Harfield & Associates Personal Transportation Promotion Portfolio

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We believe in results. At Harfield & Associates, we see things from our client’s perspective. We believe that we exist only to pursue your company’s, your brand’s or your product’s potential. We believe in relevant communication. We respect budgets. We are relentless in our work ethic. This is the Harfield difference—the distinction that makes us a strong strategic partner to help achieve the full potential of your enterprise. If you need an agency that thrives on hard work, lives for the challenge, has the energy and commitment to your business demands, and finds its biggest reward in hearing your cash register ring, we should talk.

Our Client—the nucleus As our client, you are at the centre of everything we do. This means keeping our eyes focused on your best interests. To us, this is the natural order of things.

Relevant Solutions Our first priority, always, is to solve your communication needs. We do it by creating solutions that are relevant both to your target consumer and to the marketplace.

Brand Action At Harfield & Associates, it’s all about stimulating brand momentum toward a transaction. It’s an aggressive “break away from the crowd” attack designed to augment your bottom line—to realize your potential.

Budget Efficiency We help to address your full potential by overcoming challenges, seizing opportunities and enhancing the efficiency of your marketing budget. And rest assured, we’re accountable for every dollar spent.


smart, marketing communication solutions with a

commitment relentless to results and budget efficiency by driven client’s needs, goals

and aspirations.

First and foremost we exist to address our client’s potential.


relevantsolutions Before we help you launch a new

Then we analyse trends, study

product, revitalize or reposition

the opposition—do our homework

an older one, or mount a targeted

thoroughly. Only after thorough

promotion; we listen. We get your

research do we integrate your

take on the market, your strengths

goals and arrive at creative,

versus your competition, your

practical solutions that are

thoughts on strategy.

relevant to your target, and achievable within your resources.

Budget efficiency & measurable results drive everything we do.

Most ad agencies talk brand building through creative execution. But at Harfield & Associates, building brand equity is only the beginning. Our mission goes beyond increasing a brand’s potential; it goes directly to realizing that potential.

Brand Action We do this by conceiving, designing and executing strategies to induce the consumer to take action. This is a key distinction we call brand action. It is an aggressive “break away from the crowd” line of attack designed to stimulate a consumer transaction and increase your bottom line.



the idea V

Advertising that works does so

which they can relate, presented

strategic promotional partnerships;

by engaging consumers in an

in a fresh, attention-getting way.

common brand or group

emotionally compelling way.

In other words, The Big Idea.

associations; advocacy marketing

Makes the target audience stop

But that’s only one element.

through social media; budgeting

to consider your message.

Creative communication also

ROI; database mining; and, above

Then, provides them with new

embraces media planning and

all else, what we believe in at

information; a new insight with

selection; co-op optimization;

Harfield & Associates: relevancy.

No matter what that idea is, a well thought out plan is what helps turn that idea into a reality.

Design without strategy doesn’t pull its weight.


strategicdesign It’s important to understand the

atmosphere for information; design

difference between design and

is a critical and strategic component

ornamentation. In concert with

of successful communication.

The Big Idea, the creative presentation must work equally hard to deliver the message. Whether it’s grabbing attention with an arresting visual element or

From logo development to posters to annual reports, we treat every design challenge with the same high degree of creativity, technical excellence and relevance.

providing an aesthetically pleasing

Strategic design is about an approach to design. Once you get it right it can be applicable on many levels and in many situations.


the sweet spot Harfield & Associates has the

Harfield has always operated on

Our singular focus is to design

experience and acumen to

a “no commissions, no multiple

the right blend of media that

research, evaluate and create

markups” basis. As such, we are

finds your target, creates the

a strategy and execution en route

a bias-free, media-neutral agency.

greatest voice for your budget,

to the media “sweet spot”—the solution by which your budget is truly optimized.

and makes the strongest impact.


junglenavigation In just the last few years, media

web ads and many others.

Our media planners have the skill

alternatives have proliferated

It’s easy to get lost in a virtual

set, the familiarity with the newest

exponentially. Traditional options

forest of possibilities. However,

trends, the deep media experience,

such as print and electronic media

one essential question remains:

the up-to-the-minute knowledge

have been joined by such digital

which media choices, digital or

and analytical expertise to

choices as Twitter, Facebook,

otherwise, are relevant to your

successfully navigate the media

podcasts, viral media, mobile

business, service or product?

jungle and maximize your budget.

billboards, in-game advertising,

Today’s multi-channel marketers need a media ‘sherpa’—we know the terrain.


balancingact Here’s the course of action we take in managing the effectiveness of your media plan and developing an integrated media strategy: • Prioritize goals and expectations; • Research and analyse the target’s media habits; • Research and evaluate the relevance, executional and budget efficiencies; • Optimize the budget through research and media mix modeling; • Negotiate the plan, constantly probing for enhanced value; • Traffic the creative to the plan and monitor the execution. Analyse, adjust, analyse and adjust again.

Finding the right balance between budgets and media channels to reach your target is the key to communication success.


developingadvocates From a marketer’s perspective,

Social Media must be conceived

Harfield & Associates determines

Social Media is about getting

and executed with precision, while

relevancy, conceives programs, sets

people to chat about your service,

also being monitored to ensure the

goals and processes, and monitors

product or brand. To have them

marketer is in the same moment as

and analyses social media initiatives

become your advocates. The goal

the target. Most importantly, to have

that work.

is to get them to speak positively

any credibility with the target, the

about their interaction, or about

dialogue must be relevant in order

the appeal of your enterprise.

for the potential advocate to take ownership.

The number of Twitter users increases by 300,000 every day.


goingguerrilla Inventive. Amusing. Whimsical.

It’s as different from traditional

We once earned newspaper

Puzzling. Outrageous. These are

marketing as guerrilla warfare is

and TV coverage for a client

the hallmarks of guerrilla marketing,

from traditional warfare. Rather

using nothing more unusual

a tactic that turns heads and gets

than marching marketing dollars

than a can of chili con carne.

people talking.

out like infantry divisions, guerrilla

Guerrilla marketing has a power that transcends traditional media. It’s about achieving maximum results from minimal resources—

marketers snipe away at their targets using surprise as their greatest weapon. We understand that power and how to use it.

much more about matching wits than matching budgets.

Guerrilla marketing was initially used by small and medium size businesses, but it is now increasingly adopted by large businesses.


increaseroi Trade shows, sponsorships, end

At Harfield & Associates, we know

and budget efficiencies.

user intercepts, consumer shows,

how to produce quantifiable results

Maximizing end user touch

contests, direct mail—these are

for these and other end user touch

points delivers outstanding

all solid ways of connecting with

points. Data capture increases

marketing ROI potential.

prospects. But if you come away

the Return On Investment on

from these events without firm

your efforts. Properly managed,

contact data, you’re wasting

this information can yield a wealth


of new marketing opportunities

The cost saving that can be achieved is likely to be more important than the cost of the method employed.


maximizingresources The most under-utilized asset for

At Harfield, we turn raw data into

most companies is their customer

meaningful knowledge. We provide

database. Research has repeatedly

you with highly effective retention

shown that retaining an existing

strategies which allow you to seize

customer is far less expensive

new business opportunities and

than acquiring a new one. Yet, few

most importantly, to take the fullest

companies with extensive customer

advantage of the customer

data actually leverage the power

relationships you already have.

of that information.

Each existing client has the power to attract new clients through word-of-mouth or a direct referral.


measureableresults We respect what it takes to create

We involve budget in our thinking

Any agency can create momentum

a budget, and the priorities of those

so we have a goal against which to

if given the budget to fund every

responsible to work with it.

measure our efforts and the return.

idea and strategy. Real creativity

We also make budget efficiency a

occurs when the word ‘efficiency’

key point in our thinking to bring

is brought in.

the “bang for the buck” factor into play… strategically, creatively and executionally. The result is clearer thinking in a real world context.

The time has come for you to maximize your advertising dollars.

Are you throwing away free ad dollars?


workingharder If you have access to co-op ad

We co-ordinate stakeholder

Well-chosen relationships can

funding from a manufacturer

approval and do all the paper-

be excellent “news” for the

or franchisor, for example, use

work. Do not leave these

social media channels. Harfield

them. Harfield & Associates

dollars—and the ultra-efficient

has extensive experience in

has an enormous depth

exposure you can harness—

assessing, structuring, conceiving

of experience in utilizing

on the table.

and seeking out cross

these funds to the advantage of all stakeholders.

Cross promotions are another avenue that can extend ad

promotions that turbo charge our clients’ budgets.

budgets, enhance target resonance, grab attention and even strengthen the perception of a product, brand or service. Most businesses can attract more customers with less effort through the right cross promotions.


collectiveclout Associations deliver huge market

We have an enormous depth of

We do this while creating strategies

influence. If you’re a member of a

experience in administering and

that enhance the efforts of the

Business Improvement Association,

proactively pursuing funds,

individual stakeholder while moving

a merchant group, a shopping

facilitating steering committees,

the collective group forward.

centre or a brand driven association

executing the full accounting cycle

that pools marketing resources;

and providing important strategic

we should talk.

information that makes efficient use of executives’ time.

We have over 20 years experience successfully working with western Canadian clients.

No matter how diverse your structure, we know how to keep everyone on the same page.


Our 23 years of experience and expertise in the personal transportation arena—both new and certified used cars & trucks, vehicle financing, motorcycles, atvs and personal water craft—has been based on a solid foundation of experience in branding, sales promotion, advertising, marketing, merchandising, event management, cross-promotions, database development & mining, plus dealer and sales associate support. We have consistently delivered in the face of enormous change, dramatic business fluctuations and numerous shifts in client strategy. From the consumer sales process through transactional interfaces, we believe we have the energy, imagination, drive and background to help activate your brand, product or service and accelerate awareness.


It’s all about getting the best mileage Harfield & Associates has undertaken

objective of promoting environmentally

many new vehicle launches for

advanced technology—all the way to

varying Honda stakeholders, ranging

delivering detailed consumer product

from National Sales to National

knowledge in a format that effectively

Advertising, Regional Management

supports the showroom sales process.

to Dealer Association.

This diversity of needs has ignited a wide

In each case, the approach has

range of creative directions and

been crafted to correspond to the

executional options—whatever it takes!

specific objectives of the “client” or “client mix” being served. Goals have been achieved through direct mail to dealership databases; direct mail to national supplied lists; showroom merchandising, traditional and online HTML blasts to client lists; test drive incentives; model relaunches; new model trim differentiation by way of Special Editions and cross-promotions; a model launch with a secondary


Making ‘green’ a growing interest Honda Sales Operations came to

To compliment these displays or to stand

Harfield needing ideas on how to

alone, we designed showroom materials

impactfully launch the new Honda

synchronized with Honda’s scheduled

Insight Hybrid. No budget was known

Insight launch on April 22nd—Earth Day.

at the time of the request—just a desire to see ideas that would deliver!

The reality of post-October 2008 budget cutbacks dictated a soft launch for the

To capture the imagination of

Insight, and ultimately, these ideas never

potential buyers, Harfield developed

came to fruition.

numerous concepts to highlight the Insight’s environment-friendly attributes in a creative, thought-provoking way. Harfield developed dramatic showroom display designs and backdrops. One included billboards imprinted with grass seed that would literally ‘grow’ a green message about the new Insight over a period of 2 to 3 weeks!

Based on the thinking and exploring that this direction stimulated, there is much, more “green” thinking ready to deploy whenever the occasion presents itself.


Letting the product speak The introduction of the revamped

The major element of the kit

Honda Fit represented Honda’s

was a series of magnetic balloon

aggressive entry into the subcompact

“speech” decals that “talked”

car category with a vehicle that outshone

prospective buyers through the

its competitors in seating configurations,

vehicle’s many unique benefits.

versatility, ride and handling.

In addition, to heighten interest,

Harfield’s challenge was to tie in our

we created a series of teaser ads

dealer association clients with Honda

which appeared in newspapers

Canada’s national Fit introduction, while

leading up to the showroom unveiling.

staying within a tight budget.

We also added a tailored online buy

To drive home the unique core values of the Fit through showroom

to our the media mix to generate more market awareness.

merchandising, Harfield designed

To further enhance the program,

and produced a creatively cohesive

Harfield followed up with email

kit that pin-pointed and described

HTML messaging about the new

the Fit’s key selling features.

Honda Fit which individual dealers could send to prospective buyers in their database.


CR-V Laying a national foundation In 2007, the launch of the totally

features with eye-catching vertical fabric

redesigned next-generation Honda CR-V

signage, and with magnetic decals that

was a huge event. To lay the foundation

used both words and graphics to make

for the CR-V to dominate its class, Honda

understanding quick and easy.

National Sales turned to Harfield to support the national advertising in the showroom with product feature materials.

To ensure that sales staff had all the means necessary to fully outline the product improvements, we augmented

Customers visiting their Honda Dealer

the showroom package with a desk top

during the CR-V launch period couldn’t

sales flip chart – in both French and

help but notice a set of tire tracks going

English. This piece was so thorough,

up the showroom wall or windows.

it has seen continued use throughout

The startling graphic proved to be an

the life of this CR-V generation.

attention-getting way to explain the CR-V’s 4 wheel drive system that kicked in seamlessly and only when needed.

Based on the published national sales results, the CR-V mission would appear to have been successful: CR-V accounted

And this was just one component of the

for over 20 percent of the 2010 annual

Canada-wide launch kit we developed.

Honda volume!

On the showroom floor, we drew attention to the new CR-V’s advanced


CR-V Building strong regional momentum Working with national initiatives,

In addition, every test driver was entered

the Honda Dealer Associations chose

into a draw to win a Harfield-negotiated

to support the all-new CR-V launch

Fairmont Hotel luxury resort getaway from

through a multitude of media channels.

each dealership. Prospects who acted

Using a nationally-supplied database targeted to each dealer’s trading area,

within 60 days to buy or lease a new CR-V could also win their new vehicle!

Harfield responded with a mailer bearing

Harfield featured the CR-V in a full line

the dealer’s logo that arrived at the homes

glossy 4-colour broadsheet newspaper

of thousands of previous CR-V owners

insert that blanketed dealers’ trading

across Canada, heightening awareness

areas. Harfield also produced an HTML

of the new model.

email message for dealers to mine their

Bolstered by Harfield-produced radio

own databases.

spots, the direct mail piece informed

Covering all the channels by spearheading

readers of a time limited “test drive

the implementation of both national and

challenge” that would record the driver’s

regional marketing programs for the new

impressions and evaluation. Those

CR-V was rewarding. We’re pleased to

accepting the “challenge” received a

have played a role in making the current

Harfield sourced deluxe 140-piece auto

generation of the CR-V one of Honda’s

first aid kit as the dealership’s “thank you”.

strongest sellers


Bringing the Civic test drive alive R LET’S GO FO


When Honda Canada launched a national Civic test drive initiative, Harfield sprang into action to solidly tie in their dealers. We created eye-catching point of purchase materials that not only mirrored the national creative, but also carried the test drive invitation from the sidewalk to the sales floor with pole signs, window posters, showroom banners, mirror danglers, car toppers—even staff buttons. We were delighted to soon have prospective Civic buyers ‘begging’ to drive one!


A new identity stimulates sales Harfield was challenged with a marketing

complimentary brand. The result was a

and tactical sales problem which required

quantifiable value-added sales proposition

strong sales stimulation of a specific Civic

that would resonate with the target when

base model. While the Coupe styling


appealed to a youthful market, it needed to resonate more strongly with the target’s known propensity to customize their vehicles after the initial purchase. On the road to developing a new identity that broke away from the perceived sameness of the model line, Harfield created the Civic ‘Street Edition’. This involved naming the special edition vehicle, designing and producing vehicle graphics, and researching and procuring custom sound packages from a

The next step was to communicate the virtues of the new Civic Street Edition in a way that attracted and engaged the target consumer. We contracted a local ‘beatbox’ music artist who performed a radio spot unlike anything on the air. We then created a newspaper ad featuring the Street Edition in front of a graffiti wall rippling under the force of the Civic’s sound system. Simply stated, the results were outstanding and the challenge was met.

Hear the radio spot at http://harfield.com/portfolio


Harfield & Associates specialized in helping Honda to adapt to rapidly changing local or regional marketing and sales needs. Often, due to short term inventory conditions, or the need for a tactical regional response to a competitor’s offer or marketing premise; highly strategic campaigns are needed to occupy the highest point in the new vehicle terrain and gain sales ground.


A Civic personality refocused In a retail environment awash with

Ads focused on encapsulating a lifestyle

deeply discounted financial offers,

message without foregoing traditional

Harfield was challenged to swim

Honda values (i.e. high resale value,

against the current and stimulate

fuel efficiency, low cost of ownership

dealership traffic by reinforcing and

and, most importantly for this market

re-igniting the appeal of the Honda

segment, a fun-to-drive feeling).

Civic line to a younger target market.

The executions connected with younger

There was no additional tactical ingredient in this plan. To resonate with the urban age 24 to 30 market as targeted by our client, a creative brand reaffirmation strategy was required. Solution: the “Drive Your Life� theme with supporting executions focused on the halo Civic Si Coupe.

urbanites on an emotional level using nightclub, personal fashion and striking architectural visuals. The campaign made a solid case to the demographic for the appeal of adding a Civic Si to their lives.


Live More Rational + emotional = success Armed with a new corporate marketing

This strategy was brought to life at auto

direction to communicate an “extra built-

shows, in magazines and newspaper,

in value” strategy, the fundamental

on radio, on clothing and through an

rational premise was covered. A rational

extensive curb-through-showroom

approach by itself needs to be extreme,

merchandising package – from pole

even predatory to sell product in large

signs to license plates. Even the dealers

volumes. But if a competitive rational

on-hold telephone messaging reflected

premise is paired with an emotional factor

the new concept. We’re proud to say

that resonates strongly, the likelihood of

the dealers recorded one of their most

significant success increases dramatically.

successful sales periods ever!

The “Live More” mantra delivered on both levels; first by leveraging the newlyenhanced value proposition of the Honda brand, and secondly by injecting the “get more out of life” emotional ingredient. “Live More” delivered both performance and value promises.


Taking it to the streets When Honda and the Lower

that were geographically

Mainland Honda Dealers wanted

important to each dealer’s

to increase general brand and

location. Moreover, each bus

dealer awareness, we created

graphic prominently displayed

a massive, memorable, oversized

the dealer’s name, delivering

statement: a fleet of fourteen 40

maximum in-market relevance.

foot-long moving billboards

Feedback from the dealers

featuring an Indy-style race car.

indicated: that awareness of the

These giant wrap-around graphics

design was strong; the strategy

leveraged Honda’s extensive

had propelled the Honda brand

racing heritage to enhance the

to a more top-of-mind position

Association’s regular monthly

with potential buyers; and

promotional offers. Buses were

dealerships enjoyed greatly

chosen according to the routes

elevated community presence.


For over 23 years, Harfield & Associates has occupied the middle ground between national advertising/sales, and regional/local dealerships. It takes skill, commitment and drive to manage this vitally strategic territory where national tactical event branding and image are married to regional brand action. A national umbrella is the broad theme or event under which this ballet of brand promotion and brand action retailing plays out.


Checkered Flag Event In the world of co-op driven initiatives,

This multi-faceted undertaking included

there is always accommodation needed

point of purchase materials, print and

for all stakeholders. Often this takes the

radio advertising, direct mail, e-blast

form of the national brand stakeholder

messages, consumer contests, sales staff

delineating the “umbrella theme”.

incentive programs, sourcing test drive

Fortunately, working with all parties

and purchase premiums, plus online

involved is one of our great strengths.

display, search messages and a search

Example: the Checkered Flag Event,

strategy… all coordinated to deliver a

Honda Canada’s longest-running national

comprehensive synergistic campaign.

sales event. Each year, they developed a logo and a nation-wide TV campaign as an umbrella to work with the Dealers’ tactical executions. Harfield’s task was to build a 60-day campaign around the logo, incorporating it into all media and, thus, bring the Checkered Flag Event to life in 150 showrooms across five provinces.

We Race, You Win.

For each year’s Checkered Flag Event, Harfield executed an extensive customized curb-to-showroom merchandising package. We researched, designed and produced this promotional kit including: pole signs, car toppers, entrance floor ads, window posters, outdoor banners, windshield eyebrows, desk merchandising, racing flags, car window flags and vehicle license plates.


Maximum synergy through regional tailoring With the Indy race in Edmonton,

This added activity helped to

Harfield tailored the Checkered

strengthen the impact of the

Flag Event to maximize the synergy

Edmonton-area Honda Dealers Indy

of the Honda Canada sponsorship

sponsorship, and extend the consumer

and engage the customer at the

attention span in what is essentially a

dealership level.

3-day sales event, driven by new but

To carry the momentum and excitement of the race event onto the sales floor, Harfield created an in-showroom contest for Honda buyers. “Spin to W’Indy” gave customers who purchased, leased or financed a new Honda during the promotion a chance to win tickets to the Indy race, free oil changes, or Honda merchandise. We supported the contest both in newspaper, and with specially produced radio commercials that included the ear-catching sound of the dealers’ prize wheel being spun.

complimentary creative and short term offer enhancements and a high impact media buy.

Hear the original radio spot at http://harfield.com/portfolio


Get what you really, really want– to stand out! Honda Canada’s “Bring Home A Honda”

which features the line “Tell me what

is the premiere tactical event of the last

you want, what you really, really want”.

quarter. To make 2010’s event not only memorable, but to penetrate the seasonal clutter of sales offers decisively, Harfield & Associates went ‘way outside the box. We reversed the driver! Instead of creating a visual landscape for newspaper ads and showroom p.o.p. and having the electronic creative fall out of that, we worked backwards. Due to the compressed selling days in December, we recommended driving the creative from a highly memorable hit song that would resonate with consumers provided with a cultural, motivational and emotional trifecta of “triggers”. We negotiated the purchase of the lyrics to the song “Wannabe” by The Spice Girls,

We made that lyric the key ingredient in radio commercials, and developed a series of strong, visually compelling designs to portray that call to action in print and p.o.p. executions. The huge recall of the song among 28-44 year olds allowed us to grab the listener’s ear! The “really really want” lyric hit the target of the gift giving and receiving season! The executions created either drove the words or drove the “want” aspect to the point that they could not be ignored in print, pop or HTML emails. Another example of how stepping back and taking a fresh approach reaped big rewards regionally.



See the online ad for this promotion at http://harfield.com/portfolio


Moving car buyers from sofa to showroom Working within the framework of national sales events, Harfield & Associates brought regional momentum and (pardon the pun) “drive� to these initiatives with forays into many media channels. When challenged with embracing the full model line and bringing it into the promotion, one of the most effective tools we delivered was a newspaper insert strategy. Invariably an insert would launch a seasonal sales event, a strong multimodel cross-promotion or a new marketing direction. Often it included service and/or Certified Used cars. While the inserts evolved in format, these large, full colour broadsheet pieces worked hard on a number of fronts: to raise awareness of the full Honda line (including niche, lower volume models); to educate and inform potential buyers of product advantages; to leverage the strong critical acclaim Honda vehicles received to reinforce the buying decision; and to be the cornerstone or launch of a multi-month campaign.

In addition to designing, researching, negotiating cross-promotions and writing these pieces, we also co-ordinated the production and multi-channeled distribution of over 2 million pieces, into over 100 markets across five provinces. Reports from the sales floor told us that many prospects arrived with our clients’ newspaper insert in hand—a clear indication of their value in the buying process .


The Honda Dealers are among the most proactive in the country. Where no national umbrella or theme existed for dealers to tie into, Harfield swung into action supporting Honda and its dealers to capitalize on regional or local events—or create their own events—to keep sales momentum high in every season.


Regional razzle dazzle How do you energize sales

We responded with a head-turning

during the dog days of summer?

‘Las Vegas’ style graphic design that

The Civic Long Long Weekend Sale-a-bration was created to capitalize on the occurrence of an Ontario public statutory holiday, and to rev up traffic to the showrooms as the vital “model year end” selling period approached. For this short term event, the Association stimulated the existing offers with additional model-focused incentives – plus, the chance to win a new Honda!

radiated excitement and energy, and thus drove traffic to Honda showrooms! The theme was carried through not only in print and on radio but also throughout dealerships via pole signs, window banners, car toppers and showroom posters, plus province wide sales contests for the sales associates and their managers. We can only conclude that this strategy delivered desired results as events of this nature were repeated many years in a row!

Hear the original radio spot at http://harfield.com/portfolio





Honda & TOUR

SWITZERLAND *See us for full details





Travel gear put sales in gear After identifying a complimentary cross-

In addition, Harfield designed, fulfilled and

promotional partner in Victorinox (maker

administered ‘Early Bird’ and weekly prizes

of Swiss Army brands), Harfield negotiated

and sales staff updates to keep the

accessory packages exclusive for the

excitement level high and interest piqued

Honda Dealers of Western Canada.

throughout the critical Spring sales period.

These value-added packages delivered

Again, the program delivered the results!

real value to customers, plus incentives for sales staff. A complete Swiss themed promotion was then executed for media and dealer showrooms to kick sales into gear without discounting product. These new Honda ‘Touring Edition’ vehicles (equipped with Victorinox travel gear) provided dealers with a marketing and promotional forum to segment themselves from the competition—and provided customers with a chance to win their Honda and a trip to Switzerland!


Family day Family Day is a February Civic holiday

From a media perspective, radio played

unique to Alberta. This is the day that

a key role in bringing the event to life,

relieves the tedium of the long winter,

supported by revised online offer landing

and it occurred to Harfield and the Alberta

pages, print, p.o.s. and email HTML dealer

Honda Dealers that Family Day was also


an ideal time to market Honda’s “familyfriendly” vehicles to drivers throughout the province and deliver some mid-winter sales adrenalin. The “Family Days Celebration” event

This “Family Days Celebration” event has become a mainstay of the Alberta first quarter and has provided an injection of sales energy in the midst of a challenging time of the year.

positioned the holiday as “the best time to choose a Honda for your family”, and featured “Family Days only” enhancements to sales incentives on Honda’s safe, fuel-efficient and fun-to-drive family oriented vehicles.

Hear the original radio spot at http://harfield.com/portfolio


The mall show, activated In single dealership markets the mall auto

Step Two: Secure “opt in” permission

show opportunity arises. It is an event that

from visitors to the mall display, and upon

offers product exposure and helps to keep

receiving it, to give the prospect a linked

a competitive profile. However, this event

web coupon for an additional sum over

requires significant logistical efforts and

and above factory dollars towards the lease

staffing. The event is usually viewed as a

or purchase of a vehicle within the month.

burden by staff because it takes them

The offers were communicated by vehicle

away from the dealership (the “action”).

P.O.S. on the full model line.

Given 2 working days to answer a dealer’s

Step Three: Develop the database structure,

challenge of a mall auto show and derive

the staff training, the P.O.S., the contest

a sales benefit from his commitment,

rules, the coupon tracking mechanism and

Harfield responded with a three step

then attend the event to train the staff and

database and merchandising strategy.

make available staff to troubleshoot by

Step One: Turn the dealer’s on-site draw for a large flat screen TV into a follow-up data

telephone the data collection process throughout the event.

capture scenario that would yield contact

Based on feedback from the dealership,

information and other auto related data.

results were outstanding as far as prospects identified and sales made directly from contacts at the mall.


When opportunity knocks… open the door! With a desire to aggressively kick off

execution to final files of the chosen

a month while in model year clear-out

option for each of three associations;

mode, Honda turned to us to develop

printing and delivering POP; recording

a heavy retail “sale” ad that seized on

radio spots; designing the media plan

the 9-9-9 synchronicity of the ninth day

against budget; completing co-op recovery

of the ninth month of the ninth year—

paperwork; and, delivery of final files to

September 9, 2009.

the media outlets to meet run dates.

This promotion was to be strictly offer

From the time of briefing, Harfield

driven with a short-term opportunity

delivered three campaigns that stood

factor of 4 days only. The offers were

out and delivered the awareness and

structured in such a way that a dealer

fast ramp-up that a four day event

would not be able to honour them after

requires to impact thirty-five markets

the 4 day event, and in doing so would

in six days.

comply with the legal use of the term “sale”. Harfield was given six working days to deliver the promotion which included designing creative options; achieving creative consensus with the zone and individually with three associations;


Specialty markets are powerful segments no business can afford to ignore. The purchasing power of the combined South Asian and Chinese segments surpasses $40 billion Cdn. Harfield recognized this important emerging reality early and has been a consistent advocate and facilitator of culturally diverse strategies and executions for over 20 years.


Precise tailoring of a targeted sales event The Harfield challenge was to build an

we created posters using the Chinese

event around a culturally significant date:

daily calendar format to drive the one

August 8th, 2008 or “8-8-8”. The power

day nature of the event and to reinforce

of the number 8 is based in Chinese

the offers.

culture and this reality was at the core of our creative and media plans. This event was to deliver a One Day Only opportunity driven by a predatory offer that would stand out, be heard and get noticed in multiple media applications – and do it in 5 working days! For our Honda Dealer Association clients, we created arresting print ad layouts which tied into significant and familiar

Four-colour newspaper ads were placed in both English and Cantonese publications. We supported the print campaign with a high concentration of radio spots in both languages. Finally, we enhanced the sale event impact with HTML eBlast messaging that individual Honda dealers could send to their customer databases.

cultural elements to deliver the theme

To pull together a sales event with

and the offers. The “8-8-8 Sale” used a

this many moving parts, in two languages,

red envelope in newspaper creative—an

in only 5 working days was a challenge—

image closely tied to good fortune, money

the kind at which the Harfield team excels.

and gifts in Asian culture. For showrooms,


Serving up the message Early on in our relationship with Honda,

Campaigns targeted to the Mandarin

Harfield identified the Chinese consumer

and Cantonese speaking markets have

as fundamental factor in the Dealers’

been executed in BC, Alberta and Ontario.

growth in Vancouver.

We have delivered campaigns to the

As a result, the BC Honda Dealers Ad

South Asian communities as well.

Association became the first automotive

Harfield & Associates has repeatedly

ad association to consistently address

demonstrated the capability to extend

this market.

campaigns and thus expand reach and

For over 20 years, monthly campaign executions consistently included Chinese radio and print media executed by Harfield & Associates. Other executions included Auto Show Guides, full line inserts, p.o.p., direct mail, cross-promotions and sponsorships.

markets by reaching out to the culturally diverse marketplace.


迎接新年 Harfield has researched, planned, purchased, written and designed culturally specific print & radio media. In addition, Harfield has created and executed cross-promotions, sponsorships, and point of sale materials. This includes the annual Chinese New Year’s campaign themed to the appropriate Chinese zodiac sign and wishing the community success while featuring a specific Honda model. When you consider that Canada’s prosperity depends on immigration to progress, Harfield has the experience to handle executions in English, French, Mandarin and Cantonese. Connecting with New Canadians has been and continues to be part of our repertoire.


The key to making event participation pay dividends is data capture. When sponsorship dollars are committed towards participation in a mall show, sporting event or community activity, the client must come away with usable information for follow up. It is our observation that many of these types of expenditures and executions are short-sighted. It makes little sense to expend resources merely to spike traffic or create a product interaction when the opportunity exists to convert those interactions into an actionable database follow up. We believe follow-through is the only way that ROI can ultimately be monetized with respects to these types of expenditures.


In situ contact: prospect-relevant & sales-generating With the goals of broadening reach,

To establish a definite quantifiable result,

increasing awareness and triggering

Harfield designed and created an

conquest communication and sales,

attention-grabbing interactive kiosk with

Harfield’s “brand action” strategy was to

electronic data collection capacities. The

intercept potential prospects “in situ” as

process was carried out in three stages:

they pursued their niche interests; thereby

first, merchandise the Ridgeline at the

exposing the product to a relevant and

show in a relevant manner complete with

receptive special interest consumer. By

bikes and ATVs; second, engage the

resonating with prospects based on their

prospect with an invitation to enter their

interests, we have proven that this strategy

personal data for a chance to win a dirt

builds profitable, actionable databases

bike; third, after receiving opt-in approval,

and earns a place on the shopping list of

award the prospect an exclusive trackable,

those inexperienced with the brand.

time limited discount coupon towards the

As the first execution, the Calgary Motorcycle Show initiative promoted

purchase or lease of a Ridgeline, thereby creating a follow-up database.

Honda’s motorcycle & ATV-friendly

Product interest was heightened, leads

Ridgeline. We believed that enthusiasts

were identified, an actionable database

would value its hauling and towing

was created—and conquest sales directly

capabilities and unique “in bed” features.

related to this activity were achieved.

13 Cup holders

MEGA Cargo Volume

Class Leading RESALE VALUE

Yes! In-Floor Storage!

Front & Rear


Conditioning Controls

Inventor of the Stowable 3rd Seat


In search of conquest Moms, Pops & Tots In the quest to focus on parents, and

Honda brand, and ideally convert them

open a dialogue with non-Honda vehicle

into Honda drivers down the road.

owners for the family-friendly Honda Odyssey minivan, we executed a “take the product to the people” initiative at the Edmonton Mom, Pop & Tot Show. This venue was solely dedicated to products and services that would interest parents with young children. Through participation in this targeted event, we helped the Edmonton Dealers Association to secure a database of opt-in prospects—drivers who said “yes” to receiving further communication from the Honda Dealers. On this opt-in list, a large percentage of “conquest” or non-Honda individuals were registered. Thus, the Edmonton Dealers had the opportunity to familiarize these individuals with the

The key purpose of the Honda Dealers involvement in the show was achieved. Key executional lessons were learned. And an enormous amount of relevant data had been collected for future communication with the target market. That’s called success!


Dealers endorsed this intercept strategy When Honda asked us to help awaken

Given that the sales staff man hours

the market to the unique benefits of the

expended were invested at a time of day

Ridgeline pickup truck, we responded with

deemed “dead” at most dealerships, the

a cross-promotion that brought the truck

return was outstanding. The conversion

to the truck-users.

rate was incredible, and conquest sales

As a first step, we stationed dealership sales associates and Ridgeline vehicles at several Home Hardware Building Centre locations in Edmonton, the heart of Alberta truck country.

resulted directly from this program. One large urban dealer summarized the effort this way: “This promotion was an excellent idea and should be the path we take in the future with this and other vehicles. Based on the average quality of

Harfield administrated every aspect of the

the prospects our sales people receive

program: reported negotiated access to

from our showroom it would have taken

Home Hardware locations; managed the

2 months from our top sales person and

“thanks for listening” gift card; budgeted

5-6 months from our average sales person

the program; co-ordinated on-site sales

to generate the same amount of leads”

representatives; set-up the post test drive Home Hardware savings incentive and the “I bought a competitor’s truck” gift card.


Honda Insight… Fan Insights… Process Insights When the chance to use the Vancouver

a home or office computer. Game day

Giants’ playoff games to execute a new

efforts were supported by prominent

vehicle launch and learn much about

on-site signage, plus the presence of

their fans presented itself, Harfield

a new Hybrid vehicle situated on the

seized the opportunity.

Pacific Coliseum concourse and paraded

Harfield & Associates developed the

on ice between periods.

process, trained the product ambassadors,

Based on fan reaction and feedback

executed onsite and scrubbed and

and our learnings , this initiative

analysed data to deliver the insights.

added significantly to the awareness

Highly visible green-shirted event representatives attended Giants home playoff games to meet fans onsite. Armed with notebook computers, these product ambassadors collected data from fans and entered them into a contest to win a new Hybrid automobile. Fans also had the option to enter to win the vehicle by submitting personal data online from

of the all-new Hybrid while delivering valuable insights about Giants’ fans and consumer intercept realities plus an actionable database.


Honda Pilot Home Depot Challenged to speak directly to potential

set up. Finally, Harfield & Associates staff

prospects for the Honda Pilot, Harfield &

attended as many locations as possible to

Associates found a way for Honda Dealers

assist and monitor dealer execution of the

to start a dialogue with people intending

plan. Based on dealer feedback, they were

to buy or lease a new vehicle in the near

beyond satisfied with number of

term by engaging them at locations to

participating prospects and with the opt-in

which their interests drove them.

database results which would allow the

We pursued Home Depot as an ideal location and partner; negotiated the

opportunity to follow through in building a relationship and potentially a sale.

specifics of the cross-promotional

Dealer feedback indicated that in the

incentives; negotiated the physical

mornings of two weekends, this program

space needed to set up the test drive

delivered a significant number of test

phase; and coordinated dealerships

drives relative to monthly expectations at

with Home Depot store management

the dealerships. Sales and/or leases did

in all participating markets for each of

materialize. As a significant result, many of

the two weekends. Further, we facilitated

the dealers also came away with the

onsite execution by designing vehicle

names of people to follow up with who,

features and benefits merchandising

though interested, did not have time to

complete with plan-o-gram outlining

test drive the Honda vehicle at that time.


A potential promotion that will drive results

Dipstick headline goes here

One of the greatest assets of any

The visible agenda is simple: to inspire a

the service department to give a bonus

commercial enterprise is the firm’s existing

new model test drive of any model in the

free inspection. This inspection has three

customer base. The value of an historical

line up. Follow up capability is based on

potential outcomes: 1) more service shop

client is usually stated in these terms:

the “opinion card” that not only

revenue; 2) a discussion of service shop

“it is six times more costly to win a new

precipitates a potential sales conversation

costs that could lead the driver to the

customer as it is to keep an existing one”.

during the test drive, but also collects data

conclusion it might be time to buy new;

on the current vehicle and its driver.

3) the client walks away. But after taking

With this in mind, the direct mailer

the test drive and accepting the oil change,

shown here is an example of a visible

The additional agenda evolves from the

agenda with follow up capabilities,

offer of a free oil and filter change on the

plus an additional agenda for another

customer’s existing vehicle while the test

Bottom line: providing one free oil change

department when mining a dealer’s

drive is carried out. This incentive permits

and filter could precipitate a new vehicle

existing customer database.

a significant perceived value while allowing

sale or lease!

the “walk away” outcome is very unlikely.


A promotional investment is only optimized when the initiative is carried through the last 50 yards by a point-of-purchase plan that delivers an experience synergistic with all other event communications. Implementing this complete circle requires thorough planning and direction to ensure success. In preparing our car dealer clients to succeed, we not only created, produced and delivered materials in a comprehensive kit; we also provided them with a plan-o-gram on how to mount the materials in the most effective and attention-getting way. Our goal: To execute a “follow through� that maximized the impact of the promotion consistently across the dealership network.


Completing the implementation circle Early in our 23 year relationship with Honda, it became apparent that for the best chance of having point of purchase kits optimally utilised in every dealership, Harfield & Associates would need to supply an executional game plan. In our world, we call that document a POP kit plan-o-gram. A plan-o-gram includes an item by item visual usage recommendation and installation guide. Given the churn of staff and the different elements within a given kit, a plan-o-gram is supplied with every kit every time, thus enhancing the likelihood of maximum impact on site.


See the online ad for this promotion at http://harfield.com/portfolio


See the online ad for this promotion at http://harfield.com/portfolio


See the online ad for this promotion at http://harfield.com/portfolio


Sponsorship activation means taking control of the environment— whether it’s a hockey arena, a race track paddock or a parking lot. This means going far beyond passive participation. It means activating the environment in which your brand and product are being seen and experienced with banners, balloons, give-aways, “street teams”— whatever it takes to be noticed and remembered. Further, the executions of sponsorship activation result in actionable follow up assets that have the potential to be converted from a prospect into a client.


This sponsorship works–Hard In the Vancouver sports market, hockey

supported each dealership in its market;

is king! Establishing a cost efficient and

and third, the rights to a high-attendance

effective marketing partnership with

game night as presenting sponsor.

pro hockey for the Honda dealers was impossible, given the local NHL team’s long term relationship with General Motors.

Our primary goal was to execute with such depth and thoroughness that our client “owned the game day experience” from

Then, in the fall of 2001: enter the all-new

the sponsorship perspective. See the

Vancouver Giants Hockey Club, a WHL

following pages for elements executed by

franchise whose fans are passionate

Harfield towards this goal. As you will see,

about the game, and greatly attuned to

this dominance ranged from the pre-game

the Giants’ high entertainment-low price

“Honda Keys to the Game” arena video;

value equation.

to in-game tactical announcements; to

Harfield & Associates helped forge a multifaceted Tier 1 sponsorship agreement for the BC Honda Dealers. The three key goals we were working towards were: first, “game day” sponsorship domination; second, an outreach component that

concourse product displays and signage; to more product appearances on-ice between periods; to web presence when fans looked for results and stats after the game.





Oversize signage featured various Honda models & Association I.D.

Program ads focused on family-friendly Honda vehicles.

The Association logo was projected on the arena façade.

A handy aid for checking the Giants’ upcoming home game dates.





Dynamic posters delivered quick facts about the Honda vehicle on display.

Each month, the Association displayed a different Honda vehicle on the concourse.

Rinkboard ads made thousands of impressions at every game.

Honda and its Dealers were title sponsors of the two bestattended games of the season.





Dealer Association I.D. occupied 4 prominent spaces on the scoreboard.

At each home game, a Honda vehicle did a lap on the ice surface between periods.

Embedded in the ice, the Association logo is impossible to miss.

A post-game video “chalk talk” with the coach, with Association I.D.





A Honda TV spot played on the scoreboard screen

Harfield prepared 4 BC Honda Dealer promo announcements for each game.

Honda Dealers treated community & high school teams at every home game.

Ideal to keep the Giants and the Honda Dealers “top of mind” at home.


The third element: high-attendance game sponsorship Another goal with respects to the Giants

Based on attendance of over 12,000 in

sponsorship was to “own” the biggest

recent years, the execution of this initiative

attendance night or nights. From year 1,

really works!

it was established that the client would present Fan Appreciation Night which was to be the last game of the regular season.

Another initiative that has worked in the eyes of the community and the client, is the outreach program. The client’s

In order to build awareness and ultimately,

dealers have hosted a community sports

audience; Harfield & Associates has

team at every regular season Giants game

executed the considerable build up to

since day one. In order to make the

the event via in-arena, newspaper, radio

outreach “turnkey”, Harfield & Associates

and HTML creative. In addition the

orchestrated the “suite use” schedule to

concourse signage creative was changed

keep all stakeholders enthused and to

for the last three weeks of the season to

coordinate the entertainment needs for

highlight the night.

the community teams. This program is

On the evening, Harfield staff attended the draw at ice level to photograph the winner and to made contact with the winner in order that delivery of the actual vehicle could be arranged and releases signed.

strongly supported by dealerships as outstanding community outreach.


Sponsorship… making it better year after year In the fall of 2010, Harfield recommended

We are proud to have been able to deliver

and, upon approval, secured title

constantly improved value to our client by

sponsorship of the annual “Teddy Bear

continually exploring ways to ramp-up

Toss”—a pre-Christmas charity event that

client visibility and brand over a ten year

draws, by far, one of the largest crowds of

period, both inside and outside of the

the season. Given the charity focus of the

Giants home, the Pacific Coliseum.

evening and combined with the variable charity fee from the dealers, this title sponsorship put a very human face on the brand and its dealers. Having negotiated this turnkey addition to the client’s presence, Harfield insured that the client was not only the presenting sponsor for the best attended game in the first half of the season but also for the historical “standing room only” attendance winner—Fan Appreciation Night.


BC Honda Dealers Vancouver Jazz Festival With over a half-million guests visiting the

Given the education, sophistication and

Vancouver Jazz Festival, Harfield assessed

urban nature of the audience, Harfield

the sponsorship package, negotiated

used the Jazz Festival events as part of the

enhancements and effectively targeted

metro Vancouver launch of an all-new

this demographically well-suited segment.

hybrid vehicle. This included hybrid fact

As the sponsorship evolved, Harfield

sheet hand-outs describing the technology

continually explored channels through

and underscoring the benefits of the

which to gain more value, exposure and

vehicle in terms of the environment and

access to the attendees.

lowering the cost of driving.

In the activation with creative and logistics

To find out more about the attendees,

delivered by Harfield & Associates, “dealer

Harfield orchestrated a data collection

nights” came to life with in-theatre client

strategy using a trip for two to California’s

vehicle displays, on-street displays,

famed Monterey Jazz Festival as the

consumer intercepts enriched by contest-

magnet. The result was a database of

driven data collection microsites, P.O.S. at

dealer specific entrants for follow-up

multiple venues, web strategies, wall wash

contact—a tool that is vitally relevant

outdoor campaigns, plus magazine and

given today’s heightened need for budget

radio creative.



Most agencies believe their role in the sales process stops when a customer enters the client’s place of business. Harfield feels otherwise. We believe it is our responsibility to help our clients achieve their goals and aspirations by giving them every tool possible to succeed. Only when the sales associate has entered into a transactional conversation with the consumer, do we feel that we have fully completed the job.


The bite-sized piece with multifaceted impact What do you do when sales staff need a

Then the information was published in

boost because product lifecycles don’t

newsletter form and sent to each dealership.

offer stimulants as an “all new design” or “completely re-engineered model”? Just because your product or model mix are in the doldrums, you can’t suspend selling until easier conditions reappear; you must play the cards you are dealt. All of these factors culminated in “The Insider”, a monthly Honda newsletter we created for the Honda Dealers, their customers, their suppliers, and their sales personnel. News items were compiled and researched daily by Harfield staff. User hints were gathered. Power equipment or motorcycle news was assembled. Corporate initiatives documented. A model of focus was chosen, tactical offers decided, and creative completed.

Each edition was sized to fit a No. 10 envelope so that it could be included with customer account statements and other dealership communication. So, in addition to strengthening the product knowledge of the dealer’s staff; the process of educating the public as to the breadth, diversity and benefits of the Honda product line could also be reinforced. The Dealers found this extra showroom support invaluable in being able to talk confidently about Honda products, and knowing the strengths of Honda versus their competition.


Knowledge delivers gross The foundation of this initiative is that

To assist dealership sales managers

“ups” are arriving at dealer showrooms

and associates in successfully meeting

armed with more information than ever,

the challenge of the knowledgeable

challenging sales associates to be “on

consumer, Harfield researched and

their game” in every conversation. This

created “Up To Speed”. This weekly

reality, combined with Honda vehicles

electronic Honda newsletter was a short

being among the most researched on the

summary of the top articles regarding the

net, dictates that the sales associate has

most significant industry news, trends,

associate to be proactive

to be well informed in order to control

and major automotive press reviews,

and thus control the sales

the transactional conversation, establish

each prefaced with an intriguing lead-in

floor conversation, and in

credibility, and avoid going to “price”

to stimulate interest complete with links

doing so establish value

before establishing value.

to the full article. The package also

before price.

The prospect’s beliefs have been fashioned by third party influences such as blogs, awards, safety tests, comparison tests, automotive editorial reviews, and consumer advocacy publications.

included a sales meeting quiz complete with answers based on the previous week’s newsletter.

This package delivered three benefits: 1) afforded sales associates a new degree of confidence; 2) allowed sales managers to know who is prepared; 3) empowered the sales

All good outcomes.


Bringing the comparison to the floor Using cross shopping data and our

client’s model in question. Charts were

automotive research team, Harfield &

colour coded to allow the sales associate

Associates added another layer of

to easily point out their model’s strengths.

showroom support to the client’s

The complete set of charts for the full lineup

information arsenal with the creation of

consisted of 9 comparison charts, and

annual competitive product comparison

2 awards charts listing current accolades.

charts. These charts measured the client’s vehicles against their most successful and most cross shopped competitors’ models on a category per chart basis. Comparison charts laid out both the clients’ and the competition’s’ models in areas such as: price, warranties, performance, environmental measures, braking and suspension, comfort and convenience, entertainment, safety ratings, and industry awards and accolades. We also included a strong supporting quote from a reviewer or automotive publication about the

This program has been in the client’s dealerships for over 7 years! This work was supplied to Atlantic Canada in addition to Ontario and Western Canada. Harfield & Associates originated the concept by pointing out the need to support the sales associates’ competitive product knowledge and their product’s strengths. Harfield & Associates researched, screened, designed, and executed this package.


Buyer’s Guides Each fall, Harfield developed a full line, all trim new model year Buyer’s Guide—a “one stop” publication which was a cost effective showroom guide for prospects to take away, and for the sale associates’ reference. The Guide mirrored the client’s national positioning for each model while maintaining a regional personality for the each provincial group of dealers from BC through Ontario. A Buyer’s Guide walked readers through each model, showing and describing the various features of the base model, and then “stepping up” features as the line progressed through all models. In addition, we included photo vignettes of vehicle features that showcased the client’s technology, performance or safety breakthroughs.

This piece stated MSRP for both manual and automatic transmission by model (as applicable), in order to allow both the sales associate and the client to discuss the incremental value of each step.

The bottom line value of this strategy was: A) an affordable, full line statement; B) a walk-up tool for sales associates when presenting; C) a client credibility builder based on highlight vignettes; D) a full line piece transferable to an online PDF downloadable application.



Harfield’s role in the Buyer’s Guide was to design, research, write, produce, print and distribute the entire publication each Fall, then update it for industry awards, fuel efficiency ratings, new test results and any new mid year models and reprint it for March 1st.


Honda Powerhouse was a completely new concept. A Honda Powerhouse offered everything bearing the client’s brand, including cars and trucks at many locations. With its unique services such as overnight parts delivery, highly trained product specific staff, test rides, the Honda Hotel and exceptional product range; a Powerhouse was unlike any other dealership of any brand. Honda turned to Harfield & Associates to power up the concept. We were tasked to communicate the concept and its consumer relevance, to grow awareness market by market and to initiate tactical momentum. So we started at the beginning with the launch of the first Powerhouse in Western Canada!


Getting traction To raise awareness of the concept and USPs (unique selling proposition) of Powerhouse dealerships throughout western Canada, our initial strategy was to create a commanding four-page glossy broadsheet insert to tell the full story in each Powerhouse market. This insert needed to be large format in order to communicate at least four sets of information: 1) “more Honda under one roof than ever before� 2) exclusive Powerhouse products 3) exclusive Powerhouse services 4) Powerhouse locations by market The insert was reinforced in showrooms with posters that shared a similar design, but which emphasized the unique services and the other advantages to consumers.


Powerhouse in print Given the high-traffic location and highly

These print ads reinforced and generated

noticeable all new facility and given the

excitement for the “first time in Western

confirmation of the first month’s budget,

Canada” status of the Powerhouse;

Harfield & Associates set out to deliver a

underlined the one-stop-shop nature of

media plan that optimized budget and

the store and then gravitated to the

creative executions that balanced the

introductory offers on motorcycles and

“musts” of all stakeholders. Our media

other “exclusive-to-Powerhouse” products.

attack included radio, outdoor and showroom-based communications in addition to powerful full page print executions that made the Naniamo and the mid-island market take notice. The campaign had frequency and a flow from a pure “opening” to a “now open“ concept ad to a “grand opening sale” which delivered an initial tactical foothold.

Bottom line, the mid-island knew there was a Powerhouse in the market.


Outdoor geo-targeting: Go big or go home To further stimulate community awareness of the Honda Powerhouse and initiate momentum, strategically located billboards were created using high impact imagery to communicate the name, create excitement and visually set the concept apart from conventional Honda dealerships. The campaigns raised awareness in the immediate vicinity of each Powerhouse, while communicating the uniqueness of the product offerings. A large, powerful statement to establish existence of the new concept in that market. A relevant example of geo targeting!


When new car sales slow, a dealer’s inventory of used vehicles can be the difference between black ink and a bleak bottom line. When the task at hand was to build awareness and establish the relevance and value of the Honda Certified Used Vehicle program, Harfield took on the challenge with unique online and print creative that delivered very efficiently!


Certified peace of mind Research has shown that the greatest

ads that drew attention to the intensive

anxiety about buying a used vehicle is

inspection process and the lengthy

its condition and its ability to perform

warranty that qualified models earn.

cost effectively and well, after purchase. Used vehicles are generally purchased by a more frugal consumer than new. Given this, the fear of a large repair bill is a great concern. The Certified Used Vehicles program addresses this issue through the various inspections and assurances that come with each of

A vehicle purchase can often be a case of heart ruling head. But we helped our clients to see the reverse proposition in a way that made customers feel good about the decision to choose head over heart, and enjoy the peace of mind of owning a solid, warranted pre-owned Honda.

these vehicles. Harfield developed print ads for dealer To emphasize the strict standards that a used Honda must meet in order to qualify as a Honda Certified Used Vehicle, we developed a series of print

pick-up to be used in conjunction with an extensive online program, some of which are depicted on the overleaf.

See the online ad at http://harfield.com/portfolio


Making a case for the logical choice Having covered the “getting the attention

media drew attention, as did the use of

of the consumer and being relevant

imbedded video.

when the message is delivered� part of the process on the previous page, the media portion was designed to get in front of the shoppers in the last stages of the purchase funnel.

The results of the combination of the buy, the strategy and the creative led to very positive, quantifiable results in every market which could only be interpreted as greater awareness.

The online campaign included display, search and contextual strategies. Although the campaigns ran in five provinces, the buys were all geo-targeted and budgeted to reflect the proportionate investment by market. The use of rich

See the online ads at http://harfield.com/portfolio


After 18 years of administration, co-op accounting, budgeting, creative, merchandising and championing the Honda new car dealers, Honda Canada turned to Harfield to be their strategic partner in organizing and executing five provincial ad associations for the motorcycle and ATV dealers. The goals were to unify their marketing efforts and market presence, extend the reach of their tactical initiatives, make the messages stand out to the target consumer and merchandise the offers through to the sales floor.


Setting the Association foundation In this, our first campaign, Harfield was

In addition, the combined efforts of the

not required to incorporate a Honda

studio, production managers and media

Canada theme. Instead, the goal was to

departments delivered a unique print

communicate offers on specific models

solution that elevated our glossy inserts

from cruisers to sport bikes to ATVs.

to “impossible to miss” status in the

We created a striking look that delivered the message in a distinct and memorable presentation. Acting with dealer input, this campaign was executed through group print ads in multipoint markets

Auto Trader and similar publications. This innovation was a key element of the future media plans. This creative also was supported by point of sale materials at the dealerships.

and all-market shopping publications.

This first campaign solidified the value of

Due to the collective clout of the

collective clout and tactical consensus,

association media buy, both the reach

and created the foundation for the

and frequency of delivery to the target

Honda Motorcycle & ATV Dealers Ad

prospects was outstanding—far more

Associations across Western Canada.

effective than dealers executing their own co-op ads!


Turning up the heat In one of our next campaigns, Honda

We continually refined our media plan

Canada set the “Red Hot Rides Event�

to reflect the proportionate contribution

title and logo in order to roll out

to the co-op fund of each dealership on

umbrella media support. As a result

a market by market basis.

Harfield was tasked with adding a strong retail presentation that supported specific SKUs and their offers.

Point of sale support and access to print ads for individual dealer use extended the reach of the campaign. As the

The result is strong memorable creative

Association support grew in frequency

that drove home the theme, motivated by

and sophistication, the power and

strong flame graphics and images in the

benefits of forming an ad Association

header and supported by an offer focused

began registering with dealers and

design element with each product.

with the brand.


Time to Ride was a “game changer” In the evolution of any initiative, there

Again a nationally specified campaign

inserts were available to all dealers via

are moments in time that present the

title and logo served as the basis for

the Harfield extranet in order to provide

opportunity for significant decisions..

our regional creative, media strategy

the dealer an easy opportunity to extend

and additional new elements of the

the print frequency and reach.

In the case of the Honda and its motorcycle and atv product in Western

communications mix.

It is this base with elements being added

Using the lessons of previous campaigns,

and changed that increased the Honda’s

Canada, the “Time to Ride A Honda”

the foundation of the “game plan” was

collective clout, and its subsequent

event was a watershed campaign where

to deliver a media plan that reached

relevance to both consumers and dealers.

many elements fell into alignment,

prospective customers where they were

directional decisions were taken and

gathering their information and

horizons broadened.

formulating their “shopping list”.

The following three spreads cover the “Time to Ride” program period which

Thus, print formed the keystone of the media plan with all-market, “trader” publications carrying the bulk of the load.

was definitely a “game changer” for

Strategic production execution of re-

the value and impact of “collective

printed inserts set into the centre fold

clout” in Western Canada.

of these publications assured that the messaging hit the “shopper”. Also, individual ads complimentary to the

Read on…


Establishing a tactical presence on the web The wide number of different motorcycles,

Facing this reality, it was time to cost

The resulting sites were:

scooters and ATVs in the Honda line

effectively go digital to meet and inform

A) featuring all models of motorcycles,

presented a significant communication

customers online. Our first step was to

challenge: delivering the full breadth of

build four dedicated websites

relevant offer information to shoppers.

simultaneously—one for each province in

Without the means to communicate the

Western Canada—including a unique URL

model specifics, it was obvious that the

to allow regional differentiation.

prospective customer could not gather all the information together cohesively to form a final list of options. Also, since a

scooters and ATVs; B) offer-driven by province; C) organic search optimized. These sites linked into the national Honda Canada site for “closest dealer” searches and

Next step: keep the site up to date on

same model year and specifications.

every offer change that might occur on any given model on an ASAP basis.

These sites became a “for all the offers

print or online ad has a limited “canvas”

on all the models in this province visit”

from which to communicate, you can only

destination in all online ads, search

touch on the highlights of the model

strategies and print ads. And thus, for all

group while delivering in-depth detail on

intents and purposes, became the deal

perhaps one or two models.

sites for each province! Next came the plan to deliver relevant traffic to this new deal oasis!





on select 2008 Honda motorcycles



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Honda Motorcycle & ATV Dealers of BC






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2008 VT750C $6,999 SALE PRICE

Honda Motorcycle & ATV Dealers of BC




Driving traffic to the site through media innovation To expand upon the print base and drive

Search was added to increase awareness

With three sets of creative—two motorcycle

to the new offer-driven provincial websites,

via free impressions and, most importantly,

and one ATV—the media plan dictated that

Harfield created a diverse online attack to

to drive relevant prospects to the site. In

Harfield design and program numerous

bring “Time to Ride A Honda” to life and

addition, contextual search was added to

executions with each scheduled for

sustain the program over two months.

enhance relevance based on the Harfield

maximum impact, site by site.

There were three distinct routes to

media department’s key word strategy.

All in all the program broke new ground

awareness and website traffic stimulation:

The Display ad buy strategy called for

extending reach, increasing frequency,

1) roadblock to launch; 2) search; 3) display.

the first use of expandable leaderboards,

delivering strong action performance

Each of these had an executional innovation

allowing us to present 4 times the

while establishing executional

with respect to the Associations.

information of a normal leaderboard as

benchmarks for further campaigns

The “roadblock” was total dominance of the online component of the highest traffic site for motorcycle and ATV buyers. As a result the campaign was well established from Day 1.

it expanded down the screen. This innovation had great results and was a strong compliment to the other display formats in the buy.

Bottom line the strategy reached out… and worked!


Honda Financial Services (HFS) is the vehicle lease and purchase financing arm of Honda Canada. What many prospective customers often fail to realize is that HFS is a key component of the Honda offer strategy to which they may have responded. Harfield’s task was to ramp up awareness of these services and the financing options open to Honda motorcycle, ATV and power equipment buyers.


Making it easier to do the deal In virtually all offers involving subvented

dealerships. The poster campaign was

leases or financing, the source of these

based on the theme: “We make it easier

rates is an arrangement between HFS

to make it yours.” Each poster focused

and Honda. This is true for all Honda

on a specific product in the Honda line-

products: cars, trucks, motorcycles,

up, from motorcycles to snowblowers,

ATVs—even generators and snowblowers.

and invited readers to discover the

As such, HFS plays a critical role in making

benefits of financing through Honda

the deal and delivering the product.

Financial Services.

To remind staff and help prospects

Harfield also created a desktop flip

realize the ease of achieving their dream

chart for use by sales personnel to

purchase, Honda Financial Services

reinforce HFS benefits at the moment

turned to Harfield & Associates to

when the prospective buyer was in

develop a series of thought provoking

“decision mode”.

posters. These were mounted within the showrooms, sales offices and customer lounges of the Honda Powerhouse

This work was used across Canada in French and English.


It takes a lot of skill, passion and determination to not only go beyond what is normally expected of us but also to do it for 23 years while continually embracing the brand and the need for “brand action”. Our ultimate objective is a happy client who knows our relationship moves them forward. This gives us a great degree of satisfaction. To meet that objective, we keep the client’s goals, needs and aspirations in full sight during the entire process.

It sounds simple, but we really do it.

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