5 traits of Jeff Bezos that makes him an influential person.

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There are traits to Bezos’s personality that reflect on all the enterprise and endeavour he attempts.
Let's see some of them

Highly Competitive

• There were others before Amazon but nobody these days even remembers them. Why? Because Jeff the dogged competitor quietly ate them for breakfast! And not a few but over a hundred! Yes, Jeff Bezos does not believe in competition! He believes he is there to be. And only him.

Highly Generous

• Year 2020 saw Bezos pledge USD 10 billion to fund the cause of climate change. This single contribution is said to have the ability to bring real and perceptible change to humanity’s endeavour to save the earth.

Highly Frugal!

• Bezos and colleagues turned used doors into tables by putting a leg at each corner of the door! A perfectly workable desk came into being, and so too an idea that there’s nothing like innovation to save moneygiven that despite its size, Amazon works on wafer-thin margins and has to depend upon volumes to make money and survive.

Calculated risk taker

• What was initially one of the world’s first online bookstore is today the front runner in practically every product that gets manufactured on the planet. All this was possible because he knew of the risks and still took the plunge.

Highly experimental!

• Moving from a bookstore, he took the initiative to diversify the focus of his baby into selling everything online and is today known to involve even software and cloud-services! It incidentally is also an internet company that is known for its prowess in digital solutions!

Know more about Jeff Bezos

• https://ciolookindia.com/5-traits-of-je ff-bezos-that-makes-him-in-influenti al-person/

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