Instructions for Cleaning your Mouth Guard Effectively

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When we hear the word “mouth guard�, we immediately think of athletes or people who are into any type of physical activity. Mouth guards are designed to provide protection from any type of trauma that can cause lacerations, gum bleeding, teeth fracture, or any type of condition that requires immediate medical attention. However, athletes and physically active individuals are not the only ones vulnerable to these accidents. Mouth injuries can lead to serious medical conditions that are why they are required to wear mouth guards. The common mistake that these athletes or anyone who wears a mouth guard makes is tossing this dental appliance in the gym bag after use. This would have been perfectly fine, but the thing is they gym bag is filled with clothes that are sweaty and dirty, aka the perfect environment for fungi, yeast, and bacteria to form. Just imagine what happens to your mouth guard when you put it in that environment and while you're at it, imagine what happens to your mouth while wearing this dental appliance after scooping it out from your gym bag.

Not a pretty sight, right? Keep It Clean: Aside from putting the mouth guard in a case after use and storing it in room that has enough ventilation, other steps also need to be taken to keep the mouth guard clean. This means using cleaning solutions to remove foreign organisms. A lot of people think that rinsing their mouth guard with water is enough. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), you need to clean your mouth guard with toothpaste and a toothbrush daily to get rid of debris buildup. It would have made so much sense to use that combination but unfortunately, in some cases, the bristles of the toothbrush leaves skid marks or tiny scratches on the surface of the dental appliance.

Denture cleaners are thought of as a substitute, but since the material of both dental appliances are different, it was immediately dismissed as an option. Some were quick to use soapy water, but aside from tasting awful, it causes the mouth guard to have that weird soapy feel once worn. Another recommendation was to soak the mouth guard in a glass filled with a gentle antimicrobial solution that can effectively remove dirt and bacteria without causing deformities on the dental appliance.

A Gentle Cleaning Solution: A company based in New York came up with a gentle cleaning solution specifically for the night guard, but can also be used on the mouth guard or retainer. It has four main ingredients that remove bacteria and dirt, and the best part about this night guard cleaner is it does not have that weird soapy taste. CleanGuard gives your minty fresh breath and unlike other nightguard cleaners, it doesn't cause any deformities on the dental appliance. This night guard cleaner is also affordable - for only $10, you get a hundred tablets that you can use as often as you want.

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