Mobile Applications and the role they play in the growth of a business.

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Mobile Applications And The R ole they Play in The Growth of a Business

Being visible and standing out

Statistics have shown that humans on an average spend about 5-6 hours a day on their phone. Reason being most people depend on certain applications on their phones for work, studies or entertainment

Direct marketing channel

Mobile apps now provide for a direct marketing channel for businesses and their customers. In earlier days marketing and advertising would be done through the likes of print media, flyers, newspapers and pamphlet handouts that required to be done in person.

Providing value to customers

One of the most important aspects of promoting sales of your products and services is the relationship you maintain with your customers. A mobile application of your business makes it easier and more efficient to engage with your customers.

Brand Awareness

Creating brand awareness is extremely important for businesses.

Without brand awareness there are no customer/sale leads.

Without sale leads there are no sale conversions and therefore the business will not grow.

Generating sales and increasing profits

Maintaining a relationship with your customers and being able to provide better customer service is what will eventually lead to customer satisfaction. If your customer is satisfied with your service and enjoys the customer experience received through your application, the demand and sales for your product/services will automatically increase.

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