In a Blink of an Eye by Ja'Corey Thomas

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“Until the lion writes his own story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”

The Soy Autor writing process was developed in collaboration with young people at-risk of, victims of or perpetrators of violence in El Salvador. In 2016, this innovative program launched at Cook County Jail with young men awaiting trial for violent offenses.Through the process of drafting, revising, illustrating and publishing memoirs, the Authors’ Circle develops reflection, critical thinking, literacy skills, conflict resolution and positive self-projection.

In collaboration with:

Cook County Sheriff’s Office

In a Blink of an Eye Ja’Corey Thomas

Ja’Corey Thomas is brave, observant and inspired. He enjoys illustrations and putting together book spreads, powerful writing and politicking. Ja’Corey is a fast learner, a proud founding author of ConTextos’ in Chicago. He advises aspiring authors to think outside the box, follow your first instinct, be different and write from the heart! He dedicates this book to the world at large for guidance in the future.

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