPAC’s consulting engagements. The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility (DEIA) Task Force (new in 2021) reviews how to best promote DEIA within each program area, and our 10th Anniversary Gala Planning Committee will soon start planning our largest fundraiser to date. A big thank you to our Core volunteers for helping PennPAC to grow and thrive!

Nonprofit Selection Team

Paula-Kaye Richards W ‘06, Co-Chair

Terry Pranses W ‘72, Co-Chair

Karen Finkel EAS '79

Harriet Shaiman C ’84, GED ’84, WG ’89

Volunteer Recruitment Team

Sabre Kaszynski C ‘96, Co-Chair

Kevin Park W ‘17, Co-Chair


2020 2021 PROGRAMS

Technology Director

Lauren Lorberbaum C ‘08

Internal Roles

DEIA Task Force Chair

Vighnesh Subramanyan WG ‘17

Coaching Chair

Mindy Ong C ‘10

ImPACt Events Chair

Jennifer Yap W ‘04

Development Chair

Susan Pechman C ‘79

Client Photo: YearUp

VP, Communications

Nicole Goldberg C ‘98

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Thank you for all of the amazing work over the past couple of months. You’ve given me so much to work with and think about, I am definitely re-energized about outreach and communications!

— BOT TO M L INE, 2011

We were thrilled with the content that PennPAC provided us. The final recommendations are really useful and its depth and breadth will help inform our work. As we have a small staff, we are so grateful for PennPAC's competent and efficient team.

— CIT YLO R E, 20 12

PennPAC has made an incredible impact on the NYC community and is a model organization. Jackie Einstein Astrof, the visionary and founder, has not only helped numerous communities in NYC, but also has brought together Penn Alumni to bond. Amazing.


On behalf of all of us at Pajama Program I would like to thank you so much for all the research, phone call conversations, long hours, flexible schedules and overall comprehensive work you performed on behalf of our project.Your dedication and commitment to the pro bono consulting you offer is both generous and extremely beneficial. As you have witnessed, we are ready to ACT.

— PAJAM A PRO GR A M, 2014

It is the single best consulting experience I've had, from clarity of project goals, follow through, and gathering of good data and feedback. The results included new ideas, concrete steps that could be taken in short order and provided expertise, we don't have on staff and couldn't afford in the normal course of our business




The PennPAC team helped us create a financial model that we'll use for years to come. We were thrilled with their nuanced approach that was catered to our organization, their research into best practices and the sophisticated deliverables they produced. The experience was really, really incredible — the team helped us address a question we had for years — and as a result we've already implemented many of their recommendations, and are benefiting from the results.

— FO OTSTEPS, 20 16

A wonderful team from PennPAC spent ten weeks helping us with communications strategies to use with donors and key partners. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the team’s findings, insights and recommendations. They really invigorated us with a final product that we can and will continue to use.

— EXALT YOUTH, 2 0 1 7

From day one, the PennPAC team worked hard to understand our challenges and opportunities, and they did so with a mix of strategic smarts and respect for the work we do. By the end of the 10-week session, we came to view the team members as partners in our success.

— GAY MEN’S HE A LT H C R I S I S ( G M H C ) , 2 0 1 8

As an executive leader, it was extremely helpful to have talented thinking partners with diverse business backgrounds helping us assess our business model, services and impact. The PennPAC team’s work has shaped our strategic vision and informed our work for the next 3 years.

— MENTO R NEW YO RK , 2019

Casita Maria is so very grateful to the PennPAC team, who seamlessly pivoted from a planned project to a time sensitive, relevant project in the face of COVID-19, the NYC PAUSE and national protests demanding justice. PennPAC provided Casita Maria with support so that we could continue to carry out our existing programs for the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, who are twice as likely to die from COVID-19. With PennPAC's support, we continued our programs and continued to serve those most in need.

— CASITA M AR IA, 2 020



A heartfelt “Thank You!” to our volunteers for giving their time and talent on behalf of PennPAC this year. We are thrilled to have such a diverse group of people providing their expertise to our nonprofit clients.

Adam Costarino C '17 Ajay Joshi GeX '11^ Alana Pudalov MAPP '16 Alejandro Pinto C '16 Alex Lustick C '12 Alexandra Hakim C '03, L '07 Alicia Fowler W '09 Alyson Anderson C '97 Amanda Carson C '03 Amanda Irizarry C '17^ Amit Sawant WG '18 Amy Chowanksy C '08, W '15^ Amy Cooper C '92^ Amy Federman C '94 Amy Schall WG '94 Andrea Gural WG '94 Andrew Jacobs C '88 Anita Nicholson C '98 Ann Chiang W '03 Anne Turner WG '94* Anthony Romeo WG '73^ Ariel Sadeghi C '15^ Arun Iyer C '98, G '02 Atish Davda EAS, W '08~ Audrey David C '92^ Barbara Alverez C '85 Benjamin Chan WG '85 Betsy Contant C '96 Bill Keller C '73 Bleema Bershad C '95~ Brian Nordyke W '11^ Caitlin Charos C '07 Carmel Napolitano G '86 Carol Henning-Franczyk SW '90 Carolyn Rosen C '96^ Carrie Rothfeld MArch '02 Celine Seker C '13~ Christie Heidelberg C, W '11

Christina Vahle W Cindy Lou Cuesta C '07 CJ Bilangino WG '15^* Craig Mills G '07^* Cristina Serban C '17 Crystal Caligiuri W '99~ Dale Cohen W '76, PAR '14~ Dara Heimowitz C '12 David Bigelow WG '86 David Bradley WG '82~ David Cautin W '15 David Rhode W '11 David Shi C, W '13 David Slarskey C '98 Dilina Abudurexiti C '17 Dominika Jaworski MSP2 '12^ Earl Brown L '01 Edward Brittenham C '83 Edward Dinicola C '01 Elaine Harris WG '84^* Elise Pi C '16 Ellen Haude W '92^ Erin Lo W '17^ Ethan Soodak W '13 Eu-Gene Sung W '99 Gabrielle Pullia W '17 Gail Silverman W '80 Gerald Rothstein WG '65 Gunho Jang W '18 Harriet Shaiman C, GED '84, WG '89^* Heather Pavell C '94 Howard Corb C, W '89 Howard Seibel WG '85* Ian Cohen C '14 Ilona Limonta-Volkova C, W '11 Ivie Eboh-Clifford WG '17 Jackie Einstein Astrof C '93* Jaclyn Vandermeer C '06

Jacques Laine C '17 Jake Blum C '12 Jannel Alston C '14 Jason Lee W '19 Jeff Tiell MCP '10^ Jennifer Yap W '04^ Joanie Hecht C '94, L '97^ Jodi Schwartz W '81, L, WG '84 Joe An W '15 John Mueller C '98 John Rosenbaum C, W '80 Juan Carlos Ibarra C, W '12 Julie Plank W '88^ Kara Coluccio Bern C '00, M '04 Karen Finkel EAS '79^* Karen Lang C '79, G '82 Karen Pawlick Swan C '94 Katherine Burkhardt WG '14 Kelsey Brongo EAS '14* Ken Cirka D '98 Kening Tan WG '18 Kevin Park W '17^* Khari Austin-Rawls C '16 Krish Mehta, M&T '18^ Krisha Vasani W '17 Kristen Rodriguez '93 Lan Cheng Ed '10 Larry Tang W '14 Lauren Davidson Sachs C '02 Lauren Lorberbaum C '08~ Lauren Tetenbaum Dorman C '07 Lee Anchin W '98 Lincoln Pao C '85 Lindsay Ornstein C '99 Lindsey Gaon C '17^ Linnea Cederberg C, W '16 Lisa Cheung C '16 Lisa Dawes C '14

Lisa Johnson C '99 Lydia Kris WG '97^ Incoming Development Committee Chair Marc Packer W '81~ Marcia Fox PHD, G '65~ Margaret Shea C '03^ Marisa Carson-Bibens W '96 Marjorie Silverman WG '95 Melissa Donovan C '98 Melissa Mayer W '00 Meredith Galto C '99 Michaela Tinkey C '19 Michele Whang C, W '14 Michelle De Leon C '99 Mitchell Chan C '18^ Mohitkumar Patel EAS, SP2 '20 Nam-June Joe EAS '96 Nancy Michael W '97 Nicole Goldberg C '98* Olivia Fox C '18 Pamela Ellermann C '13^ Pamela Federbusch C '85 Paula-Kaye Richards W '06^* Polly Schneck Goldman WG '97 Rachael Zinser C ’89, WEv ’03^ Ralph Pagan WG '88 Rashid Garbadawala W '96 Renata Bakousseva SEAS '11^ Robert Massick EAS '88^ Robin Tauber Plonsker C '86 Roxanne Smith C '80 Russell Langsam C '88^ Sabre Kaszynski C '96^ Salila Yohn L '96 Sam Hollander W '86 Sam Tang W '13^ Sarah Jiang EAS, W '08~ Sarah Williams WG '85

Sasha Lecorps C '17 Scott Bober EAS '88 Scott Millstein C '92~ Scott Venesy W '03^ Seghen Aklilu C '11^ Seoyeong Kim WG '19 Sherin Gobran W '81, WG '88 Shraddha Munver W '00^ Sonia Sarda W '19 Sonya Park C '93 Soo Min Cho C '18 Sophia Witte C '17^ Stacy Bookman C, W '98~ Stefani Arzonetti Hite GEd ’05^ Stephan Lecorps C '17 Stephanie Yee C '08, WG '21 Stephen Kaufman C '86 Steven Sun C '18 Susan Pechman C '79~ Takila Oku W '96 Taylor Becker C '17 Terry Pranses W '72^ Tiffany Xu W '15 Tina O'Keeffe C '97 Tobi Bosede C '11 Veronica Chuah C '12 Vidya Daryanani C '17^ Vighnesh Subramanyan WG '17^* Vivien Hoexter WG '86~ Will Sheehan G '16^ William Kinnelly WG '95 William Squires C '71 ~Advisory Board *Board of Directors ^Team Leadership



Board of Directors

Advisory Board

Bay Area

Jackie Einstein Astrof, C '93 PennPAC Founder, Executive Director and Chair

David Bradley, WG '82 Worldwide Automotive Equity Research, JP Morgan (retired)

Ellen Haude, W '92 PennPAC Bay Area Director

Anne Turner, WG '94 Secretary & Chair, Governance Committee Principal, Anne Turner Consulting

Crystal Caligiuri, W '99 Chief Customer Officer, ShopKeep

CJ Bilangino, WG '15 Treasurer CFO, D1 Brands

Dale Kramer Cohen, W '76, PAR '14 President of DKC Resources & Managing Director of Sequel Private Equity Solutions

Bleema Bershad, W '95 Director of Marketing, Apparo

Marcia Fox, PhD, G '65 CEO & Founder, Fox Management Consulting


Kelsey Brongo, EAS '14 Senior Strategist, Indeed

Vivien Hoexter, WG '86 Chief Development Officer, T’Shuvah Center\

Jackie Einstein Astrof, C '93 PennPAC Founder, Executive Director and Chair

Stacy Bookman, C, W '98 Enterprise Strategic Initiatives/COO Group for CFO Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Scott Millstein, C '92 Chief Administrative Officer, Roosevelt Institute

Karen Schub Epstein, C, W '92 Deputy Director

Marc Packer, W '81 Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP (retired)

Cynthia Nuara Program Coordinator

Ian Cohen, C ‘14 Manager, Corporate Finance Division, Payoneer Atish Davda, EAS, W '08 CEO & Founder, EquityZen Karen Finkel, EAS '79 Co-Chair, Nonprofit Relations Team Nicole Goldberg, C '98 Chair, Development Committee Executive Director Woodstock Arts Association & Museum

Philadelphia Ajay Joshi, GEX '11 PennPAC Philadelphia Director

Susan Pechman, C '79 Chair, Coaching Chief Marketing Officer, The NPD Group Susan Peters, C '89 President, Greybridge PR Celine Seker, C '13 Private Banking Vice President, J.P. Morgan

Sarah Jiang, EAS, W '08 Managing Director, AQR Capital Management Lauren Lorberbaum, C '08 Chair, Technology Management Consultant Craig Mills, G '07 Chair, Mini Projects Adjunct Professor, New York University Kevin Park, W '17 Co-Chair, Volunteer Relations Team Director of Product Strategy and Data, Octane Lending Howard Seibel, WG '85 Chair, Nominating Committee Managing Director, Wharton Strategic Services Harriet Shaiman, C '84, GED '84, WG '89 Co-Chair, Nonprofit Relations Team Independent Consultant David Slarskey, C ‘98 Founder & Attorney, Slarskey LLC Ethan Soodak, W ‘13 Vice President, Harvest Partners



As a nonprofit organization, PennPAC relies on the generosity of our donors to bolster our mission. The financial support we receive ensures our ability to continue our work for years to come and extends our impact on local nonprofits.

Individual Donors Adina Kagan Adora Lam Ajay Joshi Allison Powell Amy Ganz Sadeghi Andrea Gural Andy Morris Anne Turner* Anthony Romeo# Ariel Sadeghi Arny Patel Arun Iyer Atish Davda* Audrey David Barbara Alvarez Bill Keller Bleema Bershad* Carol Henning-Franczyk Carolyn Rosen* Cathy Seibel Christie Heidelberg CJ Bilangino* Craig Mills Crystal Caligiuri^ Cynthia Nuara Dale Kramer Cohen David Bradley^ Diana Li Elaine Harris*

Elisa Rapaport Elizabeth Bernard Ellen Haude* Ellen Seibel Ethan Soodak* Gretchen Grant Harriet Shaiman* Heather Pavell Howard Seibel* Ian Cohen* Irene and Fred Einstein* Jackie Einstein Astrof^ Jake Blum Jamey Kohn Jared Brenner Jessica Fox Jodi Schwartz Julie Plank Justin and Jane Sambol Karen Finkel* Karen Goldenberg Karen Pawlick Swan Karen Schub Epstein Kelsey Brongo* Kevin Park* Kristen Rodriguez* Larry Tang Lauren Lorberbaum^ Lisa Johnson Maggie Dwyer

Marc Packer* Marcia Fox* Margot Ettlinger Melanie Perlstein Melissa Donovan Mindy Ong Mitchell Chan Nicole Goldberg* Pamela Federbusch Paula-Kaye Richards Pepper Evans Peter Frank Roxanne Smith Rachel Miller Rena Kopelman Robin Fleishman Ruth McIlhenny Saara Hafeez Sam Astrof* Sam Hollander* Sarah Dunn Sarah Jiang* Sarah Williams Scott Bober Scott Millstein* Stacy Bookman* Stephanie Yee Steven Friedman* Stuart Goldstein Susan Kimmel

Susan Pechman^ Susanna Lachs* Terry Pranses Tobi Bosede^ Vighnesh Subramanyan Vivien Hoexter Will Sheehan

Grants, In-Kind Support & Matching Gifts Bank of America BNP Paribas IBM Rapaport Family Charitable Trust Transwestern

#Founder’s Circle Gifts of $500-$999

Program Sponsors Marcia Fox, ImPACt Events Sam Hollander, Coaching Calls

*Impact Circle Gifts of $1,000-$4,999 ^Advisory Level Gifts of $5,000 or higher

Includes all donations to PennPAC made between January 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021.

End of year net assets



Our Growth $200,000 Fiscal Year 2020

Fiscal Year 2021





Total Revenues

Total Expenses

Change in net

Beginning of

End of year


year net assets

net assets






Engagement fees



Interest income



Total Revenues






Professional fees












Total Expenses



Change in net assets



Beginning of year net assets



End of year net assets




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