CMCC Annual Report 2016 2017

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Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

2016-2017 annual report Hitting the mark

Our Vision An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health

Our Mission Deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care

CMCC is dedicated to pursuing innovation in education, research and patient care. In this way, the institution effectively prepares its students to become tomorrow’s leaders in spinal health. CMCC’s achievements this year demonstrate the success of this approach in paving the way toward increased collaboration with other health care professions, and helping to define the profession within the changing Canadian health care landscape.

A message from the Chair of the Board and President

David Gryfe, DC Chair

David Wickes, DC, MA President

Welcome to the 2016-2017 annual report, a look back

embarked on a path to achieve its ambitious strategies

on the year's developments and the results of the

spread over six themes of excellence. Our quest for

hard work of employees, students, supporters, and

the enhancement of learning through technology

volunteers at CMCC.

was highlighted by the expansion of our web-based testing platform to most courses in Years I and II, the

With more than 750 undergraduate and 15 graduate

implementation of a digital portfolio system, and the

students enrolled in our programs, the campus

acquisition of a sophisticated digital virtual dissection

remains a vibrant community and we continue to

table (AnatomageŽ) – the first in Ontario and one

attract our alumni to visit and remain engaged.

of only four in Canada. CMCC became one of the

Our signature events, including Backs in Motion,

inaugural members in SIM-one, the Canadian Network

Homecoming and BackSwing were rousing successes.

for Simulation in Healthcare. Our researchers were

For the second time, CMCC was an invited participant

able to conclude patient recruitment into our neck pain

in Toronto's Doors Open event which brought hundreds

study, the largest clinical trial ever conducted at CMCC

of interested visitors to our campus. Of course, with

and receiving the largest grant to Canadian chiropractic

education at the core of our existence, we were

researchers from the US National Institutes of Health.

delighted to graduate 190 new chiropractors in June at our Convocation ceremony held at the Roy

This year also saw the successful conclusion of the

Thompson Hall. In August, we welcomed almost 200

active campaign to fund the endowed McMorland

new students to CMCC who had succeeded in being

Family Research Chair in Mechanobiology. Having

selected from more than 600 qualified applicants from

reached the target goal of a combined $3.5 million in

across Canada and abroad.

cash donations and pledges, we have now redirected our fundraising efforts to other projects to enable us

As is illustrated throughout this report, CMCC hit the

to lessen our reliance on tuition revenue. All of us at

mark in many ways. Our Board of Governors formally

CMCC are grateful for the support we receive from our

approved the new 2017-2021 Strategic Plan and we

friends and alumni that helps us accomplish our goals.

Annual Report 2016-2017 1

Hitting the mark In 2016-2017, CMCC's Board of Governors approved a

year-long process included the establishment of six

new strategic plan for CMCC for 2017 to 2021. The plan

interdivisional working groups comprised of more than

was created based on six strategic themes that were

60 individuals who met throughout the year to define

identified through a consultative process in which CMCC

strategies and tools to measure progess for each area

community members were encouraged to provide

of excellence. The final plan was submitted by the

feedback on planning priorities.

President in spring and approved by the CMCC Board of Governors in April 2017.

A comprehensive plan, it sets a new framework for the institution’s next phase of growth and development. It

This report provides an overview of the 2016-17 year

reinforces the CMCC Mission, enables the achievement

through these strategic themes and examines the

of the CMCC Vision and supports its Core Values. The

progress made toward the institution’s mission to

plan was prepared in consultation with members of

deliver world class chiropractic education, research and

the Board of Governors, employees and students. The

patient care.

The six strategic themes are: I. Excellence in Teaching and Learning II. Excellence in Support and Service for Students and Employees III. Excellence in Clinical Care IV.Excellence in Collaboration and Communication V. Excellence in Institutional Leadership and Management VI.Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Innovation

2 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Excellence in support service for students and employees CMCC continues to expand its base of mental health literacy among employees and students through the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) program, an initiative of the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Over 130 employees have been trained as mental health first responders; and with the addition of Ms. Karen Rice, Student Success Counsellor, as a trainer, cohorts of student interns have begun to participate in the training. This has been an ongoing collaboration between the Divisions of Student Services, Human Resources, and Clinical Education, which is helping to diversify our capacity to address health concerns among members of our community including our clinical patient population. “Its okay to talk�was launched in September of 2016, identifying students and employees who have received MHFA training so that individuals in need may reach out to them to seek support. Following the student Sexual Experiences and Attitudes Survey (SEAS) in 2016, a community town hall provided an opportunity to discuss how to prevent sexual violence in our community. The ideas generated from the town hall have been carried forward to the Working Group on Sexual Violence which has been tasked with developing response protocols and policy.

Annual Report 2016-2017 3

Excellence in collaboration and communication Giving Tuesday

associates have been placed and

articulation agreement while the

CMCC initiated a new social media

five practices have been sold with

first advanced entry application

crowdfunding opportunity with a

at least 24 additional associate

for the DC program through the

view to creating new donations

positions and nine practices for

Kinesiology pathway was received

within the annual giving stream,

sale made available.

in January.

and leveraging the visibility of the Discussions with local chiropractic

national Giving Tuesday campaigns run by many not for profit

Web Relaunch

partners around increasing capacity

organizations. In this first year, over

Preparing to relaunch

for professional mentorship in

$8K was raised from 63 donors.

during this time period, CMCC

Winnipeg are ongoing.

begin investigating new internet platforms to replace its outdated

The UOIT-CMCC pathway


site and after researching different

Advanced entry application

Following Practice OpportUnity in

solutions, decided on implementing

numbers from UOIT students are

2016, the Director, Development

a dotCMS platform for its usability,

growing. Five students began their

and Clinic Advancement began

ease of integration with other

DC program studies in fall 2017.

offering his services to connect

systems and economic viability.

The Convocation of the Class of

chiropractors across the country

2018 will mark the first graduation

with graduating students and

of a student entering through this

graduates from the last three


years. The objectives of this

University of Winnipeg

pilot program are to provide a

CMCC continued discussions with

The University of Southern

networking opportunity for new

the University of Winnipeg Faculty


and experienced chiropractors,

of Science, working toward an

The opportunities anticipated with

create stewardship opportunities and potentially, to encourage those who have benefitted to give back to CMCC. To date, seven

4 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College


our cooperative agreement with

explore back pain in adolescents,

Southern Denmark University

working closely with SDU and

(SDU) are beginning to be realized.

CMCC faculty. Additional research

Currently a CMCC Clinical Sciences

proposals involving CMCC faculty

resident is in Denmark to access

and adjunct faculty are also under

Danish population-based data to


Annual Report 2016-2017 5

Excellence in teaching and learning Undergraduate Admissions

87% of applicants offered an

provides many benefits to both faculty

A series of innovative changes to

admissions interview completed

and students. As an electronic only

CMCC recruitment strategies were

it (5% over 2012), demonstrating

resource, it reduces waste, provides

reflected in positive outcomes

an increase in the applicant

instant feedback and makes it easier

for enrolment. These changes

commitment to CMCC.

for faculty to integrate feedback into

the curriculum.

included a shift to behaviour-based interviewing, the use of a web-based video interview platform, and the

CMCC Graduate Studies

A study on the use of ePortfolio

calculation of an admissions score

Enrollment in the Chiropractic

strategies and solutions was initiated

that allows for the use of broad-

Residency programs remained robust

during this academic year and plans

based criteria to find the best fit

at 15 students. A collaborative effort

are now in place for its integration in

students for the program. The quality

between the Division of Graduate

the next academic year. The ePortfolio

and quantity of the applicant pool

Studies and the Division of Student

solution selected will be integrated into

reflected success of the new process.

Services resulted in a restructure of

the existing Learning Management

the program and appropriate credit

System (KIRO) resource site for

Using a benchmark from 2012, before

weighting of the courses to make

students. This will eliminate the need

these changes were initiated, and

these commensurate with a master’s

for students to use external platforms

comparing them to the recruitment

level program.

to develop their portfolios as well as

process in 2016, we find a 17.5%

improve the ease of marking portfolios

increase in applications to the Doctor

for faculty. Students will be able to

of Chiropractic program. Also noted


ExamSoft , a digital software platform

were: • •

Implementing Technology

retain their portfolios when they graduate to begin their careers.

an increase of the average GPA

used for examinations was in use for

from 3.04 to 3.16

Years I and II during the 2016-17 year.

90% of applications received to

Results have been very favourable and

Curriculum Development

the Class of 2021 were eligible

in time, the platform will be integrated

Clinical Biomechanics

for admission

into all years of study. ExamSoft®

This course has been revamped to

6 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

include an 11-hour lecture series on

in each year to remain consistent

Over the past two years, a content

ergonomics and to better integrate

with best evidence and to provide

map was developed, cataloguing

with anatomy subjects.

students with enhanced skills.

all topics and conditions/procedures

Foundations of Spinal Manipulation


including where and when content is

and Manual Therapies

Modifications to research courses

delivered. To date over 2,500 topics

A new course has been developed

in the curriculum increase the

and 6,000 conditions/procedures

that focuses on fundamental

emphasis on critical appraisal of

have been catalogued.

and clinical evidence for modern

clinical literature without requiring a

theoretical models by which spinal

literature synthesis project. Students

From this, the Undergraduate

manipulative therapy exerts its

and faculty with special research

Curriculum Committee is developing

clinical effects, while evaluating

interests will still have the option

a framework to inform decisions


of continuing with original research

ensuring that the content and

through elective courses.

learning strategies are relevant to

taught within the curriculum,

Integrated Chiropractic Principles

the needs of current students and

and Practice

Exit competencies and business

future professionals. Over the next

This new course replaces two former


three years, the curriculum will be

CPP courses and incorporates an

The undergraduate curriculum

reviewed through this framework to

online module in entrepreneurship,

committee made several key

ensure that it is current, incorporates

developed in partnership with

revisions to the Graduate Exit

best evidence, and has only

the Centennial College of Applied

Competencies for the Doctor of

necessary redundancies.

Arts and Technology, to further

Chiropractic Program.

develop students’ understanding of the business of chiropractic. It will

Additionally, the Year IV business

Faculty Development

cover some of the basic elements

course will be removed and

Ensuring CMCC clinicians remain at

of starting a business and include

replaced with Entrepreneurship,

the forefront of knowledge within

these subjects: attributes of an

an online course developed with

the profession, a clinician curriculum

entrepreneur and self-assessment,

the Centennial College of Applied

has been designed to provide

market research of customers and

Arts and Technology, covering all

training on a number of topics

competitors, startup budget, tax and

the business materials recently

including skills within the following

law, and business ethics.

incorporated into the Years I to III


CPP courses. The online format

Evidence-based practice

Offered through hybrid delivery, the

ensures learners are able to work at

Knowledge translation

course makes use of lectures, small

their own pace and avoids the need

Clinical education and

group work and online material

for evening lectures on campus.

delivered through a new e-format

Students will continue to have

known as Lean Campus. It will run

access to these modules once they

through Years I to III.

leave CMCC.

evaluation •

manual therapy •

Diagnostic imaging

Risk management: privacy

Formal Assessment Rehabilitation

CMCC’s first formal Assessment

CMCC is now providing students in all

Plan was completed this summer,

three years with both lectures and

providing a comprehensive

labs in rehabilitation. The courses

listing and discussion of major

have been expanded to improve

programmatic assessments made

relevance and include practical labs

throughout the DC degree program.

Chiropractic intervention and

legislation and record keeping •

Physical and mental health first aid

Business concepts and ethical practice building

Interprofessional communication and education Annual Report 2016-2017 7

Excellence in clinical care Integration

accuracy and effectiveness of data.

the creation of its chiropractic clinic

St. Michael’s Hospital Department

As an example of technological

now housed in the Sherbourne

of Family and Community Medicine

innovation, CMCC now delivers the

Health Centre. In July of 2016, CMCC

and its Academic Family Health

x-ray reading clerkship in a digital

participated for the third year in the

Team (AFHT) was recognized as a

format. Interns can review images

PWA annual Friends for Life Bike Rally.

leading practice model by the World

on screen in the x-ray reading room,

This bike rally is the most important

Health Organization – Integrated,

using software that allows for better

fund raising event conducted by

People-Centred Health Services

interpretation using tools including

PWA in order to support its ability

(IPCHS) in May. The team is part

magnification, contrast, etc. From a

to provide services to people in

of a comprehensive program that

clinical perspective, images can be

Toronto living with HIV and AIDS. Eight

includes specialists in income

shared with interns and clinicians

interns and two supervising clinicians

support, chiropractic, psychology and

on the clinic floor so they can be

provided chiropractic care to cyclists

acupuncture services, a legal literacy

reviewed with patients. The reports

completing the ride from Toronto

program and a committee dedicated

are saved to their patient files for

to Montreal. This is the second year

to addressing the key determinants of

clinical use.

that CMCC has been awarded major sponsorship status for this event,


which allows significantly more public Community Outreach

exposure and visibility for CMCC. The


CMCC has shared a partnership with

Bike Rally provided the eight interns

Increasingly, CMCC is turning to

the social agency Toronto People

with considerable on site experiences

technology in order to improve

with AIDS Foundation (PWA) since

totaling 232 treatments.

8 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Excellence in institutional leadership and management Environmental Stewardship

Administrative Leadership

A decision was made to create a

CMCC is working hard to reduce its

With the retirement of Dean

new position — Vice President,

environmental impact both through

Lenore Edmunds at the end of the

Academic — to oversee both

increased energy efficiency and a

2016-17 academic year and the

undergraduate and graduate programs.

greater diversion rate. Our recyclable

decision by Dr. Silvano Mior to step

capture rate (the percentage of

away from the leadership team to

Additionally, the creation of a new role,

recyclables that have been captured

concentrate on research activities,

Associate Vice President, Institutional

out of the trash system) increased

the CMCC Executive Leadership

Advancement and Communications,

by 31% between 2016 and 2017

Team continued its review of

will ensure more seamless service to

(growing from 56% in 2016 to

the organizational structure and

alumni and members, through the

87% in 2017). Continuing to reduce

implemented a reorganization of

combination of the Division of Alumni

our environmental footprint is an

duties and responsibilities in line

Relations, Development, and Marketing

ongoing priority.

with CMCC’s Mission and Vision.

and Communications.

Annual Report 2016-2017 9

Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Innovation Streams

(CDPR), continues to have national


Following the organizational

and international reach. Projects

This year, trademarks for Force

changes, the CMCC division of

include: the Global Spine Care

Sensing Table Technolgy (FSTT TM)

research was reorganized into

Initiative, with international

and Human Analogue Mannequin

two major streams in 2016 with

collaborators producing six

(HAMTM) have been successfully

the life sciences labs under the

manuscripts; Canadian Armed

registered in Canada and in

direction of Dr. Brian Budgell

Forces, completion of Phase I

Australia, with the US patents

and the Human Performance

qualitative study; Neck Pain

pending. Canadian patents

Laboratory under the direction of

Diagnosis and Assessment,

have also been obtained for the

Dr. Samuel Howarth.

created guidelines accepted

software programs connected with

by the government in France;

each of these technologies with a

CMCC faculty continue to be very

WHO – ICF for manual medicine,

view to making them available to

productive in grant submissions,

ongoing multicenter trial and

interested chiropractic institutions

seeking over $2 million in grant

scoping review; and UOIT-CMCC


applications for five projects this

Mental Health and Wellness

past year. In March 2017, CMCC

Study, exploring mental health in

learned it had been successful in


winning four of the five grants

Achievements Research productivity, as

totaling just under $500,000.

In addition, there are numerous

measured by published

During this period CMCC also

projects with CMCC faculty and

manuscripts and conference

announced an Internal Research

graduate students, as well as UOIT

presentations, remained high. A

Competition to support faculty in

graduate students. Between 2012

total of 55 manuscripts attributed

the development of new research.

and 2017, CDPR has been awarded

to CMCC were published in peer-

A portion of $10,000 will be made

$5.2 million, completed 16 grants/

reviewed journals, and during this

available to winning projects.

agreements, and published over

period, a total of 56 presentations

75 manuscripts. Such productivity

were made by CMCC researchers.

continues to strengthen the CDPR

national and international

Researchers and faculty received

The UOIT-CMCC Centre for Disability

reputation of the UOIT-CMCC

18 awards and honours.

Prevention and Rehabilitation


10 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Deborah Kopansky-Giles

researchers from the US

served on the Executive

National Institutes of Health,

Committee of the International

NCCIH. The study is the largest

Coordinating Council of the

clinical trial ever from CMCC

Global Alliance and worked

and in Canada. It is also

on the WHO Healthy Ageing

among the largest ever in the

Background paper on

chiropractic profession.

Musculoskeletal Health and Ageing. The CMCC Neck Pain Study (Dr. Vernon – PI, Drs. Triano and Tibbles – Coinvestigators) successfully reached its necessary sample size — 319 subjects — and recruitment ended on September 22. This was the largest ever grant to Canadian chiropractic

Annual Report 2016-2017 11

CMCC Members 2016–2017 Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Melanie S. Abbott- Cambridge Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Dr. Omar A. Abdulsattar Dr. Sajad Abolghasem Dr. Norman R. Abrams Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Gary L. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Dr. Jennifer A. Adams- Hessel Dr. Bruce Adamson Dr. Kimberly D. Adie Dr. Judy Adler Dr. Ida Aghigh Dr. Mohammed Agyemang Dr. Sardar Ahmad Dr. Bita Ahmad Panah Namaghi Dr. Henri J. Aime Dr. Marie-Jose Aime Dr. Oscar E. Alba Dre Yvette Albert Dr. Blake Alderson Dr. Doug Alderson Dr. Ken Alexander Dr. Jessica R. Algar Dr. Zeya Alikhan Dr. Robert M. Allaby Dr. Donald E. Allen Dr. Donald R. M. Allen Dr. Hillary Allen Dr. Jeffrey A. Almon Dr. Tania Aloisio Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Mahfam Amini-Nouri Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. Robert O. Anctil Dr. David K. Anderson Dr. Gregg C. Anderson Dr. Lloyd J. Anderson Dr. John H. Andrews Dr. Anthony Andronyk Dr. Stephanie E. Anisko Dr. Nicholas T. Antony Dr. Antonio Anziano Dr. Merv F. Aramenko Dr. Richard G. E. Archer Dr. Blanchard Ariko Dr. Lavern H. G. Ariss Dr. Adam Armstrong Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong

Dr. Farahikhte Ashhadi- Somehsaraei Dr. Adib Ashraf Dr. Miriam M. Assayag Dr. Peter J. Asselbergs Dr. Daniella Astorino Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Alexandre Axenov Dr. Jayne Lee Ayube Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Johannes Baarbe Dr. Jillian E. Babin Dr. Carmel Bachar Dr. Mitchell M. Badz Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Melvine Baird Dr. William S. Baird Dr. Brian Baizley Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Kenneth I. Baker * Dr. Dana K. Ball Dr. Jeffrey W. Balon Dr. Charlene A. Banbury Dr. Berj K. Bardekjian Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. John D. Bare Dr. Ashley Barker Dr. Martin Barker Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. R. Bruce Barrett Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Dr. Lacina M. Barsalou Dr. Keltie C. M. Bartlett Dr. Richard G. Barwell Dr. Bruno Bastien Dr. Josip Batinic Dr. Sarah C. Batley Dr. Anthony R. Battel Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Michael L. Beaton Dr. Janine M. Beaulieu Dr. Robert J. Bebbington Dr. Mario Belanger Dr. Jeffrey Belgue Dr. Lawrence Bell Dr. Rachel D. Bentley Dr. Nathan V. Benvenuto Dr. David Berg Dr. Kenneth G. Bergquist Dr. Cindy A. Berna Dr. Michael A. Berna Dr. Condren R. Berry

12 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Donald M. Berry Dr. Stevan M. Betts Dr. Bakshish A. Bhayee Dr. Nilav M. Bhowmik Dr. Peter D. Biamonte Dr. Anri Bici Dr. Gregory J. Bidinosti Dr. Robert N. Bilow Dr. Ronald W. Bilsky Dr. Mark Bird Dr. John H. Bjarnason Dr. Marsha L. Black Dr. Barbara A. Blacker Dr. Mark J. Blau Dr. Steven G. Blenkarn Dr. David J. Blitzer Dr. Kevin J. Bloom Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Suzanne M. Bober Dr. Mark G. Bodnar Dr. Peter Bodnar Dr. Hans W. Boehnke Dr. Glenn M. Boggio Dr. Stacy L. Bolton Dr. Jason F. Bonar Dr. Sylvie A. Bordeleau Dr. Ronald Bordessa Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Krista C. Borrowman Dr. Luc R. Bouchard Dr. Luke A. Boudreau Dr. Trevor Boudreau Dr. Claude Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Ward M. Bourgaize Dr. Sherilynn Bovay Dr. Murray H. Bowman Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Edwin J. Braacx Dr. James A. Brad Dr. Crystal A. Bradshaw Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake- Patten Dr. Sara L. Brand Dr. Doug G. Brandvold Dr. Alan Breen Dr. Grayden J. Bridge Dr. Lydia R. Brodie Dr. Robert Brodie Dr. Blaine L. Broker Dr. Robert L. Brommer Dr. Aase L. Bronfort Dr. Mitchell G. Broser

Dr. Michael R. Brosseau Dr. Lee W. Brotherston Dr. Kenneth D. Brough Dr. Peter Brouwer Dr. Roger Browett Dr. Douglas M. Brown Dr. Martin J. Brown Dr. Porter M. Brown Dr. Suzanne L. Brown Dr. Terry F. Brown Dr. Philip T. Browne Dr. Andrew J. Brubacher Dr. Paul Bruno Dr. Riley W. P. Brydges Dr. R. Ian Buchanan Dr. Brian S. Budgell Dr. David R. Buettner Dr. Shawn M. Bulger Dr. Ronald J. Bulman Dre Martine R. Bureau Dr. Rene A. Bureau Dr. Edward Burge Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. Ronald T. Burman Dr. Stephen Burnie Dr. André E. Bussières Dr. Edward Butler Dr. Eric S. Butz Dr. James Robert Byers Dr. Leonard Bystrom Dr. Tiffany D. Cafaro Dr. J. Michael Cain Dr. Michelle Camastra Dr. Edward D. J. Cambridge Dr. Audrey Cameron Dr. Douglas F. Cameron Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Katherine M. Cameron Dr. Perry Cammisa Dr. E. Nino Campana Dr. Robert D. Campana Dr. C. Dan Campbell Dr. Donald R. Campbell Dr. Gregory W. Canning Dr. Robert J. Cannon Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Matthew Carinci Dr. Jaye L. Carlson Dr. Vanessa Carnovale Dr. Colin R. Carrie, M.P. Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Brent A. Carson

Dr. Robert C. Carson Dr. W. Elmor Carson Dr. Elizabeth I. H. Carter Dr. Sharon E. Carter Dr. John David Cassidy Dr. William Castor Dr. Michael Caterer Dr. Peter Cauwenbergs Dr. Gordon D. Chadwick Dr. Elaine Chagnon Dr. Dennis W. Chambers Dr. Alan K. H. Chan Dr. Amy Chan Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan Dr. Rudi S. L. Chan Dr. Dwight R. Chapin Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Dr. Mardi C. Charlton Dr. Rosanna Cheng Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Kwong Chiu Dr. Devin Chohan Dr. Karen L. Chrobak Dr. Chadwick Chung Dr. Stephanie L. Church Dr. Dena G. Churchill Dr. Sam A. Cirone Dr. Simon M. F. Clark Dr. Robert F. Clarke Dr. Tanya Clarke-Young Dr. Todd Clayton Dr. Charles Clement Dr. Leo J. Clement Dr. Susan D. Clements Dr. Lise M. Cloutier Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. George R. Coder Dr. Michael A. Cohen Dr. Victoria D. Coleman Dr. Dean P. S. Collins Dr. Deborah Collins Dr. Jonathan Collins Dr. Constance A. Columbus Dr. Michael J. Columbus Dr. William Columbus Dr. Chad Conaway Dr. John G. Condor Dr. Michael J. Conly Dr. R. Wayne Connell Dr. Shayla N. P. Conrad Dr. Graym W. Cook Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Samuel J. Cooper

Dr. Walter T. Cooper Dr. Stacey Cooper- Latimer Dr. Jacques Cornellier Dr. John R. Corrigan Dr. Rhonda J. Corrigan Dr. Robert J. Corrigan Dr. Melissa Corso Dr. Ivano Costa Dr. Pierre Côté Dr. Alfonso J. Cotoia Dr. Robert J. Coulombe Dr. Ian Coulter Dr. Leila Coulter Dr. Andre L. Courteau Dr. Alison D. Coutts Dr. B. Thomas Coutts Dr. Geron P. Cowherd Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. Jocelyn A. Cox Dr. Stephanie J. Crawford Dr. Andrew C. Cregg Dr. Brian B. Croft Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Gerald N. Crooks Dr. Philip Croutch Dr. Michelle L. Cruickshank Dr. Nicole S. Cruickshanks Dr. Brian D. Cruise Dr. Michael B. Cruise Dr. Ian D. Culbert Dr. Denis Cyr Dr. Kevin M. D'Angelo Dr. Justin T. D'Anna Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Dr. Sophia A. da Silva- Oolup Dr. Theodore Dahinden Dr. Darrell J. Dailey Dr. Pierre-Paul Dalcourt Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dr. Laura Dalpiaz-Stec Dr. Myles S. Dalton Dr. Barbara L. Dance Dr. Charles F. Daniels Dr. Dan Dao Dr. Florence Darbellay Dr. Julie M. Darchuk Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Robert David Dr. Caitlin A. Davidson Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Dr. Jordan J. Davies Dr. Myron T. Dawydiak Dr. Garrett C. de Jong Dr. Ivone De Marchi

Dr. Robert S. Deachman Dr. James C. Dean Dr. John R. Dean Dr. William J. Dean Dr. Elizabeth Deans- Buchan Dr. Gabriel Debergh Dr. Philip Decina Dr. Jessica Dee Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. Christopher deGraauw Dr. Lara C. deGraauw Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Max Dekterov Dr. Gerard Delugt Dr. Elaine Dembe Dr. Alexandra Dennis Dr. Andrea L. DesGroseilliers Dr. Guillaume Desjardins Dr. Ryan R. Desjardins Dr. Pavneet K. Dhaliwal Dr. Marc J. Di Nardo Dr. Agostino R. Di Paolo Dr. Kenneth W. Dick Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. Mark D. Dickson Dr. June Dies-Keys Dr. Richard N. Dietrich Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Dr. Sarah Dion Dr. Nataliya Dmytriv Dr. Fred T. Dobson Dr. Henry Dobson Dr. Stephen J. Doholis Dr. Michael Domanko Dr. Julianne Donato Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Bradley R. Dormiedy Dr. Thomas M. Dormon Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Alex J. Dougley Dr. Anna Dowgialo Dr. Edward Dowhaniuk Dr. Victor C. Dowling Dr. Larry Down Dr. Crystal A. E. Draper Dr. Robert J. Dronyk Dr. William M. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Dr. Benn L. Drysdale Dr. Richard Dubler

Dr. Dhanbir S. Dulay Dr. Alan P. Dumencu Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. Daryl K. Dunford Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. J. Kevin Dunlop Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Michael B. Dunn Dr. Nichola Dunne Dr. David A. Dunnett Dr. Paul R. Duperrouzel Dr. Carole Durepos- Ouellette Dr. V. Gary Dyck Dr. Brennan T. Dynes Dr. Donald R. Earle Dr. Robert G. Earle Dr. Arwed B. Egli Dr. Ian C. Eix Dr. Donald J. Elder Dr. Richard Elder Dr. A. Ronald Elford * Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Edward H. Elliott Dr. K. Bruce Elliott Dr. Chad M. R. Ellis Dr. Laura Ellison Dr. Nadine Ellul Dr. Barry E. Embree Dr. James K. Emmett Dr. Glenn R. Engel Dr. Shawn Engell Dr. Amber Enns Dr. Rudolf Enns Dr. Trevor Erdie Dr. Ruth E. Erhardt Dr. William W. Errico Dr. Thomas J. Erskine Dr. W. Mark Erwin Dr. Eric J. Ethridge Dr. Kyle M. Etwaroo Dr. Carl A. Eustace Dr. Douglas W. Evans Dr. James K. Evans Dr. Lois A. Eveleigh Dr. Jaymi S. Evoy Dr. Tiffany R. Eybergen Dr. Helen Fadden Dr. Jane A. Fancy Dr. Gerald R. Farnsworth Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Patricia M. Farrell Dr. Leonard J. Faye Dr. Pauline Fedder Dr. Eric D. Feegel Dr. Peter A. Fera Dr. William H. Ferguson

Dr. Frank J. Fica Dr. Ashley B. Fichter Dr. Brittany A. Filipetti Dr. Kevin M. Finn Dr. Don E. Fitz-Ritson Dr. J. B. Fleming Dr. J. Neil Fletcher Dr. Robert J. Fletcher Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Joanne Foley Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Lesley Foote Dr. Diane E. Forbes Dr. Peter A. Ford Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Judy A. Forrester Dr. Dale C. Forsythe Dr. Jaclyn Foster Dr. Katelyn J. Foster Dr. Justin Fowler Dr. Bryanna C. E. Fox Dr. Jason T. Fox Mr. Richard Fox Dr. Edward Frame Dr. Robert S. Frankl Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Kenneth Freer Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Angelo Frisina Dr. Axel Fritz Dr. Jennifer L. Frohlich Dr. Bernard Fruitman Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. Melanie S. Furtado Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe Dr. Phyllis Gabel Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Colin D. Gage Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels Dr. Robert Galbraith Dr. James D. Galenzoski Dr. Theodore M. Gall Dr. David J. Gallant Dr. Larry Galvin Dr. Ralph D. Galvin Dr. Aditi Ganesh Dr. Michael J. Gangl Dr. Mark T. Garbutt Dr. Amber N. Gardiner- Pretto Dr. James Gardner Dr. Shawn A. Gargoum Dr. Darryl Garner Dr. Karen E. Garner Dr. Christine B. Garrity

Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Dr. Nancy L. Garwah Dr. Corrine E. Gasser Dr. Julianna M. Gatis Dr. Arv D. Gatten Dr. Jon C. Gatten Dr. Marc-Henri Gauchat Dr. Elizabeth E. Gaudry Dr. Michael M. Gawronski Dr. John L. Gaylard Dr. Kevin J. Gaymes * Dr. Allan J. Gdanski Dr. Henry C. Gdanski Dr. Victor L. Gdanski Dr. Richard J. Gehrke Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Erwin Gemel Dr. Annie M. Gervais Dr. Logan P. Gerwing Dr. Scott D. Gignac Dr. Lynton G. F. Giles Dr. Harnoor S. Gill Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Debra M. Glaser Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Robert Glavan Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Arlene Gleadhill Dr. Brian Gleberzon Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Dr. Daniel S. Gleeson Dr. Rodman L. Gleeson Dr. Diane B. Glover Dr. Berit Godager Moltzau Dr. Stephen J. Godin Dr. Jennifer Goergen Dr. David W. Gohn Dr. Paul M. Gold Dr. Mary Ann Goldhawk Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie Dr. Jarrod G. Goldin Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy Dr. Mark Gonneau Dr. Gregory R. G. Goodbrand Mr. Leonard Goodman Dr. Stanley Gorchynski Dr. Christopher J. Gordon Dr. Linda Gordon

Annual Report 2016-2017 13

CMCC Members 2016–2017 Dr. Susanne K. Gorka Dr. Allan Gotlib Dr. Laurie Goyeche Dr. Janice E. Grace Dr. Corey A. Graham Dr. Donald T. Graham Dr. Patrick T. Graham Dr. Ray G. Graham Dr. Christopher L. Grant Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Brandy C. Grantham Dr. Mary Ann Grape Dr. Olivia Greco Dr. Sasha Green Dr. Stephen Greenberg Dr. Gary A. Greenman Dr. Martial Gregoire Dr. Ian R. Gregory Dr. Janice M. Gregory Dr. Stéphane Gregory Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Kyle A. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Robert K. Grisdale Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. Diane Grondin Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Jason N. Guben Dr. Luc Guenette Dr. Lauren O. Guerrero Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Dr. Brian D. Gushaty Dr. Frank Q. Guthrie Dr. Janis J. Guthy Dr. Johan R. Gysen Dr. Andrew S. Habib Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Camille Hadida Dr. Robert D. Haig Dr. Francois Hains Dr. Scott Haldeman Dr. Bryan J. Hale Dr. Alexandria M. Hall Dr. John W. Hall Dr. Elizabeth J. Hallett Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Dr. Josline Hampson Dr. A. E. Thomas Hanna Dr. Nina T. Hansen Dr. J. Michael Hardie

Dr. John A. Hardy Dr. Randall J. Hardy Dr. David W. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. Glen M. Harris Dr. Dale K. Harrison Dr. Margaret J. Harrison Dr. Joanne M. Hartley Dr. Jillian Hartman- Grelowski Dr. N. James Harvey Dr. Dawn Harwijne Dr. Robert J. Hasegawa Dr. Paul C. Hatch Dr. Karen J. Hatchard Dr. Aimee Hatcher Dr. E. Allan Hawkins Dr. Glen Hawkins Dr. Jonathan P. Hawkins Dr. Peter G. Hawley Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. Thomas Hawthorne Dr. Ronald J. Hay Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. Bruce A. Hayhoe Dr. Glen W. Heaps Dr. Michelle Hebert Dr. Darren P. Hector Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Ramin Heidari Dr. Werner M. Heller Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. Paul M. Hemingway Dr. Peter D. Hemingway Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Dr. Fred E. Hendricks Dr. C. Jay Hennigar Dr. Brett W. Hessel Dr. Lindsay Heubner Dr. Katie Heung Dr. Patrick F. Hewitt Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Dr. Dan S. Higginson Dr. Catharine A. Hildebrand Dr. James J. Hill Dr. Paul M. Hinton Dr. Judith A. Hinwood Dr. David Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho Dr. Sara C. M. Ho Dr. John Hobson Dr. Robert D. Holden Dr. Warren S. Hollis Dr. G. Paul Holtom Dr. Ian J. Horseman

14 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Tanya L. Horvath Dr. Emily Howell Dr. Scott Howitt Dr. James D. Howlett Dr. Leroy O. Hoyte Dr. William S. Hsu Dr. Gina V. Hua Dr. Gillian Huang Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Nigel C. J. Hudson Dr. John Hui Dr. Devin C. Humphrey Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Barry R. Hunt Dr. Reginald G. Hunte Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Danjing Huo Dr. Oksana Huska Dr. Jamie Hutchinson Dr. Sharon Hynes Dr. Anas Ingar Dr. Christy Inglis Dr. C. Dwain Ingram Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Katie Inwood-Roy Dr. David Irwin Dr. Thomas E. Isaacs Dr. Donald G. Ivey Dr. Craig Jacobs Dr. Ali Jaffery Dr. Aaron T. Jager Dr. Paul S. Jain Dr. Natasha M. Jakelski Dr. Crystal A. Jakym Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Lanny Jamieson Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Allan Jeffels Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Andrea E. Jensen Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Eun Been Jeoun Dr. Eun Soo Jeoun Dr. Ross Jeske Dr. Rahim Jessa Dr. J. Roger Jessop Dr. Thanushan Jeyapalan Dr. Janey Jim Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. A. Wray Johnson Dr. Kelly L. Johnson Dr. Thomas R. Johnson Dr. Colin Johnston Dr. Gregory A. Johnston Dr. Robert J. Johnston Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. W. Bruce Johnston

Dr. Robert J. Johnstone Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Christopher F. Jones Dr. Brad Jones Dr. Mark E. Jones Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Stephen Jones Dr. Kevin T. Jorgensen Dr. Anita K. Joseph Dr. Susan R. Joshi Dr. Jennifer R. Joucas Dr. Aradhna Juneja Dr. Blair A. Jurgens Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Edward T. Kachuba Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis Dr. John S. Kapus Dr. Bob Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Arif Karmali Dr. Newsha H. Kashani Dr. John M. Kaster Dr. Todd Kauffeldt Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Dirk W. Keenan Dr. Terence M. Kehler Dr. Brad A. Kehoe Dr. Cal Keil Dr. Donald J. Kelm Dr. Wilbour Kelsick Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Erin D. Kempt- Sutherland Dr. A.O. Hart Kennedy Dr. A. Paul Kent Dr. William M.S. Ketcheson Dr. Bonnie Keys Dr. Sean T. Kilgannon Dr. Gideon J. Kilian Dr. Grant A. Kilpatrick Dr. Jessica Kim Dr. Jiyeon Kim Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Teddy Donghyun Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Dr. Laurie King Dr. Barry Kinsey Dr. F. Stuart Kinsinger Dr. Robert E. Kinsman Dr. Ivan Kirov Dr. Jaclyn Kissel Dr. Peter Kissel Dr. Jessica Kissoon Dr. Robert G. Kitchen Dr. Alvin G. Klassen Dr. Erik Klein

Dr. Andrew Kleinknecht Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Stephanie A. Knauer Dr. Robert J. Kniess Dr. Roberta G. Koch Dr. Peter B. Koebisch Dr. P. Angelika Koeth Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Alain Kolt Dr. Daniel Komesch Dr. Vincent Kong Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Paul A. Korbelas Dr. Anna P. Korpela Dr. John J. Kos Dr. Jagdish C. Kothary Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Dr. Peter Kramer Dr. Gerald F. Kremer Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Vance N. Kruszewski Dr. Graham Kucan Dr. Chad Kulak Dr. Katrina M. Kulhay Dr. Varsha Kumar Dr. Timothy Kunkel Dr. Gregory Kuruliak Dr. Metro Kuruliak Dr. Dennis Kutsukake Dr. Natalie Labelle Dr. Sydney B. Labelle Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Melanie Lachapelle Dr. Leo Lachowich Dr. Andre C. Lacroix Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Scot A. Ladell Dr. Jean-Guy Laflamme Dr. Dominic V. LaForte Dr. Michael W. LaFramboise Dr. Lawrence LaFrance Dr. Timothy S. Lahn Dr. Martin Lai Dr. David A. Lajeunesse Dr. Cassandra-Hannah Laleye Dr. Rahim Lalji Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Alexander K. Lam Dr. Mazy C. M. Lam Dr. Marlee N. Lameris Dr. Susanne Langdon

Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Serge Lanoue Dr. Jack B. Lanskail Dr. Robin Chantelle Lao Dr. Carlos J. Lapena Dr. Garth W. LaPlante Dr. Scott R. Laporte Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert Laquerre Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Ronald H. Latch Dr. David G. Latta Dr. Larry D. Laughlin Dr. Robert Laurie Dr. Valerie A. Lavigne Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. James P. Laws Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Douglas M. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. Stephen D. Lawson Dr. Carly L. LeBlanc Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. Nicole M. Lederman Dr. Alex D. Lee Dr. C. Feng Lee Dr. David Lee Dr. David W. Lee Dr. Eugene Lee Dr. Henry M. Lee Dr. Jene Lee Dr. Joyce G. Lee Dr. Kirsten S. Y. Lee Dr. Marissa Lee Dr. Raymond Lee Dr. Rick Lee Dr. YooJin Lee Dr. Yu Min Lee Dr. James R. Leeson Dr. Nicola Legate Dr. Allison M. Legg Dr. Carrie Lehman Dr. James J. Lemak Dr. Andre M. Lemetayer Dr. Brian D. LeMoel Dr. Raymond Leo Dr. Caterina Lerede Dr. Jessica Leroux Dr. Jim R. Leskun Dr. Steven Lester Dr. Calvin Leung Dr. Pierre Levesque Dr. Noah Levine Dr. Howard Levita Dr. Dan Levy Dr. Michelle C. Liberty

Dr. Mark G. Libitka Dr. Catherina K. M. Liem Dr. Randy Lilja Dr. Brian R. S. Lim Dr. Rod W. R. Lindsay Dr. Thomas W. Lindsay Dr. Ronald T. Linzner Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Natalia Lishchyna Dr. Mackenzie A. Liska Dr. Charles Listro Dr. James O. Litt Dr. Dennis Liu Dr. Melanie Locke Dr. Poul Loewe-Madsen Dr. Kenneth C. Logan Dr. J. Bradley Lohrenz Dr. Ervin J. Loikrec Dr. Crystal L. Longo Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Dr. Arthur Lopes Dr. David C. Lott Dr. Dianne Lott Dr. Johan Louwerse Dr. Daria P. Love Dr. Stuart I. Love Dr. Joshua S. Loveys Dr. David Lovsin Dr. Dana Lowe Dr. David E. Lowe Dr. Jeff J. Lowthian Dr. Edward Lubberdink Dr. Rich Luck Dr. Veronica Lui Dr. Jeffrey R. Lustig Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. John C. Lynch Dr. Kristine A. Lyons Dr. Bryan Ma Dr. Vicko C. Y. Ma Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. David MacAskill Dr. Cheryl H. MacDonald Dr. Christie MacDonald Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. David A. MacIntosh Dr. Ian MacIntyre Dr. David G. MacKenzie Dr. Verna MacKey Dr. Douglas J. MacLachlan Dr. Barbara J. Maclean Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. Clive S. Macmillan Dr. Brent MacNeil Dr. Ellen MacPhee

Dr. Wanda Lee MacPhee Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Gabor M. Madarasz Dr. Paul Mademann * Dr. Robert A. Madill Dr. Richard M. Magder Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Edward K. Mah Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Elyse M. Mahony Dr. Marie-Josee Maillet Dr. Michael A. Majaess Dr. Michael A. Malatesta Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Wayne L. Malott Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Gary A. Malstrom Dr. Colin C. Mandin Dr. Gary A. Mangiacotte Dr. Frank Mangoni Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. G. Edwin Mann Dr. Brent D. Manson Dr. Lorna March- Greenbau Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Henri L. Marcoux Dr. Daniel J. Marczak Dr. Bruno F. Marini Dr. Erin L. Marjerrison Dr. David G. Marsh Dr. Donald F. Marshall Dr. Victoria L. Marshall Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. Andre Martin Dr. J. Scott Martin Dr. Karen E. Martindale- Sliz Dr. Yvan J. Martineau Dr. David E. Martinuk Dr. Karen E. Martinuk Dr. Reginald J. Martsinkiw Dr. Stephen A. Maskall Dre Natalie Masse Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Kevin Matheson Dr. Claude Matte Dr. Karin L. Mattern Dr. Michael J. Mattinen Dr. Dino Mavrou Dr. Kayla M. Mayberry Dr. Anne M. Maylin-Lee Dr. Kelly C. McAllister Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. D. Court McAuley Dr. Laura McCall

Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Michael J. McCann Dr. Chris J. McCarthy Dr. Kyle A. McCasey Dr. Gordon W. McConnell Dr. Gregory C. McConnell Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Phyllis A. McCord Dr. Michael R. McCoul Dr. Scott J. McCrae Dr. Scott McCrimmon Dr. Frank G. McDiarmid Dr. Gordon A. McDiarmid Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Jay D. McFarlane Dr. Christina McGlashan Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Jeremy A. McGuire Dr. Kevin McIntyre Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie Dr. Joanne McKinley- Molodynia Dr. Laura A. McLaren Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. Brian J. McLaughlin Dr. Campbell A. McLeod Dr. Heather McLeod Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. Patrick J. McNiven- McKenna Dr. Murray I. McPhail Dr. Barry C. McQuire Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Laurel M. McQuoid Dr. Kelley M. McVarish Dr. Christine A. Meckamalil Dr. Ernest Meindersma Dr. Susanne P. Meldrum Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Roger T. Menta Dr. Shahroze Merali Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Alban Merepeza Dr. Rob J. Merrick Dr. Martin Merz Dr. James Meschino Dr. Ivan Mezei Dr. Thomas Michael Dr. Wesley Michaud Dr. Clark Michlowski Dr. Dale R. Mierau Dr. Christine Mikhael Dr. Dennis Milenov Dr. David P. Millar Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Danielle J. Miller

Dr. Milton C. Miller Dr. Murray G. Miller Dr. John Millett Dr. Brent R. Milljour Dr. Brent J. Mills Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. David J. Mills Dr. Randolph S. Mills Dr. Russill S. Mills Dr. Silvey M. Mills Dr. Darrin T. Milne Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. John G. Mindiuk Dr. Andrew Miners Dr. Alan E. Minty Dr. Miriam E. Minty Dr. Angelo G. Mione * Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. James D. Misner Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Melina Moaven Shahidi Dr. Stephen Mogatas Dr. Arezou Mohajeri Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer Dr. Douglas B. Mollon Dr. Lynda Montgomery Dr. A. Donald Moore Dr. Brett R. Moore Dr. George C. Moore Dr. Steven D. Moore Dr. Tannille Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Gregory J. E. Morris Dr. Jeremiah D. Morris Dr. Ciana L. Morrison Dr. Henry B. Morrison Dr. Kevin J. Morrison Dr. Nicholas V. C. Moser Dr. Madiheh Moslehi Baharanchi Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. Jillian E. R. Moulton Dr. Jennifer A. Mous Dr. Rick Mozell Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Brad Muir Dr. Danny A. Muller Dr. Mary A. Mulligan Dr. D. Kenneth Mullins Dr. Gary D. Munro Dr. Bernadette Murphy Dr. James Murray Dr. Michael J. Murray

Annual Report 2016-2017 15

CMCC Members 2016–2017 Dr. Rodney Myers Dr. Constantinos Myrtos Dr. Harold Nachtigall Dr. Farnaz Najmabadi Dr. Luigi Nalli Dr. Sonja Nardini-Probst Dr. Ashley Narula Dr. Mona Nasr Dr. Tom Naylor Dr. John A. Neal Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. Shenaigh L. J. Newman Dr. Carl Danberg S. Ng Dr. Robert G. Nielsen Dr. Lynette M. Nissen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. W. John Noble Dr. Carsten Noddeskou Dr. Paul S. Nolet Dr. Craig D. Norman Dr. Heather J. Norman Dr. Michael A. Norman Dr. J. Todd Norton Dr. Janis E. Noseworthy Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Dr. Courtney N. O'Connell Dr. David P. O'Connor Dr. Lino T. O'Keefe Dr. Grant O'Neill Dr. Paul Oakley Dr. Thomas R. Offen Dr. Ted J. Ogilvie Dr. Erin C. Ogrady Dr. Jonathan T. Okrainetz Dr. Kirsten E. Olesen Dr. Mia Oliver Dr. Susan Jill Oliver Dr. Irene Oliviero Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Allan G. Oolo Austin Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. Sean A. Orr Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Ronald A. Oswald Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Dr. Geoffrey Outerbridge Dr. Linda Outschoorn Dr. Irina O. Ovchinnikova Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Bruce A. Owers Dr. Sharja F. Pabon Mr. Al Pace Dr. Heather Pady Dr. Jason A. Pajaczkowski Dr. Edward J. Palichuk Dr. G. Stewart Palmer

Dr. Babak Panahloo Dr. Michael S. Pankow Dr. John A. Papa Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Dr. Jodi L. Parkinson Dr. James Parliament Dr. Gagandip K. Parmar Dr. Jean-Guy Parr Dr. J. Ladd Parsons Dr. Gordon F. Partridge Dr. Richard N. Pascoe Dr. Daniel Patel Dr. Douglas R. Pattison Dr. Colleen S. Pattrick Dr. Shannon E. Paul Dr. Heather A. Paull Dr. Julien Payne Dr. Sean E. J. Payne Dr. Matthew D. Peacock Dr. Cosma Pecora Dr. Cora-Lee S. Peddle Dr. Donald E. Pedersen Dr. L. David Peeace Dr. Helen M. Peel Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Rosalie Pelissier Dr. Andre Pelletier Dr. Eddy Pellissier Dr. Timothy H. Peloso Dr. John P. Pereverzoff Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dr. Denise Perron Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. Alexander F. Pessoa Dr. Donn-Ivan Petelka Dr. Sharon A. Peterkin Dr. David E. Peterson Dr. Giovanna Petricone Dr. Lori A. Petrilli Dr. Vanessa M. Petrini Dr. Clayton G. Phillips Dr. David Phillips Dr. Devon Phillips Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Alessandro Pichini Dr. Donato Pietrangelo Dr. Barbara C. Pike- Armbrust Dr. Lianne Pinkney Dr. Maryse Pion Robin Dr. Jill Plantz Dr. Percy N. Pletsch Dr. Eugene R. Plewes Dr. Clark B. Podaima Dr. Gerard Poirier Dr. Raymond Poitras

16 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Ronald Polack Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Bryan J. Porter Dr. Anthony Posa Dr. Michael Poschar Dr. R. Andrew Potter Dr. Solaleh Pourbagher Dr. Thessa Prashad Dr. Jennifer L. Pratt Dr. Thomas Preston Dr. Douglas R. Price Dr. Tania C. Pringle Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Dr. Robert Proteau Dr. Ione G. Puchalski Dr. Aaron A. Puhl Dr. Bryon P. Puhl Dr. Andrew Pulinec Dr. Jasdip K. Purba Dr. Brandon E. Purdy Dr. Gwyneth F. Pyne Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Dr. Martin Rabley Dr. Richard Radford Dr. James M. Rae Dr. Craig E. Rainsberry Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. Rachel Ramsey Dr. Kayla Randhawa Dr. Shervin Ranjbar Dr. David J. Redding Dr. Peter Van Redecopp Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. J. Wayne Redstone Dr. Glen Reed Dr. Jessica E. Reed Dr. Peter Reed Dr. Paul M. Rego Dr. Douglas O. Reid Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. James Reilly Dr. Christine J. Reinhart Dr. J. David Rennicks Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Jonathan D. Reyhanian Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Dr. Lisa A. Richard Dr. Marty V. Richter Dr. W. Roy Riddell Dr. Stefan N. Riederer Dr. Caroline A. Rioux Dr. Robert Ripley Dr. James K. Ritchey Dr. Kelly Robazza Dr. Andrew J. Robb Dr. Frederick E. Roberts Dr. John O. T. Roberts

Dr. Marie-Josee Robichaud Dr. Paul W. Robinson Dr. Robert O. Robinson Dr. G. Lindsay Robson Dr. Robert Rodine Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. Benjamin Roffey Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Andrew P. Romanelli Dr. Robert W. Roper Dr. Leo K. Rosenberg Dr. Paul S. Rosenberg Dr. J. Kim Ross Dr. Jonathon E. D. Ross Dr. Robert W. Rowe Dr. Richard Roy Dr. Richard Ruegg Dr. Gregory Ruhr Dr. Rodney L. Runge Dr. Gordon F. Rust Dr. Petra Rutz Dr. Donald L. Ryan Dr. Summer Rybicki Dr. Steven B. Sabo Dr. Christopher D. Saieva Dr. Marjanossadat Sajadi Dr. William Salameh Dr. David G. Salanki Dr. Troy A. Samchuk Dr. Gary A. Sanders Dr. James T. Sanders Dr. Norma-Jean Sanders Dr. Luvraj Sandhar Dr. Douglas G. Sandwell Dr. Mitchell Savic Dr. Walter J. Savickey Dr. Mikael R. Savoie Dr. Jeffrey G. Sawa Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Albert M. Scales Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci Dr. Steven A. Scappaticci Dr. Tara N. Schell Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Peter Schlag Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz Dr. Richard G. Schmelzle Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Donna Schoales Dr. Kelly C. Schoonderwoerd Dr. Brian Schroeder Dr. Ernest Schroeder Dr. Aloysius H. Schulte Dr. Christopher Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut

Dr. John R. Schwarz Dr. Leslie Scott Dr. R. D. Wayne Scott Dr. Ryan C. Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Christopher J. Scrase Dr. Elaine Screaton Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Peter See Dr. Gerry H. Seier Dr. Richard A. Seier Dr. George M. Seim Dr. Grace Sevazlian Dr. Chista Shahrokh Dr. Wade R. Shalagan Dr. Kenneth L. Shatilla Dr. Alison M. Shaver Dr. Susan Shaw Dr. Nadia M. S. Shea Dr. Heather Shearer Dr. Marvin Shedletzky Dr. Alyssa K. Shepherd Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Dr. Scott W. Sheppard Dr. Bryan Sher Dr. David Sherrington Dr. Edward Shin Dr. Peter Shipka Dr. Dan Shlepakov Dr. Barbara Shortreed Dr. Mark B. Shrott Dr. Eric F. Shrubb Dr. Leann M. Shrum Dr. Jaspinder Sidhu Dr. Stuart J. Siegel Dr. William Siksay Dr. Karlie S. Sikura Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Harald F. Simon Dr. Inger Simonsen Dr. Ann Liz Simpson Dr. Joel C. Simpson Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. Jasleen Singh Dr. Roger R. Singh Dr. Wayne F. Singleton Dr. Joseph A. Sinopoli Dr. Todd E. Siwak Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Robert S. Skleryk Dr. Paul Slaney Dr. Nicholas J. Slowinski Dr. Christopher R. Small Dr. Barbara J. Smith Dr. Carole M. E. Smith Dr. Douglas R. Smith Dr. Duane C. Smith

Dr. Geoffrey Smith Dr. Larry B. Smith Dr. Lawrence D. Smith Dr. R. Lyle Smith Dr. Richard S. Smith Dr. Thomas J. Smith Dr. W. Drew Smith Dr. William J. Smith Dr. William M. Smith Dr. John N. Smoczyk Dr. Judith Snider Dr. Alison M. Sokol Dr. Stanley G. Soloduka Dr. Kevin M. Sommerfeldt Dr. Michael Sommers Dr. Gianna C. Soncina Dr. Chelsey R. Spano Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Diana M. L. Speer- McBean Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Dr. Jenna Spencer Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. Patricia Spratt Dr. Eric St-Onge Dr. Ashleigh E. Stableforth Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Todd D. Starr Dr. Gavin W. Steciuk Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe Dr. Paula J. Stern Dr. Frederick A. Stevenson Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Mr. James Stewart Dr. Marshall D. Stewart Dr. Murray J. Stewart Dr. Danielle R. Stewart- Smith Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt Dr. Michael A. Stochmal Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Beat O. Stoller Dr. Nicola D. Stone Dr. William Stouse * Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Darren Strong Dr. Robert E. Stronge Dr. Karen Stroud Dr. Arden P. Strudwick

Dr. Rodney W. Stubel Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Troy Sturtevant Dr. Karlo Suek Dr. Andrew Sulatycki Dr. Dean Summers Dr. Thomas S. Summers Dr. Minisha Suri Dr. George J. Surko Dr. Mark D. Swain Dr. Earle C. Sweet Dr. Orysia Swyszcz Dr. Bruce M. Sykes Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Dr. Bob Szczurko Dr. Negda Tabrizi Dr. Alex C. Tacconelli Dr. Paul Taillefer Dr. Charles Tallon Dr. Shai Tamir Dr. Jeffrey A. Tancock Dr. Joseph J. Tanti Dr. Errol Tarnow Dr. Robert Tarulli Dr. Pegah Tavajohi-Fini Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. John A. M. Taylor Dr. Josephine Taylor Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Robert J. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Oksana Tcherbak Dr. Jerry S. Tchoryk Dr. Mauro J. Terenzi Dr. George E. Tester Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray Dr. Marcellin M. Thibault Dr. Joanne G. Thicke Dr. Maathavan Thillai Dr. Shawn Thistle Dr. Elder H. Thomas Dr. Jennifer S. Thomas Dr. Kirsten M. Thomas Dr. Linda J. Thomas Dr. John D. Thompson Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. Medville A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. D. Verne Thomson Dr. John M. Thyret Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Katherine Tibor Dr. Roy Till

Dr. Michael J. Titchener Dr. Alexandra R. Topp Dr. David Torrance Dr. Christopher J. Tousignant Dr. Diane Travis- Phillipson Dr. Ross S. Treasure Dr. Amy R. Tremblay Dr. Astrid Trim Dr. Varsha Tripathi Dr. Floyd Trotter Dr. Michael Truong Dr. O. Hartley Tuck Dr. Taylor R. Tuff Dr. Jeffrey R. Tuling Dr. Mathieu Turgeon Dr. Kristina A. Turkewitsch Dr. Allen R. Turner Dr. Brian D. Turner Dr. Jennifer Turpin Dr. Allen Tyler Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Dr. Gregory Uchacz Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. David A. Urness Dr. Dwight M. Vallee Dr. Teresa L. Van Bakel Dr. Ian G. Vana Dr. Roland Vander Beek Dr. Eric Vandergugten Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. Kathryn H. Vardy Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Howard T. Vernon Dr. Kathy Vertesi Dr. Donald H. Viggiani Dr. Flemming Vilholm Dr. Michael Vilkas Dr. Olivier Vimard Dr. Edward Vinnikov Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Doug Vlaskamp Dr. Edwin H. Voelker Dr. Henny T. M. Vogelzang Dr. Joseph G. Vomvas Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Dr. Nevin V. Wadehra Dr. Dennis J. Wagner Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Kailin D. Walter Dr. J. Bruce Walton Dr. Simon Wang Dr. Randy S. Warchola

Dr. Jennifer Ward Dr. Ronald Warkman Dr. Robert S. Warnock Dr. Jeffrey M. Warren Dr. David Wasylynko Dr. Dawn C. Watkins Dr. Terry A. Watkins Dr. Collin G. Watson Dr. Derick A. Watson Dr. Dionne Watson Dr. Kenneth M. Wayte Dr. Jennifer Webster Dr. Carol Ann Weis Dr. Colin L. Wellum Dr. Colin L. Wellum Dr. Patrick J. Welsh Dr. G. Mark Wensley Dr. David I. West Dr. Joan West Dr. Joshua I. West Dr. Victoria A. West Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. George B. Wheeler Dr. Eleanor F. White Dr. Vaughn White Dr. Ronald Whiting Dr. Lawrence J. Whitman Dr. Rebecca Whitney Dr. Jason C. Whittaker Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Dr. Jane E. Widney Dr. Paul L. Wiggins Dr. J. Stuart Wight Dr. Lauren E. Wight Dr. Janice I. Wiles Driedger Dr. Natalie Williams Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. W. Langford Williams Dr. William M. Williams Dr. Adam Williamson Dr. James W. Wilson Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson Dr. Coralee A. Wilson- Mitton Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Jordan E. Winberg Dr. Jeffrey M. Winchester Dr. Vincent G. Winder Dr. John C. Wingfield Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Kent Winterstein * Dr. Gregory I. Wirth Dr. Kirsten E. Wishloff Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Dr. Debbie K. Wong

Dr. Jessica J. Wong Dr. Keith Hon Wing Wong Dr. Maxine Wong Dr. Winnie W. Woo Dr. Donald L. Wood Dr. Katherine Wood Dr. Erin M. Woodburn Dr. Douglas Woods Dr. Colleen M. Woodward Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Dr. Denise M. Wright Dr. Douglas A. Wright Dr. Kassie C. Wright Dr. Thomas S. Wright Dr. Jordan Wrightly Dr. Lori-Anne Yarrow Dr. Glenn Yates Dr. Dominique Yedon Dr. Sina Yeganeh Dr. Dustin T. Yen Dr. Cheuk Kei (Jacky) Yeung Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Richard Y. Yoshimura Dr. James J. Young Dr. Veronica Yu Dr. Alexander Yuan Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Benson Zhou Dr. John R. Zielonka Dr. Rainer Zindler Dr. Randall R. Zindler Dr. Zoran Zivkovic Dr. Emil Zmenak Dr. Gregory Zoldy Dr. Robert Zurbyk Dr. Stephen A. Zylich *Deceased

Annual Report 2016-2017 17

Governors’ Club Members

Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Neil C. Barber Dr. Sharon J. Barber Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Michel L. Blanchette Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Ronald Bordessa Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Ron Brady Mrs. Bruna Brown Dr. Douglas M. Brown Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. John A. Cadieux Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Robert C. Carson Dr. Borys M. Chambul Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Denis M. Chouinard Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. K. Sheldon Cook Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. John P. Crawford Dr. Brian B. Croft Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Philip Croutch Mrs. Gail Cunningham Dr. Ted L. D'Amico Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dr. Lori L. Darroch

Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. John R. Dean Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Kenneth W. Dick Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Alex J. Dougley Dr. William M. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. David F. Dunn Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Elaine Eglin Dr. Ian C. Eix Dr. A. Ronald Elford * Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Glenn R. Engel Dr. Rudolf Enns Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Eric D. Feegel First Financial Group Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Dale C. Forsythe Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Ryan R. French Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Brian G. Gainor Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Pala Gillis

18 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie Dr. Christopher L. Grant Dr. Mary Ann Grape Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Mrs. Ruth Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Robert D. Haig Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Miss Jennifer C. K. Harper Mr. Jonathan Harper Miss Julia C. S. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. N. James Harvey Mr. Len Haslam Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Dr. Fred E. Hendricks Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Dr. Ronald D. Hill Mrs. Joan Hubbel Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Brian Huggins Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Thomas E. Isaacs Dr. Orest J. Jakym

Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Blair A. Jurgens Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Joseph R. Kelly Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Robert E. Kinsman Dr. Andrew Kleinknecht Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Yves Laflamme Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Mrs. Lorraine Langford * Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Else H. Larsen Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. Henry M. Lee Dr. Cristina Leonardelli Dr. Carolyn J. Levere Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Dennis Liu Dr. Melanie Locke Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe

Dr. David Lovsin Dr. Edward Lubberdink Mrs. Betty Luck Dr. Rich Luck Dr. Ted Luck Dr. James D. Lunney Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. Wanda Lee MacPhee Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Cameron J. McGinnis Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Richard Mercier Metagenics Canada Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Brent J. Mills Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Lynda Montgomery Dr. Brett R. Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira Mrs. Geraldine Morgan

Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Darell G. Munro Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. Janice L. Noji Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society Dr. David H. Olson Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. L. David Peeace Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. Sharon A. Peterkin Dr. Alfredo A. Petrone Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Anthony Posa Dr. Paul Pritchard Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Professional Health Products Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. Marcel Reux Mrs. Darlene Reynolds Dr. Frederick H. Reynolds Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin

Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Cheryl L. Roundy Dr. Gordon F. Rust Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Christopher J. Scrase Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Gauri D. Shankar Dr. Edward Shin Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Gagandeep R. Singh Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Gerald P. Stitt Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Karlo Suek Dr. Dean Summers Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Mark T. Terai Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Brian D. Turner

Mrs. Diane Turner Mrs. Kay Turner Dr. Kevin D. Turner Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Salvatore Viscomi Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Jeffrey M. Warren Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Dr. A. John Wiens Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Kent Winterstein * Dr. Bryan Wolfe Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey York-Peel Chiropractic Society Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Stephen A. Zylich


Annual Report 2016-2017 19

Thank you to our donors Thank you to all of the generous donors who have helped CMCC to achieve its Mission — deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care. Your continued long-term support and commitment builds a stronger CMCC. CMCC recognizes its donors on the Hands on the Future® donor wall, the Membership Wall, Governors’ Club plaques, "Your Legacy" plaques, in the Library, at our various fundraising events, etc. Donations recognized below were made during the period of June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017 for: renewed support, Research Chair, Awards and Scholarships, Backs in Motion, Gifts in Kind, In Memoriam and general donations. We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have made gifts to CMCC.

Donor Level Recognition Visionaries Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors Builder Dr. Keith G. Harper and Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Benefactor Dr. Ron and Mrs. Wendy Brady Dr. Mark Labrecque Dr. Scott Wilson, Physiomed Patron Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Todd Clayton - Dieppe Chiropractic Centre Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Dr. Sunyatta Feroze Guild and Mr. Laurence Leslie Guild Dr. L. Kevin Henbid and Family Dr. John N. Huy Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Astrid Trim and Mr. Alan Trim Dr. Paul and Mrs. Susan Uchikata Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Kathy Wickens and Family Partner Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Raphael H. Ahn Anonymous Dr. Keith L. Burchill Mrs. Margaret Butkovic

Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan Dr. Michael J. Cordasco Dr. Paul Cornacchia Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Brad S. Ferguson Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Paul G. Georgopoulos Dr. Arnie Glatter and Family - Heart Lake Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Terry and Jacqueline Kehler Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Peter A. Pain Dr. Dianne L. Randall Dr. Darren J. Scraper Dr. Wade R. Shalagan Dr. Michael D. Sider Dr. Carlos A. P. Tavares The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. Darrell J. Wade Supporter Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Luke A. Boudreau Dr. Cynthia J. Chan & Dr. Kristine A. Lyons Dr. Dena G. Churchill Dr. Martha E. Collins Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. Richard H. Kolanos Dr. Darrel J. Kopala Dr. Kevin J. Leizer Dr. Mark G. Libitka Dr. Douglas Norsworthy Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Dr. William P. Stackhouse

20 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Dr. Perry Taylor and Mrs. Carol Taylor The 10 Minute Cushion Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Friends Anonymous Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Murray I. McPhail Reginos Pizza Mr. Nicholas S. Tantalo Ms. Anmarie J. Webb

Donor List Aaron Waxman and Associates P.C. Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Active and Innovative Inc. Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Adeeva Nutritionals Canada Inc Advertek Dr. Raphael H. Ahn Dr. Marie-Jose Aime Airport Health Professionals Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors Dr. Khalid M. Alibhai Dr. Robert M. Allaby Mr. Richard Allgood Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Ampere Limited Mr. Don Anderson Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. Anonymous Dr. Antonio Anziano Dr. Richard G. E. Archer Dr. Adam Armstrong Art Gallery of Ontario

Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Jay Bacher Dr. Tommy Bacher Mr. Eric Bader Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Brian Baizley Dr. Evelyn Bak Mrs. Lori Baldasaro Dr. Frank Baliko Dr. Sharon J. Barber Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. James Barrett Mr. John Barrett Dr. Meghan Barrett Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Mr. Giuliano Bartolucci Ms. Mara Bartolucci Mr. Christopher Barton Ms. Sharon Batch Dr. Ronald J. Batte Battis & Drake Family Chiropractic L. Battistuzzi Dr. Craig Bauman BDO Canada LLP Dr. Keith C. Beaton Wayne Beattie Mr. Jean-Paul Beaurivage Dr. Jennifer R. Beggs Ms. Joanne Bell Dr. Stefan Bell Ms. Maryann Belza Mr. Rod Bennett Ms. Marnie Berridge Dr. Condren R. Berry Dr. Deborah A. Berry Bird Kingdom Ms. Katherine Bishop Rosellen Bjarnason Dr. Michel L. Blanchette Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Mark E. Boden

Mr. David Boldovitch Dr. Ronald Bordessa Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Cameron Borody Miss Joanne Boudreau Dr. Luke A. Boudreau Dr. Trevor Boudreau Mrs. Yolande Boudreau Mrs. Sylvie Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Shine Boyce Dr. James A. Boylan Ms. Linda Bradley Mrs. Hughine Brady Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake- Patten Brass Vixens Breathe Chiropractic Simone Breau Dr. Alan Breen Mr. Brian Brewer Dr. Blaine L. Broker Dr. Lee W. Brotherston Mr. Art Brown Dr. Douglas M. Brown Mrs. Sharlene Browne Ms. Rebecca Brum Dr. Pierre L. Brunet Dr. R. Ian Buchanan Mrs. Val Buchanan Mr. Thomas Buecking Mr. Rudy Buksbaum Ms. Ann Buller Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Mrs. Margaret Butkovic Dr. James Robert Byers Ms. Joanne Cain Ms. Elizabeth Callon Dr. Edward D. J. Cambridge Canada Lodge #532 Canadian Chiropractic Association

Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Policy Network Dr. Robert J. Cannon Mrs. Ashley Carasoulos Mrs. Cynthia Carey Dr. Paul F. Carey Mrs. Par Carlson Ms. Julie Carswell Mr. Fred Carter Mrs. Mary Frances Carter Mrs. Peggy Carter Ms. Patricia Carty Mrs. Rosanna Cavallaro Mr. Neil Cave Mrs. Melody Caywood CCPOR Ms. Lesley Cesana Kelly Cetnaiski Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Ms. Monique Charron Dr. Michel Chartier Teri Chase Ms. Angelica Chen Ms. Geraldine Chen Mr. Fred Cherney Dr. Dennis C. Chester Mr. Dan Chicoine Chiropractic Care & Longevity Center Chiropractic College of Radiologists (Canada) Inc. Chiropractors' Association of Saskatchewan Chiropratique Centre- Ville Amos Dr. Dena G. Churchill Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola Cineplex Odeon - Ajax Dr. Michael Ciolfi Ms. Barb Clark Ms. Shannon Clark Dr. Simon M. F. Clark Mr. Thomas Clark Dr. Todd Clayton CMPC Mr. David Coleman Mrs. Gisele Collette Dr. Martha E. Collins

Mr. Terry Collins Carey Conrad Mr. Michael Cooksey Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Michael J. Cordasco Mr. Georges Cormier Mrs. Marie-Louise Cormier Dr. Paul Cornacchia Dr. Pierre Cote Mr. Simon Cotter Council of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors Country Spirit Chiropractic Mr. Albert Cronk Mme Laurel Cronk Dr. Richard R. Cronk Ms. Kelle Crosbie Ms. Diana Crossley Ms. Sally Croutch Dr. Ian D. Culbert Dr. Bill Currell Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Mr. Dale Dahlen Dr. Pierre-Paul Dalcourt Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Miss Claire Dallaire Mr. Joseph Danckert Mairead Davis Mrs. Gayle de Bloeme Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. Ryan Debusschere Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. Lara C. deGraauw Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Mrs. Emi Del Giudice Ms. Lydia Della Rocca Dembar Financial Services/Healthcare Financial Group Dr. Elaine Dembe Ms. Erlene Deobold Dr. Nichelle Desilets Mrs. Sherry Desilets Ms. Diane Desmarais Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. James DiGiuseppe Ms. Laura Dingillo Discovery Chiropractic Ms. Nadine Dmytniu Mr. Fred Doberstein Ms. Kavita Dogra Dr. Stephen J. Doholis Mr. Glenn Donald

Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Lynn M. Dowswell Mr. Peter Doyle Dr. A. Ronald Elford Charitable Foundation Dr. K. Spencer, Prof. Corp. Dr. David C. Drum Dre Dominique Dufour Ms. Diane Dugdale Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. David F. Dunn Dr. David A. Dunnett Dr. Carole Durepos- Ouellette Dr. Richard Dussault Dr. Terry P. Dyck Ms. Kelly Eagan Dr. Monica Edmark Ms. Lenore Edmunds Mrs. Carol Edwards Electro-Therapeutic Devices Inc. Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Frank Enstein Ms. Cheryl Ernest Dr. Carl A. Eustace Mrs. Anita Fackoury Ms. Karen Fenwick Dr. Brad S. Ferguson Mrs. Elizabeth Fleury Dr. Bruce Fligg Mrs. Kendra Folk FOM Inc. Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Footmaxx of Canada, Inc. Mrs. Donna Ford Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Jason Fortier Dr. Jason T. Fox Mr. Richard Fox Dr. Edward Frame Ms. Pat Frank Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Mr. Allan Fraser Dr. Ian Fraser Mr. Allan M. Freedman Mr. Brian Freiburger Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Ms. Nancy Friday Dr. Angelo Frisina Mr. Gerald Fritz Mr. Mark Frogley Mr. James Froh Mrs. Shirley A. Fuligni Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe

Pat Gaber Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Bradley W. Gage Mrs. Jocelyne Gagnon Mr. Alan Gambell Dr. Shruti Gandhi Ms. Laura Gardham Dr. Christine B. Garrity Mr. Lane Gates Dr. Paul G. Georgopoulos Ms. Amanda Giardino Ms. Joyce Gibson Mr. Raymond Giles Giles Financial Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Mr. Gary Giroux Dr. Dominic Giuliano Mrs. Jutta Glanz Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier- Goldie Dr. Kambiz D. Goel Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie Ms. Jodi Goldstein Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy Dr. Christopher Good Ms. Amy Gordon Ms. Brenda Graham Mrs. Sheila Grainger Dr. Liza Grant Mr. Chris Greenshields Mrs. Naomi Greenwood Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Mrs. Ruth Grice Dr. Mark S. Grobman Dr. Anita B. Gross Mr. Brad Gross Mr. Henry Gruyters Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Guerriero Enterprises Inc. Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Pierre Guillot Mr. Alan Gurvey Mrs. Brenda Gurvey Mrs. Evelyn Gurvey Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Dr. Rene Hache Mr. Jake Hacker Dr. Robert D. Haig Dr. Scott Haldeman Mrs. Donna Hamann

Hammerberg Lawyers LLP Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Mr. Craig Hanna Mr. Terry Hanson Dr. Keith G. Harper Ms. Kimberly Harris Dr. Robert J. Hasegawa Mr. Fraser Hatt Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. Bruce A. Hayhoe Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Mathieu J. Hebert Mrs. Rachelle Hebert Dr. Darren P. Hector Mr. Scott Hedges Dr. John Heggtveit Dr. Ken F. Heinrich Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Mr. Larry Henton Dr. Dan R. Higgins Ms. Frances Hillier Mr. Murray Hinds Mr. Bernard Ho Ms. Cecilia Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho Kelly Hodel Ms. Brenda Hodgins Ms. Lynne Hodgson Mr. Lloyd Hoffer Holdun Family Office Dr. Warren S. Hollis Ms. Nancy Holton HoMedics Group Canada Ms. Alison Hope Mr. Stan Horowitz B. Hotson Dre Julie Hudon Ms. Joan Hughson Mrs. Eileen Hugli Ms. May Hui Ms. Debbie Humeny Mrs. Evelyn Humphries Dr. Verna Hunt Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Eric Hurowitz Mrs. Marlene Hursh Dr. Avery Hurtig Mr. Wilbert Hutton Dr. John N. Huy Hyundai Auto Canada Ms. Vania Iaboni

Annual Report 2016-2017 21

Impact Cleaning Services Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Integrated Assessment Services Inc. Investment Guild Investors Group Financial Services Inc Caron Janett Dr. Allan Jeffels Ms. Karen Jenkins Dr. Robin C. Jiry Dr. Craig D. Johannes Ms. Adrienne Johnson Dr. Tyson Joseph Mrs. Argentina Juncal Mrs. Christiane Kahlen Mr. George Kakei Mr. Gary Kapelus Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Darryl D. Kashton Keg Steakhouse & Bar Dr. Terence M. Kehler Mr. Ken Kelk Mr. Gary Keller Dr. Joseph R. Kelly Mrs. Kimberley Kelly Dr. Donald J. Kelm Dr. Jan J. Kempe Mr. Shawn Kennedy Dr. Mark Kenney Ms. Diane Kent Mr. Joseph Khouzam Mr. Jay Kilgannon Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Dr. Rhonda L. Kirkwood Mr. James Kissick Mr. Mike Kleckner Mrs. Sylvianne Kohl Dr. Richard H. Kolanos Ms. Ivona Kolo Dr. Darrel J. Kopala Ms. Leesa Kopanksy Ms. Charlene Kopansky Ms. Marilyn Kopansky Mr. Michael Kopansky Mrs. Sylvia Kopansky Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Ms. Christine Koskimaki Attalai Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Mrs. Nauka Kumar

Dr. Naomi D. Kupferstein Ms. Mary Louise Laberge Alexina Labrecque Mr. Joel Labrecque Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Mr. John Lackey Dr. Jean-Guy Laflamme Dre Christine Laliberte Dr. Alexander K. Lam Ms. Judy Lambert Dr. Ghislaine Landry Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Jack B. Lanskail Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Mrs. Lois Laquerre Dr. Luc Lavigueur Mrs. Lorna Laws Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Mr. Glen Lawther Dr. Brett LeBlanc Dr. Francois A. LeBlanc Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Mr. Michel & Anne Landry Mrs. Emily Y. Lee Mr. Georges Leger Mrs. Regina Lehman Dr. Kevin J. Leizer Dr. Brian D. LeMoel Mrs. Gwen Leshures Let It Be. Health Inc. Mr. Gord Leuschen Dr. Constant J. Levesque Dr. Pierre Levesque Mr. Jerry Levine Dr. Noah Levine Ms. Carol Lewis Dr. Kenneth S. Lewis Dr. Michelle C. Liberty Dr. Mark G. Libitka Kyle and Marli Lichtman LifeMark Health Management Mr. Jean-Guy Lirette Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Mrs. Nathalie Lirette- Bourque Dr. Charles Listro Dr. Dennis Liu Mr. & Mrs Gary Locke Longfields-Davidson Heights SS Dr. David Lovsin

22 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Mrs. Betty Luck Ms. Nancy Luck Dr. Kristine A. Lyons Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. Lee MacAllister Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Mrs. Dinah Machel Dr. David G. MacKenzie Ms. Susan MacLean Dr. Brandon MacMillan Mr. Greg MacMullin Ms. Julie MacNair Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Peter G. Magee Mr. Anthony Magistrale Magne-Tec (Division of Dagano Consulting Inc.) Dr. Marie-Josee Maillet Mrs. Patricia Maldiney Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Mrs. Gloria Mandris Mr. Curtis Mang Mr. Tejinder Mangat Dr. Janice Manning Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Dr. Denis Marcotte Mr. Richard Marcotte MarineLand Marsh Canada Ms. Bonny Marshall Dr. Johnathan Marshall Ms. Sandra Marshall Mrs. Tracy Marshall Dr. Allan G. Martin Mr. George Martin Ms. Noreen Martin Dr. Paul F. Martin Mary Macleod's Shortbread Dre Natalie Masse Ms. Nancy Massey Mr. David Matheson Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Karin L. Mattern Mrs. Gale May Mrs. Mari McAndrews Mr. Ken & Barbara McAulay Ms. Margaret McCallen Dr. Dorothea McCallum Mr. Frank McCrindle Dr. Jason D. McDonald Ms. Leah McDonald Mr. Chris McGrath Mr. Donald McGraw Ms. Betty Lou McKee

Mrs. Judy McKenzie Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie Ms. Tina McKeown Ms. Diana McLennan Dr. Benjamin J. McNutt Dr. Murray I. McPhail McQuarrie Hunter LLP Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Brian McWhirter Mr. Michael McWilliams Mr. Christine Melanson Inez Meleca Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Richard Mercier Mr. Serge Mercier Mr. Patrick Mergel Mr. Darcy Merkur Metagenics Canada Mr. Brad Meyers Dr. Wesley Michaud Dr. Clark Michlowski Mr. Brian Mickel Dr. David P. Millar Dr. Brent J. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Miss Kim Minogue Ms. Ronda Minogue Mr. Enni Mior Ms. Katherine Mior Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Ms. Janet Moffat Dr. Maurice I. Moffatt Ms. Glena Moore Mrs. Angie Mora Ms. Catherine Morgan Mr. Bob Morrison Ms. Dianne Moser Dr. Jean A. Moss Mostly Roses & Nature's Rose Bill Muirhead & Ellen Vogel Mr. Kent Murnaghan My Tribute Gift Ms. Jenny Myers Mysteriously Yours... Mystery Dinner Theatre Dr. Luigi Nalli Dr. John A. Neal Ms. Rhonda Nelson Neptune Security Services Dr. James A. Nero Ms. Christina Neudorf Mrs. Barbara Newbigging

Niagara Parks Commission Dr. Robert G. Nielsen Dr. Craig D. Norman Mrs. Jane Norman Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North York Rehabilitation Centre Corp. Mrs. Lisa O'Brien Mr. Nate Ofarrell Ontario Chiropractic Association Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Annie Ouellet Dr. Anne-Marie Ouellette Mr. Glenn Overhoff Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Peter A. Pain Ms. Val Parayeski Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Ms. Barbara Parsons Mr. Grant Paton Mrs. Liliana Pavan Dr. Sean E. J. Payne Mrs. Kelly Peacock Dr. Cosma Pecora Dr. L. David Peeace Mr. Israel Pelc Dr. Michael W. Pernfuss Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dr. Denise Perron Ms. Jacqueline Perry Dr. Sharon A. Peterkin Ms. Catherine Peterson Ms. Beverly Petryshyn Dr. Alessandro Pichini Dr. Nagib Pisani Ilze Plaudis Dr. Richard Plourde Dr. Guildor Poitras Ghislaine Pommet Ms. Sheryn Posen Dr. Thomas Preston Ms. Rachel Primo Pritchard & Associates Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Al Prowse Mrs. Serena Raab Goitanich Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Ms. Rose Radwinski Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Mrs. Susan Ramakrishnan

Ms. May Ramdial Dr. Dianne L. Randall Dr. Kathleen Randall Mr. Rupinder Randhawa Mr. Atri Ray RBC Wealth Management Inc. RE/MAX P.A Realty Venicio Rebelo Mr. Phil Rees Reginos Pizza Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Mr. Victor Richard Dr. Marty V. Richter Riddle Room Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers Mr. Jim Riley Mrs. Patti Riley Mr. Craig Rix Mr. Gregory Roberts Mrs. and Mr. Robertson Ms. Susan Robinson Mrs. Jane Rocher Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Ms. Ann Rombough Ms. Stephanie Romero Ronald G Stoley Professional Corporation Mr. Jeremy Rondeau Mrs. Barbara Rose Rosedale Wellness Centre Dr. Adrian Rossi Dr. Cheryl L. Roundy Mrs. Mary L. Rourke Dr. Roger Roy Royal Bank of Canada Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences Canada Dr. Gordon F. Rust Ms. Susan Rutherford Mr. Ravi Samlal Dr. Mikael R. Savoie Mr. Mike Scapillato Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci Ms. Betty Schaefer Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz Dr. Murray E. Schneider Mrs. Bernadette Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut

Mr. Ken Schwartz Ms. Rita Schwerdt Dr. Ryan C. Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Darren J. Scraper Dr. Christopher J. Scrase Sealy Canada Ltd. Dr. Brian Seaman Ms. Denise Sedrovic Ms. Liz Seeley Ms. Jody Seidler Dr. George M. Seim Mr. Anthony Shahoud Ms. Raheela Shaikh Dr. Wade R. Shalagan Sharp Electronics Canada Mr. John Shaver Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Dr. Edward Shin Dr. Sanam Shorey Showcase Restaurant Ms. Shabana Siddiqui Dr. Michael D. Sider Dr. Vincent Sinclair Ms. Danijela Sindik Mr. Satnam Singh Ms. Audrey Sintis Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Paul Slaney Ms. Jennifer Smart Mrs. Laurie Smit Mrs. Brenda Smith R Smith Mrs. Sydney Smith Dr. William M. Smith Mrs. Doreen Soloduka Mrs. Ursula Sortwell Mr. Tony Sousa Mr. Christopher Spencer Dr. Keli Spencer Dr. Louis Sportelli Springwall Sleep Products Inc. Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Todd D. Starr Dr. Alicia J. Steele Dr. Igor Steiman Ms. Cari Steinberg Dr. Frederick A. Stevenson Dr. Scott E. Stevenson

Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Marshall D. Stewart Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt Dr. Michael A. Stochmal Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Mr. Brad Straus Dr. Catherine M. Straus Miss Ellen Straus Miss Laura Straus Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Mark Studin Mrs. Rita Stummer Ms. Colleen Sullivan Sun Life Financial - Matching Gifts Program, 107D20 Ms. Debbie Sutton Mrs. Lorna Switzer Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Bruce P. Symons Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Mr. Nicholas S. Tantalo Mrs. Tina Tarling Mr. Taylan Tatli Dr. Carlos A. P. Tavares Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Ms. Suzanne Teoli Cecile Tessier Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray Ms. Rachielle Thackeray The 10 Minute Cushion The Co-operators Group Insurance The Mentholatum Co. of Canada Ltd. The Old Spaghetti Factory Canada Ltd The Orthotic Group The Rock Oasis Inc. The Vitality Depot Dr. Shawn P. Thomas Ms. Marjorie Thompson Dr. Medville A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson Mrs. Barbara Thornbrough Dr. Anthony Tibbles Mrs. Val Tienkamp Ms. Wendy Topping Ms. Linda Tremble Dr. Astrid Trim Ms. Brenda Trowsdale- Barr Dr. Jeffrey R. Tuling Dr. Gregory Uchacz

Dr. Paul D. Uchikata United Way of Peel Region United Way Toronto & York Region Dr. Paul Vagners Mrs. Dominique Vallee Mr. Michael Van Unen Mr. Wayne Van Wyk Mrs. Marsha VanBuskirk Dr. John W. Vargo Anu Varma Smith Mr. Rahim Vasanji Mr. Todd Vasey Kristine Vegh Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Howard T. Vernon Ms. Lana Vibert Dr. Stephen P. Viljakainen Mr. Tony Viola Mrs. Natascha Voll Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Dr. Darrell J. Wade Mrs. Wendy Wagner Mrs. Sally Walden Ms. Tammy Walker Ms. Lynn Wallis Mr. Don Walton Dr. Terrance C. Warawa Ms. Christina Warren Mrs. Perlan Waxman Ms. JoyAnne Weatherup Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Mr. Colin Webster Dr. Robert A. Weinper Wellesley Therapeutics Inc. Ms. Elaine Welter Dr. David I. West West & Varsalona Chiropractic Professional Corporation Mr. Doug Westergaard Westin Prince Toronto Hotel Ms. Eilene White Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Ms. Angela Wilhelm Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. William M. Williams Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson Ms. Nancy Wilson Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Windsor Walk-In Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Kent Winterstein Dr. Michael Witherall Mr. Dirk Wolbers Mr. Ernest Wolkin Ms. Lilly Wong Mrs. Donna J. Wood Ms. Phyllis Woodrow Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Ms. Joan Worthing Ms. Wendy Wowchuk Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Ms. Tina Wylie Xerox Canada Ltd. Dr. Lori-Anne Yarrow Mr. John Yealland York-Peel Chiropractic Society Ms. Carol Young Dr. Hainan Yu Dr. Cary T. Yurkiw Dr. Tim Zafiris Dr. Patrick Zak Ms. Karen Zelensky Ms. Odette Ziezold Ms. Louise Zimm Dr. Robert J. Zimmerman Mr. Elwood Zolc Dr. Stephen A. Zylich

Annual Report 2016-2017 23

Financial strength Supporting the delivery of patient focused world class chiropractic education, research and health care CMCC continues to demonstrate solid

redirected toward enhancing the

Tuition and student fees continue

financial performance. Since moving

student experience.

to be the largest source of revenue for CMCC, however we continue to

into its new facility in 2004, CMCC has managed its resources to meet

The current ratio, indicative of

prioritize the generation of

the needs of an evolving curriculum,

liquidity and CMCC’s ability to pay

non-tuition revenue sources to

introduce new and innovative

short-term obligations, increased

mitigate the rising costs of recruiting

teaching and learning technologies,

in the year ending May 31, 2017

and retaining a qualified workforce,

sustain a vibrant and engaged

as compared to the previous year,

as shown by CMCC’s largest

campus community of teachers,

reflective of positive operating

expenditure – Salaries & Benefits - to

researchers and learners, at the same

results. The debt to equity ratio

deliver our program in an innovative

time as actively working to retire the

continued to decrease as CMCC

fashion, while retaining the rigour

debt associated with its new campus,

retires its debt in accordance with its

and uncompromising standards for

and build general reserves and


which we are known.

endowment funds to meet the future needs of the institution.

The capital remaining after paying off outstanding liabilities is growing

CMCC will fully retire its facility-

(Fund Balances). CMCC has been

related term debt by 2019. As the

able to strengthen its financial future

debt has been reduced, so too have

by building general reserves and

the associated carrying costs of this

endowment funds to meet the future

debt, allowing these funds to be

needs of the institution.

24 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Long Term Debt Repayment Value of loan 25 and mortgage $ Millions 20 15 10

$6.1 $4.4

5 2013








Period ending May 31

Interest Expense on Long Term Debt

450,000 Interest paid $


400,000 $353,893







200,000 150,000






Period ending May 31

Annual Report 2016-2017 25

Key Financial Indicator Trends

1.4 1.2 Ratio

■ Current ratio ■ Debt to equity ratio

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2013





Fiscal year ending May 31

Growth in Funds (Equity) $36,000,000 $34,000,000 $32,000,000 $30,000,000

■ Invested in capital assets ■ Unrestricted general ■ Externally restricted ■ Endowment

$28,000,000 $26,000,000 $24,000,000 $22,000,000 2013

26 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College





Sources of Operating Revenue 2017 (2016)


■ Student fees 74.3% (75.2%) ■ Clinic fees 4.4% (4.3%) ■ Continuing education 2.5% (1.8%) ■ Membership fees 2.0% (2.3%) ■ Supply Centre - Bookstore 9.5% (10.8%) ■ Other 7.3% (5.6%)

2.5% 2.0%




Operating Expenses by Category 2017 (2016)

10.6% 1.0% 1.7%

15.8% 59.2%


1.8% 0.9% 2.4% 0.8%

■ Salaries and benefits 59.2% (59.0%) ■ Cost of goods sold 10.6% (10.8%) ■ Interest and bank charges 1.0% (1.0%) ■ Repairs and maintenance 1.7% (2.1%) ■ Other 15.8% (15.2%) ■ Amortization 5.8% (5.8%) ■ Utilities 1.8% (1.7%) ■ Insurance 0.9% (1.0%) ■ Professional services 2.4% (2.6%) ■ Supplies 0.8% (0.8%)

Annual Report 2016-2017 27

Understanding the financial statements A set of condensed financial

General Fund was enhanced by

Condensed schedule of continuity

statements follows for the period

the generation of an excess of

of restricted funds

of June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017

operating revenues over expenses

Describes a summary of the increase

which provide a reporting of

of $1,596,092 (2016 - $1,008,743).

in funds, investment income earned, expenses and interfund transfers

CMCC’s financial results. Following is a brief description of each

The fund balances reflect the

of each one of the restricted funds.


accumulated surpluses of

CMCC’s restricted funds are the

the General, Restricted and

Canadian Chiropractic Historical

Condensed statement of financial

Endowment funds. These represent

Association (CCHA); Governors’ Club;


the net worth of each fund

Research; Capital Campaign Building;

Describes the overall financial

as reflected in the Condensed

and, Scholarship, Bursary, and Other

position or health of the

Statement of Financial Position.

Trust funds.

organization. It itemizes assets

Fund balances are created by

and liabilities including deferred

the excess of revenues over

Condensed statement of cash flows

contributions and fund balances,

expenditures and interfund

Describes sources and uses of cash

and a net worth of $35.3 million.

transfers. The Restricted Funds

throughout the year. During the

received from the Capital Campaign

2017 fiscal year, the major source of

Condensed statement of

were used directly to reduce the

cash was generated from operating

operations and changes in fund

loan and mortgage debt, and

activities, $3.4 million. Major


the Governors' Club funds were

uses of cash were the scheduled

States the sources of revenue

allocated to the purchase of new

repayment of debt, $1.0 million,

and expenses for the General,

technologies to enhance student

capital asset additions, $928,272

Restricted and Endowment funds.

learning both in and outside of the

and the purchase of investments,

This statement identifies that the



Condensed Statement of Financial Position May 31, 2017 with comparative information for 2016 2017


Assets Current assets: Cash Cash in trust Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other


1,471,366 1,131,722 240,491 290,616 561,492 3,695,687 7,280,191 29,546,527


793,778 1,318,233 338,064 309,224 670,796 3,430,095 6,235,951 30,037,456






3,313,799 366,055 921,144 4,600,998


3,430,540 692,778 921,144 74,282 5,118,744

Investments Capital assets Total Assets: Liabilities and Fund Balances Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Fees paid in advance Current portion of loan payable Current portion of mortgage payable Loan payable Deferred contributions related to capital assets Deferred derivative liabilities Total Liabilities: Fund balances: Invested in capital assets General Restricted (Schedule) Endowment Total restricted Total Fund Balances: Total Liabilities & Fund Balances:


19,704 167,598 482,439 5,270,739

940,848 225,823 635,909 6,921,324

28,433,521 2,909,104 31,342,625 673,338 3,235,703 3,909,041 35,251,666 40,522,405

27,866,388 1,716,887 29,583,275 569,520 2,629,383 3,198,903 32,782,178 39,703,502


Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office.

Dr. David Gryfe, Director

Dr. Richard Mercier, Director

Annual Report 2016-2017 29

30 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements

Fund balances, end of year

Interfund transfers



1,596,092 29,583,275

9,013,607 8,189,803 2,993,664 1,677,479 1,351,907 190,481 23,416,941

325,366 25,013,033

18,151,958 424,761 1,104,397 628,979 30,660 164,888 510,758 1,284,447 2,386,819

Fund balances, beginning of year $








8,548,709 8,380,830 3,160,718 1,738,920 1,362,507 245,644 23,437,328

(31,220) 24,446,071

18,000,396 384,680 1,045,245 438,600 43,262 125,216 555,187 1,234,790 − 2,649,915

General Fund 2017 2016

Excess of revenue over expenses

Expenses: Undergraduate Education Administration Graduate Education and Research Building Services Amortization Interest Fundraising Awards

Revenue: Tuition fees Student fees Clinic fees Continuing Education Donations Investment Income Membership fees Other Research grants Supply Centre and Bookstore Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative and investments

Year ended May 31, 2017 with comparative information for 2016

CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances







153,154 13,795 11,885 178,834

13,738 515,629

248,344 12,374 241,173 -







187,074 16,860 5,754 209,688

(8,884) 636,705

222,020 9,355 414,214 -

Restricted Funds 2017 2016 (Schedule)







23,715 23,715

142,976 560,316

293,115 124,225 -







7,415 7,415

(81,955) 280,802

278,795 83,962 -

Endowment Fund 2017 2016

Condensed Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances

Annual Report 2016-2017 31




(70,000) 17,648 -

(12,390) 87,648

5,235 94,525 278 100,038




(36,681) 343,813 -

(153.154) 380,494

281,458 252,190 533,648

Research Fund




2,289 130,585 (130,585)

(3.106) 128,296

131,402 131,402




(2,000) 297,438 -

(9,935) 299,438

275,803 21,539 12,031 309,373

Scholarship, Bursary and Other Trust Funds





(3,399) 7,024

5,173 5,200 (2) 50 10,423





(50,000) 5,235

(11,325) 55,235

11,306 55,063(2) 191 66,560

Governors’ Club Fund




(490,105) 281,458

(187,074) 771,563

544,423 414,214 − 958,637

Research Fund




2,469 138,236

(4,687) 135,767

− 140,454(2) − 140,454

Capital Campaign Building Fund





(12,087) 275,803

257,473 21,303(2) 9,114 287,890

Scholarship, Bursary and Other Trust Funds







(537,636) 707,756

(218,572) 1,245,392

818,375 636,234 9,355 1,463,964



(102,392) 803,923 (130,585)

(178,835) 906,315

569,520 503,256(1) 12,374 1,085,150


The total increase in funds for these restricted funds of $222,020 is presented as restricted fund donations in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances.

Restricted Funds, end of year

Capital Campaign Building Fund to General Fund

Interfund transfers:

Scholarships, awards and other expenses

Restricted Funds, beginning of year Increase in funds Investment income earned




Governors’ Club Fund

Capital Campaign Building Fund

The total increase in funds of $503,256 less unrealized gains of $13,738 less research grants of $241,173 is $248,344 which is presented as restricted fund donations in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances.



Restricted Funds, end of year

Capital Campaign Building Fund to General Fund

4,000 14,439 -

Interfund transfers:

7,024 3,600 65 10,689 (250) 10,439



Scholarships, awards and other expenses

Restricted Funds, beginning of year Increase in funds Investment income earned


Year ended May 31, 2017 with comparative information for 2016

Condensed Schedule of Continuity of Restricted Funds

Condensed Statement of Cash Flows CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Statement of Cash Flows Year ended May 31, 2017 with comparative information for 2016 2017


Cash provided by (used in): Operating activities: Excess of revenue over expenses: General Fund Restricted Funds Endowment Fund Items not involving cash: Amortization of capital assets Loss on disposal of capital assets Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets Unrealized (gains) losses on financial instruments and investments Change in non-cash operating working capital


1,596,092 336,795 536,601


1,008,743 427,017 273,387

1,351,907 67,294

1,362,507 -

(78,251) (482,080)

(82,292) 122,060

(217,979) 3,110,379

(229,964) 2,881,458

20,026 (921,144) (74,282) 186,511 (788,889)

7,560 (921,144) (471,402) 317,814 (93,888) (1,161,060)

(928,272) (715,630) (1,643,902)

(498,020) (428,600) (926,620)

Increase in cash



Cash, beginning of year



Financing activities: Contributions received for the purchase of capital assets Repayment of loan payable Repayment of mortgage payable Decrease in cash in trust Decrease in bank overdraft Investing activities: Capital asset additions Purchase of investments

Cash, end of year





Supplemental cash flow information: Interest paid





See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.

32 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Board of Governors June 1, 2016 – May 31, 2017 Executive Dr. David Gryfe


Board Members Emeriti

Dr. Rahim Karim


Dr. Ron Brady


Dr. Richard Mercier


Dr. Doug Brown


Dr. Mark Labrecque

Past Chair

Dr. Vincent Sinclair


Dr. Mark Perett

Executive Member

Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Executive Member

Board Liaison Ms. Margaret McCallen

Provincial Representatives Dr. Richard Cronk

British Columbia

Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson


Dr. Lisa Lirette

New Brunswick

Dr. Richard Mercier


Dr. Mary-Irene Parker

Nova Scotia

Dr. Mark Perrett


Dr. Catherine Straus


Dr. Kent Stuber


Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Newfoundland and


Administration June 1, 2016 – May 31, 2017 President David Wickes, DC, MA Vice President, Administration and Finance Brenda Smith, BA, CPA, CA

Members at Large Dr. David Gryfe


Vice President, Research & External Relations

Dr. Sunyatta Guild


Silvano Mior, DC, FCCS(C), PhD

Dr. Rahim Karim


Dr. Mark Labrecque


Dean, Clinics Anthony Tibbles, BSc (Hons), DC, FCCS(C) Dean, Undergraduate Education

Public Members

Lenore Edmunds, BA, MEd

Dr. Ron Bordessa

British Columbia

Mr. Richard Fox


Dr. Scott Haldeman


Associate Vice President, Student Experience

Dr. Noah Levine


& Registrar

Dr. Murray Schneider


Chris McGrath, BA (Hons), MEd

Mr. Ernie Wolkin


Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

2016–2017 Annual Report is produced by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Associate Vice President: Mara Bartolucci Executive Editor: Shannon Clark Art Director: Dora Kussulas Photography: Eric Forget, Chris Vassalos and

6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1 Telephone: 416 482 2340

Š CMCC 2016 Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office. The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College is committed to ensuring accessible services and communications to individuals with disabilities. To receive any part of this document in an alternate format, please contact Marketing and Communications at 416 482 2340 ext 274 or at

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