Effective Cleaning Solution to Clean Night Guards and Other Dental Appliances

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Retainers and nightguards are often made of materials that can easily absorb the solution that you use to clean them. While tiny tablets that fizz and clean these dental appliances are often used by people who are required to wear them, studies revealed that this process can actually become toxic because of persulfate. What You Need to Know About Persulfate This ingredient is an allergen that can be found in most denture cleaner and night guard cleaner. Studies show that it triggers various symptoms and allergic reactions that can actually do more harm than good to the body. In a warning issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), people who soak their dental appliance in these cleaning solutions should rinse in thoroughly before wearing it to make sure that the persulfate is removed completely. Mouthwash would have been the perfect alternative for a retainer or nightguard cleaner but it contains sodium lauryl sulphate and alcohol which causes the mouth and the dental appliance to dry out easily. This dryness will eventually lead to bad breath which has a negative effect on a person’s confidence. Safe Alternatives You don’t really need to use persulfate to clean your dental appliance that’s why it’s perfectly fine to look for cleaning solutions that won’t harm your body. An alternative that you can use to clean your retainer or nightguard is baking soda.

It’s affordable, effective, and it can do a far better job than other denture cleaner and night guard cleaner that are out in the market these days. Baking soda also gets rid of bacteria by naturally increasing the PH levels inside your mouth. Another benefit that you can get from baking soda is fresh breath. It’s a deodorizer that does a great job in removing the stink, plaque, and tartar inside your mouth. You can also try brushing your dental appliance to remove the buildup of plaque and tartar but be warned, the bristles can leave tiny scratches on the surface. Other methods that you should avoid are soaking your retainer or nightguard in boiling water because the heat might deform it. You must also keep from using harsh chemicals like bleach and alcohol. What Can You Use, Then? There’s a gentle cleaning solution that you can use on your retainer and nightguard. Behold CleanGuard, the solution that’s designed specifically for the nightguard but can also be used on other dental appliances like the retainer and the mouth guard. It has four main ingredients that remove plaque, dirt, bacteria and another debris buildup in your mouth. It can also give your breath a minty fresh boost! For only $10, you can score one hundred tablets that you can clean your retainer or nightguard without causing deformities or other damages. This cleaning solution is so easy to use; you don’t need to exert that much effort to clean your dental appliance. It’s perfect for people who want to maintain good oral hygiene!

Email address: cleanguardtablets@gmail.com Phone: 1-800-201-2145 Visit: www.cleanguard.net

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