How to Clean your Dental Appliances Safely with CleanGuard?

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How to Clean your Dental Appliances Safely with CleanGuard?

If you’re wearing dentures, there’s a high chance that the good’

denture cleaner is a staple in your daily routine. You crack it

open, drop it in a glass of lukewarm water, and toss in your


It’s something you’ve become so familiar with, you can almost do

it with your eyes closed. You wear the dentures the next

morning, confident that they’re free from dirt and bacteria but

the question is, are denture cleaners as safe as they claim to be?

Dangerous Cleaner

A growing number of denture wearers believe that the denture

cleaner is dangerous. It contains chemicals that have the potential

to cause serious damage to the human body. Right at the top of the

list is Per-sulfate.

This chemical does an excellent job at getting rid of the plaque,

bacteria, and dirt stuck in your dentures but the thing is, it’s also

incredibly dangerous. Research shows that it can cause harmful

reactions when it’s ingested but the thing is, you don’t have to

swallow it to experience how damaging it is.

This is the reason why dentists always tell their patients to rinse

their dentures with water before wearing it in the morning

because if they don’t do that, they might end up with mouth

tenderness, hives or rashes in the gums, tissue damage, and

problems with their blood pressure.

Per-sulfate poisoning can cause the following: Seizure Sudden death Flesh burns Blood in the urine Abdominal pain Internal bleeding Low blood pressure

Now you might be thinking of switching products since you

discovered how dangerous Per-sulfate can be, and rightfully so.

As a matter of fact, there’s a gentle solution that’s been making a

buzz among denture wearers because although it was specifically

designed for cleaning the nightguard, it has also been used to clean

dentures and the results are impressive.

A Safer and More Gentle Alternativ e

CleanGuard is a night guard cleaner that can also be used to clean

other dental appliances such as retainers and mouth guards. It is

made of four powerful ingredients that are tough on plaque, tartar,

dirt buildup, and bacteria but are gentle on the appliances we put

in our mouth.

This nightguard cleaner does not cause the dental appliance to

warp or lose shape no matter how many hours you leave your

mouth guard, retainer, night guard, or denture in the solution. You

get a minty fresh breath after using the solution, too!

For only $10, you get a month’s worth of this night guard cleaner.

It’s also easy to use because all you have to do is toss in two tablets

in a glass of warm water, put your dental appliance in the solution,

and you’re good to go.

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