How to Care for Your Retainers?

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If you're wearing orthodontic retainers, one of the things you should always keep in mind is to clean them regularly. While making sure you put them back in the case when you're not using them to avoid stepping on them or sitting on them by accident are just as important, knowing how to properly clean your retainers will help make this dental appliance last long.

Here are a few tips on how to take care of your retainers: Store them in a hard case when not in use

Have you ever heard of the story of a college freshman who went crazy looking for his retainers? Probably not, but there's a high possibility that at some point in your life you'll meet someone who's worried sick because he or she misplaced that much needed dental appliance. Retainers are quite expensive and that's why losing them can be such a pain. To avoid this situation, make sure that you put your retainers back in the case whenever you need to take them out. Avoid wrapping them in a table napkin because that's the number one reason why people lose their retainers.

Make sure you keep your retainers from hot temperatures because the heat can cause your dental appliance to lose its original shape. If you have dogs or cats in the house, well, you need to make sure that your retainers won't become their brand new chew toy. Clean your retainers regularly

Make it a habit to clean your retainers whenever you have to brush your teeth. Don't use denture cleaners since they contain ingredients that may be too harsh on the retainer. Opt for a night guard cleaner since their ingredients are a lot more “retainer friendly�. As a matter of fact, CleanGuard, a highly recommended nightguard cleaner, has been gaining a lot of thumbs up from those who have already experienced using it. Why? Because it did wonders for their dental appliance. While CleanGuard was originally designed to clean the nightguard, a lot of people discovered that it can also be used on retainers and mouth guards because it contains ingredients that are tough on plaque, dirt, and bacteria, but gentle on different types of dental appliance. To clean the retainer, you just need to drop two tablets of CleanGuard in a glass filled with lukewarm water. Soak your retainer in the CleanGuard solution for thirty minutes to one hour and then put it back in your mouth afterwards. You'll definitely be surprised because your retainer won't have that weird soapy feel and taste. Instead, it feels squeaky clean and it'll give your mouth that minty, fresh scent. A box of CleanGuard contains one hundred tablets that can last you for a month and a half. Since this night guard cleaner will only cost you $10, you get a high quality cleaning solution that's affordable, effectively removes dirt and bacteria, and leaves your breath smelling minty fresh.

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