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TAURUS Mars will be in Scorpio and opposite your sign all month. Expect to feel defensive and argumentative when dealing with the public or someone close. You'll be irritable and find it hard to be patient. The Sun and Mercury will be in Virgo and your house of romance and creativity for most of the month. Your social life will be busy and you'll have to juggle many commitments and responsibilities.

GEMINI A positive attitude and faith in the future will help you feel good about your life this month. A strong desire to help others and live ethically will inspire trust when dealing with others. You'll have strong opinions but willingly listen to other points of view. Mercury and the Sun will be in Virgo for most of the month, bringing bickering and a critical attitude toward family members. You might waste a lot of time and energy focusing on small issues from the past.

CANCER You'll be empathetic, supportive toward others, and willing to do anything to help if needed this month. At the same time, you'll find that others will do the same for you when asked. However, there may be someone in your life who's critical and demanding, perhaps a spouse. He or she tries to be honest and give constructive feedback, but you may find this person overbearing at times. Your feelings could get hurt. Take the comments in stride. Mars in your sector of romance will bring intense feelings of love and passion this month.

LEO Venus moves to your sign on September 6. This planet will bring opportunities for romance and you'll be popular and charming. Mars is in Scorpio and your sector of home and family for most of the month. There could be arguments at home or with your parents during this time. You'll be irritable and restless, but you'll get a lot done around your living space. Jupiter in your sector of friends and associates will bring a sense of being inspired and supported by the people in your circle.

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