Philosophy of Advising

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Philosophy on Advising Advising is: Transforma7ve, Holis7c, Collabora7ve, & Innova7ve

I believe in the transforma7ve power of educa7on. I believe that academic advisors are educators and agents of change for the students they serve and the profession of advising. Having personally experienced the transforma7ve power of educa7on, I can a?est to the fact that the student that enters college is rarely the same student that graduates. Educa7on has the ability to shape a person on all levels; change affects the whole student. Academic advisors are educators. We are not just a tool for gradua7on audit and registra7on purposes. We are guides for students as they maneuver their unique challenges and transi7ons that inevitably occur in college. We are also part of a greater support system of partnerships across campus to assist in student academic and personal success, and promote lifelong learning. Change is inevitable. Academic advising faces changes in student popula7ons, departmental and university standards, state and federal regula7ons. Advisors need to rise up to the challenges we face to be?er serve the students we guide, the centers and universi7es we work for, and the profession we embrace.

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