2018-2019 annual report Investing in the future
Our Vision An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health
Our Mission Deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care
CMCC is dedicated to pursuing innovation in education, research and patient care. In this way, the institution effectively prepares its students to become tomorrow’s Leaders in Spinal HealthTM. CMCC’s achievements this year demonstrate the success of this approach in paving the way toward increased collaboration with other health care professions, and helping to define the profession within the changing Canadian health care landscape.
Welcome to the 2018 – 2019 Annual Report
Rahim Karim, DC Chair
David Wickes, DC, MA President
In the summer of 2018, CMCC was
Education Position Statement. The
prospective students, current and
able to retire the last of its long-
statement, originally formulated
future stakeholders and associates
term debt, a major milestone
as a collaborative effort among
the expectations and direction of
following more than 15 years of
several European chiropractic
the CMCC educational program. The
fundraising to pay for the move
institutions and one in South Africa,
goal for this decision was to set
to the Leslie Street Campus.
was formally released at the 2015
the record straight on the direction
Thank you to the many donors,
scientific meeting of the World
and focus of CMCC, to define the
chiropractic organizations and
Federation of Chiropractic in Athens,
direction of its curriculum, to protect
other supporters who enabled this
and updated in 2017.
the reputation of CMCC, preserve its academic and scientific integrity
achievement. Having retired the mortgage, CMCC is moving forward
It was developed as a way to
and improve existing and foster new
with infrastructure repairs such
provide a cohesive view of how,
collaborative and integrative efforts
as crucial updates to our HVAC
in the interest of the welfare of
to improve health care for the
system, original to the building,
the patient, chiropractic education
benefit of the patient.
with addressing security and risk
should be of the highest quality
mitigation on campus, and with
and founded on the principles
In line with fostering collaborative
updating learning spaces to remain
of evidence-based care, with a
relationships, CMCC has continued
responsive to today’s students.
curriculum that is responsive to
to expand its partnerships to
changing patient, societal and
provide opportunities for student
In March, CMCC announced that it
community needs and expectations
learning across health disciplines.
had joined a dozen other chiropractic
within a modern health care system.
Such relationships enhance patient outcomes and model the
educational programs around the world in signing the International
The endorsement of the position
interprofessional aptitudes that
Clinical and Professional Chiropractic
statement makes it clear to
help our graduates thrive. Enabling
2 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
students to foster professional
functions, and technology was
health record that will standardize
relationships close to home while
leveraged to increase teaching
the collection of automobile
providing an active learning
opportunities and improve
insurance data and explore its
opportunity, CMCC has expanded
academic testing environments.
value in epidemiological research.
its clinical observership program to
This year also saw the move
They will be working through the
include shadowing chiropractors and
to NetSuite as an accounting
UOIT-CMCC Centre for Disability
other allied health professionals in
system for the Supply Centre and
Prevention and Rehabilitation, a
approved clinics across Canada.
Bookstore, providing a stronger
collaboration between CMCC and
capacity for e-commerce and a
the University of Ontario Institute of
During this reporting period,
greater ability to integrate with
Technology, now known as Ontario
we experienced the closure of
standard sales channels and CMCC’s
Tech University.
an external clinic. Rising to the
accounting system. Finally, from our educational
challenge of finding another clinical opportunity for our interns, we
We were pleased to welcome Dr.
and research footprint to our
found a multidisciplinary clinic with
Martha Funabashi, a CARL Fellow, to
environmental footprint, CMCC has
a large and diverse patient base to
the division of research, where she
been working hard to decrease
provide interns with a stimulating
is investigating the safety of spinal
the amount of waste we send to
level of complex care. This clinic also
manipulations for patients with disc
the landfill, while increasing our
serves as a model for co-located
herniation. She was joined this year
diversion rate to recycling streams.
collaboration with other health
by our first postdoctoral fellow, Dr.
The Governors’ Club’s recent gift of
Felipe Duarte, who is investigating
digital screens and the increased use
the mechanisms of chronic pain.
of electronic exams, enables us to further reduce our reliance on paper,
Technology continues to play a more prominent role in the way
In further developments within
while a movement to reduce energy
CMCC communicates and delivers
the division, Drs. Pierre Côté, Sheila
consumption through more efficient
the curriculum. To update the IT
Hogg-Johnson and Sil Mior have
lighting, heating and cooling systems
infrastructure, cyber security was
successfully obtained an AVIVA
increases our resiliency to adapt to
tightened to protect our business
grant to develop a blueprint for a
changing operational costs.
Annual Report 2018-2019 3
Partnerships Institute of Health Policy
increasingly recognized as an optimal
collaboration, in particular with the
Management and Evaluation
model for patients. This agreement
Force-Sensing Table Technology™
will foster many of the same benefits
(FSTT®). CMCC and IFEC have a history
CMCC was pleased to announce a
for our students and faculty in terms
of collaboration and through this
new partnership with the Institute
of sharing resources and generating
agreement reinforce that relationship
of Health Policy Management and
new solutions.
and foresee exchanging/training of
Evaluation (IHPME), the largest
graduate students, sharing of faculty
graduate unit situated within the Dalla
This agreement enables CMCC
through adjunct appointments,
Lana School of Public Health at the
to increase capacity and expand
and potentially sharing of curricular
University of Toronto. This will foster
offerings to graduate students, and
greater collaboration and promote
to make meaningful contributions to
educational research among the
the definition and evolution of new
The MOU is also intended to create
students and faculty of CMCC’s Clinical
integrated health care models and
new opportunities for graduate and
Sciences Graduate Studies Program
undergraduate student mobility, such
and those of IHPME.
as articulation agreements, pathways, internships, and fellowships.
IHPME will allow eligible students of CMCC to apply to the Master of
Institut Franco-Européean de
Science in Health Services Research
Chiropraxie (IFEC)
(HSR) at IHPME and will grant
CMCC signed an official Memorandum
Networking with local business
recognition for up to two graduate
of Understanding (MOU) with
and other vendors
level courses taken at CMCC as
the Institut Franco-Européen de
Through the Friends of CMCC
MSc HSR course credits. In addition,
Chiropraxie (IFEC) in October 2018,
program, CMCC has been establishing
qualified CMCC faculty will be eligible
formalizing a five-year partnership
connections with local businesses to
for consideration as adjunct or status
between the two institutions to
help create awareness for CMCC and
faculty within IHPME allowing them
collaborate on research, develop
the various services while creating an
to serve on thesis committees
joint courses and exchange staff for
opportunity for the local businesses to
for students participating in this
teaching and research.
support CMCC. Through this program
opportunity. Collaborative health care is
4 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
CMCC has engaged Staples and The agreement provides
Rocktape with others scheduled to
opportunities for research
enroll in future.
Enhancing IT security The Division of Information
has begun to virtualize all of its
physical back ups, simplify the
Technology (IT) has launched
servers and is able to manage
upgrade process and respond
several initiatives to enhance
them through a single entry point.
quickly to any issues that may arise.
technology and improve operational effi ciencies, while
Going forward with a cloud-based
mitigating institutional risk.
“live fail over strategy,� CMCC
In line with this strategy, CMCC
will have cloud-based backup of
migrated its email to the Microsoft
The new IT strategy relies on
IT properties and networks to
Offi ce 365 platform in the fall,
virtualization, in which software is
drastically minimize recovery time
taking advantage of enhanced
used to emulate hardware devices,
and ensure business continuity.
security assurance through cloud-
including those used for storage
This has allowed CMCC to reallocate
based technology. In April, CMCC’s
and computer networking. Through
physical space, improve security,
fi rewall was upgraded to optimize
partnering with Dell Canada, CMCC
reduce costs associated with
protection against cyber intrusions.
Annual Report 2018-2019 5
Clinical evolution Changes to our off-site clinics
many new Canadians and refugees.
and potential mentorship or job
After 20 years, CMCC said goodbye
The clinic offers experience in a
opportunities. Indications from host
to its clinic at Anishnawbe Health
model of co-located collaboration
clinics has been positive.
Toronto, one of the first of the
within a community, which is a
current off-site clinics, as that centre
model for many interns to consider
The pilot’s success led to its
prepared for a move. Anishnawbe
after graduation.
implementation in Years I to III of the program for next year.
offered interns an experience outside of the campus environment and was known for its unique environment, experienced through
Enhanced clinical observerships
its comprehensive approach to
CMCC students have benefited from
Mining clinic records for essential
healing, guided by the traditional
an internal observership program
roots and values of the Canadian
for many years. The opportunity
OSCAR, CMCC’s electronic records
Aboriginal community.
to shadow interns at CMCC clinics
system has been used successfully
provides students in Years II and
by the CMCC Clinic team to mine
As part of its commitment to
III with a sense of their future and
data for research on Exercise
communities within the GTA, CMCC
an opportunity to strengthen an
is Medicine. This is a clinician-
sought to once again embed itself
internal road map to practice.
driven initiative to have patients understand that exercise is a
into an area of need and make chiropractic services available to
A pilot project was developed this
vital sign and have them engage
individuals who may not otherwise
year to expand this requirement
in moderate exercise to achieve
be able to access them. In April
to include external observerships
widespread health benefits. This
2019, CMCC was delighted to offer
at chiropractic clinics and those
interns an opportunity to treat at
operated by other regulated health
its clinic in the Rexdale Community
professionals. This enables students
Health Centre.
to complete their experience at locations of their choosing, with the
This Centre which closely follows the
freedom to meet the requirement
model at Sherbourne Health Centre,
during the summer period. Students
imparts a similar level of complex
indicated that it was beneficial to do
patient care in a disadvantaged
these observations “back home” and
community setting which serves
that they have forged relationships
6 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
research and has so far resulted
into investigating the impact of
Ultimately, this research will improve
in one paper, several posters and
providing an educational module
clinical education and advance
workshops, including the one at the
to interns on the frequency of
patient care.
WFC Conference in Berlin in March
recording exercise minutes per
Using OSCAR data the frequency that interns ask about the weekly number of minutes of exercise that patients complete was determined. This line of inquiry will be evolved
Annual Report 2016-2017 7
Increased use of technology in the curriculum Technology enhanced learning
assessment questions to learning
continues to be strengthened on
CMCC continues its leadership in
outcomes, which are now matched
campus. Over the summer of 2019 a
the field of manipulation sciences.
to the Graduate Competencies,
major upgrade and expansion of the
A new version of our FSTT tables
allows gaps in the curriculum to
audiovisual capabilities of the lecture
was launched this year. Eleven
be identified at a course level. The
halls included the installation of
institutions around the world have
software also has the ability to track
new cameras for the lecture capture
now implemented CMCC FSTT
student performance on specific
system implemented last year.
tables and several others are placing
outcomes and their level of learning
Significant improvements were made
orders. In our Sim Lab and technique
on an individual and a group level.
to the six technique labs by replacing
labs, the faculty are using the tables
outdated CRT monitors with large
coupled with iPads with special
In the Blood Lab Clerkship ExamSoft®
flat screen monitors networked to a
video analysis applications to allow
is being used in a flipped classroom
central camera feed, and the addition
for slow motion playback, side by
format, in which students do their
of Apple TVs to better enable faculty
side comparison and vector analysis
reading online ahead of the lab, and
to demonstrate and also access
to help students improve their
complete an online test in ExamSoft®
manipulations performed by students
adjusting technique.
the night before each lab session.
during their technique training.
With the reports on the tests faculty can determine how the cohort have understood the material and then Increased use of ExamSoft
modify the discussion and cases in
(reduces paper use)
the lab to ensure learning objectives
CMCC remains the only higher
ExamSoft , a digital software
are met.
education institution in Ontario with
platform, was introduced in 2016,
an Anatomage virtual dissection
is being expanded annually across
The use of ExamSoft® has also
table. Through the generosity of
the program, and is being piloted to
meant a great reduction in the
alumni donors, a second more
include the clinic midterm and exit
amount of paper used during the
compact and portable table was
OSCE exams. This software provides
exam cycle, considering that a
added. This new table is being piloted
instant feedback and allows faculty
conventional paper exam would
in the Health Sciences Library to
to deliver, analyze, and manage
require about 3,000 pieces of paper
allow students unlimited access.
exams more efficiently. Tagging of
per 15 page exam.
8 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Technology in operations Digital signage
system – from ecommerce, point
of lectures in 2017 and its
A means to deliver timely
of sale and back office functions
popularity is soaring. Built with a
communication in the CMCC
to marketing, merchandising,
sophisticated search engine that
community, the Digital Signage
inventory, order management and
allows students to quickly navigate
project was launched in late fall
financials – all delivered on a single,
to specific slides or spoken words,
2018 to deliver updates via digital
secure cloud-based platform.
CMCC’s lecture capture system
screens in six key areas of campus.
has clearly become a favourite
The screens were purchased as
way to review difficult concepts
part of a generous donation from
or look at complex images and
the Governors’ Club. The signage
Financial processes
charts a second time to ensure
allows CMCC to display full colour
In line with CMCC’s commitment to
images and text, alongside
sustainability, vendors have been
selected news feeds.
encouraged to submit electronic
All faculty are now participating
invoices to a central email address
and students are able to access
and to accept electronic fund
the recordings from any location
transfers for payments reducing
and at any time. Its popularity has
Ecommerce transformation at
the number of physical cheques to
been evident, especially during
the Supply Centre and Bookstore
be printed and signed, saving time
days in winter when CMCC was
NetSuite was implemented as an
and eliminating paper.
forced to close due to weather conditions.
accounting system for the Supply Centre and Bookstore in response
In addition, numerous forms have
to the need to strengthen the
been converted to fillable pdfs
We were notified in this last
capacity of its previous e-commerce
for easier online completion and
quarter that we had reached close
platform. The software has the
submission, further reducing the
to 25K of the 30K hours purchased
capability to integrate with the
need for paper.
in our annual subscription which
more standard sales channels
also indicates excellent adoption by
(walk-in and phone business) and
faculty and students. An additional
interface with CMCC’s accounting
15K hours was purchased early in
system (Financial Edge). It provides
Lecture recordings
2019 to ensure no disruption of
a unified, multi-channel business
CMCC introduced digital recordings
Annual Report 2018-2019 9
10 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Widening the research footprint Martha Funabashi
seeks to inspire highly innovative
mechanisms involved with chronic
CMCC was pleased to welcome
projects that defy current research
pain in animal models of spine
Dr. Martha Funabashi to the
paradigms, propose a unique
disorders as well as applying
Division of Research. Funabashi is
scientific direction, bring disciplines
spinal manipulation therapy to
a CARL (Chiropractic Academy of
together beyond the traditional
understand how it works and how
Research Leadership) Fellow and
disciplinary approaches, and/or
it can modulate painful symptoms
according to the McMorland Family
use different perspectives to solve
in such disorders. He will be
Research Chair in Mechanobiology,
existing problems. The award of
looking specifically at changes in
Dr. Samuel Howarth, a versatile
this grant signals a recognition
the central nervous system.
and highly accomplished early
of the importance of chiropractic
career researcher whose interests
research within a broad scientific
Developing a blueprint for
complement those of many CMCC
health Drs. Côté, Hogg-Johnson, and
faculty. It is expected her research will
Mior have successfully obtained a
Since joining CMCC, Funabashi has
help further clarify the safety of
$254,660 AVIVA grant to
received two significant awards: a
spinal manipulation for patients
1) develop a blueprint for a
Tri-Agency Institutional Programs
with disc herniation.
health record that will standardize the collection and analysis of
Secretariat grant (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) for early career researchers
CMCC’s first postdoctoral Fellow
automobile insurance data and
to conduct international,
CMCC’s Division of Research and
2) explore how such data can be
interdisciplinary, high-risk and
Innovation recently hired its first
used in epidemiological research.
high-reward research, and a New
postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Felipe
This one-year study will aim to
Frontiers in Research Fund Award
Duarte, to conduct Life Sciences
provide data to inform the insurance
through the Exploration stream, an
research under the supervision of
industry of the importance of
initiative that enables researchers
Dr. Brian Budgell. Duarte’s focus
creating an ongoing interactive
to work together to solve the
will be on basic science research
health record for individuals injured
world’s most pressing issues. It
to explore some biomolecular
in traffic collisions.
Annual Report 2018-2019 11
12 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Further reducing our carbon footprint CMCC continues to monitor its consumption of energy as an indicator of the results of efforts to enhance energy efficiencies over the past few years. As shown, there has been a fairly significant decrease in consumption over the past number of years, yet costs are not declining to the same extent. The energy efficiencies introduced by CMCC have
$500, 000
3, 250, 000
$450, 000
3, 000, 000
Cost of Hydro
$400, 000
2, 750, 000
$350, 000
2, 500, 000
$300, 000 $250, 000 $200, 000 $150, 000 $100, 000 $50, 000 $0
2, 250, 000 2, 000, 000 1, 750, 000 2010
Consumption (KWH)
defrayed utility cost increases that would have otherwise been significant.
1, 500, 000
â– Invoice Cost â– Consumption (KWH)
Decreasing our contribution to
the institution have taken a
over the summer of 2018 in
the landfill
proactive approach to support
order to increase awareness
At a 57% diversion rate, CMCC
these initiatives, for example, by
and highlight sustainability for
is operating above the interim
asking individuals to bring their
the campus: An herb and tomato
diversion target rate of 50% set by
own coffee mugs to meetings, no
garden was planted, as part of
the Ministry of the Environment
longer providing bottled water at
CMCC’s awareness initiatives. Staff
and Climate Change. As a further
meetings, using recyclable plastic
were involved in the planting
measure, CMCC has introduced
cups at events, and encouraging
and encouraged to take cuttings
organics bins this year in the
the use of electronic means for
from the plants throughout the
cafeteria and lounge areas.
summer. A lilac garden was also planted, as was milkweed to help
In addition to institutional level
The CMCC summer herb garden
in the migration of the Monarch
initiatives, certain divisions within
Several initiatives were undertaken
Annual Report 2018-2019 13
CMCC Members 2018–2019 Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Melanie S. AbbottCambridge Dr. Nader S. Abdelkader Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Dr. Sajad Abolghasem Dr. Norman R. Abrams Dr. Ryan Abrams Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Gary L. Adams Dr. Meghan Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Dr. Jennifer A. AdamsHessel Dr. Bruce Adamson Dr. Aleisha Adeboyejo Dr. Kimberly D. Adie Dr. Judy Adler Dr. Therese Agayby Ghobrial Dr. Sardar Ahmad Dr. Bita Ahmad Panah Namaghi Dr. Henri J. Aime Dr. Marie-Jose Aime Dre Yvette Albert Dr. Blake Alderson Dr. Doug Alderson Dr. Jessica R. Algar Dr. Zeya Alikhan Dr. Robert M. Allaby Dr. Donald R. M. Allen Dr. Hillary Allen Dr. Jeffrey A. Almon Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. Robert O. Anctil Dr. David K. Anderson Dr. Lloyd J. Anderson Dr. John H. Andrews Dr. Stephanie E. Anisko Dr. Nicholas T. Antony Dr. Antonio Anziano Dr. Kyle Aram Dr. Merv F. Aramenko Dr. Richard G. E. Archer Dr. Blanchard Ariko Dr. Lavern H. G. Ariss Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Adib Ashraf Dr. Peter J. Asselbergs Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Ayla Azad
Dr. Johannes Baarbe Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Melvine Baird Dr. Brian Baizley Dr. Gina Bajaj Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Nooralhuda Bakaa Dr. Dana K. Ball Dr. Jeffrey W. Balon Dr. Charlene A. Banbury Dr. Berj K. Bardekjian Dr. Matthew Barden Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. John D. Bare Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Graham E. Barnes Dr. R. Bruce Barrett Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Dr. Richard G. Barwell Dr. Bruno Bastien Dr. Josip Batinic Dr. Anthony R. Battel Dr. Sandy Battista Dr. Samantha Bauer Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Michael L. Beaton Dr. Angèle Beauclair Dr. Robert J. Bebbington Dr. Nardine Bekhit Dr. Lawrence Bell Dr. Spencer Bell Dr. Janet R. Belliveau Dr. David Berg Dr. Kenneth G. Bergquist Dr. Cindy A. Berna Dr. Michael A. Berna Dr. Condren R. Berry Dr. Donald M. Berry Dr. Stevan M. Betts Dr. Gregory J. Bidinosti Dr. Marc Bijman Dr. Ronald W. Bilsky Dr. John H. Bjarnason Dr. Marsha L. Black Dr. Barbara A. Blacker Dr. Mark J. Blau Dr. Steven G. Blenkarn Dr. Kevin J. Bloom Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Suzanne M. Bober Dr. Mark E. Boden Dr. Mark G. Bodnar Dr. Peter Bodnar
14 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. Hans W. Boehnke Dr. Glenn M. Boggio Dr. Mary E. Bogumil Dr. Stacy L. Bolton Dr. Jason F. Bonar Dr. Lindsay Bonas Dr. Taylor Bonner Dr. Brittany Boot Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Krista C. Borrowman Dr. Luc R. Bouchard Dr. Trevor Boudreau Dr. Claude Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Sherilynn Bovay Dr. Murray H. Bowman Dr. Maria Boyle Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. James A. Brad Dr. Crystal A. Bradshaw Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. BrakePatten Dr. Doug G. Brandvold Dr. Puneet Brar Dr. Alan Breen Dr. Douglas E. Brenner Dr. Grayden J. Bridge Dr. Robert Brodie Dr. Blaine L. Broker Dr. Aase L. Bronfort Dr. Gert Bronfort Dr. Corinne Brookhuis Dr. Michel R. Brosseau Dr. Pieter Brouwer * Dr. Roger Browett Dr. Douglas M. Brown * Dr. Martin J. Brown Dr. Mary Brown Dr. Suzanne L. Brown Dr. Terry F. Brown Dr. Philip T. Browne Dr. Kevin Brownell Dr. Andrew J. Brubacher Dr. Patricia L. Brum Dr. Paul Bruno Dr. R. Ian Buchanan Dr. Mikaela Buchli-Kelly Dr. Brian S. Budgell Dr. David R. Buettner Dr. Shawn M. Bulger Dr. Ronald J. Bulman Dr. Katelyn Bulmer Dr. Samantha P. Burchill
Dr. Rene A. Bureau Dr. Edward Burge Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. Ronald T. Burman Dr. Stephen Burnie Dr. Edward Butler Dr. Leonard Bystrom Dr. Tiffany D. Cafaro Dr. J. Michael Cain Dr. Audrey Cameron Dr. Douglas F. Cameron Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Katherine M. Cameron Dr. Perry Cammisa Dr. E. Nino Campana Dr. Robert D. Campana Dr. C. Dan Campbell Dr. Donald R. Campbell Dr. Mitchell Campbell Dr. Sarah Campbell Dr. Carolina Cancelliere Dr. Gregory W. Canning Dr. Robert J. Cannon Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Matthew Carinci Dr. Jaye L. Carlson Dr. Vanessa Carnovale Dr. Chelsea Carr Kinnear Dr. Colin R. Carrie, M.P. Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Brent A. Carson Dr. Robert C. Carson Dr. W. Elmor Carson * Dr. Elizabeth I. H. Carter Dr. James Carter Dr. Sharon E. Carter Dr. John David Cassidy Dr. William Castor Dr. Michael Caterer Dr. Nicholas M. Centritto Dr. Elaine Chagnon Dr. Dennis W. Chambers Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Dwight R. Chapin Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Dr. Mardi C. Charlton Dr. Alexandria Chen Dr. Daniel Cherubini Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Brittney L. M. Chisholm Dr. Kwong Chiu Dr. Sherman Chiu
Dr. Grand Choi Dr. Ngai W. Chow Dr. Ashlee Christenson Dr. Karen L. Chrobak Dr. Felix Chu Dr. Chadwick Chung Dr. Emily H. C. Chung Dr. Stephanie L. Church Dr. Sam A. Cirone Dr. Simon M. F. Clark Dr. Robert F. Clarke Dr. Tanya Clarke-Young Dr. Todd Clayton Dr. Charles Clement Dr. Leo J. Clement Dr. Susan D. Clements Dr. Robert J. Clifford Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. Aaron Cocklin Dr. George R. Coder Dr. Michael A. Cohen Dr. Lydia M. Colacino Dr. Dean P. S. Collins Dr. Deborah Collins Dr. Constance A. Columbus Dr. William Columbus Dr. Chad Conaway Dr. John G. Condor Dr. R. Wayne Connell Dr. Philip J. W. Conway Dr. Graym W. Cook Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Walter T. Cooper Dr. Manny A. Coroneos Dr. John R. Corrigan Dr. Rhonda J. Corrigan Dr. Robert J. Corrigan Dr. Ivano Costa Dr. Pierre Côté Dr. Alfonso J. Cotoia Dr. Robert J. Coulombe Dr. Ian Coulter Dr. André L. Courteau Dr. Alison D. Coutts Dr. Geron P. Cowherd Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. Jocelyn A. Cox Dr. Brian B. Croft Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Gerald N. Crooks Dr. Philip Croutch Dr. Brian D. Cruise Dr. Michael B. Cruise Dr. Ian D. Culbert
Dr. Ramon Cumings Dr. Maranda Curtosi Dr. Laura A. Custode Dr. Denis Cyr Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Dr. Michelle Da Silva Dr. Sophia A. da SilvaOolup Dr. Theodore Dahinden Dr. Nicola Dahms Dr. Darrell J. Dailey Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dr. Barbara L. Dance Dr. Charles F. Daniels Dr. Rebecca E. Daniels Dr. Florence Darbellay Dr. Angela Dares Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Dr. Nooranie Davood Dr. Myron T. Dawydiak Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. Robert S. Deachman Dr. James C. Dean Dr. John R. Dean Dr. William J. Dean Dr. Gabriel Debergh Dr. Ryan Debusschere Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. Christopher deGraauw Dr. Lara C. deGraauw Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Yvette Dehandschutter Dr. Chelsea Delorme Dr. Gerard Delugt Dr. Elaine Dembe Dr. Brooke A. Deschamps Dr. Guillaume Desjardins Dr. Agostino R. Di Paolo Dr. Nicholas P. Dicesare Dr. Kenneth W. Dick Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. June Dies-Keys Dr. Richard N. Dietrich Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Dr. Matthew J. Diston Dr. Laura B. Dobrinsky Dr. Fred T. Dobson Dr. Henry Dobson Dr. Stephen J. Doholis Dr. Michael Domanko Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook
Dr. Thomas M. Dormon Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Anna Dowgialo Dr. Edward Dowhaniuk Dr. Victor C. Dowling Dr. Larry Down Dr. Crystal A. E. Draper Dr. Robert J. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Heather Dryburgh Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Dr. Richard Dubler Dr. Mark Dubreuil Dre Dominique Dufour Dr. Alan P. Dumencu Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. Daryl K. Dunford Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. Brittany Dunlop Dr. J. Kevin Dunlop Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Nichola Dunne Dr. David A. Dunnett Dr. Paul R. Duperrouzel Dr. Carissa DuPuis Dr. Brennan T. Dynes Dr. Donald R. Earle Dr. Robert G. Earle Dr. Brooke Earley Dr. Arwed B. Egli Dr. Robert B. Eidt Dr. Evan D. Eindhoven Dr. Ian C. Eix Dr. Amr O. El Bouse Dr. Donald J. Elder Dr. Richard Elder * Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Allen G. Elley Dr. Edward H. Elliott * Dr. K. Bruce Elliott Dr. Laura Ellison Dr. Robert B. Emary Dr. Barry E. Embree Dr. James K. Emmett Dr. Glenn R. Engel Dr. Shawn Engell Dr. Lydia English Dr. Amber Enns Dr. Rudolf Enns Dr. Ruth E. Erhardt Dr. Thomas J. Erskine Dr. W. Mark Erwin Dr. Carl A. Eustace Dr. Douglas W. Evans Dr. Lois A. Eveleigh Dr. David Ewert Dr. Helen Fadden
Dr. Jane A. Fancy Dr. Gerald R. Farnsworth Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Leonard J. Faye Dr. Peter A. Fera Dr. William H. Ferguson Dr. Frank J. Fica Dr. Kevin M. Finn Dr. Don E. Fitz-Ritson Dr. J. Neil Fletcher Dr. Robert J. Fletcher Dr. Louis Fleury-Frenette Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Joanne Foley Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Lesley Foote Dr. Diane E. Forbes Dr. Peter A. Ford Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Judy A. Forrester Dr. Vivianne Fortin Dr. Jason T. Fox Dr. Edward Frame Dr. Robert S. Frankl Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Kenneth Freer Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Angelo Frisina Dr. Axel Fritz Dr. Bernard Fruitman Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe Dr. Phyllis Gabel Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Colin D. Gage Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels Dr. Sarah Gajecki Dr. Robert Galbraith Dr. James D. Galenzoski Dr. Theodore M. Gall Dr. Larry Galvin Dr. Ralph D. Galvin Dr. Michael J. Gangl Dr. Mark T. Garbutt Dr. Ryan Garcia Dr. Amber N. GardinerPretto Dr. James Gardner Dr. Darryl Garner Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Dr. Corrine E. Gasser Dr. Arv D. Gatten Dr. Jon C. Gatten
Dr. Marc-Henri Gauchat Dr. Rebecca Gaudry Dr. Michael M. Gawronski Dr. John L. Gaylard Dr. Allan J. Gdanski Dr. Henry C. Gdanski Dr. Victor L. Gdanski Dr. Richard J. Gehrke Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Darrin Germann Dr. Annie M. Gervais Dr. William Giancoulas Dr. Erica Gifford Dr. Scott D. Gignac Dr. Manuel S. Gil Dr. Lynton G. F. Giles Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Robert Glavan Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Arlene Gleadhill Dr. Brian Gleberzon Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Dr. Daniel S. Gleeson * Dr. Diane B. Glover Dr. Kieran F. Glynn Dr. Peter A. Glynn Dr. Berit Godager Moltzau Dr. Stephen J. Godin Dr. Brian E. Godwin Dr. Jennifer Goergen Dr. David W. Gohn Dr. Paul M. Gold Dr. Mary Ann Goldhawk Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie * Dr. Jarrod G. Goldin Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy Dr. Mark Gonneau Dr. Katelyn Good Mr. Leonard Goodman Dr. Stanley Gorchynski Dr. Christopher J. Gordon Dr. Linda Gordon Dr. Susanne K. Gorka Dr. Allan Gotlib Dr. Kassandre G. Goupil Dr. Janice E. Grace Dr. Donald T. Graham Dr. Patrick T. Graham Dr. Ray G. Graham
Dr. Sydney Granger Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Mary Ann Grape Dr. Stephen Greenberg Dr. Gary A. Greenman Dr. Joseph Greenwood Dr. Martial Gregoire Dr. Ian R. Gregory Dr. Janice M. Gregory Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Kyle A. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Robert K. Grisdale Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. Diane Grondin Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. Michelle Grybko Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Jason N. Guben Dr. Luc Guenette Dr. Lauren O. Guerrero Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Glenn Guilderson Dr. Brett P. Guist Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Dr. Brian D. Gushaty Dr. Krisjan M. Gustavson Dr. Frank Q. Guthrie Dr. Janis J. Guthy Dr. Johan R. Gysen Dr. Andrew S. Habib Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Camille Hadida Dr. Robert D. Haig Dr. Francois Hains Dr. Scott Haldeman Dr. Bryan J. Hale Dr. Alexandria M. Hall Dr. John W. Hall Dr. Allan P. Halowski Dr. Tracey L. Hamin Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Dr. Josline Hampson Dr. A. E. Thomas Hanna Dr. J. Michael Hardie Dr. John A. Hardy Dr. Randall J. Hardy Dr. Dominique Harmath Dr. Kara A. Harnish Dr. David W. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. Glen M. Harris
Annual Report 2018-2019 15
CMCC Members 2018–2019 Dr. Megan Harris Dr. Dale K. Harrison Dr. Margaret J. Harrison Dr. N. James Harvey Dr. Dawn Harwijne Dr. Robert J. Hasegawa Dr. Karen J. Hatchard Dr. Aimee Hatcher Dr. E. Allan Hawkins Dr. Glen Hawkins Dr. Peter G. Hawley Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. Thomas Hawthorne * Dr. Ronald J. Hay Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. Bruce A. Hayhoe Dr. Glen W. Heaps Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Ramin Heidari Dr. Werner M. Heller Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. Paul M. Hemingway Dr. Peter D. Hemingway Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Dr. Fred E. Hendricks * Dr. C. Jay Hennigar Dr. Lionel Henry Dr. Nicole Hess Dr. Brett W. Hessel Dr. Lindsay Heubner Dr. Patrick F. Hewitt Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Dr. Dan S. Higginson Dr. Catharine A. Hildebrand Dr. James J. Hill Dr. Paul M. Hinton Dr. Judith A. Hinwood Dr. David Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho Dr. John Hobson Dr. Erin C. Hoffe Dr. Corey Hofkirchner Dr. Robert D. Holden Dr. Keith B. Holdway Dr. Warren S. Hollis Dr. G. Paul Holtom Dr. Kevin Hong Dr. Ian J. Horseman Dr. Tanya L. Horvath Dr. Zachary Howard Dr. Emily Howell Dr. Scott Howitt Dr. James D. Howlett Dr. Leroy O. Hoyte Dr. William S. Hsu
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Nigel C. J. Hudson Dr. John Hui Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Barry R. Hunt * Dr. R. Graham Hunt Dr. Verna Hunt Dr. Reginald G. Hunte Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Christy Inglis Dr. C. Dwain Ingram * Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Nicole Insley Dr. Katie Inwood-Roy Dr. David Irwin Dr. Donald G. Ivey Dr. Craig Jacobs Dr. Aaron T. Jager Dr. Cindy A. Jakeer Dr. Crystal A. Jakym Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Darcy T. James Dr. Lanny Jamieson Dr. Jessica Jarrell Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Allan Jeffels Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Jens J. Jensen Dr. Brian Jeong Dr. Rahim Jessa Dr. J. Roger Jessop Dr. Nelantine Jesuthasa Dr. Gita K. Jethalal Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. A. Wray Johnson Dr. Kelly L. Johnson Dr. Gregory A. Johnston Dr. Michael D. Johnston Dr. Robert J. Johnston Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. W. Bruce Johnston Dr. Robert J. Johnstone Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Christopher F. Jones Dr. Mark E. Jones Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Stephen Jones Dr. Mackensie D. Jordan Dr. Anita K. Joseph Dr. Stephanie Juffs Dr. Blair A. Jurgens Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Carmen Jweda Dr. Edward T. Kachuba * Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis Dr. Rebecca Kang
16 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. John S. Kapus Dr. Bob Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Arif Karmali Dr. Newsha H. Kashani Dr. John M. Kaster Dr. David Kato Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Dirk W. Keenan Dr. Terence M. Kehler Dr. Brad A. Kehoe Dr. Cal Keil Dr. Donald J. Kelm Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Erin D. KemptSutherland Dr. A.O. Hart Kennedy Dr. Matt Kennedy Dr. A. Paul Kent Dr. William M.S. Ketcheson Dr. Bonnie Keys Dr. Hera Khayyam Dr. Mahsa Khoei Dr. Sean T. Kilgannon Dr. Gideon J. Kilian Dr. Grant A. Kilpatrick Dr. David Kim Dr. Jessica Kim Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Ryan Youngwook Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Dr. Laurie King Dr. Barry Kinsey Dr. F. Stuart Kinsinger Dr. Robert E. Kinsman Dr. Jaclyn Kissel Dr. Peter Kissel Dr. Robert G. Kitchen Dr. Alvin G. Klassen Dr. Christine N. Klatt Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Robert J. Kniess Dr. John A. Knight Dr. Roberta G. Koch Dr. Peter B. Koebisch Dr. P. Angelika Koeth Dr. Peter L. Kogon Dr. Gary Kolbec Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Alain Kolt Dr. Daniel Komesch * Dr. Vincent Kong Dr. Constance Z. Kontos Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles
Dr. Paul A. Korbelas Dr. John J. Kos Dr. Jagdish C. Kothary Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Dr. Lena M. Krake Dr. Peter Kramer Dr. Gerald F. Kremer Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Vance N. Kruszewski Dr. Graham Kucan Dr. Chad Kulak Dr. Katrina M. Kulhay Dr. Varsha Kumar Dr. Timothy Kunkel Dr. Kathleen Kurman Dr. Gregory Kuruliak Dr. Metro Kuruliak Dr. Justin M. Kutasiewich Dr. Natalie Labelle Dr. Sydney B. Labelle Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Melanie Lachapelle Dr. Leo Lachowich Dr. Andre C. Lacroix Dr. Jason Lacroix Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Scot A. Ladell Dr. Jean-Guy Laflamme Dr. Dominic V. LaForte Dr. Lawrence LaFrance Dr. David A. Lajeunesse Dr. Bijaan Lalani Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Alexander K. Lam Dr. Mazy C. M. Lam Dr. Tessa C. Lam Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Karis Langvand Dr. Serge Lanoue Dr. Jack B. Lanskail Dr. Garth W. LaPlante Dr. Scott R. Laporte Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Ronald H. Latch Dr. David G. Latta Dr. Iris Lau Dr. Tim W. H. Lau Dr. Larry D. Laughlin Dr. Valerie A. Lavigne Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. James P. Laws Dr. David R. Lawson
Dr. Douglas M. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. Stephen D. Lawson Dr. Thanh Le Dr. Carly L. LeBlanc Dr. Frances L. LeBlanc Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Melanie Leblanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. Chantel LeClair Dr. Alex D. Lee Dr. C. Feng Lee Dr. David Lee Dr. David W. Lee Dr. Eric Lee Dr. Henry M. Lee Dr. Jene Lee Dr. Joyce G. Lee Dr. Marissa Lee Dr. Raymond Lee Dr. Rick Lee Dr. James R. Leeson Dr. Nicola Legate Dr. Allison M. Legg Dr. Carrie Lehman Dr. Cassandra Leigh Dr. James J. Lemak Dr. Andre M. Lemetayer * Dr. Brian D. LeMoel Dr. Caterina Lerede Dr. Jim R. Leskun Dr. Steven Lester Dr. Calvin Leung Dr. Martin Levesque Dr. Pierre Levesque Dr. Madeleine Levine Dr. Howard Levita Dr. Dan Levy Dr. Michael Liang Dr. Mark G. Libitka Dr. Catherina K. M. Liem Dr. Randy Lilja Dr. Brian R. S. Lim Dr. Rebecca Lima Dr. Rod W. R. Lindsay Dr. Thomas W. Lindsay Dr. Mateo Lino Dr. Ronald T. Linzner Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Natalia Lishchyna Dr. Charles Listro Dr. James O. Litt Dr. Robert A. Little Dr. Dennis Liu Dr. Yi Liu Dr. Jonathan Lloyd Dr. Melanie Locke
Dr. Poul Loewe-Madsen Dr. Kenneth C. Logan Dr. J. Bradley Lohrenz Dr. Ervin J. Loikrec Dr. Crystal L. Longo Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Dr. Arthur Lopes Dr. Dianne Lott Dr. Johan Louwerse Dr. Daria P. Love Dr. Stuart I. Love Dr. David Lovsin Dr. Dana Lowe Dr. David E. Lowe Dr. Jeff J. Lowthian Dr. Rich Luck Dr. Jeffrey R. Lustig Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Richard E. Lutz Dr. John C. Lynch Dr. Kristine A. Lyons Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. David MacAskill Dr. Cheryl H. MacDonald Dr. Christie MacDonald Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. David A. MacIntosh Dr. David G. MacKenzie Dr. Douglas J. MacLachlan Dr. Barbara J. Maclean Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. Clive S. Macmillan Dr. Shannon M. MacNeill Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Gabor M. Madarasz Dr. Robert A. Madill Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Winnie W. Magega Dr. Anthony Magliocco Dr. Edward K. Mah Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Erin Mailloux Dr. Pamela Mailloux Dr. Michael A. Majaess Dr. Fabrice Mallard Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Wayne L. Malott Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Gary A. Malstrom Dr. Colin C. Mandin Dr. Gary A. Mangiacotte Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. Brent D. Manson Ms. Deb Manz
Dr. Lorna MarchGreenbau Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Henri L. Marcoux Dr. Bruno F. Marini Dr. Erin L. Marjerrison Dr. David G. Marsh Dr. Donald F. Marshall Dr. Linda D. Marshall Dr. Victoria L. Marshall Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. Andre Martin Dr. J. Scott Martin Dr. Karen E. MartindaleSliz Dr. Yvan J. Martineau Dr. Richelle Martins Dr. David E. Martinuk Dr. Karen E. Martinuk Dr. Reginald J. Martsinkiw Dr. Stephen A. Maskall Dre Natalie Masse Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Claude Matte Dr. Karin L. Mattern Dr. Michael J. Mattinen Dr. Dino Mavrou Dr. Donald C. Maybin Dr. Jesse J. McAleese Dr. Kelly C. McAllister Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. Sarah McAteer Dr. D. Court McAuley Dr. Laura McCall Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Michael J. McCann Dr. Chris J. McCarthy Dr. Gordon W. McConnell Dr. Gregory C. McConnell Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Phyllis A. McCord Dr. Michael R. McCoul Dr. Scott J. McCrae Dr. Scott McCrimmon Dr. Frank G. McDiarmid Dr. Gordon A. McDiarmid Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Shawn McDonald Dr. Kirstie McDowell Dr. Michael McGahey Dr. Christina McGlashan Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Jeremy A. McGuire Dr. Kevin McIntyre Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie Dr. Maggie G. McKeough Dr. Joanne McKinley-
Molodynia Dr. Laura A. McLaren Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. Campbell A. McLeod Dr. Heather McLeod Dr. Andrew McManus Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. J. Wayne McNabb Dr. Patrick J. McNivenMcKenna Dr. Barry C. McQuire Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Laurel M. McQuoid Dr. Kelley M. McVarish Dr. Deborah E. Mechanic Dr. Christine A. Meckamalil Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Shahroze Merali Dr. Hafeez Merani Dr. Andrew D. W. Mercer Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Laura Mercuriano Dr. Rob J. Merrick Dr. Martin Merz Dr. James Meschino Dr. Ivan Mezei Dr. Thomas Michael Dr. Jessé B. Michaud Dr. Clark Michlowski Dr. Dale R. Mierau Dr. Larysa Mikhailava Dr. Dennis Milenov Dr. David P. Millar Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Morgan Millard Dr. Danielle J. Miller Dr. Milton C. Miller Dr. Murray G. Miller Dr. Robert B. Miller Dr. John Millett Dr. Brent J. Mills Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. David J. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. John G. Mindiuk Dr. Andrew Miners Dr. Alan E. Minty Dr. Miriam E. Minty Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer Dr. Douglas B. Mollon Dr. Lynda Montgomery Dr. A. Donald Moore Dr. Brett R. Moore
Dr. George C. Moore Dr. Tannille Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Gregory J. E. Morris Dr. Jeremiah D. Morris Dr. Henry B. Morrison Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. Amr M. R. Mostafa Dr. Jennifer A. Mous Dr. Rick Mozell Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Brad Muir Dr. Mary A. Mulligan Dr. D. Kenneth Mullins Dr. Gary D. Munro Dr. Kurtis Munro Dr. Bernadette Murphy Dr. James Murray Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Rebecca L. Muzos Dr. Rodney Myers Dr. Constantinos Myrtos Dr. Maliha Naeem Dr. Joseph Naiman Dr. Luigi Nalli Dr. Sonja Nardini-Probst Dr. Mona Nasr Dr. Tom Naylor Dr. John A. Neal Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. Brianna Newman Dr. Vincent Ng Dr. Karen Ngo Dr. Myla Nguyen Dr. Frank Nhan Dr. Robert G. Nielsen Dr. Edward Nigro Dr. Lynette M. Nissen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. W. John Noble Dr. Carsten Noddeskou Dr. Paul S. Nolet Dr. J. Todd Norton Dr. Janis E. Noseworthy Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Dr. David P. O'Connor Dr. Grant O'Neill Dr. Paul Oakley Dr. Shivinder Oberoi Dr. Thomas R. Offen Dr. Ted J. Ogilvie Dr. Erin C. Ogrady Dr. Kirsten E. Olesen Dr. Mia Oliver
Dr. Susan Jill OliverWeeden Dr. Irene Oliviero Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Brian Omar Dr. Hejran Omarzay Dr. Allan G. Oolo Austin Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. Sean A. Orr Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Ronald A. Oswald Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Dr. Geoffrey Outerbridge Dr. Linda Outschoorn Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Bruce A. Owers Dr. Heather Pady Dr. Jason A. Pajaczkowski Dr. Edward J. Palichuk Dr. Stefan J. Pallister Dr. G. Stewart Palmer * Dr. Abraham J. C. Pan Dr. Michael S. Pankow Dr. John A. Papa Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Richard Parisien Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Dr. Jodi L. Parkinson Dr. James Parliament Dr. J. Ladd Parsons Dr. Gordon F. Partridge Dr. Richard N. Pascoe Dr. Douglas R. Pattison Dr. Colleen S. Pattrick Dr. Heather A. Paull Dr. Sean E. J. Payne Dr. Matthew D. Peacock Dr. Cosma Pecora Dr. Cora-Lee S. Peddle Dr. Donald E. Pedersen Dr. L. David Peeace Dr. Helen M. Peel Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Rosalie Pelissier Dr. Andre Pelletier Dr. Timothy H. Peloso Dr. Adrian Pena Dr. Kaitlyn Pepper Dr. Krysha Pereverzoff Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Dr. Kimberly Perryman Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. Alexander F. Pessoa Dr. David E. Peterson
Annual Report 2018-2019 17
CMCC Members 2018–2019 Dr. Giovanna Petricone Dr. Lori A. Petrilli Dr. Vanessa M. Petrini Dr. Clayton G. Phillips Dr. David Phillips Dr. Devon Phillips Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Alessandro Pichini Dr. Donato Pietrangelo Dr. Barbara C. PikeArmbrust Dr. Lianne Pinkney Dr. Maryse Pion Robin Dr. Jill Plantz Dr. Percy N. Pletsch Dr. Eugene R. Plewes Dr. Jessica Pludwinski Dr. Gerard Poirier Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Raymond Poitras Dr. Ronald Polack Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Bryan J. Porter Dr. Anthony Posa Dr. Michael Poschar Dr. R. Andrew Potter Dr. Renee Powell Dr. Thomas Preston Dr. Douglas R. Price Dr. Tania C. Pringle Dr. Daniel E. Prinsen Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Dr. Robert Proteau Dr. Catherine Proudler Dr. Lauren Pruner Dr. Ione G. Puchalski Dr. Aaron A. Puhl Dr. Bryon P. Puhl Dr. Andrew Pulinec Dr. Gwyneth F. Pyne Dr. Yu (Jerry) Qin Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Dr. Jordan Rabinowitz Dr. Martin Rabley Dr. Richard Radford Dr. James M. Rae Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. Shervin Ranjbar Dr. Alysha Rawji Dr. David J. Redding Dr. Peter Van Redecopp Dr. George D. Redhead Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. J. Wayne Redstone Dr. Glen Reed Dr. Jessica E. Reed Dr. Peter Reed Dr. Paul M. Rego
Dr. Douglas O. Reid Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. James Reilly Dr. Christine J. Reinhart Dr. J. David Rennicks Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Dr. Parisa Ricciardelli Dr. Lisa A. Richard Dr. Marty V. Richter Dr. W. Roy Riddell Dr. Caroline A. Rioux Dr. Robert Ripley Dr. Rebecca Rizk Dr. Kelly Robazza Dr. Andrew J. Robb Dr. Frederick E. Roberts Dr. John O. T. Roberts Dr. Shyla S. Robertson-Bitz Dr. Paul W. Robinson Dr. G. Lindsay Robson Dr. Kathleen Rodgers Dr. Robert Rodine Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Andrew P. Romanelli Dr. Peter L. Rome Dr. Robert W. Roper Dr. Leo K. Rosenberg Dr. Paul S. Rosenberg Dr. J. Kim Ross Dr. Jacqueline Ross Dr. Kirstyn Ross Dr. Robert W. Rowe Dr. Richard Ruegg Dr. Gregory Ruhr Dr. Rodney L. Runge Dr. Kenneth W. Russell Dr. Alena Russo Dr. Gordon F. Rust Dr. Petra Rutz Dr. Donald L. Ryan Dr. Liam Ryan Dr. Marjanossadat Sajadi Dr. Kyle Salloum Dr. Troy A. Samchuk Dr. Gary A. Sanders Dr. James T. Sanders Dr. Norma-Jean Sanders Dr. Andrew Sauer Dr. Walter J. Savickey Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Albert M. Scales Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci Dr. Tara N. Schell Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Peter Schlag
18 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz Dr. Richard G. Schmelzle Dr. Michael A. R. Schmolke Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Donna Schoales Dr. Kelly C. Schoonderwoerd Dr. Brian Schroeder Dr. Edward H. Schroeder Dr. Ernest Schroeder Dr. Aloysius H. Schulte Dr. Christopher Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. John R. Schwarz Dr. Leslie Scott Dr. R. D. Wayne Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Christopher J. Scrase Dr. Sarah Seaborn Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Sheila K. Sebopelo Dr. Peter See Dr. Gerry H. Seier Dr. George M. Seim Dr. Grace Sevazlian Dr. Wade R. Shalagan Dr. Kenneth L. Shatilla Dr. Alison M. Shaver Dr. Heather Shearer Dr. Marvin Shedletzky Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Dr. Scott W. Sheppard Dr. Bryan Sher Dr. David Sherrington Dr. Zen Shikaze Dr. Edward Shin Dr. Jordan Shnier Dr. Barbara Shortreed Dr. Mark B. Shrott Dr. Eric F. Shrubb Dr. Leann M. Shrum Dr. Stuart J. Siegel Dr. William Siksay Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Harald F. Simon Dr. Inger Simonsen Dr. Ann Liz Simpson Dr. Kyle J. Simpson Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. Wayne F. Singleton Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Robert S. Skleryk Dr. Paul Slaney Dr. Christopher R. Small Dr. Alexandra Smith Dr. Barbara J. Smith
Dr. Carole M. E. Smith Dr. Douglas R. Smith Dr. Duane C. Smith Dr. Ellen Smith Dr. Geoffrey Smith Dr. Larry B. Smith Dr. Lawrence D. Smith Dr. R. Lyle Smith * Dr. Richard S. Smith Dr. Thomas J. Smith Dr. William M. Smith Dr. John N. Smoczyk Dr. Judith Snider Dr. Holly Snow Dr. Alison M. Sokol Dr. Mohammed R. Solh Dr. Stanley G. Soloduka Dr. Brandon Somlo Dr. Michael Sommers Dr. David P. Song Dr. Elizabeth E. Souckey Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Diana M. L. SpeerMcBean Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. Patricia Spratt Dr. Ashleigh E. Stableforth Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby Dr. Amanda Star Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Todd D. Starr Dr. Gavin W. Steciuk Dr. Neall Stedmann Dr. Scott D. Steer Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe Dr. Paula J. Stern Dr. Cheryl Stevenson Dr. Frederick A. Stevenson Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Mr. James Stewart Dr. Marshall D. Stewart Dr. Murray J. Stewart Dr. Evan Stibbard Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt Dr. Michael A. Stochmal Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Beat O. Stoller Dr. Nicola D. Stone Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Darren Strong Dr. Robert E. Stronge Dr. Karen Stroud
Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Rodney W. Stubel Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Kyle W. Stunden Dr. Troy Sturtevant Dr. Darren Suderman Dr. Karlo Suek Dr. Andrew Sulatycki Dr. Thomas S. Summers Dr. Minisha Suri Dr. George J. Surko Dr. Sean A. Sutton Dr. Mark D. Swain Dr. John A. Sweaney * Dr. Earle C. Sweet Dr. Bruce M. Sykes Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Andrew J. Synnott Dr. Kaitlyn Szabo Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Dr. Bob Szczurko Dr. Negda Tabrizi Dr. Paul Taillefer Dr. Charles Tallon Dr. Shai Tamir Dr. Jeffrey A. Tancock Dr. Laura Tari Dr. Errol Tarnow Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. John A. M. Taylor Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Robert J. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Jerry S. Tchoryk Dr. George E. Tester Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray Dr. Maathavan Thillai Dr. Shawn Thistle Dr. Elder H. Thomas Dr. Kirsten M. Thomas Dr. Linda J. Thomas Dr. John D. Thompson Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. Medville A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Jennifer L. Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Michael J. Titchener Dr. Daphne To Dr. Rachel Tomlin Dr. David Torrance Dr. Christopher J. Tousignant Dr. Derek Tracey Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Ross S. Treasure
Dr. Amy R. Tremblay Dr. Astrid Trim Dr. Kyle Tront Dr. Floyd Trotter Dr. Aviv Tsimerman Dr. O. Hartley Tuck Dr. Taylor R. Tuff Dr. Brian D. Turner Dr. Jennifer Turpin Dr. Allen Tyler Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Dr. Gregory Uchacz Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. David A. Urness Dr. Payam Vala Dr. Dwight M. Vallee Dr. Teresa L. Van Bakel Dr. Roland Vander Beek Dr. Eric Vandergugten Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. David D. B. VeltmanRobert Dr. Kathy Vertesi Dr. Donald H. Viggiani Dr. Flemming Vilholm * Dr. Michael Vilkas Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Doug Vlaskamp Dr. Edwin H. Voelker Dr. Henny T. M. Vogelzang Dr. Joseph G. Vomvas Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Dr. Khushboo Vora Dr. Dennis J. Wagner Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Candace Wahl Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Kailin D. Walter Dr. J. Bruce Walton Dr. Bruce E. Wand Dr. Simon Wang Dr. Randy S. Warchola Dr. Jennifer Ward Dr. Ronald Warkman Dr. Robert S. Warnock Dr. Jeffrey M. Warren Dr. David Wasylynko Dr. Dawn C. Watkins Dr. Terry A. Watkins Dr. Collin G. Watson Dr. Derick A. Watson Dr. Dionne Watson Dr. Mason Watson Dr. Kenneth M. Wayte Dr. Jennifer Webster
Dr. Josephine Webster Dr. Carol Ann Weis Dr. Colin L. Wellum Dr. Patrick J. Welsh Dr. G. Mark Wensley Dr. David I. West Dr. Joan West Dr. Joshua I. West Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. George B. Wheeler Dr. Eleanor F. White Dr. Vaughn White Dr. Ronald Whiting Dr. Lawrence J. Whitman Dr. Rebecca Whitney Dr. Katherine Whitton Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Dr. Danielle Wiesner Dr. Paul L. Wiggins Dr. J. Stuart Wight Dr. Janice I. Wiles Driedger Dr. Timothy H. Wilkinson Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Dr. Natalie Williams Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. W. Langford Williams Dr. William M. Williams Dr. James W. Wilson Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Vincent G. Winder Dr. John C. Wingfield Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Gregory I. Wirth Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Dr. Debbie K. Wong Dr. Jessica J. Wong Dr. Keith Hon Wing Wong Dr. Donald L. Wood Dr. Katherine Wood Dr. Douglas Woods Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Brian A. Wright Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Dr. Denise M. Wright Dr. Douglas A. Wright Dr. Thomas S. Wright Dr. Trevan Wright Dr. Glenn Yates Dr. Dominique Yedon Dr. Renee Yip Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Jonathan Yu Dr. Veronica Yu
Dr. Alexander Yuan Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw Dr. Theodora Zacharia Dr. Sylvia M. Zarins Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Marika Zgela Dr. John R. Zielonka Dr. Rainer Zindler Dr. Randall R. Zindler Dr. Zoran Zivkovic Dr. Emil Zmenak Dr. Gregory Zoldy Dr. Robert Zurbyk Dr. Stephen A. Zylich *Deceased
Annual Report 2018-2019 19
Governors’ Club Members
Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Neil C. Barber Dr. Fred N. Barnes Ms. Mara Bartolucci Dr. Carolee Bateson-Koch Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Janet R. Belliveau Dr. Michel L. Blanchette Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Ronald Bordessa Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus Dr. Ron Brady Mrs. Bruna Brown Dr. Douglas M. Brown * Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. John A. Cadieux Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Robert C. Carson Dr. Borys M. Chambul Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Denis M. Chouinard Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. John P. Crawford Dr. Brian B. Croft Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Philip Croutch Mrs. Gail Cunningham Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. John R. Dean Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Edward L. Demchuk Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Alex J. Dougley Dr. William M. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. David F. Dunn Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Glenn R. Engel Dr. Rudolf Enns Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Dale C. Forsythe Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Brian G. Gainor Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie * Dr. Christopher L. Grant
20 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. Mary Ann Grape Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Mrs. Ruth Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Miss Jennifer C. K. Harper Mr. Jonathan Harper Miss Julia C. S. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. N. James Harvey Mr. Len Haslam Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Dr. Fred E. Hendricks * Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Mrs. Joan Hubbel Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Brian Huggins Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Blair A. Jurgens Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens
Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Joseph R. Kelly Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Robert E. Kinsman Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Yves Laflamme Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Else H. Larsen Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. James P. Laws Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. C. Feng Lee Dr. Henry M. Lee Dr. Cristina Leonardelli Dr. Carolyn J. Levere Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Melanie Locke Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Dr. David Lovsin Mrs. Betty Luck Dr. Rich Luck Dr. Ted Luck Dr. James D. Lunney Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. Norman B. MacLeod
Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Ferzin Mahava Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Cameron J. McGinnis Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Richard Mercier Metagenics Canada Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Brent J. Mills Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Lynda Montgomery Dr. Brett R. Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira Mrs. Geraldine Morgan Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. Janice L. Noji
Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society Mrs. Renate Norton Dr. David H. Olson Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. L. David Peeace Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Paul Pritchard Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Professional Health Products Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. Marcel Reux Mrs. Darlene Reynolds Dr. Frederick H. Reynolds Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Cheryl L. Roundy Dr. Gordon F. Rust Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Christopher J. Scrase Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Gauri D. Shankar Dr. Joseph C. Simmons
Dr. W. Allen Smith Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Karlo Suek Dr. Dean Summers Dr. Orysia Swyszcz Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Mark T. Terai Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Brian D. Turner Mrs. Diane Turner Mrs. Kay Turner Dr. Kevin D. Turner Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Salvatore Viscomi Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. Kathy Wickens
Dr. David Wickes Mrs. Debora Wickes Dr. A. John Wiens Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Bryan Wolfe Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey York-Peel Chiropractic Society Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Stephen A. Zylich *Deceased
Annual Report 2018-2019 21
Thank you to our donors Thank you to all of the generous donors who have helped CMCC to achieve its Mission — deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care. Your continued long-term support and commitment builds a stronger CMCC. CMCC recognizes its donors on the Hands on the Future® donor wall, the Membership Wall, Governors’ Club plaques, "Your Legacy" plaques, in the Library, at our various fundraising events, etc. Donations recognized below were made during the period of June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 for: renewed support, Research Chair, Awards and Scholarships, Backs in Motion, Gifts in Kind, In Memoriam and general donations. We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have made gifts to CMCC.
Donor Level Recognition Visionaries Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors Builder Dr. A. Ronald Elford Charitable Foundation Benefactor Dr. Annette Bourdon and Mrs. Catherine Bourdon CMCC Students' Council Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Dr. Moez and Senifa Rajwani Patron Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Stacey Scott Pillar Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Ian D. Culbert and Mrs. Patricia Culbert Dr. Philip & Mrs. Daniela Decina Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Dr. Mohsen Kazemi, Kazemizer Inc. Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim and Mrs. Sonya Kim Dr. Ken Kinakin Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Dennis Liu and Dr. Katherine Lee Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Darren J. Scraper Dr. Kent Stuber The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. David and Mrs. Debora Wickes Dr. Bryan Wolfe
Partner Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Deborah E. BrakePatten Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Christopher N. Garwah & Dr. Nancy L. Garwah Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Dr. Robert Gringmuth Dr. Paul S. Jain & Family Mr. Jay Kilgannon M.I.T. Consulting Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Lisa Simpson McQuarrie Dr. Filipe Tiburcio Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Robert Zimmerman Supporter Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Bonnie L. Chuter Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Dr. James K. Emmett Dr. Jaclyn Foster Dr. James Fung Dr. Wayne P. Jakeman Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Shahroze Merali Dr. Virginia U. Okolie Nsitem Dr. Grant O'Neill Dr. Brian Schroeder Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Keli Spencer Dr. Andrew Sulatycki Dr. Thomas S. Summers Dr. Michael Vilkas Philip Wells MD, FRCP(C) Friends Beechwood Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Janice M. CoatesSteedman Dr. Darrell J. Dailey Dr. Jamie Devassy
22 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Global Office Software Mr. Jake Hacker New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Reginos Pizza (Baska Pizza Paskarn Nagalingan) Dr. Casey D. Smith Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Dr. Donald L. Wood
Donor List 664787 NB Inc. A Jug Of Wine Aaron Waxman and Associates P.C. Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Ms. Brenda Abrams Active and Innovative Inc. Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Owen Adie Advertek Dr. Raphael H. Ahn Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors Ms. Clare Alcamo Despina Alexopoulos Mr. Gill Alkin Mr. Richard Allgood Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo Dr. Carlo Ammendolia AMR Barristers & Solicitors LLP Anatomage Inc Mr. Don Anderson Dr. John H. Andrews Dr. Patricia Andrews Mrs. Lucy Annarilli Anonymous Mr. Barry Appleton Mrs. Marie Aragona-Shin Arc'teryx Dre Marie-Eve Arcand Dr. Adam Armstrong Dr. Jacques Auger
Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Dawn Azzopardi Dr. Jay Bacher Dr. Tommy Bacher Mr. Eric Bader Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Dana K. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ball Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Mr. Gerard Baribeau Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Russell A. Baron Mrs. Joan Barrett Mr. John Barrett Ms. Antonella Bartolucci Mr. Giuliano Bartolucci Ms. Mara Bartolucci Mrs. Darlene Baryluk Dr. Emmanuel Basque L. Battistuzzi BDO Canada LLP Dr. Kenneth C. Beatty Beechwood Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Melanie L. Beingessner Ms. Maryann Belza Mr. Edward Bennett Mrs. Gail Bennett Mr. Rod Bennett Mr. Gregg Bereznick Dr. Michelle A. Berg Mr. David Berman Dr. Condren R. Berry Dr. Caroline Berthelot Mrs. Tracy Bertram Ms. Rosellen Bjarnason Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Mark E. Boden Dr. Mark G. Bodnar Mr. Matt Bohn Dre Marie-Helene Boivin Mrs. Patsy Bolton Dr. Anita Bongers Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Luke A. Boudreau Dr. Trevor Boudreau Mrs. Sylvie Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Mr. Daniel Bourgault
Mr. Glen Boyko Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus Mrs. Hughine Brady Dr. Deborah E. BrakePatten Dr. Richard Brassard Breathe in Wellness British Columbia Chiropractic Association Dr. Blaine L. Broker Mr. Joseph Brosseau Ms. Lisa Brosseau Dr. Michel R. Brosseau Mrs. Bruna Brown Mr. David Brown Mr. Donald Brown Dr. Douglas M. Brown* Ms. Jacqueline M. Brown Mr. John J. Brown Ms. Kathleen Brown Laurie Brown Dr. Richard Brown Mrs. Sharlene Browne Mrs. Donna Bruno Dr. Paul Bruno Dr. William J. Bryans Mr. Thomas Buecking Marna Bulbuck Ms. Ann Buller Dr. Keith L. Burchill Ms. Anne Burns Mr. Craig Butcher Mrs. Margaret Butkovic Ms. Christine Cachia Ms. Elizabeth Callon Dr. Douglas F. Cameron Mrs. Rosa Campiello Canada Lodge #532 Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Governors' Club Canadian Tire, Store 192 Dr. Robert J. Cannon Dr. Paul F. Carey Mr. John Cargill
Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Ms. Caroline CarringtonDecker Ms. Brittany Carroll Ms. Julie Carswell Mr. Fred Carter Dr. Sharon E. Carter Ms. Patricia Carty Mr. John Caskey Dr. Keith Cassell Dr. Kimberly A. Castle Ms. Ginny Cathcart Mrs. Rosanna Cavallaro Ms. Lesley Cesana Dr. Borys M. Chambul Mr. Christopher Chan Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Dr. Michel Chartier Ms. Penny Chase Mrs. Michelle Chemerika Ms. Geraldine Chen Mr. Craig Cherrie Mr. Dan Chicoine Chiropractic Care & Longevity Center Chiropractors' Association of Saskatchewan Dr. Dena G. Churchill Dr. Bonnie L. Chuter Mr. Paul Clancy Dr. John B. Clark Dr. Simon M. F. Clark Dr. Todd Clayton CMCC Students' Council Dr. Rachelle Coates Dr. Janice M. CoatesSteedman Mr. David Coleman Mr. Leo Coleman College of Chiropractic Radiologists Canada Inc College of Chiropractic Sciences Mr. Terry Collins Dr. Bruce Comstock Mr. Michael Consales Mr. Michael Cooksey Dr. James A. Cooper Ms. Roberta Cords Core Dietary Supplements Core Products International, Inc. Core Wellness Solutions Dr. Paul Cornacchia Dr. Ryan Coster Dr. Pierre Côté
Mr. Simon Cotter Mrs. Wendy Court Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Mr. Paul Craig Dr. Richard R. Cronk Ms. Kelle Crosbie Ms. Diana Crossley Dr. Philip Croutch Ms. Sally Croutch Dr. Ian D. Culbert Ms. Anna Cunanan Mr. Clinton Cybulski Ms. Diane D'Abbondanza Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Mr. Edward Daglish Dr. Darrell J. Dailey Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dre Renee Dallaire Dr. Timothy A. Damaso Mr. Barry Danckert Mr. Joseph Danckert Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Robert David Ms. Danielle Davidson Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Davis Drywall Systems Mo de Koning Dr. Ivone De Marchi Ms. Kay De’Ath Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Michele G. Del Re Ms. Lydia Della Rocca Dembar Financial Services/Healthcare Financial Group Dr. Elaine Dembe Mr. Blake Deobald Mr. Bert Dercola Mrs. Sylvie Des Ruisseaux Dr. Nichelle Desilets Mrs. Sherry Desilets Dr. Jamie Devassy Simo Devine DiamondBack Golf Club Ms. Esther Dick Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Mr. Sam DiPasquale Mr. Anthony Dobranowski Ms. Kavita Dogra Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Ms. Hazel Doole-Rieck Dr. Thomas M. Dormon Ms. Gloria Doroshenko Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko
Ms. Marj Douglas Mr. Peter Doyle Dr. A. Ronald Elford Charitable Foundation Drs. Siwak & Burgis Chiropractic Professional Corporation Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Mr. Trevor Dubiel Dre Dominique Dufour Ms. Karen Duke Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. David A. Dunnett Dr. Carole DureposOuellette Ms. Kelly Eagan Ms. Lenore Edmunds Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Ms. Dianne Elliott Dr. James K. Emmett Engie Multitech Ltd. Environnement Electronique Dr. Trevor Erdie Dr. Carl A. Eustace Mr. Harvey Ewing Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Fellowes Canada Ltd. Dr. Brad S. Ferguson Fidelity Investments Canada ULC Financial Horizons Mr. John Fisher Dr. Kelly Fleck Dr. Bruce Fligg Ms. Janet Flynn FOM Inc. Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Dr. Lesley Foote Footmaxx of Canada, Inc. Mr. Mike Ford Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Matthew Forgie Dr. Judy A. Forrester Dr. Jaclyn Foster Dr. Jason T. Fox Mr. Richard Fox Consuelo Francolini Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Dr. Ian Fraser Ms. Mona Fray Mr. Allan M. Freedman Mrs. Judy Freedman Mr. Brian Freiburger Dr. Patrick Freud Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Ms. Nancy Friday
Dr. Paul D. Friesen Mr. Wes Friesen Dr. Angelo Frisina Dr. Axel Fritz Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. James Fung Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe Pat Gaber Mrs. Anna Gaby Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Christopher H. Gallimore Dr. Shruti Gandhi Mr. Atsmon Ganor Ms. Colleen Gardiner Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Dr. Gregory Gellert Mr. Bob Georgieff Dr. Paul G. Georgopoulos Mr. Barry Gerein Mr. Olivier Giffaux Mr. Dave Gigante Ms. Patricia Giles Giles Financial Solutions Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Mrs. Laurie Gilmore Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Mr. Nicholas Giugias Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Paul A. Given Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Global Office Software Dr. Brian E. Godwin Dr. Kambiz D. Goel Dr. Mary Ann Goldhawk Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie * Ms. Jodi Goldstein Dr. André-Marie Gonthier Dr. Linda Gordon Dr. Allan Gotlib Mr. Dan Graham Dr. Donald T. Graham Mr. Jim Graham Dr. Mary Ann Grape Ms. Paula Grcevic Dr. Lowell Greib Dr. Leslie R. Grice Grice Chiropractic Professional Corporation Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Mr. Kyle Grooms Mr. Reiley Grose
Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. David A. Gryfe Maxime Guarnaccia Dr. Morgan E. Gueldner Ms. Diana Guerriero Guerriero Enterprises Inc. Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Pierre Guillot Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Mr. Jake Hacker Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Scott Haldeman Mr. Martin Hales Mrs. Marilyn Hammel Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Mr. George Hammerschmidt Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Mr. Stephen Hammerschmidt Mr. James Hanke Ms. Kimberly Hannah Dr. Keith G. Harper Ms. Kimberly Harris Dr. Megan Harris Dr. Jennifer S. Harrison Dr. Joanne M. Hartley Ms. Kerri Haughian Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Mr. Scott Hedges Dr. Warren A. Hefford Dr. John Heggtveit Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Ms. Marilyn Herie Dr. Gunnar I. Hetland Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP Dr. Timothy Hiebert Dr. Dan R. Higgins Ms. Janelle Hildebrandt Ms. Frances Hillier Mr. Bernard Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho Kelly Hodel Ms. Lynne Hodgson Mr. Lloyd Hoffer Mr. Ed Hogan Royce Hollier Dr. Warren S. Hollis Julian Holman HoMedics Group Canada Dr. Ian J. Horseman Ms. Alexandra Horwood Mr. Bernie Hotson Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Annual Report 2018-2019 23
Dre Julie Hudon Mr. Brian Hughsan Mrs. Eileen Hugli Ms. Karen Hugya Mr. Josh Hum Mr. Marlin Hum Ms. Debbie Humeny Dr. Jon Hummel Mr. Mark Hunter Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. John N. Huy Dr. Crystal D. Hynes-Zafiris Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Integrated Assessment Services Inc. Investment Guild Mr. Brad & Mrs. Dana Jacobs Shelley Jacobs Dr. Paul S. Jain Dr. Wayne P. Jakeman Ms. Heather James Dr. Allan Jeffels Ms. Karen Jenkins Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Craig D. Johannes Ms. Patricia Johansen Dr. Kelly L. Johnson Ms. Livia Johnson Dr. Robert J. Johnston Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. William A. Johnstone Ms. Carol Joseph Mr. Mark Josephs Mrs. Argentina Juncal Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens K2 & Sons Holdings Ltd. Mrs. Christiane Kahlen Ms. Ilya Kalis Mr. Gary Kapelus Dr. Rahim Karim Mr. Jacob Karsemeijer Ms. Jacqueline Karsemeyer Dr. Darryl D. Kashton Ms. Karen Kasprick Dr. Gregory N. Kawchuk Dr. Scott M. Kay Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Mr. Jack Kearns Dr. Dirk W. Keenan Dr. Terence M. Kehler Mr. Gary Keller Ms. Wendy Kelln Mrs. Kimberley Kelly Dr. Jan J. Kempe Mr. Shawn Kennedy Mr. Joseph Khouzam Mr. Jay Kilgannon
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Mrs. Wanda Kingdon Dr. Robert E. Kinsman Mrs. Bernice Klasky Mr. Jim Klassen Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Terrence N. Knight Dr. Toffy Kobrossi Mr. Fraser Kochan Mr. Peter Kohl Dr. Richard H. Kolanos Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Alain Kolt Dr. Clark R. Konczak Dr. Deborah R. KopanskyGiles Ms. Christine Koskimaki Attalai Ms. Jill Koss Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Chad Kulak Mrs. Manpreet (Goldie) Kumar Mr. Joseph Kuzma Dr. Natalie Labelle Ms. Brandy Labonte Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Mr. John Lackey Dre Christine Laliberte Ms. Joanna Lam Ms. Lorraine Langevin Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Jack B. Lanskail Dr. Garth W. LaPlante Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Linda Laufer Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. James P. Laws Ms. Rhonda Laws Dr. Brett LeBlanc Dr. Francois A. LeBlanc Ms. Lori LeBlanc Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. Brian E. Lecker Ms. Anne Ledray Dr. C. Feng Lee Dr. David Lee Mr. Patrick Lee Lee Chiropractic & Sports Therapy Clinic Marnie Leflar
24 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Mrs. Regina Lehman Dr. Jacques Lemay Dr. Brian D. LeMoel Dr. Georges Lepage Let It Be. Health Inc. Dr. Ronald A. Levay Dr. Pierre Levesque Mme Joanne Levis Ms. Donna Lewis Dr. Michelle C. Liberty Dr. David N. Linford Mr. Scott & Ms. Kim Lint Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Dennis Liu Mr. Garth Livingston Ms. Cathy Lloyd Ms. Wendy Lo Dr. Gerald Lopez Mrs. Stephanie Loveless Genna Luchenski Mrs. Betty Luck Dr. James D. Lunney Ms. Nicole Lunsted Lixian Luo Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Kristine A. Lyons M.I.T. Consulting Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. Lee MacAllister Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. David G. MacKenzie Jan MacKenzie Mr. Ian MacKichan Mr. Greg MacMullin Ms. Isabella Madill Dr. Peter G. Magee Mr. Anthony Magistrale Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Mr. Wayne Mak Dr. Barry M. Malet Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Mrs. Gloria Mandris Mr. Ryan Mann Ms. Julia Mansner Ms. Deb Manz Dr. Denis Marcotte Mr. Richard Marcotte Bourke Marrison Marsh Canada Ms. Bonny Marshall Dr. Allan G. Martin Ms. Diane Martin Ms. Kristina Martin Ms. Norma Martin Dr. Bruce Mason Dre Natalie Masse Mr. Gerald Masters
Mr. David Matheson Ms. Marie Mattby Dr. Claude Matte Dr. Karin L. Mattern Mrs. Gale May Dr. Randee A. Mayrand Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Mrs. Mari McAndrews Mr. Peter McAteer Ms. Margaret McCallen Dr. Dorothea McCallum Mr. Raymond McCaughan Mrs. Patti McCleary Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Jay D. McFarlane Dr. Joanna McGowan Ms. Karen McGregor Dr. Marion McGregor Ms. Valerie McIntosh Ms. Marilyn McIntyre Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie Ms. Tina McKeown Ms. Mildred McNarland Dr. Murray I. McPhail Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Meadowbrook Golf Club MediSeen Inc. Mrs. Sherill Meeks Mr. Mike Megaffin Inez Meleca Ms. Emma Menna Dr. Shahroze Merali Dr. Jean-Philippe Mercier Dr. Richard Mercier Mr. Serge Mercier Dr. Rob J. Merrick Metagenics Canada Dr. Wesley Michaud Mrs. Bev Michie Ms. Lisa Mierins Ms. Kelsey Mikush Dr. Donald B. Millar Ms. Marlene Miller Dr. Robert B. Miller Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Darrin T. Milne Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. Silvano A. Mior Kolleen Mitchell Mrs. Kathy Moffat Dr. Haroon Mohsini Mr. Fred Mondesire Mrs. Angie Mora Ms. Lois Morris Ms. Patti Morris Frances Morrison Dr. George L. Moss Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Rick Mozell Dr. John P. Mrozek Mr. Peter Mulyk Mr. Kent Murnaghan Ms. Katherine Murray Dr. Jordan A. Myers Ms. Paulette Mysko Mrs. Laura Nagy Dr. Luigi Nalli Ms. Christine Naspa Dr. John A. Neal Ms. Rhonda Nelson Mr. George Nenos Shelby Nestator Mr. Manfred Netzel Ms. Christina Neudorf New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Mrs. Barbara Newbigging Sirichay Ngakhan Dr. David A. Noad Mr. Russell Norman Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North York Healthcare Associates Inc North York Rehabilitation Centre Corp. Dr. J. Todd Norton Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Dr. Grant O'Neill Ms. Leann Oakley Obus Forme Ltd. Dr. Gerald Olin Dr. Susan Jill OliverWeeden Dr. Irene Oliviero Ontario Chiropractic Association Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Linda C. Oswell Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Mr. Jason Ou Dr. Annie Ouellet Alain Ouimet Dr. Catherine Owens Max P Ms. Karen Packer Dr. Peter A. Pain Paladin Security Group Ltd Lori Pankratz Paper Dimension Inc Mrs. Eunice Papish Ms. Val Parayeski Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Ms. Samantha Parsons
Mr. Simon Partington Mr. Grant Paton Dr. Sean E. J. Payne Dr. Cosma Pecora Ms. Christine Pedersen Dr. L. David Peeace Penmore Financial Group Inc. Mr. Ed Perrett Mr. Jason Perrett Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Dr. Adriano Persi Ms. Marie Peterou Ms. Dorothea Phair Mr. Len Pidperyhora Dr. Indira Pillay-Rego Ms. Nathalie Plourde Dr. Richard Plourde Ms. Colleen Pollreis Ms. Lori Ponzi Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Ms. Sheryn Posen Dr. R. Andrew Potter Mr. Jonathan Pottini Dr. Douglas R. Price Probus Club of South Muskoka Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Ms. Kathy Prowse Dr. Jairus J. Quesnele Dr. Shelley Quinlan Mr. Alan Quinn Ms. Ann Rainville Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Mr. Raymond Ramdayal Ms. Amanda Ramsay Kit Ramsay Dr. Dianne L. Randall RBC Royal Bank RBC Wealth Management Inc. Johanne Recoskie Ms. Sharon Recoskie Reginos Pizza (Baska Pizza Paskarn Nagalingan) Dr. Paul M. Rego Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Research Review Service Inc. Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds Royon Reynolds Dr. Marty V. Richter Riddle Room Inc. Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers Mrs. Patti Riley Dr. Caroline A. Rioux Ms. Sylvie Riviere Mr. Gregory Roberts Mrs. Jane Rocher
Rock Tape, Inc Mr. Richard Roell Mrs. Barbara Rose Dr. Adrian Rossi Dr. Michael R. Rostotski Mrs. Mary L. Rourke Dr. Roger Roy Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences Canada Ms. Kathy Russett Dr. Gordon F. Rust Ms. Susan Rutherford Dr. Rowena Ryan Landis Sather Mr. Martin Satller Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci Ms. Jody Schappert Mr. Doug Schettler Ms. Beverley Schindel Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz Dr. Murray E. Schneider Ellen & David Schram Dr. Brian Schroeder Mrs. Bernadette Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut Ms. Nicole Schwartz Ms. Rita Schwerdt Ms. Faye Scott Dr. Ryan C. Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge Dr. Darren J. Scraper Sealy Canada Ltd. Dr. Brian Seaman Mr. Chris Seidemann Ms. Raheela Shaikh Dr. Wade R. Shalagan Ms. Frances Share Ms. Lorie Shekter-Wolfson Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Mrs. Heather Shon Dr. Sanam Shorey Dr. Michael D. Sider Mr. Ed Silzer Ms. Dawn Simpson Dr. Lisa Simpson McQuarrie Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. Rudra D. Singh Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Paul Slaney Ms. Holly Sloboda Sandy Slowski Ms. Louise Smigelsky Mrs. Laurie Smit
Mrs. Brenda Smith Dr. Casey D. Smith Dr. Lawrence D. Smith Mr. Paul Smith Mr. Rick Smith Ms. Susan Smith Mr. John Snesar Dr. Judith Snider Sokoloff Lawyers Mr. Eric Solomon Ms. Kathleen Sorenson Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Keli Spencer Dr. Deanna Spicer Dr. Louis Sportelli Mr. Douglas Spracklin Mr. Kenneth L. Spracklin Springwall Sleep Products Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse Dr. William P. Stackhouse Stagevision Inc. Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Ms. Sheila Steger Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Mr. George Stewart Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Stimulate Health Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Beat O. Stoller Ms. Elsie Storozynsky Mr. Brad Straus Dr. Catherine M. Straus Terry Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Mark Studin Mrs. Rita Stummer Ms. Violet Styba Dr. Cynthia A. Styles Dr. Andrew Sulatycki Dr. Thomas S. Summers Sunlife Financial Superfeet Canada Sweet Creations Mr. W. Daniel Swift Mr. Glenn Switzer Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Kin Chun Tam Mrs. Tina Tarling Mr. Taylan Tatli Dr. Carlos A. P. Tavares Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. John A. M. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Mr. Richard Teece
Ms. Helen Teetaert Ms. Suzanne Teoli Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray The Board of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors The Co-operators Group Insurance The Orthotic Group The Talent Company Dr. Kirsten M. Thomas Dr. Richard R. Thompson Thumper Massager Inc. Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Filipe Tiburcio Justin Tokarchuk Marciano Tomassini Ms. Wendy Topping Mr. Zoltan Toth Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Astrid Trim Trulfin Investments (2007) Inc Dr. Taylor R. Tuff Dr. Natalia Tukhareli Dr. Jeffrey R. Tuling Mr. James Turner Dr. Paul D. Uchikata United Way Toronto & York Region Ms. Marg Van Buskirk Marnix Van Gemert Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Marcia Veitch Mr. John Vellinga Ms. Olena Veryha Dr. Michael Vilkas Ms. Linda Vincent Mr. Tony Viola Niro Viv Ms. Alina Vocila Mrs. Natascha Voll Dr. Ernie Von Schilling Ms. Pauline Voss Dr. Darrell J. Wade Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Mr. Neil Walker Ms. Lynn Wallis Ms. Donna Walsh Mr. Craig Walters Ms. Lynne Walters Mengqi Wang Dr. Simon Wang Ms. Christina Warren Ms. Susan Warren Waterloo Regional Chiropractic Society
Mr. Bruce Watson Judy & Bill Watson Mr. Mike Watson Mrs. Perlan Waxman Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Mrs. Karin and Mr. Gerald Weisberg Ms. Arlene Welcher Wellesley Therapeutics Inc. Dr. Philip Wells Dr. Patrick J. Welsh Ms. Elaine Welter Dr. David I. West Ms. Eilene White Dr. Michelle E. Whitney Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Brooks Wickett Ms. Angela Wilhelm Dr. Darin Willar Mr. Berni Williams Gaynel Williams Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Ms. Wendy Williams Dr. William M. Williams Ms. Lillian Wilson Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Windsor Walk-In Chiropractic Clinic Mr. Richard Wine Ms. Kari Winemaker Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Michael Witherall Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Ms. Lilly Wong Dr. Donald L. Wood Ms. Phyllis Woodrow Mr. Brad Woods Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Ms. Claudette Woolfson Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Dr. Lori-Anne Yarrow Mr. John Yealland York-Peel Chiropractic Society Ms. Deborah Young Jim & Donna Young Dr. Cary T. Yurkiw Dr. Tim Zafiris Hajrush Zendeli Ms. Louise Zimm Ms. Collette Zimmerman Dr. Robert J. Zimmerman Mr. Claudio Zulian Dr. Stephen A. Zylich Annual Report 2018-2019 25
Financial Report CMCC has focused its efforts over the
CMCC’s financial flexibility has
And by the growth of funds generated
past few years to create a financial
been evidenced by the decreasing
through donations, for restricted
foundation upon which to sustain its
proportion of its assets financed
purposes and to create endowments
reputation as a leader in chiropractic
through debt, as presented as
for a sustainable source of revenues.
education, research and patient care.
the ratio of debt to equity. Our
With the retirement of its facility-
ability to meet any financial
CMCC has intentionally set out to
related long-term debt early in the
obligations by using our current
build a General Fund that will provide
year, CMCC now has the financial
assets has steadily improved, as
the operating reserves necessary
leverage to support the institution
expressed in the working capital
to mitigate against financial risks
in its future plans to introduce
ratio (sometimes called the current
through operations. Over the past
innovative student experiences and
five years, the General Fund has grown from (approx.) $676,000 to
support these with new technology. In June 2018 CMCC retired the
$5,300,000 as it aims to ensure a six-
CMCC’s financial position provides the
debt incurred in 2004 to redevelop
month operating reserve is available.
stability to support the institution in
the 6100 Leslie Street Campus.
There has also been a steady growth
meeting its vision while mitigating
Through the generous donations of
in our endowment fund.
risk, responding to opportunities,
the membership and chiropractic
introducing technologies, and support
profession, CMCC was able to retire
its faculty and staff in meeting their
this $22M of debt in less than 15
professional goals.
26 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Key Financial Indicator Trends 2.0 1.80 1.60
1.00 0.25
0.20 -
■ Debt to Equity Ratio
■ Working Capital Ratio
Operating Reserve in Months
8 6 4 2 0 2019
■ Actual
■ Target Annual Report 2018-2019 27
Sources of Operating Revenues 2019 (2018)
Tuition and student fees 76.8% (77.5%)
Non-tuition revenues
Suppy Centre and Bookstore 8.5% (9.9%)
ership Mem b 1.9%) ( % 1.7
Other revenue 4.8% (5.1%)
Continuing Ed ucation 2.6% (2.3% ) Inv est m 1.3 ent I % (1. ncom 5% e ) Clinic fees 4.7% (4.8%)
28 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Growth in Fund Balances $6, 000 000 $5, 000 000 $4, 000 000 $3, 000 000 $2, 000 000 $1, 000 000 $0
■ General Fund
■ Restricted Funds
■ Endowment Fund
Operating Expenses 2019 (2018) 0.2% (1.7%)
14.2% (13.7%) 61.5% (61.2%)
3.3% (3.0%)
10. 3%
10 .6%
(8 .
3% )
■ Salaries and benefits 61.5% (61.2%) ■ Interest Expense 0.2% (1.7%) ■ Facilities and Equipment 14.2% (13.7%) ■ Academic 3.3% (3.0%) ■ Administration 10.6% (8.3%) ■ Cost of goods sold 10.3% (12.2%)
%) (12.2 Annual Report 2018-2019 29
Understanding the financial statements Presented in the next few pages
Restricted and Endowment funds.
cash is received and where it is
are financial statements showing
This statement identifies that
spent. During the 2019 fiscal year,
the operations for the period of
the General Fund was enhanced
cash of $2.4 million was generated
June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 and
by the generation of an excess
from operating activities. Major
our financial position as of May
of operating revenues over
uses of cash were capital asset
31, 2019. These are taken from
expenses of $705,383 (2018 -
additions $965,000; and the
the Audited Financial Statements.
purchase of investments $1.0 million.
Following is a brief description of each statement.
The fund balances reflect the accumulated surpluses of
Schedule of continuity of
Statement of financial position
the General (Unrestricted),
restricted funds
Describes the overall financial
Restricted and Endowment
Describes a summary of the
position or health of the
funds. These represent the net
increase in funds, investment
organization. It itemizes assets
assets of each fund as reflected
income earned, expenses and
and liabilities including deferred
in the Statement of Financial
interfund transfers of each one
contributions and fund balances,
Position. Fund balances are the
of the funds which have been
and net assets of $38.8 million
accumulated excess of revenues
restricted as to their purpose.
(2018 - $37.2 million).
over expenditures and interfund
CMCC’s restricted funds are the
transfers since inception.
Canadian Chiropractic Historical
Statement of operations and
Association (CCHA); Governors’
changes in fund balances
Statement of cash flows
Club; Research; Capital Campaign
States the sources of revenue
Describes the movement of cash
Building; and Scholarship, Bursary,
and expenses for the General,
during the year showing where
and Other Trust Funds.
Annual Report 2018-2019 31
Annual Report Insert Statement of Financial Position
May 31, 2019 with comparative information for 2018 2019
Assets Current assets: Cash Cash in trust Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other
Investments Capital assets Total Assets:
2,077,702 1,577,380 420,817 307,439 687,844 5,071,182 8,831,667 28,721,041 42,623,890
2,206,526 1,003,977 285,643 334,191 600,011 4,430,348 7,921,420 29,083,236 41,435,004
Liabilities and Fund Balances Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Fees paid in advance Current portion of loan payable
Long Term Liabilities Deferred contributions related to capital assets Deferred derivative liabilities Total Liabilities: Fund balances: Invested in capital assets General Total unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total restricted Total Fund Balances: Total Liabilities & Fund Balances:
Dr. Rahim Karim, Director
32 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
3,240,213 457,618 3,697,831
3,461,108 362,725 19,704 3,843,537
171,502 3,869,333
145,183 265,085 4,253,805
28,549,539 5,317,200 33,866,739 844,985 4,042,833 4,887,818 38,754,557
28,916,766 4,066,762 32,983,528 590,016 3,607,655 4,197,671 37,181,199
Dr. Gregory Woolfrey, Director
Statement of Cash Flows Annual Report Insert Year ended May 31, 2019 with comparative information for 2018 2019
Cash provided by (used in): Operating activities: Excess of revenue over expenses: General Fund Restricted Funds Endowment Fund
Items not involving cash: Amortization of capital assets Unrealized gains on financial instruments and investments Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets Change in non-cash operating working capital Financing activities: Contributions received for the purchase of capital assets Repayment of loan payable (Increase) decrease in cash in trust Investing activities: Capital asset additions Purchase of investments (Decrease) increase in cash Cash, beginning of year Cash, end of year
Supplemental cash flow information: Interest paid
705,383 430,176 437,799
1,467,777 58,873 402,883
1,327,331 (124,931 (78,767) (322,257) 2,374,734
1,289,993 (104,040) (72,723) 16,733 3,059,496
105,086 (19,704) (573,403) (488,021)
50,308 (921,144) 127,745 (743,091)
(965,137) (1,050,400) (2,015,537) (128,824
(826,701) (754,544) (1,581,245) 735,160
Annual Report 2018-2019 33
34 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses Fund balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year
Fundraising Awards
Donation Revenue Research Revenue Investment Income Unrealized Gains on investments
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses Fund balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year
Fundraising Awards
Donation Revenue Research Revenue Investment Income Unrealized Gains on investments
2,775 175 2,950 2,625 250 2,875 75 14,439 14,514
1,760 276 2,036 3,353 250 3,603 (1,567) 14,514 12,947
Year ended May 31, 2019 with comparative information for 2018
64,300 452 64,752 11,800 1,700 13,500 51,252 17,648 (50,000) 18,900
Governors' Club Fund
58,350 601 58,951 5,437 1,400 6,837 52,114 18,900 (50,000) 21,014
Governors' Club Fund
Schedule of Continuity of Restricted Funds
48,310 (55,400) (7,090) 106,179 (1,750) 104,429 (111,519) 343,814 23,968 256,263
Research Fund
133,770 121,680 255,450 21,865 21,865 233,585 256,263 489,848
Research Fund
119,438 119,438 3,275 3,275 116,163 0 (116,163) 0
Capital Campaign Building Fund
125,206 125,206 0 125,206 0 (125,206) -
Capital Campaign Building Fund
2,536 15,018 (4,492) 13,062 10,161 10,161 2,901 297,438 300,339
Scholarship & Other Trust Funds
11,240 14,556 4,460 30,256 9,419 9,419 20,837 300,339 321,176
Scholarship & Other Trust Funds
237,359 (55,400) 15,645 (4,492) 193,112 123,879 10,361 134,240 58,872 673,339 (142,195) 590,016
330,326 121,680 15,433 4,460 471,899 30,655 11,069 41,724 430,175 590,016 (175,206) 844,985
Annual Report 2018-2019 35
Excess of revenue over expenses Fund balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year
Expenses: Undergraduate education Administration Graduate and research expense Building services Amortization expense Interest Research Fundraising Awards
Revenue: Tuition fees Other student fees Clinic fees Continuing education Donations Membership fees Supply centre and bookstore revenues Other Research grants Investment income Unrealized Gains (Losses) on investments
9,473,783 8,463,801 2,960,169 1,987,399 1,327,331 24,212,484 705,383 32,983,529 177,827 33,866,739
260,841 61,180 24,917,867
18,588,214 420,887 1,177,192 637,160 47,983 428,569 2,129,218 1,166,623
9,195,177 8,653,392 2,756,033 1,806,169 1,289,993 140,593 23,841,357 1,467,777 31,342,625 173,126 32,983,528
228,132 157,051 25,309,134
18,430,984 431,407 1,217,999 574,758 45,528 474,452 2,500,982 1,247,841
General Fund 2019
Year ended August 31, 2019 with comparative information for 2018
30,654 11,069 41,723 430,176 590,016 (175,207) 844,985
330,326 121,680 15,433 4,460 471,899
123,879 10,361 134,240 58,873 673,338 (142,195) 590,016
237,359 (55,400) 15,645 (4,492) 193,112
(See Schedule)
Restricted Funds 2019 2018
22,148 22,148 437,799 3,607,654 (2,620) 4,042,833
24,076 24,076 402,883 3,235,703 (30,931) 3,607,655
307,628 167,850 (48,519) 426,959
Endowment Fund 2019 2018 219,658 180,998 59,291 459,947
Statement of Operations and Annual Changes in Fund Balances Report Insert
Board of Governors June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019
Executive Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Greg Woolfrey
Dr. David Gryfe
Past Chair
Dr. Mark Perett
Executive Member
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson
Executive Member
Board Liaison Ms. Margaret McCallen Board Legal Counsel Mr. Allan Freedman
Provincial Representatives Dr. Natalie Carrington
Dr. Richard Cronk
British Columbia
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson
Dr. Richard Mercier
June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019
Dr. Mary-Irene Parker
Nova Scotia
Dr. Mark Perrett
Dr. Catherine Straus
Dr. Sarah Williams
New Brunswick
Dr. Greg Woolfrey
Newfoundland and
President David Wickes, DC, MA Vice President, Academic Christine Bradaric-Baus, BSc, PhD Vice President, Administration and Finance
Members at Large
Brenda Smith, BA, CPA, CA
Dr. Sonia Doroshenko
Dr. David Gryfe
Dr. Sunyatta Guild
Dean, Clinics
Dr. Rahim Karim
Anthony Tibbles, BSc (Hons), DC, FCCS(C)
Dr. Denise Perron
Québec Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Communications
Public Members Dr. Scott Haldeman
Ms. Deb Manz
Mr. Ernie Wolkin
Mara Bartolucci, BA (Hons) Chief Information Officer John Cargill, BA
Board Members Emeriti Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
36 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Registrar Patricia Scott, BA(Hons), MSc
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
2018–2019 Annual Report is produced by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Associate Vice President: Mara Bartolucci Executive Editor: Shannon Clark Art Director: Dora Kussulas Photography: Eric Forget, Chris Vassalos and iStockphoto.com
6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1 Telephone: 416 482 2340
Š CMCC 2019 Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office. The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College is committed to ensuring accessible services and communications to individuals with disabilities. To receive any part of this document in an alternate format, please contact Marketing and Communications at 416 482 2340 ext 274 or at communications@cmcc.ca.