CVTC Budget | 2023-2024

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CVTC BUDGET Empowered Futures: Investing In Our People To Propel Student Success 2023-2024 1


Chippewa Valley Technical College has an appointed board consisting of nine members who serve three-year staggered terms. Each year three members are appointed by a committee consisting of the county board chairpersons of the counties belonging to the Chippewa Valley Technical College District. District boards are composed of two employers, two employees, three additional member, one school district administrator, and one elected official who holds a state or local office.


Tim Benedict, Eau Claire

Erin Greenawald, Eau Claire

Mike Lea, Augusta

Ramona Mathews, Eau Claire

Mike Noreen, River Falls

Monica Obrycki, Eau Claire

Justin Zoromski, Eau Claire Vacant



Tim Benedict, Eau Claire

Erin Greenawald, Eau Claire

Mike Lea, Augusta

Ramona Mathews, Eau Claire

Mike Noreen, River Falls

Monica Obrycki, Eau Claire

Brady Weiss, Mondovi

Lori Whelan, Osseo

Justin Zoromski, Eau Claire


Dr. Sunem Beaton-Garcia, Ed.D, President

Tam Burgau, Vice President of Talent & Culture

Caleb Cornelius, Vice President of Administration & Chief Strategy Officer

Joni Geroux, Vice President of Strategic Comm. & Community Engagement

Karen Kohler, Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Thomas Lange, Vice President of Information Technology

Dr. Lynette Livingston, Ed.D, Provost & Vice President Academic & Student Affairs


2023-2024 BUDGET

Chippewa Valley Technical College

District Board Adopted June 22, 2023

Official Issuing Report:

Caleb J. Cornelius

Vice President of Administration and Chief Strategy Officer

Report Prepared by:

Caleb J. Cornelius

Vice President of Administration and Chief Strategy Officer & Michael McFarlane Director of Budgeting and Financial Planning

620 W. Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701-6162 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I – Budgeting and Planning Letter to Citizens of Western Wisconsin 6 CVTC Strategic Plan 2022-2027 8 Higher Learning Commission Accreditation ........................................ 13 Budget Process 14 Budget Planning Assumptions 15 Position Summary – FTE Basis ........................................................... 16 Section II – Financial Data Classification Descriptions 18 Notice of Public Hearing ...................................................................... 21 Budget Summary................................................................................. 22 Budgetary Statement of Resources, Uses and Changes in Fund Balance General Fund 23 Special Revenue Fund-Operational ............................................... 24 Special Revenue Fund-Nonaidable 25 Capital Projects Fund ..................................................................... 26 Debt Service Fund.......................................................................... 27 Enterprise Fund 28 Internal Service Fund ..................................................................... 29 4
CONTENTS Budgeted Expenditures by Object Level ............................................. 30 Combined Budget Summary 31 Proforma Balance Sheet 32 Capital Project Listing.......................................................................... 33 Schedule of Long-Term Obligations and Combined Totals ................. 34 Debt Limit 40 Section III – Supplemental Data Tax Levy, Equalized Valuation and Mill Rates 42 Budget Summary Resources .............................................................. 43 Budget Summary 2022-23: Expenditures by Fund 44 Budget Summary 2022-23: Expenditures by Function 45 Total 2022-23 Actual Costs per FTE by District .................................. 46 Full-Time Enrollment Statistics: FTE’s 47 Full-Time Enrollment Statistics: Headcount 48 Credit Program Offerings .................................................................... 49 Campus Locations............................................................................... 50 District Map 52 Tax Levy Distribution by Municipality .................................................. 53 5

July 1, 2023

Greetings Citizens of the Chippewa Valley Technical College District :

It’s hard to believe that I have completed my second year at Chippewa Valley T echnical College and what an exciting year it has been! This past year we saw an increase in our enrollments, surpassing pre - pandemic numbers, we added new programs, expanded, and improved our facilities throughout t he district , and earned numerous accolades and awards such as the NSA cyber defense designation. These important achievements will allow us to continue meeting our mission, to provide innovative, applied, and flexible education to our community. However, we recognize that achieving these goals req uires careful financial planning and strategic allocation of resources .

Thus, I am pleased to present to you the Annual Budget Report for the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year. This report aims to provide transparency and accountability regarding the financial mana gement of CVTC and provide some context to the important work we are engaged in and plans for the upcoming fiscal year .

At CVTC , we firmly believe in the transformative power of education and its profound impact on individuals, their families, and our loca l businesses . Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and accessibility has enabled us to nurture generations of talented individuals, empowering them to reach their full potential. This commitment requires continued growth and investment in technology that will result in graduates ready for tomorrow’s workforce.

T o that end, in the upcoming year , we will focus on updating, expand ing , and seeking innovation as we add new learning and simulation spaces, made possible through generous individual donations, state aid , and your support through stable resources from our tax levy . We thank you for your ongoing trust in us and the power of education to strengthen our community and maintain our quality of life th roughout the district

In this budget report, you will find a comprehensive overview of the financial aspects of CVTC We have strived to ensure that this report is accessible, informative, and reflective of our commitment to responsible fiscal management. It includes a detailed breakdown of revenues, expe nditures, and investments that are crucial for the functioning and growth of our institution.

CVTC is poised to provide continuous impact within our communities. We look forward to serving you in the coming years





CVTC 2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan Priorities & Goals

Below is an overview of the recommendations for the Chippewa Valley Technical College 2022 -2027 Strategic Plan priorities and goals. These priorities and goals were developed through the feedback and recommendations provided by the CVTC community and work force partners, students, and employees.


Culture of Innovation through Teaching & Learning

Goal 1.1: Expand access to services and course offerings throughout the district to create a more unified and equitable student experience.

Goal 1.2: Align curriculum to provide stackable credentialing and opportunities for work-based learning.

Goal 1.3: Optimize the integration of educational pathways, including K-12, university transfer, and continuing education.

Goal 1.4: Conduct high-quality and rigorous programs that are current and relevant to workforce needs.


Culture of Student Success

Goal 2.1: Define and disaggregate data to increase equity and access across the district and utilize data-informed decision making related to student success.

Goal 2.2: Improve student retention and completion.

Goal 2.3: Enhance offerings and services for non-traditional and part-time students.


Culture of College-Wide Collaboration & Engagement

Goal 3.1: Cultivate and maintain a culture of college-wide communication and collaboration to create accountability and transparency.

Goal 3.2: Enhance recognition and celebration of achievements across the district.

Goal 3.3: Build a reputation as an employer of choice within the district and the state.

Goal 3.4: Expand professional development for employees across the district.


Culture of Community Engagement

Goal 4.1: Demonstrate engagement and commitment through community involvement and service.

Goal 4.2: Identify and enhance existing and potential stakeholder partnerships.


Culture of Innovation through Teaching & Learning

GOAL 1.1

Expand access to services and course offerings throughout the district to create a more unified and equitable student experience.

Within this goal, CVTC will use data related to student success and retention to ensure students across the district have access to the services and courses they need to be successful and complete.

GOAL 1. 2

Align curriculum to provide stackable credentialing and opportunities for work-based learning.

This goal will ensure CVTC students are given opportunities to build on existing credentials and gain applied experience within the academic and workforce program offerings.

GOAL 1. 3

Optimize the integration of educational pathways, including K-12, university transfer, and continuing education.

CVTC will continuously analyze the path from K-12 schools to the college and beyond to ensure pathways are aligned, and processes and offerings are modified to be effective and scalable.

GOAL 1. 4

Conduct high-quality and rigorous programs that are current and relevant to workforce needs.

CVTC is committed to continuous evaluation of academic and workforce programs and to modifying offerings to meet the needs and expectations of the business community.



Culture of Student Success

GOAL 2 .1

Define and disaggregate data to increase equity and access across the district and utilize data-informed decision making related to student success.

CVTC will enhance how it tracks student data, utilizes data points to identify areas of impact for student success, and makes decisions on modifications to the student experience across the district.

GOAL 2.2

Improve student retention and completion.

CVTC will use baseline student retention and completion data to execute strategies for increasing retention and completion rates across demographics and programs.

GOAL 2.3

Enhance offerings and services for non-traditional and part-time students.

CVTC will ensure non-traditional and part-time students have equitable access to student support services and course offerings across the district to improve their success.


Culture of College - wide Collaboration & Engagement

GOAL 3 .1

Cultivate and maintain a culture of college-wide communication and collaboration to create accountability and transparency.

CVTC will build intentional strategies to ensure clear and regular communication across leadership levels, campuses, and functional areas. Within these strategies, CVTC will create meaningful, two-way communication in a supportive and engaged culture.

GOAL 3.2

Enhance recognition and celebration of achievements across the district.

CVTC is committed to increasing the recognition of employee and College achievements.

GOAL 3.3

Build a reputation as an employer of choice within the district and the state.

CVTC will implement strategies to position the College as an employer of choice for current and future employees.

GOAL 3.4

Expand professional development for employees across the district.

CVTC will commit resources to support employee and organizational growth and development.


Culture of Community Engagement

GOAL 4 .1

Demonstrate engagement and commitment through community involvement and service.

CVTC will communicate and leverage current partnerships and community involvement, internally and externally, to build and strengthen relationships.

GOAL 4.2

Identify and enhance existing and potential stakeholder partnerships.

CVTC will strategically pursue and nurture partnerships to execute the mission and vision of the College.


Higher Learning Commission Accreditation

HLC is an institutional accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation to accredit degree-granting colleges and universities. Institutional accreditation validates the quality of an institution's academic programs at all degree levels, whether delivered on-site, online or otherwise. Institutional accreditation also examines the quality of the institution beyond its academic offerings and evaluates the institution as a whole, including the soundness of its governance and administration, adherence to mission, the sustainability of its finances, and the sufficiency of its resources. HLC maintains an active relationship with its member institutions, with frequent communication and regular reviews to ensure quality higher education.

Maintaining institutional accreditation is necessary for Chippewa Valley students to be eligible for federal financial aid. In October 2015, Chippewa Valley Technical College underwent a Comprehensive Quality Review, in which a team of peer reviewers visited the college to validate information the college provided in comprehensive accreditation reports by reviewing supporting documents and talking to students, staff, and community members.

Based on the visiting team’s recommendation, Chippewa Valley’s accreditation has been reaffirmed through 2025-26. The college received many commendations from the team as well as suggestions for improvement. Following the Comprehensive Quality Review, Chippewa Valley began the process of addressing Higher Learning Commission feedback as part of its continuous quality improvement efforts.

In May 2016, Chippewa Valley was accepted into the Higher Learning Commission’s Persistence and Completion Academy. The Academy was a four-year initiative to build institutional capacity for the improvement of student persistence and completion. The Academy offered a guided program to advise institutions on defining, tracking and analyzing data on student success; establishing clear goals and strategies for student population groups; and implementing those goals. A team of Chippewa Valley staff and faculty participated in the Academy to learn new techniques for researching and comparing emerging methods of evaluation and improvement, as well as how to collect and analyze data to identify patterns that lead to data-informed decisions.

In July 2020, the college submitted its regular four-year Assurance Review. The Assurance Review is a comprehensive review wherein the institution provides evidence that it continues to meet the Criteria for Accreditation. A team of peer reviewers evaluated Chippewa Valley’s Assurance Filing (comprised of an Assurance Argument and Evidence File) and made a recommendation to the HLC for continued accreditation. The Assurance Review process does not include a site visit. CVTC successfully completed its Assurance Review with no recommended monitoring by HLC until the next Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2025-26.



The Chippewa Valley Technical College budget is adopted for the year beginning July 1st ending June 30th. The budget allocates financial resources for ongoing programs, courses, and services, as well as for strategic initiatives. Budgeting is done in accordance with Chapter 65 of Wisconsin Statutes, Wisconsin Technical College System administrative rules, and submitted to the System Office by July 1. Expenditures must be accommodated within the authorized tax levy and other funding resources.

The College’s budget is created to support the 11-county geographic district in west central Wisconsin. This district includes 204 municipalities, 34 public schools, and a current population of 318,018. To service the district’s 5,500 square miles, the College operates campuses in four cities and provides offerings at approximately 33 locations.

The budgeting process is an integral step in implementing the College’s strategic initiatives. Each department develops a budget based on the instructional and operational goals for the year. Budgets are reviewed and consolidated for further review by the Finance Director, Vice Presidents, and President for alignment with the strategic initiatives and overall goals of the College.

During the months of January through May, the President’s Cabinet and College Board of Trustees review and assess various elements of the budget including historical trends, current projections, and major budget assumptions. At its May meeting, the Board authorizes the publishing of a legal notice to hold a public hearing prior to the adoption of the consolidated budget.

The Board of Trustees completed their review of the budget in May of 2023 and the public hearing on the proposed budget was held on June 22, 2023. The final adoption of the budget occurred at the regular District Board Meeting on June 22, 2023.

The tax rates shown in this document are actual rates from October 1, 2022. On or near October 1, 2023, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue will provide new actual valuations at which time the Board will set its final mill rate.



Financial projections are developed initially during the budget planning process and continue to be updated through budget development.

Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTE): FTEs for 2023-24 are expected to be 4,628, which is flat compared to the projected prior fiscal year estimate.

Property Values: Property values are expected to increase 6% from the level in 2022-23 due to a continually growing equalized valuation base.

Tax Levy: Due to the property values increase, total levy funding support is projected to remain flat.

General State Aids: Revenues from general state aids are expected to increase slightly with the new biennium state budget still in development at the time of budget adoption. The college’s share of outcomes-based state aid funding is expected to increase to 6.6% due to increased performance results compared to other technical colleges in the system.

State Grants: Wisconsin Technical College System State incentive grant revenues are expected to remain at similar levels to prior year.

Student Fees: Tuition rates will increase 1.9% over 2022-23.

Institutional Revenue: Institutional generated revenue such as customized training and seminars is expected to return with blended learning options of virtual and inperson choices for employers and high schools.

Federal Grants: Federal revenue is expected to decrease as pandemic funding support from the American Rescue Plan Act and Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund grant programs are concluded in the prior budget year.

Wages: The college is undergoing a compensation study for all faculty and staff positions. The results from the study are expected to be completed in June. The 2023-24 budget includes a predictive allocation for the wage study adjustments.

Health Insurance: Health insurance premiums are contracted through the calendar year 2023. The budget reflects a flat HMO plan premium & Point of Service plan premium for July-December of 2023 and a 3% increase for January-June 2024.

Fund Balance: Based on the 2023-24 budget projections, the General Fund balance will exceed the guidelines established by the College Board.


*This schedule does not include the part time instructors, temporary staff, students or limited term employees.

Special Actual Estimated Budget General Revenue Proprietary Fiduciary Total Budget Category 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Fund Fund Fund Fund 2023-24 Administrators/ Supervisors 54.00 57.00 58.00 54.00 3.00 1.00 58.00 Teachers 228.00 228.00 233.00 203.00 30.00 233.00 Specialists 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Staff 214.00 230.00 230.00 197.50 26.00 6.50 230.00 Total 496.00 515.00 521.00 454.50 59.00 7.50 0.00 521.00



The following sources are used to classify the district’s revenue:

Local Government: Revenue of the district that is derived from taxes levied onthe equalized property value within a district.

State Aids: Funds made available by the legislature for distribution to the districtbased on a statutory formula of distribution and on competitive categoricalappropriations.

Program Fees: Fees paid by students and set by the Wisconsin TechnicalCollege System Board for tuition.

Material Fees: Fees paid by the students and set by the Wisconsin TechnicalCollege System Board to cover the cost of instructionalmaterials used by the student or instructor in the classroom.

Other Student Fees: Fees paid by students to cover the cost of graduation,transcripts, applications, student activities, registration, testing and student projects.

Institutional Revenue: Revenue of the district that is derived from, contracted services, interestincome, sales and rental income.

Federal Revenue: Revenue provided by the federal government often of a costreimbursement nature. Expenditures made with this revenue are identifiableas federally supported expenditures.


The following functions are used to classify the district’sexpenditures:

Instruction: This function includes teaching, academic administration (including clerical support), and other activities related directly to the teaching of students, guiding students in the educational program, and the coordination and improvement ofteaching.

Instructional Resources: This function includes all learning resource activities suchas the library, audiovisual, learning resources center, instructional media center, instructional resources administration and clerical support.

Student Services: This function includes those non-instructional services provided for the student body such as student recruitment, student services administration and clerical support, admissions, registration, counseling (including testing and evaluation), financial aids, placement and follow-up.

General Institutional: This function includes all services benefiting the entire district, exclusive of those chargeable directly to other functional categories. The districtboard, president’s office, business office, data processing, human resources, public communications and general supporting administrative offices are included in this function.

Physical Plant: This function includes all services required for the operationand maintenance of the district’s physical facilities. Principal and interest on long-term obligations are included under this function as are the general utilities heat, lightand power.

Auxiliary Services: This function includes commercial type activities. Examplesinclude bookstore, duplicating, auto parts, dental clinic and parking.


The following reserves and designations are used to classify the district’s fundequity:

Retained Earnings: Represents that portion of the fund equity which hasbeen accumulated from the operation of the Enterprise or Internal ServiceFunds.

Reserve for Student Organizations: Fund balance held in trust forstudent organizations.

Reserve for Student Financial Assistance: Fund balance held in trust forstudent financial assistance.

Reserve for Capital Projects: Segregation of a portion of the fund balance which is exclusively and specifically for the acquisition and improvement of sites and forthe acquisition, construction, equipping and renovation of buildings.

Reserve for Debt Service: Segregation of the fund equity for Debt Service Fund resources legally restricted to the payment of general long-term debt principaland interest.

Designated for Operations: Portion of the unreserved fund balance which isdesignated to be used to provide for normal fluctuations in operating cash balances.

Designated for Subsequent Years: Portion of the unreserved fund balance whichis designated to fund operations subsequent to the forthcoming budgetyear.



Notice of Public Hearing

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

A public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2023-24 budget for the Chippewa Valley Technical College will be held on June 22, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in

Room 100A, 620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI.

The detailed budget is available for public inspection at the Administrative Office (100),

620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.


Mill Rates


(1)Equalized Valuation is projected to increase 6% in fiscal year 2024.

(2)Fiscal years 2020 - 2022 represent actual amounts; 2023 is projected; and 2024 is the proposed budget.

Fiscal Equalized Total Percent Year Valuation Operations(2) Debt Service Mill Rate Inc/(Dec) 2019-20 26,271,727,578 0.56073 0.25883 0.81956 (3.18) 2020-21 27,920,828,552 0.54694 0.35816 0.9051 10.44 2021-22 29,898,045,939 0.48641 0.32444 0.81085 (10.41) 2022-23 33,898,253,863 0.43177 0.28025 0.71202 (12.19) 2023-24(1) 35,932,149,095 0.42375 0.28804 0.71179 (0.03) Tax on a Fiscal Total Percent Property Percent $100,000 Year(2) Expenditures Inc/(Dec) Tax Levy Inc/(Dec) House 2019-20 87,792,325 (17.37) $21,534,666 2.90 $81.96 2020-21 133,960,216 52.59 $25,274,769 17.37 $90.51 2021-22 114,028,166 (14.88) $24,242,787 (4.08) $81.09 2022-23 116,646,495 2.30 $24,136,245 (0.44) $71.20 2023-24 113,626,637 (2.59) $25,576,325 5.97 $71.18 Special Special Revenue Revenue Capital Debt Fund - Fund - Projects Service Proprietary General Fund Operational Nonaidable Fund Fund Fund Total Tax Levy $14,176,325 $1,000,000 $50,000 $0 $10,350,000 $0 $25,576,325 Other Budgeted Revenues $46,088,319 $8,525,000 $7,820,000 $505,155 $450,000 $3,580,000 $66,968,474 Subtotal $60,264,644 $9,525,000 $7,870,000 $505,155 $10,800,000 $3,580,000 $92,544,799 Budgeted expenditures $64,255,837 $9,685,800 $7,870,000 $16,400,000 $11,750,000 $3,665,000 $113,626,637 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures ($3,991,193) ($160,800) $0 ($15,894,845) ($950,000) ($85,000) ($21,081,838) Residual Equity Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Operating Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Proceeds from Debt $0 $0 $0 $13,200,000 $0 $0 $13,200,000 Est Fund Balance 7/01/23 $18,271,161 $1,188,872 $87,813 $4,646,755 $2,222,258 $1,440,136 $27,856,995 Est Fund Balance 6/30/24 $14,279,968 $1,028,072 $87,813 $1,951,910 $1,272,258 $1,355,136 $19,975,157

(3)Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

(4)Budget reflects appropriation changes as of May 25, 2023

(5)Estimated based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimates.

(6)(2023-24 budget - 2022-23 budget) / 2022-23 budget.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual (3) Budget (4) Estimated (5) Budget REVENUES Local Government 13,412,951 13,486,245 13,486,245 14,176,325 State Aids 27,792,487 27,583,212 27,583,212 27,341,035 Program Fees 13,774,171 14,482,631 14,482,631 14,772,284 Material Fees 697,460 825,000 825,000 825,000 Other Student Fees 1,003,241 875,000 875,000 875,000 Institutional 2,097,226 2,248,028 2,248,028 2,250,000 Federal 24,941 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total Revenues 58,802,477 59,525,116 59,525,116 60,264,644 EXPENDITURES Instruction 35,134,696 37,430,620 37,430,620 38,957,557 Instructional Resources 667,779 775,000 775,000 806,615 Student Services 3,900,057 4,311,789 4,311,789 4,487,683 General Institutional 12,976,026 13,529,151 13,529,151 14,081,056 Physical Plant 4,156,603 5,690,777 5,690,777 5,922,925 Total Expenditures 56,835,161 61,737,337 61,737,337 64,255,837 Net Revenue (Expenditures) 1,967,316 (2,212,221) (2,212,221) (3,991,193) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Residual Equity Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfer In (Out) 1,228,069 (150,000) (150,000) 0 Total Resources (Uses) 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193) TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Reserve for Operations 0 0 0 0 Designated for Subsequent Years 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193) Beginning Fund Balance 17,437,997 20,633,382 20,633,382 18,271,161 Ending Fund Balance 20,633,382 18,271,161 18,271,161 14,279,968 % Change (6) EXPENDITURES BY FUND in Budget General Fund 56,835,161 61,737,337 61,737,337 64,255,837 4.08% Special Revenue Fund-Operational 12,089,992 14,790,248 14,790,248 9,685,800 -34.51% Special Revenue Fund-Nonaidable 13,356,049 8,720,000 8,720,000 7,870,000 -9.75% Capital Projects Fund 15,512,260 16,400,000 16,400,000 16,400,000 0.00% Debt Service Fund 12,012,590 11,251,308 11,251,308 11,750,000 4.43% Enterprise Fund 3,526,778 3,097,602 3,097,602 3,000,000 -3.15% Internal Service Fund 695,336 650,000 650,000 665,000 2.31% Total Expenditures by Fund 114,028,166 116,646,495 116,646,495 113,626,637 -2.59% REVENUES BY FUND General Fund 58,802,477 59,525,116 59,525,116 60,264,644 1.24% Special Revenue Fund-Operational 14,973,129 15,261,487 15,261,487 9,525,000 -37.59% Special Revenue Fund-Nonaidable 13,378,802 8,770,000 8,770,000 7,870,000 -10.26% Capital Projects Fund 2,839,278 2,143,554 2,143,554 505,155 -76.43% Debt Service Fund 10,104,086 10,032,325 10,032,325 10,800,000 7.65% Enterprise Fund 2,954,151 2,947,548 2,947,548 2,860,000 -2.97% Internal Service Fund 694,611 725,000 725,000 720,000 -0.69% Total Revenues by Fund 103,746,534 99,405,030 99,405,030 92,544,799 -6.90%
CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE Notice of Public Hearing Budget Summary-General Fund Fiscal Year 2023-2024




*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Budget figures reflect appropriation changes as of May 25, 2023.

The General Fund is used to account for all financial activities except those required to be accounted for in another fund.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget Estimate** Budget REVENUES Local - Property Tax 13,412,951 13,486,245 13,486,245 14,176,325 State - Property Tax Relief Aid 19,631,035 20,262,838 20,262,838 20,262,838 State Aids 8,161,452 7,320,374 7,320,374 7,078,197 Program Fees 13,774,171 14,482,631 14,482,631 14,772,284 Material Fees 697,460 825,000 825,000 825,000 Other Student Fees 1,003,241 875,000 875,000 875,000 Institutional 2,097,226 2,248,028 2,248,028 2,250,000 Federal 24,941 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total Revenues 58,802,477 59,525,116 59,525,116 60,264,644 EXPENDITURES Instruction 35,134,696 37,430,620 37,430,620 38,957,557 Instructional Resources 667,779 775,000 775,000 806,615 Student Services 3,900,057 4,311,789 4,311,789 4,487,683 General Institutional 12,976,026 13,529,151 13,529,151 14,081,056 Physical Plant 4,156,603 5,690,777 5,690,777 5,922,925 Total Expenditures 56,835,161 61,737,337 61,737,337 64,255,837 Net Revenue (Expenditures) 1,967,316 (2,212,221) (2,212,221) (3,991,193) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfer In (Out) 1,228,069 (150,000) (150,000) 0 Total Resources (Uses) 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193)
Transfer to (from) Fund Balance Designated for Subsequent Years 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balanc 3,195,385 (2,362,221) (2,362,221) (3,991,193) Beginning Fund Balance 17,437,997 20,633,382 20,633,382 18,271,161 Ending Fund Balance 20,633,382 18,271,161 18,271,161 14,279,968


*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

#Budget figures reflect appropriation changes as of May 25, 2023.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Special Revenue Funds-Operational are used to account for the proceeds and related financial activity of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to specific purposes other than expendable trusts or major capital projects.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget# Estimate** Budget REVENUES Local - Property Tax 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 State Aids 2,413,331 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,950,000 Other Student Fees 773,084 862,000 862,000 800,000 Institutional 92,402 0 0 0 Federal 10,594,312 11,299,487 11,299,487 5,775,000 Total Revenues 14,973,129 15,261,487 15,261,487 9,525,000 EXPENDITURES Instruction 6,341,220 11,185,780 11,185,780 6,695,000 Instructional Resources 75,664 68,487 68,487 4,800 Student Services 3,341,759 2,347,336 2,347,336 2,695,000 General Institutional 1,203,427 649,361 649,361 136,000 Physical Plant 1,127,922 499,284 499,284 155,000 Auxiliary Services 0 40,000 40,000 0 Total Expenditures 12,089,992 14,790,248 14,790,248 9,685,800 Net Revenue (Expenditures) 2,883,137 471,239 471,239 (160,800) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfer In (Out) (1,862,400) 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) (1,862,400) 0 0 0 TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Designated for Operations 1,020,737 471,239 471,239 (160,800) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance 1,020,737 471,239 471,239 (160,800) Beginning Fund Balance (303,104) 717,633 717,633 1,188,872 Ending Fund Balance 717,633 1,188,872 1,188,872 1,028,072


*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Special Revenue Funds-Nonaidable are used to account for assets held by a district as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, or other funds.

2021-22 2022-2023 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget Estimate** Budget REVENUES Local - Property Tax 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Institutional 297,004 220,000 220,000 220,000 Federal 13,031,798 8,500,000 8,500,000 7,600,000 Total Revenues 13,378,802 8,770,000 8,770,000 7,870,000 EXPENDITURES Instruction 68,333 70,000 70,000 70,000 Student Services 13,287,716 8,650,000 8,650,000 7,800,000 General Institutional 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 13,356,049 8,720,000 8,720,000 7,870,000 Net Revenue (Expenditures) 22,753 50,000 50,000 0 OTHER SOURCES (USES) Operating Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) 22,753 50,000 50,000 0 TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Reserve for Student Organizations 22,753 50,000 50,000 0 Reserve for Student Fin'l Assistance 0 0 0 0 Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance 22,753 50,000 50,000 0 Beginning Fund Balance 15,060 37,813 37,813 87,813 Ending Fund Balance 37,813 87,813 87,813 87,813




*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

#Budget figures reflect appropriation changes as of May 25, 2023.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources and related financial activity for the acquisition and improvement of sites and for the acquisition, construction, equipping and remodeling of buildings.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget# Estimate** Budget REVENUES State Aids 263,735 122,900 122,900 155,155 Institutional 2,410,213 250,000 250,000 250,000 Federal 165,330 1,770,654 1,770,654 100,000 Total Revenues 2,839,278 2,143,554 2,143,554 505,155
Instruction 5,844,473 4,013,801 4,013,801 4,000,000 Instructional Resources 1,198,870 483,782 483,782 500,000 Student Services 0 0 0General Institutional 1,920,773 1,572,755 1,572,755 2,800,000 Physical Plant 6,548,144 10,314,713 10,314,713 9,100,000 Auxiliary Services 0 14,949 14,949Total Expenditures 15,512,260 16,400,000 16,400,000 16,400,000 Net Revenue (Expenditures) (12,672,982) (14,256,446) (14,256,446) (15,894,845) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Proceeds from Debt 14,800,000 13,200,000 13,200,000 13,200,000 Operating Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) 2,127,018 (1,056,446) (1,056,446) (2,694,845)
Reserve for Capital Projects 2,127,018 (1,056,446) (1,056,446) (2,694,845) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Ba 2,127,018 (1,056,446) (1,056,446) (2,694,845) Beginning Fund Balance 3,576,183 5,703,201 5,703,201 4,646,755 Ending Fund Balance 5,703,201 4,646,755 4,646,755 1,951,910



*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt and long-term lease purchase principal and interest.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget Estimate** Budget REVENUES Local - Property Tax 9,700,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 10,350,000 Institutional 404,086 532,325 532,325 450,000 Total Revenues 10,104,086 10,032,325 10,032,325 10,800,000 EXPENDITURES Physical Plant 12,012,590 11,251,308 11,251,308 11,750,000 Total Expenditures 12,012,590 11,251,308 11,251,308 11,750,000 Net Revenue (Expenditures) (1,908,504) (1,218,983) (1,218,983) (950,000) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Proceeds from Debt 0 0 0 0 Operating Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) (1,908,504) (1,218,983) (1,218,983) (950,000) TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Reserve for Debt Service (1,908,504) (1,218,983) (1,218,983) (950,000) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance (1,908,504) (1,218,983) (1,218,983) (950,000) Beginning Fund Balance 5,349,745 3,441,241 3,441,241 2,222,258 Ending Fund Balance 3,441,241 2,222,258 2,222,258 1,272,258



*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis. **Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations where the costs of providing the goods or services to the student body, faculty and staff, and/or to the general public are financed primarily through user fees.

2021-22 2022-2023 2022-2023 2023-24 Actual* Budget Estimate** Budget REVENUES State Aids 167,680 160,000 160,000 160,000 Institutional 2,786,471 2,787,548 2,787,548 2,700,000 Total Revenues 2,954,151 2,947,548 2,947,548 2,860,000 EXPENDITURES Auxiliary Services 3,526,778 3,097,602 3,097,602 3,000,000 Total Expenditures 3,526,778 3,097,602 3,097,602 3,000,000 Net Revenue (Expenditures) (572,627) (150,054) (150,054) (140,000) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Residual Equity Transfer In (Out) Operating Transfer In (Out) 634,331 150,000 150,000 0 Total Resources (Uses) 61,704 (54) (54) (140,000)
Transfer to (from) Fund Balance Retained Earnings 61,704 (54) (54) (140,000) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance 61,704 (54) (54) (140,000) Beginning Fund Balance 1,300,650 1,421,604 1,362,354 1,362,300 Ending Fund Balance 1,362,354 1,421,550 1,362,300 1,222,300



*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing and related financial activity of goods and services provided by one department to other departments of the district on a cost-reimbursement basis.

2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 Actual* Budget Estimate** Budget REVENUES Institutional 694,611 725,000 725,000 720,000 Total Revenues 694,611 725,000 725,000 720,000 EXPENDITURES Auxiliary Services 695,336 650,000 650,000 665,000 Total Expenditures 695,336 650,000 650,000 665,000 Net Revenue (Expenditures) (725) 75,000 75,000 55,000 OTHER SOURCES (USES) Residual Equity Transfer In (Out) 0 0 Operating Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) (725) 75,000 75,000 55,000 TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Retained Earnings (725) 75,000 75,000 55,000 Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance (725) 75,000 75,000 55,000 Beginning Fund Balance (55,689) (56,414) (56,414) 18,586 Ending Fund Balance (56,414) 18,586 18,586 73,586


*Includes all funds.


Personnel Expenses: Payroll expenditures which include wages, health and dental insurance, long‐term disability, group life insurance, retirement and social security contributions.

Current Expenses: Expenditures incurred during the fiscal year in progress examples are supplies, repairs, postage, consulting services, media services, utilities and insurances.

Capital Outlay: Expenditures which result in the acquisition of fixed assets having a life of two or more years and a cost greater than $5,000. It is an expenditure for land, buildings, improvements to buildings, remodeling and major equipment.

Debt Service: Interest and principal payments made against the outstanding long‐term debt of bonds and notes payable and installment purchases.

Personnel Expenses $59,567,622 Salaries and Wages 41,667,000 Fringe Benefits 17,900,622 Current Expenses 25,909,015 Capital Outlay 16,400,000 Debt Service 11,750,000 Total Budgeted Expenditures $113,626,637



Combined Budget Summary


#Budget figures reflect appropriation changes as of May 25, 2023.

*Actual is presented on a budgetary basis.

**Estimate is based upon ten months of actual and two months of estimate.

2021-222022-232022-232023-24 Actual* Budget# Estimate** Budget REVENUES Local - Property Tax24,262,95124,136,24524,136,24525,576,325 State Aids30,637,23329,866,11229,866,11229,606,190 Program Fees13,774,17114,482,63114,482,63114,772,284 Material Fees697,460825,000825,000825,000 Other Student Fees1,776,3251,737,0001,737,0001,675,000 Institutional8,782,0136,762,9016,762,9016,590,000 Federal23,816,381 21,595,141 21,595,141 13,500,000 Total Revenues 103,746,53499,405,03099,405,03092,544,799 EXPENDITURES Instruction 47,388,72252,700,20152,700,20149,722,557 Instructional Resources 1,942,3131,327,2691,327,2691,311,415 Student Services 20,529,53215,309,12515,309,12514,982,683 General Institutional 16,100,22615,751,26715,751,26717,017,056 Physical Plant 23,845,25927,756,08227,756,08226,927,925 Auxiliary Services 4,222,114 3,802,551 3,802,551 3,665,000 Total Expenditures 114,028,166116,646,495116,646,495113,626,637 Net Revenue (Expenditures) (10,281,632)(17,241,465)(17,241,465)(21,081,838) OTHER SOURCES (USES) Proceeds from Debt 14,800,00013,200,00013,200,00013,200,000 Residual Equity Transfer In (Out) 0000 Operating Transfer In (Out) 0 0 0 0 Total Resources (Uses) 4,518,368(4,041,465)(4,041,465)(7,881,838) TRANSFERS TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE Reserve for Capital Projects 2,127,018(1,056,446)(1,056,446)(2,694,845) Reserve for Debt Service (1,908,504)(1,218,983)(1,218,983)(950,000) Retained Earnings 60,979 74,946 74,946 (85,000) Reserve for Student Organizations 22,753 50,000 50,000 0 Reserve for Student Fin'l Assistance 0000 Reserve for Operations 0000 Designated for Subsequent Years 4,216,122 (1,890,982) (1,890,982) (4,151,993) Total Transfers To (From) Fund Balance 4,518,368(4,041,465)(4,041,465)(7,881,838) Beginning Fund Balance 27,320,84231,839,21031,839,21027,797,745 Ending Fund Balance 31,839,21027,797,74527,797,74519,915,907 EXPENDITURES BY FUND General 56,835,16161,737,33761,737,33764,255,837 Special Revenue-Operational 12,089,99214,790,24814,790,2489,685,800 Special Revenue-Nonaidable 13,356,0498,720,0008,720,0007,870,000 Capital Projects 15,512,26016,400,00016,400,00016,400,000 Debt Service 12,012,59011,251,30811,251,30811,750,000 Enterprise 3,526,7783,097,6023,097,6023,000,000 Internal Service 695,336 650,000 650,000 665,000 Total Expenditures by Fund 114,028,166116,646,495116,646,495113,626,637
Total Special Special Revenue- Revenue- CapitalDebt Internal FixedLong-Term CURRENT ASSETS GeneralOperationalNon-aidableProjectsServiceEnterpriseServiceAssetsObligations Cash and Cash Equivalents15,029,120 $ 1,500,907 $ 576,279 $ 9,500,505 $ 889,788 $ 739,910 $ 61,000 $ - $ - $ 28,297,509 $ Property Taxes Receivable 4,513,953 - - - 1,332,470 - - - - 5,846,423 Accounts Receivable 1,470,880 20,000 432,731 - - 506,034 5,900 - - 2,435,545 Inventory - - - - - 14,234 - - 14,234 Prepaid Items - 3,750 - - - - - - - 3,750 Due From Other Funds - - - -149,000 - - 149,000 Capital Assets, Less Depreciation - - - - - 226,882 - 115,501,346 - 115,728,228 Amt to be Provided for Debt Service - - - - - - - -77,545,000 77,545,000 Amt Available for Debt Service - - - - - - - - -Total Assets 21,013,953 $ 1,524,657 $ 1,009,010 $ 9,500,505 $ 2,222,258 $ 1,487,061 $ $215,900 115,501,346 $ 77,545,000 $ 230,019,690 $ LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 800,000 $ 335,785 $ 918,259 $ 4,853,750 $ - $ 511 $ $170,090 - $ - $ 7,078,395 $ Accrued Payroll 1,800,000 2,938 - - 65,000 2,897 - - 1,870,835 Due to Other Funds 142,792 - - 24,327 - - 167,119 Debt Service Payable - - - - - - - - 77,545,000 77,545,000 Total Liabilities 2,742,792 $ 335,785 $ 921,197 $ 4,853,750 $ - $ 65,511 $ $197,314 - $ 77,545,000 $ 86,661,349 $ FUND EQUITY General Fixed Assets -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 115,501,346.00 $ - $ 115,501,346.00 $ Retained Earnings 5,771,161 563,872 2,500,000 - 1,421,550 18,586 - - 10,275,169 Fund Balance:Reserve for Student Government 625,000 625,000 Reserve for Student Organizations - - - - - - - -Reserve for Std Fin'l Assistance - - - - - - - -Reserve for Capital Projects - - - 2,146,755 - - - - - 2,146,755 Reserve for Debt Service - - - - 2,222,258 - - - - 2,222,258 Unreserved: Designated for Operations 12,500,000 87,813 - - - - - - 12,587,813 Total Fund Equity 18,271,161 $ 1,188,872 $ 87,813 $ 4,646,755 $ 2,222,258 $ 1,421,550 $ 18,586 $ 115,501,346 $ - $ 143,358,341 $ Total Liability & Fund Equity 21,013,953 $ 1,524,657 $ 1,009,010 $ 9,500,505 $ 2,222,258 $ 1,487,061 $ $215,900 115,501,346 $ 77,545,000 $ 230,019,690 $
PROFORMA BALANCE SHEET June 30, 2023 Account Group Governmental Fund CategoryProprietary Fund Category


Amount Completion of In Process Remodels and Equipment Purchases 2,500,000 $ Simulation Building 700,000 Menomonie Remodel Phase 1 1,500,000 Chippewa Falls Remodel Phase 1 1,500,000 Business Education Center Instructional Space Remodel 1,500,000 Business Education Center Admin Remodel 1,500,000 Instructional Capital Equipment 2,000,000 Information Technology Equipment 1,500,000 Infrasturture Projects 3,000,000 Office and Classroom Furniture 500,000 Public Safety Equipment 200,000 Total Capital Fund Expenditures 16,400,000 $
Description 33


General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 08/05/14 for $4,395,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, construction of buildings, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 2% to 2.5%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2015. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2015, until maturity on April 1, 2024.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 6/22/16 for $3,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 1.25% to 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2016. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2019, until maturity on April 1, 2024.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 8/2/16 for $2,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 0.75% to 1.625%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2017. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2017, until maturity on April 1, 2026.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 7/06/17 for $5,000,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 1% to 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2018. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2018, until maturity on April 1, 2025.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 8/01/17 for $3,000,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2018. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2018, until maturity on April 1, 2027.

FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 200,000 5,000 205,000 Total Payments Due $200,000 $5,000 $205,000
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 200,000 4,000 204,000 Total Payments Due $200,000 $4,000 $204,000
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 145,000 6,862 151,862 2024-2025 150,000 4,688 154,688 2025-2026 150,000 2,437 152,437 Total Payments Due $445,000 $13,987 $458,987
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 925,000 23,800 948,800 2024-2025 265,000 5,300 270,300 Total Payments Due $1,190,000 $29,100 $1,219,100
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 385,000 21,987 406,987 2024-2025 335,000 14,287 349,287 2025-2026 150,000 6,750 156,750 2026-2027 150,000 3,375 153,375 Total Payments Due $1,020,000 $46,399 $1,066,399 34


General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 6/14/18 for $6,400,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2018. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1, 2019, until maturity on April 1, 2026.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 3/21/19 for $1,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2019. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1 2020, until maturity on April 1, 2027.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 4/11/19 for $1,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2020. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1 2020, until maturity on April 1, 2027.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 7/18/19 for $3,840,000 to acquire equipment. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2020. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1 2020, until maturity on April 1, 2026.

FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 1,035,000 82,075 1,117,075 2024-2025 1,075,000 45,850 1,120,850 2025-2026 235,000 8,225 243,225 Total Payments Due $2,345,000 $136,150 $2,481,150
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 190,000 21,825 211,825 2024-2025 195,000 17,550 212,550 2025-2026 200,000 13,163 213,163 2026-2027 205,000 6,662 211,662 Total Payments Due $790,000 $59,200 $849,200
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 195,000 19,763 214,763 2024-2025 200,000 15,375 215,375 2025-2026 205,000 10,375 215,375 2026-2027 210,000 5,250 215,250 Total Payments Due $810,000 $50,763 $860,763
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 670,000 83,200 753,200 2024-2025 695,000 56,400 751,400 2025-2026 715,000 28,600 743,600 Total Payments Due $2,080,000 $168,200 $2,248,200 35


General Obligation Promissory Notes (10 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 6/18/20 for $11,525,000 to acquire site, building addition, remodeling, and equipment. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning April 1, 2021. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 1 2021, until maturity on April 1, 2030.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (20 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 2/18/21 for $41,400,000 to acquire referendum site, building addition, remodeling, and equipment. Interest at an estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2021. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning October 2021, until maturity on April 1, 2040.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 7/22/21 for $9,100,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at as estimate of 2%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2021. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2022, until maturity on April 1, 2028.

FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 710,000 213,650 923,650 2024-2025 730,000 199,450 929,450 2025-2026 755,000 184,850 939,850 2026-2027 1,065,000 169,750 1,234,750 2027-2028 2,200,000 148,450 2,348,450 2028-2029 2,050,000 104,450 2,154,450 2029-2030 2,115,000 63,450 2,178,450 Total Payments Due$9,625,000$1,084,050$10,709,050
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 1,675,000 701,938 2,376,938 2024-2025 1,735,000 668,438 2,403,438 2025-2026 1,790,000 633,738 2,423,738 2026-2027 2,235,000 544,238 2,779,238 2027-2028 975,000 454,838 1,429,838 2028-2029 315,000 415,838 730,838 2029-2030 310,000 412,688 722,688 2030-2031 2,480,000 409,588 2,889,588 2031-2040 24,720,000 2,151,413 26,871,413 Total Payments Due $36,235,000 $6,392,713 $42,627,713
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 1,000,000 113,338 1,113,338 2024-2025 1,810,000 103,338 1,913,338 2025-2026 1,855,000 80,713 1,935,713 2026-2027 1,895,000 57,525 1,952,525 2027-2028 1,940,000 29,100 1,969,100 Total Payments Due $8,500,000 $384,013 $8,884,013 36


General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, to be issued 6/16/22 for $5,700,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at as estimate of 2.62%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2022. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2023, until maturity on April 1, 2030.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (7 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 3/16/23 for $5,700,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 0.25% to 6%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2023. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2024, until maturity on April 1, 2030.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 4/19/23 for $1,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 3% to 4%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2023. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2024, until maturity on April 1, 2031.

FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 495,000 144,713 639,713 2024-2025 515,000 129,863 644,863 2025-2026 535,000 113,125 648,125 2026-2027 555,000 94,400 649,400 2027-2028 580,000 72,200 652,200 2028-2029 600,000 49,000 649,000 2029-2030 625,000 25,000 650,000 Total Payments Due $3,905,000 $628,300 $4,533,300
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 710,000 189,229 899,229 2024-2025 745,000 179,885 924,885 2025-2026 775,000 179,513 954,513 2026-2027 810,000 179,125 989,125 2027-2028 845,000 146,725 991,725 2028-2029 885,000 104,475 989,475 2029-2030 930,000 55,800 985,800 Total Payments Due $5,700,000 $1,034,752 $6,734,752
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 160,000 54,958 214,958 2024-2025 170,000 51,450 221,450 2025-2026 175,000 44,650 219,650 2026-2027 185,000 37,650 222,650 2027-2028 190,000 30,250 220,250 2028-2029 200,000 22,650 222,650 2029-2030 205,000 14,650 219,650 2030-2031 215,000 6,450 221,450 Total Payments Due $1,500,000 $262,708 $1,762,708 37


General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 5/18/23 for $1,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 3.375% to 4.625%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2023. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2024, until maturity on April 1, 2031.

General Obligation Promissory Notes (8 Years), Robert W. Baird, issued 6/15/23 for $1,500,000 for facility and non-facility remodeling and improvements, new facilities, and to acquire equipment. Interest at 3.375% to 4.625%, payable semi-annually April and October, beginning October 1, 2023. Principal payments are due April 1 of each year, beginning April 2024, until maturity on April 1, 2031.

FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 140,000 53,199 193,199 2024-2025 170,000 54,713 224,713 2025-2026 175,000 47,063 222,063 2026-2027 185,000 39,406 224,406 2027-2028 195,000 31,544 226,544 2028-2029 205,000 23,500 228,500 2029-2030 210,000 15,300 225,300 2030-2031 220,000 7,425 227,425 Total Payments Due $1,500,000 $272,149 $1,772,149
FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 140,000 52,989 192,989 2024-2025 170,000 59,700 229,700 2025-2026 175,000 51,200 226,200 2026-2027 185,000 42,450 227,450 2027-2028 195,000 33,200 228,200 2028-2029 205,000 25,400 230,400 2029-2030 210,000 17,200 227,200 2030-2031 220,000 8,800 228,800 Total Payments Due $1,500,000 $290,939 $1,790,939 38


FISCAL YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2023-2024 8,975,000 1,792,525 10,767,525 2024-2025 8,960,000 1,606,285 10,566,285 2025-2026 7,890,000 1,404,400 9,294,400 2026-2027 7,680,000 1,179,831 8,859,831 2027-2028 7,120,000 946,306 8,066,306 2028-2029 4,460,000 745,313 5,205,313 2029-2030 4,605,000 604,088 5,209,088 2030-2031 3,135,000 432,263 3,567,263 2031-2040 24,720,000 2,151,413 26,871,413 Total Payments Due $77,545,000$10,862,422 $88,407,422
Only COMBINED SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000 2023‐20242024‐20252025‐20262026‐20272027‐20282028‐20292029‐20302030‐20312031‐2040 Combined Schedule of Long‐Term Obligations * PRINCIPAL INTEREST 39
*Existing Debt

The aggregate indebtedness of the District may not exceed 5% of the equalized value of the taxable property located in the District per s.67.03(1), Wis. Stats. For FY24, the projected computation of legal debt margin is as follows:

The bonded indebtedness of the District may not exceed 2% of the equalized value of the taxable property located in the District per s.67.03(1), Wis. Stats. For FY24, the projected computation of legal debt margin is as follows:

FY23 Equalized Valuation 33,898,253,863 $ Projected Change in Valuation x 106% FY24 Projected Equalized Valuation 35,932,149,095 Debt Limit Percent x 5% Debt Limit 1,796,607,455 Gross Indebtedness Applicable to Debt Limit 77,545,000 $ Less Projected Assets Available 2,222,258 Total Amount of Debt Applicable to Debt Limit 75,322,742 Legal Debt Margin 1,721,284,713 $
FY24 Projected Equalized Valuation 35,932,149,095 $ Debt Limit Percent x 2.0% Debt Limit 718,642,982 Gross Indebtedness Applicable to Debt Limit Less Projected Assets Available Total Amount of Debt Applicable to Debt Limit Legal Debt Margin 718,642,982 $ DEBT LIMIT 2023‐2024 BUDGET YEAR 40



Tax Levy, Equalized Valuations and Mill Rates

CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT - Clark County less the portion of the Granton, Loyal, Colby, Black River Falls, Spencer, Pittsville, Abbotsford and Marshfield school districts; Dunn, Pepin, Pierce, Eau Claire and Chippewa counties; plus the portion of Mondovi, Durand and Alma school districts in Buffalo County, Gilmanton School District in Buffalo and Trempealeau counties; Osseo-Fairchild School District in Jackson and Trempealeau counties; Eleva-Strum School District in Trempealeau County; Stanley-Boyd, Thorp, Owen-Withee, Flambeau and Gilman school districts in Taylor County; Alma Center School District in Jackson County; and River Falls and Spring Valley school districts in St. Croix County.

*The value of property as determined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. This will not necessarily be the same as the assessed value because of the different assessment rates in the 204 municipalities making up the District.

Actual%Actual % Actual%Actual%Actual%Estimated% Fund 2017-18Change2019-20Change2020-21Change2021-22Change2022-23Change2023-2024Change General 12,424,010 13,584,666 14,124,769 13,392,787 13,486,245 14,176,325 Special Revenue - Operational1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 Special Revenue - Nonaidable 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Operational Tax Levy 13,574,010 4.08%14,734,666 4.30%15,274,769 3.67%14,542,787 -4.79%14,636,245 0.64%15,226,325 4.03% Debt Service 6,800,000 6,800,000 10,000,000 9,700,000 9,500,000 10,350,000 Total Tax Levy 20,374,010 2.68%21,534,666 2.90%25,274,769 17.37%24,242,787 -4.08%24,136,245 -0.44%25,576,325 5.97% Mill Rates Operations 0.57551 0.56086 0.54707 0.48641 0.43177 0.42375 Debt Service 0.2881 0.25883 0.35816 0.32444 0.28025 0.28804 Total Mill Rate 0.86361-1.61%0.81969-3.16%0.9052310.44%0.81085-10.43%0.71202-12.19%0.71179-0.03% Property Values Equalized Valuation * 23,603,071,573 4.42%26,271,727,578 6.26%27,920,828,552 6.28%29,898,045,939 7.08%33,898,253,863 13.38%35,932,149,095 6.00%

BUDGETSUMMARY 2023-24 Resources

The tax rate for the 2023-24 budget is $0.71 per thousand dollars of valuation, including 0.42 for operations and 0.29 for debt service. The tax rate for the 2022-23 budget was $0.71 per $1,000 of valuation.

The equalized value is determined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue using the full value of the taxable property in a district (less tax incremental financing districts). A formula is used that standardizes property values across all municipalities.

The municipalities are billed based on a mill rate (taxes billed per $1,000 of valuation). Each city, town and village bill the taxpayers based on assessed valuation. Rates can vary among municipalities within a district. Therefore municipalities mill rate to the taxpayer may be higher or lower than the rate billed to the municipality.

The projected annual tax payment by the property owner to support the educational programs at Chippewa Valley Technical College for 2023-24 will be $0.71 per $1,000 of equalized valuation.

Resources 2023-24 by Category Budget Local - Property Tax25,576,325 24% State Aids 29,606,190 28% Program Fees 14,772,284 14% Material Fees 825,000 1% Other Student Fees 1,675,000 2% Institutional 6,590,000 6% Federal 13,500,000 13% Proceeds from Debt13,200,000 12% Total Resources 105,744,799 100%
Tax Impact:
12% 13% 6% 2% 1% 14% 28% 24% Debt Federal Institutional Student Fees Material Fees Program Fees State Aids Property Tax 0%5%10%15%20%25%30% 43

BUDGETSUMMARY 2023-24 Expenditures by Fund

General Fund - used to account for all functional activities except those required to be accounted for in another fund.

Special Revenue-Operational Fund - used to account for the proceeds and related financial activity of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to specific purpose other than expendable trusts or major capital projects.

Special Revenue-Nonaidable Fund - used to account for assets held by a district in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units or other funds.

Capital Projects Fund - used to account for financial resources and related financial activity for the acquisition and improvement of sites and for the acquisitions, construction, equipping and renovation of buildings.

Debt Service Fund - used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest.

Enterprise Fund - used to account for operations where the costs of providing goods or services to the student body, faculty and staff, or the general public are financed primarily through user fees.

Expenditures 2023-24 by Fund Budget General 64,255,837 57% Special Revenue 9,685,800 9% Operational Special Revenue 7,870,000 7% Nonaidable Capital Projects 16,400,000 14% Debt Service 11,750,000 10% Enterprise 3,000,000 3% Internal Service 665,000 1% Total All Funds 113,626,637 100%
1% 4% Debt 10% Capital 14% 7% 9% 57% Internal Svc. Enterprise Debt Capital Sp. Rev Non‐Aid Sp. Rev Operational General 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% 44

BUDGETSUMMARY 2023-24 Expendituresby Function

Instruction - This function includes teaching, academic administration, including clerical support, and other activities related directly to the teaching of students, guiding the students in the educational program, and coordination and improvement of teaching.

Instructional Resources - This function includes all learning resource activities such as the library and audio-visual aids center, learning resource center, instructional media center, instructional resources administration, and clerical support.

Student Services - This function includes those non-instructional services provided for the student body such as student recruitment; student services administration and clerical support; admissions; registration; counseling; including testing and evaluation; health services; financial aids; placement; and follow up.

General Institutional - This function also includes all services benefiting the entire college, exclusive of those chargeable directly to other functional categories. Examples of this type of expenditure are legal fees, external audit fees, general liability insurance, interest on operational borrowing, and public information. General personnel, employment relations, and affirmative action programs are included in this function.

Physical Plant - This function includes all services required for the operation and maintenance of the physical facilities. Principal and interest on long-term obligations are included under this function as are the general utilities such as heat, light and power.

Auxiliary Services - This function includes commercial-type activities. Examples are bookstore, cafeteria, and vending machines.

Expenditures 2023-24 by Function Budget Instruction 49,722,557 45% Instructional 1,311,415 1% Resources Student Services14,982,683 13% General Institutional17,017,056 15% Physical Plant 26,927,925 24% Auxiliary Services3,665,000 3% Total All Functions113,626,636 101.0%
3% 24% 15% 13% 2% 44% 0%10%20%30%40%50% Auxiliary Svcs. Physical Plant General Institutional Student Svcs. Instructional Res. Instruction 45


11,882 16,185 17,582 18,010 19,128 19,216 19,896 20,315 20,606 21,183 22,606 22,751 23,112 23,289 26,176 26,300 11,00012,00013,00014,00015,00016,00017,00018,00019,00020,00021,00022,00023,00024,00025,00026,00027,000 Chippewa Valley Northeast WI Fox Valley Mid‐State Western WI Northcentral Southwest WI Milwaukee Area Statewide Average Blackhawk Moraine Park Gateway Lakeshore Madison Area Waukesha County Northwood Nicolet Area StateAvg. CVTC 46

Chippewa Valley Technical College Student FTEs

4,287 4,432 4,500 4,325 4,449 4,623 4,628 4,100 4,200 4,300 4,400 4,500 4,600 4,700 FY18FY19FY20FY21FY22FY23(Est.)FY24 (Proj.) 47

Chippewa Valley Technical College

Unduplicated Headcount

FISCAL YEAR 18,389 18,910 17,298 15,537 16,661 17,161 17,161 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22FY23(Estm.)FY24 (Proj.) 48



Associate Degree Programs

• Accounting

• Administrative Professional

• Agronomy Management

• Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration

• Animal Science Management

• Architectural Structural Design

• Associate of Arts - University Transfer

• Associate of Science - University Transfer

• Automation Engineering Technology

• Business Management

• Criminal Justice

• Culinary Management

• Dental Hygienist

• Diagnostic Medical Sonography

• Digital Marketing

Technical Diploma Programs

• Accounting Assistant

• Agricultural Service Technician

• Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technician

• Autism Technician

• Auto Collision Repair & Refinish Technician

• Automotive Maintenance Technician

• Automotive Technician

• Baking & Pastry Specialist

• Bookkeeper

• Business Generalist

• Central Service Technician

• Child Care Services

• Clinical Assistant

• Cosmetology

• Criminal JusticeLaw Enforcement Academy

• Culinary Production Specialist

• Dental Assistant

Advanced Technical Certificate Programs

• IT - Cybersecurity Analyst

• Early Childhood Education

• Fire Medic

• Foundations of Teacher Education

• Funeral Service

• Graphic Design

• Health Information Management & Technology

• Human Resources

• Individualized Technical Studies

• IT - Data & Analytics Specialist

• IT - Network Specialist

• IT - Software Developer

• Landscape, Plant & Turf Management

• Legal Studies/Paralegal

• Library & Information Services

• Manufacturing Engineering Technologist

• Marketing

• Mechanical Design

• Mechatronics Specialist

• Medical Laboratory Technician

• Nursing

• Paramedic Technician

• Physical Therapist Assistant

• Professional Communications

• Radiography

• Residential Construction Management

• Respiratory Therapy

• Substance Use Disorder Counseling

• Supply Chain Management

• Surgical Technology

• Technical Studies - Journeyworker

• Design & Drafting Technology

• Diesel Truck Technician

• Electrical Maintenance

• Electrical Power Distribution

• ElectroMechanical Maintenance Technician

• Emergency Medical Technician

• Entrepreneurship

• Farm Business & Production Management

• Farm Operation

• Gas Utility Construction & Service

• Heavy Equipment Service Technician

• Hospitality Foundations

• IT - Software Development Specialist

• Lab Assistant

• Landscape, Plant & Turf Technician

• Legal Studies/Paralegal Post-Baccalaureate

• Machine Tool Operator

• Machine Tooling Technics

• Manufacturing Quality

• Mechanical Maintenace

• Mechatronics Technician

• Medical Assistant

• Medical Coder

• Motorcycle, Marine & Outdoor Power Products Technician

• Nail Technician

• Nursing Assistant (CNA)

• Office Assistant

• Office Receptionist

• Paramedic

• Practical Nursing (LPN)

• Renewable Energy

• Residential Construction

• Sales & Marketing Specialist

• Truck Driving

• Welding

• Welding Fabrication



Business Education Center


620 West Clairemont Avenue // Eau Claire, WI

Health Education Center


615 West Clairemont Avenue // Eau Claire, WI

Emergency Service Education Center


3623 Campus Road // Eau Claire, WI

Manufacturing Education Center


2320 Alpine Road // Eau Claire, WI

Applied Technology Center


2322 Alpine Road // Eau Claire, WI

Chippewa Falls Campus


770 Scheidler Road // Chippewa Falls, WI



Energy Education Center


4000 Campus Road // Eau Claire, WI

Fire Safety Center


3617 Campus Road // Eau Claire, WI

Transportation Education Center


3810 Campus Road // Eau Claire, WI

River Falls Campus


500 South Wasson Lane // River Falls, WI

Neillsville Center


11 Tiff Avenue // Neillsville, WI

Menomonie Campus


403 Technology Drive East // Menomonie, WI



2022 FULL percent 2023 TAX MUNICIPALITY VALUATIONS of total LEVY BUFFALO COUNTY T ALMA 49,054,600.00 0.144711289 34,927.87 T BELVIDERE 13,160,885.00 0.038824669 9,370.82 T CANTON 36,016,900.00 0.106250016 25,644.76 T DOVER 45,890,600.00 0.135377475 32,675.04 T GILMANTON 50,373,500.00 0.14860205 35,866.95 T LINCOLN 36,161,651.00 0.106677032 25,747.83 T MAXVILLE 47,631,800.00 0.140514022 33,914.81 T MODENA 38,916,300.00 0.114803258 27,709.20 T MONDOVI 49,436,800.00 0.14583878 35,200.01 T MONTANA 2,042,376.00 0.006025018 1,454.21 T NAPLES 69,466,200.00 0.2049256 49,461.34 T NELSON 89,602,000.00 0.264326299 63,798.44 T WAUMANDEE 886,186.00 0.002614253 630.98 V NELSON 23,649,800.00 0.069767015 16,839.14 C ALMA 63,402,786.00 0.187038501 45,144.07 C MONDOVI 175,458,500.00 0.517603357 124,930.01 COUNTY TOTAL 791,150,884.00 2.333898634 563,315.48



CHIPPEWA COUNTY T ANSON 360,053,000.00 1.062157955 256,365.05 T ARTHUR 87,825,400.00 0.259085321 62,533.47 T AUBURN 77,252,200.00 0.227894334 55,005.13 T BIRCH CREEK 156,996,800.00 0.46314126 111,784.91 T BLOOMER 133,518,400.00 0.393879875 95,067.81 T CLEVELAND 111,445,000.00 0.328763247 79,351.10 T COLBURN 115,126,100.00 0.339622508 81,972.12 T COOKS VALLEY 89,961,900.00 0.265388006 64,054.70 T DELMAR 83,736,100.00 0.247021868 59,621.80 T EAGLE POINT 592,607,200.00 1.748193882421,948.36 T EDSON 103,750,400.00 0.306064142 73,872.39 T ESTELLA 46,398,200.00 0.136874897 33,036.46 T GOETZ 84,839,200.00 0.250276018 60,407.23 T HALLIE 21,024,500.00 0.062022369 14,969.87 T HOWARD 96,523,200.00 0.28474387 68,726.48 T LAFAYETTE 1,011,987,800.00 2.985368521 720,555.86 T LAKE HOLCOMBE 243,369,300.00 0.71794052 173,283.88 T RUBY 48,335,800.00 0.142590825 34,416.07 T SAMPSON 328,203,500.00 0.968201788 233,687.56 T SIGEL 122,024,000.00 0.359971344 86,883.57 T TILDEN 209,967,200.00 0.619404176 149,500.91 T WHEATON 403,499,000.00 1.190323849 287,299.48 T WOODMOHR 116,840,500.00 0.344679996 83,192.81 V BOYD 38,271,400.00 0.112900801 27,250.01 V CADOTT 105,078,800.00 0.309982928 74,818.24 V LAKE HALLIE 811,519,600.00 2.393986437 577,818.43 V NEW AUBURN 28,944,100.00 0.085385224 20,608.79 C BLOOMER 320,172,500.00 0.944510302 227,969.32 C CHIPPEWA FALLS 1,224,082,200.00 3.611047946 871,571.38 C CORNELL 98,022,300.00 0.289166222 69,793.87 C EAU CLAIRE 297,599,600.00 0.877920147 211,896.96 C STANLEY 130,397,700.00 0.384673796 92,845.81 COUNTY TOTAL 7,699,372,900.00 22.71318437 5,482,109.83 54



CLARK COUNTY T BEAVER 6,437,168.00 0.018989674 4,583.39 T BUTLER 14,572,000.00 0.042987465 10,375.56 T DEWHURST 123,715,780.00 0.36496210288,088.15 T EATON 70,174,671.00 0.207015592 49,965.79 T FOSTER 33,983,100.00 0.100250296 24,196.66 T GRANT 29,955,495.00 0.08836884421,328.92 T GREEN GROVE 36,500,654.00 0.107677092 25,989.21 T HENDREN 47,033,300.00 0.138748445 33,488.66 T HEWETT 40,026,100.00 0.11807717328,499.40 T HIXON 63,292,000.00 0.186711682 45,065.19 T HOARD 46,721,939.00 0.137829928 33,266.97 T LEVIS 55,797,200.00 0.164601989 39,728.74 T LONGWOOD 65,197,300.00 0.192332326 46,421.80 T LOYAL 3,911,301.00 0.011538355 2,784.93 T MAYVILLE 2,520,899.00 0.007436663 1,794.93 T MEAD 60,180,000.00 0.177531268 42,849.38 T MENTOR 74,647,100.00 0.220209278 53,150.25 T PINE VALLEY 124,004,100.00 0.365812648 88,293.44 T RESEBERG 59,709,100.00 0.176142111 42,514.09 T SEIF 26,211,700.00 0.077324632 18,663.26 T SHERWOOD 1,930,900.00 0.005696164 1,374.84 T THORP 75,439,900.00 0.222548041 53,714.74 T WARNER 45,682,755.00 0.134764331 32,527.05 T WASHBURN 31,992,731.00 0.094378699 22,779.47 T WESTON 55,098,183.00 0.162539885 39,231.02 T WITHEE 73,938,800.00 0.21811979 52,645.93 T WORDEN 69,721,500.00 0.205678736 49,643.12 T YORK 13,408,690.00 0.039555695 9,547.26 V WITHEE 25,754,800.00 0.075976775 18,337.94 C GREENWOOD 58,538,300.00 0.172688246 41,680.46 C NEILLSVILLE 142,441,100.00 0.42020188 101,420.96 C OWEN 49,984,900.00 0.147455678 35,590.26 C STANLEY 10,458,300.00 0.030852032 7,446.52 C THORP 129,693,300.00 0.382595813 92,344.26 COUNTY TOTAL 1,768,675,066.00 5.217599328 1,259,332.55 55



DUNN COUNTY T COLFAX 119,456,200.00 0.352396322 85,055.24 T DUNN 136,729,900.00 0.403353814 97,354.46 T EAU GALLE 103,783,300.00 0.306161198 73,895.82 T ELK MOUND 173,351,500.00 0.511387698 123,429.79 T GRANT 52,490,700.00 0.15484779937,374.44 T HAY RIVER 75,731,300.00 0.223407673 53,922.22 T LUCAS 79,047,300.00 0.233189887 56,283.28 T MENOMONIE 321,953,600.00 0.949764555 229,237.50 T NEW HAVEN 63,256,600.00 0.186607252 45,039.98 T OTTER CREEK 59,730,900.00 0.176206421 42,529.61 T PERU 21,922,800.00 0.064672358 15,609.48 T RED CEDAR 290,751,000.00 0.857716746 207,020.62 T ROCK CREEK 107,194,900.00 0.316225433 76,324.95 T SAND CREEK 56,361,000.00 0.166265201 40,130.18 T SHERIDAN 55,789,200.00 0.164578389 39,723.04 T SHERMAN 104,967,100.00 0.309653413 74,738.71 T SPRING BROOK 182,771,000.00 0.539175265 130,136.66 T STANTON 78,255,600.00 0.230854369 55,719.58 T TAINTER 328,255,900.00 0.968356368 233,724.87 T TIFFANY 58,259,500.00 0.171865785 41,481.95 T WESTON 65,819,200.00 0.194166933 46,864.61 T WILSON 52,052,700.00 0.153555697 37,062.58 V BOYCEVILLE 56,506,000.00 0.166692952 40,233.42 V COLFAX 60,809,600.00 0.179388591 43,297.67 V DOWNING 12,737,400.00 0.037575387 9,069.29 V ELK MOUND 48,020,400.00 0.141660394 34,191.50 V KNAPP 21,077,100.00 0.062177539 15,007.32 V RIDGELAND 17,631,600.00 0.052013299 12,554.06 V WHEELER 11,521,300.00 0.033987886 8,203.40 C MENOMONIE 1,378,065,200.00 4.065298483 981,210.40 COUNTY TOTAL 4,194,299,800.00 12.37320311 2,986,426.63 56



EAU CLAIRE COUNTY T BRIDGE CREEK 190,304,700.00 0.561399713 135,500.81 T BRUNSWICK 247,134,000.00 0.729046402 175,964.43 T CLEAR CREEK 77,040,900.00 0.227270998 54,854.68 T DRAMMEN 93,276,300.00 0.275165501 66,414.62 T FAIRCHILD 40,286,800.00 0.11884624 28,685.02 T LINCOLN 126,150,900.00 0.372145717 89,822.00 T LUDINGTON 123,551,200.00 0.364476591 87,970.96 T OTTER CREEK 39,970,500.00 0.117913153 28,459.81 T PLEASANT VALLEY 573,915,600.00 1.693053578 408,639.56 T SEYMOUR 424,706,500.00 1.252886068 302,399.65 T UNION 564,964,000.00 1.666646318 402,265.84 T WASHINGTON 1,069,069,600.00 3.153760085 761,199.26 T WILSON 45,561,300.00 0.134406038 32,440.57 V FAIRCHILD 15,049,300.00 0.044395502 10,715.41 V FALL CREEK 101,259,600.00 0.298716271 72,098.89 V LAKE HALLIE 127,500.00 0.000376126 90.78 C ALTOONA 707,341,000.00 2.086659103 503,641.15 C AUGUSTA 91,793,800.00 0.270792119 65,359.05 C EAU CLAIRE 6,724,107,200.00 19.83614621 4,787,700.81 COUNTY TOTAL 11,255,610,700.00 33.20410174 8,014,223.30 JACKSON COUNTY T ALMA 63,593,859.00 0.187602168 45,280.12 T CLEVELAND 53,608,700.00 0.158145904 38,170.48 T GARDEN VALLEY 42,872,172.00 0.126473099 30,525.86 T GARFIELD 77,527,100.00 0.228705291 55,200.87 T HIXTON 12,667,235.00 0.0373684 9,019.33 T NORTHFIELD 6,765,330.00 0.019957754 4,817.05 V ALMA CENTER 26,569,200.00 0.078379258 18,917.81 V MERRILLAN 27,650,800.00 0.081569983 19,687.93 COUNTY TOTAL 311,254,396.00 0.918201857 221,619.45 57



PEPIN COUNTY T ALBANY 75,206,600.00 0.221859805 53,548.63 T DURAND 69,213,400.00 0.204179839 49,281.35 T FRANKFORT 37,319,000.00 0.11009121626,571.89 T LIMA 80,814,900.00 0.238404315 57,541.85 T PEPIN 137,152,100.00 0.404599306 97,655.08 T STOCKHOLM 46,454,900.00 0.137042162 33,076.83 T WATERVILLE 79,959,700.00 0.235881471 56,932.93 T WAUBEEK 57,197,200.00 0.168731995 40,725.57 V PEPIN 81,736,400.00 0.241122744 58,197.98 V STOCKHOLM 25,439,200.00 0.075045753 18,113.23 C DURAND 119,013,000.00 0.351088881 84,739.67 COUNTY TOTAL 809,506,400.00 2.388047487 576,385.01 PIERCE COUNTY T CLIFTON 477,070,900.00 1.407361282 339,684.17 T DIAMOND BLUFF 65,787,900.00 0.194074598 46,842.32 T ELLSWORTH 146,008,200.00 0.430724841 103,960.80 T EL PASO 100,864,800.00 0.29755161 71,817.79 T GILMAN 134,434,800.00 0.396583259 95,720.31 T HARTLAND 107,289,300.00 0.316503913 76,392.16 T ISABELLE 44,493,700.00 0.131256613 31,680.42 T MAIDEN ROCK 87,827,900.00 0.259092696 62,535.25 T MARTELL 142,075,900.00 0.419124538101,160.93 T OAK GROVE 398,671,600.00 1.176082997 283,862.27 T RIVER FALLS 342,664,200.00 1.010860917 243,983.87 T ROCK ELM 51,540,600.00 0.152045 36,697.95 T SALEM 66,406,900.00 0.195900651 47,283.06 T SPRING LAKE 63,535,800.00 0.187430893 45,238.78 T TRENTON 270,154,100.00 0.796955799 192,355.20 T TRIMBELLE 203,619,600.00 0.600678728 144,981.29 T UNION 63,867,600.00 0.188409705 45,475.03 V BAY CITY 26,610,900.00 0.078502274 18,947.50 V ELLSWORTH 270,895,400.00 0.799142638 192,883.03 V ELMWOOD 50,275,500.00 0.148312949 35,797.18 V MAIDEN ROCK 19,854,000.00 0.058569389 14,136.45 V PLUM CITY 37,376,800.00 0.110261727 26,613.04 V SPRING VALLEY 92,579,600.00 0.273110233 65,918.55 C PRESCOTT 445,626,900.00 1.314601341 317,295.40 C RIVER FALLS 888,278,500.00 2.620425535 632,472.33 COUNTY TOTAL 4,597,811,400.00 13.56356413 3,273,735.08 58




ST CROIX COUNTY T CADY 84,804,197.00 0.25017275960,382.31 T EAU GALLE 27,091,683.00 0.079920586 19,289.83 T KINNICKINNIC 280,114,522.00 0.826339089 199,447.23 T PLEASANT VALLEY 18,562,570.00 0.054759664 13,216.93 T RUSH RIVER 336,039.00 0.000991317 239.27 T SPRINGFIELD 7,772,052.00 0.022927588 5,533.86 T TROY 660,110,322.00 1.947328392 470,011.95 V SPRING VALLEY 1,953,100.00 0.005761654 1,390.65 V WILSON 15,006,363.00 0.044268838 10,684.84 C RIVER FALLS 479,339,000.00 1.414052187 341,299.10 COUNTY TOTAL 1,575,089,848.00 4.646522074 1,121,495.97 TAYLOR COUNTY T AURORA 36,013,600.00 0.106240281 25,642.41 T CLEVELAND 24,580,000.00 0.07251111 17,501.46 T FORD 26,315,000.00 0.077629367 18,736.81 T GROVER 33,448,760.00 0.098673991 23,816.20 T JUMP RIVER 25,944,200.00 0.076535506 18,472.80 T MAPLEHURST 29,321,297.00 0.08649795720,877.36 T MCKINLEY 38,029,200.00 0.11218631 27,077.56 T PERSHING 20,615,200.00 0.060814932 14,678.44 T ROOSEVELT 40,325,900.00 0.11896158528,712.86 T TAFT 37,830,500.00 0.111600144 26,936.08 V GILMAN 23,821,000.00 0.070272056 16,961.04 V LUBLIN 5,140,500.00 0.015164498 3,660.14 COUNTY TOTAL 341,385,157.00 1.007087737 243,073.16
T ALBION 72,640,200.00 0.214288914 51,721.30 T CHIMNEY ROCK 23,768,140.00 0.07011611916,923.40 T HALE 32,085,772.00 0.09465317 22,845.72 T SUMNER 96,960,800.00 0.286034792 69,038.06 T UNITY 60,326,500.00 0.177963444 42,953.69 V ELEVA 46,716,800.00 0.137814768 33,263.31 V STRUM 74,790,900.00 0.220633488 53,252.64 C OSSEO 146,808,200.00 0.433084844 104,530.42 COUNTY TOTAL 554,097,312.00 1.634589539 394,528.54 TOTALS 33,898,253,863.00 100 24,136,245.00 59

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