Streets to Manhood by Darnell Ball

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African Proverb

The ConTextos Authors Circle was developed in collaboration with young people at-risk of, victims of, or perpetrators of violence in El Salvador. In 2017 this innovative program expanded into Chicago to create tangible, high quality opportunities that nourish the minds,,expand the voices and share the personal truths of individuals who have long been underserved and underestimated. Through the process of drafting, revising and publishing memoirs, participants develop self-reflection, critical thinking, camaraderie and positive selfprojection to author new life narratives.

Since January 2017 ConTextos has partnered with Cook County Sheriff's Office to implement Authors Circle in Cook County Department of Corrections as part of a vision for reform that recognizes the value of mental health, rehabilitation and reflection. These powerful memoirs complicate the narratives of violence and peace building, and help author a hopeful future for human beings behind walls, their families and our collective communities.

While each author’s text is solely the work of the Author, the image used to create this book’s illustrations have been sourced by various print publications. Authors curate these images and then, using only their hands, manipulate the images through tearing, folding, layering and careful positioning. By applying these collage techniques, Authors transform their written memoirs into illustrated books.

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number ALN 21.027 awarded to Cook County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Until the lion learns to write their own story, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter

Darnell Ball Streets to Manhood


My reason for putting this pen to this paper is to give my young brothers and sisters a more positive outlook on life as human beings. It's natural for us to sin and make mistakes. But just like the old saying, “When I was a child, I thought as a child. When I became an adult, I thought like an adult.”

To my readers don't get me wrong, sometimes life is easy or sometimes life can be hard. But at the end of the day my brothers and sisters it goes back to that four letter word it's life. Our Lives can be easy but we can make it hard. No matter what, we all go through life’s obstacles. At the end of the day it's up to us to either overcome our obstacles or let our life obstacles tear us down. This book is a guide to help stop selfdestruction and reconstruct our lives with a better positive outlook on life.

In this book I don’t want to drag out the things that I'm targeting to get you all to understand. I will get straight to the point and keep it short so you stay interested and eager to flip the pages for more knowledge and wisdom I'm giving out to help better my brothers and sisters who are headed down the wrong path.

The different methods I will discuss in my book is not a lecture. Look at it more as advice that you only figure out through life experiences. But my job as your Mentor / author is to put a yield sign in front of you before you make the wrong mistake that could be easy to get into but may take a lifetime to get out of.

Chapter 1: Who Am I?

I was born on November 4th, 1991 at a hospital in Chicago’s South suburbs, in a town called Harvey, Illinois. The hospital that gave me life is called Ingalls Hospital.

Growing up in the suburbs had a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantages were some like being able to attend some of the best schools!

Which was because the schools had several different color races that attended the schools. As well as a great education system. Going to a school that was diverse helped me understand people and the different cultural backgrounds they were raised in. It also helped me develop a skill that not every human has the ability to gain. That skill is called The Gift of Gab.

It allowed me to be friends and network with a lot of people who were different all around the board. I had the UPS on a lot of African American black students because of this powerful Talent. I knew how to fit in with the “ proper ” students who talk “ proper, ” as well as I knew how to fit in with the hood students and speak “Hood” talk. That's what I call the best of both worlds.

Many brothers and sisters of color worry that they will not be able to learn due to their neighborhoods and the society that doesn't respect their potential. As an author/ mentor my job is to make this book understanding to my readers. My job is to make sure that you all know that no matter the color of your skin, no matter your age or the neighborhood you grew up in, this book will motivate you to push yourself to your Highest Potential and expectations.

Chapter 2: Never Judge a book by its cover

Chapter 3: Challenging times

The things I have witnessed and been through the majority of the time you only see and hear about it in movies or you may read about similar situations like the ones I experience in urban novels. But all the events and facts I will discuss in my book are real events and reality. Do you know what it feels like to lose someone that you called your brother? Being with someone earlier in the evening then a few hours later your eyes discovered that person died. Plus you had to tell their parents at 3:00 in the morning that their son is no longer alive!

Do you know what it feels like to watch your mother and sister struggle with sleeping through the night because they found my grandfather with his head blown off next to his body? Do you know how it feels to lose your little sister to a deadly car crash? Do you know how it feels to lose your nephew to gun violence? Do you know how it feels to get a call that your grandmother's house was shot up in broad daylight on an Easter Sunday? Well, I'm pretty sure the answer to my questions is no, but I will tell you how it feels to go through what I've been through.

At one point in my life I let those situations deteriorate my character and purpose on this Earth. But I believe in the higher power and decided to take a detour in my life. Now I'm able to say that I'm holding myself accountable for all the mistakes and actions in my life.

Growing up in the world's most dangerous city I quickly figured out that Chicago is a city that's about self and people who move in a disguise. I've been backstabbed multiple times by people who I considered family or friends. In the dark, they hate, envy, and plot on my success. In the light, they smile, they console, and pretend to have my best interest in mind.

Chapter 4: Real recognize realest

When the wise man said out of sight out of mind, now that I'm adult I finally understand that saying clearly. Being incarcerated for over a year now I see that life doesn't sit still for nobody nor does the clock stop ticking. But instead of beating myself up for the poor decisions I have made, instead I’m using this time for self-preservation; I'm beating this time up like Rocky did in the boxing ring.

Every day is a new day that comes with a new beginning and energy. All I do is try my hardest to make it through each day strengthening my body and soul, being surrounded by men who have nothing to lose. Men who are miserable, hopeless and negative. Surrounded by killers, robbers and rapists would make the average man break and adapt to their environment or shall I say it would make you become accustomed to what they call the jail world. But my willpower won't allow me to get comfortable.

Jail is the new slavery. Jail is being treated like an animal caged in the zoo. Therefore, I will never consider this as my place of residence.

Chapter 5: Difference Between a father and dad

Being away from the Creations I created has opened my eyes to what's important in my life, as well as who comes first in my life, which are God, myself, and my children. I remember like it was yesterday. I was getting my haircut by my uncle when he asked me a question that I will never forget. He said nephew, “Who comes first in life, you or your children?”

I looked at him as if he was crazy and responded my kids come first! Nothing comes before my children! He then responded you ' re not wrong nor are you right! So for about 5 to 10 minutes we went back and forth until finally he said, “How can your children be right and come first if you ' re not 100% right in your own life, nephew?”

Money, clothes, and shoes, my kids will grow out of that, but the precious time and memories will live with them for the rest of their life. I was raised in a household that prayed together every night, as well as attended church on every Sunday with no questions asked.

From me Allowing God to continue in my life, I was chosen out of a thousand detainees to be a part of a positive program that's within the County Jail walls. That only contains up to 44 detainees! I’m in University classes and earning college credits. I also was able to have the ability to write a book that's copywritten and everyone across the world can read.

I ask for mercy on my life and I pray my book will help brothers and sisters think twice before making a mistake that only patience, faith and prayer can get you out of. “Judge, Please Don't Judge my book by its cover but please forgive me and read my life story!”



Darnell Ball

I Am From

I am from the backend, Canterbury.

From family on every block and get together every weekend.

I am from the city of the most known skating rink.

I am from foxes and coyotes roaming a night,

I’m from the city where they move in packs like coyotes, I’m from the great Charles Bacon and Darnell Ball Sr.

From laying some of the finest carpet with my father.

And from being laidback and humble like my grandfather Earl Ball.

I’m from being the life of the party and the dancing machine.

And from being one of Chicago's youngest steppers on the step scene.

I’m from being raised to pray by myself in the day and with family at night.

I’m from Harveyworld, I’m from Ingalls Hospital.

From great bbq ribs, burgers, and jerk chicken.

From growing up with the best father Darnell Ball Sr.

I am from the best parents and family tree that a man could have.

I’m a man and father who misses his children dearly.

I’m a mentor and advocate who’s ready to help the youth.

To my readers, I appreciate you for reading my book

I pray for your peace and sanity.

Allow God to be the light to your path.

My next book will be a helping guide to help youth learn how they can be legitimate business owners. I will help my city's youth change their way of thinking.


Until the lion learns to write their own story, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter - African Proverb

Copyright 2023 ConTextos

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