The Gift of a Legacy

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“Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Clifton High School in your will. For most people, a legacy is the greatest and most impactful gift they make. We are honoured that you are considering supporting Clifton High in such a transformative way.

Gifts in wills have played a pivotal role in shaping our School. They have enabled us to grow our facilities and support pupils with lifechanging bursaries. With your support, we can continue to provide an outstanding learning experience for our pupils today, and for generations to come. ”


Clifton High School was founded in 1877 by the first Headmaster of Clifton College, John Percival, whose wish was for his only daughter Bessie to be educated. As Clifton College was steadfastly a male-only environment, he joined forces with like-minded visionaries to create a girls’ school. Our School was incorporated on the 12th September 1877, first opening its doors at 65 Pembroke Road on 24th January 1978 before moving to the current site in January 1879. Today, we are a thriving, co-educational School consisting of approximately 800 pupils aged 3-18 years.

Our historical foundation does not derive from any generous endowment or legacy but from the simple will of a few people to provide a first-class education. The initial expenses of the School were met by issuing 200 shares at £20 each (approximately £2,000 today), the shareholders gaining no dividend, instead earning the right to nominate a pupil to Clifton High School.


From the School’s inception in 1877 to the present day, we have been enormously grateful to those individuals and families who have supported is through philanthropy and charitable giving.

Parents, friends and our alumni body, the Clifton Rosarians, have consistently shown their support to Clifton High School. Over the decades, philanthropy has shaped our physical environment and enabled us to establish transformative bursaries and scholarships, changing the lives of so many pupils.


Legacies, no matter the size, are hugely valuable to the School, and for those who have the foresight to remember us in their will, we have immense gratitude

Remembering Clifton High School in your will, enables you to acknowledge the influences that have shaped your life, and secure the future ambitions of the School and its pupils. Legacy gifts are highly tax-efficient way of donating, particularly where Estate Duty is likely to be incurred.

We recognise that any gift is deeply personal and that you may wish to specify how your legacy will be used. If you are considering leaving a gift to the School in your will, regardless of whether you consider it to be large or small, we would be pleased to discuss your intentions.

We also appreciate the confidentiality surrounding your intentions. However, it is often useful for the School to understand your plans, to ensure we are able to show your gratitude and talk to you about the impact your gift could make.


Music has always been integral to our Clifton High School community. Thanks to a recent legacy, we have been able to purchase five new pianos, including a grand piano in our Main Hall, ensuring we have first-class facilities to support our talented pupils.

Following a degree in Law and a Masters in Psychology, Jade found her passion in the realms of Business Psychology and Organisational Development.

“Clifton High School helped mould the person I am today; the teachers taught me to be bold, confident and reach for the heights to pursue my dreams. I was given a wonderful opportunity, and I am eternally grateful for the support I was given, as I wouldn't have been able to attend Clifton High School without financial help.”


There are several options for you to include a gift, large or small, in your will. Your solicitor is able advise on how to include a gift, and we can suggest wording to ensure it is made exactly the way you intend.

The next step is to decide the type of gift you would like to leave:


This is a percentage of your estate, once all other specific gifts in your Will have been distributed (the 'residue'). It is your decision to leave part or the whole of your 'residue' to Clifton High School. Many people choose to give a residual gift because it maintains its value with inflation.


This is a monetary gift from your estate, usually a set sum of money.


This is a particular item, group of items, or property. For example, you may leave personal possessions, land, property or shares to a named beneficiary.


Once you decide the type of gift, your solicitor should be informed. If this is your first will, a paragraph should be inserted into your will detailing your wishes. If you already have a will, you may ask your solicitor to update it by adding a codicil.

Please ensure that any legacy is made to 'The Clifton High School Foundation' and provide your solicitor with the following address and Registered Charity Number:

The Clifton High School Foundation College Road Bristol BS8 3JD

Registered Charity Number 1201516

Clifton High School Foundation is a registered charity. Any type of gift will not attract inheritance tax, which may save tax that your estate would otherwise have to pay.

You can cut the inheritance tax rate on the remainder of your estate if you leave at least 10% of your net estate to a charity.


To recognise and thank you for your generosity, all those who notify us of their intention to leave a gift to the School will automatically become a member of the 1877 Club, named after our School's founding year.

As a member of the 1877 Club you will receive invitations to special occasions including an annual 1877 Club event as well as specific communications to keep you updated on the enormous impact legacygiving has at our School.

We understand and respect that the details of your will are personal and private and assure you that we treat all legacy gifts in the strictest confidence. Any questions about leaving a legacy or making a gift, can be directed to:

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