These Rules are:
• made under clause 22 of the Constitution of Castle Hill Bowling Club;
• subject to the CHRG Constitution; and
• are binding on all Members.
1. The Governing body of Castle Hill Bowling Club will be the Bowls Advisory Committee (BAC). The BAC will consist of:
• President
• Vice-President
• Treasurer
• Secretary
• Committee Member.
2. CHBC will have the following sub-committees:
a) Umpires – must be accredited and number unrestricted. Committee Chairperson appointed by BAC within 1 month following the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
b) Coaches – must be accredited and number unrestricted. Committee Chairperson appointed by BAC within 1 month following the Club’s Annual General Meeting
c) Match – There will be a Match Committee formed to oversee all Club Championships and competition events.
I. The Bowls Advisory Committee will call for expressions of interest for a minimum of four (4) Match Committee members from full bowling and life members (who have been registered bowling members for a minimum of
three (3) years), prior to the Castle Hill Bowling Club’s Annual General Meeting:
II. Expressions of Interest are to be in writing and received by the Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the Castle Hill Bowling Club’s Annual General Meeting.
III. The Chairperson and members of the Match Committee will be decided by the Bowls Advisory Committee and announced within 1 month following the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
d) Selection – There will be a Selection Committee formed for the selection of all open Pennant teams, single-sex Pennant teams and single-entry events.
I. The Bowls Advisory Committee will call for expressions of interest for a minimum of three (3) and up to five (5) Selectors from full bowling and life members (who have been bowling members at CHBC for a minimum of three (3) years), prior to the Castle Hill Bowling Club’s Annual General Meeting:
II. Expressions of Interest are to be in writing and received by the Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the Castle Hill Bowling Club’s Annual General Meeting.
III. The Chairperson and members of the Selection Committee will be decided by the Bowls Advisory Committee and announced within 1 month following the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Bowls Coordinator may be appointed as an additional member of the Selection Committee, at the discretion of the Bowls Advisory Committee.
3. Castle Hill Women’s Bowling Club (CHWBC) was officially wound up in 2023.
4. Management Roles and responsibilities:
a) President:
I. To be the primary person (figure head) for Castle Hill Bowling Club and its members
II. Provides leadership to the Bowls Advisory Committee (BAC).
III. Presides at all Club General Meetings and BAC Meetings, decides all questions of order and has a casting vote only, which shall be used to maintain the status quo. If the President is absent from a meeting, the Vice President shall perform those functions or if he/she is also absent, the meeting shall elect a chairperson.
IV. Has a sound understanding of the sport of bowls, the club organisational structure and the members’ requirements and needs.
V. Has a sound understanding of Corporate Governance requirements for overseeing the financial resources of CHBC.
VI. Together with Vice President, represents the BAC in all meetings and discussions with CHRG Management and/or Board regarding operational
needs, performance of the Bowls Coordinator and/or strategic direction, as needed.
VII. Represents or delegates representation on behalf of CHBC at Metro North West Bowls Region Association meetings and any other official events or functions.
VIII. Represents or delegates representation on behalf of the BAC to the CHRG committee responsible for recruitment of the Bowls Coordinator.
IX. Can be an ex officio member of any Bowls Sub-Committees.
X. Authorised signatory on CHBC bank account/s.
XI. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct.
b) Vice President:
I. To be the secondary person (figure head) for Castle Hill Bowling Club and its members
II. Has a sound understanding of the sport of bowls, the strategic directions and organisational structure of the club and the members’ requirements and needs.
III. Together with President, represents the BAC in all meetings and discussions with CHRG Management and/or Board regarding operational needs, performance of the Bowls Coordinator and/or strategic direction, as needed.
IV. Assumes all of the President’s duties and responsibilities during absences of the President.
V. Performs other duties as directed by the BAC including:
a. Actioning/monitoring CHRG Grant Applications
b. Coordination of the annual President's, Life Members’ and Volunteers’ Day event
c. Organising for the Honour Board Wall to be updated annually
d. Coordinates CHBC’s Bowls/Social calendar booking requirements with CHRG
e. Negotiates catering needs with Contract Caterer/CHRG Functions staff (in conjunction with either Bowls Coordinator or Committee Person).
VI. Authorised signatory on CHBC Bank account/s.
VII. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct.
c) Treasurer:
I. Has a sound understanding of the sport of bowls, the strategic directions and organisational structure of the club and the members’ requirements and needs.
II. Oversees the finances of CHBC and authorises payments from CHBC funds, as delegated by the BAC.
III. Authorised signatory on CHBC Bank account/s.
IV. Performs other duties as directed by the BAC including:
a. Club uniforms
V. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct.
d) Secretary:
I. Has a sound understanding of the sport of bowls, the strategic directions and organisational structure of the club and the members’ requirements and needs.
II. Provides secretarial function for CHBC and BAC.
III. Performs other duties as directed by the BAC including:
a. Coordination of AGM Pack
b. Coordination of annual BAC nominations and election process
c. Monitors currency of Club Constitution, Regulations, Smoking and other Club Policies
IV. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct.
e) Committee Person:
I. Has a sound understanding of the sport of bowls, the strategic directions and organisational structure of the club and the members’ requirements and needs.
II. Performs other duties as directed by the BAC including:
a. Coordination of any social events for members including the annual Christmas Party
b. Coordination of the Club’s Volunteers, as needed.
III. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct.
f) Bowls Coordinator
I. Has a strong understanding of the sport of bowls
II. Has significant bowls experience as a player and coach
III. Will undertake duties as agreed between BAC and CHRG
IV. Will be the primary club contact for Metro North West Bowls Region Association and Bowls NSW
V. Will develop the annual calendar in consultation with the Match Committee for all organised bowling events to be played at CHBC
VI. Coordinates all bowls activities in consultation with the BAC
VII. Abides by the CHRG Management Committee Code of Conduct
VIII. Will be responsible for facilitating the day to day running of Bowls, inclusive of:
a. Club Championships;
b. Pennants
c. Tournaments;
d. Organised social play;
IX. Will attend all Bowls Advisory Committee meetings
X. Will report directly to the Head of Sport, CHRG.
XI. Will fulfil the role of Green’s Director and liaise with the Green Keeper at the Club in relation to all matters in connection with play on the greens.
XII. The Green Keeper at the Club will have the responsibility for determining the following in relation to the greens:
a. When greens are open for play; and
b. Which rinks are available for play.
XIII. In the absence of the Green Keeper at the Club the Bowls Co-ordinator or nominated representative will be responsible for determining:
a. When greens are open for play; and
b. Which rinks are available for play.
XIV. Will, in conjunction with the CEO of CHRG, or their nominated representative, be responsible for making arrangements for refreshments during the course of tournaments, pennants, organised social or special bowling days.
5. Committee roles and responsibilities
a) Match Committee will be responsible for:
I. Developing, in consultation with the Bowls Coordinator, a detailed annual calendar of all organised bowling events to be played at CHBC
II. Ensuring a member of the Match Committee is available as ‘Controlling Body’ for all scheduled championships and Pennant games
III. Coordinating, in conjunction with the Bowls Coordinator, for competition entry sheets to be advertised at least 30 days prior to all scheduled championships and for draws to be completed, such that members are given 7 days’ notice of the first round.
IV. Overseeing the completion of competitions, in compliance with CHBC Conditions of Play and posting results on noticeboard and electronically.
b) Selection Committee will be responsible for:
I. Complying with the Selection Policy as approved by the Bowls Advisory Committee
II. Team selections for all organised events where nominations were by single entry
III. Team selections for all Pennants
IV. Organising both internal and external Pennant trials
6. Delegates to Metro North West Bowls Region Association
The Bowls Advisory Committee will appoint at least one Delegate (maximum of two) from its members, annually
7. Attire
a) All Individual Members competing in Championship Events must comply with the Championship Event Attire Policy and National Logo Policy as in force in New South Wales, as per clause 11.1(a) of the Bowls NSW Regulations.
b) Any official uniform of CHBC must be approved by the BAC and be registered with Bowls NSW, as per clause 11.1(c) of the Bowls NSW Regulations.
c) The BAC has the authority to approve CHBC’s attire policy for all organised bowls events, including Club Championship events not governed by Bowls NSW regulations.
d) CHBC’s attire policy for all organised (social) events is as directed by the BAC, and will be either:
I. Club uniform; or
II. Approved bowls attire (with Bowls Australia logo); or
III. Mufti attire for special events, as approved Approved bowls shoes only must be worn for all games.
Code of Conduct
Players – Life, Bowling and Junior Bowling, will:
a) Comply with the CHRG Code of Conduct
b) Comply with the CHBC Code of Conduct
c) Comply with the Club’s dress regulations;
d) Comply with the rules of Bowls NSW and Bowls Australia as is appropriate;
e) Use their best endeavours to compete in each game in which they, or a team they are a member of, are entered to compete;
f) At all times, when representing the Club in relation to the sport of lawn bowls, whether on the playing field or otherwise, and at all times when wearing the uniform of the Club, conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the interests, and upholds the values of the Club and promotes the sport of lawn bowls;
g) If under citation for disciplinary purposes, they will not be allowed to participate in any tournament / event at the Club or any other club until the matter is resolved.
9. Membership
a) An applicant who applies for bowling membership, or for transfer to bowling membership from CHRG Club Membership, must satisfy the Bowls Advisory Committee at the time of application that the applicant will actively, and regularly, participate in the bowling activities of the Club.
i. If the applicant fails to satisfy the Advisory Committee that the applicant will actively, and regularly, participate in the bowling activities of the Club, then the application may be refused.
ii. Applications for membership will be recorded in chronological order, setting out the time and date of each application is lodged with the Bowls Coordinator/Secretary of the BAC.
iii. The Bowls Coordinator/Secretary of the Bowls Advisory Committee will immediately post the completed application on the Club’s Notice Board for a minimum of 7 days and it will remain there until the next scheduled Bowls Advisory Committee meeting.
iv. Any Life/Bowling member who has objections to the applicant will submit their objection in writing to the Bowls Advisory Committee within 7days of the application being posted on the Notice Board at the Club for their consideration.
v. The Bowls Advisory Committee may refuse an application for bowling membership, at their discretion, without giving any reason.
b) Junior Membership
i. Junior Member means a person who is less than 18 years of age.
ii. Junior Members may use the Club’s Greens for practice, coaching and playing of social games amongst themselves or with adult bowlers, as determined by the Bowls Advisory Committee.
iii. The participation of Junior Members in the Club or inter-club competitions will be governed by the conditions of such competitions.
iv. Junior Members will:
a) Pay Green Fees as determined by the Board in consultation with the Bowls Advisory Committee.
b) Be permitted to use Club facilities with the exception that they are not permitted to be served with, or consume, any liquor on the Club premises.
c) Not be permitted to enter areas designed as gaming areas where gaming machines are installed, or any restricted area as defined in the Registered Clubs Act and recorded in the Licensing Court of NSW.
d) On becoming a member of the Club, be bound by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club and on attaining the age of 18 years must apply for full membership.
10. Life Members
a) When assessing the worthiness of a member for Life Membership of the Club, the Bowls Advisory Committee should take the following guidelines into consideration:
I. Must have been a CHBC member for a minimum period of ten years.
II. Must have served on the Bowls Advisory Committee for at least one term and on one or more of the sub-committees for not less than five years and been a regular volunteer around the club
III. Must have represented the club in Pennants for at least 5 years.
IV. Must have consistently performed their duties and functions at a level greater than generally expected, without seeking recognition or reward for same.
V. Will have an unblemished record, and serve as a role model for others, putting the welfare of the Club above personal ambition, disappointments, likes and dislikes.
b) Any eligible Life or Bowling Club member putting forward the name of another member for life membership should present their nomination together with a “history” of the nominated person, and preferably with details of this person’s membership on committees, achievements and activities performed over the years, to the Secretary of the Bowls Advisory Committee, at least 2 months prior to the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The Bowls Advisory Committee must approve any recommendation prior to it being taken to the Annual General Meeting seeking members’ approval. Only two (2) nominations for Life Member can be approved in any one year.
11. Memorial Events
Any naming of an event in memory of a past member must be approved by the Bowls Advisory Committee and if approved, will be restricted to a maximum of four years without further review.
Any members who by either paid employment or on a voluntary basis will undertake the ‘Working with Children’ check prior to any roll that is deemed necessary as per the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No 51.
CHRG has a no smoking/vaping policy within the clubhouse and within 4 metres of the access doors. CHBC has a no smoking/vaping policy on the greens. During the playing of any bowls games, smoking/vaping is not allowed on the green or behind the rinks of play. Smoking/vaping is only allowed at the corners of each green, maintaining a reasonable distance from any non-smoking bowlers or supporters.
This policy is designed to ensure the safety and comfort of members and guests at Castle Hill Bowling Club
Responsibility for implementation is delegated to the Bowls Coordinator on the day, Controlling Body and Match Committee, for all organised bowls events. Outside of these times, it is the responsibility of the senior CHRG staff member on duty to ensure compliance with this policy.
Notwithstanding this policy, members of the Bowls Advisory Committee or senior CHRG staff member on duty has authority, where there is concern for the health and well-being of members and guests, to stop play on the greens at any time.
Using the Steadman Apparent Temperature Index (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) which considers the ambient air temperature as well as relative humidity to determine a comfort level, when the index reaches a level of 40, the Bowls Advisory Committee has determined that the greens are to be closed to play.

Legend: Red values, apparent temperature above air temperature; blue values, apparent temperature below
For all organised games, the apparent temperature will be calculated immediately prior to the start of the game and then on a half hourly basis throughout the game. Should the index be at 40 or above, the Bowls Advisory Committee has determined that the greens are to be closed to play immediately (consistent with World Bowls Laws of the Game of Bowls Rule 33.2).
Should there be lightning strikes that are within 15 seconds of the thunder sound, (indicating that lightning is within a radius of 5 kilometres of Castle Hill Bowling Club), the Bowls Advisory Committee has determined that the greens are to be closed to play immediately (consistent with World Bowls Laws of the Game of Bowls Rule 33.2)
Cold / Wind Chill
Should the ambient temperature or apparent temperature (taking wind chill into consideration) be below 10 degrees Celsius at any stage throughout the game, the Bowls Advisory Committee has determined that the greens are to be closed to play immediately (consistent with World Bowls Laws of the Game of Bowls Rule 33.2)
Resumption of play in organised games will be determined by the Controlling Body.
These Rules/By-Laws of Castle Hill Bowling Club have been approved by the Bowls Advisory Committee under authority granted by the Constitution of Castle Hill Bowling Club, effective from 26th August 2024